#But on the other hand I'm glad it's in the hands of ABC now
chaosandwolves · 2 months
Gods just please
when they do Buddie
Please please please
Let them bring up the shooting
Let them REALLY talk about it
Let all those repressed memories bubble up to the surface in Eddie
He does remember, deep down he does
Please my gods
If that was really what we've always been thinking it was
Please make it a part of it all
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roxygen22 · 4 months
"My Little Cocoa Bean" Series
Summary: 4-year-old Ben (AKA Bean) starts to learn his ABCs
C/W: None that I can think of, 100% tooth-rotting fluff
Willy came home from the factory a little earlier than normal one winter day to hear you and Ben chattering excitedly in the study. Not wanting to interrupt, he quietly tiptoed his way to the door and leaned on the frame to take in the scene.
It was too cold to play outside, so you made the most of being stuck indoors. You and Ben were sitting on the rug in front of the fire, your backs to the door and surrounded by papers with a few large, handwritten letters. "Alright, Benny, let's go over these one more time before Papa gets home." Willy hid himself further behind the door frame so he didn't spoil their practice time.
"What letter is this?" You asked as you held up a paper.
Ben concentrated. After a brief pause, he confidently announced, "A."
"Very good! What sound does it make?"
"Aaaaaapple," he exaggerated. "Nood-uhl, nood-uhl, apple stood-uhl," he sang. "We go see her?"
"Maybe tomorrow. I'm sure she will love to hear about your progress. Now, what's this?" You held up Ben's favorite letter, never getting enough of the reaction it elicited.
"B is for buh-BEAN!!" Threw up his arms in excitement with such force that he rolled to his back and spotted Willy at the door. "Oh - hi, Papa! You look upside down," Ben giggled as he splayed out on the floor like a starfish.
You looked back to see Willy kneel down with a gleam in his eyes. "Huh, you look upside down, too, Bean. Let's fix that." But instead of helping the boy upright, he picked him up by the legs. "Oh no!" Willy gasped with fake alarm. "Bean is going to see the world upside down for the rest of his life." Now you were giggling, too. You were in love with an overgrown boy, apparently.
Ben laughed and laughed. "No, Papa, you hold me upside down!"
"Oh goodness gracious, my apologies, young sir." Willy flipped Ben upright and set him on his hip. "Is that better?"
"You silly, Papa. Do again!" Willy dipped him backward a couple more times before he sat down in the arm chair with Ben in his lap.
"Alright, back to business. Can you tell me what you learned today?" You handed Willy the sheets of letters.
"A is for aaaapple. B is for BEAN," he shouted.
"And Ben, and Benjamin, and Benny," you reminded. The boy had procured a number of names in his short four years.
"What letter is next, Bean?" Willy asked as he flipped to the next page. You had not yet covered the letter C, so you weren't sure how Ben would respond.
"Umm..." the boy looked at you tentatively. You shook your head at Willy, who tilted his head up in acknowledgment. He decided to continue on with the lesson himself.
"C is for cat! That was one of the first words Aunt Noodle taught me. Want to know what else starts with C? Chocolate!" Willy scooped Ben up with one arm and helped you up with the other. With his family in his arms, he started to waltz and spin around the study singing, "Only Wonka's makes your eyes pop out their sock-elets!"
After a few minutes of dancing, the whole family plopped down on the sofa to catch their breaths. Willy was sandwiched between the two of you, your head on one shoulder and Ben's on the other. He looked down at his two loves and breathed out a contented sigh before kissing Ben on the crown of his head. "You're doing great, Bean. I am very proud of you. Soon you will know how to put those letters together to spell words. I was FIVE TIMES your age before I learned, so you are way ahead of me."
Ben looked up at Willy with wide eyes. "Aunt Nood-uhl teach you?"
"Yes, and it was hard, but it was even harder to go through life without knowing how to read. Which is why I'm glad your mother is teaching you early." Now it was your turn for a kiss on the head.
"Papa, we go to lie-berry tomorrow?"
"Sure, Bean. We'll stop by on our way to the factory. Aunt Noodle said she has a book for you about animals. It even has tigers and giraffes! Two very important words to know how to spell..."
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an-aroaces-harem · 3 months
Ivy Chapter 17
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird and ABC Frontier, Inc.
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That week after returning from Macau. The day finally came.
The manager called me and told me that the contract would be terminated at the end of this week.
(I'm running out of time ... I have to hold another presentation soon.)
Ivy: … Thank you. I may not be the most reliable leader, but I’ll try my best.
Finn: Yeah. Of course!
Xeno: I’ve been saying that from the beginning. … Absolutely.
Hugh: Yeah. Good …!
Jace: We are no good without Ivy.
Ivy: Haha, I’ll be there for you. I’ll support you guys.
--flashback end--
The members of exe, who communicated with each other in Macau. That scene gave me the idea for the re-presentation.
(If the presentation is successful, I'm sure I won't have to leave Aegis ...!)
As I pondered this, Yamauchi-san approached me.
Yamauchi Kota: Cheer up. I'm sure there are plenty of other jobs out there.
Rina: Yamauchi-san ...
(It's been a long time since I've been spoken to. You've been avoiding me lately ...)
Yamauchi Kota: Hey, why don't you come to dinner with me today? Let's have a drink and blow all that shit out of the water.
Rina: ... No, thank you.
Yamauchi Kota: ... If you're refusing my advances, is it because you have a boyfriend?
Rina: ? What do you ...
(Why are you asking me that?)
Rina: I'm not in the mood for that right now. I'm sorry.
Although I was concerned abou Yamauchi-san's subtle expression, my mind was occupied with the impending termination of the contract.
And that night.
Ivy: Rina-chan, I'm home. What's wrong? You look so serious. Did something happen?
Rina: Welcome back, Ivy-san. In fact, I have a favor to ask you.
I waited for Ivy-san when he came home from work, and I began to talk to him.
Rina: Would you be willing to present the Essence perfume project again?
Ivy: ... Well, you finally got your plan together.
Rina: Yes. I'm sure I can make a presentation now that you will be satisfied with.
The recent unification of exe inspired me to make a re-presentation.
(If we put this idea together, I am sure we can come up with something good.)
(Now if I can just get a chance to present again ...!)
Rina: Please. I will never disappoint you!
Ivy: I was thinking about how you were thinking while helping me with my work. You're really good at what you do.
Ivy: I'm glad you asked me to help you with your re-presentation. I'll talk to the others right away
Rina: Thank you very much!
Ivy: I'll adjust my schedule. Can you let me know when would work best for you?
Rina: I'll check back soon.
The moment I opened my phone ... a message arrived on the messenger app.
Rina: !
Startled, I refexively open it.
(Who in the world sent me a ... eh, Yamauchi-san!?)
(I didn't give him my contact information. How?)
Ivy: ... What's wrong?
Ivy-san asked but ...
Rina: Oh, umm, I got a call about that job.
I lied to him. I promised not to hide anything, so I felt guilty, but ...
(I don't want to be misunderstood in a wrong way ...)
Rina: It's nothing, so don't worry about it.
Ivy: ... Really? Then it's all right.
Rina: Yes. I'm sorry, I'm in the middle of something. Here's the schedule for the re-presentation ...
I told him a few convenient days.
Ivy: I'll tell everyone. Just leave it to me.
I was delighted to see Ivy-san smiling at me.
Rina: Thank you very much! I'll make sure I give a presentation that will convince everyone!
(I'm glad I consulted Ivy-san! I'll finish the documents today.)
I clenched my hands together in a surge of enthusiasm.
Ivy: ... By the way, Rina-chan. Changing the subject, I actually have a present for you.
Rina: Eh?
Ivy: This ...
He presented me with a leather notebook. It had a classy design, and the quality of the notebook was obvious.
Rina: ! Oh no, I can't take it.
Ivy: Don't say that. Take it. I really appreciate everything you did for me the other day.
Ivy: Without you, I'd still be struggling with the feeling of inferiority to my fellow team members.
Rina: Of course I'll take action. Because if it's a concern for you, it's important for me too.
Ivy: Rina-chan ...
Ivy: Thank you. I'm very happy to hear you say that.
Rina: But ... I really feel bad about that. I always get things from you, Ivy-san.
Ivy: No, don't. You've given me so much.
Ivy: In fact, this present isn't even worth what you gave me.
Ivy: I can't let my feelings get the better of me if I don't do something. So I thought you'd help me out ... right?
Rina: Ivy-san ...
(I can't believe you think so much of me ...)
Rina: ... I will take good care of it. Thank you very much.
Ivy: Yeah, do that.
Then I received the notebook, he smiled happily.
Ivy: I'm glad. I wanted to thank you somehow.
Ivy: I was very happy that you solved my problems, but I was also very happy that you promised not to hide things from me.
His words made my heart ache.
(I promised you, but I hid Yamauchi-san from you earlier ...)
I wondered if I should still tell you about it ...
Ivy: I don't want you to be shy with me. If you have any problems in the future, please let me know.
Rina: ... Yes.
(I can't be bothered with this little thing any more when I'm relying on you for the re-presentation.)
(And ... I don't want to be misunderstood too much.)
... I felt guilty, but in the end, I couldn't talk about it.
exe gets into their car after recording a music program.
Sakura Eito: Next we're shooting at a studio in Minato.
Jace: I'm tired. But didn't it feel great?
Xeno: Yes. We performed as planned, if not better.
Hugh: Yeah ... was fun ... and the talk too ...
Ivy: Hugh was more active in the conversation today than usual. He usually looks like he's sleepy.
Jace: Xeno was quite involved in the conversation, if you ask me.
Jace: Usually, it's just me and Ivy, and sometimes Finn, too.
Finn: Yeah. I think it was the first time we've had that much fun during a talk corner.
Xeno: ... Maybe so.
Sakura Eito: The program director was also happy, He said that he was able to capture exe in a more harmonious and friendly atmosphere than usual.
Sakura Eito: It was a good vibe from my point of view, and it still is.
Ivy: Even now?
Sakura Eito: Because in the past, these travel times were spent either in silence or doing whatever you wanted to do.
Ivy: I guess it's true what you say.
Sakura Eito: Hm? I haven't seen you guys talk to each other in such a soft atmosphere since you were formed.
Sakura Eito: Exspecially Ivy has changed. I feel that you lost your self-consciousness.
Ivy: ... Hm. I feel much better than before.
Finn: I guess that whole Macau thing must have worked, huh?
Jace: I think it's thanks to Aegis-chan that we were able to do this. If we had been on our own, we wouldn't have even noticed Ivy's problems.
Xeno: Without her work, we certainly wouldn't be where we are today.
Hugh: Housekeeper-san ... awasome ...
Ivy: Yes. I can't thank her enough.
Sakura Eito: I was very impressed by what she said. It was a good decision to invite her to the aprtment.
Sakura Eito: The members are getting to know each better, and Kawanaga-chan is doing an excellent job. I can't say enough good things about her.
Sakura Eito: Even before the presentation, I knew she was different from the others.
Finn: I'm thinking it's about time we heard a re-presentation of the situation.
Ivy: !
The members, oblivious to the wide-eyed Ivy, are all in favor of the idea.
Jace: That's good, isn't it? I'm sure Aegis-chan will come up with a better idea than the last one.
