#But only after a year of their marriage
atd-everything-girl · 6 months
Solangelo are the type of couple to host a grand elaborate wedding 💍.
Malconner are the type of couple to quietly elope/run away and get married secretly and never ever tell anyone about it, keep refer to each other as 'Boyfriends' despite the fact that they are married. Just becuz Malcolm pace doesn't want Athena to find out about the relationship.
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egophiliac · 5 days
hello ! I didn't really understand if you played on both the eng and jp servers of twst or exclusively on the jp one but just in case, would you happen to know if the ghost bride event already had a rerun in the eng version ? The internet is unclear and I have to know if I should start grieving Lilia's perfectly dapper and formal sr card :(
I'm just on JP, so I'm not sure! I don't think Eng has had a rerun yet... (I have been informed that Eng has in fact already had a rerun, sorry! please do not listen to me re:anything happening in Eng, I do not pay enough attention 🙇)
though if I remember right you guys never actually got the original, you've only gotten the rerun version with Idia in his groom outfit and Idia + Lilia cards (they didn't have cards or outfits in the original, Idia was getting married in his hoodie and school pants instead) (and, look, his fancy little tuxedo is probably my favorite card of his, but there is something so incredibly on-brand about him being shotgun-wedding'd to a ghost princess while wearing orthopedic sneakers).
that said the trend these days seems to be to release a new card with reruns, even if it it's pickup-only and doesn't actually factor into the event, so I think it's unlikely Eng will get another run at Ghost Marriage before JP does (so they can introduce a new card). but who knows! they've made unexpected decisions before, so you guys might just get a straight-up rerun or something. 🤷 fingers crossed for you! everyone deserves a grampa vampire in a spiffy little suit to throw bouquets at them!
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Just learnt ‘Findis’ is a combination of ‘Finwë’ and ‘Indis’—
they were that sort of sappy parent.
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wonder-worker · 2 months
I've been thinking about the tragedy of Elizabeth Woodville living to see the end of her family name.
I don't mean her family with her husband, which lived on through her daughter and grandson. I mean her own.
Her sisters died, one by one, many of them after 1485. When Elizabeth died, only Katherine was left, and she would die before the turn of the century as well.
All her brothers died, too. Lewis died in childhood. John was executed. Anthony was murdered. Lionel died suddenly in the peak of Richard's reign, unable to see his niece become queen. Edward perished at war. Richard died in grieving peace. For all the violence and judgement the family endured, it was "an accident of biology" that ended their line: none of the brothers left heirs, and the Woodville name was extinguished. We know the family was aware of this. We know they mourned it, too:
“Buy a bell to be a tenor at Grafton to the bells now there, for a remembrance of the last of my blood.”
Elizabeth lived through the deposition and death of her young sons, and lived to see the end of her own family name. It must have been such a haunting loss, on both sides.
#(the quote is by Richard Woodville in his deathbed will; he was the last of the Woodville brothers to die)#elizabeth woodville#woodvilles#my post#to be clear I am not arguing that the death of an English gentry family name is some kind of giant tragedy (it absolutely the fuck is not)#I'm trying to put it into perspective with regards to what Elizabeth may have felt because we know her family DID feel this way#writing this kinda reminded me of how I am just not fond at all about the way Elizabeth's experiences in 1483-85 are written about#and the way lots so many of the unprecedentedly horrifying aspects are overlooked or treated so casually:#the seizure and murder of two MINOR sons and the illegal execution of another;#her sheer vulnerability in every way compared to all her queenly predecessors; how she was harassed by 'dire threats' for months;#how she had 5 very young daughters with her to look after at the time (Bridget and Katherine were literally 3 and 4 years old);#how unprecedented Richard's treatment of her was: EW was the first queen of england to be officially declared an adulteress;#and the first and ONLY queen to be officially accused of witchcraft#(Joan of Navarre was accused of her treason; she was never explicitly accused of witchcraft on an official level like EW was)#the first crowned queen of england to have her marriage annulled; and the first queen to have her children officially bastardized#what former queens endured through rumors* were turned into horrifying realities for her.#(I'm not trying to downplay the nightmare of that but this was fundamentally on a different level altogether)#nor did Elizabeth get a trial or appeal to the church. like I cannot emphasize this enough: this was not normal for queens#and not normal for depositions. ultimately what Richard did *was* unprecedented#and of course let's not forget that Elizabeth had literally just been unexpectedly widowed like 20 days before everything happened#I really don't feel like any of this is emphasized as much as it should be?#apart from the horrifying death of her sons - but most modern books never call it murder they just write that they 'disappeared'#and emphasize that ACTUALLY we don't know what happened to them (this includes Arlene Okerlund)#rather than allowing her to have that grief (at the very least)#more time is spent dealing with accusations that she was a heartless bitch or inconsistent intriguer for making a deal with Richard instead#it also feels like a waste because there's a lot that can be analyzed about queenship and R3's usurpation if this is ever explored properly#anyway - it's kinda sad that even after Henry won and her daughter became queen EW didn't really get a break#her family kept dying one by one and the Woodville name was extinguished. and she lived to see it#it's kinda heartbreaking - it was such a dramatic rise and such a slow haunting fall#makes for a great story tho
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darkcrowprincess · 6 months
My asylum au:
*MockingJay: Lucy Gray has managed to smuggle her mentally unstable husband into district 13*
Katniss: My mentors will speak for me on my behalf and deliver my demands.
