#Daniel rand icons
wiccantwav · 2 years
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Iron Fist (Danny Rand) - Icons
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reverseboy · 2 years
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⊹˚PUNHO DE FERRO ☄ ◌‧₊˚·
Credits: Ellie psd
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Jessica: C´mon! son of a bi-
Luke: Jess! There´s children here *pointing to Danielle and Danny*
Jessica: scuit, son of biscuit.
Matt: Nice save.
Jessica: Yeah, fucking nailed it.
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apocalypticavolition · 9 months
Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 45: What Follows in Shadow
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What do I even need to say at this point? There's going to be spoilers for the whole Wheel of Time series in this post? Block the tags? Some kind of quip about the picture here being the result of seeing spoilers and/or protection against it? Not so. This place is far too decayed to be much of anything, anymore.
Not so for the chapter though! It starts with an icon of the Flame of Tar Valon, another reflection of how the crew would have died so many times in these early days if it weren't for Moiraine keeping them going.
“I had not dreamed the decay had gone so far. If the bridges themselves are breaking, it may be that I cannot find the path you want. It may be that I cannot find a path back, either. The bridges could be falling behind us even now.”
It's cute that Loial assumes any amount of significant decay means the whole thing must be collapsing as they speak. Everything must seem hasty to an Ogier.
Rand took the bay up beside the Ogier. “When this is over, Loial, you show me your stedding, and I’ll show you Emond’s Field. No Ways, though. We’ll walk, or ride, if it takes all summer.”
I hope that they do get to do this, after everything is over. Loial absolutely deserves to know Rand is alive - once he's published his book - and getting to be road trip buddies is exactly what they'd both love.
The Aes Sedai rubbed her fingers against her palms distastefully. “You feel the taint, the corruption of the Power that made the Ways. I will not use the One Power in the Ways unless I must. The taint is so strong that whatever I tried to do would surely be corrupted.”
Was it even safe to channel in the Ways back before the corruption? The place is so orthogonal to normal reality that you'd think the Power would be weird here as a general rule.
“People there mentioned a gleeman, but they said nothing of him dying. They would have, I think, if a gleeman had been killed. Whitebridge is not so big as for a gleeman to be a small thing. And Thom is a part of the Pattern that weaves itself around you three. Too important a part, I believe, to be cut off yet.”
No body = no death. It's a trope that's about as old as storytelling, so Rand should be ashamed of himself for not being sufficiently genre savvy.
Rand found himself grinning back. Burn me, if I didn’t come out best for a change. I wish I knew as much about women as Perrin.
This is possibly the only time that it makes sense for one of the boys to assume that another boy is more of an expert than him, what with Perrin being solely responsible for this victory by mentioning Aram while Egwene's getting jealous about Min. I'm really glad we're basically done with this because this version of Egwene is annoying. I miss likable Egwene.
As she passed from him to Mat, he wondered if she thought it was that simple, that she could tell him he was safe and he would believe it. But somehow he did feel safe—safer, at least. Thinking that, he drifted into sleep and did not dream.
Sounds like it is that simple, Rand. Placebos are powerful things!
Lan pushed the bow down before Mat could nock another. “Stop that, you village idiot. There’s no way to tell who it is.”
Let's just all appreciate how wonderful life can be when Lan snarks. I am willing to pardon the show for most all the rest of its Episode 7 & 8 awfulness that couldn't be helped because of COVID and Harris leaving but that was no reason for them not to steal Disney's CGI actor insertion tech just so that we could hear Daniel Henney say those words.
“If you fall behind, Warder,” Loial said firmly, “you’ll spend the rest of your life in the Ways. Even if you can read Ogier, I have never heard or read of a human who could find his path off the first Island lacking an Ogier guide. Can you read Ogier?”
Didn't humans make this place, Loial? Surely those dudes were able to go between the first steddings to connect them?
The Aes Sedai faced them calmly. “Trollocs.” She ignored their frightened gasps. “Or Fades. Those are Trolloc runes. The Trollocs have discovered how to enter the Ways. That must be how they got to the Two Rivers undiscovered; through the Waygate at Manetheren. There is at least one Waygate in the Blight.” She glanced toward Lan before continuing; the Warder was far enough away that only the faint light of his lantern could be seen.
Moiraine is normally so subtle and here she's just going, "Great job to your family for making our lives so much harder, Lan. Shame they couldn't hold Malkier for just five more decades. It only lasted a thousand years before they fucked it up."
Moiraine might not have believed a trap could be set for them, but for all the haste she spoke of, she made them travel more slowly than before, pausing before letting them onto any bridge, or off one onto an Island. She would step Aldieb forward, feeling the air in front of her with an outstretched hand, and not even Loial, or Lan, was allowed to go ahead until she gave permission.
I really wonder what she's up to here. She says she's not channeling in the Ways unless absolutely necessary, so it can't be any active probing with saidar. Moiraine also can't sense anything happening with saidin at all, so that doesn't work. Are the circumstances so dire that she's channeling a very small weave of the power, wiggling it around in the hopes of finding somewhere it can't go because there's already saidin, and then letting go as quickly as possible?
Loial pulled his horse up just short of the next Island and cocked his head to listen. Slowly his face paled, and he licked his lips. “Machin Shin,” he whispered hoarsely. “The Black Wind. The Light illumine and protect us. It’s the Black Wind.”
Machin Shin is that delightful third ingredient in the inhuman cess pit that Padan Fain is about to become. It's another standout bit of weirdness in that like Mashadar we don't really get any hint as to why metaphysical evil should suddenly take animate form. There's lots of theories about where the wind really comes from, both semi-credible (another Ba'alzamon project, since the Ways only started going dark around the time of Hawkwing) and bizarre (a parasite that infected the Ways even though most parasites need some kind of reason to exist), and we get neither answer nor (unlike mashadar) resolution. Perhaps Jordan intended for the Ways to be cleared out during the Last Battle as part of some desperate gambit to save Caemlyn? We'll never know.
Moiraine raised her staff and flame lanced from the end of it. It was not the pure, white flame that Rand remembered from Emond’s Field, and the battle before Shadar Logoth. Sickly yellow streaked through the fire, and slow-drifting flecks of black, like soot. A thin, acrid smoke drifted from the flame, setting Loial coughing and the horses dancing nervously, but Moiraine thrust it at the gates. The smoke rasped Rand’s throat and burned his nose.
Pro-tip should you ever find yourself in an extra-dimensional singularity with keyed points of egress: Do not try to burn through the barriers! It will not end well and depending on just how badly you bork space-time it may not appreciably end.
The wind shrieked in agony; it screamed in rage. The thousand murmurs that hid in the wind roared like thunder, roars of madness, half-heard voices cackling and howling promises that twisted Rand’s stomach as much by the pleasure in them as by what he almost understood them to say.
It's interesting that Rand's first true taste of madness isn't from channeling at all, huh? If I'd told you this paragraph was part of his Callandor sequence in Path of Daggers, wouldn't you have been pretty likely to believe me?
Flesh so fine, so fine to tear, to gash the skin; skin to strip, to plait, so nice to plait the strips, so nice, so red the drops that fall; blood so red, so red, so sweet; sweet screams, pretty screams, singing screams, scream your song, sing your screams. . . .
Another great mantra for meditating to! Always sing your screams folks!
“There is worse to be faced yet,” Moiraine said softly. Rand did not think she meant it to be heard.
She meant for you to hear it Rand, just not any of the others, or the political queen here woulda kept her mouth entirely shut.
And now it's time for me to close my mouth, folks. See you next time as we finally make it to Fal Dara and get the real dangers going!
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happycoffee · 3 years
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❝Iron Fist┆Daniel Rand icons❞
➢Iron Fist: Hearth of the Dragon #1 (2021)
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StEx Appreciation Month Day 2: Electra
favorite song the character is in:
As much as I wanna say AC/DC, I actually kinda think No Comeback is my fav! 
favorite actor for this character:
It’s a tie between Koffi Missah, Jeffrey Daniel and David Michael Johnson. I also REALLY like Mykal Rand, although i dont think his voice fits for Electra, he’s such an icon that i’d be remiss if I didn’t mention him. favorite ship with this character: Mmm,,,,, Electra/The Components. All of them. At the same time
favorite thing about this character:Gosh... I really like the fact that he’s.. canonically bisexual and genderfluid. I think there aren’t a lot of characters out there that are OPENLY queer and i love that.
random headcanon: He loves sour candy. The stronger, the better.  unpopular opinion: I don’t think that Electra is evil at all, and tbh i really wish that they’d go back to his roots with Prince as an inspiration. I feel like the character has become really 1 dimensional.
Also! Here is my ranking with @chessiesystem​‘s tier list, which you can find {here}
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distant-rose · 4 years
Hey so, care to share any of the mood boards and /or playlists that I'm 99% sure you have your your next gen marvel universe?
Okay, I know you sent this like yesterday morning, but you’re asking for me to share a piece of a universe that @justanotherwannabeclassic​ and I have been developing since…July? Which is insane but I made my first post about our Earth-6828 universe on the 26th July 2019. We have an estimated ninety-three characters for this universe that categorized as a next generation or involved in the next generation narrative. Ninety-three characters. Nine. Three. It’s insane. WE’RE INSANE. We created an entire universe over the course of a half year.
Anyway, with that many characters, I don’t think it’s possible to share everything on the internet involving them. So, I’m gonna focus on the OG team - the Daughters of Liberty. They’re the catalyst for Earth-6828 universe and they’re eleven women from different backgrounds and skill sets. We deliberately made a all-female team that’s diverse and we really have fun playing with them. So I’ll share some mood boards and playlists that I made for them.
