#Forced Villain Izuku
wolfiegirlxox · 1 year
Izuku Midoriya was taken in by his father following his parent's quiet divorce. Six years later the villain Keitaro makes his debut, known only by name to a selective group of people. 15-year-old Izuku Midoria is accepted into UA Hero School two years after that. No one thinks these facts are connected, but they are.
Or, Izuku is taken by his father at eight and forced to become a villain and a mole at UA. He hates it, but he knows his father will only make him hurt more if he shows a sign of his discomfort.
A Gen, angsty hurt/comfort forced villain Izuku fic I wrote based on an idea I had late at night. Enjoy.
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foxgivenblank · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Eri, Midoriya Izuku & Okuta Kagerou | Giran Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Eri (My Hero Academia), Okuta Kagerou | Giran, Bakugou Katsuki Mention, Aizawa Shouta mention Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Forced Villain Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku's Hero Analysis For The Future Notebooks, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory (My Hero Academia), Consequences, Izuku is working for the league of villains to protect Eri, jail break, Morally Ambiguous Midoriya Izuku, Morally Grey Midoriya Izuku, Traumatized Eri (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Bad Teacher, Aizawa is a bad teacher from Izuku's perspective, Aizawa doesn't know about One for All, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Aizawas eyes glow gold as god intended, Whumptober 2022, Whumptober, Hopeful Ending Series: Part 14 of Whumptober 2022, Part 2 of The Fallout of Polite Society Summary:
No. 14 DIE A HERO OR LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO BECOME A VILLAIN Desperate Measures | Failed escape | “I’ll be right behind you.”
Society had forced Izuku to choose. They had told him to either follow their guidelines and lose a part of himself, or become a villain and uphold his own morals. To Izuku, the choice was clear and he would weather any consequence as long as Eri was safe.
[This is part two! Please read the first one for full context.]
@rayshippouuchiha (this isn’t directly your fault this time but you got me into this fandom in the first place dammit)
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epickiya722 · 23 days
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
does aizawa feel guilty for essentially outing izuku
(since he should have relieved from how he was treated for stopping quirks that izuku's ability to borrow quirks would be seen as worse)
Aizawa feels like shit tbh - he assumed Izuku would face some degree of push back because of his quirk and wanted to see how he faced it, and see if he needed to shape up/expell any bigotted students who wouldn't shape up after the sport festival.
It was brutal and very much treating Izuku more harshly than other students because Aizawa believed Izuku needed to see what he would face in the industry and either come to terms with it or push past it and form bonds with his classmates anyway. He was expecting the distrust - he wasn't expecting how deep it ran and he certainly wasn't expecting his students to almost be killed on their 3rd day.
He finds out what happens when All Might visits him and asks if he takes expulsion recommendations - hes shocked All Might would recommend it after calling his method brutal. He hears its for Izuku and flips to thinking All Might is being overprotective. When he finally gets the bandages off his eyes, he complains to Mic who looks a little troubled because Izuku looked rough when they got there. Uneasy, the two of them get statements from the other students and feel their stomachs drop.
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jasontoddssuper · 7 months
Rotating the parallels between Izuku and Robin!Jason nonstop in my mind.It's about being a teenage superhero that always had the heart and mind of one but didn't start training for it until you got taken in by one of the most famous one's as his protege and son,it's about being a total mama's boy who's mom made mistakes in the past but she's not a monster,just a person,and you know it and still love her so much,it's about staying a ray of sunshine with so much love to give despite all the bullshit you've been put through,it's about being soft but not delicate,it's about wearing your heart on your sleeve no matter what,it's about being a huge nerd who's always talking,it's about something happening when you're 15 that finally breaks your spirit so you give up herohood and go traveling to take up vigilanteism,it's about starting to look less human along the way because your view on humanity has been permantly altered because it was all just too much and you've almost given up but not quite
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gentrychild · 2 years
For the Ask Game: "Inko! The Villain Magnet!"
Izuku is incensed when his whole class tells him that he is a chaos magnet that attracts villainss wherever he goes! Lies! Slander! He has never been so offended in his life! He tells his mom about it during the vacations and she shares her opinion!
However, now that he spent a couple of months at UA and is looking at his neighbor, his mom's work, and her book club, he realizes that her mom has managed to surround herself with villains.
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genderenvyincarnate · 2 years
i’m back in the mha fandom for reasons unknown to me and God alike and why are everyone’s villain!deku designs so boring? “Ooooooo i put him in a suit he’s EVIL now” No! have some creativity. Give him a costume!! a stupid silly villain costume he can have fun in. He deserves it!
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Hello and welcome to Day 12 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Today, I wanna present to you a plot bunny that has a concept inspired by the manhwa "I want to be a Great Villain" - an Izuku has a System AU!
In "I want to be a Great Villain," the main character has a system that puts him into different stories, and he has to finish the storyline while maintaining his role as the "villain" of said story. If he doesn't comply, he can receive punishments (such as being electrocuted).
Title of the fic: "World's Best Hero System"
For this fic, what I did was I took the "System that makes you follow the storyline and punishes you with electrocution" part and mashed it with a version of Izuku that DOES NOT want to become a hero.
However, he has the misfortune (aka me, I bring the misfortune) of bring selected by a "System" (in the form of a cat) to be this world's "Best Hero Ever" - the System's words, not mine.
Izuku immediately refuses and promptly gets punished via slow suffocation. The System tells him, "You either follow the storyline or die here. Which one would you choose?"
In the end, Izuku accepts the deal, if only just because he doesn't wanna die yet. And so, the more confident and straightforward Izuku takes the role of canon Izuku. Shy, without much confidence and with a very big complex about being Quirkless - but on the inside, Izuku is seething because he doesn't like the "character" he has to play as for this sadistic System.
Katsuki is also very confused since he knew Izuku from before the System and liked him better then, too. In this AU, Katsuki's reason for being mean to Izuku is to finally make him snap and revert back to the more confident, outspoken "I don't give a shit" Izuku he knew before.
The System tells him he will become the "World's Best Hero" but doesn't bother to make him train or even stop him from training many times. It tells him that he should just follow along with the storyline, even though Izuku is very skeptical of this "storyline" the System talks about.
So, Izuku ends up messing around a lot just to test the limits of the System. Not doing what he is told to do, not following the rules exactly as he is told to, speaking back to the System and arguing with it - and as such, he is punished a lot. So much so that Izuku develops a high tolerance for pain due to the punishments.
Things continue like this till the day Izuku is supposed to met All Might. That same day, Katsuki is supposed to tell Izuku to "go take a dive of the roof and pray he gets a Quirk in his next life." Katsuki doesn't.
Seeing this, the System takes matters in its own hands and controls Katsuki for a brief period of time so Katsuki actually says the line he was supposed to. (Bakugou is still kinda conscious during this and he has a lot of guilt about it.) This is where Izuku realizes the System is way more dangerous than he ever thought since it can fully control people to do or say what it wants them to.
Meeting All Might and learning about One for All makes Izuku confident that the System has some goal in mind other than "finishing the storyline." Which, in Izuku’s opinion, it's not actually a good thing. Especially not when the System seems near gleeful at the fact that All Might wants to give the Quirk to him.
And so beings Izuku’s quest of stopping the System from whatever it is planning to do while trying to avoid being killed by the League of Villains because he gained Shigaraki Tomura's interest.
Meanwhile, we have the System, which is fully aware that without Izuku, the world will end due to All For One's actions. The System basically searches for a way to stop the madman from ending the world and comes across the "canon storyline," which it uses in order to make sure the world won't end.
It may have forgotten to explain that to Izuku beforehand, though. Oops.
More little details:
Izuku is 7 when he gets the System.
The System is able to control people who are "characters of the story" for a short period of time. The Villains are exceptions because they will fall into the villainous acts they need to do naturally without the System's interference.
The System takes the form of a cat that is only visible to Izuku.
There are other people in this AU with a System but only Izuku has the "World's Best Hero" System. Other systems would include: "Best Reverse Harem Protagonist", "Best Mafia Boss", "Best Scientist" etc. (Izuku does meet some of the System-having people)
There will be a lot of angst in this because Izuku has to conform to the main storyline: for example, even if he wants to, the System will stop him from talking Iida out of going after Stain. And then there is Katsuki centric angst with him being taken over by the System and saying things that he truthfully regrets ever saying.
And this is about all I have for this plot bunny. So, how was it? Good? Bad? Let me know!
Honestly, I kinda love My Hero Academia mashed together with a System AU because it means one of two things: 1. Izuku/Whoever is chosen has to work around the System's mechanizations (if it has any) to get to a good ending in the stroy; or 2. Izuku/Whoever is chosen has to survive the plans of the System (be it bad or good System).
I actually have an Izuku Survival System AU as well, which I will talk about tomorrow.
Regardless, I hope you enjoyed another day of me rambling about my plot bunnies and that you have a great day/night! Take care of yourselves.
See you tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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panpanicatmha · 10 months
i got a lil silly in discord DMs and so I made this lol
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shibaraki · 2 months
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synopsis: japan’s sweetheart and saviour is in a quirk induced coma. you’re the only one that can bring him back.
tags: GN reader, post canon au, pro hero deku, quirk accidents, fluff + angst, hospitalisation, mutual pining, intimacy, technically doctor/patient but they know each other, friends to lovers, reader has quirk (‘dream walker’), memory/dream sharing, referenced depression, getting together, kissing, cheesy idc idc
wc: 5.2K
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In your years wading through patients' memories, you’ve found that people have the most uncanny ability to resign themselves to their fate. You’ve wondered time and time again whether it’s instinctive to ruin things—if humans couldn’t help but stumble and make a mess of the things around them.
You recall that thought process now with a weary sigh, as your eyes skim over the patient's name for the tenth time in as many seconds. Midoriya Izuku.
“Well? Are you gonna do it or not?”
You’ve been staring at the medical file for long enough that an uncomfortable silence has dawned upon your office. Two weeks prior, a villain named Catatonic used her quirk to force Deku into a comatose state, that which he has yet to wake from. Even after the liberal use of quirk inhibitors, countless visits from Eraserhead and the administration of various stimulants, Deku would not stir. Realistically he should’ve roused from the coma naturally as soon as the quirk was cancelled. But he hadn’t, and his doctors can only assume it’s because he can’t, or refuses to.
Thus the case in your lap. A last resort.
“I’ll do it,” you intoned, thumb flicking at the corner of the manila folder. There’s already a deep crease there. The file itself is the heaviest you’ve ever had in your hands. Dense in a way that makes you ache. You and Deku are good friends—the kind of friendship that forms mainly because you frequent the same places. That place in particular being the hospital, except you were there to work, and he was often wandering the hallways listlessly to burn off the dregs of whatever sedatives he’d taken or visiting with patients.
Awkward small talk eventually blossomed into real, fulfilling conversations, and you started to like him, a lot more than you should. You kept the memory of his small, sincere smile close to your chest; nothing like that dazzling grin he wore on duty, it was softer, something private, and you relished being on the receiving end of it.
He was skilled at talking around his injuries. Sometimes if you felt especially bone-weary after a shift you’d be so relieved to see him that you forgot to ask. That sits with you. Deku is a hero. A good one, the best one. He’s brilliant at what he does—keeping people safe, protecting them from harm. In the entirety of his career, it appears he rarely, if ever, turned that care and consideration onto himself. You’re not a licensed therapist, and barely a doctor. Still you contemplate his medical history with a cold sense of regret.
“You realise there’s a large possibility I’ll end up seeing a lot of confidential stuff while I’m in there”.
“Don’t care. S’not like you can tell anyone”.
“I don’t think you understand how invasive this will be. I’ll see personal things. Private things, Bakugo. He won’t be happy”.
“Don’t care. If he doesn’t like it then maybe he should fuckin’ wake up”.
“This might not work, you know,” you finish tiredly.
Bakugo arches his brow at that. Despite the shadows under his eyes there’s no defeated slope to his shoulders, only a fierce scowl. “Either you can do it or you can’t,” he says, voice unsteady as if reeling between rationality and outright aggression. “You’re supposed to be the best at what you do”.
