#Callie Gardner
darkmagiciang1rl · 6 months
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Is stageshipping a thing anymore pls let it be I love them
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springselkie · 3 months
ALT!CALLIE: *says anything*
EDEN internally: shut up shut up Shut Up Shut Up SHUT UP
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the kismesissitude ever
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covertblizzard · 2 years
how would you rewrite gl rebirth
I haven't actually thought about how I would rewrite GL:Rebirth much because the whole storyline just makes me uncomfortable and grumpy. I have thought about how I would rewrite the last arc of Kyle's run after Black Circle: Urban Knights (Green Lantern 1990 #165-181), but I'll try my best to answer this. I typed out an ENTIRE essay but accidentally deleted it, so I'm crying right now but I'll try to recall all that I wrote sldfgjshdfg
It depends on what you mean by rewrite it as well, it could be changing some aspects of the story but keeping most of the plotlines (minor changes) or keeping to the idea of trying to resurrect Hal Jordan and start up the corps but with a completely different storyline (major changes). Unlike Geoff Johns, I don’t think Hal needs another redemption arc when he already has multiple others and it’s more about what he continue to do for me, so it would more be about the resurrection of Hal as opposed to the redemption of Hal. I'll split my answers into two parts under the cut (because spoilers) - Keeping the Main Plot and Revamping.
Keeping the Main Plot
Changes to the plot
This idea is something I talked about with @fantajoseph where instead of having Parallax be there from the beginning (some parts of the story even seem to imply that Parallax had been there since Hard Traveling Heroes maybe which is ????), Parallax was only unleashed and took over when he absorbs the power battery. This doesn't absolve him of everything (which is boring), keeping some of his actions including killing Kilowog, but doesn't have him literally going for world destruction. It also could fit with the changing of motives from initially being bring back Coast City to literally going back to the Big Bang and starting the universe over with him in-charge and deciding how things go. It also puts the release of Parallax squarely on his shoulder for attempting the power grab (even if he did it unknowingly), instead of having it be a "it was always going to happen" thing where he is portrayed as "sad boy poor victim uwu" or whatever which takes away so much of his agency.
I’ll straight up remove John trying to reintegrate Spectre!Hal back to regular human society. I don’t understand what was up with that and I really dislike it. I enjoy Spectre as a mystical spiritual entity that can’t quite interact on the same plane back with regular humans and all that. The vibe of the longing and tragedy of how he is there but not quite there. With all this time between, they should’ve come to terms with this situation and not do whatever is going on, because it doesn’t make sense. Hypothetically, if this rebirth stuff didn’t happen, he would just be doing his Spectre stuff, atone for what he feels like he’s done wrong, find peace, and then go to Heaven. Hal is dead then, the whole baseball scene just takes away from that.
I would change Parallax’s control of people to be much more like Alexander Nero with the uncontrolled, wild, unpredictable, messy elements due to fear as opposed to the very controlled attack the Justice League stuff that was going on. I think fear should be more messy and dangerous, not whatever was going on. I think there should be a difference between Sinestro controlling / using fear for power and being controlled by a literal fear entity (having fear dictate your moves because it overwhelmed you).
I wouldn’t have all three of Kilowog, John, and Guy be controlled by Parallax, and I definitely would not have Ganthet controlled by Parallax. In the original apparently, Batman gets controlled too and shoots Robin (????) and as much as that kind of cracks me up, I probably won’t do that either. I’d maybe have 1-2 of them be controlled by Parallax, but I’d definitely have Kilowog, because he was just plagued by fears very recently in the most recent GL run and it would be interesting to bring back and haunt him with the Xadai. Most importantly though, whoever gets possessed by Parallax should break free and overcome it themselves, I don’t like the Ganthet cop out.
I’d also include Tom. I mean just a bit before this, Ganthet even acknowledges that Oa has 2 saviors - Tom who recreates Oa and reignites the central battery, and Kyle who brings back the Guardians. It just isn’t a proper rebirth story without him, especially since it’s Hal’s rebirth. Additionally, in the Green Lantern Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan, they even said that if Hal had spoken to Tom, he might not have been able to carry out all the Parallax stuff, so who better to be there to bring Hal back and maybe force Parallax to GTFO once and for all?
I’d straight up remove Sinestro from the storyline, he was unnecessary in my opinion, and ends up making Parallax bug much less scarier than it could have been. Eldritch fear entity coming back into the world? Scary. Eldritch fear entity that is kind of manipulated and utilised by some dude (tm)? Kind of lame. Parallax is like the equivalent of Ion, right? Plus he’s LITERALLY the embodiment of fear, he should be WAY scarier. Having his first appearance be in some way influenced by Sinestro undermines the bug a little imo. At most, I’d have Sinestro’s presence with the yellow ring maybe awaken Parallax from his slumber, but he should be unaware of it. (Sort of unrelated, but I think Sinestro can totally try to control or utilise Parallax in future, but I think it should be difficult and he should maybe have to try multiple times and there should be unforeseen devastating consequences and have it perhaps even backfire a little.)
Instead of the battle with Sinestro, I think they should bring back some of the other GLs and perhaps some of them who disagrees with the resurrection of Hal, resulting in a bit of a stand off. There would be the faction that think he should stay dead and the corps should have a fresh start, and the faction that think he should be forgiven. It would also tie in very well with The Last Will and Testament and Kyle’s very recent run surrounding Black Circle, and have Hal face the grief and issue he’s caused personally instead of Tom and Kyle dealing with the repercussions. Parallax can enter the scene and take control over some of GL’s by amplifying their fears from what Hal has done and what he could do again and all that, causing havoc in general. It doesn’t have to be resolved straight away, but I think the decision to resurrect Hal could be decided based on “Parallax is the bigger villain and what we’d have to deal with first and Hal is both an extremely powerful GL and also the one person to really know Parallax which could help with his defeat".
I would change it so Spectre didn’t know about Parallax. I just feel like the literal embodiment of fear from time immemorial should be a little more mysterious and scary and not so easily identifiable. Maybe Spectre didn’t even exist when Parallax had been imprisoned. (But maybe not, I don’t know enough about Spectre.)
Remove anything that mixes fear and evil. Obviously fear can lead to evil but fear is NOT evil. As cool as some phrases like “Evil finally escaped Jordan’s sight. It hid inside him.” are, it equated Parallax to EVIL instead of FEAR and I think there should be a distinction. Plus I just don’t really subscribe to the concept of pure evil and all that stuff soooo
Minor things I would add/remove/change:
Kyle not knowing he could translate with his ring. Please he has been doing it since his Titans days and just a while back he went on some alien diplomacy trip, you really think he’s out here learning alien languages from scratch?
If the baseball scene is kept, I’d change the confession stuff where everyone just start falling over their feet to confess their sins to Spectre because it just makes me very EEK. I would have it a bit more supernatural with their sins overwhelming him, maybe the visage of the person committing their sins taking over his senses to the point he could not see or hear the baseball match and maybe even can’t feel John and Guy beside him. Basically a little more horror and a little less confession booth to a priest vibe.
Have John included into statues at the Warrior Bar because there is even a Guardian but not John and that’s ://
Include Helen (unfortunately I haven’t read Spectre 2001 so I don’t know how yet)! Increase Alan, Jen, Roy, Wally’s presence in the storyline, maybe either during the GL fights part or in discussions with Justice League or just other parts.
Remove Hal always having an authority-defying habit
Keep the Guardians as mostly children except for Ganthet. Actually have an equal ratio or maybe even some gender non-conforming guardians and definitely not 2:7 ratio because I don’t know who needs to be told that in DC, but 2:7 is not 1:1. Also, if they were going to make them all old, give the female guardians wrinkles too because apparently this artist decided that even alien ancient beings older than we can imagine cannot have wrinkles if they’re girls :)
Remove the part where they gave them temporary disabilities (John was blind, Kyle was deaf) for like ONE panel and then they fought harder or whatever and it was gone like WHAT??
Things I would keep:
Guy and John’s talks, I enjoyed it
Hikers that found and took care of Kyle, it was cute
Ollie-Kyle scenes, I think they were sweet
Reciting the Oath as they defeated Parallax
Detailing the distinctions between how the GLs used their constructs, I liked that part! I would change / polish a bit of Hal and Kilowog’s (especially Kilowog’s) but I liked the idea.
There’s this thing I read on wiki’s and other people’s comments about how Kyle wasn’t taken over by Parallax because he knew fear and the others didn’t which always never made sense to me because SURELY they all have encountered, dealt with, and know fear. After all, it is something that they all grappled with in their own storyline?? But then when I read the story, it seemed a lot more like it was that Kyle was familiar with fear. That he felt it more regularly, could identify and understand it, and therefore was less likely to be controlled because when Parallax started to try to control him, he recognised it. The advice Hal gave was “Listen for fear. Remember fear.” I really liked that, because sometimes we need to be able to identify our demons and recognise it so that we can deal with it, it’s something that is applicable irl too, even though usually it’s not because a bug demon would take control of us.
There’s this THING that I don’t even know if I want to change or remove or what, but Hector Hammond in this storyline!! What is he doing there?? Why are there multiple panels of him locked up in his facility being oddly creepy, mostly towards Kyle? Like he’s all “Sing for me, Kyle” and then pops up again at the end being all ah I didn’t expect Kyle to be able to do it?? I don’t think he’s even met Kyle? How does he even know what is happening?? This doesn’t even seem to pay off in this storyline, nothing happens?? Do they go somewhere with this in another story?
Resurrection stories are sometimes a little EH with me, so I’m not sure how I'd like to go about it best per se, but I do have a few ideas floating around.
Either way, to resurrect Hal, something to think about is how he could have a body. GL:Rebirth went the “his body was somehow preserved and someone (Kyle) brings it back from the sun” route, but there are other options like someone reconstructing his body.
In Kyle’s first run as Ion, he explicitly offers to erase Parallax (no bug demon at this point, just Hal as Parallax). Spectre!Hal tells him that it’s not wise basically and Kyle (a creepy god boy at this point) is like oooh cool, you really can’t lie huh, guess I can do it. But then he doesn’t do anything with that information.
Kyle has ANOTHER Ion run less than 2 years after Rebirth, so one possibility is to just shift forward that Ion run and to have him bring Hal back. I wouldn’t have him retcon Parallax!Hal out of existence, but perhaps being the Spectre was somehow eating into Hal’s soul and his very soul was in danger and could possibly disintegrate for good and to save him, Kyle resurrects him. I don’t know enough about Spectre, but I know Hal tries and fail to turn it into a spirit of redemption as opposed to a spirit of vengence, and some angry evil spirits are loose (?) because of that, so maybe Hal’s potential loss of soul could have to do with that.
The other (and more fun imo) possibility is to have Lianna resurrect Hal. Towards the end of Kyle’s run, he fights and defeats Amon Sur and when he was probably about to murder that guy, Lianna pops up and stabs Kyle and murder Amon instead, citing the reason that “bad stuff will happen otherwise” basically. This confuses me for so many reasons because
The guardians generally have a non-interference policy and don’t personal get involved in stuff which this is VERY involved (although of course, Lianna has kind of been flouting this rule a lot but STILL, murdering 1 or 2 dudes?)
The guardians don’t allow the GLs to kill in general, and while they are for sure more lenient with themselves, Ganthet is in charge at the moment and I can’t see him being very pro-murder
If she was trying to kill Kyle, she most definitely did not succeed, and if she really wanted to kill Kyle, surely she could’ve done a better job as a guardian?
This is because of her “prophecies” but even within the story, quite a few of her prophecies didn’t come through??
Anyway, I propose that Lianna wasn’t trying to KILL Kyle, she was trying to prevent Kyle from killing Amon because she doesn’t want him to walk down a darker path that he had kind of been heading towards. She knew he’d be able to survive (or maybe even gave him a boost that helped him survive), but she chose to interfere to stop him.
With this logic, I think it could be written that instead of straight up disobedience and killing Amon herself, she could decide to bend the rules a little and try to involve Hal so he could stop Kyle and help to capture Amon instead of killing him. From her perspective, this would work well because Hal is a good example of why you shouldn’t do that maybe, and he is powerful enough to deal with Amon! However, I imagine Spectre!Hal would be like “I can’t interfere” and all that and so she frees his soul from the Spectre and resurrects him.
This brings up multiple things that I think would be fun!
This forced resurrection is KIND OF what he did to Ollie in GA 2001, which sets up a fun “should you do this?”
This might not actually be the best thing for Hal, and maybe Lianna even knows it, but she might have done it because Kyle sort of sometimes raised her and she clearly cares about and wants to help Kyle. Before this she’s done a lot from pause planet destruction when she recognised him even while kind of crazy, help him record a message for his friends, personally deliver that message to Earth, help encourage his friends to record a message back, run interference in Jen and Kyle’s relationship, try to stop him from going into a dangerous situation, and intervene with and kind of threatened someone who was hired to kill Kyle. It would fit into the thread of things she’s been doing much more than... stab him.
Powerful Green Lanterns being brought back to the guardians’ service (Kilowog and Hal), this one actually by a guardian, which could bring up the whole “are you going to be a guardians’ puppet again?” and like topics of whether this is the direction the new corps wants to be heading, especially with all the guardians basically being younger than the GLs technically.
Hal fighting Amon Sur would be so interesting because Hal is everything Amon wants to be! Got his father’s (Abin Sur) recognition, got his father’s ring and became GL, destroyed the corps, almost cause a world destruction. Amon would detest him so much and Hal would hate Amon for tarnishing Abin’s name as well and it would be fun to see them interact. I just realised three people relating to Abin Sur (Sinestro, Hal, Amon) have all gone the villain route oh wow
Kind of unrelated, but I also like the idea that Lianna's simply   actually far more powerful than Ganthet and that's why Ganthet's powers were unable to limit her powers even when she is a baby.
Rebirth also seem to want to bring Guy and John back into the corps. The easiest way is to have the Amon VS Hal & Kyle fight closer to earth, have the Watchtower notice it, and John is dispatched to check it out. Guy can get involved either because they suspect it has to do with Kyle and he insisted on coming or John dragged him along, or Ollie somehow knows or suspect it has to do with Hal and forced the ring Hal left him on Guy and pushed him to go, or something along those lines.
Alternatively though, John is already a GL again anyway so when the corps start, he would probably be automatically be part of the corps. I don’t know how the arc where he becomes leader of GL happens, but I’d definitely keep that for him.
For Guy, one possibility is to have him join the GL back to train rookies with Kilowog (also something I talked about with @fantajoseph). I’d imagine there could be a lot of recruitment (since they’re starting all over) and so they’d want to have more than one trainer, and perhaps Guy could be a little unwilling at first (his whole “GL is the past for me” thing), but something could make him feel the obligation to join again? (Also, I don’t know why but I haven’t seen much about his Vuldarian heritage thing and I don’t know if they just didn’t let him keep those powers or something or I just haven’t seen it, but I’d definitely keep those because who doesn’t want more superpower. I think it’s fun.)
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ultimateaclrecovery · 4 months
Checking in on my 2023 goals!
23 things for 2023
1. buy 1 horse
Done!! Bought Luna!!!
2. Knit a pair of socks
I knit a sock, that I finished today. But I mostly decided I wanted to knit other things instead so this is fine
3. Three camping trips
went to mt of the holy cross, and New Mexico for two camping nights, plus a day hike in winter park. So technically no but pretty close!
4. Plant four pumpkins
…..no. I bought seeds and did nothing and I don’t feel that bad about it
5. Handstand (five fingers) press
Lol no. Did nothing for it. Never made a plan and so did not achieve
6. Kill side yard weeds (because weeds are the devil 666)
Success? I paid a Gardner to pull them all so yes! Feels like a failure because I didn’t really deal with them or the yard in general, but they are all gone now.
7. Go to Loyola social justice meeting (7th heaven)
I went to a meeting! And baked cookies for an event. (And then never went back oops)
8. Mail 8 letters to mates - birthday cards probably
Success! (Rebecca birthday, Sarah birthday, Clare get well card, Callie birthday, Alison birthday, clare birthday, Callie wedding, clare kt recipe card)
9. Research 9 hours of getting a cat (9 lives)
Decided a horse was enough so stopped researching 🤷‍♀️[ read complete guide to adopting a cat 3 hours]
10. Do ten full pull ups
Total yes, in a row like intended absolutely not. I can do like 2.5 in a row. Made haphazard progress, but now I have a pull up bar so hoping for better next year!
11. Buy 11 things off of my to buy eventually list
Success! This was easy and I did it! (air fryer, air mattress, nice soap dispensers, office mat, thermometer, fire extinguisher, white tank top, little plates, shower cleaner, plastic drain pipes, sheet pan organizer, bonus: back door light bulb, rainbow flag and holder, more bras)
12. Go on 12 dates
Success! I thought this would be really hard but then I just got my boyfriend by like February and it ended up being the easiest ny resolution ever. He even asked me out to start.
13. Run a half marathon 13.1 miles
Success! (Okay this was a gimme because I signed up for it and had a training plan in 2022 but still)
14. Hike a fourteener
Success! mt of the holy cross and it was terrifying and very long but we did it!
15. Read 30 (15x2) books
I read 27 and have three in various states of completion. I kind of wanted to power this one thru but it wouldn’t have been fun and then what’s the point. This one is hard because I abandoned so so many books this year. Like I made it at least one chapter into like 40 and a couple half way thru. So close but no cigar but I refuse to read things that aren’t fun just to hit a goal so I feel fine about it.
16. Host 8 things
Hosted 3, organized a couple others so partial credit. I would like to do better in the future. ( galentines, whimsy brunch, birthday, organized brunch at watercourse, organized lake day)
17. Go out dancing (must be more dancing than drinking, dance class counts.)(dancing queen only 17)
Nope. But also that’s fine.
18. Upgrade phone and deal with all photos. Upload belize to fb and save others. Data management
Mostly. I got an external storage for Christmas so I can finish when I get home. So solid partial credit. (uploaded some. Upgraded phone plus new battery, still need to get data off of it) [email protected] [email protected]
19. General contractor for house cracks plus install air conditioner
Success. Installed ac. Got the cracks looked at once and they were fine and then they got worse and now I’m getting foundation work done. So success I guess.
20. Get 20 layout ds
… I did not count. I def got some but probably not 20 so partial credit. (4 from leiout)
21. Go to frisbee Masters regionals
Success! Another bit of gimme but we went and qualified to nationals!)
22. Buy purple navel jewelry (I’m feeling 22)
Success! (And I love it)
23. volunteer for 23 hours
No and I feel bad about it. I need to find something to volunteer with. I feel like I should have the time/be able to make time but it also feels like I never have time and also never want to. But I think it’s important.
So overall full success on 11 of the goals, happy partial on 5, annoyed partial on 2, abandoned 4 and failed my last one and feel bad about it.
But overall pretty good success!
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wayhaughtao3feed · 2 years
30 Day Writing Challenge- One Shot Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PbEyG0O
by thefallendevil
Words: 5139, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Pitch Perfect (Movies), Wynonna Earp (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Atypical (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, 9-1-1 (TV), Riverdale (TV 2017), Sherlock (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Teen Wolf (TV), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), Once Upon a Time (TV), Law & Order: SVU, Rizzoli & Isles, The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell, Wynonna Earp & Doc Holliday, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Casey Gardner/Izzie Taylor, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler, Maura Isles & Jane Rizzoli, Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Santana Lopez & Brittany S. Pierce, The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald, Barry Allen & Caitlin Snow, Oliver Queen & Winn Schott Jr., Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop, Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca, Arizona Robbins/Callie Torres
Additional Tags: No Smut, Angst, Angst and Feels
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PbEyG0O
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marvelbxtch · 2 years
Women I write for:
So, I've been wanting to do just random smuts and fluff one-shots and short fics with different characters, and these are the people I write for! (I figured doing this on Tumblr would be better than Wattpad lmao) Feel free to request people for me to write.
Natasha Romanoff
Kate Bishop
Maria Hill (rarely)
Yelena Belova
Wanda Maximoff
Gamora (very rarely)
Carol Danvers
Cassie Howard
Maddy Perez
Lexi Howard
Rue Bennet (rarely)
Jules Vaughn (rarely)
Kat Hernandez (rarely)
The Wilds:
Leah Rilke
Toni Shalifoe
Fatin Jadmani
Shelby Goodkin
Izzie Taylor
Casey Gardner
The 100:
Clarke Griffin
Octavia Blake
Lexa Kom Trikru
Raven Reyes
Greys Anatomy:
Lexie Grey (cuz I'm in love with her)
Erica Hahn
Callie Torres
Sarah Cameron
Stranger Things:
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley 
Max Mayfield
Fiona Gallagher
Veronica (forgot her last name)
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
30 Day Writing Challenge- One Shot Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ynixpju
by thefallendevil
Words: 3483, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Pitch Perfect (Movies), Wynonna Earp (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Atypical (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, 9-1-1 (TV), Riverdale (TV 2017), Sherlock (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Teen Wolf (TV), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), Once Upon a Time (TV), Law & Order: SVU, Rizzoli & Isles, The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell, Wynonna Earp & Doc Holliday, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Casey Gardner/Izzie Taylor, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler, Maura Isles & Jane Rizzoli, Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Santana Lopez & Brittany S. Pierce, The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald, Barry Allen & Caitlin Snow, Oliver Queen & Winn Schott Jr., Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop, Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca, Arizona Robbins/Callie Torres
Additional Tags: No Smut, Angst, Angst and Feels
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ynixpju
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ao3-feedwayhaught · 2 years
30 Day Writing Challenge- One Shot Collection
by thefallendevil
Words: 3483, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Pitch Perfect (Movies), Wynonna Earp (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Atypical (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, 9-1-1 (TV), Riverdale (TV 2017), Sherlock (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Teen Wolf (TV), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), Once Upon a Time (TV), Law & Order: SVU, Rizzoli & Isles, The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell, Wynonna Earp & Doc Holliday, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Casey Gardner/Izzie Taylor, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler, Maura Isles & Jane Rizzoli, Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Santana Lopez & Brittany S. Pierce, The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald, Barry Allen & Caitlin Snow, Oliver Queen & Winn Schott Jr., Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop, Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca, Arizona Robbins/Callie Torres
Additional Tags: No Smut, Angst, Angst and Feels
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40755132
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
30 Day Writing Challenge- One Shot Collection
by thefallendevil
Words: 3483, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Pitch Perfect (Movies), Wynonna Earp (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Atypical (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, 9-1-1 (TV), Riverdale (TV 2017), Sherlock (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Teen Wolf (TV), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), Once Upon a Time (TV), Law & Order: SVU, Rizzoli & Isles, The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell, Wynonna Earp & Doc Holliday, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Casey Gardner/Izzie Taylor, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topaz, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler, Maura Isles & Jane Rizzoli, Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Santana Lopez & Brittany S. Pierce, The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald, Barry Allen & Caitlin Snow, Oliver Queen & Winn Schott Jr., Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop, Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca, Arizona Robbins/Callie Torres
Additional Tags: No Smut, Angst, Angst and Feels
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/8S2Lh4C via IFTTT https://ift.tt/8S2Lh4C
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ghostflowerdreams · 1 year
Books Similar to The Lost Boys & Near Dark
If you like the 1987 films The Lost Boys and Near Dark you might be like me, who's looking for books that give off similar vibes. You know with the non-sparkly vampires and set in the 80s with its hair cuts, bold colors and charm. If you know any books, please suggest it so I can add it to my TBR list.
There's one or two books on here that are set in a different decade, but the rest is closer to the 80s. This is not in any particular order and not all of the books are appropriate for everyone.
The Lost Boys by Craig Shaw Gardner — A mother and her two sons move to a small coast town in California. The town is plagued by bikers and some mysterious deaths. The younger boy, Sam, makes friends with two other boys, the Frog brothers, who claim to be vampire hunters. Meanwhile the older boy, Michael, is drawn into the gang of bikers by a beautiful girl named Star. Michael starts sleeping days and staying out all night while Sam starts getting into trouble because of his friends' obsession.
Near Dark by Stacey Abbott — is set in the contemporary American Midwest that tells the story of Caleb, a half-vampire trying to decide whether to embrace his vampire nature or return to his human family.
Until Summer Comes Around by Glenn Rolfe — When fifteen year old Rocky Zukas meets a mysterious dark-haired girl named November, his world is forever changed. The young couple falls under the spell of summer love, but not everyone approves.
November's brother, Gabriel, is the keeper of the family's secret, and big brother is always watching, growing more sinister as his bloodlust gets the best of him. Directing his attention to Rocky's family, Gabriel aims to make sure little sister knows who is in charge.
Mayhem by Estelle Laure — It's 1987 and unfortunately it's not all Madonna and cherry lip balm. Mayhem Brayburn has always known there was something off about her and her mother, Roxy. Maybe it has to do with Roxy's constant physical pain, or maybe with Mayhem's own irresistible pull to water. Either way, she knows they aren't like everyone else. But when May's stepfather finally goes too far, Roxy and Mayhem flee to Santa Maria, California, the coastal beach town that holds the answers to all of Mayhem's questions about who her mother is, her estranged family, and the mysteries of her own self.
There she meets the kids who live with her aunt, and it opens the door to the magic that runs through the female lineage in her family, the very magic Mayhem is next in line to inherit and which will change her life for good. But when she gets wrapped up in the search for the man who has been kidnapping girls from the beach, her life takes another dangerous turn and she is forced to face the price of vigilante justice and to ask herself whether revenge is worth the cost.