Coin: Demands?!
In comes Haymitch, Lucy Gray, and her smug smiling(with slight crazy eyes) husband Coriolanus Snow.
Coin scoffs: Your joking.
Snow (after gentlemenly pulling Lucy Gray's seat for her) purposely drags his metal chair loud in the room, than slambs it hard on the floor it makes a louder metal noise that echos. He has the full attention of the room. Just like he wanted. Everyone falls silent. He sits like a king.
Snow finally speaks, looking at Coin: Now let's not lie to each other. Everything will go much simpler if we are both honest. The only reason I have not burned this place to the ground out of pettiness, is because it would have upset my wife.
Lucy Gray grabs Snows hand to keep him calm: Cory
Snow: Now I'm here to negotiate for this one *points at Katniss* who I know that you wish to use as a figure head for your revolution. You rather have Peeta.
Coin goes to deny
Snow: Don't deny it. It's clear on you face. All this, is game. A game against you and the Capital. Katniss is a wild card who cant act to save her life.
Katniss: Hey!
Snow continues: Peeta was the one who can lie, and would be easy for you to control. So your stuck with her. But you see I'm the master at games. I know the Capital and have played their games before. If you want Katniss at all. You'll listen to me, and you'll give her anything that she wants.
Coin: Why are you doing this for her? For Katniss? What do you get out of it?
Snow brings his wife's hands to his lips, gentle and soft. But his eyes have become very cold. Like his name sake.
Snow: Me and my wife have grown quite found of this one and her boyfriend.
Katniss embarrassed: not my boyfriend.
Snow to Katniss(speaking like to a trouble some grandchild): Hush.
Snow back to Coin, eyes cruel: Now I protect the things I'm very fond of. See my wife. I killed for her quite easily. Made sure she was safe in her hunger games. Now imagine the trouble I'll cause you, this district, the whole revolution even. If you don't keep the people I'm fond of safe.
Coin: Alright.
Haymitch:* out right laughs*.
*or what I like to call Snow being a crazy snake on his songbirds and mocking Jay's behalf*
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tennessoui · 9 months
omg time traveler ahsoka au! she gets obi-wan to leave the order for satine in the hopes that he’d be weird with someone else but anakin gets sent on a mission to mandalore and wow there’s this handsome duke he has to look after. what a shame he’s married and definitely wouldn’t leave his wife for this jedi he feels immediately weird about
hmmmmmmm this is one of Ahsoka’s closest attempts because obi-wan’s personal sense of loyalty wouldn’t let him cheat on his wife, and he’s spent so long building a family and a life on Mandalore that he would never toss it aside to be romantically involved with a kid (read: 22yo) that he doesn’t even know even though he feels a very strong pull towards him….obi-wan is adept at lying to himself
It gets easier to lie to himself when he realizes that Skywalker is also married, though secretly…..it offends part of Kenobi, but that’s just because Skywalker is making a mockery of the Jedi order with his secret marriage!! Kenobi is no longer a Jedi of course but he still has great respect for the Order!!!
That’s the only reason he feels so strange when he thinks of Skywalker’s marriage even long after Skywalker and the senator he was guarding as she came to a celebratory feast on Mandalore leave again.
