#Because I like all names for RK900 but Nines is in my heart
ao3feed-gav900 · 2 months
Fragile Machines
https://ift.tt/CquPmRw by BreakfastBro When Markus teams up with the Detroit Police Department to activate a warehouse full of androids that haven't yet awoken to a post-peaceful revolutionized world, they are shocked to find that each and every android is brutalized. Except for one - a prototype RK900 Unit that Markus cannot seem to deviate. And it is dead-set on completing its mission - to hunt down and kill both the deviant leader and all deviants he encounters. Which is bad. Oh, and it only follows Gavin Reed's orders. Which is WORSE. Gavin is convinced his world will end when he gets a Rock-'em Sock-'em Robot as his newest partner but doesn't get the choice to say no - his orders are the only thing keeping it in check. That is - until it hopefully deviates on its own and gets off of his back (If that even is a possibility). But when a mysterious and unaccounted-for deviant starts toppling the fragile peace that Markus fought and [almost] died for, an emotionless deviant hunter might just be the one thing to maintain the balance between man and machine. That is - if it can get just TWO MINUTES away from his whining, cantankerous partner. Words: 5547, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi, Other, F/F Characters: Upgraded Connor | RK900, Gavin Reed, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Peaceful Markus (Detroit: Become Human) - Character, Aggressive Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Jeffrey Fowler, Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski, Original Chloe | RT600 Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski & Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson & Connor, Hank Anderson & Connor & Sumo, Josh & Markus & North & Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Leo Manfred & Markus, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Tina Chen/Original Chloe | RT600 Additional Tags: Post-Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Canon Compliant, Simarkus, reed900, Hank and Connor are FATHER AND SON. THAT'S IT., Major Character Undeath, Screw you David Cage - I made them ALL GAY!, I now know why everyone hates tagging their works... This sucks., Detroit: Become Human - Freeform, DBH, D:Bh, Detroit Police Department (Detroit: Become Human), Post-Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Post-Canon, Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole, Elijah Kamski & Gavin Reed are Siblings, Gavin Reed is Bad at Feelings, RK900 is a Machine, Upgraded Connor | RK900 is Called Nines, The names are subjected to change, I'm feeling festive - I dunno!, Video Game, Hank Anderson and Connor are Family, Hank is Connor's dad, Autistic Elijah Kamski, Neil Newbon deserves every award, Markus and Leo have reconciled, Carl Manfred & Markus Parent-Child Relationship, Carl Manfred is dead but not because of a heart attack at the beginning - because of something else., North and Markus used to be a thing, But they had absolutely NO chemistry, So now they are like siblings, My First AO3 Post, Everyone Is Gay, Gay, Asexual Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Asexual Connor, Good Elijah Kamski, CyberLife (Detroit: Become Human), Red Markus, Blue Markus, Red is aggressive, Blue is peaceful, Simon Dies at Stratford Tower (Detroit: Become Human), He dies but Markus has been working over the past year or so to fix him, This - I think - technically counts as a major character undeath, Major Character Injury X100, Lesbians, Bisexuality, Oh - and Tina and Chloe are a thing.
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fandom-necromancer · 3 years
Coffee, Crushes and Complications 2
Okay, this was prompted a lot by the lovely @headfulloffantasy @nobodygtb2 and two anons! I hope I could do the demand justice!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 [Prequel]   [Part1]   [Part3]   [Part4]
Tina sighed. She didn’t even have to look up to know who was approaching her first thing the next morning. The RK900 stopped at a respectful distance to her desk and clasped his hands behind his back. He opened his mouth, but Tina interrupted before a single word left his lips. ‘Yes, I think Gavin meant what he said to you yesterday. No, I don’t think he wants to see you again. No, I don’t know how you can win him over.’ The android looked at her in confusion, closed his mouth and opened it again. ‘Don’t try telling me you  don’t have a crush on this man’, Tina just warned. The RK900 sighed deeply and pulled over a chair from the neighbouring booth sitting down in front of her. ‘First off, I don’t have a crush, I just admire his work and Reed seems like an extraordinary person-‘ ‘That’s kind of a crush though.’ ‘I don’t-‘ RK900 stopped and grinded his teeth in frustration. ‘Listen, I just want to apologize.’ ‘Yeah, because the last time you tried it worked perfectly’, Tina teased. ‘Maybe it’s because I approached him unexpectedly? Maybe if I could ask for a-‘ ‘A date?’ ‘A meeting’, he stressed. ‘So we can properly talk about it.’
