#Dustin is the heart idc
ryan-waddell11 · 1 year
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happy birthday to my favorite party member!!
the Duffers better not touch my child next season. they already hurt my other child. I can’t do it anymore.
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bylerpoet · 2 years
i need to see mike and nancy being a team in s5. they could have such a great dynamic i swear. let me see the wheeler siblings in ACTION
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munson-blurbs · 4 months
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Eddie Munson x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: You've been crushing on Eddie since you joined Hellfire Club. Too bad he's crushing on Chrissy Cunningham...right?
Warnings: angst to fluff, idiots in love, super cheesy but it's Valentine's Day so idc WC: 1.6k A/N: My entry for @corroded-hellfire's This is Music! event!
Divider credit to @saradika
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Eddie’s looking at her again.
You can’t blame him; he’d be crazy not to stare at Chrissy Cunningham, clad in her tiny cheerleading uniform with a bouncy blonde ponytail and sugar-sweet giggle. If you just ignore him, act like he isn’t imagining sweeping her off of her feet–
“Do you think I should send her one of those candy gram things?”
Almost instinctively, Dustin’s eyes flicker to you, but he turns back to Eddie before anyone can notice. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he stammers, scrambling for an excuse. “She and Jason, like, just broke up.” 
This information doesn’t deter Eddie in the slightest. “Exactly. She’s probably heartbroken from getting dumped right before Valentine’s Day. I could be her…Freak in Shining Armor.” He grins at his spin on the unwanted nickname, pausing for a half-second before turning to you and asking, “You’re a girl. What do you think?”
The question is almost laughable. What do you think? You think he should stop pining over Chrissy and start seeing you in that same light.
With a painful swallow, you force a strained smile. “If you like her, you should go for it.”
That’s all of the motivation Eddie needs. He slams his palm on the table and proudly declares, “All right, I’m doin’ it.”
Tears bite at your lash line as he strides across the cafeteria over to where the student council has set up the candy gram booth. You feel a gentle hand on your shoulder, and you glance over to see Dustin offering you a sympathetic look.
“He’s an idiot,” he says, low enough so that his words are inaudible to other Hellfire members. “He’ll figure it out one day, but you shouldn’t sit around waiting for it to happen.”
Logic tells you that he’s right, but moving on is easier said than done. Especially when he’s one of your closest friends.
Determined to avoid any inquiring from the other guys, you do your best to assimilate into their conversation about beating this week’s campaign.
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Chrissy received Eddie’s candy gram on Valentine’s Day. To his dismay, she also got one from Jason Carver. 
“Of course she went back to him,” Eddie mutters, tossing his tin lunch box on the cafeteria table with a harsh clang. He heaves a sigh and rests his head on your shoulder, gazing up at you with his big, beautiful eyes. “Am I gonna be alone forever?”
“Probably.” You muster a tense laugh and brush a tendril of his hair off of your cheek. “Maybe you can try sending out a message in a bottle and see if anyone bites.”
He harrumphs and slumps over, burying his face in his palms. “She told me she ‘appreciates my friendship.’” He shakes his head. “Fucking humiliating.”
The irony of his statement is too much to bear, and you slip away from the table with a half-hearted excuse about needing to study for the history test you have next period. 
The walk to the library feels like it takes decades, silent tears falling as soon as you find an empty table among the stacks of books. 
Chrissy wanted Jason the way Eddie wanted Chrissy, which was the same way you wanted Eddie. 
And no one wanted you. 
A few minutes pass before Jeff slides into the seat next to you. “We’re in the same history class. Figured it would make your lie more believable if I had to study, too.” He shrugs. “Plus, I wanted to check on you.”
“I’m fine.”
He doesn’t believe you, you know he doesn’t. Embarrassment is written all over your face, both at your abrupt exit from the cafeteria and your pathetic crush on Eddie. 
Jeff takes a deep breath. “Look, Eddie doesn’t know what he wants.”
“Seems pretty obvious to me that he wants Chrissy,” you say wryly, twirling a pen between your fingers. 
“No…I mean, yeah. But that’s because she’s, like, safe.”
You scoff. “Asking out the Queen of Hawkins High is safe?” 
“Sounds ridiculous, I know, but hear me out.” Jeff leans in a bit closer so he can whisper to you. “She’s not part of our group, so he doesn’t have to worry about constantly hanging out with her. Plus, she’s nice enough to not publicly destroy his ego. I’m sure she didn’t tell Jason about the candy gram, or else he would’ve announced it to the whole school by now.”
You nod in reluctant agreement. 
“And speaking of that jackass,” Jeff continues, “how many times have they broken up and gotten back together?” 
“Too many to count.” Their relationship is like one of the novelas you watch when you’re stuck at home with a fever. 
“Exactly.” Jeff exhales. “Chrissy paid a little bit of attention to Eddie because she wanted some weed for a party, and now he’s head over heels for her. Because he can be. Because her rejection stings a little, but it’s nothing compared to how being rejected by you would feel.”
Wiping at your tear-dampened cheeks, you shake your head. “I don’t think he cares about being rejected by me.”
He mumbles something under his breath but doesn’t say another word until the bell rings, and the two of you walk to class together. 
Thank God you don’t actually have a test today; you wouldn’t be able to focus long enough to answer a single question. All you think about is what Jeff had implied: that Eddie does like you but is afraid to ruin your friendship.
You brush off the idea as ridiculous. Why would Eddie choose you over the gorgeous head cheerleader?
Uneasiness builds within you until it’s impossible to ignore, and you scrawl a note in the back of your composition notebook before you can fully think it through.
I’m sorry that Chrissy turned you down. Trust me when I say that I know what it’s like to feel unwanted by the person you want the most. It sucks, but you’ll move on and realize that she was the one who missed out, not you.
You sign your name and add a P.S. Fuck Valentine’s Day for good measure, folding the paper in fourths and slipping it into his locker between class periods. Not quite a confession, but it’ll do.
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Eddie’s waiting by your locker after the last bell rings, scraping a front tooth against his bottom lip and fiddling with something. As you get closer, you realize that something is your note.
“Who is he?” Eddie demands to know, sighing impatiently when you raise your brows in confusion. “This mystery guy who doesn’t want you. Who is he?”
“No one. It’s fine,” you say quickly, refusing to make eye contact with him as you twist open the lock. “It was just to let you know that you’re not alone in this, okay?”
He shakes his head and chuckles tersely. “Nah, not okay. I’ve gotta kick his ass.” He shuffles from foot to foot, already anticipating a fight.
“Well, you can’t.”
“And why not?” Eddie scoffs. “I know I’m scrawny, but I’m pretty damn scr–”
“Because you’d be kicking your own ass!” The words fly out of your mouth before you can stop them. Your blood runs cold and your pulse thuds in your ears when you realize what you’ve said. “I’m sorry. That was too much, especially with what happened with Chrissy today.”
You start to leave, but you’re tugged back in place by his gentle grasp on your wrist. “Follow me,” he murmurs. He makes a beeline for the Hellfire room with you right on his heels. As soon as you walk in, he closes the door. “Repeat that? Because I don’t think I heard you right.”
“You’re the guy who doesn’t want me,” you manage through the lump in your throat, “and it’s okay, because we can’t help who we like and who we don’t. I don’t want you to feel guilty or anything like that.” 
You’re rambling, and you tuck your lips into your mouth to stop yourself from talking yourself in circles.
Silence seeps into the room, the only noise is the hum from the fluorescent lights overhead. Finally, Eddie speaks again. “Do you know why I asked you to join Hellfire?”
You swivel your head back and forth in a definite no.
“Yeah, I tried to keep it that way,” he says with an awkward laugh, scratching the back of his neck. “So, um, I kinda had a massive crush on you. And I figured that we’d get to know each other here and then I’d ask you out or whatever, but I kept chickening out. So…there ya have it.” He shifts his hands as if to say ta-da.
“And now you like Chrissy.” Out with the old, in with the new.
Eddie takes a small step closer, one ring-clad hand taking yours. “Not the way I like you,” he breathes, his other thumb tracing a faint line over your jaw. “Not even close.”
You close the gap between you, tilting your head so your lips meet his. The fear that he’ll hesitate or turn his head altogether disappears as soon as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss. His hand tucks behind your ear, and he leaves it there until you both have to break away for air.
The two of you wear matching smiles, shy but relieved. Eddie leans in to kiss you once again, only to be interrupted by the rest of the club’s musings.
“Took them long enough.”
“Seriously, I thought we were just gonna have to watch them pine over each other forever.”
“Crap, do you think they can hear us?”  
“Yeah, shit-heads, we can hear you,” Eddie calls out with a laugh, shaking his head in disbelief before turning back to you.
“Now, where were we?”
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bylertruth3r · 1 year
idc what anyone says he totally knew Will was talking about himself in the van scene and Finn keeps saying Mike’s totally clueless cuz saying Mike was happy about Will loving him back would be a spoiler( he also said Mike didn’t know Will was crying in the van when we literally see Mike looking at Will while being worried) and here’s why:
In this scene Mike was mad cuz Will barely talked to him but he used El's name to pretend he wasn't mad about Will not paying attention to him
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Which is why I think he knew(or suspected) that Will was doing the same thing to mask his feelings for him during the van scene cuz remember he already knew Will's painting was for someone he liked (at first he thought it was for a girl and got jealous(i explained that in another post) also Will used words from their fight at rink o mania and their heart-to-heart scene in the bedroom: “which is why you decided to be a douche to her (me) all day?” “i feel like i lost you or something” "this year has been weird you know? and you know Max, Lucas and Dustin they're great ,they're great it's just it's hawkins it's not the same without you" “and if she (i) was being mean to you or pushing you away was just because she (i) was scared of losing you just like you’re scared of losing her”  “well maybe you should’ve reached out more”  “these past few months she’s (i’ve) been so lost without you”
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this is the face of a gay boy who feels loved in the way he wants to and who realized the boy he’s in love with loves him back 
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But then when things got really bad Will told him he's the heart and reminded him of what they talked about in the van so now he thinks he got it wrong and that El commissioned the painting and in the script it says Will's words gave him the determination to tell El those things (which was literally the only insight we got of Mike’s feelings during that scene)
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also “you’re the heart”(something related to Byler) is the name of the soundtrack of this scene
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also them showing Mike when Will says “what if they don’t like the truth?” and Mike nodding cuz he relates to what Will was saying..
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why wouldn’t El(his gf) like Mike loving her back? nah this was about the opposite this was about Mike not being able to love her back cuz yk he’s gay and being afraid of hurting her and about Mike being afraid of Will finding out he loves him which was also why he never told Will the reason of his fight with El which ironically happened the same episode of the stancy break up 
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and then ofc Jonathan( who’s in love with Nancy) reassured Nancy(who’s in love with Jonathan) about Steve
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                            Wheeler                                              Byers
and Will(who’s in love with Mike) reassured Mike(who’s in love with Will) about El
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               Wheeler                                                                  Byers
at the end of s1 Nancy got back with Steve but they still had relationship problems and started dating Jonathan in s2
at the end of s4 Mike got back with El but they still have relationship problems (and El is still mad at him) and he’s gonna date Will in s5(?)