(Ahsoka tenses on her reset button as anakin makes his way back to mandalore a few months later, but they’re being….normal…this anakin requests to study ancient mandalorian and Jedi texts that are housed in the capital city and it’s weird because he’s never really cared about history but he’s being very…respectful….and master obi-wan is also being very respectful if a little stand offish….he accompanied him down to read the texts and they spend hours down there together but as far as Ahsoka can tell there is nothing inappropriate happening —she has gotten very good at telling when something inappropriate is happening between her old masters—they really are just…talking and reading and they’re being…sort of weird…but sort of normal….it’s the closest they’ve come to the original timeline in fact…Ahsoka relaxes on her reset button)
War breaks out anyway of course and obi-wan lasts only a month or so after anakin is pulled to the front lines before donning an old beat up and anonymous suit of mandalorian armor and flying to fight with him. The Duchess of Mandalore offers no comment. The official story is that her husband is sick in bed from a nasty case of Flafu flu. No one knows that it’s the Duke of mandalore in the red armor, supporting Skywalker’s troops.
Ahsoka wonders if Anakin knows, up until the moment some droid gets a lucky shot in and obi-wan goes down on the battlefield and anakin levels an entire field of droids to get to him looking half out of his mind with worry and rage….then she knows he knows and maybe that he’s always known
She’s tensed up over the reset button again, but after obi-wan’s been seen to by the medic, anakin sends him back to his wife on mandalore and, miraculously, after 2 years fighting to be by anakin’s side, obi-wan…stays, but he looks so beaten down over it, so without half his heart, like he’s suddenly aged 20 years and lived in a desert for all of them. But he stays.
The war ends eventually and the Jedi triumph. Ten years later, leia runs through Anakin’s study with an old red helmet over her head as Luke runs after her, playing war. anakin gently takes it off her and sets her on the ground. He cradles the helmet though in battle worn hands, but thankfully before either of them can ask, padmes speeder arrives and they shoot off to go welcome their mom home - anakin stays for a second longer, just staring at the helmet with such a naked expression of wistfulness longing heartbreak and acceptance that Ahsoka almost wants to turn away. Before she does she sees anakin touch his forehead to the helmet’s once before rising and putting it away, turning instead to go greet his wife
and it leaves Ahsoka with such a WEIRD feeling in her own heart that she’s pressing the reset button before she can think it through because she wants them to be apart and she wants the Jedi to win the war and everyone to get their happy endings but…but not like this…not if they’re not happy….she gets 1 reset where she gets to be selfish ok she’s gone through thousands now probably.
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teabutmakeitazure · 6 days
me: there's cinnamon in the tea? ugh I don't like cinnamon in tea.
"you're so picky. you have to go to an unfamiliar house, so what're you gonna do if your mother-in-law likes cinnamon in tea? don't have such preferences. it's not attractive on a girl 😄"
yeah I'm busting my ass off and greying my hair and losing weight at an unhealthy rate for my degree so that a lady who I have never met in my life can dictate my life choices before I even meet her. okay.
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poisonouspastels · 5 months
Thinking about Rana introducing Groda to other people bc she has to be forced to socialize eventually. And like, Groda meeting Sunny eventually and immediately clocking that he's missing an arm and trying to subtly tug on Rana's shirt almost instantly while being very clearly panicked but still trying to hide it. And Rana eventually pulls her aside like "What?? what is it?" "You didn't tell me he was missing an arm!!" "...Why would that matter?" <- understandably getting the wrong impression from this "Because I've seen it before." "Oh."
And that was the day that Rana learned Sunny's arm was ripped off by Groda's Warden at the worst possible timing.
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yellow-faerie · 8 months
How specifically does Lu Ten survive in the au?
The short answer: his betrothed.
The long answer: in this au, Lu Ten is betrothed at quite a young age to Makei, a noble woman's only daughter. They're both nonbenders, who both train separately to be equally deadly (Lu Ten under Piandao, and Makei under a retired Yuyan archer by the name of Izuki) and are probably each others only real friend at court, just due to the cutthroat nature of the court.
They both go to the siege of Ba Sing Se, probably a year into it, Lu Ten is an officer and Makei is a healer. They are very quickly disenfranchised with the whole idea of The War.