NOTE: Please note that when I make playlists, I’m a weirdo with very specific rules. I make playlists made of songs sung by the genre of music I think the character would listen to, in the gender they identify with and I only do one song per artist. So, a character like Bekka who likes old school country and jazz, she’s a big fan of Duke Ellington and Miles Davis and Wendy Nguyen who is folksy really likes the Lumineers and the Mountain Goats but neither of those artists are featured on those lists because both characters are female and I like to think of the songs as being from their perspective. It’s really weird but I feel the need to make the disclosure.
I’m gonna put this under the cut because this is gonna be LOOOOONG. Also, if you’re interested in other characters and nuances of the universe, you’re also welcome to hit up not just me but also Shea because she’s done some amazing work too.
Valeria “Val” Richards
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Val Richards is an Earth-616 canon character and the daughter of Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) and Susan Storm (Invisible Woman). She’s the smartest woman in the world and holds more degrees than she knows what to do with. She’s constantly working on a new degree and really hates the amount of condescension she gets sometimes from people who don’t believe how smart she is and underestimate her. It’s half the reason she’s involved with the team - she wanted to show that she and the women she works with shouldn’t be underestimated. She’s the team coordinator and is the most tech savvy. She’s known for drinking her weight in coffee, listening to Led Zeppelin on full blast and always having her hands in one project or another. She has a habit of never going to bed because she’s constantly involving herself in a project and because she’s constantly blasting music, her hearing isn’t always the best. She constantly has people repeat things since she often can’t hear them. Though she’s not involved with the family business, she’s got a great relationship with her parents and especially her brother, Franklin, who is without a doubt her hero. She’s a part of the LONGEST slowburn I’ve ever written and it took SIX YEARS for her and the team empath Wendy to get together. 
Val’s Playlist: Classic and Hard Rock, this is the type of music that Val generally listens to when she’s in the lab. It features Lita Ford, Pat Benator, Joan Jett and The Pretty Reckless. I think shows a lot of her attitude and some of her anger.
Eleanor “El” Rogers
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El Rogers is an Earth-85826 canon character and the daughter of Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Sharon Carter (Agent 13). She is a professionally trained spy and is a specialist in various forms of combat. Though she offered the mantle of Captain America to Dani Cage, she is very proud of her father’s legacy and sometimes nags Dani on how she should handle things, which sometimes leads to some contention between the two. Prior to the starting the Daughters of Liberty with Val Richards, she was a SHIELD agent and often known as “Espionage Barbie.” Growing up in the spotlight, she’s a gifted and knowledgeable public relations specialist and has more than a few headaches trying to manage this team and the array of personalities she deals with. Despite her PR skills, she’s naturally more introverted and prefers to spend her time with her close friends and working on her art. Though she’s more like her mother, she did inherit Steve’s sense of justice and morals while also keeping questionable company seeing that she often finds herself in some morally grey company, namely a couple of rebellious Southern mutants and three SHIELD trained professional killers. Most people often see El as perfect but she is riddled with anxiety and constantly beats herself up for not living up to people’s expectations. Before her father’s death, she was seen as very upbeat and friendly, but has been much more subdued and even more argumentative. She’s incredibly stubborn, which often gets her into epic fights with Dani and Meredith, as well as the leaders of the Avengers (Sonny Stark) and X-Men (Olivier LeBeau).
El’s Playlist: El is very much a pop music kinda girl, but her playlist comes with a bit of a twist of her anxieties, depression and desires to live up to that expectations that have been put on her. It features Taylor Swift, Elle King, Demi Lovato and Ruelle.
Danielle “Dani” Cage
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Dani Cage is an Earth-616 canon character and the daughter of Luke Cage (Power Man) and Jessica Jones (Jewel). She’s the current Captain America and it’s a job she’s very ambivalent about because as much as she is honored by being bestowed the title, it comes with a lot of pressure and criticism which Dani is not great with. Due to her super strength and invulnerability, she rarely uses the iconic Captain America shield which is one of the many things she gets criticized for by El. Like her parents, Dani is tough as nails, a little rough around the edges and swears like it was its her job. Despite her short fuse, Dani has the biggest heart of them all and tends to come from a place of compassion rather than a place of judgment. This doesn’t stop her from being one of the sassiest members of the Daughters of Liberty however. When she’s not shouldering her duties as Captain America, Dani is working out her frustrations in the gym through boxing and acting as a volunteer for the Harlem Boys and Girls’ Club. Dani is a creature of habit. She goes to the same gym that she’s gone to since she was a little girl despite having a gym in HQ, she eats the same thing for breakfast and orders the same thing whenever she goes out for dinner. Her teammates often make fun of her because of this habit, but with all the stress in her life, she clings to these habits as a source of comfort and normalcy. Dani is best friends and incredibly close to Lucy Rand, who is about 85% of her impulse control. Sometimes the only thing keeping Dani from punching out her teammates and the occasional reporter is Lucy.
Dani’s Playlist: Her playlist is the perfect workout playlist because it’s intense and high energy R&B, Hip-Hop and Rap songs. It’s an ode to black excellence and being unapologetically awesome. It features Beyonce, Cardi B, Lizzo and Salt-N-Pepa.
Lucy Rand
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Lucy Rand is an Earth-21722 canon character and the daughter of Danny Rand (Iron Fist) and Misty Knight. She’s a highly skilled martial artist and gifted detective. While Val might be the most intelligent person in the world, Lucy is skilled at picking up social and culture nuances quickly and reading people despite not having empathy and psychic abilities. Despite having great tragedy in her life and losing her parents at a young age, she’s a very positive person who tends to do her best to make any difficult situation manageable. Lucy’s anger rarely comes out but when it does, it usually is when people disregard the sacrifice her parents made. Though privately, she’s very upset with them for not being there for the major events in her life and though Luke Cage and Jessica Jones had a big hand in raising her, they are not her parents. She has a permanent job at handling Dani’s short fuse but she wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Like Dani, Lucy is very involved the community, but she has a lot of other outlets including knitting hats and managing the Instagram of her favorite little gremlin - her hairless cat Dobby. Lucy is the type of person who tends to put the focus on everyone but herself, something that the team does their best to curb. Very rarely is Lucy in any photos, mainly because she’s normally the one taking them. While she’s not field commander like Dani and El, she’s certainly the team negotiator when it comes to arguments. Needless to say with the amount of big personalities on the team, there is a fair share of fights she needs to break up and while Dani might be her best friend, Lucy’s most trusted companion is her jumbo sized bottle of migraine reliever pills. 
Lucy’s Playlist: Like Dani’s playlist, Lucy’s playlist features a lot of black excellence, but completely genre. Like Lucy herself, it’s a playlist with a lot of Soul and with a focus on fluidity rather than high energy. It features Aretha Franklin, Nina Simone, Whitney Houston and Ari Lennox.
Rebecca “Bekka” LeBeau
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Bekka LeBeau is an Earth-41001 canon character and the daughter of Remy LeBeau (Gambit) and Anna-Marie LeBeau (Rogue). She inherited her father’s kinetic manipulation and her mother’s enhanced durability and flight. A complete Daddy’s Girl, she’s an incredibly gifted thief and has a penchant for using her abilities to blow shit up. However, instead of using playing cards, Bekka’s weapon of choice is…random objects from the dollar store? Don’t be surprised to see this chick throws weaponized plastic army men or marbles at your face. Despite her charisma, revolving door of men and natural extroversion, Bekka rarely opens up to people nor does she let people get close to her. This is a result of a very traumatic event in her childhood that completely changed both of her and older brother’s lives and caused her mutation to develop early at the age of eight. Due to this, she often suffers from nightmares and can be seen putting her absurdly gifted baking skills to work in the middle of the night. She’s the unofficial chef of the team and has introduced the team to a lot of Cajun cuisine. She’s a proud New Orleans girl and prepared to stomp your Southern stereotypes out of you. A running gag with Bekka is that despite being a very observant person, she is a penchant for refusing to see what’s right in front of her if she doesn’t want to see it such as her brother and best friend hooking up or that a certain ginger SHIELD agent is madly in love with her.
Bekka’s Playlist: Like Bekka herself, her playlist is a mixture of old school, new old and a little bit of subtle darkness. It has a mixture of Old School jazz, Classic Country and Southern Rock. It features Billie Holiday, Delta Rae, Dolly Parton and Gin Wigmore.
May “Mayday” Parker
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Mayday Parker is an Earth-982 canon character and the daughter of Peter Parker (Spider-Man) and Mary Jane Watson. She inherited Peter’s enhanced physiology and wall-crawling abilities. While Mayday has her father’s intelligence, smart mouth and penchant for science, she’s more of an athlete than a nerd. She’s an avid lover of basketball and even played two years of Division Three basketball at Empire State University. She is a very frustrated New York Knicks and New York Mets fan and is often antagonized by Dani Cage, who has a tendency to be a very obnoxious Yankees fan. Though Mayday has a spot on the Daughters of Liberty team and often works outside the team as a research chemist, she has struggled with her identity since she stopped playing basketball. While she is currently Spider-Girl, she always views it more as her continuing her father’s work rather it being her own thing. Despite being incredibly bright and formidable fighter, Mayday also struggles with a lack of confidence and anxiety. She is often makes sarcastic jokes and often at her own expense. Mayday is loyal friend and often agonizes over the fact her superhero duties sometimes make her break her promises to her friends and family. However, she’s found a good support system in her girlfriend Nancy Lu, a telekinetic member of the X-Men and in her mentor, Val Richards. Though she is seven years older, Mayday often mothers her younger sister Annie, whom she sees as reckless and impulsive.
