#Charles Leclerc/Max Verstappen
l-estappen · 25 days
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Charles_Leclerc: he is very fast, he is very cool, he is very scary and very brave, he is everything. Leo 👑🤍
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thevioletfantasy · 26 days
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Can we talk about the fact that each driver had a cart to go to the podium but that Max waited for Charles to go together?
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creabirds · 6 months
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see me bare my teeth for you
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Formula 1 RPF Rating: Explicit  Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply  Relationships: Charles Leclerc/Max Verstappen  Characters: Charles Leclerc, Max Verstappen  Additional Tags: Accidental Bonding, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Intersex Omegas, Omega Charles Leclerc, Alpha Max Verstappen, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Dubious Consent, Internalized Misogyny, Degradation, Slut Shaming, 2017 Formula 1 Season, Hate Sex, Enemies to Enemies Who Fuck Nasty, Name-Calling, Jos Verstappen's A+ Parenting, Max Is A Cunt, Max Is Also In Charles' Cunt, Boypussy, Dom/sub Undertones, Unsafe Sex  Series: Part 1 of bare your teeth verse (abo) Summary: 
It has been five years since Max gave Charles his mating bite on a rainy day in Val d'Argenton. Five years of Charles keeping his head down and ignoring it had ever happened. Until the day he set foot in the paddock, freshly signed to drive in F2, his dreams becoming true. Only there is one problem: his mate is too close for his body not to react.
read here!
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f1writingbyme · 3 months
18 Times Lestappen Tried To Hide Their Relationship (And One Time They Failed)
Guess who are back with a new collab fic to celebrate the start of the 2024 season? 👀👀
Mona (@lestappenforever) and me joined forces yet again to present to you the PREQUEL of 19 Times The Grid Saved Lestappen (And One Time They Didn't Need To).
We'll be posting the complete fic tomorrow, but for now, enjoy the preview under the cut! We hope you'll love it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!
A secret relationship is fun. It's exciting, arousing even, to know something that no one else knows except you and your significant other. The sneaking around, trying not to get caught, is exhilarating. The hiding in storage rooms, bathroom stalls, closets, and even under a pile of clothes, trying your best not to get caught, and the giggling afterward, the shared pride of having managed to stay hidden, is romantic.
Or at least it's supposed to be.
Because Charles thinks that being in a secret relationship with Max Verstappen and having eighteen nosy friends and colleagues invade your personal space almost twenty-four hours a day for several weeks a year does not help. In fact, Charles is sure it's doing something to his heart, and not in a good I'm-in-love-and-my-heart-skips-a-beat kind of way.
No. Charles is pretty sure he is going to die of a heart attack at the age of only twenty-six because of all the sneaking around and almost getting caught every time.
The only positive thing they have going for them is that they haven't been caught yet. How that's possible, Charles isn't sure, but he thinks it might have something to do with the fact that their friends either aren't paying much attention or are just plain stupid.
Charles secretly hopes it's the last one.
But of course, luck is not on Charles’ side, as one Mr Lando Norris, tucked away in the safety of his driver's room on the other side of the paddock, is typing away on his phone.
Lando Norris created the group chat ‘Max and Charles???’.
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lestappenforever · 9 months
Dutch GP post-qualifying Lestappen drabble
@killingevie wrote this caption to the photo of Charles watching Max's on-screen kiss post qualifying. Given how I am absolutely obsessed with her and would give my left lung to make her happy, I wrote a little something.
Crashing out in Q3 feels bad enough on its own.
But standing on the side of the track, watching as Max steps down from his car and approaching the Red Bull team by the barries only to see her stepping out from behind some of the engineers and pulling Max into a kiss, is a million times worse.
Charles' heart plummets into the pit of his stomach as he watches the — albeit brief, thank fuck — moment on the big screen.
Look, it's not like Charles doesn't understand. It's not like he's not painfully aware of the situation and the arrangement Max has going on with the woman, and why. After all, Charles Leclerc is no stranger to PR relationships. But having to stand there and watch as Max kisses lips that aren't Charles' will never stop hurting. Will never stop breaking his fucking heart.
No matter how undeniably well Charles understands.
It is unreasonable? Yes. Does Charles care? Absolutely fucking not.
Later that evening, the rain is back, heavy raindrops pounding against the window of his hotel room. Charles is sitting on the small couch right next to it, looking out into the increasing darkness of the night, trying to ignore the heaviness in his chest. Trying to ignore the way his mind keeps going back to the feeling of his car crashing into the barriers, and how that still wasn't nearly as devastating as that moment on the big screen afterwards.