Hugh: Yes. Housekeeper-san knows us very well ..
Xeno: I'm sure she'll do a great job. I'm interested to see what she'll do with the re-presentation.
Finn: I know. Don't you think so too, Ivy?
Ivy: Yeah ... I guess so.
Ivy: ... I was so impressed with the way she was able to change the atmosphere of the room. Is this her power, too ...?
Finn: Ivy? What's wrong?
Ivy: ... I've been just asked by Rina-chan to help her with the re-presentation.
... And so.
All members were in agreement, and a date was set for the re-presentation.
... A few days later.
With all the members gathered, it was time for my re-presentation.
(Ivy-san made this chance for me. I will do my best and grab it!)
Rina: Well then, everyone, please take a look at this document first ...
... I put everything I had into the presentation.
For the new project, I further expanded on the idea of personifying jewels.
exe, who has become more human through the perfume, clash and struggle with each other.
Through this process, trust is born in them ... and they change.
The members listened intently, sometimes interrupting with pointed questions. And then ...
Xeno: ... It's a novel idea. I think exe deserves to take it on.
Finn: Yeah, I'm in.
Jace: Sounds like fun!
Hugh: I agree ... I'd like to try it ...
Ivy: ... I'm with you. I thought your idea was great.
They all accepted my presentation and gave me a pass.
Rina: Thank you very much ...!
The joy welled up in my heart, and I couldn't help but burst into tears.
(You all recognized me, we can make the CM. I'm so happy ...!)
(I'm sure I won't have to quit my job now ...)
Rina: Really ... thank you so much ...
Finn: What are you crying about, you idiot? That's the part where you laugh.
Rina: Huh!?
Finn-san starts to stir my head, and then everyone joins in ...
Jace: I'm happy for you, Aegis-chan. You did a great job preparing for the presentation.
Xeno: It was a good presentation, but don't get carried away. The hard part is just beginning.
Rina: Of course!
Hugh: Yeah, good luck ...
With a warm smile or a soft look in their eyes, the members encouraged me.
(Oh, I have to thank Ivy-san as well.)
(I'm grateful to Ivy-san, who has supported me throughout the entire process, for helping me achieve this result.)
... I turned my head and saw a scene I had never imagined.
Ivy: ...
(Huh ...?)
There was Ivy-san, who looked at me with the coldest eyes I've ever seen ...
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moistvonlipwig · 16 days
14, 17 and 20 for Supergirl?
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Hm, I'm not sure, really. To speak about the SC fandom specifically, I think within the fandom there is a tendency to view the fandom as Amazing and Creative and Beset From All Sides by Vicious Homophobes and from outside of the fandom there is a tendency to view the fandom as Obnoxious and Whiny and Full of Racists and I think the truth lies somewhere in between.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
OK -- here's my pitch for how to end the 100th episode, assuming the rest of 5A played out as it did (though you could also tweak this to fit a better 5A lol). Have the "plead the fifth" timeline be the last timeline, after the Metallo Lena timeline. (If you need Kara to try more timelines before the Metallo Lena one to justify the attempt to cut herself out of Lena's life entirely, that's easy enough to imply with a quick montage + cutting down the action sequences in that timeline.) Have it go pretty much perfectly. No kidnapping Lena to force Kara to reveal herself this time. Instead, things are just peachy, and Lena even shows up at Kara's apartment for movie night. Hooray! Friendship fixed!
But Kara realizes this new timeline is just another deception, of both herself and Lena. She tells Lena that this isn't real...and Lena says she knows. It is revealed that Mxy approached Lena as well with the offer to see what her life would be like if Kara had told her the truth sooner. Lena asks Kara why she had to lie and says everything could've been perfect. Kara says she knows, and she's sorry. Lena says she's sorry too, but so what? That doesn't fix anything. Kara acknowledges this; she says she wishes she could magically undo it and make the pain go away, but she now realizes she can't. Lena reluctantly concedes that she's right, confessing that that's all she wanted as well from Non Nocere, to make the pain stop, but she now sees it would never work.
Kara calls for Mxy, saying she's done playing around with alternate timelines, and Lena asks if they have to go back. Kara says she wishes she had done things differently, but the truth is that she didn't, and they have to face reality and what they've both done to each other instead of hiding in another lie. Lena says she knows. As Mxy's reality starts disintegrating around them, Kara holds out her hand and asks if Lena will be there in the real world when they wake up from the fantasy. Lena takes her hand and says she will.
At last, they disintegrate as well, and Kara wakes up back in her apartment. Alex and J'onn are there, but Mxy is not; they ask what happened. Kara hugs them and tells them she loves them and is glad they're okay, but that she has somewhere to be. She ducks out of the apartment and ends up on the other side of Lena's door. Lena opens it and Kara says hi. Lena says hi too, then steps aside to let Kara in.
...Look, it doesn't fix everything, they will need to have Conversations, but at this point in the season both Non Nocere and them not speaking to each other were well and truly played out, so this at least addresses those issues in a suitably dramatic fashion.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
See now this is a fascinating question because how are we defining "pure"? 'Untarnished,' I suppose -- but by what? Unhealthiness? I suspect that the go-to answer for many would be Dansen, but given that their relationship's veneer of healthiness seems to largely be a result of Kelly not being given the space (or screentime) to have Inconvenient Emotions or to be a full person at all, I'm not so sure I'd call that "pure."
S1 Karolsen might be another option -- they're sweet and supportive of each other and they handle conflict much better than their sisters do, with James actually challenging Kara and Kara actually listening (again, in S1, before Kara decides that actually James should always do what she says and she never has to take his advice). Then again, they're afflicted by the tedious love triangle nonsense that leaves Lucy out in the cold and has the unintended consequence of making Kara into 'the other woman,' which is perhaps not so "pure."
There's Brainia, I suppose, who are very cute, although they suffer from persistent communication issues. Or Spheercorp, which is similarly sweet, although it does end with Lena being forced to literally kill Jack, leaving one half of the ship dead and the other traumatized for life. Reigncorp might actually be the best bet here; they're supportive of each other, good at handling conflict, and no one dies. Still, it strikes me as funny to call a relationship between a morally gray billionaire and her friend who she had to lock away in a kryptonite cell to contain her evil alter ego "pure." Mostly though I just think any answer I can give to this question is not nearly as interesting as the implications of the question itself.
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wildlife4life · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
I have gotten tagged by so many lovely and amazing people! I feel so loved and honored! Thank you @jesuisici33, @thewolvesof1998, @hippolotamus, @thekristen999, @spotsandsocks, @forthewolves, @alyxmastershipper, @spaceprincessem, @prince-buck-diaz, @panbuckley, @wikiangela, and @shortsighted-owl
I know I'm a little late to the game today, but I am trying to get my shadowing hours done so I can finally get into my program for school. So as thanks for all the tags and the patience, here is a piece of Three Taps for the Lombardi aka NFL Buck.
“Damn Buckley, you get a new helmet? Head getting knocked around less now? Because those are some seriously brilliant solutions.” Eddie jests, already making a note in his phone to message Maddie and talk to Bobby. Buck clicks his tongue, “You’re an asshole. I’m telling Linda to take the rest of week off, let you fend for yourself with meals.” He threatens emptily, trying and failing not to smile. Eddie places a hand over his heart, overdramatizing his mock dread to the threat, “Would you really deprive the man you proclaim to love more than football itself, the great wonders of Linda’s cooking?” His boyfriend snort loud and the screen shakes with his laughter, “Yes, but given your last cooking attempt, I’ll reframe from doing so.  I like the kitchen too much for you to potentially burn it down.” Eddie was not going to argue with him. His piss poor cooking skills were a fault he embraced after almost burning down their first home in Houston, trying to make a celebratory dinner for Buck after signing his million-dollar contract with the Texans. “How’s camp going? Taking your own advice and making some new friends?” Eddie asks. Evan frowns a bit, “Still getting a hang of McVay’s system. I got to know the receivers when I had those private work outs with them and at OTA’s. Wolford and Perkins are good guys, I’m around them a lot. I get along great with the O-line, especially Whitworth, which is good. Don’t need another unguarded linebacker snapping my leg.” He wrinkles his nose at the memory and Eddie notices the slight movement of the arm not holding his phone, probably rubbing scars along his left leg.  Eddie just grimaces, remembering that game, Buck’s recovery, and the potential loss of his starting job to Watson. The 2018-2019 season really was the worst for Evan. “And the defensive players?” Eddie prompts, pulling them both away from past. “Great guys. Glad to have Donald on the same team.  They all really make you work for it.” Buck sneers slightly and tries to hide it, but Eddie catches him. “What is it?”
If you want to see the other posts and snippets for this fic just search under the nfl tag on my page. Hope ya'll enjoyed!
Tagging who I hope hasn't posted yet, if so, sorry I've been off tumblr for most of the day lol: @monsterrae1, @lizzybizzyzzz, @transbuck, @glorious-spoon @911onabc, @911-on-abc, @brokenribsdiaz, @cowboydiazes, @cowboy-buddie, @starlingbite, @housewifebuck, @bigfootsmom, @try-set-me-on-fire, @homerforsure, @sibylsleaves, @princessfbi, @bekkachaos, @heartbeatdiaz
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Just dropping in to say that this week's episode was an absolute delight and it also made me think for the first time in years about another 2000s MLM soap couple who I was super not normal about as a teenager lol
John Paul Mcqueen and Craig Dean, from the British soap hollyoaks. A brief summary which may get the details wrong but probably not because this is imprinted on my brain: they were best friends in college, JP came out as gay and confessed he was in love with Craig, Craig initially denied he felt the same but got super jealous once JP got a boyfriend and they eventually started hooking up. Craig still denied being in any way queer, and was in a relationship with a woman who he got engaged to but continued to see JP. JP eventually had enough and at Craig's engagement party engineered a situation where his fiancée caught them together. After everything came out, they decided to make a proper go of it as a couple and decided to move away together (because Craig's fiancée and her family were rightfully fuming lol), but at the airport Craig still wouldn't hold JPs hand in public and JP realised he wasn't ready.
Like a year later JP was now engaged to another man (who was also a Catholic priest because soap) and then there was a whole shenanigans with JPs secret long lost brother who was a serial killer who: blew up a church with JPs whole family in it, murdered JPs priest fiancé, and kidnapped Craig's sister to the Scottish Highlands after killing her husband. Craig came back because of the whole brother-in-law death/sister kidnap incident, they reunited and decided to give it another go and the final shot of them was them holding hands on a train. (Until JP came back without Craig in like 2015 but we don't talk about that)
The whole thing was ridiculous and honestly they were poorly written characters and pretty terrible representation, but I sobbed during their last scene and still remember them so fondly now. I was growing up in a small English town in the 2000s and had only just really learnt that queer people were a thing, still years off realising that I was also queer. But I remember watching the episode where they first kissed with my older sister and being instantly entranced with their story, to the point where from that day on I watched hollyoaks religiously despite previously complaining any time my sister had it on haha. It was a long journey to me realising I was queer but I would honestly put this as one of the first steps. Representation in soaps was so important in the 2000s and they were really the only mainstream media at the time where we saw that representation. Although I'm glad we've progressed in terms of queer stories in media, I will always look back so so fondly on mcdean and other queer soap relationships for what they meant to me at the time
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I (V) love this so much! Like I said on the episode, researching this made me remember how formative Bianca/Maggie were for me on the American ABC soap "All My Children" in 2003, too. I don't think soaps ever necessarily set out to be, like, affirming and formative in their queer representation (or any other representation) but man, in the 2000s, when it was hard to find anything else, it felt like so much.