Mayday’s Playlist: This playlist is a mixture of Alternative and Rock music. It has a lot of songs that deal with self-esteem and discovering who are you is enough. It features Paramore, Avril Lavigne, Halsey and P!nk.
Anne “Annie” Parker 
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Annie Parker is Earth-18119 canon character and the daughter of Peter Parker (Spider-Man) and Mary Jane Watson. Like her sister, she inherited her father’s enhanced physiology and wall-crawling abilities but that’s where their similarities end. Like her mother, Annie is an incredibly outgoing personality. With her love for pink, glitter and partying, most people look at Annie and think of her nothing more than an empty-headed party girl who does stupid shit and has nothing to add to the conversation. Wrong! Annie has one of the world’s highest IQs and is usually the smartest person in the room. She’s gifted in both sciences and mathematics. At the start of the story, she’s a student at Empire State University and is pursuing two degrees in Mathematics and Physics. She’s got an endemic memory which helps her manage her schoolwork, hero work and social life. Annie wasn’t initially invited to be a part of the team, but Mayday convinced Val and El to bring her on in hopes of curbing Annie’s partying. She’s a bit of hedonist and often does things to an excess. Since she was a child, Annie has been known for her bubbly attitude and infectiously positive attitude. This was developed at a young age as she rarely saw her older sister happy (not understanding that her sister suffered from depression and anxiety) and she made it her personal mission to make Mayday smile. Annie is a fearless girl with a big heart who doesn’t often think before putting herself in harm’s way, which unknowing stresses out her older sister more.
Annie’s Playlist: This playlist features a lot of Pop, Hip-Hop and Dance music. It’s high energy, upbeat and makes you just want to have a good time. Honestly, a good chunk of these songs have featured on RuPaul’s Drag Race as Lip Sync for your life songs. (Annie is a massive RuPaul fan). It features Arianna Grande, Britney Spears, Rihanna and Tove Lo.
Meredith “Mere” Pryde
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Meredith Pryde is an Earth-41001 canon character and the daughter of Piotr Rasputin (Colossus) and Kitty Pryde (Shadow Cat). She inherited her mother’s phasing power, tech skills and ability to make epic callouts. She inherited almost nothing from her father, whom she doesn’t really remember since he died when she was young. She was raised mainly by her mother and her aunt Illyana Rasputin. Meredith joined the Daughters of Liberty so she didn’t have to deal with her brother Cameron second-guessing all of her choices and telling her to calm down. When Meredith sees injustice, she does her best to correct the situation and she doesn’t care who she has to call out. When she’s not doing work for the Daughters of Liberty, Meredith is active activist who is involved in various projects but especially on mutants’ rights. She attends and supports every march she can and her instagram is full of all her favorite protest and march signs that she sees. Aside from being involved in activism, Meredith’s second favorite activity is trolling her teammates, especially those who tend to be nonplussed about things. She’s notorious for her pranks and for playfully flirting with her teammates’ siblings to make them uncomfortable, namely Bekka. While she’s a notorious flirt, she has no interest in relationships and will punch you in the face if you ask her if she has a boyfriend or girlfriend. Though she is involved with the Daughters of Liberty and various movements, Meredith often suffers from loneliness because she doesn’t have a lot of time for herself and fostering her friendships. She’s every girl’s friend, but no one’s best friend. 
Meredith’s Playlist: This playlist highlights Meredith’s confidence and unapologetic nature. She is who she is, and you can take it or leave it. It’s an eclectic list which has mixture of Pop Rock, Pop, Alternative and R&B music. It features Superchick, Billie Eilish, Lily Allen and Icona Pop.
Wendy Nguyen
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Wendy Nguyen is a character Shea and I made up, she is not related to anyone. Shocker. She’s a licensed therapist who often treats other superheroes and was actually assigned to El Rogers after the death of her father. She is an empath who is capable of sensing people’s emotions and when she touches them, she gets not only your emotions but your thoughts and even your memories. Her senses are incredibly strong and she often cannot be in the same room when someone is feeling things a bit too strongly, particularly her teammate Maya Ayala during the team’s first year together. Because she feels people’s emotions so strongly, Wendy is often confused whose emotions she is feeling - hers or someone else’s. This is one of the reasons it took her so long for her to admit her feelings for Val. Wendy is often seen as a quiet and thoughtful person who does her best to make her teammates confront their feelings for both her sake and theirs. She has an affinity for tea and has the world’s most absurd tea cabinet which is filled with tea from all over the world from her many travels. She also as an affinity for butterflies, which she views as being similar to human emotions - intense, sometimes beautiful but fleeting and fragile. Wendy often wears gloves to keep herself from accidentally touching others and taking their thoughts and memories without their permission. The ethics of her ability sometimes is a struggle for her since while they allow her to be good at job, however she feels them without control or consent from others. She rarely goes out with her friends in public areas mainly because being around so many people who are feeling a variety emotions is too much for her and causes her to have splitting headaches.
Wendy’s Playlist: Best described as folksy and acoustic. Wendy prefers most chilled out music because feeling others’ emotions can be very overwhelming. However, there’s a range of emotion here because she feels a lot. It features Of Monsters and Men, Regina Spektor, Jolie Holland and Hannah Connelly.
Yasmin “Yas” Khan
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Yasmin Khan is a character Shea and I made up, she’s the niece of Kamala Khan (Miss Marvel). Like her aunt, Yasmin has Inhuman heritage alongside holding Pakistani and African heritages from her parents, Aamir and Tyesha. She was exposed to the Terrigen Mists and gained abilities similar to her father in which she can create psychic force fields, however she also has telekinesis and touch-telepathy. Yasmin is a practicing Muslim and while most of the women don’t wear hijabs nor expect her to wear one, she often feels to try and normalize Muslim practices in a society that is suspicious and often hateful towards her culture. She likes to joke that it covers up her bad hair days. Yasmin loves fashion and color, and though she is often the most modest wearing person in the room, she is definitely the most colorful and enjoys outrageous patterns. She is a big lover of pop culture and can often be seen playing Pokemon Go and watching shows on Crunchy Roll on her phone. She has a massive sweet tooth and can be seen in the kitchens watching Bekka bake in hopes of being allowed to have a bite. Though she doesn’t drink, she is best friends with Annie and often accompanies her on nights out and makes sure her friend doesn’t get into any trouble. Yasmin is one of the few people who isn’t out with her personal identity and this is mainly due to her fear of people hurting her family due to the rampant Muslim prejudice in the United States. As one of the youngest members of the team, her teammates are incredibly protective of her and have actually a designated plan ready to cheer her up if they ever see Yasmin is upset, which is called Operation: Yas Smiles. 
Yas’s Playlist: Like Meredith, Yap’s playlist is very colorful and has a diverse range of generics from R&B to Soul and Rap. It has a range of emotions since while Yas is a very cheerful person and absolute sweetheart, there’s some anger there at how she and other Muslims are treated. It features Mona Haydar, SassyBlack, Daya and Azealia Banks.
Maya Ayala
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Maya Ayala is a character Shea and I made up, she’s the daughter of Hector Ayala (White Tiger) and the niece of Ava Ayala (White Tiger). Nothing happy ever happens to the Ayala family and unfortunately that saga continues with Maya, who witnessed her entire family and boyfriend being murdered in front of her during a shoot out in the Bronx. She took up the mantle of White Tiger and has been on a search to find their murderer. Before becoming the current incarnation of the White Tiger, Maya was a former competitive gymnast who was almost on the United States Olympic team and was working as a gymnastics coach. However, since the incident, she’s put all of her energy into getting revenge for her family and joined the Daughters of Liberty to honor her aunt and to use her resources to get justice. While her focus is on revenge, her greatest desire is to see her family and her boyfriend again. At the beginning, she kept herself from her teammates because she didn’t want to get attached, but after awhile, she became very close with Wendy, Val, Dani and Lucy. Maya has a secret love for telenovelas which she tries to keep quiet because she’s afraid of being seen as stereotypical. Despite this, she’s very proud Latina and gets pissed off when people write her off as “Mexican” or “foreign,” especially since her family hails from Puerto Rico and she’s just as American as anyone else. However, occasionally she does share her culture with the others, and occasionally makes arroz con gandules and pollo guisado with Bekka for the team. 
Maya’s Playlist: This is list is a mixture of Latin Pop, Alternative and R&B. It holds a mixture of Maya before the loss of her family and after. A lot of the latin pop are from gymnastic routines she would create. However, there’s also a lot of anger and sadness here, which is understandable. It features Audri Nix, Ciara, Lana Del Rey and Skylar Grey.
