#Golly gee I wonder fucking why
princelancey · 2 months
Lawrence Barretto wonders why Lance spends barely any time in his interviews and then you see the questions he asks him, is it really that much of a surprise? Like you can see Lance's face actually drop at one of the questions "I was gonna ask, is it a confidence thing?"
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silvercrane14 · 5 months
Gonna punch something
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soulfulazrael · 3 months
Why me not likey Stolitz and how I decide to write it
In light of recent news that the Full Moon episode will come in this lifetime and will be most definitely HEAVILY Stolitz centric I decided to make a post about what I do not like about this ship (I know, revolutionary) and how I prefer to write it and how I would prefer for it to be written in the show itself... Okay. I am not 100% honest here. Part of the reason why decided to write cringey post about a ship in a disappointing cartoon is this:
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THE REASON KIDS ARE TOLD TO NOT TO TALK TO STRANGERS IS BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU! (Yes, Filthy Frank reference. I am not in fact saying they are some predator, I just think they are cringey enough to warrant a reference to good old days when you pointed and laughed at this shit. Do not harass them. Fuck you if you do.).
Okay. Let's get to the ship. Careful... This is going to be long. Filled with annoyance and frustartion boiling over due to collective brain damage I get whenever I see Stolitz shippers talk like teenagers in heat. Enjoy this cancer.
Stolitz has LOTS of issues. Mainly, the writing. Which is atrocious on it. And the worst part about the writing? It didn't have to be this way. Because to me all of the issues with it are amplified by how much of a missed opportunity it is. But let's not lose track. Basically the writing on it is pretty much a standard Disney fare of first sight love which already puts us in a very VERY bad position. This Ars Goetia, one of the most powerful immortal demons is all over this one Imp because they saw them once as a child as they tried to make balloon animals and saw them smile on a line. Riveting. The whole childhood thing already kills A LOT of my interest here. It's so transparent what they are doing that this is just embarrassing. It's manipulative as all Hell (yes, yes, I said Hell, get it out of your system) and adds fuck all to this relationship besides the amount of cheese to make everyone in the world lactose intolerant. And you use this kind of plot for an ARS GOETIA from HELL. WHY!? Why do this? I know it is subversive, but it is so goddamn stupid.
And the stupidest part about it is what this garbage takes away. Because, due to this DAMN ship Ars Goetia are not different in ANY way to normal Hellborn. At all. They just have magic and look like furry avian Habsburgs. All of them are almost indistinguishable from normal Hellborn aside from us being told they are royalty and them having magic. They age the same way as Imps, Hounds and Humans do and if you want to give the "HELL YEARS" excuse, let me remind it would mean in a year time in this show we would have to go to sci-fi and there would be constant wall of bodies falling from the sky every day.
Basically this robs Ars Goetia of being truly unique. They have no unique culture, they have barely any different personalities, they are just bird people. And it's a shame because woes of immortality could be explored here in VERY interesting ways and much of that could have been applied to Stolas as well which I will delve into later. All you need to know for now is that this already puts a SOLID hit to worldbuilding of this setting and makes all the more boring.
Which is what this relationship is at this point. BORING. It's boring now because now it is very clear what direction it will all go in as both Blitzo and Stolas are just pushed as this perfect for each other pair where most amount of conflict is simply "Will they? Or Wont they?" Oh Gee! I wonder what the answer is about this relationship with a character you admitted to change because you found the pairing cute. Golly Gee. I am so anxious to find out. It is simply a waste. There is NO meaningful conflict left here besides them just finding out they are perfect for one another and then beating all those meanies that are in their way and the most meaningful conflict will probably be about forcing Octavia to see how GOOD Blitzo is and how it is okay for Stolas to do what he does... I may or may not have some prior knowledges btw, but I wont say anything. All you need to know is that I want to die.
Which brings us to the most insulting in my opinion issue with both Stolas and Blitzo (O is not silent you gremlin). NOTHING is allowed to be their fault. NOTHING. Every time something seems like they fucked up is immediately forgiven, revealed to NOT be their fault or is swept conveniently under the rug under the guise of "it's just a comic relief bit" or "it's just filler". I genuinely hate that. Both Stolas and Blitzo are awful and flawed people and it would be NICE if this show LEANED INTO THAT. Because that is interesting, but instead this show wants you to root for them by making you forget they are flawed, awful people. Where everyone against them is the evil one or a friend that needs to forgive them and see how hurt THEY are. That is infuriating because it makes both of them a goddamn chore to watch as they are facing no consequences or accountability for any action they did. There is no nuance there. They are just nice people who at most have issues with communication and like to swear, have sex and cry (which doesn't make them deep). I must say Blitzo has SOME interesting conflict to him, but it's beaten down by how much this show tries to make him into some ultra cool badass who is never really in the wrong despite him acting like a complete twat. Which makes me feel like the writing team genuinely thinks like Daffy here at the end:
And I know this is set in Hell, but it means Jack when you try to make people believe your "asshole" characters are not them. You do not embrace it. You just try to have a cake and eat it too and Viv, you need to go on a diet with how much it happens in both of your shows.
