#Chae Hyunseung
ariays · 6 months
I love how Rowoon consistently does 'loser in love' characters in his dramas and he does it so well. It has literally become his signature.
Haru? 'willing to risk everything for her even if I ceased to exist' type of loser.
Hyunseung? 'will do anything to make her love me back even if I'm just a hoobae to her' type of loser.
Jiwoon? 'will love him/her and it didn't matter if he/she's a man or a woman and a king' type of loser.
Junwoong? No romance but 'will love my grim reaper team mates forever even if I don't remember them for the years until my death' type of loser.
Shinyu? 'it started with a love spell but it didn't matter because they're just my inner real feelings anyway so I'm just gonna act on it' type of loser.
Jungwoo? an upcoming 'am in love with her but can't admit it because our love is not lawfully right and also because I'm a virgin and have no clue what all these feelings are about' type of loser.
+ Bonus:
Mujin? 'am in love with a shaman with a lowly status and willing to run away with her' type of loser.
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justmochi · 2 years
dk as a boyfriend is chae hyunseung on she would never know
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sf9 · 3 years
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Chae Hyunseung → She Would Never Know Ep.01
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veronica-nardi · 4 years
Man to man
La serie dei travestimenti e delle garanzie
Voglio essere breve e veloce sul commento di questa serie, anche perché tra poco mi toccherà scriverne un altro su When the camellia blooms. Ultimamente non faccio altro che scrivere commenti.
Innanzitutto, sono molto offesa perché ho iniziato a vedere questo drama SOLAMENTE per la presenza di Song Joong-ki, presenza che ha avuto la grazia di mostrarsi al nono episodio, per un minuto e mezzo forse, nelle vesti di un banchiere.
Song Joong-ki che interpreta un banchiere non è oggettivamente credibile.
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Ma a parte questo, preferisco fare una lista di quello che mi è e non mi è piaciuto, perché mi trovo meglio.
I personaggi secondari
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Ebbene sì, il lead e la lead non sono riusciti a conquistarmi, mentre mi hanno convinta molto di più personaggi come il procuratore Lee, l'uomo dei travestimenti, e il signor Jang (ma questo attore sa fare altro oltre al poliziotto?), i miei preferiti della serie.
Pensavo fossero dei semplici personaggi di contorno che sarebbero comparsi qua e là, invece si sono rivelati più importanti di quello che credevo. Entrambi sono caratterizzati molto bene, sono stati divertenti e commoventi allo stesso tempo.
Per me, la vera bromance di questa serie sono loro, e nessuno potrà farmi cambiare idea.
Carino anche l'Agente Fantasma traditore del NIS, un personaggio a cui hanno dato uno spazio che non mi aspettavo e che mi è piaciuto molto.
Il rapporto tra Do Ha e l'attore.
Mi è piaciuta molto la loro l'amicizia e come si sono conosciuti: entrambi due sopravvissuti a delle tragedie, si sono salvati e aiutati a vicenda.
Si adorano e sono protettivi l'uno con l'altra, ma il loro rapporto non è mai passato a una fase romantica, è sempre rimasta una bellissima amicizia, e questa cosa mi è piaciuta un sacco.
Il signor Mo e Mi Eun.
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So che il signor Mo dovrebbe essere uno dei cattivi di questa serie, ma ad essere sincera non sono mai riuscita a odiarlo o a strapparmi le mani nella speranza che venisse incastrato come si fa di solito coi villain.
Alla fine non sembra nemmeno un vero e proprio villain, di quelli cattivi fino al midollo.
Ad essere sincera, mi è dispiaciuto un po' per lui e credo sia il personaggio della serie per cui ho empatizzato di più. Non riesco nemmeno io a capire il perché. Forse perché non l'ho mai visto con i miei occhi fare qualcosa di cattivo? Voglio dire, quest'uomo ha passato il 90% del tempo seduto sul divano del suo studio a chiacchierare e complottare XD.
Alla fine mi è dispiaciuto vederlo distrutto dietro le sbarre. È la giusta punizione, così come è giusto dire che è un uomo che è stato ingannato e manipolato per anni (il signor Mo è la vera vittima di questa serie), e credo che questa sia la cosa che lo abbia distrutto di più.
Di Mi Eun mi ha colpito l'immenso sacrificio che ha deciso di compiere come Agente Fantasma per il bene della missione. Il signor Mo sarà stato sedotto e ingannato, ma lei ha dovuto sacrificare tutta la sua vita per un bene più grande.
Ma ora chi lo spiega al bambino che la madre si è sposata col padre con l'inganno e che per otto anni è stata un'Agente Fantasma sotto copertura?
Traumatizzato a vita.
Yeo Woon Gwang.
Lo salvo per il rotto della cuffia, solo perché è un personaggio caratterizzato bene e sfaccettato, che mi ha fatto tanto sorridere ma che si è anche rivelato più profondo di quello che credevo.
Ma secondo me meritava di più di passare 5/6 episodi a spolverare due statuette di legno con il senso della sua esistenza buttato nel cesso.
Il protagonista
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Non è che mi abbia fatto cagare. È solo che secondo me è stato sfruttato male e non è stato approfondito abbastanza. Tutto quello che sappiamo di lui è che fa l'Agente Fantasma. Riguardo la sua infanzia, la sua famiglia, o il perché abbia deciso di fare questo lavoro, nulla si sa.
Oggettivamente, quest'uomo vive una vita difficile e triste, sempre in pericolo, sempre in viaggio, ogni volta con un'identità diversa. Non ha radici, non ha una casa, non ha stabilità. Ma questo punto non viene affrontato con la profondità che speravo, ed è un peccato.
L'unica cosa buona che poteva avere era un'evoluzione che lo portasse ad abbandonare questa vita per mettere radici da qualche parte, ma non gli ho mai creduto fino in fondo quando diceva di volerlo fare, e infatti...
Un'altra cosa che non mi è piaciuta di lui è quanto sia stato over power.
La storia d'amore
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Stendiamo un velo pietoso. A parte il fatto che non si capisce bene come si siano innamorati, la loro love story sembra scollegata alla trama principale orizzontale, tanto che a una certa ho avuto l'impressione di star guardando due serie differenti.
Non mi sono poi piaciuti i loro dialoghi, che ho trovato poco profondi ma più confezionati da frasi fatte e tipiche da film.
Inoltre ho trovato la loro storia abbastanza ripetitiva e poco coinvolgente.
La struttura della serie.
Mi aspettavo una cosa più seria, ma non è questo il problema. La serie è del genere comedy-spia, tipo Ocean's eleven, ma a mio parere i due generi non sono stati fusi per bene, sembra di vedere due cose distinte, due storyline nella stessa serie.
Inoltre la trama, quella vera e propria, è un po' incasinata e spesso poco chiara, incapace di dare risposta a tutte le domande, e povera di colpi di scena, ma ammetto che si risolleva abbastanza negli ultimi episodi @dilebe06
La bromance principale
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Sono delusa. Pensavo che Man to man mi avrebbe regalato un'altra bellissima bromance da inserire nella mia lista delle più belle dell'anno, ma la verità è che non mi ha soddisfatta.
Per carità, è carina e ci sono scenette molto divertenti, ma di questa bromance io ho avuto due impressioni: che l'attore fosse molto più investito nel rapporto rispetto al bodyguard, e che la relazione non sia mai stata approfondita come si deve.
Oddio, non è ai livelli della "bromance" di My Country perché lì i protagonisti si sono infilzati a vicenda per quindici episodi per poi morire abbracciati nell'ultimo, ma secondo me questa bromance poteva dare molto, molto di più.