Tina kneaded her forehead. ‘Listen, Rich, you are talking about Gavin Reed here. The guy can’t stand talking properly about anything. And I thought you got his message last time: He doesn’t want your apology. He is happy, he found his place in life. I don’t think your apology will mean much to him. Especially when you have done nothing wrong.’ She looked the android in the eyes. ‘Drop that damn apology. You did apologise and Gavin didn’t care. That’s your part done. Except if what you want from him is more than just that.’ The RK900 glared at her. ‘Hey, all I’m saying is you could ask him out like any normal person.’ ‘I am only interested in having my apology heard’, RK900 spat with a blue-tinted face, then he rolled the chair back and left Tina giggling. Yeah. Sure.
‘Don’t get too used to these snacks’, Gavin laughed as his cat basically inhaled the slimy paste Elijah pressed out of the tube. ‘Daddy did get a raise, but I can’t compete with Eli.’ ‘Oh, I don’t think you will wither away to nothing’, Eli laughed petting Bready with a smile. ‘You get fatter every time I visit.’ ‘Hey, that’s not true’, Gavin protested. ‘You are a lady! Don’t listen to him!’ Eli put away the cat snacks and went back to Gavin on his couch where the cold beer was slowly warming up. ‘Now, tell me, with whom did you sleep to get this raise?’ ‘With your mom’, Gavin muttered back what had Eli nearly choking on his drink. ‘God, Gavin, your mom jokes? Really?’ ‘Hey, with us it’s funny because I can actually say it without bashing myself.’ ‘Still gross.’ ‘Maybe.’
‘So you won’t tell me?’ ‘Urgh, I will but it’s not that interesting. Just embarrassed some rich asshole on camera and made him spill all his shit as he tried to get back on track.’ ‘Do I have to worry?’ Gavin laughed and boxed his shoulder. ‘Hey, not anymore. These days you stopped being a rich asshole. Now you are just rich. I mean come on, you basically presented the police the culprits on a silver plate. Not many people in your position would do this.’ ‘It’s bad for business if someone would find out’, Eli shrugged. ‘Better to get these idiots out of the way now and use it to better our image.’ Gavin looked over to his brother suspiciously. ‘Also androids are people now and it’s against the law to try force them back to be slaves.’ ‘Sure, that one too’, Eli grinned. ‘Seems like you compete hard to regain the title of rich asshole…’ ‘Nah, I’m just getting on your nerves, brother, believe me. I love Chloe like a daughter, even if I wanted to, she wouldn’t let me.’
They sat next to each other for a while and watched how Bready tried to hustle another snack from Elijah. ‘And, any plans for the future?’, Eli asked finally, lifting up his cat to pet her what she accepted begrudgingly playing for the long game. ‘For the future? Hmm, not phcking up what I worked for I guess.’ ‘I meant personally. Are you considering dating again?’ ‘Says the man who decided that he’s fine alone.’ ‘I am’, Eli stressed, allowing no further discussion. ‘But doesn’t mean that’s the life for you.’ Gavin sighed and leaned his head back on the rest closing his eyes. ‘I’m not saying I didn’t consider it. But I’m a bit tired of it. I mean dates and getting to know people is fine, but… Most of the time it’s just an excuse for one-night stands and if I looked for that, I wouldn’t have put in all that effort of trying to figure out whether we fit together or not, you know?’ ‘My little brother being romantic? Is the world ending?’ ‘I mean, I’m successful and happy, might as well… But nah, maybe I am romantic, but I’m done having fun and playing around, I would like something constant in my life. Damn, maybe I’m just getting old?’ Eli laughed. ‘Hey, it’s valid. I understand you. Maybe you could ask Tina, she seems to have a good nose for people.’ ‘Right’, Gavin resigned. ‘”Hey, Tina, didn’t you date a few guys in the beginning? Any of them still available?” Real good idea.’ ‘Just trying to help.’ ‘I know. Let’s talk about something else, okay?’
