#Four Imagined Movies
turtleblogatlast · 1 month
[ cw: death mention / family death mention / ]
Mhmm I sure love thinking of the reality where we did get more time to really know Karai and her dynamics with the bros. Losing her hit hard in the finale, but it would’ve hit much, much harder had we known Karai longer and really saw her relationships develop with everyone.
I especially would have been interested in her dynamic with Leo, as past iterations often have the two of them clash in ideals and the like while still sharing many characteristics. Two sides of the same coin, and all that. Her specifically being the bros’ Gram-Gram also adds a whole new dynamic as well.
Imagine how interesting it would be, to have Karai start off on Leo’s side for once, showing wholly just how alike the two are at their cores and bonding as family without the worry of betrayal or animosity that other iterations suffer through, only to have Karai die anyway. Their parting hug and the desperate look of horror Leo wears later on would have hit that much harder, I feel.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rise of the tmnt#rise karai#rise leo#rottmnt karai#rottmnt leo#I think a lot about these two in particular#and how that dynamic could have flourished#the way it was depicted in the finale is so purposefully unique and painful like#that hug man#can you imagine how much more heartbreaking that would have been if we knew her longer#not that it wasn’t already sad but we just simply didn’t know her long enough to be completely attached#also imo having more episodes with her and in general would have presented something I’ve been thinking about since the finale#so like - I like to think each bro kinda immediately leans more toward certain family members#Mikey has Draxum#Donnie has April#Raph has Splinter because this is another one that would be SO GOOD and make the finale moment where Raph sees his memories hit harder#if they had an ep or two more of Splinter and Raph together bc I really do feel like Raph respects Splinter most of the four#and finally- Leo has Karai#and then he loses her#imo? this would align with the movie even more#because it was the act of heroism that kinda killed her in a way - makes sense that Leo would initially be leaning away from that#and yet he ends up exactly like her anyway#haha sorry for rambling I just really love the interesting dynamic these two tend to have#and it’s a shame we didn’t get to see it really explored in rise#but yeah make no mistake while I’m focusing on Leo here I wanted more for all the boys and karai#Mikey’s little moments with her were so sweet and we already know how much he yearns for more family#Karai being from an age long gone would mean she’d be super impressed by literally any invention Donnie has (adult validation!!)#and could you imagine her training with Raph - with this training being referenced in the finale?
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amagust · 3 months
“Are you afraid?”
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PAIRING: Four x Reader
SUMMARY: [Following the Divergent movie] After learning your new result from the aptitude tests, Four wants you into his world to show you how to pass. He’s determined to make you pass.
After learning your dear friend took the hard way of not accepting the fact he was going to become faction less, you felt fear take over your body. Your mind was running a thousand miles a minute after seeing your dead friend on the ground—how could I let him do this? You began rushing toward the doors that led outside, gasping for the fresh air of the odd morning to reach your drowning lungs. Before you could make it, you ran into a hard wall, looking up you see the hard wall being your instructor Four’s body.
“I’m sorry.” You sniffled as you tried to walk past him but you felt his hand grip onto your arm. He pulled you towards him but you ripped away from him. “Stop, please Four.”
“It’s not your fault he chose this way.” He says. You look up at him and see the way his eyes glistened in the lights of the hallways. His eyes.
“Even if it’s not, I don’t deserve my position I have now. I feel like an intruder.. like I’m-” you stopped yourself from saying the word. You see Four furrow his eyebrows at you. “Like what?”
You let out a shaky breath and looked into his eyes. A tear sliding down your cheek before letting him know what you felt. “They’re going to kill me.”
You felt more tears slide down your face. You knew your fate. You knew what was going to happen to you once you reached the second level of the training. You were warned what was going to happen if you were caught. You were determined to train yourself to not get caught but once you saw the cold, dead body of your once good friend lying on the floor, that hope and determination escaped your mind.
You knew what was going to happen to you no matter how long and how much you train yourself to surpass it.
“Why do you say that?” He asked but it didn’t feel like a question. It felt like a rhetorical question—he knew why but he wanted me to tell him the reason.
I looked up at him, tears staining my red cheeks and my bloodshot eyes piercing through his.
“You know why.”
He clenched his jaw from your response and let out a hum. “Follow me.” He says, turning around and walking around the corner.
You knitted your eyebrows in confusion and followed his order. You followed right behind him, his body becoming your shield from the dim lights of the hallways. His silhouette figure on the walls devoured yours—it was alluring to you.
Once you both reached the room you have been in before for the fear tests, you watch as he takes off his jacket and set it on the chair. He looks up at you and gives you a small nod, letting you know you can close the door. You do so and face him again. He begins to prep like he would do before testing one of his trainees for the fear exam.
“You’re going into my world.” He states. You widen your eyes, taken back by what he just said.
You watched as he gets the metal syringe ready for the serum. What felt like seconds ago he was telling you to be careful—to watch what you say towards him as you watched the way his jaw moved from the food he put in his mouth. Now he was allowing you into his world of fears. Into what kept him up at night and took over the controls of his body.
“You’re just going to let me into your mind?” You asked in disbelief.
“I don’t know a single thing about you and you’re just letting me into your world.” You scrambled. The way the vibration of the words slipped off his tongue made you tingle—his voice was deep and husky, it filled you with something you didn’t understand.
“What do you want to know?” He asked, stepping closer to you. Instinct kicked in and you stepped back. He stopped and scanned over your body, “are you afraid?”
During the whole duration of what felt like hours of him getting ready for the transition, he kept his gaze fixed on you. It felt intimidating the way he held his eyes so confidently over your face—your body. It was the first thing you noticed about him when he lifted you off the net when you first jumped down, the way he held his gaze so strongly over you. The feeling of his hands gripping your waist as he helped you onto your feet was engraved onto your skin ever since. The first moment you locked eyes with him and saw how dark and dusky they were, they seemed empty and bare the first time you stared into them. It made you want to know more about what he put a front on.
