#Dr. Wingding Aster
... It seems like Micheal was trying to pull a fast one on me.
No matter.
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I can silence them easily.
You may continue to give questions to some of these darkners however. A list will be made shortly.
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gastertalkpoints · 1 year
your asgore was less than a good guy, huh aster?
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drowninnoodles · 2 years
I have an idea that we will write all the connections between Gaster and the Devil together. (Not only the devil, actually I will gladly write down all Gaster's references to other things)
So I will be grateful for everyone's help :)
1. Gaster is related to the number 666
• It is also the Number Of Man, which may be related to the Mystery Man and the person giving us the egg
2. 6 is also the number of the Angel, which may suggest that Gaster is a Fallen Angel, just like the Devil
3. He fell and fell into his work just as Satan was cast out and fell
4. Has to do with symbols (Wingdings). Occultism has a lot to do with symbols
5. "Aster" means star. And Lucifer is associated with the Morning Star
6. Angel Has Wings, There is "Wings" in Wingdings
7. Lucifer is said to be light-bringing, but he is also the Lord of Darkness. This fits with the Deltarune Theme. Dark Worlds and the World of Light
8. There are 7 Fallen Angels / Demons. Like 7 Secret Bosses. The last and most important one is the Devil, which may suggest that Gaster will be the last Secret Boss
9. Not devilish, but Gaster has an affiliation with Humpty Dumpty. They both broke up and no one can put them together. They both have something to do with eggs
10. Ties to Hotland, a place that looks like any picture of Hell.
11. Unconfirmed: He gives an egg by standing behind a tree, which is like the Devil giving an apple from the tree
12. Offers what someone wants but takes the mental health of Secret Bosses. I don't know how exactly to say it, but we all know that the Devil doesn't give anything for free
13. The first chapter of Deltarune came out on Halloween. On a holiday that is associated with dark themes such as ghosts, skeletons ...
14. During Goner Maker, Gaster appears to be similar to Dr. Victor Frankenstein, because they both form a human from human parts. They are both Doctors too
15. Jevil and Spamton turned from good people to bad, such an effect is called the Lucifer Effect
16. There are Seven Gates to Hell, as are the Seven Doors to Seven Chapters. The last gate leads to Hell. One gate is visible during the day and the rest at night. Maybe it's about the Bunker?
17. There are 7 levels of Jahannam. Each level punishes sinners more and more. The first is the weakest punishment, the last is the most terrible punishment. There is absolute darkness in the seventh, and no one can be freed from it.
18. There is the Seven Princes of Hell. This is heavily borrowed from the Seven Deadly Sins, so there's no need to explain
19. There are 66 ancient Books in the Bible, which fits the FUN value of Mystery Man
I have no more ideas for now, but I will edit in the future
interesting fact that I found while searching for the Number of the Beast
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cutexasxabutton · 10 months
The scientist is still an enigma. Bizzare. It's been about two months since he just... appeared in the CORE. Dr. Alphys didn't give him a whole lot of details. Just that he had been rather unwell when she found him there. And that, at some point the in the past, there was an accident that had erased him from everyone's memories. That he was the Royal Scientist before Alphys. That he created the CORE.
It was astounding, to say the least. Asgore immediately wanted to help the poor man reassemble his life, but- aside from taking a severance payment for having been unceremoniously replaced as Royal Scientist- the skeleton wouldn't accept any help. He seemed to be trying to avoid them entirely.
The only reason he was here today was because Asgore found some of his things.
Which... raises it's own questions. Were they friends? Asgore knows he must have been the Skeleton's boss, but to have a pair of his glasses, and an old jacket...
That implies a closer relationship than employer-employee.
But he couldn't get much out of the Skeleton in terms of conversation. Just polite greetings and thank yous. And then he was leaving. And Asgore was letting him.
Behind him, he hears Frisk stop Dr. Gaster, and he winces.
|👑| ❝Wait, child, you don't know Hands yet,❞ he says starting to turn around. |🔥|
But then Dr. Gaster responds to them, and Asgore freezes, transported to the past for a moment.
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Aster? That sounded just like his old teacher. Like his father's friends. Professor Aster was his babysitter growing up.
And he and his whole family died in the War. Aster fought defending the school to his last moment. Asgore saw him turn to dust. Aster's young daughter, Mistral, was the first war causality in Skystead.
Dr. Wing Din Gaster...
He speaks Wingdings, usually, and signs the words in the Monster sign language Hands. He must have Aster as a secondary font. Gaster, Aster.
So slowly,
Asgore turns around to face Frisk and Dr. Gaster, staring intently at the skeleton.
|👑| ❝... I knew a skeleton who's font was Aster, a long time ago.❞ |🔥|
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Gaster + acronyms
(This is something I feel that people have probably already discussed before, but I've never seen it and it made me really happy with something I'd been on the fence about before, so I wanted to write it out in case someone out there like me had the same hang-ups and might like to read this.)
So, for a long time I was like "man, I love the twist about what LV and EXP really stand for in-universe, but the acronyms are a little rough. I wish there was a more elegant alternative to use."
Because LV/LOVE = Level of Violence and EXP = Execution Points is a fun reveal that hits you really hard at first, right?
But as a real acronym, it's real rough! LV = Level of Violence looks fine, but Level Of ViolEnce ain't right, and then EXecution Points doesn't really work at all as an acronym and even worse, there's no good solution to it (like, be fair, how many words starting with "X" would even work there? good on ya for figuring something out, Toby).
But then I realized something.
The same issue with "improper" acronyms can be said of one W.D. Gaster.
So we know Gaster's first name is Wingdings. We can safely assume this because Entry No 17 is written in wingding font, making him one of the few characters who uses an alternate font; this is also true of Sans and Papyrus, who speak in their own font. They are skeletons named after the font they speak in. Gaster's notes are in wingdings and he is commonly assumed to be a skeleton, so following that trend he'd also be named after his own font, making his first name Wingdings. So then, is his full name Wingdings Gaster?
It's possible, but first let's propose an alternate theory: let's say Gaster named LV, EXP, etc and possibly outlined what it all means. I know "Gaster did it" is overused a lot, but in this case I think it actually works really well!