The sound of three rapid tap tap tap's on the door brings him out of his trance-like state. Charles doesn't need to wonder who it is as he gets to his feet with a sigh and crosses the hotel room — doesn't need to look through the peephole to make sure it's somebody he actually wants to see before he turns the lock and pulls the door open.
He doesn't wait for Max to step into the room before he's turning back around and retreating further into the room.
"Hello to you too," Max greets sarcastically and Charles knows without looking that his eyebrows are furrowed together in a frown as the door clicks shut behind him.
"Drink?" Charles asks with his back to Max, already pulling two glass bottles of Coke out of the minibar.
They've done this enough that Charles knows he doesn't actually need to ask, just like Max knows he doesn't actually need to answer. And yet...
"Yeah," Max says, as he follows Charles into the room, coming to a halt by the edge of the bed behind Charles.
Charles opens one of the bottles and hands it to Max without looking at him, before he opens the other.
The room is silent for a long moment. It's Max who eventually speaks.
"What, you're not even going to look at me?"
Charles takes a deep breath, before he reluctantly turns to face the Dutchman, holding the bottle of Coke loosely between his thumb and index finger. He forces a smile that is nowhere near lookng sincere as he meets Max's gaze.
"Congratulations on pole," the Monégasque manages to sound more sincere than he looks.
Max cocks an eyebrow, unconvinced.
"Sorry about your crash," he counters, and the sympathy in his voice — on his face — is genuine.
Charles doesn't know why that makes the ache in his chest intensify slightly. But then again, he doesn't really understand most of his feelings for Max, even on a good day. And today is definitely not a good day.
"Good kiss?" Charles asks then, unable to help himself. The look on Max's face says one thing:
'There it is.'
"Charles," Max sighs, rubbing the hand that isn't holding his bottle of Coke over his face.
"What? Surely I should be allowed to ask questions about things I have to watch on the big screen," Charles counters, forcing his tone of voice to sound a lot more cheerful than he actually feels.
Max gives him a look, which would make Charles feel guilty in any other situation. Now, though? Not so much. Not when the image of Max kissing her after qualifying is burned into his brain.
"How's Alexandra?" Max shoots back, stepping closer to put the bottle of Coke on the desk next to Charles and proceeding to fold his arms across his chest.
Charles snorts.
"At least I'm not making you watch me kiss her."
Max throws his head back in exasperation. When he looks back at Charles, he unfolds his arms and holds them out at his sides, helpless.
"For fuck's sake, Charles, what was I supposed to do?" Max asks, the frustration in his voice clear as day. "You knew she'd be here this weekend."
"I didn't know she'd be there!" Charles spits back, feeling the anger he's been trying so hard to push down, down, down all evening return to the surface. "I didn't know that was part of the arrangement this weekend!"
"It's always part of the fucking arrangement, Charles!"
"Yeah, well, that doesn't mean I have to fucking like it, Max!"
Charles is borderline shouting now, storms in his eyes as he glares at Max. As if this is his fault. As if Charles isn't the one to blame for this whole thing — this whole arrangement. It's immature and irrational and so very unfair, Charles knows, but he just can't help himself. Can't help how much it fucking hurts to see Max with someone else, even if he knows, deep down, that it's not real.
Max runs a hand through his hair, messing it up and making it stick up and out in every possible direction. It shouldn't make Charles want to pull him close and kiss him, but it does. It always fucking does.
"You're the one who didn't want to come out. You're the one who insisted on keeping this —," Max pauses to gesture between the two of them. "— us, a fucking secret. I'm just doing what you asked, Charles! And it's really unfair of you to throw it back in my face like this when all I'm trying to do is keep you happy!"
Charles stares at him, watching the way Max's chest and shoulders rise and fall with his slightly labored breathing, and he knows Max is right. Knows that if it hadn't been for Charles not being ready to come out, — to risk both their careers and their relationship — they wouldn't even be in this position. They've been together for close to three years already, and Charles knows how important having PR relationships is in order to maintain their cover. He just thought it would have become a lot less painful to deal with by now.
And yet...
The Monégasque deflates slightly at that — is never able to hold on to his anger, his hurt, when Max is throwing reason and logic at him.
Watching the fury seep out of Charles' green eyes is enough to make Max deflate, too, and his shoulders slump slightly, eyes softening.
"I'm sorry," Charles says, putting his bottle on the desk behind him and looking at the floor. "I just — I fucking hate this, Max. I hate having to see you with her."