In this topic I think user named crooked-wasteland made a better case than I ever could about the way this show tries to absolve Blitzo at least. Linke here: https://www.tumblr.com/crooked-wasteland/735943916971524096/the-anti-bojack-anti-intellectualism-and-the?source=share
It's a good read that delves nicely into why Blitzo's conflicts end up being so shallow. Also adding to that post. Think about it. Barbie is made up to be the child killer, drug dealer and someone who *gasp* doesn't forgive little pure Blitzy who just wants to reconcile. It's clear who's side this show wants you to be on. Again. NO nuance. Just telling you what to think.
And then there is the side characters in this "conflict" where most characters are basically just props. Loona? Prop to make Blitzo look better. Octavia? Stolas needs some conflict, let's throw her dumb ass in (HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW STARS APPEAR AT NIGHT!? Your family's entire shtick is astrology!!). Stella? Oh she is just evil and stupid. Andrealphus? He is just evil, but actually smart! (actually no, he is also as dumb as a stump, but he speaks like he is not so I guess he is not supposed to be, but something did not pan out too well). Paimon. Boring shithead we saw a million times already and yet another shitty dad, because relationship issues and daddy issues are two things Viv apparently knows. A good video about it I have below:
TL;DR this ship brings down SO MANY characters down the drain just to make these two look as good as possible. Where nothing is their fault and the most amount of conflict is them realizing how perfect they are for one another and convincing others of that fact I guess. And the worst part is that there has been hints of good writing for it in Season 1 at least in Ozzie's before this series decided to just quickly throw that into the garbage can.
Your best episode and you try to minimize impact it had as much as possible... I am so confused about this direction. Just... WHY!? Now for what I would prefer...
First what I think should have been done. I think this show should have leaned in more into Stolas being an Ars Goetia. An immortal, few hundred years old Ars Goetia. Because that already provides this story with a lot of possibly interesting conflict. Because this one fact would make Stolas all the more complicated as he would already be out of reach in terms of judging him by our own mortal standards. A creature that is few hundred years old that felt empty and bored over so much time of pure stagnancy that finds some semblance of joy and pleasure in the arms of an imp it would not even look at in any other way. A creature that because of it's immortality revels in such new experiences to feel a semblance of anything at all. Where it's purpose is lost to it and instead this demon takes joy in every bit of pleasurable experience that it can latch onto, but in doing so he hurts A LOT of people around him, like his own daughter and while he likes to say he cares for her he still inheritly still wants to feel alive as he is never allowed to.
That already gives Stolas on his own a lot of interesting conflict. He is still understandable in his pursuit of joy and happiness and excitement, but also showing the hedonism and pure selfishness in this pursuit. Where he throws all he has on the wind all for the sake of seeking something good for himself. Is it wrong? Is it correct? No idea. What do you think? That is the thing this series should do. ASK questions. Not answer them! Treat your audience like adults who can make up their own mind which is something this show simply doesn't do which infuriates me on a deep level.
And Blitzo. Lean in, into him being a greedy piece of garbage that gets his just comeuppance when he decides to latch himself onto this noble due to his own greed. Make it his faults that get him into this position and make him stay in it. And maybe if he does start to feel something for this demon as this other one may as well, maybe delve into WHY both of them are attracted to one another. As Blitzo could be attracted to power his position gives him and Stolas to the freedom he receives by being with Blitzo. Both of them loving more the ideas each one allows them to know instead of the people they really are and maybe have the conflict be about first them discovering those growing feelings, but then discovering what they are really pointed towards.
And there is no need to make Stella innocent either as she could be also another extreme adding to the misery, but not because of any inherited evil nature that wants her to hurt Stolas for LOLS, but instead is another victim of the immortality and status all Goetias have. Where it is almost impossible to not be on some level broken in mind.
And in this conflict it could be Octavia who is the anchor for both. A piece of normalcy as she did not live for so long and so is the most human piece in that place.
Some ideas here. And here is how I write it. Because me personally I choose to write it as Blitzo and Stolas both being attracted not to each other, but to what the other gives them. Stolas being forever frustrated about the position he never asked for giving him no freedom where he finds this one Imp that allows him to revel in his deepest and darkest desires and Blitzo being someone who deeply regrets his own decisions, but is too deep to pull out without losing all that he has gained and so pushes Stolas to be worse so he can keep profiting off of him.
Stella in this scenario is not a innocent soul either as in my version she is far more cold, distant and is obsessed with order and subjugation of others in order to elevate the status of her family which she actually cares about, but in a way that feels cruel and demanding. A contrast to Stolas who is a pure hedonist who while seeks joy and happiness where he doesn't have to be afraid is still a monster who's idea of happiness is indulging in most depraved acts without having to care for anyone.
And anchor there being Octavia who both of them care about, but is still hurt by both as both of them find it hard to look at the world in the way that is different from what they were taught and accepted through hundreds of years of their lives. Where many terrible events shaped their lives into those two extremes that have way of existing with one another without the risk of them both destroying one another as Stella wants Stolas gone for tarnishing their reputation and putting their family at risk while Stolas hates Stella for always pulling him with his leash he had to live with all his life. And Octavia through all of this has to find her own way to become someone better. Where she needs to find a path where she can possibly not lose either one and come out of this as someone better.