“You need to know how to handle your fears correctly. How a Dauntless would. If you want to pass without being suspected of what you are.” He stated. You watched as he injected the serum into the skin of his neck and release the liquid. You scan over his face to see his reaction but he was emotionless; like he’s done this a million times. He walks over to you with the syringe in his hand, ready to inject you next.
“Why can’t we just practice with my fears? So I know how to face them when the time comes.” You asked. He ignores what you say as he grabs your face with his left hand, his right with the metal syringe ready to pierce through your skin. Before he does so, you feel the pad of his thumb caress gently over your cheek, like he knew it was going to hurt you but he wanted to protect you from the pain.
“This will be a lot easier. I can’t see your fears clearly on the monitor. I need to show you what you need to do to pass.” The tone of his voice felt like he was pleading with you, begging you to open up to what he was going to show you, but he also sounded afraid of what you might think once you go and experience his fears with him.
You nodded at his words.
You felt a slight pinch into your skin, your nose scrunches in pain and you let out a small sigh from the contact. He slightly raises his eyebrows, like he was letting you know he was sorry for what he did. After he was finished, he placed the metal tab on the outer corner of your forehead along with himself. He then guided you onto his lap in the chair, your back facing his chest as your legs intertwined on the chair that was centered in the corner of the room. You felt him grab the sides of your waist as you lifted yourself to lean back into him, the warmth that overtook his body was now intact with yours. It felt nice feeling the rising of his chest every time he took an inhale and feeling the breath come out of his mouth onto the baby hairs of your neck.
“You ready?” He whispered, his lips so close to your ears. You nodded in response. You were ready to see what kept his mind uneasy on days he thought too much. You wanted to know what pained him in his dreams and screamed him out of them.
“I’ll see you in there.”
A/N: hello my dudes, I am back! And with my first ever imagine of Four. I hope you all enjoyed this as I enjoyed writing this for you all.
Please let me know if you want me to write a part 2 to this of being in his hallucinations. This scene is my favorite part of the movie and I wanted to write a little something about it.
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tyleretta · 2 years
so soft, calm and cute
if my future boyfriend doesn’t have the same energy as joseph quinn, then it’s not the right person for me
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naavispider · 1 year
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2-3 years later...
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x - The Troupe
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jasontoddsmommyissues · 3 months
Okay but what happens if Bucky and Johnny Storm are in a movie together? What then?
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The Great War
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Full Masterlist | Teen Wolf Masterlist
Summary: You and Isaac have been together for two years. You had your fair share of ups and downs, but lately, it seemed that these little 'ups and downs' repeated themselves no matter the apologies. You tried to convince yourself that nothing was happening, but part of you knew that that wasn't the case. With the help of your older brother, it took just one discussion to understand what was going on between you and Isaac Lahey.
A/N: I don't know if I like this one very much. I had a bit of a hard time trying to write this one, so I'm hoping it's not confusing. Enjoy!!
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Derek Hale -> Your Older Brother
Isaac Lahey x-reader
"You can't just admit that you were wrong, huh?" Isaac said, his arms crossed. After seeing a movie with Scott and Kira, an argument had spurred involving something pretty stupid. My boyfriend's motorcycle was almost out of gas. I recommended going to a gas station near the theater so we could just head to my house after.
My knuckles were bruised like violets Sucker-punching walls, cursed you as I sleep-talked Spineless in my tomb of silence Tore your banners down, took the battle underground And maybe it was ego swinging Maybe it was her Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur
Isaac insisted on going to the gas station a little bit a ways. That caused us to be stranded on the side of the road. "None of this is my fault. If we had just stopped at the gas station like I said, we wouldn't be stuck on this street," I said. He rolled his eyes when I gestured to the road.
A few cars passed, not bothering to ask if we needed help. I grabbed my phone to call Derek. Neither of us felt like involving a tow truck. "What're you doing?" Isaac asked. "Calling Derek," I clicked on my brother's contact. It rang for a few seconds before my brother picked up on the other end.
"You two were supposed to be home ten minutes ago," Derek said. I could tell that he was aggravated. Before leaving for the double date, my brother offered to stay up until we got home. I insisted that that wasn't necessary, of course, he did it anyway.
Isaac leaned against his bike with his arms crossed. He set his hands into his leather jacket, looking both ways on the street. "We're stuck on Martin Street," I said. Derek stopped what he was doing. I heard a pan hit the corner of the kitchen island. "What?" he said.
"Somebody decided not to get gas," I remarked, glaring at Isaac. Isaac scoffed and shook his head. Derek sighed on the other end of the line. "I'm on my way. Hang tight," he said. He hung up the phone. I dropped my cell phone into my purse, going back to hug my arms from the cold.
I stood beside him. His eyes were focused on the damp grass. He watched a few of the drops fall to the side of the green blades. I looked up at Isaac's expression. His brows were furrowed, small creases forming at the top of his forehead.
The two of us had been arguing more than usual. It seemed like we could never settle on something. Just last week, we had an argument about who should help Scott with something. Isaac wanted me to stay with him whereas I wanted to help Scott. Then, an argument sparked.
We haven't talked about that since last Thursday. The more days that passed, the more I worried our two-year-long relationship was ending. Peter liked to call arguments in relationships 'the great war.' I never really understood it.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the sweet dream was over My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
Isaac's hands gripped the bike's seat. I debated on setting a hand on top of his, wanting to reassure him that everything would be okay. "Why didn't we just call a tow company?" Issac spoke. He took his hands off the bike so I couldn't hold him. "We'd probably have to pay a fee or something," I said. Isaac nodded.
