#Carter hall x Leonard snart
“I’m Just Getting Comfy.”
Chapter 1: Snuggles in the Lounge
“He’s dead, again.”
“Again?” Kendra asked, leaning over the Waverider’s console to get a better look at the blonde captain standing before her.
Sara sighed, running a hand through her long blonde hair as it determinedly fell out of the braid her wife had set it into that morning. “He was dead before, it’s complicated. The point is, it’s integral to the timeline that he didn’t fake his death this time.”
“Go make sure that this serial killer hasn’t faked his death for a third time, got it.”
Sara just shrugged, “it’s easy by the third time.” She winked cheekily, “take it from someone who’s actually been dead.”
Kendra rolled her eyes, now that their captain was virtually immortal (thanks to some choice alien DNA spliced into her genome by a mad scientist), the subject of her death had become something of a running joke among the crew. And if there was a betting pool about how many times their captain could die on a mission, well, Ava never needed to know.
“Another mission?” Carter asked, as he wandered onto the bridge.
Sara nodded, “just a minor time aberration.”
“I can suit up and—”
“Kendra and Charlie have it handled.” The captain admonished gently, “we don’t need more people running around in 1836 than we can help, especially after the last mission.”
Carter frowned, as though he wanted to argue, but, apart from some light insubordination and mutiny, the team followed Sara’s orders without question. He glanced at Kendra once, before turning and heading down the hall with what could only be described as a huff.
Kendra watched him go with one eyebrow raised, after 4,000 years and it still sometimes felt like he didn’t think she could handle herself. She looked back to the console to find both Charlie and Sara staring at her. She threw her hands up as if to say, how am I supposed to know? It wasn’t as though she could read his every move.
She shook her head, whatever was off with him would have to wait until after the mission.
Leonard sprawled on the couch lazily, tossing a small blue bouncy ball from one hand to the other. He was bored, stuck on a time ship in the 1800s. He couldn’t even take the jump ship to go pillage some expensive pieces before they were discovered, Mick and Haircut had taken the ship to go visit Mick’s daughter. Which left Len alone in the lounge with Carter.
“Pacing a hole through the floor isn’t gonna make her come back any faster.” Leonard drawled, finally stilling the ball in one hand as his attention focused on the hawk.
Carter said nothing, continuing to pace around the room.
“What’re you so worried for anyway, it’s not like she’s stayed dead before.” Carter’s shoulders straightened almost imperceptibly, and Leonard smiled to himself, so that had been the button to push.
“She is a fierce warrior who has conquered many foes in her long life, including Vandal Savage, any adversary she came across would be at the mercy of her considerable might. Charlie is there as well,” Carter added as an afterthought.
“Mm.” Leonard hummed just noncommittally enough that it could’ve been interpreted as agreement or dissent. He set the ball down, it had served its purpose and began to shrug out of his parka.
“What are you doing?” Carter’s pacing had fully stopped now.
Leonard caught the exact moment that the hawk’s dark eyes fixated on the muscles peeking out of his navy shirt and had to suppress a smirk.
Len shrugged, “it’s hot in here.”
Carter’s eyes narrowed, “you’re never hot.”
Leonard raised an eyebrow, “way to hurt a man’s ego.”
“You know what I mean,” Carter soldiered on mercilessly. “What are you planning?”
Len shrugged innocently, “I’m just getting comfy.”
Carter’s eyes narrowed further, and he advanced on Len. It was none of his earlier concerned pacing, but instead something distinctly predatory, he looked every bit the hawk.
Leonard smirked openly now, “and what would you do about it, even if I was planning something.”
“I would watch you diligently to ensure that your plan does not have disastrous consequences.”
Leonard stretched out on the couch like a cat, letting his shirt rise just enough to show a tantalizing patch of skin.
“I’m cold.” Leonard beckoned Carter forward with an outstretched finger.
Carter’s outraged splutter could be heard across the timeline, but he sat on the couch regardless. “I thought you were hot.”
Len’s smirk bordered on indulgent, “I’m fickle,” he drawled, rapidly trying to compose his face before Carter looked at him.
Leonard snuggled further into Carter’s arms without another word of protest, it had been annoying to take the parka off earlier (he did get cold easily) and Carter’s arms were so warm. He found himself falling asleep without his permission, something he’d only ever done before with Mick.
But Carter was so warm, and Len was so cold that at that moment it really didn’t matter.
Kendra stretched tiredly as she and Charlie boarded the Waverider’s ramp. It hadn’t been a hard mission, but rather, a long one. She and Charlie had tracked down every lead they could find, any whisper about this guy being alive they’d followed along the grapevine until it inevitably turned out to be a lie.
“Night, Char.” Kendra murmured, stifling a yawn with one hand, and picking a twig out of her hair with the other. It would’ve been so much easier to get to town if she could just fly, but in the interests of protecting the timeline, they had waded through the wooded undergrowth, both to and from the ship. Kendra was sure she’d find more twigs when she shook out her clothes for the night.
But there was one last thing she needed to do before she could sleep. “Carter,” she called softly through the halls of the Waverider, not wanting to wake any of her companions (it was quite late by temporal zone standard time).
“Gideon, where’s Carter?”
“Carter Hall and Leonard Snart are in the lounge.”
‘Leonard’. Kendra mouthed to herself in confusion, before she shrugged.
She dumped her jacket in her and Carter’s room on her way to the lounge eager to shed herself of as many leaves as possible. The lounge was unusually quiet when she entered, it was one of the epicenters of team activity on the ship, and was almost unnatural seeing it so still.
The foosball table that Mick always complained was rigged sat in the corner untouched. While the gaming console Behrad and Zari had brought from their decade (despite Gideon’s warnings about upsetting the rest of their futures with future technology) sat quietly next to the tv, turned off save for a small light on its side that blinked softly.
