#Cash App Security Lock
xzaddyzanakinx · 3 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Two: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, one-sided relationship, menstruation, sexual content, pervy behavior [eventual warning for smut; be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Anakin loves you so much it hurts and he’s really fucking weird about it, but it’s okay since it’s love 💕 He’s a massive Perv [diary entries from Ani] MDNI 18+
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June 13th
Anakin woke up in a wonderful mood this morning. Today was going to be a good day, a really really good day. It was Thursday and you were going to book club at the library, which mean you would be going out for coffee after and then you’d go visit your sister before your shift at the diner. That would give him an ample amount of time to install the necessary security equipment for your apartment.
He’d already set up the wireless connection and app that goes along with the cameras the moment the package was delivered. He’d had plenty of time to do that yesterday while you were in class. He was so relieved that he’d be able to check in whenever he needed to, just a click or two and he’d be able to see and hear the goings on in your apartment.
These little microcams were an absolute lifesaver in his opinion, not only were they the perfect size, they also had an extremely long battery life *and* the resolution was surprisingly good. It was definitely worth the extra cash to get a clear picture of your pretty face.
He practically skipped down the street to your apartment, typing the code into the keypad when he arrived. He made sure to wipe his feet on the rug at the entrance, he’d hate to track dirt into your neat little living space. He trekked up the stairs to your floor and couldn’t help the massive grin on his face as he unlocked your apartment door.
Boogie greeted him happily now, he’d made sure to feed her little treats every time he visited just to get on her good side. He’d actually become quiet fond of the little gal, he could see why you liked cats now.
They were soft and cute just like you. He wouldn’t be surprised if you purred too, and if you didn’t… well he could fix that.
He locked the door behind him and got to work. He was thankful you were short enough to need a step stool because that was really coming in handy. It made it so much easier to place the first camera in the trim above your front door. He made sure it had a good angle of your kitchenette and living room.
The next was installed in the opposite corner on top of the bookshelf that held the hoard of books you promised yourself that you’d read but hadn’t gotten around to yet. You were just a girl after all, stuff like that didn’t keep your attention very well. He thought his reading voice would hold your attention much better than your own inner voice.
Anakin smiled as he thought about which book he’d read to you first… you had quite the collection, but he had plenty of time to figure it out before the time came.
Now he had a great view of the couch and the hall leading to your bedroom and bathroom. He checked the first two cameras via the app and was pleasantly surprised to see just how perfect the resolution was. He knew it was good, but seeing it in your home like this? He’d feel right there with you every time he checked the live feed.
Your bedroom. The one place he still hadn’t allowed himself to enter, this was your private space and it felt wrong to invade that privacy. It was one thing to peek in occasionally but an entirely different thing to actually go inside.
He took a deep breath and pushed the door open, the scent of you hitting him in the face had him weak in the knees. Anakin’s hands shook as he trailed his fingertips across the soft cotton sheets on your bed, you’d left it unmade.
He was already here… he might as well just try it out right?
No. No he can’t do that. If he lays down he’ll never get back up. His thoughts would eat him alive until he gave in and left a mess in your bed. Just a pillow then.
Oh… oh now he’s in trouble. Not only did he squeeze the pillow tightly and bury his face into its squishy middle to sniff every lingering bit of the smell of your shampoo… he did something very, very bad.
But it’s done now and he can’t take it back. Oh well, you won’t mind.
‘Back to work Anakin.’ He reminded himself and begrudgingly did exactly that.
He placed the third camera on the ceiling fan above your bed. Taking great care that the lens was completely covered.
He’s not that kind of guy.
He didn’t need to see what you did in bed… just hear it. You snored and Anakin just wanted to make sure you, ya know didn’t stop breathing or whatever in your sleep.
No other reason.
He took one glance over at the bathroom across the hall and really, really thought hard. He didn’t buy the fourth camera for your bathroom. He really didn’t.
He’s not that kind of guy.
He wouldn’t do that to you, but it was alright for him to think about it. Wasn’t it? Yeah. Yeah it’s okay to think about it.
With his handiwork finished he returned the step stool to it’s place under the kitchen sink and took a look around the place. It was homey, very cozy, very you.
You were alittle messy sometimes but that’s okay, so was he. Maybe he should clean up alittle. He smiled, proud of himself for thinking of it, and got to work. Just a quick run through of the kitchen and living room.
He couldn’t do *all* of your dishes, but he could certainly wash some silver ware and a cup or two to lessen the burden on you. So while he carefully washed and dried your favorite coffee mug, Anakin found himself sucking the spoon you’d used for your ice cream last night.
That’s good enough right? He’d licked it clean… you were going to use it again for ice cream tonight. He knew you would. Last month you ate ice cream for dinner the entire week of your period and you were doing the same this month. So he placed that spoon on top of the rest.
He vacuumed the kitchen and living room, your cat shed a lot and honestly Anakin should probably come vacuum for you more often because you’re not nearly as thorough as he is. He moved the couch and found at least two weeks worth of dust bunnies back there.
He knew it was difficult for you to juggle work, school and your personal life. You shouldn’t have to work, you should be able to stay home and lounge about after you’d cleaned house. He’d make sure you could do exactly that when the time was right.
Speaking of the time, he checked his watch and sighed. He should probably get going if he wanted to walk you to work.
On his way out he hurriedly placed the last camera in the stair well leading to the building’s entrance, that way he could familiarize himself with your neighbors and of course keep up to date with the door codes.
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Diary Entry: June 14th
Those cameras I got for you are my new favorite thing.
It’s alittle unhealthy the way I check them as often as I do, but like they say, love makes people do crazy things.
I just can’t help it.
You’re so cute, I love the way you sing even if it’s really… not so great sometimes. But hey, not everyone is cut out for those high pitched vocals like that guy the one with the hair Kellin Quinn from that one song you really, really desperately want to hit the high note on. You’re amazing baby, but maybe don’t ever sing that one in public. Keep it at home just for me okay? Not everyone can appreciate your beautiful voice like I can.
You talk to your cat like she’s a person. Not even in a baby talk voice either, no, it’s more like she’s a girl from one of your college classes. You come home and tell her us your daily drama… it’s adorable.
I do however have a bone to pick with whoever Travis is. Travis can kick rocks. I can’t believe he did that to Amanda, and on her birthday? Unbelievable.
I think my favorite part of this new dynamic of ours is dinner time though. I even went to the corner store and got some cookie dough ice cream to eat with you. I felt like we were really there together, especially because I’m almost certain you used the spoon that I cleaned for you.
I’m so glad you have good taste in reality Tv as well. None of that Bachelor shit. No you like the juicy stuff. My kinda girl aren’t ya?
That Love is Blind show is truly one of the best reality shows I’ve watched in a while. But I had more fun listening to you laugh and shit talk those people. You’re fucking funny, it’s so cute.
Oh and guess what? I had a call with your super today! I’m next in line on the wait list for an apartment in your building baby. Hell yeah! It’s honestly really convenient, not only will I be right there whenever you need me, it’s closer to work so I can get home to you even quicker.
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Diary Entry: June 18th
I’ve been alittle hesitant to tell you this sweetheart. I just feel real bad about it and I’m not great at sharing my feelings all the time. But I think it’s time I told you.
I just love you so much and I want to be with you all the time. Loving you from a distance is tolerable for now… but is it sustainable? No.
You’re a kind and understanding girl, sweet and caring, so I’m sure you’ll understand when I say that I *just couldn’t stop myself*. Your bed was so soft and the smell of you was so strong that I felt like I could drown in it. I hugged and kissed your pillow like my life depended on it but god… I found one strand of your pretty hair and that was just too much for me.
I’m sorry even though I don’t think you really mind all that much. Or if you do you’ve not said anything about it. It’s just… the fabric was so soft and you’re so pretty and I couldn’t help but think about what life would be like if I could come home to you in bed. Laying there with your pretty little eyes closed.
You’d look just like an angel. Peaceful and full of life, pink cheeks and smooth skin, warm and glowing.
So you can’t really blame me. You understand right? Really it’s your fault for being so damn perfect. But that’s really kind of an oxymoron isn’t it? You’re perfect so it can’t be your fault, but here we are.
Whoever is to be blamed, it doesn’t matter. What matters is: I’m sorry for tearing a hole in your favorite pillow.
Really and truly I’m sorry. I’ll fix it next time I stop by I promise. I just needed… something more you know? My hand just wasn’t good enough, too messy and wasteful. I needed to know that you’d be able to enjoy it too.
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking but you’ve slept alittle better these last few days haven’t you?
On second thought maybe I shouldn’t close up that hole. If me fucking your pillow and stuffing my cum into the fluffy filling helps you sleep better, well I’d be happy to oblige.
I’m not that kind of guy, I just made a mistake. But, I think you’ll thank me for it in the long run.
Your subconscious just lets you relax alittle more with me around doesn’t it? Even if it is just alittle bit of cum. You need a piece of me with you to feel safe and you don’t even realize it. My poor girl, I’ll make sure you sleep well for the rest of your life.
Eventually I’ll stuff you with my cum every night. Getting fucked to sleep sounds pretty good doesn’t it princess?
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Diary Entry: June 24th
I hate to see you disappointed. Oh it just kills me inside angel.
I can’t even chide you for forgetting your debit card because it’s my fault for not making sure you put it back in your backpack after ordering those new shoes. I’m sorry sweetheart.
Don’t worry though. I’ve added a few extra bucks to your wallet, being a dollar short for coffee won’t ever be a problem again.
Realistically that barista was just doing her job and I know that, but the fact that anyone could possibly deny you something that you want is insane to me.
You’ll never have to go without your large vanilla iced coffee on laundry day ever again.
Especially after I saw how grumpy you get.
That little scowl on your face when your favorite washer/dryer were already being used. I would’ve marched over there and dumped out that old ladies wet clothes in the floor for you if you’d only asked.
But if I had then I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy watching you act like a brat out in public. I’ve never seen someone stare daggers through an elderly person like that before, you’re lucky she didn’t have a heart condition because damn that look could’ve killed her.
I’ll help you get that attitude under control soon enough princess. All you need is a good ass whoopin’ and a fat cock to tame you.
Note: Persil, those little blue shakies
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atlafan · 3 months
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“You’re acting like that meme of Jamie Lee Curtis where she’s aggressively drinking that water and telling someone off at the same time.” Layna groaned at her boyfriend who finally stopped glaring at his phone to look up at her.
“I have absolutely no idea what that is.”
“Yes you do, I’ve sent it to you before!” Layna takes her own phone out and shows him after searching it quickly on Google.
“Ohhhhh.” He smirks. “Right, now I remember. It’s usually you who looks like that when you’re about to brawl with someone.”
“Now that you’ve calmed down, can we think about what just happened rationally?”
“No, and I will try to call customer service again.” He holds his phone up to his ear.
“Your ass is not on the phone!”
“I’m listening to a voicemail!”
“Okay, Mr. Corporate.” She rolls her eyes.
“Just because I was promoted at the gym, does not make me a corporate meow meow asshole. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for to be upset about this.”
“I’m just going to go in and see if we can book a new reservation with my credit card. The room is technically available..”
“Not until I get to the bottom of this.”
“There’s nothing to get to the bottom of.” She groaned.
“The bottom is gaping. This is a job for the FBI.”
“Who are you, Kris Jenner?”
“Ew, no.” He grimaces. “She’s insane, why would you say that?”
“Because you just said…ugh! Why can’t you know the same references that I do?”
“I’m so sorry that I haven’t spent hours upon hours watching E! I’ll try to rectify that at some point. Now, let me do what I need to do.” He taps a few things on his phone and then presses it to his ear. “This is why I hate credit cards, cash is so much easier.”
Layna pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. She reached into his pocket for the paper confirmation Harry had brought with them so they could check into their hotel with ease. He has wanted to plan a long weekend for them, so he booked everything with his name and his credit cards. When you check into a hotel, you need to show the card you used to reserve the room. The woman said the cards didn’t match. When Harry tried again, the app for his card put a lock on his account. So now they’re out on the curb trying to figure it out.
As Layna scans the paper she furrows her brows, then reaches into Harry’s pocket again for his wallet. He pays her no mind while he speaks with another representative from the card’s customer service line. She takes out the credit card he used to reserve the booking and realizes that Harry inverted the expiration date, and wrote Harry Edwerd Styles, instead of Harry Edward Styles. Two simple mistakes that the woman behind the counter could have been nicer about helping with instead of just turning them away.
“Harry…hang up the phone, baby. I figured out what happened.”
“Yeah?” He hangs up the phone. He was on hold so who cares?
“Um…I don’t want you to feel embarrassed because I’ve made mistakes like this before too, but it appears that you inverted the expiration date on your card…and spelled your middle name wrong…”
“I did?!” He snatches the card and the paper and scans them both. “I’m not seeing it.”
