#Can discuss plots or whatever else you like ^3^
fastfists · 6 months
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[throws out] Mutuals only please & please also tell me who you are if you add me ^3^
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verflares · 26 days
this all being said about the light dragon and how it is definitely the biggest highlight of totk (for me at least), i Do think a lot of the reaction to it Is dependent on botw and zelda's characterisation from that game... a lot of which is kind of lacking in totk because of her more passive role (e.g. you are told about her + see her actions after they have already happened)
like. if you didn't already really like zelda and were sold on her relationship with link (and not even just from a shipping zelink perspective, like. just UNDERSTANDING they have a strong bond from everything they've gone through together) then i'm not sure if any of that stuff in totk would've hit as hard as it did. the game does very little to build on what we already know about them, which i think is both a letdown to new players (which. i am not sure why they are playing the sequel before botw, but that is how totk acts most of the time lmao) and returning ones, and as time goes on it's become harder for me to blame people for not caring for it as much.
what a truly odd game
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seulszn · 2 months
Listen I love TLOU and the fandom very much but a lot of people (not calling anybody out) need a reality check and need to grow up. I wanna say my two cents on things that bother me in this fandom.
1. Boycotting for Palestine
I have seen multiple times on multiple occasions where people would sit on their phone and complain about why writers are “flooding the tags with this boycotting bullshit” and honestly all I have to say is your super childish you can’t take a hour or a week out of your day to raise awareness on a important topic that is affecting millions of people? Your so horny so down bad for pixelated characters that you don’t care about the innocent children, women and men that are dying in Palestine? The boycotting isn’t gonna stop just because you want your needs filled, the boycotting isn’t going to stop because you think it needs to, it’s not gonna stop until Palestine is free. And if you wanna read things that bad then read nobody is stoping you but a take into ignition that if a writer is spreading awareness then don’t be ignorant and say stupid shit
2. Less Sex and more angst or other genres.
Listen I love Abby and Ellie just like everyone else and I read a lot of smut about them but does that all y’all see when y’all look at them? As sex objects? Like I’m not saying that you should stop writing smut for those characters but write other things to that don’t involve smut, like angst I see a lot of people under that tag say how they wish writers would as write other things that isn’t just smut and majority of the time when they say that they get hated for it. It lowkey gets boring reading fanfics where the whole plot is smut, smut, smut. And again I’m not saying to stop writing smut but please for the love of whatever you believe in write other genres.
3. Black inclusivity
As a black writer and a black person TLOU tag isn’t inclusive enough. I know you must be thinking “Why are we speaking about this again?” Because I’m honestly so tired of how uninclusive the fandom is like I said before Ellie dates WOC if you don’t know what WOC is it’s Women Of Color all of Ellie’s girlfriends where WOC now I’m not saying you can’t write for Ellie as a white person and I’m not saying that never did all I am saying is once again all of Ellie’s girlfriend where POC
Riley was a Black African American who Dated Ellie
Cat the girl who wasn’t mentioned alot but is in the game is Asian American who also dated Ellie
Dina is a Jewish (Mexican, Middle Eastern ) American who dated Ellie
Also yes we know when the reader is white coded so don’t try a put that you don’t mention when race mentioned cause you do and we can tell when you do “She’s Petite and cute with her long blonde hair” or whatever you bitches be saying we know when you guys aren’t inclusive the whole point of fanfiction writing is to be inclusive is to make sure that readers can see themself in your xreader so if your putting all these “white things and then labeling your story as “the readers race is not mentioned” or that OC stuff that y’all do then just label the story as a white reader or a OC reader
4. Futa, trans and masc
Now here I’m gonna discuss two or three things starting off with Futa and Trans. Now I don’t know when “Futa” or “Trans” Ellie and Abby came from but a lot of you readers need to understand and learn the difference between the two because they are both very different things.
Futanari: is the Japanese word for hermaphroditism, which is also used in a broader sense for androgyny. Beyond Japan, the term has come to be used to describe a commonly pornographic genre of eroge, manga, and anime, which includes characters that show primary sexual characteristics from both females and males. In today's language, it refers almost exclusively to characters who have an overall feminine body, but have both female and male primary genitalia (although a scrotum is not always present, while breasts, a penis, and a vulva are). The term is also often abbreviated as futa(s), which is also used as a generalized term for the works themselves.
Transgender (often shortened to trans) is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Some transgender people who desire medical assistance to transition from one sex to another identify as transsexual. Transgender is also an umbrella term; in addition to including people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex (trans men and trans women), it may also include people who are non-binary or genderqueer. Other definitions of transgender also include people who belong to a third gender, or else conceptualize transgender people as a third gender. The term may also include cross-dressers or drag kings and drag queens in some contexts. The term transgender does not have a universally accepted definition, including among researchers.
Mind you I am not transgender I am nonbinary but I see a lot of transgender people speak up about how offensive it is to write a character as Transgender but it’s not really transgender but a Futanari remember a Futa is a character who is assigned a gender at birth but just has extra sexual parts like a penis.
Now another thing that bothers me is how y’all Masculinize Masc Lesbians as if they still aren’t women themselves like every time I read a fanfic with Ellie or Abby or even Vi and Sevika from Arcane you guys like to ignore they fact that they are also women themselves like it’s not gonna kill you to give those characters feminine compliments there shouldn’t be a reason why your calling these women “handsome” or other Masculine compliments and also a lot of Masculine women where makeup it’s not just a feminine woman thing. Masc Lesbians are women they aren’t men so stop treating them as if they are men and ignoring the fact that they are women
5. the Innocent childish reader gotta stop.
They title says enough I don’t think I need to say too much but a lot of y’all get innocent and corruption mixed up but a corruption kink is When you find the idea of "corrupting" someone, mostly in a sexual way, like taking virginities or introducing people to stuff like bdsm etc. It's the idea of having someone "pure" do "bad" things under your influence. And innocent is not corrupted or tainted with evil or unpleasant emotion; sinless; pure. not guilty of a particular crime; blameless. (From the dictionary)
Y’all need to understand yes not everyone knows what sex is but everyone knows what a vagina is what a penis is, what a orgasm is and what sex is but they may not knows what happens when you have sex so making the reader what y’all call innocent isn’t innocent it’s honestly to me perverted cause the only one who would say something like “my cunny feels weird 🥺” or that “what is sex 🥺” is a child. Children don’t know what sex is children don’t know what pleasure or orgasms is and when y’all say “the reader is a Bimbo” is also funny cause Bimbos know what sex is as well yes they may be stupid but they aren’t slow so before you make a innocent reader please think “am I making my reader act like a child or am I gonna make her really innocent like how regular grown ass adults act?” so don't get not knowing and "innocent" mixed up
6. The stories where they have sex inside a church also gotta stop
Now I’m not a Christian but these stories are honestly really bad and are Blasphemy a lot of people have come out and said that they don’t like the fact that people are writing stories about church in a sexual way like their shouldn’t be any reason why your characters are fucking inside a church, that’s like stomping on someone’s dead grave. You guys do shit like this and then wonder why Christian’s don’t like us. Religion isn’t something to be sexualized it’s not something to be playing with either this idc how much you hate Christianity you can be a Atheist, or Catholic or Jewish but please for the love of whatever you believe in don’t sexualize people’s religion.
That’s all I can think of at the moment if I think of more I’ll of course make a part two to this but don’t take anything I said here to heart it’s just my blunt honest opinion on things in this fandom and if I get hate for this 🤷🏾‍♀️
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dduane · 9 months
The Novel as Cake
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    I was reading through the 'writing' tag on your blog, and came across your wonderful post about how you outline your novels using Cherryh's 'Shopping List' technique. My question is - how do you decide/come up with the 10 things in the novel? I have about 3-4 things I know must happen in my idea, and other random details about the world. But what is important enough to be one of the 10 things? And also, how do you generate your ideas for those 10 things? - Asked by Anonymous
…Okay, let’s take this from the top. (And for convenience’s sake, let’s stay in the shopping-list idiom; it’s useful enough.) (ETA: the blog entry that discusses the Shopping List outlining method is here.)
Let’s say you want to make a cake. …This cake also being your novel.
To have a solid story (in the western-novel tradition, anyway), you need at least two things: plot and theme. The plot is what happens. The theme is the why of what happens, and (to a certain extent) the book-wide spectrum of thought and emotion that underlies that; the answer to the question “But what’s the book about?”* …Think of this duality, for the moment, as the equivalent of having both liquid and solid stuff in your cake. You’ve got to have both or it won’t rise. A book with a plot but no theme has no soul.
So: you’re going to make a cake. What kind?
As an example, I’m going to ease myself out onto a limb here and equate “chocolate-chip devil’s food with chocolate buttercream frosting” with “epic-fantasy quest fiction with strong political, exoreligious, and quasiromantic components.” (A favorite for me, over time, as some folks will have noticed. I just can’t get enough of those chocolate chips…)
So how do you determine the ten things you need (or whatever number you like, but ten works for me) as major ingredients / sections?
