#Black heart
shopwitchvamp · 1 month
Today's restock is live!
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We've got some big fan favorites back this time like Spider Lily Midis, Mystic Flame Skaters, and @vetiverfox's Harlequin Joggers! 🖤witchvamp.com🖤
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katarinanavane · 2 months
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Heart shaped salon wall curio collection shadowboxes!
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pinguwrites · 5 months
𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ⸻ Masterlist
"Are there some aces up your sleeve? Have you no idea that you're in deep? I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week. How many secrets can you keep?" — Do I Wanna Know, Arctic Monkeys
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | thomas shelby x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | You wouldn't consider yourself a runaway, more so a woman trying to start anew. You’ve left your home country of America to live in Britain in the hopes of creating a good life for yourself; you don’t expect to meet Thomas Shelby, the cold-hearted gangster of Birmingham, nor do you expect to fall for him.
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Warnings: smut, big age gap (reader's sixteen at the beginning, but smut doesn't happen until she's like 24?? sometime in season 3 or smth), depictions of murder and torture and suicide, mentions of rape, + more warnings with each chapter, POC reader (I write her as brown skin-toned, but can be read otherwise), slow burn, the accent will be very tame and therefore it may not be accurate
playlist (coming soon). hope you enjoy!
I’ll post an update once the first chapter is released.
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞: 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑜𝑛)
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debora-goth · 8 months
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prissypixie · 8 months
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Selkie Heart Bag🖤
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kirikhopik · 3 months
Medusa in the basin.
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▶[Please report if there are any grammatical errors!]
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rosefuckinggenius · 6 months
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I just LOVE to experiment with my style(s).
See how colors can look similar to each other in different textures.
Just adding details in a version and taking them off in another.
Choosing warmer or colder colors to match characters.
And you, which version do you prefer? Let me know ❤️
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noodledoodleee · 5 months
I hope some fans won't eat me because I draw not so good-
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shopwitchvamp · 4 months
Happy (?) Valentine's Day!
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milligramspoison · 6 months
No one asked for this lol but I was talking about it the other day- the killjoys essay I did for my junior year 🫶
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Some little notes:
This is set in a world where the Fab Four faked their deaths after the events in Sing, hence why they’re here!
The characters Ghost Bullet, Cyanide Candy, Black Heart, Glitter Baby, Acid Cat, and Lighting Storm are ocs created by my best friend tumblr user @frankierosbackbends and myself!
Speaking of Cyanide, Ghost, Acid, and Storm, they’re based off of sims Niamh (@frankierosbackbends) and I created about 5-6 years ago, who you can meet here!
Annoyingly so, I live in Florida. By now, we all know Florida fucking sucks. This was written around the time the don’t say gay bill was passed. Being scared at the time, I hid the fact that Ghost and Cyanide are gay, which made me feel awful I had to hide that part of them. And I still feel awful about it. I was scared of any repercussion I could’ve faced, so while it’s know that they’re together, I hid the fact they were gay men. It still really annoys me almost 2 years later that I did this.
If it’s not great, it was for school lol. I would’ve done a lot more if I didn’t have school barriers around me
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pinguwrites · 9 months
Black Heart | Chapter One: Evening Cigarettes
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Pairing -> Thomas Shelby x fem!poc!reader
Summary -> The year is 1920, and you have no idea how you got here. One moment, you were in your bed, and the next, you were lying in a field of grass, thousands of miles away from home. All you know is that you're in a small town called Birmingham, and you need money. Fortunately, the local gangster is in the market for an accountant, and you're in the market for a job.
Warnings -> swearing, mentions of racism, suicide joke, reader kinda has a dark sense of humor, tommy being a bit of an ass, sorry for the short chapter
Word count: 1.8k
Disclaimer: Peaky Blinders characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
Series Masterlist
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There wasn’t much to be said about Birmingham. It was a small city, located somewhere in England, filled with dirty streets and coal-stained men and nothing of any interest at all. For the past few days, you had been walking around the place in an almost dream-like haze, searching for food scraps and pieces of suitable clothing, wondering why the fuck you were here and how.
It’s all those movies you’ve been watching, your mom’s voice rings in your head. Too much fantasy and not enough reality. 
A part of you wondered if you should have listened to her words, if this world you were now a part of was the result of an overactive imagination and a desperate desire to escape reality. Maybe this was some cruel trick the universe decided to play on you, maybe you had passed out and all of this was a sort of long-term coma. Perhaps it was a mass prank and everyone here was just actors — but you thought that to be highly unlikely, given, you know, common sense. 