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debbiechanclub · 10 months
hellooo. yesterday i finished the all star jr festival and here are my thoughts.
1 This was an amazing showcase of jr heavy weight talent (let's hope it help the njpw jr division)
2 Shun skywalker. i need to see more of him (and would love to see him work with Bushi again)
3 THE LADDER MACTH. It was an amazing fast paced bout. Was the cheese stake worthty? i hope so because all the wrestler involved gived their all. We can also see the GCW style of Blake Christian (i hope that Francesco can take the GCW title from him on september 1th)
4 one thing we know for sure is that the ABC would not turn on at least each other
(btw i still have to see impact X njpw show)
5 my favourite macth was for sure Mao & El desperado vs The east west express. it was the right combination between the younger generation and "older" generation. the thingh that hooked me the most it is the synergy of the two team not only inside of them but also between them.
which macht was your favourite? how was the experience of see it live?
too sweet
Hi, Meg! I'm glad you enjoyed the show! I want you to know I thought of you when Mike Bailey challenged Takahashi for the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship, because that's certainly something different! Although, I will say that someone else also challenged for it at the end of Multiverse United 2, but I won't spoil who as you said you haven't watched that show yet. (Putting the rest behind a cut because I'm sure my answer will get long.)
It was a great show to see live! Philadelphia/the 2300 Arena are among my favorite places on planet Earth, so going there to watch Nooj is always a treat. And I'm glad the show turned out because the tickets were overpriced in my opinion 😶 But overall absolutely worth it! It was great getting exposed to some people that truthfully I might never get to see live again, and I've found a few wrestlers who I definitely want to keep my eye on―but I'll go into that more on the podcast 😉
As for my favorite matches... hands-down both of Kevin Knight's matches (the first because, you know... Clark); the ladder match; the Lucky Dip tag match; and Mao and El Desperado vs. East West Express. I so want to know how they worked out to draw the "right" sticks in the Lucky Dip match, because you know that shit wasn't actually random 😂 Ace looked SO devastated to be on the opposite side of the ring from Bey, he had a legit thousand-yard stare going on.
As for the cheesesteaks, it was hilarious when they presented Douki with a whole fucking tray of them, and I don't think he even had a single bite of one. He has to watch his figure 😂 But Takahashi and Rocky sure went to town.
But even though he didn't win, I was SO impressed with Kevin Knight. And now that I think about it, I'm kind of surprised that Bailey won instead of him since Knight is NJPW and Bailey is Impact? But as it's been discussed, they NEED to expand the junior division, and I'm hoping this is a step in that direction. There are several people I wouldn't mind seeing added into the mix there (mainly Mao lol).
But yeah, I feel very lucky to have seen that show live, and I'll definitely get into the experience and my thoughts and opinions more on the podcast this week!
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
That NSFW alphabet for Fawkes really got to me, so could I request ⚛💣 'what if i hurt you?' for Fawkes? (congrats on the followers; you deserve them all and more! 🥳)
Whoops, may have gotten carried away again. Somebody remind me that these are supposed to be baby blurbs please?? 😅
Ahh, but thank you! And I'm so glad you liked his NSFW ABCs, I really do love writing for this big, sweet guy.
NSFW under the cut!
The kiss lasted nearly an age, the pairs' pent-up need boiling to the surface at the heat of the other's touch against them. You had never been so close to him before, the mutant's large hands pressed to you, thick fingers grasping not-too-tightly at your sides, but firmly enough that you could sense the warring tension between his mind and body as his desire made itself known to him in the most primal of ways.
Despite his rather meager lips, Fawkes was tender with his touches, tasteful with the restrained movement of his tongue against your own, as his eyelids remained firmly sealed in his bliss. You were more aggressive, your arms anchoring themselves firmly around his neck as you hauled your smaller frame up into his lap, legs struggling to straddle his wide hips as your torso pressed flush against his.
The super mutant groaned, the vibration rattling through your chest, urging your rapidly beating heart to stir at the sensation as his hands tightened their grip on your sensitive sides. You released a squeak into his mouth at the contact, and Fawkes forced himself to pull away. Just for a moment. Just for a breath, so he could attempt to reclaim control of himself and the growing urge he felt developing deep within his stomach.
You shifted your weight at the change in movement, your arms releasing their hold on the back of his neck as you let yourself slide properly into your partner's lap. You bit into your bottom lip, cheeks heating noticeably at the firmness you felt prod at your ass from below.
Well, he clearly wants this as much as I do... You reasoned.
"Fawkes?" You tried.
Your partner looked distracted, his eyes focused on some point beyond the physical hardwood floor that appeared to catch his gaze. He shook his head slightly at the sound of your voice, meeting your inquisitive eyes as he heaved another deep breath.
You bit into your lip once more, just a moment before your arms seized the collar of his vault suit, pulling him close enough that your lips could now brush the shell of his ear.
"Fawkes, can we... do more?" You breathed.
"I trust you, Fawkes" You insisted, "I've told you that."
He nodded mutely, disbelief written plainly in his furrowed brow, and you felt your heart ache. You reached both hands upwards, palms gently cupping Fawkes's cheeks as you brought his troubled gaze to meet your own.
"I want this." You told him firmly, your thumbs stroking sweetly over his cheekbones.
"I don't doubt that, my love." He whispered to you, his own large hands wrapping around your wrists gently, stroking soothingly over your forearms. "It's just that... Well... What if I hurt you? I don't know what I would do with myself."
"Oh, love. It's okay. We'll take it slow." You kissed him then, waiting for Fawkes to return it before pulling away just far enough to feel the skin of his nose brush yours.
"I'm a little nervous too." You admitted, "But as I said, I trust you. And... and I love you. I know you would never hurt me."
Fawkes smiled broadly, his eyes crinkling from the force of his joy as he leaned in to kiss you once more.
"Truly?" He breathed against your lips.
"Mmhm." You mumbled, and he pulled away, leaving you frustratedly begging for more.
"I love you too." He said with finality, and you smiled in return, finally allowing your hands to descend upon him in earnest.
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nightowlwriting · 3 years
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summary: you've always known there's a soulmate on the other end of your injuries. when you're working the victory pit during the harvest close festival, though, it's the furthest thing from your mind. ironically, it's the closest mollymauk has ever been to you.
word count: 4.0k
warnings: canon level violence, mentions of molly activating his swords, canon level allusions to war and corruption
title credit: the steve miller band
note: takes place during episodes 17/18, requested from the soulmate abc list: damage done to a person also translates into their soulmate’s body (cuts, bruises and all).
masterlist - request - support my work? - ao3
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Throughout your childhood, you’ve been called blessed. It started with bruises and scuffs. Little things that are perfectly normal for a child to receive and not remember. The problem with your bruises and scuffs was that they were not your own. When you grew into your celestially gifted powers, it started to make more sense.
Your family had stories of soulmates bestowed upon their clerics, but it wasn’t something that had happened in many generations. Nobody was really concerned until the wounds you received from your soulmate began getting worse - deeper, taking longer to heal, more life-threatening. It worried you, and your family, but it pressed you to become a better cleric. To find your source of power and lean into it. You heal yourself each night before bed, hoping that you’re giving some sort of comfort to the person you’re connected to. Even if you have no energy spells, you pull a pearl you were gifted when you left your hometown and press your lips to it and let it fill you with the love and warmth of life and still heal yourself. It’s your nightly ritual and, since you’ve started doing it, you haven’t missed it once.
Except once, but really that doesn’t matter because of how you miss it. It’s the Harvest’s End festival and the Victory Pit, and you’ve been conscripted to work it. You hate working for the Crown, but it pays well and allows you to help people. Your clerical skills and magic get used every day and you help the people that really need help. Still, the inevitable war looming over the Empire worries you. You’re skilled for your age, more so than the other clerics who perhaps have years over you, and War Clerics don’t have the longest life expectancy. After the last time that your soulmate died, and the grief and pain it inflicted upon you, you don’t want to do that to them. You try not to think about the several times you’ve felt their death and resurrections, though, because it worries you.
Most of all, it tells you very important information about them. They’re some sort of adventurer, best case scenario. The worst case, though, is that they’re a criminal. Regardless, you’ve become fond of them. The cuts don’t really hurt as much anymore, but they still pucker and scar when you heal them at night. There have been a few times when you’ve gotten hurt and you know that they’ve received those wounds, so perhaps they know about you as well. You hope they do because it would be awfully lonely to be the only one out of a pair to be aware that there is, in fact, a pair.
Still, your soulmate is the furthest thing from your mind as you funnel people into the Victory Pit. Clerics double as security, mostly because the Guard want to watch the fights more than they want to keep people safe, and you grit your teeth trying to keep your prepared spells at the back of your mind. You have several healing spells in your mind, but a few offensive ones as well. In Victory Pits of the past, you’ve had to use them. Now, you’re just sore and aggravated with the hickey that appeared on your chest last night - that you did not receive yourself. It doesn’t bother you that whoever you’re linked to is getting lucky, but it would be nice if you didn’t have to look at the proof for the next week or so.
Someone stamps on your toe and you bite back your curse, skittering backward and colliding with someone who is cursing. “I’m sorry,” You apologize on instinct, turning and grabbing the person by the arms. You’re momentarily struck by how beautiful they are, but you’re at work. “Are you okay? I’m a cleric working in the Pit today.” They glance down at you, baubles and trinkets swinging from their gaudy horns, and you realize with a start that they're purple. It’s not that tieflings are rare in Zadash, but purple ones are. The group they’re with also has a blue tiefling, a small green halfling, and a half-orc. Truly a strange band of people.
“No, no,” The person you’d run into says, voice smoother than you’d anticipated, “I’m alright. Are you okay, darling?” They smile down at you, completely red eyes smiling with merriment as they settle their hands on your biceps in a mirror of how you’re holding them.
“Please, I ran into you,” You shake your head, “Besides, I’m working. It’s my job to make sure that you’re okay.” You give them your name, telling them to seek you out if they shall become injured.
“Oh,” They sweep you grandly underneath their arm, squishing you into the side and stepping toward their group for a few steps, “I will get painfully injured today, but I will seek you out specifically, darling. My name is Mollymauk Tealeaf, and I am fighting with the Mighty Nein. You may call me Molly, all my friends do. I am a man of many friends, and you are one of them now. Keep your eyes on me today.” He winks and then sweeps himself away with a flourish, leaving you standing and a little flustered.
After that, the Victory Pit starts faster than you anticipate. You're stationed in the Pit itself, one of the more powerful offensive clerics on the roster today when you start to put the pieces together. You're not sure why you didn't notice at first, but Mollymauk - Molly - has a lot of scars. A lot of familiar scars. You trace a particularly deep scar on your collarbone as you watch the first Pit fight and wonder. What are the odds? Could Mollymauk really be…? A horrible thought hits you, and you can feel yourself pale. He's fighting in the Victory Pit today. He's going to get hurt, which will either confirm or deny whether or not he's your soulmate but if he is… Shit, you're in for a rough day. You know that The Mighty Nein is slated for the first fight against an Otyugh. They're nasty creatures, although not really native to Zadash you've still had to heal up some rather awful sucker wounds in your time.