Per il resto, a livello tecnico Man to man è fatta molto bene, talmente bene che la tecnologia messa in scena sembra fantascienza. Belle le scenografie. Carine le ost, anche se abbastanza ripetitive.
Punteggio: 6.8
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No I can’t sleep.
Who and how much do I need to pay to pirate ‘Sunbae don’t put that lipstick on’ for me?
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calqlate · 2 years
haikyuu characters as kdrama male leads
view m.list!
— yes, i'm making this a new series 🤠 also side note: there will be repeated characters!
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the sweet, kind, and caring sunbae whom everyone seems to have a major crush on but always turns out to be the second lead 90% of the time. they will give gentle smiles and soft pats on their hoobae's head and tutor others for free. — lee yoonhoo (cantabile tomorrow), shin wooyeo (my roommate is a gumiho)
daichi, sugawara, kiyoko, akiteru, iwaizumi, alissa, akaashi, moniwa, osamu
the quiet and shy classmate who is a wallflower. they sneak glances at the person they like, only to blush and look away after getting caught. — dan (angel's last mission: love), haru (extraordinary you), seo woojin (dr. romantic 2)
yamaguchi, asahi, yachi, narita, kinoshita, takeda, kindaichi, kenma, hyakuzawa
the tsundere who only speaks in "shut up and eat this, it's good for you" — baek kyung (extraordinary you), eun daegoo (you're all surrounded), hwang taekyung (he's beautiful)
kageyama, tsukishima
the one who is completely out of touch with their emotions and consults google to find answers for their feelings — jang seongyeol (clean with passion for now), moo myung (hwarang)
kageyama, yaku
the tease/flirt but they do not treat others the exact same way they treat the person they like — lee yeong (love in the moonlight), park jaeeon (nevertheless), wang so (moon lovers: scarlet heart ryeo)
tsukishima, oikawa, hanamaki, kuroo, futakuchi, atsumu, suna
the (seemingly) cold and aloof one who ignores the person they like because they malfunction when they're within a 2 metre radius with the person — do kyungseok (my id is gangnam beauty), kang hangyeol (the liar and his lover)
kunimi, kyoutani, yaku, aone, ushijima
the popular one who is completely immune to everyone else's advances because they already have someone they like — cha sunghoon (a business proposal), lee suho (true beauty), sa hyejun (record of youth)
ukai jr., saeko, oikawa, kuroo, akaashi, tendou (he's the class clown), atsumu, reon
the dunce who is absolutely smitten and their feelings are pretty much written all over their face — han seojun (true beauty), jung joonhyung (weightlifting fairy kim bokjoo), nam dosan (start-up)
hinata, tanaka, nishinoya, matsukawa, lev, akane, bokuto, goshiki, kamasaki, koganegawa
the hoobae who relentlessly makes advances on their sunbae because they are really, truly in love with the latter — chae hyunseung (she would never know), jung jiwoon (the king's affection), lee rim (rookie historian goo haeryung)
hinata, tanaka, nishinoya, lev, goshiki, koganegawa
the one who loves silently and shows their affection in non-verbal ways (they are usually the best friend) — cha eunho (romance is a bonus book), lee hyeyeong (love alarm), park joonyoung (do you like brahms?)
ennoshita, iwaizumi, aone, kawanishi
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nattawins · 3 years
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goodbye chae hyunseung & yoon songah ♡
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9rwn · 3 years
                                        ROWOON GIF ICONS
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—  by clicking the SOURCE LINKㅤyou’ll be redirected to  「 #373 #546 」  75px gif icons of  KIM SEOKWOO  ( rowoon )  starring in busted! and taking on the lead role of chae hyunseung in she would never know !! keep in mind seokwoo is south korean and born in 1996, so cast accordingly. all the gifs were made from the scratch by myself, so please do not claim as your own / edit / repost  !!  give this a like or reblog if you use / like it  !! thank you. <3
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rowooned · 3 years
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chae hyunseung looking cute as hell in his headband ♡
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koreanwstuff · 3 years
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Like if you use - do NOT repost
Rowoon as Chae Hyunseung
psd @floydcolorings
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ewsdbi · 3 years
i really like rowoon’s character in “she would never know”. chae hyunseung may be the stereotypical kdrama “lover” with his cheesy and cliché lines but i kinda like the complexity about him. i mean he has everything, he is rich, he is handsome, he is educated, he has a healthy relationship with his family (which is quite rare in kdramas when you are the “rich character”), he is humble about it BUT he still feels down, suffers, and feels that smtg is missing, a sort of emptiness.
i really like that about hyunseung, and what i like more is how rowoon manages so well to share these feelings with us, his acting really improved, i’m really proud of him.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
Obsession and unrequited love: same thing? Here to discuss it is our wonderful male lead, Chae HyunSeung (who has a crush on his work sunbae) and the crazy ex who cheated on him and now wants him back. Suddenly.
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He looks so handsome when he’s this serious, omg!
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Unrequited love is actually self torture, and anyone that says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about. I don't necessarily see it as a selfish thing, because selfishness looks to take advantage somehow, to please oneself. It's selfish when you're actively trying to force yourself and/or your feelings on that person. Yikes. But the crazy ex is right in that it is kinda messed up just like her. You cannot control your emotions/feelings sometimes but you can control how you react and what you do about that.
Of course, none of this means that I support this crazy ex, she comes back, crawling desperately and shamelessly, into his life, because she knows she let go of a wonderful and hot man. This might also be motivated by money, given that he comes from a rich family. What a piece of trash this woman is, huh?
Anyway, I'm still all for HyunSeung getting his sunbae to love him back lol because this a drama and not real life. In real life, I'd tell him to quit, change teams, departments or whatever is in the realm of possibility, and REALLY put distance between them. So he can move on. That's the healthy thing to do, but I'm not here for the healthiness. I'm here for the drama and THE MESS!!!
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kim-lexie · 3 years
march rewind: 2021
ateez. just everything and anything ateez. i am officially an atiny. all of their tracks. the music videos, all their variety show contents. i am here for it all. 10 out of 10 would recommend diving in and enjoying all that they have to offer. it’s been a great time. 
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‘rollin’' by brave girls. of course this needed to make it’s way onto my playlist, as it is currently the national anthem of korea. it’s crazy to see a song that has been out for a hot minute make such an impact on the charts. their vocals are so strong, and i am surprised i have not heard of them really before this event. but the song is great, and is best experienced when driving on the highway sung with friends at the top of your lungs. 
‘run’ by sorn. this girl is also making moves and i love that she is able to do what she loves. you can truly see how much she loves singing and performing in the music video. and i cannot wait until the day that these artists will be able to perform to their hearts content and see fans in real life again. on to the track, the vibe is so different from previous clc tracks and i love that for her. it’s a chill cute fresh vibe, and it fits her so well. i also love the cover art for her start as a individual artist. i further watched her behind the scenes and this girl is a queen and curated this all herself with her friends. what a wonderful story to see all that perseverance can create.
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‘on the ground’ by rose. our queen had a tremendous comeback and we are proud of our girl. i love that she was able to release the track in a language she wanted and it was unexpected to me at least that it was in english, not only the main track but also her b-side, ‘gone’ (also love). it was great, and i love the creative choreography, and truly appreciate that her dancers had their own fancams.
‘b.l.t. (bling like this)’ by treasure. it’s fun. we already love bang ye dam’s vocals and when i heard this track as the outro for a youtube video i had to investigate. it’s cute, bright and cheerful. love it. 
korean indie. 
fam this genre may have it’s own category this month because it has been owning my playlist: 
‘ohio’ by hyukoh. 
