my-wander-galaxy-drtc · 3 months
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Happy Women's Day!! For all those beautiful, strong, hardworking, brave, loving, happy, intelligent, fighting ladies.... Many blessings on our day girls 🙌💪💯💖
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carlycmarathecat · 6 months
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'How lovely.'
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mewnikitty · 5 months
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skebbles · 11 months
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mango-mya · 1 year
Tried mimicking the WOY artstyle again lol
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But with a fake screenshot instead!! I actually really love how this turned out like whaaattt...
Alt. Version
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spectrumspace · 10 months
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Day 19. Favorite Background Character (Angela and Melodie)
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masterhallmark · 4 months
This little scene is a better "modern twist on fairytales" than any of the live action Disney remakes
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mayortoadstool · 9 months
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アニメ Background
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sysig · 10 months
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Things discovered: Charm is stupid amounts of fun to draw in the WOY style (Patreon)
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Spider bites are already round and soft-shaped!
#Doodles#Villainsona#Just Desserts#So here's a fact for funsies: I gave this style a go once and then set it down for a couple days 'cause I thought it didn't work for Charm#But I simply hadn't experimented enough yet! What a fool I was!#The first four - well really three but the eyes-touching was a later attempt lol - kinda put me off my attempt#But not completely :3c ♪#It was actually going back and looking at Princess Demurra's eyes that were the final piece of the puzzle#The eye shape for sure but mostly the fact that she has those big blue irises as well as big pupils - that's it that's what I needed lol#Like Charm's cute with just the large pupils but that extra circle makes all the difference in actually wanting to keep drawing her lol#And I super do! This style is like?? Shockingly perfect for her I super didn't expect it#Reminds me a lot of that time I ran her through the Lalaloopsy filter haha just missing the button eyes similar proportions#I based her body quite a lot on the Fleas with I guess? Binglebop legs?? haha just a tiny little lad!#She's very proportionally fun because she's basically a parallelogram with a big head and nub arms lol ♪#I eventually opted to drop her fingers altogether but I don't mind if they show up every once in a while lol#I also think candy people would fit the WOY aesthetic fairly well :D I especially like how her swirls turned out haha very defined shapes#I also gave her fluffy hair 'cause while I very much enjoy the rounded fluff shapes I'm not very good at them yet :') Sylvia in point lol#It's only particularly obvious in her TVAU form! Her classic hair shape is very fitting! Haha#Too bad this opened the floodgates to more TVAU ideas in that case hehehe ♪#She looks hecka-cute however :)#Oh and Spider bites of course! I haven't drawn Spider Bites in this style but hhrnn it's tempting!
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2016, 2017 + 2018
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as Disney girls
1- 3. Mary Poppins - requested by alanpalgut
4. Darla (Finding Nemo) - requested by cartoonanimefan2000
5. Hula Girl (Goofy: Hello Aloha) - requested by danfrandes
6. Fifi/Babette (Beauty and the Beast) - requested by flutterbunny76
7. Desiree - Arabian (Rescue Rangers) - requested by sandsofeternaltime
8. Princess Demurra (Wander over Yonder) - requested by jlj16
9. Princess Esmerelda (Goofy: Knight For a Day) - requested by danfrandes
10. Queen Delightful (The 7D) - requested by cinus-findus
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mefiman · 9 months
I was watching an episode of Wander Over Yonder called "The Hero" and Bowuigi was occupying my brain at the same time.
So, another idea story for Bowuigi!
The roles for this bunny idea:
Foreman Spike: Brad Starlight.
Luigi: Princess Demurra
Bowser: King Draykor
Here's the story idea:
Takes place sometime after the end of the movie. Spike buttering up to the bros and visiting the other world. Mario and Luigi taking time to forgive and forget Spike for being a shit boss to them in the past in their own pace. Luigi took longer since I headcanoned he and Spike were a thing before the latter broke it off and dumped Luigi in the most demeaning and humiliating fashion.
After months/a year, Bowser escapes, surprisingly kidnapping Luigi instead of Peach for some reason. Hearing the news, Spike took the opportunity to accompany Mario, Peach, Toad and Donkey Kong to rescue Luigi. Throughout the journey, him believing himself to be a bigger hero than Mario + his insufferable dick attitude rubs his companions the wrong way. Hilarity ensues as Spike gets bashed and beaten in the security obstacles set up by Bowser, his inexperience and massive ego not helping at all.