You're glad to see that Mollymauk holds his own in the fight, and stays far away from the Otyugh. It's hard to keep your eyes off of him with the idea that he might be your soulmate and you get the sense that he's a melee fighter more so than a magical fighter in the beginning, but then he activates his swords, and the pain blossoms in your ribs as he drags his blades along his.
There's no question now. Mollymauk Tealeaf is your soulmate. Watching the way he fights and interacts with the Nein during their fight with the Otyugh everything about the injuries you've received from your connection with him makes so much more sense. You actually find yourself… Weirdly proud of your scars, then. You've heard about the Nein, how they're swords for hire and defeated the Fey Spider in the tunnels, but still. Mollymauk seems like good people. Maybe it's naïve to hope on your part because he's your soulmate, but you'll take it until you're proven different. You've been doing things like that for most of your life, and you'll be damned if you stop now. You know you can hold your own, too, so that helps. The next fighters pass in a haze to you, as you stand ready to save someone from death the Banderhobb fight passes with no need for clerics, and the fights with the Giant Crocodile and Ice Troll are much the same.
When the Mighty Nein is back up, your senses fire to life. The next monsters are Winter Wolves, nasty creatures with powerful ranged attacks. You steady yourself against the half-wall you're stationed behind, readying yourself for whatever pain Mollymauk is about to feel. The beginning of the fight is tense, and your fellow clerics watch you curiously as your hands grip tight and relax intermittently on the wall in front of you. When one wolf whirls and releases a nasty, icy breath you heave a sigh of relief that Mollymauk wasn't hit but then the other does the same thing. You feel it more than see Mollymauk get hit, sharp shards of pain washing over your skin so intensely that your eyes roll back in your head and the only thing that keeps you from collapsing is the fervent grip on the wall. Someone lays their hands on you and you feel a swell of magic before you shake them off. "I'm fine," You grit out, "Save your spells for the competitors." Even though you could use the healing, there's a reason clerics wait in the wings at the Pit. It's very possible that someone could be on death's door before the end of the day and if they die because you wasted a spell you'd never forgive yourself.
By the time you fight the darkness from the edges of your vision, Mollymauk is delivering the killing blow to the final Winter Wolf. You're not sure how he's still standing, let alone aware of his body enough to swing his swords like they weigh nothing. Your knees practically knock together as you gather your wits, wiping a hand down your sweaty face. The trials only get harder, and one hit almost took you down. You know you should heal yourself but you're not really sure if your nightly heals affect Mollymauk and, while you have no love for the Empire, it wouldn't be fair if your heals do help him. (And, again, there's the preemptive guilt of maybe not having enough energy for a lifesaving spell. You're just too selfish to use your pearl, too, so you have to make do and conserve your energy.)
The next group comes out and whispers flitter down the row of clerics to you: Owlbears are next. They're awful creatures, nasty when there's only one but two are damn near unmanageable. You happen to know these two aren't even mated, but that hardly matters. It's going to be a bloodbath at best, and at worst there'll be a death. Reaching over the wall, you unhook the latch that keeps it connected just in case you need to rush into the field. The beast-keepers are technically supposed to be the first on the scene, but you're also technically more powerful than they are. You rarely listen to the rules at the Victory Pit, mostly because you're a Crown Cleric and not from the Temple of the Platinum Dragon.
The fight is intense and the clerics next to you barely hold you back when several members of the team go down. They have clerics on their team, yes, but it's hard to tamp down your instincts when you were practically raised by your family for clericdom. It's only when you hear the whispering chatter that the beast-keepers are gathering the magical manacles that you jump into action, flinging open your door and sprinting into the field. The gasp from the crowd barely registers in your mind as you dodge an attack, skidding underneath and stopping next to what looks more like a bloody lump of cloth than a humanoid. The beast whirls on you, but you're faster. You've cast spiritual weapon before it can strike, the air in front of you and the injured party member shimmers and then, the first thing you thought of, a replica of one of Molly's scimitars but three times the size, appears and blocks the strike.
The Owlbear reels back again, going for another, but you're right there to block it. The beast-keepers are going to get an earful from you when you're done with the Pit, but for now, you're relieved that they've managed to subdue the beast and you can focus on the fallen. They're not in great shape, and with a precursory feel of their pulse, they're incredibly close to death.
You put your hands on either side of their neck, close your eyes, and pray. It's not necessarily a religious relationship with the deity that gives you the powers you have to heal, but it's still technically a prayer. The contestant heaves a deep breath, and you can feel the life rush into them from the fold between this plane and the next. The other clerics have gotten everyone else, so you focus on your patient. They probably need two or three more spells before they’re fully stabilized, which is going to burn through either your higher energy spells or all of your lower levels. You grit your teeth as you roll your patient onto the blade of your spiritual weapon, using it as a makeshift gurney. They’re already calling for the next team as if the clerics they’ve hired aren’t already spread thin trying to keep this team from dying. The Mighty Nein are at the doors, holding them open for the clerics, and you barely catch Molly’s eyes as you bring your patient off of the Pit floor and into the waiting room. The scimitar disappears as you lay them on a cot, quickly finding the worst wounds and sealing them with magic, burning through a lot of the spells you prepared and the arcane energy that it takes to cast.
The next beasts are angry and wily - displacer beasts - so you don’t really have time to think about how Molly is lingering near you, trying to find a time to talk to you while you’re trying to keep this person from dying. You stabilize them eventually, but the scarring will be intense. There’s nothing that you can do about that with what you’ve got now. Outside you can hear the next team win against the beasts and stress begins to bundle in your shoulders at the thought of how quickly the Pit is moving. Molly is hovering over your shoulder as you step back and begin clearing the blood off of your hands, despite his group being called out once more.
“That was my sword,” He rumbles, keeping his voice down and stepping even closer to you when you turn around. You track his tail thwipping through the air behind him, either very agitated or incredibly curious. Either could be incredibly accurate, and you don’t really have enough time to parse any information from the rest of his body language.
“Yes, it was,” You want to grumble, but it comes out softer than you intended, “Sorry, but you’re being called and I have to get back to my station so that you don’t die.” Molly tries to catch your arm when you slip around him, but with a promise and a smile you turn back to face him. “Don’t fucking die out there, and then we can talk, okay?” You wish that you could tell him, warn him really, that they’re about to face a Hill Giant. An incredible creature, really, but pushed to a near unreachable limit by the beast-keepers and their prodding, angry spears and arrows. It makes you sick to your stomach, but this is your job. The Empire pays your bills and keeps you fed - they would not tolerate any dissent from you on the matter of the Victory Pit and the treatment of the creatures captured specifically for death, no matter how strong of a case you can make. Instead of telling Molly what he’s up against, you casually brush the back of your fingers against his hand and let your magic make its way into his system. He should be okay, you think, the blessings of a cleric are strong.
Making your way back to your station, you fidget with your uniform. One of your friends - using the term loosely because you’re more like coworkers - catches your sleeve as you pass him. He’s grinning, mischief in his eyes. “You’ve never given a contestant your blessings before, what’s so special about him?”
“I didn’t do anything,” You pull away from Brock, “I just told him that if he wins, we can have a conversation. That’s all.” You shoot him a pointed look and then, after glancing around to make sure nobody else is looking, a wink. Brock grins and relaxes into his station, shaking his head. You’re known to push the limits, but outright break the rules? It’s almost unheard of for you. Everyone knows you’re blessed with a soulmate and Zadash is a bustling metropolis, frequented by the sort of people who get the injuries you sometimes show up to work with. They know you’ll need to stick around to find them, so you’ve only pushed the limits the Empire gives you, not outright shoot past them. By the time you’ve found your station again, the Hill Giant is almost out onto the Pit floor, and Brock has probably figured out why you’re so soft on one particular contestant.
The giant knocks out one of the pillars, roaring so deeply it vibrates in your chest. He’s pissed, rightfully so. The spines sticking out of his body make you sick to your stomach, and you have to look away. Your eyes find the halfling that was with Molly earlier, but as she sprints off toward the human woman, you realize that she’s a goblin. An interesting myriad of people traveling together, but you’ve seen strangers come through your town. She fires off two of her bolts, missing entirely, and you watch one arc through the air and strike off of the helmet of a Guard, who yelps.
You snicker as she takes off again, and the human man fires off his magic. It’s strange to see magic come from another person, especially magic that is clearly learned and not given. It almost makes you wish that your magic was learned instead of bestowed upon you but that would mean losing Molly, who you’re already rather fond of. You’re watching the man try to keep his cool and almost miss the other tiefling casting - a giant fucking lollipop appearing out of the air, smacking the giant, and then flames rocketing out of her hands to hit him, as well. You grin when you realize she’s a cleric, too. You wonder if she has a soulmate, but it would be improper to ask.
When the giant reels back and hurls a large chunk of wall, you suck in a breath. Everything is happening so fast, and Molly… Not only will it hurt to take the hits, but he’ll get hurt. It’s not just about you, but if he goes down so will you, and then you can’t help anyone. You’re almost relieved when the giant turns toward the half-orc, but then Molly is sprinting up toward the giant’s legs, his swords out. He’s a melee fighter, getting right into the thick of it and making your skin crawl. Molly’s swords carve through the giant like butter, making you cringe because the giant is pissed, and Molly won’t have time to get away from whatever is about to happen to him.
When the giant whips around, his eyes are fully black and bleeding down his face. You’re almost certain that’s Molly’s doing, but you don’t really have time to figure it out. The giants club swings up, and then down, and before Molly hits the ground your world has gone hazy with pain and darkness.
The pain and darkness keep their hold on you for what feels like forever. You know that eventually you’ll wake up, but floating in the darkness of unconsciousness you think of Molly. Did someone heal him? Is he okay? You’ve felt the other times he’s died, the way it rips you apart inside, the way you sleep for what feels like days before you wake up. Is this the same way? Has Molly died, even for a second, and you’re left to suffer the consequences? The stories your family told you all ended with soulmates together, no longer bearing the injuries of the other, because of the love that they share and the way they give and take equally. Nobody told you stories of soulmates where one dies over and over again - or at least comes close to doing so rather regularly. You’re still floating in the abyss when you hear his voice. Molly’s voice startles you because normally it’s the deity who blessed you with magic that comes to you, reminding you that everything is going to be okay.
But this time it’s Molly. He’s saying your name, asking you to wake up so that he can see your eyes again. Faintly, as you drift closer and closer to the surface, you can feel the light tracings of fingertips against the crest of your cheekbone and the faint wisp of breath against your hair. He keeps speaking, telling you things that you’re not sure you’ll remember when you finally float to the surface.
That happens faster than normal. When your eyes finally feel light enough to open, Molly is there. He looks a little worse for wear, but you can tell he has at least one healing spell in him. When he realizes you’re awake, a large grin splits his face. “There you are, darling,” He sighs, leaning forward in his chair to be even closer to you, “Scared me for a moment there.”
