cacaocheri · 1 month
chilchuck and charlie against the world
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HELLO TUMBLR!!!!!! i went to a con with my friend the other day and we had a BLAST!!! i of course dressed up as charlie daydreamers and my friend ( @that-one-vangogh-painting ) did a chilchuck cosplay <3333 i thought the character combo was very silly so i did a little doodle page of them interacting (some are based on our actual experience at the con and some are just for funsies). <333 and then below are some individual images i edited of charlie at the con (yes i DID wear my sun shoulder rider hehe)
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normansnt · 4 months
The real him
(Alastor x male overlord!reader)
No warnings my loves
Perhaps some grammatical errors🥹
Alastor was walking down the street to attend the overlords meeting that was taking place today. He has been absent for quite some time so he has not been to one in a while, and honestly he was kind of excited to go again. Not because he cared so much about what they had to say oh no, of course it was useful information for his plan but the one true reason he went was not something, it was someone.
The overlord of music. Since he was the radio demon and you were the music demon you naturally had something to do with each other. Not to mention it just so happened that you both liked jazz that was a first bonding point.
The moment you became an overlord and turned up on one of the meetings Alastor was delighted by you. You were younger than most of them around the age of the Vees however you are very respectful towards the elder overlords. And even though you were one of the strongest ones you were not egoistic at all. If anything Alastor would call you quite humble. You had a happy air around you similar to Charlie, but he could see the smartness and cunningness underneath. For anyone else you just seemed like any happy go lucky idiot in hell but Alastor knew better. He knew that you could not have become an overlord without brains, all though the Vees achieved it. It only took him one conversation with you to know that sly brain of yours which was probably one of the smartest in the room, despite your young age.
Before he left hell it has become a habit that you two sat down for a coffee after meetings and you could talk for hours, one of your favorite activities was playing chess together.
To put it short. Alastor absolutely adored you, and loved spending time with you. The only thing that made him feel even a little bit sad when he left was the thought of not seeing you for a long time.
"Alastor, how fare thee, this way"
Alastor was too caught up in his daydreams about you to notice the tall figure appearing before him.
"Greetings, Zestial" he looked at the overlord while they made their way to the meeting.
"Ah, the weather, doth become this fine day."
"Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!"
"If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams. How art thou?It has been an age since thou hath graced us thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to...holy arms."
"Oh, I just took a well-earned sabbatical, nothing serious. Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes!" Laughed Alastor
"Quite intriguing, Some of us did miss thee more than others" smiled Zestial mysteriously.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Asked back Alastor his smile never wavering.
"Thee knoweth what I mean a certain youngster did miss thy presence gravely"
To this Alastor's smile lessened just the littlest bit, barely seeable to naked eye truly. He was not pleased that he caused you sadness. All though deep down in his cold dead heart a spark of warmth emerged to the thought that you missed him.
"Well than shall we proceed" said Zestial at last.
When Alastor and Zestial arrived at the meeting he was disappointed to notice that you were no where to be seen. Nonetheless he took his seat, hoping that you will turn up since you do have a habit of losing track of time.
So the meeting began, Alastor sat next to Rosie a charming Women overlord of the cannibal town also a good friend of yours and Alastor.
"Ahhh Alastor such a pleasure to see you again, someone has become quite broody without you here." The powerful women finished her sentence with a cheeky grin.
"Yes it has been brought to my attention as well however I do not see the culprit here anywhere."
"Ohh you know the clumsy, he is always late."
About 10 minutes after the meeting began Velvette bursted through the door throwing the head of an exorcist of the table, and you walked in calmly behind her.
"Must you make such an entrance, and oh look at that now you got blood all over the table you could do it less flashy you know" you said looking at the media demon.
"I'm sorry for being late Velvette here was holding me up" you said rolling your eyes while she stuck her middle finger in your face.
"Anyways what are we-" you stopped talking when you saw Alastor. Your face broke out in a grin which you quickly tried to cover up with a cough and took your place besides Rosie.
"It's quite all right (Y/N) we know how...annoying the Vees can be" said Carmilla smiling at you slightly. You had a friendly relationship with most every overlord, even the Vees all though that was more professional.
After that you had trouble focusing, all you could think about was what you would say to Alastor after the meeting.
When Velvette jumped unto the table and started very disrespectfully yelling at Zestial and Carmilla you wanted to step in but Rosie put her hand on yours shaking her head slightly.
Alastor chuckled, a real hearty quet chuckle not a mocking one. He has always adored the way you like to stand up for people. He often wondered how you ended up in hell. Now he knows of course, your coffee 'dates' have turned quite deep sometimes, thus you are pretty much the only person who knows him. Not his grin he always wears, not his charmingly sick personality, him.
After the rather quick meeting you waited for Alastor outside of the meeting room. You were quite nervous you have not seen him in 7 years.
When Alastor saw you waiting outside he walked over. You waited till the other overlords have left the scene and the moment you could not see any of them anymore you jumped into Alastors arms.
Now, Alastor did not like physical touch. But this was already a routine for you too. Since you are a very touchy person and he does not like it at all you started off slow. Putting your hand on his shoulder as greeting and goodbye. Than patting his back and this way you guys slowly went up to a point where he was comfortable with hugging you. And now he loves it. But only if its you.
"(Y/N)...I've heard you missed me."he stated while smiling, not grinning, smiling at you.
"Weelll, I mean its no secret that you are my favorite there" you smiled shyly
"Only there?" He asked smiling egoistically exactly knowing your answer.
"All right, all right mr.bigshot however that doesn't explain why you were gone for 7 years without telling me where you were?"
You might be happy to see him now but that doesn't change the fact that he hurt you when he left without telling you.
His smile faltered a bit
He took your hand and next thing you know is you guys ended up in his room in the Hazbin Hotel.
Now he could let the smile go. All though a soft one remained on his lips.
"Everything in its time my dear"
Ok I'll stop
I already have at least 5 more fics in my notes just waiting to be published but I might wait with those cuz I really have to proof read them cuz when I type fast (like when I have too many ideas in my head cuz I have a new hyperfixation) I make the stupidest ass mistakes😭
Thank you so much for reading ladies, gentleman and other, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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zablife · 5 months
One Way or Another
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Summary: When your brother Bonnie warns you about the darkness lurking beneath Tommy Shelby’s charming exterior, you heed his advice and break up. However, a vengeful Tommy vows to get you back and his ruthless tactics are worse than you could have imagined. 
Author's Note: Requested by a lovely anon who wanted to see dark!Tommy manipulate a reader into staying with him using Charlie as leverage. 
Warnings: language, dark!Tommy, manipulative behavior, allusion to non con (no graphic description), assault, discussion of pregnancy and adoption
You'd noticed the handsome, blue-eyed man the moment you and your family arrived in Small Heath. Intrigued by the mystery surrounding his enormous wealth and influence, you disobeyed your father's orders and began sneaking into town to catch a glimpse of Mr. Thomas Shelby. He soon took note of you as well, lavishing attention and gifts on you.
You even met his son Charlie a few times in his father's office. Giving voices to the toy horses and soldiers he would bring, the chubby toddler would laugh and grasp at your cheeks. You loved his laughter and often wished he was your own child. "You're a natural, sweetheart,” Tommy praised with a wide grin, which made you anxious for something more with him. You found yourself daydreaming about becoming Mrs. Shelby and giving him another baby.
Tommy wasn’t shy about expressing his own desire to you. A bottle of whisky and a sour mood had led him to confess that Charlie was not his son. He claimed it was an error in his judgement of character that would not happen again. This time he wanted things done in the proper way with the right woman, he said. You’d melted on the spot when he took your head between his large palms and kissed you full. His advances would escalate in the following meetings as he learned of your purity, more enamored with you than ever. You knew it was only a matter of time before he proposed to make you his completely.
However, someone in camp must have taken note of your frequent visits to Shelby properties because word quickly got back to your brother, Bonnie. "Y/n, what are you doing with him? He's not good for ya," he said furrowing his brow in concern.
"What do you mean, Bon?" you asked curiously.
“Don’t you know? You must,” he insisted, underestimating your youthful naivete. 
"He's the leader of the Peaky Blinders, Y/n. He's responsible for cuttings and beatings…murders. No one is safe round him. Not even you," he warned ominously.
"Surely not," you said, shaking your head in disbelief. Tommy was an upstanding businessman, or so you thought.
"Y/n, please listen to me," your older brother begged, sliding closer to you. "I wasn't supposed to tell you,” he said in a low, conspiratorial tone, “but Da and I are here to kill his enemies. And there's a long list. You don't want anything to do with Tommy Shelby, trust me," he stressed twisting his cap in his hands. 
After a lengthy conversation about everything he knew, including the murder of Tommy’s first wife, you were shaking with fear. Bonnie wasn’t easily spooked and it bothered you to see him this upset. “Alright, I'll keep my distance," you agreed, witnessing his agitation.
Bonnie sighed with relief, but you noted an apologetic tinge to his voice when he said, "I only want to keep you safe.”
You reached for his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I know," you assured him and he relaxed back into his chair.
True to your word, you broke things off with Tommy the next day. You tried to be careful, explaining it in every conceivable way except the real reason. In your usual self effacing manner you babbled away to ease your nerves. "I'm much too young for you, Tommy. You'll get bored of me and everything I don't know. Surely you want someone more...experienced," you blushed.
Although he seemed to listen intently without judgment, inwardly he was fuming. It was your omission that told him everything he needed to know. Someone close to you had warned you off and he was certain it was your father or brother, perhaps both.
As you left his office that day, Tommy began plotting to get you back. Preferably in a manner that would punish you and your family. He would win you one way or another. Gambling was his livelihood after all and the odds were always in his favor.
Two weeks later...
You heard Tommy's footsteps thudding on the stairs behind you, slowly and methodically. The rhythm pounded inside your skull like a drum, driving you to the brink of hysteria and quickening your own steps. He was frighteningly calm despite your obvious distress as though he enjoyed humiliating you. 