This is what I would prefer. A conflict where no side is really good, all of them are deeply flawed, complicated and very hard to pin as to which one is good or not. Where it is up to those in the audience as to what to think of this conflict. In another post here I made (like first one and this is second) I linked that fic so I will just say the name.
Song for the Quiet Bird. Stella/Moxxie ship fic. Yeah, I know. If you find it interesting check it out. And no. I do not say Stolitz should be written as I would want it to be. I just say this ship needs more nuance, more interesting characterization, more chemistry and interesting ideas. It needs to be less... cartoony than it is right now because so far it just feels like a dumb telenovela.
Okay... That was... a lot. I definitely did not cover everything I think of Stolitz. I have too much chaos in my head and I feel dizzy after typing all of this shait. Agree with me or not. It doesn't matter. If you read this that means you got very far into my incoherent rambling and I thank you for it no matter what you take from it.
I am just a human disaster with weird goddamn obsessions. Sorry for this being so chaotic. It's a reactionary piece of dumbassery from me. Maybe I will some day post something more coherent. If anyone cares. For now... Take care. Canon Stolitz is shit. At least for me. Disagree? Feel free to! Agreed? Sweet... Leave a comment if you have something to add to this... thing. I always enjoy that. If anyone gets this far.
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eriexplosion · 3 months
Pushing through one last one tonight to get through Truth and Consequences.
Omega having learned meditation from Gungi is so wholesome actually. Also Gonky's gentle honking as he walks back and forth.
I love this moment between Omega and Echo and honestly I wish we got more of them. Echo saying why they joined, how this was where they fit and where they were needed. I'm such a fucking sap that I need wherever the batch ends up to still be where Echo fits, I just want everyone to be together and happy my god.
I love the camera angle of Riyo looking at everyone and then sharply down to see Omega. "Hello!!!"
There's something I want you to see and it's the dead clone. Omega looked so excited up until that exact moment.
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Oh golly gee I'm so glad we get to see something neat and cool hope it's not a goddamn corpse.
Honestly Omega has amazing faces this episode. Her UTTER DISGUST at Rampart in the senate halls for example.
HALLE BURTONI! I'm excited to meet her again, she's absolutely the worst person alive but I enjoy her.
Omega literally cares more about Kamino than Burtoni does. And she deserves to be angry more honestly, she gets jerked around a lot (including in this episode - the way they DON'T TELL HER ECHO IS GOING TO LEAVE UNTIL IT HAPPENS)
"Help's hard to come by these days" and Echo clearly makes their decision right there. It's the way that they didn't come here expecting to split from the batch but they hear that they're Needed and have such a hard time staying away at that point, especially when it's coming from Rex.
"He's still not better with heights?" Rex sounds so sympathetic like oh he knows u were working on that is it not coming along?
Tech and Echo both plugging in at the same time, pictures of teamwork.
Plan 14, 5, AND 86. Just start stringing plans together like it's math class.
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It's fucking stealth you see.
"I was off by 6.4 meters. Not my best :/" I love him
I will say that this was a great midseason twist that they absolutely fucking won they completed the mission perfectly they got the evidence and aired it in front of everyone and Palpatine came in and in two seconds he twisted it around to serve what he wanted. Like, that's some GOOD SHIT.
Why does his pod have fucking tornado sirens tho
God no wonder Echo feels like they HAVE to keep getting clones out, they feel like it's partially their fault that the legislation got through.
Also the way that they've clearly talked about this and didn't tell Omega is just. Still so much. I'm still thinking about "remember what I said" from Hunter, what does it refer to, is it from all the way back in the TCW arc or did he say something offscreen that we won't find out until it's significant?
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angelosearch · 25 days
Rinoa's Side of the Scene
WARNING: This post contains spoilers for Chapter 17 of Chaos Theory! I wrote a scene from both Squall's and Rinoa's perspectives to decide which one I wanted to go with. I ended up going with Squall's, but I thought I'd share Rin's anyhow! Heads up I also haven't done any editing to this version so it may not exactly align with the final scene anymore.
This is related to a scene at the very end of Chapter 17. Read at your own risk!
In the light of the candle, Squall’s intense blue eyes were cast a lively grey. Yellow swept over his high cheekbones and the shadows gave his jaw and clavicle a greater sharpness in the contrast. Rinoa was entranced by each flicker. He was truly beautiful, even now, in his stress and vulnerability. Maybe even more so.
“Rinoa,” he said in the darkness.
Has he always said my name that way?
“You’ve been… really nice to have around for all of this.”
It was barely a platitude from someone else. But from Squall, it made her heart leap. She wondered if he could see her smile with so little light.
He was looking at her now, really looking at her. And for once, when she met his gaze, he did not look away. He may have even leaned forward slightly.
Rinoa pursed her lips, and then looked at Squall’s. He still hadn’t looked away.