“Now that I’ve found you I highly doubt that you can get rid of me, Mollymauk.” Your voice is hoarse as you push yourself up, one of Molly’s hands curling around your shoulder to help you sit up on the cot. When you’re upright he moves from the chair he had set up next to your bed to sit next to you, his entire side pressed against yours. “You are a man who is constantly in danger.”
“That I am,” He leans against you, his horn pressing into the side of your head but you don’t mind. He’s warm and nice. The aches in your body numb a little bit just by being near him, but Molly seems like he has a bit of an ego so you don’t mention that. “Do you know why we feel each other this way?”
“Have you heard of soulmates, Molly?” You drop your voice to a whisper and turn your face to him, your lips pressed against his lavender forehead, “My family has legends of them, given to clerics to help them become the best healers they can be. Pushed to their limits by the other’s injuries, but also filled with an overwhelming need to be good enough. To have enough power. To protect, and love, and heal.” You kiss his forehead, hoping it’s not too bold, and let one of your last healing spells flow through his body. The last one you cast on yourself.
“It’s rotten work to love me, darling.” Molly finally says, one hand searching yours out, “But I do feel much better having met you. I feel connected, loved.”
“It’s not rotten work to love you, Molly. I’ve loved you for a long time, and I do not plan on stopping now.” You kiss his forehead again and his head turns, his own lips pressing against the side of your neck as he sighs, “Perhaps your work is not done in Zadash, but it should be soon.” You drop your voice to a conspiratorial whisper so that only Molly can hear you, “War is coming, Mollymauk. You, The Mighty Nein… You should run before you’re conscripted to fight.”
“And you?” He asks, red eyes never leaving yours as he pulls you impossibly closer, “What about you?”
“I… I’ll come with you, if you’ll have me.” You watch the shock flicker across his face for a brief moment, but then it settles into something that you can’t find a name for. “But if not, you don’t have to worry about me. I won’t be conscripted to be a War Cleric, not at first. They’ll take the clerics from the temples before they take me.”
Molly caresses the side of your face with his other hand, a small and hesitant smile playing on his face. “Darling, of course, I’ll have you. The Nein will, too. We’re meant to be together, after all.”
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limelocked · 3 years
okay I know I'm tired of tommy being in the main quest line but even just ignoring that the sam nook/animal crossing thing hes got going on rn is genuinely so nice? like, just from a narrative standpoint. because for almost all of season 2, the smp felt like it was just grim dark oof real life from most perspectives
(disclaimer, I didn't watch all perspectives, that's just what I've gathered from my tl)
but season 3 is starting so much nicer to me. like, I like some grimdark (but not grimdark for grimdarks sake) but season 2 was just too much sometimes ya know?
but I feel like with season 3, at least so far, its actually utilizing its large cast in a good way.
(again, didn't watch all perspectives, this is just based on things I have observed second hand)
when you have such a large cast, you can have so many different genres of story. and I feel like season 3 we're finally getting that. you can tell the same story in different ways and it'll attract different people!
like, yeah, tommy being in the egg thing is making me eeeeeh but at least its done in an almost cute way a la animal crossing. and with abc you have like, adventures and side quests. and with niki and Jack you have Pokémon's team rocket. and they all have throughlines that connect them, but they're also presented in a unique way so you can watch the story unfold in a way that makes you feel comfortable ya know?
now this can cause some clashing, obviously, when these genres come together (bad and tommy being the main one to come to mind) but like.... I dunno maybe its cuz im depressed and tired of being depressed, but I'd rather have that than have exile arc all the time everywhere, ya know? -tiny
tiny ily you have good takes 
i 100% agree tbh so i dont have Toooo much to add but ive been saying it for a bit that this isnt one story but like a bunch of stories with like one “main one” and i think something that act/season 2 got fucked was like... the importance of certain plots, like the weight of things if that makes sense? it felt like everything needed to have this really heavy and tragic meaning and that every storyline had to be the A plot or B plot in this single narrative story
i love this new act because like... its not that heavy, like you said, abc is good and jack and nikki are trying to kill tommy but i support them and their failed nuke attempt, the egg may be trying to take over the server but who cares i love her and care her and all of it is just light enough that while there is a “main arc” you can still check into the other stories and like
idk its hard to word it but i agree, im glad things are more fun again
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shabba-zams · 4 years
Hold big regard for kinship, tradition and culture, I could give a lecture
I'm sky high - herbivore, like a turkey vulture I'm a carnivore
Canibal, I mean omnivore coz I love greens, like Popeye And Spinach, I lick bean
Flick flick, root Chakra, keep you grounded, kiss your forehead, illumination
Wham bam, burn incense this instant
Smoke in house, reminisce about my late aunt, Eugenia
Healing from a heartbreak of a love that never happened
Should never happen, wait what just happened?
You a bad bitch, downward doggy, hit it from the back, is that good B?
Meow-moo, look at that arch, Doja, Cat-Cow mi amor
Heart's aching, beneath I'm hurting although surface looks perfect
Instantly regretting the mistake I made, egghead getting laid
I was broke, couldn't think straight, Im still great, it's just that I hate
Constantly stressing, hope you not late, I'm Wylin, red fox
Sorry mate, don't put me on the spot unless we hot box
You a hot mess, you burn, guilt trip, in hell I burn, 12 stroke soul snatcher, soul searching,N2O, inhale, I burn, I'm trippin
My goodness, Zulu goddess, Tsonga royalty in her DNA, your highness hello, hi, my love I profess
Pussy power tricking, that tightness, finesse crazy like madness, she drippin
Her cookie jar I'm Double dippin, like yes ya, I praise ya, I'm smitten
You praise Ja, pet name for your small pussy... Poor lil kitten
Obsessed With fitness, admire her loyalty, I stay under her spell
First We gel, then repel, we then rebel, plz say you could not tell I fell for you girl!
I confess, your strange quirks remind me of my old ex
Guardian angel, I see your halo, okay bye! In darkness you my star
Naledi always shine bright, never dim light, eyes can adjust right?
No girl, tell me how could I not fall for you girl?
If I see you all day and night? Medicate then meditate
Last and first light I see you, it's hard to wake me up, ICU
Namaste, send u love and light. Hugging u gud nyt then imma go unless it's midnight, my pants is tight right and u hug me tight tight cutie, in my ear, QTip, u whisper get the light, deep throat  gimme the green light, tonight you looking so tasty
It's not right, lockdown got me all thirsty, see, I'm nasty
I'll eat you out, gimme a big tip, face chair, take a sit please
Gangsta champagne, notorious bubbles I sip sip, are you pleased?
You a tall glass of sexy B, I mean u sassy B, sexy beast I gotta drink, drunk
In love with your positive energy, you love the inner me and you know I'm not the enemy, I love you
Juju, like bad energy, shoo shoo, telling me to go, I don't go
Feeling ur feng shui imbalance, tryinna find balance, yoga
So much green in my blood stream, feelin like Hulk or Yoda
I'm 1 with the force, a gulf stream directing ur flow, go
Heavy flow that weigh a ton, period. I go deep, you flow deep like the Nile, you lovin it
Tid bit in denial, plz don't judge unless you take a 9 mile walk if the shoe fit
Wise mentor, needed to blow off steam, oh no you make me sing, I never meant to...
I'm spiritual, Ultralight beam, living the life of Pablo, green
I see no light, stuck in the dark, this don't feel right
Fight what I feel, fight! I know you like what I write, right? I'm still Steve like Biko, because I write what I like
You're spiritual, Ivy crown it'll be alright, fight!
Where you been? Spiritual journey, Wrote you a song of love, don't panic, it's platonic agape kind
You're kind, im sorry, please forgive me, God bless us
Never meant to sex ya, sext ya, yes ya I never meant to
Hurt ya, my day 1 let me be in your team, I'm your hype man and you my wing man, who knew, man?
I'm a new man, never wanna be in u ma'am, that's Truman, like Harry
Like Harriet, You talk truth ma'am, ur woke now, mental slavery chain breaker
Lead, take leash, give me my freedom, Tubman. Ass like Baartman, I'm joking, I'm through man!
Is it true man? You got a new man?
I'm glad you found uThando & Peace!
I see your glow in the dark , I watch you grow, from head to toe
Lock down, No sexercise, just exercise, oblique workout, body shaping up, you shake shit up
Look down, fvck shit up, I fantasize under the mistletoe, kiss kiss that phat pet peeve,
I mean the size of that cameltoe, kiss kiss like it's NYs Eve
Family Feud like Steve, We lip lock, she bad bad like Eve
Stuck with you like gridlock, bad bitch my ride or die!
The love you show, I dunno who to tell that u just ring my bell
Blue balls, plain torture, ungshaya ding dong, that just rings wrong
Playing mind games like ping pong, saw my dp then ask for my dick pic like "Big Z u got big dick print"
I tell her to quit playin and show her it's just resting, I'm a grower
Picture a Big black gun in your hand, click glock
Lick big black cock in my hand, and get a big tip
Love your big tats,small tits, nip slip, vrm vrm, you own me like pinkslip
4 play lick clit, that pink pink
Big lie like, just the tip, truth is I just wanted to hit twice, then dip twice like, dip dip
Double Pussy grip, like grip grip
Our late night tap dance routine like
Double tap like, tip-clit-grip-grip, skip, tip-clit-grip-grip
Sending mixed signals, wearing no bra, black tank top, Grey gym pants, exciting my BBC then saying NO BRA!
Apple bong is crack bong, big flop wearing your pink flip flops, I need a drink,J walk drunk, hit, bong, bang, drive, buy smoke, fly, sky, high five, YouTube The Fives, whats the matter? GBV
All lives including those you call low lives matter, no 1 deserves murder.
Deep chats kid, Katt Williams crack me up, have a break Kit Kat
I'm a lil sad but real glad u not mad at me brick brack, red fox
Need my quick fix, Red on Netflix like Raymond, cross you off my hitlist, at least at last, the blacklist, NBC
No chick flicks miss, unless you aiming to get this, BBC
I don't aim, shoot shot once and don't miss, easy, ABC
Cupid tryinna shoot me dead but misz, shit shot, no Mrs, thank God
Thot thought she a hot shot coz she smoke pot, no BS she not hot
Cold as horse shit that's not hot, bust a nut, I might not
I'm a lit lad who thinks they a big bad, Wolf, with a sick head
You heard? Sometimes it's hard when u in my bed, think with other head instead like getting head
Play dead after I beat meat, you knock-knock, I'm cumin, you come in, your bad timing is not charming
I see myself in you, pun intended, idea planted in my head
For real tho, I see your hoeish ways, long gone are my hoeish days
Sometimes I think u poison like Ivy, I'm batman, no avengers
Scavengers, a mad woman and a bad man, Savages in our own league
First punch throwers, they hate us, crack bong hitters, they not us, we avenge us,
You lead, I school ya, screw ya, liquids in ur insides like IV
Drip drip, said fuck it, big deal, do u even care how I feel? Bad state of mind, took shrumz, now I'm havin a bad trip
Craving a road trip, cruze down memory lane, replay bad clip, is it weird that I loved that silhouette video? Press play
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Get liquid withit
Going toe-to-toe, I kill and bury Big Trill, made my 1st mil
Then blew it, dead lyricist, I'm just a ghost writer
I see changes, a stoner girl turn to a rave girl as the nyt ages
I once told her, trust the rock of ages like John
Serial killer with rage on Pages, I was angry at God like Sean
Now i'm easy like solving for X- Kid'o,
That's annoying, ward off tiny mosquito
Go against me, that's a non starter, kiss my ass lips
I talk shit, no stutter or slight lisp like L-Tido
In the city of gold its all or nothing, that's a no brainer
No brain huh? Black lip bastard, faith like mustard seed
Don't call me bastard, transform to Luke Cage then hit rib Cage like
Nicholas, can't stop me like an urban legend... Ghost rider
I sound fictitious like ghost busters, but I'm quite real like Klingon
I stick like glue, here's a clue:
Day of the week: Monday
Feeling: baby Blue and itchy
Scratch my balls I'm jiggy, sweet melanin black queen like B
Fluent in your love language B, catch 22, paradoxical
Hypocritical, stereotypical, philosophical.