A few beers, and other assorted snacks, were scattered across the many surfaces of the lounge, and Kendra smiled to herself, some things never changed.
The most unusual part, however, may have been the room's two occupants. Neither Carter nor Leonard frequented the lounge, both generally choosing to pursue less social pursuits in their free time. But here they were passed out on the couch together and wrapped up in each other.
Kendra rolled her eyes fondly, about damn time. She was tempted to let them sleep, but she knew how Carter worried when she was on a mission. Quiet as a hawk, she knelt down in front of them and gently squeezed Carter’s hand.
“My love,” she whispered softly in the tongue of ancient Egypt, a language generally reserved for when they were alone. “Wake up.”
Carter stirred blearily, his hand tightening on hers as his other arm tightened around Len protectively. Kendra smiled indulgently at the gesture, still trying to protect everyone.
“Chay-Ara.” The name slips from Carter’s tongue softly and fondly.
“Khufu.” Kendra replied, calling her lover by the name of his first life.
“It pleases me that you have returned safely,” he begins to sit up, but stops himself, clearly unwilling to wake Leonard.
“Be at peace, my love. We’ll talk in the morning.” She brings his hands to her lips gently, before going back to their room for the night.
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Seven Snippets, Seven People
thanks to @sleepyowlwrites​ for teh tag! but i’mma be cheating and put in lines from stuff i’ve posted. aside from some snippets. shameless self promo with links included.
Tagging, no pressure tho: @charlesjosephwrites, @fiercely-raging-writer, @sculpture-in-a-period-drama​, @idreamonpaper, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @cryptid-s-wips, and @eli-writes-sometimes.
also you can interact with this post, if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list.^^
and away we go. <3
from a vivid display, a loasti short: x.
“Where are we going?” Hwan asks, looking out at a window.
“Just a cool spot close by,” Tegan answers, parking her car in an empty space.
Unlocking the doors, she opens one and slips out of the driver’s seat. Both of them walk into a pavement. Ahead of them, there’s a building with space-themed posters displayed above an entrance. People go in and out of glass doors, which seal open for them to go in.
Beside Tegan, Hwan slows down on her pace. She blinks.
She’s been thinking about it for a while. About showing her around Enrevarde and what cool places it’s got to offer.
After all, Hwan’s been abroad for about six years. There’s tons of sights to visit and see how it’s different.
Hwan’s eyes widen slightly. “This is what you invited me to see?”
from a fic set in a DC au. i’ve been having a blast writing dceu!carter hall! can you tell how much i love hardison that i love him too? and dang, i’d pay to see him interact with the arrowverse versions of leonard snart and ray palmer!
T.W: some suggestive lines.
"Whoa, it isn't all that bad," Ray replied, tossing his hands up. "I did a small nudge to allow her to pursue a one-night stand. That's all."
"Merde," Carter muttered. He pinned him with a wide-eyed glare. "Do you realize how stupid that idea is? For cripse's sake, man, she's into you! And you went ahead and told her to. . . Oh, God. I wish Kent was still here, so he'd put some sense into you."
Uh oh, he thought, twisting his spoon. Once Carter started swearing in another language, it was a warning for how things would get bad.
"Well, she should think of how I need to be saved from myself more."
Carter rolled his eyes. "Saved from yourself? Or your own stupid decisions? There's a major difference."
Ray gulped, looking away. "I am so not having this conversation now."
"Too bad, we're gonna having it, anyway," Carter muttered. "Ray! This will not go well! Whether Claude likes to admit it or not, she's got a guilt complex! What if she finds out you feel the same but she did that, huh?"
from an upscale composition: x.
Setting his violin back on it’s case, he ruffles his hair. He shakes any tingles from his hands while his pulse moves quick.
Gah, this evening, he’d be performing in an with a local orchestra. He’s been practicing for hours, quaking with anticipation. He needs to be fully prepared if he’s gonna do it.
Zubari’s gonna perform in front of an audience alongside with other orchestra members. It’s been a while since he’s done it and he wants to be sure he isn’t rusty or anything.
Of course, he knows his friends are gonna be grateful for him. He’s been playing the violin since elementary school. He’s got a panache for it and he attended music lessons for this.
Sometimes, people try to drag him down. To convince him to see how what he does isn’t worth it. To put his efforts into anything else. And if he doesn’t, he’s gonna be a workaholic. Even though, he’s done his best to avoid going in too deep.
Then there’s this weird feeling as if he hasn’t done anything right at all. His dedication’s driven some people away from him. They often refuse to understand what this means for him. How much it’s a solace whenever he’s in distress. It’s a gift that he’s willing to share with others. And if they don’t get it, it’s fine by him.
Besides, he isn’t doing this for them. He’s had to figure out on how to do what he wishes. To believe in himself even if no one else does. It’s a difficult path yet he’s picked it. He managed to make things work out for himself. If not for anyone else.
my unposted sambucky outsider pov, where scott and joaquin are up to no good. <3
Scott just moved his stick across the screen, pointing at their matching expressions filled with adoration.
"Do you see what I mean? They're aren't subtle yet they're so oblivious, and it's just. . . it makes me wanna rip my hair out!"
Joaquin winced, flicking his eyes at the audience. "Yeah, I've seen the toll it's taking on Scott. And he's in such low spirits because of them."
"And that's why!" Scott threw his arms, pointing at the screen. "We're gonna have a plan on how to bring these two together! They've been pining and I've seen too much to let it go on any longer! Thank you for listening to this rant. I apologize if it was. . . a bit lengthy."
The audience gave a slow round of applause, tainted by confusion in their expressions. Joaquin switched the dim lights back to it's original setting. He exited PowerPoint on his laptop, disconnecting it from the projector.
Katy stood up just as he shut his device down.