He looked like he wanted to debate my statement but decided against it. I opened my mouth to speak but was stopped by headlights heading in our direction. I turned to the left and saw Derek's truck. He got out of the truck.
"I've got some gas at the loft. Isaac, we can fill it up when we get there," Derek said. Isaac nodded. The two grabbed Isaac's bike and put it into the bed of the truck. Derek must've noticed the tension between me and Isaac. I went to step into the front seat but was stopped when Derek wrapped his hand around my wrist.
Always remember Uh-huh, tears on the letter I vowed not to cry anymore If we survived the Great War
He looked at me with raised brows, expecting an answer. "It's fine," I said. "Doesn't look fine," Derek let go. I fixed my purse and glanced at Isaac. Isaac sat in the back seat with his arms crossed, his head resting against the window. "It's nothing," I insisted.
Derek dropped it. I got into the front seat and he began driving home. It was quiet during the car ride. Derek occasionally changed the radio until he decided he got tired of listening to music. Though, I'd much rather listen to the radio than sit in silence. I was so happy to see the loft come into view.
After a few minutes, Isaac's bike was filled up with gas. Isaac decided to stay the night since it was already so late. Derek said his goodnight and went to his room. I laid awake with Isaac beside me, his back facing me. Isaac hadn't spoken to me since we got home. I watched his shoulders rise up and down as he breathed.
My mind kept returning to our past arguments. I ran a hand over my face, trying to push the images away. "Isaac, are you asleep?" I whispered. "Trying to," he replied, his voice muffled from the pillow. He flipped so his back was against the mattress. I rested my hands underneath my head, propping me up slightly.
"Are we breaking?" I asked. Isaac's brows furrowed at my question. He sat up, now leaning up against the headboard. "Because I feel like we are," I claimed. Isaac ran a hand through his hair before lowering his hand. He took my hand into his. "Isaac, I can't help but think that these past arguments are catching up to us," I said.
You drew up some good-faith treaties I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone You said I have to trust more freely But diesel is desire, you were playin' with fire
Six months ago, Isaac and I had disagreed with something, causing us to shout out accusations. I pulled away, afraid that it might happen again. I guess that should've been a clue that it might. His face softened. Isaac shook his head, letting my hand go. Maybe he didn't want to think about it? Or, maybe he just didn't want to admit it?
And maybe it's the past that's talkin' Screamin' from the crypt Tellin' me to punish you for things you never did So I justified it
"We're not breaking," he shook his head again, "If we were, I wouldn't be laying in bed with you. And I wouldn't have stuck with you for this long." He grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles. Isaac looked at the chipped nail polish on my fingers. I sat up in the bed, my shoulder brushing against the pillow and headboard.
Isaac looked at every spot on my face, settling on a small scar on my cheek. He ran a finger over the scar, leaving his hand on the side of my face. I leaned into his touch. "I don't want to be a survivor of this great war," I said, "I don't want these arguments to continue. I want to fix this, I want to fix us." Isaac kissed my forehead.
He put his arms around me, bringing me into his chest. Isaac laid back down with me beside him. "There's no fixing us. We're okay, love, we're okay," Isaac mumbled. I knew I should believe him, I know I should, but there's a little voice inside my head that says I shouldn't.
(Three Days Later - In the School Parking Lot)
Isaac followed me to my car, yelling. I brought out my keys. "Holy shit, Isaac. It wasn't that deep," I argued. I threw my backpack into the backseat. I opened the driver-side door, setting my water bottle and keys into the cup holder. I looked at him over my shoulder. "Oh don't give me that fucking look Y/N," he spat.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the bombs were close and My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
I was taken aback by his choice of words. My expression changed immediately. "I didn't do anything wrong," I said, "I was talking to Aiden, there was nothing there." Isaac scoffed, following me with his eyes. He grabbed my wrist but I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you trust me?" I said.
He nodded in response. Isaac shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Do you? Because lately, it doesn't feel like that," I replied, "Y/N do this, Y/N don't do that. Y/N you shouldn't talk to him, you shouldn't talk to anyone other than me. Y/N, stop telling me what to do." I felt people's eyes on us, but I didn't pay any attention to them.
Isaac noticed small tears begin to form. "It's like you don't trust me anymore," I said, "It's like you've fallen out of love, and I have no idea why." He thought to himself for a second, not knowing what or how to say it. I waited for what felt like forever before getting into my car.
"Wait, Y/N/N," Isaac held the car door. I tried ripping his hand off the frame, but he was stronger than me. "I haven't fallen out of love for you," Isaac said. "Then, what is it?" I asked. His mouth opened, but no words came out. "Nothing? Absolutely nothing?" I continued, "Not one word?"
His eyes dropped to the concrete. I wiped a tear and got into my car. I was able to shut the door just as Isaac let go of it. He watched me pull out of the lot.
(Later That Night)
The TV played one of Derek's favorite reality shows. I yawned with my head against the couch cushion. Derek had gotten back from god knows what. All I knew was that he brought home groceries. He sat beside me, eating some mac n' cheese Peter surprisingly made.
Derek nudged my shoulder, noticing that I had been quiet all evening. "What's wrong?" he inquired. "Nothing," I replied, not taking my focus away from the show. Derek paused the show and set the remote on the armrest.
"Y/N, I think you forget that I'm a werewolf," Derek said, resting an arm on the back of the couch. "Isaac and I are arguing. Like, nonstop," I informed. Derek's brows narrowed in confusion. He always thought that me and Isaac were okay.