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poeticandors · 2 years
Come Back to Me
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: SPOILERS AHEAD! After the events that took place in the Upside Down, your group managed to get Eddie back to the hospital as he clung on to the little life he had left. While waiting for him to wake up, you find a letter addressed to you from Eddie.
[From this request sent in by @candi-rhodes : Hey um if its not too much to ask could i request a little drabble of eddie munson, reunion after physical trauma with the prompts kinda being from the reader toward eddie of "I wasn't-... Your doctors weren't sure you'd wake up" and [LETTER] if thats not too much >.< I need the bittersweet angst in my life and your writing is literally*chefs kiss*]
Warnings: None, just a lot of angst but then fluff at the end!
A/N: This just had to be made into a fic idc. Thank you all for waiting patiently! My first Eddie fic, yay!
GIF by @joseph-quinns
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The steady beeping from the heart monitor fills the room, giving you some sense of peace as you look upon Eddie, who lays in the hospital bed unconscious. You try not to look at the injuries littering his body, but can’t seem to help it. Chunks of his skin were missing from his body, harsh, red scratches from the claws of the demobats take up the rest of the space, and not to mention all the dry blood caking his skin which made him almost unrecognizable. 
The doctors told you how he lost so much blood. How he would need skin grafts for the more gruesome injuries that they continuously inquired about, but you only continued to beg them to help him before it was too late. You couldn’t lose him. Eddie meant so much to you– if you lost him, you weren’t sure how you would move on from this. 
You told him not to go back, to hurry and climb up the rope after you and Dustin made it safely through the gate. But when you saw the way he looked right into your eyes, you knew. He was going back to the demobats– he was going to chase them away from you and Dustin, to make sure that they didn’t go back to Steve, Robin, and Nancy. 
He wasn’t running to save himself, this time. He was running to save you and everyone else. 
“Eddie. Eddie, please come back. Push the table a-and boost yourself up. Please– don’t leave! Come with us!”
“I’ll come back for you, Angel.”
He almost didn’t. 
After he ran off, you begged Dustin to go after him and try to help since you were injured. The only thing you could do as Dustin ran off towards Eddie was wait. You waited and waited, hoping that things would be okay, that Eddie would come back to you and you could bring him back to the Right Side Up where he would at least be safe. 
When you finally saw Steve, Robin, and Nancy drag him out of the gate along with Dustin, everything was happening so fast. His eyes weren’t open and you could barely make out a pulse due to how much your hands were shaking. You couldn’t even make out if he was breathing because Steve was driving wildly as he sped off towards the hospital. All you could do was sit there, holding his hand as you sobbed softly, begging for him to be okay and to stay with you.
It was a miracle the doctors managed to get a steady heartbeat back, they told you. That with the amount of blood that was lost, they were sure he wasn’t going to wake up again. After giving you all the information, asking you the necessary questions, and looking over your own minor injuries, you were finally able to sit in Eddie’s room and wait for him to wake up.
Minutes turned to hours, but you didn’t move from your spot. Dustin, Steve, and the others came to visit, offering to switch out so you could get some rest yourself, but you declined. Even when the doctor’s offered you a small cot to sleep on, you stayed in that chair. You didn’t dare move in case Eddie decided to wake up. 
After a moment, one of the nurses soon returns, bringing back a bag of Eddie’s items before taking off. You manage to see his bandana, Hellfire shirt, and the rest of his clothes covered with blood. Before turning away, you happen to notice an envelope sticking out from under his folded jacket, and reach into the bag to grab it. 
Looking down on it, you see your name written across it in Eddie’s handwriting. You weren’t sure what it was, he sure never mentioned anything about a letter before he took off running. Glancing over at him, you slowly open up the envelope to find a letter inside along with a folded up Polaroid of the two of you. 
It was a picture after you had graduated and you remember seeing Eddie in the stands, cheering the loudest as he watched you walk across that stage after your name was called. Since he wasn’t going to be graduating this year, again, he thought he would still come and support you even though you told him he didn’t need to. After you had congratulated Steve, Eddie came up right behind you, hugging you from behind as he spun you around. You couldn’t quite remember who snapped the photo, as you were too focused on Eddie’s arms around you, but you did remember how good it felt to be in his arms. 
Breathing out softly, you set the picture down as you look at the folded letter in your other hand. You weren’t quite sure what to expect with this letter, but you knew that if you didn’t read it now, you might not ever read it. What really scared you was the idea of these being Eddie’s last words to you, even if they were written, so you opened up the letter to begin reading.
I know you’re probably thinking of how fucking cheesy it is of me to write you a letter. Never thought I would do any type of writing other than for my music, but here we are. I guess I can just think of this like a song, maybe it will make it easier to say what I have to say. I figure if there is any time to be honest about my feelings, now is probably it before we go back into the Upside Down and deal with this shit... 
I like love you. 
I have been in love with you for a while now. In fact, ever since you stumbled into the Hellfire meeting by accident that night and stayed to watch the campaign, I knew that you were different. You didn’t treat me the way everyone else in that fucking school did. You never looked at me like I was some type of failure or disappointment like the people who knew my parents did. You treated me with kindness, and you brought so much light into my life that I knew I could never go back to the way things were before you. 
I need you to know that, if we somehow get out of this fucking mess, I don’t expect you to drop everything for me. You might not even have the same feelings for me that I do for you, which is totally okay. You deserve better than the son of a fucking criminal who was following in his footsteps without even meaning to. You deserve the world, Angel, and I am not sure if I am the one who can give you that. 
But… if you, for some reason, do decide to give me a chance, just know that I won’t waste it. I will make sure you’re taken care of. I will show you how you deserve to be treated, and I sure as shit will show you love and do everything I can to make you happy. If we make it out of here, I will do everything in my power to give you everything you deserve. 
I’m starting to run out of room on this paper, Angel, so I guess I need to finish this up. But just know that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I will make sure that you get out of this alive, and that maybe we can talk about this afterwards. 
Thank you for being the light at the end of my otherwise dark tunnel. 
Love, Eddie
You stare at the letter, reading it over and over again until more and more tears stain the paper. He loved you. Eddie Munson was in love with you. 
You were in love with him, too. 
After that first encounter with him, you found that you enjoyed being around him. Eddie wasn’t at all what the other students had told you about. He was kind, funny, and someone that you thought everyone would love being around. The more time you spent with him, the more you got to know him. 
The more time you got to know him, the harder you fell for him. 
Clutching the letter and photograph close, you sob softly. He had to wake up, now. He had to wake up so that you could tell him that you loved him, too. Looking over at him, you slowly reach out and take his hand.
“Eddie…” you sniffle, wiping away some tears with the back of your free hand. “Eddie, I don’t know if you can hear me or… or if you’re even going to wake up. But… if you’re in there, can you please give me some type of sign?” 
Eddie doesn’t move– doesn’t make any type of sound. You wait a heartbeat, then another, and once more before squeezing his hand tightly. 
“...I found your letter,” you continue on. “I found it, and I… and I read it. I hope that’s okay. It had my name on it, otherwise… I wouldn’t have read it.”
Still nothing, no response. The silence was slowly starting to tug at your heart. Part of you wasn’t sure if you should continue talking, but you did so anyways. 
“I wish you would’ve told all of this to me sooner, Eddie. I wish… I wish more than anything that you would’ve told me how you felt. Because now I’m so scared that you won’t wake up, and I’ll have to go on knowing that you felt this way about me and that we never got to pursue this. Because… because the truth is… I love you, too.
“I’ve been in love with you for so long. From the moment I met you, I knew that you weren’t what everyone had said about you. You never judged me, you never once made me feel inferior. You were always there for me, and being around you made me feel so full of life.” 
The tears were starting to fall again, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop them. 
“You just– please. Please wake up. Wake up so I can tell you how much you mean to me. So I can tell you how you changed my life that day I walked into your campaign session. Wake up so that I can tell you that I love you.” 
Bringing your head down, you press your cheek to your hand as it holds his, squeezing your eyes shut as you begin to sob. It hurt– it hurt so fucking much. The weight in your chest was so unbearable– you just wanted to let the pain sink you to the bottom of the abyss so you couldn’t come back to this. You wish more than anything for this hurt to go away. You wish… 
You wish that Eddie would come back to you, just as he said he would. 
The room fills with the sounds of your distressed cries and whispers of your love for Eddie, mixing in with the beeping from the heart monitor. Everything was soon becoming a blur altogether– your senses, your thoughts… you couldn’t focus on anything and you were left in a world of your own. 
But when you felt that one small movement of Eddie’s hand, you were brought back. You lift your gaze and stare down at Eddie’s warm hand in yours, feeling the barely there squeeze. Looking up at him, you breathe out shakily.
“Eddie? Eddie, wake up.”
The anticipation was nerve wracking. You were so certain that you felt his hand squeeze yours. The longer you wait for Eddie to move again, the more doubt begins to fill you inside. Did you really feel Eddie’s hand move? Did you happen to move and confuse your movement for his own? 
But when you see his brows furrowed together just before letting out a small groan, the doubt immediately disappears, and you find yourself letting out a sigh of relief. 
“Eddie. Eddie, it’s me,” you set the letter and picture on his bedside table, now gripping his hand with both of yours. His eyes slowly begin to blink open, and you have to keep yourself from hugging him tightly just so you don’t hurt him.
“...Angel? Is that you, or have I died and gone to Heaven?” 
You choke out a laugh, happy tears filling your eyes. “It’s me. It’s me, Eddie– oh, thank god you’re okay.”
He becomes more alert now, taking in his surroundings before he hisses in pain. You carefully place his hand on your shoulder, avoiding the bandage covering a wound as you do so. 
“Don’t try to move too much.”
“Jesus– this hurts like hell. Fuckin’ bats,” he looks at you. “What happened?”
“After you passed out, Steve and the others carried you back,” you grip his hand. “You lost… you lost so much blood, Eddie. Those bats did a number on you and I wasn’t… your doctors weren’t sure you’d wake up.” 
Eddie nods, and you see his throat bobble as he swallows thickly. “Yeah, well… for a moment back there I wasn’t sure I would either.” 
Your bottom lip trembles and you bring his hand up to your forehead, squeezing your eyes shut. You feel Eddie’s gaze on you as you will yourself not to cry again. 
“I was so scared, Eddie. So fucking scared– I thought I lost you. I thought that I would never get to see you again or tell you how I feel.”
“Tell me…” Eddie trails off, and you glance up, seeing him look over at the tear-stained letter and photograph. “Oh. I guess you found the letter.” 
“I did.” 
Silence soon fills the space between you both, and you are left wondering if he was upset about the fact you read the letter. He looks back at you, and you try reading the expression on his face only to find that he is probably doing the same for you. 