Elijah had stayed late and although he had helped, Gavin still was left trying to tidy up the kitchen in the evening. After he finally finished cleaning, he decided to check his phone and then head in for the night. It should turn out being a mistake:
>Hello Mr. Reed. >I am sorry for this unexpected message. I found your number by interfacing with Tina’s phone because I don’t know how to reach you any other way. >You have told me you don’t want my pity. I understand that. But I hope you understand my situation as well. I still feel guilty. But I know another apology won’t be accepted by you. >Instead, maybe we could meet for a coffee? To talk about it and get to know each other? From what I’ve seen in your work you are a very interesting man. >I’m sorry if this sounded weird. >I’m new to texting. >Please let me know if that would be acceptable.
Gavin frowned. He had immediately connected the messages to belong to the other Connor, this… Richard? But why did this android bother him again after he basically – no, literally told him to phck off? He read the texts again and hovered over the keyboard. Should he ignore it? Text back? And in what way? He was tempted to just write where the android could stick his words, but it seemed to be a honest concern of the RK. Hell, maybe e should agree just to get rid of him? A part of him was interested in knowing who the new guy was that had replaced him. A part of him he never acknowledged, because he was over his last life, he was over and done with it. He had become better. He had grown. Maybe he should do the right thing and indulge the stupid android. He sighed and began typing.
Fine.< When and where?<
RK900 couldn’t believe what he saw on the display of his phone. >I’m here, where the fuck are you? Well, he couldn’t believe the human had agreed to it in the first place. After how abrasive he had been when they had met in the coffee shop… but well, here they were and RK900 knew he just had to wait and see how it would go. I am sitting at the table in the corner. I see you.< Already got us coffee and something to eat I hope you like.< ‘Damn persistent bot you are’, Gavin sighed as he went over to the table where the Connor-lookalike sat. ‘You agreed to it’, the android shrugged. ‘Yeah, I guess I have. Truth to be told, I don’t really know why. I was a bit tipsy, but that’s no explanation.’
RK900 didn’t know how to answer to that and just pushed the coffee and a slice of cake over to the human, who huffed with a smile. ‘At least I do like what you decided to get. By the way, you don’t have to pay for this shit, okay?’ ‘You didn’t accept my apology. See it as indulging an android’s bad conscience.’ Gavin shrugged again and took the first fork of cake. ‘Hey, not saying no to free food.’ ‘Good to hear as I can’t eat it.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yes. Everything liquid is… fine, although a bit of a mess later on.’ ‘But still you drink coffee?’ ‘Like the taste.’ Gavin smirked, but otherwise said nothing until he had downed half his cake.
‘Alright, bot, what did you want to talk about?’, Gavin asked. ‘My name is Richard.’ ‘That’s a shit name, Dick.’ ‘Please don’t call me that.’ ‘Sure as hell won’t call you Richard. That’s a grandfather’s name. Chose it yourself?’ ‘No’, the android sighed. ‘But it’s what most people called me after I said it’s a name I would consider.’ Gavin huffed from his nose at that. ‘Yeah that sucks.’ ‘I mean I do like it in a way. But I still consider myself RK900.’ ‘Okay, I get how people call you Richard now.’
‘Anyways, what I really wanted to talk about was you.’ ‘Me?’, Gavin asked. ‘Really, that’s a bad decision.’ ‘I am amazed of your work.’ ‘Okay?’ ‘And how you managed to solve some cases… I truly hope to one day be as good as you were.’ Gavin looked the android in the eyes trying to figure out if this was a joke. It wasn’t. Gavin cringed a bit as he answered: ‘Well, I’m sure it’s just experience. Was in this job for seventeen years. You learn a thing or two.’ ‘But you proved remarkable talent from the very beginning’, the android pointed out. ‘Listen, you don’t need to be nice to me. I was a real asshole. I was good at one thing and one thing only and that was my job. I sucked at everything else.’ ‘I’m sure Tina would beg to differ.’ ‘Differing is her phcking hobby.’ That actually made the android laugh. It sounded weird and mechanical. ‘Oh, that’s a good one, need to remember that.’
