#Belphegor obey me
mammons-lover · 23 hours
Diavolo (saying something out of pocket, then looking at Lucifer): Oh no... Lucifer, I didn’t mean to.
The brothers: (gasping)
Lucifer (visibly pissed off): Boys, bed. Now! I want to talk to Diavolo alone.
Diavolo (panicking): No, guys, stay, please stay.
Lucifer: Go!
All the brothers starting to walk away.
Diavolo: Stay!
Lucifer: Go! Now!
Diavolo: Mammon, please stay!
Lucifer: Mammon, do not look at him!
Diavolo (begging): Leviathan, please! Don’t leave me!
Leviathan (mouthing): I’m sorry.
Lucifer: Leviathan, if you don’t start moving, you’re next!
Diavolo: Please!!
Lucifer (pointing at the brother leaving): Get out of here!!
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devildom-doll · 3 days
Here is my new Belphie cosplay ✨💜
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i’m still working it out but let me know what you think~ :3
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alan-without-the-an · 5 months
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so my irl got me into twst
the quality is noticably worse in the first one but shhhhhhh i did this first thing in the morning without any warmups
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diatiddiess · 1 year
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strawberry-cowmilk · 7 months
playing with the brothers' hair
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: none
it's only allowed in his room or office when he's absolutely 100% sure nobody can walk in on him getting his hair played with by you, especially his brothers
you can tell he loves it, he just won't admit it plus he denies it
like come on lucifer sir you're literally closing your eyes and leaning into the touch
bring that up and no more playing with his hair for a week though
he's like 'sure if you absolutely want to you can play with my hair, totally not because I want it, no way'
when you play with his hair he's so happy, and after you're done he's in a very good mood
like levi was surprised when mammon actually passed him the salt at dinner
mammon lets you try to do silly hairstyles on him, he shows you a picture on his ddd and asks if you'd like to recreate it
he is very surprised of course, and when he lets you he jumps away after one stroke
but he comes back just as quickly, blushing he asks if you could gently run your fingers through his hair
not only do you play with levi's natural hair, but he lets you style his cosplay wigs as well (while he's wearing them)
anyways, you playing with his hair really calms him down after losing a game or watching a sad show
he thinks it could be a nice bonding moment to let you play with his hair while he reads
maybe he can even read to you
his hair is surprisingly soft too meanwhile all he uses to take care of it is water and shampoo
satan really loves it too but he's kind of casual about it, he calmly asks if you could play with his hair whenever you're alone
one time he actually fell asleep while you were doing it
he's been waiting for this moment
he pulls out his collection of products and accessories and lets you do whatever you want to his hair
as long as you're not making him look silly on purpose it's all okay
if you don't want to use products but just want to feel his hair that's okay too of course
but he loved it a little too much, so now you have to do it every day
of course he lets you play with his hair
the first time you did it he was eating a pizza, you know he loved the feeling of you playing with his hair when he actually put the pizza away to smile at you and tell you he is loving this a lot
now beel asks you to do it after his visit to the gym (after he showered of course)
it really helps him relax after his intense workouts
he's very happy on the inside when you ask him, but he just says 'sure go ahead'
just make sure his hair doesn't get too tangled because he thinks it's a pain to brush everything out later
after literally one minute he fell asleep, that's how much he was enjoying it
now every time before he wants to nap and you're around, he gives you that kind of look you know means 'come play with my hair please'
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5mary5 · 8 days
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omatoxin · 1 year
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belphie by omatoxin
(ill draw all of them, diavolo is up now)
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witheringwidgetwrites · 10 months
Obey Me request:
Totally stealing this from another blog but the bros’ reaction to drunk MC saying “I have a bf” (it’s them) when they’re trying to help?
My scenario my rules, and my rules say Dia gets them drunk at a party!
tw for alcohol useage?
He realizes it's time to head home once you poke your finger into Diavolo's chest, slurring your words, "well YOU make Luci work wayyyy too hard, he neeeeeever has time for ME! and I'm like, so cool!" And you blow a raspberry. Dia laughs. Lucifer is embarrassed.
He grabs you by the arm, gently tugging you away and apologizing to Lord Diavolo.