“I, uh… I’m sorry if I maybe overstepped–”
“You didn’t, Eddie,” you shake your head, leaning forward. “You didn’t overstep. I just… I just need to know if what you wrote in that letter… if everything I read was true?” 
He waits for a moment before responding, bringing up his hand to rub the back of his neck only to wince slightly. “...Yeah, Angel. Everything was true.” 
You breathe out, as he looks away from you. Your heart feels full, and you find yourself constantly replaying that sentence over and over again. He did love you. Everything that you had read in that letter, though you already did believe in it, was true. 
“Listen,” he sighs. “I understand if maybe it weirded you out. I mean– the Freak of Hawkins having a crush on you, I don’t blame you. But it’s cool if you don’t–”
“I love you, too.” 
Eddie freezes, and quickly looks back at you. His eyes, his wonderful dark eyes that you have grown to love the color of more and more each day, look into yours wondrously. 
“Sorry… uh, what?” He chuckles awkwardly, and you can visibly see him becoming nervous. 
“I love you, Eddie. I always have. I should have told you sooner… I shouldn’t have waited so long, I was just–”
“Terrified. I was terrified that you might not feel the same for me. That everything that went on between us, all the signals and everything else… that they were just all in my head. I didn’t want to weird you–”
Your monologue is soon cut off as Eddie presses his lips to yours, and you find yourself melting into him. Holy fuck– Eddie Munson was kissing you. He loved you and he was kissing you. The kiss was everything you imagined it would be– like fireworks going off in the sky, filling it up with brightness. 
When he pulls back, you both gaze into each other's eyes, and a small smile falls upon his lips. 
“Sorry… I just couldn’t fuckin’ wait to do that. Plus, you were starting to ramble and say some stuff I related all too well with but didn’t want to relive.” 
You find yourself smiling at Eddie, who returns yours with the same fondness you’ve carried for him the last few years, but this time it was different. This time… the smile stood for the love you both shared for one another— a love that would only continue to grow now that Eddie made his way back for you.
“Come here, Angel,” Eddie tries shifting, biting back a wince but failing as he does so..
“Eddie, no. I don’t want to hurt you—“
“The only way you’ll hurt me is by not coming here and letting me hold you,” he raises a brow, a teasing glint in his eyes.
Letting out a scoff, you move to stand up. “Seriously?”
“I’m dead serious,” he places a hand over his heart. “I can feel my heart throbbing with pain the longer I go without feeling you in my arms.”
“You’re so dramatic,” you carefully lie next to him, being cautious about not touching his injuries. 
“But you love me.” He kisses your temple. 
You hated that he was right. But also… you didn’t.
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theswaggyrat · 2 years
steve... hehe FOR THIS STORY YOUR FAVORITE SONG IS "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" by Whitney Houston. IDC WHAT U SAY. it's perfect. just imagine running away from vecna and to steve during the chorus of it. IN SLOW-MO. IT'S SO GOOD !!
Hear Me, Hold Me
Steve Harrington x Reader // Hear Me, Hold Me cw ~ fluff // angst // romance // vulgar language // spoilers for st4 !! // slightly edited tw ~ trauma/ptsd // violence plot - feelings yet to be requited, and so much time to confess to dear steve ! ah, well, maybe not when you're on the brink of death.
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Unsettling whispers whizzed through the crevices of your ears, taunting you of a discarded past; a past so dreadful and terrible, even you could not survive it again. And yet here you stood, knees buckling and mind unhinged as you gazed forward.
Your shoulders slumped over your body, contorting your back in a deranged manner. It was as if your muscles were thriving against you, against your brain. The signals were displaced, pumping small twisted messages through your veins. Frankly, you could hardly manage a thought. Your brain was filled with a fuzz too thick to disperse with the simple wave of your hand.
Hell, where were you? Some shit excuse of a nightmare?
A pounding thrummed throughout your head, striking your eardrums with intense vigor. Fortunately, you managed to slap a hand against each ear, applying pressure to ease what you could of the pain. It was easy to decipher the origin of the sound, nothing more than the ringing of a clock.
A clock. No, it mustn't be.
But it was, wasn't it?
Steve mumbled a few scattered words in your ear, something about how grateful he was that he had you to help babysit the idiots with him. You chuckled quietly, playfully hitting his shoulder.
"Steve! Watch your tone, young man," you bantered. Steve visibly tensed, sucking his cheeks in. He hung his head back, an exasperated sigh escaping from the depths of his throat.
"C'mon, y/n," he huffed. " Don't you dare babysit me now." You laughed cheekily and Steve cracked a toothy grin.
"Ask nicely, Harrington."
And before he could speak a word, a mound of familiar faces piled into the back of the car. He spared you a pitiful glance before turning to face the kids that sat impatiently behind you. So began the babysitting, where the hair-obsessed man set in a few ground rules and tried hopelessly to change the course of Max's idea. Yet he had no luck as the girl sat stubbornly, arms crossed in an unchanging state.
You watched him with adoring eyes, which were only visible to you—and maybe Dustin, who snickered beneath his breath at the sight.
They had warned you, hadn't they? You knew damn well of your danger. Yet Max was your top priority, a friend who you loved unforntulatey too dearly for your own good. You had ignored the warnings to save someone who deserved it far more than you did. An unfavorable trait that had caught up to you; it would finally be the death of you.
With newfound knowledge of your location, your mind seemed to clear. All adrenaline in your body eased to a soft wave. You were afraid, but now could see clear enough to press forward.
The scene around you grew more visible with each reluctant step forward. Distraught shook your body to the core. At each and every nook and cranny of your vision stood a bloodied scene, one which had been buried many years ago.
"y/n! Have you seen your brother? I can't seem to find him!" A soft voice called from the distance. Your mother, cooking a great dinner for your family, sounded a whole lot worried. You, only a few days older than the young age of six, had been playing with his comics. Your brother was thirteen, and loved his comics dearly. But he was not there to keep you from building a road with the sleek books, so you continued forth without a care.
"y/n!" The voice called again. "Go find your brother for me, will you? Ice cream after dinner as a reward. Doesn't that sound delightful?" Your mother pled.
Eyes sparkling, you jumped to your feet and threw his comics to the ground. Screw the town, you wanted ice cream! And so you would get it. Determined, you wandered across the house in search of your brother.
Your scream could be heard as clear as day. Only a child, met with an unfortunate sight. A pale, unrecognizable body lay in the ashy mess of the bathtub. Smoke arose, slithering into your lungs. It attacked you with a hacking cough, causing your fragile body to fall onto the hard tiled ground. Heat radiated a few merciless feet away from your sickened being. A fire had brought your brother to his death.
All you could remember were his last pleas, and what he stuttered, rasped, and cried to you before his soul had been taken at long last.
"Help me, y/n. Oh God, you- you s-stupid child. This is all your fault. I wish you had n-nev-never been born."
It had all gone black after.
The same words threatened to tear you apart presently. Stumbling forward, you frantically shook your head and cried out a string of incoherent words. Tears brimmed at the edges of your lashes, exposing the wound to infected airs.
"y/n," a hollow voice bellowed. It rooted your feet into the ground, stealing the air from your lungs. You reached for your throat, clawing at the sides to release the invisible force from its grasp on you. "It's time."
A petrifying scream erupted from your throat. You shut your eyes tight, fighting against the roots that held you still. They loosened enough for an escape, which you took with great vitality. You were scrambling to find balance as you thrust yourself forward, body aching from the sudden amount of usage.
It was odd, the way the mythical creature toyed with you. One moment you were tripping over roots and rocks that randomly appeared in your path, and the next you were finding a new way to escape.
Or maybe, somehow, the creature was tired. Something had weakened it but yet it barreled through. And you were its food, its new source of power that it needed to revive what had been lost.
Red blurred your sight from all angles, creating a blossoming panic deep within your stomach. The raw disturbance the setting had placed upon your shoulders caused you to grow nauseous and dizzy. The rest of what you saw only further added to the feeling.
A ringing formulated in the depths of your ears. It was soft, but then louder. Louder and louder. It tickled you, and a gushing force of life raced through your veins. You gasped, throwing your body around as you searched for the sound.
It couldn’t be. It was… a song? No, not just any song. It was your favorite song. Damnit, Whitney Houston. At least you’d go out with a heavenly voice.
Right as the music sounded, it began to fade into a soft whisper. The creature appeared in front of you, concealing your vision. A smirk played on the tips of its unruly lips.
Somehow, from your peripheral, a hole into reality bursted through the fabric of Vecna’s home realm. Your eyes darted between the two, sweat trickling from the mess of your hair. Taking the moment while you could, you sucked in a breath of air from the gaps between your teeth and thrashed in a struggle beneath Vecna.
“Fuck you, asshole!” You shouted, thrusting your shoulder forward and releasing your mind from his grasp. You flew through the air, your arms flailing around as you traversed forward. Eyes fluttering open, you fixated your e/c orbs on the opening to your world and that beautiful voice spewing from above.
“Where do broken hearts go?”
From what you could see, your body lay squished against the roof of the car. The group sat around, eyes panicked and mouths moving wildly.
The crease between your brows and the tense of your muscles relaxed. It was freedom. You were going to survive.
The shine of the brunettes hair caught your eyes. His frightened face, twisted into an expression of hurt, was painful to see yet some how relieving. A soft smile found its way onto your face. Steve, man, he was something else. There was comfort in knowing he cared. You wouldn't give in now.
And with a final push, you sprinted into the break of dimensions, spiraling back into your physical body.
A mumbled "oof" left the sliver of your lips as you fell against a soft surface. Gasps sounded from all sides, and multiple voices spoke at once. The heavenly voice fell to deaf ears as the headphones fell from your head, bumping against the cool floor of the car.
"Guys, my head is pounding. Quiet down, will you?" You hissed, grabbing a hold of your pounding head. Opening your eyes, you met stares with many worried faces. The voices quieted, but continued their rambling. The soft surface you had landed upon was named none other than Steve, who watched you with a tremble in his lower lip.
His arm snaked around your waist, and his fingers hooked onto the cars door handle. He swung it open and pulled you into the daylight, away from the overwhelming of questioning.
With the shut of the door, Steve let you go and looked at you with a furious expression upon his brows. Concern slithered about his lips, downturning his usual smirk. Steve brought you further from the car, handling you tenderly as to not wound you further. His touch left a tingling sensation against your skin.
“You…” He started, running a hand across his face. He stuttered over his words, unable to formulate a sentence. Steve Harrington? Speechless? How odd! But, ah, what isn’t nowadays?
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Steve scoffs, throwing his hands toward you in accusation. A shiver coursed through your spine, and you dug your teeth into your lower lip.
“I just-“ you grimaced, averting your eyes from his sparkling orbs. “I just got distracted with Max.” You paused, bringing a hand to anxiously scratch at the nape of your neck. “She means a lot to me, to all of us.”
Steve settled his hands on your shoulders, gently squeezing them. “And you mean a hell of a lot to me too, y/n. Here I thought you’d be babysitting me!” The man emitted a quiet whimper from the depths of his throat, riddled with a mellow playfulness.
