#Bibby the Brave
sm0resrluv · 2 years
@aceandpals Felt that writing itch again and I had to go with this! Part 1 of 2! With friends like these who would ever have enemies!
Bibby the Brave belongs to @aceandpals
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girlfridaytm-blog · 5 years
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Hello dear readers,
Since we last spoke, most of the flesh on my hand has grown back. We are out here on our triumphant second tour with our dear friend Paprika Pacman. Here we are trying to use a selfie stick that didn’t work, so I, The Martyr, used my human finger to press the virtual buttoña. Apparently I was very happy to do so, as you can catch me looking much more excited than literally anyone else to be here.
Today we in Girl Friday woke up at a cheeky 10:30 to some very hungry tumpos. We left a nice hour and a half later with our dear baby Eden to get some Food, but then the kind friends at the restaurant told us the wait would be 40 minutes. Your very hungry protagonistic children gave a cool shake of our heads, wagged a finger or two (that means we wanted more click in our in-ear speakers because we are very rich and famous now), and headed down the road for more timely meal options. Howmever, we ended being Fully seated at 2 separate restaurants that had not a-one veganic option in sight... catch us leaving both in a tizzy before we could receive water. Nearly 2 hours later, there we were sitting at the original restaurant, being misgendered left right and center, crying 4+ times, having food denied us, becoming closer as comrades eating very round fake eggs. We knew it was time to leave after Eden looked us in the eye and boldly claimed, “I’d like to go back to the hotel now.” Right you are Eden, and it took a brave soul to say it.
I hopped promptly into bed and did a seccy meditation while Libby and Betuardo continued to work as usual. Vera and Eden earned some strong points by practicing their part in the hotel room next door. 
Time to go to the venue, methinks. Here I was deciding the audience did not deserve to see me with makeup today. It was time for them to behold my handsome and ugly face. 
We played a show with only minimal ^jazz music~, and that, my dear friends, is what we came here for.
GF of the day goes to our sweet baby angel Eden, who had very dashing eye makeup, praccy’d while I wept, said exactly what was on their mind in a cursed situation, sold some kind merch, and even listened to me beg to hear about emotional turmoil in the back of the tour van.
We are proud of you Eden. You are our own little Friday.
*The other attached photos are quite badly formatted, but I have chosen not to put any money into this blog because I am a sticky clam man who only holds knowledge of the tumblrverse. Please enjoy a Marika’d photo of Gina and Betti in the hotel hallway + a handsome shot of a pearlescent Bibby and a cursed but lovely man who has already been named. 
Sweet dreams ducklings.
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ughseoks-main · 6 years
S’mores by Starlight
Spiderman x Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Requested by @minnie-marvel​ : How about a Spider-Man x Reader where the reader gets locked out of her house and decides to camp out on the roof (since it’s warm enough and summer) since her parents aren’t home often and Spider-Man comes for some late night chats and s’mores!!!
a/n: had a LOT of fun writing this!! i hope you like it minnie!! also i didnt edit causeee i was too excited to post so ignore any mistakes lol
You were really starting to regret going out to see that movie so late at night. Knowing your parents were out of town on another business trip, your friends convinced you to stay out late on a Friday and go see the new sequel to your all time favorite movie. It was amazing, but now you had to search for your key in the dark. Patting your pocket, you froze.
The key wasn’t there.
Sighing, you reached out and jiggled the doorknob in a pointless attempt to get inside. It wasn’t the first time that this had happened, but usually your sibling was home (it just so happened that they were out of town as well this weekend.) You sat on the front step, pondering on what to do next. You couldn’t get into the windows; the alarms would go off and you wouldn’t be able to turn them off. Staying at a friends house wasn’t an option as they were most likely asleep by this point. Mentally checking off the options on the list in your head, a new idea hit you like a brick wall.
Jumping up with a newfound determination, you ran over to a tree so you could execute your amazing plan. “Okay, okay,” you hyped yourself up, “you got this, Y/N. Just climb up the tree, come on.” You backed up and then launched (or yeeted if you’re bibby) yourself at the giant tree. Managing to grasp the lowest branch, you let out a whoop and tried pulling yourself up; all you ended up doing was falling on your butt. This repeated a few times, but throughout all of your attempts, you were unaware of the arachnid hero watching you make a spectacle of yourself with laughter in his gaze.
Never one to be discouraged, you decided to try it one last time. You expected to land on the ground again, but much to your surprise, you somehow ended up atop your roof before you could blink.
“What the…” you shook your head back and forth a few times, “how the hell did I do that..”