Purses his lips when you push him away, "um excusee me, I have a boyfriend thank you mr.handsy." You shake your head and walk back to Dia. "as I was sayin-" his hand is clamped over your mouth and he's tugging you a little harder, his grip still gentle.
Ends up having to carry you away, his cheeks slightly flushed.
He notices you're intoxicated when he sees you sitting on the steps outside Diavolo's party, talking to a lower level demon.
As he gets closer, he hears, "well MY mammon would probably eat you if you tried that" you cross your arms, a smug grin on your face. The demon cruckles, backing away slowly before turning and running.
Mammon chuckles, grabbing your hand to lead you home, a little proud of what you said.
"no thank you, i have a boyfriend and he will eat you," as you yank your hand away and head back inside.
Chases after you, trying to reason with you, but not wanting to upset you, "Treasure, come on! We gotta head home," until you put your hand in his face and say "I'm not going home with anyone but Mammoney!"
He lets you walk off for a minute before sighing, deciding to let you stay a little longer and keep a close eye on you.
He didn't even want to be here! But he's the Grand admiral of Hell's Navy so he kind of has to go.
You're chatting with one of the lower ranking commanders until he hears, "Leviathan is definitely the strongest brother out of alllll of 'em! He's like a giant fish!" His cheeks get hot immediately, you're embarrassing him in front of his officers!!
He goes to grab your hand, until you yank it away, "um no thank you, I have a boyfriend and he'd drown you for sure."
Now he's really embarrassed, but his uniform gives him a sense of confidence, enough so he grabs your hand and tugs you away.
First he notices you crying, rushing over quickly, "what's wrong my love?"
You scoff, tears still in your eyes, "I have a BOYFRIEND, thank you" you start to cry harder, tears falling rapidly, "and I-I miss himmm," falling to your side, he moves to hold you up.
"oh my, you're going to be quite the handful tonight!" he chuckles, smiling softly as you put your arms around him.
"Wh-Where did he go," you sob, he pats your back, "im right here my love!"
"Azzy!! Where have you been?" You wipe your tears and hug him harder.
He first notices when Asmo walks past him, giggling and letting him know that you're chatting up a storm. He was engrossed in his conversation until then.
You were chatting with a group of lower demons about your partners, "well my boyfriend is the avatar of wrath, so how cool is that!" you say, pointing towards nothing.
He quickly walks over to you, his arm snaking around your waist, until you roughly shove it off, "ew, I have a boyfriend! He'd like, literally tear you apart if you talked to me." You giggle and hiccup, turning back to your demon friends, "anyway he took me on this date a-" he takes your glass away, thankful that you follow him outside the venue to get it back.
He's oblivious until he sees you stumble. Then he realizes that you're absolutely hammered. He gulps down the rest of his plate, making his way over to you, where you seem to be walking to the restroom.
He puts his arm around your waist, trying to help you walk, until you shove him away and fall onto the floor, most of the room staring at you, "No way! I totally have a boyfriend! He'd like, absolutely eat you whole and stuff!" you cross your arms, making no effort to get up.
Beel is unphased, a light blush dusting his cheeks, grabbing your arm and pulling you up before guiding you to the bathroom, waiting outside until you'd finished up.
"It's time to go home MC," he tells you once you step out. "Beel! I missed you!" He catches you when you stumble into a hug.
He's walking over to you, the party almost over, while you chat with Beel. He makes a move to put his arm over your shoulder before you shove it off and lean into Beel.
"no thanks, My boyfriend will literallyyyyy haunt your dreams," You scoff at him, "isn't that right Beelze?" Looking down at you, "definitely MC, my brother is ruthless."
"I doubt you boyfriend would mind."
He chuckles, ignoring your protests as he grabs your hand and tugs you outside, eager to get home.
Definitely teases you about it for the next few months.
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angelsdemonsandhumans · 11 months
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Mc: You are one of the most jealous guys I know
Belphegor: You know other guys other than my brothers?
Mc: . . .Solomon, Simeon, Luke, Mephisto, Raphael, my father, my human world friends-
Belphegor: I was sarcastic, geez.
Mc: oh
Leviathan: *slam door open* W-WHAT HUMAN WORLD FRIENDS?!
Mc: I found a guy more jealous than you
Belphegor: . . .you don't say?
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meyobe · 11 months
Pretty privilege…. No MC privilege pt.2
Mc can always expect him to take their side no matter what.