You broke into a smile as he alleviated what he could of the tender topic. “Well, I would not have expected you to know my favorite song. Out of all people, hm?” You teased. Steve immediately quieted, rolling his eyes.
"It was just a guess," he shrugged, carding a hand through his locks. “Maybe an educated guess, but still a guess!”
Shrugging your arms around his muscular figure, you exhaustedly laid your head against his shoulder and pulled him into a tight embrace. "I can't even begin to explain how in love with you I am."
Oh. Shit.
It had slipped from your lips without a second thought, such an easy phrase to speak. Your heart suddenly sped, its thrum increasing with each passing second. A thrilling warmth found its way into bones, rattling them to the core with a pestering anxiety.
Steve's arms had fallen still against your figure. You dared not to peek at his face, fearful of what would come. A moment passed in silence, and the man began to shake in your arms. Something cool and damp pressed into your shoulder. A muffled sob made its way to your ears and you frowned.
"Steve? Are you crying?" You questioned, mouth agape in surprise. It couldn't be!
"I... uh... no,” He mumbled, pulling away to wipe his teary eyes. "You cannot just say that! Not after almost dying, y/n! Man, what is wrong with you people?"
Laughter bubbled up within your throat and escaped into the air. "Hey, there's no rejection I hear."
"No, of course not. I like you too. But what the hell? Wrong time, y/n. Wrong damn time!" He clasped a hand over his mouth.
In the heat of the moment, you intertwined your fingers with his, reassuring him of your presence and safety. “Hey. I’m right here, you big baby.”
Steve’s panic simmered into a manageable relaxation, and his fret wallowed into a sort of nothingness. “Yeah. You’re right here.”
From the car, the teenagers watched sourly.
"Ew, are they holding hands?"
"Shut up! No way."
"I almost died. She almost died. What is going on?"
And all you could do was watch Steve with those adoring eyes.
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corrodedcoffinkid · 2 years
Could you make a drabble of transmasc!eddie getting his period and having a meltdown and someone(idc who but preferably steve, dustin, or wayne) comforting him & taking care of him(bringing him pads/tampons, painkillers, chocolate. Watching movies & cuddling with him, etc)
uhh tw dysphoria, period
Eddie’s pretty sure hell is similar to his menstrual cycle. He groans, hands on his belly, and shifts around uncomfortably on the couch.
He’s alone, and it sucks. Wayne and Steve are at work. Eddie hadn’t mentioned that he’d started his period- it always makes him feel… lesser? Yes, it makes him feel lesser when he mentions it to cis men- even if those men love him very, very much.
A jolt of pain comes from his stomach, causing him to whine and twist in pain. “Shit,” he whimpers. All he wants is for the bleeding and the emotions and the pain to stop. Tears streaming down his cheeks, Eddie picks up the phone. He presses 2 on speed dial.
Steve’s heart drops when he hears Eddie on the other line. It’s not busy- Robin’s got this.
Wait, Robin. Robin can help.
Steve hangs up the phone before running back over to his friend. “Robin,” he says, “I need help.”
“I’m not scratching your back again,” Robin retorts, “Find a nice tree or a fencepost.”
“No, it’s about Eddie.”
“What’d he get himself into this time?”
Steve sighs, “It’s about his period… I don’t know what to get him.”
“Does he use tampons or pads?”
“What’s the difference?”
Robin blinks in confusion. “Oh my- Jesus Christ, Harrington. Get him a box of tampons, a box of pads, Midol, a heating pad, and… does he like chocolate?”
“Loves it.”
“Okay, get him two Hershey’s bars- king size, if you love him.”
By the time Steve is back at the trailer, he’s carrying four plastic bags full of various products. He lets himself in with the spare key. Sure enough, Eddie is curled up in a ball on the couch, crying softly to himself.
“Eddie…” Steve sighs. Eddie looks over at him weakly before staring at the multiple bags in confusion. “Okay, well, I got you five different brands of pads, three types of tampons- did you know they have super tampons? I got you a heating pad for your stomach. Also, I bought something called Midol. Oh! Chocolate! I got lots of chocolate.”
Eddie just stares at him and smiles. “Is that half of Rite Aid’s hygiene isle?”
“I wanted you to have options.”
“For the next three months?”
Steve rolls his eyes before plugging in the heating pad, uncurling Eddie, and placing it on his tummy. Eddie sighs in relief, “Thank you- for all of this.”
“I know you hate pills, but you need to take this,” Steve hands him two Midol and a glass of water. To his surprise, Eddie downs the pills and water immediately. “You must be hurting pretty bad.”
“My stupid uterus has decided to try and end my stupid life because I didn’t give it a stupid baby,” Eddie grumbles, shifting again. Steve grabs two Hershey’s bars- king size- and hands them to his boyfriend before pulling him in close. “Robin says these always help.”
Eddie hums in agreement. “Well, yeah,” he rests his head on Steve’s chest. “But not as much as you do.”
Steve presses a kiss to Eddie’s head, then wraps them both up in a blanket. “Ghostbusters?”
“Shh,” Eddie whispers, “No, no movie. Can we just… stay like this for a while?”
“If that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do.”
“I love you, Stevie.”
“I love you too.”
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eddiemunsxn · 2 years
I will contknje to refuse eddie's death. it was horribly written and in my mind its able to be fixed since he's a fictional character. you're a great writer so I wanted to request maybe a henderson!reader (I love this trope sorry) where they manage to save eddie's life but they get horribly injured and everyone thinks they will die but they don't. please I am literally thirsting for some comfort fics rn 😭
— a real ozzy move.
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masterlist. / nav.
❰ warnings. gn!reader, demobat attack, we ride at dawn to cancel the duffel bags
❰ word count. 803
❰ note. already blocked out vol. 2 what happened? also it’s 4 am and this is unedited but idc i’m ✨grieving✨
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Adrenalized—feeling as though your body was dipped into cold water—you ran toward the chair Dustin held steady, stamping your foot on it and springing up. Your fingers bit down into the fleshy vines, and your abdomen tightened like a fist as you pulled yourself through the gate.
Your hands slipped, and you landed on your back. Pain clamped down on your spine, and the breath was knocked from your chest. Stiff, you turned to your side, grimacing against every intake of breath as though you were swallowing nails.
Recovering to your feet, you looked up to Dustin. The gate framed him like a grisly gash in flesh, light from the trailer bleeding out into the dark of the upside down. “Dustin!”
He tossed your flamethrower through the gate, and you caught it.
“Just go!” He said. “Find Eddie! I’m right behind you!”
Muscles tense as rusted coils, you nearly lost your balance as you hurried out of the trailer. Heartbeat loud in your ears and heavy in your mouth, you looked for Eddie.
Pulsing like a frantic heart monitor, red lightning appeared as chromatic bruises behind the sheer clouds. Then you saw flapping shapes illuminated by the lightning, resembling static and swirling in a tight tornado.
Eddie stood within it, deflecting the swooping bats with his spiked shield.
“Holy shit!” Dustin came up from behind you, but you were already sprinting toward the twisting mass.
You stumbled to a halt. There was no way you could walk through, or simply help with a few swipes of a spear. There were too many bats. You only had one idea, and it was risky.
“Eddie!” Your scream scratched your throat raw.
His head snapped to you, and his eyes, glossy as polished stones, were swollen with fear.
“Eddie, get down!” You aimed the flamethrower, and fire spewed out like a burst pipe. It curled up within the tornado of bats, tracing their flight and eliciting pained screeches.
The heat from the burning bats enveloped you like the hottest summer day. Eyes watering, you squinted to try and see any bat stray away. Angling the flamethrower, you drew the fiery cloud in zigzags.
An opening split within the flapping mass, and Eddie dove out.
The heat continued pestering your eyes, and you didn’t see the squad of bats drawing down to you.
“Y/N!” Eddie shouted.
A tail coiled around your throat and yanked you off your feet. Releasing the flamethrower, your hands flew to your throat. Slammed to your back, demobats were glued to you like flies to honey.
You scratched the heels of your shoes against the pavement, desperate to move anyhow, anyway from the rows of teeth carving into your flesh. From your wounds, your own blood warmed your cold body.
Some bats were abruptly ripped away as fast as they collected on you.
Through blurred vision, you saw Eddie and Dustin’s distorted forms. Dustin used the blunt end of his spear to whack away the bats while Eddie plunged a knife—broken off from his spear—into their heads, multiple times.
Teeth gritted, Eddie expressed expletives as blood spat up from his frantic stabs.
The bat gripping your throat began to drag you away. “Hh—!” You exclaimed from the sudden pull.
“Oh no, you don’t, you son of a bitch!” Dustin quickly moved to plunge his spear through its spine—pinning it to the ground like a specimen on a naturalist’s card.
Eddie stomped a foot down on its head, bone crackling.
Strained screeching prompted Dustin to whip around, spear ready, and for Eddie to drop next to you—prepared to shield you, but the bats all collectively fell like the last drops of rain in a storm. Fire continued to feast on their bodies.
“Are you okay?” Eddie took your face in his hands. “Hey, talk to me!”
“I’m here,” you said, words strained by your bruised throat.
Eddie grinned, dimples pinching his cheeks. “Oh, man.” He shook his head. “That was a real Ozzy move you did. But you’re not gonna die on me, right? Right?” He stroked your cheek with the back of his hand, rings cool against your skin.
“No.” You smiled, gently grabbing his wrists. “No.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Dustin assured at your other side. “It’s not bad.”
“Feels bad, though,” you croaked.
“Yeah, you’ll have some pretty gnarly scars.”
Eddie grazed his thumb just under your lower lip, staring down at you as if you were a fallen star he made so many wishes for.
“Eddie,” you said softly.
“Yeah?” He whispered.
“You don’t have to prove yourself…that you’re a hero. You should already know how great and loved you are by those that matter. Fuck this town. Please keep being you.”
A broad smile stretched his lips thin, and he nodded. Tears polished his eyes. “I will.”
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fhrlclln · 2 years
you’re already a hero | eddie munson
SUMMARY : eddie leaves you behind to save you all, but you couldn’t let that fucking happen. not on your watch.
eddie munson x fem! reader
GENRE : angst
WARNINGS : the upside down, mentions of violence, slight gore, hurt and comfort.
WORD COUNT : 1,044
a/n: i wrote this after volume 2 was released and forgot to post it. so yeah, I FIXED IT. this is officially canon idc :D
likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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dustin yelled, tears in his eyes as you looked up in shock to see him slice the rope off. your heart thumped, faster it goes knowing the situation. dustin looked at you for help as your lips trembled.
“don’t you fucking leave me!” you yelled, seeing him run off now to where the noises of the demobats went. you watched him, grabbing the mattress with a look of determination on his face. you shouted, yelled, pleaded for him to stop but he was gone. a rush of emotions moved you as dustin started to panic calling out his name over and over again. shouting at you, urging you to do something. luckily, your mind ran quick, seeing him out of sight had you panic as you immediately grabbed something to climb on and fucking jump in the portal.
