#Chloe Sugar
howhow326 · 9 months
So, serious question here:
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Why wasn't she the one to take over Paris?
Like, if Chloe can become "interm Mayor" because she's the daughter of the Mayor, then surely the Mayor's wife can do the same thing? In fact, it makes way more sense if Audrey stages a coup because she's an adult, she's power hungry, she's an adult, she's in Gabriel's inner circle, she's an adult, she's a rich world famous celebrity and staging coups is just something they do now (like Trump), and she's an adult!
It's not even like she's too busy to be a Mayor, because 80% of her screen time is living it up and you know... not working? Also being president certainly didn't stop Trump from running his business
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abittersweetraisin · 11 months
Whenever i talk in favor of Chloé there have always been people telling me how she did nothing to deserve the miraculous, that she doesn't deserve a redemption, that she never showed any signs of wanting to be better. I don't agree and in this post i go in detail on why.
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Since day one they've written her as a horrible person and I've never denied that. But i do say that there have been more than just signs of her being written as someone who could be better. I'm just not being blinded by hate. Let's recap some episodes... I'll try to be as brief as possible.
-Despair bear. How many of us know someone stinking rich? Maybe just from the distance? Do you really think that rich people allows their employees to talk to them the way Chloe's butler talked to her in that episode? Sure, when Chloé felt humiliated she yelled at him, but that doesn't take away that she had allowed him to get emotionally close to her. He knew her, what she had lived and how she felt. And she listened to him.
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People say that her effort in this episode doesn't count because she only did it because it was convenient for her. She cared about Adrien. Even then it shows good in her. She cared about him. Adrien. Not his money, not his position, not his fame. This goes against what the writers forced on her later on season 3 finale when they said she only loved herself. - Zombizou. Oh, i love this one. People saying that she only apologized to Miss Bustier because of Chat Noir and Ladybug were there. Apologized only so she could get her miraculous again. Look at her facial expressions:
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She even felt self conscious when she noticed Ladybug and Chat Noir watching them. And that wasn't an act. The character's acting is supervised by the show's director. Look how the show portrays when someone is lying, here is Lila in Protection:
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And it's more than just the visuals. Go watch the episodes, listen to the music. Chloé apology do was sincere. I've also been asked "Then why didn't she apologize to Marinette?" Well, a truly shoehorned redemption arc would had her changing just like that, from one moment to the next. It feels more natural if it happens little by little, step by step.
-Malediktator. Last week i showed a video of Marinette choosing to trust Chloé with her miraculous. Let's now take a look at this scene:
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Again, look at her facial expressions. She dreamed of being a hero along side Ladybug. She was so into the moment that she almost slammed against the chimney. She admired Ladybug. She wanted to be her. That was shown since season 1:
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Again, more than once i've been told she only wanted the spotlight and Queen Wasp is brought as the source for that. Have we forgotten the Queen Wasp episode or are we choosing not to see what happened back then? Audrey couldn't even remember her daughter's name. She was praising Marinette, offering her the opportunity of a life time. Offering to take her to New York with her, when she hadn't even taken her own daughter with her. May the first stone be cast by whoever wouldn't truly feel jealous and hurt by something like that. Chloé had tears in her eyes. Audrey said the only exceptional thing about Chloé was being her daughter. Chloé replied (and i quote): "I'll show you how exceptional i can be!". It was then that she transformed into Queen Bee for the first time and it was after that that she did the thing where she put the train in danger so she could be the hero to save everyone. Wrong, yes. But again, this was a character that was just beginning a redemption journey. She didn't want fame, she was looking for her mother's love.
-Miraculer. Come on... How can people say she didn't try to be better? She was being offered power and she rejected that.
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Yes, later she embraced the akumas, but till before season three's finale she had been written differently. That was a character that could truly become a good person. That didn't happen not because she didn't have the potential, but because the writers didn't allow that to happen. Let's not forget she's a fictional character. I mean, in Lilo and Stitch. Stich was genetically designed to want to destroy everything and even for a character like him there was redemption. It comes down to whether the writers want to write that path for a character or not.