‘jam & butterfly (feat. crush & eaJ)’ by dpr live. this song is literal honey. the vibes the tone in their voices. these three vocals just mesh so well together, and i am obsessed with this track. 
dept. recently discovered this incredible artist. i have been loving ‘2 years’ feat soon zero, ‘summer again’ feat saula, and ‘even after july’ feat kuro. seriously his tone is something else. 
‘home sweet home’ by car, the garden.
dramas & movies. *spoiler alert*
space sweepers. finally got around to watching this stellar sci-fi film. i enjoyed the plot with the dystopian-utopian future, unique and likely crew of friends, and the most precious gem of ‘potential destruction’. if you haven’t jumped aboard this one i would 10 out fo 10 recommend. plus it has our man song joongki as one of the leads. 
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love alarm season 2. sooooo season two was a journey that i did not expect. i like suho. i was so conflicted. i waited thinking the writers would fix the wrongs in season one. but here we are suho broken hearted without jojo. my heart is aching and shattered because of the travesty that is upon us. i think there was supposed to be a deeper meaning when she was running through the conquered forest she once wanted to escape so desperately, and they she finally embraced her old self. and hye-yeong was waiting for her at the end of the race. but i was just so sour about the situation with suho i neglected to see the other meanings present at that point. this whole season was truly a joke on me/us as viewers because it was wack. i did not expect to see suho as the second male lead. like honey, he can be first male lead in my life any time he wants. okay but back to the drama, it was okay not what i wanted but it was good and well made. so i guess i’d give it a 7.5 out of 10. still mad at this point.
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koi wa tsuzuku yo dokomademo (love that lasts forever). this was a sweet japanese drama. following our sweet girl, sakura, as a aspiring nurse having running into the great doctor, tendo. he is stoic and shows no heart in his work as a cardiac physician. she approaches him and eventually makes her way into his heart. their relationship is sweet. i would rate this a 8 out of 10. i appreciate the way that japanese dramas develop and the sweet level of romance that permeates the entire drama. 
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sunbae don’t put on that lipstick. the perfect office romance for early spring. of course i added this one to my two watch list after seeing rowoon was a part of this cast. after ‘extraordinary you’ i have been invested in his acting journey and this drama did not disappoint. this drama follows a office worker, songah, who is secretly dating her manager. her younger hoobae, chae hyunseung has a crush on her from afar, and soon stumbles upon their manager planning a wedding with his fiancé, not our girl mind you. this leads to a string of events that empowers our dude to gain courage to become outspoken with his feelings for songah. we get to follow the blossoming of their relationship and the events that ensue thereafter. hyunseung had the best lines in this drama. 
sunbae. you can take your time. but if you come to me i’ll show you the most beautiful love ever. 
you don’t have to risk anything sunbae. i’ll risk it all for you. 
and i love how the drama ends with them saying how they want to experience everything together
let’s see cherry blossoms in the spring. ocean in the summer. leaves in the autumn. and snow in the winter...every year.
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1hyunjae · 3 years
Chae Hyunseungs entire character has redeemed itself by the line 내 여자 앞에서 꺼지라고 이새끼야 alone
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o-n-edir-ection · 6 years
Make Money with Youtube Love One Direction? See their 15 best fashion moments! You'll especially love #14 link
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Even though I try not to play favourites, there are some groups that I lean towards more than others…
However, I love all boy groups the same and wish that they all had the same amount of limelight shined on them because they all deserve the best!
Anyways, I decided to put all boy group members together and put them all in an age line so we can see who is older/younger. I know sometimes all of us are curious as to who is older than who…so I did all the work and here you go…
From oldest boy group member to the youngest.
Please read the notes at the end of the list.
‘83 Liner
Park Jungsoo (Leeteuk) (July 1, 1983) SUPER JUNIOR
Kim Heechul (July 10, 1983) SUPER JUNIOR
‘84 Liner
Kim Jonghoon (Yesung) (Aug 24, 1984) SUPER JUNIOR
‘85 Liner
Kim Youngwoon (Kangin) (Jan 17, 1985) SUPER JUNIOR
Shin Donghee (Shindong) (Sept 28, 1985) SUPER JUNIOR
‘86 Liner
Lee Sungmin (Jan 1, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Kim Jaejoong (Jan 26, 1986) JYJ
Jung Yunho (U-Know) (Feb 6, 1986) TVXQ
Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) (Apr 4, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Choi Siwon (Apr 7, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Zhoumi (Apr 19, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Park Yoochun (June 4, 1986) JYJ
Lee Donghae (Oct 15, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Kim Junsu (Dec 15, 1986) JYJ
‘87 Liner
Kim Ryeowook (June 21, 1987) SUPER JUNIOR
Choi Seunghyun (T.O.P) (Nov 4, 1987) BIG BANG
‘88 Liner