So, let's say Gaster's first name is Wingdings, which seems to fit his initials if you apply the same improper acronym reading to his name as with EXP and LV. WingDinGaster. This leaves the "aster" part of his name as a surname, which works because Aster is another type of font.
So reading his name normally, we would assume his name is Wingding Aster or as the followers might refer to him, Dr. W. Aster.
However, following the Undertale acronym "system", it could instead read as WingDinG aster or Dr. W.D. Gaster.
Much of Gaster's work that he did in life is unclear, all we know for sure is that he created the CORE and we don't even know when he did that (whether he is a long-lived monster who did it when Asriel and Chara were alive, or is a monster with a more normal lifespan whoonly sometime within the past decade or so prior to Undertale).
(Tangent #1: Some speculate he might've also drawn up the blueprints for the Determination Extraction Machine, started the determination experiments, and/or participated in the timeline research Sans mentions; I don't like thinking that he was behind so much of the research because it undermines how that was all Alphys' storyline, her breaking new ground with the discovery of determination leading to the creation of the Amalgamates and Flowey, and giving Gaster credit for that doesn't sit right with me since it puts almost EVERYTHING Alphys did as Royal Scientist (for better or worse) in Gaster's shadow. I'm inclined to think the determination experiments were all Alphys (all the notes other than Entry 17 seem to only be from Alphys, the different writing styles seem to be reflections of her outlooks and don't match what we can be pretty sure as Gaster's writing with the all-caps style), though he might've first drawn up the blueprints with intentions of using them for something else (perhaps prototypes to the Gaster Blasters, that Alphys repurposed as determination extraction machines, perhaps provided them by Sans) and him focusing on researching timelines might help explain why he was scattered across time and space; depending on how he was researching that, it could've believably led to something going wrong like that.)
Since so much of his other work as Royal Scientist is unknown, let's say that Gaster researched and went on name/label and write up systems for these units of measure: EXecution Points, Level Of ViolEnce. If you want to go with the fanon that HP actually stands for HoPe, he can be the one who named that, too.
(Tangent #2: Since hope actually makes up part of the monsters' soul, it would make sense that it is literally the lifeforce for monsters, and could be considered the monster equivalent of determination.)
In my opinion, it'd make sense for Gaster to have researched and invented these systems. Depending on when you think he was alive, he was likely either there before Chara joined the royal family (a time when monsters are implied to have been so fearful of humans still that they hid as far back from the barrier as possible, all cooped up in Home/the Ruins) or present when the fallen humans were ordered to be killed and their souls collected (when monsters expected to wage war against humans when the barrier was broken, and before that be ready to kill any humans who fell in). Consider that with how powerful humans are, that they can so easily wound and even kill monsters just by hitting them with enough negative emotion, and this is widely known enough to be put in children's textbooks. In other words, regardless of his time period, it would make sense for a Royal Scientist to have researched human aggression and how powerful killing makes them; know thy enemy, right?
Also, as I mentioned at the start, these aren't proper acronyms: LOVE for Level Of ViolEnce, EXP for EXecution Points. If we assume Gaster named them though, it would follow the same pattern we see with his own name. That might be a quirk of his personality (he seems like a weirdo, can't rule it out), or it could be because his primary font is so wildly different from most that it sort of functions as a separate language and thus "translations" might be a little funky. Wingdings being his natural way of speaking but being hard for most to understand, and him having to learn to speak in a second font, would explain why his notes for himself are written in wingdings, but why when he talks to us, the players, he speaks in a non-wingdings font, probably used to people not being able to understand him at first.
It would also tie in with Gaster being an entity so associated with breaking the fourth wall (found only in easter eggs, speaking directly to players, hijacking Toby's Twitter account), for him to be the one who researched and named the concepts of EXP and LV that turned our understanding of those things as players, on their heads. Hell, since even our earliest pegging of him (a contemporary of Chara and Asriel) would put him in the 2010's, maybe Gaster even named those units of measure as a riff on RPG tropes on purpose, maybe out of a very dry sense of humor or maybe because he's an even bigger nerd than any of us have possibly conceived. As a man of science, I can see him researching human technology that fell into the Underground, and like his successor would with anime, I can see him being an RPG geek.
The bottom line: In this case, I think if we say "Gaster did it!" wrt the funky acronyms, it actually fits shockingly well and gives us a little more about him to talk about.
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doctorguilty · 2 months
The two (or more) gasters theory is pretty neat because (despite the fact I don't see this brought up recently?) It accounts for how his name is two fonts (wingdings and aster, though I don't believe aster has appeared anywhere in ut/dr yet?), that makes me wonder if that's part of the connection between him and frisk/kris, their names being made up of letters in asterisk except for the f in frisk so like I guess I'm unsure abt it however him being directly connected to kris the potential is right there, like considering the opening of the game, and kris being able to like break the "rules" of the game/sorta being aware of it? (Ripping their soul out) maybe aster isn't even referring to the font maybe aster is exclusively ... wait. Hold on. Kris is in fact all the letters aster is missing to spell asterisk. The K is just swapped to the front. Is kris a gaster fragment??????? Or something?? I think I need to replay the entirety of ut and available dr chapters and brush up on everything because I should really be theory crafting properly but I forget so much stuff
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comicsans92 · 5 years
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zirkkun · 3 years
Whats your theory on sanses name?
I mean for the most part when it comes to characters' names, I think they usually just have names because that's just what they're named. Sometimes this differentiates based on culture, such as many Asian names having important meanings to them or their family, but for most white American people, names are chosen hap-hazardly or it's just a name they like, or from what I've seen. I can't speak for mosnter culture being the same way, but it does have many similaties to American societal norms, probably more due to the fact that this is an American game more than anything, however.
The only thing that really sticks out as a common theme amongst monster names is familial names are similar to some degree. Asriel, while definitely intended to be a anagram of "serial," is still related to Asgore and Toriel's names. Napstablook and Mettaton, while this may be not necessarily canon since it was delivered as a joke; but Papyrus refers to Napstablook's cousin as "Hapstablook," which either was just a joke on Napstablook's name or actually referenced ghost naming conventions.