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Then Mayura tried again, she offered her the chance to retain the bee miraculous. If Chloé had truly only wanted the spotlight she could had accepted the offer. She wanted to be a hero and this time not to impress her mother. Not because she wanted the attention from the media. Come on, she's super rich. If she only wanted to be famous she could have easily made that happen. This scene was a huge mistake from the writers and they tried to patch it up with Miracle Queen episode:
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They knew they were going to keep handing the same miraculous to same people. Alya has been even trusted with the Ladybug miraculous twice! So, of course they had to write the Miracle Queen episode to say "Look, she's bad, she can't be trusted." I don't know how much of the fandom didn't like that, so what did they do: "Chloé hate campaign" all along season 4. And now what they're giving us for season 5. And all this,... Why? For what? To represent people who will never change? That's an excuse and season 2 and most of season 3 are proof of that.
If after this recap you still think that she was never written trying to be better,... I'm sorry, but it would be that you don't want to see it, not that it wasn't there.
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One thing that really does bother me a lot about season 4&5 Chloe is that…she doesn’t even show genuine love or interest in anything anymore. She’s just always having this “better than everyone” attitude about everything. Yes she did this in other seasons, but it just feels completely different now. It doesn’t even feel enjoyable to watch anymore, she’s not even that character that “you love to hate” anymore, she doesn’t even feel like Chloe anymore. She’s not even a bully with redeemable qualities anymore, she’s just this one-dimensional evil shell, just so people won’t feel sorry for her. It’s OOC, it’s stupid, it’s just…ugh.
And if anyone’s gonna to dare show up and say:
No…it’s not.
Because it’s the way you write it. Don’t you see? It doesn’t even FEEL like she had this “backwards development” Thomas claims he was giving her, she just feels ridiculously unrealistically evil now. That’s dumb, even for Miraculous. It’s dumb because…even bad and evil people have a humane side, like Gabriel, Audrey, Andre etc., but apparently Chloe's still worse than all of them combined for some reason.
As mean as she was, I don't imagine seasons 2 and 3 Chloe doing this or behaving like this. Heck, I don't even imagine season 1 Chloe doing this. Thomas has turned one of his most complex characters from the show into a blander version of true her self, all because so people would grow to hate her, just like he does…for some strange and immature reason. Now I’ve pretty much accept that Chloe is a lost cause, but to no real through of her own. In show, the adults in her life failed her, and in real life, her creator failed her. She’s never going to redeem, have proper development or a happy ending as long as that guy is in charge.
I’m not saying that Chloe was never wrong nor didn’t deserve any punishment, but I don’t blame nor hate her more than them. I never will.
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“Dear Marinette Stans and Chloe/Lila Salters, just because someone ships Marinette with Chloe and/or Lila does not mean that they hate Marinette, and it does not mean they want Marinette to suffer/be abused/be tortured, it ESPECIALLY DOES NOT mean that they are abuse or bully apologists!
They ship them for three reasons:
1. They like the "enemies to lovers" trope
2. They like the idea of a Chloe or Lila redemption, and they like the idea of Marinette helping them redeem and being better people.
And 3. They like the idea of Chloe and/or Lila convincing Marinette to become evil with them.
There is nothing wrong with any of these reasons, and it's fine if you don't ship either ship; just stop assuming that Chlonette/Lilanette fans equal abuse supporters.”
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muggle-born-princess · 11 months
Dear Chloé Haters,
Now that "Revolution" has aired, I hope you're proud of yourselves.
I hope you're proud that she's gonna live with her abusive mother, I hope you're proud that she lost everything; including the two friends (Adrien and Sabrina) that she actually cared for and were willing to help her, I hope you're proud that no one, not even her own father or sister, loves her. I especially hope you're proud that you got your wish: That she's worse that Gabriel, Lila, Nathalie, and Félix, and that she's an irredeemable monster because your precious Marinette and your God Thomas Astruc said so; just so you can have your stupid ass Love Square ship (Which I'm starting to despise more and more thanks to how poorly written this show is and because of you guys.) and that she might be (Key word: might) written out for good because Thomas himself hates her for the most pathetic fucking reason ever.