This is mostly because they were both very lonely children, Lu Ten moreso. When Lu was little, his mother was dead, his father was off at war more often than not and there were very few people who were consistently around him (Ursa would be around a bit but since Ozai does not want to be around him, even that's limited), but he made his loneliness better by basically saying that Winning The War will make it all better.
Newsflash: the war sucks and when fighting it begins to feel entirely pointless, and Lu Ten is very quickly like...oh. My childhood just sucked for No Reason.
(Listen, Iroh loved his son but I am of the firm belief that their relationship was not an easy one)
And then, Iroh dies on the front lines. Maybe Lu Ten should have been the one to die then - he certainly came close - but Makei is a skilled healer who makes sure he pulls through. But Lu Ten is neither the leader his father was nor someone who wants to be, and the siege is called off.
Still, he's angry and bitter and has a burning hatred for the war for taking his father from him in so many ways (and, later, when he's spent time among the earth kingdom, he'll be angry for them too), and when he returns to the palace, he does not exactly go along with everything Ozai has to say...
By which I mean he does multiple kidnappings but that's another post.
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
It's 100% true that the Roy siblings did not choose to be Logan's children and Tom and Greg and the old guard did choose to work for him so their relationships to Logan are fundamentally different, and the degree of culpability they bear for their own moral degradation is also wildly different. But workplace emotional abuse is also very real and omnipresent in the way Logan treats the people who work for him. And one of the impacts of workplace emotional abuse is creating an extreme attachment to the abuser and becoming less cognizant and even defensive of their abuse towards yourself and others, and in cases where the emotional abuse is institutionalized and systemic it can also create a strong aversion to leaving because your whole sense of personal identity becomes wrapped up in the organization and so being forced to leave can cause an intense psychological crisis. I don't think the situation of working for Logan is at all equivalent to being his child but I also think that it's a bit misguided to imply that Tom and Gerri and Frank and Karl are operating from a place of pure rationality without any undue psychological influences when they make the choice to stay with and support Logan
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simgerale · 2 months
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WIFE (One Shot for Regal)
The stars were out, and she could finally rest.
Magdalena let out a breath as she clicked the door shut, closing her eyes in relief. She did not foresee that the celebrations would last all day, but once her people found out about the marriage, many who were close by traveled to the castle. Not only did Volais gain an Emperor, but a peace without limits and the benefits that come with it. Trade will be bountiful, magic can finally find its way back into the lands, and war… War will slumber once more.
“Magdalena?” A gravely voice interrupts her thoughts, making her skin prickle at the sound of her name.
Right. These are not solely my chambers anymore.
Turning her body around to lean against the door, Magdalena spots the culprit sitting in soapy waters with a tired smile on his face.
“Who said that you could use my bath, your majesty?”
“My own conscious, once I realized that you had not escaped nearly as quickly as I did. You would not want your new husband to reek of politicians, would you?”
The empress quirks a brow, only for it to immediately lower in response to her eyes finding his bare… everything. With burning cheeks, she grasps her hands in front of her middle and makes a beeline for the vanity. She was exhausted when she entered the room, but now her heart cannot seem to stop hammering her ribcage.
It is just Luca. This is not your nightmares. He will be kind.
With shaky hands, Magdalena starts to take off her jewelry. She is almost regretful that she dismissed her handmaids, even if it is supposed to be her wedding night. This will take her an eternity.
The sounds of splashing water fill the room as her husband leaves his bath, causing her throat to tighten. He dresses painfully slow, the anticipation rising in Magdalena’s stomach until she cannot take it anymore and drops an earring.
Suddenly there is a hand to her left, offering her the pearl. When she looks back to the mirror, she finds Luca’s handsome face wearing a caring expression. “Need assistance?”
“…If you do not mind.”
“I will never mind,” he mutters, smiling as he starts to unclasp her necklace. “It gives me an excuse to be close to you, after all.”
Her whole body seems to retract into itself as his fingers brush the nape of her neck. Goosebumps form on her skin.
“We do not have to do anything tonight. In fact, I am fully prepared to not do anything for quite a long time,” Luca reassures his wife, placing a gentle kiss on her hair before moving away.
What? Magdalena asks herself. He… does not want to? She was surprisingly disappointed, regardless of her previous anxiety.
“Are you certain?”