Mc was the first person to see past his angry and treat him like a person.
He is forever imbedded to them.
No matter how criminal the crime.
Mc was the one to start a fight? Well why was the other person fighting back?
Mc broke an expensive vase? If it’s so expensive why it is out, where anyone can reach it?
Mc started a fire in the kitchen? Devildom ingredients can be dangerous for human use-age.
He will most likely find a way to flip Mc problem on the person who accused them.
He his mind you do no wrong.
But not to be mistaken, he knows Mc is reckless but guidance is key! (He thinks)
He will put Mc comfort over his.
He’s spent millennials admiring himself and put himself over other by default.
Mc showed him that his soul is more blinding then any gold or highlighter he puts on.
Mc has showed him a new way of viewing life.
Mc looks uncomfortable sitting on the floor during movie night? Just take his seat… matter a fact his kicking his brother off so you can have space.
Mc is tired of wearing their heels? He’ll switch shoes with you.
Mc is carrying a lot of bags that look heavy? He’ll carry them himself no matter how ugly he thinks it is.
He is letting go of his persona of being perfect because Mc taught him your flaws make you unique.
Buttt old habits die hard but Mc just has to look at him and he knows to settle down.
Mc can use him as a stress reliever( not that way ^_^)
He is the strongest brother( without and magic or demon forms) he works out and knows it can take stress away.
Mc showed him it’s not enough to be strong physically, but mentally.
Mc and beel are two side of the same coin.
He never wants Mc to hold what their really thinking or feeling back.
Mc’s had a really bad day? Are we going to the gym or on a run?
Mc is refaced with a bad memory? Does Mc need to yell he will listen? Or does Mc want to punch someone or something? He is right there.
Mc feels the need to let out some energy? Does Mc want to practice with him and his team?
He knows that sometimes people need to get violent to relive their stress.
Nothing that Mc May do can hurt him. So go crazy >_<
He thinks Mc is the strongest person he will ever meet.
He strive to be just like them.
Mc can expect him to make an effort.
He’s had lots of time to dwell on his past mistakes and understand where he went wrong.
He will spend an eternity trying to make things right.
He wants Mc to know he’s trying his hardest for them.
He’s trying to living up to the honor them Mc gives him.
Mc has been feeling stressed? Flowers and a gift basket are at their door with a note that has the letter “B” on it.
Mc has to go to a meeting but also need to do my chores? He’ll make sure they’re done before Mc is back.
Mc and Belphie got Into a fight? He’s still texting them “ Goodnight, I love you “ because he knows how easily you can be taken away.
All his life his been deemed lazy or useless. It never bother him until Mc.
He is becoming the best version of hisself because he wants to be the demon whose worthy of a pact with Mc.
A/n/: should I write this for the dateables?!?!
I should also mention that I love writing so feel free to request!!
A new post about volleyball will be up soon!
Ty all!❤️
Pt.3 is up!!
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Obey Me! Demon Brothers Imagine: MC is kidnapped by a lower demon and summons them to save them
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
Dateables Ver.
Trigger Warnings: mentions of torture, punching, kicking, and choking. Slightly suggestive with Asmo? MC is tied to a chair and slightly manhandled.
You thought all of this would be over. You had been at RAD for half a year now, all the demons seemed to be used to your presence and no one had so much as given you dirty looks anymore. When you first arrived you were the target of some bullying and pranks, but after the school learned you were under the protection of the seven brothers, that ceased to exist.
So when Judas, a popular and nice demon in your history class offered to help you study after school, you gladly accepted it. It was your worst subject, and exams were quickly approaching. He was smart, pretty, and seemed to get along well with everyone.
That was what you thought until you woke up in a dark room, tied to a chair looking up at him horrified. Your mind drifted back to when he offered you a drink when you first came to the study room. He must have slipped you something and then drug you off to some secluded area.
“Why would you do this?” you demanded, tugging at the ropes that bound your fists together behind the chair.
“Because I think Lord Diavolo’s plan to unite the three realms is blasphemous.” Judas spat back. “Humans could never stand as equals to demons, and when I’m done with you, he’ll feel the same way.”
“I’ll give you one chance.” you told him with an ice cold stare, doing an awful good job at hiding your fear. “Let me go right now and I won’t summon him.”