“Can I point to them?” She asks gently and he nods. She shows him the expiration on the card and then points to what’s on the paper. “See, the expiration is 06/29, you put 09/26…and you spelled Edward with two E’s…”
“Oh.” His cheeks redden, obviously very embarrassed by his blunder. “I should have had you look at it before I submitted…”
“It happens! I’ve done with my security code and my exportation date before. I think if we go back in, we could explain it better. And then see if that snotty lady will be cooler about the mistake.”
“This is so embarrassing.” He groans.
“I know it feels that way right now, but I promise, I’m not judging. I know your dyslexia flares up more when you’re stressed and reading all the fine print for a hotel reservation can be really daunting.” She wraps her arms around his neck and pecks his nose. “The sooner we go inside and fix the reservation, the sooner we can go to our room and I can help you forget alllll about this.”
“Might have times where I think of it randomly and I feel embarrassed all over again.” He grips her hips, squeezing them.
“Then I guess wherever we are you’ll just need to pull me aside and use me until you forget again.”
No Complaints Blurb
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dannyphantom-zero · 2 months
Doctor Danny Chapter 8
Vlad managed to squeak out of the situation with a cash fine and Lex Luther was supposed to be under surveillance. Despite being "victims", experimenting or holding a citizen, albeit a meta, was still illegal.
Danny however was currently with the justice league. They had brought him to a hospital but there wasn't much they could do for him there after discovering Danny had strange abnormalities with his DNA and heartbeat.
Jason sat by Danny's unconscious body while everyone tried to figure out what to do with the situation.
"Why didn't you tell me your boyfriend was a meta human Jason?!" Bruce demanded.
Jason looked shocked at first which quickly turns to anger.
"Are you kidding me?! First of all, when did we have such a close relationship? Because lately we could only manage a small conversation. Secondly I didn't know myself" Jason bit back the anger billowing inside him.
"He's got unknown powers and now Lex Luther knows about him" Superman said with a serious tone.
"who was that other guy?" The flash asked.
"Vladimir Masters, billionaire former mayor of Amity Park" Bruce said.
Jason didn't look at any of them, his guilty gaze fell on Danny.
"He's, how can we even tell if he's going to be alright?" Jason said.
The room fell into silence.
"Have faith Jason, that's all you can do"
Jason clentched his fist.
"I don't think so, I'm going to find another way" Jason stood up.
He locked eyes with Superman, "dont let him out of your sight. He's a prestigious doctor. He's important-"
Jason walked out, "he's important, to me"
Superman sat in the vacant chair and tried his best to use his own powers to figure out Danny's condition. There wasn't much medical data on Danny to begin with so they weren't sure what we considered normal for him. More than once superman had been sure Danny's heart had stopped, yet he was still alive somehow.
Bruce had conflicted feelings about the good doctor. Jason trusted him, then again Jason was a murdering crime lord out for revenge.
He knew Jason and Doctor Daniel had a special relationship, after all, one doesn't usually cripple people for just a friend.
Joker had yet to recover.
Back in the bat cave Jason was taking full advantage of the access to the oicie records. It was harder than he thought it would be to get information on Danny because he wasn't born in Gotham but he eventually found a lead.
According to the hospital records paired with surveillance cameras outside the city, courtesy of Tim, Jason found that Danny had come from Illinois.
There was also that girl, Sam was it? Did she know his secret? She had to know something right?
Tim glanced over at Jason's screen.
"Oh that's the lead of that startup band Twisted Vines." Tim commented.
Jason's head snapped towards Tim so fast he almost counted it as a jump scare.
"Do you know where they'll be playing next?!"
Tim pulled out his phone.
"They have an app, let's see...seems like their doing a gig at Croscee's Pub tonight"
Jason stood up.
"I'm going to that and your coming with me"
Tim was grinning from ear to ear. So cool!
Later that night Jason and Tim in civilian outfits made their way to the bar. The band had already started playing judging by the muffled music pounding through the wall.
Jason opened the door and maneuvered through the crowd of people before resting in a corner.
Tim on the other hand has made his way to he front and was avidly cheering the band on.
Jason was growing slightly pissed off. Danny was counting on him and the best he could do was watch this stupid concert.
The music eventually ended and the crowd of people tried to swarm the band but security held them at bay.
Jason had other means, he snuck into their bus.
The band members were obviously shocked to see a stranger sitting in their tour bus.
"Jason??" Sam asked. They relaxed, if Sam knew this person than it was probably alright.
"What are you doing here?"
Jason stood up.
"It's Danny, we need your help. Danny's not waking up"
Sam motioned for then to go outside.
"He was attacked by Vlad Masters and Lex Luther"
Sam clentched her teeth, "Vlad"
When she noticed the look on Jason's face she explained, "Vlad wanted to get with Danny's mom and kill his dad. He also cloned Danny several times. One time he was successful."
Jason could feel the pits bubble up in his chest.
"I need to see him. That's the only way I can tell you"
"I brought a car"
Sam nodded, "give me a minute" she said before climbing back onto the bus.
Tim ran up to Jason, "did you talk to her yet? What did she say?" He asked.
"Alright, I'm good to go" she said slinging a couple of her bags over her shoulder.
Tim's mouth went wide open.
"So cool" he whispered.
The car ride there Jason went into more detail.
Bruce was a little surprised that the answers Jason had went to find were in the formation of some rock punk.
Sam was admiring the space when she caught sight of Danny. She dropped her bags and ran over.
"How long has it been?"
"A couple days."
"Do you know what they injected him with? What about the state he was in when you found him?"
"He was injected with a drug that I don't recognize in the system or otherwise" Bruce said handing her the tablet.
Sams expression darkened, "blood blossoms, fucking bastards"
"He was extremely agitated but Jason managed to calm him down just before he fainted"
Sam handed back the tablet.
"Blood Blossoms are extremely harmful to gh- to people like Danny"
"No matter what I need everyone in this room to swear an oath not to say anything about Danny's condition. I know someone who can help him but I need you all to ask as little questions as possible"
"Where do you have to go?"
"Take the jet" Bruce said. Jason nodded.
"And here, this is the contact of a friend who can give you a log of Danny's normal condition and what to do if he takes a turn for the worst."
It was Tuckers contact. Jason and Sam left and Bruce got on the contact.
Tucker had become a software engineer for AmerTek Industries in Metropolis.
Flash said he would pick him up and left before anyone could object.
Tucker had been finishing up a report on a new robot the company was in the planning stages of creating, next thing Tucker knew he was in the arms of somebody going at incredibly fast speeds to somewhere.
"Oh" is all he said when they filled him in.
"Sams already on it huh" he sisd with a nervous smile.
"She always so on top of things"
"She told us we could find his medical information with you"
Tucker blinked, "oh yeah! We had to create an updated version. After the accident Danny couldn't get checked by normal doctors anymore. Thank ancients his parents were so oblivious-" Tucker stopped talking when he saw their faces.
"Did Sam not tell you about that? Maybe I've said too much. In any case if there's something you don't understand, let me know"
He handed over the digital file on Danny.
Not even two seconds later Bruce was grilling Tucker on what ectoplasm was and what machine caused this to happen.
There was also a detailed report on what devices the Fenton's had made and how they interacted with Danny.
"What's this page?" Tim asked scrolling onto the page filled with a list of all the ghosts Danny had fought and their abilities.
"I,uhm, well I don't think I should-"
Tucker shrank under Batmans judgmental stare.
"Sams going to skin me alive for this but, I suppose I should tell you everything"
The heroes listened, stunned at the words coming out of Tuckers mouth.
Not only had they not known about the mad "ghost hunting" scientists. They also had known about the portal to the infinite realms.
They were even more shocked when he told them Danny had been crowned king.
"He was a teenage superhero and we were his support team"
Tucker smiled, "nows he's still saving lives. Danny really is something else"
Bruce had went to eh next room to brood over his failure to see all of this whole Supes glumly accepted the fact that he couldn't have done anything without knowing.
"You guys don't need to be so down about it. Any transmissions Danny tried to get to you guys was most definitely being blocked by Vlad and his fancy equipment"
Clark shook his head.
"So Vlad and Danny have history" Flash said.
"Yeah, deep history. In fact. Vlad shares Danny's condition. They're both liminals"
Tucker scowled, "he's literally a villain. Danny's been dealing with this guy for years."
"I can't imagine being a fourteen year old hero"
A glum look passed over Tuckers face.
"We, haven't talked in a while. But I should've tried. I knew he was going through something rough. It was hard for him. Didn't help that he was bullied either. Danny too nice for his own good"
"For now, all we can do is monitor his condition. Have faith in your friend"
Tucker nodded. Danny would wake up. He was sure of it.
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thetrashbinseries · 5 months
— Fahrenheit Part Two ( bangchan x reader )
rated - mature | minors dni
parts - one, two, three
warnings - idol universe, name changed idols, mature themes, drug use, alcohol use, sexual themes, mentions of mental illness, slight angst, explicit smut, 'daddy' and 'babygirl' petnames, light spanking, heated physical domestic argument
x x x
Jake shot me a text as soon as he touched down in his hotel, leaving me to navigate the aftermath of our little gathering solo. I silently cleaned up the traces of the night, letting my thoughts swirl in the quiet aftermath. Shouldn't I be on cloud nine? Chris, I assumed, had already landed by now, maybe snagging his stuff from the baggage claim. Why the resistance to me picking him up? Couldn't he save some cash and avoid those Uber headaches? As I mulled over Jake's words from our earlier chat, a wave of guilt washed over me. If someone messed with my career, I'd probably cut ties too. 
But did it have to be face-to-face? 
Suddenly, two knocks jarred me, throwing my dogs into their usual frenzy of barks. Now? It felt too soon, like breaking a speed record from airport to doorstep, factoring in landing, baggage, and Uber waits. My motion light, unnoticed until now, flickered on as I was lost in thought. My palms got a little clammy as I fished out my phone, checking for messages from a friend dropping by. But all my friends were back in my hometown. 
Unscheduled visits are a rarity out here, that’s part of the reason why I picked such an isolated home. 
Scrolling through my phone, the doorbell rang out, setting my pets into a louder commotion. Activating the security camera app, I saw Chris on the screen—dark hoodie, black beanie, and chill gray sweats. Hands in his pockets, a visible exhale, like he'd been holding his breath. Just one piece of luggage, small enough to be a carryon. Skipping baggage claim altogether, I guessed. 
Maybe he didn't want to risk airport paparazzi, but at this hour, it'd be a ghost town anyway. 
I unlocked the door, slower than planned, giving it a cautious swing open. Stepping back, I left room for him to enter, the question of how to react buzzing in my head. Hug him? Kiss him? Do a little happy dance? God this is awkward. Chris sniffed, a hint of red on his nose, and began shedding his shoes and beanie, shaking out his curly hair. He looked wiped, but it had been ages since I'd seen him without the makeup mask.    His eyes told the tale of tiredness, the faint shadow under barely-there brows, and the shifts in his skin tone—all untouched by the glam squad. Even a touch of facial hair peeked through, a secret sign of the real guy behind the polished pretty boy image, something he religiously stayed on top of. All the things that make him very human.  The things not many people get to see. 
"What changed?" I threw the question at him, arms crossed in the entryway. Our eyes connected for the first time since he rolled in. I caught a flicker in his right eye, a giveaway of stress and insomnia. His tongue darted out to moisten his lips, a nervous move, just enough to reveal a hint of his dimple near his mouth's corner. 
Undeterred, I pressed on, "Channie—" 
His eyebrows pulled together instinctively, a tough look in his eyes. "Don't call me that," he shot back, a stern expression etched on his face. 
Frustration bubbled up, my voice amped up involuntarily, control slipping away. 
"What the fuck is your problem? What? Did you catch a red-eye just to come argue with me?" 
"Yes! I caught a red-eye fucking flight to—"    Chris cut himself off mid-sentence, sucking in air sharply through his teeth, muttering something under his breath in Korean. He ran his hand down his face, eyes closed, releasing a breath before locking eyes with me again. The anger lingered, but it was transforming into something I couldn't quite put my finger on. 
I could feel hot tears threatening, but I held them back, jaw clenched, nostrils flaring, refusing to show any weakness. Was this the end? 
"Of course, I hopped on a flight to have it out with you. Isn't that what you wanted?"    “Don’t you gaslight me Christopher Bang, I’m not your little fucking fans–” 
He looked exasperated, hands out, "What do my fans have to do with this?! You said it's simple, am I coming or not? I'm here, just like you wanted, because it's all about you, isn't it?" 
I turned away, striding off, the red haze building within me. I wanted to lay into him for talking out the side of his neck like this, but I wouldn't stoop to that level. His voice echoed down the hall. 
"Yeah, walk away. It's your specialty—running away." 
I halted, closing my eyes, back turned to him, grappling with the urge. I fought it hard; he was on the brink of hitting below the belt. Logic eluded me at this moment. 
"I'm going to smoke before I physically violate you." 