Well, ideally from some familiarity with what has gone in other/similar cakes/works of fiction in the past: because (in genre fiction, anyway) you have at least some reader expectations to manage. If you haven’t been reading in your chosen genre, you really should be. ...Now, this doesn’t mean you have to do what other people working in the genre have done. Indeed, at all times you remain at liberty to “flip the punchcard” and do exactly the opposite of what everybody else has been doing, if that’s what suits you. But they’ve set out possible recipes for you, so (as a beginner at this work) it'd seem wise to examine those recipes and see what’s in them that might be useful for you. Once you’ve been doing this for a while, you don’t need to go looking, just as an experienced baker doesn’t need to run for the recipe book every time they want to make a cake.
Naturally you can substitute ingredients, add some or lose some, when you’re creating something new; just as you like—while always making sure you don’t throw away anything routinely required/expected in your genre. (Such as, for example, the Happily Ever After at the end of a genre romance.) But certain basics must be in place, things that make what you’re creating recognizably A Cake, as well as your own additions and embellishments.
In this case, that could be:
For a cake: flour, milk, eggs, butter, baking powder, cocoa, chocolate chips, vanilla extract, seasonings, a little bit of salt (because without that, even the sweetest cake tastes just a little insipid somehow)
For a novel: a protagonist/pairtagonist (is that a word? It is now…); an antagonist (not necessarily a character: an antagonistic or stymie-ing situation that keeps the antagonist from easily getting what they want/need will do just as well. This is where at least some of the interior drama will derive from); a change in interior or exterior conditions that sets events in motion; a “ticking clock” or similar construct that means the desired result must be achieved within a certain time or before certain conditions change or expire; various reversals or hiccups in the flow of the story that will inject a sense of realism (because when does anything ever go perfectly smoothly…?); a crisis point at which everything assembled against the protagonist rises up to be dealt with, and the protagonist rises up to meet the challenge and deal with it; and finally, a set of resolution events that (even if it doesn’t absolutely finish the story proper) brings about an end state that will leave you, and any theoretical reader, satisfied with the completion of the current story arc.
…Needless to say, this is an incredibly oversimplified take on the kind of strategizing needed when you’re creating the recipe for a novel that won’t simply collapse the minute you take it out of the oven. But starting simply is often best. The more you do this kind of work, the easier it gets.
Now: “How do you generate your ideas for those 10 things?”
There are a lot of possible answers to this, but the simplest is: Make them up out of nothing, as usual. :)
…This isn’t meant to sound like sass. You made up those first three or four things you came up with out of nothing, and now (because they’ve been there for a while, probably) they may well have started to acquire a kind of secret, temporally-based superiority in your mind—starting to feel somehow more valid than what needs to come next to fill in the gaps. This kind of creeping sense of validity-via-temporal-primacy is a commonplace when you’re in mid-process, and I invite you to ignore it.
Just insert those three or four things into your shopping list in (roughly) story-temporal order, and then spend some time thinking about what kinds of events could usefully come between / flow from them. Hints:
Events that could realistically have been caused by the ones you’ve got already, and could also realistically be seen as causal to later ones you’ve already established, are always useful. Ideally, you’re trying to establish a chain of events in which none of them look accidental, or coincidental (because readers are rightfully sensitive to plots that only work because all the characters are idiots, or keep having “lucky accidents”). What you’re working toward is an event flow that seems, when viewed in completion, inevitable: as if it couldn’t have happened any other way. You will almost certainly not achieve this easily, early on in your novel work, and maybe not at all. But it strikes me as a good thing to be striving for.
Events that badly screw things up for the main characters are also always useful. Heroes do not become heroes by having everything go their way. Their heroism is achieved and manifested by having things go to shit around them again and again and AGAIN, and nonetheless still finding their way through all that shit to do what needs to be done. The lines attributed to the Confucianist philosopher Meng-tse (sometimes translated from Japanese into English as “Mōshi”) are a touchstone in this regard:
When Heaven is about to confer a great office upon a man, it first exercises his mind with suffering and his sinews and bones with toil: it exposes him to poverty and confounds all his undertakings. Then it is seen if he is ready.
So put your protagonists through the wringer. This is the greatest service you can do them: showing who they are by showing what they're made of.
A variant on this theme: Spend a little time thinking, “What is the absolute worst thing that could happen to these characters in this story / in this world?” And when you’ve figured that out, stick it into one of those gaps as a Main Thing—ideally one between the story’s midpoint and its already-planned crisis, if you’ve got that in place—and then start thinking about how to best exploit it to show how terrific your characters can become if you kick them around a bit. (Addendum: you are allowed to have one Absolutely Terrific and Beautiful Thing happen to assist your characters in recovering from this awfulness. Because they deserve it; but also, all invented worlds [if you ask me] should have beautiful things in them—things to long for, things that make your reader wish they could live there. And that you find beautiful, and worth returning to. You are absolutely allowed to keep yourself entertained, and emotionally refreshed, while you’re creating.)
…Anyway, take your time about getting those gaps filled in. It may take a little while: laying down basic story structure is worth not rushing, if you can avoid it. Once you’ve got everything major in place, the secondary lists will follow more easily.
*This is a hilarious oversimplification, but my job at the moment is not (as the saying goes) to explain the workings of the entire universe while standing on one foot. :)
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trutrustories · 6 months
Part 4: Heart of the TVA
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining)
Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta.
I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
check-list, episode 4 (my beloved): 33) changing clothes together not to be that person, but like... they always went through the door from TVA on timeline in their "camouflage disguises". So Loki couldn't use his magic to change their clothes. I mean... they even make turning off system that prevents magic plot point in this episode So unless they have some special device in TVA (which was never established) It is implied, that these two just spend some time changing clothes together, before going out. And that brings me to this specific moment: At the end of the previous episode we see them going through the time door (fairly soon after Victor Timely, in 1893 clothing) And this episodes starts with Victor ariving at TVA and wondering around the empty hallways. Alone. So let me get this straight: After we see them both walk through the time door, they end in that war room (were they met in ep1), just the two of them. Victor is.... somewhere. who knows where, who even cares? And they though: it is actualy priority number one to change our clothes. Yes, right now. Never mind, we have He Who Remains variant wondering around the TVA and everything is going to explode soon. We have to take our clothes off. RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. I´m sorry, film makers, but what the acual f-
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34) Bickering like married couple (part 4) (but this time with EVERYONE else watching them with question marks above their heads. And these two idiots husbands probably didn´t even noticed xDD )
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Also.... "It´s got your shape" 😳 really? really Mobius? And how would you- oh sorry, my bad, never mind. I almost forget you were changing clothes togheter MULTIPLE TIMES, so of course you would know that. ... right? 35) The "misunderstanding trope"
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This whole scene is just... jeeez! Sylvie screeming at Mobius for wanting cake (while Loki already knows, that Mobius wants it, because he is in a stress.) He tries to stop Sylvie, but she continues. Loki circles around her and ends up right between them (cough...smybolism...cough) And Sylvie starts attacking Mobius because he doesn´t want to know his life on a timeline. While Loki is RIGHT THERE, knowing perfectly well Mobiuses reason´s and how bad she is hurting him, because episode 2 happened. Loki knows. And then she leaves, and Loki follows her. But Mobius doesn´t know, what we know: and that he went to her to DEFEND HIM. Jeeeeeeez writers.... thanks, for this perfect example of romantic complication. Dramatic irony 100%. I´m living for this relationship drama while everything around them collapses and explodes. 10/10 television!
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Also... poor man needed pick-me-up cocoa drink immediately after 😭
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36) Pie scene number two I have to say, I LOVED this scene. EVERY FUCKING WORD. philosophical conflicts? yes please. moral dilemas? give me more! but let´s focus on Loki defending Mobius. Him bringing up Thor into the coversation, and comparing his change on Earth (that he didn´t understand before) to his own change that came from spending time at TVA. spending time with Mobius. And he is standing infront of pies this whole time! basicly him low key comparing Thor´s love for Jane to his love for Mobius
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And let´s not forget how obvious the difference between two pie scenes is! Because the first one is full of relaxed gestures, kindness and understanding. Just Loki and Mobius being intimite and open with each other 🥹 In glaring contrast with that, THIS scene, with Sylvie is full of conflict, tention and disagreements. The are standind, far from each other, and whole room has completely different (horror like) vibe.
37) THIS SHOT. just the two of them, right before the end.