Judas laughed maniacally, throwing his head back to the ceiling and clapping his hands. He then grabbed the back of your neck and forced you to look up at him. “Go ahead. I’m sure he’d love to join me. You may think those brothers like you, but they only protect you out of pity.”
You gave Judas a small smirk before screaming out your demon’s name, pact mark glowing brightly on your skin.
His vision immediately turned red as soon as he gained sight of what was before him. Some lower level demon was touching his human. In a few short strides he had already made his way over, picking up the scum with effortless strength and throwing him to the ground with such immense force. As Judas was whimpering beneath him, Lucifer gave a low chuckle as he cracked his neck and put his boot against Judas’ skull.
“So you’re the one who’s been stalking them? I should have known. Lower level scum like you always want to go after a stronger man’s treasures to prove something of themselves. I can always sense when someone is after my MC. I just never thought it would be someone I used to respect.” He pushed his foot down further on Judas’s temple making him cry out.
“Mark my words, heathen.” Lucifer said through gritted teeth. “You’re in for a fate much worse than you were planning to give my MC. You messed with the biggest bull in the devildom, and now you’ll be impaled by my horns.” Lucifer gave one swift kick to Judas’ abdomen, rendering him unconscious.
His demon form instantly vanished as he turned to you, practically sprinting over to you. He knealt down to your level, scanning over your body for any signs of injury with such soft eyes. “Are you alright? He didn’t hurt you did he?”
“No he didn’t.” you told him, finally feeling safe enough to release a few tears. “I called for you right away.”
“Oh my love…” he immediately wrapped his arms around you, placing your head in the crook of his neck. He pulled back to look at you with such admiration. “You were so brave, you did such a wonderful job. I only wish I could have been there to help you sooner. But don’t fret, you’re safe now.”
Now that he new you were safe, Lucifer couldn’t resist the swell of pride in his chest at the fact that you immediately called him for help. But of course, he couldn’t tell you that.
When he was summoned he was actually facing away from the two of you, arms stretched behind his head as he cracked his back. His physique alone was truly incredible, immediately striking fear into the heart of Judas, who thought you were bluffing about being able to summon your demon.
“Ah, MC, I didn’t think ya would need me so soon.” Mammon said, his words dripping with cockiness. He turned around, ocean eyes zeroing in on Judas, making him go frozen. Greed soared through every cell in his body as he realized: someone thought they could take you away from him. And there was no saving Judas after that.
At the speed of light, Mammon had him pushed up against the wall, right hand locked around his neck in a tight chokehold while his left snapped off one of Judas’ horns.
“Now, mind explaining to me what made ya think you had the right to touch my precious human?” he spat, seething with rage as he tossed the severed horn over his shoulder.
“Come on man, it’s not what you think!” Judas stammered, practically shaking against Mammon’s enourmous frame. “I just wanted to shake them up a bit! You don’t really care for this worthless human do you?”
At that Mammon lost it and socked him right in the jaw, so hard it sounded like a cannon. He then grabbed the back of Judas’ neck in the same way that he had seen him do to you. “Don’t you ever, and I mean ever, call them that. You’re about to incur the wrath of The Great Mammon, then you’ll know what it’s like to feel worthless. But you’ll have to wait for that treat until I can get MC out of this hellhole.”
In another quick flash of movement, Mammon untied you from the chair and set you down on the floor gently, then tied Judas up to the chair the exact same way. Once he was out of the way, Mammon rushed over to you, cupping your face in his hands.
“Are you okay? How much happened before I got here?” he pleaded, eyes watering the tiniest bit.
“Not much,” you told him, placing your hands over his. “You came right away, my demon.”
“Of course I did. I’m your Great Mammon.” he smirked, giving you a kiss on the forehead. “But what were ya doing hanging out with some shady guy like this?! You should be more careful!” he shook you lightly in a scolding tone.
“I’m sorry, you’re right! I shouldn’t have been so careless.” you confessed, tossing your head against his chest.
Mammon was shocked that you agreed with him so easily without any push back. He realized then that you were probably tired from the adrenaline rush of everything. He just thought of you being so strong, he didn’t even consider that you might have been scared of Judas.