"That's it?" Katy asked in disbelief. "Is this why you brought us here? To announce that you're going to help the Captain America and Bucky Barnes get together? I'm not buying it yet I'm not opposed to it either. Just confused."
from unleashing the grand treasure: x.
“A pleasure to see ya, matey,” Titanrin replies, tipping their gaudy hat of the day. “My, my. What items do ye got there, you ol’ scallyway?”
“The usual,” the sailor answers with a proud grin.
The usual? Well, perhaps, they should leave without causing a scene that can turn the business into a frenzy. Nothing caught their interest for it’s only the same items. At least, they can get to keep their money.
“Titanrin, we have a mighty offer for you,” General Vitali says, approaching them. “My squadron manages to capture a rare creature so magnificent that I think you’ll be dazzled by it.”
Ah, yes. This infamous rogue, who stormed a palace of islands, and squandered for treasure that no other person could before. It was rumored that it’s she, who slayed a dragon meant to serve a crooked queen, who swam in piles of valuable coins.
They follow Vitali languidly while she guides them to a secluded area, where they find an edge of a rope attached a handle of a barrel. A unicorn, pale and ethereal, lays down with it’s eyes shut. Their jaw drops at the sight of it.
“A unicorn?” Titanrin asks, knitting their brows together. “Where on Earth did you acquire a rare creature such as this?”
from Reach to the Sky, a Cisco Ramon-centric Swan Lake AU: x.
Now that they were by themselves, Cisco couldn’t help except notice he reached the prince’s shoulders. Even in person, he looked. . . impressive. Okay, not just impressive but. . . but he was a total dreamboat.
Of course, he might be exaggerating due to his nerves. Since he laid eyes on the prince, his bundle of nerves kept on being jittery. Probably from meeting actual royalty face-to-face.
“Thank you, you saved me,” Prince Emerick said, his deep voice filled with gratitude.
He looked up at him, finding his dark eyes sparkle.
“You’re welcome, I guess,” Cisco replied, chuckling. He ran a hand through his hair. “As long as I have this crystal, I’m protected. So, technically, I didn’t do much really. I wasn’t in much danger.”
His mom would be scolding him for his lack of proper manners. Gosh, he shouldn’t be this agitated. And for goodness sake, he needed to calm his breathing!
“Really? You were sort of a bad-ass back there when you rescued me. I don’t know what I could have done without you.”
from A Secret Retreat, an original short: x.
Glancing at a clock, they snorted at the hour displayed.
They pressed a button on their phone and tapped it’s screen, changing their playlist.
As a librarian, who outsiders regard as too eccentric, they had so much time to rest. Yet they would rather be at the library, where things were too quiet. Or noisy, depending on any specific situation.
One of the relatively interesting things of working in a library were it’s visitors. To witness students search for information from a textbook. To see regular workers trying to escape into a story’s world. To see professors completing their paper work. To provide a check-out for a reader, who wished to bring a book with them.
No doubt that they all shared one thing in common: sleepless nights. Whether from their stress or procrastination, they probably couldn’t sleep.
Sometimes, a reader could get too caught up with a story. To the point they ignore sleeping altogether. In order to finish on discovering what occurred at a story. A rather impressive dedication in their standards. They could still read, however, they didn’t lose sleep over it.
The only troubling thing, though? They often had to watch students cram with their work. They often scoffed, . They heard they only went to the library was because of how they didn’t have wi-fi.
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New chapter of Perfect!
Chapter 10 of Perfect  has been posted on AO3!
Read it here!
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fatedxdestiny · 7 years
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                                            1x02 || 3x08
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hiverforesteevee · 7 years
Legends x Squishy!Reader
General Audiences
0 triggers that I know of
AO3 link
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Hearth requested: plus size reader is everyone's favorite hug. It's like the cure all to be hugged by reader. Legends Crew cuteness perhaps?
This prompt contains the following characters: Carter, Jax, Kenny, Len, Martin, Mick, Ray, Rip, and Sara.
The Waverider is cold, sleek, and metallic.  You’re warm, chubby, and soft.  If this was Star Trek, you’d be Counselor Troi.  Everyone from the gruffest pyros, closed off time travelers, and kickass assassins come to you for a cuddle when the world—or everyone else—goes completely insane.
More casual cure-alls include hugs.  Not even vanilla as ice cream Professor Stein objects to an encouraging embrace!  Jax misses his mom much more than he claims.
Ray’s the team golden retriever.  Len’s the team cat.  Ray knows you never not want to be touched and Len knows you respect folks who don’t want to be touched.
Carter and Kenny come to you to mediate their relationship issues.  Half-remembered memories and so-called destiny aren’t the best way to get to know someone, but chatting with a neutral party is.  Lately, those chats have morphed into snuggles, yet you’re certainly not complaining.
One day, you joke about charging for your services.  Gideon chimes in that you’re priceless.
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musicalcoffeebean · 7 years
Hey guys I write for Dc Legends, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, the Red Queen Book series, The Flash, Harry Potter, etc. Please send in ask.
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gayri-chmac · 4 years
Each character has a song as listed below:
Rip Hunter- Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Sara Lance- Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey
Firestorm- Evelyn Evelyn by Evelyn Evelyn
Ray Palmer- Rät by Penelope Scott
Mick Rory- Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
Leonard Snart- Take Me To Church by Hozier
Kendra Saunders- Viva La Vida by Coldplay
Carter Hall- Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Nate Heywood- Unsteady by X Ambassadors
Amaya Jiwe- Sunflower, Vol. 6 by Harry Styles
Zari 1.0 & 2.0- Two Birds by Regina Spektor
Wally West- Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood
Ava Sharpe- I Am Not A Robot by MARINA
John Constantine- For The Departed by Shayfer James
Nora Darhk- Body by Mother Mother
Charlie- Verbatim by Mother Mother
Mona Wu- Monster by Dodie
Behrad Tarazi- As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese
Astra Logue- Michelle by Sir Chloe
Everyone- Nobody Likes The Opening Band by IDKHBTFM
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Hey. Hey, you. Don’t rely on Google to know which shows are Arrowverse. Google doesn’t list all of them. If you want the entirety of the Arrowverse experience, including web-series, mini-series and comics, here you go
The CW’s Arrow, 2012-2020. This is the real kickstarter of the Arrowverse and is completely necessary for proper binging.