But I guess looks can be deceiving. He motioned for me to continue. "I honestly don't even know why," I shrugged, "One month, we just started disagreeing on every single thing. And, I've searched my mind for any damn reason, but nothing speaks out. I have tried desperately to think what Isaac might be thinking. When I ask, I get the same answer."
Derek nodded as I spoke. I wiped a stray tear away. I hated crying in front of people, especially in front of the person who would quite literally kill anyone who got in my way.
It turned into something bigger Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed Your finger on my hairpin triggers Soldier down on that icy ground Looked up at me with honor and truth
"Derek, it's changed," I looked at him. His face fell at the state of my eyes. "I feel like I should break up with him," I added, "Because I can't continue thinking that everything is going to end right then and there. I can't continue arguing with him, it just breaks me and Isaac."
Broken and blue, so I called off the troops That was the night I nearly lost you I really thought I had lost you
Derek nodded again. He opened his arms, gesturing for me to hug him. He gave me a reassuring squeeze. Derek let go of me, his hands resting on my shoulders. "You can try to piece everything together, maybe say a little prayer, even," Derek said, "But there's no victory in this. Just like you said."
He paused and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Derek fixed my t-shirt before continuing. "It's not fair to either of you. Those terrible moments that the two of you have are embedded in your relationship. You can't go back, neither of you can. You've said things that can't be returned," Derek finished.
Derek kissed my forehead and gave me a much-needed hug. For the rest of the night, we talked about my situation and watched the rest of his show.
(The Next Day, at the loft)
After last night's talk with Derek, I decided to call Isaac over. He was happy that I called him since we hadn't talked since yesterday. Isaac sat in front of me with his hands sitting in his lap. He stared at me (GIF Above) as I played with my fingers, chipping off the polish.
Isaac reached an arm out and took my hands. I looked up at his eyes, feeling like there was some part of him that knew what was coming. And then, I began to regret what I was about to do. I still loved him, and he still loved me.
"Isaac," I cleared my throat, "I've thought this over and over again, but I can't think of a better way to tell you this." I let go of his hand, going back to picking at the chipped nail polish. Isaac nodded and sat up in his spot.
To that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the worst was over My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
Isaac let out a heavy sigh, nodding his head. "I know," he said, "I know what you're about to say, Y/N. You don't have to say it." I looked away from the ground, feeling his eyes land on me. I felt a wave of relief wash over me, but it slowly faded. "You shouldn't regret it," Isaac said.
Uh-huh, we're burned for better I vowed I would always be yours 'Cause we survived the Great War
"I'm sorry," I said. "Why're you sorry?" he replied. Isaac's voice was soft and gentle as he spoke. "Because I hurt you," I croaked, swallowing the lump in my throat. Isaac shook his head and hugged me tightly.
"We hurt each other," he clarified, "But I'll always love you, Y/N. I hope you know that." I nodded with my head against his chest. He set one last kiss on my head.
I would always be yours 'Cause we survived the Great War Uh-huh I vowed I would always be yours
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crazyk-imagine · 7 months
Fic Rec II
One Piece (Live Action)
Roronora Zoro
Liminal space by @paperultra
How to disappear by @zorobff
Vinsmoke "Black Leg" Sanji
Service with a smile by @paperultra
Bring me the sun and I'll give you the moon by @honeydjarin
Hammock by @paperultra
Worth your while by @cow-smells
House of Dragons
Aemond Targaryn
It's complicated by @hamatoanne
All of us are dead
Yoon Gwi-Nam
Whipped by @iheartcake123
All of us are dead Master List by @iheartcake123
Harry Potter
James Potter
Cause' your kinda cute by @wingedhallows
Begin again by @pretty-little-mind33
Stay beautiful by @pretty-little-mind33
Gold rush by @pretty-little-mind33
Sunny-side-up by @dearharriet
Why didn't we work out? by @astonishment
Top Gun Universe
Top Gun: Maverick Master List by @fanboygarcia
Javy "Coyote" Machado
The plus one by @beyondthesefourwalls
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
A change to everything by @beyondthesefourwalls
Bucky Barnes
Divine Retribution by @pellucid-constellations
Little lion man by @wkemeup
Bucky and his arm drabble by @buckyalpine
Paul Lahote
Always an angel by @jogetsobsessed
Twilight masterlist by @fishoutofcamelot
Peaky Blinders Master List by @theshelbyclan
Otis Driftwood HC by @soupbabe
Lost Boy by @fandom-imagines-stories
Adults by @panic-at-the-fiction
How the knights would confess by @sketchshack-go-blr
Blue moon boy by @sagesolsticewrites
Code red by @zepskies
Transactional by @sethsclearwater
Bittersweet blunders by @happy74827
Full of adrenaline by @withahappyrefrain
Musicals aren't supposed to have encores by @agentofteamvaliant
Clean Shaven by @your-highnessmarvel
Dating Han by @early2000smovieimagines
Liar by @discopaddock
Mastermind by @pretty-little-mind33
Love, love, love all these fics and think everyone here is an incredible writer. I hope you all enjoy these as much as I do!
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moonfromearth · 11 months
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200 Followers Celebratory CC Free Sim Dump!!
It's honestly so amazing to me that somehow I made it to 200 followers! You're all so sweet and I appreciate everyone that's taken the time to interact with my posts and I promise I have new stuff in the works that'll be released soon 😉
So, I did this poll to see what everyone would want and it was so fun to hear from so many people thank you everyone who voted! Sim dump was the clear winner!!
Anyway, included are eight cc free young adult sims! They all have set skills and careers because I think it's fun but you can do whatever you want with them as long as you don't change skintones (bonus information about each below the cut as a "guide" because I like coming up with their characters)! I also had too much fun picking out likes and dislikes so... There are a lot 😬
P.S. If in the library it shows up as having cc I swear there isn't any I don't know why my game likes to mark it as having cc even when there isn't I'm sorry for any confusion.