In your confusion and surprise, you didn’t notice the arm wrapped around your waist until the owner of that arm spoke up, “Hey now, I wouldn’t give yourself too much credit,” it said as you jumped out of it’s grasp, “Although you should get an A+ for effort.”
Spinning around, you were about to begin questioning the mysterious person  until the red and blue suit registered in your brain, “Y-you’re.. You’re spiderman!” you yelled, before shyly asking, “H-how long were you watching me for?”
“Is it bad if I say basically all of it?” he chuckled as you shoved your face into your hands, “But like I said, I really admire your determination,” one eye on his mask whirred shut, conveying a wink.
You groaned and plopped down onto the roof. “Uh, mind if I ask why you needed to get up here?” he questioned as he sat next to you.
“Well, I decided to go see a movie with my friends tonight, but when I came home I realized I lost my key. I decided that sleeping on the roof would be a good solution?” as you explained, you realized how crazy you must’ve sounded to the hero sitting next to you, “Not really one of my brightest moments, I guess…”
“What about your parents? Couldn’t they let you in?”
“They’re out of town on a business trip, like usual.”
“Siblings?” “They’re out of town too. Just my luck,” you sighed.
“Well, I’ll stay with you tonight to make sure nothing bad happens,” he cheerily said while patting your shoulder.
“I couldn’t possibly ask you to do that, surely you must have more important things to do-”
“This is what I do,” he insisted, “It’s my job to make sure people are safe!”
You were about to protest when you heard your stomach rumble, causing both you and spiderman to look down at your tummy.
“Hungry?” he teased.
“Oh, piss off,” you teased back, “I haven’t eaten in hours. I’m a young, growing girl! I need my food.”
After a moment of seemingly overthinking something, he jumped up from his spot, yelling “Wait here!” to you as he shot a web and flew away.
“Where else would I go?” you mumbled to yourself as he grew smaller and smaller in your field of vision.
Roughly fifteen minutes later, spiderman came swinging back into your vision, this time carrying… a bag of groceries? As he hopped back onto the roof, you hesitantly asked “Did you really just go get food? Seriously, I was totally fine-”
“Your stomach said differently.”
“That’s not the point. Here, let me pay you back-” you began as you fished through your backpack to find your wallet.
“No, it’s fine, it’s fine,” he repeated putting a hand on your arm, preventing you from pulling out any money, “It’s my treat.”
“Fine,” you resigned after a moment's hesitation, “What’d you get?” “Well,” he said, pulling out graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate, “I thought we could make s’mores! Although I’m just now realizing we can’t really light a fire up here…” he deflated a little as he glanced around you.
“It’s totally fine. They’ll taste basically the same, right?” you encouraged him as you reached for the graham crackers. You’d always loved s’mores, cooked or not.
“Yeah..” he trailed off, before stating more firmly, “Yeah. You’re right.” You saw his mask stretch, and assumed he was grinning underneath it.
“Let’s get started!” you giggled as the two of you ripped into the supplies. After a few minutes full of laughter and s’more construction, he’d pulled his mask halfway off his face, revealing his mouth so he could eat. Both of you held up your creations to your face, nodding at each other before taking a bite.
After chewing and swallowing, you cheered, “Mmmm! Just as good, but without the mess!”
“Yeah,” he giggled and took another bite, “You were right!”
For a few minutes the two of you were silent, quietly eating your s’mores and enjoying the comfort of each other’s presence. It was nice; you weren’t used to staying up late with another person. None of your friends were night owls like you, so you ended up braving the nights alone. Even though you had no idea what his real identity was, he’d provided you with a company you rarely got, and the two of you had formed a bond over the two hours you’d spent together.
Your own yawn interrupted your thoughts. “Man, I must be more tired that I thought,” you said through another yawn, “Time to hit the hay.” You pulled off the sweatshirt you’d been wearing over your t-shirt and shorts, balling it up and laying it behind your head.
“That can’t be very comfortable,” the superhero teased.
“Oh yeah? Then what do you suggest?” you teased back, yawning again. He plucked the sweatshirt from behind your head and laid it over his stretched out legs.
“Here,” he said quietly, “This should be better.”
Raising your eyebrow, you stared at him for a minute before complying. You were tired, and it was a pretty good offer. Turning sideways, you slowly lowered your head onto the sweatshirt laying over his thigh and closed your eyes as he laid back down with his head behind his hands. Before you knew it, both of you were knocked out.
