#But I'm simply continually perplexed
amtrak12 · 22 days
I do find it fascinating how many readers take a character statement as the Absolute Truth and don't consider there may be layers of hidden meaning tucked beneath the surface. This happens over and over again in my Lucifer fic, particularly with Chloe's dialogue.
The most recent example is when she said 'Our relationship doesn't matter. Rory's more important.' and some readers were like 'Doesn't seem like she's very interested in a relationship with Lucifer. Where does she think Rory came from then? Doesn't she realize if she doesn't sleep with Lucifer, Rory won't exist in the future?'
When the context of this argument and that line is it's the DAY after they learned this toddler is their daughter from the future and a mere TWO WEEKS after Chloe learned angels were real and her partner was the literal, actual Devil. This woman is stressed as fuck! Do you analyze the romantic feelings you've been suppressing since the object of those feelings rejected you when you're stressed as fuck? Cause I sure don't! She's in survival mode right now! I thought that was obvious??? STOP TAKING ME AND THE CHARACTERS AT OUR WORDS! WE'RE ALL LIARS IN THIS NARRATIVE!
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Ok listen up, I'm bored and tired and have recently come to the realization that all time is fleeting and hazbin hotel has yet to release their first episode
So to cope, I've written more yandere alastor x reader cus I can
This one is romantic btw, set during alastor's life
Tw: Attempted Rape, murder, and gore
Part 2 here
His Darling Doe
Recently, a quaint little diner opened across the street from Alastor's radio station
It was quite convenient to him, not as out-of-the-way as his usual preferred spot
So he started going to the diner every morning for a cup of joe
You were rather new in town, and had been looking for a job after having just finished moving in
So you applied for a waitress position at the new diner, and got the job
Because you were new, you didn't recognize Alastor as a famous radio host
To you, he was just your average handsome fella
Rather coincidentally, Alastor would find himself at the same table every morning, which just so happened to be in your section
You introduced yourself to him, pencil hovering over your notebook as you prepared to take his order
Much to Alastor's surprise (and slight relief) you didn't fangirl over him immediately
In fact, you treated him like you did any other customer
It was refreshing
Alastor ordered his coffee, while also sizing you up
You came very close to being his next victim
Not because he didn't like you
On contrary you amused him
Always having a snarky reply to his sarcastic remarks
He'd compliment you, and you'd compliment him back
He ended up spending and hour longer at the diner then he should've chatting with you
Reluctantly he told you he had to go, but promised to see you again soon
He was sure to tip you on his way out
Later that night as Alastor was closing up the station he started thinking about you
You had perplexed him
You were one of the few humans that he found entertaining
At least, one of the few humans that didn't need to be brutally murdered in order to find entertaining
He had found himself entranced when speaking with you earlier, he just knew he needed more
So after that night he would always show up early at the diner, hours before his shift at the radio station, and simply talk with you
At first you had been weirded out by his constant presence each morning
But over time you grew to look forward to your meetings
You even developed a crush on him
Now, having lived in new Orleans long enough, you obviously new of it's infamous serial killer
Most of everything you knew came from Alastor's talk show
During one of your early morning meet ups with Alastor, you confessed your deep fear of the killer to him, while also expressing concern for both of y'all's safety
Alastor found this to be very endearing and somewhat amusing (though he didn't let the latter show)
He claimed immediately after you spoke that he would do everything in his power to keep you out of harms way
So after that Alastor would walk you home from your job every night
However one night Alastor got held up at the station, leaving you to walk home, alone
You had walked home by yourself plenty of times before, but tonight was different
As you left the diner you felt a strange sense of foreboding
While walking home you felt grimy old hand roughly grab you wrist and yank you into the alleyway
You opened you mouth to call for help, but before you could make a noise your assailant smashed his lips into yours
You thrashed in his grip and were able to get your mouth free of his
Before you could continue to fight back you heard a zipping sound and realized with dread what this man intended
However, before he could get any further something crashed into him and pinned him to the ground
Immediately you scrambled a few feet away, eyes wide as you realized just who had saved you
Alastor pinned the old man to the ground and ruthlessly stabbed the man over and over, until the walls were covered in scarlet
Quickly, you shuffled backwards, still on the ground, in an attempt to get away
Unfortunately for you, Alastor heard you and snapped his head in your direction, maniacal grin now etched in his face
He kept towards you and pinned you to the ground, similarly to how he had pinned your now dead assailant
You closed your eyes tightly, and flinched away when you felt his hot breath on your neck
You had gotten a glimpse of the body lying a few feet away from you, and had quickly realized that Alastor was the very killer you were so scared of
You were expecting the sharp and painful feeling of a knife being plunged in your chest
So when you instead felt soft kisses along you collar bone, you couldn't help but involuntarily flinch
You felt Alastor pause his gentle touched, as he climbed off of you and pulled you into his lap on the floor
"My darling Doe, are you alright?"
You heard him ask gently
To scared to talk, you managed only a stiff nod
You heard a soft chuckle come from him, as he stood up and carried you bridal style out of the alley, and towards the bayou
You felt the cool night air hit you, and shivered
You could feel your shock slowly wearing off, yet couldn't stop trembling, knowing that you were in the arms of a killer
Alastor felt you trembling in his arms, and pulled you closer to him, nuzzling his face into your soft hair
"I have you, you're safe now, my dear,"
You heard him whisper into your hair
Eventually you reached a cabin deep within the swamp
Alastor kicked the door open and carried you upstairs into his bedroom
He gently put you down on the bed, before kissing your forehead and leaving, being sure to lock the door behind him
Once you were alone you curled up on the corner of the bed, and cried
You don't know what exactly about, all you knew was that your head was to full of emotion and shock to think clearly
So you cried yourself to sleep
When you woke up you were in the same bed, but in a clean sleeping gown
With Alastor curled up around you
At first you simply nuzzled closer, feeling Alastor tighten his arms around you
Then you noticed the blood stain on his sleeve, and suddenly all your memories of the previous night came crashing back
You jumped out of the bed and ran to the door, yanking on the doorknob, only to find it locked
Suddenly, you felt a warm, broad chest press against your back, and strong arms around your waist
A few months ago you'd've been delighted to be in this situation
Now though, you were petrified
"Wherever do you think your going, my darling Doe?"
You heard Alastor say softly behind you
"You're home now, safe and sound with me. Where you belong~"
Love me some unhinged Alastor
Might do part two, idk yet
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Sky High.
(pilot!harry x airhostess!yn)
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masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here x
in which, your an airhostess for british airways, and harry’s been a pilot for british airways for the last four years, and your both working on the same a380 to the big apple.
word count - 2.8k
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"So, which lucky city are you off to today?"
Cabin crew had always been a passion of yours since you were a child.
When you were young, you used to adore gazing at the impeccably dressed flight attendants as they moved gracefully through the aisles of the plane. That longing to be among them, to embody the essence of professionalism and hospitality, never wavered, even as you grew older.
So when you turned eighteen, and were fresh out of college, you signed up for flight attendant school and not once have you looked back.
The course took ten weeks and they were the best of your life, because at the end of it, you gained your wings and was ready to fly.
That was when you met Samia, your bestest friend, the two of you were in the same cabin crew training classes and had practically been inseparable ever since, it was a friendship that was made to last.
You and Samia make your way through the bustling terminal of Manchester Airport, where families were executed to finally have a nice holiday that they had waited all year for and people who were solo-travellers ready to embark on a boring old work trip.
With a grin, you respond, "New York, simply feels like forever since I’ve been there.”
Samia feigns a dramatic sigh, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Ugh, why do you get all the fun flights? I'm just headed to Dublin."
You chuckle at her mock disappointment. "Hey, Dublin's pretty great too!”
She rolls her eyes playfully. "I guess you're right. But next time, I'm definitely snagging that New York flight!"
You nudge her teasingly. "Deal!
As you and Samia continue your leisurely stroll through the bustling terminal of Manchester Airport, she suddenly stops in her tracks, a perplexed expression crossing her face.
"Wait, did you say you're heading to New York?" she asks, a hint of disbelief in her voice.
You nod in confirmation, a smile playing on your lips. "Yeah, I've got a three-day layover there before heading back. Why? What's up?"
Samia's eyes light up mischievously as she leans in closer. "You know who the pilot is, right?"
You shake your head, curious about her sudden intrigue. "No, who is it?"
With a smug look on her face, Samia leans back, relishing the moment before dropping the bombshell.
"Captain Styles," she says, her voice laced with amusement.
Just like that, your eyes widen.
The dim lights of the party cast a warm glow over the room as chatter and laughter filled the air. You stood at the bar, holding an almost empty drink, observing the festivities around you. It was a celebration for the graduating pilots and cabin crew, and the excitement was palpable.
Suddenly, a voice broke through the noise, and you turned to see a handsome young man approaching you. His brunette hair had a slight curl to it, and he wore an open t-shirt with only the bottom buttons done up, showcasing his tattoos along his chest and right arm. He flashed you a charming smile that set your heart racing.
"Hey," he said, his voice smooth and confident. "M’Harry. Can I get you another drink?"
His flirty demeanor caught you off guard, but you couldn't help but be intrigued by his confidence and his striking appearance.
With a smile, you accepted his offer. "Sure, that would be great. Thanks."
As he ordered the drinks, Harry leaned in closer, his playful banter making your heart flutter. "So, what brings you to this party? Celebrating y’graduation as well?"
You nodded, feeling a rush of excitement at his attention. "Yeah, I just finished my cabin crew training. It's been quite the journey."
Harry nodded, his gaze lingering on you. "Well, congratulations. Y’must be excited to start flying high."
You chuckled at his pun, feeling a warmth spreading through you at his flirtatious remarks. "Thanks. And what about you? Are you one of the graduating pilots?"
He grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Guilty as charged. But tonight, M’more interested in getting to know you."
As the night wore on, the energy of the party only seemed to intensify, fueled by the pulsating rhythm of the music and the electric chemistry between you and Harry.
With each exchange, the attraction between you grew stronger, igniting a fiery passion that neither of you could ignore.
Before you knew it, the party had come to an end, and Harry suggested continuing the festivities at his place. Eager for more time together, you eagerly agreed, your heart racing with anticipation as you made your way to his doorstep.
As Harry fumbled with his keys, his lips found yours in a heated kiss, igniting a firestorm of desire that burned hotter with each passing second. The world around you faded away as you lost yourself in the intoxicating embrace, the hunger for each other driving you forward.
Finally, the door swung open, and Harry pulled you inside, the heat between you reaching a fever pitch. With a sense of urgency, you stumbled into his apartment, the desire to be close to him consuming every fiber of your being.
And as the door closed behind you, the outside world ceased to exist, leaving only the two of you entwined in a passionate embrace, lost in a whirlwind of desire and longing.
As you approach your gate, you come to a halt, a wave of anticipation washing over you. Turning to Samia, you give her a final hug, the warmth of her embrace a soothing balm to your frayed nerves.
"I'll see you soon," you say, your voice tinged with both longing and determination.
Samia returns the hug with equal fervor, her support unwavering.
"Text me when you land, just so i know that you got there safely." she tells you you, her words a comforting reminder of your shared journey and the strength you draw from each other.
"Take care up there, and don't forget to enjoy New York," she says, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement. “You deserve it.”
During the embrace, your gaze drifts past Samia, and that's when you spot him. Captain Styles, striding confidently towards the gate, his navy blue pilot uniform impeccable, a pair of sunglasses shielding his eyes from the fluorescent airport lights.
The women around him stare in awe, admiration evident in their eyes as they admire his striking looks and commanding presence.
As Captain Styles catches your eye amidst the throng of admirers, a smirk tugs at the corners of his lips, sending a shiver down your spine.
You swallow harshly, feeling a sudden rush of nerves at his knowing gaze, his presence commanding attention even in the midst of the bustling airport terminal.
As you bid farewell to Samia and take a step towards the bridge leading to the plane, your heart pounds with a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation.
Captain Styles stands nearby, engrossed in conversation with the gate control personnel, his commanding presence unmistakable even from a distance.
As you approach the bridge, you catch Captain Styles' eye, and he immediately breaks off his conversation, his gaze fixed on you as he strides towards you with purpose.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't m’favorite cabin crew member," he says with a playful grin, his tone laced with flirtation.
You can't help but return his smile, the familiar spark between you reigniting with each step closer.
Ever since that night you spent together four years ago, the two of you have sort of started an arrangement, when one of you needs the other your there and vice versa.
But your feelings grew above just meaningless hookups.
His as far as you were concerned didn’t.
"Captain Styles, always a pleasure," you reply, your voice tinged with a hint of amusement.
He falls into step beside you, his presence magnetic as he matches your stride.
"So, headed to the Big Apple, are we?" he asks, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You nod, a surge of excitement coursing through you at the prospect of flying to New York with Captain Styles as your pilot.
"Yep, three days of layover in the city that never sleeps," you say, unable to contain your enthusiasm.
Captain Styles chuckles, his charm on full display as he leans in closer, his voice low and intimate.
"Well, if you need a tour guide while you're there, y’know where t’find me," he says with a wink, his flirtatious demeanor sending a thrill down your spine.
You play along, matching his flirtatious energy with a playful smirk of your own.
"I might just take you up on that offer," you tease, the familiarity between you sparking with every word exchanged.
As you reach the entrance to the bridge, Captain Styles stops, his gaze lingering on you with a mix of intensity and longing.
"Until we meet again, m’cloud member," he says, his voice husky with promise.
You meet his gaze, the unspoken understanding between you hanging heavy in the air.
"Until next time," you reply, your heart racing with anticipation as you step onto the bridge and make your way towards the plane.
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Standing at the entrance of the plane, you greet passengers with a warm smile as they board, checking their tickets with practiced efficiency.
Beside you stands Suzie, a petite blonde cabin crew member from France, her cheerful demeanor adding to the welcoming atmosphere of the aircraft.
"Bonjour! Welcome aboard," Suzie chirps in her melodious French accent, her eyes sparkling with genuine hospitality as she assists passengers with their carry-on luggage.
You nod in agreement, echoing her sentiments with a friendly greeting of your own.
"Welcome aboard, ladies and gentlemen. If you could please have your tickets ready, we'll get you settled in no time," you say, your voice projecting confidence and professionalism.
As passengers file past, you and Suzie work in tandem, ensuring a smooth and efficient boarding process. You exchange glances and quick smiles as you assist travelers with finding their seats and stowing their belongings in the overhead compartments.
"Next please," you say, gesturing for the next passenger to approach, your attention fully focused on providing top-notch service to everyone boarding the aircraft.
Suzie chimes in, her cheerful demeanor infectious as she assists an elderly couple with finding their seats.
"Right this way, monsieur et madame. Allow me to help you with your bags," she says, her gentle touch earning her grateful smiles from the passengers.
As the last few passengers board the plane, you and Suzie share a brief moment of camaraderie, a silent acknowledgment of a job well done.