“I am the best at what I do, Bakugo. I can promise you I’ll find him”.
“Then what’s the damn problem?”
The file feels heavier. It feels like a foregone conclusion. You swallow, your throat dry. You don’t bother attempting a smile. You’ve lost the will to maintain your professional veneer.
“I can’t promise he’ll want to come back”.
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Dream walker.
At twelve years old you thought it made your quirk sound whimsical, and gentle, and not at all the invasive thing that it actually is. After all, your reach didn’t end only at dreams. You were able to project your consciousness into another’s mind if it pleased you, parse through every memory, ambition, fantasy, trauma and fear, and manipulate them however you liked. Back when your control was non-existent you would drift into people’s heads whenever you slept like some wayward soul and saw far too much far too young.
The need to understand yourself and your quirk is what drove you to studying medicine. Neuropsychology, mainly. You carved meditative techniques into the very recesses of your own brain and learned to keep your consciousness tightly moored but had no real ambition beyond that. After the war and the complete upheaval and reform of hero society, it was difficult to find your place.
Until Okumura Yukiko.
At the small age of eight, Yukiko fell under the effects of a severe nightmare quirk, and despite the quirk being canceled she couldn’t wake up naturally. You had carefully walked through the delicate threads that made up her young mindscape—quirk-infested by formless shadows with knife-sharp teeth and worse, eerie figures that wore the appearance of her father—you found her trembling inside her mothers figmental wardrobe, took her hand, and guided her out.
When you came to she was curled up in the swaddle of your arms, trembling still, but awake. Her timid incantations ring true in your ears even now. Those tiny little thank you, thank you, thank you’s inspired the person you are today. Not quite a doctor, or a therapist. A specialist for special cases.
Something in your gut told you that traipsing into Midoriya Izuku’s mind wouldn’t be simple. That it would permanently change things. This isn’t some stranger, or a patient you’d never cross paths with again. He’s important to you in a way others aren’t.
Your hand hovers over his face, fingertips brushing his temple. You push your fingers into his thick green hair, rich in colour and soft, no knots to catch on your knuckles. His friends have been visiting in shifts, keeping him comfortable and presentable.
Bakugo had managed to keep the Hero Commission at bay for the time being, but if you came back without Midoriya tomorrow there would be far more than one scowling man looming in your office. Though the possibility left a bad taste in your mouth you can admit, in the privacy of your thoughts, that you’ve contemplated prolonging his recovery for the sake of allowing Midoriya rest. There must be something keeping him under, his genuine reluctance or worse; you’ve been reassured repeatedly of All for One’s death and the absence of the previous quirk holders but it’s best to exercise vigilance.
Midoriya does not react, not even a twitch of his nose, but there’s a flutter beneath his eyelids and a sleepy-sweet warmth to him that has you smiling, fond. Tucking your feet around the legs of your chair, you scoot it forward and bend closer, elbows resting on the edge of the hospital bed. “I’m not sure you can hear me in there. Maybe not. But I hope you won’t hate me for this,” you tell him.
Midoriya’s face remains serene as ever—more so than you can remember. It makes you wonder how much pain and discomfort he’s been hiding throughout your interactions. The tension has been sapped from his expression, lashes fanning over his cheeks. You’re close enough to count each individual freckle. Lightly, your thumb taps the space between his brows. “There are a lot of people out here that love you. They’re waiting for you to wake up, so I’ll have to have a look around your head a bit. Okay?”
Nothing. Heartbeat monitor pulsing a healthy rhythm, broad chest rising and falling, Midoriya continues to sleep. You sigh and cast a final glance around the private hospital room. The clock reads 18:22. Outside the window you see a single cloud, wispy as a dandelion, slowly disintegrate across the dusky sky. You make a cradle with your arm, head resting in the crook while you take Midoriya’s hand and try to relax. Anticipation turns in your gut. Years of experience aside, you’ve never really acclimated to the feeling of that first step into another’s subconscious.
Pressure gathers inside your skull as your quirk activates. You inhale a quick, wounded breath at the sensation. Your eyes roll back, vision swallowed by abrupt darkness, and you jerk against the distinct sensation of falling as your stomach roils. You’re overwhelmed by a cacophony of images and sounds—a determination that happiness would come, then moored to the burden of expectation, any optimism muffled under exhaustion and pain, replaced swiftly by a sense of discontent, grief and regret that swelled over time.
And then everything stops.
Your arms feel empty. Your chest feels hungry. You ache with it, the disquieting loneliness. Fog leaks into the memory, surroundings concealed beneath a thick mist. Behind you is a small pond. There’s a notebook soaking in the water. The koi are mouthing curiously at the weathered corners, faint black tendrils of ink curling off the charred pages. Scrawled boldly across the top is ‘Hero Analysis for The Future: No. 13’. Your strikingly young reflection ripples as you plunge your hand in and fish it out, holding it at arm's length as you shake the excess away.
Sufficiently less soaked, you draw the notebook to your front and carefully turn the cover to read the first page. You can feel the slight indentations on the back where a pen has been pressed hard enough to score the words through the page. Written inside, smudged but undeniable, is Midoriya Izuku’s name.
“Uh—excuse me…” a shaky, pitched voice comes from behind you, belonging to a very familiar pair of teary eyes. Midoriya is not just small, he’s scrawny. His hair is longer, unable to decide on which direction it wants to grow, and his middle school uniform is slightly ill-fitting, as though his mother bought it a size bigger for longevity. He ducks into the higher collar to hide his reddened face when you look at him.
The urge to bundle him up and hide him from the world is fierce. The situation is odd, but you offer a smile and his blush worsens. “Is this yours?” you ask, holding up the notebook. You try not to grimace at your own childlike voice. Midoriya nods frantically. His hands flex around the straps of his backpack. Smaller than the broad palms you’re familiar with, neither scarred nor crooked, trembling where they motion to clasp around the notebook. Your fingers brush and he attempts to swallow the yelp that bubbles in his throat.
“Thank you,” he stammers, pressing the notebook flat to his own chest. Midoriya swallows. His gaze never strays from you, growing brighter with each passing second as the idea in his head takes shape.
“Do you go to school here?”
“Oh,” you blink and the shadows have elongated. The pond is now hugging a school building. You recognise it despite never having seen it before. Aldera Junior High. “I don't,” you answer, sounding sorry. He predictably deflates. “I live close by, though!”
Midoriya perks up again. He shifts his weight between each foot. Red faced and unsteady, he quietly asks, “Do you think we could be friends?”
Your mouth slacks a bit, answers dying in your throat. You look down at your hands, palms upturned and unblemished. The dappled sunlight passes through your incorporeal form. Interaction with anything aside from the true patient during your work is incredibly rare though not entirely unfounded; people who daydream in vivid detail or ruminate chronically on old regrets usually had false memories in excess. Their minds seem to naturally meld around your intrusion, but they never went so far as to seamlessly incorporate you. Which can only mean one thing.
You fit because Midoriya has imagined this numerous times before—befriending you as a child.
Before you can respond you’re being dragged abruptly into a memory, the echo of a blinding flash of pain rippling through you. A reflexive gasp has your chest heaving and you curse at your lack of control. There’s barely a shard of light. Behind you is a hard, jagged surface but below is loose, uprooted. Attempts to move are futile, and agonising. You slump into the displaced rubble, silt and icy embrace, and listen. From above there is only a haunting silence but only a few feet ahead you hear muffled crying and Bakugo’s strangely tinny voice.
Your vision adjusts in increments, from pure darkness to a soft outlined blob to a comfortingly familiar silhouette. Midoriya is poised like an Atlantean statue, holding up the creaking structure and keeping it from crushing the young girl cowered in front of him.
Another wave of pain washes over you as the rubble groans. Midoriya bites back a whimper. His body is sinew and bone pulled taut, skin stretched over a drum. Everything seemed to swell dramatically around him.
“We’re almost there, kid. Two minutes,” Bakugo’s voice spills jarringly from the bulky earpiece hugging Midoriya’s ear. “Now look at Deku for me. You lookin’?” the young girl does as he commands. You see her trepidation falter at the easy smile Deku is wearing. “Bet he’s got a big dumb grin on his face right now, yeah?”
“Y—yeah,” she echoes, clutching the dirtied hem of her dress.
“You think he’d be smiling if there was anythin’ to be scared of?”
Her shoulders slant, the tension released, and she offers a tremulous smile of her own, “No”.
But you can feel, quite viscerally, how scared Deku was in that moment. The nauseating pain in his arms has dwindled into numbness and he daren’t spare himself more than the occasional shallow breath, as if the bloating of his lungs alone might disrupt his balance. Not once does his smile falter.
The surroundings warp again. You struggle against the whiplash, flung unwillingly into another memory. Breath forced from your lungs, the echo of Izuku’s pain dissipates in a blink and you land on unsteady feet, coughing and spluttering in the middle of an eclectic café covered in tinsel.
A sign written in cursive above the chalkboard menu reads ‘Mean Mug’. Melodious Christmas music plays quietly overhead, and the bell above the door is soft enough to get lost in the smooth notes. You’re cocooned by heat and met with bold patterned wallpaper. The unifying palette seems to be warm-toned colours; red, orange and brown come together amidst the mismatched decor to create a cosy atmosphere.
A half heartedly disguised Midoriya shuffles awkwardly by the counter, looking up at the door with trepidation every time the bell chimes to signal another customer. He grins once Uravity arrives in a casual disguise of her own, eyes still bright beneath the shadow of his cap.
They order and settle in a quaint alcove away from the windows and any prying eyes. Neither hero notices your presence as you seat yourself at their table and listen to their conversation. There are things you don’t understand. Code words to be used when discussing sensitive matters outside of their agencies. Inside jokes that you weren’t there for. But most curious of all is the knowing look on Uraraka’s face when Midoriya mentions that he saw you at the hospital that day.
“You’re hopeless, Deku-kun,” she says, as fond as she is amused. “What was your excuse this time?”
Midoriya clears his throat. He grips his cup, pressing until his knuckles turn white. It draws your attention to the thin cast splinting his ring and middle fingers together. “I broke my fingers sparring with Kirishima”.
You remember that, though too entrenched in his memory to attempt receding into yours for details.
“So you leapt halfway across the city to have them stuck together despite the fact that your agency has an on-site infirmary,” Uraraka’s hair falls in a gentle swoop beneath her jaw as she laughs. Midoriya shrinks into himself ever so slightly and her eyes soften. She pokes at his forearm. “C’mon Deku—why haven’t you asked yet? Do you really think you’ll get rejected?”
Glancing back and forth between them, your heart beats a tattoo across the inside of your ribs. You feel as if you’ve both missed something quite important and heard too much. You push your chair backwards and fall away from the table, and the memory, before Midoriya can respond.
With renewed determination—and heat rising to your cheeks—you reign in your quirk, steering cautiously through Midoriya’s subconscious mind as you should’ve in the first place. Images flicker in and around your periphery, each as desperate to draw you in as the last.
You see Midoriya crying, bleeding, lashing out in anger. You see him in a sterilised room, lulled by monotonous beeps, flesh stitched back together. You hear the doctor's voices coalesce into white noise. You watch as he’s handed crudely drawn thank you cards, coffee-stained police reports and thick manila envelopes marked as confidential in large red letters.
You turn away as Eraserhead approaches, a solemn expression, a quiet clink accompanying his footsteps, unnaturally heavy to one side, a young girl with silver hair following right behind him.
Your heart leaps to your throat when he screams in agony. You look down. There’s blood running down the street in rivulets, skin coming apart like wet paper.
You close your eyes. Next you risk a glance All Might is there, thinner than ever. He’s sitting in a wheelchair by a large window swaddled in a thick knitted blanket, watching over the city, smiling.
You turn away, feeling a pang of grief. Midoriya is expressionless, examining his battered body in the mirror, condensation still lingering on the glass, tendrils of heat curling upward as the shower drain gurgles.
Then he’s in a dark room bringing a stranger's hand to his mouth, kissing the centre of their palm, drawing the finger into his kiss-bitten mouth and sucking with a hazy gleam in his eyes.