A slight shaking brought you out of your sleep. Groaning, you opened your eyes and saw that it was spiderman, lightly gripping your shoulder. “Hey, look at the sunrise,” he said softly, gesturing to the horizon ahead of you. Turning your head towards the sunrise, you gasped. The sky was a deep orange color mixed with pink and hints of purple.
“I’ve always liked sunrises better than sunsets,” he whispered. Turning around, you wished you could’ve seen his eyes. You were sure they would’ve been filled with amazement and adoration. Sighing, you turned back around and looked back into the horizon. The two of you sat there until the sun was in the sky, no longer painting the sky with beautiful colors.  
“Well, I’d better get going,” he said regretfully, “Maybe I’ll see you again sometime?”
“That’d be nice,” you smiled, “Now, do you think you could put me down?”
“Of course, m’lady,” he grinned as he wrapped an arm around your waist. Shooting a web onto the tree beside the roof, he swung off and landed softly onto the grass below. After releasing you, he pulled his mask the rest of the way down his face and extended an arm out towards another building. “See you around-” he began before you interrupted him, grabbing his shoulders and planting a kiss on his cheek.
“Yeah, see you around,” you grinned as he stood there frozen. After a few moments, he seemed to shake himself out of it and sped away quickly, leaving you standing below the tree. You sighed and walked towards your front door, preparing to wait on the steps until your sibling got home. When you fished in your left pocket to grab your phone, you felt it.
The key had been in your other pocket the whole time.
Tags: @minnie-marvel @greekdemigodwannabe @sunflowerannawrites @cynicallystiles @laurfangirl424 @misslunala @secondsineternity @peter-prkers @sighspidey @signed-potato
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darenmbrown · 2 years
Cash backing for brave bouncer who tackled crazed gunman
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A hero Paisley bouncer who faced jail after tackling a dangerous gunman has had thousands of pounds sent to him by well-wishers.
Ben Bibby had a loaded pistol pointed right at him outside a pub- but ended up being charged with assaulting the crazed gunman Francis Smith.
During a two year ordeal trying to clear his name, Ben spent £4,900 on lawyers before the case against him collapsed.
But last night £3,340 had been lodged into a gofundme appeal to pay his legal bill.
Don’t miss the latest headlines from around Renfrewshire. Sign up to our newsletters here.
West of Scotland Tory MSP Russell Findlay said: “With some bam waving a gun in his face, what was he supposed to do? Buy him a pint? Give him a hug?
“I can’t comprehend why police and prosecutors would waste money and valuable court time going after someone in such circumstances and would be interested to hear their explanation.
“What’s criminal is that Ben has now been left with such a big legal bill for defending himself.”
Dozens of supporters have rallied round to bail Ben out, including the boss of the pub, Steven McColm who put in £500.
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Good guy, not bad guy – Ben Bibby (Image: Facebook)
Ben’s friend Tim Wylie said: “Ben was charged with assaulting the guy who pointed the gun in his face, and now, two years later, and following multiple court visits, all the charges have been dropped.
“However, Ben has had to fork out £4,900 in legal fees to defend himself. I have set up this page so we can donate towards recouping some of these costs.”
A loaded gun was pointed at Ben while he was on duty on the door of Nico’s in Glasgow’s Sauchiehall Street.
It happened just before Christmas 2019 when disgruntled customer Smith, 34, vowed to shoot him.
But Ben and two colleagues managed to tackle him to the ground and seize the gun, restraining him till police arrived.
Smith got five years in Jail last March, but the assault case against Ben continued until it was thrown out at Glasgow Sheriff Court last month.
Sauchiehall Street had been very busy with Christmas revellers at the time.
Backer Valerie Rettie donated £20 to the appeal, saying: “This guy put his life ahead of others, his employers should be paying these costs.
“His action stopped their business getting shut down.”
Johnathan Quinn donated and said simply: “Ben is a legend.”
Marie-Sophie Maedler added: “I happily support heroes like you.”
Family friend Lynne Mailer added: “I can’t get my head around how the ‘justice’ system works, total joke!
“This kind of thing boils my blood.
“Bet the idiot with the gun who is in jail got his fees paid.
“Total joke but not a funny one.”
You can help get Ben over the line via https://www.gofundme.com/f/bens-legal-costs
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elsakdalton · 2 years
Cash backing for brave bouncer who tackled crazed gunman
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A hero Paisley bouncer who faced jail after tackling a dangerous gunman has had thousands of pounds sent to him by well-wishers.