"Come back to bed, love," he urged in a saccharine voice that turned your stomach.  
Your body shivered in reply as you headed toward the sitting room in search of your coat. Blinking back the tears at your lash line and biting your tongue until it bled, you promised yourself you wouldn't let him see you cry. It had been the same tactic you used that morning when your father admitted he'd gambled away your innocence in a scrap metal yard when Tommy goaded him into a coin toss.
"You're going to allow this?" Bonnie yelled at your father, pacing the floor in anxious rage reserved for fight days. 
Placing yourself between him and the two blinders who had come to collect you, you mumbled, “I'll be alright.” It was a meager attempt to convince him and yourself. Turning to your father you asked, “It’s only one night?”
Watching from the corner of the room, deathly still, your father replied "I hope so." But his eyes were wide and filled with terror, the likes of which you'd never seen. 
A harsh tug on your elbow startled you out of yourself as Tommy towered over you. "Where do you think you're going, eh?" he asked tightening his grip, all attempts at gentle tactics now vanished.
"I'd like to go home to my family," you choked out desperately, fingers ghosting over his in a vain attempt to soften his grasp. If he held any affection for you, perhaps he would allow you to leave with a shred of dignity.
He smirked wickedly at your cowering form, “I don’t think you understand, love. This is your home now." Tucking your disheveled hair behind your ear to reveal a bite mark on your shoulder he added, "We're just getting started, you and I." His thumb traced a dark bruise forming higher up on your neck and you winced as he pressed into it. He placed a kiss to your lips and murmured against you, “Going to tell me how much you loved having me inside you, filling you up?” 
His nose brushed against yours as you pulled away. Taking a deep breath, you attempted to steady your voice. “Tommy, how can you expect me to stay after you hurt me like that?” you asked, eyes burning with tears as you relived the pain inflicted on your body and heart as you realized he’d never meant a word he said to you when you were courting.
“Everyone’s first time is like that, sweetheart. It couldn’t be helped,” he replied, caressing your cheek. You felt the bile rising in your throat as you thought of how rough he’d been, holding you down and rutting into you like an animal without any regard for your comfort. 
Mustering all your courage you asserted, “I don’t want it like that ever again.”
Tommy chuckled, “Every woman says that until she wants a baby. Then you'll be begging for it.”
You shook your head as you spat, “I don’t want a family with you.”
His eyes narrowed, large hand sliding down over your midsection as he tsked, “A bit late for that. You might already be carrying my child. What will you do then?” he asked with raised eyebrow.
“I don’t know, but I wouldn’t ask anything of you and I don't want..."
"I don't give a fuck what you want," he interrupted, eyes blazing with fury. "You belong to me,” he hissed, hand snaking down to your throat. 
“I'll never be yours!” you shouted, fighting against him. You were paralyzed by the feeling of your airway constricting under his crushing grip, reducing you to pathetic whimpers. He squeezed until your lungs burned from lack of oxygen, your fingertips scrabbling for his wrist and clawing uselessly. 
Leaning to whisper into the shell of your ear, hot breath fanned over you along with his terrifying words, “You don’t want to make things worse now, do you?”
Just as your vision turned dark, he relinquished you and you fell to the floor gasping for breath. Between coughing fits, you became aware of the housekeeper, Mary, standing in the room. When Tommy had summoned her you weren’t sure. Perhaps you had lost consciousness at some point because she stood with Charlie in her arms and the ringing in your ears soon turned to shrill crying. 
“Ch-Charlie?” you asked, reaching for the child with a hint of a smile in hopes of cheering him.The brightness returning to your eyes told Tommy all he needed to know. With clenched jaw, he  jerked his chin and Mary left the room as quickly as she had appeared. “What’s she doing?” you mumbled, attempting to stand despite the fuzzy feeling swimming inside your head.
Tommy didn’t answer, pretending as though he hadn’t heard you. He picked up the phone, adopting a business like tone, and began, “Good evening, put me through to Sister Agatha.” 
You could still hear Charlie’s desperate sobs echoing down the corridor as Tommy greeted the woman on the other end of the line. Standing on wobbly legs, you hesitated with uncertainty, wishing to comfort the boy. However, your attention was brought back to the cruel words you overheard next. Your jaw dropped as you heard Tommy proclaim, “Send someone to collect the child tonight.”
You scrambled toward him, a look of horror crossing your face. “What have you done?”
Tommy stood like a brick wall, cold and impenetrable. “What necessity dictates, my darling.”
“I d-don’t understand,” you stuttered in confusion, unable to think clearly while being tormented by Charlie's unending screams. Finally you begged softly, "May I hold him? He's upset." You stared at Tommy's stone like features, wondering how he could be so heartless toward a baby.
Taking his time to light a cigarette and toss the match into the fireplace, Tommy smoked quietly for a few moments before ushering Mary back into the room. He took Charlie from her and placed the toddler in your trembling arms. Within a few minutes the boy settled, his chubby cheek resting upon your shoulder. As your hand caressed his golden curls, his cries turned to quiet hiccups and you felt the gentle motion of his thumb sucking before his limbs grew heavy with sleep.
“Tommy, what’s going on?” you pleaded as fresh tears slid down your cheeks. “Why are you behaving this way?”
Tommy stalked to you in three long strides, forcing your chin to meet his gaze. Icy blue stare cutting into you sharply, he scolded, “You’re the one forcing me to do these things.”
You tried to shake your head in adamant denial, but his harsh grip kept you in place. Through pinched cheeks you sputtered, “I never told you…”
“But you did,” he bit back. “Weren’t you the one saying you wanted to leave? That you didn’t want a family with me?” He threw your chin away in disgust as your brain reeled.
“You’re twisting my words…” you protested, voice cracking with emotion. Looking down at the sleeping child in your arms you began, “Of course I didn't mean Charlie..."
Just then a knock came at the door, followed by two nuns announcing themselves as representatives of St. Hilda’s. You backed into a corner, holding Charlie to your body protectively, heart beating wildly as you thought of a way to save him.
“What a darling little boy," one of the nuns chirped despite the late hour. Then she added carefully, "May I take him now?”
Tommy caught your eyes from across the room, “Go on, sweetheart,” he urged. “Unless you’ve changed your mind?” 
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charlie bushnell x singer!reader
warnings: fluff, smau
summary: you release a new album !!
a/n I SWEAR ILL HAVE THE CHEST OF LOVE OUT BY THIS WEEK potential pt two if i finish the chest of love this week
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, ynln and others celebgossip rumours say that yn ln is releasing a new album featuring sabrina carpenter andtaylor swift comments are closed
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, sabrinacarpenter and others ynln all those other girls are beautiful…but would they write a song for you? view comments
hearts4yn WERE GETTING AN ALBUM iamcharliebushnell no they would not 💯 ➔ dior.n.goodjohn she wrote a whole ass album 😭 ➔ ynln 🙈 gracieabrams AHAJWJJSNSNS ➔ ynln STOP ILY sabrinacarpenter yall are not ready for the photoshoot 🫣 ➔ ynln 😘 walkerscobell HEY STEPHEN !! ➔ ynln I KNOW LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING ➔ leahsavajeffries i taught him this. leahsavajeffries ALBUM !! ALBUM !! ALBUM !!!!!!!!! ➔ ynln ALBUM !!!!! dior.n.goodjohn IM IN LOVE WITH THIS ➔ ynln i’m in love with YOU ➔ iamcharliebushnell … i.am.andrewalvarez 🤫🧏‍♀️ ➔ ynln get out ➔ aryansimhadri 🤫🧏‍♀️ elliebellykim i’m so excited 😆 ➔ ynln MY GIRLLL ➔ aryansimhadri wtf man leenascobell RELEASE IT EARLY !!!! ➔ ynln @treepaine PLSSS this comment is now deleted ➔ ynln my manager won’t let me 😞 honeymoon oh my baby’s all grown up ➔ ynln PLS ILY taylorswift it’s ur 3rd album already !! i’m so proud of you 🤍 ➔ ynln CANT WAIT FOR TTPD
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, gracieabrams and others ynln i’m in love ‘fictional daydream’ version is now available on my store, with the bonus track “book of love” your support on this album has been so unwavering i thought i’d give you a couple of little presents.
as you know my album is coming out in 3 weeks (so close already), as a little thank you to everyone who has showed their love on this album i will be releasing ‘cherry on top’ NEXT WEEK !!