Eventually, they reached Bowser's castle. Mario, Peach, Toad and DK charging forward to fight Bowser's army before Spike could finish his heroic speech. The foreman throws a massive tantrum, whining about wanting to be the main hero before he and the others were captured and bought over to Bowser.
Cue to the Koopa King playing Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on his piano (or organ for better dramatic effects lol). He menacingly greets the gang before Luigi appeared unharmed and with the Koopalings + baby Junior. The big reveal that he and Bowser are in love and had bonded into in relationship long before he got whisked off.
The gang cannot believe their eyes and ears especially Mario and Spike.
Y'all can already imagine Mario's reaction and feeling about this, I don't think I need to elaborate on that.
Spike on the other hand, was spluttering and splattering that this was ridiculous, outrageous and that Luigi was better off with him. Luigi was displeased at his former boss's outburst and made it clear he turned him down respectfully many times before due to him being pushy and not respecting his space. Spike didn't take his refusal He prefers them being just friends.
Spike seemed to consider but outright refuses and beats up the Koopa guards holding him, shoving Mario aside and kidnaps Luigi. Escaping, laughing like a villain.
Bowser and Mario team up and with the others, rushed out to save Luigi.
Only to find him fine and just done subduing Spike with his Thunderhands.
Bowser sighs dreamily "And this is why I love him.~ ❤️"
Anddd that's pretty much from me, lol. Anyone's welcome to make this even better!
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mewnikisses · 1 year
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What if as Brad becomes a better person, he starts attracting cute animals like Demurra? They're both the same species and hes royalty-esc 🤔
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Auradon background characters named;
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Judy the guidance counselor.
Nessie, daughter of Marlon (Ariel's cousin).
Elle of Tirulia, Eric and Ariel's daughter.
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Christopher 'Topher' Thompson, Great Nephew of Smee.
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Tsunami, Niece of Ariel.
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Harmony, youngest daughter of Ariel (girl on the right) and her friend, Cascade (daughter of Ariel's friend, Coral).
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Jamilah, daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin (@cleverqueenchild 's oc).
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Girls in the back:
Chi Fu's daughter, Min.
Roger and Anita's daughter, Amy.
Chien-po and Su's daughter, Chao.
Girls in the front:
Jehan Frollo's daughter, Jeanette Frollo.
Prince Lars Westergaard and Charlotte La Bouf's daughter, Princess Carolina Westergaard la Bouf of the Southern Isles.
Ling and Ting-Ting's daughter, Tyra.
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First girl is Naveen and Tiana's daughter, Nina. Twin of Tyrone. @cleverqueenchild 's oc.
Girl behind Chad is Chi-fu's daughter, Min.
Girl behind Doug is Prince Lars Westergaard and Charlotte La Bouf's daughter, Princess Aloisia Westergaard la Bouf of the Southern Isles.
Guy behind Doug is Prince Lars Westergaard and Charlotte La Bouf's son, Prince Brendan Westergaard La Bouf of the Southern Isles.
Guy next to Doug is Naveen and Tiana's son, Tyrone. Twin of Nina.
Girl behind Audrey is Ling and Ting-Ting's daughter, Lian.
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Demurra Foxworth, daughter of Nibs and Jenny Foxworth.
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Dude in yellow: Genie.
Other dude: Coach Jenkins (canon).
Explanation: it said somewhere Genie was a teacher so since most of the coaches I knew doubled as a teacher, I figured he was this dude. Also I thought it would be funny because I saw a theory that Coach Jenkins was the Genie in this fanfiction and no one ever really mentions this dude, so I asked myself 'WHAT IF HE WAS THE GENIE' like I was in an episode of watcher.
I'm also just lazy and couldn't really picture him as one of the mentioned teachers. So...
Also ngl people don't write enough about Coach Jenkins, the one true MVP adult in descendants and that's a shame.
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fanfic-inator795 · 10 months
WoY: A Decade Later (A personal retrospection)
Wander Over Yonder… for a time, it was - in my opinion - the best cartoon ever. It was my number one, and I wasn't sure that anything else could top it. While I don't necessarily feel the same way these days, it's still a cartoon that very much lives in my heart and I don't think I'll ever truly leave it behind.