Kim Minjun (Jun. K) (Jan 15, 1988) 2PM
Cho Kyuhyun (Feb 3, 1988) SUPER JUNIOR
Shim Changmin (Max) (Feb 18, 1988) TVXQ
Kim Jiyeop (Kevin) (Feb 23, 1988) ZE:A
Dong Youngbae (Taeyang) (May 18, 1988) BIG BANG
Nickhun (June 24, 1988) 2PM
Kwon Jiyong (G Dragon) (Aug 18, 1988) BIG BANG
Hwang Kwanghee (Aug 25, 1988) ZE:A
Im Siwan (Dec 1, 1988) ZE:A
Ok Taecyeon (Dec 27, 1988) 2PM
‘89 Liner
Moon Junyoung (Lee Hoo) (Feb 9, 1989) ZE:A
Kim Donghyun (Feb 12, 1989) BOYFRIEND
Kang Daesung (Apr 26, 1989) BIG BANG
Kim Sunggyu (Apr 28, 1989) INFINITE
Jang Wooyoung (Apr 30, 1989) 2PM
Kim Taeheon (June 18, 1989) ZE:A
Jung Yonghwa (June 22, 1989) CNBLUE
Yoon Doojoon (July 4, 1989) HIGHLIGHT
Jang Hyunseung (Sept 3, 1989) SOLO
Luxian Hua (Henry) (Oct 11, 1989) SUPER JUNIOR
Jung Heecheol (Dec 9, 1989) ZE:A
Lee Jinki (Onew) (Dec 14, 1989) SHINEE
Yong Junhyung (Dec 19, 1989) HIGHLIGHT
‘90 Liner
Yang Yoseob (Jan 5, 1990) HIGHLIGHT
Lee Junho (Jan 25, 1990) 2PM
Hwang Chansung (Feb 11, 1990) 2PM
Lee Hongki (Mar 2, 1990) F.T. ISLAND
Choi Jonghoon (Mar 7, 1990) F.T. ISLAND
Kim Minseok (Xiumin) (Mar 26, 1990) EXO
Lee Kikwang (Mar 30, 1990) HIGHLIGHT
Bang Yongguk (Mar 31, 1990) BAP
Kim Jonghyun (Apr 8, 1990) SHINEE
Kim Himchan (Apr 19, 1990) BAP
Luhan (Apr 20, 1990) SOLO
Lee Jonghyun (May 15, 1990) CNBLUE
Cha Hakyeon (N) (June 30, 1990) VIXX
Ha Minwoo (Sept 6, 1990) ZE:A
Lee Taeil (Sept 24, 1990) BLOCK B
Wu Yifan (Kris) (Nov 6, 1990) SOLO
Jung Taekwoon (Leo) (Nov 10, 1990) VIXX
Jang Dongwoo (Nov 22, 1990) INFINITE
Seo Eunkwang (Nov 22, 1990) BTOB
Lee Minhyuk (Nov 29, 1990) BTOB
Lee Seunghyun (Seungri) (Dec 12, 1990) BIG BANG
Lee Minhyuk (B-Bomb) (Dec 14, 1990) BLOCK B
Ahn Jaehyo (Dec 23, 1990) BLOCK B
‘91 Liner
Nam Woohyun (Feb 8, 1991) INFINITE
Lee Changsub (Feb 26, 1991) BTOB
Yoon Jisung (Mar 8, 1991) WANNA ONE
Lee Howon (Hoya) (Mar 28, 1991) SOLO
Kim Junmyeon (Suho) (May 22, 1991) EXO
Song Dongwoon (June 6, 1991) HIGHLIGHT
Shin Dongwoo (CNU) (June 16, 1991) B1A4
Kang Minhyuk (June 28, 1991) CNBLUE
Song Seunghyun (Aug 21, 1991) F.T. ISLAND
Lee Seongyeol (Aug 27, 1991) INFINITE
Lee Jungshin (Sept 15, 1991) CNBLUE
Kim Kibum (Key) (Sept 23, 1991) SHINEE
Kim Jinwoo (Jinu) (Sept 26, 1991) WINNER
Zhang Yixing (Lay) (Oct 7, 1991) EXO
Park Hyungsik (Nov 16, 1991) ZE:A
Jung Jinyoung (Nov 18, 1991) B1A4
Choi Minho (Dec 9, 1991) SHINEE
Lee Jaejin (Dec 17, 1991) F.T. ISLAND
‘92 Liner
Lee Seunghoon (Hoony) (Jan 11, 1992) WINNER
Kim Dongjun (Feb 11, 1992) ZE:A
Im Hyunsik (Mar 7, 1992) BTOB
Kim Myungsoo (L) (Mar 13, 1992) INFINITE
Lee Junghwan (Sanduel) (Mar 20, 1992) B1A4
Lee Jaehwan (Ken) (Apr 6, 1992) VIXX
Kim Yoo Kwon (U-Kwon) (Apr 9, 1992) BLOCK B
Jo Jinho (Apr 17, 1992) PENTAGON
Choi Junhyuk (Apr 21, 1992) HOTSHOT
Byun Baekhyun (May 6, 1992) EXO
Sohn Hyunwoo (Shownu) (June 18, 1992) MONSTA X
Park Kyung (July 8, 1992) BLOCK B
Cha Sunwoo (Baro) (Sept 5, 1992) B1A4
Woo Jiho (Zico) (Sept 14, 1992) BlOCK B
Park Jaehyung (Jae) (Sept 15, 1992) DAY6
Kim Jongdae (Chen) (Sept 21, 1992) EXO
Choi Hyunggeun (Suhyun) (Oct 1, 1992) SNUPER
Choi Minhwan (Nov 11, 1992) F.T. ISLAND
Park Chanyeol (Nov 27, 1992) EXO
Kim Seokjin (Dec 4, 1992) BTS
‘93 Liner
Do Kyungsoo (DO) (Jan 12, 1993) EXO
Park Sungjin (Jan 16, 1993) DAY6
Kim Moongyu (Timoteo) (Jan 25, 1993) HOTSHOT
Pyo Jihoon (P.O) (Feb 2, 1993) BLOCK B
Kim Youjin (Feb 10, 1993) KNK
Lee Daeyeol (Feb 11, 1993) GOLDEN CHILD
Kim Wonshik (Ravi) (Feb 15, 1993) VIXX
Kim Woosung (Sammy) (Feb 25, 1993) THE ROSE
Lee Donghun (Feb 28, 1993) A.C.E
Shin Hoseok (Wonho) (Mar 1, 1993) MONSTA X
Min Yoongi (Suga) (Mar 9, 1993) BTS
Peniel (Mar 10, 1993) BTOB
Park Jeup (Mar 27, 1993) IMFACT
Song Mingo (Mino) (Mar 30, 1993) WINNER
Park Dojoon (Apr 20, 1993) THE ROSE
Shin Sangil (May 1, 1993) SNUPER
Huang Zitao (May 2, 1993) SOLO
Kim Sehyoon (Wow) (May 15, 1993) A.C.E
Kwak Youngmin (Aron) (May 21, 1993) NU'EST
Shim Hyunseong (June 9, 1993) BOYFRIEND
Jung Daehyun (June 28, 1993) BAP
Kim Inseong (July 12, 1993) SF9
Im Junhyuk (July 17, 1993) Former DAY6
Lee Taemin (July 18, 1993) SHINEE
Gong Chanshik (Gongchan) (Aug 14, 1993) B1A4
Lee Hoetaek (Hui) (Aug 28, 1993) PENTAGON
Lee Sungjong (Sept 3, 1993) INFINITE
Dong Yieun (Mark) (Sept 4, 1993) GOT7
Lee Hongbin (Sept 29, 1993) VIXX
(N) Roh Taehyun (Oct 15, 1993) JBJ/HOTSHOT
Park Seungjun (Oct 28, 1993) KNK
Kim Taeho (Nov 1, 1993) IMFACT
Lee Minhyuk (Nov 3, 1993) MONSTA X
Lee Daekwang (Jian) (Nov 8, 1993) IMFACT
Yoo Kihyun (Nov 22, 1993) MONSTA X
Kim Youngbin (Nov 23, 1993) SF9
Brian Kang (Young K) (Dec 19, 1993) DAY6
‘94 Liner
Lee Jeongmin (Jan 2, 1994) BOYFRIEND
Kim Jongin (Kai) (Jan 14, 1994) EXO
Chae Hyungwon (Jan 15, 1994) MONSTA X
Kang Seungyoon (Yoon) (Jan 21, 1994) WINNER
Im Jaebum (JB) (Jan 6, 1994) GOT7
Yoo Youngjae (Jan 24, 1994) BAP
Kim Jinhwan (Jay) (Feb 7, 1994) IKON
Jung Hoseok (J Hope) (Feb 18, 1994) BTS
Kim Myungjun (MJ) (Mar 5, 1994) ASTRO
Ha Sungwoon (Mar 22, 1994) WANNA ONE/HOTSHOT
Wang Jiaer (Jackson Wang) (Mar 28, 1994) GOT7
Kim Seongri (Apr 6, 1994) RAINZ
Oh Sehun (Apr 12, 1994) EXO
Yang Hongseok (Apr 17, 1994) PENTAGON
Kim Wonpil (Apr 28, 1994) DAY6
Nam Taehyun  (May 10, 1994) SOLO
Yukimoto Yasuo (Taewoong) (May 24, 1994) SNUPER
Kim Hyojong (E’Dawn) (June 1, 1994) PENTAGON
Park Junhee (Jun) (June 2, 1994) A.C.E
Moon Taeil (June 14, 1994) NCT
Jeong Inseong (July 1, 1994) KNK
Lee Hajoon (July 26, 1994) THE ROSE
Lee Jaeyoon (Aug 9, 1994) SF9
Yoon Sanghyuk (Yoonsan) (Aug 22, 1994) HOTSHOT
Kim Namjoon (RM) (Sept 12, 1994) BTS
Park Jinyoung (Sept 22, 1994) GOT7
Choi Sunghyuk (Woosung) (Sept 24, 1994) SNUPER