and for everyone who has been there for me since i posted covers with my bestie sab on youtube; IM GOING ON TOUR, the i’m in love world tour starts in 3 months !! tickets will be available at the same time as cherry on top releases
i love you guys 🩷 view comments
ynloml MOTHER IS FEEDING US iamcharliebushnell i’m so proud of you 🫶🏻 ➔ ynln ilysm char<3 ➔ hearts4yn their so cuteeee dior.n.goodjohn 😍 ➔ ynln BBYYYY leahsavajeffries you’re so pretty ➔ ynln leah babes ur my favourite ilysm user34 this albums going to be shit ➔ hearts4yn this album is NOT based off of u liked by yn sabrinacarpenter charlie is shaking ➔ dior.n.goodjohn uh huh ➔ i.am.andrewalvarez can confirm
*1 month later*
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liked by ynln, dior.n.goodjohn and others grammysofficial we present to you the future of the music industry AND best dressed of this years grammys view comments
taylorswift my childrennnn ➔ honeymoon our* children hearts4yn the first time in forever i felt like the grammys weren’t rigged moonchildswift help what am i doing wrong yn is 19 and has 2 grammys 4 vmas acting in two of the biggest shows of 2024 and a model ➔ user78 wait what were the shows ➔ moonchildswift she’s thalia in pjo and she’s flora in damsel (the new movie on netflix) ynloml MY QUEENSSSSS ynishearteyes YNNNNN ➔ iamcharliebushnell ur username is so real ➔ ynln 🙈 ➔ ynishearteyes HELPP
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liked by ynln, milliebobbybrown and others ynslove throwback thursday to when yn starred in two of the biggest shows of 2024 and released her third album (I GOT TICKETS TO THE IM IN LOVE TOUR LA N2) view comments
hearts4yn IM GOING ON DUBLIN N3 ➔ ynloml SINGAPORE N6 ➔ ynismywife CINCINNATI N1 user56 YN LIKED fcklife MILLIE LIKED
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, walkerscobell and others ynln lil bf appreciation post view comments
walkerscobell ew… ➔ ynln who gave him his account back iamcharliebushnell 💕 ➔ walkerscobell whipped ➔ iamcharliebushnell loud and proud liked by creator and 5400 others leahsavajeffries CUTIESSS dior.n.goodjohn MY girl elliebellykim aryan could never ➔ aryansimhadri EXCUSE ME ➔ ynln LOLLL
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liked by ynln, taylornation and others ynsminions yn at opening night of the ‘i’m in love’ world tour !!! see you tomorrow nyc 🩷🖤 comments are closed
a/n i’m literally gonna crash ramadan has started 😭 and we’re going to india on 5th of april so i’ll be afk for a month 🫶🏻 ALSO TT IS BANNED IN INDIA IMA HAVE TO DELETE IT 😭
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nunalastor · 1 month
Imagine Lucifer coming across Niffty doodling in the hotel parlor and, spurred by memories of watching Charlie draw as a little kid, asks to see what she's working on. Only for her to show him an extremely graphic drawing. Of him. And Alastor. With very little clothing.
"Do you like it?" she asks in the most innocent tone that won't allow him to answer with anything but glowing praise even as it feels like his head is about to explode from the blood rushing to his face. Niffty, none the wiser, just squees happily and goes back to drawing.
After Lucifer regains his ability to speak, he asks Niffty if she usually draws things like... that. Niffty replies happily that she loves drawing all of her favorite bad boys, and Alastor is her favorite-favorite.
"And does Alastor, uh, know you draw him like... this?"
"Yup! He loves my drawings! He keeps each and every one I give him!"
Lucifer doesn't know what to do with this information. But he definitely feels like he's learned something he shouldn't know. He asks if he can keep the drawing of him and Alastor together, with the intention of burning it the second he's alone in his room. Niffty gladly gives it to him and Lucifer folds it and tucks it away in his pocket.
Things get busy and Lucifer almost forgets about the drawing until he comes face to face with Alastor and suddenly Lucifer's face is as red as the apple on his cane. As much as he desperately tries to look anywhere but Alastor, his eyes keep being drawn to the Radio Demon, the drawing flashing through his head, wondering how accurate it is, wondering if Alastor really looks like that underneath all those tacky layers-
Alastor's eyes meet his and Lucifer just about has an aneurysm before excusing himself.
All throughout the day, Lucifer tries his best to avoid Alastor. Which Alastor picks up on almost instantly. No matter where Lucifer goes, he's certain to find Alastor close by, smirking at him. He can't get that damn drawing out of his head.
By the time Lucifer collapses in his bed that night, he swears he's half gone insane. Unfortunately, he's also very very horny and that's making it even harder for him to shake the image from his head. His traitorous brain supplies sound effects, wondering if Alastor would keep up the radio sounds or drop the filter entirely and let his real voice through, would he bite his lip to muffle any sound at all, or would he cry out...
Lucifer's not proud of what he does next. But he needs relief. And the drawing in his pocket makes for decent daydream material.
After he's finished, Lucifer rolls over and screams into his pillow. He swears he's NEVER going to let that happen again. He's just... lonely since Lilith left. Yeah. It was a one time mistake he shan't repeat.
Around three weeks later, he comes across Niffty drawing yet another picture of himself an Alastor.
Lucifer asks if he can keep it.
begging you guys to draw niffty's drawing 😭
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circeyoru · 3 months
I've been having a whole scenario in my head and I wanted to ACTUALLY read them from a fanfic
A oneshot where reader is like an empress of Hell, they're the one who rules all the overlords and owns said overlord's souls, ans also the founder of overlords, but their power is just right below Lucifer's and Lilith's
The timeline takes place right after the fight between Adam and the exorcists vs the Hotel
So like, the hotel is rebuilt! And Charlie has received a few actual customers that wanted to be redeemed
And Alastor feels like there's something going to happen that it's making him all tingly and nervous, and it did!
And then, reader like showed up, but under disguise (Charlie is like a niece figure to reader) but then again Charlie doesn't recognize them because they're in disguise for some purposes (I'll let you decide 🥰)
And Alastor, was completely shook, he WAS NOT EXPECTING READER AT ALL
Though he was QUICK to realize that reader was in disguise, so he just slightly scrambles to introduce himself even though he's hiding his excitement and nervousness
After all Alastor was eager to please his master, he also ended up dropping his radio vintage voice in the process
"Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, *quite* the pleasure! What brings you to this fine establishment madame?" literally took their hand and kisses it
And reader is just like
"I may have been in need for a place to stay. But I heard Vox had cameras everywhere, and this was the only hotel I could have privacy"
Vox was an overlord ofcourse, he's also on Ravine's command, but Vox always had cameras stalking Ravine, which Vox calls it.. "keeping an eye for protection"
And since Alastor was the Radio Demon, every camera breaks of crashes if he was recorded, qnd it counts the hotel! That's why Ravine came to the hotel in the first place, and they explained Charlie that he didn't need to be redeemed, just a place to stay at the moment and Charlie wouldn't refuse someone in need. After all if Charlie refused Alastor will find a way to make her
it made Alastor slightly annoyed at Vox displeasing reader
But also boosted his ego and pride! Maybe once he saw Vox again he would rub it on Vox's face that reader came to him for a place to stay instead~
And after all that chatty yada yada or tour
Reader and Alastor finally had a real private talk at Alastor's radio tower! This part is a bit angsty but fluffy
They catch up and then Ravine brought up Alastor's wound in his chest caused by Adam, along with his mic/cane that he was not holding no more
Alastor tried to brush the topic off, feeling ashamed
But reader insisted. They ended up locating the wound exactly and placed a hand over it before Alastor could protest, and healed him
And Alastor didn't have a choice but to melt into the touch, his fluffy ears pulling back in the process
And maybe just reader teasing Alastor for his deer habits
Or an extra scene of Alastor stating that reader came to him and rubbed it on Vox's face
Let's try something~ Here's a spoil on the next story I have written~ Will be out in a few hours.
Now this is a newer request, but it was so unique (and the longest request I got I think) that it got me thinking, so I had to write it. Haha~
Collection of Overlords = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader] P.S. It's out now~
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Pairings: George weasley x Fem! Summary: George tells you that you deserve better than your boyfriend Warnings: mention of kissing, abuse, cheating, crying, blood, break up Note: I'm just saying right now that you should never tolerate a boyfriend that treats you badly.
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George watched from afar as you talked to your boyfriend.
he was zoned out from whatever Fred was telling him as he stared at him yelling at you as you defended yourself
George couldn't understand why you guys fought all the time, and he couldn't understand why you still stayed with him.
the younger twin couldn't even begin to count the times he would have to comfort you after another fight.
he was sick of having to do that, as your best friend, George felt like he had to do something, but what could he do? he couldn't just go up to you and tell you to break up with him, you would come up with an excuse saying it was your fault and your boyfriend was right.
"George, are you even listening to me?" Fred snapped his fingers in front of his brothers face, George continues to look past Fred to you and your boyfriend, Charlie
"why doesn't she just leave him?" George questioned
"what?" Fred turned and looked at what George was looking at, Fred cared about you too, you were his friend, but he was never really concerned about your relationship with Charlie, he believed that if Charlie got so bad that you couldn't deal with it, you'd leave, and obviously you haven't broken up with him, so Charlie mustn't've been THAT bad.
but George knew the real truth, even if you hadn't told him yourself. you were scared, you didn't know what would happen if you broke up with him and you didn't even want to, you were so in love and thought this was normal, even if he frightened you.
"she's fine, George, if she wanted to, she would. and she doesn't so they must be fine" Fred shrugged, turning back to George
"just forget about it, she'll be fine"
"what if he hurts her?" George frowned
"i doubt he would do something like that, and if he does, then I guess you could do something but I don't think it would change anything." Fred replied, making George look at him
"let's go, let them be, we'll probably see her later" Fred pulled him away, George still looking back, seeing Charlie step closer to you, still yelling and getting louder as you flinched back
George sat on the couch of the common room, you beside him as you cried, telling him about the fight
"he said that I need to spend more time with him, he was accusing me of cheating and just started to yell, George, it's fine, it's my fault, I should make more time for him" you assured him as you wiped your tears
"it's not ok, Y/n! you guys fight all the time and you have the right to space, you should be able to be without him every once in a while" George argued softly
"I know, but clearly I'm without him too much, I need to spend more time with him, George" you smiled
"he doesn't need to yell at you"
"George just forget it, please, stop worrying about me, I'm fine" you insisted
George stayed silent as he stared at you.
it shouldn't have to be like this George thought to himself
he often found himself thinking about you, whether it was just knowing you shouldn't be with Charlie or worrying about you because of Charlie, or just daydreaming about you, specifically with him.
ever since he was younger, when he met you, he knew you meant a lot to him, he hates seeing you hurt, and it wasn't until a few years ago until he wanted nothing more than to make sure you never did.
it wasn't until earlier that year that he was going to tell you, Fred encouraged George enough to tell you about his feelings for you, but when he had found you to confess, you had excitedly cut him off to tell him that Charlie Trentwell had asked you out.
he wanted to happy for you, and he tried, but he had thought you liked him back, Fred had convinced him that you did and he was distraught when you had told him you were going out with Charlie that weekend
George had quickly left and scolded Fred, telling him that he was wrong and stupid
"don't worry, Georgie, it won't last long, I bet they won't last a month" Fred reassured George that day.
but here George sat, next to you, who had been with Charlie was 7 months.
and he knew you weren't going to willingly leave Charlie any time soon.