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meganlpie · 6 years
The Tale of Bucky Barnes pt. 5
At long last, here is part 5!! I’m hoping to now attack this story with a vengeance! I do not own ANY of the Avengers. They belong to Marvel. I also do not ANY Galavant plot lines. They belong to the creators of the abc show. 
The Tale of Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Warnings: Arguing, some humor. Another longer part. 
Pairings: Eventual Bucky Barnes x fem!reader, Preserum!Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Sam WIlson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff
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The continuation of the story ended up waiting for more than a week. The team had gotten called away on a mission. When he wasn't working or fighting, Sam was thinking how the story should go. He knew he had to make it good. Nothing less than perfection would do. Not now that he had everyone invested in it. By the time they all had a chance to hear more of the story, Sam was ready.
               "SAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM!" Sam grinned hearing your youngest call his name. He turned and saw her looking up at him with wide eyes. "Go ahead and get everyone," he told her. She squealed in delight before gathering everyone together. "Okay, now we were with Bucky and Princess Y/N in Steve's village, right?" At everyone's nod. "Alright. So...let's go."
               "Familiarity breeds contempt." That was the phrase that kept echoing in your brain and Bucky's too. The three of you had been traveling together for weeks now and it was getting tiresome. Every little thing was starting to irk your nerves. To you, Bucky was an egotistical jerk and to Bucky? You were a spoiled princess who snored. The two of you fought over everything. Even Steve was beginning to get irritated with the two of you.
               "Princess?" Steve's soft voice asked. You were walking a few feet behind Bucky, just to get some space between you. "Yes, Steve?" Steve looked nervous, like he was afraid you were going to blow up at him. "Do-Do you think you could stop fighting with Bucky? He really needs this quest to keep him out of the mess he was in. If he gets too upset to continue, he may go right back to what he was doing before." You frowned slightly.
               "I will stop fighting with him if he stops being an arrogant a-" Steve cut you off. "Enough said. Perhaps I can get him to relax a little." With that, he darted ahead to catch up to Bucky. You were left behind with your thoughts and you hated it. Over the past weeks, your guilt had began eating away at you. Bucky was really convinced that he was on his way to save his love...that she still loved him. It hurt your heart.
               In truth, you didn't hate Bucky as much as you liked to pretend. He really was the gallant knight you'd heard about. Even when he was trying to get under your skin, he was obnoxiously charming about it. And he had a heart of gold. His only wish was to be reunited with Natasha and instead, you were leading him into a trap. You were betraying him. You weren't sure if you could keep up the charade much longer. Not when your heart felt a tug every time he was near you.
               "OOOOH!! THE PRINCESS LOVES BUCKY!" Your eldest daughter cried out, earning a "SHH!" from all around. She flushed and quieted down. You chuckled lightly. You couldn't believe that every single one of your children and the Avengers were so enraptured by this story that Sam was clearly coming up with off the top of his head. Even Bucky was enjoying it, sitting there with his arm wrapped around you. You snuggled closer to your husband and turned your attention back to the story
               "Bucky?" Bucky didn't look at Steve as he surveyed the area. Instead, he hummed in response. "Do you think you could be a little bit nicer to the princess? She's far away from home and probably a little scared. You being unkind isn't helping." Bucky arched a brow and finally looked at Steve. "I'm helping her, aren't I? I'm going to help save her kingdom from Tony and get Natasha back." Steve noticed that Bucky's voice didn't have the same ferocity it once had when talking about Tony and Natasha.
               Steve shook his head. "Look at her, Bucky." Bucky cast a glance back at you. It appeared that you were lost in thought and those thoughts bothered you immensely. Bucky felt a pinch in his chest. Maybe Steve was right. Maybe he should be a little nicer to you. True, you could act like a spoiled brat sometimes, but not all the time. In fact, you were quite sweet and pleasant to be around when you wanted to be.
               Bucky nodded to Steve, who smiled before returning to where you were. He glanced over to you. You gave him a little smile and the sun shone off your (h/c) hair. Bucky turned away quickly, shaking his own thoughts from his head about how beautiful you looked just then. He was there for Natasha. Only to save Natasha. Right? Now, Bucky wasn't so sure. Somehow, he was beginning to think about what life would be like without you in it now.
               He was pulled from his thoughts by your voice. "Uh, Bucky? I'm not sure this is the best path to take. There are stories of bandits in these woods." Bucky rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Excuse me, Princess. Are you the hero?" You opened your mouth to reply, but Bucky cut you off, "No you aren't. You are the princess. I am the hero. The hero chooses the path." Your fists clenched by your sides and your gaze hardened into a glare. It took everything in Bucky not to cower back at the fierceness of the look.
               "Bucky's in trouble now," Tony stated with a laugh. Natasha elbowed him sharply. "OUCH!" Your children giggled. "So what's happening in Princess Y/N's kingdom while she and Bucky are fighting?" Clint asked, ignoring what was going on around him. Sam smiled. "I'm glad you asked. We know that Natasha and the jester have a, uh, special relationship. Well, let's just say Tony had a plan for the jester."
               Clint appeared and Tony's side and whispered in his ear. The tyrant king nodded. He rose from his seat to make his way to where he now knew the jester was hiding. He stormed into the room, making the jester jump and cower. Tony grabbed a sword and brandished it at Sam. "I know what you've been doing with my wife. And I have just one thing to say."
               The jester swallowed thickly. This was it. He was going to die. Tony threw the sword down on the table. Sam blinked in surprise. "Teach me to be funny!" Sam's jaw dropped. "What, Your Majesty?"  Tony frowned. "I said, teach me to be funny. It's obvious that's what Natasha sees in you. Help me be funny so I can woo her." Sam readily agreed. He was just glad he wasn't going to die.
               "Well, there are a few things to know first." Tony listened intently as Sam tried to explain how comedy wasn't something you could force. He went through everything he could think of, but Tony didn't just seem to get it. Still, Sam had to pretend he was. How else would he be able to keep his head? By the time Sam was done with their lessons, Tony was determined to stage a comedy show for Natasha. Sam encouraged him half-heartedly. "And by the way, if this fails, I'm going to take your head."
               Sam found himself praying that, somehow, Tony was able to pull this off. He rather liked his head where it was after all. Sam stood at the back of the throne room, ready to run if necessary. Then again, they had a failsafe just in case. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Natasha was escorted into the room and Tony began. Sam groaned as Tony's jokes fell flat. He turned to the chef, Vision. "Give him the pie." Vision turned to Sam. "What now?"
               "Dammit, man. He's drowning up there. Give him the pie!" Vision nodded before running up to Tony with pie in hand. Tony looked confused at first, but then beamed. Before anyone could react, he shoved the cream pie into Clint's face. Everyone began laughing, including Natasha. "She did it! She laughed!" Tony exclaimed. Natasha stopped and looked confused while Sam looked relieved. He was going to get to keep his head.
               "Daddy, can we shove pies in Uncle Clint's face?" your youngest asked. Bucky chuckled. Clint glared at Sam. "Thanks, Wilson. Uncle Clint would rather not have a pie shoved in his face, kiddo." Sam shrugged. "What about Bucky, Steve and the princess? King Tony and the others are at least safe in the castle, but what about Bucky and them?" Wanda asked. Sam held up his hands in mock defense. "I'm getting there, girl. Just give me a minute."
               Steve groaned silently. They were at it again. Just because you suggested a different path. It seemed nothing would make the two of you stop. "If you could just put your ego aside for a moment, you'd realize that maybe I'm right. This path may not be safe." Bucky huffed. "And if you would stop worrying about messing up your hair and clothes, you'd realize that this path is the fastest way to get back to your kingdom."
               Steve wanted to cover his ears just to try and drown you both out. This had been going on for several minutes now. "Now, I'm done arguing. We're going this way," Bucky declared, turning on his heel to head deeper into the woods. "Hey, I wasn't done talking to you!" You chased after him and Steve trudged behind you both. The three of you were never going to get through this journey.
               You were still trying to get Bucky's attention as you entered a clearing. Bucky whirled around to face you. "That's it. If you don't stop complaining, I'm going to pick you up and carry you over my shoulder." You narrowed your eyes at him. "You wouldn't dare." Bucky took a step closer to you. "Wanna bet?" That set you both to arguing again. You were arguing so loudly, you didn't hear the people creeping up all around you. It wasn't until you felt the cool feeling of steel against your neck that you stopped shouting at one another. "Bandits," you whispered exasperatedly.
            "Bandits! They'll never get to Y/N's kingdom now!" your son cried. Bucky gave him a pat on the back. "I'm sure Uncle Sam has an idea about that. Bucky's the hero, remember? He has to complete his journey at least," he said. Then he looked at you and continued, "And get the girl." You smiled and kissed his cheek. "EW." Everyone laughed. "Let me guess, Mom...time to end it for now?" your eldest questioned. You nodded. "Yep. Uncle Sam needs to rest his voice and you three have homework to do."
               The children grumbled and so did the adults. "Such a stick in the mud, Y/N," Clint whined. You smacked him across the back of the head. "That's enough from you, mister. Shouldn't you be going to help your own kids with their homework?" Clint blushed. "Oh...yeah." He darted off, making you chuckle. Soon, it was just you and Sam left in the room. "Hey, Sam?" He hummed. "Thanks for doing this for them." Sam beamed. "It's no problem, Y/N. I'm actually having a lot of fun." He really was and he couldn't wait until the next day, when he could continue the story and save the heroes.
Tagging: @brewsthespirit-blog @ghostie-writes @esoltis280 @fairytalesexistxx @aikibriarrose @a-girl-who-loves-disney @thors-magic-hammer @jotink78 @iwillbeinmynest @mala-firebringer
(a/n: Part 6 is done and part 7 is outlined! If you’ve recently been added to the Avengers tag list and would not like to be tagged in this, please let me know! I hope you like this part!)
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an-aroaces-harem · 3 months
Ivy Chapter 18
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird and ABC Frontier, Inc.
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Ivy: ...
(Huh …?)
There was Ivy-san, who looked at me with the coldest eyes I’ve ever seen …
I was stunned and couldn't believe what I saw before my eyes.
But it was only for a moment.
Ivy: ... Come on, guys, cut the crap.
He quickly put this look behind him and approaches with a smile that's kind like always.
Ivy: If you overdo it, you'll mess up her hair. That's enough.