Attempting to walk away again, his footsteps echoed behind me. Chris wasn't the type to follow for an argument—that was typically my role. I expected him to detour to the kitchen for a drink or something, anything other than what he actually did. His hand seized my forearm, yanking me hard enough to turn me three-quarters around. I saw red, wind knocked out of me as my back slammed into the wall, caged between his big, loud hands thudding against the wall beside my head. A flinch—a moment of confusion. Had he struck me? 
Quickly assessing, no parts of my body ached except between my shoulder blades from the impact. 
Breathing heavier than anticipated, Chris mirrored the sentiment. 
"Physically violate me, then," he uttered, his voice dangerously low, just above a whisper. My body was confused, my brain a tangled mess. His intense gaze bore into my face, forcing me to look away. He tilted his head, compelling eye contact once more. 
"It's not rocket science, Y/N." 
The phrase echoed from our earlier phone argument, reigniting my hostility. I raised my head, meeting his eyes with a narrowed gaze. "I hate you," I snarled, trying to slip underneath his arm to free myself. Chris wasn't having it; he gripped my wrist behind my back, pressing my chest against the wall. His muscular frame kept me in place, his chest against my back. I twisted my wrist, but he tightened his hold. His breath grazed my shoulder, his words so close to my ear it felt like he was feeding them straight into my brain. 
"I hate you too, baby," he murmured. His free hand ghosted the tendrils of hair that had escaped my messy ponytail, tender and gentle unlike the firm grip on my wrist. As his fingers swept the hair away, soft lips pressed against my skin, eliciting a sigh from my lips. Each kiss left thorns of heat, moving along my neck, down to my shoulder. 
"I hate you," I repeated, losing my edge. 
"Mmm, shut up—I know," Chris replied.    Finally, he releases me, his hands finding their way to my waist beneath my baggy sweatshirt. Despite being in my home for a few minutes, his touch is still cold against my warmed skin. I feel a shiver as my nipples harden, and he seems to sense it, cupping them, squeezing. My knees almost buckle as I lean back, my head perfectly resting on his shoulder. Our bodies intertwine, fitting together like a perfect puzzle piece. His fingers pinch the pebbled flesh, drawing a moan from me and an audible sigh from him. 
He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer, and I can feel his hardness against my backside. It's not a gradual thing; he's already rock stiff, hips grinding into me as his hands explore my body with a passionate messiness. 
What were we arguing about again?    Lust swirls, making me dizzy with how good my body feels. My eyes lose focus and regain it with every recovery breath as he squeezes at the extra padding on my hips and waist. No part of my body goes untouched, and I try to shake off my reservations.     No, that was a hang-up of mine.    Christopher Bang is here to touch, lick, and squeeze every inch that belongs to him. 
A tap on my hip brings me back to reality—a gentle reminder between us whenever things heat up in unconventional places. 
Against-the-wall activities are actually pretty uncomfortable in real life. 
Who knew? 
He takes my hand, and I follow him like an excited puppy, almost stumbling over myself to reach his body once we get to the couch. It's my turn now; my hands have a mind of their own too, you know. 
Such a soft face without makeup, I'd almost forgotten the hardness of his body—had it become even more solid? My hands run over his abdomen, feeling something different—less lean, more meaty. Usually, I go straight for what's mine, but now I'm curious. Gripping the bottom of his hoodie, I can sense the muscle shirt underneath, so I yank them both off, the scent of his body wash, cologne, and deodorant hitting me all at once, etching the experience into my mind on nearly every sensory level, except for... 
As his clothes drop to the floor with a muffled thud on the carpet, he turns to face me. His skin is less milky, more sandy tan, and wheat-colored under my warm lights, unlike the artificial ones he's usually bathed in. He must've soaked up the sun in LA, and I can still see it reddening in the places where blood has surged the quickest. 
He's completely under the spell of carnal sensuality—deep in the well, unable to see anything around him, becoming the parts of himself he wouldn't dare confront in the daylight. I notice because I pay attention to things like that—I see the way he looks at me, as if I'm his most treasured plaything. His mannerisms change, slower, with certainty in every touch. He says things you wouldn't dare repeat once he's back to his Earth self, lest he deny, deny, deny, laughing loudly overtop of you, or cringing away from embarrassment. 
Yes, as I drop slowly to my knees, watching him, I see the way he stands in his masculinity, divine, a god in his own right. Just when I think the moment can't get any hotter or I might combust, I hear him—a puff of air through his nose, a lazy, almost entertained, but not quite—chuckle. His lip quirks ever so slightly upwards. 
"You hate me?" 
Heat radiates from my body; I'm certain I'm letting off steam at this point. I feel it, especially in my face, fingers wrapped in the waistband of his sweatpants, hanging loosely as I look down, unable to maintain eye contact, feeling regret building up in me. I can tell by the way he says it that he never believed it—but still... 
"I didn't think so," Chris' voice answers the unspoken questions in my head. His fingers graze the bottom of my chin, urging me to look at him. "Look at me while you do it." 
My engine roars to life without hesitation. I tighten my grip on his sweats, yanking them down with determination. He kicks them off, backing up to sit on the couch, but I'm not waiting. I take the caramel-colored, thick head of his dick between my lips, halting his retreat. The sweetness of his precum floods my mouth, turning bitter as it reaches the back of my tongue and throat. Flattening my tongue against the bottom of his girthy shaft, I open my mouth, letting him rub his sensitive, unsheathed tip against the warm, back wall of my throat. 
Obediently watching him. 
He likes that, making it clear by placing his hand on the back of my head, urging me to stay while he thrusts further, pulling out just a centimeter to plunge into my throat. Small gasps escape his lips every time my gag reflex spasms around him. I run out of breath, choking backward, and he lifts his hand, allowing me to right myself. 
"C'mon, babygirl—thaaaat's it—fuck." Chris grips what's left of my ponytail, guiding me back onto his dick, all the way to the back, with no true mercy. A few more tiny thrusts, and I'm coughing again, my mouth and jaw drenched with slippery saliva mixed with the constant ooze of his precum. He glances behind him, ensuring his seating, then lets himself fall back onto the couch, hand tangled in my thick hair as I wrap both hands around his cock—a pretty, deep brown, a stark contrast to his body tone. 
When I start focusing on stroking his sensitive tip, he drops his head back, emitting the most delicious groan. Pulling back on his sheath, dribbling spit onto his tip, I begin jerking him again, taking advantage of the smoothness the extra skin provides. I follow with my mouth, taking in whatever my hands can't reach, and when I start with the suction, another groan escapes him—this time, broken, his hips rising a little off the couch, encouraging me to keep going. 
"Oh God—that feels fucking—incredible; don't you—fucking stop."    His chest moves with each gasp as I twirl my hand a certain way. I try to stay consistent, but it's been a while, and my neck strains from the bobbing, lips growing numb. But fuck, he's so hot; I don't wanna stop. 
I engage in a slow rhythm, savoring the silky feeling of his dickhead against my swollen mouth and eager lips, pressing loud, wet kisses against it. He's lifted his gaze to watch, and I seize the opportunity to run my tongue along his length, exploring the prominent ridge beneath. 
"Oh my God—" His head drops back, words and vowels drawn out in ecstasy. 
I lean back on my heels, hands taking charge, a twist here, a firm grasp there. When I lean forward and start slurping again, with all intentions of taking this man’s soul—his hips withdraw, and he halts me with a breathless, "Fuck," sounding like he just finished a sprint. "You almost made me cum," He taps my shoulder twice, a signal we both understand, prompting another switch in our silent dance. 
I’m more than happy to obey, feeling how wet I’ve become when he pulls my sweats off as I climb onto the couch on my knees, my arms resting on the head of it that rests against the wall.   I can feel his hands, now warm, even hot almost against my ass as he spreads me open.  I curl my fingers into the couch with anticipation, and then comes the feeling of both of his fingers entering me first.  I let out an eager moan, reveling in the relief and satisfaction of being touched by someone so skillfully.  He’s curling two fingers, stroking my spot, I can feel his pinky and index splayed against my juicy, wet pussy lips.  The filthy sounds amplify as he increases the pressure, prompting me to move against his touch, the base of his hand firmly against my asshole. 
“Mmm, baby, you know how much daddy loves to eat this pretty little cunt—but the way you’re clenching around my fingers, fuck I—I gotta feel you.”  Chris slows down, he speaks again, reminding me of his proposition, “Is that alright babygirl? Hm? Can daddy fuck you now?” 
“Mhm, Mhm!” I can’t think straight, why was he asking? Of course he could fuck me ten ways from Tuesday in a handstand for all I care!  Just— 
“Fuck me.” I beg, unsure if I meant to finish that thought out loud. 
“You’re so fucking sexy, you know that?” The weight of his knee presses onto my leg, his foot securing his position against my other thigh, his thumb against my asshole as I begin to feel his dick stretching me open, eliciting the weirdest, downright feral sound from deep within my gut. He’s raw, and I swore I could feel every vein, every ridge, and his head passing through every sensitive quadrant of my pussy until his balls tickled the lips covering my entrance.  It was then that my walls squeeze around him, desperate to feel him move.  I could almost make myself cum just like that—I begin moving against him, caught in the intensity of the moment, like a cat in heat, and he’s so deep, I feel him in places that make my eyes flutter. 
Thumb leaving my sensitive hole, Chris takes firm hold of the sides of my tummy, rutting into my heat, sending a shiver through my spine that puts me into an arch. He seizes the chance to hold the front of my neck, adjusting me for a slower, more profound connection, exploring every inch of me.  It takes a lot of stamina in the legs for this—of course he’s got that.  I rest my hand on his thigh beside me, feeling the firmness, digging my nails in as I grit my teeth together, the pleasure overwhelming me as our bodies, beginning to get slick with the fluids between us, rock desperately against one another. 
I'm released, and I lurch forward, barely snagging myself on the top of the couch. Just then, I sense it against my left hip— 
 tap tap 
My vision snaps back into focus as I hear him breathing as heavily as I am, flopping down onto the couch. I take the lead, hovering over him. We both gaze as his dick is swallowed up by my pussy, inch by beautiful inch.    I let out an incoherent sound, a mix of a grunt and a moan, my arm draped over his shoulder, fingers entwined in the curls at the nape of his neck as he thrusts. My touch shifts from gentle exploration to grabbing fistfuls of his thick, silky, curly hair at the base of his skull. Using my knees for stability, I sync with his rhythm, adding those addictive hip circles that set every part of me ablaze like a pinball machine. The alarms blare, the lights flash – this, right here, is my favorite way to connect with Chris, where we're on an equal playing field. 
As we delve deeper into each other's gaze, the intensity heightens, but there's always a moment when one of us surrenders, head lolling back, eyes rolling together. His hands work my hips in rhythmic circles, like a baker kneading dough on a board. Yet, I sense when he's had his fill as he takes back control, lifting me up and snapping his hips into me at speeds that defy reality. My cries become a constant stream, shameless screams of his name, erratic and desperate. 
"Yeah, thaat's it—"    I can feel my walls softening as my body begins to literally feel like it's filling up with water that’s threatening to consume me any second now.  I’m gasping, trying to form the words to tell him I’m almost there, that he can’t stop, or even slow up, he’s got to keep going, I’m certain if I don’t get there, I’m going to die. 
“D-Daddy, don’t—” I can’t say anything else, I can only hope he gets it. 
And he does. 
Chris always gets it. 
“Gonna stop---all your bitching, hm?”  He’s holding my waist to allow me the freedom to focus on my impending orgasm. “Gonna let me do my fucking job from now on, yeah?”    “Mm--yeah!”      “Say it,”    “Chris!” I whimper in protest, “I’mma s-stop fucking---bitching!” 
“That’s my girl.”    He slaps my ass, sending a shock through my body, but before I can recover, he strikes again, and again, and my body becomes quickly hyperstimulated. I start letting go, my breath held hostage in my chest as Chris lets out a stream of curses, hitting his peak and spilling inside of me.  I can feel it, it’s carrying my climax out even further, and when I finally collapse, with him still inside, I can feel my entire body buzzing, and I’m muttering something that doesn’t make sense to myself or him. 
We're both catching our breath, heart rates settling down, but Chris finds joy in this aftermath. He chuckles, his fingers tracing lazy circles on my lower back, exploring the dimples above my tailbone.    "What are you saying?" he asks. 
"I love you. I love you, and I never want us to breakup. Ever," I say, more composed now, my cheek resting on his shoulder, eyes closed, the pull of sleep threatening to take over like it always did after a proper orgasm. His arms wrap around me, securing them with a grasp on his own wrist. I feel a sense of security. 
"I love you too. I didn't come all this way to break up with you," he reassures me. I lift my head, likely with my hair wild and untamed. 
"Really, Channie?" 
He laughs.  The nickname is cleared for use again. He kisses my lips.
"Of course not. Why would I cross the country just to break up with someone? That seems like a lot of...effort," Chris continues. He tilts his head back to gaze at me, tucking his chin in. Once he sees my focused attention, he looks ahead as he talks. "I want to be with you, or I wouldn't have made you my girl—" 
"You didn't," I interrupt, sitting up. I pull away from his lap, wrapping the knitted throw over myself as I nestle into the couch beside him. 
