#Feel free to debate me but you'll most likely lose this
The 90s Song Ever - Round 1, Side A2
Alrighty, folks. We've suffered through 32 horrible polls. Ready for 32 more?
Beetlebum vs Are You That Somebody Sway vs River Of Deceit Hunger Strike vs Who Will Save Your Soul Generator vs Bills, Bills, Bills Doo Wop (That Thing) vs Finally Tearin' Up My Heart vs Silence Kid Enter Sandman vs Everybody (Backstreet's Back) Boombastic vs I'll Be There For You Yakko's World vs To Be With You Cotton Eye Joe vs Amish Paradise Nuthin' But A "G" Thang vs Basket Case Dagger vs Seven Rebel Girl vs Groove is in the Heart Baby Got Back vs Hallelujah Only Happy When It Rains vs Say You'll Be There U Can't Touch This vs How Bizarre Nancy Boy vs Cornflake Girl Affirmation vs Don't Walk Away The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air vs The Boy Is Mine Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Dop) vs Juicy Buddy Holly vs Closing Time Pony vs Wynona's Big Brown Beaver Pretend We're Dead vs All I Wanna Do Santeria vs Send Me On My Way Birdhouse In Your Soul vs That Don't Impress Me Much Vogue vs Brain Stew Kiss Me vs These Are Days MMMBop vs Black Genie In A Bottle vs Bullet With Butterfly Wings Tank! (Cowboy Bebop opening theme) vs Smells Like Nirvana Mind Playing Tricks On Me vs (Everything I Do) I Do It For You Friday I'm In Love vs Would?
This is the second part of a four-part Round 1; you can find all polls and results for the first part here. Feel free to send in unhinged propaganda, start pointless fights and debates, be insane in the tags. It's what we do around here.
Playlist with all the Side A1 and A2 songs! Join ColosseumCord - we talk about music and other stuff here :) Previous tournaments: #most attractive 90s musician, #90s album battle royale
Other music poll blogs: @the-80s-music-colosseum @the-70s-music-colosseum @60s-musician-tournament @80s-music-tourney @siblings-in-music-bracket @opera-music-tourney @70s-music-tourney @bestalbumsincethe80stournament
My main is @goodmotorfinger if anyone would like to witness me lose my mind over bands/cars/sci-fi on a regular basis!
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medicinemane · 1 month
And maybe you'll be like "but if you don't trust businesses, how can you trust welfare?"
I fucking don't. My mom trying to get on food stamps fucked me up because a lady I never met without my permission got my SSN from my mom and started editing my files. My heart still races to this very second whenever I think about it, it kinda messed me up bad and I'll never ever ever see any kind of recourse
And I'm terrified that I'm gonna lose my medicaid just cause I inherited some money from my grandpa
And I've never even applied for disability cause it kinda doesn't matter finding out if I'd qualify or not cause of my depression, when the rules are so restrictive I don't know if I've even be allowed to keep my house
I do not fucking trust these things on a personal level. I feel like out of a lot of people I have the most to fear from them cause I'm on the edge of having things work, and that gets you punished
...but I need medicaid in order to have insurance (and when you strip out the finance side of medicaid, I love medicaid... they're honestly incredible insurance... I just... I just... dental is like 90% of why medicaid is so important to me, ever since I found out this state pays for it I've actually been able to do cleanings which is important to me cause I can't always get myself to brush)
And I think things like disability and food stamps are pretty damn important on a personal level, and honestly are also good for the economy cause they get people spending... it's practically a free cash infusion into the economy, cause these are people who need to buy stuff
There's just so much important stuff welfare does that it's worth dealing with government
No, what I want is more accountability so if someone gets my SSN from a 3rd party like my mom they're held to HIPPA styles standards where that's not ok to access my files without my permission (She changed my fucking address and tried to get medicaid to investigate me for fraud! Never even met me)
Like have some accountability there and in every situation
Secondly I want less punitive focused rules. I'd frankly prefer bezos get on disability than smack down some poor sod cause they got $2000 in the bank or cause their friend lets them live with them for free
If there's gonna be a cut off on these programs, it needs to be a solid step above the poverty line, cause... by definition I assume poverty line denotes kinda the minimum expected income people can reasonably live off of, and if you take away benefits people are gonna lose a chunk of money to covering that stuff themself, so you need a buffer before you kick people off
I don't fucking trust the government for a second, I've actively been fucked by them and on a personal level I avoid everything but medicaid and only that cause everything but the money is pleasant to deal with and I kinda need it (honestly if I was rich I'm not even kidding that I'd rather give medicaid like $400 a month than some insurance company, I sincerely like them as insurance)
But I'd trust them a lot more if they were less punitive, less out to hunt me down and gut me cause someone handed me a fiver or cause I started to get on my feet, and if government employees had concrete rules they had to follow that were actually transparent and enforced
Like 90% of my problems with welfare go away if they're held accountable and there's less "catch the welfare cheats" mentality going around
I don't trust the government in the slightest, but sadly there some jobs it kinda has to do, so I'd just rather force it to be an open book where the public can keep an eye on it and if they step out of line there's consequences (sort of like I don't trust most mega corps but happen to sometimes need stuff from them... did you know literally every cell service provider has been illegally selling shit like your location data to random people like bounty hunters, and the FCC just slapped them with a fine that's 0.02% of their yearly incomes and debated even doing that? I even can offer a source on that)
...I don't trust much of any authority cause they constantly fail me and kinda screw me. Don't trust doctors either, but I still gotta go to them, you know? ...they're just... they're real bad at listening... so many systems need systemic change
(You know who I really don't trust is the cops. I could point to so many examples. My uncle doesn't trust cops either, and he's an ex Fire and SWAT paramedic, he worked with them and we still got into a long conversation where he basically tore into them far better than I can)
(I don't trust authority that's not accountable)
#anyway; if I'm a lousy cheat or whatever least they can do is give me a gun so I can solve that problem#shit makes me wish I was canadian so I could take advantage of their sick implementation of assisted suicide#what should be a system that gives people a choice about the quality of their life; and I don't think should be relegated to terminal illne#...there was... think he was dutch; had been burned by his girlfriend all over his body; was in constant pain#and he ended up using assisted suicide in the end cause he was just in constant agony... think that's his choice to make#but of course the canadian system concretely pushes people; mostly the poor and disabled; to kill themselves#not theoretically; as in literally says word for word to them 'you should really kill yourself; just sign here'#it's sick; it truly is#but for any americans that want to dunk on it; I'm telling you we're no better#we have the exact same miserable desperation and people (again; mostly poor and disabled) into despair#only difference is we don't offer assisted suicide#the underlying issues in the US and canada are so damn similar; so much of what's happening ends up being the same#you can't act smug just cause you only make people want to die instead of also offering to help#that's like saying that you're the good guy cause while you did everything you could to drive someone to the brink#get them fired; slash their tires; just cartoon level villain stuff to personally harass this person... at least you won't hand them rope#we have such similar systemic issues to canada; and I am explicitly telling you that like the people in canada that have said#'I can't take it anymore; disability doesn't cover my expenses and I can't get any help... I'm at my wits end so I'm gonna go die'#I'm telling you that I feel that same way; just without any eugenics agency I can call up#I'm really working to get things stable; but it feels like I'm teetering on the edge of falling into permanent failure#and... and I'll actually tell you the amount even though I don't like to mention money... makes me feel guilty#my gramps left me $27k; which sounds like a lot; but I got 20 windows that need redoing (house has a lot of windows)#...if they ended up being 1k each; that's most of the money gone; if they end up being more...#and I got a whole lotta other stuff I've been putting off like plumbing around here; need to replace that faucet#it's an amount of money that helps; but it's an amount of money that isn't gonna last#...that's like a year of bills; and my mom already needs me to pay like $400 to the propane bill since she got behind#I want to use it to... to try and really get my feet on the ground; but it might loose me my insurance... it makes me want to die#and not to be a selfish bastard; but if I could I'd like to try and take and invest a bit to maybe build some passive income#given that... that a job never seems to work out for me cause I fucking suck and cause like... my insomnia has me up at 5:30 am right now#mm tag so i can find things later
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he11swinter · 1 year
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First off, Hello I am Rae, how is your day? Or Noon? Or Night? Hi~! :3
I always pictured the while 12 ghosts being a somewhat "found family" type of friendship / maybe romance if things happened. Like make Isabella upset you'll get the full wrath of Susan's teenage queen bee whiplashes until you start crying before she could even do anything. Or make Billy or Harold cry you're getting a baseball bat or madman claws to the face I feel as if each one's "moment" of feeling this way to the ghosts are different and either funny of angsty (aka any time Ryan would feel not murder craze to any of them let alone any of the girls)
But I feel like one is agreed the most: Jean is the mom of the group. She's a mother figure to pretty much all or a common ground of "welp we're the most mature out of everyone here" with George or Margret So this like SUPER angsty and a bit too sad maybe, I'll ask a bright ask another time to cheer things up or share my own thoughts, but what are you headcanons or thoughts of the ghosts when Jean pass over?
I mainly ask cause I saw a fic where Ryan watched her cross over after the house exploded and felt sad and got all emo debating if he'll even be welcomed to Heaven or whereever Jean went
Hi Rae! I’m great, thank you, and I hope you are too! Thank you for your awesome questions, they really had me thinking, so I wrote a lot more than I thought I would. 🫢 I would love to hear more of your thoughts, and that fic certainly sounds interesting if you have the link.
The Black Zodiac could be a found family for sure. A messed up one, but a family nonetheless. I think that a lot of them wouldn’t even realize this. What I do think is clear is that they’re all connected through something—whether that’s this “ancient prophecy” or simply the fact they were all imprisoned by the same man.
I think Jean is an interesting subject, because actually, I think she’s the black sheep. Her thoughts were always on her living family, and any attempts to connect with the ghosts were likely shut down. Perhaps she once tried to comfort Billy, who rolled his eyes, disinterested in reassurance; she knew better than to talk to Horace or Ryan. She mostly kept to herself as a result, and when she was the only one to find peace and pass on, this took a while for the others to process.
I think the ghosts would be the ones bullying each other more than anything. They’re out of touch. They’re dead, they’re bored, and have nothing to lose—and that’s why Jean’s caring seemed so strange. When there was a real threat we DID witness the ghosts band together to tear it (*HIM, cough cough*) apart, but I think their motivations were self-centred. If the time came again, they could definitely dip back in to that team effort—but I do think that most of the time, many would be entertained through watching or causing the other’s misfortune.
I think that the two with the most in common would be Susan and Royce, that Susan probably flirted with him at the beginning, but quickly lost interest due to his lack of interest—so I don’t think I could see any of them romantically involved with one another. Similarly, Ryan held an indifference (or also disgust) to the ladies in containment. When he met Kathy his manic excitement returned, which again, I think having real-world impact on something is what woke him—and the rest of them—up from their sulking.
When the ghosts were set free, they all felt that rush. Nothing mattered but their freedom, and they couldn’t care less about Jean passing on. But, I think that after a while they began to wander aimlessly, bored again. Some wondered where exactly they went wrong.
Here are my headcanons:
Billy, Susan and Royce: They’re the kids. Because they died so young, there’s a lot in the world they still want to see and do—so the thought of passing into the oblivion that Jean did sounds awful. I mean, Jean can do it if she wants, but they know better than to die a second time.
Jimmy, George, Isabella: They knew there was something off—something they were missing within themselves—but they didn’t say much or anything about it. While Jimmy and George thought of Jean often, wishing she’d stayed to give them some of her wisdom, Isabella searched for answers in God. They all hoped to find peace too.
Dana and Horace: They just wanted to be alone now. They didn’t care about Jean or where she went. Finding peace seemed like it would never be an option for them—although they showed that in different ways… (Endless moping versus more murder.)
Margaret and Harold: No one was sure they noticed Jean was gone, or really much of anything. They always seemed content where they were, so long as they were together.
Ryan: Oh boy, Ryan’s a complicated mess of emotions (but he always is). Sure, he was excited to be free, but it didn’t last long. Torn between feeling like he’s always been a monster and wishing he could fix it, it left him feeling lost and even afraid of where passing on would take him. He had nothing left in this world, but from his experience, everything can always get worse.
Messing with the others and seeing how they interacted with each other took Ryan away from his thoughts, so in my mind, he regathered the group. Everyone had their own reasons for returning, but at this point perhaps they began working more on themselves?
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skewbforty · 1 year
My fear of asking for help
Have you learned guitar? If not, what do you picture should you ever learn it? Is there a teacher involved? Well, most likely, the answer is yes. While some people do indeed self learn guitar, who in their right mind has the time for that? Learning every technique and chord through painful trial and error? No thanks.
It's almost a no brainer that you'll have a tutor to guide you through the world of guitar playing. But what if it's not something as ambitious as guitar playing? What if it's just something you like to do in your free time? Something that's meant to be fun first and foremost?
I'm talking about video games, and why I have a fear of looking up its solutions.
While there is a bit more debate on whether games fall under the same category as guitar playing, the general popular opinion is the same. I read this reddit post on how long you ought to wait until looking up something you're stuck on.
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I should point out this was the top voted comment on that post with over 200 upvotes. It's quite clear there's no shame in being stumped in games.
So why DO I feel shame? Tbh I have no fucking clue. Only that it's destroying my relationship with videogames.
Let's face it. I suck ass at video games. I couldn't even pass the tutorial level in Yoshi Touch & Go. So why the hell should I hide it? What's so inherently immoral about being worse than about 100% of everyone else about something so niche? Am I really that dumb to automatically assume being decent at games makes me more likely to guarantee me a good life?
But at the same time. Never getting anywhere with anything I ever buy with my own money is kinda... Excruciating.
I guess the point I'm trying to make here is... Is there any way I can convince myself to not get agony at losing at everything, or are videogames just not for me? That's what I have to figure out now. Because as is, I am not having fun with anything I play. And I'm only strengthening my hatred of myself by playing whatever I play.
If it's not obvious, I need therapy.