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God I love this episode so much! 💛💛💛
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d10nyx · 2 months
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hi ! thanks so much for taking the time to read this :) i'm opening up commissions for fics (bot requests are free. see pinned to check if they're open). there's absolutely no obligation - i'm eternally grateful that people even read my silly fics, so thank you all !!
i can post commissions or send them directly to you - you can choose to remain anonymous or get tagged in the post. the commission is for you, so i'm happy to do whatever you want in regards to you recieving them <3
please contact me in some way before commissioning me to discuss the idea so i can get an idea of exactly what you want and make sure i'm comfortable with the idea !!
i'm accepting comms through my ko-fi. tips are never expected but always insanely appreciated :3
here's my pricing:
-£5 for a short one-shot (between 500-1.5k words)
-£10 for a long one-shot (over 1.5k words)
i'll start working on comms as soon as the payment is recieved :3
before i go into what i will and won't write, i want to make something clear !! as i write for anime fandoms, i want to state i do not write aged-up characters. i have nothing against it, but i'm not comfortable with it. they have to be canonically over 18 at some point in the manga.
what i will write:
-my strength is smut fics, so i'd like to keep it to that. i don't mind having plot + smut, but i would like to only write nsfw comms to ensure they're my best writing :3
-i only write reader-inserts
-i am only comfortable writing afab/fem reader
-i am very comfortable writing dark content. here are some things i have and will write for: incest/stepcest, non-con, dub-con, ddlg, knife play, snuff, pet play, gun play, coercion, power dynamics, blood, piss, spit, vomit, gore, kidnapping... just a lot of stuff tbh
what i won't write:
-i will not write underage characters under any circumstances, nor will i write for bestiality/zoophilia
-any form of bigotry
-i am not comfortable writing amab/masc reader
-here's a list of things i am uncomfortable with: scat, a/b/o, inflation, hygiene kinks, fart kinks, oviposition/egg laying
fandoms i'm most comfortable with:
resident evil + jujutsu kaisen + chainsaw man + fullmetal alchemist + detroit: become human + baldur's gate 3 + star wars episodes 1-6 + the mandolorian + five nights at freddy's
feel free to dm/send an ask if you need any clarification on anything !! commissions will take priority over anything else i post, and i'll always try my best to get them posted in a timely manner :3
lots of love,
nyx xxx
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destinygoldenstar · 3 months
I’ll probably post more about this in more detail, especially now that the reboot is pretty much done and dealt with. (There is no confirmed Season 3. Stop lying.)
So you know, most of what I have to say in this post is rambling and complaining, because I am ticked off. So if you like the ending of the season, good for you… this is the opposite opinion to that.
Spoilers for Season Two and it’s ending:
This season, for me, is definitely above All Stars and Paketiew. Definitely. I genuinely enjoyed the first two thirds of the season, and its slip ups weren’t too big of deal breakers for me on the season. (Except Millie. I will forever be salty about it and I can’t say I like her character anymore after what this season did with her)
The season was funny, it was engaging in a lot of plot lines, I thought the order was pretty clean, I’m enjoying it and really invested in how all of these plot lines conclude….
AAAAAAANNNND then Zee outs Caleb.
I break the season to three acts. Pre-Merge is the first act.
Episodes 6-8 is the second act.
And right when Zee outs Caleb, is where I’d say the Second Act ends, and the Third Act begins.
And the third act, in my humble opinion, is GOSH. AWFUL.
Like, OH MY GOSH, they screwed up EVERYTHING.
Except MK and Julia in Episode 9. That’s wholesome.
But other than them, literally ALL the other plot lines in the season that I was invested in were completely botched in conclusion. And I can’t like these plot lines anymore.
How do you do that?! Like, WHAT happened here?!
This may seem incohesive, but I’m just that baffled.
I don’t even care about the elimination order right now. You CAN make whatever finalist you want work so long as the story suits it. So Im not gonna say “Oh Julia should’ve won” or something like that, as a complaint. That’s personal preference.
Remember the post I made complimenting Priya and Caleb’s relationship plotline?
That aged like milk. I don’t like them anymore. They were obnoxious as I’ll get out and I just wanted them booted ASAP.
I made a post about how I thought Priya would quit instead of being eliminated. I do think that would’ve been better than what we got because at least there Priya would be making a conscious decision that no one else can factor in. Instead she acts stupid for the sake of Julia and spends the rest of the season whining about Caleb instead of the what they’ve discussed and learned from each other before.
And Caleb being a finalist? After what he’d done I’m shocked he wasn’t booted in a heartbeat after that.
I don’t think they should’ve became a couple tbh. Apologize and make up, sure, but not get together in this whole mess. With how the story was going, it seemed they’d realize and recognize that. But no. It lead to nothing. Way to go.
Damien? I don’t care if you thought he should’ve won or not. That’s not the point. The writers didn’t want Damien to be a finalist. Fine. Okay. Just make an elimination that’s logical and wraps up his storyline-
NOPE. Julia stole the idol. Which I expected, but it’s something she somehow managed to do when paranoid Damien was always around it btw. She did this OFF SCREEN. So even the writers don’t want to come up how she managed to do that difficult task. YOU COULDNT AT LEAST SHOW US?!
Why would they even eliminate Damien? No one was even after him. It’s because they didn’t want to separate Priya and Caleb…
It really solidified to me that Damien had no relevance to this seasons story and could’ve been written out of the story. As tragic as that is to say. Like, make Priya or anyone on the Rats the one Millie pushes down the 4 Point Slide, make Priya find the idol and lose it at her elimination to Julia, and nothing changes.
What a waste of Damien’s character.
I love Julia in both seasons. So you know. I genuinely think she and Bowie have the best character arcs of the two seasons combined. I was actually kind of routing for her in the finale?? Ngl???? Like, I didn’t hate her, I found a nastier World Tour Heather, someone who WORKED for her goals. Good person? No. But an intriguing one to follow.
But this is the definition of plot armor. Multiple times they had to make the other characters act irrationally just so they don’t vote Julia’s ass off in a heartbeat. Which, if they were rational, would do cause everyone KNOWS that Julia is a bad person!
That’s why in the first season and the first half of this season, she had to make herself getting voted off NOT an option for the others. So she won challenges to get immunity. She allied herself with MK to get an extra vote. She got on Bowies worst side to make him want to work with her.
But in the second half it’s pure plot armor.
I thought Bowies elimination and how she managed to convince an entire team to go with it was stretching things. But I could push it aside cause it made sense for Bowie to leave in that episode.
It just got worse.
Once MK is gone, Julia has nobody on her side and no excuse. They should all vote her off in a heartbeat. But they don’t because they are stupid.
They somehow trust her?! With everything she says?!
Even the smartest characters like Priya trust her. She says she knows she’s being used, but decides to let it happen. That is very OOC for Priya. One of the most game-smart characters in the entire series!
Julia being a finalist is actually an idea I’m on board for on paper. But it was just illogical how she got there.
Also, they cut the villains hair off AGAIN.
At least Julia and MK were great. Mostly because they mostly weren’t in the third act together.
Oh yeah, and there’s also Wayne and Raj. I like them. They’re fun. I like their pre-merge story.
And then Wayne won??
Yeah, Wayne, you know, the comic relief character with no strategy in a very strategic-centric season. Winning.
I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a joke or not.
If it is, it’s funny like, the first time you see it.
If it’s not, and we’re supposed to take that seriously…
Ooh boy.
I see people compare this to Owen. I don’t think that’s fair given both seasons separate contexts, the characters screen time impact, and theming.
I personally compare this to Beth. Both are tied to someone very similar to them until the very end where their partner, who got more to do, gets eliminated, and then they proceed to fly under the radar because they’re the least nasty people left in a nasty cast remaining.
Now HOLD ON. I am NOT saying Wayne is on the same quality of a character as Beth. Far from it. Wayne will always be the better one of the two for me, because I actually enjoy him on screen, and most importantly, he wasn’t a hypocritical gross cheating creep.
Wayne winning a season CAN work on paper. I’m not opposed to it.
But this is not the way to do it.
This isn’t a guy who has won people’s hearts through being great towards them, he’s only interacted with Raj. This isn’t a guy who has quietly played his cards when necessary. This isnt a guy who has flown under the radar due to being the lesser evil. This isn’t a guy who has clear skills apparent to the viewer but not the characters.
He has done next to NOTHING all season.
I can defend Wayne having some variety of character in season 1, where he was sometimes capable of holding a leadership position, and willing to be patient and loyal, but NONE of these were portrayed in THIS season.
So pretty much, he has won by doing pretty much NOTHING.
At least Raj got a plotline that wasn’t being comic relief 24/7. And I’m not saying Raj should’ve won. Wayne can definitely be his own character, but Raj got eliminated in episode 11/13. Too little. Too late. Honestly, if you’re gonna have Wayne win, eliminate Raj earlier. Swap Raj and MK’s eliminations. At least then Julia making it far is justified cause in Episode 12 she has the idol.
I’m sorry if this is me rambling, but I was genuinely insulted and baffled by the ending of this season. This season started out really good, then declined in quality as it went on.
I definitely prefer the first season. While it’s not as funny as season two’s first two thirds, and has weaker challenges, it’s more cohesive and consistent in quality that reached logical conclusions for almost every character. Love or hate them.
This season, to me, is proof that you cannot botch endings to stories. You try something fancy and screw up, people are gonna remember the mess of an ending, and not the journey. I think that’s apparent with the reactions I’ve seen so far.
You can have a bad beginning. You can even have a bad middle. You can salvage those. But the ending is what you can’t afford to mess up because that’s what your audience will walk away from and remember.
When people look at this season, they’re gonna remember the badly handled ending rather than the good stuff in the first half.
That’s just sad, honestly.