If you can honestly look at this and go "Woohoo yes! It's about time that bitch got karma! She had it coming all these years!"
A. You don't know a damn thing about karma and how it works.
B. You also don't know what it's like to be abused and how abuse can affect someone, especially someone as young as Chloe was when her mom left her.
And C. You especially don't know what it's like to be change for the better, only to fail repeatedly because old habits are hard to change for the better.
Oh, and don't you dare fucking give me that "Well Mylène said her mom left her and she turned out fine" or "Well Gabriel was a shitty person as a teenager, and he only got worse" crap. I don't want to hear a goddamn thing about those shitty ass arguments. That just proves that you're biased and Thomas doesn't know a fuck ton about abused victims and how they cope differently.
I don't want to deal with you. Not now. Not ever.
Get off my page if you hate Chloe. Block me for all I care. Hell, call me a bully or racist apologist or hell, even a sociopath apologist for all I care.
I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.
You got your wish, and now my wish is to not associate with any of you people.
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aguinhaac · 3 months
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Yeah guys, Chloe has the perfect life whatsoever, there's NO reason for her to be evil whatsoever.
Yeah she had her mom leave but it doesn't matter cause Mylene also had bad parents and she isn't evil, doing something bad dosent make an excuse for what you did. (except for Marinette stalking she stalked because the monster that is Chloe traumatized her so stalking is just a way for her to protect herself from the evil Chloe guys)
Yes her father is Absent in her life, that didn't Educated her, instead just did everything she asked, and is a corrupted mayor that uses of blackmail and other tactics to make sure he keeps being a mayor, and that later would abandon Chloe with an abuser cause she's evil even if it was mostly his fault she's like this.
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And yeah her mother comes back and proceeds to ignore her and call her useless every 5 seconds, and come to think of it she probably is the way she is cause she wanted to be exepcional like her mom and no one told her that this view of being "exceptional" was twisted as heck cause her friends were puppets who just agreed with her on everything (Sabrina) or didn't know what was bad and good (Adrien) and the person that should teach her to be nice is busy threatening firing people that disagree with him or his daughter, or the butlers that are paid to make everything Chloe asks, the only person left that could actually teach Chloe to be good would be her teacher that lets her go when she does terrible things like destroying marinettes gift in zombiezou.
And ok, her parents marriage is falling apart, remembering that Chloe was a child when their marriage started to crack, and let's just say that kids can get pretty affected by that, and that years later her sister comes to Paris which not only means that her mom cheated on her dad, but that she had a sister that her mom got to spend time with instead of her (I know Zoe was sent to an internal school but Chloe dosent know that) and then this same sister that Chloe tried to be friends with proceeds to become everything she wanted to be, having lots of friends, the bee miraculous, and as a plus the attention of her dad.
But no, Chloe is evil, she is the worst, like she bullied marinette, and didn't even have a reason to do it, her life is absolutely perfect and she is mean cause she is mean, no other reason.
Astruc, go suck a Di...... Dictionary ........
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pro-bee-sisters · 5 months
Hi Y'all!
Hi everyone, long time no see, hasn't it?
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Anyways, I want to say that I'm truly sorry if the blog seems inactive again. I know that when I first came on here, I made a promise to both Chloe and Zoe fans to not only give them the fanwork and the positive relationship they deserve, but also both the amount of love they both need; especially after that disaster clusterfuck known as Season 5 did to them both.
However, now that the year will be ending, now I feel like is the time to start over and try again!
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As I'd said in the past before, it's going to take time to actually start writing again due to my massive IRL busy schedule and dealing with health (physically, mentally, etc...) as a whole. 2023 wasn't 100% the best year for me as I kept falling down and relapsing, but now, it's about time I make a change for real this time!
