#Call for help
name-protection-squad · 9 months
Everything shitty conservatives have done has led to this
hi y’all I am literally BEGGING y’all if you can to post about the Project 2025. It’s a plan by a bunch of far conservative groups planning to dismantle the US government if they can elect a conservative president. There’s this lady on tik tok who has a series called “Know Your Enemy” and she talks about this in depth. She has been talking about the same groups for over a year, and they’re the same groups responsible for ALL of the hateful anti-lgbtq legislation in the last 40 years.
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whumpster-dumpster · 2 years
Another whump trope I don’t see nearly enough of: Caretaker trying to keep Whumpee awake over the phone until they find them
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egostrawberry · 10 months
Me and my family have been struggling financially for a very, very long time now. For as long as I’ve lived, I can’t remember a single time where we’ve had enough money to live comfortably for even a moment. A few months ago, our kitchen floor became warped, and what we initially thought was a flood under our kitchen floor became so, so much worse. We were told that there is asbestos in our kitchen. For the past two months, we’ve been living in a cramped, miserable hotel while a bunch of strangers go in and out of our home to work PAINSTAKINGLY SLOW on gutting and rebuilding our entire kitchen. I am the oldest child of 3 younger brothers. My Mom, who is insanely smart and strong-willed, has been doing everything she can possibly do in order to make sure we have enough money for food. My Dad works in the oil fields, meaning he is unavailable for months at a time, leaving just me and my Mom to take care of all of the kids.
To sum things up, we are experiencing a living hell. I graduated just before this nightmare happened. I had plans to get a job, start earning money and to generally become more self-sufficient overall, and I have done none of that because of all this bullshit. It has taken an extreme toll on my mental health to the point where I am scared of my own thoughts and feelings. I’m done sugar coating things. If you are reading this and you can donate anything at all, even if it’s just a couple dollars, do it. We want our life back. We want our home back.
Please. Save us from our suffering.
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catgirlmagneto · 3 months
not what i usually post but…
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this is Rocco, my friend’s cat and one of the sweetest animals i’ve ever met.
Rocco is currently facing a health crisis — he has just been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism as well as liver and pancreas abnormalities. he may also have cancer. his kitty parent, a genderqueer young adult, has no way to help him, because they do not have the funds to get him additional testing or appropriate care for any of these conditions.
here’s a link to his page:
without treatment, hyperthyroidism is a slow and painful disease that will starve Rocco until he is too weak to fight. there is a medicine to treat him, but the barrier is cost.
i’ve never reposted anything asking for help on here because it’s hard to know what’s legit and what’s not. but i can promise you - this is a close personal friend of mine’s cat who is suffering. i’ll be donating some of my own, and i hope you can give what you can. even just $1 gets that much closer to the goal.
even just reblogging to signal boost helps.
thanks for reading this far, and here’s a bonus Rocco for your trouble:
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the-arcade-doctor · 3 months
attention text doctor/jota fans WE. NEED. ANIMATORS!!! we need someone to help for fnf: vs screech, we're done with screech's first song, and all we need now is sprites and a charter
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masterweaverx · 1 year
Don’t you just love it when a service you deliberately and repeatedly unsubscribed from and tried to uninstall from your computer automatically charges your bank account and takes the money you need to pay your bills?
Me neither!
Yep, it’s that time again. Time for me to beg for money--specifically the 63 dollars I need to pay my internet bill. Thankfully, I’ve already paid all my other bills, but this one is due on the 26th. Here’s some links to my ko-fi and my patreon accounts. And let’s say... a thousand word fanfic commission for 20 dollars? Yeah, that seems fair.
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ashbelero · 6 months
Sorry about this, I know I’ve done literally nothing in months, I’m moving again but it might be the last time. I’m currently at the vet with my mice and two of them are real sick.
One has an abscess digging into a tumor on her so… can’t do surgery but the bill might be a little high?
Uh so ignore if you can’t, if you’re in a tight spot I don’t want your help, I promise, but I could really use a boost in my Kofi.
Kind words are also appreciated
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
Out of curiosity, not because for the sake of angst (though I will admit I love good angst now and then) what do the fairies do if one of them needs medical attention? Do they handle it themselves or is there some kind of "fairy hospital/healer/whatever"
They can usually treat injuries and illnesses on their own with natural remedies.
But Moon once did have a fever that refused to go down and would have killed him, had Sun not called for help…
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natsuh34rtzz · 26 days
*doesnt do any homework, sucks at school, rots in bed all day, cant talk to strangers at all, has crippling social anxiety, has a horrible representation from misunderstood past actions, hasn't eaten healthy food for too long, struggles from paranoia, trashy sleep schedule, overwhelmed by anything and everything, never down on earth or fully 100% concentrated*
"im so silly for this !! :3"
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year
Whumpee has one last phone call to say goodbye to Caretaker. What can they say in the precious seconds they have left?
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babblable · 8 months
Haha. Welp!
So this year has been abhorrent for me and my household in many different ways! However, to keep a long story short:
I had a horrible meltdown at work last month due to a build up of stress, severe fibromyalgia flares, positively SHITTY managers and quit my job. I just couldn't do it anymore there. Especially not when said managers responded poorly to my distress and it took a manager from a different shift and another manager from a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORE to finally calm me down enough for me to be safe going home.