Arrow is also a 2012-2013 comic series that ties into the first season. It is unnecessary.
Arrow: Season 2.5, 2014-2015, is also a comic series, filling the gaps between seasons two and three. Ben Turner/Bronze Tiger’s death has since been retconned. It is unnecessary.
Blood Rush is a six-episode web-series that premiered alongside Arrow. Felicity Smoak has a mission for Roy Harper. It is available online for viewing, but it’s unnecessary.
Arrow: The Dark Archer, another comic book series, ran in 2016. This is set between seasons three and four, apparently focusing on Malcolm Merlyn’s backstory. This is said to have continuity errors. It is not necessary.
The CW’s The Flash, 2014-present (2020). This one introduces meta-humans into the fold and is necessary.
The Flash: Season Zero is a 2014-2015 comic series that takes place before the events of the show. 22 chapters have been retconned from canon. It is not necessary.
The Chronicles of Cisco is an official tumblr (2015-2017) and instagram (2017-present) blog. It details the “stories and reflections of the eponymous character set in the Arrowverse,” meaning background details, along with Cisco’s thoughts on daily vigilante life. Some references to Season Zero. It is unnecessary.
Chronicles of Cisco is a four part web-series that aired in 2016. Cisco works on Barry’s suit. It features a total of two characters. It is unnecessary.
Stretched Scene is a 2017 mini-series starring Ralph Dibny. Ralph goes about annoying Team Flash. It aired during the Flash season 4’s commercial breaks. It is unnecessary.
NBC’s Constantine, 2014-2015. This show was retroactively added during Arrow’s fourth season. This is demi-necessary? I got by without it, at least. John Constantine reprises his role as a recurring character for the later seasons of Legends of Tomorrow.
John Con Noir is a 2015 web series with one episode. It is in clay-stop motion form. I think(?) it was made during a petition for Constantine season 2, of which it did not receive. It’s fourth-wall-breaking, non-canon and unnecessary.
The CW’s Supergirl, 2015-present. Until recently, this show existed on another universe where CW’s Barry Allen would visit sometimes. It now exists in the combined universe of Earth-Prime. That being said, it introduces the concept of aliens, and is necessary.
Adventures of Supergirl is a 2016 digital comic book series. “Kara Zor-El landed on Earth after many years stuck in en route from her now-destroyed home planet Krypton, having followed in her famous cousin Superman's footsteps. Upon arriving, she was taken in by the lovely Danvers family and taught to hide her un-Earthly powers from sight. As the world falls in love with her super hero cousin Superman, Kara starts to feel the urge to embrace her powers, especially when her powers can save someone she loves.” Tales from Kara’s childhood and transition, I believe(?). It is unnecessary.
CW Seed’s Vixen, 2015-2016. This is an animated web series (compiled into a movie) that stars the granddaughter of Amaya Jiwe, a main character on Legends of Tomorrow, discovering her abilities and becoming a vigilante in Detroit. This has since been retconned as the result of a change in the timeline. Vixen/Mari is featured on one episode of Arrow, marking the character’s first and only live-action appearance. It is unnecessary (but a fun watch!).
The CW’s DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, 2016-present. It takes characters from the above shows and continues their arcs, including Ray Palmer, the Darhks, Eobard Thawne, Malcolm Merlyn, Sara Lance, Mick Rory, Kendra Saunders, Carter Hall, Jefferson Jackson, Martin Stein, and Leonard Snart. It is necessary.
Mr. Parker’s Cul De Sac is a 2020 mini series focusing on Mr. Parker’s daily life. It’s unnecessary.
CW Seed’s Freedom Fighters: The Ray, 2017-2018. This is an animated web-series with the same number of episodes as Vixen. It is unnecessary, but is a good watch if you’re curious about Earth-X.
The CW’s Black Lightning, 2018-present. This was a separate series until the development of Earth-Prime. It introduces drugs that can imitate metahuman abilities. As it’s now a part of the main Arrowverse lineup, it is probably(?) necessary.
Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant is a 2019-2020 comic book series that ties into the Infinite Earths crisis. It is unnecessary.
The CW’s Batwoman, 2019-present. The character was first introduced in the Elseworlds crisis. Since then, she’s developed into her own title character. Kate Kane is to be replaced with a different main character in season 2. As this show is a part of the main Arrowverse lineup, it is probably(?) necessary.
The CW’s Superman & Lois, a confirmed upcoming series that will premiere in 2021(?). It will most likely tie with Supergirl sometimes. That being said, I don’t know if it’ll be necessary.
The CW’s Green Arrow and The Canaries, an upcoming series that is said to be in development. It is a spin-off of Arrow, and will likely star Mia Queen, Dinah Drake and Black Siren’s Laurel Lance.
The CW’s Painkiller, an upcoming series that is said to be in development. With Jordan Calloway reprising his role as Khalil Payne, this will act as a spin-off of Black Lightning.
The CW’s Wonder Girl, an upcoming series that is said to be in development. It will feature the DC comics character of the same name.
Shows featured in the Infinite Earths crisis currently reside in alternate universes/dimensions and are thus not canon on Earth-Prime, but exist in the Arrowverse. Interactions are not likely. Here is the list in the case they do crossover again.