“It’s alright, MC.” he said affectionately patting the back of your head, trying not to soil the moment with the ego boost it gave him. “I’ll take care of everything for ya.”
Levi didn’t like to admit it, but he could get extremely protective over you. After all, you’re his person. You guys had such a special connection that he hadn’t found in anyone else. Well, other than Henry. And while he never took much pride at all in his sin of envy, you were the only thing he was not willing to share with anyone, not even his brothers or Lord Diavolo. He would defend his right to be your demon against all odds, and the fact that this joker thought he had the right to mess with his favorite person was just unacceptable.
This was the angriest you had seen him since the TSL quiz showdown, and to be frank, you were just glad he was on your side. Levi took slow, suspenseful steps toward Judas who was paralyzed with fear, before stopping dead in front of him. Without warning, his tail wrapped around the lower demon like a boa constrictor, lifting him up into the air as he gasped for air.
“You really are pathetic, aren’t you?” he hissed, practically shaking the room with his rage. “Let me tell you this, they have more of a beloved place in this realm than a normie like you ever will!”
“C-calm down man!” Judas choked out. “I wasn’t going to hurt them! I just wanted to teach them a lesson!”
Levi giggled in that devious, maniacal way that he does at times, leaning in closer to the inferior’s face as he spoke. “Well then allow me to teach you a few lessons, hm?”
With that, Judas was thrown across the room and slammed against the hard stone wall. The force was so much that some of the rock began to crumble around his body.
“Lesson number one.” Levi began. “Never touch something that doesn’t belong to you.”
“Lesson number two…” he continued, giving the inferior a harsh slap on the back with his tail as he tried to get back up, making him fall flat on the floor with a thud. “When you do wrong, you must suffer the consequences.”
After all this, Levi yanked Judas’ head up by his hair and forced him to look him in the eyes. “And lesson three- never mess with the Avatar of Envy or his human.”
When Levi felt that his work was done, he sprinted over to you and undid your restraints, then scooped you up in his arms and carried you away to recuperate in his bathtub/bed.
“Sorry I didn’t get here sooner MC-chan! Can I make it up to you with a TSL marathon and Ruri cosplay photo shoot?”
O-ho-ho no. No no no. That scum picked the wrong human to kidnap. Satan has been known to be quite the sadist, and quite knowledgeable in the subject of torture. And this was no exception.
Satan didn’t really like to use his sin. He felt that if it was only born out of Lucifer’s rage, then giving into his wrath would push him further into his brother’s shadow. Normally, Satan would use his acquired intelligence against this demon. However, this was most certainly not one of those times. The second Satan looked into your teary eyes, he was an absolute beast. He sprinted up to the demon and tackled him straight to the ground. He threw punch after punch, until the miserable thing cried out for mercy.
“Shut up, you worthless worm!” Satan practically roared, clutching the demon’s collar with both hands. “How dare you, how dare you put your filthy hands on my irreplaceable human!” He then yanked Judas up to his face and hissed with a whisper into his ear, “No amount of pain you incur will ever atone for what you put them through, but I’ll be damned if I let you go without a punishment. I’ll see you in the dungeon.”
Then with a snap of Satan’s fingers, Judas had vanished to another location. After he untied you, you practically leapt into his arms. You were so shook up, clutching onto him for dear life and not being able to hold back your tears any longer. He of course immediately went soft and cradled you in his arms, sitting down with you in his lap.
“It’s alright my darling.” he told you, running his hand along your back, not realizing how tightly he was holding onto you until he leaned back to look you in the eye. “I guess the only thing I’m afraid of in this world is losing you. Could you ever accept such a wrathful heart?”
You put your hands around his cheeks which he immediately blushed at, turning as still as a statue. “You’re absolutely beautiful Satan. You’re so strong, but still so delicate. I wouldn’t want anyone else to have saved me.”
At that, the sound of a cupid’s arrow plucking a tiny green demon heart could be heard throughout the entire devildom. No one had ever described him so kindly. Satan now knew for sure that the only kind of demon he ever wanted to be was yours.
At first glance, Asmo didn’t seem very intimidating. With his slender frame, cute voice, and soft facial features, no one expected him to be so lethal. But Judas underestimating his love for you was a big mistake.