Feel free to tag me if you ever use them and I hope you enjoy!! 😁😁
Download Link [Google Drive]
[Sim info below cut!!]
Parker Daley - Friend of the World, Erratic, Creative, Vegetarian - Bubbly and eccentric Parker is the life of any party! A fashion designer who loves anything "stylish" (which is just anything she likes, pretty much). Parker is completely unpredictable which makes her an interesting companion. A city girl all the way.
Lilah Dumas - Computer Whiz, Cheerful, Geek, Lazy Lilah is a very "you only live once" kind of person. She doesn't spend too much time dwelling on just about anything, and will drop whatever doesn't bring her joy in a heartbeat. As such she was determined to make one of her hobbies into a career, and amassed a decent following for herself as a streamer.
Raj Pandey - Fabulously Wealthy, Perfectionist, Mean, Self-Assured Raj grew up always knowing he'd join the family business, and the atmosphere of wealth and status, as well as the most expensive education obtainable, has turned him into a stuck up character. He appreciates a well crafted insult. In fact, he's not averse to the occasional argument debate (as long as he wins). Despite these traits he's managed to get himself adopted into a group of friends who, though often annoy him, have become an important part of his life.
Sonny Oswald - Friend of the Animals, Socially Awkward, Animal Enthusiast, Neat Sonny is a sweetheart and I love him. Awkward and shy, he's more comfortable around farm animals and plants than he is around people. Only is closest friends get to see how kind and fun he can be. One day he'll move out to the countryside and start is own farm, but for now he's working his way through the gardening career (baby steps, right?).
Lucas Esparza - Nerd Brain, Noncommittal, Bookworm, Adventurous Lucas's two goals in life are to gain infinite amounts of knowledge for himself and leave a trail of broken hearts as he travels the world to get said knowledge. That makes it sound like he's a horrible person which is because... Well he is, but who doesn't need a villain in their game? I'm sure he has his good qualities, however, I honestly love him for being the absolute handful he is.
Keira McDaniel - Painter Extraordinaire, Gloomy, Maker, Music Lover A bit of a "tortured artist" character who enjoys spending hours painting/crafting in her studio with music playing constantly, blocking out the rest of the world. Keira is very sensitive, and feels the emotional weight of everything around her very intensely, channeling it into her art.
Joslyn Lancaster - Country Caretaker, Loves the Outdoors, Athletic, Glutton Joslyn is a very meat and potatoes kind of gal. She lives for the simple things in life, working the ranch, riding horses, and a good meal. It's never occurred to her that there might be more to life, and the world, outside of the ranch, because what more could she need?
Gabrielle "Gabby" Moran - Leader of the Pack, Insider, Snob, Cat Lover Gabby is a fine and polished young woman, growing up in a life of luxury, and the champion English rider in town. She's very aware that she is the best at something, and it's boosted her confidence (*cough* ego) to astronomic levels. Quite the gossip, she loves to be out with friends, gossiping about the latest scandal, but when not there she's tending to her horse and preparing for her next competition. Despite the facade of the popular mean girl she puts up, Gabby cares very deeply about horses and her career, and takes it very seriously. She also loves spending time with the barn cats when they're around.
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Doctor Dune.
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sysig · 2 years
Requestober time! When I was younger, I used to dress up my favorite stuffed animal for Halloween, and I just imagined Todd seeing Scri and Edgar coordinating costumes and deciding to do the same with Shmee! Do you think it would it be equally silly as the Vargases' costumes??
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Day 13 - Royalty
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theimpossiblescheme · 6 months
Say what you will about the Cyrano movie (and one day I'll be able to in a halfway articulate manner), but I am still mildly obsessed with "Every Letter", and I think about this ending couplet all the time...
Your letters are drawings on me from above I know who you are and I know you are loved
Just... the idea of Cyrano and Christian receiving a letter in return from Roxanne and feeling their breath catch both with ecstasy and with bitter regret.
I know who you are...
But she can't. But she mustn't. But it would break her heart--she would never trust them again. But it wouldn't be fair to Christian. But Cyrano could never show his face again. But they already feel themselves burn under her gaze, and to meet it honestly without the armor of a soldier, of these letters, would scorch them until nothing remains. But the only true honor is to hide, even if they know it's really the coward's way out. But the only safety (if they were being brutally honest with themselves) is to hide.
... and I know you are loved.
But God, they wish they didn't have to.