Jung Ilhoon (Oct 4, 1994) BTOB
Lee Jooheon (Oct 6, 1994) MONSTA X
Go Hojung (Oct 20, 1994) HOTSHOT
Lee Jaehyeong (Nov 3, 1994) THE ROSE
Han Seongwoo (Dec 24, 1994) VICTON
‘95 Liner
Takada Kenta (Jan 10, 1995) JBJ
Moon Jongup (Feb 6, 1995) BAP
Song Yoonhyung (Song) (Feb 8, 1995) IKON
Seo Youngho (Johnny) (Feb 9, 1995) NCT
Jo Sangho (Feb 10, 1995) SNUPER
Kim Jihun (Feb 20, 1995) KNK
Kang Seungsik (Apr 16, 1995) VICTON
Jo Youngmin (Apr 24, 1995) BOYFRIEND
Jo Kwangmin (Apr 24, 1995) BOYFRIEND
Yook Sungjae (May 2, 1995) BTOB
Kim Sanggyun (May 23, 1995) JBJ/TOPP DOGG
Kim Jonghyun (JR) (June 8, 1995) NU'EST
Lee Taeyong (July 1, 1995) NCT
Han Sanghyuk (July 5, 1995) VIXX
Kang Dongho (Baekho) (July 21, 1995) NU'EST
Lee Sanghyuk (Dawon) (July 24, 1995) SF9
Choi Seongyoon (Y) (July 31, 1995) GOLDEN CHILD
No Minwoo (July 31, 1995) BOYFRIEND
Kim Jinwook (Jinhoo) (Aug 2, 1995) UP10TION
Choi Sungcheol (S Coups) (Aug 8, 1995) SEVENTEEN
Hwang Minhyun (Aug 9, 1995) WANNA ONE/NU'EST
Ong Seongwoo (Aug 25, 1995) WANNA ONE
Yoon Dowoon (Aug 25, 1995) DAY6
Yoon Junghan (Jeonghan) (Oct 4, 1995) SEVENTEEN
Park Jimin (Oct 13, 1995) BTS
Lee Sang (Oct 17, 1995) IMFACT
Nakamoto Yuta (Oct 26, 1995) NCT
Choi Minki (Ren) (Nov 3, 1995) NU'EST
No Soo Il (Kuhn) (Nov 11, 1995) UP10TION
Park Jaesseok (Nov 20, 1995) *inactive
Ko Shinwon (Dec 11, 1995) PENTAGON
Heo Chan (Dec 14, 1995) VICTON
Kim Jiwon (Bobby) (Dec 21, 1995) IKON
Hong Jisoo (Joshua) (Dec 30, 1995) SEVENTEEN
Kim Taehyung (V) (Dec 30, 1995) BTS
‘96 Liner
Qian Kun (Jan 1, 1996) NCT
Im Changkyun (Jan 26, 1996) MONSTA X
Kim Doyoung (Feb 1, 1996) NCT
Ju Wontak (Feb 24, 1996) RAINZ
Ten (Feb 27, 1996) NCT
Jin Longguo (Yongguk) (Mar 4, 1996) JBJ
Park Jinwoo (Jinjin) (Mar 15, 1996) ASTRO
Yeo Changgu (Yeo One) (Mar 27, 1996) PENTAGON
Jang Sebin (Apr 24, 1996) SNUPER
Lim Sejun (May 4, 1996) VICTON
Oh Heejun (May 8, 1996) KNK
Go Minsoo (Kogyeol) (May 19, 1996) UP10TION
Kim Jaehwan (May 27, 1996) WANNA ONE
Lee Sungjun (Wei) (June 8, 1996) UP10TION
Wen Junhui (Jun) (June 10, 1996) SEVENTEEN
Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) (June 15, 1996) SEVENTEEN
Lee Kiwon (June 27, 1996) RAINZ
Baek Juho (Zuho) (July 4, 1996) SF9
Jeon Wonwoo (July 17, 1996) SEVENTEEN
Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) (Aug 7, 1996) SF9
Kim Byeongkwan (Jason) (Aug 13, 1996) A.C.E  
Lee Changhyun (Bit-To) (Aug 24, 1996) UP10TION
Choi Youngjae (Sept 17, 1996) GOT7
Choi Junhong (Zelo) (Oct 15, 1996) BAP
Kim Hanbin (B.I) (Oct 22, 1996) IKON
Yan An (Oct 25, 1996) PENTAGON
Kim Wooseok (Wooshin) (Oct 27, 1996) UP10TION
Seon Yein (Sunyoul) (Nov 6, 1996) UP10TION
Lee Jihoon (Woozi) (Nov 22, 1996) SEVENTEEN
Kang Daniel (Dec 10, 1996) WANNA ONE
‘97 Liner
Kim Donghyuk (DK) (Jan 3, 1997) IKON
Jang Daehyeon (Feb 11, 1997) RAINZ
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) (Feb 14, 1997) NCT
Lee Seokmin (DK) (Feb 18, 1997) SEVENTEEN
Yoo Taeyang (Feb 28, 1997) SF9
Lee Jangjun (Mar 3, 1997) GOLDEN CHILD
Kwon Hyunbin (Mar 4, 1997) JBJ
Lee Dongmin (Cha Eunwoo) (Mar 30, 1997) ASTRO
Koo Junhoe (Ju-Ne) (Mar 31, 1997) IKON
Bambam (May 2, 1997) GOT7
Kim Mingyu (Apr 6, 1997) SEVENTEEN
Kim Woojin (Apr 8, 1997) STRAY KIDS
Jeon Jeongguk (Sept 1, 1997) BTS
Do Hanse (Sept 25, 1997) VICTON
Hong Eunki (Sept 29, 1997) RAINZ
Chris Bang (Chan) (Oct 3, 1997) STRAY KIDS
Dong Sasung (Winwin) (Oct 28, 1997) NCT
Xu Minghao (The8) (Nov 7, 1997) SEVENTEEN
Choi Byungchan (Nov 12, 1997) VICTON
Kim Yugyeom (Nov 17, 1997) GOT7
Han Gyujin (Nov 21, 1997) UP10TION
Kang Yuchan (Chan) (Dec 31, 1997) A.C.E
‘98 Liner
Boo Seungkwan (Jan 16, 1998) SEVENTEEN
Adachi Yuto (Jan 23, 1998) PENTAGON
Jung Chanwoo (Chan) (Jan 26, 1998) IKON
Moon Bin (Jan 26, 1998) ASTRO
Kang Hyunggu (Kino) (Jan 27, 1998) PENTAGON
Jung Wooseok (Jan 31, 1998) PENTAGON
Hansol Vernon Choi (Feb 18, 1998) SEVENTEEN
Kim Jungwoo (Feb 19, 1998) NCT
Son Youngtaek (Tag) (Apr 13, 1998) GOLDEN CHILD
Lee Hwanhee (May 6, 1998) UP10TION
Na Ungjae (May 28, 1998) IMFACT
Kim Donghan (July 3, 1998) JBJ
Bae Seungmin (Oct 13, 1998) GOLDEN CHILD
Lee Minho (Oct 25, 1998) STRAY KIDS
Lee Dongyeol (Xiao) (Dec 13, 1998) UP10TION
‘99 Liner
Bong Jaehyun (Jan 4, 1999) GOLDEN CHILD
Wong Yukhei (Lucas) (Jan 25, 1999) NCT
Kim Jibeom (Feb 3, 1999) GOLDEN CHILD
Lee Chan (Dino) (Feb 11, 1999) SEVENTEEN
Kim Donghyun (Feb 23, 1999) GOLDEN CHILD
Park Minhyuk (Rocky) (Feb 25, 1999) ASTRO
Jung Subin (Apr 5, 1999) VICTON
Byun Hyunmin (Apr 17, 1999) RAINZ
Kim Youngkyun (Hwiyoung) (May 11, 1999) SF9
Park Jihoon (May 29, 1999) WANNA ONE
Hong Joochan (July 31, 1999) GOLDEN CHILD
Lee Minhyung (Mark Lee) (Aug 2, 1999) NCT
Seo Changbin (Aug 11, 1999) STRAY KIDS
Seo Sunghyuk (Aug 26, 1999) RAINZ
Park Woojin (Nov 2, 1999) WANNA ONE
‘00 Liner
Kang Chanee (Chani) (Jan 17, 2000) SF9
Hwang Hyunjin (Mar 20, 2000) STRAY KIDS
Yoon Sanha (Mar 21, 2000) ASTRO
Hwang Injoon (Renjun) (Mar 23, 2000) NCT
Lee Jeno (Apr 23, 2000) NCT
Bae Jinyoung (May 10, 2000) WANNA ONE
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) (June 6, 2000) NCT
Na Jaemin (Aug 13, 2000) NCT
Choi Bomin (Aug 24, 2000) GOLDEN CHILD
Han Jisung (Sept 14, 2000) STRAY KIDS
Lee Felix (Sept 15, 2000) STRAY KIDS
Kim Seungmin (Sept 22, 2000) STRAY KIDS
‘01 Liner
Lee Daehwi (Jan 29, 2001) WANNA ONE
Yang Jeongin (Feb 8, 2001) STRAY KIDS
Lai Guanlin (Sept 23, 2001) WANNA ONE
Jong Jinrak (Zhong Chenle) (Nov 22, 2001) NCT
’02 Liner
Park Jisung (Feb 5, 2002) NCT
Because there are a lot of boys, there may be some mistakes…so if you spot them let me know and I will update it properly.