It’s overwhelming. You stumble and suddenly Shouto is eating across from Izuku. He brings his chopsticks to his lips, noodles hung limp between them. “It’s obvious you like each other. You should just confess,” he says before shovelling his food.
Too private. You turn on your heel and find a patient of yours on the bed, unresponsive. Izuku is beside you, muttering under his breath, thumb pressed to the shadow beneath his lip. He reaches back to brush your wrist and offers a tentative touch of reassurance. You watch yourself lean against him for a moment and then retreat, grateful for his consideration, unneeding of it, and desperately wanting it, all at once.
The scene ripples violently. A reporter is staring up at Izuku with sparkling eyes. Her hair cycles through an array of colours as she shakes with excitement. “It’s amazing, Deku-san,” she insists. “For your spirit to be so heroic that it physically steers your body… that’s special!”
Izuku conceded with a strained laugh, rubbing at the back of his neck. You feel how his stomach knots. “I used to think so too,” he says, sounding far away.
It’s the middle of the night somewhere when your search finally comes to a halt. You find you’ve landed on an empty street, in that dense, heavy darkness that makes you feel like the only person in the world who’s awake. There’s a tall residential building hugging the pavement. Intuitively, you know this is where Izuku lives.
Your footsteps are made heavy by Izuku’s lingering hurt and exhaustion. It’s disconcerting, the way he feels about his apartment. Coming home should be effortless. People come home in the same way they draw breath. But to Izuku, it's a weary, miserable journey that he must consciously think about and do. His perennial loneliness is overwhelming, a near physical force repelling you from opening the large glass door.
One foot in the lobby and the surroundings undulate. You’re dropped in the middle of his living room. It’s vacant. There’s a large box of case files tucked under the coffee table, an old takeout box left out on the counter, a blanket strewn haphazardly over the couch cushions. You pinch the soft fabric and rub it between your fingers, bringing it to your nose as you’re overcome by the urge to smell it. Izuku’s warm scent floods your senses.
Something thuds outside, followed by a tinkling of keys on a chain. Your blood runs quicker as the front door abruptly opens. Izuku looks harried as he ducks into the genkan, quite visibly frayed. The upper half of his hero suit is unzipped, pushed down to hang over his hips, littered with debris and dry mud. You hold your breath as he kicks off his shoes and lifts his head, meeting your wide-eyed gaze. The air around you is charged. Trepidation prickles at your nape.
Then the shadows over his stormy face recede. Izuku gentles, light returning to his previously empty eyes. “I’m home,” he breathes. “I missed you”. His voice shivers down your spine—you know in your gut that this is him, the real Izuku, but that fact is hard to believe while he’s looking at you like he wants you.
“Welcome home,” you smile back, slipping the blanket around your shoulders as you move toward him. “Hard day at—?”
Your intentions are to sit him down, keep him calm so as not to be ejected, and explain what’s happening, but before you have the chance his larger body crowds you against the wall—the dull impact reverberates through your ribs, knocking the breath from your lungs and he’s kissing you as if it’s something he always does.
Though it’s more of a collision than a kiss. The sensation is indescribable. Information spills into your mouth, your quirk reflexively absorbing his every fantasy, ache and want. Your knees almost buckle. The blanket puddles at your feet. Fingers snake into his thick hair, nails dig into his roots where skin becomes earth as you try to reciprocate his fervour.
Under your tongue you feel the cut on his lip, under your palms the dark swell across his cheek. You shake off the cloud of desire. Too many lines have already been crossed. “Izuku,” you whine. His name comes naturally now; you know him deeply enough. Blunt teeth graze at your jaw, your throat. You lean away for air only to catch a glimpse of another angry ivory-red bruise peeking from beneath his loose collar. “Izuku,” you tried again. Then louder. “Izuku, that’s enough”.
“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” Izuku rasps as he rears up from the crook of your neck with wide, glassy eyes.
“No—I’m,” your heart beats hard in your ears. Dread sinks low in your belly. “It’s me. I’m really here, Izuku. You’ve been away for too long. I had to use my quirk. We need to wake up”.
“Wake up? You’re… oh,” his eyes grow wider, then shutter closed on a shaky exhale. The cut on his bottom lip has started bleeding again. Rivulets seeped into the cracks between his teeth and stained his gums red. You yearn for the searing heat of his hands as he releases you and staggers backwards to scrub at his face. “Oh my god”.
“Wait. Please don’t throw me out,” you say quickly, reaching to clutch at his wrist in case he panicked. Izuku tenses at the contact only to relax a beat later, his fingers spreading over his eyes so he can get a peek at you. “It took me forever to find you here. There’s a lot of stuff in your head”.
“I won’t. I wouldn’t,” he mumbles. You could collapse in relief. He’s not angry, he’s embarrassed.
“Thank you. I promise I tried not to look at anything too private”. Your mind didn’t make it easy, you think. It was almost like he wanted me to see everything.
Izuku groans and lets his hands drop to his sides in defeat, revealing an entirely pink face. You keep your fingers curled around his wrist, his pulse light and fast. “Okay. I’m okay. We should probably sit down for this,” he eventually croaks, a tremulous smile working its way across his lips. “Drink?”
You pick up the blanket and make your way to the couch while he briefly disappears into the kitchen. Around you the apartment takes on a rosy sheen. A dull clink shudders through the silence as Izuku sets a cup on the coffee table in front of you. It’s your favourite work mug down to the smallest details.
“You remembered this old thing?”
Shaped like a cat, the handle curved in and away like a feline’s tail. It’s piping hot, steam already curling up from it like a crooked finger, like the invitation he meant it to be.
Izuku nodded awkwardly, perched so far forward that it stretched credulity to say he was on the couch at all. He tracks your movements with intensity when you lean to pick up the hot drink. The initial sting to your palms quickly dwindles into numbness as you bring it closer and realise what’s inside. Hot chocolate. The surface sprinkled with those small, cube shaped marshmallows that he likes.
You swallow and feel the warmth spread through your body. A smile pulls at the corner of your mouth as the thick, saccharine flavour floods your senses, washing back the bitterness and thawing your anxiety. You can hear the tension in Izuku’s shoulders snap as he slumps forward, arms hung over his knees and head low in relief. His reaction is oddly vindicating, if not contagious.
“How long have I been asleep?” he asks. “Time is weird here”.
“You’ve been comatose for over two weeks,” you reply. “They tried everything they could before Bakugo insisted on bringing me in. You have a lot of people waiting for you”.
Izuku inhales sharply. He makes an aborted motion to scoot closer before thinking better of it. Your attention strays to the nervous wringing of his battle worn hands. Endeared, you put your mug down and close the distance yourself. Pressed thigh to thigh, you envelop his tightly curled fists, bringing them into your lap. The shaky breath he takes is loud in the otherwise quiet room.
“Honestly I’m surprised you’re still working”.
He looks at you with an unsure, watery smile, sunlight caught in glassy eyes. His voice is thick as he asks, “What do you mean?”
You smile sadly and run your thumb over his knuckles. “You’ve been on patrol. I thought you might’ve locked yourself in your head because you needed a proper break—and who could blame you, really. But you’re working yourself thin even in your dreams”.
Izuku huffed a laugh, more breath than humour. “I love being a hero. It’s what I’ve always wanted,” he says, his voice tight. You sink into his side and feel his diaphragm stutter. “But it isn’t everything. It felt like I was suffocating and I needed something more. Something to come home to for a little while…”
His red-rimmed eyes quickly return to his lap when you meet them. “I still can’t believe you’re here. Your quirk really is incredible”.
You can feel the shame swatting at you like a summer-born heatwave, reminded of just how deeply you’ve invaded his privacy, and how easily you overstepped your bounds.
“I’m so sorry,” he continues, at the same time that you tell him, “I’m sorry, Izuku”.
“Please. Let me go first,” he murmurs like a question. You nod your assent. “I’m sorry I forced myself on you. I thought you were a part of my imagination, like the rest of this place. I should have realised you weren’t. I’m sorry,” he rambles on. “I wanted to be closer to you but I got carried away and I’m sorry”.
“You couldn’t have known. I should have told you it was me as soon as you walked in,” you firmly interject. Izuku doesn’t look any less stricken in your periphery, cheek sunken where he’s gnawing at the flesh. “And you didn’t force anything. I hardly pushed you away,” your brow wrinkles and you smile despite yourself. “I got a little lost in your head, too. Not my most professional moment I admit. But I wouldn’t want to leave either, if we were cuddled up in here all day”.
“Really?” Izuku blinks. Hope colours his cheeks. He clears his throat and shifts in place as he tries very hard to appear unaffected. “You don’t think it’s creepy—me picturing all this with you?”
You think of that young boy yoked with the burden of expectation and feel your heart crack. You can still taste his desires. They’re insipid, belying their age, as though they’d lingered long enough to stale. Izuku treasured his friends and fans', their love and loyalty; yet he felt guilty for allowing them to foster such a blind faith in his goodness. He was a man with faults like any other, capable of making mistakes, of inflicting harm. More than anything Izuku longed for someone to see the darker, uglier corners of his life, and make room for all of him. And you wanted to be the one to do it.
“I’ve imagined this with you. This and more,” bolstered by everything you’ve seen, the confession spills out with startling ease. Your eyes squint above the curve of your grin. “I like you too,” you coaxed his fist open as you spoke, mapping out the carved furrows, shallows and depths on his palm. “A lot”.
“Oh,” he exhales, slowly entangling your fingers.
You give an emphatic nod.
“How mad is Kacchan?”
“Pretty mad. But when is he not?” you laugh at his grimace. “I’ll be there as a buffer when you wake up. It’s my professional opinion that you need a few more days to recuperate and take me out for crêpes. So will you come home with me?”
There’s a gleam in his eyes—a combination of warmth and weight that tugs at your chest. His gaze flickers across your face, from your lips to your eyes in askance. You lean in and he kisses you again, sipping gently at your mouth, firm and slightly sticky with congealed blood. Strange. It feels so real. You suppose it is, in all the ways that matter.
“Okay,” he whispers after one last peck to your lips. You get to your feet as he stands and gestures nervously toward the genkan. “I, uh. I don’t really know how to get out of here so… lead the way?”
You laugh and take him by the hand. “Don’t worry. The way home is always a lot faster. It’s a little disorienting—watch your step,” you warn as he follows you through the front door. Rather than the lobby, or a stairwell, both bodies are swallowed up by darkness.
Spat out just as abruptly, your senses return to you piece by piece. Breathing through the vertigo you peel your eyes open to the rapid rise and fall of Izuku’s chest as he reorients himself. A crick in your neck, a knot in your spine. The clock reads 07:12. There are already nurses bustling around the hospital bed, likely alerted by the frantic heart monitor; that which does little to hide the way Izuku’s pulse stutters when you lift your head to get a look at him.
“I’m up,” he says, throat rough from disuse. There’s a shaky smile on his face. “I’m home”.
Your hands are still entwined, albeit a little sweaty. You smile, “Welcome home”.