She took a few careful steps forward, closing the distance between them until they were standing chest-to-chest. Rinoa could not determine what Squall’s exact expression was, but she could see the silhouette of his head tilting.
She took that as the signal.
She her arms on Squall’s shoulders and pushed herself upwards until her lips met his. They were as warm as the firelight suggested, and pillowy soft.
They also… didn’t move.
At all.
Rinoa stayed in place for several seconds, giving Squall time to respond in any way whatsoever. It would make sense if something like this would take him a second.
But it was as if someone had cast Stop on him.
Rinoa pulled away sharply.
Squall still hadn’t moved. She was beginning to wonder if she should throw a dispel his way.
“Uhhh… I… umm…”
“Oh I am so sorry. I am so sorry,” Rinoa stammered.
Her face was hot, her stomach in knots. She wanted to cry, and also change her name, or perhaps be locked away and never seen or heard from again.
“You had a really hard day and I think I just got swept up—you know what, it doesn’t matter, that was stupid and you can forget it ever happened!” Rinoa blurted out as quickly as she could.
She turned and started to walk away. 
“Golly gee, I am super beat so I am just going to go! Goodnight, sir!”
She made the strange choice of saluting him before she bolted up the stairs.
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kendrixtermina · 6 months
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oh golly gee, I wonder why that is.
We should stop being the USA's FUCKING APPENDIX. I miss when european leaders would tell them "no" once in a while.
Reminder that resisting occupation is a RIGHT
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all-seeing-ifer · 11 months
and WHILE I'M COMPLAINING ABOUT THINGS this isn't even like. an original observation I will not be the first person to complain about this and I hope I won't be the last but yeah actually it does really bother me how the writing treats gunn in this whole situation considering that most of the other men in this show have done equally immoral if not worse shit with way more understanding of the consequences of their actions than gunn helping a shady guy sneak Something through customs that is, admittedly, presumably dangerous but that he had no conceivable way of knowing would be this bad... and yet Gunn gets singled out as having especially fucked up. oh golly fucking gee I wonder why Gunn could possibly have been treated like this
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ygdrasilly · 4 months
so i just finished watching the 2010 last airbender film for the first time in about a decade (i don't know why i did it to myself, either. i thought it'd be funny. jokes on me ig) and it's even worse than i remembered. like, so bad i had to take a break half way through to go do something else bc it was somehow making my fatigue worse. and then i just had to stop last night bc it was exhausting
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anyway here are some out of context screenshots that show just how terrible this film is just in case everyone has forgotten or has never seen this thing. i suffered for everyone so no one ever has to watch this flaming pile of crap
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love how this looks like they just took a video of poundland sokka and katara, shoved it into photoshop, and accidentally put the outer glow effect on them. truly amazing
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look how they massacred my boys
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believe it or not, temu iroh (pronounced ee-roh in this shitshow) is the most tolerable character of this circus
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she was only just asking for aang's name after they reached the air temple. katara what is wrong with you
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this is how i feel about the whole film, budget zhao
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golly gee i wonder where the inspiration for this shot came from. surely not a far superior film
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fuck you m night shyamalan i hope you step on a uk plug for this
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unsleepingtales · 9 months
Mentopolis ep 4! This is another very long one and also this time there's research and visual aids!
Siobhan’s look this ep is so good
I relate to Hank Green in that I also roll a d20 between my fingers and gaze into the middle distance when my GM recounts The Horrors.
You look too pretty and mysterious 😔
Siobhan is so good at playing a femme fatale
Wait do flash mobs really not exist anymore? Did those disappear and I didn’t notice?
Has anyone checked to see how far down Elias is rn.
Like is he gonna be falling for the next three episodes.
I love when there are cousins in rpgs. The Lords of The Wing. Imelda and Anastasia. Every rp server I’ve ever been in. Most of the dnd games I’ve ever been in. If there’s one thing rpers/ttrpgers/etc love it’s fucking complex family dynamics.
I love Max <3
she’s so silly I love her
Ivana x Dan where’s the fic cmon guys
The super casual dance 💃
THANK you please check
(players make cartoonish sounds of worry)
They really want him to fly lmao
The setttttt
Like that’s great. But he has this for why. Did he know he was gonna get tossed out the window??? What the fuck??
I missed it last episode but this episode’s spelling is 🥁🥁
ở is a Vietnamese language vowel (one of twelve), and is pronounced as an unrounded [o]. Vietnamese is a tonal language, so Ở is the letter Ơ with the hook tonal indicator above it. It does phonetically make sense as a replacement letter for the sound they are trying to achieve. x x Back to the show!
Oh god we’re in the red
140 pressure! By golly gee!
Dan whatcha doin
The fucks of doom
Literally of doom.
Freddie trying to explain what this looks like is so funny oh my god
Why did you need to slap her for that?
Quadruple oh dear lord
Also why was the grappling gun vibrating
What are you doing kid??
Oh he has no way of knowing that but that could really screw The Fix. I really hope he doesn’t get killed because the DA finds out he’s not dead.
I’ll bet Hank is having such a great time just watching this.
She beat it by more than five hell yeah
Floor rules!!