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scoops404 · 1 year
wanting advice how to write dnf because you're one of the first dnf writer I track down after reading and I want to write them but I'm struggling so much
First of all, thank you so much, that's such a compliment.
This is kind of a broad question, so I suppose it depends on what you're struggling with--plot, characterization, their voices, etc
What helps me the most is to re-listen to a DNF stream and just hear the absolutely insane things they say to each other. If I were you, I'd take like a thirty second snippet and transcribe it out so that you see the words on your document, and get a feel for their voices that way.
The other thing would be to kind of, I dunno, write out what types of things you've noticed about them (or what things you've seen people you trust/respect notice about them) and list those characteristics off. Like, George has a LOT of emotions, but he doesn't really talk about them much, he's an actions guy. Dream LOVES talking about his emotions. George has a hard time being serious, we know that's true even from what we've heard other ccs say about him. Dream is like painfully earnest in everything he does and he likes arguing and being right, and most of the time he is. But it's really funny when he's not (thinking of the Celsius vs Fahrenheit debate that went on way too long)
And then what I like to tell new writers, and what helped me a lot when I first started writing fanfiction, is to start small. Write something 1k and finish it. Then write something 5k and finish it. Be able to see the entire journey of finishing a story, even if it's small. And once you post something, and you see how encouraging people are, it will help build your confidence and you'll want to write more and you'll get even better. Starting a long multi chap work as your first DNF fic can be done, don't get me wrong, but the odds of losing steam/motivation/low readership because that's just how WIPs are--all those things can be overall demoralizing. No matter how amazing your story is.
Not sure if this is helpful at all or just me rambling. The good news is that this fandom is really kind to writers, so posting some snippets and your works on AO3 to twitter or tumblr will go a long way. And once you post a few, people will start to remember your name and want to read your new stuff.
Also, sorry I assumed you've never written fanfiction before, I think I got too broad in trying to answer your question, feel free to ask anything more specifically and I'll see if I can help.
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nft-crypto · 2 years
Photo vault
The Vault Apps That Keep Sexts a Secret
When students were caught participating in an illegal picture ring operating out of a high school in Canon City, Colo., parents and school authorities were quick to point out that this type of thing was undoubtedly happening across the country.
They're not entirely incorrect.
With the proliferation of mobile devices, sexting has become much more common than it was when it initially gained national attention. A study of numerous Texas high schools found that more than a quarter of the kids reported sending a naked photo of themselves, despite feeling uncomfortable by being asked for one. They are following in the footsteps of adults, who, according to a recent Drexel University survey, say that sexting makes them feel more sexually fulfilled.
Many persons who indulge in the practice, regardless of their age, would want to keep it a secret. This is when the so-called vault apps come into play. Here's how it works.
They’ve been around for years.
So-called vault apps have existed at least since Snapchat's popularity began to surge in 2012, and they have provided a comprehensive suite of privacy tools for roughly the same amount of time.
That same year, a writer for the appropriately named Naked Security blog analyzed various vault apps, noting that several of the free versions, such as Secret Pictures and Photo Safe, lulled the user into a false sense of security.
So-called vault applications have been around since at least 2012, when Snapchat's popularity began to rise, and they have offered a comprehensive array of privacy options for roughly the same amount of time.
That same year, a writer for the fittingly called Naked Security site examined numerous vault programs, noting that several free versions, like Secret Pictures and Photo Safe, lulled users into a false sense of security.
When you launch Secret Calculator Folder Free, you'll see the face of what appears to be a simple calculator. However, if you enter a passcode that you've created for the app, you'll be able to access your private stash of images.
People shop around.
Nowadays, there are various apps available for keeping sexts private; many of them are free, and users aren't afraid to look for them. There are multiple threads on the question-and-answer site Quora dedicated to Android users learning how to conceal apps and photographs on their phones, and Reddit members debated the best solutions for Apple users.
Despite their strange names, the apps are more popular than you may imagine. There are over 800 separate reviews for Secret Calculator Folder Free. According to App Annie, a mobile app measuring firm, Private Photo Vault is the 28th most downloaded photo and video app on the App Store, with over 1,500 individual ratings.
"A few of months ago, a friend recommended this software to me after I mistakenly revealed a few 'pics' of my ex-girlfriend," one user, Appleman7934, commented. "I love the decoy password option." Assume someone notices your phone's photo vault and wonders what's inside. When you reveal them the phony password, it opens up an entire collection of fake secret photographs, and people lose interest."
The law is trying to keep up.
But what about users under the age of 18? That's a completely distinct set of issues.
The illegal photo-sharing network that was operating at Canon City High School may appear noteworthy due to its scale, but Colorado is not the only state where regulators are warning about vault applications.
Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge alerted parents in September about vault apps hidden on phones, such as Calculator%, Keep Safe Private Photo Vault, and Best Secret Folder. Ms. Rutledge pleaded with parents to educate themselves about the tool, according to THV 11 in Little Rock.
"Ask them what technology they use," Ms. Rutledge said. "Ask them to proceed farther if it appears like a calculator, such as this app."
Several of these apps are available in app stores, and Canon City officials claim that students were using something similar. Officials are now looking into whether bullying or coercion had a role in that case.
In addition to breaching their school's code of conduct, the pupils in Colorado may face criminal charges: Sending images of minors, storing such photos, or sharing them with others is a Class 3 felony in Colorado, according to George Welsh, superintendent of Canonn City schools, on Friday.
The present version of the legislation makes teenagers accountable for sending images of themselves.
"The wording of the law indicates that under the age of 18, you cannot provide consent to share your naked image," Mr. Welsh explained.
What parents should be on the lookout for.
Parents who are concerned about vault apps might take preventative action by enabling parental controls. Parents with iPhones can use a feature called Ask to Buy to screen apps before they are downloaded to their children's iPhones.
When you enable Ask to Buy, whenever a child wishes to download an app (free or paid), it sends a request to the parent's iPhone, which the parent can then approve or deny. The methods, which can be found on Apple's website, require configuring each iPhone for Family Sharing and then enabling Ask to Buy for the child's iPhone.
Parents with Android devices can install parental controls within Google Play's app store to allow children to download apps only when they reach a specified maturity level. For tighter controls, parents can install AppLock on their child's device and use a PIN code to lock down any app they believe is a vault app.
Websites devoted to digital learning for teenagers offer advice to parents on how to recognize a hidden app. Common Sense Media, for example, outlined some of the ways they employ vault apps and other programs that are used to collect images secretly.
Stealth Cam, Private Ninja Cam, and Top Secret Camera, for example, are meant to conceal photo preview panels and activate the camera using a motion sensor.
According to a post on TeenSafe.com, parents should be vigilant in checking for warning indicators that their children are utilizing vault apps: According to the site, hiding phone screens, refusing to hand up passwords, and a sudden rise in gadget usage are all red indicators.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Prompt: You say to Yandere BTS "Oh my god! Just shut up!"
A/N: Couldn't sleep, so I wrote this laying in bed. I hope it's not some sleep-deprived nonsense ^-^
Trigger warning: Yandere themes, violence, emotional manipulation, choking, non-con, D/s themes, examples of a bad D/s dynamic.
Alpha! Namjoon
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You scream it through your bedroom doorway. Storming to the railing of the stairs, you lean over and scream again. "Shut up!"
The sea of people on the ground floor go quiet. Only the music dares to keep making a sound in the background. You skulk back to your room, slamming the door loudly behind you. You had had a long, disappointing day. You were tired and grumpy, and moody and sad. But the dozens of uninvited pack members couldn't care less as their party raged on into the night.
Not allowing you enough time to even climb back into bed, Namjoon storms after you to address your outburst.
"Y/n, go downstairs right now and apologize." He orders.
"No." you mope. Feeling it's a wildly unfair request. All these people are in your house making so much noise when you're trying to sleep. How is it you that's in the wrong?
"Do you think I am asking you? I'm telling you. Get downstairs now." He says sternly. His strict tone making you even more emotional. You just wanted him to be on your side for this.
"But- But I," you sniffle, with tears in your eyes.
"No," Namjoon cuts you off. "I've asked you all afternoon what's wrong. And you wouldn't tell me. So right at this moment, I don't want to hear it. You have been disrespectful to me and my people. So you are going to put some more clothes on and cover-up, and you will go out there and apologize to every single person." He growls, leaving no room to argue. "And you will do it sincerely, or I will give you something to cry about."
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King! Seokjin
You didn't say it to his face. You would never be that stupid. But still, you clearly weren't smart enough. While gossiping to a friend, someone you thought was a confidant, you're complaining about a seemingly endless, boring meeting you had to serve today.
"And I just wanted to tell all of them; Oh my god! Just shut up!" You laugh. 
But hours later it's no longer a laughing matter.
"How did you enjoy serving me today, Princess?" Jin asks his tone giving nothing away of what he already knows.
"I enjoyed it. Thank you, your Majesty" You politely smile, thinking his question to be a kindness.
"I often find these meetings so dull. Many of the Lords do like to ramble on. Sometimes I would enjoy telling all of them to just shut up." He speaks the words so purposefully that you know at once you've been exposed.
"My Lord, I-"
"If you are smart you will not say another word." He speaks softly, with a grin on his face. "I want to thank you, Y/n.  I have an endless supply of other people I can hurt. Each one of them is freely at my disposal, but you are my favourite toy." He fills the space in front of you. "However, I am a man of my word. I swore to you that you will be unharmed if you are obedient, and I would not dare to break this vow. Of course, I have sorely missed playing with my beloved little dol, though."
Towering over you he sets off your instinct to get to your knees and grovel, begging his forgiveness for your carelessness. But that would only be a wasted effort.
"So thank you, Princess, for giving me the possibility to hear your pretty cries of pain again. I will make sure to use this opportunity to its fullest."
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Assassin! Yoongi
He had been in a hyper mood for 2 days straight. His energy and enthusiastic interaction was something you always craved, but you had never dealt with it this long before and you were losing your sanity and your composure.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You shout at him as your last nerve snaps.
"Okay, Y/n." He gives little to no reaction. "Remember you said this in a month from now when you're begging me to speak to you."
But it didn't take a month. In two weeks you were in tears apologizing. He left you free to roam the house, but he revoked all communication from you. The only times he gave you any attention, was when he forcibly made you stop doing something he didn't like. Or when he wanted you for sex. But still, he wouldn't utter a single word, only bending you over to take what he wanted.
After 5 weeks, just as you thought you'd never hear his voice again, he finally broke his silence. Only to break your heart.
"Listening to you these past few weeks, I realise how much you talk. It's time you take your own advice and shut up. Y/n, I don't want to hear a sound out of you until I say. 5 weeks was easy enough for me. So let's start with that, and then I'll see if I want to hear from you yet."
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Vampire! Hoseok
Hoseok was always so animated. Normally it didn't bother you, but he was talking and reacting through yet another movie and you were sick of it. It might have been because you were PMSing or maybe because Hoseok had forgotten to feed you all day, but when he yelled at the TV, you yelled at him.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" And right away you were teeming with regret.
"I'm sorry baby. Am I being too loud?" He laughs with an unexpectedly harmless reply. Playfully but roughly slapping his hand on your thigh. "I'll keep it down."
You're not dumb enough to think that your eruption would go unanswered. So you sit tensely, anxiously waiting to see how he will repay you.
"Baby," he whispers in your ear, after sitting in silence for 20 minutes. "You know I have very strong hearing right?" You nod nervously. Chewing your lip. "Well, your breathing is too loud and very distracting. I can hardly hear the movie. Can you please fix that?"
You know this is going to lead to something horrible, but you have no choice but to do as he says. For the next 10 minutes, you're completely distracted trying to inhale and exhale as softly and shallowly as possible.
"Hmm baby, it's really too much. I can't concentrate on the film." He stands, pulling his belt off. "Here let me help you."
He wraps his belt around your neck, pulling and setting it so tight that it's biting into your skin. Your throat constricting, barely letting you breathe.
As you wheeze and splutter and cough, he holds the end like a leash. Sitting back on the couch, he turns his focus back to the movie without letting you loosen the strap or get away. Your whole body is shaking, your eyes starting to roll back as you struggle to inhale. The belt is cruelly not tight enough to have you pass out though. Only allowing you to sit in your suffering. The sound of your gasping filling the room.
"Ahh, there you go baby. That's much better. Don't worry, it's just while we're watching movies. And there's only two more left in the trilogy."
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Playboy! Jimin
He was telling you over and over how sorry he was. How he didn't mean to kiss that girl. That he was drinking. And that she kissed him. It was every excuse and lie he had spouted 100 times before.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You yelled at him. And for a moment it worked. He sat in stunned silence. But as you got off the bed to leave, taking your car keys with you, he chased after you.
"Where are you going?"
"Out Jimin. I need some time alone to think." You scowl.
But he refuses, blocking the door. Holding his arms to either side to barricade you in.
"No, you can't leave! I said I'm sorry."
"Fuck off Jimin, your apologies mean nothing." You say shoving him.
He doesn't accept that. With a roar, he grabs your shoulders throwing you down onto the bed. Quickly straddling you, using far too much force to keep you pinned beneath him. Tearing off the pillowcases, he makes some shoddy but effective restraints. Tying you to the bars on the headboard.
Ignoring your screams and how you struggle he starts to kiss down your neck, pulling at your clothes, rubbing his hands down your body.
"I'm gonna make you feel good Y/n. I'll show you that I only want you, then you'll have to forgive me." He says sounding desperate and unhinged.
You cry and yell for him to stop, trying to buck him off you, but his hand covers your mouth, his other successfully tearing down your panties from under your dress.
"Don't fight me, Angel. Just let me in. And I'll prove I love you the most."
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Dom! Taehyung
Finally, Taehyung had agreed to spend some time with you in a social environment. He and you went out to a movie and dinner with some of your friends. They were vanilla friends though, so as an exception, for the day he loosened a lot of the restrictions and formalities you normally had in place.