From a personal perspective, it was probably the biggest and most active Fandom I had been in at that time. It wasn't my first fandom/hyperfixation - prior to WoY, there had been Cartoon Network's Chowder and Regular Show, as well as Disney's Phineas and Ferb. But Chowder was short-lived and RS and PnF were both shows I had lost interest in due to them beginning to dip in quality.
WoY, however, was new, fresh, exciting and growing rapidly. It inspired me to write probably at least a hundred fanfics. It was a blast live-reacting to new episodes with everyone and seeing all the art that would come afterwards. It brought me into the RP scene and, if not for that, I might have never met my best friend of 10 years (and counting! Love you, Tessa).
Looking back on it 10 years after the fact, I can't fully say that WoY is still my favorite cartoon (shows like Kid Cosmic, The Ghost and Molly McGee, Big City Greens and Craig of the Creek have all outshined it in one way or another), nor can I claim that it is/was a perfect show. But man… It sure was a hell of a ride.
(Keep reading for all my admittedly VERY LONG personal thoughts or opinions regarding this one of a kind show)
Humble Beginnings
Pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I actually didn't care for WoY at first. It was the summer right before college, and I remember watching the sneak peek - The Picnic - early one morning after not being able to go back to sleep. I remember not really laughing much or even seeing the appeal… and yet the episode stuck in my mind, to the point that I ended up watching it again during a free moment I had from Freshman Orientation Week. I had a similar reaction to the show's proper pilot, The Greatest - not loving it, but not hating it either.
The fact that people/friends from my RS and PnF days were also posting about it helped keep the show in my mind (shoutout to Taylor, Erin and Darkwing). But it wasn't until two specific episodes - The Fugitives and The Good Deed - that I managed to finally start to connect with the characters myself. 
I started to see the appeal in this little furry orange spoon who just wanted to do good and make others happy, even when it was a struggle. I really liked the show's core theme of not just optimism and positivity, but also just being kind. I also started to really enjoy the show's sci-fi and space aesthetic and grew to adore its animation and gorgeous backgrounds, as well as laugh at its wacky sense of humor (I still laugh at The Fugitives/Good Deed quite a bit, even though I probably have their entire scripts memorized at this point).
So, it was official. I was hooked. Whenever there were new eps, I'd either try to watch them on the basement TV in my college dorm or wait for a livestream or FreeCartoonsOnline upload. If we're being honest, the first half of season 1, while being much more low-key than the wackiness that the show would end up eventually shifting to, was probably when it was at its most consistent. Other eps later on would reach higher highs, but getting stuff like The Bad Guy, the Prisoner, the Troll, the Pet, the Box and The Little Guy back-to-back just made my love for the show grow more and more.
The Little Guy specifically is one that is just incredibly well-crafted in its dialogue, story-telling and pacing, being both enjoyable and heartfelt. (Also the last time I watched it the ending made me bawl so, there's that, lol). Shortly afterwards, The Hero was another ep that I distinctly remember sticking in my head for whatever reason (Dracor and Demurra are still adorable, ngl). Then we had another favorite of mine, The Nice Guy.
I know I may be in the minority on this one - I remember my parents being annoyed and frustrated when they watched it with me, haha - but I absolutely love this episode. I find the jokes funny enough - the cashier is one of my favorite minor characters tbh - and the space gas station appeals to my aesthetic. But what really sells this episode for me is how it handles and portrays its moral of "being nice isn't always easy, but it's still right and still worth doing". Its ending never fails to get an "awwww" out of me, and honestly I could probably go on for an hour about all the little details and things I like/appreciate. I've also grown to really like its sister episode, the Time Bomb.
But no show is perfect, and right around here is where the show, in my opinion, started having some misses. It was mostly just "meh" affairs like The Night, The Toddler and The Big Job (weird, since I usually like heist eps… though I haven't rewatched this one in a while so *shrugs*). Other eps like The Tourist and ESPECIALLY The Helper (which I consider to be the show's worst outing, the vibes are just SO WEIRD on this one) I just didn't care for at all. 
Nothing terrible (save for the Helper), just cases of the jokes not landing or the stories being boring. This was also when the show really started leaning into the wackiness - which wasn't BAD persay, since it led to some really funny jokes and memorable moments when it was used well - it's just that looking back, I sorta miss the simplicity of early s1.