CBS’ The Flash, 1990-1991. This alternate Barry Allen makes a total of four appearances on CW’s The Flash, two on Arrow, and one on Supergirl.
The Flash TV Special is a 1991 comic book special with only two chapters consisting of these characters. It is not necessary.
The Flash is also a 1991 video game based on this show. It is not necessary.
The WB’s Birds of Prey, 2002-2003. There is one appearance made by these characters during the Infinite Earths crisis. It is unclear if their version of Harley Quinn is the same one belonging to the Arrowverse, as she is yet to make an official physical Earth-Prime appearance beyond a faceless line, so it is up for debate. It is probably unlikely given that the Birds of Prey do not currently inhabit Earth-Prime(?).
The CW’s Stargirl, 2020-present, Earth-2. This show reboots the “Justice Society of America” featured in Legends. That being said, it is not currently interconnected.
The Batman TV series universe, Earth-66.
The Batman Anthology universe, Earth-89.
The Superman Anthology universe, Earth-96.
The Smallville universe, Earth-167.
The Lucifer universe, Earth-666.
The DC Extended Universe, Earth-TUD13.
The Swamp Thing universe, Earth-19.
The Titans universe, Earth-9.
The Doom Patrol universe, Earth-21.
All info taken from Arrowverse wikis
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sarka-stically · 7 years
LoT Foster family AU
Sara: “Cool” Mom, all kids respect her
Rip: Stressed overworked Dad, who tries to hard, but none of kids respect him
*They are in very modern marriage, have no prob with one of them (Sara) ‘being’ with other people. They fight a lot and mostly act as friend more than as a couple*
Jax: Only slightly responsible kid, Mom makes him look after others sometimes
Mick: Oldest son, most rebelious one, in in trouble with law a lot
Leonard: Mick’s best friend, Sara’s occasional lover
Ray & Nate: Excited nerd twins, break stuff all the time
Kendra: Teen daughter, “I’m an adult now, I know what I’m doing” kind of teen, is never home, has lots of boyfriends
Martin: Overly serious uncle Marty, has lots of doctorates and alsolots of personal issues
Amaya: Newest foster kid, gets in lots of trouble with Mick and Len
Gideon: Rip’s nerdy colleague from work, is more interested in his family life than she should be
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thena0315 · 4 years
Original Legends
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First started off with 9 Members =====================================
Those who died and became Legends
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Carter Hall / Hawkman
Joined: Season 1
Killed by Vandal Savage [1x02]
Gets reincarnated into Scythian Torvil in the 22nd century
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Leonard Snart / Captain Cold
Joined: Season 1
Supervillain turned Hero
Sacrificed himself to save the team so they could escape the Vanishing Point [1x15]
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Martin Stein / Fire Storm 
Joined: Seasons 1 - 3
Killed by Earth-X Nazis
Severed his connection with Jax to save him from dying as well [3x08]
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Rip Hunter
Joined: Seasons 1 - 3
Founder of the Legends and Time Bureau
Captain of the Legends 2015 - 2016
Director of the Time Bureau 2012 - 2018 
Sacrificed himself to buy the Legends time in their fight against Mallus and escape [3x18]
Those who Left the Team / Retired
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Kendra Saunders / Hawkgirl
Joined: Season 1
Leaves the team with Scythian Torvil to start a new life together and continue to act as vigilantes in the present [1x16]
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Jefferson ‘Jax’ Jackson / Firestorm
Joined: Seasons 1 - 3
Leaves the team after Stein’s death [3x09]
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Ray Palmer / Atom
Joined: Seasons 1 - 5  
Leaves the team in 2020 after marrying Nora Darhk to have a normal life [5x07]
Currently Active on the Team
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Sara Lance / White Canary
Joined: Season 1 - Present
Captain since 2016 - Present
Co Captain with Ava Sharpe since 2020 - Present
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Mick Rory / Heat Wave 
Joined: Season 1 - Present
Supervillain turned Hero
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“I’m Just Getting Comfy.”
Summary: Carter is worried when Kendra goes on a mission without him. Leonard knows just which buttons to press to help Carter unwind.
(Not Smut.)