Also, if there is a group that is not in the list and you want me to add them, send me a message and I will gladly add the members in. 
As well as that, I can also add YOU into the list, so you can see in view where you sit! I will either repost the list with your blog names added, or I can send a private email for your viewing only, just let me know which one you want :)
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Even though I try not to play favourites, there are some groups that I lean towards more than others…
However, I love all boy groups the same and wish that they all had the same amount of limelight shined on them because they all deserve the best!
Anyways, I decided to put all boy group members together and put them all in an age line so we can see who is older/younger. I know sometimes all of us are curious as to who is older than who…so I did all the work and here you go…
From oldest boy group member to the youngest.
Please read the notes at the end of the list.
‘83 Liner
Park Jungsoo (Leeteuk) (July 1, 1983) SUPER JUNIOR
Kim Heechul (July 10, 1983) SUPER JUNIOR
‘84 Liner
Kim Jonghoon (Yesung) (Aug 24, 1984) SUPER JUNIOR
‘85 Liner
Kim Youngwoon (Kangin) (Jan 17, 1985) SUPER JUNIOR
Shin Donghee (Shindong) (Sept 28, 1985) SUPER JUNIOR
‘86 Liner
Lee Sungmin (Jan 1, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Kim Jaejoong (Jan 26, 1986) JYJ
Jung Yunho (U-Know) (Feb 6, 1986) TVXQ
Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) (Apr 4, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Choi Siwon (Apr 7, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Zhoumi (Apr 19, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Park Yoochun (June 4, 1986) JYJ
Lee Donghae (Oct 15, 1986) SUPER JUNIOR
Kim Junsu (Dec 15, 1986) JYJ
‘87 Liner
Kim Ryeowook (June 21, 1987) SUPER JUNIOR
Choi Seunghyun (T.O.P) (Nov 4, 1987) BIG BANG
‘88 Liner
Kim Minjun (Jun. K) (Jan 15, 1988) 2PM
Cho Kyuhyun (Feb 3, 1988) SUPER JUNIOR
Shim Changmin (Max) (Feb 18, 1988) TVXQ
Kim Jiyeop (Kevin) (Feb 23, 1988) ZE:A
Dong Youngbae (Taeyang) (May 18, 1988) BIG BANG
Nickhun (June 24, 1988) 2PM
Kwon Jiyong (G Dragon) (Aug 18, 1988) BIG BANG
Hwang Kwanghee (Aug 25, 1988) ZE:A
Im Siwan (Dec 1, 1988) ZE:A
Ok Taecyeon (Dec 27, 1988) 2PM
‘89 Liner
Moon Junyoung (Lee Hoo) (Feb 9, 1989) ZE:A
Kim Donghyun (Feb 12, 1989) BOYFRIEND
Kang Daesung (Apr 26, 1989) BIG BANG
Kim Sunggyu (Apr 28, 1989) INFINITE
Jang Wooyoung (Apr 30, 1989) 2PM
Kim Taeheon (June 18, 1989) ZE:A
Jung Yonghwa (June 22, 1989) CNBLUE
Yoon Doojoon (July 4, 1989) HIGHLIGHT
Jang Hyunseung (Sept 3, 1989) SOLO
Luxian Hua (Henry) (Oct 11, 1989) SUPER JUNIOR
Jung Heecheol (Dec 9, 1989) ZE:A
Lee Jinki (Onew) (Dec 14, 1989) SHINEE
Yong Junhyung (Dec 19, 1989) HIGHLIGHT
‘90 Liner
Yang Yoseob (Jan 5, 1990) HIGHLIGHT
Lee Junho (Jan 25, 1990) 2PM
Hwang Chansung (Feb 11, 1990) 2PM
Lee Hongki (Mar 2, 1990) F.T. ISLAND
Choi Jonghoon (Mar 7, 1990) F.T. ISLAND
Kim Minseok (Xiumin) (Mar 26, 1990) EXO
Lee Kikwang (Mar 30, 1990) HIGHLIGHT
Bang Yongguk (Mar 31, 1990) BAP
Kim Jonghyun (Apr 8, 1990) SHINEE
Kim Himchan (Apr 19, 1990) BAP
Luhan (Apr 20, 1990) SOLO
Lee Jonghyun (May 15, 1990) CNBLUE
Cha Hakyeon (N) (June 30, 1990) VIXX
Ha Minwoo (Sept 6, 1990) ZE:A
Lee Taeil (Sept 24, 1990) BLOCK B
Wu Yifan (Kris) (Nov 6, 1990) SOLO
Jung Taekwoon (Leo) (Nov 10, 1990) VIXX
Jang Dongwoo (Nov 22, 1990) INFINITE
Seo Eunkwang (Nov 22, 1990) BTOB
Lee Minhyuk (Nov 29, 1990) BTOB
Lee Seunghyun (Seungri) (Dec 12, 1990) BIG BANG
Lee Minhyuk (B-Bomb) (Dec 14, 1990) BLOCK B
Ahn Jaehyo (Dec 23, 1990) BLOCK B
‘91 Liner
Nam Woohyun (Feb 8, 1991) INFINITE
Lee Changsub (Feb 26, 1991) BTOB
Yoon Jisung (Mar 8, 1991) WANNA ONE
Lee Howon (Hoya) (Mar 28, 1991) SOLO
Kim Junmyeon (Suho) (May 22, 1991) EXO
Song Dongwoon (June 6, 1991) HIGHLIGHT
Shin Dongwoo (CNU) (June 16, 1991) B1A4
Kang Minhyuk (June 28, 1991) CNBLUE
Song Seunghyun (Aug 21, 1991) F.T. ISLAND
Lee Seongyeol (Aug 27, 1991) INFINITE
Lee Jungshin (Sept 15, 1991) CNBLUE
Kim Kibum (Key) (Sept 23, 1991) SHINEE
Kim Jinwoo (Jinu) (Sept 26, 1991) WINNER
Zhang Yixing (Lay) (Oct 7, 1991) EXO
Park Hyungsik (Nov 16, 1991) ZE:A
Jung Jinyoung (Nov 18, 1991) B1A4
Choi Minho (Dec 9, 1991) SHINEE
Lee Jaejin (Dec 17, 1991) F.T. ISLAND
‘92 Liner
Lee Seunghoon (Hoony) (Jan 11, 1992) WINNER
Kim Dongjun (Feb 11, 1992) ZE:A
Im Hyunsik (Mar 7, 1992) BTOB
Kim Myungsoo (L) (Mar 13, 1992) INFINITE
Lee Junghwan (Sanduel) (Mar 20, 1992) B1A4