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biggoonie · 4 years
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Written by BILL ROSEMANN, JIM ALEXANDER, LYSA HAWKINS, GLENN HERDLING, LEN WEIN & BOB BUDIANSKY Penciled by MARC CAMPOS & M.C. WYMAN Cover by M.C. WYMAN ON SALE DECEMBER 2019 Explore the origins of Marvel’s most iconic characters, retold in action-packed animated style! Witness the teleporting mutant called Nightcrawler go from circus freak to world-saving X-Man! Then, join Storm to discover how a girl worshipped as a goddess became a wind-riding hero! See Felicia Hardy, the thieving Black Cat, cross Spider-Man’s path! And follow the bloodline of Dane Whitman, the Avengers’ sword-wielding Black Knight! Arrogant surgeon Dr. Stephen Strange learns his lesson — and more — to become Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme! But what inspires blind Matt Murdock to become Daredevil, the Man Without Fear? Finally, young Daniel Rand is orphaned in the mystical city of K’un-Lun, where he’s raised to become its champion: the Immortal Iron Fist! Collecting UNCANNY ORIGINS #8-14. 168 PGS./Ages 10 & Up …$12.99 ISBN: 978-1-302-92043-2 Trim size: 6 x 9
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wasian-invasion · 2 years
ic tag dump » daniel “danny” taiyang rand-k'ai
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Wheel of Time: Amazon Reveals TV Series First Look & Release Date
Amazon Prime’s Lord of the Rings adaptation has gotten a lot of press as the biggest budget TV series, but let us not forget the other TV adaptation based on an epic fantasy book series the streamer also has in the works. I’m talking, of course, about Amazon’s upcoming adaptation of Robert Jordan’s beloved Wheel of Time series, which is set to star Gone Girl‘s Rosamund Pike. Even though Amazon has already begun production on the second season of this fantasy epic, we’ve yet to get much insight into what the first season might look like or be. That changed (slightly) today, when Amazon debuted a first look poster and announced a premiere date for Wheel of Time as part of its SDCC@Home panel.
Wheel of Time Release Date
We may not have a trailer yet, but we do have a release date for Season 1 of the Wheel of Time series! According to the new poster, the first season will drop in November 2021.
Wheel of Time TV Series First Look
The Wheel of Time portion of Amazon’s SDCC@Home panel consisted of showrunner Rafe Judkins (Agents of SHIELD) giving some general insight into his enthusiasm for the series, and why others might like it. The segment culminated with Judkins premiering a Wheel of Time poster, that is suitably intriguing while also not giving us that much to go on. But, hey, it’s a poster, what more do you want?
Judkins had this to say about the poster: “I think fans of the book will recognize this as a very iconic moment in The Eye of the World. And I think what I like about is, for people that don’t know anything about the books, this is a moment when you see our lead, Rosamund Pike (Moiraine) looking back over her shoulder and saying, ‘We don’t know what’s through here, but come along for the ride.’ And I think that’s what’s so fun about these books and why people love them. It’s not necessarily that you need to know every specific of what’s in them, but you know that 90 million people have read and loved this thing, and if you walk through that door, you’re coming into something really exciting and special.”
In addition to Pike, Wheel of Time also stars Daniel Henney as fan-favorite character al’Lan Mandragoran, as well as Josha Stradowski as Rand al’Thor, Marcus Rutherford as Perrin Aybare, Zoë Robins as Nynaeve al’Meara, Barney Harris as Mat Cauthon, Madeleine Madden as Egwene al’Vere, Michael McElhatton as Tam al’Thor, and Álvaro Morte as Logain Ablar, as well as Maria Doyle Kennedy, Priyanka Bose, Daryl McCormack, Sophie Okonedo, Clare Perkins, and Kae Alexander. 
You can watch Amazon’s entire SDCC@Home panel below, which also features peaks into Evangelion:3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon a Time, S.O.Z., I Know What You Did Last Summer, and Leverage: Redemption.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
The post Wheel of Time: Amazon Reveals TV Series First Look & Release Date appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3rtywFk
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ljones41 · 6 years
“THE POST” (2017) Review
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"THE POST" (2017) Review When one thinks of Katharine Graham, Ben Bradlee and The Washington Post; the Watergate scandal comes to mind. So, when I heard that filmmaker Steven Spielberg planned to do a movie about the famous newspaper's connection to the "Pentagon Papers" . . . I was very surprised.
As many know, the Pentagon Papers had originated as a U.S. Department of Defense sponsored report that depicted the history of the United States' political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. Sometime between 1969 and 1971, former military/RAND Corporation strategic analyst Daniel Ellsberg and RAND colleague Anthony Russo secretly made several copies of classified documents about the U.S. involvement in Vietnam since 1945 and submitted them in 1971 to The New York Times correspondent, Neil Sheehan. The Times eventually published the first excerpts of the classified documents on June 13, 1971. For years, I have been aware of The New York Times's connection to the Pentagon Papers. I had no idea that The Washington Post had played a major role in its publication, as well. There have been several productions and documentaries about the Pentagon Papers. However, most of those productions centered around Daniel Ellsberg or The New York Times's roles in the documents. "THE POST" marked the first time in which any production has depicted The Washington Post's role. Many people, including employees from The New York Times, have questioned Spielberg's decision to make a movie about The Post's connection to the Pentagon Papers. Some have accused Spielberg of giving credit for the documents' initial publication to the The Washington Post. And yet, the movie made it perfectly clear that The New York Times was the first newspaper to do so. It even went out of its way to convey Post editor-in-chief Ben Bradlee's frustration at The Times' journalistic coup. Following The New York Times's publication of the Pentagon Papers' first excerpts, the Nixon Administration, at the urging of Secretary of State Henry Kissenger, opposed the publication. Later, President Richard Nixon ordered Attorney General John Mitchell to obtain a Federal court injunction, forcing The Times to cease publication after three articles. While The New York Times prepared a legal battle with the Attorney General's office, Post assistant editor Ben Bagkikian tracks down Ellsberg as the source of the leak. Ellsberg provides Bagdikian with copies of the same material given to The Times, who turns them in to Bradlee. The movie's real drama ensues when the newspaper's owner, Katherine Graham, finds herself torn between Bradlee's urging to publish the documents and the newspaper's board of directors and attorneys, urging her not to. I had at least two problems with "THE POST". I am certain that others had more problems, but I could only think of two. I had a problem with Janusz Kamiński's cinematography. I realize that the man is a legend in the Hollywood industry. And I have been more than impressed with some of his past work - many of it for Steven Spielberg's movies. But I did not like his photography in "THE POST". I disliked the film's grainy and slightly transparent photography. I do not know the reasons behind Spielberg and Kamiński's decision to shoot the movie in this style. I do know that I found it unappealing. My second problem with the film centered around Spielberg's directorial style. In other words, his penchant for sentimentality nearly made the film's last ten minutes slightly hard for me to swallow. I refer to the scene in which one of the reporters read aloud the Supreme Court's decision to allow both The Washington Post and The New York Times, along with any other newspaper, to continue publishing the Pentagon Papers. It simply was not a matter of actress Carrie Coon reading the Court's decision out loud. Spielberg emphasized the profoundness of the moment with John Williams' maudlin score wailing in the background. A rather teeth clenching moment for me. Otherwise, I enjoyed the movie very much. Superficially, "THE POST" did not seem that original to me. When one has seen the likes of "ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN" and "SPOTLIGHT", what is so different between them and "THE POST". But there was a difference. For the movie's real heart focused upon owner Katherine Graham and her conflict over whether or not to allow the next excerpts of the Pentagon Papers to be published. And what made this even more interesting is the woman's character. If one had read Graham's memoir, "Personal History", one would learn that for years, she had suffered from an inferiority complex since childhood, due to her strained relationship with her more assertive mother. In fact, her father, who was the newspaper's original owner, had handed over the newspaper to her husband, Philip Graham, instead of her. And she saw nothing wrong with her father's decision. Following her husband's death, Graham found herself publisher of The Post. During the movie's setting - June 1971 - not only did Graham found herself dealing with Ben Bradlee's urgent demand that the newspaper publishes the Pentagon Papers, but also with the newspaper's stock market launch. Even worse, Graham also found herself facing a board of directors who did not take her seriously as The Post's publisher. So in the end, "THE POST" was more than about the Papers itself and the question of the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War. It seemed to be about how an unpopular war had an indirect impact upon a woman's life through a political scandal. The movie also seemed to be about a struggle between the media's belief in free press in order to inform the people and the government's belief in its right to control what the people should know. In a way, the Vietnam War and Daniel Ellsberg's release of the Pentagon Papers established The Washington Post's rise as an important national newspaper. And it opened the public's eyes about the U.S. government's involvement in Vietnam - something that had been hidden from the government for over two decades. The war and Ellsberg also kick started Katherine Graham's elevation as a newspaper publisher willing to take a risk for an important news story and of her self-esteem. Spielberg's movie could have simply been about The New York Times's scoop with its publication of the first excerpts of the Pentagon Papers and its battle with the Nixon Administration. But as I have earlier pointed out, his narrative has been seen in past productions. Aside from my disappointment with Kamiński's cinematography, there were other aspects of "THE POST" I admired. I certainly had no problems with Rick Carter's production designs. One, he did an admirable job of re-creating Washington D.C. and New York City circa 1971. And I was especially impressed that both Carter and set decorator Rena DeAngelo's recreation of The Washington Post's newsroom was as accurate as possible. I had learned that the newsroom depicted in the 1976 movie, "ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN" was slightly larger. Apparently, sometime between the newspaper's coverage of the Pentagon Papers and Watergate, its newsroom had been renovated and enlarged. Good catch on Carter and DeAngelo's part. Hollywood icon Ann Roth designed the costumes for the film and I must say that I was impressed. I was not impressed because I found her costumes dazzling or memorable. I was impressed because Roth, who had also served as costume designer for three of director Anthony Maghella's films, perfectly captured the fashion styles of the conservative Washington political set of the early 1970s. Both Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks earned acting nominations - for their portrayals of Katherine Graham and Ben Bradlee. Streep is the only one who earned an Academy Award nod. I am a little conflicted about it. On one hand, I cannot deny that the two leads gave very good performances. Streep did an excellent job in conveying Graham's emotional growth into her role as her late husband's successor as owner of The Washington Post. And Hanks was first-rate as the ambitious and tenacious Bradlee, who saw The Post's acquisition of more excerpts from the Pentagon Papers as a step into transforming the newspaper as a major national periodical. The movie also featured an interesting performance from Bob Odenkirk, who portrayed Ben Bagkikian, the assistant editor who had decided to set out and find Ellsberg after the Attorney General's Office forced The New York Times to cease publication of the Papers. Another interesting performance came from Bruce Greenwood, whose portrayal of the besieged former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara really impressed me. I was surprised to discover that "THE POST" won a Best Ensemble award from the Detroit Film Critics Society. But you know what? Perhaps I should not have been that surprised. With a cast that included Carrie Coon, David Cross and Philip Casnoff; I really enjoyed those scenes featuring Bradlee with his senior staff, whether they were discussing or examining the Pentagon Papers. The movie also featured solid performances from Bradley Whitford, Sarah Poulson, Matthew Rhys, Tracy Letts, Michael Stulhbarg, Alison Brie, Jesse Plemmons, Pat Healy, and Zach Woods. I can honestly say that I would not regard "THE POST" as one of my top five favorite movies directed by Steven Spielberg. In fact, I am not sure if I would regard it as one of his best films. But the movie proved to be one of my favorites released in 2017, thanks to Spielberg's direction, a first-rate screenplay written by Liz Hannah and Josh Singer, and an excellent cast led by Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks. I have a feeling that it is one movie that I would never get tired of watching.