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sunnydayroleplay · 1 year
Okay! I finally slept and got a plot >:3 My poly ass is very lonely right now, how about MC is dating both Shaun and Jack? Maybe even Ian if you wanna go that far. It can be whatever, angst, fluff, smutty. I don't care. I'm lonely T-T
Hi! Sorry this got to you so late! I'm slowly getting through all my requests right now! Been very busy lately. Such a cute idea, I've thought about it before! It's gonna be rather fluff, soft, and vanilla because I'm in a rather good mood todayyyy! Spicy, but not overboard~ Just a dip in the water! With that said, let's write it! Contents Inside: Shaun x Reader x Jack, Slightly suggestive themes/Vanilla, Flirting/Pet Names, Mentions of Ritual/Spells/"Witchcraft", Over all a very wholesome post!
Those under 18, DNI. Though this is a relatively SFW post, the game it is based off of is a NSFW 18+ game/community only. It jeopardizes not only your safety, it jeopardizes mine, those involved, and the creator(s) own 'morals'. For 18- friendly/SFW posts/art, check out my art page: @feralhalfnhalfcreamer
At first, you kept Jack to yourself.
You didn't tell anyone that you even knew a Jack, let alone that you had a new boyfriend.
After-all there would be a lot of questions from your friends, and even more phone calls from your ex Ian.
You didn't really have the energy to explain that you can see a blue haired sweet clown man, but no one else could.
And also the fact that you have had sex with him on multiple occasions.
That was until Shaun moved in for the time being.
You were hanging out in the kitchen making some lunch.
Shaun was always one for ghosts, and horror, and some witchcraft, so he should totally understand where you're coming from.
"You're seeing a what now?"
"A-And you're dating it?"
"He's not an it, Shaun!"
"So...Lemme get this straight. He CAME OUT OF your T.V, and slowly but surely, you guys start to date. And he's a clown??"
"Pretty much!"
He wasn't trying to downplay what your thoughts, beliefs and sights were, but it was just a bit confusing.
If not a lot.
You gestured Jack to come over, which just looked rather odd from Shaun's perspective.
You told Jack to carry you, and the sweet clown man put you on-top of his shoulders.
"What the actual fuck?"
Now, since Shaun can't actually see Jack, and their Sunshine doesn't know how to fix that, the two of you would get down and dirty in the realm of spells.
Random rituals Shaun wrote down in this special book of his, or anything the two of you could come up with.
You spent time with Shaun more often, and that was something Jack didn't quite like.
Now, in Nick's situation (supposedly), Jack made his way to torment Nick for being a little bit too friendly. In the end, he tortured Nick so much by his pres
We can only assume that Jack can manipulate who he wants to be seen by.
Specifically those who are trying to take his Sunshine away.
And right now, Shaun is one of them.
With the amount of time you’ve been spending with him is not something he likes.
“This is the man you’ve been swooning over?! I thought we discussed this, no more clowns!”
“First Ian, now a literal clown!”
Starting off, Shaun and him didn’t exactly get along.
Whenever Shaun would start conversation, Jack just walked away or ignored him.
But eventually it has to get tiring.
The more time you spend with Shaun, you found yourself to be so much more fond with him.
Jack could say the same thing.
Shaun was a..new comfort to Jack.
He enjoyed that he could make terrible puns with Shaun to “torment” you with.
He didn’t try taking away his Sunshine in the end after all (ish), he just tried making you visible.
Eventually, I don’t know how, you all decided collectively to get together.
Now, since you’ve officially have two new boyfriends, there’s a lot of changes.
Jack would have to wake the both of you up in the mornings now..
“Mmph.. a few more minutes..”
“Wh-What they said..-“
“Rise and shine already! Breakfast is almost ready!!!”
You had twice the protection!
Jack had someone else to also give all of his love too.
Of course you had your occasional fight, but what healthy relationship doesn’t?
You guys were all happy in the end.
Whenever you were sad Jack would be comforting you on your left side, and Shaun would be there with all your favorite snacks, the two telling you how much they love you, and that it’s going to be okay.
You’d listen in on their conversation from the kitchen. Shaun telling Jack all about movie and film production, and Jack telling him about his time as an actor.
It was surprising how much they had in common.
Both somehow into acting/the acting process..
They both wanted to kill Ian..
They both loved you!
What more is there to ask?
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sunnydalestudies · 2 months
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) Whedon's Version
Part 1/3: Changes to the Script and Story
When discussing BtVS, many people often focus solely on the show without considering what the additional media has to offer. There are comics, accompanying novels, and even a prequel film that many people forget about. Indeed, the world’s first introduction to Buffy happened in 1992 with the movie starring Kristen Swanson, and that is where I want to start.
Joss Whedon claims that the character of Buffy Summers had been with him for a long time, but when he sold his script to Sandollar in 1991, he was not pleased with the results. Whether it was Fran Rubel Kuzui as director, the 20th Century Fox executives, the actors changing their lines, or whatever else that made the changes, the original script and the film we can watch now are not quite the same. Here, I will highlight some critical changes that change how we interpret the film.
First, the film made various changes to the script’s dialogue, which impacted jokes, foreshadowing, and misogynistic conversations. Thankfully, in the audience’s first introduction to Buffy, the film preserves Whedon’s dialogue. Buffy’s Valley Girl persona is alive and well, and we see her as the popular, air-headed, hilarious, and beautiful character all fans love. The dialogue in this scene is beautifully Whedon: full of quick-witted and fast-paced jokes and slang. Although I can’t say that I support Whedon in any way, I have to say that dialogue is one of his greatest strengths. That is why it is so disappointing when, shortly after, Buffy makes an unimpressive joke about doing her homework. In the script, Buffy says to Cassandra, “there’s a lot cooler things that you could be doing than your homework,” to which Cassandra asks, “like what,” and Buffy replies, “like my homework.” In the movie, as they are making plans, Buffy instead says, “I don’t know, guys. I really wanna get a head start on my homework,” which her friends laugh at. Despite this being a minute change to the script, it is disappointing to see alterations that waste Whedon’s writing and replace it with a subpar joke.
A more meaningful dialogue change appears when Buffy and her friends first run into Pike and Benny in the movie theatre. After Benny shushes the chatting group of girls, Buffy predicts the plot so he doesn’t have to follow as closely: “everyone gets horribly killed except the blonde girl in the nightie, who finally kills the monster with a machete but it’s not really dead.” It’s a simple plot summary of several popular horror films, but what is telling here is what it says about Buffy and the Buffyverse. Firstly, this explanation loosely foreshadows the rest of the movie by portraying what will happen at the dance: many students are horribly killed except the blonde girl in a white dress, who finally kills Lothos and Amilyn, but Lothos lamely covering his face and Amilyn’s overly dramatic flailing around the basement after Buffy stakes them indicate they might not be dead—although this may be due to the fans of the series expecting them to dust, and he does dust in the script, so it was probably due to the film’s low budget since the dusting effect was surprisingly pricey. Secondly, this knowing explanation displays Buffy’s intelligence. She may not be classically book-smart, but Buffy’s intelligence concerning pop culture and social situations gives her the upper hand throughout the film, show, and comics. This intelligence leads to my third point: Buffy exemplifies many contradictory horror tropes. Whedon founded the character of Buffy on the subversion of the trope of the blonde girl walking into the alley and getting attacked. In his version, the girl is who wins. Alongside this trope, this film also plays with those of the ‘final girl’ and ‘promiscuous blonde girl who gets killed off first.’ Whedon also plays with these tropes in his horror satire film Cabin in the Woods(2012), which is a trope lover’s delight, but he only uses the tropes there rather than subverting them. Only in the Buffyverse do we see the intersection of these two tropes: the promiscuous (and yes, film Buffy is promiscuous) blonde girl evolving into the final girl, becoming the one to outsmart the bad guys, not despite her initial airheadedness, but because of it, using her social skills and catty attitude to save the day. At first glance, this is a simple line, but it holds layers of meaning, and it is too bad that the film omits it.
Before moving on from dialogue, I want to touch on a few instances of misogynistic language and actions in the script and film. In the scene where Buffy kisses her boyfriend in his car by laying across his friend’s lap with her butt in his face, the friend calls the boyfriend a ‘pushover’ for spending time with her and asks to ‘borrow’ Buffy. In the script, the friend calls him ‘pussy-whipped,’ and Buffy remains silent after this comment, but the film changes this term, and Buffy displays more agency as she voices her discontent at this comment. The scene remains uncomfortable and gross, but the changes make it slightly easier to digest. An exchange from the script that the film thankfully omitted appears a little later when Buffy runs into her absentee mother in the kitchen, who asks her, “have you gained a few pounds? maybe it’s that outfit,” before asking what her boyfriend will think about it. This type of exchange is not atypical for the 90s, but I am still glad they decided to take it out. Finally, near the end of the film, a piece of dialogue I believe they should have removed is when Buffy steals a man’s motorcycle after he hits on her, to which he responds by calling her a ‘dyke.’ This homophobia is prevalent in 90s movies—take a look at Bring It On (1999) to see a horrific example—but it is still disappointing to see that Whedon wrote this line, especially considering the empowering lesbian characters he would later write.