Mouth Full of Ashes by Briana Morgan — Mourning the sudden loss of her sister, Callie Danoff wants nothing more than to embrace a fresh start in a new town, leaving the haunting memories of her sister’s death behind. But when her brother Ramsay drags her to a spooky boardwalk, the two become entangled with a local vampire gang and its enigmatic leader, Elijah. Callie refuses to accept their existence... until she and her brother unknowingly ingest vampire blood. Now, they only have three days before they turn into vampires themselves.
With her carefree summer thwarted, Callie must trust a group she barely knows in order to save her family.
Nightfall by Suzanne Young — In the quaint town of Nightfall, Oregon, it isn't the dark you should be afraid of—it's the girls.
Theo and her brother, Marco, threw the biggest party of the year. And got caught. Their punishment? Leave Arizona to spend the summer with their grandmother in the rainy beachside town of Nightfall, Oregon—population 846 souls.
The small town is cute, when it’s not raining, but their grandmother is superstitious and strangely antisocial. Upon their arrival she lays out the one house rule: always be home before dark. But Theo and Marco are determined to make the most of their summer, and on their first day they meet the enigmatic Minnow and her friends. Beautiful and charismatic, the girls have a magnetic pull that Theo and her brother can't resist.
But Minnow and her friends are far from what they appear. And that one rule? Theo quickly realizes she should have listened to her grandmother. Because after dark, something emerges in Nightfall. And it doesn’t plan to let her leave.
Less Than Human by Gary Raisor — The town of Carruthers, Texas, has seen its share of drifters and lowlifes. But never anyone like Steven and Earl.
They move from town to town. Hustling the pool halls. Raising a little hell. Drinking a little blood. They sleep by day and hunt by night -- the ultimate predators. The perfect life. Until now.
A barroom brawl ends in disaster. The soil from Steven's grave has been stolen. And a young boy's death sparks an all out war between vampires and mortals that will turn the local Frontier Day celebration into a blood bath....
Live Girls (Davey Owen #1) by Ray Garton — Seeking consolation after losing his job and his girlfriend, Davey Owen enters a small, dark club in the seedy precincts of the city and finds a world of uncontrollable ecstasy and unbelievable horror inhabited by savagely seductive vampires.
The Light at the End by John Skipp — The newspapers scream out headlines that spark terror across the city. Ten murders on the New York City subway. Ten grisly crimes that defy all reason -- no pattern, no m.o., no leads for police to pursue. The press dubs the fiend the "Subway Psycho"; the NYPD desperately seeks their quarry before the city erupts in mass hysteria. But they won't find what they're looking for.
Because they all think that the killer is human.
Only a few know the true story -- a story the papers will never print. It is a tale of abject terror and death written in grit and steel... and blood. The tale of a man who vanished into the bowels of the urban earth one night, taken by a creature of unholy evil, then left as a babe abandoned on the doorstep of Hell. Now he is back, driven by twin demons of rage and retribution.
He is unstoppable. And we are all his prey... unless a ragtag band of misfit souls will dare to descend into a world of manmade darkness, where the real and unreal alike dwell in endless shadow. A place where humanity has been left behind, and the horrifying truth will dawn as a madman's chilling vendetta comes to light...
Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite — At a club in Missing Mile, N.C., the children of the night gather, dressed in black, looking for acceptance. Among them are Ghost, who sees what others do not. Ann, longing for love, and Jason, whose real name is Nothing, newly awakened to an ancient, deathless truth about his father, and himself.
Others are coming to Missing Mile tonight. Three beautiful, hip vagabonds - Molochai, Twig, and the seductive Zillah (whose eyes are as green as limes) are on their own lost journey; slaking their ancient thirst for blood, looking for supple young flesh.
They find it in Nothing and Ann, leading them on a mad, illicit road trip south to New Orleans. Over miles of dark highway, Ghost pursues, his powers guiding him on a journey to reach his destiny, to save Ann from her new companions, to save Nothing from himself...
Blood & Dust (Vampires in the Sunburnt Country #1) by Jason Nahrung — Kevin Matheson works at his family’s service station in the Queensland outback. Life is all about cricket, fishing, the pub, his girlfriend. Then it all gets blown to hell – he’s caught up in a hideous, unbelievable world of cops and monsters in which two rival gangs of vampires vie for control, all while maintaining a charade of humanity.
Kevin has to cope with his new existence as a vampire, adapt to the destruction of his family and play the politics of the supernatural world. The biker Taipan and his lover Kala make for unlikely allies as they lead the nomadic Night Riders in their fight to be free of the control of the Brisbane-based Von Schiller group, led by the ruthless Mira and her pack of blood-addicted human servants.
Caught between vicious nomadic bikers and their brutal foes from the coast, Kevin fights to save not only those he holds dearest, but his own soul. In a world without rules, only one tenet holds true: blood really is thicker than water. But how far will he go to save the people he loves?
The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl — When Elton Irving turned Holly Liddell into a vampire in 1987, he promised her eternal love. But thirty-four years later, Elton has left her, her hair will be crimped for the rest of immortality, and the only job she can get as a forever-sixteen-year-old is the midnight shift at Taco Bell.
Holly’s afterlife takes an interesting turn when she meets Rose McKay and Ida Ripley. Having also been turned and discarded by Elton—Rose in 1954, and Ida, his ex-fiancée, in 1921—they want to help her, and ask for her help in return.
Rose and Ida are going to kill Elton before he turns another girl. Though Holly is hurt and angry with Elton for tossing her aside, she’s reluctant to kill her ex, until Holly meets Parker Kerr—the new girl Elton has set his sights on—and feels a quick, and nerve-wracking attraction to her.
Song of the Vampire by Carmen Adams — Believing that peace has returned to sleepy Blue Mesa after dispatching the vampire members of the The Band, Megan and Iris find their lives disrupted again when a group of the undead invades the beach town of Turo.
In the Valley of the Sun by Andy Davidson — One night in 1980, a man becomes a monster.
Haunted by his past, Travis Stillwell spends his nights searching out women in West Texas honky-tonks. What he does with them doesn’t make him proud, just quiets the demons for a little while. But after Travis crosses paths one night with a mysterious pale-skinned girl, he wakes weak and bloodied in his cabover camper the next morning—with no sign of a girl, no memory of the night before.
Annabelle Gaskin spies the camper parked behind her motel and offers the cowboy a few odd jobs to pay his board. Travis takes her up on the offer, if only to buy time, to lay low and heal. By day, he mends the old motel, insinuating himself into the lives of Annabelle and her ten-year-old son. By night, in the cave of his camper, he fights an unspeakable hunger. Before long, Annabelle and her boy come to realize that this strange cowboy is not what he seems.
Half a state away, a grizzled Texas Ranger is hunting Travis for his past misdeeds, but what he finds will lead him to a revelation far more monstrous. A man of the law, he’ll have to decide how far into the darkness he’ll go for the sake of justice.
When these lives converge on a dusty autumn night, an old evil will find new life—and new blood.
The Lesser Dead by Christopher Buehlman — New York City in 1978 is a dirty, dangerous place to live. And die. Joey Peacock knows this as well as anybody—he has spent the last forty years as an adolescent vampire, perfecting the routine he now enjoys: womanizing in punk clubs and discotheques, feeding by night, and sleeping by day with others of his kind in the macabre labyrinth under the city’s sidewalks.
The subways are his playground and his highway, shuttling him throughout Manhattan to bleed the unsuspecting in the Sheep Meadow of Central Park or in the backseats of Checker cabs, or even those in their own apartments who are too hypnotized by sitcoms to notice him opening their windows. It’s almost too easy.
Until one night he sees them hunting on his beloved subway. The children with the merry eyes. Vampires, like him…or not like him. Whatever they are, whatever their appearance means, the undead in the tunnels of Manhattan are not as safe as they once were.
And neither are the rest of us.
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colesmurf23 · 1 year
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(OC) Colette The Toad
Bio: Colette Toad
Name: Colette
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: January 27th
Age: 23
Species: Toad
Relationship/Wife: Collette
Family Members: Victoria (Mother) James (Father) Cole (Twin Sister) Vicktoria (Sister) Jamarr (Brother) Victorio (Brother) Jamell (Brother) Jamesie (Brother) Victoire (Sister) Colleen (Daughter) Cox (Son) Coxe (Son) Clarette (Daughter) Coleta (Daughter) Colley (Son) Robley (Son) Colie (Daughter) Coline (Daughter) Conrad (Son) Conran (Son) Coelee (Daughter) Corie (Younger Son) Corin (Younger Son) Collene (Younger Daughter) Collena (Youngest Daughter) Colleta (Youngest Daughter) Collis (Youngest Son) Micole (Sister in law) Luigi (Brother in law) Mario (Brother in law) Noora (Niece) Maxwell (Nephew) Marlin (Nephew) Noel (Niece) Manfried (Nephew) Marlyssa (Nephew) Moses (Nephew) Nerissa (Niece) Nuna (Niece) Nea (Niece) Micoletta (Niece) Mickey (Nephew) Cloris (Younger Niece) Madea (Younger Niece) Olivia (Younger Niece) Hailee (Youngest Niece) Cube (Youngest Nephew) Starr (Youngest Nephew) Luiggi (Youngest Nephew) Luigina (Youngest Niece) Clo (Youngest Nephew) Coe (Youngest Niece) Celine (Sister in law) Kendrick (Brother in law) Chanelle (Niece) Celena (Niece) Keni (Nephew) Kendall (Nephew) Koopette (Niece) Carson (Nephew) Kaylyn (Niece) Cairo (Nephew) Carlo (Nephew) Chadwick (Nephew) Kambrie (Niece) Keisha (Niece) Kelina (Younger Niece) Chadrick (Younger Nephew) Kedrick (Younger Nephew) Kenya (Youngest Niece) Kenan (Youngest Nephew) Celina (Youngest Niece) Coleen (Sister in law) Estella (Sister in law) Colene (Niece) Coletta (Niece) Colby (Nephew) Coley (Nephew) Estel (Nephew) Estela (Niece) Chauncey (Nephew) Carlile (Nephew) Callis (Nephew) Estelle (Niece) Estrella (Niece) Estefania (Niece) Corinne (Younger Niece) Estelina (Younger Niece) Colen (Younger Nephew) Colet (Youngest Nephew) Esra (Youngest Nephew) Esmay (Youngest Niece) Jacob (Brother in law) Tony (Brother in law) Ginger (Sister in law) Lilia (Sister in law) Joana (Sister in law)
Personality: Artist, Caring, Kind, Shy, Sensitive, Adventures, And Gamer
Friends: Painter Smurf Nat Smurfling Slouchy Smurf Cupcake (My besties' oc and best friend) Brianda (My bestie's oc) Fiona (My bestie's oc) Audie (My bestie's oc) Audrea (My bestie's oc and 2nd best friend) Piplayla (3rd Best Friend) Luisa (4th best friend) Moa (5th best friend) Yolaine Alyssa (6th best friend) Pipette (Our oc and 7th best friend) Kenzlie (Our oc) Araya (Our oc) Rose (Our ocf) Kaiya (Our oc) Rosalyn Mica (My bestie's oc) Ellie (My bestie's oc and 8th best friend) Kamber (Our oc and 9th best friend) Evelyn (My bestie's oc and 19th best friend)
Favorite Color: Light Turquoise
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Job: Cook and Gardner (Only during the Summer And Spring)
Fun Fact: Colette is a very artist toad, she love drawing a lot. She love drawing with her twin sister Cole And Painter Smurf. She can also be creative. She love drawing fan art of her favorite cartoon characters. She most draw Almost Naked Animals And The Smurfs. Like her twin sister Cole. She is very caring, she cares deeply about her family. She also love taking care of her kids. A along with her wife Collette. They both care for their children a lot. She also cooks for them to. From her siblings, she love cooking with her mother Victoria. They both can cook really well. She also loves working, since her sister can't work. She works with her parents. James And Victoria. Then 3 work together. And get off at the same time. She also cooks for her mother Victoria sometimes. When she is very tired. So Colette helps her out. She is the only cook from her siblings. She may know how to cook. But she can be shy sometimes. But she isn't shy as her twin sister. Colette loves making friends. She gets shy for a little bit, then gets over it that quick. Unlike her twin sister. She can be very sensitive, especially loud noises. She doesn't like loud noises. She likes quit places. That's why she also love going to her private garden. To soze her nerves. She love going on adventures. She may not like loud noises. But she love adventures. She also loving adventuring with her Sister Viktoria. Since her twin sister Cole doesn't like going outside that much. And she is a gamer, she love playing video games. Espelly with her twin sister. They both play games together all the time. Her favorite is Super Mario Bros Wii And Wii U. She also love playing multiplier games with her twin sister Cole as well. They both love playing video games together a lot
Colette belong to: me
Toad Species: Nintendo
Last Updated December 1st, 2022
#toadnintendo #toad #colette #colettetoad  #mariooc  #fanartdigital #fanartdigitalart #fanart #fanartvideogames #marionintendo #mariobros #mario_nintendo
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krokodile · 2 years
someone needed a trade list super quick, plz ignore
Dates unknown: Lollie McKenzie (Matilda; files dated 12/23/13)
12/15/10 (preview; the actor playing Nigel faints in the narcolepsy scene, creating some brief improv from Bertie Carvel) -  Adrianna Bertola (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Josie Walker (Mrs Wormwood), Paul Kaye (Mr Wormwood), Peter Howe (Michael Wormwood), Melanie La Barrie (Mrs Phelps), Matthew Malthouse* (Rudolpho), Emily Shaw (Acrobat), Matthew Malthouse (Escapologist), Michael Rouse (Doctor), Verity Bentham (Cook), Robert Madge (Reginald)
1/11/11 - Josie Griffiths (Matilda), Jake Bailey (Bruce), Rebecca Stoll (Lavender), Jadie-Rose Hobson (Amanda), Adam Scotland (Nigel), Toby Murray (Eric), Ellie Simons (Alice), Jessica Adair (Hortensia), Elliot Allinson (Reginald), Denzil Sampson (Tommy) (VERY LIMITED)
West End:
3/16/12 - Sophia Kiely (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Emily Shaw* (Miss Honey), Paul Kaye (Mr Wormwood), Josie Walker (Mrs Wormwood), Peter Howe (Michael Wormwood), Leanne Pinder* (Acrobat), Zachary Harris (Bruce), Jemima Eaton (Lavender),  Alfie Manser (Nigel), Lily Laight (Amanda), Toby Murray (Eric), Oonagh Cox (Hortensia), Alicia Gold (Alice)
3/19/12 - Eleanor Worthington-Cox (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Paul Kaye (Mr Wormwood), Emily Shaw* (Miss Honey), Josie Walker (Mrs Wormood), Melanie Le Barrie (Mrs Phelps), Matthew Malthouse (Escapologist), Alastair Parker (Sergei), Tim Walton (Teacher/Doctor), Gary Watson (Rudolpho), Ellie Simons (Lavender), Jake Bailey (Bruce), Jaydon Vijn (Nigel), Lucy May Pollard (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Fleur Houdijk (Hortensia), Annabel Parsons (Alice)
4/18/12 (second show for Isobelle Molloy) - Isobelle Molloy (Matilda), Jamie Kaye (Tommy), Ted Wilson (Eric), Jaydon Vijn (Nigel), Fleur Houdijk (Hortensia) Ellie Simons (Lavender), Annabel Parsons (Alice), Lucy May Pollard (Amanda)
5/30/12 - Jade Marner (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull) (NFT)
6/12/12 - Isobelle Molloy (Matilda), Joseph Holgate (Bruce), Lauren Halil (Lavender), Terrell Forde (Nigel), Ava Merson-O'Brien (Amanda), Louis Suc (Eric), Jemima Morgan (Alice), Abby McGovern (Hortensia), Jamie Kaye (Tommy)
6/22/12 - Jade Marner (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Nick Hearle* (Michael Wormwood), Steve Furst (Mr. Wormwood), Josie Walker (Mrs Wormwood), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Melanie La Barrie (Mrs Phelps), Robyn Ashwood (Lavender), Callum Henderson (Bruce), Elliot Reeve (Nigel), Lucy May Pollard (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Mia Jenkins (Alice), Ella Wortley (Hortensia), Jordan Anderton (Tommy), Matthew Malthouse (Escapologist), Emily Shaw (Acrobat), Garry Watson (Rudolpho) (NFT)
8/31/12 (final show for Isobelle Molloy) - Isobelle Molloy (Matilda), Joseph Holgate (Bruce), Ella Yard (Lavender), Joshua Tikare (Nigel), Brooke Kelly (Amanda), Finley Jury (Eric), Cally Callaghan (Alice), Amy Charlton (Hortensia), James Gardner (Tommy), Steve Furst (Mr Wormwood), Annette McLaughlin (Mrs Wormwood), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Verity Bentham* (Mrs Phelps), David Leonard (Miss Trunchbull), Joshua Lay* (Rudolpho), Mark Goldthorp (Doctor/Escapologist), Lucy Miller (The Acrobat) (LIMITED)
11/22/12 - Cleo Demetriou (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Paul Kaye (Mr. Wormwood), Josie Walker (Mrs. Wormwood), Peter Howe (Michael), Melanie La Barrie (Mrs. Phelps), Matthew Malthouse (Escapologist), Emily Shaw (Acrobat), Tim Walton, Gary Watson, Verity Bentham, Alastair Parker, Marc Antolin, Nick Searle, Lucy Thatcher, Ruby Bridle (Lavender), Jake Bailey (Bruce), Jaydon Vijn (Nigel), Isobelle Molloy (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Annabel Parsons (Alice), Fleur Houdijk (Hortensia), Jamie Kaye (Tommy)
12/6/12 - Chloe Hawthorn (Matilda), James Moore (Bruce), Robyn Ashwood (Lavender), Terrell Forde (Nigel), Brooke Kelly (Amanda), Oliver Finnegan (Eric), Cally Callaghan (Alice), India Ria Amarteifio (Hortensia), Marcus May (Tommy)
12/27/12 - Lucy-Mae Beacock (Matilda), Charles Brunton* (Miss Trunchbull), Lara Denning* (Miss Honey), Annette McLaughlin (Mrs. Wormwood), Steve Furst (Mr. Wormwood), Marc Antolin (Rudolpho), Nick Serle (Michael Wormwood), Melanie La Barrie (Mrs. Phelps), Maria Lawson (The Acrobat), Mark Goldthorp (Doctor/The Escapologist), Joshua Lay* (Children’s Entertainer/Sergei) with Ben Middleton (Bruce), Ella Yard (Lavender), Uwan Lam (Nigel), Samantha Delaney (Amanda), Zak Baker (Eric), Calley Callaghan (Alice), Noga Inspector (Hortensia), George Littell (Tommy)
1/16/13 - Lara Wollington (Matilda), David Leonard (Miss Trunchbull), Lara Denning* (Miss Honey), Annette McLaughlin (Mrs Wormwood), Steve Furst (Mr Wormwood), Ella Yard (Lavender), Samantha Delaney (Amanda), Noga Inspector (Hortensia), Cally Callaghan (Alice).
9/4/13 (Georgia Pemberton's first show) - Georgia Pemberton (Matilda), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), Lisa Davina Phillip (Mrs Phelps), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), James Clyde (Mr Wormwood), Robbie Warke (Bruce), Emily Robins (Lavender), Marcus Billany (Nigel), Ruby McNamara (Amanda), Sonny Kirby (Eric), Thierry Zimmerman (Alice), Talia Palamathanan (Hortensia), Jamie Kaye (Tommy)  (LIMITED)
10/4/13 - Georgia Pemberton (Matilda), Robbie Warke (Bruce), Ella Tweed (Lavender), Gabriel Werb (Nigel), Ellie Botterill (Amanda), Freddie Haggerty (Eric) Sophie Naglik (Hortensia), Kai Brosnan (Tommy), Tallulah Treadaway (Alice)
10/23/13 - Lollie McKenzie (Matilda), Ella Tweed (Lavender), Garrett Tenant (Bruce), Ellie Botterill (Amanda),Tallulah Treadaway (Alice), Sophie Naglik (Hortensia), Gabriel Werb (Nigel), Freddie Haggerty (Eric), Kai Brosnan (Tommy), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), Lisa Davina Phillip (Mrs. Phelps), Kay Murphy (Mrs. Wormwood), James Clyde (Mr. Wormwood)
12/11/13 ( lilsa-14′s master) - Lollie McKenzie (Matilda), Antonio Mangro* (Miss Trunchbull), Lara Denning* (Miss Honey), Kay Murphy (Mrs. Wormwood), James Clyde (Mr. Wormwood), David Rudin* (Rudolpho), Antony Laurence* (Children’s Entertainer/Sergei), Joseph Davenport* (Doctor), George King (Bruce), Emily Robins (Lavender), James Gardener (Nigel), Ruby McNamara (Amanda), Ashton Henry Reid (Eric), Thierry Zimmerman (Alice), Talia Palamathanon (Hortensia), Kalifa Burton (Tommy) (NFT per master’s request, please contact them if you wish to trade for this recording!)