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tellusepisode · 4 years
The Glorias (2020)
Coming Out at September 30, 2020 in theaters and VOD
Biography, Drama, History
Journalist, fighter, and feminist Gloria Steinem is an indelible icon known for her world-shaping activism, guidance of the revolutionary women’s movement, and writing that has impacted generations. In this nontraditional biopic, Julie Taymor crafts a complex tapestry of one of the most inspirational and legendary figures of modern history, based on Steinem’s own biographical book ‘My Life on the Road.’
THE GLORIAS (Julianne Moore, Alicia Vikander, Lulu Wilson, Ryan Keira Armstrong) traces Steinem’s influential journey to prominence—from her time in India as a young woman, to the founding of Ms. magazine in New York, to her role in the rise of the women’s rights movement in the 1960s, to the historic 1977 National Women’s Conference and beyond.
Director: Julie Taymor
Writers: Sarah Ruhl (screenplay by), Gloria Steinem (book), Sarah Ruhl (screenplay by)
Stars: Alicia Vikander, Julianne Moore, Janelle Monáe, Bette Midler, Timothy Hutton, Lulu Wilson, Ryan Keira Armstrong
Alicia Vikander…Young Gloria SteinemJanelle Monáe…Dorothy Pitman HughesJulianne Moore…Gloria SteinemBette Midler…Bella AbzugTimothy Hutton…Leo SteinemLulu Wilson…Young Gloria SteinemLorraine Toussaint…Flo KennedyMo Brings Plenty…Charlie SoapRyan Kiera Armstrong…Young Gloria SteinemKimberly Guerrero…Wilma MankillerMyles Evans…Delegation LeaderDavid Shae…Male Journalist TimesVictor Slezak…WalterEnid Graham…RuthAllie McCulloch…Brenda FeigenTom Nowicki…Dr. John SpenceAnnika Pampel…OlgaJoan McMurtrey…Ms. Founder (Joan)Kimiko Gelman…Ms. Founder (Kimiko)Angela Relucio…Asian American DelegateCharles Green…Theodore H. WhiteMadhur Jaffrey…Indian FriendLynne Ashe…Irishwoman Taxi DriverJay Huguley…Handsome Male InterviewerBill Winkler…Leo’s DoctorKelley Davis…SalesgirlMichael Lowry…Interviewer StudioVince Pisani…Show! EditorJohn Winscher…Playboy PhotographerNick Basta…NY EditorMargo Moorer…Barbara JordanLeah Renee-K…June, ActivistBethany Geaber…Joanne EdgarKatelyn Farrugia…Harvard Woman 1Jerri Tubbs…ModeratorOlivia Olson…Young Susanne SteinemBillie D. Merritt…Woman at RallyFiona Domenica…London (Stewardess)Sean Hankinson…TV ProducerBethany DeZelle…Harvard Woman 2Chelsea Alana Rivera…Young Latina WomanDeetta West…Mrs. GreeneMarc Demeter…Harvard ProfessorDavid Harland Rousseau…Leon – A ColleagueMonica Sanchez…Dolores HuertaAndrew Eakle…Soda JerkStephen Royal Phillips…Toledo Police OfficerAriadne Joseph…Dr. Gloria ScottFriedman Twinkies…Working Mom’s BabyMuretta Moss…Reporter #1Alyssa AnnMarie Marquez…Cherokee Indian GirlAngelique Chase…Susan CaudillKorbi Dean…WaitressSienna Jeffries…LooperFelicia M. Reyes…Hispanic DelegateLyndsay Kimball…Harvard Woman 3Terrence Clowe…BarberSkylar Denney…Lesbian WomanPeggy Sheffield…Biker LadyChris Mayers…NewscasterThomas Clay Strickland…Reporter #2Andre Pushkin…Ukrainian DriverSamantha G. Smith…Speech Coach (as Samantha Glaudel Smith)Alan Wells…NYC PolicemanDennis Friebe…Knife ThrowerKathrine Barnes…RocketteAlisa Harris…Woman on the StreetCrystal Vazquez…ProtesterVictoria Petrosky…VictoriaCharisse Matthews…Black InterviewerAndre Rodriguez II…Reporter ShowMina Ownlee…Native American DelegateMark Rand…Doctor – SanitariumAlan Cassman…David SussmanJoe D. Lauck…Father EganJohn J. O’Neill Jr.…Vernon CountrymanKaren DeGennaro…Rally SupporterElgin Lee…Self – Man Getting a Shave in BarbershopOlivia Jordan…Ruby BrownNona Jedelle Cook…NonaSummer Ertel…RunnerDavid Michael-Smith…Convention Videographer / Diner PatronDeron Lillard…ParishionerGrant Henley…Show Magazine Staff WriterJim McKeny…Saul BellowJack Caron…NYC LocalCindy Long…Native American WomanMarlene Rivera…Hispanic rally member / audience memberNoah Hein…Altar BoyJenson Bland…Harvard StudentRosana Lucia FieldKimberly McTaw…Civil Rights DemonstraterDaniel James…NaysayerVal Tannuzzi…Puerto Rican Delegate (scenes deleted)Archana Prasanna…Speak out womanManuel Rivera…1977 Camera Man / Rally AttendantNakeisha Daniel…ShirleyIsabel Nola Dillard…Runner / Swing DancerJudd Sneirson…Playboy Club ChefSandy Burhans…Pro-Life Protester / Parishioner
The post The Glorias (2020) first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/the-glorias-2020.html
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kentonramsey · 5 years
See What All Your Favorite Fashion People Dressed Up as on Halloween
I find dressing up for Halloween to be a daunting task, though I think I'd be a lot more excited if I had a makeup team to help me get ready, just like these celebs and influencers do. It's no wonder Demi Lovato was able to pull off such an iconic Marie Antoinette moment in all of that powder! And Nina Dobrev channeled Billie Eilish with ease, thanks to some crazy-good Louis Vuitton pieces. Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber set a '70s theme at their annual Casamigos Halloween party on day one, but plenty of stars did their own thing - Jasmine Tookes was a pirate, for example.
Then Kendall Jenner rang in her birthday with another big bash, and Hailey Baldwin dressed up as Lola Bunny from Space Jam, which really just made our night. Plus, Sofia Richie and Scott Disick pulled out all the stops as Barbie and Ken, and we hope you're not tired yet. We saw a handful of Instagrams from celebs who partied on their own, too. Take Danielle Bernstein, who channeled Maddy Perez from Euphoria in a glittering co-ord set. How good is that?
Ahead, take in all the costumes we collected so far, plenty of which were clearly well thought out in advance and also probably required a team of wardrobe stylists. Then, watch this space as we add more to the lineup, and let these looks inspire your own game of dress-up this year and next.
Nina Dobrev's Billie Eilish Halloween Costume Wouldn't Be Complete Without Louis Vuitton
See What All Your Favorite Fashion People Dressed Up as on Halloween published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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archivesablog-blog · 7 years
Inside Archive’s Flagship Store in Shortmarket Street, Cape Town
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26A Shortmarket Street, Greenmarket Square -- 021 422 2204 / 2138 
Ever found yourself wayfaring down one of those cobbled side streets in Cape Town thinking that you’re not going to find much but then you turn a corner and enter a world so rich in experiences it almost seems illusory? Shortmarket street in Greenmarket Square, Cape Town, where Archive’s flagship store is situated, is one such street, leaving you enthralled as you pass by each and every store, coffee shop and gallery. Archive is no exception here, but what makes it unique to all of its surroundings, is the premium feel of the store, the beautifully curated interior and the eye-catching illustrations by local creative agency Huiskind Studio.   
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The flagship store is situated on the historical building site of Greenmarket Square which dates back to 1696 and still features the original shop-front and interior structures, such as the underground holding cells (which have now been converted into a store room). The arched glass windows offer passers-by an enticing look into the store and grace the ARCHIVE logo, which was designed by coveted, multi-award-winning Cape Town-based illustrator, designer and artist -- Daniel Ting Chong who has worked with the likes of Nike, PUMA, New York Times and Anatomy (Archive’s Braamfontein-based next of kin).  