As the final passengers settle into their seats and fasten their seatbelts, you and the rest of the cabin crew begin to make your way down the aisle, ensuring that everyone is safely secured for takeoff. With practiced ease, you exchange reassuring smiles and nods with passengers as you pass, checking seatbelts and offering assistance where needed.
Once you confirm that all passengers are securely strapped in, you make your way to the front of the cabin, ready to perform the mandatory safety demonstration. Standing in the aisle, you and the other cabin crew members demonstrate the proper use of seatbelts, oxygen masks, and life vests, your movements fluid and precise as you emphasize the importance of safety during the flight.
As the plane taxis towards the runway, you continue the safety demonstration, pointing out the locations of emergency exits and demonstrating the brace position in case of an emergency landing. Your voice is calm and reassuring, your demeanor projecting confidence and competence to the passengers seated before you.
Three hours into the flight, you find yourself in the crew mess area, diligently preparing warm nuts for the passengers as part of the in-flight service. The gentle hum of the aircraft fills the air, a comforting backdrop to the routine tasks at hand.
Suddenly, the sound of the call button interrupts the steady rhythm, prompting you to glance up from your task.
With a quick exchange of glances with your fellow cabin crew members, you make your way towards the source of the signal, ready to assist the passenger in need.
Approaching the row where the call button was activated, you find a mother and her little girl, the child looking pale and visibly uncomfortable.
Concern washes over you as you inquire, "Is everything okay? How can I assist you?"
The mother looks relieved at your arrival, her voice tinged with urgency. "My daughter isn't feeling well. Do you have a sick bag?"
You nod empathetically, understanding the urgency of the situation.
"Of course, let me grab one for you right away," you assure her, before swiftly making your way back to the crew mess to retrieve a sick bag.
Returning to the passenger's row with the sick bag in hand, you offer it to the mother with a sympathetic smile.
"Here you go. I hope this helps. Is there anything else I can do to assist you and your daughter?"
The mother gratefully accepts the sick bag, her expression conveying a mix of relief and gratitude.
"Thank you so much. This should do the trick. We'll let you know if we need anything else," she says, her voice soft with appreciation.
You nod, reassuring her that you're available should they require any further assistance.
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Just under four hours into the flight, you find yourself tasked with delivering the pre-ordered meals to the cockpit crew. Carrying a tray with their dinner selections, you make your way to the front of the aircraft, where the cockpit door awaits.
Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you knock lightly on the door before pushing it open, revealing the familiar sight of Captain Harry and First Officer Max at the controls.
"Dinner delivery," you announce with a smile, stepping into the cockpit.
Harry looks up from the control panel, his eyes lighting up as he sees you. "Ah, if it isn’t the queen of the clouds herself," he says, his tone playful yet subtly flirtatious.
Suppressing a smile, you approach him with the tray, presenting him with his sushi and a glass of apple juice.
"Here you go, Captain Styles. Enjoy your meal," you say, your voice steady despite the flutter of excitement in your chest.
You bend down in front of the captain, knowing that it will simply drive him crazy, and because we’ll….your a little tease, your skirt isn’t that short, because it’s not aloud to be but it certainly does the trick, because you softly hear him take a small intake of breath which has you trying to surpress your smile.
You then stand back to a normal height and give the first officer his choice of food for the night.
Max looks up from his own console, offering you a polite nod of acknowledgment.
"Thank you," he says, his tone professional as he accepts his lasagna and a glass of milk.
You return his nod with a polite smile, acknowledging his presence before turning your attention back to Harry.
"Is there anything else I can assist you with, Captain?" you inquire, trying to keep the conversation light and professional despite the underlying tension between you.
Harry's gaze lingers on you for a moment longer than necessary, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"I don’t think there is no." he replies, his tone teasing yet filled with underlying sincerity.
As you turn to leave the cockpit, you catch Harry's gaze and offer a sheepish smile.
"I should probably go wash my hands," you say, feeling a sudden need to break the tension in the air.
Harry chuckles softly, his eyes crinkling with amusement.
"Of course, can't have our cabin crew getting their hands dirty," he teases, his tone light yet tinged with a hint of flirtation.
You laugh along with him, grateful for the playful banter that eases the atmosphere.
"Exactly," you reply, eager to retreat from the intimate confines of the cockpit before things become too heated.
You make your way towards the bathroom as you had initially intended. Pushing open the door, you step inside, grateful for the momentary solitude the confined space offers.
Turning on the tap, you let the water flow over your hands, the cool sensation refreshing as you lather them with soap. With practiced efficiency, you scrub your hands clean, ensuring every trace of dirt and germs is washed away.
Once satisfied with the cleanliness of your hands, you rinse off the soap and reach for a paper towel to dry them.
As you pat your hands dry, you take a moment to glance at your reflection in the mirror, adjusting your uniform and smoothing down any stray hairs that may have escaped your notice.
As you are preparing to leave the bathroom, the sound of the door opening behind you catches your attention, causing a slight flutter of nerves to rise in your stomach.
Without turning around, you sense someone entering the small space, their presence filling the air with an unspoken tension.
Gulping nervously, you finally muster the courage to turn and make eye contact with the newcomer.
The sight of the familiar uniform and the commanding aura that surrounds them leaves you momentarily speechless, your heart pounding in your chest.
You swallow heavily.
“Hello, Captain.”
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hwangism143 · 16 days
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synopsis: minho and his antics, of which you and your family must endure.
pairing: dad!minho x fem!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
warnings: mentions of food, vaccines (?), swearing
word count: 1.2k words
now playing: seven - taylor swift
requested: by @stayinlimbo (have your own requests? find the prompt list here)
a/n: i could have made this very angsty and sad. i could. but i didn't since i'll save that hurt for later and dad minho is simply top tier. also, this is a first day of school present (pls wish me luck).
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"just like a folk song, our love will live on"
There were several problems in the world that you should have been worried about: poverty, hunger, war; but there was only one problem in your world which you were currently worried about: a purple lunch bag.
You set off on your conquest, the lunchbox being lost to the point where you were rummaging in places where you knew it wouldn't be. (The act certainly did earn you confused stares from your family, wondering why you were rifling through the shoe closet.)
As you continued tossing things aside and internally screaming at why something had to go wrong today of all days, you heard a meek voice coming from the living room, which was behind you.
"I'm sorry," the voice came, followed by a sniffle.
"No, don't be sorry. It's not you fault," Minho said softly.
You smiled softly at the interaction before focusing on the task ahead once again. When you finally spotted the lunch bag behind the cat food in the pantry, the gears in your head started turning. You let out a small laugh when you realized the scope of the situation.
Walking over to where the two other occupants of the apartment were standing, you held out the purple lunch bag and dropped down to your knees.
Your daughter Minji gasped in wonder, here eyes wide, "You found it!"
Share wrapped her arms around your neck as you responded tightly, "I sure did."
Over Minji's shoulder, you caught Minho's eyes. You raised an eyebrow at him and he just innocently blinked in response.
"Alright, all set to go?" Minho asked gently once Minji finally peeled herself of your body.
You both knew that the overtly long embrace was not only because of the then lost now found lunch bag, but because of the nervousness that was hidden deep in the crevices of her heart now that she had to face the reality of her first day of school.
No matter the amount of anxiety that resided in her though, because Minji's excitement overshadowed all else.
Nodding enthusiastically, she slipped her hand into Minho's. The juxtaposition of her tiny hand adorned with glittery bracelets and his larger hand with a single brown watch nearly made you tear up. Shit, were you pregnant again?
Minho and Minji were practically out of the door when she squealed, "Wait! I almost forgot!"
Shoving her lunch bag into the hands a perplexed Minho, Minji ran back inside and to the tiny corner of the living room where the cats were peacefully sleeping. Minho exchanged a glance with you and quickly whipped out his phone, not knowing what Minji was about to do but eager to capture it anyways.
Minji hurriedly bent down and placed a kiss on each cat's fur. "Be," mwah! "good," mwah! "and don't," mwah! "annoy mom," she finally finished with a content expression on her face.
You nearly doubled over in laughter and turned around to look at Minho. You expected him to have a similar reaction but instead found tears glistening in his eyes. Sending a pout his way, you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist.
Placing your chin on his shoulder, you asked, "Are you crying?"
Minho sniffed, "No. Yes. Maybe."
He slipped his phone back into his pocket and leaned against you, the two of you quietly observing the outcome of the life you had built together. Materialistically, it was a four bedroom house. Emotionally, it was home. Literally, the scene in front of you was a five year old girl kissing three cats.
To you, it was family.
You pressed your lips against his cheek. "Go drop Minji off at school," you told him sweetly, "And then we'll discuss why you hid our daughter's lunch bag behind the goddamn cat food."
Minho's eyes widened fractionally until he finally let out a defeated sigh. He shifted his position so that now, you arms were around his neck and his arms were around your hips. The lunch bag hung from his wrist and occasionally bumped against your body.
"The house will be so empty," he argued, "I'll have nothing to do and no one to talk too. And you know how I am when I'm alone."
It was true; Minho's separation anxiety was an extremely comical topic of conversation. When you took Minji to visit your parents for two days, Minho called up his members so much that you started to receive complaints from his friends.
("I took my son to get a vaccine," Hyunjin ranted, "A vaccine and this man was blowing up my phone with anime memes. I don't even watch anime!")
You were about to give him a response when Minji came over, shooting the two of you a dirty look. Minho chuckled nervously and quickly detached himself from you. You placed a kiss on Minji's cheek and with a 'bye mommy!', she was dragging her father out the door.
She was one of the most treasured people in his life. He would move heaven and earth for her, at just a request. He would kill and die for her, at her behest.
Minho thought that losing her to that horrible institution would kill him. He was overdramatizing, per usual, but it still pained him. As soon as her hand slipped from his, it dawned on him just how easily temporal loss could turn into a permanent one.
But on his drive home, Minho reflected on her beaming smile that rivaled the beauty of a rainbow. He was going to watch his baby grow, and be there every step of the way. And threaten any significant others she finds on her journey during their first meeting with possible oven baking, if you allowed it.
Later that night, when you secretly told Minji about the mischievous antics her father was up to (he tried eavesdropping, but she promptly told him off), she gasped as if you had just fed her the juiciest piece of celebrity gossip their was.
She quickly admonished her father for it ("appa, that is not kind!") while Minho bit back laughter, silently convulsing at her words. He later moped around you when Minji went to bed, ignoring the way you were coaxing him into bed until you apologized.
When you asked him why you should apologize, he defended himself with "You can't go around sharing our inside jokes! I want something just for me and you. In case you were wondering, kisses and cuddles will help."
Soon, it became a Lee household tradition for Minho to hide Minji's lunch bag the first day of school. You and Minji would then wake up and pretend that there would be disastrous consequences if the lunch bag wasn't found.
Despite the changing environment and personal developments taking place in all of you, two things always stayed the same during these annual games: the now old and battered lunch bags and Minho's fond gaze as he watched his wife and daughter set out to find the lunch bag.
This was the same gaze he wore when he hid Minji's graduation cap and prom dress. It was the same gaze he had when Minji introduced the boyfriend he knew would be the one and watching her walk down the aisle.
It was the same gaze he portrayed on his face when he was old and graying, with Minji soon bringing over kids over her own and work drama.
He wore this gaze often and with pride because he knew, no matter how empty his house would feel at times, he heart would be filled with people he loved and people who loved him, never deprived.
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please reblog and comment if you liked this fic! it means everything to me and I love reading your thoughts <3
main taglist (reply to be added):
@linoalwaysknows @moon0fthenight @hyulino @palindrome969
@squishybinnieee @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @stayinlimbo @farfromsugafanfic
@hongshuaknow @cookiesandcreammy
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paper-daisy · 2 months
Like many of us I'm doing a TWD rewatch, looking for all those pre-relationship moments, and a great little one in 4x01 is after Michonne arrives back at the prison -- there's a moment where Daryl tells her "Glad to see you're in one piece." HOWEVER, when he says that he turns to look directly at Rick. Who in turn quickly looks away, almost bashful.
You can just imagine what Daryl had to put up with, with Rick in those early days. So I had to fic it.
Rick never said the words aloud. He never outright said, "I'm worried about Michonne. I hope she's okay. I hope she comes back." He was never that obvious. But to someone like Daryl, a man naturally of few words himself, it was clear as day that their fearless leader was never fully relaxed whenever that smartass/badass - who was more than capable of taking care of herself - wasn't safely tucked away behind their walls.
But what Rick would say when she was gone was - "There was a herd moving south, right?" Where Michonne had last gone hung unspoken between them. And when Daryl answered Yeah, Rick would just place his hands on his hips and nod, jaw tight, as he scanned the perimeter of the compound as if waiting for someone to magically appear.
He would say - "There's a lot more bandits out there, roaming in packs. Isn't that what you said?" A grunt and a shrug from Daryl, and Rick would nod like they'd just had a conversation and go back to his farming, digging the shovel into the dirt with a bit more force than necessary, making a point to not look at the fence. They hadn't heard from Michonne in two weeks.
He would say - "Nights are getting cold," while standing outside at the communal kitchen, plate in hand, his gaze always drawn to the barely visable fence line. Daryl had hummed in agreement, fighting the urge to tell him that Michonne should be fine as she had pilfered his poncho, something Rick already knew.
And on one strange occasion he said, "Do you think we should get some more ... art? In here?"
This had stopped Daryl in his tracks. "What?"
Rick shrugged, perhaps a little sheepishly, but continued. "We have a library, potted flowers, even some toys and things for the kids. This is our home now. Thought ... maybe it could use a bit of ... brightening?"
Daryl just starred blankly. "You want me to, what? Bring back pictures?"
For a moment it looked as if Rick was about to finally say what was actually on his mind, before he instead gave a rueful smile and waved his hand in the air as if to dispel the conversation. "Nah, nah, never mind. It was just a thought."
He walked away, leaving an utterly perplexed Daryl behind who simply shrugged and went on his own way. It was only later that day as he passed by Michonne's empty cell did his eyes fall upon that weird colourful cat thing, the one that looked like it was about to start a fight. It was such a stupid, useless thing but Daryl remembered how Michonne had presented it to him with an air of triumph, as if it was the most gorgeous thing in the world. He didn't get it.
Did Rick really think that if he made the place more art-filled, Michonne might want to hang around longer? he wondered, then immediately dismissed the idea. Well, clearly not because he gave up before he started. Like with other things.
Only once had Daryl said the unsaid thing.
Almost everyone was asleep. Well, Carl was hid under his blankets reading comics and there were low conversational sounds coming from some darkened cell, but for the most part things were quiet.
And they were kept quiet by an exhausted Rick, pacing back and forth with a fussy Judith, bouncing her non-stop so her cries wouldn't awaken the entire community. He'd nodded to Daryl, who in turn took a moment to ask if he needed help putting Judith to sleep tonight.