12/13/13 (Missing first part of Miracle) - Lollie McKenzie (Matilda), Lara Denning* (Miss Honey), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), Kay Murphy (Mrs. Wormwood), James Clyde (Mr. Wormwood), Joshua Wyatt (Michael Wormwood), Lisa Davina Phillip (Mrs. Phelps), Mike Denman* (Rudolpho), Antony Lawrence (The Escapologist), George King (Bruce), Ella Tweed (Lavender), Marcus Billany (Nigel), Ellie Botterhill (Amanda), Freddie Haggerty (Eric), Tallulah Treadaway (Alice), Sophie Naglik (Hortensia), Kai Brosnan (Tommy)
12/22/13 - Georgia Pemberton (Matilda), Lara Denning* (Miss Honey), Michael Higgins (Bruce) Ella Tweed* (Lavender), Uwan Lam (Nigel), Ruby McNamara (Amanda), Freddie Haggerty* (Eric), Thierry Zimmerman (Alice), Talia Palamathanan (Hortensia), Jamie Kaye (Tommy) (VERY LIMITED)
1/11/14 - Cristina Fray (Matilda), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), Lara Denning* (Miss Honey), Lisa Davina Phillip (Mrs Phelps), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), James Clyde (Mr Wormwood), Tommy Sherlock* (Escapologist), Robbie Warke (Bruce), Emily Robins (Lavender), Uwan Lam (Nigel), Ruby McNamara (Amanda), Sonny Kirby (Eric), Thierry Zimmerman (Alice), Talia Palamathanan (Hortensia), Jamie Kaye (Tommy)  (NFT)
2/1/14 - Lollie McKenzie (Matilda), Robbie Warke (Bruce), Evie Sneath (Lavender), Marcus Billany (Nigel), Madeleine Haynes (Amanda), Sonny Kirby (Eric), Rhianna Dorris (Alice), Claudia-Rose Caruer (Hortensia), Kalifa Burton (Tommy), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), Mike Denman* (Mr Wormwood), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), Joshua Wyatt (Michael), Joshua Lay (Rudolpho) (files were lost, would love to retrade for this)
3/16/14 (third show for Tasha Chapple; last shows for Emily Robins, Talia Palamathanan, Madeleine Haynes, Jamie Kate, and Freddie Haggerty) - Tasha Chapple (Matilda), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Antony Lawrence* (Children's Entertainer/Sergei), William Price (Bruce), Emily Robbins (Lavender), Gabriel Werb (Nigel), Madeleine Haynes (Amanda), Freddie Haggerty (Eric), Thierry Zimmerman (Alice), Talia Palamathanan (Hortensia), Jamie Kaye (Tommy)
3/18/14 (first show for Cara Jenkins) - Cara Jenkins (Matilda), Arthur Yamaguchi (Bruce), Jaime Adler (Lavender), Gabriel Werb (Nigel), Ruby McNamara (Amanda), Colby Mulgrew (Eric), Tallulah Treadway (Alice), Georgia Farrow (Hortensia), Sebastian Croft (Tommy)
5/10/14 - Lottie Sicilia (Matilda), Ellie Botterill (Amanda), Tallulah Treadaway (Alice), Oliver Loades (Bruce), Georgia Farrow (Hortensia), Sam Small (Tommy), Colby Mulgrew (Eric), Rory Fraser (Nigel), Psalms-Nissi Myers-Reid (Lavender)
7/12/14 (possibly 7/13?)  - Tasha Chapple (Matilda), Arthur Yamaguchi (Bruce), Psalms Nissi Myers-Reid (Lavender), Rory Fraser (Nigel), Ellie Botterill (Amanda), Eric (Colby Mulgrew), Tallulah Treadaway (Alice), Georgia Farrow (Hortensia), Samuel Small* (Tommy), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood)
8/13/14 (maple--avenue’s master) - Lottie Sicilia (Matilda), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), James Clyde (Mr Wormwood), Joshua Wyatt (Michael Wormwood), Joshua Lay (Rudolpho), Antony Lawrence* (Escapologist, u/s Children’s Entertainer/Sergei), Lara Denning (Acrobat), Lisa Davina Phillips (Mrs Phelps), Tommy Sherlock (Doctor), William Price (Bruce), Evie Sneath (Lavender), Sam Varley (Nigel), Kira Caple (Amanda), Ashton Henry-Reid (Eric), Ilana Blu Kneafsey (Alice), Claudia-Rose Carlier (Hortensia), Sebastian Croft (Tommy)
9/18/14 - Matilda Shapland (Matilda), Craig Els (Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), James Clyde (Mr. Wormwood), Kay Murphy (Mrs. Wormwood), Joseph Davenport* (Michael), Jason Winter (Rudolpho), Lisa Davina Phillip (Mrs. Phelps), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Antony Lawrence (Escapologist), Tommy Sherlock (Doctor), Will Kenning (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Rory Fraser (Bruce), Polly G Coombes (Lavender), Denzel Eboji (Nigel), Hannah Hutchins (Amanda), Emile Gooding (Eric), Robyn Ashwood (Alice), Annabel Otterburn (Hortensia), Remi Gooding (Tommy)
9/20/14 - Violet Tucker (Matilda), Craig Els (Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), James Clyde (Mr. Wormwood), Kay Murphy (Mrs. Wormwood), Joseph Davenport* (Michael Wormwood), Jason Winter (Rudolpho), Demi Goodman* (Mrs. Phelps), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Antony Lawrence (Escapologist), Tommy Sherlock (Doctor), Will Kenning (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Oliver Loades (Bruce), Miriam Nyarko (Lavender), Luka Green (Nigel), Havana Garcia (Amanda), Nael Ameen (Eric), India Jane Erlam (Alice), Lauren Marler (Hortensia), Joshua Cameron (Tommy)
10/8/14 - Tasha Chapple (Matilda) (LIMITED)
10/12/14 (You can really hear Rory's breaking voice and there's an extra second or two in the into to Naughty because Matilda fumbled her climb up to the bookshelf) - Matilda Shapland (Matilda), Tommy Sherlock* (Mr. Wormwood), Nicholas Duncan* (Doctor), Rory Fraser (Bruce), Miriam Nyarko (Lavender), Ilan Galkoff (Nigel), Havana Garcia (Amanda), Nael Ameen (Eric), India J. Erlam (Alice), Georgia Farrow (Hortensia), Joshua Cameron (Tommy)
11/26/14 - Lottie Sicilia (Matilda), Lucy Jane Adcock* (Mrs. Wormwood), George King (Bruce), Polly G Coomes (Lavender), Denzel Eboji (Nigel), Kira Caple (Amanda), Rory Toms (Eric), India J Erlam (Alice), Annabel Otterburn (Hortensia), Daniel Daszek-Green (Tommy) (NFT due to master’s request; no exceptions)
4/19/15 (final show for Lottie Sicilia and Harry Tunningley, maple--avenue’s master, master’s note: Lottie and Harry’s final performances. Great audience! Lots of cheers, laughs and claps throughout the show; an especially excellent performance by all. Special props go to the kid a few rows behind me who, when Nigel spelt ‘cat’ as ‘c-a-f’, responded with a rather confused “No?!”. Aw. Please do not ever mark as NFT! ) - Lottie Sicilia (Matilda), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Tommy Sherlock (Mr. Wormwood), Kay Murphy (Mrs. Wormwood), Antony Lawrence (Escapologist), Frances Dee (Acrobat), Jason Winter (Rudolpo), Joshua Wyatt (Michael), Harry Tunningley (Bruce), Eva Trodd (Lavender), Connor Deeks (Nigel), Caoimhe Judd (Amanda), Rory Toms (Eric), Charlotte Ross-Gower (Alice), Imogen Kingsley-Smith (Hortensia), Joshua Cameron (Tommy)
7/21/15 - Matilda Shapland (Matilda), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), James Clyde (Mr. Wormwood), Kay Murphy (Mrs. Wormwood), Lisa Davina Phillip (Mrs. Phelps), Antony Lawrence (Escapologist), Frances Dee (Acrobat), Jason Winter (Rudolpho), Joshua Wyatt (Michael), Ashley Cooper (Doctor), Connor Davies (Bruce), Eva Trodd (Lavender), Connor Deeks (Nigel), Caoimhe Judd (Amanda), Rory Toms (Eric), Charlotte Ross-Gower (Alice), Imogen Kingsley-Smith (Hortensia), Joshua Cameron (Tommy) (files were lost, would love to retrade for this)
9/6/15 (stillsortofquiettrading’s master) - Lara McDonnell (Matilda), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), James Clyde (Mr. Wormwood), Kay Murphy (Mrs. Wormwood), Lisa Davina Phillips (Mrs. Phelps), Jason Winter (Rudolpho), Remi Gooding (Bruce), Eva Trodd (Lavender), Connor Deeks (Nigel), Caoimhe Judd (Amanda), Max Reader (Eric), Lia Moxom (Alice), Dayna Dixon (Hortensia), Kyle Stevens (Tommy)
10/18/15 (maple--avenue’s master) - Lizzie Wells (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Olly Dobson (Michael), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Demi Goodman (Cook), Harrison Vaughan (Bruce), Demi Olawoyin (Lavender), Jacob Smith (Nigel), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Max Reader (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Dayna Dixon (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy),
1/2/16 (matinee, likesilencebutnotreally's master) - Evie Hone (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Jonathon Cordin* (Michael), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Denzel Eboji (Bruce), Hannah Hague (Lavender), Thomas Berry (Nigel), Caoimhe Judd (Amanda), Ben Perkins (Eric), Carla Dixon (Alice), Tilly Cook (Hortensia), Charlie Barnard (Tommy)​
1/6/16 (matinee, likesilencebutnotreally's master) - Lizzie Wells (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Olly Dobson (Michael Wormwood), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Oliver Brooks (Entertainer), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Keeyan Hameed (Bruce), Eva Trodd (Lavender), Jacob Smith (Nigel), Fifi Bloomsbury-Khier (Amanda), Jamie Wilding (Eric), Lia Moxom (Alice), Sophia Keaveney (Hortensia), Leo Ayres (Tommy)
2/18/16 (matinee, maple--avenue’s master) - Evie Hone (Matilda), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Rachel Moran* (Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Lisa Davina Phillip (Mrs. Phelps), Oliver Brooks (Entertainer), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Olly Dobson (Michael), Demi Goodman (Cook), Harrison Vaughan (Bruce), Demi Olawoyin (Lavender), Connor Deeks (Nigel), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Katie Kenrick* ( Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Dayna Dixon (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy)
3/26/16 (Clara's 5th show! Ellie-Rose on as Amanda in this team, because something happend with Ellie during the Matinee performance. Kate was on as Eric from the spelling test scene, as Harrison hurt himself. Show stop right after the Thripp Throw due to technical diffuculties (lights didn't work properly). After a speech from the stage director they went on with rehearsal lights and the lights which where working on. littlemaggot’s master) - Clara Read (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Demi Goodman* (uMrs. Phelps), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Olly Dobson (Michael Wormwood), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat). Elliot Harper (Escapologist), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Oliver Llewelyn-Williams (Bruce), Twinkle Jaiswal (Lavender), Jamie Wilding (Nigel), Ellie-Rose Eames* (Amanda), Harrison Wilding (Eric), Kate Kenrick* (Eric from spelling test scene), Carla Dixon (Alice), Sophia Keaveney (Hortensia), Leo Ayres (Tommy)
3/27/16 (3rd show for Emily-May Stephenson) - Emily-May Stephenson (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Demi Goodman* (Mrs. Phelps), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Olly Dobson (Michael Wormwood), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat). Elliot Harper (Escapologist), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Entertainer), Taha Elamin (Bruce), Dora Yolland (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Nigel), Ellie-Rose Eames (Amanda), Harrison Wilding* (Eric), Maisy-May Woods-Smeeth (Alice), Thea Lamb (Hortensia), Jacob Smith (Tommy)
3/31/16 (first show for Zaris-Angel Hator as well as for Josh Shadbolt, Ynez Williams, Henry Austin and Maxim Samartsev) - Zaris-Angel Hator (Matilda), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Tom Muggeridge* (Rudolpho), Rachel Moran* (Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Olly Dobson* (Doctor), Demi Goodman (Cook), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Josh Shadbolt (Bruce), Ynez Williams (Lavender), Henry Austin (Nigel), Ellie-Rose Eames (Amanda), Maxim Samartsev (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Tilly Cook (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy)
4/7/16 (missing first half of Miracle; matinee, maple--avenue’s master) - Emily-May Stephenson (Matilda), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Elliot Harper* (Mr. Wormwood), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Demi Goodman* (Mrs. Phelps), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Rachel Moran* (Acrobat), Will Hawksworth* (Doctor, Escapologist), Biancha Szynal* (Cook), Tom Muggeridge* (Party Entertainer), Taha Elamin (Bruce), Ynez Williams (Lavender), Henry Austin (Nigel), Fifi Bloomsbury-Khier (Amanda), Maxim Samartsev (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Tilly Cook (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy)
5/21/16 - Zaris-Angel Hator (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Demi Goodman* (Mrs. Phelps), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Rachel Moran* (Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Josh Shadbolt (Bruce), Ynez Williams (Lavender), Jamie Wilding (Nigel), Ellie-Rose Eames (Amanda), Harrison Wilding (Eric), Carla Dixon (Alice), Tilly Cook (Hortensia), Leo Ayres (Tommy)
7/15/16 (maple--avenue’s master) - Clara Read (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Laura Tyrer* (Mrs. Wormwood), Elliot Harper* (Mr. Wormwood), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Biancha Szynal* (Acrobat), Will Hawksworth* ( Escapologist), Tom Muggeridge* (Party Entertainer), Olly Dobson (Michael), Demi Goodman (Cook), Owen Bagnall (Bruce), Twinkle Jaiswal (Lavender), Henry Austin (Nigel), Fifi Bloomsbury-Khier (Amanda), Oliver Crouch (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Sophia Keaveney (Hortensia), Jacob Smith (Tommy)
7/16/16 (evening show, maple--avenue’s master) - Evie Hone (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Elliot Harper (Escapologist / Party Entertainer), Olly Dobson (Michael), Biancha Szynal* (Acrobat),  Demi Goodman (Cook), Taha Elamin (Bruce), Dora Yolland (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Nigel), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Maxim Samartsev (Eric), Maisy-May Woods-Smeeth (Alice), Thea Lamb (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy)
7/26/16 (maple--avenue’s master) - Emily-May Stephenson (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Jonathon Cordin* (Michael), Elliot Harper* (Escapologist / Entertainer), Rachel Moran* (Acrobat), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Demi Goodman (Cook), Owen Bagnall (Bruce), Dora Yolland (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Nigel), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Maxim Samartsev (Eric), Maisy-May Woods-Smeeth (Alice), Thea Lamb (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy)
8/7/16 (maple--avenue’s master) - Evie Hone (Matilda), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Oliver Brooks* (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Olly Dobson (Michael), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Rachel Moran* (Acrobat), Will Hawksworth* (Doctor/Escapologist), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Tom Muggeridge* (Party Entertainer), Demi Goodman (Cook), Oliver Llewelyn-Williams (Bruce), Dora Yolland (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Eric), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Maxim Samartsev (Eric), Maisy-May Woods-Smeeth (Alice), Thea Lamb (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy)
8/14/16 (maple--avenue’s master) - Emily-May Stephenson (Matilda),  Oliver Brooks* (Miss Trunchbull), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Elliot Harper* (Mr. Wormwood), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Demi Goodman (u/s Mrs Phelps), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Olly Dobson (Michael), Will Hawksworth* (Doctor/Escapologist), Tom Muggeridge* (Party Entertainer), Biancha Szynal* (Cook), Josh Shadbolt (Bruce), Twinkle Jaiswal (Lavender), Henry Austin (Nigel), Fifi Bloomsbury-Khier (Amanda), Oliver Crouch (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Sophia Keaveney (Hortensia), Jacob Smith (Tommy)
9/11/16 (Last shows for Evie Hone, Josh Shadbolt, Charlotte Scott, Rachel Moran, Demi Goodman, John Brannoch, Will Hawksworth and Olly Dobson, maple--avenue’s master) - Evie Hone (Matilda), Charlotte Scott* (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Rachel Moran* (Acrobat), Demi Goodman (Cook), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Olly Dobson (Michael Wormwood), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Josh Shadbolt (Bruce), Twinkle Jaiswal (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Nigel), Ellie-Rose Eames (Amanda), Oliver Crouch (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Tilly Cook (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy)
9/24/16 (second show for Abbie Vena, maple--avenue’s master) - Abbie Vena (Matilda), Oliver  Brooks* (Miss Trunchbull), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Daniel Hope (Michael Wormwood), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Elliot Harper* (Escapologist/Party Entertainer/Sergei), Laura Tyrer (Acrobat), Maria Graciano (Cook), Max Brophy (Bruce), Olivia Calladine-Smith (Lavender), Sam Jennings (Nigel), Lydia Coghlan (Amanda), Nicholas Antoniou-Tibbitts (Eric), Tia Palamathanan (Alice), Charlotte Ross-Gower (Hortensia), Miles Harcombe (Tommy)
9/30/16 - Sara Sheen (Matilda), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Elliot Harper (Mr. Wormwood), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Daniel Hope (Michael Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Laura Tyrer (The Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Maria Graciano (Cook), Richard Astbury (Henchman/woman), Matthew Serafini (Henchman/woman), Biancha Szynal (Henchman/woman), Ben Lewis (Bruce), Ynez Williams (Lavender), Alexander Stuckey (Nigel), Molly Beech (Amanda), Maxim Samartev (Eric), Maisy-May Woods-Smeeth (Alice), Scarlett Wennink (Hortensia), Craig Noakes (Tommy)
4/18/17 (matinee) - Lilian Hardy (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Maria Graciano* (Mrs. Phelps), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Laura Tyrer (Acrobat), Daniel Hope (Michael), Tom Muggeridge* (Rudolpho), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Archie Durrant (Bruce), Aiyana Goodfellow (Lavender), Michael Hawkins (Nigel), Kacy O’Sullivan (Amanda), Hari Coles (Eric), Tori Louise Ryan (Alice), Charlotte Fallart (Hortensia), Sebastian Harry (Tommy) (NFT as was gifted to me)
4/22/17 - Emma Moore (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Oliver Brooks* (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Maria Graciano* (Mrs. Phelps), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Laura Tyrer (Acrobat), Fergal McGoff* (Michael), Tom Muggeridge* (Rudolpho), Ben Robinson (Bruce), Aiyana Goodfellow (Lavender), Michael Hawkins (Nigel), Kacy O’Sullivan (Amanda), Hari Coles (Eric), Tori Louise Ryan (Alice), Charlotte Fallart (Hortensia), Sebastian Harry (Tommy) (NFT as was gifted to me)
5/6/17 (matinee) - Lilian Hardy (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Elliot Harper* (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Richard Astbury* (Escapologist), Laura Tyrer (Acrobat), Daniel Hope (Doctor/Michael), Daniel Joannou (Rudolpho), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Ben Robinson (Bruce), Elena Cervesi (Lavender), Mylo Burton-Mays (Nigel), Jessica Chalmers (Amanda), Nicholas Antoniou-Tibbitts (Eric), Tia Palamathanan (Alice), Kira Caple (Hortensia), Craig Noakes (Tommy) (NFT as was gifted to me)
5/31/17 (alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Lilian Hardy (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Collette Coleman* (Acrobat), Daniel Hope (Michael), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Archie Durrant (Bruce), Aiyana Goodfellow (Lavender), Michael Hawkins (Nigel), Kacy O’Sulliven (Amanda), Hari Coles (Eric), Tori Louise Ryan (Alice), Charlotte Fallart (Hortensia), Sebastian Harry (Tommy)  (NFT as was gifted to me)
6/2/17 (alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Emma Moore (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Elliot Harper* (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Richard Astbury* (Escapologist), Katie Lee* (Acrobat), Daniel Hope (Michael), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Ben Robinson (Bruce), Elena Cervesi (Lavender), Mylo Burton-Mays (Nigel), Jessica Chalmers (Amanda), Nicholas Antoniou-Tibbitts (Eric), Tia Palamathanan (Alice), Kira Caple (Hortensia), Craig Noakes (Tommy)  (NFT as was gifted to me)
6/18/17 (alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Abbie Vena (Matilda), Biancha Szynal* (Miss Honey), Oliver Brooks* (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Collette Coleman* (Acrobat), Fergal McGoff* (Michael), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Elliot Harper* (Party Entertainer), Max Brophy (Bruce), Olivia Calladine-Smith (Lavender), Sam Jennings (Nigel), Angelina Li (Amanda), Regan Garcia (Eric), Tilda Marriage-Massey (Alice), Scarlett Wennink (Hortensia), Miles Harcombe (Tommy)  (NFT as was gifted to me)
6/25/17 (alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Eva-Marie Saffrey (Matilda), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Laura Tyrer (Acrobat), Daniel Hope (Michael), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer), Ptolemy Gidney (Bruce), Elena Cervesi (Lavender), Sam Jennings* (Nigel), Jessica Chalmers (Amanda), Nicholas Antoniou-Tibbitts (Eric), Tia Palamathanan (Alice), Kira Caple (Hortensia), Craig Noakes (Tommy) (NFT as was gifted to me)
9/10/17 - Lilian Hardy (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr. Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs. Phelps), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Daniel Hope (Michael), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Laura Tyrer (Acrobat), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Ptolemy Gidney (Bruce), Aiyana Goodfellow (Lavender), Sam Jennings (Nigel), Jessica Chalmers (Amanda), Hari Coles (Eric), Tilda Marriage-Massey (Alice), Kira Caple (Hortensia), Sebastian Harry (Tommy) (NFT as was gifted to me)
9/23/17 (debut show for Kitty Peterkin) - Kitty Peterkin (Matilda), David Shannon (Miss Trunchbull), Vicki Lee Taylor* (Miss Honey), Marianne Benedict (Mrs. Wormwood), Tom Edden (Mr. Wormwood), Keisha Amponsa Banson (Mrs. Phelps), Bryan Mottram* (Rudolpho), David Birch (Michael), Kris Manuel (Doctor/Escapologist), Katie Lee* (Acrobat), Simon Shorten (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Finn Richards (Bruce), Halle Cassell (Lavender), Will Tarpey (Nigel), Mia McLoughlin (Amanda), Miller Morris (Eric), Lucy Cheesman (Alice), Lauren Henson (Hortensia), Rocco Peacock (Tommy) (NFT as was gifted to me)
11/18/17 (matinee) - Savannah Read (Matilda), David Shannon (Miss Trunchbull), Gina Beck (Miss Honey), Marianne Benedict (Mrs. Wormwood), David Birch (Mr. Wormwood), Keisha Amponsa Banson (Mrs. Phelps), Robert Tregoning* (Michael), Kris Manuel (Escapologist/Party Entertainer), Biancha Szynal (Acrobat), Callum Train (Rudolpho), Richard Astbury (Doctor), Joe Butler-Smith (Bruce), Halle Cassell (Lavender), Will Tarpey (Nigel), Mia McLoughlin (Amanda), Hari Coles (Eric), Tilda Marriage-Massey (Alice), Tori Louise Ryan (Hortensia), Rocco Peacock (Tommy)
11/18/17 (evening) - Lily-Mae Evans (Matilda),  David Shannon (Miss Trunchbull), Gina Beck (Miss Honey), Marianne Benedict (Mrs. Wormwood), David Birch (Mr. Wormwood), Keisha Amponsa Banson (Mrs. Phelps), Robert Tregoning* (Michael), Kris Manuel (Escapologist/Party Entertainer), Biancha Szynal (Acrobat), Callum Train (Rudolpho), Richard Astbury (Doctor), Archie Durrant (Bruce), Halle Cassell (Lavender), Will Tarpey (Nigel), Mia McLoughlin (Amanda), Hari Coles (Eric), Tilda Marriage-Massey (Alice), Tori Louise Ryan (Hortensia), Rocco Peacock (Tommy)
11/19/17 (final show for Abbie Vena) - Abbie Vena (Matilda), David Shannon (Miss Trunchbull), Gina Beck (Miss Honey), Marianne Benedict (Mrs. Wormwood), David Birch (Mr. Wormwood), Keisha Amponsa Banson (Mrs. Phelps), Robert Tregoning* (Michael), Kris Manuel (Escapologist/Party Entertainer), Biancha Szynal (Acrobat), Callum Train (Rudolpho), Richard Astbury (Doctor), Joe Butler-Smith (Bruce), Lottie Refet (Lavender), Bill Bekele (Nigel), Jessica Chalmers (Amanda), Miller Morris (Eric), Lucy Cheesman (Alice), Lauren Henson (Hortensia), Alex Wenham (Tommy)
1/13/18 (matinee) - Lily-Mae Evans (Matilda), Simon Shorten* (Miss Trunchbull), Gina Beck (Miss Honey), Vicki Lee Taylor* (Mrs. Wormwood), Tom Edden* (Mr. Wormwood), Keisha Amponsa Banson (Mrs. Phelps), Kris Manuel (Escapologist/Party Entertainer), Biancha Szynal (Acrobat), Callum Train (Rudolpho), Joe Butler-Smith (Bruce), Liberty Greig (Lavender), Bill Bekele (Nigel), Jessica Chalmers (Amanda), Miller Morris (Eric), Lucy Cheesman (Alice), Lauren Henson (Hortensia), Alex Wenham (Tommy)
02/09/20 - Tilly-Raye Bayer (Matilda), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Liberty Buckland* (Miss Honey), Marianne Benedict (Mrs. Wormwood), Sebastian Torkia (Mr. Wormwood), Kane Oliver Parry (Doctor/Escapologist), Ryan Pidgen (Children’s Entertainer/Sergei), James Revell* (Michael), Landi Oshinowo (Mrs. Phelps), Dawn Williams* (Acrobat), Elliot Kelly (Bruce), Sienna Clarke (Lavender), Louis Wint (Nigel), Sophie Richards (Amanda), Haydn Court (Eric), Lily Armitage (Alice), Lucia Coleman (Hortensia), Elliott Rose (Tommy)
UK Tour:
4/5/18 - Annalise Bradbury (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs. Wormwood), Sebastian Torkia (Mr. Wormwood), Michelle Chantelle Hopewell (Mrs. Phelps), Steffan Lloyd-Evans (Escapologist), Emily Bull (Acrobat), Matt Gillett (Rudolpho), Matthew Caputo (Michael), Peter Bindloss (Doctor), Adam Vaughan (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Elliot Stiff (Bruce), Louella Asante-Owusu (Lavender), Sheldon Golding (Nigel), Lyla Toplass (Amanda), George Varley (Eric), Tayah Marshall-Brewster (Alice), Daisy Sequerra (Hortensia), Sam Lovelock (Tommy)
10/2/18 (worthlesslittletoads’s master) - Scarlett Cecil (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Sebastien Torkia (Mr Wormwood), Matthew Caputo (Michael Wormwood), Michelle Chantelle Hopewell (Mrs Phelps), Matt Gillett (Rudolpho), Tom Lomas (Bruce), Louella Asante-Owusu (Lavender), Sheldon Golding (Nigel), Jessica Chalmers (Amanda), Joely Robertson (Alice), Dylan Hughes (Tommy), Emily Bull (Acrobat), Steffan Lloyd-Evans (Escapologist), Peter Bindloss (Doctor), Anu Ogunmefun (Cook)
3/8/13 (Milly Shapiro's debut) - Milly Shapiro (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Samantha Sturm (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Luke Kolbe Mannikus* (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Madilyn Jaz Morrow* (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy)
4/8/13 - Bailey Ryon (Matilda), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Bertie Carval (Miss Trunchbull), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Samantha Sturm (Acrobat), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Erica Simone Barnett* (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy)
7/14/13 - Milly Shapiro (Matilda), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Thayne Jasperson* (Michael), John Arthur Greene* (Escapologist), Samantha Sturm (Acrobat) Jack Broderick (Bruce), Ted Wilson (Eric), Judah Bellamy (Tommy), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Madilyn Jaz Morrow* (Alice), Jared Parker (Nigel)