(Comic) Sans and Papyrus are both related to font names, and there is hinted although not necessarily confirmed relation between them and W.D. Gaster, whose name is pretty often interpreted as Wingdings due to that being what he speaks in; and "Gaster" is most similarly compared to the font "Aster," which is also what I personally use when writing him speaking in not wingdings. There's also a file in Undertale that's a sound effect used in I think the Tem Village if I remember correctly, and it's called like "grandpasemi.ogg" or something, "Semi" being part of the typeface "Semi Serif," which is easily comparably to "Sans Serif" typeface by name, anyway. While Grandpa Semi as a character was not included in the final of Undertale (possibly replaced by Gaster), from what I understand he was meant to be Sans and Papyrus's grandfather.
So. TL;DR: It's probably a familial name.
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saintheartwing · 4 years
Undertales of Friendship: Beware the Man Who Speaks in Hands
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Frisk was not having very good dreams.
Over and over, he would find himself descending down, down into the dark recesses of the "True" Laboratory beneath the normal place where Alphys had worked in the underground. The walls a dark green, a chill running through the air, a faint fog all around his feet as he nervously stepped past patient chair after patient chair. Over and over again he'd approach the sinks in the back of the room, turning them on to get the key one of them had inside them, hoping to flood the sinks and for the key to either float up, or the pipes beneath to burst open to get what he wanted. Yet that always gave way to the sight of that...THING coming out of the third sink.
A cute little round, cheery face, twisting and bulging and morphing into a monstrosity with a horrific laugh, large black eyes with pinprick white pupils gazing back. A tongue lagging out of one of many mouths, eternally crying and bleeding-black eyes on a whispy, curved tail like a scythe. This...this odd, strange, faintly melted specter of many faces looking back at him, three in a row all rising up from the sinks, mouths opening and closing and all speaking at once, and saying the same phrase again and again.
Frisk knew what it meant. Sorrow itself teaches. And he knew what these things were. Pieces of what had once been the Royal Scientist of the Underground, WingDinG Aster, aka Gaster, as he preferred to be called. More bestial and darker traits had risen up in this little "Mini-Me" of Gaster, and they were really only interested in one thing.
"Come join the fun."
"It's a real get together!"
"Become one of us! One of us!"
"You'll be with us soon." The Memoryheads intoned, as more heads sprang up around Frisk, knocking him back as they bulged and popped, Frisk shivering as the Memoryhead closest to him intoned in a dark voice.
"Sorrow itself teaches."
"Teaches what?" Frisk asked. And again the Memoryheads would get closer...closer. "Look, I-I don't want to join in the fun!" He insisted. How many times had he done this before, only to be ignored as they leapt on him and-
But now it was different. Now they merged together, popping and squishing into one, growing larger and larger as an enormous black maw opened slowly and a voice faintly echoey in tone rang out.
"I only want what's mine. And you have a part of it."
"Wh-what's that?" Frisk asked, a gigantic head now staring down at him, white pupils gazing deeper and deeper into him as Frisk found himself sinking, going further into the endless black that was engulfing him-
And then he awoke, Fluttershy the Pegasus gently dabbing a cloth over his head as he sat up on her couch, glancing about her little cottage. "Wh-what happened?"
"Oh, Frisk, sweetie, you fainted in the middle of feeding the chickens outside. Is it too hot for you? I don't know why you always wear a long-sleeve shirt." Fluttershy sighed a little, waving a hoof in the air. "I mean, blue does bring out your eyes, but you must get very hot."
"No, it...it isn't that." Frisk muttered, holding a hand to his head as he cringed. "I keep having these bad dreams and I haven't slept well lately."
"...dreams?" Fluttershy murmured. "Hmm. You know, I think I know someone who could help with bad dreams." She offered with a gentle smile, clasping her hooves together and beaming.
And indeed, a quick letter from Spike was sent out, and Princess Luna of Equestria was soon back in Ponyville, happily meeting with Frisk as the tired, ragged-faced, scarcely-able-to-keep-his-eyes-open child moaned, rubbing his head as he laid on the couch in Fluttershy's home. Fluttershy handed him some golden flower tea, another very popular dish brought up from the Underground thanks to the kindhearted Toriel, and Luna thoughtfully looked him over, dark blue eyes gazing intently at him as Sans, who was also there to look after the kid, gave the kid a hot dog. Or rather, a hot cat.
"Ugghhh. I'm sorry, Sans. I don't feel like eating it."
"geez. ain't even hungry enough to have one of my specialties? now I KNOW somethin' ain't right with you." Sans said, shaking his bony head back and forth. "maybe a joke'll cheer you up. what do you call a guy who gets run over? tired."
Fluttershy, Luna and Frisk all slooooowly turned their heads to directly look at each other, then at Sans, saying absolutely nothing. "..."
"...wow, something IS wrong with you. not even a chuckle." Sans commented with a surprised look on his face.
"I can see his soul's aura. It is plagued with bad dreams. Something has a grip on him." She reasoned aloud. "Frisk, I ask of you. Tell me EVERYTHING thou dost remember of thy dreams. It's most imperative."
"I'm dreaming of these...amalgamates. Melted-together things, pieces of a person that used to be. They're called Memoryheads because they're...well, they're like living heads that are the embodiment of a memory of a man." Frisk said, his tone sounding just as exhausted as the child looked. "A man named Dr. Gaster. He used to be the Monster Kingdom's Royal Scientist...and he was Sans and Papyrus's big brother."
"Whatever happened to him?" Fluttershy softly inquired.
"He fell into his machine, into the time/space continuum and now's in pieces."
"what Frisk here means is that he's at a PIECE conference." Sans remarked wryly.
Many, many, MANY miles away, something stirred. A very furious growl turned into a roar as a cracked face snarled out high and loud enough to crack every glass window in Canterlot. Which it DID.
"OW. OW. Sans, that joke was so bad it's physically hurting me, OWWW." Frisk moaned out, Luna whacking her head against the nearby wall over and over again, Fluttershy covering her face with one hoof as Sans nonchalantly shrugged.
"maybe you're right. guess I should leave and make sure you get some-"
"PIECE and quiet."