"No, thankyou" said Rick tiredly. "I think she's pretty much worn herself out by now. Should be sound asleep soon."
"You too."
Rick sighed. "Yeah. I just ..." He shifted Judith a little, "Even when I do get to bed, I can't seem to stop thinking. Thinking of plans for the future, for the people we have in here. The people we bring in. How to protect everyone inside these walls. Keep our people safe despite ... well, despite everything." Rick looked at Daryl as if he might have the answers to those questions he hadn't quite asked.
All he could do was shrug. "We just try. Trust that we all know what we're doing. Lookout for everyone here. Not much more we can do, is there? Future don't care about anyone's plans."
Rick didn't look totally reassured, but he still smiled slightly as Daryl's efforts. "Yeah. I just worry, is all."
"I know." And as Daryl passed by he gripped Rick's shoulder and muttered, "Shouldn't worry so much. Michonne'll be back, all in one piece. You'll see."
And the man had the audacity to look confused, stuttering out, "Yeah, I know that, but - but I wasn't talking about Michonne, specifically. I'm not worried about her. She can take care of herself, I know that, and she always comes back, it's just ... with everything ..."
As he trailed off Daryl eyed Rick critically for a moment. He really thinks he's selling it, he thought, before giving a soft grunt that was akin to laughter and wandering off to bed, leaving a somewhat disconcerted Rick behind, gently bouncing a sleeping Judith.
And the very next day who should come riding through the gates but one Michonne, smiling, baring gifts and all in one piece, as Daryl made sure to point out to Rick, who's ears suddenly went bright red as if Michonne might somehow be able to figure out that they'd been taking about her just that night before.
But she didn't notice. She was too caught up in her almost obsessive search for the Governor and already planning her next venture out, unaware of Rick's barely suppressed disappointment or of the sigh that Daryl kept clenched behind his teeth as he tried to subtly talk her out of another long run. It wasn't her who was stuck with Rick and his wordless pining.
Because it was pining, even if he never said nothing. If they were in school Daryl might've suggested he pass her a note.
When she had quickly offered to go back out again with the rest of the scavenging party - even though, as Carl had said wistfully, she'd just got back - and Daryl could do nothing more than give Rick a comforting pat, grimacing slightly as the man's expression said exactly the same thing his son had vocalised.
God, this was going to wear thin soon.
Ah well. Wasn't like they had TV anymore.
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sugoi-writes · 2 months
(No one requested this; just sweet fluff and pining. Also, music, because I'm a former music major LOL. This was LIGHTLY proofread).
Alastor x GN! Reader - Reader walks in on Al playing the piano late at night... 🎙❤️
You yawned as you practically waddled down the hall. Your feet ached to be relieved. Specifically: you wanted nothing more to be asleep and horizontal, watching the back of your eyelids.
As you continued to trudge forward, you hear the sound of a piano bellowing from a cracked door. This door, surely Alastor's, had rarely been open. You were perplexed; why would it be open to enter, especially this late night? You glanced at your phone, knowing that you had an early morning tomorrow with Charlie and Vaggie. Against your better judgment, you started to creep towards the open door. As you did your best to move silently, you were torn between two possible outcomes. It was either a friendly invitation or a deadly mistake.
When you closed the distance, you peaked through the crack, taking in the sight of the red, charismatic hotelier's performance. The melody was a soothing, digestible tune that was easy to get lost in. You couldn't help but keep watching, even as Alastor glanced your way. Alastor simply closed his eyes and sighed, hands still creating the melody you absorbed.
"You know, it's never kind to stare, darling," Alastor nearly purred, his hands moving gracefully and methodically. You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, pushing the door open more. You allowed your head to cross the barrier, smiling sheepishly.
"Sorry... I was finding it hard to sleep. I... y-You play pretty well," you replied, feeling his eyes on you again. The hairs on your neck stood at attention as Alastor chuckled, not taking his eyes off of you.
" 'ppreciated, my dear. It was commonplace to be well versed in the Arts in my time." You pushed the door wide open before leaning on the doorframe," So Music is your favorite, I take it?"
Alastor's smile widens as his gaze returns to the ebony and ivory keys," A fair guess~"
You continued to watch Alastor at work, rubbing your arms nervously as you hugged yourself. Even without his gaze on you, you felt yourself shrinking. Was it always this calming yet intimidating to be around him???
"Do you, uhh... would you mind if I kept listening? I could make you some tea or something, if you--"
"I'm afraid I cannot find much sleep myself. But I do appreciate the offer, nonetheless." Wordlessly, Alastor scoots over on the piano bench, making you freeze in place. You almost took a step back towards the hallway, but instead, you relented. This was what you had asked for, anyhow!
You make your way over to the piano bench, noticing that it was an antique but well-cared for instrument. One that seemed even older than Alastor himself... As you took your seat next to the demon, your eyes settled onto his hands. Due to his elongated, thin fingers, his movements were very graceful, as if playing piano were an easy as breathing. You were practically mesmerized, astonished that Alastor had a knack for something other than murder and sarcasm. Your eyelids drooped slighty, head nodding before you were startled by the voice of the radio demon.
"Have you played before, dear?" You blinked, surprised as you took note of the lack of static in Alastor's voice. His tone was much softer than you were accustomed to, almost as if he were relaxed. You shook your head, scratching the back of your neck.
"I-Ive kinda messed with them whenever I had the chance, but... mostly simple stuff like Hot Cross Buns and Mary Had a Little Lamb."
Alastor chuckled, his nose creasing upward," Hah, even then, better than most... you attempt to make music. That's a step in the right direction." You can't help the heat rising in your cheeks as Alastor continued, before looking your way again.
"Would you like to hear anything in particular? 'Maybe learn a thing or two?" You blinked, intrigued by the question," Well, I mean-- you've probably never heard of it before, but-- ahh, don't you usually need music sheets or something? To read the music??"
Alastor coyly taps his ear, his left hand taking over the melody temporarily. He makes a show of flicking his wrist to adjust his sleeve's cuff, before he returns to playing with both hands.
"I've been told I have a pretty good ear... humor me." Caving in, you take out your phone. Luckily, you had the song downloaded, so Vox-related interference was limited. You set the phone on the piano as your song started to play, Alastor's brows raising. ...Something he hadnt heard?
You smiled and shrugged sheepishly," I-Its a little modern... I hope that's alright." Alastor doesn't seem to mind, nearly forgetting to reply as his fingers ghost over the keys.
"No worries. I can always put a little spin on it, darling..." You nodded, as Alastor's hands jumped about and 'played', his fingers not fully pressing down the different keys. He then figured out the starting pitch of the song, a triumphant smile pushing his cheeks higher up his face. His movements now are more deliberate, poking and plucking through the melody and chorus. He did have a good ear, after all!
You were once again surprised as Alastor plays earnestly, perfectly mirroring the song as it played. You felt the tension leaving your shoulders, slumping forward in your seat as you let yourself absorb the song. It was one of your favorites... admittedly, one that you fell asleep to often. You felt the weight of your eyelids winning, head bobbing as you struggled to stay awake. You start to hum along, in attempts to remain conscious. The only thing you had managed to do was win over Alastor's gaze again, his smile softening.
When he felt your head hit his shoulder, his hands hesitated for just a moment. He didn't have the heart to push you away... He resolved himself to being your pillow, finishing the rest of the song with a quieter, fluttering finish. His hands hung over the keyboard for a few moments, before he looked to you again. In your state, it would be difficult to wake you, quiet snores filling his bedroom. He did his best not to chuckle, looping his arms behind your back and under your knees.
With confidence, Alastor lifted you from your seat effortlessly, closing his eyes as he transported the both of you. He was now in your room, taking in his surroundings as he carried you towards your bed. With the care akin to his mother, he set you on the bed, pulling your comforter up and over your sleeping form. He was relieved you were already dressed for bed. Funny... it almost seemed planned.
As he let go of your sheets, his hands hesitated, as if he just finished another song. His hand went to the top of your head, jerking back slightly before settling in. You were very soft, your hair tickling his hand as he brushed it away from your face. Sometimes, he enjoyed the quiet that the night could bring... and he seemed to enjoy it more while watching you catch up on your rest.
He sighed, offering you a gentle pat atop your crown before standing up. He jumped with a start as he heard you stir, rolling onto your side. He watched to see if you would wake, but was relieved to see you did not. With a smile, he turns away, walking towards your door.
"Sweet dreams, dear... mayhaps I'll see you tomorrow, too."
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graneymar · 1 year
Could you write neymar x reader
When neymar gets drunk and doesn't recognise reader so when she comes up to him to go home he backs up and shows his wedding ring while laudly saying "I'm a married man, HAPPILY MARRIED to a beautiful woman" and his teammates just laughing with reader 🌹🌹
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SUMMARY: above
PAIRING: Neymar x fem!reader
Neymar was celebrating his birthday in one of his favorite clubs in Paris. Since we got married, he barely went to parties, so the alcohol got to his head very fast.
"Y/N, do you know where Ney is? We wanted to say bye before leaving", Kylian said, Achraf beside him looking for Neymar. My eyes wandered through the club, but my husband was nowhere to be found. "I have no idea, Kyks, sorry", I shrugged, "But feel free to go. He'll probably doesn’t even notice." Achraf laughed, "Good luck taking his drunk ass home." We hugged and I watched them get out of the club. "No but seriously, where are Leo and Neymar? I haven’t seen them in about an hour", Antonella yawned. It was about 3am, some of his mates were already leaving or at least planning to - our husbands simply disappeared. "I'll go and look for them", I sighed. Marco and Sergio didn’t want me to walk through the crowded club alone, so they followed me around. I went upstairs as I remembered there was another dance floor aswell. This one was way more empty, probably because there was music you wouldn’t really party to. So even though it was quite dark in there, I immediately saw Neymar and Leo at the dance floor. The song 'Lambada' started playing and Neymar shouted, "Oh meu Deus!" He jokingly started swinging his hips to the rhythm, but to my surprise, he did pretty good, even in this state. Leo was laughing at Ney, but attempted to repeat his moves. Both of them were holding a bottle of champagne, taking some sips every now and then. Antonella, Marco, Sergio and me were observing them for a quite a while, until I realized his other mates found their way to us too. Marquinhos immediately recognised the song and ran up to Ney and Leo, joining their dance session.
We had a good laugh watching them, but I came to the decision that it was time to leave, especially when Antonella kept on yawning. I tapped on Neymars shoulder as he turned his back to me. He ignored my action and continued dancing. "Ney", I shouted out. Didn't he hear me or didn't he want to hear me? I softly dragged him back by his shoulder. "Come, let’s go home", I whispered into his hear. His eyebrows furrowed and he removed my hand from his shoulder. "Thank you, but no. I‘m a married man", he started as he put his hand up, shoving his wedding ring right into my face, "Happily married to the most beautiful woman. She’s the only one I'll go home to. Thanks for the offer though." I was absolutely perplexed. Was he so drunk he didn’t even recognise me? Walking back to Antonella and the rest of his mates, all of them were laughing. "At least you know he’s trustworthy", Sergio said and shrugged chuckling. "Yeah, I guess", I mumbled, unable to hold back a giggle.
The song ended and some lights were turned on. Marquinhos pointed at us standing in the corner. Neymars eyes sparkled up the moment he saw me. "Oh meu amor", Ney began as he finally made his way to us and hugged me, "You won't believe what happened!" I raised a brow at him, wanting him to continue. "Some bitch just came up to me while I was dancing. She tapped my shoulder but I ignored it, really. Then…", his eyes widened, his hand gestures getting wild, "Then she fucking pulled me back to herself and said, hey, let’s go home!" He was shocked, "Can you believe that?" I bit my lip, trying not to burst out into laughter, "And what did you say?" Neymar smiled, proud of himself.
"I help up my hand and went like no, thank you, I am happily married and my wife is the most beautiful." I nodded and grinned at the attitude he was telling his story with. "Actually, I wanted to tell her to run. I knew if you saw her trying to flirt with me, she'd lose her fucking head." I took his hand and dragged him out of the club. Luckily, the club wasn’t far from our home, so I decided we would just walk. "This bitch", Neymar mumbled looking around, "I'll tell you when I see her. Why would she even do that? Everyone knows I am married." I smiled as I stopped my walk and stood right in front of him. "Babe, that bitch was me. You can calm down now", I admit, placing a short kiss onto his lips. Neymar was visibly confused. "It was really you?"
"Mhm", I nodded. Neymar quietly laughed at himself. "Well, at least you know how smitten with you I am", he grinned and kissed my cheek. "Yeah, that’s exactly was Sergio said too."
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ot3 · 2 months
sticking under the cut because i am just gawking at a long and deeply perplexing random post i saw in the ace attorney tag
anyway so this post starts out like this
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and i was totally prepared to be like. 'okay yeah for sure. phoenix and iris.' because i mean. i try to read most posts in good faith and to me that's the character dynamic you would talk about if you wanted to talk about overlooked heterosexuality in ace attorney. i dont know Why you want to go to bat for Heterosexuality In Fiction so badly but if you were going to go to bat for it in ace attorney i feel like that's the part of the narrative where it has the most weight. especially because OP is directly invoking authorial intent here. so i was really blown away by the post continuing like this:
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this just.... is not true. like i'm not even going to bother talking about simon and athena because like hell if i paid enough attention to dual destinies to have a take there. but i just... don't think this is true??? i feel like the world 'culturally normative' is doing an insane amount of heavy lifting here because. well i mean the great ace attorney is set in the meiji era. i don't think the writing being done there is the same 'culturally normative' as whatever 'culturally normative' perspective the hypothetical american moviegoing audience would bring in here.
and also why is the american movie-going public the measuring stick for what the correct/obvious interpretation of a. japanese visual novel series. should be? i don't understand... i don't understand thsi take.... this is just so surreal to me.
yeah i guess age gap pairings are pretty normal and romanticized and when a general hetero audience sees Any Man and Any Woman have a close relationship to each other their interpretation is often a heterosexual one. but also i feel like at least in the trilogy. i feel like aa1-4 do a pretty specific job of establishing phoenix and maya's relationship as distinctly Not romantic. pearl thinking theyre in love just because they care about each other is kind of a running gag. im just so confused here. i dont think there's romantic subtext between phoenix and maya i think they have a close relationship that some people Could choose to view as romantic feelings if they wanted which is just absolutely not the same thing.
like i said earlier the fact that theyre specifically saying 'this is more in line with what the people who ace attorney is written by think' is really whats doing it for me. i dont think thats the case. i simply think if shu takumi had wanted romantic tension between maya and phoenix or ryuunosuke and susato then he would have made very different writing choices than the ones he did
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depraved-gf · 7 months
**There will be no more updates unfortunately. I've been ghosted. :(
MASSIVE TW'S: CNC, STALKING, RAPE FANTASY, ETC ETC. Basically if you are triggered by intense, dark kinks or sex, please do not read. I do not censor words.