Gavin looked at the android who grinned wide and caught himself smiling too. Immediately he willed it away. This was supposed to be a one-time thing. Letting the android talk about what bothered him and then never see him again. But… When had he decided that? He thought about what his therapist had told him. Change your old behaviours if you want to change how people see you and better yourself, fake it if you must. Was this old Gavin speaking? Or new Gavin? Phck.
‘She really can be a pain in the ass’, Richard - RK900 – whatever – ripped him out of his thoughts. ‘But she is a good friend.’ ‘You two are friends?’ ‘Yes. She honoured your promise by the way. She never talked about you. That’s actually what made me want to know you for a long time.’ ‘For a long time?’, Gavin asked, lifting one brow. ‘I mean, if you haven’t been active very long I guess everything is a long time. But no, I read a lot about you when I started to work at the police, and I wanted to know the man behind the name.’
Gavin was a bit weirded out and some part of him wanted to shut this conversation down immediately. But he decided against it. Maybe this was worth a shot. ‘Well, then ask away. I’m not that interesting but go ahead.’ Apparently that had been the only sign the android had needed because the questions started to come down like rain: ‘What kind of music do you like?’ ‘Are you a dog person?’ ‘Any hobbies?’ ‘How did you find your new job?’ ‘What’s the name of your cat?’ Initially Gavin had thought to spend an hour max at this café with the android. But the hours flew past as he answered the android’s questions and listened as he shared information on the different topics himself. And as they stood up and left the café with them both awkwardly standing on the street in front of it, Gavin realised he actually had enjoyed this day quite a lot. He looked up at the android, who rubbed his neck and… was that a blush? When they made eye-contact, RK900 spoke up, obviously self-conscious: ‘I… I really liked talking to you, Gav- Mr. Reed?’ ‘Gavin is fine. And I think I- No, I enjoyed it too. You are a nice person. You deserve the job you got, okay?’ And if he hadn’t been sure before, now that blue tint unmistakably was a blush.
‘Would you-‘ ‘Would you like-‘ They looked at each other and burst into laughter. It was Gavin, who recovered first and nodded. ‘Yeah. I would like. Next weekend? Same place same time?’ ‘Gladly.’
[>next part]
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plaidamoosette · 3 years
Call Me By My Name
RK900 x Reader
Part I | Part II | Part III
A/N: I just want to apologize because I’ve been gone so long, but now I’m in a place in life where I feel like I’m creative and I really have a lot of ideas coming out, so please be patient with me. Enjoy! This one is going to be a bumpy ride, lol
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Summary: You are an ecstatic new detective in the Detroit Police Department. It has been three years since the Android revolution, and now that they are a freed people, they are making decisions for themselves and their careers. One of these Androids is now your partner. The newest RK model, the RK900. He’s cold, distant, calculating... and oddly alluring. And with your first case on the line, you have to learn how to cope with a partner that holds you at arm’s length while fulfilling a desire that has been burning in your belly since you were a child. Revenge.
Word Count: 4587
–– November 4, 2041 ––
It was your first day on an actual case, and you couldn’t hide your excitement. Your leg bounced up and down rapidly, and Nines- your new android partner- looked at you quizzically. 
“Are you alright, Miss (Y/L/N)?” His voice was a little deeper than Connor’s, but you still had to do a double take. Their similarity was uncanny.
“Perfectly, why do you ask?” You never removed your eyes from the road. Even though the car was on autopilot, you always kept your hands ghosted over the wheel, in case you needed to take over. Downtown Detroit whizzed by as the car steadily traveled towards your destination.
“Your heart rate is one-hundred and twenty beats per minute, suggesting that you are either distressed or anxious.” His tone is cold and factual.
“Um- not anxious,” you bit your lip, “just… excited? This is my first investigation. Nervous, maybe.”
“I must inform you that, even though you may have hope for this case, statistically speaking, the rate of solving classified ‘cold cases’ is at about forty percent.” He was still staring intently, making sweat gather at your hairline.
“Hey, that sounds good to me, that’s almost fifty- which means it's a half and half. I can handle solving half of my cases in my lifetime,” you shrug and smile.
“Miss (Y/L/N), allow me to clarify- that is forty percent out of five-hundred thousand cases since the year nineteen eighty-one.” You could already tell he was going to be a Debby Downer.
“(Y/L).” You simply state, changing the subject.