“y/n!” dustin shouted, tears threatening to fall out of his eyes seeing the two of you leave him. you shakily steadied yourself, jumping up as you hit the other side’s floor with a thud. you groaned, quickly standing up with your backpack full of necessities. you heaved, looking up to the frightened dustin.
“you stay there! i’m going to follow him and don’t ever follow me at any fucking circumstances. you understand, dustin?” you pointed, seeing him shake his head. your expression softened, he was scared and you merely gave him a small smile in reassurance. you were going to save your boyfriend’s ass. and you will no matter fucking what. determination coursed through your veins, the fear and anger out as you focused yourself upon finding him. those swarm of bats were going to kill him, and you hoped you would be by his side soon. opening the trailer’s door with a kick, you could still hear the creature’s screeches, looking to the horizon you huffed to see his figure riding a bike. shit.
he was directing the whole swarm to him, diverting them to buy all of the team some time, knowing how fucked up it was now. you grit your teeth, anger lacing through as you sprinted, he was not that far from his trailer and you could catch up to him in no time. your legs didn’t stop, your breaths were uneven as you felt the sense of dread flood your veins. you stopped, seeing as the swarm turned into this sort of tornado, circling him with all possibilities running through your mind. you shuddered, grabbing something from your bag as you held it in your hands, ready to do something.
“you flying fucks!” you shouted, lighting up an extra molotov in your possession. you could hear his cries, you aimed the burning substance to the edge of the swarm, hoping a minor disruption could happen. the swarm screeched, half of them going to a frenzy as the others went away. the fires of the molotov exploding before them. coating each one that got hit, burning in satisfaction. hope rushed through your veins. an opening appeared, you ran as fast as you could, a handy weapon in your hand as you saw him being choked by those tails. almost being bitten. you charged, kicked and slice through the offending creature’s grip on his neck. it screeched, making your ears tingle. eddie’s eyes widened, coughing as you quickly grabbed his hand to run away. no words needed. a sense of relief flushed through you as you ran and ran with him. the swarm still behind the two of you.
eddie watched and sprinted in daze seeing you with him. he was sure, so sure he knew the consequences of fighting back now. to be a hero finally, not a coward who ran away. but, at this moment, you gripping his wrist, running with you until what might come next had his heart racing. he was angry, knowing you’d be dead meat as him for saving him. you should’ve let him go, and he thought you deserved better than to save some freak’s life, someone who’s been hated on for the rest of his life.
the swarm still screeched from above, he thought dying alone for the sake of everyone and you to be safe would bring him peace but now, he couldn’t picture a more perfect revelation seeing you save his ass. sweat covered your forehead, you bit your lip from trembling as eddie’s trailer was right ahead. and with dustin shouting your names, limping as so. your eyes widened, the screeches getting louder, you closed your eyes hoping and hoping until…
dead silence. you gasped, stopping abruptly with eddie by your side. you lessened the grip on his wrist, the silence overwhelming as you turned around to see the flying pieces of shit thud on the ground. completely lifeless and some still shuddering. you blinked, your head dizzy, the adrenaline still there as you didn’t noticed the man in front of you.
“why? why the fuck did you do that!?” eddie shouted, anger in his tone as he gripped your shoulders. his eyes glassy and his lips were trembling. his face turned red, he wanted to sobbed. everything seemed to drop, your face scrunched to a frown as your eyes leaked out the tears you’ve been holding. you sobbed, wrapping your arms around his neck, desperate to feel him again. eddie was stunned, tears swelling in his eyes as he hesitantly hugged you back. the warmth of you so overwhelming as he buried his face on the side of your head, tears falling as you hugged him tighter.
“you left me.” you sobbed, gripping the back of his jacket. your whole body was shaking, the shock residing as he stiffened at that. “you fucking left me. and i— i fucking thought you were—” you stuttered, the sob in your throat cutting you off.
“i-i’m sorry.” he muttered, kissing your cheeks. dustin’s yells for the two of you fading in the background. your sob racked the whole eerie neighborhood of his as he stared at the lifeless creatures shuddering their last life. in that moment, what felt like a overwhelming guilt washing over him like a strong tide, tears brimmed in his eyes knowing hell he would’ve died just minutes ago if it weren’t for you.
what would he be without you?
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d33rz · 2 years
television romance! ೃ⁀➷
steve harrington x gn!reader
summary: steve harrington was a lovesick obsessed puppy and you would never change it for the universe and its stars.
warnings: literally none, it's literally the fluffiest thing I've thought of everr
mae speaks! this was soo fucking self indulgent omg. i tried not to make it too long but this was literally the cutest thing I've written?? y'all gotta stop me, idc if I'm just starting-
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Maybe it was the way he parted his hair and spoke or maybe it was the way he always looked at you as if you were the one who hung the stars yourself every night before the suns time finally ticked to a zero and the moon took over but Steve Harrington had always made you feel like you were in a sitcom of some sort.
The relationship had been so soft, so domestic. Some days were spent lousing around on the couch or the bed, watching whatever spooked either of your attentions. You were always touching in some way, whether it be his hands rubbing you arms or legs, sometimes just laid about on your stomach or if it's just you two sitting up, close and someones head piled atop of the others which laid on their shoulder. Steve would never admit this but his favorite was whenever he laid his head on your thighs, your fingers threading through his soft hair as he focused on anything but the tv.
Other days were really whatever, going on walks, working, or babysitting, which was your favorite, while they might be annoying Dustin and Lucas never fail to entertain you or annoy Steve and Max.
Each day would always end with you two laying in your messed bed from the day before as neither of you were really keen to making it. Arms and legs tangled like wires as you talked about anything and everything, Dustins theories, rude customers, elderly people who made your day, or just how pretty the moon looked as it shined in your window just perfectly. Then you'd wake up and repeat the process, you never had total repeats though, living in Hawkins made sure of it.
You always loved the end though. You never were good at falling asleep easily so you'd stay awake rambling as your mind ran a marathon, glancing over every so often at the man you loved with his eyes barely staying open as he tried his hardest not to fall into slumber as you spoke. Sometimes you'd think about testing him, seeing how long he could stay awake but you'd always, no matter what, just kiss his forehead and whisper a good night, saying "I'll finish my story later." He'd always just mumble an i love you, one that made your heart swell and sing, and quickly doze off. His arm around your waist as you listened to his breathing for a while, a smile on your face. Soon you'd trip into the trap called slumber as well, eyes fluttering close as you finally drifted off. Rarely would it ever be the other way around.
Steve Harrington was a lovesick obsessed puppy. His glances, his actions, the way he'd absolutely kiss the ground you walk on if it meant having you for even a millisecond longer then destiny had planned were all clear signs of it and that you did, in fact, have a television romance with Hawkins Highs ex-king and you'd never change or trade it for the universe and its stars.
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calzonekestis · 2 years
Eddie Munson giving scared and nervous kids a place they feel where they belong, bc he knows what it’s like to be a scared outcast
Those kids thinking Eddie Munson is Cool but him being all like “lol nope I’m a loser but think what you want idc”
Eddie Munson who when caught low key gate keeping by Erica Sinclair is all “damn” and realizes he judged her prematurely based on appearance which is totally against what he preaches but rather than being defensive or trying to backpedal is all like “shit, you’re in kid, we’re happy to have you”
Eddie Munson being a stupid self sacrificing hero trying to lure the bats far away from Dustin, because he already lost Chrissy, and he doesn’t want to lose anyone else he cares about
Eddie Munson taking the time to let Dustin know how much he likes and respects him, even if it doesn’t need to be said - because again he probably has things he wish he had the time to say to Chrissy and now he never will. So he’s gonna let this kid know how special he is to him before they head off into battle
Eddie Munson low key getting :/ when he thinks Chrissy’s uncomfortable with him, but not getting angry and offering to walk away with no hard feelings
Eddie Munson making a doof out of himself in front of this girl he likes, just so she laughs and is put at ease and feels safe with him
Eddie Munson just being a good person with a big heart who cares about others
The fact his uncle knows it. That despite how unruly Eddie may seem, Wayne knew he was a good kid who wouldn’t ever hurt anyone. He never doubted him for a minute.
The fact that while Dustin told Wayne Eddie’s fate, he didn’t tell him anything he didn’t already know about his nephew’s character.
The fact that Hawkins doesn’t know how wonderful he was.
That they think he was a monster.
But the fact that Eddie never gave a shit about what people thought about him anyway.
The people whose opinions mattered to him - those who he loved, and who loved him. They know the truth. That’s all that would have mattered to him.
We be cryin in the club.
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tuesday, june 25th
7:02 AM
@poppinpaladin changed their username to @imtheheart
@madmax: LMAOOOO???
@madmax: @eggoeggoeleggomax PLZZZ U HAVE TO SEE THIS
@eggoeggoeleggomax: I did not think his username could get worse.
@madmax: so proud of u rn el <33
@brainybard: Michael, please explain your username change.
@imtheheart: fuck off dustin don’t call me michael
@maxpleasetextmeback: Yeahhh only Will can call him that
@imtheheart: stfu. why the fuck are we making fun of MY username when that’s lucas’s??????
@brainybard: That’s his username at least once a week. What’d he do this time Max?
@madmax: bro ate the last dorito :/
@imtheheart: again, how is this less embarrassing than my thing?
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Mike, you are not the heart, you are the ass.
@madmax: LMAOOOOO EL
@brainybard: ^^ El’s onto something…
@imtheheart: fuck you guys. where’s will? @WilltheWise7 ???????? has he answered anyone today ???????
@brainybard: No
@maxpleasetextmeback: It’s literally 7 in the morning
@madmax: $20 says mike is calling him rn
@WilltheWise7: i hate u mike. everyone else owes max 20 dollars.
@imtheheart: i’m sorryy plz go back to sleep i just wanted to make sure you were okay :(
@madmax: immediately nauseous.
@WilltheWise7: it’s fine i’m up now :) & i like your username ;)
@maxpleasetextmeback: Holy shit. Make it Stop
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Mike? Are you okay?
@WilltheWise7: he does that sometimes when he’s excited..
@imtheheart: no i don’t hahaha lol i just spilled something on my phone and i was trying to wipe it off.
@eggoeggoeleggomax: You lie?
@madmax: just like papa. el get his ass.
@brainybard: We skated past the username change wayyy too quickly… Why did you change it Mike? And Will, why would you say you like it????
@eggoeggoleggomax: I know why Will said
@WilltheWise7: el’s just joking lol. but her phone died & she told me to tell y’all she can’t text back anymore :(
@madmax: will istg if u powered her phone off & told her it was dead-
@WilltheWise7: yeah… so mike why don’t you explain that username :p
@imtheheart: can i?
@madmax: oh my god. i didn’t even know he knew how to ask for permission. holy shit.