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The illustrations occupying this flagship store (and all Archive stores around the country), were commissioned by Archive to Huiskind Studio, a collective of street artists and illustrators. 
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Opt for the New Balance Men's 247 'Sport' pack for kicks with a clean, classic look. Available to shop in-store or online: http://bit.ly/2w6aQJe. 
Expect to find limited edition and exclusive sneakers, clothing and accessories from highly sought after brands including Jordan, FILA, adidas Originals, Nike, PUMA, ASICS, New Balance, Alpha Industries, Vans, G-Shock, New Era and Crep.
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ASICS is known for its uncompromised craftsmanship. Make the GEL-Lyte III ‘Sting Ray’, featured here, your next go-to sneakers. Shop in-store or online: http://bit.ly/2u4IoGp. 
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The Jordan Men's Flight Luxe delivers 360-degree comfort with its sock-like fit, Lunarlon cushioning in the midsole and plush upper. To make it your own, click here: http://bit.ly/2vdVh5U. 
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Alpha Industries can proudly boast being the original creators of the MA-1 Flight jacket, an iconic style with a history that stretches back over fifty years. Shop our collection here: http://bit.ly/2u4HkSG. 
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Lightweight warmth and refined style -- this is what Nike’s innovative Tech Fleece technology stands for. Shop our Tech Fleece collection in-store or online: http://bit.ly/2tJqKbJ.  
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Stop by for a freshly brewed cappuccino while you check out our sneaker selection and sign up here to never miss a collector’s drop: http://bit.ly/2eSTlJi.
Find your nearest Archive store:
Archive V&A Waterfront – 021 418 2265
Archive Cavendish Square – 021 674 0200
Archive Promenade Mall – 021 376 0133 / 283 / 263
Archive Shortmarket Street – 021 422 2204 / 138
Archive Canal Walk Shopping Centre – 021 529 3095
Archive Festival Mall – 011 281 8864
Archive East Rand Mall – 011 878 5576 / 7
Archive Springs Mall – 011 818 9642 / 3
Archive Menlyn Park Shopping Centre – 012 368 9706 / 9715
Archive Riverside Mall – 013 757 0489
Archive Greenacres Shopping Centre – 041 363 0152 / 156 / 132
Archive Loch Logan Shopping Centre – 051 406 7278
Archive Vaal Mall – 016 9100 209
Archive Balito Junction Shopping Centre – 032 946 7322
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god-hunter · 7 years
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The Defenders #1
My how the scope of Marvel has changed.  Thanks to bold moves by Marvel Netflix, and a massive decline in Avengers Continuity, The Defenders have become all the rage.  Myself, included!
Way back in New Avengers volume 2, Bendis wrote a line by Wong, where he said to Luke Cage, “Clearly, you’re the New Defenders.”  And I didn’t get it, until now.
I had always complained that New Avengers vol. 2 was like the Avengers B-Team.  It was Street-Level and sort of just like, personal battles.  People didn’t like it, and I enjoyed what I could, but some of it wasn’t great.
But then the run ended altogether, and we got Hickman’s mish mosh of Sci-Fi nonsense meets Epic Brilliance.
What I’m getting at though was...  no one told Luke Cage stories like Bendis did.  His adventures did continue through Mighty Avengers vol. 2, which wasn’t the same, but at least it was something.
Since then, Luke & Iron Fist had their own book, which I wasn’t interested in pursuing and Jess got her own solo book back, once the Marvel Netflix Universe started to really pick up speed.
And, that basically brings us to here.  But why I mention New Avengers vol. 2 at all is because I learned JUST NOW, that apparently Bendis had this book planned ALL ALONG, since then.  He pitched it at the end of his Avengers run, and Marvel execs shot it down.
The Netflix stuff may or may not have been a test, but WHOA Holy SHIT did it pay off.  Because now people can’t WAIT for a Defenders show, and we’re all REALLY EXCITED for a Defenders comic.
When back in the day, The Defenders were always considered sort of like, the estranged reject Avengers team.  But now they’re like.. the gritty hardcore team that no one knew they needed.
Alright, so as far as this Debut Issue goes, right when we start I feel like I’ve already missed something.  Stylistically though, I really enjoy how it involves all 4 of our heroes in their personal lives, and how they’re not exactly working together yet.  [They know each other and they’re friends of course.  They just have their own things going on, which are going to connect.  THAT is the type of team origin that I love to read.]
Also, there’s a cameo of Black Cat in here, which we’ve seen a lot of in Bendis’ Spider-man book.  So that’s cool too.
Enough delay though.  Let’s get on with the Review.
This issue starts with a dude in a yellow trench coat and a sweet black gangster hat, shaking down a layer or businessman type at a concert.  He comes at him with a tiny vile of what’s supposed to be “IGH”, but is instead “Laundry Detergent.”
The guy acts coy about it, but when he doesn’t back off, the suit pulls out a gun.  And that’s when trench force-feeds him the stuff, which ultimately kills him.  Then he leaves a trail of diamonds behind, which seems to be his thing.
[I had no idea who this was until a little later, but that turned out to be Diamondback - Luke Cage’s enemy.]
Then we cut to LUKE CAGE, who gets his own page complete with a panel of familiar iconic moments of his history.  From a classic fight with Doctor Doom, to his time served in New Avengers (v2), to time served in prison, to him holding Baby Danielle in his arms for the first time.
That was nice to see.  In the current moment, Luke is just walking the streets of Harlem, when suddenly a large bullet, or missile or what-have-you just barely misses him, and causes the building right by him to blow up.
He runs away with his hoodie on fire and tells the nearby pedestrians to call 9-1-1.  He ends up finding the source of that shot.  It was an automated turret on legs.  3 diamonds are on the ground nearby, and Luke looks at them annoyed.
Then he gets a phone call, and it’s really nebulous as to what’s going on, but on a 2nd read combined with the title page after it, you find out that his Estranged Wife, Jessica Jones got shot.  So now he’s out to visit her at the Hospital.
“WHERE IS SHE?” He hollers when he gets in there.
He finds her asleep and feels terrible.
Then Daredevil appears from a ceiling tile, saying that he protected her with a different alias. [Ah?  See what I did there?]
Daredevil gets the nice logo and panel treatment as well, as we move on.
“What are you doing here?”
We find that he was attacked too, as his alter ego, which people don’t know is Nelson Murdock any more for some reason.
“Someone knows your secret!  I don’t even know your secret.”
“Someone targeted the four of us at the same time.”
That’s when Danny Rand, the Iron Fist walks up to the room, exhausted.
[And there we have it.  Not quite as organic, as I’d hope, but it’s okay.]
They all wonder, who it could’ve been, and that’s when Jess wakes up and says, “It was Diamondback.”
Jessica gets her own, nice logo and panel treatment.
Then we see Luke contemplate the fact that Diamondback has been dead for years.
“Yeah, no one we know ever pulled that trick out of their ass.” Jess comments on people always coming back from the dead.
Then to just move things along, we get a cool moment where Black Cat makes an appearance.  I wasn’t expecting this at all.  Diamondback is waiting for her at her place.  She’s even talking to Hammerhead, before she gets in her window, proving even more that Bendis is definitely tying in his Spider-man continuity to his other books here.  That’s just great.
She isn’t afraid of him at all.  In fact, she finds it amusing that he “took a wide swing at Luke Cage. his wife and his best pal...  You’re going to be in assisted living by breakfast.”
Then we’re treated to 4 huge panels across 2 pages of Jessica, Iron Fist, Daredevil and Luke Cage, independently working towards the same goal.
“WHERE IS DIAMONDBACK?!”  They all collectively say.  Save for Jess, who does her usual calm detective work.
I’m bypassing more of Black Cat’s conversation with Diamondback for time.
Luke ends up finding him and trying to fight him by himself.  And much to our surprise,  Luke doesn’t stand a chance.
The rest of our guys are at a bar, trying to find leads.  Daredevil says that he thinks they need to work together all the time.  “I think people on the street need to know we’re working together.”
It’s definitely agreed upon, and Daredevil says that they need to up their game.
Jess holds up a beer and tells them that she’s sure Luke already has this one in the bag.
That’s when we find that Luke is losing horribly against Diamondback.  And even Black Cat feels bad.
“Dumb move, coming at me all by himself.”
-To Be Continued-
And so the first issue ends.
Honestly, it wasn’t as good or amazing as I was hoping it would be.  But it’s still nice to see the continued adventures of Luke Cage, Jess, Danny Rand AND Daredevil.
This issue includes a special ‘Pulse’ interview by Ben Urich to Luke Cage.  But I didn’t read it...
I dunno.  I think this book will get way better.  I did like the pacing.  And yet, at first I definitely felt like I missed something.  I also felt like there was a lot of action for the sake of action, if I’m honest.
But what’s hard is that all of these guys know each other.  So... on that front, I think Bendis organically re-introduced these guys very well.
It was them getting together So quickly that may or may not have thrown me off.  I don’t really know how I feel about this one still, to be honest.
Outside of the Netflix show, I know next to nothing about Diamondback.  Don’t really care about Luke Cage villains.  That’s why I didn’t buy the duo comic, “Luke Cage and Iron Fist.”
Buuuuut either way.  I’m looking forward to the neeeext oooone.
Until Defenders #2.