9/1/13 (Lauren Ward and Bertie Carvel's final show) - Oona Laurence (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Richard H. Blake (Escapologist), Samantha Sturm (Acrobat), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Sawyer Nunes* (Bruce), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Ted Wilson (Eric), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Ava DeMary (Alice), Judah Bellamy (Tommy)
9/22/13 - Milly Shapiro (Matilda), Craig Bierko (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Chris Hoch (Party Entertainer), John Arthur Greene (The Doctor), Ben Thompson (The Escapologist), Samantha Sturm (The Acrobat), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Erica Simone Barnett* (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Marcus D'Angelo* (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy), Marisa Kennedy, Clay Thomson*,  Betsy Struxness, Ryan Steele (Miss Trunchbull) (VERY LIMITED)
9/29/13 - Bailey Ryon (Matilda), Colin Israel* (Party Entertainer/Sergei), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Ben Thompson (The Escapologist), Samantha Sturm (The Acrobat), Craig Bierko (Miss Trunchbull), Ryan Steele* (Rudolpho), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Marcus D’Angelo* (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ava DeMary (Alice), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy) (VERY LIMITED)
10/6/13 (Ryan Steele, Samantha Sturm and Madilyn Morrow's last show) - Sophia Gennusa (Matilda), Chris Hoch* (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Samantha Sturm (Acrobat), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Taylor Trensch (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Colin Israel* (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Jared Parker (Nigel), Madilyn Jaz Morrow* (Hortensia), Marcus D'Angelo* (Eric), Judah Bellamy (Tommy), Ava DeMary (Alice) (NFT)
11/7/13 - Bailey Ryon (Matilda), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Chris Hoch (Miss Trunchbull), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Escapologist (Ben Thompson), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Richard H. Blake (Sergei), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Marcus D'Angelo (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy)
12/13/13 (Jennifer Bowles's first show as Miss Honey, Ben Thompson's first show as Miss Trunchbull) - Bailey Ryon (Matilda), Ben Thompson* (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Bowles* (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), John Arthur Greene* (Escapologist/Doctor), Celia Mei Rubin* (Acrobat), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Jared Parker (Nigel), Ava DeMary (Alice), Ted Wilson (Eric), Sawyer Nunes* (Tommy), Analise Scarpaci* (Hortensia)
12/30/13 (Paige Brady's third show) - Paige Brady (Matilda), Chris Hoch (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Sawyer Nunes* (Bruce), Jared Parker (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Judah Bellamy (Tommy)
1/11/14 (my master; final show for Bailey Ryon) - Bailey Ryon (Matilda), Ben Thompson* (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Betsy Struxness* (Mrs. Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Sean Montgomery* (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Thayne Jasperson* (Doctor), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Marcus D’Angelo* (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy)
1/18/14 (Ava Ulloa's first show) - Ava Ulloa (Matilda), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Colin Israel* (Doctor), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), John Arthur Greene* (Mr. Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Celia Mei Rubin* (Acrobat), Chris Hoch (Miss Trunchbull), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Erica Simone Barnett* (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy)
2/23/14 - Ava Ulloa (Matilda), Chris Hoch (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), John Arthur Greene* (Mr. Wormwood), Scott Difford* (Michael), Sean Montgomery* (Escapologist), Heather Tepe* (Acrobat), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Colin Israel* (Doctor), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Analise Scarpaci* (Hortensia), Ava DeMary (Alice), Ted Wilson (Eric), Judah Bellamy (Tommy)
3/4/14 (debut for Matt Harrington and the new maggots, and Ava DeMary's first show as Hortensia) - Ava Ulloa (Matilda), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Marisa Kennedy* (Mrs. Phelps), Colin Israel* (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Marcus D'Angelo* (Nigel), Ted Wilson (Eric), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy) (NFT)
3/19/14 - Gabriella Pizzolo (Matilda), Ben Thompson (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Bowles (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Sean Montgomery* (Escapologist), Celia Mei Rubin* (Acrobat), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Marcus D'Angelo* (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Sawyer Nunes* (Tommy)
3/22/14 - Paige Brady (Matilda), Nadine Isenegger* (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), John Arthur Greene* (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Analise Scarpaci* (Hortensia), Sawyer Nunes* (Tommy) (NFT)
4/10/14 (Sean's first as Mr. Wormwood, Colin's first as the Escapologist) - Gabriella Pizzolo (Matilda), Ben Thompson (Miss Trunchbull), Nadine Isenegger* (Miss Honey), Colin Israel* (Escapologist), Heather Tepe* (Acrobat), Sean Montgomery* (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Marisa Kennedy* (Mrs. Phelps), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Scott Difford* (Party Entertainer), Marcus D'Angelo* (Nigel), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)  (LIMITED)
4/19/14 (my master) (Chris Sieber's second show as Miss Trunchbull, Celia's second show as Mrs. Phelps, Ava's second show as Lavender *I think*) - Gabriella Pizzolo (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Travis Waldschmidt* (Rudolpho), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Celia Mei Rubin* (Mrs. Phelps), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Ava DeMary* (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Amanda), Heather Tepe* (Hortensia), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Marcus D'Angelo* (Eric)
6/6/14 (my master) - Paige Brady (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Bowles* (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Celia Mei Rubin* (Acrobat), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
6/7/14 (my master) (Sawyer Nunes's last show as Tommy) - Ripley Sobo (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbill), Nadine Isenegger* (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Sawyer Nunes* (Tommy)
7/19/14 (my master) - Ava Ulloa (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Alex Brightman (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), John Arthur Green (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Amanda), Marcus D'Angelo* (Eric), Analise Scarpaci* (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)  
7/20/14 (my master) - Gabriella Pizzolo (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Alex Brightman (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Analise Scarpaci* (Alice), Heather Tepe* (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
8/16/14 (my master; Heather covers most of Nigel's track, with Ted only doing the first day of school and schoolyard scenes, otherwise he covers his usual track as Eric; this was before Ted was a swing) - Ripley Sobo (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Alex Brightman (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Ted Wilson* (Nigel), Heather Tepe* (Vanessa), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda)
8/17/14 (Betsy Struxness's final show) - Ava Ulloa (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Alex Brightman (Michael), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Travis Waldschmidt* (Rudolpho), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Timothy TV Cao* (Tommy) (NFT)
8/24/14 (Fina Strazza's debut) - Fina Strazza (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Alex Brightman (Michael), Timothy TV Cao* (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Lavender), Marcus D'Angelo* (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Analise Scarpaci* (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)  (NFT)
8/30/14 (my master - Ripley Sobo's final show) - Ripley Sobo (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Alex Brightman (Michael), Colin Israel* (Doctor), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Marcus D'Angelo* (Nigel), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Analise Scarpaci* (Alice), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda)
9/7/14 (my master - Eliza Holland Madore's debut) - Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Celia Mei Rubin* (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Alex Brightman (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Ted Wilson* (Nigel), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Amanda)
9/14/14 (Tori Feinstein's debut) - Tori Feinstein (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Alex Brightman (Michael), Colin Israel* (Doctor), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Ted Wilson* (Nigel), Heather Tepe (Vanessa), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Timothy TV Cao* (Tommy), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda) (NFT)
9/28/14 (Heather as Vanessa covered most of Nigel's stuff while Chris basically played both Tommy and Nigel!  my master) - Fina Strazza (Matilda), Sean Montgomery* (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Alex Brightman (Michael), Geoff Packard* (Escapologist/Sergei), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Timothy TV Cao* (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Chris Sumpter* (Nigel), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Heather Tepe* (Vanessa)
10/4/14 (my master) - Brooklyn Shuck (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Cassie Silva* (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Alex Brightman (Michael), Geoff Packard* (Escapologist/Sergei), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Timothy TV Cao* (Tommy)
10/9/14 - Tori Feinstein (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Geoff Packard (Escapologist/Doctor), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Alex Brightman (Michael), Travis Waldschmidt* (Rudolpho), Sean Montgomery (Sergei/Party Entertainer), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Analise Scarpaci* (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
10/29/14 (evening show, first show for Matt Meigs, maple--avenue’s master) - Fina Strazza (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Sean Montgomery* (Party Entertainer/Sergei/Escapologist), Nadine Isenegger* (Acrobat), Alex Brightman (Michael), Scott Difford* (Doctor), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Lavender), Ted Wilson* (Eric), Timothy TV Cao* (Tommy)
12/3/14 (my master) - Brooklyn Shuck (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Cassie Silva* (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Alex Brightman (Michael), Geoff Packard* (Escapologist/Doctor), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Ted Wilson* (Nigel), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Timothy TV Cao* (Bruce)
12/17/14 (my master) - Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Geoff Packard* (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Alex Brightman (Michael), Colin Israel* (Escapologist/Doctor), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Ted Wilson* (Nigel), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Timothy TV Cao* (Tommy)
1/7/15 (my master, matinee) - Fina Strazza (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Alex Brightman (Michael), Colin Israel* (Escapologist/Doctor), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Travis Waldschmidt* (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Ava DeMary* (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Heather Tepe* (Hortensia), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
1/7/15 (my master, evening) - Tori Feinstein (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Alex Brightman (Michael), Colin Israel* (Escapologist/Doctor), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Travis Waldschmidt* (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Lavender), Ted Wilson* (Nigel), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
1/17/15 (Celia’s first show as Eric) - Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Alex Brightman (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Celia Mei Rubin* (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Timothy TV Cao* (Tommy)
1/27/15 (my master, Marisa Kennedy's first show as Mrs. Wormwood) - Fina Strazza (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Marisa Kennedy* (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Scott Difford* (Michael), Colin Israel* (Doctor), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Travis Waldschmidt* (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
2/5/15 OR 2/15/15 can someone please confirm the date?? - Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Clay Thomson (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps),  Jennifer Bowles (The Acrobat), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Matt Meigs* (Doctor), Chris Sumpter* (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Lavender), Marcus D'Angelo (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Heather Tepe* (Vanessa)  (VERY LIMITED)  
2/25/15 (matinee, my master) - Brooklyn Shuck (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Clay Thomson (Michael), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Colin Israel* (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Ted Wilson* (Nigel), Heather Tepe* (Hortensia), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
3/1/15 (my master, final show for Ava DeMary, Beatrice Tulchin, Marcus D’Angelo, Analise Scarpaci and Mitchell Sink) - Tori Feinstein (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Celia Mei Rubin* (Mrs. Phelps), Clay Thomson (Michael), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Marcus D’Angelo (Nigel), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Analise Scarpaci* (Alice), Ted Wilson* (Eric), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
3/3/15 (my master, first shows for David Rosenthal, Jack Mullen, GiaNina Paolantonio, Noah Baird, Grace Matwijec, Beada Briglia and Cole Alex Edelstein) - Brooklyn Shuck (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Celia Mei Rubin* (Mrs. Phelps), Clay Thomson (Michael), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), David Rosenthal (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Beada Briglia (Hortensia), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Grace Matwijec* (Alice), Noah Baird* (Eric), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Tommy)
3/4/15 - Tori Feinstein (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Celia Mei Rubin* (Mrs. Phelps), Clay Thomson (Michael), Colin Israel* (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), David Rosenthal (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Beada Briglia (Hortensia), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Grace Matwijec* (Alice), Noah Baird* (Eric), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Tommy)
3/14/15 (my master, poor quality) - Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Ben Thompson* (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Cassie Silva* (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Clay Thomson (Michael), Geoff Packard (Escapologist/Doctor), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Timothy TV Cao* (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Beada Briglia (Hortensia), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
4/15/15 - Fina Strazza (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lauralyn McClelland* (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Clay Thomson (Michael Wormwood), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Geoff Packard* (Doctor/Escapologist), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Jennifer Bowles ( Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), David Rosenthal (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), GiaNina Paoloantonio (Amanda), Noah Baird* (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Beada Briglia (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
5/23/15 (Brooklyn Shuck’s last show) - Brooklyn Shuck (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs.Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Clay Thomson (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps),  Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), , Ryan Steele (Rudolpho), Geoff Packard* (Doctor), Colin Israel (Party Entertainer/Sergei), David Rosenthal  (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice),Beada Briglia (Hortensia), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Tommy) (NFT by me as it was gifted; contact master if you wish to trade for it)
6/16/15 - Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), David Rosenthal (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Amanda), Grace Matwijec* (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Beada Briglia (Hortensia), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Tommy)
6/20/15 (Jennifer Bowles’s second show as Mrs. Phelps, quirkymaggots’s master) - Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lauralyn McClelland* (Mrs.Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Clay Thomson (Michael Wormwood), Jennifer Bowles* (Mrs. Phelps),  Heather Tepe* (Acrobat), , Ryan Steele (Rudolpho), Geoff Packard* (Doctor), Colin Israel (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Cole Alex Edelstein*  (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Grace Matwijec* (Alice),Beada Briglia (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)  
6/28/15 (Eliza Holland Madore’s last show, my master) -  Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Geoff Packard* (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Clay Thomson (Michael), Colin Israel* (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Ryan Steele (Rudolpho), Scott Difford* (Doctor), David Rosenthal (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Grace Matwijec* (Hortensia), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Tommy)
7/25/15 (evening, Tori Feinstein’s last show) - Tori Feinstein (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Clay Thomson (Michael), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Geoff Packard* (Doctor), David Rosenthal (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Noah Baird* (Nigel), Beada Briglia (Hortensia), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
7/28/15 - Rileigh McDonald (Matilda), Alexa Shae Niziak* (Lavender) (NFT)
8/15/15 (matinee, my master) - Mattea Conforti (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Clay Thomson (Michael), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Geoff Packard* (Doctor), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino* (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Beada Briglia (Hortensia), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Chris Sumpter (Tommy)
8/18/15 (Amanda LaMotte’s debut as Vanessa, my master) - Mattea Conforti (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Clay Thomson (Michael), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), David Rosenthal (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Beada Briglia (Hortensia), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Amanda LaMotte* (Vanessa)
9/1/15 (first shows for Ben Harding, Zoe Manarel, Brooklyn Nelson, Ian Saraceni, Akira Golz, Talia Ryder and Shane Davis.  Also the Ryder sisters’ first show together :)  Amanda LaMotte comes on in Lauralyn McClelland’s track starting during The Smell of Rebellion.  My master.) - Mimi Ryder (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Clay Thomson (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Noah Baird* (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson* (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Shane Davis (Tommy)
9/6/15 (final shows for Alison Luff, Lesli Margherita, Matt Harrington and Karen Aldridge, my master) - Rileigh McDonald (Matilda), Sean Montgomery* (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Clay Thomson (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Colin Israel* (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Shane Davis (Tommy)
9/8/15 (first shows for Allison Case, Amy Spanger, Rick Holmes, and first time as permanent Mrs. Phelps for Natalie Venetia Belcon, my master) - Alexandra Vlachos (Matilda), Sean Montgomery* (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Clay Thomson (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Colin Israel* (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson* (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Shane Davis (Tommy)
9/27/15 (Grace and Heather did a split track. Please don't mark as limited trades or post clips on tumblr.  matinee) - Alexandra Vlachos (Matilda), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer), Colin Israel* (Doctor), Amy Spanger (Mrs Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr Wormwood), Clay Thomson (Michael Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Grace Matwijec* (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Heather Tepe* (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Shane Davis (Tommy)
10/7/15 (my master, funny moment where Rick’s wig change doesn’t go as planned) - Mattea Conforti (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Clay Thomson (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Shane Davis (Tommy)  
10/18/15 (matinee, my master) - Mimi Ryder (Matilda), Sean Montgomery* (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Lauralyn McClelland* (Mrs. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Clay Thomson (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Noah Baird* (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Tommy)  
12/20/15 (evening show, John Arthur Greene’s last show, my master) - Mimi Ryder (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Amanda LaMotte* (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Clay Thomson (Michael), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Noah Baird* (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Heather Tepe* (Vanessa), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Shane Davis (Tommy)
2/21/16 (final show for Clay Thomson and Shane Davis, my master) - Rileigh McDonald (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik* (Escapologist/Sergei), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Clay Thomson (Michael), Colin Israel* (Party Entertainer), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson* (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Shane Davis (Tommy)
3/13/16 (matinee, my master, Heather Tepe doing the full Eric track as Vanessa) - Alexandra Vlachos (Matilda), Geoff Packard* (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Sean Mongtomery* (Mr. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Amanda LaMotte* (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Colin Israel* (Doctor/Sergei), Scott Difford* (Party Entertainer), Evan Gray (Bruce), Brooklyn Nelson* (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNia Paolantonio (Amanda), Heather Tepe* (Vanessa), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
4/9/16 (act 2 starts at Lavender’s monologe, evening show, my master) - Rileigh McDonald (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Jennifer Bowles* (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Amanda LaMotte* (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Evan Gray (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson* (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Kathryn Zimmer* (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
4/16/16 (evening show, last show for Rileigh McDonald) - Rileigh McDonald (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Marisa Kennedy* (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Amanda LaMotte* (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Evan Gray (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio* (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
4/23/16 (evening show, last show for Mimi Ryder, and the Ryder sisters’ final show together :/   Pretty great moment where the person behind me screams WHAT THE FUCK?! during the Amanda Thripp throw XD  my master) - Mimi Ryder (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Sean Montgomery* (Mr. Wormwood), Marisa Kennedy* (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Evan Gray (Bruce), Brooklyn Nelson* (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
4/30/16 (evening show, final show for Alexandra Vlachos, my master) - Alexandra Vlachos (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Jennifer Bowles* (Mrs. Phelps), Colin Israel* (Escapologist/Sergei), Amanda LaMotte* (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Scott Difford* (Party Entertainer) Cole Alex Edelstein* (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
5/8/16 (first show for Willow McCarthy, my master) - Willow McCarthy  (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Marisa Kennedy* (Mrs. Phelps), Colin Israel* (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Scott Difford* (Doctor), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Noah Baird* (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
5/14/16 (reachthebranches’s master) - Ava Briglia (Matilda), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Bowles* (Mrs. Phelps), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood),  Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Sean Montgomery* (Escapologist), Heather Tepe* (Acrobat), Travis Waldschmidt* (Rudolpho), Evan Gray (Bruce), Brooklyn Nelson* (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy) (NFT by me as it was gifted; contact master if you wish to trade for it)
5/21/16 (Aviva Winick is Matilda through The Smell of Rebellion, at which point Ava Briglia steps in; alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Aviva Winick/Ava Briglia (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Celia Mei Rubin* (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Amanda LaMotte* (Acrobat), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Travis Waldschmidt* (Rudolpho), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Evan Gray (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)  (NFT as was gifted to me)