He looks puzzled, "I didn't? Really?" He shrugs, raising his brows. "I always thought you were." 
The relief floods in. 
So, we were on the same page. 
Curiosity takes over, and I inquire, "When did you start thinking of me as your girlfriend?" 
"Mm." Chris looks up in thought before locking eyes with me again. "The first time we had sex." 
I'm taken aback by the memory. It wasn't a smooth ride, ended up in a heated argument. "When I got caught outside the building after our studio session? Chris, you almost jeopardized your whole career after that." 
Chris tugs at the blanket's end, and I hand it over. As he slides underneath, he takes my foot into his lap, rubbing circles into the center. "That's not how it works—don't get me wrong, it was... difficult. It still is, which is why I couldn't just decide to show up when you asked. I've been allowed, by contract, to date for a few years now." 
"Then why are we sneaking around like you're ashamed of me or something?" I hug the blanket tighter, feeling exposed. 
Chris seems thrown by this revelation. "Ashamed of you for what? You're beautiful, talented. I don't—did I give you that impression, babygirl?" He shakes his head. "I'm protecting you. You've just been signed to a major label, and we've got a good thing going, yeah? Why mess it up now when we can wait for things to level out for the both of us?" 
He makes some valid points. It's reassuring to hear he's not ashamed of me. I start to feel the familiar peace his presence brings. It's been four months since we were last in the same country, let alone the same city. I grew impatient after he came in on business and then left again, making excuses not to see me. That's why this time, I escalated it and added pressure. 
"Level out, what does that mean?" I ask. Chris sits back, mindlessly running his thumb over the pads of my toes while looking at the coffee table's candle. 
"I think we'll know once we both get there." He looks up to me. "I'm sorry, babygirl. I wish I had a better answer for you right now." He sounds sincere enough. I believe him. He's given me no reason not to trust him before, right? His fingers stop on my soles, and he tilts his head slightly, eyes narrowing as if trying to see something better. He leans forward, picking up the knitted beanie near the ashtray. 
My heart drops when I realize what it is. 
But why? I didn't do anything wrong.    RIght? 
"This new?" He turns it around on his hand. "Where'd you get it? I like it." 
Caught in the moment, I blurt, "A gift." I reach forward, taking it before he can spot any stray hair that doesn't match mine. He's not checking that closely, at least not yet. I turn it over in my hands. "I've been keeping it cold in the house, so it helps keep me warm," I say, tossing it onto the beanbag chair. I turn to him, nudging his shoulder as I scoot closer. 
"Sooo, how was KCON?"  - fin
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daftpatience · 6 months
Do you have any tips or advice for running an artists booth at a convention? I'm thinking about doing it eventually and been wanting to hear from people who have done it before :^)
yeah!!! lemme rattle off a few things off the top a my head also, pardon me 4 using amazon dot ca links for products that i mention. its just easy to find references that way (and often u can look up the brand and find their non-amazon store etc etc)
this got super long so im putting it under a cut!!
• join an artist alley group!! i'm in this artist alley discord and it is a fantastic place to get info about cons, table display ideas, manufacturer recommendations, etc. there are more than just this group out there and i think there are bigger ones but i personally really like this one ^u^ i make a ton of use of the display resources and manu recommendation channels!
• if you can afford it, be choosy about the events you apply to. there are a lot of cons out there that are fantastic, and a lot that aren't worth the trouble, and i don't necessarily mean small vs big cons. some of my fav events are smaller artist alleys local to me, and most of the artists i know avoid informa (fanexpo) like the plague. check out what other artists have to say about past events and keep an eye out for red flags: personally i find cons with really out of date/poorly advertised social medias and websites that have mismatched info are a warning sign of a mismanaged and not well attended event. • you don't need a lot of fancy display stuff to start, those sorts of things you can build up over time. im a fan of getting a ton of my display stuff from the dollar store >:)
when you're ready and need the space to display a good amount of art the main thing you wanna pick up is definitely something that gives your table some verticality, whether that's a pvc pipe style setup, pegboards, or modular cube shelving (we all used to use these big heavy grid ones until the plastic sheet covered ones came out and now we all use those. theyre cuter and lighter and fit better on a table and come in more colours yayay. im sure some people still like the grid ones since they fit gridwall accessories tho) there are lots of other ways to display stuff but these r what i am most familiar with. definitely helps to look at youtube and pinterest and discord groups for display ideas!!
another thing you will want to start is a tablecloth. not every con has their tables already covered! there are those plastic picnic ones at dollar stores, and you can thrift bedsheets/fabric too.
• depending on the type of display and art you do you'll need some way to attach signs/prints/charms/etc to your display. i just moved from blu-tack to magnets but i used to use sewing clips (back when i used the grid cubes) and before then masking tape. all of them are okay and cool! except blu-tack. don't make the same mistakes as me it adds like 40 whole minutes to teardown and it leaves gross oil on the prints after some time. evil
• if you don't have business cards you can make a sign with a qr code that links to you/your shop! there are lots of qr code makers online that u can even customize with images and colours and stuff. there will be people that wanna know how to find you again after a con!
• these days a lot of people don't bring cash to conventions and it's pretty vital to bring some sort of card reader or other digital payment method. most of us use square - they recently made it so that the phone app can accept tap! so you don't need to jump for the expensive physical readers. i've also got a paypal dot me qr code and my etransfer email (i think this is a canadian thing) on a lil sign on the table so people have lots of payment options. usually over 50% of my con income comes from non-cash sales!
• make sure to bring change!! we've forgotten in the past and done okay but it's always handy to be able to make change for people. you'll want a secure place to put cash as well, whether it's a locked moneybox that you keep out of sight or a place on your person (friend of mine uses a fanny pack!) you never wanna leave your table completely unattended but especially when it comes to the moneybox. if it's a multi day con this is an item you mustn't leave at your table overnight.
• keep count of your sales and expenses properly so that you can see how much you made at the end of the con. i really like spreadsheets but you can even just note it down in a book. here's a little example of one con for me:
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• you'll want to make a checklist of stock and display stuff to bring, but don't forget to make a list of minor stuff like phone chargers and scissors and tape and glue and pens and paper. multiple types of tape and paper if possible. they don't feel super important until you're stuck because you forgot to make a price sign and have to get by with a sharpie and a napkin. don't let that be you!! dollar store sticky note pads are super useful for this type of thing.
• plan out your prices and do as much prep (counting, sign making, display planning, packing/sorting) as you can beforehand so that the event doesn't feel too stressful. make sure your merchandise is stored in an easily accessible way for you behind the table so you aren't scrambling or rummaging too much when people are asking for stuff!
• similarly, whatever you can leave out for people to just pick/grab themselves, the more of it you're likely to sell. things like stickers and charms are good for this - people like to touch stuff! and it makes it so you don't need to go fishing for items for people as frequently. generally i don't do this with more expensive items just to be safe.
• if you sell prints, people are gonna ask for sleeves to keep them safe, especially at outdoor events. sometimes people ask for sleeves/bags even if they dont buy anything. they're a good idea to have on hand and you can find em for pretty cheap online and for a bit more expensive at dollar stores (i use OPP bags. if you dont wanna use plastic you can always get paper bags/envelopes/glassine bags instead)
• a cushion for the chair is a good idea. lots of conventions have really uncomfy chairs. some folks even bring camping chairs instead!
• pack snacks/lunch/water/drinks/have lunch plans. if you have a table buddy that is able to run out for food that's always nice. you might be sitting but it uses a lot of energy to interface all day!! you'll be exhausted and hungry and it's gonna be important to get enough fuel for your brain to function properly. i genuinely would recommend juice/soda/coffee/energy dink alongside water and food if you wanna live, especially if its a multi day con. get good sleep on days between!
• if you're excited to do trades with other artists during the con, the general etiquette is to wait until later in the day/near the end when the crowds are winding down! it's always okay to ask if someone's doing trades, and don't be upset or press them if they aren't interested or have certain stuff they don't want to trade.
• speaking of con etiquette, depending on the type of vert you are (intro/extro) and or how much customer service experience you have, interfacing can be nervewracking. my general rule is that if they stop to look, i say Hello and let them browse. if they seem interested in my table i try and do some small talk. stuff like How are you/How's the event been for ya/compliments on their outfit/cosplay/merch they have on like pins etc are good! kids and old folks love this. as tiring as it is to do some of my favourite parts of cons is talking to nice people that like my art!! all the folks that say nice things about my work are what keep me drawing ;w; i keep my sketchbook with me to jot down/doodle nice and funny encounters just cus it makes me happy to look back on XD
• when it's teardown time try to put stuff away as neatly as you can. you might be tired and just wanna toss all your stuff into whatever it is you brought it in but i promise future you (especially next-con you) will be so thankful that you put all your price signs into one baggie etc etc.
• speaking of bringing and putting away merch - you'll need a way to get it all from your home/car to your table and back. lots of people use dollies and other types of utility cart (i can guarantee there are a bunch of those grandma grocery ones at your local thrift store!!) - i personally use a big luggage bag and a collapsible wagon, but back in the day we used to CARRY bin after bin of stuff from the car and back in multiple trips which i would NOT reccomend lol. not every convention hall is easily accessible or close to parking so not having to lift stuff if you can avoid it is gonna be vital.
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leobsmith · 1 month
Your Chance to get $750 to your Cash Account!
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Overall, Cash App provides a convenient and user-friendly platform for sending money, making purchases, and managing finances on the go
    Enter to Win 750$ Cashapp Dollar
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sohannabarberaesque · 4 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
So what's it like diving (and cleaning up) Avalon Bay?
AVALON, SANTA CATALINA ISLAND, CA: Just ask any of our diving contingents who joined in the Avalon Harbour Underwater Cleanup recently--Peter Potamus' Magic Divers, the Divin' Wolf Pups or even the Catalina Diving Clowder (which had a sort of glam factor not even the Bratz could emulate)--and they'll acknowledge as much the ecstasy of the experience as the willingness to do good.
But without being weighted down by demands from censors at the networks for something "healthy" or "nutritive," even; heavens to William Wrigley! At least it wasn't the Laff-a-Lympics redone. But believe you me, with such company rather interesting as we manage to come along with, and with the proceeds going to the Two Harbors Hyperbaric Chamber, at least it's doing good without such being forced down our necks.
The which came up in an "after-the-dive" luncheon at a campy little bar in Avalon off Crescent Avenue, the main drag therefor, Huck and I had with Peter Potamus. In answer to a question Huckleberry "himself" posed about how predictable the refuse collected from Avalon Bay could get, Peter responded, "Pshaw! I assume you still recall when Lippy and I found that iron bedframe ..."
"We still do," we remarked.
"But at any rate, while you may still find a lot of wallets with cash, credit and debit cards in the harbour, consider where mobile phones loaded with e-payment wallet apps--Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Venmo, PayPal--and likely still having active balances managed to turn up. And for some reason, those Divin' Wolf Pups found at least five such mobiles between them, though they managed to resist the temptation of trying to use such apps, knowing they eventually had to be turned in as part of the haul."
"Certainly, though, Peter," Huck remarked, "I suppose such who still had balances on those e-pay plans will likely get their balances intact with a new mobile so replacing."
"Let's hope so." (Short pause while Peter took his lunch.) "And as for those Clowder gals, how irresistable could their appearance get?"
"I just hope," saith I, "they weren't asked to leave the cleanup for 'causing a needless distraction.'"
"Wherever did that notion come from, Snag?! Of that dive contingent feline, boys, Sabrina managed to turn in some kinky-looking fishnet stockings and a pair of garters, winning the prize for Weirdest Items Collected. Never mind their suggestive nature ... and Jayne collected nine wallets or billfolds, a money clip as still had over a thousand dollars in same, four mobile phones, an iPad and six gold coins, two of which were half-ounce Mexican Centenarios!"
"Though I have to admit what Jayne hauled," Huckleberry Hound remarked, "certainly took the cake for most items found."
"By our contingents. But for sheer luck, consider what Lola and Jessamaine from the Diving Clowder discovered: Three briefcases in all, contents to be determined as they were locked and secured when thrown overboard ... I just hope espionage isn't at serious play!"
"How about sending in Super Snooper and Blabbermouse to examine the contents?" asked Huck.
"One of the judges at the Harbour Cleanup, in taking note of the briefcases found, mentioned that Los Angeles County Sheriffs' agents will likely examine and take action. Catalina is technically under the Sheriffs' Office's jurisdiction for law enforcement ends."
"Presumably including possible contraband," said I.
"Rather likely" was all Peter could add.