*tagging under #repressedh0e's adventures
Aight so, I can't tell anyone else this because they'd probably call the cops lmao, but I know I can tell y'all freaksss about what happened today. Essentially, I'm being VERY marinated in a cnc stalking scenario for the very first time... Finally! And according to him, it's going to be a very slow burn for anticipation.
So, I've been talking to this local guy for a lil bit that's very, very much into cnc just like I am (and y'all, he's a whole FOOT AND 2 INCHES taller than me, and has the biggest fucking cock I've ever seen. I'm not even lying - this man is going to rip my little, only-had-sex-with-one-person body to SHREDS). Once we both got a good vibe, we moved towards more kinky territory, talking about safe words, limits, and scenarios for when we eventually meet. He then asked me to send a single photo outside of my bedroom window, and promised he'd find me.
Intrigued, I sent it. I can see my city from my window. Beautiful, really.
But within 15 minutes, he sent me a live snap of my apartment building with the caption: Found you, princess. After losing my shit (in a good way), I confirmed it was my building, and he said he actually lives really close by.
I suspect you're in a corner apartment, 2nd or 3rd story, I'm not sure yet but I'll figure it out. I say nothing. I'm not giving any hints. I'm impressed by his perception at this point. But I am, in fact, on a corner on the 2nd story. How will you figure that out? I ask in innocent curiosity. All I get back is a 🤫 emoji.
And then, maybe 3 hours later, I get a random snap - a chat that simply says, I have a question, Isa. I told him to shoot, go ahead and ask!, and again, he simply asks:
Do you have a fan in your window?
I freak the fuck out (again, in a good way), and confirm that, um, yes... I enjoy the cold, and why do you ask?
About a second goes by, and he sends a live snap of MY 2ND STORY BEDROOM WINDOW with the caption, You can't see me, but I can see you.
How the FUCK this man was able to tell it was my window in a fully wrapped around 6 story apartment building, just by the angle of my one photo, was astounding. I was truly perplexed.
I then get another ding before I can truly wrap my brain around what was happening.
Turn your light off.
I do as I'm told.
I then receive a live video of my bedroom window, with the light shutting off.
I freak out a third time (y'all already know I'm soaking by now), but I realize I couldn't see him. There were 4 cars a little ways down the street, parked in the night. Any of them could've been him. None of them could've been him. I can't see you.. Is all I managed to type out through trembling fingers. It was so intense, and I was so turned on, I barely knew what I was saying at this point.
His response: Good. Let's keep it that way... For now.
Not long after as I'm continuing to try to look into any and every vehicle, I receive a live video. It's him stroking his massive cock in his car with the caption, You know what I want.
Y'all. When I say I about came undone, I MEAN IT. My heart is pounding, my pussy and inner thighs are both absolutely drenched. The moment is so thick with sexual tension, and I'm so entranced in it, I could've sworn I saw god at that point lmao.
But I continue looking out the window, my light still off so I can see into the night. But nothing. All is still. And finally, the car in the very front down the street slowly drives away.
About 5 minutes go by, and it feels like a lifetime, before I receive a chat: You're so close to me. I'll be watching. Waiting. Checking on you every time I go out. Stroking my cock outside your apartment until the day I can finally tear those holes apart.
Y'all, I... have been dreaming of living out a stalking scenario since I started becoming interested in sex as a teenager. I begged my ex, and while they were into cnc, it was never like this.
Never in my life did I ever imagine these scenarios to be so intense in real life. It's so damn different when it's really happening. Intense, I use that word a lot but there's legitimately no other way to explain it. Exhilarating, even. Psychologically it fucks with you, because you truly never know when they're looking at you. He could be outside right now as I'm typing this, stroking that huge cock, thinking about raping my holes, and I genuinely wouldn't know it. And it turns me on so, so much.
I absolutely cannot wait to see what else happens. 🫣
***DISCLAIMER: yes, I'm being safe!! I've told my roommate and another good friend all about him/the entire situation and the man was of course good with that as well. I'm very willing in this situation, and incredibly aware of any red flags that could arise, pls don't worry<3***
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defrosted69 · 7 months
My Laker Star (Yunjin Story)
So this is basically a continuation of the first story of My laker star but this is now Yunjin's story. If you havent read it, you should as it gives a little background of this story. Someone requested me this and the plot and I tweak a few of it. Hope you Guys enjoy.
(3.3K words)
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You were at home when you kept examining the handwriting on the back of the album that the girls had signed earlier. None of them appear to line up on the handwriting, which adds to the confusion. Could there have been a signature among the girls that you missed?
"Who wrote this one? All their penmanship shows who they are but this one is so different…"
You groaned and lay on your bed, looking at the ceiling, hoping for any insight into who this person is. But then it hit you like a baseball, and you grabbed your phone and contacted someone who could assist you. You'd think it would take a few seconds for the individual to respond, but she replied after the first ring.
"Hey Jennifer, Can I meet you tomorrow?
"KFJSHDJSJS!! Sure… What time?
"Umm.. Does 10am sound good? We can meet infront of the staples arena.
"Sure sure. I'll be there. Wear your best outfit okay? Hehehe~
You were perplexed by her statements, but this was Yunjin we were talking about. She had been rather unpredictable with her acts when you first met her. You couldn't help but agree with her remark. Yunjin has become more attractive despite the years of not seeing her. That's not to say she wasn't lovely before; in fact, she was well-known in high school for being nice and attractive. It's surprising how you ended up friends with someone as lovely as her.
It was another typical high school day, and the sun was shining brightly with no clouds in the sky. The sky was blue, and it was one of those days when you simply wanted to sleep, but you couldn't since you had a sharp-eyed instructor in front of you. That is, until a thought occurred to you. The teacher saw your question as you raised your arm.
"Miss I need to go to the bathroom. Nature is calling"
"And why should I allow you?"
"Guess I'll just take a shit here then"
As the teacher groaned and begged you to hurry up, the class chuckled at your reply. You exited the classroom with a smile on your face and began roaming the corridors. You're pleased the hall monitors are all in class because you could have been sent to the student behavioral office and punished by cleaning the school garden, which would have been the worst penalty possible. The gardeners were not cleaning up the weeds that were all over the property. It didn't even appear like a garden; it was more like a tiny forest.
In the schoolyard, an angelic voice stopped your walk. It was strange for someone to be singing like that in this period, but what perplexed you the most was why the choir would rehearse outside with the sun shining brightly. You went outside because you were curious and spotted a female singing alone on a bench.
It was quite surprising that someone like her could get those voices all by herself. Your eyes narrowed as you realized the female wasn't simply any other chick. Everyone was talking about the legendary Yunjin Huh. Many males wanted to get to know her better, but her welcoming demeanor worked as a barrier, making the guys feel rejected even if they didn't confess.
As she finished her song, you couldn't help but clap grabbing her attention as she didn't expect that soemone would have heard her.
"Wow, that's amazing Yunjin"
"Oh.. I didn't know I wasn't alone.. Hehe.. What's your name?"
"Y/N McDaniels. So your the famous Yunjin huh."
You slowly walked towards her as Yunjin giggled and shook her head in denial.
"I'm not famous Y/N."
"Well if you say so."
"Well aren't you suppose to be in class?"
"With a weather like this? I would rather stay here anf enjoy the winds passing by."
Yunjin giggled as she found you entertaining right away. She's seen how boys at school attempt to appear cool in front of her, but with just a few words, she can tell you don't care about impressing her since your lips just says what's on your mind.
"That is true. Honestly, I would have just stayed somewhere and sleep."
You Chuckeled and thought that her idea wasn't bad at all. Perhaps you can find a place to take a nap or just a place to sleep the day from.
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually. Any ideas?"
"Oh, well there's the rooftops. There's behind the water and wall where you can sleep. My friends told me about it."
"Looks like a place I need to visit soon. Anyway, your singing earlier, isn't that opera style?"
Yunjin happily nodded her head as a smile appeared on her face. Not many people her age know how Opera is. Sure they know that its a mix of music and acting but it's also a story and a way of showing the emotions in the story.
"You know Opera?"
"I have been through a few shows before with my friends. Are you in an opera club or something?"
"Yes! Actually hold on Y/n. Just stay there."
Yunjin dashed back to the school building while you stood there waiting for her. It was wonderful how Yunjin treated you like a friend and not a stranger since most people would have shut you down if you tried to chat. But Yunjin was unique. She returned not long after with a ticket in hand.
"We actual have a show this Friday at the school gym. I hope you can be there to watch"
She smiled pleasantly, and you could see the passion and love she had for performing on stages in her grin. You weren't someone who like performing on stage, so having the confidence to express your gift was something you admired in her. But you smiled and took the ticket.
"Sure, I'll be there. You better not dissapoint me Yunjin. I'm a little critical to critiques."
Yunjin laughed at your remark as she playfully rolled her eyes at you.
"Oh please, Just call me Jennifer. And it's like you know what the TRUE OPERA is."
"I know."
"Then what is it?"
"…That's a secret that will be answered soon."
You and Yunjin both chuckled as you got to know each other better. She was a basketball lover, which was your topic of conversation, and you completely lost track of time attempting to communicate with her as both of you were comfortable talking to each other as if you had been friends for a long time.
And you could see how she shone on stage with her acting and powerful vocals during her performance. You could see her potential on a larger scale since, as time passed, you and Yunjin literally became best friends because her friends mixed nicely with your personality. You both enjoyed making each other laugh and were each other's strongest supporters. So you were overjoyed when she informed you she was heading to Korea to pursue her ambition.
"Jen I'm proud of you. I know you'll do well there in Korea. Show them the American power RAAAAHHH!!"
Yunjin laughed at your silly antic but deep down, she was quite nervous. She was Korean but she wasn't sure if the people there would immediately accept her since she's been living in America for so long. Of course she hasn't forgotten her tone when it comes to speaking her native tounge.
"Heh.. Yeah…"
"Hey Jen, don't worry. You'll do fine. In fact I have something for you so that you wouldn't feel nervous all the time."
You grab your Keychain and handed her your key to your room at your house. This confused Yunjin as she chuckled.
"Why your key?"
"Because in that key holds my room at my house we're we made memories together, having fun and supported each other. That key symbolizes our friendship and my support for you on whatever you will do in the future. So Yunjin, Goodluck! Hehe"
Yunjin sobbed and gave you a bear embrace as you gave her one final grin. Yunjin didn't often reveal her tender side to you, but when she did, it made her appear so frail that you wanted to shield her from the outside world. More than anything else, you didn't want her to fail in life, even if you didn't enjoy seeing her miserable. You thought that you would still be friends with her in the future and that you could be her pillar of support. even if you both have more time than ever.
"Heh.. Thanks Y/N.. I'll make sure I'll be an famous Idol. So.. You better be an NBA star when we meet again got it?"
You gave her a pat on the back and a smile came on your face. Yunjin has always enjoyed challenging you, even on small matters, but this time you are determined to fulfill your ambition even more.
"Heh ,when we meet again, let's have lunch together."
"Ohhh kinda like a date? I'm in!"
"Maybe? But it's still a long time from now. So don't get your hopes up"
"Oh I will. So you better keep your end of the bargain."
Both of you laughed wholeheartedly as you enjoyed Yunjin being in your embrace. It was gonna take a long time again to even see her or even communicate with her so this moment will forever leave a mark in your life because this moment, could be the last time you'll ever see each other again.
But Destiny spoke a sike. and forced you two to reunite. And you two kept your words to yourself. Because you were a star player for the Los Angeles Lakers and Yunjin was now a famous idol with her group Lesserafim. Meeting her again seemed like a dream come true, and her beauty has only become more stunning.
Standing infront of the staples arena, you were waiting for Yunjin as the sun was slowly reaching its peak. You were quite earlier than the proposed time because you have this unexplained feeling where you wanted to see her and just spend time with her. That thought alone made you smile like an idiot.
"This guy is smiling by himself. So weird.."
You chuckled as a shadow of an umbrella blocked the sunlight as Yunjin was smiling at you. Her bright smile didn't change all this years as you stood up but your eyes immediately caught something familiar.
"You… You still have my key? After all this years?"
You were amazed when Yunjin had your key made into an necklace as Yunjin blushed a little before smiling at you and hugging you with her arms wrapped around your neck.
"Hehehe, It's because it's very important to me~ well.. That means your very important to me hehe"
Your heart began to rush faster after hearing those words, and your cheeks turned redder than normal. Although Yunjin wasn't supposed to drive you crazy, your heart is currently in her grasp.
"T-Thanks… I… I miss you too Jen"
"Come on call me Yunjin. What? Your shy now? Hehe~"
As Yunjin prodded your nose, smiling and scrunching it, she withdrew. You had never seen this side of Yunjin before, and it was changing the way you perceived her. You took the umbrella from Yunjin, and she grasped your hand.
"Say Y/N, how's your parents doing?"
"Oh, there actually in the city right now."
"Oh really?! Then let's have dinner with them."
"You know… That isn't a bad Idea. Let's do it!"
"Yehey! Hehe~"
As you chuckled at Yunjin's goofy yet endearing actions, she clung to your side. As you two strolled through the streets of Los Angeles holding hands, you lifted the umbrella to shield her from the sun. When you were holding her hand and being this close to her, you started to ponder if the Yunjin you had before was simply a friend and the Yunjin you had now was a lady you could love. To be honest, you weren't accustomed to being this tactile with her before and nothing really meant anything before.
You shook your head at that thought as you couldn't believe your head process such an crazy thought. You in love with your friend?! You must be crazy.
"What am I thinking?! She's your friend. That's crossing the line"
Yunjin smiled slightly as she noticed the sorrow on your face. So far, her strategy of getting you to fall in love with her was working nicely. She is aware that time has gone between you two, and her heart has at last come to the realization that you are the man she desires. They said she was a late bloomer, but following the game, she broke down and acknowledged her love for you, and her heart is calling out for you.
She giggled and getting your attention from her as her eyes glittered with admiration and love.
"What's wrong Y/N? You looked in distress. You wanna take a shit or something?"
She laughed at her own remark and just like that, your thoughts was erased by Yunjin being happy again. Her smile was very precious to you and you were willing to sacrifice the world just to protect that smile of hers.
"Nu-Uh. Silly. Anyway, my parents made a reservation for their dinner tonight. I can message them that I'll join them with you. I'm sure they would love to see you again"
"Heh, I kinda miss your parents too. Especially you…"
"What was that?"
"I said I'm hungry. Buy me food Daniels."
As you purchased her a new York burger, you smiled at her moniker. You two took a seat on a wooden bench and started gorging on the burger like two ravenous racoons causing mayhem. It was evident from strolling around the city how stunning and wonderful Yunjin was. Even if it occasionally made you grimace, her grin and antics made you smile. You were forced to reconsider when she seemed to have an odd fascination towards you out of the blue.
Do you miss her because she's an old friend?
Do you miss her because your falling for her?