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I will admit, I don't have all the pieces together yet because as of November 24th, I'd been on a 1 month and a half hiatus from the internet; focusing on my mental health and other aspects that help me get through the day and keep going.
Regardless, by 2024, I promise that things will start making a difference not only here but on my other 3 blogs as well (@muggle-born-princess; @princessgemsart and @pens-and-gems).
It's gonna take time for me to get back on track, but I promise: this Queen Bee / Vesperia stan will definitely feel and be healthier and happier once the time comes!
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I hope you all understand. Please remember to follow me on my other blogs mentioned above if you haven't already, and as our lovely Bee Sisters say:
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flufflepuffle296 · 1 year
The Perfect Day
Hello!!! I wrote this prompt post-(ish)-s3 pre-s4 era where there was a lot of salt so this is about 3 years old I wanna say? So that’s why it’s so outdated so HEAVY Alya/Lila/Adrien/Tom and Sabine salt with a lot of Chloe sugar and slight Marigami (best ship) because *this was the vibe at the time* (ayyyy Kendall Jenner) on this page SO if that is not for you fair enough love that for you now SCROLL ON you have had many warnings about how old this is.
Also because this was written before all of s4/a few s3 episodes the lore is very much not present here and outdated so tough luck!
⚠️trigger warning!⚠️
Talking about s*icide here. Please stay safe and do not read this if you think it may trigger you even the slightest bit. Look after yourself! (Also I’m not trying to romanticise sewerslide in any way here (if you want the trauma dump version of how we came up with this you’re welcome to it) but if there is something that shouldn’t be in a post please do let me know and I will remove it but HEAVY TRIGGER WARNING).
The Perfect day:
Marinette alarm startled her eyes open at exactly 4am. She scrunched her face up at the prospect of consciousness, but her expression softened slightly when she remembered: today was going to be the perfect day.
The perfect day, to die.
She clambered out of bed, and went downstairs to make her favourite breakfast, with a hot chocolate on the side and mountains of whipped cream, just how she liked it. She had spent the last week trying to convince herself out of this, but it was the only solution.
She was numb.
She was always going to be numb.
Nothing made her feel (that being a full sentence in itself) truly, wholly happy in her being anymore.
She went back upstairs to her balcony and ate her breakfast as the sun rose, squinting at her city. As she finished the last bite, she realised a good swing around Paris was just what she needed, so effortlessly transformed and pulled out her yo-yo, setting out for the Eiffel Tower, the source of so much inspiration for her designs.
Or rather, her *old* designs. She hadn’t the energy or mental strength to do anything she loved recently, nothing sparked much happiness or felt worth it. Her last design was about 2 months ago, but all it did was make her sob at the realisation that she was a failure and a fraud; nothing matched or was cohesive in any way. But in a way, realising her lack of talent when it came to her recent designs was sort of a net positive she concluded.
It meant it stung less when Lila spilled juice all over them, when Alya said they looked better smudged and ruined, or when Adrien delivered his father’s disapproval.
So instead she just watched the rest out the sunrise from her favourite spot, not picking out the different angles in the monument for a ridiculous geometric gown, or whatever her most recent fantasy was.
After another half hour, she sprung back home and got into her favourite Sunday dress, twirling her hair into her cutest hairstyle that the night before she had meticulously studied for hours on Pinterest, that she had always wanted to try. She packed her bag, three letters included, and ran out to catch up with her only real friend at a Francois DuPont.
Alya had left her a long time ago. After all, Lila had “no reason to lie”. She was “perfect”. Marinette was “just jealous” and “refused to cooperate”.
Because after all, it was always Marinette’s fault.
Marinette wished Alya the best in life, but she wasn’t going to waste much more energy on her. She was drained enough as it was.