He gently released me from Finn-san and the others and brushed my hair.
Ivy: Are you okay, Rina-chan? I'm sorry about them.
Rina: Yes ... I'm okay. Thank you.
(That's Ivy-san as usual. Was I mistaken earlier ...?)
The members booed at him.
Jace: Well, that makes it sound like we're annoying you, Aegis-chan.
Xeno: I'm just trying to help this girl get some results.
Finn: Yeah. Let me pet you a little more.
Hugh: ... I want to celebrate.
Ivy: I think that stroking her that much was enough to convey your feelings of blessing, right, Rina-chan?
Rina: Umm ... yes. I'm really happy about your feelings.
When I answered in a puzzled manner, Ivy-san said with a smile.
Ivy: Then I'll let Aegis know the results of this presentation via Essence at a later date.
Rina: Yes! Thank you all so much.
I bowed to them once again.
After taking a bath that night and freshening up. I wiped my hair with a towel, I remembered everything that had happened.
(It's been a tough time ... When I failed in the presentation and lost my position in the company, I thought I was finished.)
(But because Ivy-san was there, I was able to do my best.)
(It's also thanks to Ivy-san's help that I was able to successfully hold a second presentation.)
(I'm so glad I met Ivy-san ...)
While I was thinking about that, there was a knock on my door.
Ivy: Rina-chan, may I come in?
It was exactly the voice of the person I was thinking of right now.
Rina: Y-yes! Come in.
When he came in, his eyes widened when he saw me.
Ivy: I'm sorry, I must have picked the wrong time.
Rina: Hm?
Ivy: You hair ... it's wet.
(Oh, come to think of it, I haven't dried it yet. I don't think I can continue talking like this ...)
Rina: I'll dry it right away. I'll come to your room later.
Ivy: ...
He looks at me with a somewhat thoughtful expression.
Rina: ... Um, Ivy-san? What's wrong? Is there a problem ...?
He interrupted me and made an unexpected suggestion.
Ivy: How about ... let me dry your hair.
Rina: What!?
Ivy: I think it would kill two birds with one stone, because then we could stay together and you could dry your hair.
Rina: Well, that's true.
(It's a bit embarrassing ...)
Ivy: I'm sorry for asking you to do something weird, but I'd like to do it. ... Don't you like it?
Ivy-san peeks at me as if to ask me a question.
(Come to think of it ... I remember when he asked me to pet his head before, he was like this ...)
(I guess Ivy-san is a bit naive after all.)
Rina: ... I understand. If that's what you want, please go ahead.
Ivy: Thank you.
When I said this shyly after some hesitation, his face lit up.
Ivy: Then sit down over there. Here's the hair dryer.
He set up the place with excitement.
(It's a little embarrassing, but if you look so happy, it's okay.)
Ivy: Then let's get started.
Rina: Okay.
Ivy-san carefully ran the hair dryer through my hair and dried it.
(... It feels good.)
His long, supple fingertips glide softly through my hair.
His hands are so gentle, and I could feel his gentleness in every caress ...
(What should I do? I'm restless.)
I couldn't help but feel my heart pounding in my chest at the unusual contact with him.
Ivy: Is it too hot? Are you okay?
Rina: I'm fine.
Rina: Are you ... by any chance, used to this kind of thing?
Ivy: Hmm ...? Are you jealous, maybe?
Rina: Eeh!? No, that's not why. You're just very good at it ...
Ivy: Haha, too bad. ... But yes, I guess I am.
Ivy: I used to dry my sister's hair like this.
Rina: Really?
Ivy: Yes. Our parents both worked, so they came home late.
Ivy: We were always together and it was my job to take care of her.
Ivy: So I used to dry my sister's hair like this after her bath.
Coughing, Ivy-san squinted nostalgically in the mirror.
(you really are a kind brother, aren't you?)
He looks nostalgic and kind ... his expression as an older brother makes my heart ache.
Rina: ... I wonder if Ivy-san still sees me as a little sister.
I couldn't help but let those words excape my mouth.
Ivy: What ...?
Rina: Ah ... I'm sorry, it's nothing.
(Oh my god ... I didn't mean to say this.)
I'm touched by the person I like. That alone should make me happy.
Moreover, he's a super idol, someone I'd never have been able to get close to in the first place.
(I know, but I want a different relationship. I'm really a complimentary person ...)
I was overcome with regret ... And then.
Ivy: ... You know what? I have something to tell you.
Ivy-san turned off the hair dryer and put his hand on my shoulder.
Ivy: At first, I certainly thought of you as a kind of sister.
Ivy: I couldn't leave your hard-working, slightly fragile self alone, so I ended up taking care of you.
Ivy: But ... that's not the case now.
I'm startled by the seriousness of his eyes as he stares at me through the mirror.
Rina: Ivy-san ...
Ivy: You're so pure and brave ... You always go the extra mile for me.
Ivy: I found it cute and ... found myself drawn to you.
His words take my breath away.
Ivy: I want you by my side all the time, and I want to protect you.
Ivy: ... I like you, Rina-chan.
Rina: Huh ...
(I ... can't believe it. Ivy-san, you're saying this to me?)
(I can't believe that a super idol, who is loved all over the world, likes me ...)
I can't believe it. But the look he's directing at me through his sharp eyes is serious.
His eyes, which are somewhat passionate as if he's gazing at something he loves, make it clear that he is serious about what he says.
Rina: I-I ...
As soon as I started to speak, I felt a burning in my chest.
Rina: ... I like you too, Ivy-san.
My feelings for him overflow with joy, and they slip out of my mouth of their own accord.
Ivy: Rina-chan, are you sure about that?
Rina: It's true. I've always liked you.
I thought it was a feeling I shouldn't convey. Our positions were too different.
(But Ivy-san told me he likes me. Then ... I want to tell him too.)
Rina: Your kindness has been there for me ever since we first met.
Rina: Your concern for me always saved and healed me ... I found myself falling in love with you.
Ivy: Rina-chan ...
Ivy-san smiled faintly.
Ivy: I'm so happy ...! We feel the same. It feels like a dream to hear you say that to me.
Rina: I'm the one who feels like in a dream. I never thought Ivy-san and I would fall in love with each other.
Rina: I'm so normal ...
Ivy: What are you talking about? You're a lovely, wonderful girl. You just don't know it.
Ivy: That kind od unawareness ... it's cute, but it worries me. I also worry about how hard you try.
Rina: Ah ...
He hugged me slightly from behind.
The gentle warmth and fresh maritime scent of him made my heart beat wildly and painfully.
(I'm so happy ... it really is like a dream.)
Ivy: ... With such small, thin shoulders, you've worked so hard to ... get through so many things.
I can feel the care and concern he has for me.
Ivy: From now on, I'll protect you. I'll never let you have any hardships.
Ivy: So don't leave me, Rina-chan.
A low, sweet voice is like a devil in my ear.
(What should I do ... I'm so nervous I might go crazy.)
As soo as our feelings were reciprocated, I felt like I was going to be drowned in the warmth and affection he lavished on me.
Rina: Of course ... Ivy-san.
Ivy: Yeah, thank you.
It was an enthusiastic, righteous smile.
Ivy: I'd love to hold you like this longer, but I've got to dry your hair soon.
He comes back to himself and says shyly, and my face starts to blush.
Rina: Y-you're right.
Ivy: Haha ... sorry. I stopped in the middle. I'll continue. You'll catch a cold.
Rina: Okay ...
Ivy-san resumed blow-drying my hair.
(... I'm more nervous than before, I don't feel at ease.)
Having shared our feelings, I became even more aware of the feeling of his hand.
Ivy: I love your hair, it's so soft and smooth and I want to touch it all the time.
Rina: You think so? I think it's normal ...
When I answered shyly, Ivy-san laughed as if in trouble.
Ivy: I think it's cute that you're unaware of your own attractiveness, but I'm still worried about you ... Like earlier.
Rina: Earlier?
Ivy: Like casually letting someone into your room after taking a bath.
Ivy: I'm glad it was me, but you can't let another man see you like that.
Rina: You're worrier, aren't you, Ivy-san?
Ivy: Because it's you.
Rina: !
... I'm happy to hear such enthusiastic comments.
Ivy: Finn and the others were patting you on the head ... so you have to be careful with that stuff from now on.
(I'm sure everyone is fine with that ...)
Ivy: Rina-chan, I beg you, don't open yourself up to other men.
Rina: Okay ...
Ivy: It's a promise. ... And also a suggestion.
Ivy: Why don't you install a location sharing app?*
Rina: Eh, why?
Ivy: Just in case something goes wrong.
Rina: That's a little too much to worry about.
Ivy: I don't think so. ... Is that a no? I'm worried about you.
It feels like an exaggeration, but his eyes are scary serious as he looks at me through the mirror.
(Maybe that's how much he thinks of me ...)
Rina: ... I understand.
When I accepted, even though I was puzzled, Ivy-san smiled happily.
Ivy: Thank you!
Satisfied with my answer, he begins to brush my dry hair.
Ivy: Ah, what beautiful hair ...
Ivy: They messed it up, so I have to put it back together properly ....
Ivy: I wish I could've washed your hair where they touched it, and made sure it was all washed out ...*
While mumbling that, he brushed my hair carefully again and again.
(...? What is this feeling?)
The same gesture as before. Ivy-san's smile is gentle and warm.
... Something that I can't explain left a rough and uncomfortable feeling in my heart.
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Note: Do I even have to tell you that Ivy went from smiling to serious with his dead eyes in these sentences? I have a talent for spotting the possessive ones. And yeah, his issues are totally healed. Protip, mental health doesn't work like that xD
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granteares · 7 years
Okay, I'm not sure if you've seen RENT, but the Bromos as Roger and Mimi in Light My Candle? I'm sure it would be pretty hilarious.
ho boy, have i seen rent… one month my sister and i literally watched it 1-2 times a week. (’: i wasn’t really sure how to interpret them “as roger and mimi” so… i went with this, and i hope it works and you like it bc it was fun to write and they’re ridiculous!!!
Every time that they watched RENT, they barely actually did anything that could count as watching it, because they did it so regularly they just… acted out the parts right now. Every song, they knew who was singing which part. They basically knew the choreography – but Bahorel had a habit of making up his own, and Feuilly never complained, because he was too busy laughing every time Bahorel went off-script.
It was, hands-down, Bahorel’s favorite past-time with his boyfriend. They didn’t get a lot of time together as a couple, and certainly didn’t get a lot of time to go out if it wasn’t to an ABC meeting (and, well, however much they both liked their friends and the work accomplished, Bahorel still argued that it was not the ideal date) – as such, many of their nights together turned into quiet nights at home where a tired and overworked Feuilly could cuddle with him on the couch and they could watch movies until they were both too tired to keep their eyes open.
As soon as Feuilly had walked through the door that evening, Bahorel had known he’d had a bad day. Feuilly rarely expressed it, but Bahorel could tell in the sagging shoulders and the way Feuilly’s greeting-smile didn’t reach his eyes. He didn’t bring it up – Feuilly would brush it off – so he did what he could silently. He sat Feuilly down on the couch, made dinner for both of them, ate on the couch with HGTV on quietly in the background and occasional conversation distracting them from their meals, cleaned up their meal things after they were both done eating, then turned on RENT.