@warnerbrosentertainment @indigo-corvus @jellystone-enjoyer @xdiver71 @funtasticworld @iheartgod175 @archive-archives @catalinablog-blog @thebigdingle @screamingtoosoftly @thylordshipofbutts @themineralyoucrave @catalinachamber @warnerbros-blog1 @joey-gatorman @groovybribri @theweekenddigest @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @warnerbrosent-blog
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mrupeeapp · 4 months
mRupee Unleashed: Your Playful Portal to Earn, Win, and Thrive in the Digital Jungle! 🚀📱
Hey tech-savvy pals, ready to dive into the world where tapping on your phone is more than just a habit – it's a ticket to a fun-filled cash adventure? Buckle up as we unravel the wonders of mRupee, a game-changer in the app universe. It's not just an app; it's like a secret portal where you Play to Earn Money, Win Coins, and snag fantastic Prizes with every tap! 📱🎮
In a jungle of apps, mRupee emerges as a digital explorer, paving the way for a new era where making money becomes an exciting journey. Let's break it down in simple terms – mRupee is your go-to buddy for turning screen taps into a joyful, cash-infused escapade. It's not just about money; it's about weaving an adventure into your daily routine.
Picture this: You're casually tapping away, playing simple games, taking quick surveys, and voila! Your Coins are stacking up. No need to be stuck in an office; mRupee gets you, letting you play and earn wherever you are. It's like turning every moment into a chance to win.
But wait, there's more! mRupee isn't about complicated tasks; it's all about quick, simple, and rewarding microtasks. Play games, tackle challenges, and watch those Coins pile up – it's like turning your phone into a magic cash machine. Who said earning can't be easy and fun?
Now, let's talk about turning your money journey into a game. Imagine collecting badges, conquering challenges, and turning your earnings into a gaming adventure. It's like leveling up in a video game, but you're leveling up your cash game. Thrilling, right?
And the fun doesn't stop there. mRupee believes in spreading the joy. Share the love for the app, bring your friends along, and watch your earnings skyrocket. It's like being the hero who shares the secret treasure map with their pals.
Worried about security? Fear not! mRupee takes your privacy seriously. Your data is like Fort Knox – locked down, and your earnings are safe and sound. No worries, just play and win prizes worry-free.
Hold on tight because mRupee isn't sitting still. They're dropping fresh updates regularly – more games, more challenges, and more ways to earn. It's like getting surprise gifts in your favorite game. Exciting, isn't it?
In this game of life, mRupee is your ace. It's not just about making money; it's about making money while having a blast. Trends may come and go, but mRupee stays ahead, making sure you snag some extra cash without breaking a sweat. 🌟💸 So, are you ready to level up? Tap into mRupee, and let the gaming adventure begin! 📲✨
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cash-app-cash-out1 · 10 months
Explore Reasons Why Cash App Says Cash Out Failed?
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Cash App stands as a beacon of seamless transactions in the swift currents of digital finance. Yet, amid the virtual symphony of smooth exchanges, some issues can happen such as “Cash App Out Failed”. If you are having the issue fear not, by continue reading you can learn the reasons behind Cash App’s cash-out failures and weaving ingenious solutions to reinstate your digital harmony.
Why Does Cash App Say Cash-Out Failed?
A failed cash-out beckons from the shadows in the mystic of digital payments, bearing an enigmatic aura. Let us shed light on this riddle and explore reasons why Cash App says cash out failed:
· Imagine the digital wallet of your Cash App yearning is having insufficient balance. The lack of funds is a leading culprit behind the “Cash Out Failed” issue. Thus, before venturing forth, bestow upon your coffers the riches they deserve.
· In virtual connections, the winds of connectivity sway capriciously as ever. A weak network tether can shatter your transaction dreams with the whisper of failure.
· Amid the digital ether, even the sturdiest server’s stumble. Technical glitches and maintenance masquerades can cast shadows upon your cash-out quest.
· Should the key to your treasury, your payment method, be rendered ineffectual through expiration or lack, the gates shall remain locked, thwarting your cash-out ambitions.
· Beware the sentinels of security! Additional verification beckons, and its unanswered call can lead to the haunting refrain of a failed transaction.
Why Is My Cash App Not Letting Me Send Money?
Ah, the irresistible allure of sending digital gold through Cash App’s conduit! Yet, within the intricate web of transactions, entanglements may arise, causing your golden plans to fizzle:
· Unveil your identity through account verification, for without this step; the gatekeepers might bar your way, withholding the power to send.
· In the realm of recipients, arcane settings might cast chains upon your golden gift. Ensure their account is open and unshackled, ready to embrace your virtual embrace.
· The symphony of transactions might stumble upon frozen echoes — an account frozen due to suspicions or a misstep, thwarting your virtuoso performance.
· Beware of the dance of details as you weave your tale of the transaction. Mismatched or misdirected steps can lead you astray, away from the desired crescendo.
How Do I Fix “Failed to Add Cash to Cash App”?
The endeavour to infuse life into your Cash App treasury can sometimes plunge into the abyss of “Failed to Add Cash on Cash App.” Fear not, for we shall traverse this chasm with aplomb:
· The melody of your linked payment card must resonate with validity and sufficiency. An expired note or an empty tune shall lead to this sad refrain.
· Cards, like wandering minstrels, might be bound by limitations. Please verify with your bard and your bank whether online or mobile payments are within their lyrical range.
· Should the mobile app falter, a cache’s whisper could bring clarity. Clear the cache, unravel the glitches, and let the harmony of Cash App resound anew.
· The river of transactions knows its tides. Patience becomes your guiding star when servers teem with activity or maintenance calls. Wait, and the waters shall calm.
What is the Cash App Cash out Limit?
Within the digital tapestry, there are some Cash App cash out limit. Cash App’s embrace holds boundaries, and the path to transcending these boundaries is adorned with wisdom:
· The crown of higher limits rests upon the brow of verified accounts. With identity crowned, transactions flourish, and boundaries recede.
· When the realm of higher limits beckons, the oracle of support awaits. Seek its counsel, request a limit’s expansion, and chart a course beyond the ordinary.
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bradfordbrogaard47 · 1 year
Remember Your First Lone Worker Devices Lesson? I've Acquired Some News...
There are some very reputed web sites that promote this product and buying from them is an absolute pleasure experience. It’s a great experience. It’s really a great way to search out your stolen automotive back. You're doubtless strolling around with a treasure trove of knowledge that someone could use to steal your id or your cash ought to your phone or tablet be lost or stolen. The only solution to become profitable with an investment is through progress. It is to not lose a automotive as a result of it value a lot of money. “Currently, one of many worst issues you are able to do is assume that local legislation enforcement can take care of it, as this, in lots of instances is just not sensible,” advises Prince. When parked in rather a lot (like a mall), put a wheel lock on it after you flip the wheel far to the fitting or left. To explode the most well-liked myth surrounding employers and lone working, an employer’s responsibility to put in the necessary measures to protect office well being for lone employees extends past the physical boundaries of the company’s premises. However, you might not have full readability on all the things that includes lone working, from creating the precise steps that ensure HSE compliance to tools that may assist you to ensure the security of your lone workers. Lone employees always know who to contact if emergencies come up by way of the worker directory. Reference: 009-3350 The 4G GPS T-forty eight Personal Watch Tracker will contact up to three x key-holders by Phone and 1 (main monitoring user) by Text utilizing the Free APP, when the SOS button is held. GPS log trackers - This is a type of GPS system which is mounted on the merchandise, or vehicle, which demands tracking, and the tracker itself retains log information of a number of activities and on location statistics. A recent Supreme Court ruling established that police don't need a warrant so as to obtain cellphone location data. Geocachers who discover the situation log their discover and often should answer a question about the location to ensure that the find to rely. Like many other gadgets, this tracker has a geofencing feature which keeps you up to date of the brand new location of your asset whether it is moved through theft. This GPS tracker for bikes is designed as a ring to deliver somewhat selection into the construction of tracking devices and also to make it extra appealing. Workers is also working in harmful terrain, close to water, unmapped areas and areas with little to no cellular signal, presumably being based at completely different places each day. If that’s the case, you can go for items which can be higher in the nice huge open but know you’ll be sacrificing a few of the element and velocity you get from trackers that perform nicely in urban areas. With Oysta you’ll be providing your lone employees with market leading safety. Better of all, as a result of Mgaolo doesn’t require charging, you’ll never have to worry about forgetting to plug in your health tracker earlier than mattress again! Meet the Trak-4-GPS tracker. For charging and concerning battery life, the Trak-4-GPS enables you to recharge either with a USB cable or a cell charger. Pull a cable on the battery and many security units are mute. It’s a excessive-danger group that should use extra security measures and guarantee a dependable method to request assist. But at least the Johnny Rotten who snatched my phone will discover that it’s blocked, erased, and now displays my contact particulars with the message: ‘This telephone was stolen’. Alternatively, you possibly can contact customer assist. This initiates a call (through the gadget) with SoloProtect’s Alarm Receiving Centre (or the user’s designated contact) where our specifically educated operatives use geolocation expertise to locate the place of the construction worker, set up what has happened (or is currently happening), and initiate an appropriate response. Other corporations may select to make use of their very own designated Control Rooms working together with all lone worker devices, or a devoted 24/7 Alarm Receiving Centre manned with consultants who can decide the situation and send suitable assist, together with Emergency Services if required. They both wanted to take a seat within the designated youngster seat, however they could not each match there. Interiors had been extra luxurious with fit and supplies to match any car in its class. It is great to learn this info of find out how to trace stolen automotive. I was totally shocked coz I do know the option to hint a mobile quantity utilizing sure suggestions.
In case your cellphone is missing, please name this quantity and have the authorities track it down. How properly does Find My iPhone track down thieves? Consider the full number of calls made and acquired, as well as the cost of every name. Think of it as a social security quantity. The senior GPS tracker machine can't be eliminated except a caregiver or household member unlocks the gadget, providing the utmost security for elderly cherished ones suffering from memory-associated illnesses. Every bike owner must have a bike tracker. All our trackers have a highly sensitive in-built accelerometer which can detect the slightest movement to alert the person that their asset has moved - once more, the machine will immediately ship a text message to the proprietor to alert them of the movement. It uses the shared location feature, and the proprietor of the cellphone must share his/her location before monitoring the cellphone. Although the police are unable to track your phone without a warrant, they'll access your device’s location historical past in an emergency or in the event that they suspect criminal activity. The inReach Mini lets you can set off an interactive SOS feature that puts you in contact with Garmin's emergency response crew. Holding the SOS button for 3 seconds will automatically dial you for help. This GPS tracker updates the site of your belongings every 5 seconds and can be monitored via their desktop page or mobile app, which is available on each iOS and Android. It’s not always the case, nonetheless, and on the time of writing, a favorite mannequin offers 10-second updates for the same price as 60 seconds. Switching price refers to the cognitive worth you pay each time you change duties. If the alarm "possibility" doesn't pay off, you should use the map function on the MetroPCS telephone locator to see the place your machine is. Another method to trace a MetroPCS phone is utilizing a cell number tracker. You'll be able to monitor automobiles, individuals, and items with this GPS tracker for bikes at little to no value. 200MB are somewhat bit more than you'll need for a GPS tracker. Spyic is a extremely trusted iOS and Android cellular phone tracker app to trace telephone without them figuring out. With this tool, you'll be able to one click to vary iPhone location to anywhere without them realizing. Ping is the act of figuring out the present location of a cell phone through a cellular phone ping. Police can access a phone’s GPS knowledge if they acquire a warrant and might see its present or most current location by using its cell phone carrier. Thomas watched because the would-be thieves went from room to room and was in a position to inform the dispatcher their location. Since they’re being hidden in jewelry, hooked up to key rings or clipped onto clothes, they don’t seem like safety gadgets & nobody can tell you’re wearing them. So the Tiwi can tell you in case your teen is speeding; what different features does it offer? For some mother and father involved about their children's driving habits, buying and installing a GPS-based electronic unit into their teen's automobile is one way to maintain an eye fixed out even when they cannot be within the automotive with their teen. Driving can also be a threat, and plenty of lone working roles require workers to travel between jobs. On this guide, I'll make you conversant in 100% working solutions to spy on any Metro PCS cellphone remotely. Common applications embody GIS programs, Monitoring Centre Systems, Workforce management systems to handle staff turnover of massive workforces, Telematics, Vehicle Tracking Feeds and Remote Monitoring Solutions. The bill does not go into element on kinds of assaults, however there are a few common ones: distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks, where numerous requests are despatched to an organization's servers, causing disruption of service to professional customers; man-in-the-middle attacks, the place communications from one server to a different are intercepted and run by an attacker's server to spy or make dangerous modifications; and superior persistent threats (APT), which are lengthy-term focused assaults on sure firms or other entities. That's how we bought the variety of canine breeds that exist today. My htc thunderbolt acquired stolen is there a manner i can track it with out a monitoring gadget plz help i need my cellphone? Skype Messenger Spy: The process to watch all Skype conversations together with multimedia recordsdata transferred over the devices obtained way easier with mSpy Mobile Spy app. Spy on all messages, calls and multimedia exchanged by way of WhatsApp and other IM apps including iMessage, Instagram, Facebook, Line, Skype, Kik, Wechat and Viber.