"OHHHHH." Frisk groaned, writhing on the couch as Sans exited the house, laughing uproariously as another pained groan echoed out from miles away in Canterlot.
"Ugggghhhhh. How detestible. He should put more backbone into his pu-" Princess Luna began to say before cringing. "Oh sonofa-"
"HA!" Sans laughed.
Unbeknownst to them, it wasn't Frisk who was in the most danger. No, that dubious honor went to Papyrus, who was hard at work in his new job as a guard for Princess Celestia in her palace at Canterlot. Well, "work" is a strong word. Because currently, he was, along with the other guards, enjoying a nice game of charades with her. Celestia was pantomining a clown to demonstrate the circus, though the guards couldn't quite pick up on that, least of all Papyrus. Then again, perhaps the other guards DID realize it, they just couldn't speak over Pap's VERY loud voice.
Celestia chuckled a little, Papyrus happily bouncing up and down in the throne room as she cheerily smiled back, some of the other guards jabbing each other in the side, snickering a bit at his childish exeuberance. It was really quite adorable.
But then the room began to get dark and cold, a chill settling in as Celestia realized that she could see her breath right in front of her. She gasped, quickly looking around the room as the expanse all about her began to convert into utter shadows, and she narrowed her eyes. Was this Discord playing a prank? It couldn't be Sombra, he wasn't around anymore! What was going on?
"...PaPyRuS..." A voice whispered, its voice haunting and echoing as Papyrus stiffened in shock, Celestia looking over in his direction before inky blackness began to swell around him, Papyrus struggling to get free of the darkness that was engulfing him. He let out a gasp, trying to push the other guards away so they wouldn't get sucked in, Celestia racing towards him.
"NO! PRINCESS, STAY BACK! I DO NOT WISH YOU HARMED!" Papyrus insisted, the blackness carefully pinning his arms to his sides as a form rose out of the black, its face skeletal, one black crack running up its right eye, another running down towards its mouth on the left as it gazed over Papyrus, bony hand clasping Papyrus's cheek. "DO...DO I KNOW YOU?"
"You don't remember, Papyrus?" It spoke. "I remember everything about you. Everything."
Papyrus's mouth gaped open slightly, Celestia taking a step forward, eyes intently narrowed as her horn glowed. "You release him NOW. I will not allow you to harm an innocent."
"I only want what's mine." The being said. "I need...to make USE of you." It told Papyrus.
And with that, the inky blackness exploded outward like a bomb, Celestia reeling back along with the guards as she gasped, glancing around...
Papyrus was gone.
Sans was calmly sitting on a bench in the park, leaning back and doing nothing. Just the way he liked things. Calmly sighing, he looked up at the sky, and the clouds idly passing by as he saw Papyrus approaching off in the distance, dressed in his normal attire and eagerly sitting down next to him. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" Papyrus asked Sans.
"well, i like to watch shapes in the clouds. that one looks like a flying dragon, see?" Sans said, pointing with a bony finger up at a draconic-shaped puffy cloud that looked like it was belching out 'flames', Papyrus nodding in agreement.
"and that lil' one over there looks like a mother duck, and the other ones after it are lil' ducklings."
"yeah. we gotta treasure that bird." Sans agreed with a calm, respectful nod.
"of course, paps." Sans said with a wink, Papyrus rubbing his long chin before pointing upward with a red-gloved hand.
KRAKKA-THROOOOOM! Derpy Hooves crashed hard into the market, a cry of "MY CABBAGES" echoing out through the air as a loud "Sorry' echoed out soon after, Derpy limping by them, angrily holding up an exploded mailbag, complete with the shredded remains of what had been a suspicious package and cake frosting and cabbages all over her body, Sans raising a nonexistent eyebrow as he looked her over.
"what happened?"
"It's a SICK world we live in with SICK PONIES!" Derpy shrieked, grumbling darkly as Papyrus shook his head back and forth.
"yeah. i'm guessing that was a Boom Boom Cake of Pinkie Pie's."
"cuz she's got a real explosive personality."
Silence for a long, long time before Papyrus wryly remarked "...I HATE TO TELL YOU THIS, BROTHER, BUT YOUR JOKE JUST...BOMBED."
Sans stiffened a little, slowly turning his head, as if truly seeing Papyrus for the first time, his mouth agape in surprise as Papyrus put a hand on his shoulder...with incredible weight behind it. "you're not paps."
"NO...I'm not." The being that was not Papyrus said. "You know who I am, Sans. And you know why I'm here. You understand why."
"gaster, come on, he's just a child-" Sans began to say, Gaster's stolen form shaking its head back and forth solemnly.
"I'm not going to harm him anymore than I've harmed Papyrus. Or that I'll harm you. I only want what's mine." Gaster explained."Now come. It's time for all of us to be one big family, Sans. The way it should be." He intoned kindly, as Sans felt a large embrace engulf him, the shadows swallowing his form as he fell deeper, deeper, deeper into the abyssal black around him...
And then, within a few moments, there was only what appeared to be Sans on the bench as he made his way back towards Fluttershy's cottage. "now then...third time is the charm."
...Frisk was still on the couch, fast asleep as Luna held a hoof to his head, focusing intently, her lips slightly pursed. Fluttershy stood nearby, biting her lip as the light softly filtered in through the window, bathing over Frisk in soft golden light as Luna cringed.
"This is serious. An immense block is inside his mind. Whatever's inside him has placed a mental barrier that I cannot easily break through. I will need additional help, Fluttershy." Luna sighed at last, removing her hoof from Frisk's forehead before steepling her hooves, lying back in the chair she was sitting on. "He will have to be taken to Zecora."
"taken to ol' stripeybutt, huh?" Sans's voice rang out as they turned, seeing he was stepping out of the closet, Fluttershy gasping as she slightly jumped up in the air. "what? c'mon, Fluttershy. nothing wrong with a couple skeletons in your closet. everybody has 'em."
"I take it you could simply...shortcut your way to Zecora?" Princess Luna mused aloud as he looked Sans over, the skeleton giving a cute little wink, showing off a faintly royal blue glowing eye as Frisk was softly hovered through the air and over towards him. "However are you able to do that?"