Max sighs, and then he's right in front of Charles, pushing his finger under Charles' chin, forcing the Monégasque's head back and up — forcing Charles to meet his eyes. When he does, he looks tired and sad, like he has done so often this season.
"I know," the Dutchman says, moving his hand so that he's cupping Charles' jaw instead. "I'm sorry you had to watch that. I'll do what I can to make sure it doesn't happen again."
Charles knows that it's not possible to avoid a repeat of the kiss in the future — knows that as long as he needs to keep up the appearance of being in a relationship with someone who isn't Charles, there are going to be moments like this. Times in which Charles has to have his heart break all over again as he watches the man he loves pretend to love someone else. But, he appreciates the sentiment nevertheless, and he knows Max will do what he can to limit the amount of times it will happen in the future. And it's enough. It has to be.
At least for now.
Taking a deep breath, Charles leans into Max's touch as his own hands come to settle on the other man's waist, sneaking their way under the fabric of Max's hoodie and t-shirt, thumbs brushing against the skin underneath.
"Am I at least a better kisser?" he asks with a small smile that's a lot more sincere now.
A surprised laugh slips out of Max at the question. He reaches behind Charles with his free hand, settling it on the base of the Monégasque's spine.
"Absolutely," Max tells him. "The fact that you're the only one I actually want to kiss doesn't hurt either."
Charles huffs. "I'm going to need you to prove that?"
"Yeah? How?"
Charles doesn't answer, just rolls his eyes in mock annoyance as he leans in and presses their lips together in a firm kiss.
And when Max kisses him back as if his fucking life depends on it, all tongue and teeth and desperation, the hand on his jaw moving up and back, fingers gripping tightly at dark strands and making Charles groan helplessly into his mouth, Charles supposes he can safely take Max's word for it.
At least for now.
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fabbyf1 · 3 months
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Use Your Hands (And My Spare Time)
“You want GP to sit in a chair and... what? Watch me fuck you?” 
“Yes,” Charles replied grumpily. 
“And you want him to talk me through it like I’m on a hot lap?” 
“Yes!” Charles said, a little less grumpy and more relieved.
"You want Gianpiero Lambiase to tell me how to fuck you,” Max clarified.
OR: The GP Fic™
Charles Leclerc/Max Verstappen/Gianpiero Lambiase | 15k | Read on AO3
Part III of lestappen + guest series.
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sinofwriting · 21 days
New Lestappen fic out!
Exceptions Only Exist For You Words: 1,041 Summary: Max doesn’t call people nicknames… right?
And this fic is the last fic that's apart of my 5k and birthday bash celebration! Hope you enjoy it!
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lestappentrain · 6 months
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I'll fight their doubt and give you faith
(Max/Charles, On-going series on AO3)
“Hide?! Max, come on. He’s your teammate, he’s not stupid.” And Charles still doesn’t move from his spot on the bed. Max has no time for this,
“At 7 fucking am?! No Charles, I can’t deal with this shit at this time” And apparently that was the wrong thing to say to his boyfriend at 7am, who just stares blankly at Max and repeats,
“This shit?”
“Ugh, come on. That’s not what I meant.” Max tries to backtrack but he knows it’s too late.
He also knows deep inside that Checo must know about them, so what Charles claimed does make sense. However there’s no time to change what he said because just as he’s about to tell Charles he’s right and he should forget about it, Charles gets up and goes to hide in the closet. Max reaches out for his arm as he’s opening the closet but Charles shrugs his hand off before it can reach him,
“Leave it Max, I’ll go hide” he snickers.
CHAPTER 1: but I'm a fire; and I'll keep your brittle heart warm.
CHAPTER 2: baby you showed me what living is for; I don't wanna hide anymore
CHAPTER 3: I'm a mess; but I'm the mess that you wanted
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fire-on-thirst · 1 year
Gotta say I love ur work so much. Can we get a lestappen Instagram fic and maybe a lewis And charles fic, either as friends or in a relationship.
I have this headcanon where lewis and charles are friends and Lewis visits charles and goes into his wardrobe and finds out he has many fashionable clothes but was either too shy to wear them to the paddock or was afraid of being accused of copying lewis, but lewis convinces charles of wearing them to the paddock. And they come in on race day both looking fabulous maybe they are matching or they simply came together.