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Best Job Quotes
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• Acting in particular is a fun job when you have a good script. I don’t know about acting when you don’t have a great script. I’m gonna say that’s not a great job, it’s kind of a dumb job. But when you have a good part in a good script, it’s the best job, in a way. – Bob Odenkirk • Acting is the best job in the world. Look at the way they treat you when you turn up for work. They give you breakfast and a cup of tea and ask, ‘Are you all right’ They tart up your face, you say somebody else’s words, then pick up your check and go home. And you get days off. I tell you, it really is the way to live. – Bob Hoskins • Actually, acting turned out to be the perfect job for me, because I had a lot of different interests. I thought about being a priest at one point. I thought about being a teacher. I thought about being a lawyer. But I think acting is probably the best job for me. – John C. Reilly • Amidst all the clutter, beyond all the obstacles, aside from all the static, are the goals set. Put your head down, do the best job possible, let the flak pass, and work towards those goals. – Donald Rumsfeld • Anyone who says they don’t enjoy the Army is mad – you can spend a week hating it and the next week it could be the best thing in the world and the best job you could ever, ever wish for. It has got so much to offer. – Prince Harry • As an actor, you want to do the best job possible, and you want the best scripts possible because it makes life more interesting. – Mark Strickson • At the end of the day, the TV show is the best job in the world. I get to go anywhere I want, eat and drink whatever I want. As long as I just babble at the camera, other people will pay for it. It’s a gift. – Anthony Bourdain
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Job', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_job').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_job img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Being a chef is the best job in the world. – Gordon Ramsay • Being a showrunner is tough, but it is incredibly rewarding and it is, without a doubt, the best job I’ve ever had. – Graham Yost • Big money, big Liberal Party politics and big media are trying to get rid of us, of course, by letting Packer take over Fairfax – a media-only company. But we’re hanging in there and doing the best job we can for our readers while we can. – Margo Kingston • Boxing is the best job in the world to let off steam, and people are in trouble when Tyson wants to let off steam – Michael Spinks • But [Sunday] as you saw, it was obviously [the media] took some more than initiative to try to get me to kind of go down the wrong path. I know the last two teams that I’ve been on, I felt like I left those teams prematurely due to media interviews that I’ve done and things kind of taken out of context and they created sort of a media whirlwind in the locker room and things kind of went downhill from there. I’m just trying to do the best job I can do as far as answering the questions and trying to be a better teammate and not try to throw people under the bus. – Terrell Owens • Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.- Confucius • David Ortiz is an icon. He is one of a kind. But we’ll do our best job to replace the offensive aspect, however we can. – Dave Dombrowski • Directing is a nice job. It’s the best job for me. If I had to pay money to do it, I would do it… Directing is playing. Acting. – William Friedkin • Directing is a nice job. It’s the best job for me. If i had to pay money to do it, I would do itIt’s problematical. It’s disapointing often. It’s very challenging. It’s frustrating as hell. It’s extremely demanding and totally satisfying work. And if I wasn’t doing this, I would have to do legitimate work for a living. There are guys out there really working for a living, cleaning streets or coal mining, teaching. Directing is playing. Acting. – William Friedkin • Directing is probably the best job, but acting is really, really great. It’s like a fun vacation that you get paid for. – Bob Odenkirk • Every little kid that steps on the court or the field has aspirations to go pro. I think being a pro basketball player is the best job. The thing I had to realize was that I can’t do every dream that I have. – Brian McKnight • Every mother I’ve ever met, pretty much without exception, is doing the best job she can ever do. – Jennifer Weiner • Everything I do is unfabulous. Im the most normal person. I love walking everywhere, and going to hole-in-the-wall places, like nail shops, because they do the best job. And I go to vintage stores rather than high-end boutiques, because I like to dress different from other people. – Ashley Benson • For somebody who loves foreign policy, being Secretary is the best job in the world – but it doesn’t happen twice. – Madeleine Albright • I am already experiencing something better than being a pop star and that’s being a father. It’s the best job in the world. A lot of work, but a lot of fun. – A. J. McLean • I am happy with what I do. I’d love to be the manager of the Atlanta Braves, but they hired somebody this week. So I’ll just have to be inordinately happy with one of the best jobs on the planet. – Robert Gibbs • I am positive – determined to move forward with my life, bring up my babies, and do the best job I can as a mother, entertainer, and person. – Jennifer Lopez • I call ‘Community’ the best day job in the world, because between takes, I get to write music. I get to write sketches. I get to write movies. It’s the best job ever. – Donald Glover • I enjoyed the crew. The best part about ‘The X-Files’ has been the crew. This crew is an exceptional family and to go to work with a bunch of people that you really like is great. They’re all the best of the best and they really try to do the best job they can. I’ll miss that – Robert Patrick • I feel like I have to do the best job I can to basically say, “OK, I understand – you have every right to be angry, but anger is not a plan. Here’s what I want to do, and that’s why I hope you will support me, because I think it will actually improve the lives of Americans.” – Hillary Clinton • I felt like I had kind of played it out, and I wanted to see what was next, and then came Mythbusters. You know, it’s the best job I’ve ever had, on its worst day it’s better than anything else, but it’s a huge amount of responsibility, and there are days when just going into work and building something from someone else’s drawing sounds like going back to heaven. – Adam Savage • I grew up thinking the best job in the world would be a Jedi and being a psychologist is the closest thing I could get, so I wanted to be a Jedi and I don’t want to be a Sith, so that is what keeps me on the straight and narrow. – John Amaechi • I had fun pretending to be a sportscaster. People always think that was a down thing for me. I had the best job in sports broadcasting for two years. – Dennis Miller • I have everything that I could possibly want in life, from a gorgeous granddaughter and a wonderful wife, brilliant students, the best job anyone could hope for, and about half of my hair. Not the half I would have kept, but no one consulted me. – Daniel Gilbert • I have talent at playing myself. I don’t have a very broad range, but at playing myself I am a wizard. It’s more than fun; it’s the best job on Earth. – Ben Stein • I have the best job in the entire history of broadcasting. – Willard Scott • I have the best job in the world with the best fans in the world – Jeremy Davis • I have the best job in the world. – Anthony Bourdain • I have the best job in the world. I’m able to express myself, and people attach themselves to it if they identify with it. Music certainly is a driving force in my life. There’s not a moment where I’m not in it. – James Hetfield • I have the best job in the world. There’s not really a lot to moan or whine about. I’ve got the privilege of going out and doing something I absolutely love. – Boy George • I have the world’s best job. I get paid to hang out in my imagination all day. – Stephen King • I hope to focus on what I’m passionate about because I think I’d do them best job on them – education, urban education, women and children’s issues and literacy. – Jenna Bush • I just feel that God gave me a certain gift, and that was to go out, do storytelling and be an actor. And my responsibility with that gift is to do the best job possible and to re-create real life. – Eric Close • I just try to do the best job I possibly can – put the blinders on, go to work and be the best you can possibly be. Once you have done everything that you possibly can – you’ve put forth your greatest effort – then I can live with whatever’s next. – Bill Parcells • I just try to do the best job that I can, as an actor. Hopefully, that carries through. That’s all I can do. – Luke Mitchell • I know that I am my worst critic. I know that if I can walk away from the set at the end of the day and feel that I did the best job I could and feel proud, that’s what will satisfy me. – Emmy Rossum • I learned that when you do the best job that you can do, some people will idolize you, others won’t care, and some will vilify you. – Mike Love • I learned that when you do the best job that you can do, some people will idolize you, others won’t care, and some will vilify you. I believe it is important to remain humble and thankful for the blessings in our lives, for the tremendous opportunities that are a result of our musical success. – Mike Love • I love acting. I think that’s the best job in the world, but I don’t really enjoy the career of it so much. You don’t have as much control over your life or the material as you do, well, certainly when you’re a director or a producer, so while I love acting, I prefer to make my living as a filmmaker, but my rule on acting is if somebody asks me to do a part, I’ll do it. – David Hayter • I love being a mom. That’s the best job I’ve ever had. All the other stuff I love the same, but being a mom trumps all of it. – Tamera Mowry • I mean, I hate when actors talk about how hard their job is. It’s ridiculous, because we have the best job in the world. – Jon Bernthal • I really like writing in English, and it’s the best job I’ve ever had. – Nell Zink • I tell you, ‘Firefly’? Best job I ever had. Heartbroken when it was canceled, but had it not been canceled, I never would have gotten ‘Serenity’. I think ‘Serenity’ is the most incredible thing I’ve ever been able to actually get my hands on and do. I can’t even tell you how much love I have for that project. – Nathan Fillion • I think Ayn Rand did the best job of anybody to build a moral case of capitalism, and that morality of capitalism is under assault. – Paul Ryan • I think I have the best job in the world. Seventy-one percent of the planet is covered by water, we’ve explored less than five percent of the ocean, and there are so many fabulous discoveries that have yet to be made. – Edith Widder • I think it’s a tough road if you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, if you have a partner, if you don’t. It’s the best job in the world, and the toughest job in the world all at the same time. – Angela Kinsey • I think I’ve got the best job around. – Ron Wyden • I wanna do the very best job I can to fulfill the trust and faith that people have in me. – Hillary Clinton • I want to do the best job I can. – Lucas Till • I was shocked by the reaction I got for Bleak House. It was very intensive but one of the best jobs of my life. It was a chance to play a character that grows and develops and I was very enmeshed in it. But I didn’t realise how stylish it was and how much people would love it. – Anna Maxwell Martin • I would never really analyse what I do. I leave that to other people – I’m not a critic. I just want to get on with whatever I have in hand, you know? Just try to make the best job of the available material. – Dylan Moran • I’d love