Lee Jaehwan (Ken) (Apr 6, 1992) VIXX
Kim Yoo Kwon (U-Kwon) (Apr 9, 1992) BLOCK B
Jo Jinho (Apr 17, 1992) PENTAGON
Choi Junhyuk (Apr 21, 1992) HOTSHOT
Byun Baekhyun (May 6, 1992) EXO
Sohn Hyunwoo (Shownu) (June 18, 1992) MONSTA X
Park Kyung (July 8, 1992) BLOCK B
Cha Sunwoo (Baro) (Sept 5, 1992) B1A4
Woo Jiho (Zico) (Sept 14, 1992) BlOCK B
Park Jaehyung (Jae) (Sept 15, 1992) DAY6
Kim Jongdae (Chen) (Sept 21, 1992) EXO
Choi Hyunggeun (Suhyun) (Oct 1, 1992) SNUPER
Choi Minhwan (Nov 11, 1992) F.T. ISLAND
Park Chanyeol (Nov 27, 1992) EXO
Kim Seokjin (Dec 4, 1992) BTS
‘93 Liner
Do Kyungsoo (DO) (Jan 12, 1993) EXO
Park Sungjin (Jan 16, 1993) DAY6
Kim Moongyu (Timoteo) (Jan 25, 1993) HOTSHOT
Pyo Jihoon (P.O) (Feb 2, 1993) BLOCK B
Kim Youjin (Feb 10, 1993) KNK
Lee Daeyeol (Feb 11, 1993) GOLDEN CHILD
Kim Wonshik (Ravi) (Feb 15, 1993) VIXX
Kim Woosung (Sammy) (Feb 25, 1993) THE ROSE
Lee Donghun (Feb 28, 1993) A.C.E
Shin Hoseok (Wonho) (Mar 1, 1993) MONSTA X
Min Yoongi (Suga) (Mar 9, 1993) BTS
Peniel (Mar 10, 1993) BTOB
Park Jeup (Mar 27, 1993) IMFACT
Song Mingo (Mino) (Mar 30, 1993) WINNER
Park Dojoon (Apr 20, 1993) THE ROSE
Shin Sangil (May 1, 1993) SNUPER
Huang Zitao (May 2, 1993) SOLO
Kim Sehyoon (Wow) (May 15, 1993) A.C.E
Kwak Youngmin (Aron) (May 21, 1993) NU'EST
Shim Hyunseong (June 9, 1993) BOYFRIEND
Jung Daehyun (June 28, 1993) BAP
Kim Inseong (July 12, 1993) SF9
Im Junhyuk (July 17, 1993) Former DAY6
Lee Taemin (July 18, 1993) SHINEE
Gong Chanshik (Gongchan) (Aug 14, 1993) B1A4
Lee Hoetaek (Hui) (Aug 28, 1993) PENTAGON
Lee Sungjong (Sept 3, 1993) INFINITE
Dong Yieun (Mark) (Sept 4, 1993) GOT7
Lee Hongbin (Sept 29, 1993) VIXX
(N) Roh Taehyun (Oct 15, 1993) JBJ/HOTSHOT
Park Seungjun (Oct 28, 1993) KNK
Kim Taeho (Nov 1, 1993) IMFACT
Lee Minhyuk (Nov 3, 1993) MONSTA X
Lee Daekwang (Jian) (Nov 8, 1993) IMFACT
Yoo Kihyun (Nov 22, 1993) MONSTA X
Kim Youngbin (Nov 23, 1993) SF9
Brian Kang (Young K) (Dec 19, 1993) DAY6
‘94 Liner
Lee Jeongmin (Jan 2, 1994) BOYFRIEND
Kim Jongin (Kai) (Jan 14, 1994) EXO
Chae Hyungwon (Jan 15, 1994) MONSTA X
Kang Seungyoon (Yoon) (Jan 21, 1994) WINNER
Im Jaebum (JB) (Jan 6, 1994) GOT7
Yoo Youngjae (Jan 24, 1994) BAP
Kim Jinhwan (Jay) (Feb 7, 1994) IKON
Jung Hoseok (J Hope) (Feb 18, 1994) BTS
Kim Myungjun (MJ) (Mar 5, 1994) ASTRO
Ha Sungwoon (Mar 22, 1994) WANNA ONE/HOTSHOT
Wang Jiaer (Jackson Wang) (Mar 28, 1994) GOT7
Kim Seongri (Apr 6, 1994) RAINZ
Oh Sehun (Apr 12, 1994) EXO
Yang Hongseok (Apr 17, 1994) PENTAGON
Kim Wonpil (Apr 28, 1994) DAY6
Nam Taehyun  (May 10, 1994) SOLO
Yukimoto Yasuo (Taewoong) (May 24, 1994) SNUPER
Kim Hyojong (E’Dawn) (June 1, 1994) PENTAGON
Park Junhee (Jun) (June 2, 1994) A.C.E
Moon Taeil (June 14, 1994) NCT
Jeong Inseong (July 1, 1994) KNK
Lee Hajoon (July 26, 1994) THE ROSE
Lee Jaeyoon (Aug 9, 1994) SF9
Yoon Sanghyuk (Yoonsan) (Aug 22, 1994) HOTSHOT
Kim Namjoon (RM) (Sept 12, 1994) BTS
Park Jinyoung (Sept 22, 1994) GOT7
Choi Sunghyuk (Woosung) (Sept 24, 1994) SNUPER
Jung Ilhoon (Oct 4, 1994) BTOB
Lee Jooheon (Oct 6, 1994) MONSTA X
Go Hojung (Oct 20, 1994) HOTSHOT
Lee Jaehyeong (Nov 3, 1994) THE ROSE
Han Seongwoo (Dec 24, 1994) VICTON
‘95 Liner
Takada Kenta (Jan 10, 1995) JBJ
Moon Jongup (Feb 6, 1995) BAP
Song Yoonhyung (Song) (Feb 8, 1995) IKON
Seo Youngho (Johnny) (Feb 9, 1995) NCT
Jo Sangho (Feb 10, 1995) SNUPER
Kim Jihun (Feb 20, 1995) KNK
Kang Seungsik (Apr 16, 1995) VICTON
Jo Youngmin (Apr 24, 1995) BOYFRIEND
Jo Kwangmin (Apr 24, 1995) BOYFRIEND
Yook Sungjae (May 2, 1995) BTOB
Kim Sanggyun (May 23, 1995) JBJ/TOPP DOGG
Kim Jonghyun (JR) (June 8, 1995) NU'EST
Lee Taeyong (July 1, 1995) NCT
Han Sanghyuk (July 5, 1995) VIXX
Kang Dongho (Baekho) (July 21, 1995) NU'EST
Lee Sanghyuk (Dawon) (July 24, 1995) SF9
Choi Seongyoon (Y) (July 31, 1995) GOLDEN CHILD
No Minwoo (July 31, 1995) BOYFRIEND
Kim Jinwook (Jinhoo) (Aug 2, 1995) UP10TION
Choi Sungcheol (S Coups) (Aug 8, 1995) SEVENTEEN
Hwang Minhyun (Aug 9, 1995) WANNA ONE/NU'EST
Ong Seongwoo (Aug 25, 1995) WANNA ONE
Yoon Dowoon (Aug 25, 1995) DAY6
Yoon Junghan (Jeonghan) (Oct 4, 1995) SEVENTEEN
Park Jimin (Oct 13, 1995) BTS
Lee Sang (Oct 17, 1995) IMFACT
Nakamoto Yuta (Oct 26, 1995) NCT
Choi Minki (Ren) (Nov 3, 1995) NU'EST
No Soo Il (Kuhn) (Nov 11, 1995) UP10TION
Park Jaesseok (Nov 20, 1995) *inactive
Ko Shinwon (Dec 11, 1995) PENTAGON
Heo Chan (Dec 14, 1995) VICTON
Kim Jiwon (Bobby) (Dec 21, 1995) IKON
Hong Jisoo (Joshua) (Dec 30, 1995) SEVENTEEN
Kim Taehyung (V) (Dec 30, 1995) BTS