Thankfully, the season put out some real bangers by its end, with my personal faves being The Epic Quest (that ending will never not make me cackle. Again, it's a case of the wackiness actually working incredibly well), the Halloween/Christmas special, and the Rider, which is a great adventure to cap off the season and also the Horse from Horsin’ Around guest stars in it! (and does a pretty good job too. Will Arnett is def one of my favorite celeb VAs at this point, ngl)
So yeah, between the two seasons, s1 is easily my favorite. Call it nostalgia or personal taste, but for me it's all about that consistency. Adding in the fact that s2 has some pretty notable flaws and is thus a lot harder to look back on without noticing those flaws, and it's really no contest for me. 
New season, New problems
I certainly remember the excitement - as well as the fandom's stir craziness - in the lead-up to s2. There were crackships that were invented, silly RP blogs were rampant, Craig McCracken and crew (back when they were still on Tumblr) kept us fed with cool behind the scenes info as well as sneak peeks of the new season, and while I can't recall when it specifically happened, I also vividly remember the 'Bad End to Episodes' phase that the fandom was in at one point. Ah, the joys of still being in your angst phase.
Come that year's Comic Con, and a new round of hype came from the reveal that our new villain of the season was going to be a girl! …yeahhh, it sorta sucks recalling how hyped we all were about Dominator now that we know that she didn't quite work out the way we were all hoping for…
But regardless, s2 had a very strong start. Outside of the premiere, my favorites of this first batch would easily be The Boy Wander and The It for both just being incredibly funny. Although, if you had asked me at the time though, I probably would have said the Skeleton Dance fueled eps that were The Big Day and the Fremergency Fronfract - and like, yeah those eps can still be funny and enjoyable, but I've definitely cooled on the Skeleton Dance ship since these eps first premiered. (Still love a lot of the cute fanon stuff though)
Skipping past the next tent-pole episode for right now, this season had two of my favorite episodes of the ENTIRE SERIES - these being The Cartoon and The Black Cube. The former is just hilarious while the latter has a unique visual presentation and feels like an early s1 ep, and I mean that in the best possible way. I also really enjoy the Eye on the Skullship as well as the Hole… 'Lotta Nuthin' (this one especially, as it's another instance where, for as good as the ep is as a whole, it's the heartwarming lesson and hilarious ending that makes it such a winner in my book).
But for as much as the show was still putting out hits, I'll admit that there were also quite a few meh or just okay eps, especially as the season goes on. Some eps I found funny when I first watched them, but that humor doesn't hit as well when I watch them now. I also feel like there were points where it tried to be TOO silly to the point where it inhibited the actual humor and made the characters flatter and a bit flanderized compared to how they were in s1 (Hater especially got hit bad with this, where it’s less about him ‘softening up’ to show that he has the potential to be a good guy, and more just him constantly leaning into him being a bratty teenager instead of having that mix of dumb/bratty teen boy and legit evil conqueror).
Other times, it was just another case of a story not being as good as it could have been - and by this point in the season, while there are still enjoyable eps with fun concepts/jokes in the latter half of the series, the only one to get near the peak of the show's typical high quality is the musical ep, and if we're being real, it's Andy Bean's impeccable songwriting that saves this ep and makes it so good to rewatch despite its connection to the season's flawed overall story.
And I think it's about time we talk about that…
Not Quite Ready for Serialization
Being a show that was made right after Gravity Falls but before stuff like Star VS, Amphibia, and Owl House, s2 of WoY felt like a show with one foot stuck in episodic stuff and one foot trying to step into serialization. Because of this, the season’s overarching plot feels incredibly underbaked.
Now… Am I saying that I’d want the show to be like ATLA where every episode had to relate back to either the overarching story or one of the side-arcs? No, absolutely not. We’d be missing out on some of my favorite one-shot episodes if they did that, and if I had to choose between the season we have now and the season we could have gotten had the WoY crew gotten more freedom and were allowed more serialization, I’m going with the former each and every time.
HOWEVER, I still have to acknowledge just how poorly done the structure of this season was when it came to the overarching story. Basically we got four tentpole episodes acting as the season’s beginning, arc shifts and ending. During the season’s second and third arcs, there would be certain episodes afterwards reacting to the change in the show’s status quo.
Now, I get what they were TRYING to do but in my opinion it just really didn’t work as well as it could have. I’ll talk more about this in a bit but the season’s second arc (the “romance” arc) definitely got tiring after a while, meanwhile the third “Stop Dominator” arc felt like it was sort of killing time given that it was mostly just the main 4 trying to find some sort of weapon/figure out some sort of plan that ultimately resulted in some ‘funny’ failures and some quick lessons, with the occasional character piece thrown in here or there.