6/3/16 (my master) - Ava Briglia (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Celia Mei Rubin* (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Kathryn Zimmer* (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
6/12/16 (my master) - Aviva Winick (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Evan Gray (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson* (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
7/9/16 (evening show, second act starts at When I Grow Up, my master) - Aviva Winick (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Bowles* (Miss Honey), Wesley Faucher* (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Colin Israel* (Escapologist), Ashley Elizabeth Hale* (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Sean Montgomery (Docto/Sergei), Scott Difford* (Party Entertainer), Evan Gray (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Tommy)
7/10/16 (matinee, alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Willow McCarthy (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Wesley Faucher* (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Ashley Elizabeth Hale* (Acrobat), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Scott Difford* (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Evan Gray (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNona Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Kathryn Zimmer* (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)  (NFT as was gifted to me)
8/11/16 (reachthebranches’s master) - Aviva Winick (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Michaelon Slinger* (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Meliki Hurd* (Bruce), Zoe Manarel (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Heather Tepe* (Vanessa)  (NFT by me as it was gifted; contact master if you wish to trade for it)
8/20/16 (matinee, my master) - Aviva Winick (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Scott Difford* (Michael), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Evan Gray (Bruce),Brooklyn Nelson* (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Kathryn Zimmer* (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
8/20/16 (evening show, my master) - Ava Briglia (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Bruce),Talia Ryder* (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Heather Tepe* (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
9/4/16 (matinee, my master, last show for Cole Alex Edelstein as Tommy; second-to-last shows for Allison Case, Amy Spanger, Zoe Manarel and GiaNina Paolantonio) - Aviva Winick (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Evan Gray (Bruce), Zoe Manael (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Tommy)
9/4/16 (evening show, my master, last shows for Allison Case, Amy Spanger, Zoe Manarel, Cole Alex Edelstein and GiaNina Paolantonio; includes Bryce Ryness’s happy trails speech) - Willow McCarthy (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Amy Spanger (Mrs. Wormwood), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Cole Alex Edelstein* (Bruce), Zoe Manael (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), GiaNina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
10/8/16 (matinee, my master; Akira Golz plays Amanda in the schoolyard scene; Amanda LaMotte covers the rest of the role) - Aviva Winick (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), John Sanders (Mr. Wormwood), Jennifer Bowles* (Mrs. Phelps), Sean Montgomery* (Escapologist), Ashley Elizabeth Hale* (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Evan Gray (Bruce), Serena Quadrato (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), Amanda LaMotte/Akira Golz* (Amanda), Noah Baird* (Eric), Kathryn Zimmer* (Alice),Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
12/31/16 (final show for Ava Briglia; my master) - Ava Briglia (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), John Sanders (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Evan Gray (Bruce), Madison Smith* (Lavender), Noah Baird* (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Kathryn Zimmer* (Alice),Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
1/1/17 (closing performance; alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Willow McCarthy (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), John Sanders (Mr. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Joseph Medeiros (Michael), Michael Minarik (Escapologist), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Doctor/Sergei (Geoff Packard), Michael Fatica* (Party Entertainer), Evan Gray (Bruce), Serena Quadrato (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Trey Middleton* (Tommy)  (NFT as was gifted to me)  
Acrobat Tour:
5/16/15 (first preview) - Gabrielle Gutierrez (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Cassie Silva (Mrs. Wormwood), Quinn Mattfield (Mr. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Justin Packard (Escapologist), Wesley Faucher (Acrobat), Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho/Party Entertainer), Danny Tieger (Michael), Ian Michael Stuart (Doctor), Evan Gray (Bruce), Kaci Walfall (Lavender), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Kayla Vinueza-Amistad (Amanda), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Cassidy Hagel (Alice), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy) (NFT by me as it was gifted; contact master if you wish to trade for it)
6/7/15 (The official opening night of the show.  Audio starts in the middle of the first Wormwood scene.) - Mia Sinclair Jenness (Matilda), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Quinn Mattfield (Mr. Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho), Danny Tieger (Michael Wormwood), Justin Packard (Escapologist), Wesley Faucher (Acrobat), Ian Michael Stuart (Sergei), Evan Gray (Bruce), Kaci Walfall (Lavender), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Kayla Vinueza-Amistad (Amanda), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Cassidy Hagel (Alice), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
6/17/15 (act 2 only) - Mia Sinclair Jenness (Matilda); Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey); Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull); Quinn Mattfeld (Mr. Wormwood); Cassie Silva (Mrs. Wormwood); Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps); Justin Packard (Escapologist); Wesley Faucher (Acrobat); Danny Tieger (Michael); Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho/Party Entertainer);  Ian Michael Stuart (Doctor/Sergei) Luke Kolbe Mannikus* (Bruce); Kaci Walfall (Lavender); Serena Quadrato (Amanda); Aristotle Rock (Eric); Cal Alexander (Nigel); Cassidy Hagel (Alice); Megan McGuff (Hortensia); Meliki Hurd (Tommy); Brittany Conigatti* (Vanessa)
7/7/15 - Mia Sinclair Jenness (Matilda), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Quinn Mattfield (Mr Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs Phelps), Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho), Danny Tieger (Michael Wormwood), Ian Michael Stuart* (Escapologist/Doctor/Sergei), Wesley Faucher (The Acrobat), Luke Kolbe Mannikus* (Bruce), Serena Quadrato* (Lavender), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Kayla Vinueza-Amistad (Amanda), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Brittany Conigatti* (Alice), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
8/22/15 - Mabel Tyler (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Cassie Silva (Mrs. Wormwood), Quinn Mattfeld (Mr. Wormwood), Wesley Faucher (Acrobat), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Justin Packard (Escapologist), Michael Fatica* (Michael), Jaquez Andre Sims (Party Entertainer/Rudolpho),  Ian Michael Stuart (Doctor/Sergei), Luke Kolbe Mannikus* (Bruce), Serena Quadrato* (Lavender), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Kayla Amistad (Amanda), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Cassidy Hagel (Alice), Brittany Conigatti* (Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)
12/10/15 - Gabrielle Gutierrez (Matilda) (NFT by me as it was gifted)
12/23/15 (first show for Heidi Friese, alittlemoretradingtodo's master) - Savannah Grace Elmer (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Quinn Mattfeld (Mr Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs Wormwood), Natalie Wisdom* (Miss Honey), Ora Jones (Mrs. Phelps), Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho/Party Entertainer), Danny Tieger (Michael) Justin Packard (Escapologist), Ashley Elizabeth Hale (The Acrobat), Ian Michael Stuart (Doctor), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Kayla Amistad (Amanda), Evan Gray (Bruce), Charlie Kersh (Lavender), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Heidi Friese* (Alice), Jordan Hall (Tommy), Megan McGuff (Hortensia) (NFT by me as it was gifted; contact master if you wish to trade for it)
1/2/16 (matinee; first show for Lily Brooks O’Briant, alittlemoretradingtodo's master) - Lily Brooks O'Briant (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Quinn Mattfeld (Mr Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs Wormwood), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), Ora Jones (Mrs Phelps), Jaquez Andre Sims (Rudolpho/Party Entertainer), Danny Tieger (Michael) Justin Packard (Escape Artist), Natalie Wisdom* (The Acrobat), Justin Packard (u/s Doctor), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Madison Smith* (Amanda), Evan Gray (Bruce), Charlie Kersh (Lavender), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Trey Middleton* (Tommy), Cassidy Hagel (Alice) Ensemble: Darius Wright, Esther Antoine, Tony d'Alelio, Kim Sava, Stephen Diaz, Cameron Burke (NFT by me as it was gifted; contact master if you wish to trade for it)
4/3/16 - Sarah McKinley Austin (Matilda), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), David Abeles (Miss Trunchbull), Justin Packard* (Mr. Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs Phelps), Darius Wright* (Escapologist/Doctor), Ashley Elizabeth Hale (Acrobat), Tony d’Alelio* (Michael), Michael Graceffa (Rudolpho/Party Entertainer), Ryan Christopher Denver (Bruce), Madison Smith* (Lavender), Will Coombs (Nigel), Austyn Johnson (Amanda), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Cassidy Hagel (Alice), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Jordan Hall (Tommy)
6/21/16 - Sarah McKinley Austin (Matilda), Dan Chameroy (Miss Trunchbull), Paula Brancati (Miss Honey), Kim Sava* (Mrs. Wormwood), Brandon McGibbon (Mr. Wormwood), Darren Burkett (Michael Wormwood), Keisha T. Fraser (Mrs. Phelps), Stephen Diaz (Rudolpho), Natalie Wisdom* (Acrobat), Justin Packard (Doctor/Escapologist), Eric Craig (Sergei), Aiden Bushey (Bruce), Riley O’Donnell (Lavender), Will Coombs* (Nigel), Isabella Stuebing (Amanda), Tanner Quirk (Eric), Molly Richardson (Alice), Kendyl Ito (Hortensia), Trey Middleton* (Tommy)
6/26/16 (second show for Jenna Weir) - Jenna Weir (Matilda), Natalie Wisdom* (Mrs. Wormwood),  Aiden Bushey (Bruce), Riley O'Donnell (Lavender), Will Coombs (Nigel), Isabella Stuebing (Amanda), Tanner Quirk (Eric), Madison Smith (Alice), Kendyl Ito (Hortensia), Trey Middleton (Tommy)
9/17/16 - Jaime MacLean (Matilda) (NFT)
10/14/16 - Hannah Levinson (Matilda), Stephen Diaz (Party Entertainer), Justin Packard (Doctor/Escapologist), Darcy Stewart (Mrs. Wormwood), Brandon McGibbon (Mr. Wormwood), Darren Burkett (Michael Wormwood), Keisha T. Fraiser (Mrs. Phelps), Paula Brancati (Miss Honey), Kim Sava (Acrobat), Dan Chameroy (Miss Trunchbull), Stephen Diaz (Rudolpho), Eric Craig (Sergei), Aiden Bushey (Bruce), Riley O'Donnell (Lavender), Aiden Glenn (Nigel), Abigail Nicholson (Amanda), Tanner Quirk (Eric), Molly Richardson (Alice), Kendyl Ito (Hortensia), Drew Davis (Tommy)
7/28/15 (first preview) - Sasha Rose (Matilda), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Elise McCann (Miss Honey), Daniel Frederiksen (Mr. Wormwood), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Glenn Hill (Escapologist/Party Entertainer), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Daniel Raso (Michael Wormwood), Cristina D'agosto (Acrobat), Reece Budin (Doctor), Stephan Anderson (Sergei), Jack Reason (Bruce), Zoe Ingram (Lavender), Jacob Licastro (Nigel), Ericka Palma (Alice), Mei Yamada (Amanda), Maya Arya (Hortensia), Callum Rogers (Eric), Cody Ettingshausen (Tommy)
7/30/15 ( Third preview in Sydney, and the first performances for Georgia Taplin and the rest of the child cast.) - Georgia Taplin (Matilda), Elise McCann (Miss Honey), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Daniel Frederiksen (Mr .Wormwood), Daniel Raso (Michael), Glenn Hill (Escapologist), Cristina D'Agostino (Acrobat), Reece Budin (Doctor), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Stephen Anderson (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Ethan Puse (Bruce), Ruby Lahoud (Lavender), Regan Walker (Nigel), Amber May (Amanda), Kyle Banfield (Nigel), Abigail Adriano (Alice), Alyssa Goodall (Hortensia), Zyon Rangi (Tommy)
8/2/15 - Molly Barwick (Matilda), Elise McCann (Miss Honey), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Daniel Frederiksen (Mr. Wormwood), Daniel Raso (Michael), Glenn Hill (Escapologist), Cristina D'Agostino (Acrobat), Reece Budin (Doctor), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Stephan Anderson (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Anthony Abrakmanov (Bruce), Ruby Lahoud (Lavender), Regan Walker (Nigel), Amber May (Amanda), Kyle Banfield (Eric), Abigail Adriano (Alice), Alyssa Goodall (Hortensia), Zyon Rangi (Tommy)
11/5/15 (evening; Reece Budin stepped in for Daniel Frederiksen, So then Clay Roberts stepped in as the Doctor. Paris Naumovski was unwell so Amber was called in to fill for her) - Bella Thomas (Matilda), Elise McCann (Miss Honey), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Reece Budin* (Mr. Wormwood), Marika Aubrey (Mrs Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Daniel Raso (Michael Wormwood), Clay Roberts* (Doctor), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Stephen Anderson (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Glenn Hill (Escapologist), Cristina D’Agotino (Acrobat), Joshua Park (Bruce), Shanice Lim (Lavender), Ewan Herdman (Nigel), Amber May* (Amanda), Joey Gandin (Eric), Ayanda Dladla (Alice), Eliza Carolan (Hortensia), Leyton Holmes (Tommy) (LIMITED)
2/23/16 - Alannah Parfett (Matilda), Rachel Cole* (Miss Honey), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Stephen Anderson (Mr. Wormwood), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Daniel Raso (Michael Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Christina D'Agostino (Acrobat), Reece Budin (Escapologist/Doctor), Andrew Cook (Party Entertainer/Serge), Ethan Puse (Bruce), Zoe Ingram (Lavender), Jacob Licastro (Nigel), Mei Yamanda/Marcella Meneses (Amanda), Callum Rogers (Eric), Erika Palma (Alice), Maya Arya (Hortensia), Cody Ettingshausen (Tommy)
2/24/16 (final show for Bella Thomas) - Bella Thomas (Matilda), Elise McCann (Miss Honey), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Reece Budin* (Mr. Wormwood), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Daniel Raso (Michael Wormwood), Clay Roberts* (Doctor), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Stephen Anderson (Children’s Entertainer/Sergei), Glenn Hill (Escapologist), Danielle Cook* (Acrobat), Joshua Park (Bruce), Ruby Lahoud (Lavender), Regan Walker (Nigel), Amber May (Amanda), Kyle Banfield (Eric), Abigail Adriano (Alice), Alyssa Goodall (Hortensia), Cody Ettingshausen* (Tommy)
2/27/16 (Sydney debut for Ingrid Torelli) - Ingrid Torelli (Matilda), Elise McCann (Miss Honey), James Millar ( Miss Trunchbull), Reece Budin* (Mr. Wormwood), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Daniel Raso (Michael Wormwood), Clay Roberts* (Doctor), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Stephen Anderson (Children’s Entertainer/Sergei), Glenn Hill (Escapologist), Cristina D'Agostino (Acrobat), Daniel Stow (Bruce), Chloe Ngo (Lavender), Thierry Mendoza (Nigel), Shyla Farrugia (Amanda), Jeremiah Duncan (Eric), Charli Bowers (Alice), Keely Corcoran (Hortensia), Kyle Reynolds (Tommy)
3/20/16 (second Melbourne performance for Tiana Mirra) - Tiana Mirra (Matilda), Elise McCann (Miss Honey), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Daniel Frederiksen (Mr. Wormwood), Daniel Raso (Michaell Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs Phelps), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Glenn Hill (Escapologist), Cristina D'Agostino (Acrobat), Stephen Anderson (Children's Entertainer/Sergei/Ensemble), Clay Roberts* (Doctor), Andre Karabajakian (Bruce), Jazi Hall (Lavender), Hudson Sharp (Nigel), Tahlia Williams (Amanda), Adam Punsalang (Eric), Keely Corcoran (Hortensia), Mackensie Young (Alice), Kyle Reynolds (Tommy)  (LIMITED)
06/09/16 (Just after “Pathetic,” there is a medical emergency in the audience) - Alannah Parfett (Matilda), Rachel Cole* (Miss Honey), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Stephen Anderson* (Mr. Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Glenn Hill (Escapologist), Reece Budin (Doctor), Andrew Cook* (Party Entertainer/Sergei)
7/13/16 (matinee) - Alannah Parfett (Matilda), Nadia Komazec* (Miss Honey), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Daniel Frederiksen (Mr. Wormwood), Stephen Anderson (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Reece Budin (Doctor), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Daniel Raso (Michael Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Christina D'Agostino (Acrobat), Glenn Hill (Escapologist), Rachel Cole (Ensemble), Danielle Cook (Ensemble), Andrew Cook (Ensemble), Eli Cooper (Ensemble), Andre Karabajakian (Bruce), Jazi Hall (Lavender), Thierry Mendoza (Nigel), Shyla Farrugia (Amanda), Alistair Touliatos (Eric), Tahlia Gerosa (Alice), Kushinka Jayewardene (Hortensia), Kyle Reynolds (Tommy)
7/21/16 - Dusty Bursill (Matilda), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Elise McCann (Miss Honey), Daniel Frederiksen (Mr. Wormwood), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Glenn Hill (Escapologist), Cristina D'Agostino (Acrobat), Reece Budin (Doctor), Travis Khan (Rudolpho), Mitchell Mahony* (Michael Wormwood), Stephen Anderson (Children's Entertainer/Sergei), Daniel Stow (Bruce), Jazi Hall (Lavender), Thierry Mendoza (Nigel), Shyla Farrugia (Amanda), Alistair Touliatos (Eric), Tahlia Gerosa (Alice), Kushinka Jayewardene (Hortensia), Kyle Reynolds (Tommy)
4/30/17 (through When I Grow Up only) - Eva Murawski (Matilda), Lucy Maunder (Miss Honey), James Millar (Miss Trunchbull), Marika Aubrey (Mrs. Wormwood), Cle Morgan (Mrs. Phelps), Reece Budin* (Doctor/Escapologist), Rachel Cole (Acrobat), Daniel Raso (Michael Wormwood), Travis Khan (Rudolpho) (NFT by me as it was gifted)
7/5/17 (matinee) - Eva Murawski (Matilda) (NFT by me as it was gifted)
7/5/17 (evening show) - Izellah Connelly (Matilda) (NFT by me as it was gifted)
7/6/17 - Venice Harris (Matilda)  (NFT by me as it was gifted)
7/7/17 - Annabella Cowley (Matilda)  (NFT by me as it was gifted)
7/8/17 (evening show) - Venice Harris (Matilda) (NFT by me as it was gifted)
7/9/17 (matinee) - Annabella Cowley (Matilda)  (NFT by me as it was gifted)
7/9/17 (evening show) - Izellah Connelly (Matilda)  (NFT by me as it was gifted)
12/2/17 - Uma Martin (Matilda), Jamie Wilson (Miss Trunchbull), Cris Villonco (Miss Honey), Joaquin Valdes (Mr Wormwood), Carla Guevara-Laforteza (Mrs Wormwood), Nel Gomez (Michael Wormwood), Bibo Reyes (Rudolpho), Emeline Celis-Guinid (Mrs Phelps), Ensemble: Tim Pavino, Gabby Padilla
12/10/17 (Quiet only) - Esang de Torres (Matilda)
UK and Ireland tour:
1/26/19 - Poppy Jones (Matilda), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thoms (Miss Honey), Sebastian Torkia (Mr Wormwood), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Tom Lomas (Bruce), Louella Asante- Owusu (Lavender), Sheldon Golding (Nigel), Isobelle Chalmers (Amanda), Joseph Black (Eric), Nina Belle (Alice), Evie Allen (Hortensia), Toby Mocrei (Tommy)
International Tour:
12/6/19 - Zara Yazbek Polito (Matilda), Ryan de Villars (Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Claire Taylor (Mrs Wormwood), Stephen Jubber (Mr Wormwood), Zac Gabriel Werb (Michael Wormwood), Nompumelelo Mayiyane (Mrs Phelps), Kent Jaycocke (Rudolpho), Xavier Strydom (Bruce), Taylor Salgado (Lavender), Joshua LeClair (Nigel), Zoe Modlinne (Amanda), Daniel Abrahams (Eric), Ipeleng Merafe (Alice), Robyn Nivey (Hortensia), Zac Gabriel Werb (Tommy), Jasmin Colangelo (Acrobat), Kenneth Meyer (Escapologist/Doctor), Weslee Swain Lauder (Entertainer/Sergei)
12/10/19 (anyirismusical’s master) - Sofia Poston (Matilda), Ryan de Villars (Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Claire Taylor (Mrs Wormwood), Stephen Jubber (Mr Wormwood), Zac Gabriel Werb (Michael Wormwood), Nompumelelo Mayiyane (Mrs Phelps), Kent Jaycocke (Rudolpho), Jack Fokkens (Bruce), Taylor Salgado (Lavender), Joshua LeClair (Nigel), Zoe Modlinne (Amanda), Keeran Issacs (Eric), Ipeleng Merafe (Alice), Robyn Nivey (Hortensia), Zac Gabriel Werb (Tommy), Adrianna Patlaszynska* (Acrobat), Logan Timbre* (Escapologist), Daniel Parrott* (Doctor), Weslee Swain Lauder (Entertainer/Sergei)
​11/25/18 - Danae Tsoumou (Matilda), Vladimiros Kyriakidis (Trunchbull), Nadia Kontogiorgi (Miss Honey), Kostas Koklas (Mr, Wormwood), Antigoni Psyhrami (Mrs, Wormwood), Marios Petkidis (Escape Artist), Vasilis Aksiotis (Doctor), Themis Marsellou (Mrs. Phelps/also, director and translator of the musical), Nikolas Zozos (Bruce), Peggy Manola (Lavender), Timos Papaefthimiou-Kazlaris (Nigel), Michaela Petraki (Amanda), Photis Ketsetzis (Eric), Zoi Petraki (Hortensia), Vasilis Bakeas (Tommy), Aliki Karabetsou (Alice), Thodoris Giannopoulos (Michael Wormwood), Manolis Theodorakis (Rudolpho), Ioulita Mosaidou (Acrobat). Ensemble: Stauros Bekas/ Maria Vasilatou/ Dora Gega/ Anna-Maria Kornia/ Maria Kosmatou/ Aspasia Laimou/ Marios Mariolos/ Barbara Nebi/ Vaggelis Pitsilos/ Nadia Tolou/ Nikorestis Haniotakis. Conductor: Kaloudis Ilias  (VERY LIMITED)
Looking for:
Any Matilda production I don’t have audio from (Korea, Sweden, Tuacahn, MUNY, Walnut Street and other regional and local productions)
Ashley Elizabeth Hale as Miss Honey
Lara Cohen, Nicola Turner, Sophia Ally, Scarlett Cecil, Sophie Woolhouse, Freya Scott, Olivia Juno Cleverley, Olivia Wells, Sara Munday, Isobel Hubble, Francesca McKeown, Zoe Simon, Hannah Selk, Alex Munden, Imogen Cole, Alyssa D’Souza as Matilda
Manila and Greece audios I don’t have.
Emma Howard as Lavender (if this even exists)
Celia Mei Rubin as Tommy
Whichever show this is from, because I kind of really need to hear this: http://krokodile.tumblr.com/post/120386588990
Broadway audios from either/both shows on 8/17/13 (Sophia G and Milly).  Again, not sure these are out there, but if they are.
West End audio from 4/26/13 (Chloe Hawthorn as Matilda)
Broadway audio from 7/27/13 (Bailey Ryon as Matilda)
West End audio from 10/13/12 (Lara Wollington as Matilda)
West End audio from 11/1/14 (Tasha Chapple as Matilda)
Anything I don’t have with the following Matildas: Georgia Pemberton, Isobelle Molloy, Jade Marner, Tasha Chapple, Lollie McKenzie, the Oztildas,the CANtildas, the Meltildas
Musicals other than Matilda:
A Little Princess, 12/8/14 (54 Below staged reading, my master) - Abigail Shapiro (Sara Crewe), Anthony Warlow (Captain Crewe), Andrew Lippa (Miss Minchin), Alexandra Silber (adult Sara/Miss Amelia/Queen Victoria), Heath Saunders (Pasko), Alicia Hall Moran (Aljana), Emerson Steele (Becky), Mavis Simpson-Ernst (Lavinia), Paige Brady (Lottie), Milly Shapiro (Jessie), Ava Ulloa (Ermengarde)
Amelie, Broadway 5/18/ (my master)- Phillipa Soo (Amelie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Nino), Savvy Crawford (Young Amelie), Maria-Christina Oliveras (Gina), Harriet D. Foy (Suzanne), Alyse Alan Louis (Georgette/Sylvie), Paul Whitty (Joseph/Fluffy), Manoel Felciano (Raphael/Bretodeau), Alison Cimmet (Amandine/Philomene), Randy Blair (Hipolito/Elton John), David Andino (Blind Beggar/Garden Gnome), Tony Sheldon (Collignon/Dufayel)
American Psycho, Broadway 6/5/16 (final matinee, my master) - Benjamin Walker (Patrick Bateman), Jennifer Damiano (Jean), Alice Ripley (Mrs. Bateman), Helene York (Evelyn), full original Broadway cast
Anastasia, Broadway 7/25/17 (my master) - Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klana (Dmitry), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), Caroline O’Connor (Lily), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress), John Bolton (Vlad)
Annie, St. Paul MN, pre-Broadway tour 12/14/96 - confirmed cast: Joanna Pacitti (Annie), Roz Ryan* (Miss Hannigan), Sutton Foster (Star-to-be)  my best guesses playing by ear and memory: Conrad John Schuck (Daddy Warbucks), Christiana Anbri (Molly), Cassidy Ladden (Pepper), Mekenzie Rosen-Stone (Duffy), Brittny Kissinger (July), Lyndsey Watkins (Tessie)
Annie, Broadway 8/7/13 - Sadie Sink (Annie), Faith Prince (Miss Hannigan), Anthony Warlow (Daddy Warbucks), Brynn O'Malley (Grace Farrell), Clarke Thorell (Rooster), J Elaine Marcos (Lily), Emily Rosenfield (Molly), Gaby Bradbury (Pepper), Taylor Richardson (Duffy), Amaya Barganza (July), Tyrah Skye Odoms (Tessie), Brooklyn Shuck (Kate), David Rossetti* (Bundles/Bert Healy)
Annie, UK Tour 1/1/16 - Madeleine Haynes (Annie), Jodie Prenger (Miss Hannigan), Alex Bourne (Daddy Warbucks), Jonny Fines (Rooster), Djalenga Scott (Lily), Holly Dale Spencer (Grace Farrell), Lewis Bradley (Bert Healy), Rosanna Beacock (Molly), Kate Woodman* (Kate), Lissy Mant (Tessie), Connie Burgess (July), Amelia Love Coleman (Duffy), Scarlett Flannery* (Pepper)
Annie, UK Tour 6/4/14  (Last show for Team Rockefeller and closing night of the tour ) - Elise Blake (Annie), Ezara Lockhart (Pepper), Annika Whiston (Kate), Rachel Masters (July), Natasha Raphael (Duffy), Chloe Bowes (Tessie), Natasha Arabestani (Molly), Lesley Joseph (Miss Hannigan), Alex Bourne (Daddy Warbucks), Jonny Fines (Rooster), Djalenga Scott (Lily), Holly Dale Spencer (Grace Farrell), Lewis Bradley (Bert Healy)
Annie, 6/1/17, West End (alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Madeleine Haynes (Annie), Miranda Hart (Miss Hannigan), Holly Dale Spencer (Grace Farrell), Alex Bourne (Daddy Warbucks), Jonny Fines (Rooster), Djalenga Scott (Lily), Bobby Delaney (Bert Healy), Russell Wilcox (Franklin Roosevelt), Elicia Simondwood (Molly) Eva MacLaughlin (Pepper), Nicole Dube (Duffy), Carla Dixon (July), Scarlett Grace (Tessie), Shani Roberts (Kate)
A Strange Loop, Broadway 6/15/22 (matinee, my master) - Kyle Ramar Freeman* (Usher); don’t have the playbill to hand atm but it was otherwise a full cast.