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ilygetou · 11 months
heyy love ! can I request a villain izuku ! x female reader ! I would like to see reader being a spoiled “ daddy’s gurl “ n’ izuku is sent on a mission to kidnapp her n’ make her dad pay off the debt to him 👙 the drabble is nsfw of course ! also kinks can be : degrading, dumfriction, pet play n’ a bit of body worship ! ( you can write this request only if you’re comfortable with it / have motivation for it ! )
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Oh no! your father forgot to pay back some debt! :( & that resulted in having an infamous villain; izuku midoriya more known as “deku” to come and kidnap you and force you to stay at his hideout until your father pays back his debt. But! your father seems to be hiding somewhere to avoid paying back his debt, oh well! izuku has no choice but to send your father a little video tape that may convince him to come out and pay back his missing debt! <3
CW. dubcon, kidnapping, pet play, usage of pet names, orgasm denial, edging, kinda bimbo! reader, degrading (he’s v mean), overstimulation, face fucking (sorta?), non con recording, blackmailing, size kink, finger sucking, cum swallowing, facial, doggystyle, choking, hair pulling, pussy slapping (1), dacryphilia, dumbification, spitting, & creampie.
note. this took way too long i’m so sorry😭 i put my whole pussy into this, it’s like 4,500 words</3
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Getting sent into a mission to kidnap an innocent girl because of her father forgetting to pay back some debt? the villain could almost feel bad, poor you getting dragged into this huge mess just because of your careless father.
but izuku isn’t the type of person who would turn down a huge sum of money. At first, he didn’t want to do this mission but the person who assigned him the mission promised him a huge amount of money if he did the job correctly. And now that money was involved, he couldn’t say no, he could never say no to money.
izuku is pretty confident about his strength & skills so kidnapping you should be a piece of cake. His plan went on like this; 1. kidnap you 2. threaten your father by using you as a hostage 3. your father paying up the money he forgot to pay back 4. releasing you. 5. getting his paycheck.
pretty nice, easy plan if you ask izuku.
you were currently out, on your way back home. Izuku was hiding inside his van behind a huge sign covering his vehicle, you had a grin plastered on your face, lips plum n’ glossy as you were chewing a bubble gum, your shirt too tight and small — your breasts particularly spilling out the skimpy top, your skirt was short if you just try to bend over izuku is pretty sure anyone behind you would get a perfect view of your ass.
well this should be interesting for izuku. He thought he’d be dealing with a decent looking girl, not too pretty and not ugly either but probably wouldn’t pique the villains interest. but by the looks of it he will be dealing with a slutty one, a very gorgeous one if he may add.
izuku hopped off his van, watching from a distance how you made your way into a quieter area that was not so full with people, this would make the job easier for izuku.
izuku approached you, hands in his pockets with a fake-smile on his face. “hello, y/n if i may assume?” the green haired villain uttered in a sweet, soft voice. you immediately looked up at him with a small smile, “yes? do i know you?” izuku chuckled as he removed a hair strand from your face, “i’m one of your fathers good friends, been friends with your old man for a long time” izuku came with a half assed lie that you immediately believed.
you snorted out a laugh, “my father? you know him? but you look young to be friends with my father” izuku patted your head before bending down and whispering something in your ear, “let’s go talk in a more private area, yeah?” you squint your eyes in suspicion before nodding your head, the freckles covering the guy's face and his sweet smile along with his soft voice made you trust him so easily.
izuku smirked as you continued following behind him, the dumb smile you had on your face as you hummed a song not knowing what was about to happen to you as you kept following izuku to where he had his vehicle parked.
izuku stopped in his tracks, you raised a brow in confusion before eyeing the big white van in front of you — “is this your..what should I call it? erm.. car?” you snorted, a small laugh escaping you. You were obviously making fun of him, mocking him even. Izuku clicked his tongue, do you really think an infamous villain like him would be driving an old vehicle like this? Izuku let out a sigh before his fake smile returned back, “yes, it’s kinda in a bad shape though, got into so many accidents.”
you didn’t respond to midoriya and gave him your back as you started inspecting the vehicle, it was white & dirty, it also looked old. It’s definitely not something you’d never step your foot in. While you were taking your sweet time, midoriya took out a piece of cloth and without making any noises — he slowly creeped up from behind and placed it on your mouth.
Your eyes widened in shock, you tried to struggle but izuku was much bigger and stronger than you. You kept trying to get out of his grasp before you slowly began losing consciousness. “well, that wasn’t so hard,” midoriya chuckled to himself.
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You started regaining consciousness, your vision was a bit blurry, you saw a muscular figure approaching you and your eyes immediately widened. You immediately got reminded of everything that happened a few hours ago, you tried moving but found yourself unable to, your hands were chained against the wall but your legs were free, you tried speaking up only for your voice to be muffled from the duct tape covering your mouth.
“oh? you’re already up? took you long enough” the figure in front of you spoke and you immediately recognized it as the sweet man from earlier. Who also claimed to be one of “your father’s good friends.” You had a semi-confused look on your face, making midoriya look you up and down before slowly bending down to reach your face, “listen here sweetheart, your father forgot to pay back some debit that he was supposed to pay a long time ago but because of someone (you) your father had some hard timing paying it all back” izuku paused for a moment, scanning the look on your face.
“And, until your father pays all the money back, you’ll be held back here, don’t worry nothing will happen to you at least i haven’t been assigned to do anything to you, yet” your eyes were filled with terror, you had so much stuff to say but that stupid tape wasn’t giving you a chance to do so.
For the past two hours, you’ve been trying to break free from the chains — izuku was watching you from a distance do so, your breasts bouncing everytime you moved which made this worthwhile of midoriya’s time.
“careful there, if you move again you may accidentally flash me your tits” you felt your face heat up in embarrassment, your eyes slightly twitching in annoyance. Izuku’s attention went from you to his buzzing phone, he took out his phone and answered the call without looking at the caller id.
“yeah she’s here” “no, she won’t be going anywhere i chained her up” “mhm, i’ll see what i can do” “yeah, i’ll give you updates” “oh? anything? alright then.” you seemed to be confused by the villain’s nonchalantly responses, he then soon ended the call and his attention was all fixed on you.
“that was my ‘boss’, he called for updates on the situation... nevermind that though, he said i can do anything i want with you since your father seems to be hiding somewhere to escape paying back his debt, too bad for you.” your eyes widened in shock, your father was not in debt. you were sure of that.
your father was a nice, sweet, gentleman that everyone liked and trusted. He never loaned money from anyone, at least that’s what you thought. Your father spoiled you with expensive stuff all the time, bags, make-up, clothes, and a new car every year.
It was so obvious that your father loved you so, so much. So, why is he not telling the cops about this? Is he not concerned about you or your safety? You’ve been gone for almost half of the day.
Izuku has snapped you out of your thoughts when he suddenly removed the duct tape from your mouth, you started panting heavily, trying to catch your breath.
Once you did, you looked at izuku with narrowed eyes, “my father is not in debt! you’re lying!” izuku simply let out a scoff and rolled his eyes, “you don’t have to believe me, but we have to make a small video for your father, could you help me with that?” the villain took out a camera and shaked it around, you cocked your head in confusion.
“what kind of video?” and the villain smirked, “oh, you’ll see soon enough, just have to take those chains off, and don’t try running away, boss said i could hurt you if you misbehaved and you don’t want that, right?”
your brows furrowed before you hesitantly nodded your head, once midoriya took off your chains – you let out a sigh of relief, your arms were sore from being in the same position for so long. “What are we going – oh yeah! sir, you haven’t told me your name?” The green haired villain found it unusual that you’re talking to him with such a calm tone, as if you aren’t being held captive right now.
“My name isn’t that important” he replied, you frowned at his nonchalant reply, “but what am i supposed to call you? mr.green hair?” you whined, izuku bit his lips hard, trying to hold himself not to cuss at you right now. “It’s izuku” he finally said, “izuku? Oh! Are you that bad guy who goes by the name deku?” midoriya has no time to answer your questions, he ignores you – he has more important things to do, for example recording that stupid video for your father.
As izuku was setting up the camera and the stuff he needed to record the video you were bombarding him with questions, he couldn't believe that despite the situation you’re in you still remained calm — not only that but you also knew who he was. Usually once someone hears his name they would tremble in fear, some might even fall on their knees as they shake in fear.
You probably didn’t know about his heinous crimes, he wasn’t surprised – you don’t look like someone who would be interested in what’s happening around the world.
Once midoriya got everything done, he clicked his tongue, he turned to you only to find you already inspecting the stuff on the table he let out an annoyed sigh “i need you to sit on that chair” he pointed towards a metal chair that looked uncomfortable to sit on. The villain’s gaze was serious & you were pretty sure he was getting tired of you & your questions. Which was true, izuku wanted this to end quickly.
Once you were seated on the chair, izuku came up from behind you & held both of your wrists together & then tied them behind the chair. You slowly started to panic when he brought out a blindfold & placed it on your eyes — “what’re you doing..?” izuku could hear a hint of fear in your voice which made him smirk.
“don’t worry, i won’t hurt you,” he raised your chin to make you look at him even though you can’t actually see him because of the blindfold but you can sense him standing in front of you.
You heard the sound of the camera turning on, “it’s recording” the guy standing in front of you muttered, your breath hitched – nervous about what type of video you two were about to record.
“open up” you hesitantly opened your mouth, your figure shaking a bit for what’s awaiting you. Izuku places two of his long, slender fingers on your tongue. “Now suck on ’em” & you obey by wrapping your lips around his fingers, sucking on them like you’re sucking on lollipops.
This goes on for a quite a while—until the villain finally decides to take out his fingers which were now drenched with your saliva. He smeared your saliva on his clothes, in an attempt to remove the essence from his fingers. Without any further warning or instructions from the green-haired man, you were suddenly pulled into a kiss, a messy one.
You were taken aback from his sudden actions, his tongue was in your mouth, he was exploring every part of your mouth with his tongue until salvia started dripping down from both of your chins. That’s when he decided to pull out of the kiss. You were trying to catch your breath when you suddenly heard the sound of a belt being undone and getting thrown onto the floor—creating a loud thud that startled you.
Izuku had his cock out, it was slightly curving upwards with veins running along the underside, his slit dripping with pre-cum from you sucking on his fingers earlier, he held it with one hand—his other hand going to grab a pair of...cat ears? “here, ’m gonna have you wear those,” he places the cat ears on top of your head, positioning it to fit your head perfectly.
Izuku starts slowly stroking his dick, rubbing the tip with his big thumbs before going to grab another thing from on top of the table. A collar and a leash.
He tied the leash to the collar before he wrapped the collar around your neck, you were confused. You couldn’t see anything because of the blindfold blocking your vision so you didn’t know what izuku was up to.
Once the villain saw you with the leash & cat ears on, he immediately smirked & turned towards the camera “Now Mr. L/n, how do you like your daughter being treated like a damn animal?” you were even more confused, animal? huh? You were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts when you felt yourself being pulled—izuku pulled you by the leash & forced your face down to get closer to his throbbing cock.
Izuku has a massive grin on his face as he places the tip of his dick on your lips and starts smearing his pre-cum all over your lips before telling you to open up again. At first you were scared to listen until izuku repeated himself once more but this time, his voice came out raspy and aggressive making you obey him immediately.
Izuku shoved his cock into your mouth as soon as you gave him access to it, you felt the air getting knocked out of you. He was big & thick, your mouth was so full with his dick, midoriya suddenly thrust his hips, “suck” he orders & you start by sucking on his mushroom tip, giving his tip the attention it deserves.
You weren’t aware that the camera was now zoomed on you capturing how the infamous villain’s cock was fully stuffed in your mouth, izuku held the camera with both hands, zooming on your face—the blindfold covering your beautiful eyes, but your tears stains were visible on the black blindfold—he zoomed on your mouth, leaving some space to show how his cock was all the way in your little mouth, your lip gloss smudged all over your face as you struggled to take izuku’s cock fully.
You stretched your tongue to caress the underside of izuku’s dick, another futile attempt to try and take him full, you began hollowing your cheeks & bobbing your head up & down his cock. Salvia kept dripping from the side of your chin as you tried to satisfy the villain. Izuku groaned, a heavy sigh leaving him from his sensitive tip being engulfed by your warm throat.
Izuku holds the camera with one hand, his other hand now resting on his hair as he bites his lips so hard to hold back any sound from slipping—he only lets out a curse before cumming down your throat.
“Ah, what a slut, now why don’t you swallow & show the camera?” he focuses the camera on your face, waiting for you to swallow his warm fluids. You nervously gulped down his semen. “Open wide,” and you obliged, your mouth was wide open with your tongue slightly out to show deku that you listened & swallowed all his cum.
Izuku placed the camera back on the table, he went back behind you and untied the ropes that held your wrists together—the blindfold still on though. “get on all fours” he orders, you really didn’t comprehend what deku said, you were still trying to catch your breath. Izuku kissed his teeth, showing hints of annoyance. “I don’t like repeating myself,” izuku rolled his eyes before pulling you by the leash again, making you let out a yelp—he was pulling so hard you were basically choking.