#It's four thirty in the morning and I have been slam-dunked back into Cyrano Hell...#Listen okay ever since the movie introduced the idea of *Roxanne actually writing back* I have been even less normal about these idiots.#The imagery is so fucking delicious either way because you get to imagine either the two of them sitting close enough together#that they can both read either together or over the other's shoulder and just... occupying that space together the two nearly becoming one#and I get to lose my mind over the proximity and the warmth between them forged in the fire of their love for Roxanne.#OR *or or*... the two of them taking turns reading and just *watching* the other's face as they read trying to glean from their expressions#what she might have said and the intensity of that study becoming its own terrible intimacy that right now they can only show through proxy#and I *also* get to lose my mind over Cyrano watching Christian and musing that even if his partner might look like a marble statue#he's never seen a marble statue make that face before but he's *definitely* seen it from Roxanne and it's just as coronary-inducing on both#and Christian watching Cyrano and musing that this might be the closest he'll ever come to seeing the pride of the cadets#and the mythic figure he's built around himself completely *shatter* if only for a moment... he's *human* and he's *exquisite.*#CANNOT be normal about it... it's 'So--here's my heart under your velvet now'--#it's 'I've loved but one (man) in my life and now I must lose him twice'--#it's the darkness of the balcony and the endless sunshine metaphors regarding Roxanne herself--#it's the goddamn Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known and how much Roxanne *craves* it from two men terrified to submit to it...#God these three make me sick I love them so much.#cyrano de bergerac
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moa-broke-me · 2 years
more transmasc nico fics please
specifically period comfort ones
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melonthesprigatito · 9 months
Decided to binge watch the entirety of Pokémon Generations again because it's been a few years since I last saw it and uh
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Is it just me or is it a lot more fucked up than I remember
#Pokémon#Pokémon Generations#I GENUINELY CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE THAT SOME OF THESE ARE ACTUAL HONEST TO GOD SCREENSHOTS FROM OFFICIAL POKÉMON CONTENT#Featuring fun family friendly scenes of cute doggies burning to death!#A nuked ancient civilization!#A scene of frozen corpses right out of The Day After Tomorrow and Geostorm but drawn in Pokémon art style!#Team Aqua getting felled by hubris and devoured by Primal Kyogre!#Whatever the fuck Courtney has got going on!#I would have included Groudon blowing up Hoenn and incinerating Team Magma but I wanted to include only one screenshot from that episode#For variety#Also that scene of Mimi the Espurr getting punted like a football. :(#It's like the animators thought Hey This Is Only For YouTube and Only Older Kids are On YouTube Anyway So We Can Be Edgy :)#I saw Pokémon The Power Of Us in cinemas and they showed the Legendary Beasts backstory episode as a short before the movie#Only problem the audience was filled with the elderly and parents taking their kids to see Funny Cute Pokémon Movie#So I was pretty much the only one who had context for WTF we just witnessed#Actually that short caused one family to get up and leave :)#Imagine not knowing anything about Pokémon and taking your four year old to see Funny Cute Pokémon Movie#Only to have to take your crying kids out of the theatre cause they got traumatised by watching animated dogs burn alive#All before the movie even started#Core childhood trauma memory formed right there#Actually now that I remembered the old lady in The Power of Us had a traumatic backstory of witnessing her Snubbull burn to death in a fire#Number of animated dogs dying in a fire in this one cinema trip: 4#Like what the actual fuck
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danidoesathing · 1 year
"Buck doesn't react to the ghosts because he has been able to see ghosts all his life and it's given him this fucked up relationship with death where he's both fascinated and desensitized to it" vs "Buck doesn't react to the ghosts because he spends most of the movie incredibly sleep deprived, constantly hallucinating and high off his ass on a transdimensional drug, so the ghosts are honestly only the 3rd weirdest thing thats happened to him that night"
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dcviline · 4 months
it's been eight(ish) years and I'm still upset about what they did with euron greyjoy in the show like they took this eldritch horror pirate man presenting himself as the ultimate evil that is positioned to be possibly a penultimate antagonist for daenerys if not an overarching one for the last two books and turned him into . . . the guy who makes dick one-liners over and over again.
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Full Masterlist | Teen Wolf Masterlist
Summary: You've become a mastermind in making excuses to be with Stiles, unaware to you, Stiles was doing the same thing. Neither one of you knew this. You've liked him since middle school and have kept those feelings until now. When at an impromptu party, you wish some part of you was prepared for Stiles Stilinski to express his feelings.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Warnings: None
Stiles Stilinski x-reader
(Last Day of Eighth Grade - Three Years Ago. Third-Person View)
Once upon a time, the planets and the fates And all the stars aligned You and I ended up in the same room At the same time
Y/N Y/L/N yawned and leaned her head against her best friend's, Stiles Stilinski's, shoulder. Stiles glanced down at her and couldn't help but smile. The world didn't know how he felt about her, well, Scott and Stiles' father knew, but nobody else. Though, everyone saw how Y/N and Stiles looked at each other.
Generally, people thought that kids in middle school didn't know what love meant. Even though they were fourteen years old, they knew the definition of love. And Scott McCall sure as hell knew that his two friends were madly in love.
He hoped they would realize that over the summer before high school. Stiles always thought how stupid of him it was to always make excuses to be with Y/N. He often wondered how obvious he was, but he was reassured by his dad that it wasn't obvious.
Given that it was the last day of eighth grade, Beacon Hills Middle was putting on its last assembly for its eighth-grade class. This included games involving different students and teachers, and a few raffles that gave away some gift cards and free books.
Y/N had no interest in winning those prizes. All she wanted was to go home and swim in her pool. That's all that clouded her brain, apart from the feeling of Stiles' hand on hers. She couldn't deny how she felt about him.
And the touch of a hand lit the fuse Of a chain reaction of countermoves To assess the equation of you Checkmate, I couldn't lose
She also couldn't deny that every little thing was meant to be with him. Like offering to study for tests, asking to hang out when her parents were out of town, inviting him to any of Lydia's get-togethers, or asking if he wanted to be lab or project partners. Those things were common between Y/N and Stiles. If Y/N hadn't suggested anything, Stiles was the next.
"I swear if Principle Mike says the words 'congratulations eighth graders' one more time, I'm gonna throw up," Stiles commented. Y/N laughed. She was glad that everyone else was talking so they couldn't hear her loud laugh. "It almost makes me not want to start high school," Scott added.
Stiles and Y/N nodded in agreement. Y/N let go of Stiles' hand to fix her backpack, getting tired of the straps rubbing against her legs. Lydia told her to wear a skirt so the two of them could match. Thankfully, Lydia held up to her offer, but Y/N was beginning to regret her choice.
Although, she did love the floral patterns on the pockets. Principal Mike and two other staff members walked onto the stage. "Good afternoon, eighth graders," the principal said. "Here we go," Stiles muttered to Y/N. She held her giggle, hoping it wouldn't escape. "And, congratulations," the principal continued.
