#Follow Through
contac · 2 years
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omar-rudeberg · 3 months
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two words by disruptedthesky / @omar-rudeberg​
Rating: Teen and up
Word Count: ~5.5k
“I wrote…” Wilhelm lets out a nervous breath. Simon’s lips turn up into a grin, sensing Wilhelm’s racing pulse. “I wrote another—I wrote different—wedding vows. My vows. To you.” Wilhelm’s next inhale is just as shaky. “For you. Just… just for you.” + Part of the follow through series
(Read on AO3)
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Reason to Live #8450
 Asking for your needs to be met, and having them follow through on it.  – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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lucigoo · 8 months
So i've found a way to inspire myself to finish of the now 39 Wips i have.
Everytime i finish a one shot, or a new chapter, i get to write and post all the fluffys for the Bagginshield-tober fics I am so excited about, It seems to be working for, i have posted 2 finished fics today and am about to write something cute with Thorin building Bilbo a garden
So, whatever and however you find a way to fuel your own art in any medium, well done you. You got this!!!
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postsecretsalone · 9 months
What a promise
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orangebridgeskaterboy · 9 months
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Important information!!
Don't hurt yourself when punching fascists. Break their faces, not your hands
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sarahspy · 2 years
I know this about myself: I finish things. Most people can’t start things or most people can’t finish things, but if you can start something and finish something, you’re going to be fine. As for status, riches, fame, and splendor? Those are out of reach for everybody.
Min Jin Lee, author of Pachinko, interviewed by Alexis Cheung for The Believer
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bigfridayart · 2 years
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Poke-Principle of Animation 06: Overlapping Action and Follow Through Often confused for Secondary Action, Overlapping Action is motion that occurs in reaction to the “Primary Action.” Here the Primary Action is Oddish bouncing, and the leaves are the Overlapping Action as they get dragged from side to side. Follow Through refers to action that continues after the primary action, if Oddish were to stop bouncing, the leaves would continue to bounce until gravity brings them to a stop. Other common examples of OA and FT are cloth and hair.
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'The biggest regret of your life won't be what you did, It'll be what you didn't do."
- Lee Brice
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momentsbeforemass · 2 years
“I can’t do this”
(by request my homily from Sunday)
I’d like to talk with you today about the Trinity. In a way that won’t put you to sleep, and won’t drift into heresy.
You and I say one of the classic explanations of the Trinity every time we recite the Creed. We’re going to do it again right after this homily.
But what does it mean? What are we actually saying?
We’ve all heard the Trinity described as one God, in three persons. The Creed calls the first person “the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” It calls the second person “the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.”
“Begotten” means that the Son is produced by the Father, and is of the same nature as the Father.
“Begotten” also means that the Son exists because the Father exists, but (and here’s where the “born of the Father before all ages” part comes in) there was never a time before the Father produced the Son. The Son is always coming forth from the Father. Like light from a fire. Fire always produces light – it’s the very nature of fire to do that. And so it is with the Father and the Son. It is the very nature of the Father to produce the Son.
All of that is baked into the Creed. But it’s actually not the most important part. The most important part is the relationship between the Father and the Son. And the nature of that relationship is one of love. The Son looks to the Father in love and the Father loves the Son and delights in the Son.  
This is what St. John is talking when he says that God is love.
What you and I need to know is that this love (which is the very nature of God) is not just a feeling or an emotion. It’s active. It’s dynamic. To the point that it’s a living thing flowing between the Father and the Son, uniting the Father and the Son.
The love between the Father and the Son is so concrete that it amounts to another a person, one that shares completely in the love that is the nature of the Father and the Son. This is the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. But the Trinity is not a closed loop of the Father and the Son with the Spirit flowing between them.
The Holy Spirit not only flows between the Father and the Son, the Spirit overflows. Pouring out the love between the Father and the Son into all of creation. Including you and me.
And it is with the Spirit that we have our most intimate moments with God. When your heart is moved, in prayer and in the sacraments, in those most intimate moments with God? That’s the work of the Holy Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit is always active, always dynamic. As Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel, “the Spirit of truth will guide you.” And the way that the Spirit does that is from the inside. With that still, small voice. The one that’s always with you. No matter what you’re doing.
My grandfather was a Normandy veteran. A few years before he died, the movie “Saving Private Ryan” came out. Just like it did for a lot of World War II veterans, it broke the ice and helped him to talk about the War.  
He told me how he persuaded his commanding officer not to give him a Purple Heart. Not because he was brave. But because he didn’t want his wife (my grandmother) to get a letter informing her about the medal. In effect, telling her that he had been wounded.