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, pierregasly and others
charles_leclerc Travelling the world with you makes it so much better!! ❤️✈️🌏
I have also been told that I must point out that those stuffed animals are all mine. (They are not)
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landonorris *cough* photo credits for some of those *cough*
danielricciardo Me too
pierregasly Me Three
landonorris if we have to deal with this shit we should at least get photo credits
charles_leclerc Have you got something stuck in your throat you gremlin?
landonorris .sebastianvettel Charles is being mean to me
sebastianvettel And this is why I refused to have an Instagram account
pierregasly This post is both sweet and sickening. It would probably be more sweet if I didn’t see it often or walk into something that has caused me to be scarred for life
arthur_leclerc You’ve only walked in on them once?
landonorris You’ve only recently walked in on them??
user1 Does that look like Max?
user2 Charles and Max Verstappen? I think you need to get your eyes checked
user1 He liked the photo though
user2 Doesn’t mean a thing
leclerc_pascale Beautiful Couple ❤️🥰
charles_leclerc Merci maman ❤️
leclerc_pascale I assume you are taking good care of him?
charles_leclerc Maman, aren’t you meant to be asking him that? I’m your son!
leclerc_pascale He’s also my son. Debatably my favourite. Are you taking care of him?
charles_leclerc HE’S YOUR FAVOURITE?!?!
arthur_leclerc MAMAN!
lorenzotl EXCUSE ME!!
leclerc_pascale He’s the only one who hasn’t caused me any stress or gave me grey hairs
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liked by arthur_leclerc, danielricciardo, victoriaverstappen and others
maxverstappen1 I think I’ve got a stalker 🧐
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landonorris Don’t call me a stalker. It’s called personalised photography
maxverstappen1 If you break into my house to take pictures of me sleeping it’s called stalking
landonorris Don’t forget the time I snuck into the shower 🤤😉
user1 LANDO 😂😂
danielricciardo I don’t think you mind this one specific stalker
maxverstappen1 🤫
victoriaverstappen Wonder who the stalker is? 🧐
user2 Charles just posted a post with his partner and now Max??
user3 And Arthur has liked Max’s post. I didn’t even know that Arthur followed Max
user2 Something is definitely happening I can just feel it
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, pierregasly and others
charles_leclerc I wanted this to be a cute little reveal but then you called me a stalker so the cute reveal went out the window. Here you guys go anyway, me and maxverstappen1 are dating and have been for several years now. We hid it not knowing what the reaction would be and partly scared we would lose our seats in F1 which has been both of our dreams since we were young boys. Eventually I gained the courage and came out as gay to the world and said that I was also dating someone and the support I got was unimaginable. Yes obviously there was some hate but most of it was supportive and just overall kind.
After a long discussion we no longer wanted to hide this relationship from everyone and why should we? Other people in the paddock don’t have to do why should we? Yes a Ferrari driver is in love with a Red Bull driver and if you don’t support it then don’t support me (or him). It’s our life to live and everybody else has has to just real with it. I will still fight on the track to win the championship and under no circumstances will I just let Max win. We are both professionals and both too stubborn to actually let the other win. We’ve been together for several years and have had several battles on track (just without you guys knowing about the relationship) and it never stopped us then so it won’t stop us now so nobody has to worry about any of that.
maxverstappen1 Thank you for everything that you’ve done throughout the years and the memories that you have given me and we certainly have many more to come especially now that we don’t have to hide. (I hope everyone is ready for the spam that is going to come on my stories and posts). … I Love You!! ❤️
Ps. I will beat you to a championship one day
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landonorris WOOOOOOOO!!!
danielricciardo Fucking finally. Can I now post all the pictures I have of the two of you?
arthur_leclerc 👏🏻👏🏻 Happy for you!
pierregasly 🫢😱🤯 You and Max together never would’ve guessed that. Congratulations though for finally announcing it. I can now officially make jokes in interviews.
victoriaverstappen Wonderful Couple 🩷
scuderiaferrari Congratulations. You’ll always have us behind you!
maxverstappen1 I love you too you soppy idiot 💙
charles_leclerc ❤️
charles_leclerc Your turn to do a post on me
maxverstappen1 Maybe when you win the championship
Also here is the Lewis Hamilton x Charles Leclerc drabble.
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rolling-restart · 1 year
AO3 Fic Recs Masterlist
Hi everyone, I was thinking of doing this since a while so here we are. I will share some fics that I like on AO3 (roughly from newest to oldest) with small comments. Maybe you can find your next read here! If you have read any of these and want to discuss, my inbox is also open. I will tag the writers who mentioned their tumblrs on AO3 but you can always ask me to remove your work from this list for whatever reason.