George was walking to halls with you, you had came to him 4 more times in the past week crying after another fight with Trentwell
George hated watching him treat you like shit, when he could treat you so much better, he would never yell at you like Charlie did, he would never purposely make you cry the way Charlie did, all he could do was wish you saw that he was there, that your best friend, George weasley, was there and completely in love with you.
"what the hell?" you both heard an angry voice behind you.
you turned around first and met Charlie's eyes, he was mad
Charlie stormed up to you and glared, his hands in a fist as he breathed heavily
"what the hell are you doing with him?" he glared at George before looking back at you
"we, we're just-" you started wearily before George spoke up
"that's none of your business" he stood tall.
George was taller than Charlie so it wasn't hard to stand his ground.
Charlie chuckled "that's funny"
"what is?" you asked confused
"that you're trying to make me jealous, with him! did you really think that was going to work?" Charlie continued laughing
"I wasn't, that not what I'm d-" you started
"save it" Charlie hissed, grabbing your hand and began dragging you away
"hey!" George yelled out, storming towards him
Charlie stopped in his tracks and looked and George madly
"piss off, Weasel, she doesn't Love you, she never will, so leave. her. alone, go back to you one room house where you all sleep together" Charlie spat at George
George's family was something that he never let anybody cross. if anybody disrespected his family, he would make sure they never did it again without knowing the consequence
"say that again, I dare you" George spoke daringly
"you heard me" Charlie stepped forward
"Charlie" You warned
"shut up!" he yelled at you, making you flinch at the sudden loud noise
George locked eyes with you and you shook your head at him, silently begging him to not do something stupid, or something he'll regret later
"well? is that it? you just going to stand there, weasel?" Charlie chuckled
George stood there, remaining silent as he looked away from you, respecting your wishes.
"that's what I thought, you fucking coward" Charlie continued talking badly
"if I see you near her again, I swear to merlin, you won't be so lucky"
Charlie grabbed you again and dragged you away
later that day you came to George in the common room and sat next to him as he sat on the couch, staring at the fire.
he could tell you had been crying without even looking at you
"you need to break up with him" he said, breaking silence
"he was joking about what he said, George, it was a joke" you informed him
he chuckled under his breath sarcastically "clearly I haven't taught you anything from jokes"
"George I'm not breaking up with him, he said he was sorry, he didn't mean it, and I love him and he loves me too, fighting is normal, ok?" you told him, fully believing your own words
"it's not healthy to be fighting this much, Y/n, you need to leave him, you deserve better" George fought
"George stop, I'm fine, I'm not leaving him, I love him"
"has he ever hurt you, physically" George asked softly
you hesitated for a second and you didn't need to answer for him to know the answer
he got up and started going to the stairs
"where are you going?" you asked him, looking back
"going to bed, wouldn't want him to see us together" he whispered.
George ignored you for the next couple of days. you had seen Fred and he told you it was because he didn't want you getting hurt, because you weren't going to listen to him when he told you to leave
Charlie had started another fight saying it was your fault he lost the quidditch match, he said your cheering was too loud that he got too distracted. you agreed and apologised, even though you weren't at the game, instead, studying with Hermione
George was walking along the halls after lunch, he was skipping class and was looking for good spots to set up a prank Fred was planning
he had turned a corner and stopped in his tracks when he found Charlie, snogging a girl against a wall that was definitely not you
George walked up to them and yelled out, making them break apart
"what do we have here?" George raised his eyebrows at Charlie
"you didn't see anything, Weasel, you hear me?" Charlie pointed his finger
"you can think that but truth be told, I saw a lot" George glared at him angrily
he was furious with Trentwell, how he could even think of doing this to you, after accusing you of doing this shit, he goes and does it, what a fucking hypocrite!?
"I'm telling you that you didn't see anything, I swear if you tell anybody, especially Y/n, you'll regret it" Charlie stepped closer
"I don't think I will" George stepped closer
"If she finds out about this, you're dead!" Charlie threatened
George laughed at your boyfriend face, thinking his threat is funny
"who do you think she'll believe then, huh? her boyfriend or her pathetic little best friend who's in love with her and sleeps in the same bed as his whole family" Charlie smiled cockily
there was nothing stopping George to fighting Charlie, you weren't there to shake your head, to tell him that Charlie's only joking, that you're fine.
only Charlie was there, with his new chick who he cheated on you with, so he didn't even think when he punched him square in the face
Charlie stumbled back and held his nose which started bleeding
"say that again, I dare you" George huffed
"fuck you!" Charlie yelled and threw a punch at George, hitting him on the lip.
George laughed and pushed him to the wall, punching him in the stomach, making him curl down
the girl he was with had run off in fear. George didn't care if she was going to find someone to help oe if she wasn't coming back. he was going to make sure that Charlie got what he deserved, unlike what you've gotten the past 7 months, going on 8
George pushed Charlie to the ground and started kicking him in the stomach over and over again, making him cough
Charlie pulled on George leg and knocked him on the ground before punching him and George groaned in pain from his back
George sat up and pilled Charlie to the ground, he gripped onto his collar and bagan hitting his face multiple times before.
the end of the lesson came to an end as George beat up Charlie, the classes emptying and the students came through the halls, finding the younger weasley twins beating up one of the most popular guys in the school
"you're a fucking piece of shit!" George cursed at Trentwell
the students began cheering 'fight' as Charlie managed to push George off him.
you came into the hall, hearing all the ruckus as you strolled to your next class
you pushed through and gasped as you saw Charlie and George beating each other up
"you cheating piece of shit!" George screamed as he kicked Charlie's groin, making him curl up, holding his private parts
George was supporting a cut on his lip and his eye looked like it was going to be black by tomorrow while Charlie had a bloody nose that looked crooked, a cut on his cheekbone and an already developed back eye as it began swelling up
George sat down on Charlie's torso, pinning him down as he slammed his fist on your boyfriends face over and over again
"never, ever go near her again, you hear me, Trentwell?! leave her the fuck alone!" George yelled, his arm flexing as it went back and fourth, connecting with Charlie's face.
"fine! fine I won't!" Charlie whimpered out, his voice cracking
you wouldn't expect him to be anything but strong, he was a quidditch beater after all, but you never thought he would beat anything other than a bludger.
George got up and toward over Charlie breathlessly as Charlie laid there unconscious. passed out from the pain and blood
George wiped the blood off his lip with his sleeve and locked eyes with you as you stared.
he slowly walked up to you and held out his hand
"c'mon" he ushered
you stayed silent as you subconsciously took his hand. he walked you guys through the castle as sat down
"what was that about?" you asked quietly, knowing the answer but wanting him to confirm it as he stared at the fire of the common room
George looked at you and stared for a moment before speaking
"you deserve to be loved, not just considered, you deserve to be loved, not given up on"
you fell silent again, before you took out your wand and said a carm that brought a bag out ice into your hand
you looked at his wounds and held out the icepack, George took it and placed it on his eye, grimacing at the cold
"who was the girl?!" you asked lowly, tears forming in your eyes as you thought of Charlie cheating on you
"doesn't matter, Y/n, you don't have to worry about him anymore" he clenched his jaw
"I don't know how many times I've told you that you deserve better, he never treated you the way you should be" he told you.
"yeah well, I highly doubt anybody would treat me 'right', George" you sighed
"you don't even know" he shook his head, quietly laughing
"don't know what?" you wiped a tear that escaped your eye
"the people who would treat you well" he replied, still looking at you carefully
"yeah like who? George?" you asked desperately
"I would" he answered simply, looking away
you blinked, deep in thought when you thought of what he was saying
"what Charlie was saying about you- me, it was true?" you questioned
"of course it was, it's been true for years" he looked at you again, removing the ice-pack from his eye
you took it from his hands and held it there, knowing his hand was getting tired of holding it there
"why didn't you tell me?" you frowned, surprised by what he was confessing
"I was going to, you cut me off and stopped me from embarrassing myself" he sighed, looking down at his lap
"the day Charlie asked me out" you mumbled
you reached for his hand and held it.
"I'm sorry" you apologised when he didn't say anything
"you've got nothing to apologise for, it's not your fault" he assured you, giving your hand a light squeeze
"well, I just got out of a pretty bad relationship, but, if you give me a little time, if you want, we could try it out" you suggested
"you sure?" he raised his eyebrows
"you say I deserve better, you say. who's better than you?"
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m00nlight-ramblings · 4 months
Like Real People Do: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of "Like Real People Do"
After a slight mishap in the admissions office, you find yourself in the same History class as Eddie, pushing your friendship forwards (thanks to the help of Dustin Henderson).
Read Chapter 1 here
Pairing: Eddie x AFAB reader (named "Brooke" because I hate using Y/N, but will also be using "you" to make it reader-centric!)
Warnings: Swearing, dual pov. This entire series is 18+ MINORS DNI!
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I'm so happy so many people are liking this one...I love writing about Eddie *kicking my feet*. I've also noted that some people are wanting a tag list for this one, so if you want to be added, let me know!
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The heat inside the class room was stifling – one last heat spike seemed to be in full effect in Hawkins, and the lack of air conditioning inside Hawkins High really put a damper on any chance of comfortability. Eddie fanned himself with his hand, rolling his eyes at the sweat he felt pooling slightly at his collar.
Mr. Binkins, the history teacher, was droning on an on about World War I, much to the dissatisfaction of what seemed like the whole class. Eddie’s eyes wandered to outside the window, Mr. Binkins’ voice slowly morphing into the Charlie Brown adults – womp womp WOMP wOmP womp. This was his second time taking this particular class, and even though he got a D+ the last time, he had still retained the information somewhat.
In other words, he was really, really bored.