Ben Bibby had a loaded pistol pointed right at him outside a pub- but ended up being charged with assaulting the crazed gunman Francis Smith.
During a two year ordeal trying to clear his name, Ben spent £4,900 on lawyers before the case against him collapsed.
But last night £3,340 had been lodged into a gofundme appeal to pay his legal bill.
Don’t miss the latest headlines from around Renfrewshire. Sign up to our newsletters here.
West of Scotland Tory MSP Russell Findlay said: “With some bam waving a gun in his face, what was he supposed to do? Buy him a pint? Give him a hug?
“I can’t comprehend why police and prosecutors would waste money and valuable court time going after someone in such circumstances and would be interested to hear their explanation.
“What’s criminal is that Ben has now been left with such a big legal bill for defending himself.”
Dozens of supporters have rallied round to bail Ben out, including the boss of the pub, Steven McColm who put in £500.
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Good guy, not bad guy – Ben Bibby (Image: Facebook)
Ben’s friend Tim Wylie said: “Ben was charged with assaulting the guy who pointed the gun in his face, and now, two years later, and following multiple court visits, all the charges have been dropped.
��However, Ben has had to fork out £4,900 in legal fees to defend himself. I have set up this page so we can donate towards recouping some of these costs.”
A loaded gun was pointed at Ben while he was on duty on the door of Nico’s in Glasgow’s Sauchiehall Street.
It happened just before Christmas 2019 when disgruntled customer Smith, 34, vowed to shoot him.
But Ben and two colleagues managed to tackle him to the ground and seize the gun, restraining him till police arrived.
Smith got five years in Jail last March, but the assault case against Ben continued until it was thrown out at Glasgow Sheriff Court last month.
Sauchiehall Street had been very busy with Christmas revellers at the time.
Backer Valerie Rettie donated £20 to the appeal, saying: “This guy put his life ahead of others, his employers should be paying these costs.
“His action stopped their business getting shut down.”
Johnathan Quinn donated and said simply: “Ben is a legend.”
Marie-Sophie Maedler added: “I happily support heroes like you.”
Family friend Lynne Mailer added: “I can’t get my head around how the ‘justice’ system works, total joke!
“This kind of thing boils my blood.
“Bet the idiot with the gun who is in jail got his fees paid.
“Total joke but not a funny one.”
You can help get Ben over the line via https://www.gofundme.com/f/bens-legal-costs
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hiccupsandkicksuk · 2 years
Cash backing for brave bouncer who tackled crazed gunman
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A hero Paisley bouncer who faced jail after tackling a dangerous gunman has had thousands of pounds sent to him by well-wishers.
Ben Bibby had a loaded pistol pointed right at him outside a pub- but ended up being charged with assaulting the crazed gunman Francis Smith.
During a two year ordeal trying to clear his name, Ben spent £4,900 on lawyers before the case against him collapsed.
But last night £3,340 had been lodged into a gofundme appeal to pay his legal bill.
Don’t miss the latest headlines from around Renfrewshire. Sign up to our newsletters here.
West of Scotland Tory MSP Russell Findlay said: “With some bam waving a gun in his face, what was he supposed to do? Buy him a pint? Give him a hug?
“I can’t comprehend why police and prosecutors would waste money and valuable court time going after someone in such circumstances and would be interested to hear their explanation.
“What’s criminal is that Ben has now been left with such a big legal bill for defending himself.”
Dozens of supporters have rallied round to bail Ben out, including the boss of the pub, Steven McColm who put in £500.
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Good guy, not bad guy – Ben Bibby (Image: Facebook)
Ben’s friend Tim Wylie said: “Ben was charged with assaulting the guy who pointed the gun in his face, and now, two years later, and following multiple court visits, all the charges have been dropped.
“However, Ben has had to fork out £4,900 in legal fees to defend himself. I have set up this page so we can donate towards recouping some of these costs.”
A loaded gun was pointed at Ben while he was on duty on the door of Nico’s in Glasgow’s Sauchiehall Street.
It happened just before Christmas 2019 when disgruntled customer Smith, 34, vowed to shoot him.
But Ben and two colleagues managed to tackle him to the ground and seize the gun, restraining him till police arrived.
Smith got five years in Jail last March, but the assault case against Ben continued until it was thrown out at Glasgow Sheriff Court last month.
Sauchiehall Street had been very busy with Christmas revellers at the time.
Backer Valerie Rettie donated £20 to the appeal, saying: “This guy put his life ahead of others, his employers should be paying these costs.
“His action stopped their business getting shut down.”