This is a fic rec post but is also a tribute to all of the amazing writers that had an influence on me at some point. You make these platforms a better place and I cannot thank you enough.
I will only give the rating and the pairing but please do check ALL the tags before reading it by clicking the link.
sanctuary by pumpkinning ( @sunshinesebby ) (Rated E, Seb/Charles): If the AO3 was on fire and I could only save one work, it would be this. An insanely beautiful slow-burn fantasy AU work. I cannot even describe how much I love this. It will wrench your heart and make you cry in the same damn chapter. Emotions flow so strong and the world building is very, very sophisticated. They have a beautiful, beautiful mind. If you can survive the first portion of tension, you will be rewarded with a fucking devastatingly mind blowing love story as well as a very imagination igniting fantasy world. Go fucking read it 100000/10 work. 
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polite company by floretum ( @rosyjuly ) (Rated E, Seb/Mick): Okay so floretum always gives a masterclass in smut writing and this is no exception. A Smick fic in its nature but is also a threesome. Lots of introspection, just as I like it. It’s a relatively long one shot so can be read during a long commute. 
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reptilia by raikkonen (armario) (Rated E, Pierre/Charles): This is one of the works that made me the fic writer I am today. If you read it, you can see the echoes of the themes I use all the time and I am still under the influence of this brilliant piece. It is a very heavy fic with tags to match so PLEASE read the tags. It’s so devastatingly good and the self-destructive behaviour described in this piece has been an inspiration to desecration, literally. The fic that started it all.
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ask me no questions (and i'll tell you no lies) by artifice (Rated E, Seb/Mark): This has a special place in my heart. It’s a part of the nobody asks you questions series where Seb is an intelligence agent and Mark is an assassin. However, this one is more fluffy than anything else. It has very well-written smut and a lot of big emotions and is overall a well rounded piece that never disappoints. Kudos to artifice for fuelling Sebmark collective at these trying times.
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blur the line by alltimecharlo (Rated E, Seb/Mark): This fic is one of the two fics by alltimecharlo that got me in a chokehold. Lawyer AU Sebmark. Absolutely delicious writing that I go back to read from the start every now and then. It’s brilliant, beautiful and captures Sebmark vibes very, very well. 
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pleaser by alltimecharlo (Rated E, Seb/Mark): Easily my second favourite F1 RPF of all times. I go back to this like I go back to Queer As Folk US every time I look for a specific type of comfort. Sugar daddy AU where Seb is a college student and Mark is mad rich. It’s sweet all over the place with very good smut and it’s light hearted piece, just like your staple feel-good 2000-2010s TV series.
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keeping the faith by Anonymous (Rated Teen and Up, Mick/Lewis): Oh how I wish this creator wasn’t anonymous! This is a very very interesting and rare Mick/Lewis piece where Lewis is in the mafia and Mick is a priest. I am not sure how to explain but narration has a very special harmony and when you come to the end, you feel like you fulfilled a destiny, by completing a foreshadowed circle. A literary beauty more than anything else, although not a light read.
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Saltwater and Gasoline by Kaytheologie (Rated E, Charles/Bono): A rare Charles/Bono piece where Charles moves to Mercedes and Bono is his engineer. It’s a quite sweet one although there are some heavy psychological themes. The smut part is very well written as well, a truly nice one. If you like rare pairs and have a praise kink, this one is for you.
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Seb The Protector by eams81 (Rated E, Seb/Mick): A classical Smick piece with a sprinkle of mental health issues. It’s nice, fluffy and angsty. However, the author stopped updating in late 2022 so I am not sure when the next chapter is going to be but I enjoyed it a lot while it lasted. Again, not a light read.
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lit by electric lights by Anonymous (Rated E, Charles/Max): As the tag says, literal identity porn Lestappen fic. And yeah, Charles is a camboy here. It’s a relatively light read without complicated concepts but I remember thinking it got a bit unrealistic for the plot at some point. Still a nice piece.
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Now I'm 23 - and there ain't nobody who can drink like me by Danubius (Not Rated, Mick/Kimi): I remember liking Danubius a lot and this is a very nice example of their writing imo. Kimi/Mick piece but it’s mostly angsty and tackles the theme of alcoholism. It has a nice and hopeful ending but it is a bit of a heavy read but if you like angst and comfort, this might be for you. 