As much as these changes to the dialogue can impact our understanding of the film, the plot is also significantly changed, and even the script’s first scene is completely absent from the film. Perhaps the first rule of any form of storytelling is that a successful story shows rather than tells. Yet, the film decides to tell us. Whedon’s script opens with a historical twist on the ‘blonde girl walks into a dark alleyway, gets attacked, wins’ horror genre subversion as a ‘dark ages’ barmaid saves a knight from a vampire before a group of vampires, including Lothos, kills her, and a watcher explains the slayer line to the next chosen one. The film, instead, skips this first scene and delivers the exposition by voiceover, which is not an inherently negative way to contextualize, but the hook—and the entire idea of slayers—is lost in these opening moments. Fans watching the film today are likely familiar with the concept of slayers and how it all works, but this context is bland and forgettable for those who may not be familiar with Whedon's world-building.
The most notable alteration to Whedon’s script appears in Buffy’s first meeting with Lothos and Merrick’s death. If you are a fan of the series, you would know that Merrick’s death greatly impacted Buffy and is a primary reason she claims to be ‘retired’ in the first episode: because she lost him and blames herself for it. Interestingly, Whedon’s version of this scene in the script is more fast-paced and nearly emotionless. In fact, in Whedon’s version, Merrick brings a gun to confront Lothos while Buffy hides in the shadows, and just as Lothos is about to attack Merrick, Merrick shoots himself in the head and dies instantly. The script skims over this formative experience for Buffy while the film depicts a tender moment and explains why Buffy blames herself. In the film, Merrick is the one hiding in the shadows as Lothos hypnotizes Buffy, and as Lothos is about to bite her, Merrick rushes out with a knife, which Lothos quickly turns on Merrick and stabs him in the chest. Buffy then cradles Merrick as he dies, and he tells her, “remember about the music. Listen. When the music stops, the rest is…” before trailing off and passing away. I will feature the use of guns in the Buffyverse and Donald Sutherland’s changes to his dialogue in future posts, but this line is vital to the plot yet absent from the script. In the film, Merrick’s last words allow Buffy to tune out Lothos’ voice and focus on the silence to resist being hypnotized, ultimately allowing her to beat him, but it is entirely absent from the script. I cannot say why the film added this line of dialogue, but I believe the touching final moment that Merrick and Buffy share is an incredible addition that humanizes the characters and solidifies Merrick as an essential influence in Buffy’s life.
There are a lot of differences between the script and the final film, ranging from alterations to dialogue to changes in setting, all the way to reconstructing plot points. The script was Whedon’s making, but ultimately, he lost control over the final project once he sold it; thus, is it his? Is the film canonical? How does it fit with the series? I am glad they made some of these changes while disappointed with others, but in the end, however you feel about this film as part of the Buffyverse, it is an incredibly entertaining piece of 90s media that I would recommend to Buffy fans and non-fans alike.
That’s that for this Sunnydale study session! 
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sam-loves-seb · 6 months
gallavich questions
thanks for the tag (and the questions) @callivich !!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? intro to quantum dating by @spoonfulstar, i think i've read it 3 or 4 times now, it's one of my all time favorites
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? anytime i see a gifset from that one s5 deleted scene, yeah that one, i have to reblog
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? i have a very specific headcanon for a tattoo ian gets post-canon for mickey, and i hesitate to even explain it now bc i think one day i do wanna write a fic about him getting it, but whatever--my headcanon is that he gets an M tattooed on his left ring finger and it's a subtle yet sweet nod to his husband. (i could talk about this for 9 hours but i will limit myself and stop here)
What’s a fanart you love looking at? i've spent an obscene amount of time staring at this fanart by @doodlevich it just checks all my boxes (domestic, husbands, fluff, etc.) and it's so well done, i'm obsessed with this pieces
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? listen, i have this idea for a rock band au that lives rent fucking free in my head, and if i can find the time and the inspiration to actually turn these vibes and unorganized plot points into actual words and a coherent story in the new year, then maybe it'll see the light of day in 2024 but no promises. for now, i leave you with this: four milkovich siblings are in a rock band that is rising to success with the launch of their second studio album and subsequent tour, and ian gallagher is lead singer mandy's (fake) boyfriend--at least in the eyes of the public--and he spends some time that summer touring with the band and hooking up with their lead guitarist in secret until the band's manager/father catches wind of what's going on behind closed doors
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? i've always been a post-canon enthusiast for almost all of my ships, but i think before gallavich i always envisioned them with a very cookie cutter standard american dream family with the house and the careers and the 2.5 kids, which usually fits a lot of my ships, but with gallavich i... don't have that same vision ?? i think they're actually my first ship that i hc more often than not without kids in their post canon life, which is a new vibe for me entirely but i kinda love reading/writing it. idk if that answers the question you asked, but it definitely answered a question
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? honestly i want more s9/10 prison era gallavich fics (and/or fanart). i think it's a gold mine era with so much untapped potential, and there are very few fics/series/whatever that really get deep with it and get to the good stuff of these two boys who haven't spent any significant time together in years but still love each other like they did way back when
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? it flip-flops for me between s4 and s5, like right now i think it's s5 but idk if i could actually pick one or the other as my absolute favorite
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? i would give my left arm to know how the fuck (and why the fuck) mickey started rolling with his dad again in post-prison s10 era, like in 10x08 he's going to terry for advice on how to protect ian, just for terry to try to kill him again 3 episodes later ??? make it make sense john wells i'm under your bed
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? personally i think the promise ring scene in 10x09 is criminally underrated and not talked about nearly enough, like you don't understand how happy that scene made me (stay with me here) seeing mickey stand up and fight for the future he really wants with ian and not settling for anything less
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? can i do song lyrics? i'm gonna do song lyrics--i've always thought the song godlight by noah kahan was very gallavich, especially the chorus, and especially during s4/5/6 era and it may or may not be a piece of inspiration for my big bang canon divergent fic
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? i think they take a while to really settle into their new place and and make it their own, and it's a bit of an adjustment (for both of them) to fit in with this new crowd and this new environment, but they're learning how to grow and evolve together and at the end of the day that's all that really matters to the both of them
tagging: literally anyone who wants to play bc my brain is tired and i am too tired to try and remember everyone i probably should tag
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filmografo · 7 months
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series intro - BIRTHPLACE
genre: space opera, sci-fi, litfic (a bit)
status: drafting / “outlining” book 2/3.
pov: third person limited, present tense.
tropes / themes: the unbearable weight of mortality, the terrifying realization of Want, space lesbians, growing up / apart / back, lgbtq+, exes to rivals to whatever it is austrakit are currently, found family, finding oneself, (space) war era, ambiguity, subjectivity, capital p Pining (+ more tba)
summary: After finding out her ex-girlfriend is training a ten men crew for what is essentially a suicide mission to map a planet Earth that’s been left behind, Kit Nikon desperately tries to give her life a new meaning.
tags (more TBA): #: birthplace #[we] have the sun in common
Space station gardens, neon green & blue, roots taking place, the smell of damp earth, bright unflickering lights, starfighters, healing bruises, hands against cold metal, sea water, warm sunshine, home in the valley of someone else’s ribs.
nalkita “kit” nikon (23 - she/her?) | 🌱
emigrate, novo amor
de selby (part 1), hozier
glossover, afternoon bike ride / lowswimmer
strangers, ethel cain
austra andante (23 - she/her) | 🌊
repeat until death, novo amor
i wouldn’t ask you, clairo
the end of love, florence + the machine
there’s nothing left for you, mitski
To know something is to be in constant battle with it: the plaguing of a garden, trying to disinfect a never-healing wound. Being near Austra, hands dripping with blood that never belonged to either of their bodies, means Nalkita has to fight against her own humanity, fight against desire. Close up her throat so the words I wish you would, Lieutenant don’t come out, raw and real. Kit understands so little about herself and knows Austra so much — the feeling of her expressive eyebrows against a fingertip, the weight of every responsibility she carries. Who is she to add another sandbag to Austra’s already aching shoulders but a soldier, a sinning one, at that? Refusing to give up on something that was never hers to begin with.
rambles / more about the series under the cut! :D
this was born from a fanfic/short story i wrote 2 years ago when i wasn’t ready to face what came after the events of what is now book 1 of the birthplace series. i took inspiration from novo amor’s birthplace album, which re-enlightened me about the meaning of “home”. i still hold it extremely close to my heart and will forever.
for book 1 of this, “astro-garden”, the journey kit goes on is extremely personal, quite lonely, quite difficult. titles never meant something to her until austra got one. there’s not much i can say except kit is a firecracker of a person and she’s going to need a lot of luck (she’s strong, she’ll manage)!
book 2 “roots in infertile soil” is as chaotic as i can possibly make a book. there’s more pining (for reasons...), more action, more drama... the characters are all a joy to write and flesh out, and the mercury ii crew are the type of found family that i’ve always loved to read about <3 i’ll introduce each and every one of them with tags in the near future so stay tuned for that!!! :)
book 3 is still in its early earlyyy development stages but hopefully i’ll have something cool to say about it sooner rather than later !
feel free to ask me about anything birthplace-related seeing as this is the only project i am currently (actively) working on!!! i would love love loooove to chat more about secondary characters, locations (the spaceships are Alive), discuss the plot / themes more in depth, etc!
i will be making a taglist with everyone who wants to get updates from this (i'll post more abt that later!) so send me an ask if you’d like to join it :D !
thank you for reading this (kinda long?) intro post for my silly little still unwritten novels hehe! i hope to hear more from u soon
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dorizardthewizard · 2 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 22 - 24
Episode 22:
Yeah Thran, you SHOULDN'T be there! Why are you with the Pirates in the first place other than you knowing the plot needed you to help out there?