Not solely text messages, you can even spy on messages exchanged using fashionable IM apps like WhatsApp and WeChat. Concerning notifications, bike trackers ship info to the consumer through electronic mail or text messages, while some make use of a cellular app which could be put in on any sensible gadget you own. Bike trackers should be hooked up to the asset you would like to track before they will offer you the info you want. The gadget is connected to your cellular system by way of an app, which will provide you with actual-time and extremely accurate information on the placement of your possession. The AirDroid parental management app, an IMEI quantity, or a cellular number tracker are all free ways to trace a MetroPCS telephone. The tracker uses a geofencing system, which informs users of any change in the location of the asset. It comes with a monthly fee system, which demands no contract and hidden fees. Monthly charge is required. This can be a pay-as-you-go steadiness, no monthly or yearly price. It doesn’t come with any set up fee or contract, which makes it highly wanted by several bike house owners. Installation takes seconds, and operations start in mere minutes. If burglars establish common household departure occasions, they will take cowl in the greenery and wait as the sound of the automobile engine fades in the space, after which start their nefarious work. Most significantly it's the most inexpensive method make your automotive protected. 2. Mirror metro telephones to ensure protected on-line actions. You can do all this from the Metro by T-Mobile webpage. In case your cellphone is low on the compatibility aspect, you possibly can purchase a brand new one from the Metro by T-Mobile retailer. Use a on-line cell number tracker or download a cell number tracker from the play retailer. The Americaloc bicycle tracker affords clients alerts on rushing, motion, parking, battery life, and plenty of different parts that let you know the state of your asset. It goes straight to the purpose and creates driving reports, geofences, and alerts when wanted. In addition to this, you possibly can access all alarm reporting, together with audio regarding real Red Alerts. A white vase would require fewer, lighter-coloured candlesticks to steadiness it than will a scarlet purple or eggplant purple one. If these canaries became in poor health or died, this was one of many earliest warning systems that would indicate a gasoline hazard. Using the same G7 wearables that protect staff in opposition to gas detection and lone worker hazards, employee interactions could be mapped. In our earlier example of a low-tech answer for detecting gas, the canary was chosen for primitive gas detection due to its sensitivity to 1 explicit gasoline, carbon monoxide. The nice factor about Metro PCS is that it offers a hassle-free answer to handle our network on-line. 3. Provide the related particulars of your community including your cellphone number. Can i observe my cellular phone with gps on the internet without spending a dime however i dont don't have any edn quantity or serail numbers i have a metro phone and that i need to find it? It's worthwhile to take the entire numbers into consideration to get an correct image of the company's present well being and future prospects. Mac - Open your System Preferences, click on Network, make certain your current network connection (with the green dot beside it) is selected, click on Advanced, and click the TCP/IP tab. To be accurate, they are going to nonetheless need a strong Wi-Fi connection. The third circle is actually a WiFi community connection. Also, it might only observe calls and messages made using the Metro PCS network. Can i transfer my 3g metro pcs service over to a 4g metro pcs cellphone that continues to be in use? Active and semi-passive tags are reserved for pricey objects which are learn over greater distances -- they broadcast high frequencies from 850 to 950 MHz that may be read one hundred toes (30.5 meters) or more away. It's relatively cheap and straightforward to refill, and is the only choice on the record not affected by extremely high altitudes or chilly temperatures. Apple tweaked so many of the 3GS's features that we won't checklist them all right here. Finding the right product, regarding digital devices, can be very tough, with their specification requirements and advanced features. Concerning the additional options trackers are usually comparable in design; thus, manufacturers have sought to include newer and more innovative options to their models to help them promote faster. Unfinished furnishings is generally lower priced than manufacturing unit-completed items, and many of those shops promote furnishings ending products which might be simpler to use than ever.
Family items, whether they're true heirlooms or simply serviceable hand-me-downs, may be good bets, although. That is true of Apple’s Airtag, which uses Bluetooth technology. Find out what true security and safety looks like with the myriad of monitoring equipment found at the Spy Store. Trip History - For effective documentation, a GPS system needs to have the ability to store each trips historical past. The compact nature of this bicycle gps tracker makes it simple to store and move round. Q: How Does Bike Tracker Work? There are some bike monitoring units which include weekly/monthly/yearly cost plans, while others require customers to signal a contract. We've come a good distance in the case of speaking by phone, as we'll discuss next. It is possible for police to track your cellphone, but a search warrant will virtually definitely be required. If you want, you can further filter these outcomes and do a handbook search as effectively. This question was brought to the Supreme Court’s attention in the case of Katz v United States, which was determined in 1967. Lone worker Australia It's not doable for police to access your cellphone and not using a warrant, however monitoring your cellphone utilizing data from cellular towers shouldn't be a physical search. Lock your telephone in order that no one can access your data whether it is stolen or misplaced. Or whether it is stolen, not lost. You may not know where you're if the machine is stolen, misplaced, or in the event you do not know the place it's. Also, they can simply know that their machine is being tracked by Metro PCS on-line. What is Metro PCS? Step 1. Go to the metro guard web site and log in along with your account. You can make use of the Metro guard on the whole protection site. Banks do a commendable job of providing instructions for banking online, however they do not give a lot information on what to do along with your files and records once you take save them from the financial institution's Web site. Worse but: Burglars can buy bump keys on the internet. Invoxia affords a limiteless tracking vary for anywhere you go, excellent battery life of as much as four months, and it comes with a two-12 months information plan included while you purchase the gadget. While it’s obvious that you’d purchase a private safety alarm for self-defense, it’s important to contemplate your setting and state of affairs before purchasing one. And, the softvox women’s personal safety system is definitely hooked up the self protection alarm to a purse, luggage, belts, jackets, keychain,sss backpack, ladies bag and so on. Well-made private security alarm appropriate for all ages to guard yourself in a second of need. Leave nothing in you automobile (not even an empty bag) that can tempt a thief. It pertains to the burden of the sleeping bag. These devices are additionally very gentle in weight and compact in design; thus, transferring them around or setting them up is extremely simple to do. Further, they also found that the machine is very light but packs a loud alarm sound. Latched on Buzzer, Siren or Flashing Light in a multiple separate Rooms (until a member of workers resets). Keep your workers secure and organised, wherever they're. Keep them safe and accounted for with the Discover It GPS Tracker. Regardless of the telephone's location, the AirDroid MetroPCS Phone Tracker can pinpoint the exact location. 1. Track real-time location and remotely monitor metro phones’ surroundings. Airdroid MetroPCS Phone Trackers observe metro phones’ locations and remotely monitor their surroundings in actual time. 1 to Oct. 31, 2013. The army requested individuals to develop a quadrotor that may navigate its surroundings with minimal human assistance. If you are not tech-savvy, you will possible need help in some unspecified time in the future along with your tracking machine. You may also ask for the help of knowledgeable mechanic. Use your scrapbook to identify for the skilled what styles you like: You'd be surprised by what "traditional" means to completely different people! Sector Security supports a wide-range of organisations and people with professional lone worker monitoring companies. The app supports almost all the Android phones and the most recent iPhone fashions too. The newest kitchen instrument resonating with newbie cooks and professionals alike is the instant Pot - an all-in-one subsequent-gen pressure cooker that is now one of the bestselling small kitchen appliances in the world. The device works excellently in Europe, Canada, and the US with clients reporting excellent operation in different parts of the world. SC500 is a two-manner signaling; man-down alarm which transmits and receives encrypted indicators for reliable and safe operation.
You’re additionally given information in regards to the battery life to maintain you abreast with how a lot operation time is left. Family Locator. If you're an excessively concerned dad or mum who is continually fearful about your baby turning into a sufferer of crime, here is the perfect answer to maintain an eye fixed in your kid's "depressed" state (to make sure their safety). Then, keep out of the way in which except to answer questions and keep a general eye on things. Parental management apps restrict system usage, handle the device, and distantly keep records of the apps on it. The primary circle is Bluetooth connectivity, which permits someone inside the car to interface with the system by using a cell phone or different Bluetooth enabled device, resembling a Blackberry. A protracted-life battery is included that may last up to three days with real-time tracking or as much as seventy five days with monitoring enabled 1-3 times per day. 3. It is on the market for as much as 14 days free trial. This submit incorporates methods to trace a MetroPCS phone totally free. E-mail Spying: Yahoo Mail, Outlook Mail and Gmail are the preferred ways of doing formal communication. Google Docs and Gmail can take the place of Microsoft Word and Outlook Express. “The police use cell site proof loads, but mainly to put criminals at a particular place at a selected time,” says Iain Johnstone of Tuckers Solicitors. MagicJack is offered via the company's Web site as well as a large number of retailers. Everything in your bath has a visible texture as well as a coloration, so it pays to pay attention to it. You need to get an concept of what is obtainable and what all the things will price, particularly if you have by no means purchased bath fixtures or haven't executed so for a few years. For example, blue-violet, blue, and blue-green, in tones that range from icy periwinkle to deep teal, make an underwater fantasy bath. For example, getting regular location updates. Metro phone with tracking deviceMy phone has been stolen however i din set up any monitoring gadget so how can i observe my cellphone location? That superior data concerning the GPS device installed in your automotive can retrieve your automobile if its stolen. A GPS tracker can be very useful in terms of actual-time tracking. It's crucial that you just look out for directions on the packaging, to ensure that you simply install the tracker the best means. I used to be having a glance at the Tv business of a locker with energetic GPS. Whether or not you discover heaven or hell in the complex world of a business airport largely relies upon in your persona and the circumstances of your journey. These cell phone accessories are helpful for individuals who should wear helmets and nonetheless need to be able to communicate with the world. SureSafe has a specialist division that gives the very best high quality lone worker alarms all all over the world. Moreover, you too can look to Life360Driver Protect that gives crash detection, roadside assistance, emergency response and driving behavior updates. It provides glorious suggestions about the situation and state of your property. The SportWatch makes use of GPS and an accelerometer to trace location and train and has a larger show than the SportBand. GraceWatch® has the ability to display worker names and ID numbers and might challenge periodic ‘safety-checks’ to remote employees. It's, in brief, a system of matching names with numbers. SOS alert characteristic sends a notification to authorized cellphone numbers. Using a radio signal, a GPS gadget detects when a satellite tv for pc is orbiting the Earth and sends that sign to a cellphone. Chilla can also be useful at occasions once you sense a heart attack and sends victim’s location and recording to a concerned person immediately. It may be attached to your youngsters, cars, elderly family, or spouses to offer you live location statuses at all times within the day. For elderly and vulnerable individuals. The associated fee-saving allows users to watch elderly beloved ones for as long as they need with no long-time period commitments, permitting the family to cancel GPS tracking service anytime with out financial penalty. Elderly GPS Tracking. Alarm activated if the watch falls off. Automatic fall detection programs do not sense sliding falls. Through a collection of delays triggered by the infamous General Motors strike within the fall of 1970, Pontiac was pressured to delay its launch. It has a status for providing assist to seniors who find themselves on the incorrect end of a dangerous fall. Life alert bracelets, hidden house cameras, sensible locks, and GPS monitoring bracelets are all tools that can increase private safety for seniors residing at dwelling.
It is available for private and enterprise use. The more enthusiastic use of Find My iPhone by US police is a cultural relatively than legal strategy; in 2013, NYPD even produced flyers encouraging New Yorkers to improve to iOS 7, which includes tighter password protection for password-protected units. It’s not just the police who have the ability to take action. It’s value noting that, in 2016, the Sentencing Council introduced new guidelines regarding all breaches in Health and Safety, and corporate Manslaughter legislation, leading to fines being elevated significantly. It delivers real-time information via emails and textual content and stores a years’ price of monitoring to help keep you informed. Keep reading and you will see 10 of probably the most well-known whistleblowers ever to sound the alarm. It is exactly at these instances that a dependable lone worker alarm is of great significance for reporting incidents. Any guests to the location should have pre-booked an appointment, present a passport to affirm id and are supervised always. Honestly, this sound was shockingly loud when I used to be testing it, so it shouldn’t have a single problem retaining attackers at bay or alerting anybody near the incident site. In 2014 security company, Anchor Services, was fined £20,000 after safety guard Arthur Ebirim was killed by carbon monoxide fumes from a petrol generator as he kept a night time-time watch over a disused nursing home in Taunton Bale while in 2016 two safety corporations had been fined after security guard Javaid Iqbal died after lighting barbecue coals in a wheelbarrow in the positioning office in a desperate bid to stay heat after the generator failed in sub-zero temperatures. The machine was developed in partnership with ADT Security Services, so it is extremely reliable. However, manufacturers don't suggest using third-social gathering services, and there's a risk that the codes won’t work. Gapstur, Susan. "Does drinking alcohol increase the risk of cancer?" American Cancer Society. The identify "inductively coupled" comes from this course of -- the magnetic subject inducts a present in the wire. For Linksys routers, leave the consumer title clean and sort admin (with out having the quotes) within the password field and press enter. 4. What sort of Panic Button do you need (under desk, on a wall, worn on a wrist and so forth). Once you've acquired the developer's Rift and downloaded the SDK and any firmware updates from the Oculus VR site, you'll want to calibrate the machine. For one of the best experience on our site, be sure to activate Javascript in your browser. I didn’t experience discomfort or some other issues when testing it. While some purists might see the method as cheating a bit, others see utilizing polymer clay to make millefiori objects -- often beads -- as a medium during which more people can expertise and perceive the artwork type. They drew attention to one thing most people by no means want to consider - the difficulty in making an emergency call when your perpetrator is present. If the position involved high-danger activities, then be sure at the very least one other person is present. Often, these adjustments are associated to activity, but your heart may also race when you are sitting still (remember those shock questions your excessive-faculty physics teacher would ask if you least expected it?). Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager, at the very least six occasions. Picture the scene. Security officer Mike is getting ready to perform the primary evening patrol of the sprawling building he's paid to keep protected in a single day and at weekends long after the busy day shift has clocked off. If the little one is found and nicely, the officer may not file a report, and if the child is lacking, there might never be an official announcement. Well, it should combine all of those options and capabilities into one cohesive system. The Tile 2 options tiny, 90-decibel speakers that are thrice louder than the audio system of the Tile 1. You may expose device to the rain with none problem thanks to its high water resistance, which is built to IP5 standards. With such a excessive proportion of contractors within the development and industrial industries, it’s vital to think about their safety and wellbeing, too. Another is to encrypt your data in order that it’s tougher for third parties to entry it. It’s a properly-established incontrovertible fact that stress could cause bodily illness, and is considered one of the top reasons for worker absence. Those are two of the key questions we’ll be answering in the present day, as well as how GPS is usually used.Let’s start by looking at the top 15 makes use of of GPS.