Chapter 1: Cuddles in the lounge
Chapter 2: Friends are forever, but decisions don’t have to be (coming soon)
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batsupes-love · 4 years
Write one of the following. 01. Top! Bruce Wayne x Bottom!Clark Kent 02. Top!Joker x Bottom!Bruce Wayne 03. Top!Dick Grayson x Bottom!Clark Kent 04. Top!Jason Todd x Bottom!Clark Kent 05. Top!Tim Drake x Bottom!Clark Kent     06. Top!Tim Drake x Bottom!Conner Kent 07. Top!Damian Wayne x Bottom!Tim Drake 08. Top!Barry Allen x Bottom!Clark Kent 09. Top!Hal Jordan x Bottom!Clark Kent 10. Top!Barry Allen x Bottom!Hal Jordan 11. Top!Lex Luthor x Bottom!Clark Kent 12. Top!Dick Grayson x Bottom!Bruce Wayne 13. Top!Jason Todd x Bottom!Bruce Wayne 14. Top!Tim Drake x Bottom!Bruce Wayne 15. Top!Damian Wayne x Bottom!Jonathan Samuel Kent 16. Top!Damian Wayne x Bottom!Conner Kent 17. Top!Alfred Pennyworth x Bottom!Clark Kent 18. Top!Ted Kord x Bottom!Michael Carter 19. Top!Billy Batson x Bottom!Clark Kent (Just imagine how Elseworld, Distant Fires might have turned out...) 20.Top!Lobo x Bottom!Conner Kent 21. Top!Roy Harper x Bottom!Jason Todd 22. Top!Tim Drake x Bottom!Jason Todd 23. Top!Batzarro x Bottom!Bizarro 24. Top!Batzarro x Bottom!Clark Kent 25. Top!Bizarro x Bottom!Clark Kent 26. Top!Kirk x Bottom!Hernan 27. Top!Thomas Wayne x Bottom!Jor-El 28. Top!Owlman x Bottom!Ultraman 29. Top!Joker x Bottom!Clark Kent 30. Top!Joker x Switch!Bruce Wayne x Bottom!Clark Kent 31. Top!Eradicator x Bottom!Clark Kent 32. Top!Lord Batman x Bottom!Lord Superman 33. Alpha!Bruce Wayne x Omega!Clark Kent 34. Alpha!Dick Grayson x Omega!Clark Kent 35. Alpha!Jason Todd x Omega!Clark Kent 36. Alpha!Tim Drake x Omega!Clark Kent 37. Alpha!Damian Wayne x Omega!Clark Kent 38. Alpha!Alfred Pennyworth x Omega!Clark Kent 39. Alpha!Lex Luthor x Omega!Clark Kent 40. Alpha!Damian Wayne x Omega!Jon Kent 41. Alpha!Tim Drake x Omega!Conner Kent 42. Alpha!Kirk x Omega!Hernan 43. Alpha!Lord Batman x Omega!Lord Superman 44. Alpha!Thomas Wayne x Omega!Jor-El 45. Alpha!Dru-Zod x Omega!Kal-El 46. Alpha!Hernan x Omega!Kal-El 47. Top!Midnighter x Bottom!Apollo 48. Switch!Midnighter x Bottom!Clark Kent x Top!Bruce Wayne x Switch!Apollow 49. Alpha!Midnighter x Omega!Apollo 50. Alpha!Eobard Thawn x Omega!Barry Allen 51. Alpha!Jay Garrick x Omega!Alan Scott 52. Alpha!Big Barda x Omega!Scott Free 53. Top!Scott Free x Bottom!Clark Kent 54. Top!James Gordon x Bottom!Clark Kent 55. Top!Jimmy Olsen x Bottom!Clark Kent 56. Top!Perry White x Bottom!Clark Kent 57. Alpha!Steve Lombard x Omega!Clark Kent 58. Top!Dan Turpin x Bottom!Clark Kent 59. Top!Ron Troupe x Bottom!Clark Kent 60. Alpha!Dirk Armstrong x Omega!Clark Kent 61. Top!David Corporon x Bottom!Clark Kent 62. Top!Inspector Henderson x Bottom!Clark Kent 63. Top!James Jacob Harbor x Bottom!Clark Kent 64. Top!Mick Rory x Bottom!Clark Kent 65. Top!Leonard Snart x Bottom!Clark Kent 66. Top!Bibbo Bibbowski x Bottom!Clark Kent 67. Top!Pete Ross x Bottom!Clark Kent 68. Top!John Henry Irons x Bottom!Clark Kent 69. Top!Kenny Braverman x Bottom!Clark Kent 70. Alpha!Lar Gand x Omega!Clark Kent 71. Top!Agent Liberty x Bottom!Superman 72. Top!J’onn J’onnz x Bottom!Clark Kent 73. Top!Orion x Bottom!Clark Kent 74. Top!Rip Hunter x Bottom!Clark Kent 75. Top!Clarkn x Bottom!Clark Kent 76. Top!Constantine x Bottom!Clark Kent 77. Top!Rokk Krinn x Bottom!Clark Kent 78. Top!Anung un Rama x Bottom!Clark Kent 79. Top!Tony Stark x Bottom!Steve Rogers 80. Alpha!Loki x Omega!Thor 81. Top!Alec Holland x Bottom!Clark Kent 82. Top!Reep Daggle x Bottom!Clark Kent 83. Top!Garth Ranzz x Bottom!Clark Kent  84. Top!Querl Dox x Bottom!Clark Kent 85. Top!Mark Moonrider x Bottom!Clark Kent 86. Top!Jason Teague x Bottom!Clark Kent 87. Top!Davis Bloome x Bottom!Clark Kent 88. Top!Adam Knight x Bottom!Clark Kent 89. Top!Carter Hall x Bottom!Clark Kent 90. Alpha!Vandal Savage x Omega!Carter Hall 91. Top!Victor Stone x Bottom!Clark Kent 92. Top!Roy Harper x Bottom!Clark Kent 93. Top!Garth x Bottom!Clark Kent 94. Top!Thomas Wayne x Bottom!Clark Kent 95. Alpha!Jonathan Kent x Omega!Clark Kent 96. Top!Halk Kar x Bottom!Clark Kent    97. Top!Bruce Banner x Bottom!Clark Kent 98. Top!Slade Wilson x Bottom!Clark Kent 99. Top!Deadshot x Bottom!Superman 100. Top!Ra’s Al-Ghul x Bottom!Clark Kent     
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New chapter of Perfect!
Chapter 9 of Perfect  has been posted on AO3!