The Bedwetter, off-Broadway 7/2/22 (my master, most of the final number is unintelligible; I was crammed against the sound booth on one side and a giant man on the other so my phone was getting knocked around a lot) - Zoe Glick (Sarah), Caissie Levy (Beth Ann), Bebe Neuwirth (Nana), Darren Goldstein (Donald), Emily Zimmerman (Laura), Rick Crom (Dr. Grimm/Dr. Riley), Ashley Blanchet (Miss New Hampshire), Ellyn Marsh (Mrs. Dembo), Charlotte Elizabeth Curtis (Ally), Charlotte MacLeod (Abby), Margot Weintraub (Amy)
The Bedwetter, off-Broadway 7/6/22 (my master) - Zoe Glick (Sarah), Jessica Vosk (Beth Ann), Elizabeth Ward Land (Nana), Darren Goldstein (Donald), Emily Zimmerman (Laura), Rick Crom (Dr. Grimm/Dr. Riley), Ashley Blanchet (Miss New Hampshire), Ellyn Marsh (Mrs. Dembo), Charlotte Elizabeth Curtis (Ally), Charlotte MacLeod (Abby), Margot Weintraub (Amy)
The BFG, Birmingham Repertory Theatre,11/28/14 - Chloe Hawthorn (Sophie), Joshua Manning (The BFG), Danny Chase, Jemma Geanaus, Mike Goodenough, Joey Hickman, TJ Holmes, Nyron Levy, Natasha Lewis, Mei Mac, Nicholas Prasad (NFT due to master’s request; no exceptions)
​Billy Elliot, London 2/18/16 (matinee; maple–avenue’s master) - Euan Garrett (Billy Elliot), Nathan Jones (Michael), Beatrice Bartley (Debbie), Ruthie Henshall (Mrs. Wilkinson), Deka Warmsley (Dad), Robbie Durham* (Tony), Gillian Elisa (Grandma), Howard Crossley (George), Phil Snowden (Mr Braithewaite), Claudia Bradley (Dead Mum), Peter Cork* (Older Billy)
Cabaret, Broadway 7/30/14 (evening show, act 1 only) - Alan Cumming (Emcee), Michelle Williams (Sally Bowles), Fraulein Schneider (Linda Emond), Danny Burstein (Herr Schultz), Bill Heck (Cliff), Aaron Krohn (Ernst Ludwig), Kaleigh Cronin* (Fraulein Kost), Jane Pfitsch (Rosie), Stacey Sipowicz* (Lulu), Andrea Goss (Frenchie), Jessica Pariseau (Texas), Gayle Rankin (Fritzie), Kristin Olness (Helga), Leeds Hill (Bobby), Dylan Paul (Victor), Evan D. Siegel (Hans/Rudy), Benjamin Eakeley (Herman/Customs Official/Max)
Carrie, Off-Broadway 3/24/12 - Marin Mazzie (Margaret White), Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Andy Mientus* (Billy Nolan), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens/Mr. Morton), Corey Boardman (George), Blair Goldberg (Norma), F. Michael Haynie (Freddy), Jake Boyd* (Stokes), Elly Noble (Helen), Jen Sese (Frieda)  (VERY LIMITED)
CATS, London, 12/27/14 - Nicole Scherzinger (Grizabella), Nicholas Pound (Old Deuteronomy), Callum Train (Munkustrap), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Rum Tum Tugger), Ross Finnie (Skimbleshanks), Joseph Poulton (Mistoffelees/Quaxco), Adam Lake (Alonzo), Adam Salter (Bill Bailey), Charlene Ford (Bombalurina), Paul F. Monaghan (Bustopher Jones/Asparagus/Growltiger), Joel Morris (Carbucketty), Cassie Clare (Cassandra), Benjamin Mundy (Coricopat), Zizi Strallen (Demeter), Clare Rickard (Jellylorum/Griddlebone), Natasha Mould (Jemima), Laurie Scarth (Jennyanydots), Cameron Ball (Macavity/Ademtus), Benjamin Yates (Mungojerrie), Stevie Hutchinson (Pouncival), Dawn Williams (Rumpleteazer), Kathryn Barnes (Tantomile), Hannah Kenna Thomas (Victoria/White Cat)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, London 7/16/14 (matinee) - Oliver Finnegan (Charlie Bucket), Dane Juler (Augustus Gloop), Scarlet Roche (Veruca Salt), Sophie Naglik (Violet Beauregard), Dylan Standen (Mike Teavee)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, London 2/18/15 (matinee, maple–avenue’s master) - Rhys Lambert (Charlie Bucket), Alex Jennings (Willy Wonka), Barry James (Grandpa Joe), Clive Carter (Mr Salt), Scarlet Roche (Veruca Salt), Jasna Ivir (Mrs. Gloop), Alexzander Griffiths (Augustus Gloop), Paul J Medford (Mr .Beauregarde), Psalms-Nissi Myers-Reid (Violet Beauregarde), Lucinda Lawrence* (Mrs. Teavee), Innis Robertson-Pinnell (Mike Teavee), Billy Boyle (Grandpa George), Roni Page (Grandma Josephine), Myra Sands (Grandma Georgina), Richard Dempsey (Mr. Bucket), Rebecca Seale* (Mrs. Bucket)
Dear Evan Hansen, Broadway 2/13/18 (my master) - Taylor Trensch (Evan), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Mike Faist (Connor), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia), Michael Park (Larry), Will Roland (Jared), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana)
Dear Evan Hansen, Broadway 5/13/18 (final show for Mike Faist) - Taylor Trensch (Evan), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Mike Faist (Connor), Asa Sommers* (Larry), Phoenix Best (Alana), Will Roland (Jared)
Dear Evan Hansen, Broadway 5/16/18 (matinee) - Michael Lee Brown (Evan), Nicole van Giesing* (Heidi) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Dear Evan Hansen, Broadway 8/8/18 - Michael Lee Brown (Evan), Lisa Brescia (Heidi), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Dear Evan Hansen, Broadway 5/28/19 - Diamond-Essence White* (Zoe) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Elisabeth, Munich 3/31/15 - Roberta Valentini (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Michael Souschek (Luigi Lucheni, u/s), Maximilian Mann (Franz Josef), Thomas Hohler (Kronprinz Rudolf), Angelika Wedekind (Erzherzogin Sophie)
The Far Pavilions, West End 9/15/05 - Hadley Fraser (Ash), Simon Gleeson (Walter), Gayatri Iyer (Anjuli), Dianne Pilkington (Belinda), David Burt (Harkness), Kabir Bedi (Kahn Sahib)
Frozen, Denver 8/17/17 (first performance) - Caissie Levy (Elsa), Patti Murin (Anna), Jelani Alladin (Kristoff), John Riddle (Hans), Greg Hildreth (Olaf), Andrew Pirozzi (Sven), Timothy Hughes (Pabbie), Olivia Phillip (Bulda), Ann Sanders (Queen Iduna), James Brown III (King Agnarr), Robert Creighton (Weselton), Kevin Del Aguila (Oaken), Audrey Bennett (Young Anna), Ayla Schwartz (Young Elsa)
Fun Home, Broadway 6/23/15 (Gabby Pizzolo’s first performance as Small Alison) - Beth Malone (Alison), Judy Kuhn (Helen), Michael Cerveris (Bruce), Gabriella Pizzolo* (Small Alison), Emily Skeggs (Medium Alison), Roberta Colindrez (Joan), Joel Perez (Roy and others), Zell Steele Morrow (John), Oscar Williams (Christian)  
Fun Home, Broadway 6/28/15 (Gabby Pizzolo replaces Sydney Lucas mid-show) - Beth Malone (Alison), Judy Kuhn (Helen), Michael Cerveris (Bruce), Sydney Lucas/Gabriella Pizzolo* (Small Alison), Emily Skeggs (Medium Alison), Roberta Colindrez (Joan), Joel Perez (Roy and others), Zell Steele Morrow (John), Oscar Williams (Christian)  
Fun Home, Broadway 8/1/15 - Beth Malone (Alison), Judy Kuhn (Helen), Michael Cerveris (Bruce), Gabriella Pizzolo* (Small Alison), Emily Skeggs (Medium Alison), Roberta Colindrez (Joan), Joel Perez (Roy and others), Zell Steele Morrow (John), Oscar Williams (Christian)  
Fun Home, Broadway 11/28/15 (my master; poor quality, includes BCEFA speech and Gabby’s BCEFA rap XD) - Beth Malone (Alison), Judy Kuhn (Helen), Michael Cerveris (Bruce), Gabriella Pizzolo (Small Alison), Emily Skeggs (Medium Alison), Roberta Colindrez (Joan), Zell Steele Morrow (John), Oscar Williams (Christian)  
Fun Home, Broadway 4/17/16 - Beth Malone (Alison), Jim Stanek* (Bruce), Rebecca Luker (Helen), Lauren Patten (Medium Alison), Gabriella Pizzolo (Small Alison)
Fun Home, Broadway 5/19/16 (first/only? performance for Kally Duling as Medium Alison) - Michael Cerveris (Bruce), Rebecca Luker (Helen), Beth Malone (Alison), Kally Duling* (Medium Alison), Gabriella Pizzolo (Small Alison), Zell Steele Morrow (John), Cole Grey (Christian), Roberta Colindrez (Joan), Joel Perez (Roy) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Fun Home, Broadway 5/21/16 (my master; evening show; next-to-last shows for Rebecca Luker and Lauren Patten) - Beth Malone (Alison), Michael Cerveris (Bruce), Rebecca Luker (Helen), Lauren Patten (Medium Alison), Gabriella Pizzolo (Small Alison), Cole Grey (Christian), Zell Steele Morrow (John), Roberta Colindrez (Joan)
Fun Home, Broadway 8/?/16 (alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Beth Malone (Alison), Michael Cerveris (Bruce), Judy Kuhn (Helen), Emily Skeggs (Medium Alison), Alessandra Baldacchino* (Small Alison), Cole Grey (Christian), Zell Steele Morrow (John), Roberta Colindrez (Joan), Joel Perez (Roy) (NFT by me as it was gifted; contact master if you wish to trade for it)
Fun Home, Broadway 9/10/16 (my master; closing night.  Includes speeches from Lisa Kron and Alison Bechdel, but they aren’t really audible due to mike malfunctions) - Beth Malone (Alison), Michael Cerveris (Bruce), Judy Kuhn (Helen), Emily Skeggs (Medium Alison), Gabriella Pizzolo (Small Alison), Cole Grey (Christian), Zell Steele Morrow (John), Roberta Colindrez (Joan), Joel Perez (Roy)
Fun Home, 1st National Tour 5/7/17 (alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Kate Shindle (Alison), Robert Petkoff (Bruce), Susan Moniz (Helen), Abby Corrigan (Medium Alison), Sofia Trimarchi* (Small Alison) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Guys and Dolls, West End 2005 (soundboard recording) - Ewan McGregor (Sky Masterson), Jenna Russell (Sarah Brown), Jane Krakowski (Miss Adelaide), Douglas Hodge (Nathan Detroit), Martyn Ellis (Nicely Nicely Johnson), Gaye Brown (General Cartwright), Sevan Stephen, Niall Buggy, Cory English, Patrick Brennan, Norman Bowman, Lynsey Britton, Liz Cooper Gee, Charlotte Gorton, Zoe Hardman, Summer Strallen, Suzanne Toase, Darren Carnell, Matthew Cole, Nicola Keen, Graham MacDuff, Andrew Playfoot, Jo Servi, Spencer Stafford, Sebastian Torkia, Jo Salvi, Madeleine Harland, Kelly Price
Hamilton, Broadway 7/29/15 (preview) - Lin-Manuel Miranda, Leslie Odom Jr., Phillipa Soo, Daveed Diggs, Renee Elise Goldsberry, Jonathan Groff, Christopher Jackson
Hamilton, Broadway 12/16/15 (my master) - Lin-Manuel Miranda (Alexander Hamilton), Phillipa Soo (Eliza Hamilton), Leslie Odom Jr. (Aaron Burr), Renee Elise Goldsberry (Angelica Schuyler), Daveed Diggs (Thomas Jefferson/Marquis de Lafayette), Okieriete Onaodowan (James Madison/Hercules Mulligan), Anthony Ramos (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Jasmine Cephas Jones (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Jonathan Groff (King George)
Hamilton, Broadway 1/10/16 (myowndeliverance’s master; can be traded but must be gifted upon request) - Jon Rua* (Alexander Hamilton), Carleigh Bettiol*(Eliza)
Hamilton, Broadway 3/13/16 - Javier Muñoz* (alt. Alexander Hamilton), Alysha Deslorieux* (Eliza), Austin Smith* (Aaron Burr), Renee Elise Goldsberry (Angelica), Daveed Diggs (Jefferson/Lafayette), Okieriete Onaodawan (Madison/Mulligan), Anthony Ramos (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Jasmine Cephas Jones (Peggy/Maria Reynolds), Jonathan Groff (King George) (NFT by me as it was gifted) files were lost, would love to retrade for this
Hamilton, London 1/13/18 (matinee, GoodMorningVanessa’s master. Can be traded but must be gifted upon request. ) - Jamael Westman (Alexander Hamilton), Giles Terera (Aaron Burr), Rachelle Ann Go (Eliza Hamilton), Miriam-Teak Lee* (Angelica Schuyler), Obioma Ugoala (George Washington), Jason Pennycooke (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Tarinn Callender (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Ash Hunter* (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Christine Allado (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Michael Jibson (King George III), Leah Hill (The Bullet), Jade Albertsen, Curtis Angus, Johnny Bishop, Courtney-Mae Briggs, Jack Butterworth, Leslie Garcia Bowman, Kelly Downing, Gregory Haney, Leah Hill, Gabriel Mokake
Hamilton, London 5/19/18 (GoodMorningVanessa’s master. Can be traded but must be gifted upon request.) - Ash Hunter (alt. Alexander Hamilton), Sifiso Mazibuko* (Aaron Burr), Rachelle Ann Go (Eliza Hamilton), Rachel John (Angelica Schuyler), Obioma Ugoala (George Washington), Jason Pennycooke (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Tarinn Callender (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Cleve September (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Christine Allado (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Michael Jibson (King George III)
Hamilton, Broadway 2/23/19 (first known recording of Joanna as Eliza) - Austin Scott (Alexander Hamilton), Joanna A Jones* (Eliza), Daniel Breaker (Aaron Burr), Elizabeth Judd* (Angelica), Ryan Vasquez* (George Washington), Andrew Chappelle* (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Anthony Lee Medina (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Jennie Harney-Fleming* (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Euan Morton (King George III), Marc delaCruz (James Reynolds/Philip Schuyler/Doctor), Thayne Jasperson (Samuel Seabury), Willie Smith III (Charles Lee), Terrance Spencer (George Eacker) (LIMITED)
Heathers, Off-Broadway 6/16/14 - Barrett Wilbert Weed (Veronica), Dave Thomas Brown (Jason "JD" Dean), Jessica Keenan Wynn (Heather Chandler), Elle McLemore (Heather McNamara), Kristolyn Lloyd (Heather Duke), Katie Ladner (Martha Dunnstock), Evan Todd (Kurt Kelly), Jon Eldson (Ram Sweeney), Daniel Cooney* (Ram's Dad/Big Bud Dean/Coach Ripper), Dustin Sullivan* (Kurt's Dad/Veronica's Dad/Principal Gowan), Michelle Duffy (Ms. Fleming/Veronica's Mom), Dan Domenech (Ensemble), Cait Fairbanks (Ensemble), Rachel Flynn (Ensemble), Charissa Hogeland (Ensemble), AJ Meijer (Ensemble), Matthew Schatz* (Ensemble)
Heathers, Off-Broadway 7/2/14 (no cast info)
Heathers, Off-Broadway 7/28/14 (my master, mediocre sound quality, final performance as Veronica for Cait Fairbanks) - Cait Fairbanks* (Veronica), Jessica Keenan Wynn (Heather Chandler), Elle McLemore (Heather McNamara), Kristolyn Lloyd (Heather Duke), Dave Thomas Brown (JD), Jon Eidson (Ram), Dan Domenech* (Kurt), Katie Ladner (Martha), Molly Hager* (Veronica’s Mom/Mrs. Fleming)
Heathers, Off-Broadway 8/2/14 (my master, mediocre sound quality) - Charissa Hogeland (Veronica), Jessica Keenan Wynn (Heather Chandler), Elle McLemore (Heather McNamara), Kristolyn Lloyd (Heather Duke), Dave Thomas Brown (JD), Jon Eidson (Ram), Evan Todd (Kurt), Katie Ladner (Martha), Molly Hager* (Veronica’s Mom/Mrs. Fleming)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Broadway 1/2/15 (my master) - Michael C. Hall (Hedwig), Lena Hall (Yitzhak)
If/Then, Broadway 7/31/14 (evening show, whereisyourredscaaahf’s master) - Idina Menzel (Elizabeth), LaChanze (Kate), Curtis Holbrook* (Lucas), James Snyder (Josh), Jerry Dixon (Stephen), Jenn Colella (Anne), Jason Tam (David), Tamika Lawrence (Elena)
Kinky Boots, West End 7/20/16 (matinee, maple–avenue’s master) - Killian Donnelly (Charlie), Matt Henry (Lola), Amy Lennox (Lauren), Amy Ross (Nicola), Michael Hobbs (George), Jamie Baughan (Don), Dominic Tribuzio* (Backflip Angel), Callum Francis* (Splits/Bikini Angel), Jordan Fox* (Angel), Arun Blair-Mangat (Angel), Marcus Collins (Angel), Javier Santos (Angel), Paul Ayres (Harry), Gillian Hardie (Trish), Chlöe Hart (Pat), Alan Vicary (Mr Price), Robert Grose (Simon Snr), Michael Vinsen (Richard Bailey), Charlie Gallacher (Young Charlie), Nana Agyeman-Bediako (Young Lola), Verity Quade (Milan Stage Manager), Sophie Isaacs, Tim Prottey-Jones, Bleu Woodward, Emma Crossley
Kinky Boots, Broadway 5/21/17 (my master) - Killian Donnelly (Charlie), J Harrison Ghee (Lola), Taylor Louderman (Lauren), Blair Goldberg* (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Jake Katzman (Young Charlie), Devin Trey Campbell* (Young Lola), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr.), Natalie Joy Johnson (Pat), Ross Lekites (Harry), Adinah Alexander* (Trish), Stephane Duret* (Richard Bailey), Gaelen Gilliland* (Milan Stage Manager)
Les Misérables, London 1985 (preview of the original production at the Barbican theatre) - Colm Wilkinson (Jean Valjean), Roger Allam (Javert), Patti LuPone (Fantine), Alun Armstrong (Thenardier), Susan Jane Tanner (Mme. Thenardier), Frances Ruffelle (Eponine), Michael Ball (Marius), Rebecca Caine (Cosette), David Burt (Enjolras), Zoe Hart (? Young Cosette)
Les Misérables, Broadway 6/4/95 - Donn Cook (Valjean), Paige O'Hara (Fantine), Lea Michele (Young Cosette), Brandon Espinoza (Gavroche), Craig Rubano (Marius), Tamra Hayden (Cosette), Jessica-Snow Wilson (Eponine), Ron Bohmer (Enjolras)
Les Miserables, Broadway 8/21/96 - Craig Schulman (Valjean), David Masenheimer (Javert), Susie McMonagle (Fantine), Kimberly Hannon (Young Cosette), Gina Ferrall (Mme. Thenardier), Richard Vida* (Thenardier), Chris Trousdale (Gavroche), Christeena Michelle Riggs (Eponine), Tamra Hayden (Cosette), Ricky Martin (Marius), Gary Mauer (Enjolras)
Les Misérables, 3NT, Philadelphia 12/31/96 - no cast info given, but I can make some educated guesses!  Rob Evan as Valjean, David Jordan as Javert, Laurie Beechman as Fantine, JP Dougherty and Tregoney Shepherd as the Thenardiers, Andrea McArdle as Eponine, Kate Fisher as Cosette, Rich Affannato as Marius, Brian Herriott as Enjolras, Alexis Kalehoff as Young Cosette and Nathan Keen as Gavroche.  This would’ve been the tour lineup for this particular tour stop, with McArdle and Beechman brought in as temporary players in this city.  I’d love to find a recording of this company with Dawn Younker and Lisa Capps, respectively, but as it is, I’m happy to have this one.  
Les Misérables, West End 6/19/97 John Owen Jones* (Valjean), Tim Morgan* (Javert), Peter Gerald* (Thenardier), Mandy Holliday (Mme. Thenardier), Grania Renihan (Fantine), Gemma Wardle (Eponine), Annalene Beechey (Cosette), Martin Crewes, Matt Cammelle, Stuart Pendred* (Grantaire), Danny Kyte (Gavroche), Sophie Cox (Young Cosette)  (NFT by me as was gifted)
Les Misérables, Broadway 9/25/98, Fred Inkley (Valjean), Robert Gallagher (Javert), Alice Ripley (Fantine), Sutton Foster* (Eponine), Chris Diamonotopoulos* (Marius)
Les Misérables, Broadway 2/6/03 - J. Mark McVey (Valjean), Terrence Mann (Javert), Lauren Kennedy (Fantine), Diana Kaarina (Eponine), Kevin Kern (Marius), Sandra Turley (Cosette), Christopher Mark Peterson (Enjolras), Nick Wyman (Thenardier), Aymee Garcia (Mme. Thenardier), Nick Jonas (Gavroche)
Les Misérables, West End 2/20/08 - Drew Sarich (Valjean), Hans Peter Janessens (Javert), Joanna Ampil (Fantine), Adrianna Bertola (Young Cosette), Roy Litvin* (Thenardier), Melanie La Barrie (Mme. Thenardier), Jonathan Chabala (Gavroche), Gary Watson (Marius), Edward Baruwa (Enjolras), Cassandra Compton (Eponine), Claire-Marie Hall (Cosette), Richard Woodford (Grantaire)
Les Misérables, West End 8/16/08 (matinee) - Drew Sarich (Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Allyson Brown (Fantine), Shannon Williams (Young Cosette), Greg Castiglioni* (Thenardier), Jackie Marks (Mme. Thenardier), Jonathan Chabala (Gavroche), Jon Robyns (Marius), Leanne Dobinson (Cosette), Natalie Caswell* (Eponine), David Thaxton (Enjolras), Richard Woodford (Grantaire) Les Misérables, West End 8/16/08 (evening) - Drew Sarich (Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Allyson Brown (Fantine), Shannon Williams (Young Cosette), Greg Castiglioni* (Thenardier), Jackie Marks (Mme. Thenardier), Jonathan Chabala (Gavroche), Jon Robyns (Marius), Leanne Dobinson (Cosette), Natalie Caswell* (Eponine), David Thaxton (Enjolras), Richard Woodford (Grantaire)
Les Misérables, West End 7/11/11 - Jonathan Williams (alt. Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Cleo Demetriou (Young Cosette), Matt Lucas (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Mme. Thenardier), Daniel Huttlestone (Gavroche), Craig Mather (Marius), Alexia Khadime (Éponine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Adam Linstead (Grantaire/Bishop)
Les Misérables, West End 4/3/12 - David Shannon (Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Cristina Fray (Young Cosette), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Mme. Thénardier), Tommy Rodger (Gavroche), Craig Mather (Marius), Helen Owen* (Éponine), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Adam Linstead (Grantaire/Bishop)
Les Misérables, West End 7/2/12 (first show for Sierra Boggess) - Gerónimo Rauch (Jean Valjean), Tam Mutu (Javert), Sierra Boggess (Fantine), Cameron Blakely (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Mme. Thénardier), Samantha Dorsey (Cosette), Craig Mather (Marius), Danielle Hope (Eponine), Liam Connor Tamne (Enjolras) Les Misérables, West End 4/4/12 (The show was halted in the middle of "In My Life", as Helen Owen was taken ill. Upon resumption, 2nd cover Lily Frazer took over the role of Eponine.  Matinee performance.) - David Shannon (Valjean), Hadley Fraser (Javert), Caroline Sheen (Fantine), Jaime Adler (Young Cosette), Cameron Blakely (Thenardier), Leanne Rogers* (Mme. Thenardier), Rory McMenamin (Gavroche), Craig Mather (Marius), Helen Owen*/Lily Frazer** (2nd cover Eponine from "In My Life"), Lisa-Anne Wood (Cosette), Liam Tamne (Enjolras), Adam Linstead (Grantaire/Bishop)
Les Misérables, West End 6/21/13 (Melanie Bright's first show as Fantine, after only one day of rehearsal, ocaptainmycaptaintrading's master) - Geronimo Rauch (Valjean), Tam Mutu (Javert), Melanie Bright* (Fantine), Thenardier (Cameron Blakeley), Wendy Ferguson (Mme. Thenardier), Rob Houchen (Marius), Samantha Dorsey (Cosette), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Eponine), Anton Zetterholm (Enjolras), Adam Linstead (Grantaire)
Les Misérables, Toronto 2/2/14 (final show - monhistoiretrading's master) - Ramin Karimloo (Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Genevieve Leclerc (Fantine), Madison Oldroyd (Young Cosette), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Lisa Horner (Mme. Thenardier), David Gregory Black (Gavroche), Perry Sherman (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Melissa O'Neil (Eponine), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), John Rapson (Grantaire),
Les Misérables, West End 6/16/14 (first shows for Peter Lockyer, David Thaxton, Celinde Schoenmaker, Emilie Fleming, Michael Colbourne and Tom Edden) - Peter Lockyer (Valjean), David Thaxton (Javert), Celinde Schoenmaker (Fantine), Tom Edden (Thenardier), Wendy Ferguson (Mme. Thenardier), Emilie Fleming (Cosette), Rob Houchen (Marius), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Eponine), Michael Colbourne (Enjolras)
Les Misérables , Broadway 7/23/14, Ramin Karimloo (Valjean), Adam Monley (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Andy Mientus (Marius), Erin Clemons* (Eponine), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Jason Forbach* (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thenardier), Keala Settle (Mme. Thenardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Andrew Kober* (Foreman), Richard Barth* (Feuilly), Weston Wells Olson* (in Dennis Moench’s track), Cathryn Basile* (in Erin Clemons’s track), Ben Gunderson* (in Nathaniel Hackmann’s track)
Les Misérables, Broadway 7/29/14 (whereisyourredscaaahf's master) -  Ramin Karimloo (Valjean), Adam Monley (Javert), Cassie Levy (Fantine), McKayla Twiggs (Young Cosette), Cliff Sauders (Thenardier), Christianne Tisdale* (Mme. Thenardier), Gaten Matarazzo (Gavroche), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Kyle Scatcliffe (Enjolras), John Rapson (Grantaire)
Les Misérables, Broadway 8/27/15 (Kyle Jean-Baptiste’s final show as Valean :( ) - Kyle Jean-Baptiste* (Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Erika Henningsen (Fantine), Siri Howard* (Factory Girl), Lilyana Cornell (Young Cosette), Gavin Lee (Thenardier), Rachel Izen (Mme. Thenardier), Sam Chuck (Gavroche), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Brennyn Lark (Eponine), Wallace Smith (Enjolras)  (NOT TRADING, will gift to anyone who asks)
Les Misérables, Broadway 2/19/16 (my master - quality is good for the first 3/4s of the show; then there’s a drop in quality when this genius dropped her phone under her seat during Drink With Me.  You will also be treated to my mother’s occasional comments during applause breaks and the FUCKING ASSHOLE WOMAN NEXT TO ME LOUDLY HUMMING THROUGH THE SHOW.  luckily it’s only audible in parts, but still, that’s a thing.  the cast is amazing and alison luff may be the greatest fantine of all time, so i still think it’s worth listening to, but...yeah, stuff gets kinda weird.)  - Alfie Boe (Valjean), Hayden Tee (Javert), Adam Monley (Bishop), Megan Osterhaus (Factory Girl), Alison Luff (Fantine), Eleanor Koski (Young Cosette), Rachel Izen (Mme. Thenardier), Gavin Lee (Thenardier), Sean Reda (Gavroche), Brennyn Lark (Eponine), Alex Finke (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Wallace Smith (Enjolras), Joshua Morgan* (Grantaire), Ben Gunderson* (Feuilly)
Les Misérables, Broadway 8/17/16 (matinee) - Brooklyn Shuck* (Young Cosette) (NFT)
Les Misérables, Broadway 8/17/16 (evening show, my master) - John Owen-Jones (Valjean), Hayden Tee (Javert), Adam Monley (Bishop), Megan Osterhaus (Factory Girl), Alison Luff (Fantine), Mia Sinclair Jenness (Young Cosette), Rachel Izen (Mme. Thenardier), David Rossmer (Thenardier), Marcus D’Angelo (Gavroche), Brennyn Lark (Eponine), Alex Finke (Cosette), Chris McCarrell (Marius), Mark Uhre (Enjolras), Joseph Spieldanner (Grantaire), Jason Forbach (Feuilly)
Les Misérables , US tour 1/18/18 (Philadelphia), Steve Czarnecki* ( Valjean), Josh Davis (Javert), Melissa Mitchell (Fantine), Sophie Knapp (Young Cosette), J. Anthony Crane (Thenardier), Allison Guinn (Mme Thenardier), Julian Emile Lerner (Gavroche), Joshua Grosso (Marius), Jillian Butler (Cosette), Phoenix Best (Eponine), Matt Shingledecker (Enjolras)
Light in the Piazza, LA Opera 10/12/19 - Renee Fleming (Margaret Johnson), Dove Cameron (Clara Johnson), Rob Houchen (Fabrizio Naccarelli), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Signor Naccarelli), Marie McLaughlin (Signora Naccarelli), Celinde Schoenmaker (Franca Naccarelli), Liam Tamme (Giuseppe Naccarelli), Malcolm Sinclair (Roy Johnson)