Your gaze was fixed on her the whole day, and your hand remained in hers. While everything around you grew hazy, Yunjin glowed brightly. The city was still bustling even though the sun had long set. While strolling through the city center, you and Yunjin noticed a pianist who was playing a melodic tune.
"Wanna see me sing Y/N?"
"You'll sing?"
"Yeah. I'll show you my progress before finally becoming an Idol."
You couldn't help but feel proud at her as you let her hand go as she walked towards the performer. They spoke as he handed her the mic and soon a small crowd began to form surrounding her. Yunjin eyed you and smiled.
"This song is for my tall best friend right there. Hope you like this."
As the audience cheered you on, you flushed. Everyone was mesmerized by Yunjin's voice as the pianist started to play, and you couldn't help but gaze at her in wonder. It seemed to be the song of the heart the way she was singing it. Every second that goes by, your heart is beating harder and louder, and her eyes are constantly glinting at you.
Your heart was calling out for her, letting you know that you were missing her, and maybe you realized as soon as you heard her voice. Her music told the tale of how you and Yunjin overcame adversity together to realize your own aspirations rather than just being a show. A startling glimpse of memories passed before your eyes, showing you that the sacrificed tears and disappointment were ultimately worthwhile. You got a peek into Yunjin's struggles while she pursued her goals.
You two persevered through difficult obstacles and ascended to the top, showcasing your skill to the world. Yunjin may now share her voice and its stories with the world.
But there was one thing you didn't want Yunjin to show.
And it was her smile.
You wanted Yunjin to smile only to you and nobody else. Your heart had given the brain the message that you...
Have fallen in love
As the song ended, an eruption of cheer engulf Yunjin as she smiled happily. She thanked the pianist and walked toward you happily. Your smile wasn't the smile you usually show, it was now full of admiration and love.
"So Did I do well?"
You could only nod your head at her as no words can describe how much she shined beautiful right now. Yunjin giggled as she blushed seeing how you stare at her. She could feel her heart racing so much and she could feel the atmosphere change now. She could feel that something amazing was bound to happen.
"Yunjin… Your amazing.."
"Heh.. C-Come on.. I-It's nothing special.."
Yunjin blushed and shyly looked away as you stare at her. Yunjin returned her gaze at you as both of you stare at each other's eyes seeing admiration and love in them. Your throat was getting more and more dryer as you don't know what to speak but you could feel the moment was now.
"Yunjin… I-"
"Wait Hold on. I wanted to show you something Y/N"
You were interested in what Yunjin was about to show you when she took something out of her pocket. Then, when she attached it to her necklace, a little gold heart materialized in her hand.
"Y/N, Do you know why I added a heart in my necklace?"
You gulped as her cheeks were turning red. You weren't a fool, you know why she placed that heart near the key you gifted her.
"Then I don't need to explain much. All you need to hear is that You unlocked my feelings for you. When I was down, I was holding on in this key knowing you were going through the same hardship as me. Even when we were far away, I knew you were still supporting me as I am too you. So.. Y/N… "
The ambiance has grown more strong as everyone vanished out of sight and the surrounding sounds abruptly subsided. You and Yunjin seemed to be the only people in the world. After taking a deep breath, Yunjin looked into your eyes and spoke the song that was on her heart.
"I.. Like you.. Not as my best friend or bestie but as I guy.…I wanna spend my life with."
"I love you Y/N."
There it was, the final song of her heart was performed right infront of you as it was your turn to either applause her performance or be a critique towards her. You already know your answer as you spoke.
"Yunjin I-"
"Shhh..Y/N, I'm not the only girl you should think about."
Yunjin placed a finger on your mouth stopping you from saying the 3 words that you desperately wanted to say. But hearing her words made you confused on what she meant.
"What do you…"
Your phone vibrated indicating a notification as your eyes widen upon seeing the message. You looked at Yunjin who smiled and nodded her head.
"That's right Y/N. It's not just me who's in love with you…"
Your phone vibrated again and this time the messages says…
Zuhazana sent you a message
"Can we meet Y/N?"
"You left me! Why didn't you come back to me!"
"Sakura let me explain"
Rui was at a loss for words as tears streamed down her cheeks. He is aware of how horrible what he did was and how deeply it wounded Sakura.
"No, no! I hate you!!"
3 words that crushed the heart of Rui as Sakura stormed away with tears rolling down her eyes. He could only sigh as he dug himself a hole he never will escape.
"What have I done…."
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hannigramislife · 5 months
for my own gratification bc i just ran into nie mingjue hate in the wild, would you mind making a post that defends my poor good boy? he worked so hard and got gaslit to shit before getting murdered terribly ;; literally everyone sat there telling him "youre being too harsh" and he's just responding appropriately. like yeah, if you witness a murder, ya kinda got to do something about that as a clan leader. its kinda your responsibility, even when you care about the person who did the murdering. he was also a really young when he took on the role of clan leader and idk, it just made me rlly sad to see people dunk on him cuz wtf he's literally just trying his best in an impossible situation WHILE being perpetually fucked over by his clan's own traditional cultivation cuz now the stronger he is as a leader, the closer he is to going literally insane and dying bc of it. (mingjue did nothing wrong i will die on this hill) ((sorry for going on a tirade, im just sad and defensive of my good boy rn))
Oh no! I'm so sorry you had to go through Nie Mingjue hate! Truly tragic. I went through that once when in the beginning of me reading the books, when I still had no proper opinions, and never again.
I'm more than willing to make a post about Nie Mingjue! I'm always down to talk about Nie Mingjue tbh, he's my heart and love and if I were to have been given the opportunity to be his right hand person, I would have simply never betrayed his trust and married him. Rip Jin Guangyao but I'm different.
Anyways, I, huhhh, actually think you?? Covered it all??? Pretty much?? Yet I will talk about it. This will be long and non-coherent, because I don't have the books rn to find quotes in them and honestly, I could write essays on Nie Mingjue either way.
Nie Mingjue is a central piece of the narrative, despite the limited amount of appearances he made, and the fact that he wasn't close to the main characters at all. The entire second part of the plot revolves around him- it happened because of him. His murder is a tragedy; literally, by greek standards, man has Cassandra Curse all over him, so I don't get how people can tell me, confidently, that his death was warranted. I've been told the man had asked for it, and this has mostly been by Jin Guangyao apologists.
So let me make something real fucking clear.
Nie Mingjue did not deserve to die. Let's get that out of the way, anyone can fight me on that. Nie Mingjue had more good qualities than half the people in this fucking story, despite his flaws. After his father was brutally murdered when Mingjue was only in his teens, Nie Mingjue stepped up as clan leader. We can only speculate the hardships that await someone leading a clan at such an early age. Yet, political challenges weren't the only thing he had to battle; Nie Mingjue knew about his clan's harmful cultivation, and he knew he was going to die young. So what did he do? His best. Literally his best, always. He was always giving 100% of his abilities, because that's who he was.
Let's talk about who Nie Mingjue was, shall we?
When Jin Guangyao, still Meng Yao then, describes Nie Mingjue, he finds himself perplexed, because Nie Mingjue isn't like other men. He is not frivolous, and he has no vices; Meng Yao describes how Nie Mingjue never showed an interest in arts, or alcohol, or women. All he did was train, and fight the Wens during the war. It shows that he had a one-track mind from the start, and has got a strict discipline; yet this strictly disciplined man, leader of a clan that prizes strength, continuously indulges his lazy and undisciplined half-brother, his one and only heir, despite not understanding his interests. We gather, pretty quickly, that Nie Mingjue is a bleeding heart for his brother, and for the ones he loves in general. We see the same softer side displayed in the presence of Lan Xichen, and of course, for some time, Meng Yao.
People seem to think Nie Mingjue took Meng Yao's betrayal too harshly. As if somehow seeing a man he thought to have been just and honest commit premeditated murder, then cover it up, was something he was just supposed to get over. To this day, I can't believe how Lan Xichen was so understanding of it. But not only did Nie Mingjue catch him in a cowardly act - Meng Yao proceeds to manipulate him, using the fact that Nie Mingjue cared about him, to stab him in the back. Or front, however it happened. I get that Meng Yao was in a difficult position, that he suffered at the Jins, that he felt backed in a corner; but Nie Mingjue was a man that had extended his help to Meng Yao before, and even then, he went to find Meng Yao in righteous fury, ready to help him again. To Nie Mingjue, the idea that Meng Yao "had no other choice" but to kill - to kill in the manner he did - it could have been nothing but a betrayal.
One thing that I personally highly respected Nie Mingjue for was the fact that he did not judge Meng Yao for his background. This is not up for debate; Nie Mingjue stood up for him, quite publicly, quite vocally, when Meng Yao was being insulted over it. And not only that, but he promoted Meng Yao to be his right hand man, just like that. Because he's impulsive, and to prove a point, but it was still huge of him to do. Not even Lan Xichen would have done that - In a society built on power dynamics between social classes, Nie Mingjue was one of the few characters who did not let that define his actions. It wasn't because he was born privileged (though he was) but because he he didn't let anything other than his judgment direct his actions. Nie Mingjue also never shied away from anything; if it had to be done, he did it, no matter the cost.
Nie Mingjue was decisive, and had an iron will. When Meng Yao killed the Nie disciples in Qishan, he wanted to kill Meng Yao. Meng Yao told him, paraphrasing, that "don't you understand that if I hadn't done that, it would have been your corpse up there?" and Wei Wuxian takes it to mean "Translation: I saved you so you can't kill me, because that would mean you're in the wrong." So Nie Mingjue hesitated for a second, then said: "Fine! I'll kill you, and then take my own life!" And the only reason he didn't, was because Lan Xichen was there. Otherwise, Nie Mingjue would have killed his former friend, then followed him to whatever afterlife awaited.
Nie Mingjue is often portrayed like he doesn't understand stuff, like he's stupid, simply because of his black and white sense of morality. That's not correct: Nie Mingjue understands motive, but he doesn't accept the ends justifying the means. Scratch that, he doesn't accept or justify either, if they're unjust. The murder of the Jin commander, the murder of the Nie disciples, not executing Xue Yang - how can Nie Mingjue possibly understand Meng Yao's decisions, when Nie Mingjue would rather die, any day, than live thanks to vile actions?
And then, Nie Mingjue starts falling into qi-deviation. We know that it affected his temper the most, and his judgement. I don't understand how it works, really, so I don't know by the end how much was Nie Mingjue and how much was the mess that the spirit made of him - maybe a combination of the two. But what is certain, is that the rapid qi deviation changed him.
But I could write a hundred more pages on him, meticulously going over every single scene he has ever appeared in, because I find him that interesting. I find him the most interesting, and the most appealing character, because in a story where the navigation of the cultivation world's complex politics and hierarchies with tact and diplomacy is crucial, Nie Mingjue stands uncompromising in his principles, choosing duty and honor over anything else, even when it's hard.
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scoops-aboy86 · 3 months
The aftermath. I'm not sure how many more parts to this story there will be, but at least a couple.
Anyway, Eddie Munson lives, baby!
Part 1, part 1.5, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 of the love spell no go au
Scrying isn’t something Eddie has delved into much but he knows a scrying plane when he sees one. The shallow water beneath his feet ripples out with every step, echoing out into infinity. He can hear hundreds of thousands of voices whispering just on the edge of hearing, too quiet to make out, and pinches the inside of his wrist to see if this is a bad dream he can simply wake up from. 
… Nope. 
There’s nothing to see and nowhere to go, but he tries. He picks a direction and walks for a long time. 
A very long time. Until—
He whips around, and a girl who may or may not have been there a minute ago regards him with big, tired eyes. Younger than him. Shaved head. 
“That’s me,” he replies warily. “Are you… the party’s Supergirl?” Dustin had said something about her losing her powers, but she must have found them again to be here. 
She smiles a little at that, a small but genuine thing. “I’m Eleven. You can call me El, or Jane.”
“El-or-Jane it is,” Eddie replies with a bow, and that one earns him a laugh. 
“You are funny,” she tells him. “I’m glad my friends in Hawkins had you to help them.”
When Eddie goes to protest that she has it backwards, they’d helped him, El informs him that his ripcord spell had killed Vecna. She’d been in his mindscape when the others’ attack on the dark wizard had begun, the red hell dissolving around her, putting her out of range while Eddie was casting. But Vecna, through his hive mind connection with the bats, had been front and center, and it had zapped him like a bug flying into a light bulb. Enough for whatever power had kept him alive through the ravages of interdimensional travel and decay and being set on fire to be snuffed out. 
El had hurt him, and his physical body had died of the burns from Robin and Steve’s Molotovs and bullets from Nancy’s sawed-off, but it was Eddie who struck the final blow. Otherwise, Vecna might have crashed through that window onto the front yard below and still gotten up again to slink off, lick his wounds, and continue his assault on the Right Side Up. 
“I think we use our powers very differently,” El tells him thoughtfully, and isn’t that just the understatement of the goddamn year. “I don’t understand what you did, or how, but… thank you.” 
Eddie is uncomfortable being thanked, when all he did was run and then pin all his hopes on one last-ditch effort. He jams his hands deep in his pockets and rocks back on his heels, sending out more ripples to nowhere. “Yeah, well… It’s been a hell of a week, all I want to do now is get some fucking sleep.”
El looks perplexed by this, then firm as she shakes her head and holds out her hand. “You have been asleep for long enough. I promised Steve I would bring you back.”
And, okay. Eddie isn’t really one for taking the hands of strange children (he’s in his twenties now, fifteen-ish is a child, shut up) and letting them lead him around, but he thinks he’d do just about anything for Steve. 
Seeing Eddie’s eyes flutter open sends a shock of electricity through Steve. He barely remembers to give El the tissue waiting in his hand before swooping in to scoop up one of Eddie’s with both of his, enveloping pale fingers while careful not to jostle the iv line connected to his wrist. “Eds? Eddie? You with us, man?”
And when those eyes settle on him immediately upon focusing, like Eddie had already known where to find him, Steve feels that zing again only stronger. 
“Mm,” Eddie croaks in agreement. 
Robin is at Steve’s elbow, already handing him the bowl of ice chips (all Eddie is allowed right now) so he can spoon a few pieces in through chapped lips. 
“Eddie,” Dustin says tearfully, and Mike and Will have to immediately restrain him from tackling the guy who just came out of a fucking coma in a relieved hug. 
Steve holds Eddie’s hand again while he sucks on the ice and Nancy goes to let hospital staff know that he’s awake. 
It’s a few more days until Eddie can stay awake long enough to really talk, and a few more after that before he starts remembering the answers to the questions he keeps asking. 
“Is Dustin okay?”
Broken leg, but it’ll heal. 
“What about Max?”
Two broken legs and two broken arms, but she’s already been discharged in casts and a wheelchair. She’s staying with the Sinclairs so she isn’t home alone while her mom’s at work. 
“Did we win?”
Vecna’s dead, the three gates closed, and the Upside Down sealed away for good. Plus, they didn’t lose anyone this time; Hopper is even back from the dead. So yeah, it’s a win. 