Johnathan Quinn donated and said simply: “Ben is a legend.”
Marie-Sophie Maedler added: “I happily support heroes like you.”
Family friend Lynne Mailer added: “I can’t get my head around how the ‘justice’ system works, total joke!
“This kind of thing boils my blood.
“Bet the idiot with the gun who is in jail got his fees paid.
“Total joke but not a funny one.”
You can help get Ben over the line via https://www.gofundme.com/f/bens-legal-costs
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micoc84 · 3 years
Cali Race for Grail
Angeles Clippers 2014 (57 wins)- Blake Griffin (24p/ 10r), D. Jordan (13r), C.Paul (19p/10a), M. Barnes, Doc Rivers - c 2006 (47w)- Elton Brand (25p/10r), C.Mobley (15p), Sam Cassell (17p/6a), C. Maggette (18p), S.Livingston, Boniface N'Dong, M. Dunleavy-c 1974 (42w) - Buffalo Braves - Bob McAdoo (30p/15r), J. McMillian (19p), E.DiGregorio (15p/8a), Jack Ramsay-c Sacrament Kings 1951 (41w) - Rochester Royals - Arnie Risen (16p/12r), Bob Davies (15p), J. Coleman (11p/9r), Les Harrison -c// Beat Knicks (4-3) 2002 (61w) - Chris Webber (24p/10r), Peja Stojakov (21p), Mike Bibby 14p/5a), Vlade Divac (11p/8r), R. Adelman - c Royals (1948), Cincinnat Royals (1957), Kansas City Kings (72), Sac K's (85) Diego Padres 1998 (98w) - G.Vaughn (120r), K.Caminiti/Wally Joyner (80r), Tony Gwynn (70r), K.Brown/A.Ashby (18w), Trevor Hoffman (53s), Bruce Bochy -m; lose to Yankees (0-4) 1984 (92w) - Steve Garvey (86r), K.McReynolds/ T. Gwynn (72r), B.Bochy (15r); E.Show/Whitson/Thurmond (15w), Rich "Goose" Gossage (25s), Dick Williams - c; lose to Tigers (1-4) Jose Sharks 2016 (46w) - Joe Pavelski (38g/40a), Brent Burns (48a/27g), Pat Marleau (25g/a), Tom Hertl (23g/a), Joe Thornton (63a/20g), Logan Couture (21a/15g), M.Vlasic "Pickles" (31a), Martin Jones (37w), P.DeBoer -c// lost to Penguins (2-4) 1994 (33w) - Sergei Makarov (38a/30g), S.Ozolinsh (38a/26g), Todd Eli (41a/25g), Pat Falloon (31a/22g), Rob Gaudreau (20a), Bob Errey (18a), Artus Irbe (30w), Kev Constantine - c Oakland Athletes (9/4 rings), San Fran Giants (8/3), Artful Dodgers (7/6), Anaheim Angels (01), Angel Lakers (17/12 rings), Oak Warriors (6/3), Angel Kings (2), Heim Ducks (01), Fran Niners (5), Oak Raiders (3/2), Angel Rams (1/0), Diego Chargers (01)
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thingsmk1120sayz · 5 years
On this date in 1981, Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Jim Bibby allowed a lead-off single to Terry Harper of the Braves. That was followed by Bibby retiring the next 27 batters in order, as he out-pitched Hall of Famer Phil Niekro for the win.
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definitelythis · 7 years
Fav Girl Group Songs
@rules: list your top 10 favourite gg songs and tag 10 people
tagged by @perfsoo thank you !!! <3 this list it’s a mix of some of my fave songs and songs that I’m currently obsessed with:
- Oh My Girl  “Knock Knock” (the entire Windy day album is pure perfection)
- Laboum “Fresh Adventure” (support my girls !!!)
- Gfriend “Water Flower”
- Gugudan “Hate you”
- Berry Good “Bibbi Dibobbi Diboo” (also check “Angel” that song is !!!!!)
- Brave Girls “Rollin” (why it took me so long to stan them !! I was missing out so much)
- Girl’s Day “Don’t be shy”
- LOONA (Heejin) “Vivid” (all their songs are amazing tbh)
- Pristin “Running”
- WJSN “Secret”
I’m tagging @healingsmiles @ilysmjeno @softsnuper @princesschanhan @frogger-heejun @kimsminhyuk @kimyoujinis186cmofpuregoodness @edawnnie @monguu @sweetieyoujin 
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ergohacks · 6 years
I picked up the Peter Storm Girls’ Ellen Baffled Jacket on a whim because it looked warm and comfortable and so it was. Cass had it on within minutes and naturally switched to it as her coat of choice because it offered all-weather protection and she felt warm. It’s recently travelled with us to Stockholm and made an excellent outer layer. It was warm but not too restrictive and at no point did the elements penetrate.