Now, I didn’t hate these episodes. By this point, it should be evident that one of my favorite elements of WoY are its morals and lessons, so even if the episodes themselves didn’t amount to much in the grand scheme of things and were essentially filler, I can at least appreciate a message like “being sad doesn’t mean you’ve given up hope” or “allowing yourself to laugh even in the dark times can help a ton”. So yeah, not completely pointless.
Unfortunately, even with a few bright spots here and there, the overarching plot of s2 still feels underbaked somewhat - and that’s ultimately because of the new character its focused around.
Dominator’s Dilemma
Okay, fess up. Whose idea was it to completely exclude Dominator from the first six episodes of the season (after the s2 premiere)? Because WOW does this decision backfire a lot. I don’t even like Dom that much and I can still acknowledge that she needed much more screen time and focus than she got.
I don’t know if this was to build up the ‘mystery’ surrounding her or because they wanted to get back in the groove of writing the main 4, but this was the crew’s first crucial mistake. Hell, in the first two episodes she plays an active role in, she’s nearly silent in both of them, only having her little fangirl rant in The Greater Hater and a small handful of lines in The Battle Royals. (Which, if I’m being honest, is still a really fun episode for 90% of it, having both great action and absolutely hilarious jokes that still make me laugh, but I get the ending of it making people sour on the episode as a whole.)
Again, it felt like trying to build up this artificial mystery surrounding her when it really wasn’t necessary. Dominator was meant to be a MAIN MEMBER of the cast! Yet I’m pretty sure Emperor Awesome got more significant screen time than her in the end!
Things got a teeny bit better as the show went on, with Dom at the very least getting more lines and more moments to be both badass and totally villainous, but she still felt more like a goal/obstacle than an actual character. I’m not sure if the writers MEANT to do this persay, or if it was just an accident.
Ultimately, it wasn’t until The Night Out when Dom finally got a spotlight episode… which was a little over 3/4ths of the way through the season. You could argue that she also got a bit of characterization in the musical episode, but it was really more emphasizing what we already knew or could infer about her. 
The Night Out, meanwhile, gives us something new - that she’s lonely - and we get a teeny hint of this again in The Robomechabotatron before being told outright in the series finale. Ultimately, it truly does feel like too little too late - especially when her secretly desiring friends just sorta feels like it’s aping off Hater’s secret motivations of wanting to be liked/admired and to have friends/people who love him for who he is.
So yeah, the crew completely dropped the ball on Dom’s characterization, using her as just a goal/threat/obstacle/etc. for nearly all of her appearances. Not only does it make Dom feel like a shallow character, but it also just feels unfair in general. Practically everything we know about Dom is for the sake of other characters.
She’s a test for Wander, an enemy/temporary love interest for Hater, an obstacle for our main four to overcome, and a threat to the characters we already love. Again, there’s nothing wrong with having a character that’s only meant to serve a purpose in the narrative, nor is there anything wrong with a character being shallowly evil… it’s just that the WoY crew hyped her up so much and claimed that she was a fifth main character (implying that she would get about as much development as the main four), so it just felt all the more disappointing when we didn’t get that. Add in her character design - a mix of goth/punk girl energy with Hartman Hips - and it does feel just a tad misogynistic.
There were things I liked about Dom - her cool lava powers and gadgets, her excitable personality, her villain spotlight moments, and her fun vocal performance provided by Noel Wells were all excellent. But unfortunately, these were all surface-level elements, and the crew just didn’t put in enough time to give her much else, essentially saving all her deeper character stuff for the never-made season 3…
A love-hate relationship (leaning towards hate)
Of course you can’t talk about Dom without discussing the season’s second arc, which many see as both a tumor on the plot and the absolute low point of the season. Admittedly when I was watching the season for the first time, I didn’t mind the romance arc all that much. I didn’t care if Dom was getting short-changed, I was too busy laughing at Hater falling all over himself like a dork and thought all the ‘critics’ of the arc were just focusing on the wrong thing and didn’t know how to have fun with a silly cartoon.
Obviously, this was the wrong perspective to have about this sort of thing (I was in the mindset of “I don’t want to accidentally make myself hate this thing I love so I’m going to ignore all criticism of it”. Definitely not the right approach), one that I still apologize for because the critics were totally in the right. From both an objective and a storytelling standpoint, this arc was just the worst - and for several reasons.