Feuilly was quiet for a while, and Bahorel flicked his own attention between his boyfriend and the movie, until he decided it was time for some more straight-forward cheering-up action as “Light My Candle” was starting. He grabbed Feuilly’s arms, and yanked him up from the couch with a half-assed whine of protest from the other man.
“Come on, this is your favorite,” Bahorel said with a grin – and was glad to see that Feuilly smiled more genuinely now than he had since getting home.
“Yeah, ‘cause you make a complete ass of yourself every time,” Feuilly shot back – but he seemed happier already, so Bahorel was counting that as a win.
Bahorel always did Roger’s part, Feuilly always did Mimi’s. So he jumped into it with his usual flair, getting more overdramatic the more he saw Feuilly smile genuinely.
“They say that I have the best ass below 14th Street – Is it true?”
“Very much so,” Bahorel responded, breaking the scene – but oh well – and pulling Feuilly closer to him, putting his hands on his ass and giving a teasing squeeze.
Feuilly laughed – despite the annoyed expression he was trying to school his features into. “This was your idea and you’re not even playing along,” he complained.
“Please, like I’m legally allowed to turn down an opportunity to compliment your butt.”
“Fair enough.”
Feuilly leaned in then, and gave Bahorel a kiss that had the taller man grinning once more before he spun Feuilly around, momentarily forgetting the movie in favor of dancing with the redhead.
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an-aroaces-harem · 3 months
Ivy Chapter 13
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird and ABC Frontier, Inc.
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When I returned home with a drunk Ivy-san, there was no sign of anyone in the living room, as if everyone was already resting.
Rina: Ivy-san, we're home. Please hang in there.
Ivy: Un ...
I support him as we walk, bearing the weight of his body on my shoulders.
Rina: It's good, it's good ...
Ivy: ... nng
We entered the room and managed to get him to sit on the bed.
I'm sweating from relief and exhaustion, but I don't have time to relax.
Ivy: ... ng
When I peeked in, I saw that Ivy-san had a red face and was repeatedly breathing hotly.
His moist gaze was unsteady, and he seemed to be looking at me, but not at me.
Rina: Here's some water. Can you drink it?
Ivy: Drink ...
Pulling the glass of water to his lips, he slurps it down and takes a gulp.
Ivy: ... Thank you.
Ivy: ... Hah ...
He fell down on the bed with a thud.
Ivy: Hot ...
He was able to answer a few questions, but he was probably still very drunk. His tone was unreliable and extremely weak.
Ivy: ... for bothering you, sorry ... I'm so unseemly.
Ivy: I didn't want you to see me like this ...
Rina: I don't think you're bothering me at all. Rather ... I'm sorry.
Ivy: ... Why are you apologizing?
Rina: Because you did this to protect me ...
(Because I offended that man. Besides, tequila is such a strong drink, it's only natural one gets completely wasted from it.)
If he hadn't drank for me, I'd have been the one who got drunk.
Ivy: ... You don't have to feel responsible. I was the one who got mad and provoked him.
Ivy: I wanted to ... protect you this time myself. I couldn't do it the other day ...
Rina: Ivy-san ...
Ivy: But now I'm in this mess ... I'm really screwed ...
Rina: Don't say that. I'm grateful.
Ivy: Kawanaga-san ...
Rina: It's true. That's why I don't want you to hold back.
Rina: Rely on me more to let me take care of you, so that you feel at ease.
Rina: I'll do anything to help you, Ivy-san.
Ivy: Anything ... huh
Ivy: You said that to me before.
Rina: ... Come to think of it, yes.
Ivy: It's strange. When you say it like that, it makes me want to spoil you.
He looks at me and smiles. His expression looks more fragile than usual, and my heart tightens ...
Rina: If so, please indulge me.
Ivy: I'm glad ... you're doing this for someone like me.
(Someone like me ... why do you say that?)
I don't understand why he is so down on himself.
When I was at a loss for a response and fell silent, Ivy-san muttered something inaudible.
Ivy: ... It's true what Arai-san said earlier ... I'm a good-for-nothing.
Rina: What?
Ivy: The songs I wrote for R2R didn't sell overseas.
Ivy: Eito, on the other hand ... was amazing. I'm the only one who can't do it ...
Ivy: If I hadn't been a member of the unit, R2R might have not disbanded.
Rina: !!
Ivy: exe doesn't really need me either.
Ivy: Eito approached me because he felt guilty for disbanding R2R and it was like a favor from an old friend ...
His words, muttered with empty eyes, gave me a tremendous shock.
Rina: What are you talking about? There's no such thing as a favor.
Ivy: It's true ... because I don't have anything.
Ivy: All of exe are awsome ... Xeno, Jace, Finn and Hugh ... they all have special talents.
Ivy: I'm the only mediocre one. I can sing, dance, compose ... nothing really great.
Ivy: They are all special. I'm different from them ...
Rina: ...
Ivy: So I have to ... work harder. I have to work harder than the others so that I can help ... everyone.
Ivy: If I don't ... I won't be able to stay in exe ...
Rina: Ivy-san ...
I was speechless at the sound of his voice as he squeezed it out.
Even though he isn't outstanding in singing or dancing in the team, Ivy-san is relied upon as a leader who brings everyone together.
(I never thought he'd have such complex thoughts.)
I could not see a trace of such an attitude from him in his normal life.
If he hadn't gotten drunk like this, he would have kept it a secret from everyone in a long time.
(That was a reason why he tried to handle so many tasks by himself ...)
It is painful to think of his feelings, hiding his anxiety behind his gentle smile for so long.
Rina: ... That's not true. I have told you many times that you are a great person, Ivy-san.
... I couldn't keep silent and said so.
Rina: exe absolutely needs Ivy-san's presence.
Ivy: Thank you for comforting me. You are always so kind ...
(No. He doesn't take me seriously ...!)
I wanted him to understand, so I leaned towards him.
Rina: I'm not trying to comfort you. Please listen to me, Ivy-san.
I took his hand and held it tightly. He seemed surprised by my strong tone.
Rina: You are a lot more than you think you are.
Ivy: I don't ... believe that. How can you have that much faith in my talents?
Rina: The reason why you're able to stay together as a group is because Ivy-san connects them all.
Rina: You take the initiative to take on tasks and you're always there to understand and care for everyone ...
Rina: Without you, I think exe would have fallen apart long ago.
Ivy: You're just imagining things. I was just trying to gain a reason for my existence by doing that.
Ivy: I don't have a strong personality or talent, so I can only be useful in that way.
Rina: No, Ivy-san isn't lying in the kindness he shows to all of them.
(I've been on the sidelines for a long time, so I understand that much ...)
Rina: They trust you because they know you are aware of it.
Ivy: ...
Rina: And you say you don't have the talent to compose music, but I don't think that's true.
The songs presented by exe are always songs that only exe can express.
Rina: You know your members better than anyone else, and they couldn't have done it without you.
Rina: And you, who has created such songs despite your troubles, how could you not be?
Ivy: ...
His shaking eyes convey his confusion.
Rina: You're the undisputed leader of exe and an exceptional person.
(And to, the most important person of all ...)
Rina: No matter what anyone says, even if you don't believe in yourself ... I believe in you.
Rina: I'll be always be there for you ...!
I held his hand and pleaded desperately. I wanted him to understand his power and charm that he was unaware of.
Ivy-san was silent for a while, but eventually ...
Ivy: ... I'm not sure yet, but I know you mean what you say.
Ivy: You always look me straight in the eye ...
Ivy: I think I'd like to believe ... if that's what you said.
He laughed when he said that.
Rina: Ivy-san ...
Ivy: Thank you, Kawanaga-san.
Ivy: ... No, Rina-chan.
Rina: Eh!?
I was startled when he called my given name for the first time. I let go of his hand, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back with all his might.
Rina: Ah ...!
The next moment I fell on the bed, and he was holding me in his arms.
Ivy: I just had to call you by your given name ... didn't you like it?
Rina: No, I don't mind.
(I'm rather glad ...)
Ivy: Good ...
The meltingly sweet smile makes my heart race to the point of bursting.
His eyes, hotter than usual due to drunkenness, were peering at me from a close distance.
Ivy: I'm glad you said that earlier ... you're the only one who's on my side at all times, aren't you?
Ivy: Promise me you'll never leave my side ...?
His body heat can be felt from where our bodies are touching.
The palm of one hand caresses my lips, and my body shivers with the heat.
Rina: Y-yes. I promise.
As if by magic, the words were slipping out.
Rina: I'll stay close by your side ...
Ivy: I'm glad you're here, Hana-chan ... with me, all the time ...
His face comes closer.
The aroma of western liquor wafting from his breath was almost intoxicating.
Soon our lips will touch ...
Rina: ...
I close my eyes as quickly as I can out of embarrassment.
... But soon I heard a small sigh.
Ivy: ...
(He's asleep ...)
His eyes were glazed over, perhaps because he was sleepy.
I had mixed feelings, disappointed and relieved.
I gently get up from the bed.
Ivy: ...
He's sleeping peacfully, but I'm really restless.
(I was about to be ... kissed ...)
I'm embarrassed when I remember.
(Ivy-san ... what do you think of me?)
The person who is supposed to answer me is in a dream.
I let out a sigh, put the blanket over Ivy-san's body and left the room ...
... The next morning.
I wanted to wake up Ivy-san at 6am because I was told he had a lesson at 7am ...
Ivy: Uuh ...
He was in no condition to get up from his bed.
Rina: Are you okay?
Ivy: I think I might be a bit ... spoiled. My head hurts ...
Rina: You have a hangover ... Here is your drink. Please drink it.
Ivy: Sorry ... thank you ...
I hurriedly give the green-faced Ivy-san a bottle of sports drink.
Ivy: Uh ...
He finally looked up at me, perhaps a little calmer now that he had rehydrated and sugared up.
Ivy: I ... got drunk and bothered you, didn't I?
Rina: Don't worry about it. I wasn't bothered by it at all.
Ivy: Sorry. I appreciate you saying that ...
The way he smiled bitterly was as usual, and I couldn't see any sign of him revealing his painful thoughts.
(Perhaps you don't remember what happened last night?)
(Did you forget you told me not to leave you?)
The warmth of his embrace still clearly remains in my body.
(And he almost kissed me ...)
It's kind of sad to think I'm the only one who remembers it.
Rina: ... Can you get up?
When I interrupted him to hide these feelings, Ivy-san nodded.
Ivy: I'm fine. Thanks to you, I'm much better. But I can't go on like this. I have to take a shower.
Rina: Well, I guess I'll be going now.
Ivy: Yeah, thanks for coming to wake me up.
Rising from bed, Ivy-san begins to get ready for the shower.
Ivy: ... And
Before leaving the room, he stopped at the door ... and turned around.
Ivy: When you said that you would stay by my side ... that made me so happy.
Rina: !
Ivy-san looks at me a little embarrassed.
Ivy: I remember. And it's not like I'm crazy or anything.
Rina: Ivy-san ...
Ivy: Thank you, Hana-chan. ... I'm off.
Rina: Y-yes ...!
... Even after he left, I couldn't stop the intense beating of my heart.
His relationship with me used to be like brother and sister.
I sensed that this was indeed beginning to change ...
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