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heinbuhl · 2 years
There are many career advancement opportunities at Solana Projects!
Solana has actually been getting more attention in the market over the last few years while showing enormous growth in advancement and price. The community that provides numerous advantages for developers has attracted lots of new projects with fantastic possible. Here are 9 of them you don't want to miss out. What is Solana? Solana is an open-source, decentralized blockchain that makes it possible for users to build user-friendly DApps. The project was started in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko and aimed to fix the blockchain trilemma of decentralization, scalability, and security. The task hosts a third-generation architecture that supports a variety of DeFi platforms and NFT marketplaces. The hybrid agreement model of Solana enables it to process over 700k transactions per second, which combines a distinct evidence of history algorithm with a quick synchronization engine. In current times, Solana has seen a substantial rise in efficiency along with its rate. The low costs and greater speeds offered in the platform makes it an ideal platform for constructing brand-new tasks. Let's have a look at some of the very best Solana tasks that are readily available now. Audius Audius is a music streaming and sharing platform that is completely decentralized. This platform has a native token as AUDIO, and with that, users can listen to and support the artists they like. The project has 3 layers, which are the app layer, node layer, and blockchain layer. The AUDIO token has an initial supply of 1 billion. The way the distribution took place is, - 5% to most active users - 18% to the neighborhood treasury - 40% to Audius team and advisors - 36% to Audius investors The Audius project initially began on Ethereum. As the task expanded, they needed a better choice as Ethereum did not have scalability. This is where Solana comes in. This platform is a lot more creator-friendly than its rivals, like Spotify. Raydium This is an automatic market maker that operates on Solana. Raydium is also the DeFi job with the greatest overall value locked at $1.65 billion. Users can access services like trade, yield, swimming pool, and AcceleRaytor while utilizing Raydium. defi apps on solana Although the exchange is a decentralized one, it has all the facilities of a centralized exchange. When you are doing trades or swaps with Raydium, they take place on Serum The charged charges likewise depend upon whether you are trading in Serum order books or Raydium's liquidity swimming pools. Serum. As a decentralized exchange (DEX), Serum is the supplier of the back end for many Solana products. This DEX enables users to build and establish applications with on-chain central liquidity pools. If you are someone searching for liquidity, try the order book of Serum. They offer better liquidity at higher speeds and lower costs. The main use of Serum is to function as the community that empowers a number of the Solana tasks. The founder of FTX exchange Sam Bankman-fried is the person behind Serum. The native tokens of this decentralized exchange are SRM and DAO. solana projects Star Atlas Star Atlas is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that is still under development. The designers are using Unreal Engine 5, which is one of the very best video game production platforms, to make Star Aylas as practical and satisfying as possible. The plot, as they mentioned, is to conserve the future of mankind by controlling the Star Atlas members in the year 2620. Gamers will have to handle the socio-economic, monetary, and political systems of the world to preserve its sustainability. The video game integrates crypto and NTFS into its marketplace to enable players to select their path. Star Atlas is still under advancement, and investing your cash in it may appear dangerous. So, make sure to do the necessary research prior to taking this leap of faith. Tulip Protocol Tulip Protocol is one of the best around when it comes to yield aggregators. With a total value locked of over $800 million, Tulip Protocol reigns supreme in the Solana environment. Tasks such as Raydium and Serum are partners of this yield aggregator along with the Solana structure. Leveraged yield farming is what is best for Tulip, as the yields here are excellent. This app benefits from Solana's high performance and low-cost blockchain to offer vault techniques. It likewise provides swimming pools in addition to vaults with procedures like Orcs, Saber, and Raydium. solana dex list Maps.me This is a mobile application that supplies both offline and online maps to the users. Maps.me utilizes information collected by OpenStreetMap to provide instructions and is readily available for download totally free. Originally, the task came out as MapsWithMe back in 2011. Then after funding of $50 million and a huge upgrade, it got transformed as Maps.me and had support for DeFi. solana metaverse projects The application has its wallet that aims to develop a much better travel experience for its users by giving them flexibility in travel finances. Maps.me has more than 100 million users in over 70 nations. The wallet uses assistance for over 35 cryptocurrencies and has its native token called MAPS. Bonfida Bonfida is a graphical user interface of Serum that allows users to trade utilizing the platform. All functions of Serum like trading bots, perpetual swaps, and name service are here with an API to get access to data from Serum. This is a product suite that supports TradingView that allows users to develop their own bots. The native token of Bonfida is Fida, and it is utilized for governance and staking. What's unique about this is that all fees are collected to enter into a pool that enables users to either buy Fida or Burn Fida. Solanium A decentralized platform on the Solana blockchain that presents decentralized fundraising, time-weighted staking, and governance ballot to the Solana platform. This serves as a launchpad that allows users to get involved in the upcoming Solana jobs and IDOs early.
The native token on Solanium is SLIM, and you need to stake them to participate in IDOs. When you stake SLIM tokens, you will get xSlim tokens back. - Tier 1-- 100 xSlim-- 1 ticket - Tier 2-- 1000 xSlim-- 12 tickets - Tier 3-- 5000 xSlim-- 100 tickets - Tier 4-- 10000 xSlim-- Guaranteed allowance - Tier 5-- 50000 xSlim-- Guaranteed allowance Media Network This is a decentralized content shipment network that provides content from databases to the users. Media Network serves as both a consumer platform and a protocol that users can integrate into existing tasks. Currently, tasks like Livepeer, Solanart, and Handshake. Native token here is MEDIA, and the platform is governed by the MEDIA token holders. Any task that intends to use the Media Network will need to purchase MEDIA tokens as all deals use it. The task is primarily supported by Alameda Research. Conclusion As one of the direct competitors to Ethereum, Solana offers quicker transaction times and lower expenses. This makes the task develop around this blockchain perform much better than their counterparts. solana projects While the Solanium-based jobs may perform much better, remember that they are still crypto investments. Make sure to do your research study prior to investing, no matter how excellent they look. Be aware of the market circumstance and make excellent monetary choices.
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locksmith4youmo · 2 years
Business Name: Locksmith 4 You
Street Address: 5340 Delmar Blvd
City: St. Louis
State: Missouri
Zip Code: 63112
Country: USA
Business Phone: (314) 207-3993
Website: https://www.locksmith4you.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Locksmith-4-You-1337363483043397/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3b2ij_znrIELbKVh1XSA1A
Business Description: At Locksmith 4 You, we only use the best products and offer the best locksmith services, such as changing your locks and making car keys, transponder keys, fob keys, keyless entry remotes, rekeying locks, and unlocking everything from houses to cars to safes.
We make sure every single customer is happy and we stand behind our work.
If you are in need of a locksmith that can get the job done the first time, give us a call. We will love to make sure you are a happy customer.
One of our favorite services is car key replacement. In case you lose your car key, we come to you for your convenience and make a car key on the spot!
Give us a call; you won't be disappointed.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=16292988658885986874
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex Paypal Cash App
Services: Locksmith, Lockouts, Car keys, Locked out of car, Locked out of house, Mailbox lock, Rekey locks, Change locks, Building lockout ,Car key programming, Program Key, Copy building key, Copy vehicle key, Car Key Replacement, Install hardware, Installation, New key fob, Re-key lock, Repair hardware, Safe locks, Open Safe, Open Safe, Safe Cracking, Security door locks, Vehicle lockout, Locked keys in car, Locked Keys In house, Lock Change, Ignition Repair , Ignition Replacement, Auto Locksmith Technicians
Keywords: Locksmith, car key replacement, locked keys in car, car locksmith, 24 hour locksmith
Service Areas:
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quickkeyslocksmith · 2 years
Business Name: Quick Keys Locksmith
Street Address: 8654 Burton Ave
City: St. Louis
State: Missouri
Zip Code: 63114
Country: USA
Business Phone: (314) 300-7976
Website: https://www.quickkeyslocksmith.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Quick-Keys-Locksmith-services-2223586937920684
Business Description: Quick Keys Locksmith is a one-stop 24-hour locksmith shop.
We can make car keys for up to the newest 2019 models. Even most of the push to start keys can easily be done in around 10-30 minutes. We can rekey your house locks or your car locks.
Our team are highly trained and can tackle almost any job. At Quick Keys locksmith service, we stand behind our work with several guarantees to make sure you get the locksmith service you deserve.
Call us today and we can be at your service in a jiffy.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9900371269757409520
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex Paypal Cash App
Services: Locksmith, Lockouts, Car keys, Locked out of car, Locked out of house, Mailbox lock, Rekey locks, Change locks, Building lockout ,Car key programming, Program Key, Copy building key, Copy vehicle key, Car Key Replacement, Install hardware, Installation, New key fob, Re-key lock, Repair hardware, Safe locks, Open Safe, Open Safe, Safe Cracking, Security door locks, Vehicle lockout, Locked keys in car, Locked Keys In house, Lock Change, Ignition Repair , Ignition Replacement, Auto Locksmith Technicians
Keywords: locksmith, car key replacement , emergency locksmith, car locksmith, car unlock
Service Areas:
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Business Name: Rocket Locksmith KC
Street Address: 8810 Hiawatha rd
City: Kansas City
State: Missouri
Zip Code: 64114
Country: USA
Business Phone: (816) 338-7883
Website: https://www.rocket-locksmith.com/locksmith-kansas-city/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rocket-Locksmith-213931239110699/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ph/rocketlocksmith/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNHg28TaaetLb_ISKXcNWw
Business Description: Our local Kansas City locksmiths are amongst the best and most qualified in the USA, capable of programming and adding new keys to luxury cars, such as Mercedes and Land Rovers. We pride ourselves on having all the most advanced programming equipment for cars.
We can also change locks, rekey them, and we can open just about any lock. Cracking safes is our middle name.
We will take on any commercial job head-on as well as residential and automotive locksmith jobs. Give us a call and speak to a tech for a price quote on your job.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=2221450913698355706
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex Paypal Cash App
Services: Locksmith, Lockouts, Car keys, Locked out of car, Locked out of house, Mailbox lock, Rekey locks, Change locks, Building lockout ,Car key programming, Program Key, Copy building key, Copy vehicle key, Car Key Replacement, Install hardware, Installation, New key fob, Re-key lock, Repair hardware, Safe locks, Open Safe, Open Safe, Safe Cracking, Security door locks, Vehicle lockout, Locked keys in car, Locked Keys In house, Lock Change, Ignition Repair , Ignition Replacement, Auto Locksmith Technicians
Keywords: locksmith, locksmith kcmo, car key replacement, car locksmith, 24 hour locksmith
Service Areas:
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featherlinnea · 2 years
Protect yourself and others from Scams
Years ago, probably, I wrote a journal, that was super messy, but to help people avoid being scammed. Please share these with people you think could fall victim to a scam or are being scammed. 
Now what is a scam?
A scam is quiet simply the process of someone lying to you in order to get money. Mostly in a way they cannot legally be charged or be accounted for, so you are out of your money and can’t do anything about it.
Or google by definition: “ a dishonest scheme; a fraud. “ “swindle”
Let me give you some examples:
E-mail and Phone call scams:
I get plenty of spam E-mails. For Example where they say “You won car/card/etc” despite never participating in anything. Or “your Antivirus is running out/found a virus”. I often get things like “Your package has been sent”, “Congratulation, blabla couldn’t reach you”, “Weight loss 14kg in one month!?” and all the fun stuff. Some people may also get “Your Social Security number has been compromised”, etc. Stuff that is worrisome but actually just a lie. 