Her husband chuckles, crossing his legs in the arm chair he found himself in. “Yes…? I thought you did not wish for us to advance so quickly.”
She purses her lips, turning away from the mirror so that she can look at her husband face-on. “I-It is not that I did not wish for us to advance… but it is expected of us. I am expected to bear a child now that I am married.”
Luca stares at Magdalena with his mouth slightly ajar, brows furrowing as if he is trying to decipher a code written on her face. “Surely you do not believe that we always have to do what is expected of us, Magdalena. Especially when it concerns our private affairs.” He stands slowly, his tunic shifting to reveal a chest his new wife is trying her hardest not to focus on. “Especially when we have already determined that this marriage was for us and not for them.”
“I understand, but—“
“No, you apparently do not,” Luca cuts her off, walking towards her with waves of concern radiating off of him. Taking both hands in his, he says, “We had our first kiss yesterday, Magdalena. And your nerves were unhinged the moment you saw me bathing. Did you think I would not notice?”
The empress gulps. She is unused to someone knowing her this well. Even her sister is not this good at picking her apart.
“I may be bold, but I am not that bold to assume you would want to lay with me after one day of being mine,” he jokes, a wet curl falling onto his forehead. “I will even sleep in my old room if you are not ready for my hairy legs in your bed.”
A laugh bubbles out of Magdalena, the tension releasing from her body as suddenly as it appeared. He is the only one that has gotten her to relax so easily in years, and she is sure that no one else will ever be able to achieve the same feat.
A few nights later, after days full of meeting with important people and drawing up official documents, after constant moments of catching the other staring across the room, after a vulnerable minute in the stairwell when they finally got alone and kissed like they had been deprived of air… Magdalena no longer had any fears left.
That is why Luca retired that night to find his new wife, clad in her nightgown, standing by their bed with a certain glint in her eye.
“Was my Empress waiting for me all this time?”
“No,” she said quietly. “Your wife was.”
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oldtestleper · 3 months
big spoilers for new info as of tonight's episode but eye am soooooooo curious about the extent to which galicaea is still opposed to cassandra in some way. obviously in her high elven form she was trying to get kristen as a follower rather than have her continue to investigate the nightmare king and find cassandra, like she was NOT trying to put her thumb on the scale in that way. and from the sound of it she and sol basically respectively absorbed/dissolved the domains that once belonged to cassandra and ankarna through numerous calculated efforts of their clerics and evangelists, with sol and helio acquiring exclusive association with the sun and summer, and galicaea acquiring exclusive worship of the wood elves and becoming a goddess defined by certainty and eternity, driving away doubt. so is galicaea still playing the game even after being "restored" by wolfsong, trying to keep rage and doubt out of the world that is so well set up for her. was she ever really restored or was it doomed to be a cosmetic overhaul after the high elves got behind it again. like how christian fundamentalists dress like hipsters and open really trendy and successful coffee shops
#crazy plot twist the big bad this season is NOT capitalism! it is imperialism and religious fundamentalism#.txt#d20 spoilers#d20#also lets be clear i definitely don't think galicaea's being like played or piggybacked by sol i think they go hand in hand#like i think sol stood the most to gain directly by destroying ankarna as the only other major sun diety. we haven't heard of other dieties#of night/the moon so much. darkness yes mystery etc sure but not those specific domains. so sol surely had a lot to gain out of this.#but i think she elevates herself by elevating her husband & their union as sun and moon. when the sun shines brighter so too does the moon!#anyway i think perhaps what we learn from this episode (besides the obvious)#is that the 'corrupted' versions of the gods don't disappear so easily. obviously ankarna is still surviving in some form.#the nightmare king is still an aspect of cassandra. galicaea's wolf aspect is still tempered and her sylvan aspect is elevated over it#also interesting that the form of cassandra that was defined by betrayal from her sister is associated with mirrors lol.#presumably galicaea changed a lot after her marriage to sol. and then she had cassandra and her partner wiped from knowledge. so.#also crazy to think about how old the worship of these gods are and how recent the supremacy of sol/galicaea is.#when kristen died during the cataclysm that created the nightmare king her bones were 850 years old.#the menhir commemorating cassandra's marriage is 3000 years old. AND obviously that was a place that was sacred to the pantheon if they hel#a wedding there. AND galicaea drove the evidence of that literally into the ground and claimed it as a place of exclusive worship.#AND on a historical scale that happened like two weeks ago.#just saying im not surprised the nightmare king is back. and if i were galicaea i'd be terrified of rage and doubt as well.#dimension 20
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beeapocalypse · 4 days
i love to play toys (think abt inane alternate timelines with mine ocs)
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kinokoshoujoart · 11 months
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i’m going to cry… rock’s child inherits the most feral abnormal messed up dna of any child ever and still ends up being the most well-adjusted one (rock’s nurture overcoming his and his child’s nature)
(this is from this rrreddit post. if you’re wondering why molly and rock’s kids are low energy…. i have no idea why 規則正しい was translated “energy” either because it‘s more like “orderly”…? i’m not native in jp so idk)
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wonder-worker · 5 months
Anne de Pisseleu had exercised a form of power that was intrinsically extra-institutional and dependent entirely of the king’s favor; her role was clearly understood by political insiders. Criticism took the form of conventional hostility to the role of women in power, yet in the king’s lifetime had to be circumspect and oblique. However, she lived more than half her life after the death of the king whose love had given her power and wealth. In this, she weathered the storm of disgrace remarkably effectively, carved for herself a new role and ended her life a moderately wealthy woman whose assets became a matter for ferocious competition among her relatives.