I'll always love how that memory wipe device is literally just the one from Men in Black
Honestly can't believe the Xenons haven't scored yet
Oop! Spoke too soon!
WHYYYYYYYY DID YOU LEAVE SHARKY'S CAMERA INTACT!!!! He was snapping with that thing all the time, I don't believe the Pirates would fuck up that badly. Even if Harris's cat hadn't found it, Hush Sharky could've just woken up, seen the pictures, assumed he'd had his memory wiped (in season 1 Aarch seemed to have the common knowledge that Pirates do that), or he'd had a fun night lol, and then published the photos anyway! He would've spun some made up story from them! WHY IS CAMERA
YESSSSSS MEI!!!!! epic goal
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fsdkjfsdkjdfs look at this
Yeah with Vega controlling the team Paradisia girls they do feel more like androids, even if they're not supposed to be. How much of this is control and how much is their own free will? Spooky
THRAN IS ON FIRE! YOUR DEFENCE IS TERRIFIED! 🎵 Ok I guess it would be their attackers, but he's going on the offence too because he's just that cool in this match
Holy shit 4-1? Man they nerfed the Xenons. They were running circles around the Snow Kids in the first half they should have scored more than one goal then
Aww another respectful handshake between D'jok and Luur
Nork: Artegor, what are your impressions of the match? Artegor: Excuse me, but I think I have to go join my friends!
Awwww Artegor has come so far since season 1
D'jok and Mei holding hands...... not sure how to feel about this........ I will reserve judgement for now
Thran being the one to fall asleep this time I love it
Sidney and Harvey reunion! Peace and love <3
Nothing like a bit of clubbing to celebrate a victory, would be a bit weird with your parents there though LOL
Sinedd's parents live so far out they've never heard of the GF stars? Sounds a bit hard to believe in this universe I mean, I don't really care about irl football but I still know who Messi is. Also Maya STILL hasn't spoken to D'jok LMAO
Why the fuck would Adim and Aarch being in a relationship mean the Snow Kids could get disqualified. Literally the only case I can think of where they could have accused Adim of favouritism is letting them form a team way back in season 1, what else could she have possibly done to help them win? Some guy on the news accuses them of cheating, but WHAT does cheating in Galactik Football even mean????
LIKE. Look I hear all sorts of accusations of corruption and rigging every world cup but usually people actually have something to point at – poor ref decisions, easy matchups, whatever! There was none of that for the Snow Kids, I know it's supposed to be ridiculous that this is going on, but idk it just doesn't feel that believable to me as this huge deal and not like, a bit of drama that will blow over once the next scoop comes out. Sure they might lose some fans but there's no real risk of them being disqualified because for that you need concrete proof of favouritism.
Clamp spitting fax!!! Exactly my thoughts
Callie is throwing SUCH shade at the Aarch Adim scoop hahaha
Mark is having his romeo balcony moment but much more emo. It's so dramatic but whenever this happens in shows I always end up thinking about how they can't have known each other that long to be so in love 😂
RIP Brim Simbra. Didn't even get a funeral eulogy
Side note Dame Simbai's flux society shades are swag
Episode 23:
Whyyyyyyyy does Aarch have to quit because of this?? This is all.... so sudden! We've got like 3 episodes left after this one and we're having Aarch quit? Right before the FINALS? And why would you not at least discuss this with Rocket first before springing the surprise that he's gonna be the coach now in front of everyone???
It's NOT the only solution Aarch this is so dumb 😭😭 It's not like they even went for an arc where he realises it's time to pass on the baton and settle down into a new life of whatever, it had to be with the drama
I do like that it didn't end in Adim quitting her position though
And now they're throwing in like two lines about Aarch being happy about his decision and moving on, but there was no build up or arc about him needing to quit coaching!
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Work it, Magnus. Of course Artie and Bennett can't stop themselves from cracking up hahaha
Clamp getting the recognition he deserves <3 Sorry Aarchtegor fans, he was not included in this goodbye speech. We can't have it all
Ooooo Tia's dad mentions he's the ambassador of the Obia moon, not specifically Akillian. Was Obia mentioned specifically prior to this season I can't remember
Geez Sinedd is the spitting image of his father
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Hey check it out, this is almost a looping gif! This is not sped up, the animation really is this goofy 😂
Sooo this flashback thing Maya communicates to Sinedd's mother through mind-meld confirms D'jok and Sinedd used to be friends, which is something we'd been wondering about for a while. It would make sense why Sinedd is so hung up on their rivalry.
I headcanon that he got jealous of D'jok's life (having a parent, being really good at football etc.), feeling worse about himself, especially with him never getting an adoptive family. Maybe he even was the first to start playing football, but felt like D'jok was surpassing him and this was another thing taken from him. So he starts putting down Micro-Ice so he can feel superior and challenging D'jok, who eventually ditches him. It's an interesting dynamic, would have been cool to see some full flashback scenes about this.
Yay more Elektras water skating!
Awww rip Elektras :( Their friendship and support of Yuki is so cute I love them
Bwuh???! Where on Akillian did Rocket get the idea to recruit Sinedd back??? Like sure the audience knows he has the potential to develop into a nicer person and actually work in a team with the Snow Kids, but Rocket doesn't! Like, in my head I'm imagining they had interesting interactions in season 2 during the whole Netherball thing, but we were never shown enough of that on screen for this to make sense.
Like. With Aarch gone Rocket seems to think they need a change? HOW DOES THIS SOMEHOW CONNECT TO GETTING SINEDD TO COME BACK??? And so close to the final? Changing things around like that last minute is crazy. I just... SINEDD COMING BACK TO THE SNOW KIDS AFTER THREE SEASONS SHOULD BE A BIG DEAL WHY IS IT SO RUSHED 😭😭😭 I mean I know why it's rushed, the showrunners knew they probably wouldn't get renewed so tried to tell as much of the story as possible, that's just how it is unfortunately
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BWAHAHAHA why is Sonny just hiding directly behind Magnus during this call instead of... anywhere away from the camera ahahahaha that's so stupid Sonny there is NO NEED stop being so dramatic
Rocket (to Sinedd): We need you to beat team Paradisa, you can make the difference!
Again, WHAT DIFFERENCE? Why is he so sure they need an extra player all of a sudden, are team Paradisia THAT good? The Snow Kids have been training hard with this lineup and they're two-time champions. Sinedd is a great player sure but... WHY.
On the other hand Rocket is the first guy on the show to be like: hm... maybe we SHOULD have at least one substitute for our team huh?
Rocket: Deep down, you're a Snow Kid too. Rocket: You come from Akillian, and you've mastered the Breath
UHHH, HAS HE? I'm pretty sure he left before he even got to use the Breath, actually
Sinedd is so quick to consider this offer FSDJKDFSKJDFS THIS IS DONE SO BAD I'M SORRY 😭😭 Like the concept is fine, I really like that it's Rocket calling him back (as someone who also needed his team to bring him back once) but it's just... the pacing is so bad and Sinedd's development was so all over the place that it just doesn't seem believable that he would take up this offer right now, especially with D'jok on the team
Episode 24:
Callie I know it's for your “a day with the Snow Kids” report but maybe at least knock first?
Neither Mei nor Tia are morning people lol
Oh of course Mark has a cup of tea for breakfast XD Or maybe it's coffee, idk.
The way Rocket bats the camera away 😂 Isn't it weird to do this report right before the final, and broadcast it live? Aren't training sessions supposed to be more secretive at this time?
Aw Sinedd's sister is cute
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Micro-Ice: Yeah well, Tia is by far our best captain in ages, because D'jok- D'jok: Oh, yeah?
Besties! <3 No I still haven't forgiven how quickly D'jok was accepted back into the team <3 Also yeah D'jok wasn't a great captain <3
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Callie why are you sitting like that. Rocket get her a chair
Oh wait there is a chair
Aww Lun-Zia's little high-five with Luur. Fun training session!
Wow we really sped through Sinedd meeting his real family huh 😭 And just like that, he's back with the Snow Kids because his little sister wants to see him play. Let me guess, Rocket didn't discuss this with the others first?