Chloé was waiting for her, grinning ear-to-ear as she held up her first try at macarons for Marinette to critique. Marinette bit into the surprisingly good attempt at the cookie as they walked up to school together, laughing at Chloe’s sudden inability to swallow a cookie without choking. They walked to the back of the class and sat in their seats, ignoring their classmates.
It’ll all be over tonight anyways.
She spent the lessons talking with Chloé, as it wasn’t like she’d ever need the information after tonight. She encouraged Chloé to reminisce on their favourite times together, such as the day they realised they were different enough to be the same, or the day they realised that they (platonically) loved one another, and were the closest thing each other had to a soulmate.
That was also what Marinette considered a “perfect day”…
…Was Chloé going to be alright tomorrow?
At lunch, the pair met up with Luka and Kagami and went out to a cafe for food and orange juice, before sprinting after André the ice cream man and getting sweetheart ice cream together, Chloé paired with Luka, and Kagami with Marinette (“platonically” of course!). They parted ways once the hour was over, as they had to return to school, where Marinette spent the time daydreaming, recalling childhood memories from before Francois DuPont. This was going to be the last time she would ever remember them, after all.
They were let out of school at their usual time, thankfully no akuma that day, and Marinette, Chloé, Luka, and Kagami briefly chatted outside the gates, before parting ways. Marinette hugged them all tight as she left, handing them her letters and telling them not to open them until midnight AT LEAST.
She returned home, and watched her favourite films, favourite shows, and had her favourite meal for the very last time.
She kissed her parents on the cheeks, which was the most contact she’d had with them in a while, after Lila decided the bakery was her favourite Boulangerie, and she went upstairs to peacefully watch the sunset.
She would never have to deal with Chat Noir again and his flirting sexual harassment, so she decided to enjoy being Ladybug one last time. She transformed and went her usual route, ending up at the Eiffel Tower to finish watching the sun go down, swinging back home whilst it was still just barely light, taking notice of the cool air stinging her cheeks; the first real feeling she’d had in months.
Tikki begged her not to go through with it, but Marinette had made her decision, and renounced Tikki, telling her to find a new Ladybug; her only real plea being to warn them about Chat Noir prior.
Tikki was distraught, but Marinette used her guardianship to send her off and push her away — she needed to be alone for this, she wouldn’t let Tikki under any circumstance.
But Marinette didn’t want everything to be over quite yet, the air was too still, so she turned to her dust covered mannequin, and slowly stitched the zipper onto her old project that she never had the creativity or energy to finish. She tied a figure of 8, and snapped off the thread, taking notice of how it frayed.
Looking at it finally finished, it wasn’t as horrific as she made it out to be in her head a couple months ago, but still, not good enough to convince herself she had any worth.
She looked over at her clock.
I guess it’s time…
Marinette climbed up to her balcony and stepped over the railing, peering down. She took a deep breath…
And jumped.
She lay in the air, feeling as if she was floating for a second, waiting to to hit the ground. She thought she heard her name, but knew no one was around…
She felt a clawed hand grab her waist, knocking the air out of her as the two beings shot into the sky, the black figure clutching her tight.
She opened her blue eyes, and stared into Chat Noir’s brown ones.
…This wasn’t Chat Noir?
The black cat landed on a roof, hurriedly demanding to know if she was okay, in a voice that Marinette recognised must be —
The black cat set her down on her balcony and explained that when Tikki was renounced, she was so distraught and furious she renounced Chat Noir of Plagg, revealing Adrien Agreste. The two Kwamis sailed around trying to find someone when they came across Kagami coming back from late night fencing. They quickly told her to read her letter as they were near incomprehensible from stress. Kagami briefly skimmed the letter before immediately snatching the nearest miraculous - the ring - and transforming into the black cat before sprinting across the rooftops as fast as she could, rushing to Marinette’s aid still clutching her letter. She arrived just in time to see her topple over, and saved her just before she hit the ground.