"ahhh, blue magic runs in the family, really." Sans the Skeleton remarked with a shrug. "both my brothers got different mastery over it. But Paps's spirit's tied to the trait of Bravery, so his magic comes off more orange. Me, I'm patient, so mine's light blue." He remarked with a shrug, unzipping his blue jacket as the sleeping Frisk was caaaarefully lowered down, down, and soon, was perfectly positoned right in front of Sans's form. With a little smile, Sans zipped his jacket back up, Frisk now warmly tucked away in the jacket almost like a mother kangaroo with her baby joey, as Sans patted the sleeping child on the head. "theeeere we go. all snug as a bug in a rug."
"You've been waiting to do that to him for a while, haven't you?" Fluttershy asked with a smile. "I can tell."
Sans gave her a big grin. "oh, you've no idea." He said, reopening the closet. "i'll see you two later. got a lot to do." he remarked before popping into the closet again, Fluttershy smiling before suddenly stiffening up. Something hadn't been right. What had he said? "My magic's light blue".
...but Frisk had been surrounded in a royal blue light.
"Princess Luna, I think something terrible has just happened." She realized aloud, wheeling around and looking into Luna's eyes. "We need to find Ms. Toriel immediately."
Meanwhile, Frisk was still tucked away inside the jacket as Gaster-Sans calmly walked down the forest path, heading to the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters, the old castle of Princess Luna and Celestia. The castle was long overgrown, its steeples crumbling and cracked with trees around it drooping and saddened, everything about it giving off the air of dejection and abandonment as Gaster's borrowed form approached the front of the castle and pushed the doors open. Little Frisk was still fast asleep, Gaster's stolen form looking quietly down at Frisk, biting into a lack of bony lip.
He felt guilt. Frisk had been nothing but kind and loving to monsters like him. He'd freed his kind, he'd given his brothers something to live for again. Such a dear child.
"I..." He hesitated, gently stroking Frisk's brown-haired head. He just looked so cute, all tucked away tight and warm and safe in his jacketed body. "...he's just a child..." He murmured.
But he wanted to be whole again so dearly. To just be himself. Before he'd only been able to hold onto the material world in little bits and pieces, barely able to manifest for more than five minutes. But now with Sans and Papyrus sampled...
And soon it would be three with Frisk. Out of everyone in the Underground, four had the strongest physical connection to him. He'd been scattered in pieces across the Underground, and had barely managed to scrape enough of himself together for this wild, desperate plan. He needed four souls, and the pieces of himself within them: Sans, Papyrus, Frisk and Alphys. With Papyrus, his physical form would become more stable. With Sans, his mind would get more stable. With Alphys, he could get back his Soul. And with Frisk would come his heart, his compassion. He needed that. He needed to feel again. To just love someone.
"You're only feeling remnants of a man who once was." He murmured to himself, gently taking Frisk's sleeping form out of his jacket and laying him on a table as his visage began to shift, growing taller and darker. "You don't truly feel guilty. All you feel is a shell. Intellectually, you know you should feel disgusted. But you don't truly feel it. With the child claimed, you will. With the child claimed, you will feel again. Be almost utterly whole again. It's everything you want, isn't it?"
He now stood tall, a large skeleton in a dark cloaked robe with a silver undershirt, his form lean and faintly thin. A black crack ran up his eye, another running down to his mouth from the other eye, his skeletal hands having large holes in the center as he gently laid one on Frisk's head. "Believe me." He spoke softly to Frisk. "I'm truly grateful. With this, I'll be whole again. And you'll never be alone." He offered, shadows beginning to rise around Frisk as his SOUL was exposed...
Gaster flinching as he reeled back, cringing as he clutched at his chest, feeling his remnant of a Soul, his pale imitation flinching. Damn. The soft light of Sans and Papyrus within him were objecting. They were almost utterly overpowering him. Perhaps he couldn't claim the child yet. He'd need more raw power. Perhaps Alphys would do. Her Soul was rather weak-willed in comparison, and would provide the boost needed.
Ah, well. For now he could at least do one thing with the child. Carefully lifting the child up, he placed him between the folds of his coat as he buttoned it up more, the little one nicely tucked away inside him as he softly enjoyed the gentle movements of Frisk turning ever-so-slightly in a peaceful slumber. Sighing, Gaster sat down against a nearby wall, and softly drifted off to sleep himself to join the child in dreamland...
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undertale-kin-calls · 5 years
P1) Hello I am Dr. Wingdings Aster, and I am looking for my sons, and Grillby. Possibly Asgore. I raised my sons strictly, but not cruelly. They needed to know the terrain that came with being a monster. I helped Asgore’s father with the war effort. I was extremely old as Sans likes to put it. Skeletons can live for an extremely long time. Age isn’t something that can kill us. I believe I had some form of romantic relationship with both Grillby, and Asgore. Though things may have ended with the
P2) the king die to his marriage/engagement to Toriel. Sans, and Papyrus weren’t my biological sons, they were my nephews, my sister, and her husband died of wounds they received from fighting in the war, and I always saw, and treated them like they were my own children. I remember vague things about other characters, but not enough to make a post about looking for them yet. If you’re interested in talking please like this post and I will message you directly. Thank you.
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plagueymess-blog · 5 years
pollux stats
Name: Papyrus Aster
Nickname(s)/Preferred name: Pollux
Age: 21+
Gender: Demiboy
Birthday: May 24th
Height: 6′6″
Occupation: Sentry
Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic
Species: Skeleton Monster
Personality: More laid back than his brother, it usually takes a lot to anger him. That is, UNLESS someone messes with either Castor or Bunny, the kid Castor and him have taken under their wing. Brave, sensible, but doesn’t know when to give up. Can be a bit stubborn. 
Parents: Unknown, was stolen from the Underground orphanage when he and his brother were kids by someone named Dr. WingDings.
Siblings: Sans “Castor” Aster (fraternal twin brother)
Likes: humans, Bunny, Castor, cold weather, Snowdin, musicals, puns, bad jokes, sparring with Castor, dancing
Dislikes: anyone messing with Castor or Bunny, the queen, his timeline, Bunny upset, thinking about the past, Dr. WingDings
Mental illness(es)/disorders: depression, anxiety, PTSD
Appearance: Looks kinda similar to other Swapfell! alternates, though instead of a red sweater beneath his jacket it’s a dark shade of purple. And his eye color is purple, not red. Sclera’s still black, though. Looks like he has fangs, a permanent tired smile etched on his face. Has a scar on his face similar to Castor’s but it’s on the other side. Has ecto-magic, using it often to create a purple tongue for himself. Purple bags hang beneath his eyes.