“Do people still want to kill me?”
Jason Carver had been arrested for assaulting Lucas, which had lost him a lot of standing with the town. (Not all of it though, so not nearly enough as far as Steve is concerned.) He’s now the lead suspect for the attempt on Max’s life, and it turns out that his only solid alibi for Chrissy and Fred’s murders had been Patrick. Eddie is still known as the local freak, but he’s at least no longer wanted for multiple murders. 
“Where’s Wayne?”
Sometimes Mr. Munson is there to take this one, but most times, like today, Steve has had to explain that he’s working a shift at the plant. But he knows that Eddie’s alive and innocent and going to be okay, and he’s already planning to visit again as soon as he clocks out. 
“It’s really over?”
Steve answers all of these, like he has before, and holds Eddie’s hand while he processes everything all over again like it’s the first time. It’s not Eddie’s fault; they’ve had him on a lot of pain meds. 
“… I’ve asked this before, haven’t I?”
That’s new. Steve nods, then closes his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh. And lets it out, finally. “I am so goddamn mad at you. I told you not to be a hero. What the fuck about that did you not understand? And then you went and nearly died.”
The look Eddie gives him is the clearest it’s been all week, sad and unsettlingly resigned. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“You’re—” Steve stops, presses his lips into a thin line, pinches the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “Sorry? That’s it?”
Eddie looks down at their still-joined hands like he doesn’t understand why Steve still wants to touch him. He feels so fragile and washed out against the white of the hospital bed and the pale hospital gown, a nasal cannula holding back his limp and unwashed curls where it hooks over his ears. “What do you want me to say?”
“That you’ll never do it again,” Steve replies, the words immediate and hot on his tongue. “Shouldn’t be too hard, it’s not like there are any more dark wizards or demon bats to chew half your skin off.”
He almost feels bad at how Eddie’s big eyes seem to get bigger, and definitely wetter at the corners. But he’s got his own bites, itching like crazy as they heal beneath the bandages hidden by his polo, and he’s been sitting in this hospital chair for what feels like forever while Eddie was in his coma. His back twinges when he moves, and he hasn’t been sleeping well, not even when Robin stays over. Everything feels uncomfortable and stressful and this idiot almost died and he can’t, absolutely cannot go through it again. Ever. 
“Steve, I… I won’t, I just… I was stupid and forgot about the vents. I wasn’t trying to be a hero, I just wanted to fix what I fucked up.”
“Well you are,” Steve manages to say, despite his throat feeling increasingly tight and his own eyes starting to feel hot. He wipes at them roughly. “A fucking hero, I mean. You ended it. Butthead,” he adds, giving Eddie’s hand a tight squeeze. 
That is what makes Eddie’s eyes spill over with a wet little sound sneaking out between his lips. “It was the ripcord spell. I ended everything. So… you’re mad, I get it, and if you don’t want to be friends anymore—”
“Of course I don’t want to be friends,” Steve interrupts. “I want to date you, you idiot. I told you that already.”
“But the love spell—”
“Fuck the love spell. Maybe it made me fall in love with you one time, but I fall for you all over again every time I see you, Eds. So when you’re healed up enough, I’m going to put you in a wheelchair and push you to the hospital cafeteria so we can have our first official date over the shittiest food in the known universe, and the only thing that’ll stop me in said universe is if you don’t want to.”
Eddie stares at him for a moment, a wonderful hope going from spark to steady glow in his expression. “Are you going to let me finish a sentence on this date?”
Steve smirks, but behind the mask of confidence he has the same wonderful relief welling up in his chest and he’s not actually sure he’s hiding it well. “Play your cards right, and sure.”
He’s never seen a brighter smile than the one Eddie aims at him. And yeah, Eddie is frail and scarred and still connected to a worrying amount of beeping hospital equipment, but he’s also just beautiful. “Then I accept, big boy. It’s a date.”
Tag list (comment to be added): @hotluncheddie @8em-em-em8 @anaibis @connected-dots @lawrencebshoggoth
Part 10, part 11
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lalunight · 2 years
Mercy | Jake Lockley x Reader
Worth An Oscar | Masterlist
Context: Jake came home from work filled with rage and hatred for failing a mission for the first time, and it was all because of you. To make amends, you devised the best possible way for him to forgive you, even if it meant losing your ability to walk for the next few days.
Warning: Vulgar Words, Descriptive Sex, Sexual Content, Bruises, Momentary Aggressive Behavior, Floor Sex, Slight Sexual Degradations, Dom Jake/Sub Reader, Slight Choking, Love(?) Marks, Angst, Idiots in love, Spanish
Prompt: "I am your God"
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The day began as usual, with Jake leaving you in bed with no sign or message as to when he would return; he never cared about how you felt whenever he simply disappeared. And you never got used to it after years of living with him as his girlfriend. It always caused problems between the two of you, and he'd always win by saying things like "It's dangerous for you to know" or "It's best if you just don't interfere."
But you've had your fill. You knew you couldn't just stand there dumbfounded while he fought off some guys somewhere around the world.
So, even though you knew he'd blow up if he found out you were following him, you went ahead with your plan. It was a plan to find out where he was and what he was up to; you knew he was an avatar of Khonshu, but that doesn't put your mind at ease. You just worry that one day he won't return, and you couldn't live with that, even imagining it made you sick to the core.
You finally tracked him down after a few days of meticulous planning, and to your surprise, he wasn't far from home this time. A storm was approaching that day, so the streets were deserted, and the clouds were raining heavily, accompanied by the deafening sound of violent lightning. Everything was going swimmingly at first, and you managed to trail behind him without him noticing. It was so simple that you were perplexed as to why everything was going so well for you...probably too well.
Then it happened.
Your fear has come true, but lucky you, it has been doubled. Jake discovered you were with him, but he wasn't the first to notice your presence; his enemies did, and you became a significant burden for Jake, causing him to fail this critical mission.
And to make matters worse, you got hurt.
Just seeing Jake's glare bore right through you like a raging fire made you want to curl up like a hurt puppy, because you knew things were only going to get worse from here.
You were already aware of Jake's true nature, and yet you remained with him. People called you names for it, and you haven't heard from them since Jake discovered it. It was one of the things you loved about him, but it was also the same thing you feared the most.
Jake has a predatory nature that no one can change. And now that you've been apprehended, you're now like his helpless little prey.
Another burst of ear-splitting lightning was accompanied by Jake's soaked boot kicking the front door open; to be honest, his kick was shriller than the sound from above. And it made you worried that he might have broken it in the process, but the first thing you should be concerned about is yourself.
His hand violently pulled on your forearm, forcing you to enter the house before angrily pushing you away, almost knocking you off your slippery feet. "Eres tan estúpida, tan jodidamente estúpida!," Jake hasn't stopped swearing at the top of his lungs since that mission. When he slammed the door shut and yanked at his hair in rage, you visibly flinched.
"I'm sorry, Jake." You had also not stopped apologizing for your folly. You were terrified of what he would do knowing you wouldn't be able to stop him. You held your bruised arm, marked by Jake's deadly grip and his nails, which had a little blood seeping out of them. "Please, Jake—
"Cierra la boca maldita mujer!"
You couldn't help but obey his orders, so you pursed your quivering lips shut, hoping to block out the continuous loud sobs that irritated him. Jake clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white, he glared at you wide-eyed, dark wet locks hanging from his brow and some blood still beneath his sharp cheek bones.
You hugged yourself, your knees buckling in fear in front of the man you love. Thousands of voices are screaming at you to get out of there, that this is your cue to leave him, but you stayed because you didn't want to lose Jake. That's why you came up with that stupid plan in the first place.
Jake laughed furiously, harshly wiping the raindrop that was still streaming down his brow. "How many times have I told you not to interfere?" he snarled, gritting his teeth so hard they might break.
"I-I was just so worried about you..." You sobbed, being careful with your words in fear of adding more fuel to the already raging fire.
"Did you know how many times Khonshu had ordered me to kill you?" he confessed, disregarding the fact that his words would continue to hurt you. "He told me you're nothing but a dumb burden, a fucking woman who can mess up everything," he sneered as he slowly approached your stunned figure, aggressively pointing at you and not letting his eyes leave your teary ones.
Every word he spoke was filled with nothing but pure truth, leaving your heart feeling pierced by thousands of spears.
"And you know what? Dios, he was right," he blurted, harshly running his shaking hand through his hair, nodding to himself as your reaction only fueled his fire.
Your mouth fell agape, your breath shaking and chest tightening in anguish. His careless words, the annoying stinging sensation in your arm, and the trembles in your body caused by the coldness of your still-soaked body made you feel uncomfortably lightheaded. It was as if the world had shrunk and all you could hear were Jake's repeated words.
Jake rolled his eyes and backed away slightly, snickering at the sight of you crying like a lost child in the park. He gave you a look you never expected to get from him; you always thought you were an exception because he loves you, but you were completely mistaken.
...love...has he ever told you, "I love you"?
And it made you think that in all your time together, he hasn't said those words yet. It was all you, and he'll just hum back. Is that why he never seemed to care how you felt when he was doing his job? If that's the case, what are you to him? Just a woman to sleep with after he's finished murdering people?
Are you even his girlfriend or are you a woman he only use for pleasure?
But you refuse to believe that. You know there's something in him that cares even a little bit about you because you'd be long gone by now if there wasn't.
As you pursed your lips tightly together to muster the courage to speak up, your nails dug into your clothed flesh. Your brows knit, allowing your eyes to cry in front of the man who looks disgusted by you. "Now what? A-Are you going to kill me now?" you asked, struggling to keep eye contact with him when he suddenly came to a halt at your question.
Jake narrowed his eyes and cocked his head, surprised that you were bold enough to ask the question. "I should," He took a step towards you, scrutinizing your reactions to his blunt confessions. You wanted to move away, but you couldn't decide whether it was due to the cold breeze of the storm or fear of Jake.
Jake slowly raised your chin to face him with his curled index finger once you were both in close proximity. You harshly chewed the inside of your quivering lips in sorrow, closing your eyes and letting the tears fall down your flushed cheeks. Was he about to kill you now? Maybe he should, because what you did was way beyond Jake's tolerance.
"Pero el problema es que no quiero..."
Another hand softly brushed against the side of your face, rough thumbs caressing your tears away as you continued to refuse to open your eyes. 
Jake exhaled sharply, letting his lids drop halfway before tightly gripping your chin with his two fingers. "We both don't want that, do we?" He drawled, his nails sinking into your chin as he grew irritated that you weren't opening your eyes. You slightly gasped and forced your eyes open, only to see Jake smirking back at you. "Do you?" His large hands cupped your head, lifting his chin and moving your head with it.
Your lips curled into a frown, your eyes welling up again as you shook your head slowly. "Buen," he huffed, proud of the fact that he still had you tangled around his fingers. His predatory eyes landed on your slightly puffed lips, "Now make it up to me," he lowly demanded before leaning in and hungrily trapping your lips between his.
Although you were beginning to drown in the way he moved so delicately, something inside you demanded an answer from him. But you were afraid that if you asked now, you'd wake up the now-calming beast inside him.
So, as much as you despise the fact that he's just using you again, you'll have to play with it until you get the right opportunity. And perhaps that chance will come after he fucks you mercilessly here on the cold, wet floor.
Jake's hands instantly dropped to your waist, drawing you inexorably closer to him as his teeth sunk brutally into your swollen ones, and you were certain it had already bled. "Jake..." you whimpered, hurt by his rough actions, but he ignored you and drew you in for a deeper, more sensual kiss. 
Your hands found his hair and carefully tugged at it, not wanting to aggravate him any further. Many people will say it's stupid if this is all he wants from you, but you're willing to stay because you're too deeply in love with him to leave him now. Jake groaned in your mouth as he ran his tongue seductively across your lips to taste the blood he had caused, his hands swiftly unzipping your jeans before abruptly turning you around and pressing himself harder against your back.
Feeling him already hard behind you caused you to close your eyes, your hands still reaching for him, before you audibly gasped as he roughly bit your neck. You hissed, hurt by the lingering sensation of his mouth on your bruised neck before sensually licking your slightly exposed collar bone. "Defy me again and see what happens, hm?" he threatened, now slipping his hands into your already soaked panties and causing you to moan loudly. You clenched your thighs around his large hands, which brushed against your wet and sensitive folds. Jake's other hand grabbed your stomach and harshly pressed you against him, preventing you from arching your back in pleasure.
"Fuck, you're already wet for me, huh? What a slut you are..." He smirked in your ears, his authoritative baritone voice adding to the arousal that's quickly clouding your mind. When you felt him easily slip his fingers inside, you threw back your head, not noticing that you were starting to rock your hips to chase your high with only his hands. Jake saw your desperation and clicked his tongue in annoyance before firmly grasping your waist and forcing you to remain still. "Oh Jake," you mewled, frantically grabbing him behind you to keep yourself from collapsing as he began to finger-fuck you.
"My, my, is this what you want? Is that why you can't obey a single order of not following me? Are you afraid that no one will ever be able to let you feel this way again? Such a fucking whore," He growled as he busied himself with every exposed skin he could suck on, unconcerned about leaving a permanent bruise. You squirmed as the familiar furious heat built up on your lower belly, pressing harder on Jake, causing him to grunt behind you.
You couldn't properly respond to his words because the only thing coming out of your mouth right now is you yelling his name lewdly and making noises that he enjoys hearing. You were now deep in ecstasy, your senses beginning to shut down, and the only thing you could focus on was the unfathomable, knees buckling pleasure Jake was giving you.
You couldn't help but arch your back and shut your eyes tight as Jake began to relentlessly buck his hips, unable to hold himself back any longer. Even though he was still wearing his jeans, his hardness was palpable, so hard that you began to suspect it was painful.
Despite the fact that you were both soaked in the rain earlier and that it is now freezing cold, you found warmth in each other's bodies. You tried muffling your sounds when Jake's hands darted to your throat, slowly starting to tighten his grip, but incredibly failed. With the rocking of his hips, his mouth and hand still exploring your abused neck, his fingers running over the bundle of nerves that had your thighs tighten around them, and Jake's dirty talks, you were getting closer to your obvious violent release than ever before.
"Do you want to come? Huh? Is that what you want?" he asked mockingly as you writhed in front of him. You nodded frantically, your mouth wide open and your face contorted in pleasure. Jake chuckled against your ear, sighing in exasperation before tightening his grip on your throat, causing your breath to hitch.
"Use your goddamn words, lady," he grumbled, his grip tightening. You briefly closed your eyes, feeling your chest contract due to a lack of oxygen. "Y-yes, please!" you pleaded desperately, but your words were barely audible as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, sensing you were too close to the edge.
Your nails, which were tightly wrapped around Jake's working hands, sunk deeper until you realized they would most likely leave marks until tomorrow, if not longer, causing Jake to hiss at the sensation.