The only other possibility you could come up with was time travel. Even if it was probable, there were so many questions: Why you? Why this time? 
No, you’d just stick to the most simple and likely answer: you were fucking insane. Right now, in the real world, you were being locked up in some mental facility, strapped to a bed, and being monitored by doctors and nurses. Your mom was in tears, wondering where she had gone wrong with raising her daughter, and you were oblivious, wandering around in the year 1920, with no way to get back.
You kicked a pebble, watching it roll across the dirt ground. While that was the going theory, you still didn’t know what to do. Your instinct to survive was just as strong as any other day, and you were still plagued with hunger, pain, and fear.
So far, you had no proper shelter, no stable source of food and water (though the nearby well and some restaurant scraps were doing just fine for now), and you had nothing acceptable to wear except a dirty gray dress you found in some dumpster-like area. You had actually cleaned the damn thing yesterday, but it still had this nasty stench like foul body odor, and a couple of ripped holes. It was at least better than the clothes you were wearing beforehand — a white, loose, crop top and some fuzzy shorts, which had garnered nothing but stares of disgust and pity when you walked around in them. I’m naked to them, you realized, and that was when you made the endeavor to search for new clothing; as well as the fact that your modern outfit was doing nothing to protect you from the bitter chill. 
Not that this dress was doing any better. You predicted that you would die soon from the weather. Probably in your sleep. While you hadn’t found any shelter, you did find a little corner by the side of an apartment building. That’s where your body would be found, all frozen to death like meat in a fridge. But what else were you supposed to do? It was the best place you had.
You continued walking down the road, kicking that same pebble again. Your toes and fingers were numb and you were sure that you were going to get a cold, though that was the least of your worries.
The sky was a dark gray and it seemed like it was going to rain soon. You looked up from the ground and glanced over the area, a habit you picked up ever since you saw someone getting mugged here. The entire city of Birmingham felt like a small town, with its little businesses and shops along the side of the unpaved road. Occasionally a few people would walk past you. They would either ignore you and mind their own business, or stare at you like you were some exotic specimen. Fucking racist pricks.
You reached into your bag — thank god you had a bag on you when you were transported here — and pulled out your phone. It was dead, but you kept checking it out of habit. Not like you could call anyone even if it was charged, but it would have been nice to spend your last moments watching a good movie or scrolling through old pictures to reminisce about the past. 
Everything else in the bag was just hand sanitizer, a mask from COVID days (oh, God, what if I’m carrying COVID and spread it?), lip balm, and a small pocket knife. All things you were glad to have, but not particularly useful. It would have been nice to have a book on survival in the wilderness, or a lighter. 
You sighed, your breath coming out in a white smoke in the bitter air. You wanted to crawl into a ball and collapse. You wanted your mom to hold you, or your friends to lighten the mood with silly jokes. Why did this have to happen? Why me?
When you arrived at the apartment you were ready to curl up and sleep, but you noticed a flickering sound, and turned around to see a man, leaning against the wall of the opposite building. 
He was handsome, with a gray cap and a dusty black coat on. He seemed to be stopping only for a moment, lighting the cigarette between his fingers before moving on, but he noticed your stare and gave you a cold look.
“You need something?” he asked, in that same, strong British accent you heard everyone around here speak in.
“No.” You shook your head, feeling a little bad for blatantly staring. “My bad.”
The man took a puff of his cigarette. “Do I know you?”
“I don’t think so, I’ve never seen you before.”
His facial expression didn’t change. It was in that same cold stare. “Do you know who I am?”
“Well, I’ve never seen you before,” you repeated yourself, getting a little irritated. Your day was already going bad — scratch that, your whole week had been a fucking roller coaster, and now you had to deal with an arrogant prick who thought he was shit. “Are you some kind of celebrity?”
“You’re American,” he stated, ignoring your question. “Tell me, Miss . . .?”
“[Y/N],” you said.
“Miss [Y/N]. Tell me what a girl like you is doing in Birmingham?”
“I’m not quite sure,” you responded honestly. “What are you doing here?” you asked, not enjoying his attitude. “What’s your name?”