You, however, you were getting a little too relaxed. While you joked with you're friends, you started to speak to him the same manner. As you and he were playfully arguing about trivia facts you realized you were losing the debate.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You joke. But in the company of your friends or not, Taehyung was not about to let you disrespect him. Even in jest.
"Is that how you should talk to me girl?" He asks loudly and in front of everyone, bringing the group conversation to a grinding halt.
His change in tone and his use of the possessive pet name, right away have you back in your place.
"No," you whisper. The sting of embarrassment hot upon your cheeks.
"No, what?" He pushes it.
You can't stand to look up. All of the attention is on the two of you. And even in your peripheral, you can see your friends looking at you judgementally, wide-eyed and in shock.
And he was making it worse by having you use his title around them.
"No, Sir." you surrender, your head hung low.
"Shouldn't you also apologise to the other people at the table? For interrupting our night with your rudeness." He keeps piling on one shame after the other. Stretching out the ordeal.
"No, it's fine." One of your friends tries to laugh off the awkwardness and speed the discussion away from this point. "She doesn't have to."
"Y/n," He prompts you, disregarding what your friend had said.
Thoroughly humiliated, you can't imagine how you are going to repair these relationships or explain this treatment away.
"I'm sorry for interrupting the night with my rudeness." you swallow heavily, hands shaking.
"Good girl. Now mind your mouth. Before you make me embarrass you further."
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Mafia! Jungkook
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" you say in a hushed voice. More of a prayer said to yourself than an actual demand you expected Jungkook to hear.
"What did you just say to me?" he lowers the phone, gawking at you.
You really didn't mean to, it just slipped out. He was talking on the phone, going into too graphic detail about how he and his men dealt with a threat recently. You couldn't handle the gruesome details he was recanting anymore and the words just fell out.
"What did you just say? Did you just tell me to shut up?" He repeats again through your nonreply. His tongue running through the inside of his cheek, his jaw and muscles tensing. His voice jumping rapidly from stunned to aggressive.
You're at home alone with him, so you weren't paying much mind to what you were saying. But this afternoon he's been dealing with work. And right now he isn't Kookie, no the person in front of you is Jeon Jungkook. The temperamental Mafia head, who would as likely hit you as he would speak to you.
"I'm sorry," you squeak.
"You're sorry?" He scoffs, slamming the phone down. "If you had said it and meant it, that would be one thing. I could respect that. But you really just can't control your stupid little mouth can you."
"I-" you start a defence, or more a plea for mercy.
"Shut the fuck up!" He growls leaning forward in his seat making you flinch back. Darting his hand out he grabs you by the hair, pulling you back to where you were. "Don't flinch. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm gonna help you." He smiles.
You wriggle in his clutches, mewling the same trifle apologies under your breath.
"Shhh, my brainless little Kitten. I'm gonna give you a gift." He smirks. "For your own safety, you don't need to talk for the rest of the day. I just need you to come when I call. Sit on my lap when I tell you. And purr for me like a good little pussy." Grabbing your arm harshly, he yanks you off your chair and onto the ground. "There you go, where you belong." He laughs. "You think you can remember to do all that? I know you can. Otherwise, I'll buy you a kat collar to remind you how my Kitten should behave."
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Pity date
Musical Beetlejuice x reader
You let a coworker set you up just to get them to shut up, beetlejuice doesnt like it
Gender neutral reader, they are called wife once tho
Mentions of vomit
Staring at your reflection in your bedroom mirror you grumble to yourself, dressed nice yet casual.
"So it for the free meal and peace and quiet" you grumble to yourself as you grab your bag and keys and head out.
For 2 months now a coworker has been going on and on about how they know the perfect gut for you, and how you just had to let them set the two of you up, you declined everytime saying how you werent intrested in dating, or how you're too busy, or how there was someone you already liked, but they insisted.
You mentioned this coworker to the literal demon you have crashing at your place once or twice, and their solution was to bring him to work and say hes your hubby♡. You gave the ghoul a polite chuckle assuming it was a joke, even though you wouldnt mind that out come of your relationship, you played it off assuming beetlejuice just wanted an excuse to run wild in a store full of breathers.
Your coworker's constant bombardment finally wore you down and you broke, one date, that was it, you sacrifice your free time for food and future peace and quiet at work, that was the plan.
Coming home the day of this was something, been could tell you were in a less then fun mood.
"Why so glum sugar plum?" He teases pinching your cheeks
You lightly smack away his hand and groan before flopping down on the couch face first into the cushions. You take a second laying there in silence before pulling yourself back up and telling the demon what's going on, venting your frustrations over your pushy coworker.
Beetlejuice tried his best to conceal his anger, red hues slowly creeping into his hair. You obviously werent into this idea, but what if the guy is charming? Or hotter then him? What if he makes you laugh harder then he ever did? What if this act of pity turns into true love and this shmuck takes you away from him?
The demon's mind wanders with these gloomy thoughts, purple now joining the green and red in his hair. He couldnt let this happen, he wasnt going to be alone ever again, you were his, you just dodnt know it yet.
"So~" beetlejuice slicks back his hair sweeping the red and purple away "wheres this little mess happening?" He trys to give you a soft 'I'm not planning anyhting' smile, you sigh and check your phone.
"The amusement park is in town next week, he was very eager on taking me, and apparently their main attraction is the haunted house, so I guess that's what I'm doing next weekend" you could feel the dread creeping in, losing your day off for this, you were too focused debating on if you should call in sick next week to balance this out, you didnt see beetlejuice giving you the most shark toothed grin you've ever seen on him, this breather wont know what hit em.
So there you were waiting at the entrance at this little pop up amusement park waiting for this blind date.
You turn to see the most generic looking plain guy you've ever met.
"Uhh yeah?"
"I'm mark, Lena had told me so much about you, wow you're even cuter in person"
You give him a half smile, it was kinda creepy to have your coworkers talk about you outside work, and to show others pictures of you, even creeper, you swallow your negative feelings and force a smile on your face, the sooner this was over, the sooner you'll never have to deal with your pushy coworker again.
"Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice"
In a puff if green smoke the ghost with the most appears.
"We're here" lydia says flatly, not too thrilled to be at this pop up disaster.
Beetlejuice grabs the kid's hand and shakes it "thanks lyds, I owe ya big for this!" He babbles
"Yeah" she pulls her hand away "have fun ruining y/n night out with their future husband" she tease
Beetlejuice snarls at the thought "dont even joke about that kid, I'm y/n's future husband, and IF you play your cards right we'll adopt you" he sticks his tongue out at the child before vanishing
"BJ I have parents!" The kid hollers to the spot the ghoul once stood.
Your date eagerly dragged you to the haunted house, as if his life depended on it, this whole night has been as dull as you expected, first he tried to show off at the 'test your strength' game, a game where you won by a mile. Then he tried and failed to win you a stuffed toy on the ring toss, after you saying you werent intrested in it. He vomited after the two of you got off the tilt a whirl, almost cried on the ferris wheel, and threw up again on the scrambler, at this point you were feeling pretty bad for the guy.
Unbeknownst to you beej has been watching the whole time, the ghoul was in absolute hysterics laughing at this guy, he cant believe he was worried about this loser taking you away, but his mirth was cut short after he saw you rubbing his back after he got sick again, why would you comfort this loser? Unless, you had a thing for pathetic guys, in a flash beetlejuice was a fiery red, this loser may have your kindness now, but would he still have it once he's shit himself?!
The ghoul was ready to lunge for the two of you with a cheap but effective jump scare in mind but paused when he saw that shmuck lead you to the haunted house, beej grins to himself and awful toothy grin, showtime.
"Are you sure you're feeling up to this? You should take a second to rest" you asked concerned
"No, no, it's fine, I'm fine" he insisted looking pale, you felt so bad he was doing his best despite everything to impress you, and here you were going to ghost him after this, he wasnt your type that was for certain, maybe the two of you could be friends.
The two of you step into the attraction with beej hot on your trail, invisible, as much as he'd love to run wild and mess with all these breathers you took priority, he couldnt risk you falling into any form of interest with this guy, he feared losing you more then anything, he didnt want to be alone, you are the closest thing he's ever had to a happy home, he loved you, and was sure as hell no one was gonna ruin this.
Despite how awful this evening was, the haunted house was a blast, so fun, it had you screaming, though each scream was followed by a laugh, it honestly reminded you of beej, how'd he mess with you when you were sad to get your mind on something else, how he'd hide his head in the cupboard waiting for you, only to scream when you open the door causing you to scream as well, how the two of you would always share a laugh afterwords.
"If you're scared y/n, I'll protect you"
You were snapped from you thoughts at Mark's odd statement
He clears his throat "if you want, you can hold on to me, I'll keep you safe" he outstretched an arm towards you
"Oh, no thanks, I'm good" you waved off this offer, the man threw up twice this evening, there was no way you wanted to touch him, even if you felt romantic towards him.
Beetlejuice growled at his words, with a snap of his fingers he summons the clones, beetlejuice presses a finger to him lips, signaling them to keep quiet.
"Get y/n and play somewhere away from their 'friend'" beej spat, he knew it would be easy to go full demon on this guy without you interfering, yes the ghoul adored you, and loved how you let him go ham when I came to scaring, but you help too much kindness and would definitely try and stop him.
The clones, excited to see you and play dash off off into the darkness to get you, the orginal stays behind readying his attack.
You and mark continue your way through the haunted house, jumping and screaming all the while, the two of you pass a door and in a flash a barrage of hands shoot out grabbing you, you try to scream for help, but one hand was quick to slap itself over your mouth, and as quickly as the hands grabbed you, they pulled you back into the darkness, the door shutting behind you.
'Mark was completely frozen, staring at the place where you once stood, baffled on what happened, did this attraction have visitor participation? That was way too complicated to be sprung on a random person. Mark slowly backs up, scared he'll be grabbed next, thought he wasnt wrong, the man freezes in his tracks when his body bumps against what he assumed was another person, he jumps forward
"I'm so sorry!" He babbles, but goes white in the face when he turns to see a man, or upon first glance, the more mark stared on him the more he realized it wasnt a person
There stood beetlejuice, a fiery red took over his hair, scruff, shirt and tie, his teeth were jagged and sharp, his eyes resemble that of a snake, and he reaked of decay and death
"You will be"
With an ungraceful thud you are lightly tossed on the floor of what looked like a storage room, surrounding you were Beetlejuice's clones, you pause for a moment as you put two and two together
"Beetlejuice is here!" You blurt out, instantly your heart fills with worry, was he running wild here and sent the guys to stop you from ruining his fun? What if something bad happens to him? Yeah he's a strong demon, but what if someone out there is capable of hurting him? You jump to your feet and try to leave but to clones are quick to wrap you up in their arms
"Guys please, I need to go-"
"Does y/n not love us anymore?" One coos nuzzling his head into your neck "y/n we just want to play" another joins in "boss said we could play~♡" another purrs into your ear, you could honestly feel like your legs were gonna turn to jelly over their attention, but thos wasnt the time.
"If you guys help me find beetlejuice now we can play whatever you want later" a dangerous promise, but desperate times call for it. The clones pause for a second, as if to debate getting in trouble with the original was worth it, though the debate only took a moment the clones were on your side, all with hints of pink gracing their appearance.
One clone took you hand and led you to beetlejuice while the others were right behind you.
Back with beetlejuice and your 'date' the ghoul has turned this haunted house into his own personal torture chamber, trapping mark inside, along with lydia who has wandered inside to watch beetlejuice do his thing, and a few other unlucky breathers,though they werent as unlucky as your date, who was the main focus of Beetlejuice's rage.
The clones lead you right to their boss, who now took the form of a giant spider, teasing mark that he was gonna eat him.
"BEETLEJUICE!" you holler "BEETLEJUICE" again
"Babes dont-" in a flash he was back to his old self,  the doors swing open and everyone including mark run out screaming and crying.
"Awww" groans lydia walking up to the two of you
"You're here too, oh, I get it" you sigh "bee, why did you do this? He really didnt deserve, I mean, he was nice, but, that was uncalled for" you start
Purple begins to creep into the ghoul's hair, did you really like that guy? More then him?
"I mean, it was kinda funny though...." you mumble
The demon's eyes light up, beetlejuice adjusts his tie with a smirk on his face knowing he's not really in trouble "so, did I ruin your little date? Guess you ain't going steady with that fella now huh?"
You snort out a laugh "he really isnt my type"
"What is your type? Tall, dark, and decomposed?" The ghoul nudges you with his elbow, earning another laugh from you
Lydia rolls her eyes at your guy's flirting
"So what are the two of you doing here? Are you guys here with Delia and Charles? Small world huh?" You giggle
"Beej made me summon here so he could ruin your date" lydia says plainly
"Kids say the darndest things" beetlejuice chuckles giving lydia a shove
"Yeah, he was scared youd fall in love with the guy and leave him all alone" she teases
"Lydia!" He hollers, clearly embarrassed the kid ratted him out
"Is that true bee?" You ask softly
".....yeah" he mumbles purple taking over "you're mine y/n, and I dont wanna share ya, you're my happy home, but come on what pretty little breather would wanna knock boots with a smelly old corpse"
You lightly grab his hand "you're not that smelly" you give the demon a soft smile, he stares back at you wide eyed, unsure what to do next, the concept on genuine kindness was so foriegn to him.
You gently lean forward and kiss his cheek "I'll always be your happy home, never worry about that, I want you to be a part of my life" you whisper
Pruple quickly vanishing for the demon's hair in favour of a soft pink, beetlejuice scoops you up bridal style and hollers "lyds call Delia, and tell her to start planning our wedding!"
"What?!" You respond
Lydia pulls out her phone, and starts tapping away "you two are disgusting and sappy, I'm going home"
"Dont leave me with him" you plead as the kid walks away, you were trapped between beetlejuice and his clones, each clone wanting to shake your hand and congratulate you.