Mamma Mia!, Broadway 3/19/08 - Carey Anderson (Sophie), Veronica J. Kuehn (Ali), Samantha Eggers (Lisa), Judy McLane (Tanya), Gina Ferrall (Rosie), Carolee Carmello (Donna), Andy Kelso (Sky), Ben Gettinger (Pepper), Raymond J. Lee (Eddie), Ben Livingston (Harry), Pearce Bunting (Bill), Christopher Shyer (Sam), Bryan Scott Johnson (Father Alexandrios)
Mamma Mia!, Broadway 10/02/08 - Carolee Carmello (Donna), Allison Case (Sophie), Gina Ferrall (Rosie), Judy McLane (Tanya), Sean Allan Krill (Sam), Pearce Bunting (Bill), Ben Livingston (Harry), Chris Peluso (Sky), Samantha Eggers (Lisa), Amina Robinson (Ali), Ben Gettinger (Pepper), Raymond J. Lee (Eddie), Bryan Scott Johnson (Father Alexandrios)
Miss Saigon, Broadway 6/29/17 (my master) - Eva Noblezada (Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Rachelle Ann Go (Gigi)
Moulin Rouge, Boston pre-Bway, 7/10/18 - Aaron Tveit (Christian), Karen Olivo (Satine), Sahr Ngaujah (Toulouse-Lautrec), Danny Burstein (Harold Zidler), Tam Mutu (Duke of Monroth), Ricky Rojas (Santiago), Robyn Hurder (Nini)
Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812, Broadway 7/3/17 (debut performance for Ingrid Michaelson, my master) - Denee Benton (Natasha), Dave Malloy (Pierre), Ingrid Michaelson (Sonya), Lucas Steele (Anatole), Gelsey Bell (Mary), Nicholas Belton (Andrey), Nick Choski (Dolokhov), Amber Gray (Helene), Grace McLean (Marya), Paul Pinto (Balaga)
Once, US tour, 8/21/14 (evening show, whereisyourredscahhhf’s master) - Ryan Link* (Guy), Dani de Waal (Girl), Raymond Bokhour (Da), Matt DeAngelis (Svec), John Steven Gardner (Eamon), Donna Garner (Baruska), Matt Wolpe* (Billy), Zander Meisner* (Emcee), Benjamin Magnuson (Bank Manager), Alex Nee (Andrej), Estelle Bajou (u/s Ex Girlfriend), Kolette Tetlow (Ivanka), Claire Wellin (Reza)
Once, Broadway 12/3/14 (my master, evening show, mediocre sound quality) - Paul Alexander Nolan (Guy), Jessie Fisher (Girl), David Patrick Kelly (Da), Katrina Lenk (Riza), Anne L. Nathan (Baruska), Brandon Ellis* (Svec), Scott Stangland (Eamon), Ryan Vona (Andrej), Paul Whitty (Billy), Laurel Griggs (Ivanka), Andy Taylor (Bank Manager), Erikka Walsh (Ex-Girlfriend)
Phantom of the Opera, London 5/22/02 - John Owen Jones (Phantom), Amanda Jane Callaghan* (Christine), Robert Finlayson (Raoul) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 5/29/14 (matinee, my master, mediocre sound quality) - Norm Lewis (Phantom), Sierra Boggess (Christine), Jeremy Hays (Raoul), Heather Hill* (Carlotta), Deanna Doyle (Meg Giry)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 6/5/14 (my master) - Norm Lewis (Phantom), Sierra Boggess (Christine), Jeremy Hays (Raoul), Michele McConnell (Carlotta), Polly Baird* (Meg Giry)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 7/31/14 (matinee, whereisyourredscaaahf’s master) -  Norm Lewis (Phantom), Sierra Boggess (Christine Daae), Jeremy Hays (Raoul), Lynne Abeles* (Carlotta), Laird Mackintosh (Andre), Tim Jerome (Firmin), Cristin J. Hubbard (Mme. Giry), Christian Sebek (Piangi), Polly Baird (Meg Giry)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 8/19/14 - Norm Lewis (Phantom), Sierra Boggess (Christine), Jeremy Hays (Raoul)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 2/26/15 (matinee, my master) - James Barbour (Phantom), Kaley Ann Voorhees (alt. Christine), Jeremy Hays (Raoul)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 6/14/17 (my master) - James Barbour (Phantom), Kaley Ann Voorhees (alt. Christine), Rodney Ingram (Raoul)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 5/30/18 (my master) - Ben Crawford (Phantom), Kaley Ann Voorhees (alt. Christine), Jay Armstrong Johnson (Raoul), Raquel Suarez Groen (Carlotta), Laird Mackintosh (Andre), Craig Bennett (Firmin), Carlton Moe (Piangi), Kara Klein (Meg Giry)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 11/14/18 (my master) -  Ben Crawford (Phantom), Kaley Ann Voorhees (alt. Christine), Jason Forbach* (Raoul), Raquel Suarez Groen (Carlotta), Laird Mackintosh (Andre), Craig Bennett (Firmin), Carlton Moe (Piangi), Jessica Bishop* (Meg Giry)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 1/23/22 (final show for Meghan Picerno, ifyouhappentoremember’s master) - Ben Crawford (Phantom), Meghan Picerno (Christine), John Riddle (Raoul), Bradley Dean (Andre), Craig Bennett (Firmin), Raquel Suarez Groen (Carlotta), Maree Johnson (Mme Giry), Sara Esty (Meg Giry), Jason Forbach* (Passarino)
Phantom of the Opera, Broadway 5/23/22 (my master, not terribly good quality but an interesting cast for sure!) - Jeremy Stolle* (Phantom), Julia Udine (alt. Christine), Greg Mills* (Raoul), Raquel Suarez Groen (Carlotta), Bradley Dean (Andre), David Michael Garry* (t/r Firmin), Chris Georgetti* (t/r Piangi), Maree Johnson (Mme Giry), Sara Esty (Meg Giry), Carrington Vilmont* (Passarino)
Pippin, Broadway 6/?/14 (my master, mediocre sound quality, possibly the 24th or the 26th, not 100% sure which) - Kyle Dean Massey (Pippin), Ciara Renee (Leading Player), John Rubinstein (Charles), Molly Tynes* (Fastrada), Rachel Bay Jones (Catherine), Annie Potts (Berthe), Ashton Woerz (Theo)
Runaways, 7/6/16, off-Broadway (New York City Center, my master; not 100% sure of the date) - Mj Rodriguez, Sophia Anne Caruso, Ripley Sobo, Frenie Acoba, Chris Sumpter, Sam Poon, Ren, Kenneth Cabral, Maxwell Cabral, Cele Pahucki, Reyna Guerra, Kylie McNeill, Taylor Caldwell, Sumaya Bouhbal, Christina Jimenez, Matthew Gumley, Maxwell Vice, Aidan Gemme, Joshua deJesus, Xavier Casimir, Siena Rafter, Claudia Ramirez, Adleesa Edwards, Deandra Seavon, Jeremy Shinder
School of Rock, Broadway 8/8/16 (final show for Sierra Boggess, my master) - Alex Brightman (Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Cassie Okenka* (Patty), Luca Padovan (Billy), Isabella Russo (Summer), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Raghav Mehrotra (Freddy), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Evie Dolan (Katie), Emily Cramer (Ms. Sheinkopf), Jesse Swimm* (Gabe Brown/Mr. Sanford/Jeff Sanderson), Patrick O’Neill* (Doug/Mr. Spencer), John Arthur Greene (Theo), Josh Tower (Snake/Mr. Mooneyham), Merritt David Janes (Bob/Mr.  Hamilton), Michael Hartney (Stanley/Mr. Williams), Jaygee Macapugay (Mrs. Hathaway), Carly Gendell (Marcy), Gianna Harris (Shonelle), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison), Gavin Kim (Mason), Diego Lucano (Lawrence), Gabby Gutierrez (Sophie), Jersey Sullivan (James)
Side Show, Broadway 11/02/97 - Kristen Behrendt* (Violet), Lauren Kennedy* (Daisy), Hugh Panaro (Buddy), Jeff McCarthy (Terry), Norm Lewis (Jake), Ken Jennings (Boss)
Six, Broadway 2/27/22 (first show for Mallory as Aragon) - Mallory Maedke* (Catherine of Aragon), Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert* (Anne Boelyn), Abby Mueller (Jane Seymour), Brittney Mack (Anne of Cleves), Samantha Pauly (Katherine Howard), Anna Uzele (Catherine Parr) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Six, Broadway 3/3/22 (my master, first half of All You Wanna Do is a bit of a mess thanks to my phone being knocked into my purse, but the rest sounds fine) - Adrianna Hicks (Catherine of Aragon), Andrea Macasaet (Anne Boleyn), Keirsten Nicole Hodgens* (Jane Seymour), Brittney Mack (Anne of Cleves), Samantha Pauly (Katherine Howard), Anna Uzele (Catherine Parr)
Six, Broadway 3/6/2022 (oconnorjenna’s master [?]) Adrianna Hicks (Catherine of Aragon), Andrea Macasaet (Anne Boleyn), Keirsten Nicole Hodgens* (Jane Seymour), Brittney Mack (Anne of Cleves), Samantha Pauly (Katherine Howard), Courtney Mack* (Catherine Parr)
Six, Broadway, 3/7/22 (my master) -  Adrianna Hicks (Catherine of Aragon), Andrea Macasaet (Anne Boleyn), Mallory Maedke* (Jane Seymour), Brittney Mack (Anne of Cleves), Samantha Pauly (Katherine Howard), Anna Uzele (Catherine Parr)
Six, Broadway 3/18/22 (catherinewasamassivec’s master) Adrianna Hicks (Catherine of Aragon), Courtney Mack* (Anne Boleyn), Keri René Fuller (t/r Jane Seymour), Keirsten Nicole Hodgens* (Anne of Cleves), Mallory Maedke* (Katherine Howard), Joy Woods (Catherine Parr)
Six, Aragon tour (Chicago, ascoopatalamode’s master I believe), 3/30/22 - Khaila Wilcoxon (Catherine of Aragon), Storm Lever (Anne Boleyn), Jasmine Forsberg (Jane Seymour), Keirsten Nicole Hodgens* (Anne of Cleves), Didi Romero (Katherine Howard), Gabriela Carillo (Catherine Parr) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Six, Broadway 4/18/22 (my master) - Adrianna Hicks (Catherine of Aragon), Andrea Macasaet (Anne Boleyn), Keri Rene Fuller (t/r Jane Seymour), Brittney Mack (Anne of Cleves), Courtney Mack* (Katherine Howard), Joy Woods (Catherine Parr)
Six, Aragon Tour (Chicago, ascoopatalamode’s master), 5/19/22 - Khaila Wilcoxon (Catherine of Aragon), Erin Ramirez* (Anne Boleyn), Kelsee Sweigard* (Jane Seymour), Olivia Donalson (Anne of Cleves), Didi Romero (Katherine Howard), Gabriela Carrillo (Catherine Parr) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Six, Aragon Tour (Chicago, ascoopatalamode’s master), 5/25/22 - Khaila Wilcoxon (Catherine of Aragon), Storm Lever (Anne Boleyn), Kelly Denice Taylor* (Jane Seymour), Olivia Donalson (Anne of Cleves), Didi Romero (Katherine Howard), Gabriela Carrillo (Catherine Parr) (NFT by me as was gifted)
Violet, Broadway 8/15/14 (my master) - Sutton Foster (Violet) and the rest of the original revival production cast.
Waitress, Broadway 3/10/17 (alittlemoretradingtodo’s master) - Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Caitlin Houlahan (Dawn), Charity Angel Dawson (Becky), William Popp (Earl), Drew Gehling ( Dr. Pomatter), Eric Anderson (Cal), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Cate Elefante (Lulu) (NFT by me as was gifted)
We Will Rock You, US tour, 8/22/14 (evening show, whereisyourredscaaahf’s master) - Brian Justin Crum (Galileo), Jennifer Noble* (Scaramouche), Jacqueline B. Arnold (Killer Queen), P.J. Griffith (Khashoggi), Jessica Crouch* (Oz), Jared Zirilli (Brit), Ryan Knowles (Buddy), Saccha Dennis (Teacher)
Wicked, London 11/14/06 (Annalene Beechey's first show as Glinda) - Idina Menzel (Elphaba), Annalene Beechey*, (Glinda), Adam Garcia (Fiyero), Nigel Planer (Wizard), Miriam Margolyes (Madame Morrible), Martin Ball (Doctor Dillamond), Katie Rowley Jones (Nessarose), Jye Frasca* (Boq)
Wicked, Broadway 1/30/11 (Mandy Gonzalez's final show) - Mandy Gonzalez (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), PJ Benjamin (Wizard), Jenny Fellner (Nessarose), Etai Benshlomo (Boq), Tom Flynn (Doctor Dillamond)
Wicked, Broadway 9/18/11 (LG's master) - Donna Vivino* (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Richard H. Blake (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Cristy Candler (Nessarose), Etai Benshlomo (Boq), Tom Flynn (Doctor Dillamond)
Wicked, 1NT 1/19/14 - Alison Luff (Elphaba), Gina Beck (Glinda), Curt Hansen (Fiyero), John Davidson (The Wizard), Alison Fraser (Madame Morrible), Jaime Rosenstein (Nessarose), Jesse JP Johnson (Boq), Tom Flynn (Doctor Dillamond)
Wicked, Broadway 5/22/22 (my master, final shows for Lindsay Pearce, Sam Gravitte, Michael McCormick, Mili Diaz and Michael X. Martin; Lindsay just starts fully crying at the end of For Good and it’s incredibly sweet.  This recording sounds pretty bad tbh; there’s a much better recording that I think stillreprise took, I’m just gifting this one because it did NOT come out well, but it’s worth trading for a better one, because it was an amazing show.) - Lindsay Pearce (Elphaba), Brittney Johnson (Glinda), Sam Gravitte (Fiyero), Sharon Sachs (Madame Morrible), Mili Diaz (Nessarose), Jordan Barrow (Boq), Michael McCormick (The Wizard), Michael X. Martin (Doctor Dillamond)
Looking for:
Aladdin w/ Shoba Narayan as Jasmine
Six Australian tour swing shows
Six w/ any interesting cast
The BFG with Lara or Madeleine as Sophie
Annie Broadway and National Tour audios from 1997-98 era (I know these exist in digital form!)
Les Miserables original Broadway production and 3rd National Tour - ANY, but particularly 1996-98.
Fun Home Broadway w/ Carly Gold, Presley Ryan or Maya Grace Fischbein as Small Alison
Fun Home w/ Nicole van Giesing as Alison or Helen
Fun Home Vancouver audio
Fun Home Toronto audio
Annie tour w/ Sydney Shuck as Annie
Les Miserables w/ Isabelle Methven or any Matilda alum (any production) as Young Cosette (esp. seeking Matilda Shapland) or Gavroche
Les Miserables Toronto audios
Hamilton w/ Betsy Struxness as Angelica (if this exists)
Hamilton w/ Julia K. Harriman (any role, especially interested in Eliza)
Hamilton LA w/ Joanna Jones as Eliza
Frozen w/ any Matilda alum as Little Anna/Elsa
Wicked w/ Christeena Michelle Riggs as Glinda
Great Comet w/ Lauren Zakrin as Natasha
Dear Evan Hansen w/ Coleen Sexton as Heidi or Cynthia
Dear Evan Hansen w/ Lauren Ward as Cynthia
Side Show original Broadway production - ANY, but especially understudy shows
Sunset Boulevard (1996) w/ Elaine Paige as Norma Desmond
Sunset Boulevard (2017) w/ Stephanie Martignetti as Betty Schaefer (if anyone got audio of this)
Once w/ Erikka Walsh as Girl (if this even exists)
School of Rock w/ Sofia Roma Rubino as Summer
Annie w/ Carla Dixon or Isabelle Methven as Annie
Anastasia w/ McKayla Twiggs as Young Anastasia
Beetlejuice w/ any interesting cast
Live drama audios:
The Ferryman, Broadway 06/22/19 (there’s some conflicting information about the cast here; one listing has Willow McCarthy as Mercy and Bella May Mordus as Honor; another listing has Matilda Lawler as Honor with no credit for Mercy. The confusion may come from the fact that there’s a recording of the matinee the following day as well, which has Bella as Honor. The Willow/Bella cast list seems more accurate overall - the other lists Rob Malone as Oisin when Rob had left months prior - but Matilda Lawler seems more likely to be Honor in the 6/22 recording, I think. The seemingly more reliable listing has no information on who plays Cait Carney, but the other lists her as the regular actress at the time, Holley Fain, which seems likely.) - Brian d’Arcy James (Quinn Carney), Holley Fain (? Caitlin Carney), Emily Bergl (Mary Carney), Shuler Hensley (Tom Kettle), Fionnula Flanagan (Aunt Maggie Far Away), Ann McDonough (Aunt Patricia Carney), Fred Applegate (Uncle Patrick Carney), Ethan Dubin (Oisin Carney), Julia Nightingale (Shena Carney), Sean Delaney (Michael Carney), Collin Kelly-Sordelet (JJ Carney), Brooklyn Shuck (Nunu Carney), Willow McCarthy (? Mercy Carney), Matilda Lawler (? Honor Carney), Jack diFalco (Shane Corcoran), Terence Keeley (Diarmaid Corcoran), Michael Quinton McArthur (Declan Corcoran), Charles Dale (Father Horrigan), Ralph Brown* (Muldoon), Graham Winton (Frank Magennis)
Puffs, off-Broadway 8/1/19 (my master; this show is a straight play, so I have no idea why I recorded it, but the show is cute as fuck) - Zac Moon (Wayne), Sonia Mena (Megan), Reginald Keith Jackson (Oliver), Keith Rubin (Cedric Diggory), Ryan Wesley Stinnett (Narrator), Alex Haynes (J. Finch), Anna Dart (Hannah Abbott/others), Madeleine Bundy (Susan Bones/Harry Potter/Myrtle), Criena House* (Leanne/Helga Hufflepuff/Ginny Weasley), Stephen Stout (Ernie Mac)
Looking for:
The Ferryman audio recording with Ava Briglia as Mercy (I actually saw the show with her and failed to think to record it; I rarely do with dramas but I wish I had.) or Bella May Mordus as Mercy or Honor.  Also wouldn’t mind one that has Holley Fain confirmed as Cait Carney.
The Children’s Hour 2011 w/ Keira Knightley and Elisabeth Moss (I’d murder someone for a video of this but I don’t think there is one)
I don’t often trade video for video since I don’t really collect videos (nowhere to store them; hard drives fill up fast and links die off rapidly; so as much as I like getting them, their existence in my life is often impermanent), but video means free choice of anything on my audio list (however many you trade per video), plus however many of my audio masters as you may want.  I don’t trade audios gifted to me (personal policy, I don’t want to be exploitative of people’s generosity, unless given explicit permission); however I will point you in the master’s direction if I know who they are.  If you’re interested in a master of mine and don’t have anything I want, tbh I’ll probably just give it to you, so just ask, but I don’t gift other peoples’ audios without their express permission.  Masters are listed when known.
Videos I do have:
Frozen (Broadway, May 2018 - Caissie Levy, Patti Murin, Mimi Ryder, Zoe Glick)
Les Miserables West End - September 19, 2013
Mamma Mia! - Broadway 2012/12/21  
Hamilton (8.12.17) (1NT Los Angeles)
DEH - 11/2016
Waitress 6/14/16
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (04.20.17) (Broadway)
Fun Home Broadway 20-07-2016
Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 Broadway 8.13.17
Hair - Off-Broadway - July 9, 2008
Hair 04/09/10  West End
Hands on a Hardbody bway 4-10-2013
Hands on a Hardbody - La Jolla Playhouse, California -- June 2, 2012
2019 Jan 20 · School of Rock · Broadway (closing)
The following Matilda videos: Tori Feinstein, Aviva Winick, Lily Brooks O’Briant, Gabby Gutierrez
Seeking video of Allison Case in Mamma Mia! (I don’t think video exists of Allison, but I’ve found stranger things out there)
Equus with Daniel Radcliffe (I’ve seen a few brief clips taken for publicity and his performance is absolutely breathtaking) (I’d love a decent quality one but I think the only one out there is the one we all know, and I’ll take that.  I’m glad ANYTHING of it exists.)
any videos of Deanna Doyle as Meg Giry
Fly By Night vid (I know one exists but it’s unknown as to whether or not it was ever released in any capacity)
Oklahoma w/ Ali Stroker (again, one was filmed but release status is unknown)
Would also love to find a video of The Ferryman with the replacement cast, but don’t think there’s one out there.  
Looking for replacement links for JLP with Lauren Patten, Waitress with Alison Luff, Hamilton 12/26/16 and the Broadway revival of Hair 03/15/09
1 note · View note
lifeinpoetry · 3 years
i need new words for all my feelings because they (i need a new pronoun for this) were misused
— Callie Gardner, from “LOVE & RAGE, & RAGE,” We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics, eds. Andrea Abi-Karam & Kay Gabriel
201 notes · View notes
spamzineglasgow · 5 years
(ESSAY) A Shining Mess: Anthropocene Poetics in Caspar Heinemann’s Novelty Theory
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In this essay, Maria Sledmere unpacks Caspar Heinemann’s Novelty Theory (The 87 Press, 2019) as an example of anthropocene poetics, challenging what it means to write about ‘Nature’, being, identity and everyday life in the context of the paradoxical deep-time ~novelty~ of our ‘newly’ fraught geological epoch.
> There’s this John Cage quote, paraphrased in Joan Retallack’s The Poethical Wager (2003), which goes like, ‘Let the mess shine in!’. I can’t find the quote anywhere else, but such contingency or obscurity feels relevant: where do we find anything in our obsessive mess of discourse? Cage’s quote captures the idea that mess bears recognition as a critical term, a technical concept. Caspar Heinemann’s Novelty Theory, published earlier this year by London-based The 87 Press, is a highly dense poetry collection whose ethos seems to match that of Cage’s. The title plays with all doomsday passé around ‘the end of theory’ and energises this question of explanation, thought and principle with novelty: that is, a carte blanche array of pop cultural reference, paratactic punch, playful registers and ‘millennial irony’. This is a book of the commons, of reversals, conflicted feelings, endless things. Bhanu Kapil’s blurb declares Novelty Theory ‘an anthem for alien beloveds everywhere’. Certainly, Heinemann’s poetry deals equally in intimacy and strangeness, subjectivities and otherness, capitalism and mysticism, leaving a petulant scent of patchouli in its wake. Novelty Theory is an anthem, sure, kissing the winds of extinction: a song of praise for living with contradiction, embracing chaos in the want for order.
> To know yourself as an alien beloved: at once a stranger but warmly held, to be loved but not to be wed to identity. Embracing yourself, your kin and the more-than-human around you as alien beloveds might be a central ethic for living in the anthropocene — not to mention its knotty entanglements of late-capitalism, colonialism and gender politics. I want to suggest that in Novelty Theory, letting the mess shine in is a tactic of what David Farrier (2019) has named anthropocene[1]poetics. Distinct from the established traditions of ecopoetics and nature poetry, anthropocene poetics is less about elegising or celebrating a specific idea of ‘nature’, and more about dramatising the existential conditions of living in a geological epoch distinguished by human intervention within the earth’s systems. Another feature of anthropocene poetics is its conscious situatedness within, response to and divergence from histories of nature writing or lyric renditions of subjectivity through ‘world’. Anthropocene poetics problematises the very idea of self and world, of ‘presence’ itself, while highlighting the material contradictions we experience in everyday life, in relation to late-capitalism as much as ecological crisis (and of course, the twain meet symbiotically). No facet of quotidian existence is off limits: where the nature poem (bear with my crude distinctions) typically looks to the hills and woods, the anthropocene poem might trace the material histories, ethical dilemmas and affective intensities felt in locales of domesticity, leisure and labour. Its setting may well be the city, the internet and the gentrified coffee shop, its registers conflicted, overburdened or charged with the weight of what Timothy Morton (2010a) calls ‘the ecological thought’: this enmeshment and total intimacy with nonhuman entities. I don’t mean to be prescriptive about what anthropocene poetics is; rather, I’d like to explore Novelty Theory as a case study in what anthropocene poetics, as a set of thematic gestures and formal tendencies, might provoke in our readings of contemporary texts, within the developing ontologies, ethics and (con)texts of climate emergency.
> While a broader discussion of anthropocene poetics and its emergent practitioners is outside the scope of this review, suffice to say Heinemann might be situated as part of a generation who have grown up around increasingly mainstream questioning of ecological responsibility, crisis, ethical conflict, identity politics and material precarity. I want to situate Novelty Theory alongside works that split apart the colonial, often masculinist or heteronormative narratives of typical nature writing. We might think of CA Conrad, Craig Santos Perez, Cecilia Vicuña and Evelyn Reilly: poets who work with ritual, lyric unravelling and juxtaposed collage to dramatise the necessary hypocrisies of everyday life in the anthropocene, alongside a sincerity of commitment to improving ecological attunement. Writing that unpicks the colonial, racialised, ruralised, heteronormative and ableist assumptions often present in traditional nature writing. Writing that works with ‘Nature’[2], but often in a state of refusal which shows up the term’s historical uses and abuses. Another recent 87 Press publication, Callie Gardner’s naturally it is not (2018), is a good example of this engagement with ‘Nature’: structurally challenging the existential arrangements and sensory associations we attach to traditional seasons. In the reader’s notes, Gardner reminds us, ‘“Nature” itself is a capitalist and imperialist invention, designed to protect those aspects of the world it does not want to change and to abdicate its responsibility to anything outside of “culture”’. My sense is that anthropocene poetics does valuable work in performatively blurring the pedestalled ‘Nature’ with the elusive ideologies of ‘culture’, exploding the complexities and assumptions held within such prior distinctions.
Nature Poem
> In Tommy Pico’s landmark Nature Poem (2017), the speaker blatantly rejects essentialising associations between indigenous peoples and ‘Nature’, while framing this rejection in the ironic genre politics of a sequence titled Nature Poem:
I can’t write a nature poem bc it’s fodder for the noble savage narrative. I wd slap a tree across the face, I say to my audience.
There’s an explicit ‘audience’ here, the necessity of establishing lyric voice as performance. Anthropocene poetics draws out a processual, reflexive legacy that goes back to Wordsworth, using a kind of dramatic irony to remind us of the speaker’s presence in the ‘world’ of the poem, and all her accompanying dilemmas, commitments and responsibilities around and towards the subject.
> Pico is an American Indian (NDN) poet who situates anthropocenic conditions of  sexuality, identity, consumerism and urban space within a reflexive critique of what it means to write a Nature poem. Nature Poem throws up questions around colonialism, indigeneity, essentialism and poetic tradition which challenge ideological constructs of Nature. As Morton puts it, much ecological thinking thus far has ‘set up “Nature” as a reified thing in the distance’ (2010a). Pico’s work explodes such reification within everyday life, showing that Nature is something we ‘do’: it’s an instant message (‘gaia is alive in those pipes’), it’s in the way we relate to objects, to each other, the way we ‘break’, the way we fall or feel or fuck. Eileen Myles argues ‘a poem says I want’ and Nature Poem asks what it is to want anything at all when almost everyone’s trying to identify you with the ‘natural world’ — as, essentially, a backdrop, a static facet of landscape.