Eddie resisted the urge to start tapping a drum beat to the latest Metallica song he heard on the radio, his pencil resting between his fingers, ready for him to say “when”. No…he wouldn’t be that annoying in first period – besides, Mr. Binkins would probably tell him to stop within 10 seconds of him starting, and where the hell was the fun in that?
His mind wandered, running down his usual daydream subjects: music, his DnD campaign, the newest issue of Playboy Wayne was hiding under his bed that he thought Eddie had no idea about…
He sat straighter in his seat. You’d been in classes for a few days now, but Eddie had only seen you in the hallway a couple of times. You’d pass by and offer a polite smile, or even a friendly wave, and he would return the favor. He noticed you hadn’t seemed to be initiated into any cliques yet, and that you were equally friendly to everyone you came across whenever he saw you. At lunch, you were either sitting by yourself, or not there at all. Eddie hadn’t gotten the courage to ask you to sit with him and the Hellfire Club just yet.
Suddenly, the door to the classroom opened and in you walked, holding your books in front of you. Eddie’s heart lurched and he furrowed his brows.
Had he…conjured you? Like straight up wizard-ed you into the classroom?
“Can I help you?” Mr. Binkins asked, all heads turning to you. You offered him a smile – your trademark smile – and handed him a pink slip from the office.
“I was apparently put in the wrong history class for the past few days. The office told me I should’ve been in this one.” You scanned the class quickly, and when your eyes passed by Eddie’s, you deepened your smile, causing Eddie to blush.
Jesus, dude. Get a grip! You thought, slouching in your chair again to try and regain any sense of cool you had left in your body.
“Huh. Okay, Miss…Henway. Welcome! Tell the class a little about yourself.” He gestured to the rest of class and you turned.
“Okay. Um…hi,” You offered a little wave, “I’m Brooke. I moved here from Ohio at the end of June…um…” You made a face, pursing your lips together to try and think of something, “I’m a junior? And I work at the library. And I have a dog! Her name is Molly. Um…I think that’s it?”
“Very good. Have a seat anywhere that’s empty. Quite exciting…not only that you’re a new student, but that you’re in a senior class! Very good.” Mr. Binkins clapped his hands together, “Now, as soon as Miss Henway takes her seat, we can continue you.”
Eddie watched you scan the room again, and once you noticed the empty desk next to him, you made your way over, sitting in the seat and plopping your books on the desk. You turned to him and smiled.
“Hi again.”
“Hey,” He said, returning the smile. Lowering his voice down to a whisper, he spoke again, “So you’re in this class now? Cool.”
You nodded, “Yep. I guess the office messed up. Based on my transcripts I should be in this class. Do you know what page we’re on?” You asked, point to the textbook. Eddie shrugged.
“No idea?”
You raised your hand, “Sorry, Mr. …”
“Binkins.” The teacher said, turning around from the blackboard.
“Right. Mr. Binkins, what page are we on?”
“Great, thanks.” You started flipping through the book and snorted, your eyes darting over to Eddie. You whispered, “I don’t mean to sound rude but…Mr. Binkins sounds like he should be related to Bilbo Baggins with a name like that.”
Eddie chuckled and his heart flipped. “Fan of ‘The Hobbit’?”
“I read a lot.” You shrugged and gave him one last smile before turning your attention back to the lesson.
Eddie leaned back in his chair, his mind starting to swirl. So, he had met a cute – beautiful, really – girl, who was also really nice, and now in one of his classes. And on top of that, she seemed to share some similar interests? He blew out some air, trying to slow down the rapid pace of his heart.
He had a feeling he was going to be in a lot of trouble.
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Lunch period came quickly – thank god – and once you had grabbed your tray from the cafeteria lady, you turned to face the lunchroom. You had spent your lunch periods either sitting by yourself at the end of a table, in the library, or taken in by various random students like an orphaned colonial child. Which, really, you didn’t mind – you didn’t mind being by yourself all that much, especially when you remembered to bring something to read, or had some homework to catch up on.
You started to make your way to your favorite empty table when you heard a voice shouting behind you. “Hey! Hey!” Turning, you saw Dustin, waving his arms in the air with enthusiasm. Eddie and Mike were sitting next to him, hanging their heads in embarrassment. The other few at the table were snickering, smiling at you. Dustin waved you over and motioned to sit.
You sat down across from Eddie, sliding your bookbag underneath the table. “Hi, everyone.” You greeted.
“Hi! I’m so happy I noticed you walking to your usual empty table – you should sit with us instead from now on!” Dustin said, sitting back in his seat and smiling, “If you want!”
“Oh, thanks!” You said, “Yeah, maybe I will, if you don’t mind.” You eyed Eddie and he immediately smiled back at you, nodding slowly.
“Yeah, sure, of course.” He said.
“Great, then it’s settled! You can be apart of the lunch crew!” Dustin smiled proudly and ripped into his sandwich, chewing with his mouth open slightly, “How have your first few days been?”
You shrugged, pushing the salad you had gotten around with your fork, “Oh, it’s fine. I like school so it’s not too bad, but…” You trailed off, crossing your feet at the ankle, “Just an adjustment, is all.”
“Have you made any friends?”
“Dude!” Mike hissed, looking at Dustin, “You can’t just like, ask a new kid if they’ve made any friends yet. That’s rude.”
“No, it’s okay!” You offered, trying to lighten the mood, “I have…kinda? No one that I’ve hung out with outside of school yet…I have a bunch of classes with Nancy? Wheeler? So we’ve been chatting. Do you know her?”
Mike rolled his eyes and Dustin barked out a laugh, “Yeah, we know her. That’s Mike’s sister!”
“Oh! Oh, okay. Cool! She’s really nice.”
“Yeah…” Mike grumbled, in only the way younger brothers could. You shoved some salad in your mouth to shut yourself up, nodding and hoping someone else would take over the conversation.
“You could hang out with us, if you wanted!” Dustin offered, leaning in, “Do you play Dungeons and Dragons?”
“Dustin…” Eddie quietly groaned, “Please stop interrogating her. She’s only been able to take like, one bite of her food because you won’t stop asking her about her life story.”
“I…don’t, sorry,” You said, “Is that the game with like…dwarves and stuff?”
“Uh-huh! It’s really cool…if I do say myself.” Dustin reminded you of an over-enthusiastic puppy, which was really endearing. You noticed that Eddie, though seemingly annoyed with him, couldn’t help but have an affectionate air towards him. “I mean, we do other stuff too…not just DnD. We do movie nights, and go to the mall, and stuff.”
“I like the mall.” You offered politely, “I like to do a lot of stuff. And I like movie nights, too.”
“Next time we have one, we’ll invite you! Right, Eddie?”
Suddenly, Dustin shot up in his seat and yelped in pain, reaching down to his foot. Everyone at the table stopped to stare at him, including yourself.
“Jesus, that hurt, Eddie! Why did you kick me?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eddie said, in monotone. His eyes flickered to yours and back to Dustin, “I say we let her decide if she wants to hang out with us. Stop peer pressuring the poor lady to go to a movie night with us for Christ’s sake.”
Your heart sank a little – even though Eddie was friendly enough, it didn’t really seem like he wanted you to hang out with his group. Which was fine, since you didn’t know each other very well, but it still would’ve been nice if he had been a little more welcoming. Especially, considering you thought he was really handsome…in a rockstar, grungy kind of way.
“Um…well…I work weekends sometimes for the library so…I don’t really know my schedule. So who knows when I can even go to a movie night…” Pushing your food with your fork again, you tried your best to sound nonchalant, and not like a movie night would be the most fun you’ve had in a while.
Dustin frowned a little and took another bite of his sandwich, “Yeah, yeah. Okay…well…let us know…” He focused on his food and trailed off. You quickly looked up to Eddie, who was looking at you, but then looked away at his own food.
The rest of lunch was kind of awkward, with everyone making polite conversation about their “newest campaign” (whatever that was), and peppering questions in for you about your previous life in Ohio. Soon, the bell rang, and you made your way to the garbage can, throwing away the leftovers and sliding the tray on the collectable surface on top.
“Hey…” Eddie slid next to you, falling in line while you started to walk to your next class, “I’m sorry about Dustin. We don’t get a lot of…um, excitement? In Hawkins, so a new girl is quite a big deal for him, I guess,” He offered a smile, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets.
“Oh, it’s okay. It’s kind of sweet, actually. I like him…he seems nice.”
“Yeah…he is. He’s really nice.”
Your heart felt like it was being squeezed with the obvious tenderness Eddie had for Dustin. You both walked in silence for a second before he spoke again.
“Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that the next time we do have a movie night, you are more than welcome to come. In fact, we’d love to have you. If you want, of course.” He said, avoiding eye contact. You brightened a bit.
“Yeah? Okay, then. I’d like that.”
“I’ll let you know, then. I do have to warn you, though – we usually watch strictly horror flicks.”
“Oh, no!” You squealed, a laugh rising within you, “I love horror movies but I get scared so easily…just make sure I have something to hold on to so when I jump in fear, I don’t fall off the couch!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, your mind immediately flashed an image of you in Eddie’s arms, nuzzling into his neck to hide from the movie playing on the television. Heat creeped into your neck, no doubt causing you to blush.
Eddie awkwardly cleared his throat, looking away, “Yeah, I’ll make sure to have a blanket or something…a super special blanket made to protect you from the big bad scary man on T.V.” He ended the sentence in a goofy voice, wiggling his fingers for affect. You scrunched your nose and giggled, both of you walking up to the entrance to your classroom.
Suddenly, the bell rang, giving you one minute to get to class. “Well…thanks for lunch today. And for the movie invite. I’ll see you around?” You said, smiling. Eddie nodded, rocking on his heels.
“Yeah, see you around.”
You turned to head into class and for some reason, looked back at Eddie. He was inching his way away from the door of your classroom, but made sure you were fully in your seat before walking away. Smiling to yourself, you sat down.