‘96 Liner
Qian Kun (Jan 1, 1996) NCT
Im Changkyun (Jan 26, 1996) MONSTA X
Kim Doyoung (Feb 1, 1996) NCT
Ju Wontak (Feb 24, 1996) RAINZ
Ten (Feb 27, 1996) NCT
Jin Longguo (Yongguk) (Mar 4, 1996) JBJ
Park Jinwoo (Jinjin) (Mar 15, 1996) ASTRO
Yeo Changgu (Yeo One) (Mar 27, 1996) PENTAGON
Jang Sebin (Apr 24, 1996) SNUPER
Lim Sejun (May 4, 1996) VICTON
Oh Heejun (May 8, 1996) KNK
Go Minsoo (Kogyeol) (May 19, 1996) UP10TION
Kim Jaehwan (May 27, 1996) WANNA ONE
Lee Sungjun (Wei) (June 8, 1996) UP10TION
Wen Junhui (Jun) (June 10, 1996) SEVENTEEN
Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) (June 15, 1996) SEVENTEEN
Lee Kiwon (June 27, 1996) RAINZ
Baek Juho (Zuho) (July 4, 1996) SF9
Jeon Wonwoo (July 17, 1996) SEVENTEEN
Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) (Aug 7, 1996) SF9
Kim Byeongkwan (Jason) (Aug 13, 1996) A.C.E  
Lee Changhyun (Bit-To) (Aug 24, 1996) UP10TION
Choi Youngjae (Sept 17, 1996) GOT7
Choi Junhong (Zelo) (Oct 15, 1996) BAP
Kim Hanbin (B.I) (Oct 22, 1996) IKON
Yan An (Oct 25, 1996) PENTAGON
Kim Wooseok (Wooshin) (Oct 27, 1996) UP10TION
Seon Yein (Sunyoul) (Nov 6, 1996) UP10TION
Lee Jihoon (Woozi) (Nov 22, 1996) SEVENTEEN
Kang Daniel (Dec 10, 1996) WANNA ONE
‘97 Liner
Kim Donghyuk (DK) (Jan 3, 1997) IKON
Jang Daehyeon (Feb 11, 1997) RAINZ
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) (Feb 14, 1997) NCT
Lee Seokmin (DK) (Feb 18, 1997) SEVENTEEN
Yoo Taeyang (Feb 28, 1997) SF9
Lee Jangjun (Mar 3, 1997) GOLDEN CHILD
Kwon Hyunbin (Mar 4, 1997) JBJ
Lee Dongmin (Cha Eunwoo) (Mar 30, 1997) ASTRO
Koo Junhoe (Ju-Ne) (Mar 31, 1997) IKON
Bambam (May 2, 1997) GOT7
Kim Mingyu (Apr 6, 1997) SEVENTEEN
Kim Woojin (Apr 8, 1997) STRAY KIDS
Jeon Jeongguk (Sept 1, 1997) BTS
Do Hanse (Sept 25, 1997) VICTON
Hong Eunki (Sept 29, 1997) RAINZ
Chris Bang (Chan) (Oct 3, 1997) STRAY KIDS
Dong Sasung (Winwin) (Oct 28, 1997) NCT
Xu Minghao (The8) (Nov 7, 1997) SEVENTEEN
Choi Byungchan (Nov 12, 1997) VICTON
Kim Yugyeom (Nov 17, 1997) GOT7
Han Gyujin (Nov 21, 1997) UP10TION
Kang Yuchan (Chan) (Dec 31, 1997) A.C.E
‘98 Liner
Boo Seungkwan (Jan 16, 1998) SEVENTEEN
Adachi Yuto (Jan 23, 1998) PENTAGON
Jung Chanwoo (Chan) (Jan 26, 1998) IKON
Moon Bin (Jan 26, 1998) ASTRO
Kang Hyunggu (Kino) (Jan 27, 1998) PENTAGON
Jung Wooseok (Jan 31, 1998) PENTAGON
Hansol Vernon Choi (Feb 18, 1998) SEVENTEEN
Kim Jungwoo (Feb 19, 1998) NCT
Son Youngtaek (Tag) (Apr 13, 1998) GOLDEN CHILD
Lee Hwanhee (May 6, 1998) UP10TION
Na Ungjae (May 28, 1998) IMFACT
Kim Donghan (July 3, 1998) JBJ
Bae Seungmin (Oct 13, 1998) GOLDEN CHILD
Lee Minho (Oct 25, 1998) STRAY KIDS
Lee Dongyeol (Xiao) (Dec 13, 1998) UP10TION
‘99 Liner
Bong Jaehyun (Jan 4, 1999) GOLDEN CHILD
Wong Yukhei (Lucas) (Jan 25, 1999) NCT
Kim Jibeom (Feb 3, 1999) GOLDEN CHILD
Lee Chan (Dino) (Feb 11, 1999) SEVENTEEN
Kim Donghyun (Feb 23, 1999) GOLDEN CHILD
Park Minhyuk (Rocky) (Feb 25, 1999) ASTRO
Jung Subin (Apr 5, 1999) VICTON
Byun Hyunmin (Apr 17, 1999) RAINZ
Kim Youngkyun (Hwiyoung) (May 11, 1999) SF9
Park Jihoon (May 29, 1999) WANNA ONE
Hong Joochan (July 31, 1999) GOLDEN CHILD
Lee Minhyung (Mark Lee) (Aug 2, 1999) NCT
Seo Changbin (Aug 11, 1999) STRAY KIDS
Seo Sunghyuk (Aug 26, 1999) RAINZ
Park Woojin (Nov 2, 1999) WANNA ONE
‘00 Liner
Kang Chanee (Chani) (Jan 17, 2000) SF9
Hwang Hyunjin (Mar 20, 2000) STRAY KIDS
Yoon Sanha (Mar 21, 2000) ASTRO
Hwang Injoon (Renjun) (Mar 23, 2000) NCT
Lee Jeno (Apr 23, 2000) NCT
Bae Jinyoung (May 10, 2000) WANNA ONE
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) (June 6, 2000) NCT
Na Jaemin (Aug 13, 2000) NCT
Choi Bomin (Aug 24, 2000) GOLDEN CHILD
Han Jisung (Sept 14, 2000) STRAY KIDS
Lee Felix (Sept 15, 2000) STRAY KIDS
Kim Seungmin (Sept 22, 2000) STRAY KIDS
‘01 Liner
Lee Daehwi (Jan 29, 2001) WANNA ONE
Yang Jeongin (Feb 8, 2001) STRAY KIDS
Lai Guanlin (Sept 23, 2001) WANNA ONE
Jong Jinrak (Zhong Chenle) (Nov 22, 2001) NCT
’02 Liner
Park Jisung (Feb 5, 2002) NCT
Because there are a lot of boys, there may be some mistakes…so if you spot them let me know and I will update it properly.
Also, if there is a group that is not in the list and you want me to add them, send me a message and I will gladly add the members in. 
As well as that, I can also add YOU into the list, so you can see in view where you sit! I will either repost the list with your blog names added, or I can send a private email for your viewing only, just let me know which one you want :)
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