Leaning into the overall problem with Dom herself as mentioned previously, this arc was focused solely on Hater and Wander (and to an extent Syl and Peeps as they tried to talk some sense into their respective friends). Whenever Dom was brought in, she either used Hater’s crush to mess with him or just ignored it entirely, being obviously annoyed - and that was the extent of focus that her feelings got.
Outside of those moments, however, Dom’s feelings are relegated to the background, deemed as ‘unimportant’. Sure, in the climax of the arc, she gets this big whole musical number about how she’s “not the damsel” and isn’t interested in Hater’s affections - but again, it’s at the VERY END of the arc and the moment is less about Dom standing up for herself and more about emphasizing just how cruel she can be, as instead of simply rejecting Hater’s advances, she laughs in his face, continuing to mess with him to try and make the rejection as painful as possible before ultimately trying to kill Hater.
But while the arc ends in a showy (and admittedly still kinda fun, thank you Andy Bean and your musical talents) way, the way it starts sorta proves why this idea was so rotten to the core. The ONLY reason why Wander tries to get Hater and Dom together is ONLY because he knows Hater wants a GF and believes that a ‘positive’ thing like love could only ever result in the two villains finding happiness and no longer being evil. Nevermind the fact that Wander is shown only really caring about Hater’s perspective, not once considering Dom’s feelings or even asking if she wants a BF or romantic partner in general.
We get Syl calling him out on this a couple of times, but it’s in that ‘oh that Wander, always with the crazy ideas’ way. You’d think Sylvia, the icon that she is, would be just a bit more blunt and maybe even a bit harsh about how Wander’s treating Dominator - it’s not just a matter of it being a dumb and dangerous plan, but it’s essentially objectifying Dom, treating her like Hater’s missing piece. But hey, it’s fiiiiine, because Wander learns his lesson in the end, right? Except, no not really.
Because even when Wander FINALLY realizes this and feels guilty about causing so much trouble, Syl is more concerned with comforting Wander about it, because he TRIED to do what he thought was right and that “acknowledging you messed up is the first step towards making things right”. Like… yeah I guess but you could have let Wander actually acknowledge what he did was wrong and super messed up, focusing more on the personal aspect of how his whole romance scheme affected Dom AS WELL AS Hater (not JUST Hater) instead of how his scheme broke Hater’s heart and inadvertently made Dom more powerful.
(Also we see Wander shipping and actively pairing up the little Pikmin things in “The Sky Guy” soooooo no I don’t think he fully learned his lesson)
I also have to bring up how there are fans who view Dominator and her whole anti-love thing as aphobic. As someone who only recently figured out she was almost definitely aromantic, I’m certainly not the authority on this, but I can certainly understand the critiques.
What I THINK the WoY Crew was trying to go for was a ‘strong female villain who don’t need no man’, but between Dom constantly being described as ‘heartless’ and Peeps saying that he “doesn’t think she likes anybody” and her cruelty being turned up to 11 whenever someone expressed romantic feelings towards her, it does sorta imply “She can’t love and THAT’S why she’s a villainous monster” rather than simply “she’s a villainous monster”. And because we don’t get any real development or strong characterization with Dom, it’s hard to say where exactly her cruelty comes from, so it’s hard to really argue against these implications without simply inserting headcanons like “Dom is a lesbian”.
Now to be fair, I have seen some aromantics see Dom as good representation - I recall a month or so back when I saw people praising her after she was included in one of those Tumblr polls, with this one being focused on aromantic characters, saying that they liked how she didn’t sugarcoat her rejections and seeing her as this strong, cool, badass villainous who didn’t need romance. So yeah, obviously not every person who shares an identity is going to agree on representation and whether or not it's good, but considering all of Dom’s baggage and the inability to determine whether or not her heartlessness is the cause of her evil or simply a by-product of it, I personally feel like she’s just too messy of an example of a potential aro character.
(Honestly, Syl feels like a better example of an aromantic character to me, given that she and Ryder seemed just as platonic as she and Wander are, as well as her multiple rejections of Awesome and general disinterest/discomfort with romance. Buuut given that those latter examples are specifically with villains and thus it makes sense why she’d reject them regardless of her orientation, it’s still just a vibe/headcanon).