You were really starting to like Hawkins.
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Saturday night, you found yourself in front of Eddie’s trailer, smoothing your shirt and taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. Your first time hanging out with someone from Hawkins – hanging out with anyone in months, really – and you were a bit nervous. Never mind the fact that you were seeing Eddie.
No…those nervous butterflies definitely didn’t have anything to do with that.
The trailer was on the smaller side, so you heard multiple voices right away. It seemed like you were one of the last ones to arrive, even though you were right on time. Suddenly, the door opened, and Eddie’s smiling face greeted you.
“You made it!” He said, ushering you inside. “Did you find my place okay?”
“Yeah, it was easy! You’re close to my house.” You said, walking into the trailer. Eddie shut the door behind you.
The trailer was homey – full of knick-knacks and memorabilia. Though the amount of stuff was overwhelming (in a good way), it was meticulously clean. You immediately felt at ease – almost at home.
The rest of Hellfire looked up at you in surprise. Eventually, Dustin smiled and stood up.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were coming!” He said, almost too excitedly. Immediately behind him, Mike rolled his eyes and Gareth, Jeff, and Dougie chuckled.
“Must have forgotten to mention it,” Eddie murmured quickly, guiding you to the couch, “Okay, who’s ready for the movie?!” He moved on quickly, shutting down any conversation Dustin was about to start. Dustin shot him a curious look and shrugged, heading to the kitchen.
“I’ll start to popcorn!” He called, opening the microwave.
You sat on the couch and Eddie immediately handed you a crocheted blanket. You looked at him, confused.
“The blanket…you know…to protect you from the big bad man on T.V…” He answered sheepishly, turning a light shade of scarlet. Your heart flipped at the recognition from the conversation you had a few days ago. Taking the blanket, you unfolded it and smiled.
“Oh, Eddie. Thanks. That’s so sweet.”
Eddie shrugged and sat down on the other side of the couch, leaving at least two people’s worth of space between you, “Yeah well, I couldn’t have you scared shitless your first time in my place.” He tried to wave it off like it was no big deal.
“So I’m assuming we’re watching a scary movie?”
“Not one, not two, but THREE scary movies!” Dougie said, holding up three fingers, “If you can handle it, that is.”
“Oh, she’ll be able to handle it,” Dustin said, coming back with a big bowl of popcorn. He sat next to you, offering the bowl, “Right, Brooke?”
You nodded, taking some popcorn. “I hope so.” You looked towards Eddie, only to find that he was already staring at you. When you made eye contact, he immediately looked away, fiddling with the remote in his hand. Your heart did a cartwheel, and you stifled a blush rising on your neck.
You certainly hoped so.  
Thank you all so much for reading! As always, comments, reblogs, and likes mean more than you know!
Taglist: @cosmicdanielle @sapphire4082
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hyperraduo22 · 7 months
my dps roman empires
cuz i keep seeing those videos with my love mine all mine on my feed with consistently ugly-sob-inducing stories and roman empires so now i have this long list i wanna share
+ may include some little facts here and there for anyone new in the fandom
• anderperry’s entire relationship and dynamic
literally no explanation needed on why it’s the top of the list and the first thing i wrote down
the whole hourglass and icarus x the sun dynamics makes me sob every time without fail
someone rewrite the script so they have a happy ending please
also me: wym they already do?? they got married and went to new york??????
• charlie and neil :(((
• thinking about charlie’s experience and dealing with grief post-expulsion
• todd’s entire character
bro makes my quiet x anxious kid heart go brrr
like just thinking about the little implications of his behavior and what’s said about his brother in the script makes me wanna cry and scream and throw a tantrum
he really represents the epitome of all quiet shy kids out there and i really appreciate it
• dead poet’s society but from cameron’s perspective
i understand y’all wanting to punch and yell at him and show no forgiveness but i also think you should give a bit of sympathy for this kid
he doesn’t know any better just like charlie or any of the other poets
damn this movie does a great job of showing reality and the fact that there’s no real enemies
• dead poet’s society but from pitts’s perspective 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
like i’d pay to see this honestly
• pitts’s screen time :((((
my underrated boy :(((((
• pitts and cameron’s dynamic
i KNOW we see these two talking in the background and seeing him make cameron laugh and smile the most compared to everyone else
like??? i wanna see more?????
cameron being outwardly comfortable around someone finally???
• the fact that all the movie's events ensued as they’re all high schoolers
like idk if there’s a canonical age for any of them but whether they’re juniors or seniors the trauma is still the same
• the thoughts of the kids who stood up on their desks at the end of the movie
how are they dealing with keating being away now? how do they view life in general?? did they really appreciate keatings class???? would they join the dps if they had the chance???????
• hopkins’s portrayal
its kind of a 50/50 since bro barely has screen time, yet i see his character oftentimes being portrayed as the class asshole
i think it’s clear that him and his friends commit tomfoolery and are overall jerks but to think that he’s the more sensible, level-headed guy makes a lot of sense to me—kinda similar to charlie in a way
like he knows limits and when to not push them even if he doesn’t come off that way. all bro does is chill in class and stare off into the windows daydreaming (as shown in the whole ripping out the poetry intro scene). bro doesn’t wanna be there. he’s just chilling and honestly same💀
• spencer’s actual treatment in the movie
ik we love this man, and our headcanons (or at least what i’ve seen and my own for the most part) say that people treat him well but low key everyone be on his shit
like it brings up the question of whether or not this is considered bullying cause any scene i see he’s either blatantly shoved around or even the guys around him purposely steal his medicine and pass it around so he can’t have it (including stick participating in this)-
like i think there’s some limits to being a jerk and idk how spencer really feels throughout the movie cuz he’s a background character :////
• the fact that ginny’s character just gets completely cutout. like she has a few lines to begin with and then the movie comes out and she ends up being a non-speaking extra in the play like i’m- what happened???
• tina and gloria / girl characters portrayed in dps in general
let me explain cuz i love them but also feel bad for their characters
like low key they’re just used as experiments for the cave (implied by charlie in a deleted scene that wasn’t recovered although i think this part is in the original script as well if i remember correctly)
although he brings them back a second time in a deleted scene where they’re all dancing around outside of the cave on the night of the play only for him to make out with one of them in another deleted scene that wasn’t recovered… (( this was revealed in an old interview on someone working behind the scenes btw ))
so like i kinda feel bad for them. like y’all just there for show but i wish you had more lines and other purposes besides possibly not passing a bechdel test ://////
^ lowkey this same concept is kinda seen with chris’s character too. like all she’s there for is a romantic interest for knox. like cmon now she’s one of the main female characters and THIS is what she gets. i wanna know more about my girl chris!!!!
and i kind of understand why it’s set up this way since y’know it’s an all male boarding school in the 1950s—how do you fit female characters in and how are they viewed? it’s not the greatest setup of all time
• the deleted scene of the poets carrying neil’s coffin 🚶‍♂️
like goodbye. doors closed. tears shed.
kinda glad it’s not in the movie cuz i would’ve sobbed uncontrollably even more than neil’s death
• todd’s poem
another deleted scene that really rearranges my internal organs
the fact that him reading this poem was supposed to be in tandem/include shots with neil’s death-
why do the writers want us to cry rivers?????
• the fact that in the very first version of the script, keating was supposed to have cancer
thank god y’all made the right decision and rewrote the script to take that out
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(a taylor verse ficlet from THIS request) 
content: no actual smut but ... matty’s thoughts are SMUTTY and there’s definitely some heavy petting. so 18+, MINORS DNI. you are beautiful and glorious and stunning and he is just there. matty is PINING for you hard in this one. 
the room is crowded. a bit too much for matty’s liking, but you’re basking in the glory of the people surrounding you. you’re radiant to him; skin glowing as bright as your iridescent smile and eyes shining in the lights. you’re shining. a shining star. to know you is a privilege in and of itself, but to be the one that you go home with at the end of nights like this? well, he’ll never know how he got that lucky. he’s never really believed in angels, but matty’s very well convinced that you could be one.
the dress you’re wearing is sinful, though most would never think to utter those words. it hugs you in all the right places, clings to your body in ways he wish he could. it looks like it was made for you (and it was), custom-tailored to make his heart race and mind wander into depths he would have to soon crawl out of. this dress is going to put him in an early grave, even more so if he had to wait any longer to get you out of it. 
its your birthday, so of course you’re being pulled in many different directions, having to talk to many people that aren’t him and he’s sick. matty doesn’t like sharing, especially when it comes to you and your attention but he’s not about to make a scene in front of all these people. not when you look and are such a radiant being in front of him. after each conversation passes, he finds your eyes searching for his own. and when your irises meet his, a small smile crosses your lips. 
each glance only fuels the longing in his veins. he wants you, craves you even. he wants to see you writhing in delirious pleasure beneath him, consuming all of his senses with the taste of you on his tongue and your cries blessing his ears. he wants to feel you, every inch of you. but your trysts are a thing of secrecy, something you only utter to each other behind closed doors and hidden parking lots. the things he would do to decree the way the blood in his veins sings for you to all of these people, friends and colleagues alike. he would never, though. you’re his best friend after all. 
“something up with you?” george’s voice sounds next to him and matty is pulled from his dress induced daydream.
he blinks a few times and with a shake of his head he replies, “nah. just thinking about something.”
“something or someone?” george has a shit-eating grin on and there was nothing more that matty wants to do in that moment but smack it off of him. george knows him better than anyone, so there was no real reason for matty to hide the way he feels about him from his other best friend if he would just find out eventually. 
“no, definitely something. that dress, mate.” matty whistles lowly. george only smirks and claps a hand on matty’s shoulder. 