Stiles gasped quietly at the sound of no 'eighth graders' at the end of the man's statement. Principal Mike went on to state how he was proud of them and wished them nothing but luck. The games continued and the raffle began. Mrs. Wright stuck her hand into the bucket. "Y/N Y/L/N," she read from the yellow sticky note.
Y/N's head perked up from Stiles' shoulder. The students around her turned to look at her. Y/N didn't put her name in, but you know who did, Scott McCall. She whipped her head to Scott and shot him a glare. With no choice, she stood up from the bleachers and walked down the stairs.
She had won a book series she didn't really want to read. The teacher congratulated Y/N and handed her the books. Y/N thanked her and went back to her seat. She sat down in the middle of Scott and Stiles. "I hate you so much," Y/N said to Scott. He jumped when Y/N whacked him in the back of the head.
What if I told you none of it was accidental? And the first night that you saw me Nothing was gonna stop me I laid the groundwork and then Just like clockwork The dominoes cascaded in a line
The assembly finished with the school band playing a few traditional songs. Y/N waved to Danny who was playing the drums. He smiled at her. Y/N and her friends walked out to meet their parents at the front of the school. Mrs. Y/L/N was chatting with Mr. Stilinski and Mrs. McCall. The students each let their friends sign their yearbooks before finding their parents.
Y/N smiled as her mother wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Mrs. Y/L/N lightly kissed the top of Y/N's head, ruffling her hair after. "You ready to go?" Melissa McCall said to Scott, taking her lab coat off. She tossed it into the backseat and opened the door. "We'll see you boys in a bit," Y/N's mother said, referring to the pool party Y/N was throwing for a few of her close friends.
Y/N said goodbye to the boys and stepped into the car. Mrs. Y/L/N kept questioning her daughter on how the last day of school was. To which Y/N continued to say it wasn't all that interesting. Y/N's mind kept going to the pool party where she planned to tell Stiles how she felt. But the real question was, would that actually happen? Or was it just an act of more procrastination?
What if I told you I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine It was all by dеsign 'Cause I'm a mastermind
(11th Grade. Y/N's Point of View. Outfit One)
"Seriously, Y/N? You can't keep doing this to yourself," Lydia said, covering her lips in a heavy peach color. I rolled my eyes and tossed Lydia's stuffed Giraffe up in the air before catching it. She set the lipstick onto the vanity. "I'm not doing anything wrong," I sat up from her bed, "In fact, I'm innocently saving my friendship with Stiles."
Lydia's brows rose in an annoyed tone. She sighed and shook her head at my comment. She reached out a hand, taking the stuffed animal out of my hands. "It truly is terrifying watching the two of you wait for something to happen, but nothing is going to," she says. Lydia disregards my expression and continued to speak.
"I'm serious, Y/N/N. You really need to say something because you've kept this up for four years. Doesn't it get exhausting?"
I shrugged. She wasn't entirely wrong. It did hurt when Stiles went on dates with other girls or talked to other girls. I never knew that it also hurt Stiles when he saw me go on dates or talk to other guys. Lydia watched as I thought to myself. "Do you like Stiles? I mean more than just a best friend," she said with her hands on her hips. I nodded.
"Then you should tell him," she added. I shook my head in disagreement. "Nope. I'll just continue what I'm doing. Spare my feelings and his," I stood up from the bed.
You see, all the wisеst women Had to do it this way 'Cause we were born to be the pawn In every lover's game
Lydia groaned in frustration. She pulled her hair away from her face, turning in the chair to look at me. "C'mon, Y/N. You are not in eighth grade anymore," Lydia waved her arms around, "You are sixteen years old, not some fourteen-year-old who doesn't know the difference between making out and having sex."
My face scrunched at her statement. She waved her hand, saying to ignore that last bit. Lydia stood up and walked over to me. "My point is," Lydia held my shoulders, "I can't keep seeing those minuscule facial expressions shift when Stiles talks to any girl besides you. If you don't tell him, then it's just gonna keep growing inside of you until you're both murdered. And your murderer would be me by the way."
She wrapped me in a hug before we needed to leave. "Now, c'mon. We've got that party to attend," she sang. Lydia grabbed her purse from the chair, waltzing over to the door. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I pulled at the hem of the short dress, trying to keep it from staying at my knees but it bounced back.
My friend yanked my hand, tearing my focus away from myself. The next thing I knew, we hopped into her car and drove to Tina's house for the party.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail The strategy sets the scene for the tale I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails And the liquor in our cocktails
When Lydia pulled up to the large house, partygoers filed in and out of the house. Some of them were already drunk, which was surprising because the party started ten minutes ago. Lydia gestured to our friends on the porch.
The two of us got out of her convertible. "Stop pulling on your dress," she slapped my hand. "I hate this," I commented. "What? You haven't mentioned it at all," Lydia stated sarcastically.
She ignored my look, yet again. She bee-lined to Aiden, who was waiting for her patiently. "Cute dress," Allison complimented and lifted up the lace strap. "Thanks," I said. She noticed my expression and dropped her hand to her side. "Lydia made you wear it, didn't she?" Allison said. "How'd you know?" I replied, earning a laugh from her.
Allison told me that Scott and Stiles were arriving a little late, as expected. Isaac was inside getting some drinks for the two of us. "I didn't know what you wanted, so I just got you some Strawberry Lemonade," Isaac said, handing me the cup. I thanked him and took a sip, but was taken aback by the strong taste of Vodka.