Before I close off this section, I do wanna acknowledge that beyond the potentially aphobic nature of Dominator, WoY’s LGBTQ+ rep isn’t nearly as great as I thought it was once upon a time as a young shipper. Some parts are still pretty okay, like Wander being coded as genderfluid/agender, but overall it still feels more like an old Looney Tunes cartoon than an episode of “The Owl House”, if you get what I’m saying.
In Craig’s defense, the man has never been all too interested in romance in his shows nor has he claimed otherwise - he either uses it as a joke while portraying it as a negative (see Ms.KeenexProf.Utonium, BlooxBerry or, obviously, DomxHater) or it’s a wholesome relationship that ultimately still stays in the background because it’s not all that important (see DracorxDemurra or Ramona and Carlos Flores from “Kid Cosmic”). 
BUT given that there were LGBTQ+ crew members working on the show in s2, such as N.D. Stevenson, as well as LGBTQ+ allies, it is a shame that no proper representation came of that. We got a whole episode where the joke was “oh, Wander and Hater are planning Wander’s execution like it’s a wedding”, an episode where Peeps and Hater essentially break up when Hater fires him, and an “I just can’t quit you” sort of moment from Peeps in the s2 finale when he goes all heart-eyed over Hater deciding to continue being a villain. That’s it, all jokes but nothing substantial. Even the show’s number one lesbian/wlw pairing of SylxDom got a quick Girls Night montage and one sweet moment between them, nothing else.
Again, it’s fine if you’re just looking for jokes, and yeah the WoY Crew never outright promised any romances… buuuut given how much they chose to lean into the Skeleton Dance and DeathGlare stuff while at the same time never outright confirming any of these characters as LGBTQ+ (they didn’t even have to make any ships canon, they just had to say whether or not Wander/Hater/Peeps were gay/bi/pan/etc), I’m not gonna invalidate people who feel just a bit queerbaited about the whole thing.
Bittersweet Goodbyes
As I said before, I was starting college when WoY first premiered. It’s the show that led me to my best friend and it’s the show that helped me through those first two years of college (easily the roughest part of college). It was a show that made me laugh and got me excited, even during the times where I was stressed out or worried. For all its flaws, it was one of the brightest lights in my life at that time.
So, needless to say, when I heard the show was canceled, I was devastated. I remember crying about it that night and even the day after, and I remember joining in as many online strategies as possible to try and get the show back, from letter writing to petition signing. Of course none of that worked, but as a bright side, going through this helped emotionally prepare me for the next time one of my favorite shows was suddenly canceled (looking at you Nickelodeon. Though considering how the RotTMNT movie turned out maaaaybe it was for the best…)
Honestly, for as much as I can look at the show through a critical lens nowadays and point out all the ways it could have been better, I think there will always be a small part of me that wishes we could have gotten some sort of continuation, whether it be through a special, a TV movie or a comic - or hell, I’d even take the plans for s3 leaking at this point. Now, given that the end of WoY brought about the creation of “Kid Cosmic”, I feel like this part has faded a bit, but I’m always gonna want closure on things like Hater’s arc as well as his origins given how much they were teased.
But that in itself is another critique I could give the show. Whether it be Wander facing a different type of threat that wasn’t just another villain, Hater’s transition into becoming a good guy, Peepers getting fed up with his boss and striking out on his own, or Dom’s true characterization that the crew kept insisting was there - the show simply saved a lot of it’s most interesting ideas for a potential Season 3. It was a gamble, and it was one they ultimately lost. It sucks, but it is what it is.
There’s a few more things I could critique about the show, such as its take on the idea of character redemption and Wander becoming a bit of a karma houdini that the show pretty much stopped calling out, and while these critiques are valid I feel like there are other fans who could do a better job talking about those points. But in the end, while season 2 was both a let down in some parts and a bit of a mess in others, I still feel like there were ultimately more good things to be found within the show than bad things.
It’s not a perfect show, far from it. Frankly, I don’t look down on anyone who fell out of love with this show or enjoyed s1 but hated s2. But for what it’s worth, the memories I got from the show are still ones I treasure, and episodes like “The Good Deed”, “The Little Guy”, “The Nice Guy”, “The Epic Quest”, “The Rider”, “The Boy Wander”, “The Black Cube”, “The Hole… Lotta’ Nuthin’” and “The Cartoon” are ones I still love to bits and will probably always love as I watch them over and over.