“well, if you keep staring at them like that people might call the authorities. you look like you’re about ready to pounce,” george laughs. 
he really has no idea. 
the night drags on for the most part, though matty’s having a bit more fun now that you’re showing him some semblance of attention. he’s danced with you and your friends, (even got ripped to shreds by charli on the dance floor for his choice of moves), shared a cigarette with you on the balcony (it was hard for him to keep his composure there, he will not lie). it’s still hard to be around you considering all of his thoughts are consumed by you and all of the things he wants to do to you, but having you near him definitely helps soothe the ache. your laughs and giggles pierce right through him, hitting him in the most sensitive of places.
when it comes time to leave, you give him an all too familiar glance. his eyes fall to your lips, then your body before rounding back up to your eyes and he just slyly smirks at you in response. you’ve both arrived separately but are leaving together like so many times before, chalking up the sharing of the taxi to the fact that your hotel and his are so close to each other and it would be silly not to split the cab. 
the drive back to the hotel tests his patience. he’s been longing for you all night, painfully hard in his slacks and you’re just sitting next to him with your knees knocking against his. the things he would do to just take you right then and there in the back of the taxi, but that would later require paperwork and cleaning fees and possibly a long talking to the taxi driver. so he remains stoic, only leaning down to your ear to pull the lobe between his teeth. 
“’m gonna fucking ruin you,” his voice is harsh and laced with desire, and when he utters your name in a languid groan you swear your breath gets stuck in your throat. the world stops and nothing else matters in that moment. 
luckily, the taxi has paused outside of your hotel. you can’t find the words to speak, so matty has to offer a thanks to the driver in both words and an awfully good tip. your hands intertwine with his as he leads you inside and to the elevators. you’re thankful that the ride is short-lived because your matty-induced haze has only just begun and now its your turn to grow impatient. 
he’s wrapping himself around you as you fumble with the key to the room, lips hot on your neck. your flesh feels electrified with each time his teeth gently scrape at your sensitive skin. matty’s lips curl around the base of your neck, sucking a deep wound that you know you’re going to have to cover up tomorrow. but that’s a later issue. he’s consuming your every thought, his name falling from your lips in a breathless sigh. 
the lock on the door finally blinks green after your belligerent and distracted attempts of trying to open it. he pushes you in and spins you around, using the heel of his foot to kick the door closed. 
matty’s lips find yours in a heated kiss. your hands are in his hair, running along his torso, unbuttoning his shirt- they’re everywhere because you just can’t get enough. 
“you were distracting,” you hum, his lips have traveled to your neck again. his own hands have begun to travel over your body. 
“mmm, but you just looked so good.” you can feel his smile against your skin. he nips gently at the tender spot just below your ear. “and this dress.” it’s practically a moan as it falls from his lips and out into the air. 
you grin when his eyes finally meet yours, clutching onto the back of his neck to pull him down for another breath-stealing kiss. its much more passionate, driven by need and desire. you’re melting into you and he’s catching every last drop you have to offer him.
“i only got this dress so you can take it off,” you hush out against his lips. 
he groans again, tongue licking at your bottom lip. 
and it's confirmed yet again that both the dress and you would be the death of him as his fingers nimbly pull down the zipper holding you back from him. 
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cacaocheri · 1 year
hi!!!! i finally wrote the fic idea that’s been in my head for yeets and skeets <333 feel free to check it out
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oncasette · 2 years
Please do KELLERMAN’S (send me a trope and a character and i’ll write you a blurb) for Charlie Dalton with childhood best friends to lovers trope? Thank you!! Congrats!!
“do you think we’d be roommates if they let girls into welton?” he says, tilting his head to look at you from where you’re both laying in the grass.
it was your favorite place to be. here, in his backyard of his summer house late enough at night that you could see every star sitting above you.
you’d been coming here every summer since you could remember. charlie had started off just being your neighbor. a friend you’d see at school and hangout with on the weekends. someone you’d grown close too because of proximity more than anything else, but still someone you’d chosen to call you best friend. someone five year old you had trusted enough to give your teddy.
and then you’d turned eleven, and charlie had been shipped off to boarding school for the better half of the year, leaving you to sit and stare at his bedroom window like he’d open the blinds if you thought about it hard enough.
no, it wasn’t until you’d turned thirteen that charlie had started inviting you to live with his family over the summer. you’d visited, of course, for a night or two with your parents in summer’s past, but charlie wanted you to stay for the summer. three months spent together before he was shipped off and you were left to daydreaming about him again.
“in your dreams, dalton,” you scoff out, attempting—and failing—to ignore the way your heart was racing at the idea of sharing a room with him long term. sharing that space for months on end, seeing him early in the morning before he’d had time to pretty himself up. like those couple times you’d snuck into his bed during that hurricane.
“i mean, absolutely in my dreams, but why?” you can feel how close he is to you. how his breath his fanning over the skin of your neck, the heat of his fingers in the grass beside your hip.
“you think their first course of action after allowing girls into the school at all would be co-ed dorming? you’re insane.”
“you’d be a better roommate than meeks,” he shrugs. and he’s silent for a bit, picking up his hand to brush a stray hair away from your forehead. “you don’t even think they’d let us if i asked them real nice?”
“no,” you snort, turning your face to look at him for the first time since you’d both come outside.
you’re really not sure what came over you, either. why your self control was so dismal tonight or why you’d ignored the tornado sirens in your head begging you not to screw this up, but you leaned in to kiss him. to kiss him and his stupidly soft lips, dragging your hand up to curl in the short hairs at the nape of his neck.
you don’t even think you realized he was kissing you back until you were pulling away and he was chasing your lips, ducking and tilting his head forward enough to peck your lips again.
“guess we’ll just have to live with being roommates over the summer, then,” he says.
“we’re not roommates, though. i sleep in the guest room.” you brain is so fuzzy, you barely notice him shifting closer to you. barely feel him push you onto your back until he’s leaning over you.
“you think you’re sleeping in there again? after that?” he asks. “keep on dreaming.”
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Hi! I wanted to ask you about something. We all know what Way did which left Babe heartbroken.. and it was horrible, but when Babe saw Way dying (yeah another “I’m alive bit*ch agenda”) he forgave him. But my question is, do you think that Babe forgave him because Way is his friend and deep down he believes that Way can be good person or he did that because he didn’t want to let him die? What if in first season Way would be alive, would it change anything? I mean would Babe behave differently or regret forgiving Way? I hope you know what I mean.. after knowing that Way is alive (as it seems to be) I’m curious what’s gonna be everyone’s reaction
Hello hello!
Funny enough, I read your ask before taking a shower, so I had ample time to think about it like any Maladaptive daydreamer.... debating and making speeches with myself in the shower :)
Be prepared for a loooong ass answer!
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Let's get it out of the way (no pun intended) by clarifying one thing:
What Way did was horrible and disgusting. If he had stopped before Charlie's interference, then I would have forgiven him and be like "well, he at least snapped out of it", but he didn't, which meant if Charlie hadn't been there, he would have raped Babe and his justification for such an act was "I get you pregnant, daddy will be happy and leave us be" and I, as an audiance, be like "uhhh... then after the baby is born... then what? You just gonna give your child to Tony to sell it off or raise him like he did with ya'll???? Is that your master plan???" Soooo yeah. He deserves to receive such cold shoulders and insults from Babe and X hunter crew.
Now as for Babe....
It's both the reasons that you mentioned.
He didn't exactly forgive him fully; otherwise, we didn’t have that nightmare scene in the S2 trailer. It shows that Babe still has lingering fears and doubts and feeling betrayed.
I mean, having a very close friend where you considered a family that you didn't have (like Babe's father) or didn't get (like Tony). A brother that you shared ups and downs of your life with, the cheap dinners, the failed novice car racings, the heart-to-heart conversations... and to see that very dear person in your life not only lied to you, not only tried to rape you but mind controlled you into thinking that you are undeserving of having a real love, that everybody is out to get you, that you will be forever alone with just you and him against the cruel twisted world FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS..... gurl.. I.... the more I think about it... the more terrifying and heartbreaking it gets.
But the thing is... as a result of Way's manipulations and Babe's sad past, he's STARVING.
He wants to trust, he wants to love.
He hates to be manipulated and lied to. He hates betrayal....
And yet, he easily forgave Charlie when he hid his connection to Tony and Jeff. He easily forgave him when Charlie told him that he took his powers (see the parallels between Charlie touching Babe's skin to use his absorption powers and Way also doing the same with his mind control powers?) To be honest, that scene of Babe forgiving Charlie was a whiplash that I couldn't digest quick enough. (Sure, it could be lazy writing, but it also aligns with Babe's personality, which him being so starved for affection that he forgives with just a little push.)
Same thing with Charlie faking his death. Babe was just so glad that he didn't even care and forgave him!
Same thing with Babe's father! He didn't fully forgave him, but he hugged him because he was just so glad to have his dad back. The same dad who he was content to have a simple cold meal with because he at least had a family who gave him affection and wasn't alone.
Honestly, Babe is so tragic and vulnerable and beautiful that if he was real, I would have protected him to the death, even from Charlie (that boy did do some shady stuff and treated Babe like a child that couldn't be trusted with his secrets and plans so Charlie...dude... Babe gave you his heart fully... don't fuck it up in season two or else... 🗡 🙂)
As I said, it could be both of your reasons.
Having such a very close friend for 10 years and doing such horrible things to you won’t erase the loving and precious memories that are engraved in your heart and mind and Babe in that moment, when he thought that he lost Way, he forgave him (not fully) so that Way could see this and fight for survival, so that Babe doesn't loss the one brother, one family that he held above all. He even lied to him that he loved him after Way (seemingly) died so that maybe, just maybe, he opens his eyes.
He already thinks Way could go back to the same person he knew, a good loving being who listens to his rants and was with him through thick and thin and I truly believe if Way had been alive by the end of the finale, he still would have continued to forgive him. Sure, their relationship won't be the same anymore. There will never be unguarded smiles, late night cheap dinners, or heart-to-heart small talks, but they would meet (accidentally or through shared acquaintances) and acknowledge each other's presence with a polite nod (maybe even one or two unintentional banter between them) but that's about it.