Asmo swooped into the room, his black wings spanning out behind him as he landed, standing tall in front of you. His doe eyes widened at the sight of you. He had only seen you in this position once before, and he could tell by the look on your face that this was not the same kind of scenario.
“MC… do you want me to take care of this?” Asmo chirped, his face looking sweet and innocent but you could see the danger that lurked behind his amber gaze. You gave him a frantic nod, and that was all the confirmation he needed.
In mere seconds, you watched your sweet little avatar of lust transform into the most terrifying being in the devildom. His eyes darkened, his veins stood out against the skin of his arms and hands, wings and horns gleaming in the faint light of the dimly lit room… to you, he looked hot as hell, but to Judas, he looked positively terrifying.
“So, you think you can tie my MC up?” Asmo sneered, striding up to Judas who was already backing away from you. “Only I get to do that, little demon. And that’s with consent.” In a flash, Judas was on his knees, absolutely captivated by the darkness that Asmo radiated. Asmo took advantage of this and kicked him up the head with his heeled boot, rendering him unconscious.
“MC!” he called out, instantly turning on his heel and running to you, tearing the ropes away from you. He wrapped you up in his wings and embraced you for a moment before pulling back to look you over. “I’m so happy you’re safe! Sorry you had to see that side of me, I know it’s not so pretty! How about I make it up to you with a night of pampering? I’ve got face masks and a rose petal bath with your name on it!”
“Oh, don’t worry Asmo…” you reassured him, pushing his honey colored waves back. “I didn’t mind seeing you like that. It was sort of sexy.”
“Oh?” he smirked, caressing your cheek. “Would you like me to take you back to my room and show you more?”
Beel was especially shocked at the scene that played out in front of him, considering he and Judas were teammates on the Fangol team. He couldn’t believe that someone he fought and played with could hurt his beloved human.
Beel’s a big boy. Like, he’s very tall. And muscular. His build alone was enough to leave Judas quaking in his boots. But that was nothing compared to the way his violet eyes pierced into him, making him feel about two inches tall.
“You’re trying to hurt… my human? MY human?” Beel demanded, towering over the inferior creature who was scrambling backwards. “What makes you think you have the right!” This was just as bad as… no, worse than when his custard was stolen.
“Beel, I…” Judas stuttered, looking around for any sort of excuse for what he had done. “I’m surprised you don’t want to share this snack with me! I mean, they do look delicious don’t they?”
Oh that did it. Beel’s large hand clasped around the demon’s throat, raising him up into the air by only his neck. He then pushed him up against the wall, still holding him up.
“Now you listen to me…” Beel growled in such a deep voice you could barely hear him from where you sat. “They are not a snack. And even if they were I sure as hell wouldn’t share them with the likes of you. Do you understand?” Judas was dumb founded, stammering and stuttering from his place on the wall. Beel was getting impatient, and slammed his body against the wall once more. “I said, do you understand!”
“Yes! I do! I promise!” Judas pleaded.
“Good.” Beel continued. “Now here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna let you go, but you’re going to run far away and never show your face in this realm again. If I ever see you around here again, you’ll wish you hadn’t been so bold as to fall from grace in the first place. Got it?”
“Yes! You won’t ever see me again in your life!” Judas cried, and with that Beel thrashed him onto the ground. He scuttled away, never to be seen again, and Beel turned back into the giant puppy that he truly was for you.
“Are you okay love? Did I not come soon enough?” He asked so softly he was almost whispering. He was feeling all over your body looking for the slightest abnormality.
“No my darling, you came just in time.” you told him, feeling so much better now that it was just the two of you in the room. You gave him a kiss on the forehead that made him smile so bright. “My hero.”
“Let’s get you out of here, yeah?” he suggested, and after you gave him a nod he carried you off to your room bridal style. He cuddled you all night after that. Well, at least until dinner time.
You were the only one allowed to disturb Belphie’s sleep. And even you thought it was best to choose your battles wisely. So when you summoned him without any warning, he knew something was wrong. All the sleepiness in his face faded as he saw his darling in the hands of some monster. He was suddenly wide awake.
“This is your demon?” Judas chuckled, pulling your neck back even further in his hand. “This is the lowest ranking of the seven brothers! I’m not so easily intimidated.”
Belphegor simply chuckled at this remark, then yawned and stretched like he normally does after a nap. “MC dear, you may want to look away. I don’t want to trigger you by acting like I did the night I attacked you.”