With his fingers expertly slipping in and out of you, it wasn't long before your knees gave out and the house was filled with Jake's name. You closed your eyes tightly, attempting to block out the violent stars that continued to obscure your vision as you panted heavily. Knowing it would take some time to come down from the high Jake had put you on, you leaned back and rested your head on his shoulder.
It's always like this; whenever you reach your climax, you'll always struggle to come down. After all, it was Jake who made you like this.
But he's only just getting started.
Jake slowly let go of your neck and held your waist firmly, his other hand now slipping out of your underwear, making you shudder in response. "I love it when you wet my hands," he whispered in your ear, but your senses are still jumbled, making it difficult to understand him clearly. It wasn't until you opened your eyes that you noticed Jake languidly sucking on his fingers, his eyes closed as if he was tasting the most luscious thing he'd ever put his tongue on. It made you whine as you continued to watch him, and hearing him hum in satisfaction only heated you up more.
You bit your bloodied lip as the tip of his fingers popped out of his mouth, glistening his rosy lips as he looked back at you with piercing eyes. "Strip and lay on the ground," he ordered, and you nodded and took off all of your clothes while bending your knees and carefully turning yourself to sit on the ground. You knew where this was going, so you moved quickly to avoid making Jake wait any longer. You heard him chuckle at you before stepping back to watch you completely, now taking off all of his drenched clothes.
You quietly gasped as you felt the cold hard floor on your palms and shaking knees, but you couldn't complain because Jake wanted to do it here. Finally settling into the position he preferred, you angled your hips upward, allowing him to see your entire arched back and how your hair was ready to be tugged at. You knew you'd be sore after this because you were on the ground and seemed to have no mercy from Jake, but you still wanted it.
"What are you doing? I mean lay on your back," he clarified as he knelt behind you. You raised your head in perplexity before looking over your shoulder at him, and he gave you a 'So? What are you waiting for?' expression.
"D-don't you want to do it like this? We always do it like this," you asked softly, your brows meeting. Jake was the guy who always did it on all fours; you've never done it while he's laying on top of you; he claims he just enjoys looking at your back while you writhe beneath him. You sat up slowly, palms still on the ground, waiting for Jake. "The floor is cold, you're going to hurt your knees, and it's not soft enough to plant your face onto, I'll end up hurting you more than I already did," he muttered, looking at your hand, which had nail marks and some smudged blood.
You quickly covered it and tried to reassure him, but he simply shuts you up with a rough and hungry kiss while his hands latch on your waist, swiftly turning you around and spreading your legs with his hand so he can settle between them. Jake Lockley, as impatient as he always is, it surprised you that he's still caring about your well-being...well, sort of.
You gasped as you felt the cold floor touch your ass and back, and Jake used this as an opportunity to slip his tongue inside you, making you whimper at feeling him being so desperate to taste you.....wait, Jake, desperate? No, you're just imagining things...or are you? You shook your thoughts away before wrapping your arms around his neck and deepening the already abysmal kiss. Jake groaned in your mouth as your fingers got carried away and tugged harshly on his hair, but it wasn't the type to tell you to stop, it was the type to tell you to do it again.
And you tried it again, scratching at his scalp and grabbing a handful of his hair before clenching your fists, eliciting another groan with your name from him and him tightening his grip on your upper arm while his other hand pulled on your ass, pulling you closer to him.
Jake finally let go, allowing air to pass through your aching airway. Your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest, and you were dizzy from almost suffocating from Jake's kiss. He lowered his head and took hold of his throbbing cock before aligning it in your dripping entrance. He looked at you to see if you were ready and smirked when he saw you biting your lower lip in anticipation. "You've been waiting for this, hm?" he teased before rubbing only the tip of his dick on your clit. "Jake," you gasped, tightening your grip on his neck.
"First, tell me you won't do it again," he demanded in a breathy tone that made you want to rock your hips. He was probably referring to your earlier mistake, "Yes, I won't do it again, I promise," you whined, clenching your throbbing cunt to feel some friction but it wasn't enough. "You'd better do it, mi reina, or I'll leave you hanging like this, and you know I always keep my word," he threatened before biting your upper arm, which he was still firmly holding. You nodded frantically, not intending to disobey him for the second time.
Jake looked at you, a worry flashing through his eyes as he scrutinized your face, at how you looked incredibly wrecked beneath him. But as his worries faded, they were replaced by carnal desire, which he only feels when he's with you. Jake kissed the bite mark gently before mercilessly slamming his hips into you, causing you to scream lewdly in response. Jake didn't stop thrusting his hips until he reached a rhythm that had you rolling your eyes to the back of your head, despite the fact that you knew you needed a second to adjust.
You felt another violent orgasm quickly build up inside you, much larger than before, and you knew this was gonna the reason your legs would be completely useless the next day. You arched your back painfully against Jake's heaving and sweaty chest, drawing him close with your arm as he dropped his head on your neck, grunting with every thrust he made as well as the constant biting of your flesh.
If someone were to enter your home, they'd probably be traumatized for life.
Jake's skin pounding against yours, his breathless groans, and the wet squelch of both your bodies added to the raging heat that built up on your lower belly. And it appears that Jake's relentless thrusts weren't enough, because he made certain that he hit all the spots that had you moaning loudly, a moaning mess that he enjoys turning you into.
Jake's mouth was agape, and the fact that he was closing his eyes because he felt so good inside of you only added to his charismatic appearance. He looked like a fucking God, everything he did was flawless, and even him just wearing his hat made you fucking feral. Aside from numbing your lower half, he made a point of marking every skin he could reach. He loved putting marks on you, especially when he made sure everyone knew you were his because someone shamelessly hit on you in front of him.
You closed your eyes, white spots appearing all over your vision as your skin tingled. Every nerve, bone, and muscle in your body shook as the surge of white hot liquid violently exited you. "Jake, oh my God!" You moaned loudly, causing it to linger in Jake's ear as he huffed out an exasperated groan. Jake glared at you before grabbing your face and turning you to face him, perspiration running down his skin.
"I am your God,"
It was strange, but the way he said those few words in your face made you clench more around him. His deep, dark eyes locked on you as his grip on your jaw tightened, watching how you reacted to his audacious statement. Jake may never admit it, but your reaction to his every move drives him insane; perhaps that's why he's always so fucking desperate to be inside of you.
Jake smacked his lips against yours once more when he noticed the blood dripping down. "Jake," you winced, attempting to retract your lips, but he refused to budge. "Me estas volviendo loca de mierda." He growled, smirking against your lips before lowering his head back on your neck, now unable to do anything else as he rapidly approaches his own orgasm. When you noticed his thrusts stuttering, his hand on your face darted to the floor beside your head, needing it to steady himself.
You stupidly smiled to yourself as you saw him trying to keep the sounds from coming out of his mouth, so you reached down and began sucking on the heated flesh of his neck, searching for the spot that will cause his hips to stutter even more. Jake gasped once your lips attached to the spot beneath his ear, leaning closer to you as he practically used every energy he had not to moan.....but since you wouldn't stop until you'll hear every sweet noise he can produce, you continued sucking on the already bruised skin.
Finally, it was the thing you needed to hear. Jake lowered his head to the ground and continued to moan softly in your ear. You tried to find another spot but were completely taken aback when Jake hit a spot that you didn't even know was there before releasing his load inside of you. Your head jerked back, causing a loud thump to echo along with your and Jake's panting breaths. Without a doubt, feeling Jake release inside you was one of the best feelings you could ever have.
Jake gently placed his hands on your thigh and repositioned himself so that his weight was not entirely on top of you. Him moving while still inside you caused you to close your eyes and softly bite on your swollen lip. You tried to steady your breath and calm your racing heartbeat while Jake stayed there, entranced by you despite the fact that you were a complete mess on the ground.
You refused to open your eyes after heaving a sharp breath and placed your sweaty palms on your face, preventing Jake from seeing you. He chuckled, probably thinking you were embarrassed to be in his presence again, but his playful grin faded when you began sobbing quietly.
"Hey, hey, what's the matter?" he asked, taking your hands away from your face, his brows knitting in confusion. You tried chewing on your lower lip to muffle your sobs as you slowly opened your eyes to see Jake. "What am I to you, Jake?" your voice broke, tears streaming down your temples once more. You wanted to know if you were his girlfriend for real and not just labeling yourself as such. You wanted to know if he truly desired you.
If he....loves you.
Jake closed his eyes briefly in annoyance, but not at you, but to himself. His jaw twitched, followed by a sharp sigh and a wiping of your hair away from your face. You whimpered at his simple touch, which was simple yet profound. "Stop crying, don't waste your tears," he said, his face blank as he checked your eyes for tears. You just stared at him, frowning, waiting for his response.
When he just stared at you, it felt like your heart had been stabbed a thousand times. Your heartache was becoming unbearable, so you turned away from him, staring outside the window, at the fading rain and not at him.
Jake cursed under his breath and stopped you from turning away even further; he turned to face you again, but your eyes weren't as close as his. "Look at me," he said quietly, but instead of obeying, you completely ignored him. "I said look at me," Jake said again, harder this time, but you didn't seem to hear him. All you could hear was your heart thumping loudly and your chest shrinking, causing tears to well up in your eyes once more.
Jake grumbled in defeat when he realized you weren't going to do as he said when he refused to answer your question. "You're..." He began, still looking at you, hoping that your lovely eyes would soon meet his gaze once more.
"You are something I am not deserving of." 
Even though he said it quietly, you heard him loud and clear, causing your eyes to flicker at his, which are now surprisingly soft. Jake did not resemble Khonshu's cold-blooded avatar; instead, you saw Jake as you see him, as you perceive him to be; a man capable of loving despite his nature.
"I wasn't mad at you because you kept me from finishing the mission, fuck that mission, I was enraged by how you got yourself hurt and how now those bastards know who you are, because..." He paused, struggling to finish, because he was never one to express his feelings. "Because you're my weakness....my strength, and especially... my love, I could never forgive myself if you suffered as a result of my actions, my life, and how I live it."
You were just watching and listening as he poured his heart out in front of you, unaware that you were crying again. Jake caressed your cheek, revealing a softer side of himself that he never shows to anyone. "You know I tried to get away from you, tried to show you who I was so you'd leave me," Jake cleared his throat, trying not to get too emotional.
You ended up holding his hands against your face as you began to smile at his words, feeling your chest relax and your heartbeat slow. "But since you're a stubborn lady..." You both chuckled, reassuring him that you were genuinely listening to him. "You're still here. Still here at our house, and beneath me, which is why I don't deserve you, not even a little bit." Jake finally let go of the tears he was holding back, gently leaning down to place his forehead on top of yours.
"Fuck you're making me cry," he laughed, hoping to change the mood before he bursts into tears on your chest. You laughed as you kissed him on the cheek, "It's okay, it's just me here," you assured lovingly.
Jake took your hand and gently placed a kiss on your palm. "Thank you, for your unconditional love and I'm truly sorry for everything....I'm not sure what you see in me, but I'll change to be like those perfect men," he vowed, cringing slightly at the last words because he finds it cheesy how society labels stereotypically, but he meant it. You smiled sweetly at him before shaking your head. "You don't need to change anything, mi soldado amoroso, I love you for who you are." You brushed his disheveled locks away from his face before arching your brows at him.
"Besides, your own things are what drew me to you in the first place, Jake. No one can ever be like you, and I prefer it that way." You confessed before pulling him in for a soft and slow kiss, ignoring the pain in your lips. You felt a tear fall down your cheek, but it wasn't yours; it was Jake's, who sighed in relief. He drew away to see you again, his nose red, and he looked adorable.
This caused heat to build up inside your chest, your heart fluttering uncontrollably at how quickly you made amends with Jake. Sure, there are still things you need to talk to him about, but that doesn't matter right now because you're too engrossed in the happiness you and Jake are currently experiencing, and this was a first.
Jake's playful smile faded. "I'm not saying this to entice you to stay, don't take it that way..." He explained quietly, fearful that you're only staying because he cried in front of you, which caused your eyes to widen. You shook your head frantically and told him that you were staying because you love him and that you weren't leaving in the first place. If you do decide to leave, you will only do so if Jake orders you to.
Jake nodded, as if the heavy burden in his chest had finally lifted. Because if you did leave, he wouldn't know what to do. He was the one who initiated the conversation in the first place. It drove him insane when he first saw you at a bar he frequents, but at the time he didn't want anyone to get involved in his life, but whenever he takes his eyes off you, or leaves you, it drives him insane even more.
To be honest, Jake's sudden change in demeanor, especially after sex, is quite overwhelming, but you wouldn't have it any other way. He's Jake Lockley, after all, always full of surprises.
You were about to start a conversation about the mission he failed earlier, wanting to talk about it again, but Jake cut you off when he finally said the words that echoed inside your head and you were certain you'd remember it forever.
"Te amo mucho, mi amor."
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kingdomhate · 7 months
Coming back to you scenarios! (Part One)
Kylo Ren: The thought always worried you, when he was coming back, how bad the damage would be. But you had faith, for him, because he had faith for you. You trust Kylo and he trusts you, so when he told you he had a particularly lengthy mission to find and fight the Resistance head-on, you were reluctant to give in. That was a few months ago. Kylo had made sure to contact you frequently to reassure you of his existence and you thanked him for it every chance you got. Now, you stand in your guys' shared quarters, aware that people were worried about you but you couldn't stop the copying of being away from the man you loved by just staring out into Space, into nothing in particular, lost in your thoughts.
"Ma'am?" A Stormtrooper called to you, causing your thoughts to pop. "Yes?" You reply, not turning to face them. You half-expected this to be an affirmative call that Kylo was lost, or worse, gone. "Supreme Leader Ren has made contact just now." Your breathing stopped, and your heartbeat jolted, you spun to face the trooper, hope glinting in your eyes. "He has?" You ask, voice low and soft. The Stormtrooper nods and you can feel the burning sensation in your stomach of anticipation and the prickling feeling of tears pooling in your eyes. Faster than you have ever ran before, you race out of the room, almost tripping twice over nothing but your own footsteps. You stop at the sight of Kylo's ship, breathing fast and harshly. Your eyes scanning frantically for the sight of Kylo, for the sight of his mask, his hair, cloak, anything. "Hey." You heard a voice call from behind you, and you feel two big and strong hands wrapping around your center and Kylo burying his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling the sweet scent of you. "Kylo..." You choke out, sobbing quietly and his arms tighten around your stomach. "I know, darling. I know."
Armitage Hux: You completely underestimated how many missions a General had to do, as you were just a Commander, but you soon came to find out. Armitage wasn't a sentimental guy, in public or ever, unless it was you and it was still rare to see him get emotional in front of you. "I'm leaving." He said simply, fixing his uniform and hair. Why is he telling you this at the crack of dawn? "Where to?" You yawn. "To accompany Ren on a ridiculous mission to terminate the Resistance and especially the scavenger." He spoke with disdain in his tone, as you could only imagine, as he was going with Kylo. "Why are you going then? Did Snoke order it?" You tilt your head. How odd, Armitage and Kylo, two rivals, on a mission to terminate the two targets that caused the First Order the most grief. "He did." He said shortly.