As of now, if he finds out that Way is alive in S2.... it really really depends on what Way's agenda is and what actions Way takes.
THIS... this is what gonna make their relationship back to what it was (or something as close to it) or damage it beyond repair.
Sorry and thanks for reading this long ass answer :)
P.s. Way is as interesting as Babe because he has sooooo much layers of fucked up angst that's insane!
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cowprintsillies · 8 months
Fic Update
Update for Ranboo’s Terrible No Good Guide to Freedom: The Long Way Round - Chapter 1 - CowPrintLilies, TheStanleyParableEnjoyer - Generation Loss (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own]
Haha I’m ignoring that i haven’t updated in three months ITS OK BECAUSE IM WRITING NOW AND I WONT BE LONG!! It’s getting done!! Soon to be posted!! Here’s an excerpt from the chapter in progress!!
The walk there is uneventful in a physical sense. Security, thank his lucky stars, hadn’t reared its ugly head yet as it so often did. Charlie wasn’t dumb enough to think it never would- he’d become intimately acquainted with its claws way too many times to think like that- but it wasn’t here yet. 
Emotionally, the walk there may as well have crushed him with a comically large piano and laughed in his face about it. Because something happened and they aren’t talking about it. Ranboo is the most courageous kid Charlie has ever met and probably ever will. Desperation only gets you so far and if that was all that was keeping Ranboo going they would’ve given up loops ago. Ranboo is one brave fucking kid. They had, for all intents and purposes, had to (whether those people came back or not) kill a lot of people to survive. And they had still gotten back up, gotten back to escaping. 
The kid trailing behind Charlie now looked like a few choice words would break them in half. It made something in Charlie’s chest crawl. Something not just happened, something changed. And he is going to fucking kill whoever did it if it’s the last thing he does.
Ranboo trips slightly as the flooring transitions from tile to carpeting.
Charlie doesn’t mention it.
The walk continues like this for the better part of 10 minutes. The odd Employee roamed idly about the floors, and Charlie would lead the way and Ranboo would follow meekly behind- save for whenever they steered Charlie from making a wrong turn. Sue him, he’s new to the whole “keeping his memories thing” and yes he may be a little bit overwhelmed with the whole thing because first of all it makes no logical sense for time to loop around them but then again Showfall Media makes no sense and he’s trying his best to be there for the kid because he gets a horrible familial burning in his collarbone whenever he thinks of what they went through and are still going through-
Ranboo tugs on the back of his shirt before Charlie walks into the side of a cabinet.
-and his internal monologue has become nonsensical rambling. Awesome, real helpful Charlie.
Ranboo is looking at him with the air of a kicked puppy. Or- no, more like the air of someone who just watched someone else shoot a puppy then put it in a meat grinder. Either way Charlie doesn’t like the expression on Ranboo's face. Their eyes don’t belong on someone so young. The poor kid looks like he’s been through the wars. It’s plain trauma. Charlie internally curses Hetch’s name into the dirt, as has slowly become a tradition whenever he thinks particularly hard about the situation. 
Charlie takes a moment to mentally slap himself back into the present moment, however shitty the present moment has proven to be, and takes stock of the surroundings. No immediate or imminent danger, save for himself almost giving himself a new bruise with that cabinet. Charlie then mentally slaps himself again because how had he managed to get so lost in his thoughts to not pay attention to where he was going? He knows first hand that this place is dangerous and he just daydreamed instead of looking out for Ranboo? Some good he’s doing.
First note of order is that they successfully reached the Puzzler’s Wardrobe Set which means that he can finally try and lighten the mood. 
Ranboo had been standing by Charlie, idly looking over the various assortments of clothes, wigs and miscellaneous items in an attempt to completely ignore the whole situation that had lead them here to begin with and had, like he said in his previous inner monologue: settled a growing rock of worry right in Charlie's chest. Whenever they notice Charlie looking at them they physically straighten up to try and look more put together than they clearly were. 
It’s weird. A lot of this situation is weird. Honestly weird is an understatement. Charlie should say something to break the strange silence coating the two of them, and he’s not sure why he can’t. A million words and questions come to mind such as are you ok what happened what did you see how can I make it better, all swirling and twisting together in one mass of fear, worry, anger and care. Everything knots together in his heart and by the time it’s reached his mouth no longer makes any sort of sense. He wants to say a lot of things. 
What's wrong?
Who hurt you?
What happened?
How can I help?
Please let me help you.
It will be ok.
But what came out of his mouth instead is-
“Want to dress up?”
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breitzbachbea · 4 months
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I've had too much time at my hands, so I redownloaded CMAPS and made a relationship diagram for my Rake Courtship AU, which is set in a of yet undecided place in Europe, roughly somewhere between the 1790s and the 1830s. Anyone who has a better idea about how nobility and class relationships worked during this time can feel free to slide into my dms/asks and scream at me about the flaws. Always open to learn and improve! (Also, oh my god, anyone who could help me with what Charlie could do, because I got fuckall idea)
Key first: - Blue boxes are hws characters; that includes my Sicily (Michele), Ireland (Harry) and Northern Ireland (Sophie) OCs. White boxes are Human OCs of mine. - Green is familial relationships/extremely close friendships - Red is for political relationships - Blue is for friendships/work/social role relationships - Pink is for romantic relationships
The basic prompt for this AU is: After Harry and Michele have been courting each other for a year, fruitlessly trying to get engaged against the will of Michele's father Salvatore, Salvatore suddenly engages his son to the one of the Count of Fernando, Antonio. Rosario, who is politically connected to Fernando and related to Salvatore, takes pity on Antonio and Michele for how heartless their fathers are and asks his eldest son Lovino to keep them company. Meanwhile, Harry does not give up so easily on his beloved ...
You can already read two oneshots I published for the AU here on tumblr: - Help Me, I'm Holding On For Dear Life (SpaSic, SicIre, implied Spamano; focus on Lovino's feelings) - I'm With Him And This Is Real Life, Honey (Spamano and implied SicIre; again a focus on Lovino)
Relationships not on this list: - Feliciano is already engaged with Ludwig (and I just have no idea if the Beilschmidts are wealthy upper class or also aristocracy) - Antonio is friends with both Gilbert and François; Fran is also friends with Harry and Charlie, because Charlie's greatest skill is his affability
Anyways. I spent so much time and energy on brainstorming this AU and talking about it, so I thought I'd put something out there that would give people a jumping off point to join me in the worldbuilding and daydreaming. Thank you for your attention.
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nunalastor · 2 months
The official hoof art and the beach art you reblogged has me daydreaming about a beach episode.
Not sure if the Pride Ring has an ocean, but Lucifer has canonically made a wildly popular theme park called Lu Lu World, so maybe he's made some water parks or (artificial) beach resorts too. So maybe after the construction of the new hotel's completed and Alastor's returned to the group, he decides to take his daughter and her new family to one of his water parks for some fun and relaxation after a really harrowing experience.
They get there and everyone's prepared to have fun, Charlie and Vaggie are cooing over how pretty/cute the other looks in their swimsuits, Angel definitely chose something racy and he's playfully flirting with Husk, and Husk carrying the cooler full of beers and rolling his eyes at Angel but has a knowing smile. Cherri Bomb joined in as well and is hyped to go surfing for the first time since she died and offers to teach Niffty who giggling like an embarrassed schoolgirl by the amount of skin on display. Lucifer's excited to show off his waterpark to Charlie and her friends and he closes it to the public for the day so that they can have it all to themselves. They get there and everyone is eager to jump into the water. Everyone except Alastor, who takes a seat in the shade and decides to read while everyone else is playing. He doesn't even take off his Hawaiian shirt.
Angel Dust teases Alastor for being a stick in the mud which just gets him grabbed by an underwater tentacle. Alastor has a laugh at Angel's terrified screams, but doesn't do anything more than scare him. Angel Dust decides he's gonna mess with Alastor in turn, so he gets everyone together and proposes a game; try to get Alastor's shirt off.
No it's not just 'cause he wants to see Alastor shirtless, shut up Husk.
It takes some cajoling, but eventually Angel's able to get everyone on board with the game. Mostly everyone. What follows is a series of Looney Toons style antics involving badly faked accidental tripping, booby traps, and at one point a giant fan. But whether through bad luck or Alastor's preternatural senses, he manages to dodge each and every attempt. Up until the very last moment when Niffty actually does trip for real and covers his shirt in fruit punch. Alastor's annoyed but he doesn't get mad at Niffty. He just goes to the changing room to clean up away from the prying eyes of the weirdos he's found himself in the unfortunate company of.
Lucifer feels kind of bad, realizing they may have crossed a line or three. So after Alastor's been gone a while, he grabs a towel and his spare shirt and follows Alastor to the changing room to offer him a hand.
But when he walks in he's stunned to find Alastor shirtless, running his shirt under the faucet. Nearly every inch of Alastor's torso is covered in horrible, rough looking scars. The moment Alastor notices Lucifer staring at him in the mirror he goes full demon, antlers elongating, bones popping out of place, and roars at Lucifer to get out. Lucifer isn't scared of Alastor exactly, but his heart is pounding nonetheless as he runs out of the changing room.
(No idea if Alastor's scars are still canon - or if they ever were canon - but god I hope they are.)
When Alastor eventually steps out of the changing room, back to his normal form, dressed, slightly damp, Lucifer is waiting outside for him. Lucifer starts to stammer out an awkward apology for barging in when he knew Alastor was changing, but Alastor cuts him off. With a perfectly pleasant smile that is at odds with the icy look in his eyes, he simply says, 'let's keep this bit of unpleasantness to ourselves, shall we?' and leaves to rejoin the group.
Since Alastor's determined to act like nothing happened, Lucifer goes along with it. Still, he can't quite shake the image out of his head.
(I don't think the scars are canon but who gaf about canon tbh.)
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