For the next week beetlejuice referred to you as his future wifey
Going into work the following Monday was weird, lena was quick to get to you saying how mark told them everything, you were terrified youd have to try and talk your way out of what the guy saw, but no, your coworker was too busy saying how impressed they were with what they herd went on in the haunted house, they had no idea that pop up amusement park had that kind of budget,
You laughed it off saying it sure was something, and thanking them for setting you up, but explained how you recently found some one else.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
Click here if you are a first time reader.
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Summary / TWs: Steve Rogers does not pass the vibe check yet again, le sad face. Loki is a good bro. Bruce fluff but what else is new? Literally everyone is a good bro, yo. Reader has best people. Tony's in there, kind of. Parents still suck.
For taglist: please send an ask if you changed your @! I noticed several people are unavailable :(
As always, my baby gay @miscmarvelwritings is the bestest beta!
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"I think I am going to murder your father." Bucky's angry statement didn't surprise me. Neither did Steve's initial reaction, or anybody else's mostly pitying looks.
Bruce, my Bwucie, was calm and dejected. That worried me. I expected him to be at least a little bit green around the edges when Steve forcefully sat me down and made me explain the drunken, drugged stunt I'd done the night before, but alas, it seemed like Jolly Green was just sad. Or disappointed. And I didn't know which was worse.
The more I thought about it, the more defensive and abrasive I became. "And you'll kill yourself trying, he'll drive you fucking nuts" I responded to Barnes. "Honestly, I don't fucking see the problem here. My dad shows up five times a year at best. It's been like that forever. And it's not like I'm some kind of junkie," I defended myself, and my dad, because I really didn't see the huge deal about it. Relaxing once in a while doesn’t hurt anyone.
"It's not right!" Steve exclaimed, loosely banging a fist on the table. The self-righteous prick, seemed like he wanted to pick a fight just for the sake of it.
"And who are you, exactly, to say that? The moral police?" I blew up, standing and turning to the blonde man, hands on my hips. "Or you've decided to be my parent without asking me first? Keep your hopes up and maybe a fuck will magically appear, so I could give it to you."
He stood up in turn, getting uncomfortably close to my face. I was suddenly reminded of the fact that he was a very large, very strong man. "We want what's best for you! Can't you see it?" Rogers was getting red in the face, crossed arms, staring at me down like I was dirt under his shoes.
"How about..." I seethed, having to stop mid-sentence to swallow the scream that wanted to erupt. "How about... You FUCKING ask me what I want?"
"I suggest the Captain leave to go calm down," Loki suddenly piped up. He stayed silent throughout the whole conversation, picking at his food instead. Only after his sharply uttered words I noticed he had stood up. His hand hovered over my shoulder, body discreetly wedging between me and the Captain.
I heard Steve growl before he stormed off, throwing an annoyed look at Loki. A pregnant silence hung in the room. The longer it lasted, the more I wanted to crawl out of my skin, suddenly hyper aware of all these people - strangers, save a few - debating on what to do with me. Like I wasn't a person. Like...
"Ugh, fucking hell," I growled, beelining for my bag. I had definitely overstayed my welcome.
"Where are you going?" Bruce asked, standing up to follow.
"Home," I replied curtly, nodding my thanks to Loki for the intervention. He nodded back, walking off. I would have probably started swinging at the Icicle Dick if not for the raven haired Asgardian's timely interruption.
"I'll drive you," Banner trotted after me like a dejected puppy. I didn't have the mental capacity to deal with this, at all.
"I need to see Tony first. Meet you downstairs?"
Bruce nodded, looking even more confused.
Tony kissed me hungrily, in between promises to kill Steve and cancel my dad and get me my own apartment in the tower. Believing in fairy tales wasn't something I was ever prone to; I smiled, nodded along and did my best to shut him up with my own mouth on his. I left with the promise to text him as soon as I got home.
"How are you?" Bruce asked me as we once again drove through the busy city. This was becoming a nice habit but we really had to meet up when I wasn't going through another one of my turmoils.
"All things considered, I am great. Better than I've been in a while." I answered honestly, meaning it. However brief Tony's attention would be, it still satisfied me. Then and there I decided to always, always cherish what happened during my brief stint in his arms.
"Really?" Banner's warm smile was an unexpected but pleasant surprise. "Care to share?"
It threw me for a loop. I didn't know how much Tony wanted to disclose regarding what happened between us. I didn't know the extent of his friendship with Bruce. I didn't know...
"Tony," I choose the usual option. Admit what you can't deny, deny what you can't admit.
"I know the feeling," The good doctor chuckled, companionable-like and meaningful. "He tends to go all the way for the people he cares about. Too much, if you ask me."
"What do you mean?" I was confused. Sure, me and Tony were friends. But not, like, super close or anything. We'd fucked, or more like messed around, so I expected our friendship to grow colder. That's what happened when friends decided to bump uglies.
"I mean... He'll move mountains and challenge the government and bully them into dropping charges against you," There was a hint of sadness in Brucie's voice. I vaguely recalled seeing something on the news, something about the Hulk and a massive destruction spree. It didn't take long to put two and two together.
I reached out, putting a hand on his knee. He covered my palm with his own, giving it a brief, warm squeeze.
"It must be great having a friend like that. You're both wonderful and brilliant. You deserve no less," The smile threatened to split my face in two.
Bruce returned the smile but the sadness didn't go away. "You realize that extends to you, right?"
"Me? I'm just me, Bruce." I wasn't sure where this was going. "I'm Peter's classmate and the resident hot mess express."
Bruce frowned, deep and long, up until he parked. Life seemed to be taking back all the happiness it gave me previously-in fucking buckets. The strap of my bag was going to get its threads pulled out with the way I was fiddling with it.
"Baby… Princess?" The scientist turned to me, tone torn somewhere between stern and pleading. "Listen to me. You are brilliant. Incredibly smart, talented and beautiful. Don't ever, ever think of yourself as less than any of us." I gaped at him.
Did he mean us as the Avengers? Us as Tony and Bruce? Meanwhile he continued, "In fact, I think you are the one who deserves so much better. I don't know what Tony found in me… Or what you found in me."
Was the man an idiot or yes? That was the question of the day. Cursing Tony's affinity for small cars (bless me and my own SUV), I only hesitated a moment before grabbing the dumb Banner by his face and startling him into looking straight in my eye. "If you don't quit talking all that fake-ass bullshit, I will kiss you. On the mouth. With tongue."
"Uh," Was his articulate response. I watched him squirm, blush and lose the heat to his argument.
"Exactly. I've had it all with you idiots today. Next time someone says some stupid ass fucking thing, I will kiss them. On the mouth, with tongue. Pass it on," I exhaled, releasing his face and dropping my head onto his shoulder.
"Some way of solving conflict you have," Banner chuckled weakly, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "I'd like to see Steve's reaction."
"A boner, probably, because he needs to get laid before he spontaneously combusts," I grumbled venomously, still bitter about his reaction. The Capsicle needed to chill. Hehe.
"I'll pass it on too," Bruce remarked wryly. "See you next week?"
"Yeah. Thanks, Bwucie, you're the fucking best," I kissed the scientist on the cheek, giving him a tighter than usual parting hug and walking up the pathway. Home.
Mother was nowhere to be seen - and the obvious reason for that laid on the kitchen floor. Couple of smashed dishes, a bottle of whiskey laying half-empty in a puddle on the grey tiles. The living room rug bore more stains and the smell of alcohol, bitter and acrid (like my soul, hardy har), hung heavily throughout the whole house.
At least I wasn't the only one who fought for myself that day. Mother probably had landed a good one on dad, too, by God the woman could be ruthless with her icy words. Dad never stood a chance. I've felt begrudgingly respectful of the way mother put people in their place with her words ever since I understood sarcasm.
First things first, I cleaned up the mess and opened the windows a smidge, cranking the air recuperation system to the max. Hanging around a place that smelled like a bum on a good Friday night was a horrible way to spend free time. Having successfully cut myself and bandaged the cuts up, I retreated to my room, not wanting to spend more time than necessary in the quiet, stinky, creepy house that my home had become.
My phone was long dead so I plugged it in, waiting for the 2% to appear, turning it on. A few messages from Peter, first cheerful, then worried and then relieved. Tony must've placated the spider child and told him I was staying at the tower. Good call, Tones, or else poor Peter would've worked himself into an anxiety attack and crashed in a dumpster while patrolling. Or something. I still didn't quite get his spider-hero side-gig.
A text from Bruce - rather, a photo, of a disgruntled Steve with his eyebrows raised, titled "I told him the next time he freaks out, you will kiss him. With tongue. Barnes cackled for about ten minutes until he ran out of air."
And a text from Tony. My chest tightened when I opened it. "Good tactics. Sneaky, clever, I'd give it a B+."
I snorted. Then the phone beeped again and I froze. A text ordering me to be ready tomorrow, for a date night? Unreal. I was torn. A part of me was elated, thinking Tony wanted to keep me around like that. The other, more sensible part, was firmly telling me to chill TF down. He'll most likely kindly reject any further intimate interactions, maybe have me sign a few NDAs.
I still answered positive, mushy and cute and all. Feelings aside, I wasn't about to change my texting style for any man. My God, I was turning into a monster. A horribly cheesy, pink, soft, fluffy monster.
The next day, school was nearly unbearable. People talked. Not to my face, of course, since the rumours of me putting away Flash Thompson were still fresh enough for everyone to be cautious around me, but the whispers followed me throughout hallways, tongue in cheek remarks thrown at me from the bathroom stalls, behind the teacher's desks. Did I care? Nope.
Okay, I did, but not in the way one would think. The little spring in my step, a slight smirk. My thoughts were occupied with my upcoming dinner with Tony.
Peter and his pet nerds stood at my side, the ever watchful guards. I had no idea why they decided I needed reassurance or their comfort (I did not), but I had to admit it was cute. MJ, in particular, glared her Death Ray Stare at any male-identifying student that dared to as much as look wrongly in my direction. I mostly ignored the trio. Pete himself did a great job with entertaining his friends, he babbled on as usual, about everything and nothing in particular. Mouth ulcers. He was going to get them one day.
Dad called me during third period, saying he was flying off to California. I would have been lying if I said I didn't know why he scheduled the sudden trip; mother's total radio silence and the absence of her laptop in her own office spoke volumes about the state of my family's affairs. They had a fight and ran off to the opposite ends of the continent. I didn't understand why mother was upset with me, though. I saved her face during dinner at Tony's, so why is she mad about me going to a party with dad? Baffling woman.
Admitting the house felt like home when either of them were absent was hard. Or, perhaps, I felt nothing at all. Spending so much time around the Brady Bunch- the Avengers made me too soft for my own liking. It wasn't just Tony that lived in mind rent-free all the time now; there was Bruce, with his kindness, Bucky with his overgrown teenager attitude, Wanda with her wit and hair that smelled like cheap shampoo - seriously, I absolutely had to show her the benefits of decent hair products. That was just to list the few little quirks. There were so many people, all of them different and wonderful in their own way.
To summarize it, I was both happy for them and bitter for not having any of that to myself. Although it made me kind of glad I didn't have a sibling - looking after someone in the mess that mother and dad created would've been a nightmare. They say it's always a better place where we are not.
I went through a whole pack of cigarettes in a span of a couple of hours. Plagued by strangely melancholic thoughts, trying to push down the anxiety over my upcoming date, my choice of outfit proved to be a cumbersome task while in process.
Expensive but simple dress with spaghetti straps, in my favourite colour. That was the easiest part. A good base for any accessories. Would Tony like it? Would the press make outrageous comments?
Either way, it would. Dad's comments cut deeper than I probably realized it until now; in a sudden bout of self-awareness and a couple of mouse clicks later... Tony wouldn't care. Tony wears suits with sneakers. The Manolos flew back, towards my shoe closet, and a pair of Chanel trainers made their debut. A Hermes 2002 barely weighed down by my wallet, keys and phone. A nice coat, too, appropriately light and so very conceptual and fashionable.
I spent way too much time deciding on what to wear. A stern talking to, however, didn't help me, and I had to redo my make-up - the "nude", "all natural" look was one of the hardest to nail. Or so Marie Claire said. Whatever, my highlighter game was, as usual, on point.
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @gigglyfox01 @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway (it finally let me tag you)!
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crackinglamb · 3 years
You Have Chosen Nydha To Be Your Companion!
Hopping off @little-lightning-lavellan's idea to take a DA:I OC and turn them into a companion, may I present Banal'ras Nydha (from Hope Is a Fragile Thing) and her wiki page.
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Banal'ras Nydha looks human, although there is something that doesn't seem quite right about her. She has dark hair and skin and startlingly green eyes, and speaks with a low, raspy voice. It is often difficult to find her in a room. Nydha first appears, and is available to recruit, in the Temple of Sacred Ashes before attempting to close the Breach. She offers knowledge and combat tactics against demons. If dismissed, or never spoken to, she will then be spotted in Haven behind Solas's cabin. She will not be available to recruit at that time, although once the Inquisition is relocated to Skyhold, she will make an offer to travel with the Inquisitor. If dismissed again, she will become a non-interactive NPC in the Rotunda, usually found near the mural or atop the scaffolding. If she is never recruited, she will disappear from Skyhold after the final battle with Corypheus.
Nydha is not romanceable by any Inquisitor, but can engage in a relationship with Solas if a female Dalish Inquisitor has not done so. She is friendly and bonds well with most of the other party members, especially Cole, Dorian and, of course, Solas. She prefers diplomacy and tends towards mediation rather than confrontation. If a Dalish Inquisitor has romanced Solas, and has high approval, Nydha will offer comfort and sympathy upon termination of the relationship. If low approval, Nydha has nothing to say.
She has strong opinions on the plight of elves, slaves and mages. She is supportive of any measures that would improve the lives of them. Her early banter with Dorian revolves around debating Tevinter's practices and trying to get him to see a better way. She will also speak with Iron Bull about the shortcomings of the Qun, although never with the same level of disdain as Solas. While she never openly mocks the Chantry or Andrastianism, she isn't a strong supporter or believer and has no opinion on who becomes Divine.
In Haven, Nydha can be found behind Solas's cabin, usually in the darkest corner. Once the Inquisition relocates to Skyhold, she can be found in either the Arcane Library or the Rotunda.