You coughed a few times before doing as you were told, you got on all fours, slightly arching your back in a way that had your ass all out, your skirt rose up to your back—flashing the villain your white panties that hugged your pussy lips so well. Izuku smirked, bringing the camera and moving it closer to your ass, he brought two fingers, the same ones you sucked on—and started massaging your cunt from above your panties, moving his fingers at a slow, teasing pace.
As izuku continued doing so, he noticed a wet patch forming on your underwear. He pulled down the fabric, your glistening pussy all exposed for him now. You shivered once you felt his fingers running through your folds, “d-don’t” izuku scoffed, why were you giving izuku orders? Do you know who you’re speaking to right now? Without any reply or further movements from izuku you thought he listened & decided to stop. Only for you to suddenly gasp and wince in pain once you felt a harsh slap land on your pussy, causing your body to wobble and for you to let out a sob.
“don’t ever try telling me what to & what not to do, nor try defying my orders, do you even understand who’s standing in front of you right now?” you quickly nodded your head, low sobs leaving as you continually nodded your head—izuku let out a frustrated sigh, if only you weren’t this arrogant & just stayed quietly and did as izuku told you. That would’ve made the job way easier for the villain.
Izuku slowly started stroking his dick, his other free hands roaming and touching your ass, his fingers getting in between your folds n’ spreading them, revealing your tight hole to him. He fastened his movements, he quickly gripped your hair—forcing you to face him, your face so close to his twitching cock before ropes of his thick cum completely covered your face. You tensed up at the new feeling, his cum so hot it slightly burns your face, the blindfold also getting stained.
Izuku made sure to capture that on video, a wide grin spread across his face. “you look better like this” izuku pushed you down, pressing your upper body to the floor while your ass was high up in the air, two of his fingers were teasing your little cunt—you whined in frustration.
Having the blindfold blocking your view, a collar around your neck that was kinda small you felt like it was slowly choking you, and having izuku tease you in any way he wanted was all too frustrating, you couldn’t take it.
Izuku pushed two fingers, your walls immediately clamping and fluttering around his fingers, izuku chuckled—were you enjoying this? “c’mon kitten, are you serious?” he said in a teasing tone that had you filled up with embarrassment, “i’m not! What are y-you sa—!” izuku started thrusting his fingers in n’ out of your gooey cunt, cutting you off.
He moved the camera to the view of his skilled fingers going in n’ out of your pussy, capturing how slick kept dripping and coating his fingers and the way his fingers kept thrusting at a rapid speed that had your body start to slightly shake.
You tried your hardest to hold in your moans, to prove that you’re not enjoying this, that you didn’t like it at all. But your body failed you, coherent moans falling from your mouth with every thrust of his fingers, making izuku snicker.
Your moans turned into whimpers when izuku withdrew his fingers from your pussy, you were so close to your release—you let out a sob and a whimper of the villain’s name.
Not giving you any mind, izuku rubbed the tip against your clit, he kept repeating the same motion until your clit became all swollen n’ puffy—izuku slowly aligned his cock with your entrance, with a rough thrust of his hips, he was already fully inside you.
“n-no..can’t take it! please pull out!” you plead, izuku was stretching you wide open with his sheer size, tears started forming on the corner of your eyes, your mouth hang ajar, “big…i can’t” you kept babbling and all could izuku do was smirk, your pleadings and babbling only boosted his ego—giving you an experimental thrust just for you to let out a sob.
After a while of slow, sloppy thrusts you slightly got used to his size. Low, muffled whimpers leaving you with every thrust.
His dick was massaging your insides, with every slam of izuku’s hips, lewd sounds fell from your mouth, izuku picked up his pace, placing one of his hands on your hips to pull you closer—his other hand busy holding the camera.
He pounded into you from behind low grunts & moans leaving him, his dick hitting your sweet spot with every rough thrust of his hips—your walls clamping & fluttering around his cock. “Ah—shit, knew you liked that—fucking slut” he grunts, his pace remaining steady and rough.
“what’d you think your father will do once he watches this video?” his hands traveling to play with your clit, your breath hitched, your tongue lolled out—unable to answer the villain’s question. “Well, it’s not like i care about what he’ll do—it’s not my problem.”
Your blindfold got loose completely falling off, you were met with the wall in front of you. Your vision getting blurry from the tears that were about to form. You couldn’t see what kind of face or expression izuku has as he was fucking you from behind. You could only hear his low groans and moans.
Izuku pulled your hair, you threw your head backwards as you met izuku’s gaze, he placed his hands on your chin and forced open your mouth. Staring from above you was a mischievous looking izuku, you were lost in thought, your eyes glued to the green haired man’s eyes while your mind was all fuzzy from the feeling of izuku’s cock messing your insides.
Suddenly, you felt a glob of warm spit surfing on your tongue. And that’s when it hit you, izuku spat on your tongue, your eyes widened—as if you were just brought back to reality. “Come on, swallow” he grunts, impatient. And the way he stared at you with daunting eyes sent a shiver down your spine, his grip on you was strong, his eyes settled on your face and you hesitantly swallowed down his spit, your face scrunched up in disgust. Izuku grinned before resuming to his brutal pace, knocking the air out of you.
His tip kept hitting your cervix, earning filthy, lewd sounds from you. Your face was all messed up, your makeup melted, your cheeks were stained with tears from earlier, and your mouth hung open—drool dripping with every thrust of his hips. You couldn’t take it—you really couldn’t, his cock kept hitting your deepest spots which made you lose your mind, your body went limp, as you felt your orgasm getting closer and closer.
Izuku was getting closer too, the way his cock twitched inside you every time your walls hugged his dick was getting him closer and closer. Izuku pulled your lesh, a choked moan left you—whining as he kept pulling it until you could barely breathe. His cock pulsates by the warmth of your little cunt. “Ah fuck, i know i said i wanted this to end quickly but holy shit kitten, didn’t know you would feel this good.”
Your cat ears that were placed on your head slightly falling off with every jolt of the villain’s hips. He threw his head back, his dick spasmed before filling up your pussy with white globs of cum. Izuku paused for a moment to catch his breath, Afterwards izuku turned off the camera and placed it anywhere besides him. He then pulled your head backwards to inspect your expression.
You had the same fucked out expression as earlier, the only difference was that you were trying to catch your breath as well—small puffs leaving you, your face was hot but, you still didn’t reach orgasm. Which left you unsatisfied.
Your body was already overstimulated and you knew that you couldn’t take any more but the aching feeling between your legs and the knot in your stomach made you crave for more. “i-izuku…i need more, please! still didn’t cum yet..” you whisper, hoping the villain heard you.
Izuku laughed, instead of getting a “alright” you received a laugh fit from the villain. “Did i fuck you too dumb that you forgot who you’re talking to?” izuku pulled you off his cock, his cum leaking from your small hole and staining the floor beneath you, “did you forget that you’re kidnapped? And is used as a hostage? I’m doing this for the money, I have no obligations to fulfill your needs.” he threw at you, and you felt your eyes swell up with tears.
You were not used to this kind of treatment. No, you were used to getting everything you want and need, no one has ever said the word “no” to you, so hearing it—no, hearing it in a rather aggressive manner made you cry, your cheeks already stained with tears.
Izuku clicked his tongue, he tried to ignore your cries and tug his cock into his pants but your crying and whining made his cock twitch back into life. A loud annoyed sigh left him, “if you want to cum this badly, then you could suck me off while also playing with your little pussy, how does that sound?”
You went quiet for a moment, it still doesn’t sound so fulfilling, since you’re still going to work for your orgasm yourself. But maybe having the villain’s cock in your mouth would make you finish faster?
While you took your sweet time thinking, izuku was going through your sex tape with him. And suddenly, his phone buzzed, a text message notification from his ‘boss’—the guy who assigned him this mission. Izuku read it and his eyes twitched, his expression falling into a not so pleasant one.
Before you could give izuku your answer he spoke up; “seems like your father has already paid up, so this thing–” he waved the camera that had a view of your back getting blowed by him before speaking up again; “this things is useless now, really wanted to sent it to your dad though” he grumbles, in disappointment.
“At least my mission is now done, you could go back to being ‘daddy’s spoiled brat’” you pouted, eyebrows knitted together, “But what about—” izuku caught you off, “Yeah I know, you think i’m about to get blue balled as well?” he shrugs before pulling down his pants.
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moominsuki · 1 year
✎ᝰ. REMEMBER THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU WERE LAUGHING, AND NAKED ON MY COUCH ; — silly sex tropes with the boku no hero academia boys.
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FEATURING: bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shoto + kirishima eijirou.
࿄ ! warnings — f!reader, all characters aged up 20+, suggestive, sex talk but silly all around, crack lowkey. / note. this was fun to write. pls take this as a bit of filler while i finish up my super mega bkg fic. loves ya!
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it was a rare occasion for bakugou to actually want to show up to a hero gala - when you usually caught wind of any formal event, your blond haired man would vehemently oppose going, opting to stay at home and order some food instead. you couldn’t place what spurned bakugou’s sudden interest in attending the annual convention but as you get into your car, all dressed up and ready to go, you understand why.
“come on, they’re not gonna care if we’re a few minutes late,” pleads bakugou when you arrive at your seats, pressing displaced kisses on your done up face and swat him away slightly.
you whine at him to behave, grabbing at the hand groping at your thighs, your breasts, anywhere he can put his big hands on and you always resort to placing his hands back into the culprit’s lap.
unfortunately for you, bakugou knows how easily turned to mush you are by sweet nothings and fondling because it only takes you 8 minutes for you to cave in, inconspicuously meeting your husband at the rendezvous point. it then takes another 5 for bakugou to have your chest pressed against the mirror, lifting up your gown to touch at your most intimate parts.
“tell me how badly you want it,” he grunts, pulling down his own slacks while you grind your ass and whimper at him.
“be a good girl and take it,” bakugou breathes out gruffly, desire running through his voice and he’s just about to dip inside you-
“i’ve been holding my damn piss in all day - what the fuck? bakugou?!” yells out kaminari and bakugou practically launches himself at the cubicle door to throw the yellow blond out while you’re scrambling to cover up your indecency.
with kaminari sporting a fresh bruise on his jaw as a shameful reminder, you and bakugou vow to never get down and dirty in public spaces. bakugou still adamantly swears to this day that the door was locked.
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you roll your eyes when you hear another pitiful groan come out of izuku, who’s sprawled out on the couch with a bandaged leg propped up on multiple pillows. he has been out of action with a broken leg for a few weeks now due to an unprecedented villain attack at the agency. it’s rendered him useless, and quite frankly bored and horny out of his mind.
that being said, you outright refuse to have sex with izuku now that he has a broken leg but it hasn’t stopped him from pleading with his big green eyes, pink lips pouting as he guilt trips you from across the house.
“please, y/n, you can just sit on it. i won’t even move a bit. you look so pretty, baby,” izuku whines as you rub lotion into his hands and arms. and what kind of girlfriend would you be to deny him in his time of recovery.
it’s rushed the way that you’re both still half clothed; already grinding on his cock and you’re doing everything in your power to make sure you don’t rest even a little bit of weight on his leg. izuku has never been good at preventing the buck of hips when you clench down on him and today is no different.
he starts subconsciously rutting into you - as he does when his orgasm starts to creep up on him - and one tight clench of your walls forces his lower body to jolt and practically throw you on to his right leg… i.e. the leg that is currently out of action.
a howl of pain emits from your boyfriend and you frantically run to your phone to call the physiotherapist, butt jiggling on the way and izuku doesn’t know what hurts more: his leg or the blue balled dick.
the next time you have sex isn’t until the cast finally comes off and no matter how many puppy dog eyes the man lays on you, you stay resolute on the decision. you even so kindly send him some nudes so he finds solace in his left hand instead of you.
izuku vows to never get another injury again; though his incentives might be slightly skewed.