It’s a pretty coat that goes well with her Salopettes and equally well with a pair of jeans or corduroys. She particularly loves the soft internal faux fur lining and on cooler winter days, happily wears the coat over a T-shirt. We bought it one size up to fit two layers underneath and it’s performed exceptionally well.
Peter Storm is a well-known brand, but it doesn’t have any noteworthy eco or ethical credentials. It’s a well-made coat, but not exceptionally so. The zips will last the winter or maybe two, but it has the feel of medium fashion wear. Not quite up to slow fashion standards, but not a throwaway minimal use item either. It treads a happy midline and for just over £30, it’s definitely one of the best choices in its price bracket.
It’s been six weeks and Cass is still wearing it all the time. The internal pocket has accumulated a secret stash of little items from miniature pine cones to miniature toy animals. The external pockets are not comfortably placed for hand warming and so they have slowly filled up as well with small trinkets and outdoor finds. I drew the line at snowballs making their way in, but twigs, a piece of string and some sugar for diabetic lows all fit in nicely next to her pair of gloves.
We’ve definitely put it through its paces already and it’s braved cold, wet, snow and sweat and stood up remarkably well. It doesn’t show dirt and as an outer layer doesn’t soak up sweat. It’s made it through the wash unscathed and remains her top choice of coat for all weather conditions. Recommended as an excellent budget choice for a coat that will definitely last a season or two even if worn every day.
Peter Storm – Currently out of stock + 
Price: ± £35
An insulated, water resistant coat with polyester fur lining, one small internal pocket and 2 external pockets. It has elasticated trim around the cuffs and hem that keeps warm air inside. Baffled Polyester wadding provides great insulation against cold.
Sizes: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 Colour: Spotted dark peach colour Waterproof: DWR coating makes it water resistant Materials: 100% Polyamide Sizing: Quite a snug, but comfortable fit. We ordered one size up to fit base and mid-layer comfortably underneath.
About Peter Storm
Peter Storm is a British clothing brand set up in 1954 but Royal Marine Noel Bibby. Bibby was the creator of the cagoule – a waterproof over the head jacket with a hood which was an instant success. The company remained independent until the 1980s when they were bought by Blacks and then JD Sports. In the UK Peter Storm is sold mainly via Blacks and Millets but internationally it’s owned by a different parent company – Outdoor Equipment.
We based our Ergohacks Verdict on 6 weeks of extensive use in rain, wind and snow. It was purchased at the start of 2018.  This article was first published on 20 February 2018.  
Peter Storm Girls’ Ellen Baffled Jacket I picked up the Peter Storm Girls' Ellen Baffled Jacket on a whim because it looked warm and comfortable and so it was.
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darenmbrown · 2 years
Cash backing for brave bouncer who tackled crazed gunman
Cash backing for brave bouncer who tackled crazed gunman
A hero Paisley bouncer who faced jail after tackling a dangerous gunman has had thousands of pounds sent to him by well-wishers. Ben Bibby had a loaded pistol pointed right at him outside a pub- but ended up being charged with assaulting the crazed gunman Francis Smith. During a two year ordeal trying to clear his name, Ben spent £4,900 on lawyers before the case against him collapsed. But last…
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elsakdalton · 2 years
Cash backing for brave bouncer who tackled crazed gunman
Cash backing for brave bouncer who tackled crazed gunman
A hero Paisley bouncer who faced jail after tackling a dangerous gunman has had thousands of pounds sent to him by well-wishers. Ben Bibby had a loaded pistol pointed right at him outside a pub- but ended up being charged with assaulting the crazed gunman Francis Smith. During a two year ordeal trying to clear his name, Ben spent £4,900 on lawyers before the case against him collapsed. But last…
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hiccupsandkicksuk · 2 years
Cash backing for brave bouncer who tackled crazed gunman
Cash backing for brave bouncer who tackled crazed gunman
A hero Paisley bouncer who faced jail after tackling a dangerous gunman has had thousands of pounds sent to him by well-wishers. Ben Bibby had a loaded pistol pointed right at him outside a pub- but ended up being charged with assaulting the crazed gunman Francis Smith. During a two year ordeal trying to clear his name, Ben spent £4,900 on lawyers before the case against him collapsed. But last…
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