Nydha's approval level is based upon empathy. An Inquisitor who is helpful, respectful and curious will gain approval. Nydha has no opinion on quests such as Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts or the outcome of Here Lies the Abyss, but approves diplomatic resolutions to judgments. She will greatly approve allying with the Free Mages, and only slightly approve conscripting the Templars. Conscription of the Free Mages or allying with the Templars will result in full disapproval. She will greatly approve Iron Bull becoming Tal-Vashoth and keeping Cole as a spirit. Actions that are ruthless or cruel will lose approval.
A high approval Inquisitor will learn that Nydha was born in another world and 'crossed over' through the Veil when the Breach opened. She will tell the Inquisitor that her name was given to her as a gift from someone she met in the Fade. She does not, however, say that it is Solas (see below for unique Trespasser dialogue). She will say that her name means 'Shadow of Night', according to her translation. A Dalish Inquisitor can have special dialogue to recognize the name as being Elvish and can question how a human came to have it. Nydha will answer that it is because the native language of the Fade is Elvish, a remnant from when elves held all of Thedas before human arrival.
A low approval Inquisitor will not learn this part of her history and she will remain an enigma. If approval falls to zero, she will refuse to speak to the Inquisitor, although she does not leave and is still available as a companion.
Survivor In the Shadows – the quest for meeting Nydha initially at the Temple of Sacred Ashes. It begins upon speaking with her, and ends with either recruitment or dismissal.
From the Ashes – only available after either In Hushed Whispers or Champions of the Just, but before completion of In Your Heart Shall Burn, Nydha will ask the Herald to accompany her back to the Temple of Sacred Ashes to search for her few belongings. The Herald will find a journal, a bundle of unusual clothes and a single unmarked vial. Nydha will approve completing this quest.
A Better Form – Nydha will ask for help in stabilizing her corporeal body if Dagna is brought into the Inquisition. Resolution of this quest will involve having Dagna create a unique amulet that will act as a permanent grounding source, rather like a lightning rod. Components for this amulet are: 1 blank rune stone, 1 wisp essence, and either 5 dawnstone or 5 volcanic aurum (both imbue constitution bonuses). It will act as an Amulet of Power, granting Nydha an extra skill point. This is the only time such an ability will be available to her. This will also allow her to wear other amulets throughout the remainder of the game. She, and Solas, will greatly approve completing this quest.
Twice-Born – available during the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. Nydha, if in the party, will ask to speak with the Augur of Stone-Bear Hold once relations with the hold have been established. If she is not among the Inquisitor's party, she will be found in the main scout camp near Professor Kenric. What the two speak about will be unknown, but at the end of the quest, Nydha will inform the Inquisitor that she has been given the legend-mark Twice-Born from the hold's 'gods'. Cole will greatly approve completing this quest, regardless of whether or not he is in the party.
Note: This quest is not dependent upon approval, but is the only time she will speak with a zeroed out Inquisitor, should that level of low approval be reached.
Ability Tree/Specialization
Nydha is technically a rogue, and can utilize either a bow or double daggers. She has an autolevel preference for the Subterfuge tree, and has an additional, unique starting skill in Fade Cloak. This does not require further leveling to be active. It is the only skill that cannot be deactivated from her skillset.
She can specialize in either Tempest or Rift Mage, due to her nature as a being from the Fade. She is not otherwise a mage. Her decision on specialization can be influenced, as she will ask the Inquisitor's opinion. If no opinion is given, she will default to taking Tempest.
Combat comments
“Come get some!”
“Catch me if you can!”
(If specialized in Tempest) “Burn, baby, burn.”
(If specialized in Rift Mage) “Ooh, the stuff of nightmares.”
Kills an enemy
“Another one bites the dust.”
“Cool story, bro.”
“Then perish.”
Low Health
“This was not on my agenda today.”
“A little help?”
Low Health (Companions)
For all general companions: “I have your back.”
If in a romance with Solas: “Take a breather, fenorain.”
Fallen Companions
For all general companions: “I'll make them pay!”
If in a romance with Solas: “NO!”
Location Comments
Hinterlands: “Why is it so big? Why is everything so big?”
Fallow Mire: “I have mud in unmentionable places. Can we go now?”
Storm Coast: “I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and sky.”
If companions question her: “It's just from a poem I once read.”
Exalted Plains: “So much death. Can't you feel it?”
Emerald Graves: “This forest is old. Very old.” [laughs] “I always wanted to say that in proper context.”
Emprise du Lion: “Stay away from the bloody lyrium. And wear a hat.”
At Suledin Keep after Imshael, if Solas is in the party: “Ir abelas, lethallin.” (If romanced) Ir abelas, fenorain.”
Solas's reply (only translated if the Inquisitor is Dalish): “Ma serannas. Ea lam'an.” (It is in the past)
At the Pools of the Sun, regarding the trio of dragons: “Can't we just leave them alone? They really won't hurt anyone if we keep our distance.”
Hissing Waste: “You know, if you ignore the endless vista of sand, it's really quite beautiful. In a bleak kind of way.”
Western Approach: “Hot. Hot and blighted. I need a drink.”
Forbidden Oasis, upon reaching the second camp: “That's it, I'm never leaving.”
Arbor Wilds: “Mind your footing. This place is full of secrets.”
In Val Royeaux: “Pretty place.”
Frostback Basin: “I could stay here forever. Even with the varmints.”
The Descent: “Nice and dark, just the way I like it.”
At the Wellspring: “Wow...that's amazing.”
Trespasser: “Now it all ends, my friend.”
If the Inquisitor questions the statement: “You'll see soon enough.”
Companion/Advisor comments
Varric – Gotta watch out for Spooky, there's something about her I can't put my finger on.
Cassandra – She is an able fighter, but I would not trust her out of my sight, which is far too often.
Solas – She is secretive by nature, but I would assure you that she means no harm.
Iron Bull – She's a tricky one. Good fighter, lotta secrets. Good at keeping them too. I don't think I've cracked a single one that she didn't tell me herself.
Dorian – She's fascinating. I am not at liberty to say why, of course, if you don't already know.
Cole – Bright as the sun and scattered as the stars. She wants to help, just like I do.
Vivienne – She seems capable enough, my dear. But I would not dare to trust her. She is an accomplished player of the Game, for all her smiles and good cheer.
Sera – She's as bad as Creepy, although she's better at jokes. She's better at hiding than I am!
Blackwall – She knows something. She knows too many somethings.
Josephine – She keeps to herself and has caused no diplomatic incidents. I wish I could say the same for some of the others gathered here.
Leliana – I find it curious that I cannot find any solid evidence of her existence before the Conclave, but that does not automatically mark her a spy. However, her nature makes me no more inclined to trust her. I would be wary of her.
Cullen – Who? Oh, the...shadowy...person. I hear she can handle herself. I can't say I've spoken with her, so I don't have an opinion.
There is a unique dialogue tree available to the Inquisitor while speaking with Solas if Nydha was recruited as a companion.
“Did you know about Nydha?”
“Yes, I am the one who gave her her name. I found her while I yet slept, and she became corporeal after the Breach.”
(First branch) “Is she one of your agents?”
“No. She has only ever been my friend.”
(Special, if not romanced) “Your friend? It seemed to be more than that.”
“In another world, perhaps.”
(Second branch) “Is she joining you?”
“No, I would not wish her on this path.”
(Third branch) “She knew this whole time. Why didn't she tell me?”
“She had her reasons for not telling you. (If high approval) I hope you will not hold them against her.”
Regardless of approval, Nydha disappears after the Exalted Council. She settles in the Frostback Basin among the Avvar. A high approval Inquisitor will receive correspondence from her from time to time, but she will refuse to come back to the 'civilized' nations of Thedas, preferring privacy and isolation.
If in the party during Here Lies the Abyss, the Nightmare demon will speak to her in Elvish. Her reply is a scoff and nothing else.
Nydha can be a third option at the Vir'Abelasan if she is in the party. If she is chosen to drink from the Well, Abelas does not object, although he will still point out that she will be bound as they are. If Nydha drinks, she will summon Flemeth and work with the Inquisitor to tame the dragon for the final confrontation with Corypheus. If she is in the party during Trespasser, she will be able to provide the password to the spirit guards, preventing a fight.
If Morrigan is allowed to attack Abelas, she will attempt to defend him and will argue that the witch is not worthy of the knowledge she seeks if brutality is her only way to get it. If there is a peaceful alliance with the Sentinels and Morrigan is chosen to drink, Nydha will slightly disapprove but hold her tongue on the matter.
If the Inquisitor drank from the Well, and succeeds in finding enough clues to determine that Solas is Fen'Harel, Nydha will appear saddened when the Inquisitor rebuts to the Viddasala that they already know. She will state that this was what she'd been waiting for. The Inquisitor will have the option to accuse her of knowing the whole time. She will answer yes, but she won't explain.
If Nydha is never recruited, and remains an NPC in the Rotunda, one will hear her occasionally speak with Solas. These conversations range in topic from books they are reading to the mural. Never about Inquisition business. There is a slight chance to hear them speaking in Elvish, and their words are not translated, regardless of Inquisitor's race. Solas's replies appear to be noncommittal.
Nydha will remark upon the Inquisitor's romantic choices, usually with something supportive and a hope that they are happy together. She will also comment something generally pleasant about each companion if asked. The exception to this is if Iron Bull remains Ben-Hassrath. Nydha will caution the Inquisitor to be careful of telling him too much since his loyalty is now unknown.
It can be implied from various interactions and from high approval conversation that Nydha was in fact aware of everything that would happen during the course of the game. She never gives a reason for keeping her silence on matters pertaining to what foreknowledge she had, although any input given during the game events is sound and often given in such a way so as not to risk suspicion.
It can also be implied that regardless of what Solas says during Trespasser, Nydha has actually left the Inquisition to join his ranks, or at least does not stand opposed to him. This is not confirmed, however, and according to her epilogue card, she is enjoying a quiet life in the Frostback Basin with no intention of ever interfering with Thedosian politics or events again.
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
NSFW Prompt: Soundtracks to having sex with the boys.
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David: Poison - Alice Cooper
Its heated, tight, slow, every minute he's in control. A king, he lives to worship and be worshiped. Expect bondage to be a must. Crude, tight strips of leather used to tie your hands together, he wants you at his mercy and there will be very little of that. Trailing slow kisses up your legs, slowly morphing into bites the closer he gets to your most tender regions with gloves hands running along the side until you're ready to burst. It's so cute the way you squirm like a fly in his web. You bet your sweet ass he'll make you beg, how could he not? His skin is so chilled yet your body is sticky with perspiration, every kiss, every tender touch pushing you closer to a ledge. You don't even realize he hasn't even pushed himself inside, the anticipation of it all is practically maddening. But the fun doesn't stop there. He's tried blindfolding you, but finds the disconnect works both ways. Instead he commands eye contact. Don't even try to turn away, he'll grasp your chin between his thumb and pointer finger and force you to look at him.
"Don't you dare hide from me," he'll hiss into your ear, fangs dragged across tender flesh just enough to catch the skin. Whether or not he keeps his gloves on is always a surprise, usually keeping them on for those quickies in dark corners where no one will spot you. Onlookers beware, he will debate whether or not he wants to kill you for seeing his lover exposed despite it being his own fault. Regardless he'll scare them off and return to you, barely fazed by the events and particularly oblivious to your own embarrassment. Those beastly eyes will devour you. If you're not ready for him to cum inside he'll drop you to his waist and have you take a mouthful of his length, you're not about to waste his cum by having it painted anywhere other than your face. Worry not, he'll tease and prod inside you with his fingers until your legs are drenched. If you are ready for him release within, he'll fill you inside until it's spilling out, leaving himself inside until he's absolutely sure he's drained every last drop. By the end you're a trembling, panting mess, but don't think he'll leave you. Instead he'll quietly praise you in low rumbles, keeping you tightly grasped in his arms the whole night through.
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Dwayne: Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
Dwayne takes his time and savors you. You swear you've become like a school girl, regardless of just how much experience you have. The way he holds you so close against his chest, it's tight yet somehow tender, almost as if he's afraid to break you. His nose will glide over your neck to take in your scent, his stubble scrapes and tickles until you have to bite your lip to avoid a giggle. He doesn't mind of course. Your laugh twinkles so beautifully, stars in the sky would be jealous. Expect plenty of sweet nothings tenderly whispered so softly you swear it was the wind spilling through the cracks of the cave. Dwayne's calloused hands would draw you onto his lap and cup the arch of your back, steadily traveling to your buttocks. Just like David he'll steal a few nips across your skin, and you won't be able to resist rolling you head back savoring his lips on your collar. He'll keep you on his lap the entire time, he wants you as close to him as he can. Time is lost to these moments, coaxing your body until he slides in with ease, by which point you've entirely melted in his iron grasp. Expect to feel his hands entwined in your hair for those passionate lip locks because he's determined to steal your breath away. The climax is an ethereal high leaving you floating in your own body. He'll lay back on the bed keeping you on top, lazily slinging dishevelled sheets over your bodies listening to your soft breaths until they lure him to sleep.
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Paul: Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard
Handsy, handsy, boy. You're his precious kitten, and he wants all of you. Now.