Marinette started sobbing in Kagami’s arms. Kagami sobbed with her a few minutes, promising to never let her go. She eventually picked her up once again and carried her to Le Grand Paris, where she banged on Chloé’s window. Chloé opened it and let the two crying girls in, announcing Luka’s presence as he happened to be in the room teaching Chloé guitar. He rushed to the girls when he saw them collapsed in each other’s arms. Marinette was feeling the first emotions she had felt in months, refusing to leave her saviour’s side, clutching to Kagami. Luka and Chloé listened as Marinette vented how she had been feeling, or rather the fact that she hadn’t been feeling anything, whilst Kagami stroked her hair and wiped her face, kissing her forehead every so often to remind her she was safe.
Chloé had a room prepared and the four of them off school the next day, booking Marinette in for a highly rated therapy appointment. The four friends snuggled in each other’s arms, Marinette in the middle. They fell asleep immediately, crashing from the excitements of the past hour, except for Marinette, who lay awake just a few more moments to make a promise to herself.
Every day, from today, I will make into the *perfect* day.
Hello me again!!!! I had a few other endings in case we weren’t feeling this one so just quickly:
Alternate ending 1) She jumps. When midnight comes around her friends open her letters and rush to her place, only to find police and an ambulance declaring her dead, and if you want some more angst, Chloé and Kagami storm into the school the next day scream-crying at their classmates whilst Luka repeatedly whispers “I couldn’t save her” crying in his mum’s arms. (Very depressing)
Alternate ending 2) Marinette realises that she doesn’t want to die. Why should she? She’s just spent today just doing what makes her happy? She should live like this everyday! She has so much to live for! Sure therapy is needed and some communication too, but she can do it. (Yayyy happyyy)
This was for the most part written when I was around 14/15 so if the sentence structure is a bit shit I’m gonna blame it on that (and not my lack of progress in writing in the past 3 years!)
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More Than One Secret
By: Tyshian
Ship: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne, Chloé Bourgeois/Tim Drake
Minor Ships: Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Ivan Bruel/Mylène Haprèle, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe
Status: Complete
Salt: Chloé Bourgeois Sugar, Adrien Agreste Salt, Alya Césaire Salt, Lila Rossi Salt, Caline Bustier Salt, MiracuClass Salt
Marinette Dupain-Cheng has Secrets. Damian Wayne has Secrets. The pair together have Secrets.
In which: Hawkmoth and Mayura are beaten but they don't know it. Adrien is an obsessive limp noodle. Alya is an oblivious attack dog and Lila is screwed one way or the other, she just doesn't know it yet. Chloe finds her soulmate in a caffeinated Wayne. Damian learned about emotions from Marinette so he isn't the emotionally stumped little ball of anger he used to be. Marinette and Damian reveal what could be considered a years long prank of epic nature and break a few brains along the way.
The Wayne family and Bustier's class aren't going to know what hit them by the time Marinette and Damian are done with them.
Opinion: Look, it’s a very Salty fic with a simple premise but it’s fun and well written. Not everything needs overly ploty and this is definitely one of those fun fics.
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lovysmtalks · 2 years
Bottoms up!
Back from the dead with a new story
TW: death
Marinette hated them.
Rich, poor, entitled, spoiled, all of them were brats in the girl's eyes. All they were good for was to brag and show off. All talk no action. 
They can't take "no" as an answer and are just so irritating.
Ever since she was a child, the opposite sex did nothing but make her regret living and did everything to make her despise them more.
Her father was a loving man, he gave her everything she needed. Until she was 6, she saw his true colours in an argument with her mother.
"SEE SHU? SHE'S NOTHING LIKE ME, SHE'S A CLONE OF YOU! I DONT WANT TWO OF YOU ANYMORE! I WANT A CHILD THAT'S MINE, NOT YOURS." Her father yelled at the smaller woman who couldn't even speak, she was just covering poor Marinette's ears and his screaming got louder and louder.