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it is never a smart idea to have sex in your partner’s childhood home. it’s one thing to fuck in their bedroom; but it’s a whole other bridge to cross when it’s in their parents’ bedroom.
that being said, todoroki hates needlessly having to go to his childhood home. however, fuyumi is out of town for work; being that none of his siblings except for him could house sit and that shoto has a soft spot for his older sister, he decided to just suck it up.
luckily for him, you offer to keep him company for the next few days at his childhood home and shoto would never pass up an offer for the chance to be alone with you - considering both your inflexible work schedules and the fact that you both have roommates, shoto knew this would be a once in an annual experience.
so it was inevitable, really, that shoto would come home from a long day of patrolling and to see you donned in sexy, red lingerie, strolling up to him with your manicured hands placed delicately on his chest. and, being the succubus that you are, you both decided to do the deed in the nicest bedroom in todoroki estate: his father’s bedroom.
with every flex of his hips, shoto has you and the bed nearly folded into one being - you're moaning, begging for him to go faster as you grapple pathetically onto his shoulders while he grunts, grabbing the headboard to speed up his movements.
“that's it, pretty girl, just like that,” shoto groans, lifting your thigh to place it on his shoulder and this new position means that you feel it so much more; but it also means that the legs of the bed start scraping on the hardwood floor... and has the headboard always been so creaky?
you get your answer when a snap! releases above your head and you're about to look up when the middle of the bed caves in with a pitiful oomphh. at this point, the duochrome haired man is still snug inside you and he quickly wraps a hand behind your head to cushion the fall. the silence is ridiculously loud until you both look at each other and burst out laughing.
“my dad is going to kill me,” shoto sighs into your neck and you comfort him with a few soft touches to the nape of his head.
naturally, the pair of you continue your romp in other places of the todoroki home and by the time fuyumi comes back, she's met with a raging enji todoroki holding a sketchy, sprawled out note of:
“sorry >:] - shoto.”
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kirishima regards himself as someone with high restraint and while that does dwindle when he's around you, he's still able to control himself, despite the lust-filled glances and borderline sexual touches you throw at him.
today is not one of those times.
he’s already very pent up, extremely touch starved from this three week long mission away from you. yeah, they bagged the villain, as to he expected. but at what cost? he’s found company in two pillows and pictures of you in the meantime but they do little to quell his thirst for you.
it’s around 5am when you pick him up from the airport and even though you’re both tired as hell - kirishima being jet lagged and you not being used to waking up at these ungodly hours, - the way you touch him is not that of an exhausted woman. and given the days, weeks he’s had, who was he to deny you?
throwing his suitcases haphazardly in the trunk of his your car, nary a word is said as he throws you on to his lap in the backseat, touching and fondling every bit of you to relieve himself. the red head is rockhard in mere minutes (no pun intended) and the two of you don’t even bother to partake in foreplay, both pent up from the time apart.
kirishima grunts into your neck, the back of your thighs sat in his wide palms as he hammers into you, “missed this pussy so damn m-much, fuck.” it’s desperate and the windows start fogging as an effect of the rushed ministrations but you can’t find it in yourselves to care much.
kirishima lets go of one of your thighs to hoist it around his hips, opting to place a palm on the window and unknowingly leaving a incriminating handprint.
it was just his luck that the paparazzi caught wind of the heroes that would be leaving this airport, camping outside of the building all morning. it was just their luck that they recognised red riot’s car sat idol in the parking lot. with their cameras set to burst multiple frames a second, they make a beeline to the car… and upon further inspection, they notice the car shaking slightly, as if there were somebody inside.
it’s a shame that all the paps didn’t exactly get the memo of what was going on, with a bright faced obvious newbie giddily taking a photo, flash and sound click on at full blast.
the shaking stops and muffled shuffling ensues. the group of shutterbugs are mortified to see a ragged kirishima exit the car, brows furrowed and lips pursed.
the paps didn’t really lose much out of this equation, though: who even needs those photos when a hefty check was on offer instead?
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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gglitch1dd · 1 year
Good Afternoon
Alpha Izuku Midoriya x Omega Reader
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Izuku hates father's day, but with the birth of his new son, he can't help but find beauty in the day too.
AN: Sorry to post this so late onto here. It was first on AO3 but I was way too tired to put it on here.
Warning: Children, SMUT, NSFW, Lactation Kink, mentions of post partum body, OMEGAVERSE, Domestic fluff, sorta quickie, BREEDING, mxf, AFAB READER ?but gender neutral pronouns)
“ProHero Deku!”
Midoriya wiped the sweat off his eyebrows as he took a breath, closing his eyes for just a second. He had just defeated a rater large and powerful villain that had needed his attention. Midoriya was tired but at least he got the fight over and done with. To be honest, he got most of the cases and emergencies today over and done with pretty quickly. Today the green haired Alpha was in no mood to deal with any villains, thieves, arsonists or emergencies of any kind. To be fair, his mind wasn’t on work today. Nor was it for the past two weeks. The Alpha was in no mood to be out of his own home actually, not with the condition you were in. It would be any day now that his Omega, his beloved partner and rock, would give birth to his pup.
A son.
His first born son, son of the Number One hero of Japan. It was almost ridiculous how many people were so excited and happy at the news. Almost a picture perfect image for Midoriya and he couldn’t help but agree. He was the Alpha with everything. He had the money, the career, the loving Omega and soon he would have the pup. It was perfect. Midoriya felt as if everything was perfect. The only reason Midoriya wasn’t with you right now was because he wanted to soak up every second of leave time that he could have with you the moment his son was born. Of course, there was a lot of anxiety being first time parents, but that was swept away by you. Truly, today he was just upset over one thing and one thing in particular.
“ProHero Deku!”
The green haired Alpha turned his attention to the press down below on the sidewalk. Midoriya floated down to them from where he was, landing on the blocked off road with a heavy thump. The large Alpha ran a hand through his hair luscious green locks as his cape bellowed behind him. He put on his camera winning smile and immediately the cameras went flashing.
“Another great day, Deku especially for this years Father’s Day.” The reporter stated, as they all started to crowd him with mics. Midoriya’s face faltered.
Father’s day.
That’s what he was upset about. It was what had him on edge all day.
Midoriya hated father’s day. He hated it ever since he was but a pup himself. He hated it ever since he couldn’t spend a single one that he remembered with his own father. His own sire who he’d rather not think about for a second let alone have a day surrounding it. Midoriya didn’t understand why he, a man that could never have a day with his father, be forced to be happy and join in the celebrations of such a day that he found meaningless.
His father tried to kill him when they reunited again.
People should understand why he isn’t exactly, jumping for joy for this one day of the year.
“It’s just another day being a hero.” Midoriya answered with a smile, sharp canines on hid display as he answered the reporter with a shrug. “Gotta keep the city safe regardless, especially with a special day like today.”
Another reporter moved forward to ask a question. “Deku, any plans for this father’s day?”
Midoriya chuckled shaking his head. “Unfortunately not, although I did send AllMight on a cruise for the special occasion, so I would like to think he’s having a fantastic time.”
“How far are you and Dynamight with the Jojo case?”
The green haired Alpha was relieved to hear a question that wasn’t about this stupid day. “It’s up to the courts now. Dynamight and I have done our parts and will continue to monitor the case but we trust in the judicial system and are being kept informed as we speak.”
“Deku!” Midoriya turned around as one of his sidekicks came running, a phone in hand as they ran to him. Midoriya took a step back from the reporters, his eyebrows furrowed in worry at the look on their face. The sidekick stopped just in front of him. “It’s your Omega, sir.” Immediately Midoriya took a step forward, fear instantly going through him. “They’re in labour, sir.” He notified the Number One hero.
Immediately, it was as if a bucket of cold water washed over him. He froze as everything around him went silent all at once. Midoriya was stuck frozen for a second. “What?” His side kick nodded his head as he passed the phone over to him. Midoriya looked down at the phone, still shocked at everything happening around him. He couldn’t even hear the screaming reporters that wanted a scope on the number one hero’s Omega about to give birth. he put the phone to his ear as he turned around walking away from everyone, leaving his sidekicks to deal with the press. “Hello?”
“Izuku.” It was Kirishima, his voice having a slight tone of urgency as he spoke over the phone.
Midoriya swallowed down hard. “Head Alpha.” He spoke.
“YN. Apparently they’ve been in labour since this morning but the femmes only told us now that the pup should be born any minute now.”
Midoriya stilled, he closed his eyes knowing that it was so like you to keep things under wrapped until the last second especially when you didn’t want people to worry. “I’ll be there in a second.” He answered. He put down the phone. With his demeanour changed to one of determination, Midoriya handed the phone to his side kick. “I’m on leave.” He told them all simply, before pushing off the ground in a loud bang of sound, flying off.
Midoriya couldn’t care about anything else as his heartbeat loudly in his chest. Maybe that was one of the reasons his heart was beating out of his chest. Maybe that was why he felt so uneasy today. You, his loving Omega were fighting so hard to bring his pup in the world and here he was running around the city playing hero. Midoriya wanted to slap himself in the face for not picking up on it sooner.
It didn’t take longer than two minutes before he landed with a loud thump on the road outside his house in the pack estate.
He looked up at the door to see Bakugou was leaning against the doorway, with an expectant look. “You sure took your time.” He spoke with a frown.
Midoriya quickly made a jog towards the blond Alpha to his front door. “Where are they?” he asked, only focused on you and nothing more. He pushed past the blond inside his doorway, just barely kicking off his shoes before marching to the staircase.
“Whoa! Easy there, Izuku.” Shinso stopped him as he just barely wrapped his binding cloth around the green haired Alpha, stopping him in his tracks. The mascs were downstairs with him with most of the femmes upstairs helping you with the birth.
Midoriya shook his head as he tried to escape Shinso’s hold and head upstairs. “I have to get to them.” He spoke eagerly.
“Not like that, you aren’t.” Bakugou shot back with a frown. Immediately Kirishima, Bakugou and Shinso started dragging Midoriya over to his downstairs bathroom. “You just came off the streets and you want to walk into your Omega’s nesting room, let alone where they are having your pup? You must be more stupid than I thought.” Bakugou shook his head as they shoved him inside the bathroom. Shoto brought him a change of clothes they had waiting for him, putting it on the counter.
“But I-”
Kirishima smiled as he moved to close the door. “The quicker you get yourself cleaned up and presentable, the quicker you can go to them.” He informed him before closing the door.
Midoriya was tired of this antics, just wanting to be with you but he knew they were right. He needed to be clean and he also needed to get his head in order. Midoriya took in a breath before quickly moving to slip off his hero uniform. He scrubbed his arms and face so hard he was sure he was turning pink. He didn’t want even a hint of a risk on infecting you or the pup. Once that was done, he made hasty work of changing into sweatpants and slipping into slippers before harshly throwing open his door. He ran out of the bathroom and nearly slid onto the floor trying to get to the staircase.
“They ain’t going anywhere, Izuku!” Sato said amusedly as the rest of the mascs watched the green haired alpha try not to break down his house trying to get to you.
Bakugou scoffed, folding his arms over his chest as he watched amusedly. “I don’t think he knows that.”
Midoriya made it to the top of the stairs. He quickly made his way to your nesting room. His heart was beating out of his chest as he felt it sitting in his throat. He took in a deep breath. He had to be stronger than his. He had faced so many dangers, villains and even death himself and yet he had never felt more scared than he was now. He knocked on the door, not entirely sure what else to do.
He heard some shuffling but not even a second later the door opened. Looking up at him was Momo who looked surprised but then she smiled dearly at him. She chuckled. “We were just about to call you, Izuku.” She told him as she stepped to the side. She turned to look into her room. Her sleeves were pushed up her arms as she stood with a content smile on her face. “YN, guess who’s here?”
You turned your head, looking at your green haired Alpha tiredly as you lay in your nest. You had a bundle in your arms as you looked to him. You let out an amused chuckle at the look of bewilderment on Midoriya’s face. “Come in, Izuku. He doesn’t bite.” You teased him as you looked down at the small pup in your arms. “At least not yet anyways.”
Midoriya took a hesitant step forward, every step seemingly harder than the last. The room smelt of happy scents that crowded around him. Melissa was watching your vitals, making sure you were okay at all times while the rest of the femmes were either cooing at the new baby or rushing around getting the room cleaned. Midoriya approached you near the bed where your nest was, he moved to your side.
He let out a shaky breath, moving his forehead against yours. “Y/N.” He closed his eyes as he caressed the side of your face lovingly. A rumble came out of his chest knowing that you were alright and with him.