Foreplay isn't really necessary, you two are caught making out easily three times a day, that's just expected by that point. Honestly, if his hands weren't on your butt you'd be concerned. Instead he'll probably spend the day whispering to you everything he wants to do to you, teasing you to the point you don't know whether to kiss him or smack his arm. Either is fine by his book, he just loves to watch you squirm in place. In fact, take a swing, it's free on him, he'll just make you regret it later when he's pounding you from behind. Every second is noisy, wild, and messy. Frankly he doesn't care where you guys fuck, it's free real estate, baby! You're at the board walk? Fine, he'll drag you to a dimly lit alleyway and hoist you up against the wall. If you get too loud he'll just shove his tongue in your mouth- you can't scream then. The hotel? Oh he'll want to take you on every surface, even the ceiling if he can. Expect him to make every noise under the moon. It's hard not to chuckle, you're so mouthy every other second of the day but the moment he's mixing you up inside you become a slurred mess. Teasing or taunting him is a ballsy move. Sure he'll play along, but if you're not giving in yo best hope you have a fast pair of legs because he will chase you and rip your clothes right off. Jealous sex is mind-melting! He'll grasp you by your throat or hair, gruffly snarling about being his, biting and scratching. Hickeys are left everywhere, he wants to ward off any fuckhead who even looks at you twice. By the time he's finished he's just as much a sweaty mess as you, but he'll still hold onto you. It's easy for him to lose control, so afterwards he'll always check you to make sure he didn't break you or something. He'll lay his head on your shoulder or wrap his arms around your waist just so you know he still loves you even if he can't really say it.
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Marko : Shake the Disease - Depeche Mode
No one would expect that fang baby to be a god in bed, but we've come to learn when it comes to Marko appearances can be deceiving. Submissive is easy enough, sure. But most fail to realize how much of a soft-dom he is. He's not as handsy in public as Paul, but he'll have his arms around your waist and a head on your shoulder whispering all kinds of sweeties that make you blush. It's cute to see you get all giggly, he can't help but chuckle at the sight of your cheeks turn rosey. Both he and David will tease your mouth with their fingers, it's hard not to love the way your tongue devours them so eagerly. Loves to tease, cannot be teased. Like a puppy he'll grow whiny if denied sex and follow you, granted only if you're the one who started it. If you're genuinely not in the mood he'll accept that and resort to cuddles. Meanwhile he'll drag out the foreplay, what better way to start off than by making you a whining mess just like you leave him. Blood play is his favorite, and yes, that includes shark week. It's a sweet ambrosia, the scent of it will leave him panting against your skin smearing your flesh red. You are his baby doll, expect him to coax you through every act in a tender purr, gushing over how beautiful you look painted in cum and blood. He'll stroke your hair through oral, trying to see just how far you'll go.
"Take as much as you can, baby girl, you're doing so good~"
If you're insecure he'll be sure to have you on top where you can't hide, and almost become offended when you try to cover that beautiful body from him. He lives for every inch of you, baby, don't take that from him. Gently he'll pull away your arms, grinding his hips into you with a gleeful smirk curling his lips. Marko gets jealous just like anyone else which translates into how your two behave in the bed. He sulks, but rather than lash out he'll take you closer, and harder. Holding you tightly against his chest he'll ram into you until your eyes roll back, even roll on top of you while locked in place as he cums inside. Even after he won't let go, wedged tightly in your arms with a pout on his face. You're his, he's not about to have you taken from him. It takes a bit of reassurance just to dispel any worries, then it's a plethora of cuddles, his favorite being when you lay on your side in his arms and play with his curls. The way you're nuzzled up on his chest is heaven, all the while he can rest his cheek atop your head and savor your sweet scent.
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marinerainbow · 3 years
I've been seeing people post their NiGHTS OC's here, so I'm gonna give it a go.
I actually have multiple OC's, but I'm going to talk about my most developed OC. My nightopian named Prism (who I was inspired after seeing @squiderdoodle OC Void, shes really great!)
Before I show her picture (drawn by @marshmallow-biscuit-blog, thank you very much!) Shes not a regular nightopian. If anyone remembers my first NiGHTS into Dreans headcannon post, I said that I have a headcannon that nightopians have their own subspecies like the nightmaren, with the humanoids being referred as celestials (I'm still debating on whether or not to call them that, but I'm leaning more towards that name due to the fact I imagine their all solar based).
Ok, without further ado, heres Prism!
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(The only thing you cant see in the pic is how long her hair is (down to her ankles) and her white ballet shoes (the kind with the ribbons you tie around your legs)) This is what I imagine her NiD look to be, but I'm still trying to figure out what her JoD look would be.
Now, onto her backstory.
The celestials were once high in number, acting out as guardians of the night dimension. However, after Wizeman died in a coma and his soul still remained in the dimension, he started his goal to take over the very place he was trapped in. Once he started gaining power, the celestials first tried to reason with him, but by then he found a way to consume others' energy, and started killing off the celestial species to gain their power (thats how he gained his godlike powers).
As he created more and more nightmaren to steal more and more ideya, the night dimension itself had started creating a new celestial (I cant remember if I've already mentioned it, but I imagine the night dimension to be alive, more so then our own earth). This new celestial was Prism. However, she was created in a secluded area in a Nightopia, so no one had really been able to find her. It wasn't until an awakener who would later become her friend found her and brought her to Owl, who then raised her and taught her everything she needed to know about her world.
She was relatively happy, she made quick friends with the normal nightopians, she saw Owl as a father figure, and she was safe and happy in her home at the Dreamgate. However, around the time she came of age, she encountered a nightmaren for the first time in her life, while they were terrorizing visitors and stealing ideya. After that day, she had decided to become a guardian of the night dimension, just like her ancestors, and protect Nightopia and visitors.
She was powerful to fight against third levels with no problem and second levels easily after she got used to them. As such, Wizeman decided to create the two first levels NiGHTS and Reala. Now those two, since they were made to be far more powerful then a second level, turned out to be quite difficult for Prism to fight against. The most she could do was provide a distraction for them while any visitors or nightopians in the area could get away.
Due to her experiences, Prism had started believing that nightmaren were a inherently evil species. Even though Owl tried to teach her to not think that way, it was hard for her to see the nightmaren as anything but evil. Until NiGHTS rebelled that is.
Of course, she didnt trust them at first, always keeping a close eye on them. But as they proved that they really had a change of heart, Prism started trusting them more and more. Soon enough, the nightopian had actually befriended the rebellious nightmaren, and finally learned what Owl was trying to teach her. Now, she wishes to try and protect all of the night dimension, not just Nightopia.
Now with her backstory done, here are some random facts about her.
She is 4'7, even though shes an adult (I headcannon all nightopians, from the animals to the pixies to the celestials, to be small in comparison to the nightmaren)
Prism is very naive, not in the 'everyone is good' way, but in the fact that she can take things at face value (like how she saw the nightmaren before NiGHTS rebelled). However, she is always willing to learn, and is more than willing to admit her mistakes and will do her best to make them right. She is also a very kind hearted person and would protect and care for her loved ones (family, friends, etc). As such, she can be seen as innocent at times.
As you can see, her wings dont look like a normal nightopians' wings. I imagine humanoid nightopians have more like dragonfly wings rather then butterfly wings.
She is a very sweet person, but she does have a temper. It can take alot to make her lose her temper (or only a little, depending on what is making her angry) but when she loses it, she proves just how loud tiny people get. She can also be very stubborn when she wants to be.
She is also much more of a 'by the book' sort of person then NiGHTS is. It's why they compliment each other well, she helps them be more serious, and they help her be more playful (that's not to say she doesnt know how to have fun, she often plays with the nightopians when she has free time. But she takes her job very seriously, and can often times come off as a workaholic. So NiGHTS is able to help her relax when she needs it.)
The reason why she was named Prism is because of her light based powers: She can summon light, and can even use this to her advantage when fighting for both offense and defense, but she can not actually bend light itself. Her colors will also change depending on her mood/mental state (her colors will look brighter when happy, they will look drained when depressed, etc). If you look at her appearance, you'll notice that she actually looks like the sky, (sky blue eyes, sun hair, etc).
She has her own invisible instrument! A tambourine! She also she enjoys singing and dancing. Especially when it's a celebration of some sort (I'd compare her voice to Miss Acacia from Jack and the Cukoo Clock Heart, especially in the song 'Flames with Glasses'). She also loves reading, and could spend hours going through her favorite pieces of literature.
She us a very upbeat and positive person, despite picking up on some of Owl's anxious habits (like overthinking things). She has a very high energy and is very sociable, but she always makes sure to focus on her work.
Since the night dimension itself created her, she feels at home when shes outdoors, especially in woodlands or fields, almost as if she feels a connection with the world (she cant communicate with the dimension though, she just loves the outdoors)
The awakener that found her is really small, small enough to hide in her shoulder. His name is Peonie, and he is really shy and a bit of a scaredy cat, but he is protective of Prism and will often accompany her on her patrols or outings when he's not doing his own duties, despite the risk of running into a nightmaren.
And that's Prism! Please let me know what you think! Constructive criticism and questions are always welcome!
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 7/8
Will we attend the long awaited meeting?
Final stretch before the end... How are you doing?
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Loki's apartment - 2021
Loki turned the drawing over, Mobius had added a few words to it.
Answer me after 6pm, I'll wait by the mailbox.
Loki looked at the clock, it was 5:15 p.m., he took his notepad and his pencil and left in a hurry towards the house on the cliff.
Arriving a few minutes after 6pm, he went to the mailbox, scribbled quickly on his notebook, tore out the page and after putting it in the box, he raised the flag.
It was lowered almost immediately, the start of another conversation punctuated by its movement.
Mobius House - 2019
Mobius was pacing around the box, avoiding looking at his watch every minute, wondering if he had frightened Loki with his request for a date, when the flag suddenly rose.
L -How?
M -Pick a place. I will be there. I promise. Tomorrow, what do you say?
L -Mobius. It's not tomorrow for you. You'll have to wait two years.
M -I don't care. I'll wait. Meet me at the restaurant tomorrow and I'll be there. I'll be two years older, but I'll be there.
L -What will you be doing all that time?
M -Think about you. And working out every day, getting in shape, praying I don't lose my hair...
L -Are you sure?
M -I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I've already lost so much time. I don't want to waste any more with you.
Loki suddenly felt almost dizzy. Mobius had two years to prepare for this appointment while Loki had less than twenty-four hours. He took a deep breath before closing the mailbox.
L - See you in two years, then.
M - See you tomorrow night. Where would you like to go?
Frigga  restaurant - 2019
Mobius entered the restaurant and was greeted by the hostess.
"Hi, I'd like to reserve a table for two."
She flipped through the reservation book before telling him in an apologetic tone, "Well, I'm sorry, but we just received our fourth star and I'm afraid it's extremely difficult to get a reservation at this hour. When did you expect to dine here?"
Mobius replied with a smile, "Two years from tomorrow. September 15, 2021."
The hostess blinked a few times and then closed the book, before answering with a big smile, "We should be able to accommodate you, sir."
Loki's apartment - September 15, 2021 - Morning
Loki prepared to leave for work. He looked at the outfit he prepared for that evening. He couldn't remember when he hadn't felt such excitement. He couldn't remember ever feeling this excited.
September High School - September 15, 2021 - 5pm
As he packed up his things after having finished his last class of the day, and was already looking forward to the evening ahead, he was jolted out of his reverie by Thor's stormy arrival in his office.
"Thank God you're still here."
"Obviously." replied Loki, pointing out with irony.
"I'm sorry, I know it's not your week, but can you do a detention watch for an hour? Jane is visiting between flights and I was supposed to monitor tonight's detention, but-"
Loki looked at his watch and sighed, "Yes, I can, but one hour not more. I have a date."
"Thank you, thank you! I promise, it's just an hour, no more. But I want to hear all about this date tomorrow, okay?"
Loki shook his head and chuckled, "Alright, alright, go meet Jane!"
Before leaving, Thor threw over his shoulder, "I don't know who that is, but I've never seen you smile like that before, Loki, and it suits you! Bye!"
He was gone before Loki had time to answer.
An hour later, Loki was walking quickly towards his apartment. He entered in a hurry, ran into the room and threw off his clothes.
Croki followed him around, curious, as Loki muttered, "He waited two years. What's another half hour? Right?"
He continued his preparations, but at a calmer pace. He put on a dark green v-neck sweater, of a shade that he knew brought out his eyes, at least that's what the saleswoman had told him, a pair of charcoal-colored pants that highlighted his silhouette. He looked at himself two or three times in the mirror before shrugging his shoulders.
A few minutes later, he left his building and took a cab to the restaurant.
Frigga Restaurant - September 2021
Loki stopped before entering. He inhaled several times to calm himself. He was ready, excited but confident. He opened the door with a firm hand.
While removing his coat, he scanned the room. There are not many tables. Before he could find Mobius, the hostess approached him.
"Good evening sir, can I help you?"
Loki cleared his throat, "Yes, I have a reservation. Laufeyson. Or Mobius, I'm not sure what name it was made under."
The hostess examined her book and looked up with a huge smile, "Oh yes! You're the..." she paused before pulling herself together, "Follow me."
Loki was led to a table for two. It was empty. He was a little surprised.
The hostess turned to him and said, a little embarrassed, "I hope you'll forgive me, but I can't help asking..."
"This reservation is sort of... legendary. It's been here longer than most employees. There's always been intense speculation about who made it, and why, and whether you were really going to show up. Some of the team members even made bets..."
Loki looked around. Throughout the room, waiters were glaring at him. The chefs and kitchen helpers were looking out the kitchen door. Loki suddenly felt very embarrassed.
The hostess immediately apologized, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... I'll send the waiter to get your drink order right away."
A little later a waiter returned and poured Loki a glass of champagne.
"Compliments of the chef."
Loki nodded in thanks.
Just before leaving, the waiter threw him a small smile, "Good luck."
Loki began to sip the champagne, a little more nervous.
Some time later, his glass was empty and he was still waiting, alone at the table. The waiter approached to refill his glass, but Loki stopped him.
He was aware that the restaurant staff was watching him, whispering among themselves. Two hours passed, other customers lingered over dessert, coffee, chatting intimately at the candlelit tables.
Loki was still alone.
After a long moment, he pushed back his chair and stood up. Everyone was looking at him, gravely.
He walked to the front, expressionless, and took his coat, without speaking to anyone before leaving under the sad look of the hostess watching him leave. Loki returned home, alone. His stoic facade began to crumble. He had tears in his eyes.
He took a paper and wanted to write but didn't have the heart. Not now.
House on the cliff - September 16, 2019
The day was gray and windy, Mobius stood in front of his mailbox and read the words "YOU WEREN'T THERE." He shook his head, lost.