What a great cover story for being at Sugah’s all the time
Oh, the cops are huge assholes? Shocking.
Especially when Brennan’s the GM lol
Yeah Hank definitely forgot he was playing lmao
What is thisssss
Oh I do not like this at all
Everyone is so delighted by him and honestly I am too
Bad this is all bad
Like body like brain function I guess
The Fix should have had a grappling hook on his belt idk what to tell you
Wild. This is a wild thing to have happened.
God the fear that “did you know” instills now.
What. What are you trying to achieve right now.
What are you trying to do
Holy shit man. What the fuck.
So is he like. No longer stressed or something? He’s still swinging from a grappling hook off a skyscraper, is he no longer stressed about that?
The gang is reuniting!
Why is Mrs Doubtfire the default? Like every improv person I’ve ever met defaults to Mrs doubtfire when they need to do a disguise thing.
Split like an end
Just noticed the little thing that looks like the communism symbol on the background lmao
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The Brennan Face of Defeat is beautiful and tragic
We would hate for anyone in police custody not to have a wonderful time 💀
Poor Max
C’est la vieeeeee
Myeh, see!
Just. Maybe. Hundreds?
An entire crosswalk just saw you shit yourself and despite being thrown out of a window and trying to grappling hook yourself to safety, the public humiliation is your biggest concern right now.
We’re driving to the mayor!
Hunch and Fucks duo of all time
What is happeninggg
Okay but if he planned to jump and use the grappling hook then why would none of his brain functions be aware of that?
Getting the white key in the chest of a function takes it over?
“He looked at me with some eyes that did not have him inside them anymore” Jesus Christ that’s not quite on “who do we know who has blood” level but it’s close
What a wonderful flashback.
Maybe this insane situation will change him a bit lol
Freddie mouthing along perfectly <3
Drive STRAIGHT into his walls
Ivana what an icon
Great googly moogly!!
Girl what
What an adorable visual
Mr. Mayor I know we’re confessing to kind of a lot of crimes here BUT-
Is rope burn really the biggest concern
This is why the government never gets anything done
The best thing that could happen WOULD be if everything in the world were to stop you’re so right
You don’t make any sense!
Yeah having the concept of freezing as the head of government would make it really easy for people to puppet that.
I’m with Conrad I have no idea what’s going on
Yessss exactly what Imelda had tried to do earlier
Siblings <3
Ok! So they’re not falling anymore!
To control and regulate 😬
I’m curious 🧐🤨 I do all kinds of crazy things 😋🤪🥸
Trapp is so good
Thank god they got the pressure down or that would have been Bad lmao
They all smell so much like beef oh god
The conscience is not the thing holding you back from experiencing pleasure my guy
Of course you’re the embodiment of justification and you’d love to write a manifesto. Of course.
Dan Fucks is in handcuffs so often
The POWER of that roll oh my god
I want to know this woman’s story
Just fun facts, they’re not scary!
(Hank ebullient he’s meeting his match)
e·bul·lient /iˈbo͝olyənt, iˈbəlyənt/ adjective 1. cheerful and full of energy.
Fact off time
Pasha N. She’s PASSION incredible
I love the cartoony clue logic of this place
(getting titillated from the tidbits)
Caption authors I LOVE you
(aroused and astounded) I didn’t know, I didn’t know.
The fact that The Fix didn’t know any of this and this is presumably the first time someone is trading facts with him that he didn’t already know and doing it so excitedly I’m having feelings.
Hunch Curio incredible wingman action
Trapp gets the same brand of candy cigarettes that I do!
Fun fact: candy cigarettes look super realistic if you burn the end and work as props for cosplay sometimes! They also taste like toasted marshmallow :)
Oh god
Is the brother one of the kids from the orphanage? Maybe he was abandoned there and that’s why he stayed a kid while his sister grew up?
Oh my god Hank eating the candy cigarette was such a good beat
Hank Green your mind <3
The gang’s back together!
Sometimes Brennan walks into a bad pun and he looks so disappointed in himself
That man needs some beef on his legs!
What a great episode.
Sneak peek reactions:
Leave the child alone
Ooh do we get to meet Don Avaricii?
Oohohohoho yay.