You smiled at the Alpha’s affection. You moved your nose to nudge his as you purred up at him lovingly. “Izuku…”
“I’m so sorry I missed it.” He apologised quietly, squeezing his eyes shut as he tilted his head. “Are you okay? Are you alright? It was so stupid I-”
You shushed him sweetly before he went off on a tangent. You saw him squeeze his eyes some more almost in pain but then he eased up, his green jade eyes fluttering open to you gently. Nothing but a soft look on his face. You smiled at the sight of your loving Alpha. “It doesn’t matter.” You told him. “And besides, you are just in time to meet your son.” You told him gently turning your attention down to your arms at the little whimpering baby in your arms. “Come on Toshi, lets say good afternoon to your dad.”
Midoriya was hesitant but he looked down. Immediately he felt his world stop as everything around you seemed to fade away and it was just him sitting next to you and your son in your arms. You gently handed the baby over to him. Midoriya was fearful at first, not knowing what to do, but he automatically held the small newborn like he was taught to in those parental classes that the both of you went to.
The little boy was exactly like his father. A full set of curly green hair that was unmistakably and irreplaceably a Midoriya family trait. His chubby cheeks had tiny little freckles that were so faint, he wasn’t even sure that they were there and had the softest skin on earth. He let out a sound akin to a kitten almost with an upset look. Strong green eyes that looked up at his sire almost confused and a bit scared himself. He was just as timid as Midoriya was when he was younger.
Midoriya let out a gentle scoff but smiled. “Hey there…” He whispered down to the little boy. “Hi… I… I’m your dad.” He whispered with a gentle smile, moving to position the little baby against his chest.
You watched with a genuine smile as your Alpha put his son against his chest. The little boy let out a small whine before settling against his father with a gentle coo, closing his eyes once more. Midoriya lowered his head as he bit back a sob. His large hands holding the small pup almost scared that he would lose him. Midoriya had rivers flowing out of his eyes the moment he first laid eyes on the pup but he didn’t notice it until now.
He turned to you, his pupils huge with adoration as he reached down closer to you. You felt your own tears at your eyes. He was crying, and he felt horrible for crying like a baby but he couldn’t help it. “Thank you.” He whispered with such utter gratitude in every syllable.
You opened your eyes looking up at him. “Happy Father’s Day, Izuku.”
You smiled as you leaned against the doorway looking at Midoriya who was looking down at his son with such love in your eyes, it made your heart swell. It had already been two months since you had Toshinori and life had been nothing but filled with love. Of course, as first time parents you rarely slept as is and you often found yourselves rarely showering in a two day cycle, quite literally forgetting with Toshinori around. However, Midoriya soaked up every minute of it. The large green haired Alpha loved being at home with you and his new son.
Everytime it was mentioned he started to get tears in his eyes. He promised himself he would stop crying but there hasn’t been a day since Toshinori was born that he hadn’t cried himself into a sobbing mess at how amazing your son was for two months old already, at how cute he was, at how amazing you are for bringing him another star to add to his solar system, then he would start crying some more at how much he felt he didn’t deserve this. Although parenthood and being an active hero were two very demanding things, Midoriya could safely say he would drop everything to be here with the two of you.
You walked over to your Alpha, being careful not to be too loud as you didn’t want to wake up Toshinori from his afternoon nap. You wrapped your arms around him, his warm body underneath your hold comforted you immensely. You looked up at him, although a slightly tired look on his face, he looked so content. You chuckled softly, placing a kiss to his shoulder. “We’re going to miss you, you know.” You spoke softly.
Midoriya moved his arm to encase you in his hold, bringing you closer to him, a content rumble going through his chest as he turned to look down at you. He let out a heavy breath as he wrapped you in his arms and placed a kiss to your forehead. “I kind of don’t want to go back.” He admitted. You giggled making him smile gently at the sound he found angelic. “Is that bad?”
You shook your head. “No… it’s not.” You reassured him as you gave him a pointed look. “I… I want to be selfish and say not to.”
He let out a low groan as he wrapped his arms around you tighter, burying his head in the crook of your neck. He took a breath of your scent that he always found addicitive. It had turned sweeter and milkier since your pregnancy and hadn’t stopped since you were pumping milk for Toshinori. He was addicted to the smell of you, the taste of you, the feel of you, but he had restrained himself not wanting to come on to you until you were ready. “Don’t say that.” He whined making you chuckle at the large oversized baby you had in your arms now. “I want to stay.”
“Yah, but…” You swallowed down hard as you rubbed his back soothingly. “Japan needs its Number One hero.” You remind him. “The people need you.”
“The people have Kacchan.” You let out a soft chuckle at his deflection. He moved to kiss over your mating mark making you gasp for a second as your hold on him grew possessive. “I… I feel like I haven’t had enough time to appreciate you yet.” He whispered against your neck.
Your hands moved down the muscles of his back. So defined and expansive that everyone time you saw his back was enough to get you in the mood. He was too gorgeous for your own health. You didn’t know how you were so lucky as to end up with the number one hero of your country, to end up with the ProHero who was on billboards, magazines, talkshows. His smile alone could capture the hearts of every Omega in Japan and yet he always aimed it at you, for you, with you in mind.
It was a bit intimidating to be honest.
But you couldn’t think of that right now. All you could think of was the fact that your Alpha hadn’t touched you in months and you had been craving his skin for so long. You tightened your hold on him as you moved to take a breath of his scent. The scent of a new book, sweet ink and almost of the forest when it rained. It was so uniquely him. It was perfect.
“I miss you.” You whispered against his neck. You gasped as you moved closer to him. “I want you.” You whispered in need.
Midoriya raised his head, closing his eyes, not wanting to rush into something. “Honey-”
“Izuku, I need you.” You brought your hands behind his neck, looking up at him. “My body aches for you. Please, I’m ready. It’s okay.”
Midoriya hesitated but when he looked down at you, the way you looked as if you were so ready and waiting for him with open arms, he couldn’t say no. Especially with your gown open and he was able to see your chest without hinderance. He let out a soft groan before reaching down and cupping the back of your head and kissing you ferociously. You let out a purr from your chest at the feeling of him and in return he sent a rumble back.
Midoriya felt his mind go numb just at the feeling of you. Life was perfect for him right now and he wouldn’t change a thing. You felt his need for you grow tremendously as he moved his hands to undo your gown and feel the bare skin underneath. He chuckled into the kiss, finding that you were already planning for this. His rough hands moved to caress up your body, grabbing at your breasts. A whine was pulled out of you as he did so, the pain moving into pleasure as he rubbed his thumb over your nipples, small beads of white wetting his fingers.
You separated for air but Midoriya found you insatiable, his mouth moving to land on your scent gland. You let out a whine at the feeling of his warm mouth on your mating mark. The rush that went down your back making you want to crumble to your knees. Midoriya seemed only more determined the moment he heard the noise that left your mouth. He was desperate for your pleasure and your sounds. You moved your hand to tug on his curls making him release a low groan.
“Izuku,” You let out breathlessly. “We… we can’t…”You bit back a groan as his mouth kissed down to your nipples, aching and waiting for his attention. Eagerly he took one into his mouth sucking and lapping at the sensitive bud that was leaking already. You had to bite back a loud moan, being barely conscious of the sleeping infant not even a meter away. “Izuku. Toshinori.” You pointed out.
Midoriya picked you up easily, sweeping you into his arms effortlessly as he quickly made his way out of Toshinori’s room. He sped down to the master bedroom, quickly racing into the bedroom. The moment he had kicked open the door and closed it behind the two of you, you were trapped with no way but through him. The baby monitor was luckily already on so with nothing else stopping or hindering the Alpha, Midoriya lay you down on the bed, moving back to sucking the sweet milk that came from your breasts.
You gasped as you arched your back at the pleasure. You dug your hands through his curly green hair pushing him closer to you, needing more pressure from him. You whined in need as your face twisted in pleasure. Midoriya’s large hands travelled up your body, grabbing at your free nipple, twisting it in his fingers making you gasp.
The large Alpha on top of you couldn’t help but smirk as he looked at you, his green devious eyes finding pleasure in what he was causing to you.
“Izuku…” You moaned out into the air. “Alpha Please.” You begged as you tried to squeeze your thighs together but with his body in the way, you found no such relief even in that action.
You hissed as he moved to the next nipple, giving it the same attention as the other. Only this time, one of his hands travelled lower, opening your robe and pulling it off you to reach your wet sex. His fingers rubbed circles on your sensitive clit and immediately you tensed as you dug your nails into his back. You let out a keen at the pleasure, so relieved to finally have him touching you there again after so long. You felt so sensitive it was almost embarrassing at how much slick your body was producing due to the Alpha’s antics.
Midoriya let out a low chuckle as he let go of your breast with a pop. He grinned down at you, finding you insatiable. A low growl coming out of his chest as he looked down at you. “You’re so sensitive my love. You’ve been missing me so much? Hm?” He asked you as his calloused fingers moved up and down your slick, playing with your clit in the process. You nodded your head with a whimper. “Come on, love. You know how I like my Omega to answer me.” He moved his free hand up to your neck, not squeezing but keeping his hand there leisurely. “Answer properly.”
You nodded your head. “Yes, Alpha. I’ve missed you! I miss you so much! I need you inside me.”
A loud rumble came out of his chest at your words, finding approval in them. His sharp canines glinted down at you in the afternoon light as he towered of you. “That’s my good Omega.” He praised. “How can I say no to that?”
Easily tearing your robe off of you, Midoriya made quick work of ditching his sweatpants. You bit your lip as you whimpered at the sight of his cock, already leaking pre. You flicked your eyes up to him, his eyes stuck on your body as if it was the most desirable thing in the world. You had a lot of insecurities because of your pregnancy, but Izuku seemed to just destroy every single one of them with his endless love for you. Even know you felt it hard to believe he was looking down at you with such hunger.
Easily the green haired Alpha caged you underneath him, moving to wrap your legs around his torso, positioning himself perfectly at your entrance. He looked deep into your eyes. “Look at me, beautiful.” He whispered. “No where else. Just me.”
You nodded your head but before you could give him a verbal answer, you felt the head of his cock pushing inside you. You hissed, your eyes fluttering to close at the feeling of his cock back inside you. It was almost as if you had the missing piece of your puzzle fitted inside you. Midoriya found it hard to focus on you underneath him when he felt as if he might just burst a knot at the feeling of you right now.
He groaned as he closed his eyes for a second. “You feel so fucking good. Fuck, I miss this pussy.” He let out with a low growl as his hand gripped your thigh harshly. You had your arms wrapped around him as you both took a moment to catch your breaths at the sensitivity of it all. You relaxed for a moment, revelling in the beautiful feeling of being one with your Alpha again. “My love…” Midoriya moved his lips to your ears. “May I?”
You nodded your head, kissing his jaw. “Yes.”
Slowly but leisurely, he pulled back, leaving in just the tip before pushing back inside you. You both let out a moan at the delicious feeling of sex again. Slowly but yet almost passionately you both found a rhythm together. A sort of push and pull motion between the two of you. Your arms wrapped around him as he kissed you deeply, his kisses moving all over your face and focusing on your lips as he thrusted inside you.
Midoriya was sure that he had died and gone to heaven to have this moment with you. To feel your hot wet sex wrapped around his cock and to have you underneath him like a fallen angel. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good. You’re everything to me. I love you so fucking much.” He praised you, his hands holding you as if you were a diamond in his hands.
“Izuku! Alpha, harder! Harder please!” You begged as you tightened your arms around you.
He couldn’t help but smirk and abide by your wishes. With a sharp thrust you found yourself crying out at the pain and the pleasure. Midoriya roughly fucked into you, telling himself that he was just doing what you asked him to do and not doing it because he wanted to absolutely destroy you underneath him. He wanted to see you crumble on his cock. Making a drooling, dripping mess.
You felt that coil inside you twist and tighten, your sensitivity fueling your pleasure for him. You whimpered. “I… I’m going to…” Your eyes rolled back as you felt yourself tighten around his cock as slick gushed out of you. Midoriya’s hips stuttered at the heavenly feeling of your orgasm. A growl being ripped out of him as he found his canines deep into your mating mark once more, bullying his knot inside of you.