-he HATES the queen. Absolutely despises her, just like Castor does.
-shares Castor’s view of humans.
-can dance pretty well.
-the scar was given to him by Dr. WingDings.
-enjoys carrying Bunny around on his back.
-has strong paternal/maternal instincts. Will definitely become the “mom friend”.
-drinks too much, though...
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gastertalkpoints · 1 year
Are any of you like, the bad version of yourself?
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UT Gaster:
“✋︎ ⧫︎♒︎♓︎■︎🙵 ◻︎♏︎❒︎♒︎♋︎◻︎⬧︎ ⬥︎♏︎ ⬧︎♒︎□︎◆︎●︎♎︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ♍︎□︎❍︎❍︎♏︎■︎⧫︎"
(I think perhaps we shouldn’t comment)”
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drundertalescum · 6 years
Day 14 - Hole
So I had about 4 different ideas for today so of course I went with a last minute 5th one. I was reminded of @opinioninvalid​‘s great Prison AU and decided that that was the story for today. I think it worked out nicely! 
I dunno if OpinionInvalid has posted info about the AU anywhere publicly but since I don’t think they have I’m going to present this entirely without context! 
(But I did write for this AU once before.)
Warnings: some cursing, criminal activity, imprisonment, some vaguely gross stuff, ableist language, references to gambling and murder and other assorted crimes.
Aster was in the hole, alright. 
He thought it was just slang, back in the day, but it was pretty frickin accurate, turns out.
The Underground’s only prison was basically a basement underneath the castle, and it sure felt like a basement. Cramped, dank, small. Something was constantly dripping from the walls, and whatever it was stunk worse than anything Aster could imagine.
The walls themselves were kinda shabby. Normally his magic coulda busted right through em, but there was some kind of protection spell over the whole thing, so Aster couldn’t break a damn thing. He usually knew his way through that sort of thing, but this stuff was the best and it would take something beyond the normal methods to break the seal and bust out. Pretty much, it was impossible.
Only reason it was even worth the thought was that Aster had both a long sentence and a short lifespan.
But for now, he was just sitting back, avoiding trouble, waiting for an opportunity. Patience was always one of his strong suits. It’s how he got as far as he did (before the part where he ended up imprisoned).
But if Aster was in a hole, his cellmate was in an even deeper one.
Dr. Wingdings was in for life, pretty much. Aster didn’t know if he was a different kind of skeleton that might live a little longer than he could expect to – it was definitely possible– but that didn’t matter. Whether he lived one more day, of a thousand years, probably, he was probably still gonna die in this cell.
A real harsh sentence, but hey, that’s what you get for killing a bunch of guards and shit. Wingdings really flew right off the handle. It was big news all over the Underground for a while, and why wouldn’t it be? You know what the LV of the average monster running around the underground is? It’s 1. Not one point something. Just 1. Because the few monsters with it are such outliers they aren’t even counted towards the total.
Now, Aster knew a lot of rough characters. He ran an illegal casino. Gambling, blackmail, identity theft, fight clubs, burglary, whatever. Aster knew all sorts who didn’t keep to the rules that governed the kingdom. That’s how things are when you’re a part of the Underworld of the Underground. But they were still monsters, and murder was unheard of.
The only killer Aster knew was the one who started at the walls all day and night above his cot and never talked.
It was funny, too, because he didn’t even look that tough. He was a thin, lanky, scrawny kind of fella. He looked deranged most of the time, like someone out of an old sci-fi, but if anything he was kind of nerdy looking. Made sense. He used to be the Royal Scientist before he went off his rocker and killed a bunch of people.
Aster kinda wished he knew what happened there. He was hoping before he died in this cell he could at least get a taste of what went down, because the official story was pretty one sided, and ol’ ‘Dings hadn’t given him a good reason to doubt it, but he knew at least one of those guards, and the official story that he was a hero and community leader, cut down in his prime? Let’s just say that line stunk worse than the walls in this hole.
So Wingdings didn’t talk, but Aster was never the silent type, so they came to an understanding of some sort. Aster could ramble on and on all day, and Wingdings would let him. But if Dings made it clear he wanted him to stop, usually by staring right through him and slamming a fist against the wall, then Aster knew it was time to shut up.
It was a good system.
Aster talked about anything and everything. It wasn’t just breaking about cons and whatnot, though yeah, he was a proud kinda guy and he wasn’t exactly humble. But he mostly talked about funny stuff that happened to him. Weird people he knew. Food he ate that shouldn’t ‘a been eaten. Weird dreams. Dumb facts he knew about the stars. Just… the kinda stuff he would tell someone if he wanted them to be his friend. Not that he thought Mad Doctor L.V. over there would be too interested. But it was keeping him sane, grounded, even if he was already as deep in the ground as it gets.
And Dings was slamming his fists and glaring less and less. Whether he enjoyed his company or got used to the noise was anyone’s guess. But Aster liked to think he was charming enough to win over even the hardest criminals, and Wingdings was as hard as it gets.
“So then Haps says to em, he says: ‘guess we know who the real spook is!’ heh heh heh!” Aster laughed, then looked over at Wingdings, who was looking at least somewhat in his direction. Usually he never even saw the doc’s eye sockets. But he wasn’t glarin’, just… starin’. He felt self conscious, like suddenly after however many months in here, he finally had an audience. “’s funnier if you know Haps is a ghost.”
The doctor didn’t respond.
Aster tried to think of another funny story to tell, since he had a real captive audience tonight (he had to save that one)
“Okay, okay, stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but a coelacanth and a gerbil walks into a bar, and the coelacanth says to the bartender—”
Aster felt a chill go down his spine. He definitely complied. Didn’t even have to hear the words.