"Probably should've asked Tina before grabbing it," he gritted his teeth. I chuckled at his immediate reaction. "It's fine," I coughed, wiping my mouth. A few minutes passed, and Stiles and Scott pulled up in the blue Jeep. I waved them over, quickly adjusting the length of the dress when I raised my arm.
Now that the two boys were here, we walked into Tina's house. It felt like every room was filled with people. Stiles grabbed my hand, leading me to the backyard where everyone else was. He let go when we made it to the tables with a few platters of food. "What do you want?" Stiles asked, looking over his shoulder at me. I looked at the long table, tapping my chin in thought.
I caught sight of my favorite food. Stiles followed my line of sight. He set some of it on a paper plate for me. "Thank you," I said, grabbing a fork and napkin. He grabbed his food and we found a place to sit at a table that wasn't so crowded.
What if I told you none of it was accidental? And the first night that you saw me I knew I wanted your body I laid the groundwork and then
Stiles held my plate as I sat on the bench. He handed it to me, sitting down beside me. I looked around at the people that danced. Scott and Kira were dancing with a drink in each hand. I chuckled when Kira tripped on Scott's shoes, almost spilling the drink on herself. Stiles tucked a strand of hair behind my ear so it wouldn't fall into my food.
Just like clockwork The dominoes cascaded in a line What if I told you I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine It was all my design 'Cause I'm a mastermind
I looked up at him, his brown eyes already on mine. "I don't think I've seen you in a dress like this since eighth grade," he commented, lowering his hand from the side of my face. I playfully rolled my eyes, bringing my focus back to my chips. He smirked to himself. "Well, you can thank Lydia for that because I am her personal guinea pig," I said.
My best friend laughed at the comparison. He'd joke about how Lydia liked to test out different hairstyles or clothes. Stiles liked to say that it was because Lydia was the only child. "She had me try on these red stilettos last weekend, and I swear I almost cracked my skull open," I explained, popping a chip in my mouth. Stiles' brows furrowed when I mentioned the style of shoe.
"You have no idea what a stiletto is, do you?" I took a sip of the spiked Lemonade. He shook his head, holding up his cup. I laughed and decided not to explain it because he'd be more confused. "All you need to know is that they're uncomfortable as hell," I said. "Duly noted," Stiles said, "I will never wear them then."
It fell quiet between me and Stiles with us just watching people and eating some snacks here and there. "Can I ask you something?" Stiles spoke. "Sure," I set the plate beside me, wiping my hands with a napkin. "Do you ever think about someone a little more than you should?" Stiles stated.
I said his question to myself, trying to think of some response that wouldn't spark anything about my feelings. He nudged my shoulder when I didn't respond right away. "Yeah. I do," I nodded. Stiles looked away from the grass at the sound of my reply.
No one wanted to play with me as a little kid So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since To make them love me and make it seem effortless This is the first time I've felt the need to confess And I swear I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'Cause I care
"I think about him a lot," I said. If I don't do it now, I won't ever, just like Lydia had said. Stiles nodded, now playing with a loose thread on his jacket. "You know, it's funny," Stiles sighed, "Since middle school, I've noticed that I never seem to stop making so many damn excuses to sit close with her or hang out with her. Hell, we're best friends so I just thought that it was me just wanting to be with my best friend."
Stiles smiled to himself as he spoke. He seemed to try not to make direct eye contact with me. Stiles looked at the ground or everyone else but me. "But, when I look at her, I think about how she'll be with someone else and that someone else won't be me. But, when I do look at her, I think that 'that someone else' could be me if I just grew the confidence and confessed," Stiles said.
I set a hand on top of his, noticing that he was starting to play with his fingers. He'd fiddle when he started to get nervous or go on some random tangent. Stiles' eyes drew away from the fixed spot. "Well, you only have one life," I said. He looked down at me (GIF Above). I sat up on the upper part of the picnic bench, brushing my hands on my legs.
"Yeah," he sighed, "Sometimes I'm not using my one life very usefully."
"Agreed," I nodded.
He chuckled, biting his lower lip as he laughed. I noticed his demeanor slightly change. Stiles mumbled to himself before letting out a heavy sigh. "Y/N," he said. I looked at him, letting Stiles know that I was listening. "You know those little moments we have other than our normal moments," he said. I nodded. "Those little moments weren't also impromptu," Stiles claimed.
I sat up in my spot. Stiles ran a hand through his hair in thought. "Those weren't all coincidences," Stiles said, "That one time I said we should be lab partners in eighth grade, I had been thinking about asking you for a straight year. And, then, after that, every little thing has been planned to hang out with you more. I get that we're best friends, but I wish we were more than that."
Stiles waited for my response but decided to continue speaking to further his point. "I also know that you've been doing the same thing," he said, smiling at me. My face turned a bright red when he spoke.
So I told you none of it was accidental And the first night that you saw me Nothing was gonna stop me I laid the groundwork and then Saw a wide smirk on your face You knew the entire time
"You knew," I said. "I knew the entire time," Stiles claimed, "Well, the entire time, meaning since ninth grade." He saw my eyes narrow as I thought, how in the hell could he have found out? "Lydia told me," Stiles answered. "Of course, she did," I rolled my eyes. Stiles said that she told him when they were waiting for me after track practice.
"Oh my gosh," I said, softly laughing when I spoke. "I know," he huffed, "but I gotta admit, it was kinda cute watching you do everything." He waved his hand around. He listed a few things that he found amusing. "Oh, shut up," I hit his shoulder. Stiles looked at me with a different hint in his eyes.
He reached a hand out, setting it on the side of my face. I leaned into his touch. Stiles leaned forward and kissed me. I was glad Lydia wasn't in the backyard because I already knew that she'd be freaking out.
You knew that I'm a mastermind And now you're mine Yeah, all you did was smile 'Cause I'm a mastermind
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