You let out a low moan at the added pleasure of his reclaiming on your body. With a final thrust, Midoriya had his knot inside you. He let go of your neck, his canines having a tint of red as you both took a moment to revel at the feeling of his cum inside you and the both of you joined together. You closed your eyes breathing in heavily. You felt Midoriya wrap his arms around you, flipping the both of you around to have you laying on top of him. He snuggled his body around yours making you giggle lightly.
You kissed his cheek as you stayed in his arms, wanting to soak up every second you had with your hero while you still had it.
Midoriya quickly swept up Toshinori in his arms with a loud laugh as he threw the five year old up into the air and into his arms. He ruffled the curly unruly green hair on his eldest son’s head. Toshinori giggled at the action, letting out a pup chirp as he was set down on the floor in front of his father. “You defeat all the evil bad guys?”
Midoriya chuckled nodding his head as walked into the house, minding the buzzing pup that was almost a little carbon copy of him when he was five years old. Large gleaming green eyes of adoration, with a huge smile on his face to match too. “Of course, bud. I wouldn’t be the Number One hero for nothing.” He winked down at the little seven year old. “What did you do at school?” He asked him.
“We drew pictures of our families and we did some maths and writing too, but I don’t like maths.”
Midoriya couldn’t help but laugh at the statement. “Can’t blame you there.” He paused turning to look down at Toshinori. “But you gotta practise it, especially if you don’t like it.”
Toshinori nodded his head eagerly. “Mhm! If I defeat maths, I can be a hero like you!”
Midoriya offered the miniversion of him a high-five. “Hell yah, you can.”
Toshinori jumped up, slapping his father’s hand with a smile. “Plus Ultra!” He shouted.
Despite Toshinori not having shown any signs of having a quirk, even though already being five years old, Midoriya wasn’t too worried. He knew how life would be for Toshinori in the mean time with no quirk, but until he was ready, Midoriya planned on passing on One for All to him. It was rather convenient actually and it would make it much easier on Toshinori than it was for him, having to deal with the quirk.
“Where’s your dam?” Midoriya asked looking around at the living room?
“In the kitchen!” Toshinori chirped, taking Midoriya’s large hand and leading him into the kitchen where you were.
Sitting in a baby chair as you fed him lunch was your youngest, Midoriya Hero. Another green haired little broccoli that seemed much too hungry for you to keep up with. You focused on trying to feed the pup his cinnamon pumpkin puree but he seemed rather disinterested in the pumpkin right now and more interested in his milk bottle that sat not too far away, despite it being empty.
The green haired Alpha’s expression softened the moment he saw you. You stood with an apron on, although you felt like a mess and needed a shower, he found you the most beautiful being in the world standing in the afternoon light. He walked over to you, you too focused on his youngest to notice much of anything else.
A surprised chirp was ripped from you as Midoriya lifted you up off the ground. You let out a shout. “IZUKU!”
He let out a loud laugh as he placed kisses all over your cheek and neck. You laughed as he spun the both of you around before placing you back on the ground. He grinned down at you, cupping the side of your face with an adoring look. “Afternoon, angel.”
You couldn’t help but give him a pointed look which turned into a real smile. “Good Afternoon, Izuku.” You chuckled. “Good job saving that run away train earlier.”
He smiled at the praise. “Well you know none of it matters as long as I return back home to you.” He reminded you, placing a kiss on your forehead. Midoriya turned to the right as he saw Hero reaching out for him with a whine, wanting to be lifted up out of his seat. The large Alpha laughed, hoisting him up. “Hey Hero!” He carefully brought the young little pup into his arms with a smile. “You’re getting bigger every day. Jesus, you’re heavy.” He pointed out making the pup giggle as he put his chubby hands on Izuku’s face.
Midoriya couldn’t help but smile dearly at the little one. He put his mouth to Hero’s (rather non-existent) neck and placed raspberry kisses there making him let out a loud belly full laugh. Midoriya, carried Hero as he turned his attention to Toshinori. “Hey Toshi, you wanna show me those drawings you were doing earlier?”
Toshinori’s eyes lit up like stars as he cheered, grabbing Midoriya’s hand. “YAH! Come on, daddy!” He pulled Midoriya around as if he was stronger than the strongest man you ever knew.
You smiled dearly at the sight of all your boys together. No matter what Midoriya thought, no matter how unfit he felt as a father especially not having one of his own, he sure was a fine good one. And you doubted that that would ever change
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dolimiu · 20 days
izuku midoriya  ×  fmr   𝞋𝞎   synopsis ;   after being convinced by his classmates to come back to UA, izuku still can't be sure if this is where he belongs.  ──  ❪   hurt ╱ comfort  0.9k  est relationship,  cw  anxiety & panic attacks   ❫
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the night breeze slipped through the cracked balcony door, a cool contrast to the warm interior. with the lights out, most people in the dorms slept as peacefully as they could in these troubled times. not long ago, everything had been in shambles, forcing everyone to seek refuge behind UA's large metal walls.
everyone was on edge, their faith in the system shattered from just a year ago. izuku bore the brunt of their distrust. how could they let the very target inside the stronghold itself? despite uraraka's speech changing many hearts, citizens were not the same. a hero nor a hero-in-training could earn their trust blindly. they let him stay for now, but if he became "too dangerous," he would be abandoned. it was as simple as that; izuku was a danger.
izuku tossed and turned, his messy hair splaying across the pillow with each movement. when his classmates tracked him down and forced brought him back to UA, he fell asleep as soon as he finished washing up, not even making it to his own bed. but now, his eyes wouldn’t let him rest. he groaned, flipping his pillow again and rearranging himself again. he shouldn’t — he really shouldn’t bother you. you’d done more than enough for him.
yet, his breath quickened, his mind racing, eyes refusing to close despite the heaviness pulling at them. maybe it wouldn’t hurt? you mentioned staying up late these days. maybe you were still awake? then he wouldn’t be a bother. izuku clenched his eyes shut, feeling his body spiral deeper; it was terrifying.
he’d fought villains day after day, each tougher than the last. but here he was, a victim of his own mind. what if all for one attacked right now? what if innocents got hurt? what if his mother died in the backlash, along with his classmates? with you?
that was the breaking point. his feet carried him through the dorm hallways. he couldn’t stop this feeling on his own. his heart ached more by the second. what was he supposed to do? what would all for one’s next move be? how should he progress his training with one for all? could he even manage without sleep? his mind raced too fast to register that he stood in front of your room.
his hand hovered over the dark wooden door, his stomach in knots as he debated changing his mind. should he go back to bed? why did he come here at 4am? of course, you were sleeping. he shouldn’t interrupt you. izuku frowned, stumbling backward. he shouldn’t be selfish; this was the path he chose.
the door creaked open, making the freckled teen’s eyes widen in surprise. you froze, a light gasp escaping your lips. "goodness, izu, you scared me," you mumbled sleepily, rubbing your eyes.
"i’m sorry — i just came 'cause i, um…" he stammered, words slipping from his mouth. the knot in his stomach slowly dissolved at the sight of you, your presence a comfort no one else could provide.
you sighed gently. "can't sleep again?"
izuku nodded quickly, a guilty frown tugging at his lips. "i'm sorry, i shouldn’t have come. my feet just carried me here, and i thought maybe there was a chance you were still awake… but i see now that was stupid. obviously, you were sleeping at 4am. i mean, who’s awake at this hour — "
"izu, come lay down," you cut him off, your voice as gentle as your smile, opening the door wider. "besides, i was already awake. you didn't disturb me. i had to go to the bathroom. and i’d be upset if you didn’t come to me on nights like this. i want to be there for you, 'zuku."
like a breath of fresh air, his body relaxed. trudging into your room, he felt its warmth. everything around him reminded him of you, from the photos of the two of you to the trinkets on your shelves. unlike his room, yours wasn’t dark but softly lit by a night light. collapsing on your bed, he breathed in your scent.
still standing by the doorway, you looked at your tired boyfriend with concern. "i'll be right back, m'kay?"
"okay…" izuku replied, his eyebrows creasing as he thought about you leaving, fearing the feeling might return. lying back on your pillow, he shifted to his side, eyes wandering around your room. breathe in and out. he just had to wait until you returned, not letting those intrusive thoughts creep in again.
crickets chirped outside, filling the void of the silent night. the setting of your room and the sounds of summer made him feel different than in his own.
"izu? i'm back," you whispered, opening the door. his head shot up at the sight of you in your pjs, looking slightly more awake. you slipped into bed beside him, cupping his cheek. "i don’t know what’s bothering you, but i’m here. you’re not the only hero in the world." izuku melted into your touch, nodding as your words eased his mind. "i’m always here, especially for you. so don’t shut yourself out or be too hard on yourself. i know more than anyone how much you care and how beautiful your soul is." your thumb brushed over his scattered freckles.
he watched as his body slowly relaxed, his mind letting go of its worries. "i love you, izuku," you murmured, kissing his head.
"mm, love you too, y/n. you're my everything," he whispered breathlessly. in all the chaos, you were always izuku’s safe place.
© dolimiu was this rly self indulgent ? absolutely. i have no shame in saying that this fic was entirely based on many episodes i've had recently 😭 i love izuku sm, i just wanna hug him.
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katsuizu-stuff · 7 months
i’m in love with the fact that ‘Kacchan’ is engraved into Deku’s vocabulary/brain and that he only refers Bakugo as ‘Kacchan’ and nothing else
even during battle Deku says ‘Kacchan’ because normally during missions or battles heroes have to call each other by their hero name example when they were trying to save Eri everyone called each other by their hero name
but when Bakugo revealed his official hero name ‘Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight’ most people put their commentary on Bakugo’s hero name but not Deku he said absolutely nothing at all
and knowing the fact other people know who ‘Kacchan’ is is simply funny in a way, like during the camp arc in S3 when Deku tells Mandalay to send a message that the villains are going after ‘Kacchan’ everyone in class 1A instantly knew that it was Bakugo due ‘Kacchan’ it was just funny
like to an outsider it’s weird because Deku only refers Bakugo as ‘Kacchan’ so just imagine a person being confused and someone from class 1A has to say “Midoriya is referring to Bakugo” is hilarious
and it goes the other way around too because ‘Deku’ is engraved into Bakugo’s vocabulary/brain and knowing that Deku doesn’t mind Bakugo calling him ‘Deku’ is absolutely adorable
during the bath scene in S6 Bakugo corrects himself “De- Izuku” like ‘Deku’ is engraved into his vocabulary/brain and the fact that Deku responds with “Don’t force yourself if it’s hard for you to say my real name” like Deku doesn’t mind it at all because he will only ever be ‘Deku’ to Bakugo
like if you have to stop for a split millisecond and correct yourself to says a persons name is crazy “De- Izuku” Bakugo had to pause and correct himself
it will only ever be ‘Deku’ ‘Kacchan’ they been calling each other that since they were kids like sure we get snips of Bakugo saying ‘Izuku’ but never Deku saying ‘Katsuki’
and if Deku ends up saying ‘Katsuki’ in these final few chapters i’m going to lose it, i’m going to be screaming at the top of my lungs running to the damn hills because it’s going to kill my bkdk heart it’s going to be so damn special so damn intimate and i know for a fact that it will catch Bakugo off guard so quickly leaving him speechless for a few seconds before yelling at him “Don’t ever say that again it’s gross you damn nerd” (or something along those lines) i am going to be screeching
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gentrychild · 12 days
No one asked the question but I'm happy to answer it anyway. In RAADSC, do villains eventually learn that Izuku is very afraid of rooftops? Absolutely, because Izuku is eager to share his wisdom about how rooftops are a scourge, from which you can fall and die, even though Aizawa asked him a thousand times not to advertise that he has a phobia.
(Izuku, of course, disagrees. He doesn't have a rooftop-related-phobia but a perfectly general distrust towards them. After all, did you know you could die from falling from those?)
Do villains use that knowledge against him? It happened. Once. After that, villains, civilians, anyone, really, learned that they did not want to be the reason why Izuku was forced to be on a roof.
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