Dr. Wingdings was looking right at him, straight in the eye. That was new. And it was terrifying. Maybe it was intent of maybe it was LV, who could tell, but Aster swore he felt a hole being burned right through the center of his skull, and even through his soul.
Everything was quiet. Aster didn’t think he was breathing anymore.
The doctor tilted his head.
“I have heard that one before.”
“heh… heh… oh.” Aster gulped. “oh yeah?”
The doctor nodded, and looked away for a moment. “yeah… you told it the first week you were here. It was a very funny joke. I almost laughed at it.”
Aster wasn’t sure how to take this guy’s sudden willingness to speak. But he was just gonna have to bite down on his fear and work with it. He was starting to think the intent he thought he felt was a false positive. He never met someone with a high LV before. Maybe he was real sensitive to it. Some people were. (Though Aster never thought he’d stand accused of being sensitive.)
“You shoulda laughed! Then I’d know which jokes to tell ya!”
“Well…” Wingdings leaned back in his bunk a bit, looking a lot more amicable and a lot less rigid all of a sudden. “I said it was almost that funny. I didn’t say it was that funny.”
Aster snorted. “Is that a challenge?”
“No… I just didn’t want to hear that one again.” The former scientist’s expression opened up a bit. “We’ll be in here together for another 3 months and 8 days. I would rather listen to new things in the meanwhile.”
“Uh, buddy? Hate to be the one to break this to ya. The judge really shoulda, but uhh… you’re in here for a lot longer than 3 more months, bud.”
A low rumbling noise crept into Aster’s range of hearing, growing in volume and breaking out into something loud and clattering, paralyzing and all together foreign before he realized what it was. From above him, the mad doctor was grinning beyond what his skull should have been capable of.
“You finally made me laugh! Good job!!!”
“…‘fraid I don’t get the joke.”
“It’s just that you are very wrong and very unaware of it. I’ll be leaving here at exactly the time that I specified.” His grin faded a bit as his laughter died down. “You’re free to join me, so long as you do not stop me.”
Aster gave the doctor a look that likely conveyed the thought “what the hell are you talking about,” but said “Okay, I’m intrigued. Hit me.”
“What? I’m not going to hit you; you would dust, which is completely counter to what I was– Oh.” Wingdings slammed his jaw shut and motioned for Aster to come closer.
The smaller prisoner clambered up the side of the bunked cots until he was eye level with the mad scientist that was his roommate. The owner of the top bunk moved to the side to allow Aster to see what was behind him.
The magic seal of the prison was oddly visible before him, and it was warping and pulsing from a point. And at its center, Aster saw something that should have been impossible.
It was a hole.
Dr. Wingdings, disgraced but brilliant Royal Scientist, spoke as if he was at a meeting with the King himself, and had just done what no one else had managed.  “3 months, 8 days. Are you interested?” In two words: he was cool, and he was smug.
And Aster… well, Aster was almost speechless. His cellmate went from totally nonverbal to this at the drop of a lousy joke. It took Aster a while just to find his words, but when he did, his usual permanent smile was that much wider. 
“Buddy, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”
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scientistredacted · 6 years
NAME: Dr. Wing Din Gaster. ALIAS(ES):  Din, Wingding, Gaster, sometimes but very rarely Aster, Specs if he’s in another universe GENDER:  Male AGE:  … Listen, I don’t have a specific number. I don’t like to pin down how long ago the war was if I can help it. DATE OF BIRTH: August 30th OCCUPATION: Royal Scientist, a lot of different things under the purview of being the Royal Scientist, Medical Doctor
EYE COLOR:  N/A? His default eyeglow is a slightly aquaish light blue colour though?  HAIR COLOR: N/A HEIGHT:   6'4" SCARS: He doesn’t have as many as he could thanks to healing magic, but he does have a few. There’s his permanently closed and blind eye, a scar almost all the way around his upper left arm, and of course the holes in his hands. He’d have a lot more were it not for healing magic. Also his SOUL is scarred so that’s a thing? BURNS:  None OVERWEIGHT:  He’s a skeletion?? UNDERWEIGHT:  See above
COLOR:  Dark greys or blacks. Also blue. He likes blue. HAIR COLOR:  Blond or white gosh I wonder why EYE COLOR: Brown or Blue SONG: fdmdkvnf uh something that’s piano and instrumental FOOD: Sweets DRINK: Coffee with a lot of sugar BOOK:  He really likes books so it’s hard to say but he’s fond of hard sci-fi? PASSED UNIVERSITY:  Yes HAD SEX: No. HAD SEX IN PUBLIC:  No. GOTTEN PREGNANT: No. KISSED A BOY: No. KISSED A GIRL: No. GOTTEN TATTOOS: No. GOTTEN PIERCINGS: No. HAD A BROKEN HEART: … Yes. He is in love with Asgore so it was more than a little heartbreaking to stand by and say nothing about his feelings as Asgore married Toriel. Also in a non-romantic way… uhm. He lost almost everyone he cared about in what was basically a blink of an eye. BEEN IN LOVE: Yeeeah. STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS: Pffffffftt. Ofc he has. Way too many times. He’s a workaholic who also has really severe nightmares that’d he do almost anything to avoid. He needs to take care of himself.
██▒   ARE THEY
A VIRGIN: Yes A KISSER: No?? He can’t kiss?? He doesn’t have lips?? I mean I guess someone else could kiss him but he really can’t kiss SCARED EASILY: Yes and no. Outwardly no, but internally he’s quite prone to paranoia and anxiety so yes? JEALOUS EASILY: Not really. I mean, Toriel is one of his best friends, and she was married to the person Gaster loves TRUSTWORTHY: … Not really. But also yes? Usually? But he’s keeping more and more secrets lately and is lying more often as a result DOMINANT: Usually SUBMISSIVE: Rarely IN LOVE: Yes SINGLE: Yes, because he’s a twit who would never admit feelings
HAVE THEY HARMED THEMSELVES: Yes.Never just to do it, but he way too frequently experiments on himself and it’s very dangerous THOUGHT OF SUICIDE / ATTEMPTED SUICIDE: Uhhh. Not exactly? He dwells on how things would probably have been better had he died in the war, and Post-Void he feels he doesn’t deserve to exist, but he’s never considered actually killing himself? WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE: Ah. Actually wanted to? Only once, and he didn’t actually do it. DROVE A CAR: No. And he’s not interested HAVE/HAD A JOB: Yes.