to do situation comedy – it’s the best job in show business. – Patti LuPone • I’m not concentrated or concerned with any other factors rather than just being able to do the best job that I can. – Benigno Aquino III • I’m not saying you need to become a spokesperson for every cause your character goes through, but it’s important to absolutely do the best job we can in portraying a disease, and all the crap that goes with it. – Monica Potter • I’m not trying to put on airs for anybody. I’m only trying to impress myself by doing the best job I can do. – Matthew McConaughey • In 1971, after seven years in college, with that magic piece of paper clutched triumphantly in my fist, the best job I was able to get was night watchman on a sewer project in Babylon, N.Y. guarding a hole in the ground to prevent anyone from stealing it. God bless the American educational system! – Spider Robinson • In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries you have these great nation states hurling their young men at one another. The victory was really going to rest on who could do the best job of bringing up their kids to become efficient and effective soldiers. That’s pretty grandiose, I guess, but I do think that, and thank God it’s been the armies of democracy that have emerged from this as the triumphant armies. – Stephen Ambrose • In the theater we’re like blue-collar workers: It’s a physical job, you don’t make a lot of money, and you’re on the road all the time. It’s worth it in that it’s the best job in the world, but you have to negotiate living in cities that don’t always accommodate you. – Randy Harrison • Inner peace is not found in things like baseball and world championships. As long as I feel I’ve done the best job I possibly could, I’m satisfied. – Sparky Anderson • It’s a form of bullying, in my opinion, to make sure that your kid gets the best grades, the best jobs and all that sort of stuff. I just want my child to be happy. I want him to do his best and trust God in the rest, but I’m not going to bully him. – Nick Vujicic • It’s basically the best job in the world. If you’re fortunate enough – and I consider myself fortunate – you get to work with your friends and you get to work on projects that interest you. – James Franco • It’s just really making sure I am doing the best job I can do as a dad. I do think that is my No. 1 job. – Tony Dungy • I’ve already felt that I want to direct. Being an executive producer is like the best job in the world because you make all these executive decisions and then you leave the money to other people. You don’t have to be on set and counting beans. – Robbie Coltraine • I’ve always thought that, as a romance writer, I had the best job in the world. I sit around all day making up emotion-drenched, conflict-laden stories that push my heroes and heroines to the edge of sanity. Then I give them a happy ending. – Ruth Glick • I’ve got the best job in the world being a senator from the United States, a senator from South Carolina in the United States Senate, representing South Carolina in the United States Senate is a dream job for me, but the world is literally falling apart. And we can’t get anything done here at home. So that drives my thinking more than anything else. – Lindsey Graham • I’ve got the best job in the world, and i meet some of the most amazing human beings on the planet. I’m one lucky guy. – Ty Pennington • Keep your head down. Mind your business and do the best job you can. – Bill Raftery • Keeping your head down and doing the best job you can in the beginning gives you the opportunity to be evaluated on the basis of the contributions you are making. [Then], when you feel strongly about your work or about a position, you’ll be given more attention [than] if you hadn’t done that constantly. – Hillary Clinton • Loving you is a full-time job. It’s a great job, don’t get me wrong. It’s the best job in the universe. But it’s not easy. – Carrie Jones • My goal was to do the best job I could in governing the state of Wisconsin, in some cases making very tough decisions to have to bring our spending in line with the resources we had at the state level. – Scott McCallum • My kids complained about Secret Service as they became teenagers, and Secret Service has done the very best job they could accommodating them, so it hasn’t restricted any of their activities. – Barack Obama • My left brain is doing the best job it can with the information it has to work with. I need to remember, however, that there are enormous gaps between what I know and what I think I know. – Jill Bolte Taylor • My slogan is I’m the least qualified guy for the job, but I’d probably do the best job. – Gary Coleman • People ask me, “How’s Teen Wolf?,” and I tell them it’s literally the best job I’ve ever had. – Shelley Hennig • People tell me I have the best job in the world, which is true, but I also work with some of the best people in the world. – Michael Silverblatt • Perform your job better than anyone else can. That’s the best job security I know. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr. • Random acts of kindness and the desire to do the best job possible lead to trust. – Jeffrey Gitomer • So to the best we can, what we do is focus on creating value for others, and how do we do that? We do it by trying to produce products and services that our customers will value more than their alternatives, and not just their alternatives today, but what the alternatives will be in the future. We try to more efficiently use resources than our competitors, and constantly improve in that, and we try to do the best job we can in creating a safe environment, and environmental excellence, and constantly improve at that. – Charles Koch • Society as a whole is better off when information is available to the public. Whether you are talking about how to prevent disease, or about who does the best job of treating disease, it is useful to provide as much information to the public as possible. – Dave Obey • Sometimes I think I have the best job in the world. – Louis Susman • The best job goes to the person who can get it done without passing the buck or coming back with excuses. – G. M. Trevelyan • The best job that was ever offered to me was to become a landlord in a brothel. In my opinion it’s the perfect milieu for an artist to work in. – William Faulkner • The best verse hasn’t been rhymed yet, The best house hasn’t been planned, The highest peak hasn’t been climbed yet, The mightiest rivers aren’t spanned; Don’t worry and fret, faint-hearted, The chances have just begun For the best jobs haven’t been started, The best work hasn’t been done. – Berton Braley • The companies that do the best job on managing a user’s privacy will be the companies that ultimately are the most successful. – Fred Wilson • The crew, the actors and the writers all work the same way. We always want to do the best job. – Robert Knepper • The last thing I think I am is perfect. I’m just trying to do the best job I can. I’m trying to be the best father I can to my kids. I’m trying to do the best job I can running my business. – James Packer • The man with the best job in the country is the vice-president. All he has to do is get up every morning and say, ‘How is the president?’ – Will Rogers • The only reason to be in politics is public service. There’s no other reason. Frankly, if that’s the best job you can get in terms of money, that’s too bad, you know. Because frankly, it’s not well paid, everyone knows that. So for most people it’s a big sacrifice. – Malcolm Turnbull • The Patriot Post not only does the best job of putting important news, policy and opinion in proper context, but also of cutting down to size the pompous praters and propagandists on the left. – Lyn Nofziger • The thing that I have done throughout my life is to do the best job that I can and to be me. – Mae Jemison • The things you don’t have control over, you don’t worry about. I have control over my attitude, my perception, how I do things, and you do the very best job you can. Other people have control over other things and you let them do their jobs. – Mike Sherman • The voters reward good performance. So, I’m going to go out and focus, if I become the governor, to do the very best job I can as governor. The rest of it will take care of itself. – Dave Heineman • The worst men have the best jobs the best men have the worst jobs or are unemployed or locked in madhouses. – Charles Bukowski • There’s nothing more fun than being out on stage and getting the vibe from the crowd. There’s nothing like being on a set where you are there to make other people happy and to make them laugh. That’s the best job in the world. – Miley Cyrus • There’s such a wide variation in tax systems around the world, it’s difficult to imagine a harmonized CO2 tax that every country agrees to. That’s not in the cards in the near term. But the countries that are doing the best job, like Sweden, are already doing both of these. I think that eventually we’ll use both of them but we need to get started right away and the cap-and-trade is a proven and effective tool. – Al Gore • These days she simply did the best job she could, accepting the good with the bad. – Nicholas Sparks • To get a job where the only thing you have to do in your career is to make people laugh-well, its the best job in the world. – Ronnie Barker • Trump claims he’d be the “best jobs president that God ever created.” But isn’t his claim to fame firing people? – Michael R. Burch • Twin Peaks’ was the best job I ever had as an actor. – Richard Beymer • We started off with a set of objectives for what we needed to communicate with the company’s identity, created several proposals intended to meet those objectives, and picked the one that did the best job. – Gabe Newell • What you realize is that a lot of actors want to be directed. They’re there to do the best job they can for the director. They have a lot of questions, and your job is to have answers. – Jon Turteltaub • Whatever it is, I just loved it and felt at my absolute happiest when I was performing for people. And if that’s what you want from a job, then this is the best job you could ever do. – James Corden • When it is going well, it is the best job [writing] in the world. For those few hours, you are god, in control of everything. However, for me, the great joy of writing is that it has allowed me to travel the world in search of stories. – Michael Scott • When you do something well, this is the best job in the world. – David Thewlis • Women are always being tested … but ultimately, each of us has to define who we are individually and then do the very best job we can to grow into it. – Hillary Clinton • Writing is hard work; its also the best job Ive ever had. – Raymond E. Feist • Writing studio movies is the best job in the world… it’s awesome. – Thomas Lennon • You can’t please everybody. All you can do is really just try to work from the heart and do the best job that you can and hope for the best. – Jackie Earle Haley • You concentrate on what you are doing, to do the best job you can, to stay out of a serious situation. That’s the way the X-1 was. – Chuck Yeager • You do the best job you can. You take it step by step. It’s hard enough to make a movie. If it works, that’s great. If it means something beyond the moment to somebody, they can take it and it lasts through the years, we’ll see. – Oliver Stone • You just go in and try to do the best job you can everyday. – Nick Cassavetes • You just try to get the best jobs that you can get. Sometimes I produce my own movies, so that’s your own sort of vision. That helps things. I don’t know what it is. Probably just circumstance. I’ve definitely been aware of the fact that I want to do different things. – John Cusack • You try to get yourself into a situation where you only have to answer to yourself, where you can ask advice of people and work with your peers and mentors and things to try to do the best job that you can possibly do. – George Lucas
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