@imtheheart: shut the fuck up max
@madmax: die
@WilltheWise7: idc mike you can tell them if you want to :)
@imtheheart changed their username to @willsaidimtheheart
@willsaidimtheheart: i tried to add a smiley face but it wouldn’t let me. what the fuck
@brainybard: Interesting…
@maxpleasetextmeback: Be so honest Mike was that the original plan for the username change but you didn’t want to do it before Will woke up and gave you permission LMAOO
@willsaidimtheheart: …
@WilltheWise7: you guys are being so mean to mike today :(
@madmax: literally how every single interaction i’ve ever had with him since we’ve met has gone
@willsaidimtheheart: willlll, can you please answer the phone one more time pleaseee
@brainybard: This is really embarrassing buddy
@willsaidimtheheart: dustin i will literally murder your new cat shut the everloving fuck up
@WilltheWise7 changed their user to @urtheheart
@madmax: NAHHHH
@maxpleasetextmeback: Will… no….
@brainybard: That phone call must’ve been literally 2 minutes how did he convince you that fast??
@madmax: you probably don’t wanna know…
@urtheheart: he said he’d do my math homework for the rest of the school year :)
@maxpleasetextmeback: He literally does that anyways
@urtheheart: but now he can’t complain >:)
@madmax: bro literally smiles while doing your homework…
@madmax: down horrendous
@willsaidimtheheart: okay you guys are making it weird
@madmax: we’re making it weird, wheeler??? what the fuck inspired u to change ur username to some cringy ass shit at 7 in the morning
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Jonathan helped me with my phone. Friends do not lie, Will.
@urtheheart: brothers do :/
@eggoeggoeleggomax: I know what inspired Mike, Max.
@brainybard: Oh, this is gonna be good.
@madmax: please share w the class el
@eggoeggoeleggomax: The class? Did we have school today?
@madmax: no sorry just tell us on here
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Okay. I learned a new word today.
@maxpleasetextmeback: Wtf Max you’ve literally never said sorry to me before…
@madmax: shut up lucas
@maxpleasetextmeback: Okay, sorry <3
@brainybard: Eleven, PLEASE what is the new word???
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Gay. It is when a boy wants to kiss another boy and be his boyfriend. I think Mike is gay and wants to be Will’s boyfriend. This is why he would not say he loved me (when Max says I am perfect) and why he kisses weird. This is also why I dumped his ass.
@madmax: … omfg el LMAOOOOO
@willsaidimtheheart: woaaaahhhh el chill hahahahhaa what are you even talking about?? i’m literally so straight. literally everyone thinks will would objectively be a good boyfriend and objectively be really good to kiss, that’s just cuz will is cool. don’t make it weird omg :/
brainybard: I can say for a certain 100% fact I have never thought about Will being a boyfriend or a good kisser….
@maxpleasetextmeback: Really? I definitely have
@willsaidimtheheart: what the fuck lucas take that back right now. seriously. what the actual fuck??? i hate you so much don’t ever talk to me again. don’t even come NEAR will or istg i will beat you up. fuck u lucas
@madmax: definitely the “so straight” response
@urtheheart: mike that’s very flattering but you definitely can’t beat lucas up :/
@maxpleasetextmeback: So you’re saying I’d be a better boyfriend than Mike? :D
@urtheheart: ur username isn’t promising but neither was mike’s last relationship
@madmax: good one will :p
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Because he is gay.
@willsaidimtheheart: HOLY SHIT oh my god everybody shut up. new topic!!!!!
@willsaidimtheheart: will, how are you today? :) also if you feel like it no pressure… could you specify that you like me more than lucas? (especially if we were pretending to be boyfriends).
@madmax: exact same topic u r really dumb asf
@urtheheart: hmmm
@willsaidimtheheart: lol it’s finee if you don’t want to (i’m going to lose sleep over this)
@maxpleasetextmeback: You’re just pathetic Mike
@urtheheart: mike would probably be a better boyfriend to me, hypothetically
@willsaidimtheheart: JAKFLCKZLAODMVKFKKP
@willsaidimtheheart: JEKGOCOSOSOX!!!!!!!!
@willsaidimtheheart: hypothetically, will, i would do absolutely anything u asked of me and love you more than i love myself and kiss you allllll the time like never stop kissing you but hypothetically lol
@brainybard: I’m seriously getting embarrassed for you Mike
@maxpleasetakemeback: God, my ears. Also, Will is obviously just saying that so Max doesn’t get her feelings hurt.
@willsaidimtheheart: oh.
@willsaidimtheheart: is that true…
@madmax: i would not care
@urtheheart: she wouldn’t care
@urtheheart: lmaoo same minds
@madmax: maybe me and will should just date
@maxpleasetextmeback: NO
@willsaidimtheheart: i’ll kill myself
@urtheheart: hmm maybe we should max
@maxpleasetextmeback: SAY SIKE RN SAY SIKE RN SAY SIKE RN
@willsaidimtheheart: taking a bath with my toaster don’t hmu
@urtheheart: obviously it’s a joke mikey :) put the toaster away <3
@willsaidimtheheart: LWLTOVOSKAJDJFJKFL
@willsaidimtheheart: is it okay if i make a bagel first
@brainybard: Bro???
@urtheheart: r u being fr
@willsaidimtheheart: i don’t wanna not put the toaster away if u asked me to but now i want a bagel. can i
@urtheheart: yes idiot just don’t burn yourself
@willsaidimtheheart: i’ll try harder than usual :)
@maxpleasetextmeback: Yawnnn separate chat to flirt.
@brainybard: Bro. Your username… no room to talk Lucas
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Mike is gay I think.
@willsaidimtheheart signed out
@urtheheart changed their username to @WilltheWise7
@brainybard: That’s our boy.
@WilltheWise7: lol but mike wanted me to clarify that “he didn’t sign out bc he’s gay, but bc he’s busy and not gay” ?????? :(
@eggoeggoeleggomax: He is gay.
@madmax: ^
@brainybard: ^
@maxpleasetextmeback: ^
@WilltheWise7: ^
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peeta-is-useless · 2 years
Always the Winner
“maybe maybe maybe it's an overdone idea but idc it's my favorite. reader not knowing anything abt dungeons and dragons but wanting to learn to get closer to eddie and his friends except they just kinda treat it like monopoly and just absolutely think they are winning and doing so well (they're not) but eddie lies straight through his teeth and makes up rules just to make sure reader wins. (idk how dnd works can u even win 😭😭)” - from Anon
Eddie Munson x Gender Neutral reader
Synopsis: You’re playing dnd with the boys and Eddie always lets you “win”. Warnings: lack of dnd knowledge(by me. I did some research but I’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense🥲), Eddie breaking dnd rules, I think that’s all?
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“Alright, you’re up.” Eddie said to you, ignoring Mike’s eye roll.
You smiled and stood up, ready to roll the dice. You really were having fun and somehow always ended up with the killing blows. All the boys always shot slightly annoyed glances in your direction but of course the other questers would because you always won. Or that’s the theory that you believed anyways.
You tossed the dice across the table and Eddie leaned over to see the number it landed on before you had a chance to check.
“Too bad for the hill giant-“ he grinned and there were groans around the table. No one ever protested though. They knew what Eddie was doing. He was completely crushing on you and even if you didn’t exactly understand the rules of DND or how it worked, he would always let your character come out alright or as the hero. Sure, on the campaigns that you weren’t there for, all bets were off. However, when you were participating, he wasn’t afraid to tweak a few of the rules or just completely lie for you. It was a ploy for him to spend more time with you really.
“Yes!” You pumped your fist and finished out your turn. Little to your knowledge, the number you had gotten was not even close to 4, the required roll to actually defeat the monster.
There were half hearted “good jobs” echoed around the table until Eddie raised an eyebrow. Then more legitimate congratulations came at you.
Eddie continued with the campaign story. “Your little group has not taken damage because the valiant,” he said your character’s name with a flourish, “bravely defeated the hill giant, Nefel. Will you advance through his cave or go in search of another way to cross the mountain?”
The game went on for some time, your character still being the only one still at the height of health. “Alright, we’ll stop here for today, little hellfires.” Eddie proclaimed, scooping up his binder. “We resume tomorrow at 3:20. Don’t be late.” He glanced at you as the others started picking up their own items. “Sooo, what do ya think?” He asked.
You lifted you head from the character sheet Eddie had helped you start a week ago. “About the game or the campaign?”
“Either. Both I guess.”
“We’ll, okay. I really like them both. I didn’t think I’d catch on this quick but DND is so much easier than everyone says!”
Eddie tried to hide his automatic smirk behind his binder by putting it in front of the lower half of his face. “Yes, right. I suppose you’re just a natural, kiddo.” The use of kiddo really wasn’t valid because you were in the same grade as him and only a year or two younger.
“Maybe I just have a good teacher.” And with that comment, your cheeks start to burn. It was only a little but you could feel it.
Actually you didn’t have a good teacher at all. In fact, he was quite terrible in terms of actually letting you play out the game correctly and quite frankly, falling into traps, loosing health, etc, just like the rest of the party. That didn’t stop him from basking in your compliment. “I have been known to-“
“Oh my god.” Dustin cut him off, completely over Eddie’s beginning attempt at flirting for the night. “We get it. You’re both amazing. Now will you shut up? They’re driving us home!”
You laughed at Dustin’s outburst. “Sorry, Ed, he’s right. See you tomorrow. 3:20 sharp.”
“Yeah, okay.” He was glaring at Dustin as you turned to zip your backpack but the kid only shrugged.
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sunflowersand-bees · 2 years
Everyone in this Group Chat is Gay
here’s the fic on ao3
Word Count: 3426
Summary: Murray is a meddler, and Mike and Will have a heart to heart.
Will and Jonathan were eating sandwiches for lunch, El sitting beside them with a plate of Eggos. Murray was in his usual spot in the kitchen, cooking what seemed like a meat pie. He shoved the pan into the oven, taking off his oven mitts and wiping his hands on the pink apron that Will had gotten him for Easter.
“Young Hopper-Byerses,” Murray started, taking a seat at the table in front of them. The siblings slowly raised their eyes from their food to his face, where he wore a grin that made Jonathan nervous. “Give me your phones.”
“What? Why?” Will asked, confused. His hand went protectively to his pocket.
“I’m really not gonna ask again. It’s very important,” Murray replied. He held his hands out. “Phones.”
Will rolled his eyes, but put his phone in Murray’s hand, El and Jonathan doing the same.
Murray quickly unlocked Will’s phone and clicked through his apps, ignoring Will’s questions about how Murray knew his passcode. After a few minutes, he placed the phone on the table in front of Will, smiling. “Thank you.”
He did the same to Jonathan’s phone and then El’s phone, making her glance at Jonathan and Will nervously. Jonathan just shrugged while Will scrolled through his phone, searching for the damage Murray had inflicted. No one could predict what Murray would do. Murray returned their phones, smiling sweetly. They found their answer when their phones pinged a moment later.
Mike: what???
Will clicked on the message, scrolling up to see what Murray had sent. Finding it, he sighed and  turned the screen towards the freeloader. “Really?”