Read it here
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Zuteilung Sekundärer Geschlechter in meinem Verse
Wer ist was? (Spoiler! Manche verbergen ihr wahres Geschlecht oder wechseln es)
 Rip Hunter
Ray Palmer
Nate Heywood
Grandma Palmer
Gary Green
Helena von Troja
Mona Wu
Quentin Lance
Roy Harper
Curtis Holt
Quentin Lance (Erde-X)
Maseao Yamashiro
William Clayton
Cayden James
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Joe West
Nora West-Allen
Lisa Snart
Henry Allen
Jay Garrick (Erde 3)
Tracy Brand
Marlize DeVoe
Grace Gibbons
Kara Danvers
J’onn J’onzz
Nia Nal
Jeremiah Danvers
Lar Gand
Lar-Gand (Universum-1)
Kara Zor-El (Erde-X)
Eve Teschmacher
Lex Luthor (Erde-X)
M’yrnn J’onzz
Malefic J’onzz (Prime Omega)
Kate Kane
Barry Allen (Erde-90)
Susan Linden
Sophie Moore
Mary Hamilton
Beth Kane
 Martin Stein
Jax Jackson
Leonard Snart
Carter Hall (und all seine anderen Inkarnationen)
Vandal Savage
Gideon – programmiert auf Beta
Clarissa Stein
Lily Stein
Zari Tomaz
Rex Tyler
Anna Loring
Henry Heywood
Hank Heywood
Doris. Heywood
Star Girl
Dr. Mid-Nite
Sydney Palmer
Mrs. Palmer
Ray Terrill
Per Degaton
Felicity Smoak
Nyssa al Ghul
Paul Holt
Rory Regan
Lyla Michaels
Tommy Merlyn
Tommy Merlyn (Erde-X)
Tommy Merlny (Erde-4)
Robert Queen
Walter Steele
Carly Diggle
Susan Williams
Anatoly Knyazev
Oliver Queen (Erde-X)
Dinah Drake
Samantha Clayton
Nick Anastas
Christopher Chance
Malcolm Merlyn (Erde-X)
Jesse Quick
H. R. Wells
Ronnie Raymond
Eddie Thawne
Eddie Thawne (Erde-X)
David Singh
Linda Park
Patty Spivott
Cecile Horton
Fred Chyre
Clyde Mardon
Carla Tannhauser
Earl Cox
Caitlin Snow (Erde-X)
Hank Henshaw
Winn Schott
Maggie Sawyer
Clark Kent
Lena Luthor
M’gann M’orzz
Sam Arias
Ruby Arias
Lucy Lane
Imra Ardeen
Thomas Coville
Julia Freeman
Mercy Graves
Lex Luthor
Kelly Olsen
Mari McCabe
John Constantine
Tim Drake
Rachel Roth
John Deegan
Nora Fries
Psycho Pirate
Rick Flag (Erde-X)
Renée Montoya
Luke Fox
Jacob Kane
Tyler Moore
Mrs. Kane
Tommy Elliott
Andrea Rojas
Russel Rogers
 Sara Lance (Prime Alpha)
Mick Rory
Amaya Jiwe
Eobard Thawne (Prime Alpha)
Damien Darhk
Kendra Saunders (und all ihre anderen Inkarnationen)
Ava Sharpe
Miranda Coburn
Nora Darhk
Jonah Hex
Mon-El (Universum 1)
Laurel Lance
John Diggle
Thea Queen
Renè Ramirez
Evelyn Sharp
Adrian Chase
Moira Queen
Slade Wilson
Donna Smoak
Dinah Lance
Dinah Lance (Erde-X)
Andy Diggle
Amanda Waller
Ras al Gul
Tatsu Yamashiro
Laurel Lance (Erde-X)
Talia al Ghul
Adam Hunt
Chien Na Wei
Ricardo Diaz
Iris West
Wally West (im Vorwort bei der Aufstellung zu „Nennt uns Legenden IV fälschlicherweise als Beta geführt, das war mein Fehler, sorry, Alpha stimmt)
Julian Albert
Harry Wells (Erde-2)
Tony Woodward
Hunter Zolomon
Lewis Snart
Nora Allen
Dante Ramon
Clifford DeVoe
Mark Mardon
Ralph Dibney
Sherloque Wells
Orlin Dwyer
Alex Danvers
Cat Grant
James Olsen
Alex Danvers (Erde-1)
James Olsen (Erde-1)
Mon-El (Erde-X)
Eliza Danvers
Lillian Luthor
Maxwell Lord
Die „Priesterin“
Otis Graves
Viktor Stone
Rick Flag
Bruce Wayne
George Li
Roter Drache-Yang
Catherine Hamilton-Kane
William Dey
Rama Khan
Ramasy Rosso
Mrs. Rosso
 Malcolm Merlyn – jetzt Alpha (Trans Beta-> Alpha)
Oliver Queen – jetzt Alpha (Trans Beta-> Alpha)
Laurel Lance (Erde Zwei )– Alpha (Trans Beta-> Alpha)
Caitlin Snow – zuerst Beta, wurde zum Alpha, nun Alpha-Beta
Cailtin Snow (Savitar TL) - Alphas (TransBeta->Alpha)
Barry Allen (Savitar TL) - Beta (TransOmega-> Beta)
Thomas Snow – früher Beta, jetzt Alpha (Trans Beta->Alpha)
 Caitlin Snow – früher Beta, wurde zum Alpha, nun Alpha-Beta
Leo Snart (Erde-X) – Beta-Omega
Sebastian Blood – Alpha-Beta
Cyrus Gold – Beta-Alpha
Clinton Hogue – Alpha-Beta
Michael Daily – Alpha-Beta
Pater Trigon – Alpha-Beta
Sixth Claw Jerry - Alpha-Beta
Granny Godness
 Ohne sekundäres Geschlecht:
Charlie (nimmt Geschlecht der Person an, in die sie sich verwandelt)
Mor Novu
 Kann sein sekundäres Geschlecht wechseln:
 Garfield Logan (ursprünglich ein Beta)
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Top 3 headcanons for each past and present member of the Legends (you can't list them just not being dead as any of the headcanons), favorite fic you've written, favorite fic you've read, do you regret writing any fics, if so which ones, which character do you prefer; Leonard or Mick, Sara or Amaya, Ray or Nate, Jax or Wally, Rip or Stein, Zari or Kendra, Carter or Leo; top 5 ships, top 5 BroTP
This is….a lot.
Top 3 headcanons
Rip Hunter
Loves Western movies, hates root beer jelly beans, and tried to get the Bureau to hire a mental health professional.