You could tell he wasn't sober, he smelled horribly and had lipstick marks all over his shirt and neck
"You two faced liar. I did everything for you and all you could say is that this daughter isn't yours? You were there when I gave birth to her, when we found out I was pregnant. How could you say such things you." Her mother spoke calmly, not trying to fight fire with fire
"Ooh, now I'm the bad guy? Listen you ungreatful bitch, I took you in when you had nothing! I took care of this failure of a child because I'm sure as hell she's not mine! You're such a fool to ever have belived I was in love with you! All I ever felt was pity" he started to lose his balance, he raises the bottle of alcohol that he had in his hand and hit- not sure what, 
Little Marinette closed her eyes in horror and heard the impact.
She felt drops of something wet hit her head
The girl opened her eyes and she could believe her eyes... 
Shu's face was bloody, the bottle being stuck in her head. She fell backwards hitting the table 
All Marinette could do is stare, stare in horror, stare in disbelief.
The man screamed in horror of his own actions, he backed away slowly, then rushed out the door
"Mommy...? Mommy are you ok? Does it hurt" Marinette got closer to her not moving mother
She touched the glass, cutting her small hand in the process 
"Ouch..." She yelped, realization hit her hard and tears started going down her face
**hours later**
The police has arrested the man and the medics announced her mother's death
Little Marinette was taken into custody then send to a foster home until she was able to be send to an adoption center.
Years passed and she was adopted by Sabine Cheng, an amazing woman, who owned a small bakery in the city so called Paris.
Marinette was supposed to start a new life, with a new family, new people and a new city. 
The past couldn't be just erased. The little girl had nightmares for years on end. 
She was send to therapy, her adoptive mother tried everything to help the little girl, to make her happy.
A couple of smiles per month brighten up the small woman, it meant the world for her to make Mari happy again.
But Marinette's hatred for men grew as when she started school, she was the target of bullying. 
She was called bad names, made fun of for not having a father. Her (adoptive) mother's name was something common for the kids to say. Insulting them both.
Mari didn't see the point in standing up for herself. She didn't feel anything, so why bother get in more trouble. 
She let all those things slide, not like if the other kids knew anything about her past would make things better.
So she just sat silently in a corner of the class, until 8th grade, when a new girl has joined her class
The new girl's hair was blonde, and her eyes were a beautiful baby blue colour. It complimented her face quite well as the ponytail flung from side to side as she walked.
Marinette thought she was beautiful. 
From what she knows, the girl was the mayor's daughter, Chloe Bourgeois.
The blonde seemed to be really talkative, made friends with everyone in the class, besides Mari, as she just nodded when Chloe introduced herself.
Everything was ok, until the second lesson. When the clock rang, two boys jumped on Marinette's desk and started talking
"Yo fatherless, stay out of the new girl's ring, you aren't worth her time nor friendship, got it? Don't get your hopes up, no one would wanna be friends with a freak like you." One of the boys spoke as the other one laughed
"Hey! How dare you say she's not worth my friendship! Who do you think you are to say YOU are worth it?!" the class gasped as Chloe snapped at the two boys.
"why would someone like you wanna be friends with someone like Marinette-no-father-Cheng? You haven't met her yet! She's a freak, she never shows any emotions either!" One of the boys in the class jumped in the other twos defense
"Well from what I see she's better than all of you! You all seem like selfish brats who know nothing about minding their own damn business." Chloe walked up to Marinette who has her headphones in her year and grabbed the girl, dragging her away from the class.
The two of them arrived in the bathroom, Chloe was breathing heavily in anger, as she pinned Marinette to a wall and then backed away.
"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! How dumb are you, why aren't you defending yourself against those assholes?!" Yelled the blonde at the a bit taller girl.
Marinette took a deep breath
"Why would I defend myself when I don't feel hurt by what they're saying, they are nobodies who know nothing about me. So why bother, may I ask?" She finally looked at Chloe
Chloe's jaw dropped a little at Mari's words.
"Well it's really annoying. If you keep being their punching bag, they will see you as weak. Ignorance isn't always the best tactic when it comes to this stuff y'know?" She felt sympathy for Marinette, Chloe herself knew how it was to be more with one parent while the other one was close to never there.