I am now unemployed.
My household and I are moving to a better, more spacious and accessible place of living.
That said....
My bills for October are paid and I don't have to worry about being homeless or hungry while I look for another job or get other accommodations figured out. However, November bills onward are not feasible for me right now with.... 38$ in my bank account, especially not when I still have to pay for getting to and from job interviews. Bus fares ain't cheap and apparently our bus fare system here is changing???? god. And syringes for my Testosterone cost money too. not much, but it all adds up.
I'm primarily worried about my phone bill, as without that, I cannot get transportation to my doctors appointments, which means I can't get the medications or mobility aid I need to keep my disabilities managed nor can my providers contact me in case of changes and vice versa. It also means potential employers can't contact me.
I do have to pay back what I owe the rest of my household members for my portions of rent, down payments and loan payments that they're covering for me until I find a job or other form of accommodation. I'd like to keep that as small as possible so I can build my savings back up. ;w;
How to help!
During this time, once I've applied to a slew of places, I'm spending the rest of my free time finishing the commissions I've had queued for a while. I'm also streaming a variety of content and doing art in general that I post here after each piece is done! I write too, but not quite as much. Still, if you like any of what I do, be it art, videos, streaming or writing, consider helping out a disabled genderqueer lil guy by buying me a coffee!
Once I'm done with my current set of commissions and update my sheet, I'll open up commissions again and keep you all updated on that!
It's also totally okay if you can't help financially! believe me, I get it. It'll help just as much to spread this around! Any help is appreciated, ;w;b <3
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imforeverjustyours · 5 hours
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Jo’s down on their luck, again
I hate doing this, and yes, I know I’ve done it before. Similar circumstances, too. But I’m in a pinch and have to reach out for assistance.
So, a few days ago (at the start of my typical work week) my car’s starter motor gave out. Which is really inopportune, as I need my car for my delivery job that’s my primary source of income. Worse, the repair will cost 1400 CA$ all in, plus there was the $115 to tow it to the shop. Let’s not even get into the week’s worth of pay down the drain. I’d been saving money in hopes of finally buying a new computer so I can resume vidding (I have a new Catra vid I’ve been wanting to do for over a year, plus several MFS ones) and hopefully start freelance editing for money, and this wiped out that fund. I was recently granted the disability tax credit and got some back taxes from that, but even that won’t cover the cost. My fam are all strapped for cash at the moment and can’t help, and I’m trying to avoid dipping into the savings I have for when I inevitably have to leave my current affordable living situation in a very expensive market. I’ll survive if I don’t get help, but I’ll be facing a significant setback. I was really looking forward to expressing myself through visual arts again and maybe even starting to make actual money off of it.
Most of my recent work has been in the Motherland: Fort Salem fandom, which is mostly non-existent on Tumblr. So maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree here. Y’all might have thought I died or something, but I did not (despite some close calls). There’s still unfinished works and new ideas in my older fandoms that I hope to return to at some point, but I can’t guarantee anything, as my focus and energy levels are still affected by all the brain injuries (and that brain is ASD/ADHD to begin with). My health in general just isn’t great these days, and that takes a toll. So, I’m not in a place to be asking for help based on the promise of new content. But if you’ve enjoyed my work over the years (including metas and gifsets, along with the fics and vids) and found it enlightening or helpful, please consider throwing me a few bucks. Anything really does help at this point. If you have nothing to give (a total mood), please share this with friends and followers who may know me/my work.
If nothing else, thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate all the support (monetary and otherwise) I’ve gotten from my followers over the years, that people care about my content and find it worth engaging with. Even if I’ve been around less, I still think fondly of you all and the great conversations and friendships that began here. Feel free to reach out in DMs even if you can’t donate; I miss the people on this hellsite (affectionate).
Link to my Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/johannas_motivational_insults
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Very recently, I decided to put together all of the Toontown Rewritten streets into a comprehensive map. However, when I tried to play jigsaw with the streetmaps I ran into an... issue.
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Obviously, having all the tunnels overlap was not accurate to the Playgrounds at all, but it was the best that I could do. If i had overheads of the playgrounds, I could line up the playground tunnels and make a far more accurate map This post calls to all the boundary breakers, data miners, and cartographers of Toontown. Please, Find a way to get an overhead picture of each playground. The first person who does so will get a free colored and rendered piece from me, and will be assisting in a giant step for Toontown's navigation. Cartographers of the world, UNITE!
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masterweaverx · 10 months
So I've published three snips this month so far:
The start of a story featuring the most diehard CPS agent going against a grimdark uncaring world to make sure children get the love and attention they deserve
A continuation of a snip series where two superheroines that debuted separately in canon will instead debut as partners, in all meanings of the word
What happens when a teenage girl makes cute robots? Apparently a magic tailor drags them home for a talk with their dad. Also the ethics of cute robots are discussed.
Oh, and I made a bunch of omakes for this one Star Wars fanfic, starring trauma and potentially lesbians.
Anyway, I still need money and patrons, as per my last post. Here's my Ko-Fi, here's my Patreon, and here's my apology for not being as active on tumblr for the last month. I'm sorry. My brain hates me sometimes.
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enamouredless · 1 year
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