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firestorm09890 · 1 year
khwiki says on multiple pages that in the scene in Chain of Memories with Zexion and Axel talking in the basement they’re making friendly banter and casually placing bets on who they think is going to die next but I’m sorry that is not at ALL how that scene reads to me. they are this close to outright getting hostile. “wow :) everyone’s dying :) including your closest companions :) golly gee I wonder who’s next :)” “how funny :) I was thinking it would be you :)”.  Axel literally says “gee” in the gba version of Chain of Memories and then in the remake Zexion gives Axel a small, incredibly fake smile while saying “I thought it might be you ^_^”
And it’s immediately after Lexaeus dies. Everyone knows Zexion’s chances of survival are much lower without him, Axel knows, Zexion himself knows, Lexaeus knows and that’s why he apologizes... like to me this whole scene is Axel going “haha man you’re sooooo fucked” and Zexion trying his goddamn best to deflect and recover the situation because he’s also aware that he is so fucked
Axel killed Vexen and earlier Zexion outright stated how much that bothered him. He’s been wary of Axel this whole time. He also probably knows Axel’s gone and fucked over both sides of the org disputing in the castle if his perception is as good as it’s implied. They are not being friendly it’s just another one of those delightful farces Organization XIII members love to put on
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kupahdraws · 2 years
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fucking OBSESSED with @sporesgalaxy​ ‘s ocs (golly gee i wonder why)
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The same as last episode's reaction, I notes everything down at the time it was happening so these are my literal first reactions to each news
Again, i wrote 2 pages, I tried to be more concise BUT DAMN, so forgive any confusion I may bring
In King's dreams he goes to the Collector's world?? Huh. That seems fun
Hunter and Alador (I keep forgetting that's his name) fighting is 10/10, its just 2 grumpy tired nerds fighting
LOVE Willow comforting King and the Palismen working together to make them all happy and such
AWWW MITTENS!?! THAT'S HOW SHE GOT THE NAME?! That is adorable, I love Dad Blight, he holds a special place in my heart
Love Eda and Raine they are so cute THIS GOODBYE IS TOO SAD
LILITH!!! This episode is straight in with the feels,
HOOTY TOO!?! AHHH, I am almost crying already
OHHHH Plant Lady girl knows then, there is ZERO way she doesn't know with that "Hey Sprout" line
The collector is just making me feel bad for him, he is just a kiddo!
Is the collector trapped in a mirror? A bit like that Episode with Luz visiting the human place but only in reflections, wonder how that works
Kikimora that is NOT the golden guard, stop sucking up to Belos
"Have you as my right hand? I'd sooner cut off my whole arm" and "Go find a hole to wither in" made me- Listen, we hate Belos, I hate Belos- but he is funny
NOOOO POOR COLLECTOR BRO!!! BELOS YOU MURDERER! ITS JUST A KID, who has a lot of power, a bit like king
WOAH!! Cool save Willow, like amazing flying BUT DID HUNTER JUST BLUSH WHEN HE SAW YOU!?
Alador!! My pal, my boy! You aren't stupid!! Its manipulation babe, don't even sweat it, you aren't stupid!
..I won't like, seeing Hooty in that fucking bubble made me laugh in this real tense moment, I was like "NO DARIUS- fucking hooty bro"
Oh well. The plan failed, alas, Darius supremacy tho, under all that he caresssss
"Almost like the titan himself didn't want me to have that knowledge" ...well. Funny story pal.
"Barely human" YEP, Pretty much, Luz is quite right, THIS IS HYPOCRITICAL BRO
Head Plant Coven lady witch, you are dumb as hell how is it only NOW you realise there is no paradise!?
....Belos pal, I know Luz just insulted your outfit BUT, I hate to say, I preferred your 1600s outfit TO WHATEVER THE HELL THIS IS, WHAT ARE YOU
NOOOOOOOO Please be okay Mr Amity's Dad WE MISS YOU
Hunter running straight to Darius I- I am father and son coding them, I don't care, MAYBE older brother and younger brother, I don't mind
"Yeah girl, get with it" GUS YOU ARE SO FUNNY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, never change Gus
"Neither Witch nor Demon, a child from the stars" Man, why can't *I* be described like that, I WANNA BE A CHILD FROM THE STARS
Kikimora redemption arc?? I am fine with this!
"Hunter why are you hurting me, I only wanted to help you" GIRL PLEASE- Man, you hate palisman THAT much that you would stop your manipulation? Dedication to the hate
OOOOO The collector can't see King when he wears that charm? Interesting...
I guess this means the Collector is evil and such.... BUT HE JUST WANTS TO PLAY HIDE AND SEEK!!! Damn it
"Mister?? You are so boring" me when I have to be formal to people
"Aw shucks... Well, gee, everyone's gonna perish from this ding-dang draining spell.. golly" KING WHERE DID THIS COME FROM BRO!?! I had to pause her to laugh at fucking "DING DANG"
Eda!!!!!! RAINE!!! "I promised a special kid I'd protect you" AHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO FUCK
Welp. I guess Eda is now armless. OOO Does she get a prosthetic arm now??
COLLECTOR!! Why are you kinda cute, you are just a cute adorable little kiddo
You all best make a game called Owl House now, otherwise this kiddo is about to be pissed AND HE LOOKS POWERFUL
Collector.. buddy, you need the people ALIVE to play this (madeup) GAME!
"So happy I had you as a big sister" FUCK OFF, NOOOOOO DAMN IT
WELL, at least Amity can meet Luz's mum now?
Again, I missed so much out of this because, concise-ness reasons, but I still ended up writing so much here so, Sorry for the long post!
BUT I ALMOST CRIED! I am famous for not crying at shows, BUT THIS ALMOST GOT ME. Thinking about King's words "So happy I had you as a big sister" STILL gets me to teary stage. DAMN
I will definitely post a more... cohesive and easier to understand post in actual sentences and not just screams BUT this is my honest true reactions
Again, I thank you to the people who have followed me through, it motivated me to keep updating? Which is great because WHEN I rewatch this, I am excited to go through these notes and go "AWW", so whilst I am unable to rewatch this show again for the first time, I CAN see how I reacted, which I think is quite nice, don't you?