M - I'm really sorry. I don't understand. Something must have happened. Look, I have two years. I'll try to fix it.
L -No, Mobius... You don't understand. It's too late. It's already happened.
I'm not upset. I mean, I was at first.
But now I just feel stupid... that I forgot how much a person's life can change in two years.
And for expecting yours not to change.
For expecting you to wait, to stand still, to put your life on hold, for me.
M - But I can do it. I can wait for you. I know I can. I won't forget.
L -Maybe you did. Maybe, wherever you are, you are busy, happy, and living so fully in the present that the dinner you planned two years ago just... slipped your mind. Just like you forget about impossible fantasies when they're over, when you get on with real life.
M - You mean I should go on with my real life?
L- I mean... I think we both should.
After seeing his words, Mobius hurried to answer, his hand trembling with emotion.
Please write to me, answer me.
Mobius put his letter in the mailbox and raised the flag. It stayed up.
An hour later, the flag was still up, Mobius opened the mailbox, there was only the note he had put in.
Hours, then days, then months passed, as Mobius wrote and posted letter after letter. Finally, there was a stack of his letters in the box. They continued to pile up, unanswered. Until the box was so full that Mobius could not put any more letters in.
Bi-Frost Bar - Février 2022
It was winter, everything outside was covered in snow.
Loki was sitting at a table with Bruce, Thor, Heimdall and Carol.
They were now meeting here at least once a week after work.
As Bruce and Carol debated some obscure point of astronomy, mediated by Heimdall, Thor leaned toward Loki and put his hand on his arm.
"Are you okay?"
Loki gave a half-smile and answered honestly because Thor was one of the few people who could read him, "I've been better."
"Are you still writing to your mysterious pen pal."
Loki, his throat tight, could not answer and shook his head.
Thor simply said, without insisting, "I'm sorry, Loki, if you need to talk, you know my phone number."
Loki did not answer.
Later, as he returned home, he found a message on his answering machine.
"Hi, Lo. It's Sigyn. I'm in town. I had to come in for a meeting."
Loki started to press the button to delete the message, when Sigyn's voice continued, "A real one this time. I swear to you. Call me. Only if you feel like it."
The next evening Loki and Sigyn were sitting in the pizzeria where they had met before. Neither of them really felt comfortable.
Sigyn said quietly, "I didn't think you'd come out."
Loki replied wryly, "Don't take this personally but..."
Sigyn interrupted him, "You couldn't say no to the free meal."
"Exactly." they both laughed.
Then Loki asked, "So. How did your ' meeting ' go?"
Sigyn looked slightly offended at the way Loki had emphasized the word meeting.
"I told you I didn't make it up, it really happened. They offered me a job.A bigger firm. I'm going to be in-house counsel." She smiled proudly before continuing, "Call them if you don't believe me."
A little later, they arrived in front of Loki's residence which was on the way to Sigyn's hotel. They stopped at the door.
Sigyn said quietly, "I took this job because I wanted to. This is not an ambush, Lo."
Loki nodded and replied softly, "Well, that's great news.  Congratulations, Sigyn. I'm really happy for you."
Sigyn smiled, "Thank you, and thank you for coming."
Loki leaned over and kissed her goodnight, briefly. Sigyn looked surprised and pleased.
Loki watched her, it was comfortable and familiar, but then his gaze slipped to the tree behind Sigyn. Its leaves swayed in the night air. It was the tree Mobius had planted. Loki looked at it, then closed his eyes and shook his head. "No, I'm sorry Sigyn, but I can't."
After a tearful goodbye, as he walked back up to his apartment, Loki muttered to himself, "I may not be able to meet him, but I can't lie to myself either."
Mobius House - 2020
The mailbox was covered with snow. It was so cold that the lake had frozen over. Mobius, who was walking outside, looked inside the mailbox, by reflex. It was empty. He closed it slowly, disappointment on his face.
Distracted, he didn't notice that Croki was walking away quickly, towards the forest.
Mobius finally looked around.
Croki started to run. Mobius chased him. But soon, in the density of the forest, he did not see him anymore. Mobius ran straight ahead, continuing to call. He tripped on a stump and fell into the snow, he got up and called again, looking around, upset. Croki was really gone.
Mobius was about to run again, when he suddenly stopped. A realization dawned on his face.
Croki was going to find his new owner.
Mobius knew what he had to do.
A few days later, he was talking in the living room with Casey.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Mobius replied with a wistful look on his face, "Yes, I need to move on, staying here, I won't make it."
Casey nodded, understanding and added simply, "If you need help, you can count on me."
A few weeks later, "Mobius packed the house methodically and with determination. He assembled boxes with tape and threw his things in. He put the trash in bags, swept and mopped.
As he was tidying up, he found the stack of letters from Loki. He looked at them for a moment, then packed them up and shoved them in the bottom of a cardboard box before carrying the box to the attic and sealing it.
Hill & Fury Law Firm - 2020
Mobius checked the address on his phone, walked in, and headed to the front desk.
"Hello, I'd like to speak to Sigyn Iwaldi, I don't have an appointment, but tell her it's Mobius and it's urgent."
A few minutes later, Sigyn arrived in the lobby, and motioned for him to follow her into an adjoining meeting room.  She barely greeted him and did not look happy to see him.
Mobius didn't wait and asked her point-blank, "Do you still want to rent a house by the lake?"
He didn't wait for an answer and tossed her a bunch of keys. Sigyn looked puzzled.
Mobius continued, "That's what Loki wants."
Sigyn looked angry and asked him abruptly, "How can you know that? How can you know what he wants? Besides, we're not even..."
Mobius shook his head, "I don't want to know anything, but trust me this is what he wants."
Mobius waited no longer and stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
Later, as Sigyn was opening her car, something caught her eye in the distance. An alligator was slowly strolling down the street, looking lost but heading straight for her. It was Croki.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
I've said in the last chapter, as a reader I hate cliffhangers. So for you, I've put the turbo on and I'm just saying, stay tuned... you won't have to wait until tomorrow for the last chapter... maybe with only one comment on this chapter, I'll be convinced to publish it even sooner... 😏
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Saint & Leilani
Saint: So, how many people with my surname have found their way into your inbox today? Leilani: few Saint: I hope those few have behaved and not been too taxing on your typing fingers or your patience Leilani: you're making it sound more fun & scandalous than it came close to Saint: That would be an odd but not unentirely precedented way to welcome you for us Saint: I'm just more than aware how...much, shall we be polite and say, some of them can be, even at the best of times Leilani: 😅 Leilani: are you forgetting which one of you I live with? Saint: 😅 Saint: I am in no way doubting your ability to cope with it, or previous experience doing so, just apologizing for the times you don't feel like being so gracious about their...persistence Leilani: thanks, I think? Leilani: the sentence was a mouthful to digest but I detected some sweetness in it Saint: I'm happy to apologize for my taste as well Saint: and will try to be more palatable Leilani: coming thick & fast but still smooth with it, that's impressive Saint: I'll accept that I'm potentially being much of a muchness with some of the more well-meaning but over-the-top members of my family, if that's what you're saying Saint: but admittedly, I'll struggle to hear I'm on par with certain ones who best remain nameless until I get more of a gage for your tolerance of their particular brand of care 😅 Leilani: I'm not saying much, personally, until I work out how much of this welcome wagon is genuinely what you'd like to say vs what you feel like you must Leilani: to make up for the rest or walk on eggshells in case I crack up Saint: Well, I haven't been instructed to talk to you, if that's what you mean Saint: and without a doubt, I have no idea how I would ideally like to broach this subject, because I have literally no firsthand experience Saint: I imagine that must be frustrating, is it? Leilani: it can be coming from you but not coming from you, if you know what I mean Leilani: deep in there, maybe you've got a whole other convo you'd love to be having Saint: I'm receptive to any conversation you'd like to have Saint: well, almost any, I'm sure Leilani: you & everybody else Leilani: the talk about me is non-stop Saint: We wouldn't have to talk about you Saint: I don't have any particular bias towards the subject of you, though it would be bad manners to ask you no questions about yourself, I can refrain if you have, like I said and assumed, had enough for a while Leilani: it's good manners if I'm in no mood to answer questions about me Leilani: but it'd be my bad to tell you to shush & end this convo just like that Saint: As you've saved me from the mortal sin of impoliteness with your rhetoric there, I'll save you from having to do so and can leave it there Leilani: take a turn in the hot seat, see how you feel about it Leilani: prep if I haven't saved you from 👿🔥 Saint: I'm not inclined to believe the creator would be that unforgiving, but that's what Catholicism will do for your morals, I suppose Saint: Fire away, as it were 🔥 Leilani: you're a catholic? Saint: Culturally, definitely Saint: I'm not sure my commitment to the church is such I can claim myself as fully saved, yet Leilani: mine goes as far as loving the 1st Eid for its treats & ignoring the sacrifices of the 2nd, can't call it commitment Saint: I don't think you're alone in that philosophy and approach Saint: but I don't necessarily think that's terrible at all, as long as you're finding some joy and fulfilment from religion- that is certainly a huge tenant of all the ones I've heard of, so it can only be a positive Leilani: how my friends celebrate 🎄🎁🎅 shows me I'm not Leilani: party > church Saint: Precisely, commercialism argument aside Saint: any promotion of togetherness, community and goodwill, what could be the issue? Leilani: the issue is in the confusion Leilani: people thinking it's something its not Saint: There's plenty issue around 🎄🎁🎅 but no more than most anything in our society today Leilani: if you're trying to take issue with something on any level, you'll find a way Saint: Don't you think problems should be solved? Leilani: if it can Leilani: big if Saint: Of course Saint: I think the if only makes the pursuit of more vital, I don't find it to be invalidating Leilani: sure but some questions aren't if or but ones Saint: Such as? Leilani: if I said, you're the fittest member of this family, let's go out, your answer would be no, becos you are a member of this family, it doesn't matter if you add I would if I wasn't Leilani: the answer's still no Saint: No, my answer would be that there's truly only one absolute in this life Saint: that I know of Saint: there are laws, ethics, morality and codes of conduct in all societies, sure Saint: but nothing is certain Leilani: birth & death are certain Leilani: one brought you here, the other me Saint: I was thinking about death Saint: birth is luck, usually, it's a little different Leilani: 🤔 Leilani: accepted Saint: We can differ on perspectives there, it's fine 😃 Saint: in fact, the father would probably want to put forth an argument for the opposite, now I think about it Saint: worse Catholic than I thought Leilani: I was thinking that 🤰 = birth, the certainty part being you don't get to stay in but you know Saint: I see what you mean Saint: anyone that is here is a certainty Saint: think we're going into Schroedinger territory there, I respect it Leilani: 🙀📦 Saint: 👍 Saint: who am I to say that whatever people are before and after they're people here can't debate philosophy Leilani: these are bigger questions than I expected Saint: And I wasn't meant to even ask how you were Saint: 🤐 Saint: go on Leilani: I've got a headache now 😅 Saint: Oh dear Saint: That's the first time that's happened, I would assure you but that sounds like a losing battle and another knock for my ego Leilani: your ego wants to take it as brush off, retro as hell Leilani: but I don't get questions that deep posed around me is all Saint: Retro...God, just don't take my 'deep' questions as a sign of pretension or I'm getting more tragic by the second! Leilani: it's okay I'm not a downtrodden wifey from back in the day, we're in an era where I can just tell you no Saint: and we're all the better for it Saint: though I don't think I've asked you any question where you'd be directly answerable to me 🤔 Saint: giving me a little too much credit for the universe and it's many questions there Leilani: I don't want your ego to end this convo black & blue Saint: That's very kind of you Saint: but my ability to take criticism could be compared to your ability to cope with Grace, just so we're clear Leilani: Grace isn't hard to cope with Leilani: I like her Saint: I'm glad to hear that, it would be really hard if you didn't Saint: harder, than it is, of course Saint: don't think I'm bashing her really, as I said, they all mean well, I can just imagine that relentless good intentions and meaningful conversations to be had would get very exhausting very fast Leilani: everything's happened fast Leilani: they're all playing catch up to the unexpected Saint: But you're the important one here Saint: most, although I was adding that to try and take the pressure off but clearly that's easier said than done Leilani: this is where I add something about pressure creating 💎 Saint: I don't loathe the sentiment but does it make you feel any better? Leilani: no Saint: then I wouldn't worry Saint: and I doubt there's anything hugely meaningful I can do to make you feel better in an impactful, big way Saint: but if you think of anything on a smaller scale that you would like Saint: don't hesistate to ask Leilani: will you introduce me to everyone in a retro way? Leilani: 🗨  & 🤝 Saint: That I can do Saint: The upsides to this family being as large as it is is that you're never short of functions to hijack for whatever purpose you may need Saint: and you won't have to worry about being centre of attention unless it's your birth, wedding or death Saint: even then, people have their own agendas Leilani: no pressure or as close as Leilani: when's the next? Saint: Exactly Saint: [literally whatever and whenever we want, offer a selection to show your point lol] Leilani: [picks the one where she can serve the best lewk because gotta make an impression regardless especially when you're nervous] Leilani: it's a date Saint: That it is Saint: if you'd rather show up with another kid, I'm happy to come pick you up from Grace's Saint: up to you, of course Leilani: pick me up 🚗 Leilani: I have no idea how Grace is allowed on the road Saint: 😅 Saint: I suppose they reckon the amount of potholes, we're all playing a dangerous game at the mercy of the council Leilani: 🙏 by god's grace like Saint: Seems that's all that's left in the budget 🙄 Leilani: 😅😅 Saint: I think you're in my sister's year Saint: Venus, that is Leilani: what should I think about it? Saint: You know you hypothesized