A month later, as you were shutting down for the night, you go back to your quarters, and who do you find standing there? "Hello." He said casually and you could swear he saw the perplexity in your brain. "'Hello'? Is that how you greet your girlfriend after being gone for a continuous month with only various calls?" He rolls his eyes, his nose scrunching a bit, as he walked orderly over to you. "You're lucky I even came back." He says with his usual cold tone and you push it aside as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a much-needed hug.
Anakin Skywalker: Anakin had previously told you that Obi-Wan and the council planned for Anakin to take a mission alone, to prove if he should be a Master Jedi. Of course the mission had to lengthy and cut severely into the time in which he promised to spend with you, and Anakin was enraged by it. However, you had to reassure and scold him frequently that it was completely fine and that he had to do it anyway, because he desired to be a Jedi Master. Seeing reason finally, Anakin decided to go, giving you a big, passionate kiss before jokingly telling you that you should behave while he was gone, or else the result would be you getting in trouble with a Jedi Master, you laugh, mockingly annoyed and watched him leave. A good couple weeks passed and you kept yourself busy with your own duties: Cleaning the house, keeping an eye on the Council and their updates about Anakin, and random pastimes you found fun.
"Miss Y'N? Good news: Master Anakin has just arrived at the Temple." C-3PO informs you and you grin widely. "Thank you." You say, getting up and readying your speeder so you could give your boyfriend a proper welcome. "Y\N." Anakin smiles as he notices you and you could see the sheer need to hug you and spin you around, but the current circumstances would make that a tad bit difficult. Yoda and Windu telling Anakin of his new responsibilities as a Jedi Master and Obi-Wan congratulating and sending jokes Anakin's way in which you could see and feel Anakin's eyes staring longingly at you, as he was so ready to feel you hugging him and kissing him. After the certainly inviting and warm congratulations from the Jedi Council, Anakin goes out of his way to excuse himself from continuing further conversation with Windu and scurrying over to you, snaking his arms around you and resting his chin on your forehead, pressing your head to his chest. "I missed you, my love, it's felt like forever since I was reminded of your beauty..." He kissed your cheek, neck and your lips, the kiss was beautiful and enlightening, reminding you of Anakin's undying love.
A\n: I'm going to do a seperate version, a part two, with Obi-Wan and Luke later.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
Semantic Error | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter 6
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Based off of Semantic Error (bl) by J Soori Summary: Jungkook invites you over to work on the game but you but it's hard to focus when he's around Pairing: Techie inexperienced fem!reader x Artist fuck boy Jungkook Work Count: 1.9k~ a/n: So so sorry I've taken a longer break between posting but let me know what you think about this chapter ;) hardly edited but I figured I would get it out anyway Read from the beginning
I couldn't pay attention in class thanks to him. His stupid voice with his stupid flirting and his stupid face then to top it off having all of that up close and personal made my stupid brain go into overdrive, losing what little space I had left to combat his antics. I hate that he can make me feel like this. And for what? Because he called me pretty? More specifically used it as a pet name, which somehow amplifies the meaning, sending my sense of reason for a spin. I huff audibly as I gather my things and get ready to head out to meet 'he who shall not be named' at this point. I just need to leave class, work there for a few hours and then go home. Simple as that. 
"You okay?" I hear behind me in a semi familiar voice. I turn around perplexed as to who the voice could belong to and see the guy I had helped the other day. " I'm fine" I say and turn back around to continue packing up my belongings. "It's Jimin, we met the other day when you helped me carry all of the music books" he says, not sure if I would need the reminder. "I know" I say plainly and make my way out of the classroom. "Hey, where you headed?" he asks following me without a care in the world. "I'm done for the day so I'm going to go work on something" I say giving him the bare minimum, hoping he won't prod further but unfortunately that's not the case.
"What are you working on?" he asks, clearly curious but also kind of not, seeming happy to simply be making conversation with me for some reason. "A video game application" I say and leave the building with him trailing behind. "Oh wow that's really cool! I had no idea you were into that stuff" he says, clearly shocked learning what I'm capable of but blowing it somewhat out of proportion. It's not as hard as it seems but many people tend to lack the concentration, let alone have the desire to learn.
"Yeah well, bye" I say and walk a bit faster, heading towards the gates. "Wait, I could walk you to where you need to go. I'm done for the day as well" he says jogging a few steps to catch up to me. "That won't be necessary" I say and continue onto my destination but he walks with me anyways. "Why are you following me?" I ask, finally stopping to look at him and see what his goal with all of this is. 
"I just want to make sure you get to your destination safely" he says giving me a sweet smile. "She's safe with me" that stupid voice that I wasn't expecting to hear so soon says while taking hold of my hand. "Oh hey hyung, I didn't know you and y/n were working together" Jimin says, greeting Jungkook. "Well now you do" he says and then we all stand there in somewhat of an awkward silence until I pull my hand out of Jungkook's grasp. "Let's go" I demand and continue to walk towards the gates. "Bye y/n" I hear Jimin say behind me and I decide not to acknowledge it. "See you" Jungkook says to Jimin before following my lead. 
"Do you guys hang out often?" he says falling into step with me and guides us towards his studio. "No we don't and why didn't you just wait for me like I told you to?" I question still feeling uncomfortable from the situation I had been put into moments ago. "Because I wanted to walk with you, plus this way I could make sure you wouldn't run off or get lost. I promise next time I'll just wait for you to come" he says pressing the button at the crosswalk for us. "Whatever" I say under my breath, fixing the strap on my backpack but before I can settle it back into place I feel it being take off of me.
"Hey! What are you doing?" I say looking over at, surprise surprise you guessed it Jeon Jungkook now carrying my bag. "Give it back!" I say reaching for it but before I'm able to reach it he starts walking down the street, showing me it's time for us to cross. "Hey!" I yell after him but all he does is continues to hold it out of my reach. "Just let me carry it for you" he says, slinging it across his shoulder and widening his strides leaving me trailing behind him without much of an option to do otherwise. 
Once we get to his studio I'm met with another girl around our age blasting her music throughout the place and popping the bubble she just blew in her gum. "Hey Yuna!" Jungkook shouts, trying to be heard over the music. "Yuna!" he yells again and decides to just walk up to her to grab her attention. "So much for keeping to herself" I mumble under my breath. "Oh hey, sorry I was totally spacing out. Is this the girl you were talking to me about? You work in the computer science department right?" she asks, zeroing in on me. "Something like that" I say walking further into the room, taking a look at how messy it is.
 "Oh yeah sorry about the mess, things have been really hectic around here" Jungkook says walking over to his desk and clearing off some more space for me. "Pick up that trash first, and put away those books and..." I list off some ways to reorganize the studio into a more suitable working environment. "Clean up your desktop too. Seeing all the icons on the screen is giving me anxiety" I say and he surprisingly does everything that I've asked him to do without much trouble at all. 
"What did you do to him?" Yuna whispers to me, clearly impressed by how well he's following my instructions."I didn't really do anything. I told him that if this wasn't a suitable working environment for me that he would be working on this project solo" I say stating the facts. "Wow" she says not believing it, "Well I'm gonna get back to work, good luck" she says, amused at the dynamic already. 
"Hey" I say getting her attention before she gets back to work. "Can you please uses those headphones you have beside you? It'll be hard to concentrate with your music blaring in my ears" I say and go back to watching as Jungkook completes the list. Hearing what I've said Jungkook comes over to Yuna's desk and nicely puts her headphones on her so there's no argument to be had and she simply blinks at my sudden change in attitude towards her but goes back to work without another word.
I sit down next to him and place my laptop down on the desk and take a deep breath, opening it and turning it on after taking one more quickly glance around the place. "Begin" I say and he starts to open up one of his drawing programs and sketches out some various characters and background ideas while I continue to piece together the code for the whole thing. 
"How's it going?" he says after a bit looking over at my screen, interested in what actually goes into working on the behind the scenes stuff. "It's going" I say and continue typing the various strings of code working out how the character moves around the different environments. "Oh okay" he says, taking that as a sign of me not wanting to continue the conversation. "How are things going on your end?" I ask and lean over to look at his screen and I can see how he almost lights up at my question in my peripheral vision but decide to ignore it. 
He turns his screen towards me a bit so I can sit back a bit into a more comfortable position and explains all of the different outfits and ideas for power up items and he thoughts about what can be added to the storyline. "Yeah everything looks okay, but I don't want to settle for okay. You need to change this, it looks too crazy, I want something a bit neater" I say pointing out different flaws in almost all of his designs. 
"You do realize these are just the rough drafts?" he says rubbing his temples after going through and changing things as I give him one critique after the other. "Yes but I thought your work would look a bit better than this compared to what you've shown me before"I state pointing out a few more things to change. "Okay I need a break" he says standing up and stretching before laying down on the couch and pulling one of the blankets over him. 
"What are you doing? We've only been working for two hours" I say confused as to why he would need a break this early. "Exactly, it's been two hours and I'm tired, just give me like fifteen minutes and I'll start cleaning up the designs" he says and turns over giving his back to me and settling in to take a power nap. I roll my eyes at him and just decide to just go back and continue what I had been working on before I started checking up on his designs. 
Getting lost in work I notice that it's been almost thirty minutes instead of the promised fifteen and try to call him over to get back to work. "Jungkook wake up" I say but it seems to have no effect on him so I groan and get up and walk towards where he's laying down and find him laying on his back, sound asleep. With the position he's reclined in I'm given a full view of his face, leaving me a chance to study his features for a second. 
He really is attractive, I can't deny that but that cocky attitude he has on him turns me off. His flirting is a different story though, feeling myself starting to blush again. I kneel next to the couch to see if he's really sleeping but it really does seem like he's still passed out. I brush the bit of hair that has fallen into his face back a bit and lean towards him a little bit. "You're really sleeping right?" I say and still he lays still, not making a sound and an unknown force pushes me closer to him and I end up placing a light kiss on his lips. 
I pull back and cover my lips with a hand after realizing what I've done and quickly but quietly pack up my things and leave. I open the door and am met with the sight of Yuna coming down to hallway back towards the studio. "Oh y/n you're still here. Is everything okay?" she says clearly noticing the almost panicked look on my face and blush slowly creeping up on my cheeks. "Yes never better. Please tell Jungkook I'm going home when he wakes up" I say and without another word run down the hall and out the onto the street making my way towards my apartment as quickly as humanly possible.  
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noodleblade · 7 months
soundstar 19. talking late into the night
(GOD IM FINALLY ANSWERING SOME OF THESE PROMPTS. IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER). I also gave myself the personal challenge to keep this under 1k. I'm proud of myself:3
Anyways, uhhhh I'm obsessed with the idea of Starscream being able to have full-fledged conversations with Soundwave without Soundwave saying a word so that's the premise of this fic<3333 enjoyyy!
AO3 Link xx
“Do you ever recharge?”
Soundwave did not jump. Nor did he move in any such way to signify his surprise. Not that he’d ever admit Starscream got the drop on him. 
He remained in his still, rigid stance in front of the central console, helm directed at the various screens despite no longer paying attention to them. Rather than turn and face his midnight visitor, Soundwave pulled up one of the surveillance cameras on the bridge to his internal HUD and watched Starscream posture at the doors. 
Soundwave watched as Starscream’s expression dulled from his sneer, clearly put out by Soundwave’s lack of response. Curiously enough, those sharp optics darted to the exact camera Soundwave was monitoring. 
“It’s rude to ignore your superior officer.”
Soundwave swiveled his neck enough to have his visor directed at Starscream. 
There. No longer ignored. 
“Glad you are putting in the effort to appear professional,” Starscream grumbled as he stalked forward. Without his usual audience of the vehicons, Knock Out or Megatron, Starscream approached him quietly, subdued. He knew his usual antics would not garner him any reaction from Soundwave so the effort was simply not needed. It wasn’t a sight Soundwave was granted often. Suspiciously, he kept his guard up. Something was off.
Soundwave tilted his helm to the side, his visor glinting off the dim lights. 
“I’m fine,” Starscream muttered. “I appreciate the concern.”
Soundwave gave one nod, before turning back to his work. Peripherally, he could feel Starscream saddle beside him, his wings nearly touching him as the seeker flexed and stretched. 
“Of course you’re working.” 
Soundwave didn’t bother to respond to that and continued to type away. Starscream leaned closer, optics squinting to read the code. 
“Are you rerouting earth tech surveillance to our main housing?”
It was a bit more complicated than that. But, Soundwave had no interest in explaining so Starscream’s simplified version would be suitable. He inclined his helm, a bit pleased with Starscream’s mouth ticked up in a smile. 
“Impressive as always. Maybe we should withhold recharge from you. You don’t seem to need it.” 
Despite his teasing words, Soundwave took note of the formality of his words. There was no jeer, none of his typical bravado. Quiet was the only way Soundwave could describe it. Perhaps even concerned, which Soundwave was even more perplexed by. 
It wasn’t like Starscream to be considered with others, let alone Soundwave’s recharge patterns. He cocked his helm curiously, biolights pulsing. 
“I’m not concerned,” Starscream snapped, though it was light. “I’m merely observant. Wouldn’t you consider that an admirable quality?”
Soundwave found himself amused with Starscream’s deflection. It seemed in his tiredness, his typical insults became softened. That being said, Soundwave noted it was well into Starscream’s scheduled recharge slot. It wasn’t often the seeker was roaming about at this hour. 
He brought up the hour to his visor and directed it fully at Starscream. 
“I’m aware of the hour, thank you,” Starscream sneered. “No need for you to be concerned either. I just…” Starscream let the sentence die, his gaze turned back to the central console screen. 
Despite his words to not be concerned, Soundwave could not help the matter. While it was rare for Starscream to be up at this hour, it was even more rare for him to lose his words. The quiet was now disquieting. Starscream was not one for quiet. He liked the sound of his own voice too much to not fill the gaps of peace with it. Soundwave felt on edge, waiting for the silence to end. 
Awkwardly, Soundwave shuffled slightly to his right, opening up the space at the console. For them to share. 
Starscream huffed a mildly unamused laugh but didn’t say anything still. For a few kliks, nothing happened and Soundwave felt the tricking of dread. Perhaps his gesture of kindness was rather that of foolishness. 
Slowly, Starscream leaned closer. Soundwave made no move to notice it, continuing to type away. Another klik passed before Starscream stepped closer, helm bowed to look at the screen. 
“You know,” Starscream started again, his usual cadence back, “if you are so desperate for my assistance, you could just ask.”
Soundwave turned his visor to Starscream unamused, but relieved by the smirk cropping up on the Air Commander’s face. His field was warmer as his vile grin covered his face. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you company.”
Unexpected words, but Soundwave found them to be not completely unpleasant.
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