██▒   FAMILY
SIBLINGS: A little sister, Mistral. She was killed a few years before the war PARENTS: Aster and Sabon    CHILDREN: Sans and Papyrus; not that he acts like much of a dad to them PETS: Not for a long time.
RULES:  repost, dont reblog! Tagged by: @voidscattered​ Tagging: Anyone who wants
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( Copy the meme to your own post )
Tagged by Stolen from: @justanotherpasafrisk
|| The Basics ||
Name: Dr. Sans Eugene Aster Nickname(s): Swap Age: 23 Species: Skeleton Monster
|| Personal ||
Religious Belief: Believes in some form of higher being but no specific faith Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience / Justice Primary Goals In Life: To make up for his past and leave some mark on the multiverse that will be unforgettable. Languages Known: English, sign language, wingdings, dog Secrets: Too many to count Quirks: He tends to tug at his gloves/bandanna when nervous or upset Savvies: Knowledge of souls and humans, ability to travel through multiverse
|| Physical ||
Height: 4′8 Weight: 22 lb Scars/Birthmarks: Crisscrossing scars on back, burn scar on the back of his neck, crack-like scar on right arm, hole in right palm. Abilities/Powers: Teleportation, blue magic, illusion magic, weak healing magic, weak fire magic, magic poisoned bones, multi-weapon skill, strong physical power Restrictions: His magic is weak and tires him out quickly. He has to get a good physical hit to do any real damage. Weak to ranged attacks, low HP, low stamina. Can be a heavy hitter but he has to finish the battle quickly or he’s down for the count. 
|| Favorites ||
Favorite Drink: Echo Flower Tea Favorite Pizza Topping: Pineapple and Canadian bacon Favorite Color: Purple Favorite Music Genre: Punk Rock/Techno  Favorite Book Genre: Sci-Fi Favorite Movie Genre: Sci-Fi/Horror
Favorite Season: Spring Favorite Butt Type: ????? Favorite Swear Word: Shit Favorite Scent: Cinnamon, fresh coffee Favorite Quote: “we’re both broken, but not irreparable. anybody can be a better person if they just try. wanna try with me?”
|| Fun Stuff ||
Bottom or Top: No dirty here Sings In The Shower: All the time Likes Bad Puns: Of course
Morality: Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic / Good / Gray / Evil Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Thick, Other  Favorite Food: Peanut Butter  Theme Music:  Coldplay - The Scientist
Their Opinion On The Mun: “she’s a pain in the ass and loves seeing me suffer. she’s annoying and rude at times. but i can tell she really cares and i wouldn’t trade her for anyone else.”
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Character Info, Designs and Trigger Warnings for Don’t Forget - Sans x Gaster (Human AU)
This is a human AU. Humans are trapped Underground, Frisk, Chara and the other fallen are monsters. Sans and Gaster aren't related, and Chara and Asriel are still alive.
Sans is a young adult who needs a job, and Gaster is the one to give him one. At first, Sans comes off as lazy, uncaring, and unreliable, but soon the scientist learns that there is more to him that meets the eye.
- depression package, self harm, loathing, all that nice stuff. - mention of loss - boy x boy - girl x girl - homophobia/transphobia - substance abuse - mention of suicide - blood and gore - sexual content/provocative dialogue - mention of abuse - mention of inbreeding ~ Sans x Gaster ~ Implied Undyne and Alphys, though they're not together yet ~ lots of science and nerdy shit
Please note that if you have any issue with this story you're free to message me your opinion so that I may take that opinion and ignore it completely. ;^)
Sans Comic Fontz Age: 18 Occupation: unemployed (at beginning of story) Soul trait(s): Patience, Justice, Determination HP: 25 ATK: 10 DEF: 15 Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious
Dr. Wingdings Aster Screen Age: 23 Occupation: Royal Scientist Soul trait(s): Perseverance, Kindness HP: 10 ATK: 5 DEF: 2 Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Papyrus Fontz Age: 12 Occupation: he's a kid Soul trait(s): Bravery, Integrity HP: 40 ATK: 20 DEF: 18 Sexual Orientation: none yet (later finds out he's gay)
Undyne Age: 14 Occupation: training with Ashore to be in the Royal Guard Soul trait(s): Kindness, Justice HP: 30 ATK: 15 DEF: 25 Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
••••• Sans stands at five feet two inches tall. His body build is on the slightly chubbier side, and his skin colour is a light/medium tan, which suggests potential Latin roots. Or, at least, that's the conclusion he came to after getting hammered drunk and eating a taco when he was 14. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He and his brother Papyrus were abandoned by their parents, and neither can really remember what happened to either of them. Sans was six, and Papyrus was a newborn when that happened. Sans raised Papyrus on his own, usually fighting with older kids for money, or doing odd jobs. ••••• Aster, who calls himself 'Gaster' because he hates his birth name, stands at seven feet tall exactly. His body is very skinny and lanky with a bit of muscle, and his skin tone is very light. He has medium/dark brown hair and purple eyes, and two scars on his face; one going up from his right eyelid to the middle of his forehead, and one going from under his left eye to his cheek. He doesn't like talking about them. Gaster's parents weren't exactly mom and dad of the year; more information why down the line. ••••• Papyrus stands at four feet, five inches tall and his body build is very skinny. His skin tone is a bit lighter than Sans'. He has medium brown fluffy hair, and orange eyes. Freckles dot the bridge of his nose, cheeks, and next to his eyes. Sans thinks they're adorable (in a platonic way of course).  ••••• Undyne stands at five feet tall, making her just a tiny bit shorter than Sans. She has an athletic build, and dark skin. She has vibrant red hair that she wears in a ponytail, and a yellow eye. Her other eye is gone, and hence she wears an eyepatch. Her father is dead, and her mother doesn't talk to her and kicked her out of the house at 10 for being rowdy and being a 'delinquent'. Asgore is her father figure, and she lives in Waterfall in a house the King had built for her in the shape of a fish. She's pretty good friends with the King's children, Asriel and Chara.
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