The text was sent to a group chat with Mike, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, El, Lucas, Max, Dustin and Argyle. And, of course, Murray himself.
Everyone in this gc is gay.
“Oh my God, Murray,” Will said, shaking his head and sighing.
Sorry, Murray stole my phone.
Robin: well hes not wrong
Murray: You guys are all v repressed. Stop being idiots. Listen to the Murrster.
Max: wth is the murrster
Murray: Yk, like the Meister. But the Murrster.
Max: yea we get it shut up now
Dustin: I get it!
Dustin: But I’m also fairly certain I’m the only one here who is straight.
Murray: Correct young sapling. You are here to moderate.
Dustin: Oh, okay.
Mike: i’m pretty sure he’s not the only one who is straight
Mike: you do realize me, Lucas, Argyle, Jonathan, and Steve have all either dated a girl or been interested in a girl right?
Murray: Dating a girl doesn’t make you straight.
Argyle: facts man
Murray: And if you’re saying you’ve been interested in a girl, you’re actually going to make me laugh.
Mike: i have!
El: I am very confused.
Murray: Anyway, you’re all gay, have fun with that discussion, don’t try and lie.
Murray: Friends. Don’t. Lie.
Murray: Bye!
Murray: Oh, and if you don’t get your shit sorted out, I will come to your basement, Michael Wheeler and sort your shit out for you. Idc when it doesn’t affect me, but you guys’ actions and moods have affected me. So stop.
Mike: why is that all targeted at me??
Max: why are you so defensive
Lucas: yeah, mike. why so defensive?
Dustin: Yeah, Mike.
Robin: seems pretty gay to me
Max: honestly same
Mike: you know what, I’m done with this bullshit.
Mike: sort out whatever the hell you want, just keep me out of it.
Robin: …did we fuck up?
Steve: No shit, dingus.
Robin: hey! you dont get to use my words against me!
Will: This is going to be a mess, isn't it
Max: hell yeah
Will stood up, putting his phone in his pocket. “Murray.”
“Yes, traumatized Byers?” Murray asked, tilting his head.
“Why did you do that? How has this helped anything?” Will asked, gesturing widely.
“Well, now people can admit their true feelings without being judged because everyone else has very similar feelings,” Murray said, leaving the table. “And I know that little Frog Wheeler is hurt and scared, but if I hadn’t done this, nobody would have moved forward! So it’s a win for us all.”
“No, it’s not,” Will disagreed, following Murray around the table and back into the kitchen. “If someone gets hurt, then it’s not a win. Especially if you don’t actually know how someone feels and you could be wrong.”
Murray raised an eyebrow at Will. “Clearly, you think I’m wrong. Specifically about your Frog Prince. You believe that he’s not gay. You believe that your feelings are entirely unrequited and one-sided because he dated a girl once. Make sure not to hold that against him in the future, he was a confused child. Still is, if you ask me.”
Seeing Will’s expression, Murray sighed. “Look, kid, can you just go along with this? You can tiptoe all you want, make sure not to step on any tails, but just try. Have hope for once. Have hope for yourself. You’ll thank me later.”
“Fine,” Will said. “Fine. But I really don’t think I’ll be thanking you.”
“Agree to disagree,” Murray replied. “Now get out of my kitchen.”
“This is my house!”
“Out!” Murray smacked him on his forehead with an oven mitt. “God, you kids are more trouble than you’re worth.” Will chuckled as he left the kitchen.
Jonathan: so anyone wanna get us started off?
Nancy: What do you mean
Jonathan: apparently we’re all gay, and since I didn’t know anyone was gay, does anyone have something to say?
Robin: guys
Robin: i have something to say
Robin: its very important
Robin: please dont laugh
Nancy: Of course we won’t laugh
Robin: here goes
Robin: im
Robin: straight
Steve: She likes boobies
Robin: steve!!!
Nancy: Steve!!!
Steve: Well its true
Argyle: wait isn’t that
Nancy: Why don’t we move on
Nancy: Steve, your turn
Steve: My turn? Whys it my turn?
Nancy: You know why
Steve: Fine whatever
Steve: I guess Im bi or something
Dustin: You didn’t tell me?
Robin: u didnt tell me?
Steve: Well I only realized it like last week so
Robin: fair
Dustin: Fair
Steve: Your turn Nancy girl
Nancy: I’m bi too
Max: if youre a bisexual, say bi
Max: bi
Nancy: Bi
Lucas: bi
Steve: bi
Jonathan: bi.
Argyle: im like pansexual
Argyle: so should i count that or
Max: do whatever tf u want
Argyle: tubular
Lucas: totally tubular
Dustin: Tooootally tubular
Dustin: Tuuuuuubulaaaarrrrr
Max: oh my god shut up you dorks
Lucas: only for you <3
Max: dumped
Lucas: noooo
Lucas: </3
El: What is pansexual?
Max: its liking all genders or not caring about people’s gender basically
El: Thank you, Max.
Max: ofc el
Steve: So what now?
Robin: wdym
Steve: Weve all come out and that sappy shit
Steve: Hooray love is love
Steve: Now what
Nancy: Murray usually has a bigger plan than this
Jonathan: ulterior motives of some kind.
Nancy: So there has to be more that he wanted
Nancy: Should we get into romance
Jonathan: i’d rather not.
Steve: Im gonna to have to agree with Jonathan here
Dustin: And we all know how rare that is, so treasure this moment.
Steve: Shut up asshole
Dustin: You can’t make me.
Steve: I will ground you so help me God
Dustin: I’d like to see you try.
Steve: Little shit
Dustin: That’s what I thought, Mom.
Steve: Go be heterosexual somewhere else man
Dustin: Low blow.
Lucas: yeah man
Max: u know he cant control that
Lucas: it’s not his fault
Dustin: Don’t attack me for something I can’t change.
Steve: Ok
Steve: Sorry
Dustin: Good.
Steve: We good?
Dustin: We’re good.
Steve: Good
Dustin: Good.
Max: holy shit someone put me out of my misery
Robin: suicide pact?
Max: done
Lucas: wait why are you guys dying?
Max: they wont shut the hell up
Steve: Stop backtalking your mother
Max: my mother is an alcoholic
Robin: …
Robin: on that cheery note, who wants to come over and watch fast times with me and steve at steves house
Steve: I just learned about this
Nancy: Sure
Dustin: Okay.
Max: alright
Lucas: yeah
Jonathan: ok
Argyle: hey guys its 420 make a wish
Jonathan: Argyle, it’s 1:20
Argyle: oh i love fast times
Jonathan: oh well.
Robin: see u guys in 20 at steves!
Steve: Wth man
Robin: <3<3
Steve: Im not speaking to you right now
Robin: see you in 20 minutes
Will observed the conversation, watching for any sign of Mike, but he never said anything, which worried Will. He guessed that Mike was upset, but he wasn’t quite sure what to do about it. He wasn’t quite sure why Mike was upset either. None of the reasons he could come up with seemed likely.
You okay?
Mike: yeah.
Are you sure?
Mike: of course.
Do you want to hang out?
The others are having a movie night.
Mike: i don’t really want to go.
Do you want some company?
Mike: if you want to keep me company
Okay. Well, I’ll be over in fifteen minutes.
Mike: see you then.
Will forced himself not to think about the fact that he and Mike would be alone, at Mike’s house, right after the gay group chat thing. It’s not like they would actually be alone though, Mike’s parents would probably be home and Holly. Besides, it’s not like anything would be different if they were alone versus if they weren’t alone, since, as Mike had said earlier, he’s straight. And Will knew that despite the fact that Mike wasn’t dating El, and that they weren’t in love, that didn’t mean Mike was available, especially not for Will. Since, again, Mike was straight.
He wasn’t thinking about it.
15 minutes later, Will parked his bike in front of Mike’s house, hurrying past Mrs. Wheeler, who was home, to the basement.
“Hey,” he said to Mike, who was sitting on the couch, looking a bit flustered. “What is it?”
“What is what?” Mike asked, voice high.
“You’re nervous and you’re looking at me like I have two heads,” Will replied, frowning.
“Oh.” Mike cleared his throat. “No, I’m fine, sorry.”
Will raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but let the topic go. “How are you?”
“Fine,” Mike repeated. “Just great.”
“Okay.” Will dragged out the word, fixing Mike under his gaze. The two sat in silence while Mike shifted uncomfortably.
“H-How are you?” Mike finally asked, not meeting Will’s eyes.
“I’m doing alright,” Will answered. “Funny earlier, right?”
“What?” Mike asked, confused.
“The…” Will hesitated. “The group chat thing.”
“Oh.” Mike’s eyebrows lifted in understanding. “Yeah, yeah. Funny.”
Will glanced down and his eye caught on the corner of a black binder.
“What’s this?” he asked, grabbing it and pulling it out from under the couch.
“Nothing,” Mike said, trying to pull the binder away from Will, but he couldn’t pry it from Will’s hands.
“Are these… my drawings?” Will was in disbelief.
“Yeah, sorry. It’s probably creepy of me or something, right?” Mike tried to laugh it off, but Will thumbed through the papers with a soft smile on his face.
“No. It’s not creepy,” Will disagreed. “It’s sweet. I didn’t know…”
“Didn’t know what?” Mike asked, fidgeting.
“That… you cared so much?”
“Well, I’m not the only one. We all have drawings of yours around and stuff,” Mike replied, motioning towards the numerous sketches littering Mike’s basement walls. Will knew about the drawings that were pinned up, but he’d never figured that Mike had kept all of his drawings.
“I… yeah, right.” Will nodded, but his smile faded a bit. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
Will didn’t reply, just smiling at Mike warmly and shutting the binder. He set it on the coffee table.
“Are you?” Mike asked suddenly.
Will turned towards Mike. “Am I what?”
Mike opened his mouth to reply before shutting it and shaking his head. “Never mind, it was stupid.”
Will knew it was more than that, but he also knew that Mike would get around to it if it was important.
“Sorry about earlier,” Will told Mike, looking at his hands, folded in his lap.
“Sorry about what earlier?” Mike asked.
“Sorry about the group chat,” Will elaborated. “Murray asked for my phone, said it was important, and I gave it to him. It’s my fault he made the chat.”
“No, it’s not your fault. You can’t know what Murray’s gonna do at any time,” Mike joked.
Will sighed. “And I’m sorry for bringing it up, I probably shouldn’t have done that.”
“Brought up the group chat?” Will nodded. “It’s fine. I’m fine. It’s not that big of a deal.” Mike reassured.
Will chewed his lip. “Then why were you so upset earlier? If it’s not a big deal, I mean.”
Mike tried to reply, but couldn’t find the words.
“You said you were straight, and so you shouldn’t be included in the group chat,” Will said. 
Mike winced at the echo of his earlier words to Murray. “Right, yeah, I did say that.”
“So at first I thought that was why you were upset, although it doesn’t make much sense. It… You were upset at being mislabeled?”