“That is your name.” He replies, and with a glance, you could see he wasn’t understanding.
“Yes but that’s what I want you to call me. (Y/N). We’re partners, not strangers,” with a little laugh, turn off the car as you pull up to where the crime scene used to be.
“Oh,” was all he said, LED still spinning yellow. “(Y/N).” 
But as you leave the car, you sigh in disappointment. The buildings that had created the alley of the crime scene had been demolished, and now left a giant gaping hole in their places. A property management sign stood posted on each corner, telling you some new downtown restaurant was “Coming Soon!”
“It was unlikely we would find anything here, regardless if the buildings still stood.” Nines stood with his arms at his side, stiff, like he was expecting something bad to happen at any second.
“Nines, we’re going to have to work on your bedside manner,” you chuckle. He opened his mouth to say something and you hold up a hand to stop him, “I don’t mean literally, I mean we have to work on your outlook of things. There’s always a bright side.”
“Just as there is always something hiding in the shadows.” You stop and look at him for a moment, but his chilled blue eyes hid nothing behind them.
“Let’s just see what we can find in here.” Crossing the street, he reaches forward to open the door for you.
O'Reilly's Tavern was where the victim used to work. She would bus during the night shift, from 5 P.M. to 2 A.M., although sometimes she would bartend even though she was under the age of 21. You walk up to the woman at the bar, and begin your interrogation.
“Look, that was… hell, I don’t even know how long ago,” the middle-aged woman sighed, wiping a glass clean with a towel.
“Exactly 22 years and 12 days have passed since the murder of Barbara O’Connell,” Nines stated, his LED circling yellow. The woman scoffed, unamused.
“What I’m trying to say is that I already told the cops everything I knew, 22 years ago,” she sneered the last part in a sarcastic tone, “all I know was she was shot and left to bleed out on the sidewalk in the alley.”
“Where was she headed?” You had asked, a tinge of hope sparking in your heart.
“She always took the alley between Parker and Third to get to her apartment. Shitty place- the Riverfront Complex- she lived there by herself. Sometimes her boyfriend would stay but he didn’t live there. Didn’t even claim her things when she passed. Didn’t attend the funeral, asshole.”
“But you did?” You cocked your side, pulling out a notebook. An ancient method of writing notes in your day, but you like the feel of the pen scratching on the paper.
“Yes. It was about a month after she died. Cremated. They had to hold the body for investigation before she could be released for her service. Poor girl, she had so much ahead of her,” the woman shakes her head, wiping her eyes for a second. Although her husky voice was rough, there was a gentle tone to it when she spoke of the girl.
“You were close to her?” The woman nods at your question, and you pat her hand. “I’m sorry to be bringing these things up. I know you’d probably prefer to put it all behind you. I just want to put her case to rest.”
“I appreciate that. I just want the asshole who did this to get locked up. Who knows who else he’s killed and gotten away with?” Her rhetorical question went unanswered. “We were close. I practically raised her. Her Daddy bounced soon after she was born, and her Mama and I had been girlfriends since we were three. I took them both in, and when Jeana- her Mama- died from cancer when Barbs was ten, I took her on as my own daughter.”
“Was there a legal adoption in place?” Nines speaks up again, and the woman shoots him a glare. 
“I was her godmother, but I didn’t want her to lose her mother’s name, so I never legally adopted her. She was never the same after that,” she pours a drink for a customer at the end of the bar, before returning. Business was slow at 12 in the afternoon. “Although, there was something odd the week before she was killed.”
“How so?”
“That whole week she started getting really paranoid. Like she was being watched or followed. She begged her boyfriend to stay with her that whole week but he was out of town ‘on business’ as he said. He didn’t come back until three days after her death.”
“So he had a solid alibi?” You frown. Normally the partners were first on the suspect list, but if he had a solid alibi, then there was nothing further they could look into.
“Yeah, apparently he flew to Las Vegas for something. Never knew what his job was, I never even met him, but he had a lot of money. I was too afraid to pester Barbs on it.”
“What was his name?” She told you it was Nathan Jones. “Do you think you can run through the database of flights from 2019 and check for his name?”