This is making me want more sports with the flux. Just imagine, galactik volleyball! I have a whole AU in my head and I will draw it one day I swear ToT
If Sinedd isn't a hologram, then why does he spawn into the holo-trainer like that? They've done that animation a couple of times in this season and it doesn't make sense considering how we've seen the holo-trainer work before. It's not them teleporting in, the holo-trainer manifests itself around them and... wait, how DOES the holo-trainer work? My brain hurts just thinking about it
Oooooh Rocket didn't discuss this with anyone and just gets Sinedd to join in the middle of a practice what a surpriiiiiise, there is no way this could go badly whatsoever /s
D'jok accepts that Sinedd is back way too quickly, I get that he messed up too but he immediately switches to “ok you're on the team, but remember you're a substitute, bitch <3” (Mark: Well thanks)
I'm still sad we don't get a scene of Sinedd leaving the Shadows, I mean the guy played with them for yeeeears they must have had SOME sort of connection. He calls them family earlier!
I like this sequence where Sinedd's flux keeps switching between the Breath and the Smog. I imagine that with the Smog being so powerful, and it lending itself to Sinedd's emotions more, it's gonna be hard to give it up.
Bennett is once again trying to find the location of a bomb hahaha
I was about to comment on how cute it is that Aarch can finally spend more time with Norata but JUST as Aarch starts relaxing, Clamp tells him there's a multi-flux bomb on Akillian LOL. Guy can't catch a break, he really didn't sign up for all this shit
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now-that-i-saw-you · 4 months
2023 recap
I've lived a thousand lives this year. I also read around 40 books, watched 17 shows, 34 movies and listened to 40,214 minutes of music and I'm gonna narrow them all down to top 3 favorites of each category.
1. Midnights
I'm a swiftie forever and ever so best believe whatever album Taylor released it's gonna be my favorite album ever, but Midnights is exceptionally good. It's no surprise that most songs on my top 5 most-played are from Midnights (and the only one that isn't is seven). This is my AOTY and I want to personally thank Taylor for writing You're On Your Own, Kid.
2. Stick Season
My sixth most-played song was Dial Drunk and I think it was just a couple of streams away from entering the top. The rest of the album is just as good and as poignant. It's so folklore-esque and I adore a good story that makes me forget about my problems.
3. Good Ridddance
Did you guys know Gracie Abrams is fucking excellent? I listened to Good Riddance and it was amazing and then I listened to her earlier work and they were also amazing. Good Riddance is for girls in their 20s who feel like they mess everything up (it's so evermore-coded).
1. All For The Game
I read a lot of great books this year but this is probably the only one I've been properly obsessed with. Every single word in these books made me cry, it just made me feel so much; angry, sad, happy, but mainly hopeful.
2. She Who Became The Sun
This is objectively the best book I read this year. It's eloquent and complex and interesting and deals with subjects like gender and sexuality in such a fine, delicate way. I wanted to savour every moment with this book, read every word slowly so I could properly understand it. Ouyang is up there with Adam Parrish and Lyra Silvertongue in my Favorite Characters List.
3. Conversations With Friends
This book made me feel seen, while deeply hurting me. Turns out I kinda like the Miscommunication trope and I think it's mostly because I love it when characters feel like real people and nothing is more real than not saying what you should or saying the wrong thing.
TV Shows
1. Succession
I came to realize that what makes me love a show/book is mostly the characters. I love complicated characters that feel like real people. I love it when I can't decide whether I hate or love a character. Even my least favourite characters (Logan and Tom) were well-written and had a very satisfying storyline. I did not understand a single thing they said when talking about finance (at least I learned what a Bear Hug is...sorta) and that didn't stop me from enjoying the show and following the plot and to me that shows how entertaining it was.
2. Better Call Saul
Everyone should watch this show. This is one of the greatest corruption arcs I've ever seen on TV and Jimmy is an excellent protagonist, I love the way the writers build his character's arc and his relationship with people around him, mainly his brother but also Kim because their relationship was amazing. They were so cute and doomed by the narrative. Personally, I enjoyed every season and wasn't bored at any point. This show was done with so much love and you can feel it.
3. Totally Completely Fine
I love it when I stumble on a show because I have nothing else to watch and it turns out to be a favourite. Totally Completely Fine has everything: Humour and wit, discussing important, sensitive topics in a very appropriate manner, and an incredibly real sibling relationship. The show gives a voice and empathy to the eldest siblings, the youngest and the middle child and I'm never getting over "you took all the air."
Please watch it because I want a second season.
1. The Whale
Idk if this a controversial opinion or not but I found this film very moving. To me it's a story about healing and forgiveness being a possibilty for everyone. I really felt and cared for the main character.
2. El Camino
The Breaking Bad writers are just very good at their job. I love Jesse and I love this additional story to the universe.
3. Loving Vincent
The entire film was made by oil painting. How can I not include this? It's a beautiful film telling the story of Vincent Van Gogh's death. I encourage everyone to watch it.
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felikatze · 14 days
okay!! safe ending done!! wowzers, what an ending! time to review!
First of, some complaints. Since i was skipping basically everything, the new scenes stuck out all the more, and they didn't really... feel earned. For example, Door 8. Going 4-8 resulted in a scene of Junpei poking fun at Lotus, so she tells him to fuck off, but going 5-8, the two get talking. Lotus mentions her former job, and she starts talking about "what if the human brain doesnt actually contain memories" and wireless data transfer which ties into all the telepathy stuff all over the game.
So why does she open up more to Junpei... on a route where they spent less time together?
edit. um. added a readmore. i did not realize for how long i was talking.
The same thing applies to the changed scene with Santa in Door 6. Taking this route means missing every opportunity to hang out with Santa beforehand (Door 4 & 3), yet this is the route where he just doesn't talk about metaphor, but mentions his sister and her death outright. Again, why is he more emotionally honest on a route where he knows Junpei less?
In a VN like this, ideally, choices inform what routes happen, yeah? Instead of things just "happening differently." Same with Junpei figuring out Ace's face-blindness because Akane decided to collapse for no reason.
Rlly, Akane's random fevers are the most plot devicey thing in this game, and I don't like it.
The only pre-end changed scene that made sense is Clover talking about Snake's disability in the lab, because Junpei was one of the last people to spend time with Snake. She decides against it if Junpei didn't spend time with Snake beforehand, probably realizing Junpei wouldnt know anything in that case.
And the random hint Clover has in her hand when her body is found is, hm. Like, when I went through Door 1, there just... wasn't anything like this, so where the hell did it come from? Maybe this gets explained in the true end, whatever.
I get the logic that the first door has to be 5 bcuz Junpei needs to know where the safe is, but it makes less sense with the Lotus and Santa scenes.
Okay. Moving on to: plot revelations.
So! I was correct! Ace killed everybody in the Knife and Submarine endings! And he targeted Lotus to nab her bracelet, which was all he needed for the 9 door, and everybody else was just collateral. Makes sense.
The motivation here is the new part. As soon as Santa said he's the CEO of Cradle Pharmaceutics - well yeah, that tracks. Explains how Ace knew what the sedative is. He was the one producing it. Explains his connection to the first Nonary game, as per my theory that every person is involved with the first one somehow.
I assumed he figured out Lotus was investigating him, but nah, lol, just wanted the bracelet. Fucker <3
Other plot revelations: though I do not like the method of delivery as per the above, my suspicion was confirmed!! Santa's sister is the kid who died in the first Nonary Game! Like, okay, he says car accident or whatever, but it was nine years ago, I can read. He's probably in the same situation as Lotus, where what really happened got covered up, and this is just the story he's been fed. Poor guy. Really working for the Santa nickname here. Aww man.
Right, next on the discussion block - Snake. I am so deeply satisfied that i was 100% dead on the money. He was alive, and trapped in the coffin.
I mean, you saw me speculating this before, I shall not be Ashe Bradley'd again, but when I replayed Room 5, i was all the more certain. Snake mentions his incredible hearing, meaning he'd never get jumped, and he was confident he could take Junpei in a fight, which he GOES TO PROVE in the ending. Not against Junpei, but, wow. When Clover mentions his prosthetic arm, oh yeah, it's all coming together, and this is how Junpei figures it out, too.
Also shows how Snake and Clover are connected to the game - Snake's been in it, and whatever happened injured him, resulting in his blindness and prosthetic. Also a nifty explanation for why he didn't recognize anybody else he might've met back then.
Speaking of, here is the one point i was wrong. Snake did not kill the Ninth Man, Ace did. It makes sense motive wise, as Ace wanted to eliminate anyone who knew his connection to the first Nonary Game. Still wondering how Ace knew about the verification before Zero or Snake explained it....? Whatever.
Thinking back, his face blindness is foreshadowed!! It's such a blink and you miss it moment. In the hospital room, when searching for Snake, when Junpei tells Ace that Clover and Snake look nothing alike... Ace reacts surprised! He had no idea they look different!
That's such smart foreshadowing, dear god.
Okay, next up - Akane. I already mentioned I don't like her plot device fever, and this end really takes it to the next level.
I could tell they copied over text from the submarine ending, where Akane tells Junpei she won't make it, but loved their time together, because she was, you know, bleeding out in his arms, and the same dialogue when she's got a fever feels way cheaper, you know? People can die of fevers, of course, but not like... this fast. Geez.
The thing that salvages this scene is the mystique of it, Akane vanishing, Zero saying he's right here... Well, that does have one implication, of course - that Akane is Zero.