Mike scratched the back of his neck. “I don’t really…” He searched for the words, but came up empty. He shook his head helplessly.
“Never mind,” Will retreated quickly. “You said you were straight and I came over here to watch a movie.” Will grabbed the TV remote. “What do you want to watch?”
“Well, are you?” Mike burst out.
“Am I straight?” Will connected the dots instantly.
Mike’s face contorted and he nodded.
“I…” Will took a deep breath. “No, I’m not. I’m gay, Mike.”
Will looked down and away from Mike. “Yeah. Sor-”
“Don’t apologize,” Mike interrupted. “I’m sorry. That was a lukewarm reaction. I was just processing.”
“If… I can go,” Will suggested.
Mike responded instantly. “Why would you leave?”
Will looked back up when he heard the tangible confusion in Mike’s voice. “If you’re… uncomfortable?”
“I could never be uncomfortable around you,” Mike replied, smiling warmly. Will relaxed, face softening with relief.
“You-” Mike stopped. “How long…?”
“How long have I known?” Will finished. Will’s breath caught in his throat. They were reaching dangerous territory. “A… long time.”
“Oh.” Mike’s face fell and he looked upset.
“Curious,” Mike said simply.
Will nodded. “So does that make you and Dustin the only straight people?” he half-joked.
Mike bit his lip, frowning. “Not necessarily.”
“What does that mean?” Will asked, confused by the ambiguity of this statement.
“When you say a long time, how long does that mean?” Mike changed the topic.
“I don’t really know,” Will said, ruffled at the course of the conversation. “Probably middle school.”
“Okay. And what made you realize it?” Mike pressed.
Will blushed, because he was not going to tell Mike Wheeler that he was the reason Will had realized he was gay. “Why are you so interested?”
“Never mind, it’s whatever,” Mike backtracked. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” Will said, putting a hand up to stop Mike. He dropped his hand onto his leg and Mike’s knee nudged Will’s, making him blush. “I fell in love with a guy. And I was probably in love with this guy for a while before middle school, I just figured it out in middle school.
“It wasn’t like lightning or whatever they tell you. He just… turned towards me one day and smiled and I smiled back. It was a small thing, not something anyone else would see as important, but to me, it was so important. He just cared about me. Or something like that.”
“What was he like?” Mike asked, and he wasn’t smiling. He looked solemn and thoughtful, with a hard set to his jaw. “Why did you like him?”
Will thought for a moment, smiling when he remembered certain memories. He met eyes with Mike, who tilted his head curiously. A smile split Will’s face. He loved Mike. “He’s thoughtful and reliable. He sticks by my side and he understands me. We share common interests and I alway have fun when he’s around. He’s so creative and smart. He makes sure I feel heard. He’s always so genuine and he’s one of the best people I know. He always knows how to cheer me up and comfort me. He makes me feel comfortable with myself and he likes me for who I am. He’s my-” Will cut himself off. He’d almost said “He’s my best friend.”
Will turned away from Mike, hoping to hide his flushed face. “Never mind. Sorry.”
“You deserve a guy like that,” Mike said, offering Will a sad smile.
“No, I don’t,” Will disagreed, shaking his head.
“Of course you do. You deserve the world, Will.” Mike sighed. “Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
“You deserve everything you want,” Will replied. “I hope you know that.”
Mike wore a small smile. “Thanks, Will. What I want, though, is out of reach.”
“What do you want? Maybe I can help you out,” Will offered.
Mike looked both sad and amused at this statement. “No, it’s all good.”
Will blinked, trusting Mike’s word. “Okay.”
“You really do deserve the world,” Mike said. “You’re too kind.”
“You’re amazing, Mike,” Will told him. “And I want to help you be happy.”
“You already do that. And I doubt I’m as amazing as the mystery guy you’ve got a crush on,” Mike joked.
“Yeah,” Will said, his voice trailing off.
Mike looked down at his lap. “I’m sorry, Will.”
“For what?” Will asked, peering at Mike’s face.
Mike put his head in his hands. “For lying.”
“For lying?” Will repeated, voice catching in his throat.
“I’m gay.”
Despite the flurry of emotions that were released upon hearing this confession, Will didn’t say anything, sensing that Mike wasn’t done.
“And I’m so scared. I’m sorry I didn’t ever say anything before, for these years, but I’m just so afraid. I know the shit you’ve been through and I was too afraid to say anything. I didn’t do anything to stop it. I didn’t want the same thing to happen to me, and I was a coward. I still am a coward, really.” Mike shifted his body away from Will, who instinctively moved with him, not letting Mike close himself off. “I should’ve done more. I should’ve done something. But I didn’t.” 
Will frowned, wanting to stop his friend. Mike was wrong. He didn’t need to do anything more, he was already doing plenty.
“I’m so sick of things changing and I’m so sick of fear,” Mike spat. Will put a hand on Mike’s shoulder, and Mike leaned into the touch. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop,” Will said softly. “You don’t have to be sorry.”
Mike nodded, blinking hard. Will saw a tear slip down his cheek, and he moved to wipe it away. Mike looked up at Will, who’s eyes began to water as well. Mike hesitated, opening his mouth to say something and then stopping. Will raised a curious eyebrow, and his unspoken question was answered when Mike leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
It wasn’t much. Just the touch of skin. It might’ve lasted a second. But it changed everything.
At first, they just sat there in a stunned silence, before Mike stood up, retreating and heading for the door. “I am so, so sorry, please, I just- let me go, I will never say anything or do anything, I’m really sorry-”
Will quickly followed him, grabbing his arm before he could open the door. He leaned up, pulling Mike down a little bit to meet him in the middle. This kiss did not last a second. It was more than the touch of skin. And it was perfect.
Mike and Will’s eyes met, and they stood in the middle of Will’s bedroom, as if they were the only two people left in the world.
“I love you.”
Those three earth shattering words. Will said them. He finally said them. He was finally brave enough.
“I love you too.”
For the first time in a long time, Will was full of hope.
“Yeah?” Will breathed, blushing.
Mike nodded, smiling widely. “Yeah.”
Will felt like he was about to burst. “Cool.”
“Cool.” Mike finished, laughing a little bit.
Will laughed too, beaming brighter than he ever had before.
Mike leaned forward and kissed him again, grabbing Will’s hand and entwining their fingers. Will couldn’t think of a time when he’d been happier. But he really hoped that would change.
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tearsofsaudade · 1 year
idc what anyone says. if will byers dies at the end of stranger things, the show is a tragedy. it literally becomes a tragedy. i don’t care if that’s not the exact definition, bc it sure as hell feels like it to me. if will dies, then everything that happened was for nothing.
(lots of theorization and hunger games spoilers under the cut)
it would make it of a similar vein to the hunger games, where prim dies at the end though she was the only reason katniss joined the games and everything happened because of that. the only reason most of the main characters are involved in the upside down is because they were trying to save will.
joyce is self explanatory. she wouldn’t have done any of what she did if her kid wasn’t on the line. hopper was trying to solve wills disappearance. jonathan was looking for clues as to what happened to will. mike, lucas, and dustin we’re trying to find will. you could even argue that if it weren’t for wills disappearance, nancy would have told her parents that she was going to a party and the events could have gone differently (she might not have slept with steve bc her parents knew where she was)
will is the catalyst that made everything happen. he brought them together, he was used by the mind flayer, he saved mike and els relationship (which is still falling apart but really theres nothing he can do about that) and he is the one who can sense the upside down. will is the glue that holds them all together, and if he were to die, there would be no happy ending.
if will died, would we be expected to believe that the hopper-byers family just happily moved in together and appreciated the end of the apocalypse? that jonathan just happily went off to college? that the party just moved on and went to high school? that mike (even if you don’t believe that he’s in love with will) is just fine with the loss of his best friend. that el doesn’t mind the loss of her brother? mike may be wills heart, but will is the heart of the party, and without him they would all fall apart
tl;dr: will is arguably the most important of the main characters and if he were to die it would mean that none of the characters would have a happy ending
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strangerfigs · 2 years
“you’re just upset because you’re delusional.” - no! like literally majorly I’m upset that will’s feelings were only used as a plot device for mike to tell el how he feels, and that the duffers chose specific lines like ‘my life did not start until I met you’ which specifically feels like mike literally does not care even about his friendship with will, even after saying earlier this season that he was probably worrying too much about eleven? but then he continues to do so anyways, and just ??? doesn’t see will crying next to him or ??? or he does, and just doesn’t say anything ??? there were better ways to go about this that would not have completely denied the FRIENDSHIP between mike and will, yet this whole season was just mike not caring to fix it or maintain it, and will feeling like it’s his fault? like in his little monologue saying that if he feels like (he’s) been pushing him away or mean it’s because (he) is scared of losing him, and rather just tear the bandaid off - like i haven’t seen anyone mention this but it just makes me sad because it really gives me the sense that will is the one blaming himself for the friendship dwindling out? and maybe will did not reach out more as well, but it’s a two way street and that’s for sure not his fault entirely? it just makes me sad. platonic relationships matter too. true love does not have to mean completely disregarding everyone else in your life like mike seems to do with el. literally no one else behaves this way in the show - eleven is very very very loving/caring of other friends, as is will, dustin, lucas, max, etc. - but with mike, especially in terms of will, this season, it really seems like he just does not care about anyone else than el. idc if it was a ‘pep-talk’ because idk, at this rate, i really don’t see the duffers going back to this moment, and addressing what mike has said that’s wrong, etc. like they haven’t addressed the whole what now seems like a homophobic comment in season 3, so I really just doubt it? this really could have been their chance to at least fix their friendship, to show that friendship is important as well. leaving us completely in the dark to if mike caught on to will having feelings or the painting or if he noticed him crying just feels … wrong, and it does feel like queer bait in regard to mike because they are really dragging this out, and they too, should just pull the bandaid. but they are really not especially with the obvious parallels between Robin/Vicky/Dan and Will/Mike/Eleven (especially because Mike says he has not really spoken to El since his love confession? it’s weird that they are leaving this door open, that they made this interaction happen between them at all, that without will, mike would probably not have been able to tell el he loves her) so it’s truly annoying that people are calling us delusional when so much of it still feels so unresolved, and they could have done it in another way to make it seem less so. even just a scene at the end where el and mike are cleaning together, obviously like I’m good terms, and jonathon just passing him by and squeezing his shoulder, and will offering him a small smile. just something/! and like? that’s why a lot of us are so mad, because they could have just let it go there, but there are still these crumbs - these unresolved storylines, like Will’s painting/speech that El obviously did not commission - like will this be addressed, ever? Or are they just planning to forget about it? Based on the fact that Will says, ‘remember, you’re the heart’ to Mike before the monologue scene, I’m assuming that Mike truly believed Will’s words about this all coming from El (because it’s what he wants to believe and also because he is so in his own head about her). But that’s what makes him able to do the monologue. The story just feels so … incomplete, and yeah. It is not over, but I really just feel like they are throwing their friendship, at this point, out the window. Which is sad because friendship is supposed to be a driving force in this show.
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