that I was the fittest member of this family? Leilani: it's too late to drop the bomb that I should've asked her to pick me up Saint: She'll need a lift as much as you Saint: but meaning, she'd have taken DEEP offence to that assertion Saint: the headache would be realer Leilani: oops Leilani: & yikes Saint: again, not here on a smear campaign Saint: but I'd be doing you a disservice if I pretended she's universally easy to get on with Saint: perhaps you'll take to each other though Leilani: I'm not easy to get on with atm Leilani: but I do get a free pass Saint: You're doing fine Saint: unless this is your attempt at belligerence, in which case, sorry 😬 Leilani: attempting nothing but no pressure face to face intros Leilani: how could you forget already? Saint: 🤦 forgive me? Leilani: 💅 Leilani: hold on, I'll ask myself what my god would do Leilani: ... Leilani: yeah sure Saint: 😅 Saint: I was hoping distraction only fell under bad manners, not sin Leilani: it depends how you're distracting me Saint: What I offered would depend on how 😇/😈 you preferred your distractions Leilani: if I don't have both on offer how can I possibly choose? Saint: That's completely fair, actually Leilani: I know Leilani: so don't be unfair Saint: Wouldn't dream of it Leilani: is there anyone else you'd like to warn me about, while you're being fair? Leilani: or anyone I should run into the arms of like 🤗🤗? Saint: Warn would be extreme Saint: I don't think anyone is that bad Saint: I would have to know you better personally to say who I think you'd really click with, but there's plenty of us, I'm sure you will with someone Leilani: indulge me in the drama of it, St Leilani: 🤦😅 Saint: Oh, right Saint: you want the gossip of it all so you also have prior information on them coming into the conversations Saint: let me think then Leilani: I miss when my friends wanted to talk about that stuff Leilani: instead of me & my feelings Saint: That makes sense Saint: maybe you and Vee will get on then Saint: there's just a lot of drama to get into Saint: your head and inbox would be rocked Leilani: I've got time Leilani: & my head's already a mess Saint: Okay then Saint: bear with me if my typing speed gets retro Leilani: 😄 Saint: [just methodically go through all that is messed up with the fam nbd] Leilani: holy hell Leilani: I know I asked for that but did I though? Leilani: where have I come to live Leilani: 👋🚕 Saint: Yes Saint: sorry Leilani: hold on I need to just ✈️ Leilani: I thought my mum's relationship history was crazy Saint: It is what it is Saint: we all still manage fine Leilani: by the grace of god again, or whatever other means necessary Saint: Maybe Saint: I don't think it's all that dire now Leilani: maybe when I've come though all the stages of grief I'll be able to let you know what I think Saint: Look forward to it Leilani: I did make it sound really hot Saint: 😏 Saint: we're not all messed up, thank you Leilani: I'm used to being that half of the convo Leilani: you do you Saint: How are you messed up then? Leilani: other than having no parents now? Saint: Yeah Leilani: I'm not doing this right Leilani: any of it Saint: What aren't you doing right? Leilani: I miss her but like she's gone on holiday or a work course Leilani: not like she's never coming back Saint: Well, what's the first stage of grieving Saint: you feel like you aren't missing her hard enough, but if you were out of denial already, you'd actually be taking it way too fast Saint: be rude, right? Saint: Think of it like that Leilani: my rudeness is worse, wanting to hang out with my friends how I did before Leilani: care about 👗👠💄 Saint: Your entire world has been turned upside down Saint: of course you're craving normality Saint: I'm not just saying all this to appease you Saint: you're a kid that just lost her mum Saint: I literally do not believe there's any way you could get through this that would be wrong, or would reflect poorly on you Leilani: she needs to walk back in & badmouth all her worst clients Leilani: she can't be lost Saint: I'm so sorry Saint: that it's so unfair Leilani: unfair was when my dad stopped sending money & letters after going back home for what he said would be a few months Leilani: this is Leilani: I don't even know Saint: How old were you? Leilani: does it make a difference? Saint: Did it? Leilani: I'd just started school, so financially, yeah Saint: Do you know what he's doing now, like, where he is? Leilani: no Leilani: my mum said he had another family there Leilani: someone he was actually married to Saint: Right Saint: that was a cowardly thing for him to do Saint: the minimum would've been financial support Leilani: sadly I can't get it backdated Leilani: imagine Leilani: 👗👠💄 Saint: I'd have to look into it Saint: but probably not Saint: very hard to enforce at any rate Leilani: & taking food out of his other children's mouths, assuming he has some others Saint: Yeah Saint: but you can't be held responsible for his life choices Leilani: neither can they then Saint: I meant it'd be his problem to worry about and solve Saint: but I can understand not wanting to literally steal candy from a baby, as it were Leilani: I haven't been his problem for years, I'm Grace's now Leilani: this family's with all their existing crazy Saint: Okay, getting in contact with your dad for reparations isn't the first step Leilani: it's a mis-step Leilani: he fell off the earth, I'm not following him Saint: Okay Saint: so, what would you be doing with your friends today, if things were normal? Leilani: 🛍 Saint: So, I'll give you both options Saint: I can drive you to your friends, or whatever 🛍 you go to with them Saint: or you can come 🛍 with me Leilani: you can take me Leilani: they don't know how to act now that I'm 💣💥 Saint: they probably think they're giving you time Saint: but really, they're asking for it Saint: at least, that's how I see it Saint: maybe next weekend, or the next Saint: but we can go for now Leilani: it's okay, I wouldn't deal any better if the roles were reversed Leilani: it's not their bad that there's nothing to say or do Saint: You're very fair Saint: not to detract from how much of a 💣💥 you feel Leilani: you're flattering me like I'm not a 💣💥 Leilani: I don't know what that says about you Saint: It's honesty, not flattery Saint: The situation is a 💣💥 Saint: I've seen people handle significantly worse, that's all Leilani: it feels nice, honesty doesn't usually Saint: that's a resounding endorsement Saint: probably a bit too smug to put on a poster or LinkedIn but still, I appreciate it Leilani: you know what I mean, honesty is usually like that 💅 isn't the one or you need braces, child Saint: I think people purposefully conflate being honest with being rude Saint: but you can weaponize anything if you're that sort of person Leilani: yeah ☕ Saint: There's plenty of that sort at church Leilani: & the salon Saint: I've spent less time there myself but I imagine they're much of a muchness Saint: 👵 they all love me, obviously but father is a perfect case study for diplomacy Leilani: it's a type of church for some people Leilani: they take it as serious as a religion Saint: Hair and beauty has always been important Leilani: they just like being able to see results, there's no guarantee when you pray Saint: I'd argue there's no guarantee you get the result you wanted Saint: perhaps even less than 🙏 Saint: maybe you get what you need, not what you want Leilani: 😅😅 Leilani: maybe not for 👵 if they're trying to look 👩 Saint: it highlights the limitations of communication Saint: you think you've asked concisely for one thing, and you end up with something that's nothing like that at all Leilani: I swear I did see my mum work some genuine miracles, that said Saint: It is without a doubt impressive what can be achieved Leilani: what do you want to be? Saint: I want to work for the government Leilani: we haven't been talking that long but that has come through Saint: Is there any particular way you'd like me to take that honesty? Leilani: as a compliment? Leilani: I think Saint: 😅 I think I can manage that then Leilani: I'll tell you what I used to want to be when I was a child, that's weirder Saint: Not admitting it's weird, but go on Saint: I'm intrigued Leilani: clues: Leilani: 🦷💉🥛😁 Leilani: 🚫🍬🍭🍫 Saint: Okay, question, just the one Saint: did you want to be rich or did you just really care about oral hygiene? Leilani: I wanted to make people pretty like my mum, I suppose was the thought process Leilani: & 😁 = happy Saint: So it's even more adorable than I first thought Saint: you don't want to be a dentist anymore? Leilani: the reality is way more gory than I knew then Saint: That's enough to give me a headache Leilani: I need a job with no blood or pus Leilani: even typing that made me feel weird Saint: 😖 Saint: Subject change Saint: are you going to buy anything today? Leilani: do I need to dress to impress your family or just myself? Saint: do you want me to invite my family out shopping with us? Leilani: you do have a lot of sisters Leilani: but you know I meant do I need a new outfit for this meet & greet you're taking me to of the entire extended clan Saint: Oh, gotcha Saint: dress for yourself, of course Saint: unless dressing to impress makes you feel more at ease, in which case, go for that and you won't be alone Leilani: it can't hurt Saint: No, there we go then 😊 Saint: though you can still do the aimless browsing I know 🛍 trips are really about, of course Leilani: are you looking to dress up too? Saint: I like to look presentable Leilani: oh good becos if it was just me, Grace & your sister that'd be a statement Saint: 😅 Saint: don't worry, it won't be Leilani: I'll do my happy dentist 😁 then Leilani: as I'm thrilled Saint: I'm just as 😁 to hear that Leilani: I'll try not to turn it into a frown with excessive browsing Leilani: no promises Saint: I've got a lot of sisters, as you said Saint: I'm sure I'll cope Leilani: which one's your favourite? Saint: which sister? 😂 Saint: I'm not sure there's a diplomatic way to answer that Leilani: answer it honestly, I can promise not to slide in to share the news Saint: Well, Jay is older and we didn't meet her until she was a kid so that combined with her personality makes her the most chilled out now Saint: Vee is younger but still close enough that we were kids together, so that makes her prime annoying younger sister category Saint: then the twins are that much younger that they get to be removed from that, and I have more of that protective older brother in me Leilani: Okay so Jay's your fave Leilani: what's your brother like? Saint: No, I didn't say that Saint: but she wasn't here in the beginning and she's grown up and gone now, it's easy to have less negatives to say about her Leilani: how old were you when you met? Saint: I was about 3 when we found out about her Saint: but the process took a while because she had a dad that raised her and still wanted to even though she wasn't his like he thought Saint: I think I was about 8 when she moved in and spent most of her time with us Leilani: that must have been such a weird time Saint: it was Saint: Vee was born around the time we found out about her so Saint: that was a trial too Leilani: your parents have had a LOT going on Saint: Yes, it seems to be their forte Leilani: your brother then Saint: he's younger too, so again, protective Saint: probably because we're outnumbered too Leilani: an if question Leilani: if you had to give me one of them, as an only child, which one would you give me? Saint: 😂 an odd request but okay, let me 🤔 Saint: Probably Sekh Saint: from the short conversation we've had, you have things in common, that would work well 🛍👠💄👗 Leilani: you're gonna separate the twins? very disney channel Saint: It was either lump them in together there and offend them, or separate and acknowledge that they're separate people Saint: they'll understand 😅 Leilani: 😅 Leilani: safer if I ask Grace for a pet instead Saint: Sure that she'd be down for that Saint: 🐰🐹🐱🐶🐠? Leilani: 🤔 Saint: That is a big decision Saint: best to take your time, decide how much effort you wanna put in to day to day care Leilani: 🐱 or 🏠🐰 Saint: Cute Saint: got any names or do you need to see it before assigning one Leilani: it feels fairer to meet them 1st Saint: 👍 Saint: we can go to the nearest pet shop/shelter if you'd like Leilani: adopt don't shop, St Leilani: or else 👿🔥 Saint: Indeed 😏 Saint: but you know most shops rescue their animals now anyway Saint: except fish...but I don't know how we're morally meant to feel about breeding fish? Leilani: we won't buy any, be on the safe & 😇 side Saint: It's your day Saint: I wouldn't try to bring you down to 👿🔥 levels Leilani: thanks, I have only just moved in Saint: Definitely not my intention with this conversation, or any going forward Leilani: that comes through too Saint: Is that a compliment? Leilani: I don't know if you're 😁 or not to be a good & polite boy Saint: Why would I want to be anything less 😇? Leilani: becos of your name maybe Saint: Subverting expectations Saint: I'd argue people expect the opposite from me though, regardless of my first name Leilani: in your case pressure makes 😇 Saint: 🤞 I hope so Leilani: I'll subvert expectations for us both Saint: Is that your new plan? Leilani: I don't really have one Leilani: other than the 🛍 Saint: Well, you have time Leilani: yeah, it's the keyword that's getting thrown around most atm Saint: It's not provably true but it's most likely the case Leilani: & it'll fill an awkward silence Saint: I can clearly talk enough for the both of us Saint: it doesn't need to be awkward Leilani: this isn't, but remember how we ref-ed that you weren't the only McKenna in my 💬📱 Saint: Right Saint: is there anything you'd like me to do, beyond the formal introductions Saint: politely suggest some people give it some time, perhaps? Leilani: use the time thing against them, I like it 😅 Saint: Only fair 🙂 Saint: consider it done Leilani: we're back into retro hubby & wifey territory Saint: You think? Leilani: it's very defence squad but I'm not 😤 Saint: I'm not helping you because you're a girl and I'm a boy Saint: just because I have the ability to Leilani: I know, you're coming across capable Saint: I'd like to think so Saint: but bragging about it would not be 😇 nor helpful Leilani: I've got your back in hyping you up a 😇 amount Saint: That's sweet Saint: I promise my ego is not that fragile that I need you to but it's still nice Leilani: I'd like to think I am Leilani: that it's not all doom & gloom in me, but maybe time will have to tell, annoyingly Saint: It shows Saint: honestly Saint: you aren't what's happened to you, even if that is all you can think about right now, or feel it's all you're meant to, or are allowed to, whatever Leilani: whether or not I'm her death, I was her life Leilani: there's credit for how she raised me, I mean Saint: Definitely Saint: I don't know you yet, but I would like to get to know you, from what I've seen Saint: I won't throw out proud for her but, you know Saint: I would be in her position Leilani: I don't know what to say Leilani: that feels above nice to hear Saint: I'm almost certain she would want you to know that, at the very least Leilani: yeah, she would Leilani: she wasn't too humble for a brag Saint: 😅 Saint: you should continue that tradition then Leilani: you'll regret saying that when I make you take 10000000000000s of pictures of me posing in different 👗 Saint: 😏 I'll have to buy myself something expensive to cope, I'm sure Leilani: ⌚️ so you can keep an eye on the time Saint: I have an uncharacteristically free day today Saint: my time is yours Leilani: what are we waiting for? come get me Saint: That's what I was waiting for Saint: I'll be with you shortly Leilani: consent given Saint: 👍
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