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snapshots into a marriage: vegan, organic, gluten free, toxic to others by finedae ( @blorbocedes ) (Rated M, Brocedes): I don’t know how she does it but I know I am glad she does it. It’s difficult to unpack. This gorgeous brocedes piece has a lot of unhealthy themes like codependency, lots of manipulation but it is very, very well written and oddly peaceful? It’s hard to describe but if you like power couple brocedes where they are sickeningly in love with a lot of toxic traits and believe that a healthy amount of mind games is good for your soul, this one is for you. Absolute masterpiece.
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Flesh of my flesh by Charlotte_Stant  ( @boxboxlewis ) (Rated E, Seb/Charles): Okay, so at some point I couldn’t remember the title of this piece and an anon assisted me. It’s a piece that you will remember at 4 am in a warm summer night and will excite you in the same way it did the first time. It is a Sebchal fic where Charles is a priest (do you see the pattern here) and Seb is a driver. It has that classical Catholic guilt that is executed pretty successfully. I absolutely adore the smut portion of this as well, very well written. 
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to the finnish line by floretum ( @rosyjuly ) (Rated E, Kimi/Seb/Charles): Kimi/Seb/Charles threesome. Absolutely mind blowing. I have to say that it has some under-negotiated elements and overstimulation but I think overall, it is safe, sane and consensual. Again, a smut writing masterclass and a pleasantly light read.
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Ash From Your Fire by bones_2_be ( @elementalmoments ) (Rated E, Carlos/Lando): Where Lando has previously fucked Carlos’s dad and now he is fucking Carlos. A bit too much to take in at one go. Also a part of a series. If you like slightly problematic relationships, lots, lots of jealousy, and fucked up dynamics, this can be for you but this is nowhere near a light read.
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Into My Arms by Anonymous (Rated M, Jenson/Nico): A nice little princess cake aftercare fic, as it says in the prompt. It’s short, sweet, fluffy and cute af. 
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All To Another Heart by akirakurosawa (Rated E, Seb/Charles): Girl!Charles & Ferrari Team Principal!Seb fic. This is an overall happy one but they don’t immediately get together and they have some issues to resolve but I like the general happy, hopeful and ambitious feeling of this piece. Unfortunately, it’s been a while since the author last updated (Late 2022) but the published bit is very worth your time. 
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l-estappen · 24 days
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Charles & Leo 🐶🤍 Monaco May, 8th 2024 Credits: slavisa_rdlc
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mossistyping · 1 month
I can make it better
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Charles Leclerc/Max Verstappen Words: 10,369 (1/1)
Summary: Max took a deep breath, then asked, “Okay. I want to make sure we’re on the same page about this. You’d be okay with trying wax play together. Did you want to pour it on me, or for me to pour it on you?”
“Honestly mate, I hadn’t expected you to offer,” Charles admitted. “I thought you’d graciously accept my gift, kick me from your flat, then go jerk off.”
Or: Charles was watching Team Redline's stream when Max admitted to being interested in wax play. He decides to be a good friend.
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f1shipbracket · 1 month
Group B: Matchup 1
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sugakookie78 · 8 months
Kinktober - Day 5 - Edging
Pairing: Max/Charles
Warning: NSFW (Edging)
“Please, Charles, I’m so close. I need to cum,” Max begs, rutting up into Charles’s hand.
Charles tuts, “Not yet,” and pulls his hand away right when he knows Max is almost there.
“No, no, no,” Max shakes his head against the pillow, trying to thrust into the empty air.
He slowly comes down and Charles starts to lightly touch him again.
“Come on, Max. Just one more time,” Charles says, “Just one more than you can come.”
“Please,” he hears Max whimper as Charles speeds up his hand.
For the next moment, Charles was playing with Max’s tip, pulling off again right as Max started to tense up. Charles sits back for a moment, reveling in the sight of Max on his back, flushed and trembling, gasping for breath.
“You okay?” Charles asks.
Charles puts his hand around Max’s dick again, slowly bringing it up and down through the leaking precum. Max starts to tremble and thrusts up to meet Charles’s hand.
Max nods quickly, “Yes, just get on with it. Please, so close-”.
“I’m com-” Max is cut off by Charles swiping his finger right over his slit.
He jerks up and cums stronger than he had ever before. Once he finishes, he tries to regain his breath, slowly coming to from the haze. He can feel the cum drying against his stomach and hears Charles stand to grab a towel.
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f1writingbyme · 7 months
How (Not) To Third Wheel Lesteppen - Checo
We did it again. We really had no other choice after witnessing poor Checo go through all of that. Whoever came up with the cooldown limo, thank you. Your input has been massively appreciated.
Read on AO3 here.
Part 3 of How (Not) To Third Wheel Lestappen. We hope you enjoy!
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