Disney Channel itself may not care all that much about this show these days save for an occasional rerun or a quick cameo in their Chibi-Verse shorts, but I’m always gonna remember it - for better and for worse. So here’s to 10 years, WoY. I may not always like you, but I still love you.
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Strong believer in the "no repeats" rule, and I wanted to see if I could do it twice. Spoilers... I'm unstoppable. The more characters you recognize the more powerful you are. List for every single character under the cut
Bingo 1:
Column B: USAHANA (Sanrio), Shinji Weber (Yugioh), Raggedy Ann and Andy (Raggedy Ann), Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget), Cheer Bear (Care Bears)
Column I: Sidon (LoZ), Luigi (Super Mario), Lightning (Teen Titans), Emma (Total Drama), Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew)
Column N: Roadhog (Overwatch), Star Catcher (MLP), [free space], Bijou (Hamtaro), Badge Bunny (Nintendo Badge Arcade)
Column G: Koala Princess (OK KO), Leonardo (Animal Crossing), Joxter (Moomin), Frog and Toad (Frog and Toad), Blue (Blue's Clues)
Column O: Rosa (Pokemon), Bushroot (Darkwing Duck), Guy Towers (You Don't Know Jack), Karli (Muppets), Ryuu Zaou (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Bingo 2:
Column B: St Jimmy- portrayed by Billie Joe Armstrong (American Idiot the Musical), Rapunzel (Disney Princesses), Sam-I-Am (Green Eggs and Ham 2019), Angel Cake (Strawberry Shortcake), Dan Mandel (Dan Vs)
Column I: .GIFfany (Gravity Falls), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Angie Yonaga (Danganronpa), Sam n Max (Sam and Max Freelance Police), Superman (DC Franchise)
Column N: Gatomon (Digimon), Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw), [free space], Driller Killer (Slumber Part Massacre II), Junior (Ridonculous Race)
Column G: Creepie (Growing up Creepie), Seymour Krelborn (Little Shop of Horrors), Bagpuss (Bagpuss), Erika (Barbie Cinematic Universe), Opal (Steven Universe)
Column O: Bill n Ted (Bill and Ted), Garfield (Garfield comics), Winslow Leech (Phantom of the Paradise), Kimiko Tohomiko (Xiaolin Showdown), Princess Demurra (Wander Over Yonder)
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ultravioart · 1 year
Okay still figuring out silly woy pmd au but here we go for initial ideas:
It's not based in a specific pmd game, just general PMD vibes. This means legendaries and canon PMD characters do not appear, but things like Mystery Dungeons and Pokemon Villages exist.
I am debating if Wander and Sylvia would just travel the land, or of they would travel through ultra wormholes to visit new areas? Pokemon villages/settlements would represent every planet, regardless.
Sylvia: Feraligatr, uses Z moves with Wander's help. Used to be a bounty hunter that worked as a grunt for a pokemon gang.
Wander: Mew (last of his kind, fits thematically) that transforms into a (now undecided) pokemon. Has terra fairy type. Tries to befriemd everyone lol.
Ms. Myrtle is Terapagos lol must be kept calm to preserve tera powers and the fabric of reality.
Lord Hater: Annihilape fits thematically? So does Incineroar... but he's a Big boss/gang leader wanting to take over areas to hear people chant his name. Big bully just wants friends...
Peepers: Patrat? I would have made him a pawnyard but watchdogs are meant to be kind of pathetic and squishy lol.
Watchdogs: Patrat and Watchog bc "Watchogs, eyes up!" is too iconic.
Lord Dominator: Hisuian Zoroark. Would probably transform into Guzzlord or 100% Zygarde or something scary like that for the Lava suit, and for her Night out disguise she would be Amped up form Toxtricity or maybe Salazzle. She def would be hopping through ultra wormholes, and as a Hisiuan Zoroark she comes from a very different time, to reference how Dee is meant to feel like she comes from a different show--badass anime villain. Vicious Pokemon battle era.
LD uses roly coly/Gigalith/etc as minions.
Emperor Awesome: either a Sharpedo or Gabite or... honestly the ugly Palafin fits too lol. Minions are Binacle to fit the sea theme.
Demurra: Lilligant
Drakor: Drampa
Brad: Chesnaught or Gallade. Chesnaught fits for his cousin to be a quilladin.
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