These e-mails are all infact scams. None of them would/will deliver on their promise, they are lies. Most phone-calls go the same way. Calling you about for example some expired software or false reports etc.
In the end the scams will end in you sending money as a “fee” so you can get what they promised- but they never do. It is a scam after all.
-Also never! Never ever open links from your e-mail. Especially from paypal or amazon for example, go over the usual way, google, website, log-in, but not over the link in the e-mail. You can check this way if whatever the e-mail is claiming is true, if you don’t find anything, it is a scam! Some scammers are very good at faking these E-mails, so be extra careful.
-Also: check grammar, spelling mistakes and most important the E-mail adress, you’ll often see very very different e-mail addresses than what the actual support e-mail of the websites are. Spelling and wording is often an indicated as well.
-These type of scams can also be on websites/apps in messages claiming to be from support/moderator/admins
Pop-up scams
Ever gone on a website and suddenly a pop-up comes up saying your computer has a virus? To call a specific number? Adds also often contain scams on more dubious websites.
Yep, those are scams. Websites and especially pop-ups cannot diagnose wether or not your computer has a virus. 
So what these scams likely lead to is, that they ask you to download a program similar or even anydesk to gain remote access to your computer.
They’ll pretend with the console that they check and found a virus, they make you pay for the “repair” or and after lock you out of your computer and demand money to unlock it. 
-Similarily the refund and cancelation scams:
E-mail, phone-call or so forth telling you to call the number in order to cancel a service you likely never ordered in the first place, for example an Antivirus software. They’ll also want to connect to your computer, make you open your bank account and with some html fake having send a shit ton of money to you. They then beg you in order to save their job to send back the money minus the refund. However, they infact never send you money. They only made it look like it.
For cancelations, they’ll likely ask for a “cancelation fee”. But it all goes down similarily. You pay the fee, they lock your computer, you pay more.
Packages, and money laundering:
In some cases, you’ll be ask as a result from scams, like cancelation fee or refund scam, to buy for example google play cards from multiple stores and send them to an adress in a package.
They could also ask you to send them the cash in a box/letters instead of cards, but it is still sending it of physically.
You might also be a person that receives packages that they tell you not to open.
Most of the time, they’ll send it to an adress where one of the scammers co-workers can pick it up and then send it to the scammers.
If you are asked to pay with google pay/amazon or any sort of store card, especially asked to put them in a box and send them off? 100% a scam.
Romance Scams
Lots of people are lonely no? You go on a dating app or website and get a match. You talk and flirt and then you hear that the person you like is financially struggling, you may offer to help or they straight up ask for money.
Could be for gas/diapers/groceries whatever. The point where it really becomes obvious that you are being used as a cash grab is when they ask for more. 
You’ll also never see a cent of it back.
On top of that, you’ll either encounter someone who just wants a sugar daddy/momma/piggy bank or a catfish. 
Likely you’ll sent money over paypal as friends and family or any app the scammer wants you to pay with, and poof money is gone forever and you can’t claim it back.
Recruitment/job scams
Okay this is really quick. You NEVER have to pay the job you work for just to work for them. They are meant to pay you, not you them.
If you do fall for it, you’ll likely don’t even get paid or get paid even less than expected. Most of these are super shady businesses, so as an extra advice:
don’t do any job that is illegal or likely very shady.
-Extra advice, always read your contract before signing and get a copy of the signed contract. If you are not fine with the contract, don’t sign.
Business/Artist/Commission Scams
Artists often do commissions, so lets take small business and artists as example.
You commission some and all is great, they took the commission and give you updates, you pay... And weeks go buy, with or without business, eventually you are over deadline and no product in sight.
At this point if you did not have frequent updates or any updates the artist will continue making excuses and more time passes. Eventually when for example paid with paypal, after 6 months you cannot get your money back, the artist blocks you and cuts contact. At that point they sucessfully stole your money.
Now: I do like to mention, that some artists just take upon to much work/might actually have an emergency and so forth. But they will tell you such. Popular Artists, have a query, so it could take a while before they get to you, but you’d certainly see them complete their orders after another. 
Bad businesses do not update you/no proof to the updates/take upon more commissions despite yours not being completed. Read the goddamn reviews. Even more, some may just look awful, could be spiteful customers for whatever reason, however if you see more of such, ask for the customers experience. Some scammers will deliver products to customers while also scamming the other half, to continue to seem like a legitimate functioning business.
Good businesses, keep in touch. Smart business have the time-frame of order completion (not counting delivery) in their T.o.S.
Always read the T.o.S. If you don’t like the T.o.S then don’t buy. Some artists or scammers specifically state that they will not refund or and that you can’t even use what you purchased. If you do they’ll fine you or similar, so while reading these long texts is exhausting, it is to protect yourself from any legal repercussions.
Also remember, do not pay with family and friends, that is essentially “gifting” people money. Actual freelance artist need to send you an invoice, because they also have taxes to pay! Similar to serious businesses, they’ll send you bills with tax(unless it is ruled differently, however at least in Germany such also has be mentioned on the bill)
If an artist/business, gives a lot of excuses, doesn’t update/show proof, perhaps even have an attitute or ask you to pay more, are long over the deadline-, I definitely suggest to cancel your order and get your money refunded. But dang make sure to have read their T.o.S, and make sure that they didn’t update it in order to scam you.
Customer scamming you the business
Ah it also goes the other way around!
The easiest way to protect yourself as a business/artist/freelancer is a clear T.o.S. Alias Terms of Services. Petty customers or scammers will try to find any sort of loophole to scam you out of your money.
But some of the once I know are “Empathy Scams” or “My kid purchased without me knowing”.
With Empathy, they’ll likely say that they “accidently” bought it or forgot they needed the money for bills. They’ll beg you to refund them, while you likely already sent/finished or are in the making of the product. They are specifically going for your empathy. Maybe even throwing in the “my mother died/my kids birthday/christmas etc”, but these are all lies, also often attempts from choosing beggars to get something for free or a discount. Business is business, remember that most business offer “luxury items”, art btw counts as a luxury, it is not a necessity, therefore if you can’t afford don’t buy. Some may also start blaming you when you refuse that it is your fault “kids won’t have gifts/birthday-holiday is ruined/she or kid is crying”, all that to just get a free product and or their money as well. 
In other, you’ll get a message back that they want a refund, because the kid bought the item and hey maybe stole credit card. in these they likely also already received the product from you.
In these scenarios: Your T.o.S is of utmost importance.  
-I’d also limit the amount a single customer can buy from you per month or amount. You don’t want to be stacked with a massive amount of orders just for the customer not even having the money.
I’d also like to mention: Some people might spent a ridiculous high amount of money on your products. Be extra cautios of such, it isn’t necessarily someone who then skips out on/scams you, but rather mentally ill or/and on a high, maybe drunk, or people with a shopping addiction. So limiting how much can be bought/how much can be spent/ as a single customer, can be good for both sides, especially as small business that likely can’t deal or handle large quantities of orders.
Also, don’t immediately use the money you earned, you never know when a customer finds a hole in your T.o.S and files a lawsuit or similar. Businesses also have taxes to pay, so remember to put money aside for taxes and weird emergencies.
Friends sending you links
Sometimes a friend shoots you up with a link to a giveaway, there you type in your account information, and woops your account is gone. But wasn’t it a friend that send the link?
The problem with these types of scams is, that your friends account, that sends you these scam baits has already fallen for the scam. The scammer uses your friends account to lure all the other contacts into the same scam, and with each account stolen, the scammer sends the next messages with the stolen accounts.
I’ve personally had classmates and family fall for such scam, but it luckily was quickly resolved by the support.
If your friend acts suspicious, try to contact them by other means and see if they were the ones sending the message, if not, then you can quickly inform everyone that the account has been hacked/stolen and to not interact with it, until support has dealt with the issue.
Choosing beggers/Street scams
So first, people on the street begging for money, might actually not need it, but just looking for extra cash. Actually some might use the money for drugs instead.
To see wether or not they actually need money, it is better to offer food/drinks instead, you can see at the reaction if they are grateful and it actually helps or if they just wanted money for drugs or similar. 
Some people while shopping, will give you a sob story about how they have little money, maybe even get you to pay for their groceries. You don’t go shopping if you don’t have the money. They are just looking to get more free items this way. 
If someone is maybe short like a few cents, that could be real (happend as a kid to me so often haha)
Don’t give strangers money on the street, don’t pull out your wallet in public, you never know if they are going to snatch and run with it.
Cheap products:
Some MLM (Multi-level marketing), especially sell dirt-cheap and poor quality. 
If you buy from businesses, check reviews, history and legitimacy of the business. Do they deliver what they promise?
Check T.o.S. any sort of contracts for issues as well. 
If anything sold is dangerous for you and everyone, these businesses should then be reported or a law suit be filed against for breach of contract for example.
Businesses just starting out however? Hardly able to prove their legitimacy yet, though if you see poor quality and bad business practices, leave such as a review. If it is dangerous, report.
Some advice:
-“If it is too good to be true, it likely is.” Dunno who said it first though.
-Don’t ever click links, E-mails you weren’t expecting. 
-if you do expect a link or so, please be careful if it is someone you don’t know for long. Some people do disguise normal links as downloads to malicious software, that can steal your data and more. 
-if a friend sends out-of-character messages it is worth to check on them by other means and see if their account is being misused.
-Don’t send strangers on the internet, money. Especially when you need it for yourself.
-Don’t give strangers money. Actually internet or no, just don’t.
-Watch for the “https” the s stands for secure, more likely to be a serious website than the one without. You can mostly see it, that the “lock” is locked. 
-these scammers do not care if you are struggling, don’t interact with them, don’t give them the time of the day. You do not know what they are capable of.
-be suspicious, check wording, spelling, address and claims
-read the fine print (I just recently got out of a contract, because you know I could and wanted too, because it was in the contract, read the contract and the fine print, see if there is anything off)
-VPNs are great to protect yourself and/or your business online. I recommend it.
If you know of more scams, please let me know! I’ll add them to the list, or by sharing it will be seen. If anything could have been worded better, or if you have a more fitting description, I’d love to qoute you instead then! (if you give me permission first that is haha)
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activatecashappcard · 2 years
How to unlock cash app account? Bella mercy.
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If you have recently noticed some unusual activity on your Cash App account, you might be wondering, " How to unlock cash app account? " Fortunately, unlocking your Cash App account is quite easy! Follow these simple steps to unlock your account. You'll have to enter your profile information and contact number, but don't worry; you'll be able to get your account back in no time. This article will answer all of your questions, from how long it takes to unlock your Cash App account to how to restore access to your profile. 
Is your cash app account locked? read this article for the solution.
Cash App locked for unusual activity.
There are many reasons cash app locked my account due to suspicious activity. This could be the result of fraud or misunderstanding. For example, your account may be locked because someone has logged in on your device and sent money to an unknown person. To resolve these queries, contact Cash App support via email. Here are some tips to help you prevent this from happening. To start, avoid making fraudulent transactions. To avoid the app from locking your account, follow these tips to protect your account:
 If your cash app locked my account due to unusual activity, don't panic. It's a temporary mistake that can be easily remedied. Contact Cash App support, and they'll send instructions for unlocking your account. Be patient, however, as support can take up to 24 hours to reply. Contact Cash App support if you haven't been locked out for more than 30 days. A customer support representative will then be able to help you unlock your account.
How long does it take for Cash App to unlock the account?
When your Cash App account locked, the first thing you need to do is to re-register. You should also have a valid email address so that Cash App can send you an email when your account is ready to be used again. You can also email the support department if you still have a problem. You can get a free email reply from them within 24 hours. If you still cannot unlock your account, you can upgrade to the unlimited plan, which allows you to use Cash App outside the US.
You can request to unlock Cash App account through the Cash App support page. 
To do this, log into your account, 
Select your profile and click on the Support option. 
You will then be sent an email containing an unlocking link and an estimated time for your account to be unlocked. 
Be sure to wait 24 hours for the verification process. Then, you can use the app again and earn as much money as you like!
How to unlock the Cash App account?
Are you wondering how to unlock the Cash App account? Well, there are several ways to unlock it. The first way is to contact the app's support and request to have your account reviewed. A representative from the app will contact you and ask you for your registered details and additional information, such as your social security number. 
If your Cash App locked out, you may also receive an email containing a verification link. To complete the verification, you must visit the link on your mobile device.
Once you have the required credentials, you can log in to Cash App. You can pay anywhere VISA is accepted, and you can also use Cash App for ATM withdrawals. The app is a secure payment platform, but if it's blocked, it's likely to be a minor technical error. If you cannot complete this step, you may be banned until your account is hacked.
You can read more such blogs on: www.i-cashapp.com
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