“You’re a cheeky lass, sweetheart.” He grinned a little, amused, like this was all funny to him. “My name is Thomas Shelby. And this is my town.” He paused, his grin dropping. A horrible feeling sunk in your gut. “I ought to know who lives in my town, eh?”
He took a puff of his cigarette. “Come here, sweetheart.” 
You hesitated but walked forward a little, ready to run at a moment’s notice. He had that dumb hairstyle every man here was rocking, but it fit him. It made him look nice.
You didn’t say anything. Neither did he. But then the man called Thomas Shelby offered you a cigarette and asked, “Are you a whore?”
You stood there, stunned, not accepting his offer. “No.”
He looked you up and down again. “How old are you? Twenty-three? Twenty-four?”
He didn’t say anything to that or indicate that he was surprised.
“You have family ‘round here?”
You shook your head, thoughts running wild.
He must be a gangster. Like Al Capone, only British, you thought, feeling nervous. What was he going to do to you? He wouldn’t harm you, would he?
Of course he’s going to harm you. That’s what men like him do.
“Ran away, eh? Nice story.”
“I never said I ran away,” you said, thinking you ought to stop this conversation right now and bolt in the opposite direction out of this town.
“Then what happened?” He walked closer to you. His face was neutral, but you could tell he was suspicious, otherwise he wouldn’t be asking all these questions. “I’m not going to ask again.”
“Good. Now, will you leave me alone?” Your voice dropped to a more quiet tone. “Please?”
Mr. Shelby looked like he was thinking. “This isn’t a safe place for young girls like you,” he finally said. “You shouldn’t be out here,” he gestured to the streets, “alone, with no one to protect you.”
“I’m doing just fine” you retorted, but made an effort to sound as polite as you could. 
“Fine?” He took a look at your clothing. “Yes, very suitable. I’m sure you enjoy being homeless.”
“I’m not homeless,” you defended, even though you were, indeed, homeless. 
Being reminded of your hopeless situation made tears pricked at your eyes, and you felt silly for wanting to cry, especially in front of him, but it was all just so hard. You didn’t feel right getting upset, other people had and were facing worse, but all you could think about was how much you wanted to eat a hot home-cooked meal and a nice bed to sleep in.
“Are you going to cry?” he asked.
“Do you like it when people cry?”
“Not particularly.”
“Then you should leave me alone, because I probably will.”
You averted your eyes, feeling ashamed for admitting that to a random stranger, a stranger who was probably judging you right now, a stranger who was probably a fucking criminal.
Mr. Shelby walked even closer, to the point where you were now just a feet apart. You could see the freckles scattered across his face.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out some paper money, handing it over to you. “You see that building?” He pointed to the one beside you, the one you’d been sleeping behind. “This should be enough to get you a few day’s stay.”
You were stunned, hesitantly taking the pounds and blinking the tears away. “What do you want from me?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged. “Just doing a decent man’s work, sweetheart.” He looked into your eyes. “Last I remember, the landlady of this building is hiring a maid. Ask her about it, tell her that Thomas Shelby referred you here.”
You agreed, not wanting to say anything that would make him change his mind, but you were still wondering why he changed his mind. Did he like it when girls cried? Did it make him feel like a hero? Was he planning to use you later for something? You didn’t know, and no matter how many times you tried to guess, it was useless, because you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. 
“Thank you, sir,” you breathed out, feeling a little bad for your snippiness. 
He nodded his head at you, lingering for a moment before walking in the opposite direction. You watched him until he was out of sight, a warm feeling in your tummy.
You walked into the apartment, finally inside a building for the first time in a while. You told the landlady, an old Asian woman, that Mr. Shelby had referred you to this place and the job. She took the money and eagerly offered you a room to stay, though you noticed a fearful hint in her eyes.
She got you a warm bath, saying that you must tell Mr. Shelby that she was very happy to take you in — subtlety, of course, and lead you to your new room.
You laid down on the bed, taking in the comfort of the sheets. Very quickly, you fell asleep, drifting off into a slumber after a long day.
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fiorituraa · 11 months
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Coulda shoulda woulda but u didn’t 😘🖤
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angelveinsbabe · 2 years
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blackheart beauty nail polish
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blondebedroom · 7 months
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the raven pillow heart purse ✧༺♡༻✧ use partner code PAMMY for $$$ off
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wh40kgallery · 3 months
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Dark Eldar vs White Scars
by Igor Sid
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kirikhopik · 4 months
Medusa, are you afraid of insects?
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