(thinks about plot spoilers i've seen) (thinks about "is akane evil" discourse i've seen)
(thinks back to my "akane was in the first game" theory)
No fucking way, right? (<- in denial.)
Speaking of Zero. So, Zero reveals the mission statement that he wants to punish all those responsible for the first Nonary Game. Okay. So that's why Ace is here. But then why are other victims of the game here? Why is Snake here? Why is Lotus here? Why punish the family members of those involved?
Unless, of course... "The Nonary Game was always meant to save everyone." Maybe that's what Zero wants. Zero wants Junpei to succeed. For some reason. Hence Zero saying "I lost" as Junpei goes down with the ship. Whatever Zero's goal is, it hinges on Junpei.
Also, back to the Akane thing - on the assumption that Akane is Zero/was in the first game, that would finally give Junpei a Nonary Game connection, cuz he and Akane are the only ones without a confirmed one so far. He's here bcuz of Akane.
And, remember how I pointed out Akane's fixation on her childhood as odd? Well... if somebody were, say, seeking revenge against the company that traumatized them for the past 9 years, then fixating on the idyllic childhood before all that makes sense, no?
The Ace is Evil reveal was actually so fucking cool. PEAK manipulative Junpei moment, which is, hands down, my favorite character trait of his. If he wants something, he is going to get it, by any means possible. He's a lying and schemeing son of a bitch, and it's fucking fantastic. It was so satisfying how Junpei pulled together all the details I also noticed, all the little bits and bobs from the three extra scenes, to make the perfect trap for Ace.
Just saying "I'm actually Santa" to test Ace's face-blindness, saying he took the bracelet from Ace, confirming Ace has it, and then elaborating on why Snake isn't dead. Brilliant. Brilliant moment.
Ofc then Ace pulls the revolver, cuz fucking dumbasses left it there for anyone to nab. Also great setup, since i did door 6 first, i knew the revolver was there, and the guys just leaving it there in knife end was simply too good to be true.
Chekov's gun, in the most literal sense. If there's a gun, somebody is going to fire it.
Righto. The showdown in the incinerator. Man.
First of all, I was delighted to see Snake back, have my theory validated that he's in the coffin, though this does open the mystery of who out him there. Absolutely DELICIOUS tragedy that this is on the route where Clover is dead, and neither Junpei nor Seven have the heart to tell him.
Snake just going apeshit on Ace was a great moment, really impressive, really heartwrenching. If I gotta die, I'm taking you bitch down with me <3 iconic. Incredible. Truly Snake was Not Fucking Kidding when he said he could take Junpei in a fight. That scene of Seven dragging Junpei out of the incinerator... man.
Also rlly smart to bring up the prosthetic arm thing to let Snake go through the door. Pulls double duty as the last evidence that Snake is alive, AND for this moment. He just. screwed his hand off real quick to take the bracelet off. Truly more stories need disabled characters for spectacular moments like this.
I already talked abt my feelings w the Akane scene at the end here (the same scene in sub ending was better, but this one has more Implications), but I gotta say. It was so funny that Snake, Seven, and Junpei just all went through Door 9 without Akane and Santa. They just fucking left em. Presumably Seven and Lotus left without Junpei, but where did Santa go in this ending? Caught up to Seven and Lotus, leaving with them? Drowned in the ship? Vanished mysteriously? Who knows~
Oh, yeah, Zero probably uses Soporil to drug people, huh? Delightful little bit of irony.
Another thing... I'm incredibly glad that I played the bad ends first? Like, take the Ace twist for example - it's only really satisfying if you've done Knife or Sub end first, since it confirms that he's the killer in those. And it only became EXTRA satisfying when doing one of those in combination with the Axe ending, because this one confirmed to me that he's the killer beforehand!
And him being the CEO, Zero having a grudge against Cradle Pharmaceutics - only really matter when you've gone through Door 2 before, and learned about the 16 missing children, Seven's backstory, and arrived at the conclusion that this was a previous Nonary Game. Santa's sister being dead also only comes as a shock after this, because it confirms what I thought - that she died here, on the Gigantic.
Like, seriously, I would've been so much less satisfied if I'd done this ending first. You SAW how fucking long I speculated about Snake being alive, right? Today I dm'd a friend who is mildly insane abt 999 about my full theory, and then two hours later I got it confirmed. How much more would it suck if I just... got it confirmed in my first playthrough, and then played the bad ends? They'd be nothing! Doing them first, it's a gradual crescendo of information, pieces slotting together ever so slowly, theories evolving into a coherent whole, before the Safe ending puts them all to rest, and opens up new questions, new theories.
Like, sure. There's still value in doing like, Door 3 Route, but Sub ending is Less Woah when you've seen the lesser version of Akane's last words, AND already know for sure that Ace is the killer.
TLDR: I'm very happy i went in the order I did, and fully committed to doing all bad ends first.
AND THAT'S MY LONG FUCKIN REVIEW OF SAFE ENDING!!! i thought it was called "Safe" ending because. Everybody gets out safe, but doesnt resolve the plot, or something, you know average "normal ending" stuff for VNs. But nah it just. Involves a literal safe. Okay
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tammarp · 4 months
begging for bloodweave (gale x astarion from bg3) rp! we can discuss triggers/preferences/plots/whatever else in dms. im open for pretty much anything at the moment, though id prefer nothing strictly erp since im very much an enjoyer of good plots. i can play either, im not picky!!
standard rules apply: at least able to type 2+ paragraphs. i can go up to like 3 messages fairly comfortably, but i prefer to match what im sent so as long as you can do multipara then that's fine by me!! i also really enjoy plotting, sharing hcs, playlists, memes, etc and generally just chatting ooc so id prefer if you're open to that, too.
thanks!! please just like/reply/dm if you're interested and ill reach out :)
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Jiraak OC relationship ask: 5, 31, 32, 38, 40, 61 and 100! (only if it’s no trouble! I’m incredibly nosy :3)
I LOVE NOSY!!! BE NOSY ALL YOU LIKE!!! Thank you so much for asking about my stupid blorbos!!! 💖🥺
💕ask game💕
5. What is something they like to do together?
Ah, many things! Firstly, I can see them enjoying learning from each other since they're both very inquisitive—Jia teaches Miraak alchemy, while he teaches her magic, mostly restoration and alteration. They like cooking together (Miraak's not there yet, but he tries okay; he loves eating though! 🥲), and they even like to stay close in comfortable silence; I promise, though, Jia loves it when listens to him humming Atmoran shanties and/or psalms from his Dragon Priest era! Having been out of Apocrypha, she knows he'd appreciate walks in the sun and picnics in the frosty woods by Heljarchen Hall, as well as gazing at the aurora and the stars at night, feeding the birds nestling in her roof tiles, tending the flowers in her garden, and generally, being reintroduced to the world with her helping him remember every single detail...🥰
31. How would they describe one another.
Due to the nature of their soul bond (which hasn't been clarified completely in my fic yet...👀) I can only imagine them describing one another the way Emily Bronte did it in Wuthering Heights, which is to say not so romantic, but with a tint of pain and inevitability instead:
“He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be, and if all else remained, and we were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. He’s always, always in my mind; not as a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.”
32. Can they communicate private thoughts whilst in company? If so, how?
I mean,,, they can read each other's minds if they try hard enough! There's a scene in my fic where Miraak just. skims through Jia's memories and almost uncovers her worst fear (wow, rude much, Miraak? 😤). Also, they tend to recognize each other's mannerisms. For example, Jia has very specific ways she moves when she's nervous, angry, excited, etc, and Miraak, being very observant, knows how to interpret them even if she can't speak her mind at a specific moment, and vice versa.
38. What would be their ideal evening in?
So, both in Heljarchen Hall and Breezehome, Jia has purposely left a piece of her wooden canopy a little open (just so, she can't stand the cold!), so the light of the night sky always slips right into her room. I imagine an ideal evening in would be her lying in bed with Miraak, both moonbathed, talking to each other, discussing everything, good and bad, tales and real segments of their lives, until the night eventually turns into day, and instead of starlight/moonglow, they are cloaked by the warmth of the sunlight and birbs' chirps...🥰
Their shared trauma, their pain, their despair, their attempts to give strength to one another ["You're better than this" He says as a hand slaps my face and I stand And say, "No good man grace" I can't do this (you can)] AND ["Oh, sleep now," oh, she pleads "You're not a coward 'cause you cower You're brave because they broke you Yet broken still you breathe So breathe, breathe, just breathe"]
Not to mention the "'Cause you are in the earth of me", which for Plot Significance makes me jump around like a monkey. Ough. Just Ough...
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word?
Miraak for Jia: ember (a smouldering one...👀)
Jia for Miraak: angel (a bit fallen and corrupted but an angel nonetheless 😅)
100. Make a meme of this ship.
I am a bad Meme Maker myself, but I stumbled upon a Perfect Jiraak Meme on Pinterest, which is this right here and has a very "give me your hand" "I'll stain you" "I'll take it" vibe:
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This also goes either way, for both.
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