Now we got the feelings out of the way, ONTO SEASON 3 EVERYONE! The final stretch of our (virtual) adventure!
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andro-dino · 11 months
curious on shinobu’s internalized homophobia early character arc analysis if you’re still willing to talk about it ?
oh my god you’re letting me be unhinged on main
It’s funny bc this analysis was a joke at first but I thought abt it more and it made wayyy too much sense. Basically the whole gist of it is that if you take the beyblade part out of the first handful of shogun steel episodes, Shinobu’s arc is just a guy learning to stop suppressing his feelings for another guy.
Like listen, he’s initially intrigued by Zyro but thinks he’s kinda a dick and doesn’t really give him much of a chance after their first battle, but Zyro just keeps pushing and ends up earning his respect, right. Shinobu then goes into this kinda friends kinda not phase with Zyro (which is a gay fucking move btw) and he’s like, very obviously interested in Zyro but something is holding him back cough cough. They clearly work well together and are quickly forming a bond, and it all seems to be going pretty well UNTIL someone else points it out (Tsubasa n them suggesting they be synchrome partners). It’s only then that Shinobu completely shuts down again, his defenses are totally up and he’s set on distancing himself from Zyro all of a sudden (golly gee wonder why). And now he’s set on finding a new partner who’s basically the same as Zyro who totally isn’t Zyro because he totally doesn’t need Zyro and wouldnt you know it HE JUST HAPPENS TO FIND A GIRL WHOS BASICALLY THE SAME AS ZYRO AND THATS LIKE GOOD ENOUGH RIGHT BECAUSE HES TOTALLY NOT GAY GUYS LOOK HES TOTALLY NOT GAY. (<- delusional) But it just doesn’t feel right for some reason GOLLY GEE WONDER WHY. so Zyro shows up again and gives his whole schpiel about how Shinobu is the only one for him and Shinobu finally comes to his senses again and properly partners up with Zyro this time and now they’re closer than ever and more supportive and open and happy together and I just. Like you can’t tell me you don’t see how that can be read as a gay guy spending forever denying his own feelings and trying to convince himself he’s straight before finally admitting it to himself and being with the guy he loves yk.
also this scene is just straight up a love confession. like genuinely.
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falseficus · 4 months
that post going around with the video of that paranoid woman locking up her house when her husband leaves + every reblog is talking abt the evils of true crime + every woman in the notes is bragging that they’re not afraid to walk alone at night! and they pity the silly, true-crime-addled, disempowered women who are!!
ok true crime does make women unreasonably afraid of strangers assaulting them. and there are a lot of racist undertones to how white women react to that. and it is also true that a woman’s husband or boyfriend is far more likely to victimize her than any random stranger he’s supposedly “protecting” her from.
but gee, you guys ever wonder where the vulnerability that the true crime mindset exploits came from? golly, you ever think that there might be a reason why women are inclined to be frightened of being alone and of men?
I’m glad you guys are not afraid of strangers. I’m glad stories of misogynistic violence on the streets are outlandish to you, the stuff of sensationalized fiction, stuff that you’ve never faced in real life. but some of us don’t have to turn on a podcast to hear about the horrific violence and danger that women face day to day. all I have to do is sit down at a table with my mother and my aunts and listen to every single one of them recount multiple stories of facing attempted rape, assault, and kidnapping from strangers on the street
but it’s paranoia. let’s just all laugh at this misinformed, paranoid woman who must have had her brain rotted by true crime. let’s all crow about how we aren’t afraid and we could never understand her ridiculous misogyny-addled brain. couldn’t be me. I’m a feminist.
tell me you don’t talk to other women without telling me. you guys are so fucking stupid.
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Like, literally all of them? Go fuck yourself?
"Less representation than Gravity Falls..."
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I guess all of the crippled queer kids are just going to have to be okay with Tyrone (strangely appropriative and fetishistic name for the disfigured clone of your 13 y/o white boy character) happily exclaiming something like how he's apparently "Better Off Dead!" when he gets a soda poured on him and destroyed, huh? Oh Wait! I forgot.. That was Paper-Jam Dipper!
Nope. I think crippled queer kids would much rather appreciate Toby and Minty being there just fine. After all, I think that it must be the first time we've ever seen any visible wheelchair users in a Queer Coded Disney Show since Kim Possible. Let alone this queer coded and let alone twice. And they're two separate characters existing at the same time and their presence doesn't even revolve around teaching anyone anything! They're just ALLOWED to EXIST!
Didn't see anything like this in Grabbity Balls though, did see a stereotypical man-ish little girl with a big, deep man-ish voice be implied to have "something wrong with her" by an adult authority figure character who's voiced by the same straight, white, openly anti-black Canadian man that you all have been heralding as the ultimate alley for your fictional LGBTQ+ Cartoon Characters' rights, for some reason.