Forgives Rip for shutting her down when he comes back with Wally, wants Ray to make her an android body, and will troll the team with Asia’s ‘Heat of the Moment’ when things are slow.
Ray Palmer
Does meet adult Gumball at some point in the future, hadn’t spoken to Sydney in three years when he was first introduced on Arrow, and plans out the birthday parties on the ship.
Sara Lance
Listens to a lot of late 90′s/early 2000s songs, has no less than seven knifes lying out visibly around her room, and debates with Gideon about a salmon ladder for the Waverider.
Martin Stein
Wrote at least 3 major papers in college while high, read Harry Potter when the movies started coming out, and loved his families, blood and found.
Jefferson Jackson
Helps his mom make pecan pie at Thanksgiving, finished his degree when he got home for good, and tells Martina cleaner versions of the Legends’ adventures as bedtimes stories.
Carter Hall
Drinks his coffee black, used to be salesman before remembering who he was, and is useless.
Kendra Saunders
Ran track in high school, loves to bake, and started working at a women’s shelter after leaving the Legends.
Mick Rory
Looks at fanart for his book after it gets published, has visited Lux before, and considers the Legends his only family.
Leonard Snart
Had stolen jewelry to give to Lisa when he made it back, always has a pen somewhere (or steals it from someone else), and one of his aliases is Michael Scofield.
Amaya Jiwe
Taught Zari how to make pancakes, has many opinions on 21st century television, and got addicted to Candy Crush briefly.
Nate Heywood
Was on the academic decathlon team in high school, has fallen asleep on Ray, and dressed up as Indiana Jones for Halloween 3 years in a row.
Zari Tomaz
Is a secret XS fan, hates bees, and once fought Mick over a brownie.
Wally West
Will turn off music or skip to the next song when Careless Whisper starts to play, kept his Western outfit when he went back home, and broke his leg when he was nine. 
John Constantine
Sometimes plays guitar on the Waverider, once woke up in Barcelona with no recollection of how he ended up there, and has cooked breakfast for Gary at least twice.
Gary Green (he counts, I’m counting the S4 trailer)
Has TARDIS boxers, Rip was the one who recruited him because he had a gut feeling that Gary would be a good fit for the Bureau, and hates wearing contacts.
Fav fic I’ve ever written
That’s really hard. Probably Becoming a Legend, Five Years, Immortal!Leonard (that deserves a special mention) The Unhappy Birthday, To My Last Breath (I AM NOT READY TO DO THAT AGAIN IN LOS), and Losing Your Memory. I’m proud of a lot of my fics.
Fav fic I’ve ever read
Probably Queen of Mars by @incendiaglacies or 256 Days by @fezwearingjellybananas. Highly recommended reads.
Do I regret writing any fics
YES! I regret every Cartson fic I ever wrote thanks to season 2. Also I regret some of my early AoS stuff.
Which do I prefer?
Leonard or Mick
Sara or Amaya
Ray or Nate 
Jax or Wally
Rip or Stein (Just barely)
Zari or Kendra
Top 5 Ships
Captain Canary
Mulder x Scully 
Top 5 Brotps
10 and Donna Noble (They did that right)
Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows (I will never not cry watching ‘he’s my brother’)
Oliver Queen and John Diggle
Barry Allen and Kara Danvers
Linh Cinder and Carswel Thorne (I need a series, animated or live action. It’d be soooooo good)
Friday Night Shenanigans
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The Assassins Oath
by Jaredthedragon
Sara Lance is a young and vicious assassin with no sympathy or remorse. When she's hried to take out a rookie cop Ava Sharpe, Sara finds herself falling in love with Ava.
Words: 1133, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Assassins Code
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Sara Lance, Earth-2 Laurel Lance, Ava Sharpe, Gary Green, Rip Hunter, Mick Rory, Earth-X Leonard "Leo" Snart, Ray Palmer, Nate Heywood, Amaya Jiwe, Zari Tomaz, Martin Stein, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Vandal Savage, Cassandra Savage, Nora Darhk, Damien Darhk, Carter Hall, Kendra Saunders, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Maggie Sawyer, Lex Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Jess (Supergirl TV 2015), Ruby Arias, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Winn Schott Jr., J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Jack Spheer, Veronica Sinclair (DCU), Lucy Lane (DCU), Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Kate Kane, Barry Allen, Iris West, Joe West, Wally West, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Ronnie Raymond, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Jesse "Quick" Wells, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Roy Harper, Tommy Merlyn, Malcolm Merlyn, Samantha Clayton, William Clayton (Arrow), Felicity Smoak, Dinah Drake (Arrow), Rene Ramirez, Curtis Holt, Ricardo Diaz, Adrian Chase, Slade Wilson, Helena Bertinelli, George "Digger" Harkness, John Diggle, John Constantine, Gideon (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), Lyla Michaels, Andy Diggle, Nyssa al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Floyd Lawton, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers & Earth-2 Laurel Lance, Earth-2 Laurel Lance & Sara Lance, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Ruby Arias, Amaya Jiwe/Zari Tomaz, Nate Heywood/Ray Palmer, Mick Rory/Earth-X Leonard "Leo" Snart, Barry Allen/Iris West, Jesse "Quick" Wells/Wally West, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells & Jesse "Quick" Wells, Iris West & Joe West, Barry Allen & Joe West, Joe West & Wally West, Ronnie Raymond/Caitlin Snow, Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak, Samantha Clayton & Oliver Queen, William Clayton & Oliver Queen, William Clayton & Felicity Smoak, Mon-El/Winn Schott Jr., Carter Hall/Kendra Saunders, Roy Harper/Thea Queen, Clark Kent/Lois Lane
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Assassins & Hitmen, Alternate Universe - Human, Explicit Language, Mild Smut, Torture, Eventual Smut
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/16164203
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