"I guess you're right" Mari chuckled.
Chloe's face felt hot all of a sudden, she was in awe seeing Mari (kinda) smile 
"Be my friend. I'll protect you." the blonde raised her hand to shake Marinette's
Mari's face could be read as shock, but she shook it.
*Fast forward*
The two girls became best friends, inseparable and feared. 
Once they moved to Françoise Dupont, they remained the same, but weren't as close (publicly) as Chloe wanted Marinette to make more friends, and people saw Chloe as a spoiled brat, since she was the mayor's daughter.
Mari felt upset that her only friend had to be distant to her only for her to make friends, but she fell back into her old habits of not talking to any guy- or anyone at all.
*Flashback end*
Mari was 17 now, tall and gorgeous girl. Still in class with Chloe, still best friends and going strong.
The classroom bell rang, gathering all the her classmates in the room.
A girl named Lila's tales could be heard in all of the room. 
Marinette tried exposing her some years back, but no one cared about what she had to say. The class saw her as a jealous person, who was envious of Lila being friends with "everyone".
So she sat down at her desk, looking through her phone, bored, texting Chloe about their plans for later today.
Miss Bustier walked through the door. Late as always. But it finally shut the teens up. Everyone going back to their seats.
"Goood moooorning class! I have announcement to make." 
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galahadwilder · 2 years
We need more fics that talk about how much love and forgiveness Zoe Lee has for her half-sister and how she’ll never give up on her, how she deeply understands their shared pain, and how Zoe’s love and forgiveness isn’t stupid or pointless or naïve but rather the bedrock of Chloé’s redemption because even when Chloé has no one else, not even her parents, she still has her sister
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howhow326 · 1 year
I hate Chloe Bourgeois, I really do.
But if I ever had the chance to rebuild miraculous from the ground up, a Chloe redemption arc would be endgame.
Not only was Chloe's redemption perfectly set up in season two (Chloe faces some consequences for her meanness which motivates her to be nicer, Chloe has an abusive mother that treats her like garbage juxtaposed by corrupt rich father that gives her everything she wants and protects her from the consequences of her actions, Chloe has an emotional breakdown where she admits that she knows everyone hates her for being awful and she's at a point where she feels like changing her ways would be meaningless, etc), but the man that created Chloe is a closeted misogynist that hides his hatred of girls (not women, girls) behind a yassified version of female-on-female violence... over a boy!
I'd rather Chloe Bourgeois be just another "bad, but sad" rich white girl with mommy issues that 3/4ths of the fandom simp over than the disgusting victim blaming nightmare that she currently is.
And hopefully that is the only time in my life that I ever feel that way about one of these stock mean, rich, white characters.
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abittersweetraisin · 11 months
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Credits to chlogami on Instagram.
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At this point, I don’t think TA actually cares about “right or wrong” as much as he claims. He’s just refusing to redeem Chloe because he’s still trying to sell that moral, which has long been dead.
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“MLB Spoilers: Initially, I had planned on giving Zoé the benefit of the doubt, but after what Andre and Audrey did to Chloé, forget it. Andre KNOWS Audrey is abusive and yet is perfectly fine with sending Chloé to live with her anyway all while admitting Zoé is his favorite. And he declares custody over her even though legally he wouldn't be allowed to do that. And in the end, Chloé gets booed and jeered while leaving Paris in disgrace. What kind of fucked up ending is this???
It's official, Zoé was intended to be Chloé's replacement, nothing more. This was the final nail in the coffin for her, I'm done giving Zoé chances. Too much of the narrative has suffered just to make her work and Chloé... oh god Astruc went too far this time.”
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muggle-born-princess · 9 months
Thomas Astruc: "Chloé never cared about saving people! She only used the Bee Miraculous to get what she wanted!"
Chloé: "Ladybug, I fucked up so badly! I want to save my father and tell him I'm sorry!"
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