That was all you needed to hear before you craned your neck away from the two demons. You had forgiven Belphegor for that night long ago, but you certainly didn’t want to see that terrifying side of him again.
“Little Judas…” Belphegor went on, striding over to him with his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but you’re not the first person to underestimate my power as seventh-born… and you probably won’t be the last.” He snickered, cracking his knuckles. “But I am still one of the seven brothers for a reason. And it’s a good reason too. That’s something you’ll never forget.”
After that, all you heard was a bunch of frenzied noises, mostly of Belphegor’s blows and Judas’s begging for forgiveness. Once the noise stopped, Belphie suddenly appeared in front of you, the exact same way you saw him before you looked away.
“He’s taken care of darling.” he smiled, kissing your cheek before untying you. As soon as you were free, you sprung into his arms, burying your head in his chest and squeezing his torso super tight. He was taken aback by this for a second, but then smiled at your affections, holding you against him softly.
“Thank you so much.” you uttered quietly. “You really saved me Belphie. This definitely makes up for when you tried to kill me.”
“I’m honored, but I’m still going to spend the rest of my life proving to you that I love you. Starting with taking you up to bed and holding you close until you fall asleep with only sweet dreams.”
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devildom-doll · 6 months
My early Christmas present to you:
The brothers letters, you’re welcome~ :3
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Y/n: Hey, it's your turn to wash the dishes.  
Y/n: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes, also use soap this time?
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diatiddiess · 1 year
When they were angels 💖
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strawberry-cowmilk · 8 months
stealing stuff from the brothers' closets
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: none
imagine opening his gigantic closet and all there is are 3 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 3 blazers or whatever, a whole box full of gloves, another whole box full of socks, 2 pairs of shoes and one scarf (the cheapest item is 200 grimm too)
anyways he allows you to steal some of his stuff as long as you do not let his brothers see you with it at any cost
lucifer thinks you look adorable wrapped up in his 800 grimm scarf but he'd never tell you (you can tell)
mammon doesn't mind you stealing stuff from him, he even tries to get you to take his stuff
he's like 'look mc I got this cool hat' and then places it on your head and when you try to give it back he refuses to accept it
mammon does have a good wide range of clothes and accessories you can steal unlike lucifer
and everything he owns is either from a devildom designer brand or the devildom version of walmart
he almost passes away
not that he minds you wearing his stuff (he actually thinks it's cute, even if it's his limited edition expensive tsl stuff) but he was not ready for the jumpscare of actually seeing you with his things
eventually he gets used to it though and his closet becomes free rein for you and only you
sometimes when he's shopping for new clothes on akuzon he's debating on whether or not to buy the same shirt for you too
first of all opening his closet is a whole risk because nobody can guarantee you won't expose yourself to the worst sweaters known to man
also like his room, his closet is a mess too
and sometimes when you steal something from him, satan can't even tell you got it from his closet because it's such a mess in there and he wears just the same 3 shirts anyways
but he doesn't mind you taking his stuff as long as you don't damage anything (he won't get mad at you if you do though)
you are free to steal anything from him, and he is free to steal anything from you
asmo loves it when he sees you wearing something of his
but do not damage anything or it will upset him (asmo can be scary when he's mad but he forgives you after 4 seconds so don't worry)
at some point he gets a whole shelf for his closet and he uses it to store clothes he bought for you, so you can find them next time you burrow something
it's literally labeled 'the mc shelf'
the least ancient thing in his closet was bought 5 years ago
but if you want to steal his stuff, he'd definitely let you, he thinks it makes you two get closer to each other
beel would even let you keep anything you'd pick if you really love it
sometimes he even just leaves the item in your room
some stuff in his closet is originally owned by belphie because these twins share everything
half of his stuff consists of soft gowns and other sleep-related stuff, and he wears almost 0 of them, they're just sitting there in his closet
and he absolutely loves it when you steal his fluffy things because it looks cute and he can cuddle up to you and sleep
belphie lets you keep anything he never or rarely wore
if you frequently check his closet out, belphie will sometimes burrow something from beel and put it on one of his shelves to see if you notice (belphie also buys clothes once per blue moon)
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Lucifer the Avatar of Chismis
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