> What does it mean to write or read a Nature Poem from the heart of Brooklyn (where Pico currently resides), mindful of fellow New York poet Frank O’Hara’s famous assertion, ‘I can't even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there's a subway handy, or a record store or some other sign that people do not totally regret life’. There’s something deliciously liberating about Pico’s punk attitude to eco-clichés: ‘The world is a bumble bee / in the sense that, who cares?’. Anthropocene poetics involves wrestling with a generational nihilism or general air of hipster indifference towards what might be perceived as a useless, dying ‘Nature’. But it also means playfully staging our very immersion in the conundrum of what that Nature might mean: ‘Nature is kind of over my head’, ‘Nature keeps wanting to hang out’. Pico’s casual personification of Nature serves to remind us of the term’s social construction while staging its ideological invention within material, affective and social contexts.
> If it’s difficult, nigh impossible, to actually think extinction, maybe what we need is an ethics of life instead. An amalgamation of Romanticism, physical immediacy, queer desire and the act of a pause becomes, in Nature Poem, the redeemable expression:
Knowing the moon is inescapable tonight
and the tuft of yr chest against my shoulder blades—
This is a kind of nature I would write a poem about.
The strange, specific pathos of that line, ‘a kind of nature’. By saying ‘The world is a bumble bee’, Pico plays with the arbitrariness with which we define the world as such, its conflations of scales and agencies. As Timothy Clark (2018) reminds us, a ‘given scale’ is ‘a kind of grammar whose presence is overlooked in our habitual attention to individual things’. What Pico and other poets’ work does is recalibrate our grammar of scale by twisting familiar Nature tropes within the aesthetic and ethical contexts of quotidian life. The moon of Pico’s poem is not dressed up in metaphor but simply there, ‘inescapable’. It doesn’t replace anything else, it’s nobody’s feeling. There’s a lowkey opulence to that sense of urgency. Poetry warrants acknowledgement of the beauty of what’s left of Life. And sometimes that’s as cheap as knowing you can’t cut the moon out of your poem, your night — you probably wouldn’t even want to.
> In response to an Elizabeth Bishop poem, ‘At the Fishhouses’, Farrier writes: ‘Difference persists; in this granular vision, the qualities of the particular (texture, depth, grain) mark the queerness of all bodies in the deep strangeness of evolutionary time and of our Anthropocene future’ (2019). Such ambitious claims for anthropocene poetry can also be applied to a poetics of riff, repetition, modulation, phraseology and collaged register. Heinemann: ‘my drag / persona is called Nature’ (‘Full Moon Leech Party’). What do we wear of what’s over there in the weave of our lines, identities? Where Bishop’s poem connects material detritus — ‘the silver of the benches’, ‘the small old buildings with an emerald moss’ — with deep time, Pico proclaims the violent theory of contradiction and connection: ‘the fabric of our lives #death / some ppl wait a lifetime for a moment like this #death’, ‘just do it #death / Got #death’. Borrowing from the associative, non-linear clusters spelled by the hashtag, Pico renders death a hotspot within the general web of extinction, a pedal note thrumming hypnotically through its song.[3] Repurposing familiar commercial slogans, Pico confronts cultural taboos with a gleeful insouciance. Nature is death as much as Life — a practical fact — and maybe, with an eye to Lee Edelman’s No Future (2004), this acknowledgement is one way out of ‘reproductive futurism’. Instead of ‘the colonial legacy of the future’, its depressing speculative intricacies, just ‘Give me / a minute’ (Pico 2017). Like chill, the world is warming but we’re here and now: let’s talk. The pragmatism of anthropocene poetics, perhaps, is a making of space; not just buying us time but also scattering the seeds with which we might still (in spite of our increasingly precarious lives) nourish ideas, philosophise, interrogate and experiment what it means to live and die in what’s happening — at the scale of the planet and that of the microbes inside us, tweaking our ethical and affective inclinations. ‘[E]thics for the Anthropocene’, Joanna Zylinska argues, should urge ‘a return to critical thinking [...] a reparation of thought’ (2014), wary, of course, that ‘catalogued over bullshit reams, praxis makes nothing happen / to the seeds in snow’ (Gardner 2018).
Pragmatic Opulence
> Heinemann’s Novelty Theory resurrects a dusted signifier, ‘theory’, as a gestural architecture for holding the book’s sprawling morass of impressions, encounters and streams of thought. Like Kapil’s work, a degree of enchantment runs through reems of disaffection or cynicism: where Kapil often references minerals, colour (the pink lightning of Ban en Banlieue) or a quality of light, in Novelty Theory this is held in the ritualistic detritus our speaker returns to — spices and flowers, herbs and teas. Heinemann dares you to critique the value of what might be called twee: ‘the tragedy of it all / lukewarm milky surrender punk upholstery / the bittersweet kettle i needed for this nettle tea’. Acts or artefacts of ritual significantly conduct the order of how we deal with everyday trauma. Heinemann’s poetics has that candied, medicinal quality of internal rhyme: good enough to chew but might (as) well sting. It makes you stop to think, pursuing its own excess. The Nature of Novelty Theory is monstrous, opulent, ‘thick and deeply slimy everywhere’ (‘Theses on Land Masses (After Iain Hamilton Finlay)’). In their Goldsmiths dissertation, ‘FUCKING PANSIES: Queer Poetics, Plant Reproduction, Plant Poetics, Queer Reproduction’, Heinemann argues that poetry itself is a ‘speaking through flowers’, and in being so
the consequences of communication are non-linear, cross-pollinated and dispersed, the eternal and cyclical affectively and effectively meeting to produce models of life which could be described as pragmatically opulent.
Pragmatically opulent seems to me an extension of Cage’s imploring to Let the mess shine in!, albeit situated within genuine political and bodily struggle. Pragmatic opulence is a strategy for queer survival but also world-making, a way of ‘produc[ing] models of life’ within pressurised social systems. It problematises familiar symbolic objects as kitsch synecdoche for some Natural paradise over there:
Nature in the sickly pine air freshener fighting its discrete privately commissioned battle against the zombie economy of life, the shape of the pine tree as futility.                                   (‘Theses on Land Masses (After Iain Hamilton Finlay)
There’s something sickly, abject even, about the landed associations of pine forests, the deep ecology of a dark green wild. The air freshener hangs limply, ‘fighting its discrete’ war against life eating life. The shape of this Nature is useless; it’s not even beautiful. It isn’t life so much as a cheap, deified logo, as pre-millennial passé as your uncle’s old air freshener. What we need is a more eclectic ambience.
> Throughout Novelty Theory, Heinemann’s poems fly between forms: jagged lines that read with the transient glaze or aphoristic charm of a text message, block stanzas, a travel diary, all-caps and extravagant use of punctuation — particularly the slash and the exclamation point, marking moments of undecidability, rupture or dramatic emphasis. This variety comprises a non-linear, variable and maximalist poetics of play, subversion and flourishing within the everyday contexts of late-capitalism and the anthropocene. It shows the necessity of confronting these contexts with a queer sensibility, if we recall Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s classic definition of queer as ‘the open mesh of possibilites, gaps, overlaps, dissonances and resonances, lapses and excesses of meaning when the constituent elements of anyone's gender, of anyone's sexuality aren't made (or can't be made) to signify monolithically’ (1993). To queer-read Nature, like gender, is to work with that ‘open mesh’. For Heinemann, that seems to demand a kind of pragmatism and opulence, a stylised critique of real conditions, their desires and demands.
> I want to trace what kinds of pragmatic opulence are found in the life of Novelty Theory, aware that in naming a book of lyric poetry Theory, Heinemann is surely inviting us to question the very division or frisson between life and theory, voice and world within contemporary existence. We might describe the whole book, in fact, as a kind of theoretical or speculative world-building. The poems engage in acts of redress or recontextualisation, kind of anthropocene camp: ‘I actually think capitalism is quite a beautiful word and look forward to appropriating it to mean something like spring dawn sunshine ladybird sex’ (‘Travel Diary Summer 2016’). Throughout Novelty Theory, Heinemann has this radical ostentation that blithely redefines the things it challenges: poetry as active world-making, ethics as poiesis, chipping away at fixities to let forth what’s glowing, proliferating and strange underneath. In a recent Zarf review of the book, Gloria Dawson notes the collection’s ‘wit, bratty polemic, and knotty etymological adventuring’ (2019), which seems about right. What happens if we took the capital out of capitalism and made it a five-syllabled evocation of sticky, butter-fingered summer afternoons? There’s a childlike quality of vivid bricolage to Heinemann’s craft. What if this revamped capitalism itself was a knotty, queer ecological utopia, a stubborn arbor of vines, a mesh of delicious instants, or is this just sheer sly irony on Heinemann’s part? We have to sit with that contradiction, swinging our legs over the verge where conflicts might connect.
> Back to Sedgwick’s idea of the ‘open mesh’. Queer ecology, for Timothy Morton, is the manifest ‘mesh’ of all life-forms: ‘a nontotalisable, open-ended concatenation of interrelations that blur and confound boundaries at practically every level: between species, between the living and nonliving, between organism and environment’ (2010b). Queer ecology would be some kind of intersection between nonessentialist views of gender, sexuality, biology and evolution more generally. Novelty Theory stages this enmeshment through its lateral poetics of interwoven association, its registers of irony, darkness and play. Its speaker’s identity coyly thrown around like laconic copy from a Tinder profile: ‘i’m a leo moon dickhead w a gay agenda’ (‘according to wikipedia i am in the “initial struggle for success” phase of my life as bruce springsteen’s life’), rewriting Linnaean systems or evolutionary rules via casual astrology patter. The mysticism that runs throughout is part of Novelty Theory’s disjunctive world-building, its problematising of distinctions between inside and out, dream and reality, virtual and actual. Take the Borgesian tenor of statements like ‘All land is fictional, that is both the problem / and a potential source of the solution’ (‘Theses on Land Masses (After Iain Hamilton Finlay)’). The critical thrust of Novelty Theory is its mycelial ability to expose the undercurrents and assumptions of everyday life within late-capitalism and the attendant anxieties of the anthropocene. Often this takes a surrealist twist:
a thousand constellations held in a single double stomach romantic service station burger king            the wormhole could be anywhere                                                                    (‘A CHEMTRAIL IN CURVED AIR’)
This collapse of scale, the inside and out, is highly symptomatic of anthropocene poetics. It’s easy to read the poems of Novelty Theory alongside, say, Morton’s idea of hyperobjects as ‘things that are massively distributed in time and space relative to humans’: with characteristics of viscosity, nonlocality, nonhuman temporality and interobjectivity, hyperobjects usher us into ‘a new human phase of hypocrisy, weakness, and lameness’ (2013). There’s a kind of sublime here which takes David Hockney-esque Americana or pastel suburbia and transplants it through the ‘wormhole’ of environs and spacetimes enmeshed by ecological relations, ethical patterns and constellations of cause and effect, showed up to us in the twenty-first century as though by x-ray. You are what you eat, and here it’s infinity. Elsewhere, however, it might be ‘the banal / constantly flowing cappuccino of existence’ (‘another empty threat to disappear’). Wherever we look, Heinemann puts a decadent rip in your Cath Kidston jacket, lets the fantasy flora free, wears the countryside as highbrow punk with pocket-knife irony.
This One Weird Tip
> Speaking of infinity, a word on the internet: an obvious theme and modality within Novelty Theory. ‘My anxiety levels get up and stay hard for hours with this one weird tip’ (‘Travel Diary Summer 2016’). The masculinist, ambient-porno imperative to ‘stay hard’ is here conflated with anxiety and the suffusing presence of internet ads offering impossible, faux-sage advice with ‘this one weird tip’. I wonder if this is also a dig at deep ecology, whose commitment to embracing wilderness and environmental immersion often comes off with a stinky, viagra-macho flavour. Getting deeper into the book’s web, conspiracy theories are cited with the kind of exuberance that weaves their dismissal as nevertheless somehow essential to a broader resistant narrative: ‘recruit, recruit, recruit! i WISH that the queen waws a lizard’ (‘the only reason i was abducted by aliens in kathmandu in 1994 was that in 1994 i went to kathmandu to be abducted by aliens’). There’s an ouroboros sense that you get eaten, or at the very least bitten, by the narratives you pursue online — or indeed in any virtual mode (including poetry — see Ben Lerner for more on ‘virtual poetics’). You could call it meme poetics wired up to the trembling motherboard of lyric. Who or what gets charged and when. Where did they get those minerals? What if I won’t turn on tomorrow?
> The hyperconnected consciousness enabled by our online lives is also manifest in Heinemann’s playful intertextuality. Every other line seems to reference or code a cultural trope, to cite some other poem or tradition. ‘No value / just pina coladas’ (‘according to wikipedia i am in the “initial struggle for success” phase of my life as bruce springsteen’s life’) weirdly took me back to William Carlos Williams’ ‘No ideas but in things’. Maybe that’s a clickable blink that activates poetic lineage, extends the song of Heinemann’s polemic under the deep canonic sea. Sometimes they play with aphoristic or supplementary modes to ‘tack on’ a certain message or dramatise a violent fact (i.e. extinction), forcing you to hold all declarations in the bewildered, hyper-stream adjunctive mode of email, IM, browsing: ‘p.s. imagine a world without wild life’ (‘Travel Diary Summer 2016’). There’s a psytrance version of a New York poem in ‘If you think pigeons are too common to be beautiful don’t call yourself a communist’, where a salutary coke is poured for Frank O’Hara and the streets become the stage for contradiction, Picasso’s dog, pain and ‘The slobbering ecstasy of now’. Psytrance because this is a collection of ecstasies achieved with your tongue firmly lodged in your cheek, your jaw gurning hard with each stream of detail, flash, repeat. Syncope. Like Nat Raha, Heinemann has weaponised the grammar of breath to speak vulnerability and power within and between each jagged line, strikeout, blank or marked delay, caesura. A catalogue of bodily pleasures and social conundrums, unsolved ethical dilemmas in the modernist canon: ‘I am a Picasso dog / Picasso was a misogynist / but it’s okay, dogs have no gender’).
Sentient Excess
> Anthropocene poetics often stages its own conditions of production. There’s a turn between inside and outside, a questioning of representational agency. For instance, in Ash Before Oak (2019), a diary of survival and gardening reminiscent of Derek Jarman’s iconic Modern Nature (1991), Jeremy Cooper’s gloomy protagonist muses, ‘I ask questions of the mole I’d do better directing at myself’. What do we put upon the more-than-human that really we want or demand from ourselves? How do we write in this space of curiosity or lack? In Novelty Theory, awareness of the body’s contingencies, its material traces and hormonal surges runs throughout. With some degree of irony, Heinemann maps the kinds of everyday precarity experienced by the millennial freelancer onto the broader precarities of climate crisis. Maybe it’s not to write from curiosity but anxiety. At one point, Heinemann even dramatises the real-time of ‘writing’ in relation to the body’s nervous arousal:
i fill the keyboard with all my leftover skin shit, same as the next hoarder of sentient excess some just trade it all in for gold                    just like that all gone in the blink of an eye the world vanishes and reappears and vanishes and reappears so many times every minute and yet i am still so scared every single time don’t fucking stop                   (‘I like scaffolding as much as the next attempt to create order’).
‘Sentient excess’ sums up a lot of Novelty Theory. Sentient because Heinemann’s speaker is highly reflexive but also human: a bundle of nerves, hormones, skin and bones, pleasure and pain. Writing the world is a fort-da process of vanishing and reappearing, it has a kind of sexual imperative that mingles pleasure and pain, presence and absence — ‘don’t fucking stop’. Desire is terrifying but we just can’t help it. The world is a virus, flashing upon your screen. And then again it just is your screen. It’s in the code. It’s a form of capital, ‘gold’, and writing is its supplement, the unfinished gesture towards holding, structure, containment. The keyboard generates worlds, bears our traces in time. Heinemann’s poetics are lucid, striking, high-retina. Let the mess shine in.
Millennial Hell or Heaven
> Novelty Theory is a book of a certain generation: it challenges the affects of ‘millennial existence’, both riding on and unravelling the assumptions put upon us. It’s a cheap cliché to say choice makes us miserable, but now the imperative is to choose to be happy. In ‘Depression Calculator’, Heinemann chiastically quips: ‘i can’t be ideological about my happiness even though happiness / is entirely ideological’. In The Promise of Happiness (2010), Sara Ahmed writes: ‘Happiness shapes what coheres as a world’, it can be used as an affective tool for ‘redescrib[ing] social norms as social goods’ — for instance, in the phrase ‘domestic bliss’. This quote from ‘Depression Calculator’ mirrors the guilt I feel in trying to write about the anthropocene while, say, being in a joyous state of mind, feeling loved or inclined to a state of play. The point is, we shouldn’t have to choose one or the other. Who benefits when the capitalist guilt-machine shames us into recycling, taking the heat off the wider environmental abuse of toxic corporations? When Heinemann writes of ‘the hollow surface of liquid soluble anxiety’ (‘visualisation…’) I think of Morton’s description of the ‘chocolate layer’ of ‘shame’ that coats ecological awareness, a ‘dark-sweet’ quality within its depression. Grief, shame, depression: in confronting the anthropocene, these are the affects we ‘melt’ into with a degree of both pleasure and suffering. Is there relief? Novelty Theory is a good exercise in working through such contradictory affects in relation to everyday life, as well as the praxis of writing about the anthropocene from the p.o.v of an actual, breathing person — who takes the days as they come, who both suffers and thrives but doesn’t necessarily claim this as their sole identity. Who doesn’t assume a set, heteronormative route to happiness and human flourishing. Who dwells upon a ‘tender verge’ (‘another empty threat to disappear’). Is this what a queer form of staying with the trouble (speaking with Donna Haraway here) looks like?
Post-Vaporwave Poetics
> One thing to love about Novelty Theory is its conflict of registers. Unlike a whole tradition of ‘serious’ ecopoetry, the book invokes the tropes of current anthropocene discourse in a parodic manner which nonetheless falls upon sincerity:
the forest’s infrastructure is devastated by Dutch elm disease, which is not the point it’s just also happening in the world            near the point outside the harsh city limits of                   the point is everything that constitutes the periphery leaks into the centre, the centre is undeserving of the bioluminescence in the centre of the octopus  (‘visualisation: you are a small shark in the aquarium in the office of the CEO of a nondescript corporate body in a mid-80s postmodern swirl carpeted disaster zone where all the glass is cleaned except yours, the day is broken with elevator music but you don’t know this is what this is. You are nibbling on some plankton and waiting for communism and you write a poem on the discretely moulding moulded glass of your aquarium. the poem reads:’).
Riffing off the ‘tentacular’ thought of Haraway et al, Heinemann evokes a grandiose vision of arboreal devastation as one ‘point’ among many that slide between the centre and periphery of the everything that is the anthropocene, or indeed extinction. Heinemann asks: for who do we write this kind of poetry, what is the instrumental ‘point’? If we pursue that imperative, do we just end up with ‘make narrative fate again’ and surrender our agency to the forces of (Manmade, Trumpian, triumphant) history? If Dutch elm disease is a hyperobject, somehow it also leaks, viscously, into the ‘bioluminescence’ emitted from another life-form surviving deep within some other element, thousands of miles away. And let’s not forget that in this poem, the addressed reader is ‘a small shark’ encased in a 1980s corporate office environment.
> You could say this is a post-vaporwave poem, where office hauntology evokes sympathies between trapped animals and trapped human-animals (what if the aquarium was just your computer, what if plankton is all we can eat in the future-past, what if we all became (loan)sharks in the credit extinction, trying and failing to eat what’s left on the Darwinist food chain of neoliberal survival?). We’re asked to visualise this poem, experience it in a medial, meditative way: it’s clear there’s a dark ecological poetics of attunement here, a staged duration. Heinemann plays with the temporal confusions of the anthropocene and prods our susceptibility to a certain pastoral nostalgia with lines like ‘like most people, the earth just gets hotter with age’. The earth as a (excuse me) ‘bod’ is one way of figuring, literally, the existential dilemma of the anthropocene as a man-made decimation of earthly systems.
Requiem for Sustainable Theory
> By no means has this been an exhaustive review of Novelty Theory, let alone this thing I’m calling, after Farrier, the poetics of the anthropocene. With its Matthew Welton-esque marathon titles, Heinemann’s book has the air of a James Ferraro track: all cut-up, glitch and ambient late-capitalism set to the tone of a slick, surreal sublime. Yet there’s something freeing in the all-too-real dreamscapes of Heinemann’s poetics of anthropocenic disorder, millennial anxiety and conflicted desires, inclined to banality. The low-caps ‘i’ that jumps across the collection like a dissident pro in poetic parkour refuses essential identity and makes room for incident, contingency: a more fugitive and less hubristic lyric. What forms of tenderness are at stake here? How might we flip an ‘Adorable pastoral avant garde’ (‘Theses on Land Masses (After Iain Hamilton Finlay)’) into something useful? What is the ‘point’ in everything, and moreover who will look after the octopus as it wraps its tentacles around the world so grossly? Where do we situate anthropocene poetics in relation to ecopoetics, consciously or otherwise on the part of the poet’s intentions, given that the godfather of ecopoetics Jonathan Skinner suggests the form is a ‘site of converging, intersecting practices and is most politically useful [...] when it keeps as many of these frictional nodes as active as possible’?
> Perhaps anthropocene poetics is unique in presenting a degree of situatedness within ‘avant-garde’ traditions, which historically bear a more urban resonance (although with the anthropocene, of course, such distinctions of urban/rural are broken down in the mesh of everything). Writing of their book We Are Made of Diamond Stuff (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2019) in relation to Novelty Theory, Isabel Waidner notes: ‘Relationship with the historical avant-garde: complicated’ (2019). This ‘shared investment in, but disappointment with, the promises of the historical avant-garde’ (Waidner 2019) — whether Situationist dérive or Dadaist collage — is felt throughout Novelty Theory: not as a roadblock in literary history so much as a set of what Waidner refers to as ‘portals’. Think again of Sedgwick and Morton’s invocations of the mesh. Anthropocene poetics needs to be something that queers, dis-identifies, labours and exposes everyday strangeness; it needs to let fall where we stand while also holding us. It needs to be a shining mess. It needs life and death, irony and sincerity, collapse and creativity, journey and destination, work and play. It needs to not choose but somehow continue to dance, seduce, weave theory and upset the representation of what comes before or after, because image is power: ‘i’m regressing again / but all i hope is when we picture the end of the world / we end the picture of the world’ (‘Ferocious Lack Harmony’).
Works Cited
Ahmed, Sara, 2010. The Promise of Happiness (Durham: Duke University Press).
Clément, Catherine, 1994. Syncope: The Philosophy of Rapture (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
Cooper, Jeremy, 2019. Ash Before Oak (London: Fitzcarraldo Editions).
Dawson, Gloria, 2019. ‘On Caspar Heinemann’, Zarf #13 (Glasgow: Zarf Poetry).
Kapil, Bhanu, 2015. Ban en Banlieue (New York: Nightboat Books).
Farrier, David, 2019. Anthropocene Poetics: Deep-Time, Sacrifice Zones, and Extinction (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
Gardner, Callie, 2018. naturally it is not (Sutton: The 87 Press).
Haraway, Donna, 2016. Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene (Durham: Duke University Press).
Heinemann, Caspar, 2017. ‘FUCKING PANSIES: Queer Poetics, Plant Reproduction, Plant Poetics, Queer Reproduction’, academia [online]. Available at: <https://www.academia.edu/32408905/FUCKING_PANSIES_Queer_Poetics_Plant_Reproduction_Plant_Poetics_Queer_Reproduction> [Accessed 29.7.19].
— 2019. Novelty Theory (Sutton: The 87 Press).
Jarman, Derek, 2018. Modern Nature (London: Penguin).
Morton, Timothy, 2010a. The Ecological Thought (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
— 2010b. ‘Guest Column: Queer Ecology’, PMLA, Vol. 125, No. 2, pp. 273-282.
— 2013. Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
— 2016. Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence (New York: Columbia University Press).
Pico, Tommy, 2017. Nature Poem (Portland: Tin House Books).
Retallack, Joan, 2003. The Poethical Wager (Berkeley: University of California Press).
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 1993. Tendencies (Durham: Duke University Press).
Zylinska, Joanne, 2016. ‘Photography After the Human’, Photographies, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 167-186.
[1]Against its general usage in academic and news discourse, I deliberately de-capitalise anthropocene to recognise the term’s assimilation into a broader cultural vernacular, whose shifting interpretations bely the insistent fixity implied by a capitalised proper noun. With anthropocene, not Anthropocene, we are working with a pliable term whose definitions are open to critical resistance and semiotic play. We are figuring out the definition of the anthropocene through practice, rather than accepting a totalising framework which suffers from a similar hubris around species as that which underlies the anthropocene ‘condition’ or ‘cause’ as such. I follow Joanna Zylinska in thinking of the anthropocene as more of ‘a thought device that helps us to visualise the multiple event of extinction — but also to intervene in the timeline of the extinction’ (2016).  
[2]Following Timothy Morton (2010a), I will occasionally capitalise ‘Nature’ to, as Morton puts it, ‘highlight its “unnatural” qualities, namely (but not limited to), hierarchy, authority, harmony, purity, neutrality, and mystery’.
[3]Notably, Pico’s Poetry Foundation profile describes him as a ‘karaoke enthusiast’.
Novelty Theory is out now and available to buy here, via The 87 Press.
Text: Maria Sledmere
Published 7/8/19
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zarfpoetry · 5 years
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poetry reading announce! 7pm, Saturday 18 May, at Typewronger Books in Edinburgh w/ poems from Azad Ashim Sharma, Dominic Hale, Callie Gardner, and Gloria Dawson – £free! hope to see you there xxx
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xojnn · 5 years
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bisexual characters in tv shows
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