At least the Star Crew tried to give us this:
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Which in my opinion was a bit more forwarded and impactful than some dude bro frat boy "love guru" type character just wearing a bunch of symbols and ornaments around his neck, even if they both didn't get through the censors ... You all know this is way more explicit than that.
Speaking of in your face and explicit Queer Coding:
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Golly gee... I wonder why such cute and beefy but shy Little Leather Monster Complete with his own Harness and what appears to be a Gimp Mask just had to be regulated to the back?! So funny how Daron Nefcy literally said Disabled Rights, Trans Rights, and Leather/Kinkster Rights while Alex Hirsch only said Eugenics, "Trans Rights" (if you can pass to him, if he can pronounce your name, and you don't say "bae" ) and of course, let's not forget Cops at Pride, despite how little they could apparently both get away with... :)
... But of course, the last and most important Queer Reading to me in Star vs. :
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The whole idea of being forced to be with someone you don't love to the point where you have to take a Secret Lover and elope with them and preserve your own sanity because you're a"Bad Girl" who likes a lot of dirty, kinky things to the point where your own voice actress is herself an open kinkster who likes dirty kinky things and that shows through her fun performance, as well as the canonical writings of this kinky character.
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And we're not even getting into all of the WAM and Food Fetish stuff in Star vs. The Forces of Evil but it's there, and it's 'glorious'
And after the show is over ,like the actual Queen of Darkness you are, you gotta go sue your old washed up has-been rock star ex boyfriend for misusing the forces of what he says is kink to abuse you ... Because kink is great actually and he's just evil.
Anyway, Esmé Bianco is amazing.
Don't even get me started on Meteora and the blatant disrespect. Especially after Jessica Walter's passing.
I'm writing this post because I'm just ... So fucking sick of people shitting all over the wonderful representation that Star vs. was able to even achieve in favor of praising Alex Hirsch, every time... When in reality, Star vs. The Forces of Evil has overall better representation and overt, and, as some have even said, both in out the show, literally abject Queerness in it than Hirsch will ever have in whichever eye y'all tried to put the eye-patch on your sexy twink Bill Ciphers only to have Hirsch shit on all that and immediately "fix it" by redesigning it as some disfigured ablest caricature before literally switching over to yet another anti-black one.
Dana broke up with Hirsch for a reason: He's a jerk!
If you think that Daron didn't do a "queer enough" narrative with Star vs. despite it being so by it's nature since day one, despite that being already being promised by it's very nature in it's influence being Sailor Moon and Scott Pilgrim, and if you read the Book of Spells even and still say shit like: "I don't see how Star vs. is QUEER????"
Then like, I'm sorry you can't look a little deeper to find that queerness already everywhere in the narrative all around you and if you actually think that Alex Hirsch ever did Representation TM better than Daron Nefcy, all I can say is that I'm sorry you're like a misogynist with shit taste in men and I'm so glad Dana Terrace is free from her shitty boyfriends shadow now at least.
Saying something even more petty about this because I'm gay: A giant, "Size Shifting", People Eating, Purple Pussy Monster who spends his time in mostly just booty shorts, his Chocolate Fountain Jumping Wife who orgasms when she eats candy and left her arranged marriage so that could have more orgasms, and their Giantess, Purple Pussy Monster of a daughter who sucks the souls out of people and spent most of her life as the Milfier than her own Mom, Terrifying Headmistress of a reform school, where she sucked the life of her own students in a Bathory-uqse fashion, before blowing up her cyborg simp, with his own heart, then probably being able to use the severed arm of her Lizard Cyborg Ex Boyfriend as a make-shift dildo to get a final wank in before ultimately experiencing a growth spurt, losing her mind, and killing everyone ... Will always be more Queer in their very nature, than a floating stale dorito in a top hat and two "gay" cops that are designed to be classicist, racist stereotypes for the sake of the unspoken running "joke" that they could even get along, ever were...
And again... If you're an adult and 'Star Vs.' still isn't enough for you... Then maybe you should STOP looking to cartoons and Disney for your ideal representation and make your own...
I'm done.
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
Ayo whats up handsome, So I was looking at you from across the room definitely not trying to determine your whole personality based on appearance dont worry about it- Anyways you wanna go out to a restaurant or something? It'll have to be early in the morning since I work night shift and most of the rest of the day as a detective and we literally got like 8 fucking bodies found in one month now (oh I wonder why) but maybe this Thrusday? 8am? Me, You? Restaurant? And then your place? And then-
*Gabriel.exe has crashed because of how pretty he is*
((bhdjfzbdsf I'm flattered you like the doodle thank you.))
Eliyah would give Gabriel a glance back when he notices them looking towards them and give an easy, warm smile. Gabby is either off or on break else she would have stopped this before it got anywhere.
At the mention of the corpses, the brunette male would look a bit surprised and give a small laugh as Gabriel continues.
"Breakfast, or brunch you may like to call it, would be just fine. And we'll take it one step at a time. I know a lovely place, Montclair's, do you know of it? How about there? ...Is it a date?"
Hidden away, unnoticeable, someone watches all of this happen, keenly, their grip tightens around their phone as the coils of jealousy begin to constrict.
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