He also told me how he and another man from his unit rescued a wounded soldier from a mine field. They heard the wounded man calling out for help. When they got close and saw the warning signs for the mine field, they didn’t know what to do.
My grandfather thought to himself “I can’t do this.” As he thought it, he heard that still small voice, down deep, finishing his sentence – “can’t do this…alone.”
It stopped him cold. He knew it was the voice of the Holy Spirit. In that moment, he knew that God was with him, even on the edge of a mine field. And he knew exactly what they needed to do to rescue the wounded soldier.
He showed me the citation that he received when they were awarded the Soldier’s Medal for the rescue. Then he very pointedly told me that there were only two rescuers named on the citation, but it took Three to get through the mine field.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t just speak to us in the great moments, the moments when we’re called to be heroes, when we can save a life.
The Holy Spirit is always speaking to us. Even in the most everyday moments.
That’s the point of the Trinity, of the overflowing love that is the Holy Spirit. God isn’t out there, off in the distance. Through the Holy Spirit, God is with us. Right here, right now.
It’s that still, small voice. It’s the Holy Spirit, guiding us. Calling us to do what needs to be done, to do what we know is right. Calling us to be the better person, to be who God made us to be. Calling us to be better.
When the Holy Spirit is calling us to do something, when we let the Holy Spirit guide us, it will always be for our benefit. But for some reason, you and I forget this.
And instead, when we hear that still small voice, we ignore it. Or we talk ourselves out of it. And end up sounding like my grandfather, when he said, “I can’t do this.”
When what we should be doing is listening for the Holy Spirit to finish that sentence the way He always does – “can’t do this…alone.”
Because that’s the other half of this. When the Holy Spirit is calling us to do something, God will always give us the grace to do it. When we let the Holy Spirit guide us, all we have to do is follow His lead and follow through.
If the Holy Spirit is calling you to get away from a toxic relationship, follow His lead and follow through.
If the Holy Spirit is calling you to try again with that addiction, follow His lead and follow through.
If the Holy Spirit is calling you to forgive someone, follow His lead and follow through.
Today, listen to what the Holy Spirit is calling you to do. Follow His lead and follow through. God will give you the grace to do it.
Sunday’s Readings
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Art, Animation & Comic Principle: Follow Through on Movements
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Credit: 21Draw
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revkilltaker · 1 year
Up Front – Spirit - LP - Smorgasbord Records - SMORGASBORD NO. 2
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Pressing Stats
Pressing #: Third
Color:  Blue
Qty Pressed: 2000
Additional Info: Other Pressings Available
Track Listing
Once And For All
All Of Me
Our Best
Left Behind
Break It Up
Second Thoughts
What We Need
One Step Ahead
New Leaf
Stand Tall
Something To Strive For
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omar-rudeberg · 2 years
so @tooindecisivetopickaurl for some reason has not yet given up on my tumblr presence and asked me to share a snippet of a WIP.
tonight, because the fics I actually am publishing right now may be suffocating me just slightly, have a little gem I've been working on forever that will eventually exist as part three of my follow through series:
“Simon,” Wilhelm whispers, a confession. “Tomorrow, I get to be your husband.”
Simon simply hums in agreement; in wonder, in gratitude. He lifts his chin to capture Wilhelm’s lips just once between his again, and then on an inhale slides up onto his toes, wrapping his arms completely around Wilhelm’s neck and burying his nose where Wilhelm’s scent’s strongest at the base of his throat.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to be married to you,” he mumbles into Wilhelm’s skin, feels Wilhelm’s arms two parallel lines at the back of his waist holding him tight. Simon tacks on, “If only so mamá stops calling every two seconds.” Wilhelm chuckles, as Simon continues, “I’m also just-” but breaks off to form a big yawn, “so fucking tired. Are you tired?” Simon snuffles once, still curled into Wilhelm, and reiterates “I’m tired.”
Simon feels more than hears Wilhelm’s low murmur of assent as it rumbles against his cheek.
now, hmmmmm, has my wife @malinthebodyguard been tagged yet?
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zemnarihah · 1 year
gnna have a no social media day tomorrow
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peggycatrerr · 8 months
today on the train home the guy next to me was on his phone and at one point i saw him go on tumblr and he just had like. a normie dash. like it was all photography. of nature and architecture. he was using tumblr the way a heterosexual landscaper for rich people might use instagram. i actually had to watch his screen for a few seconds to be sure it really was tumblr because i was so taken aback by the content he was viewing. this is why algorithmless websites are so beautiful btw because i genuinely didn't know that this side of tumblr even existed. he didn't even so much as scroll past any text posts.
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merbabylvr · 23 days
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