-David Potter, "The Life and After-Life of a Royal Mistress: Anne de Pisseleu, Duchess of Étampes"
#historicwomendaily#Context: She lived for over 70 years and was a royal mistress for only 20 of them (till Francis's death)#anne de pisseleu#french history#16th century#my post#Francis I#queue#I hate how Anne is dismissed and deemed irrelevant after Francis I's death#Most historians merely claim that she was exiled; fell into disgrace and humiliation; and died in obscurity#Kathleen Wellman even goes to say that Anne was shut up by her husband in a gloomy castle for the rest of her life#(And there's always a distasteful tone of wry satisfaction as they say this - as if she was finally 'getting what she 'deserved')#Suffice to say: this idea is objectively incorrect and I hate it#yes Anne DOES seem to have had an incredibly harrowing and horrible experience for a few years after; that should never be overlooked#But as this article says: Anne managed to weather her 'fall' and carve a new role for herself extraordinarily well#It's one of the most interesting things about her life to me#She still had wealth and property which she rigorously administered and expanded; she headed family affairs and arranged marriages;#She and her terrible husband appear to have informally separated (with a formal separation of property) and in his own last will he#flat-out wrote that Anne 'would never take her place as my wife'. She outlived him by around 15 years and 100% got the last laugh.#She also openly embraced Protestantism in the height of the Wars of Religion which was such a major bad bitch move#guaranteeing her both personal protection and material gratification#In fact one of the last known references of her was in 1576 where she hosted a meeting of Protestant leaders in her castle of Challuau#As you can see: Anne transitioned public royal influence to private personal power#But she clearly remained at the heart of politics and war throughout it all and was always relevant
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maddy-ferguson · 1 month
you can't even say leftist white people need to go fuck themselves without someone mansplaining racist voters to you anymore
#just had this happen to me on twitter. what's crazy is i don't even think the guy meant anything by it he's just annoying as hell like do#you think i dont know that poor people vote for them in part because they think the left betrayed them (in 65 years we've had TWO socialist#presidents for a total of...19 years and yes objectively they betrayed the people who voted for them. the last one from 2012 to 2017 had#EVERYTHING the two chambers the regions the cities literally the majority of everything was left-wing and the only good thing that happened#was: gay marriage but not after 10 months of debate where homophobia was rampant. macron was literally his minister of economics. like#awful awful man. anyway) what's very annoying and frankly condescending (to poor people voting for the far-right) is that they also do it#because they're RACIST and xenophobic like respect them enough to acknowledge that it's not an innocent silly mistake the woman that#prompted the tweet that prompted my tweet is 60 years old! she's an adult! she's lived a life! she knows racism is supposed to be bad!#like i'm very sorry that i don't think being poor is a good reason to hate immigrants muslims and people of color and to think we're great#replacing you by literally just being here#(did you know that the great replacement theory comes from the french far right...pas mal non c'est français)#there's something VERY sinister about only thinking about everything with a socioeconomic lens like just because they're poor doesn't mean#they can't be our political enemies lmao#and like i say: brf slt
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