“You… ‘read my mind’,” although you knew this was his attempt at humor, he made no motion to smile or even grin, which only made it more awkward to hear. You huff through your nose before returning to the lady.
“He always bought her nice things. He offered to get her a new apartment but she liked it at the Riverfront. Cheap, nobody asked questions, nobody was nosy,” she comes around the corner and sits next to you on a stool. “Listen, if I were you, I’d try to get in contact with him. I never met the man, so I have no idea what to expect from him. Maybe- if you can- find her father. Not that he’ll care, but maybe he might know something.”
“Thank you for all of your help,” you smile, patting her hand, before placing your business card in her open palm. “Call me if anything comes to mind, or if anyone else talks to you.”
“Just… watch out. There’s a lot of mystery around her. Once Barb turned sixteen, something changed. I never asked because a girl needs her space, you know, but I think she may have gotten involved in the wrong crowd. It’s easy to do, when you’re young and gullible.” She warned, and you nod your head.
“Thank you, Miss…?”
“Just call me Lonnie.”
You take your leave, with Nines at your side. You both stayed silent for a moment. Nines was the first to break it.
“There is a ticket in the boyfriend’s name that arrived on October 11, 2019 at 10 A.M., and departed October 21, 2019 at 2 A.M.” He recounts. “The credit card registered in his name was used to take a taxi back to his apartment at the Golden Peaks. Although, I can’t find a record of his face through the camera feed that was uploaded.”
“What do you mean?” You cock your head to the side.
“As in, at some point he should have shown his face in the airport, either during his departure or his arrival, but his face is nowhere on record. I checked all the footage in our databases and it is nowhere to be found.”
“So he somehow managed to sneak in, approve and check his ticket, and then leave without any cameras seeing him?” That was bizarre, and as you buckle up you couldn't quite wrap your head around it. "But that's also a lot of faces to filter through, it's probably easy to get lost in a crowd."
“Perhaps to the human mind, but I am equipped with advanced technology and would be able to recognize him instantly. I have a possible theory,” he never breaks eye contact with you as he mimics your gesture, lacing the seatbelt across his chest. “Perhaps he was able to fake his identity. Or, more accurately, he managed to send someone in his place. If I could interrogate him myself, I would be able to scan him to see if he lies about his whereabouts on that day."
"I think it's a little early for interrogations. How about we just go speak to him at his apartment?" You turn on the car, glancing at him.
"Perhaps you're right." He states and then begins to blink rapidly, before a new address appears on the screen of the GPS. "Shall we?"
"I don't think I'll get used to that." You mutter, before switching the controls, allowing the car to steer itself towards your destination.
The Golden Peaks Apartments were far from how they sounded. Settled on the other end of Downtown Detroit, the apartments were barely hanging on by a thread. The outside bricks were crumbling, most of the windows were busted out, and worst or all, the place was obviously condemned.
“I recognize this place. I think I read about a huge Android slave ring that was busted here,” you note, slamming the car door shut. 
“I recall that as well. Twenty-three androids were released, although several of them were too badly damaged due to the harvesting of their Thirium.” Nines recites, as if he were reading the article right then. And he just actually might be.
“How long ago was that?” You shield your eyes from the harsh sunlight, the waning orange glow setting the world on fire all around you. A distant flap of wings caught your attention to your left.
“Two years ago. I apologize that it did not register in my system earlier. It appears we came all this way for nothing.” If you didn’t know any better, you might have actually caught a hint of disappointment in his voice.
You hold up a hand to stop him as he opens his car door. “If the building is condemned and uninhabited, we can enter the premises for our investigation. Let’s go,” glancing both ways, you jog across the street, with Nines slowly gliding behind you.
“I cannot seem to find this claim in any legal document or mandated law. I would hate for you to get in trouble-” again, you stop him with a hand.
“Listen, sometimes you just gotta kind of… look at the rules at a new angle. And that’s what I’m doing. I’m finding a new angle,” you shrug, trying to open the door and sighing when you find it’s locked.
You walk around the side of the building, looking for any other doors. There was a window that wasn’t boarded up, but it was covered in shards of broken glass.
“I’m beginning to figure out that you have a habit of ignoring advice, so instead I shall simply inform you that I don’t think this is a wise route to take. You should find another space to enter the building.”
“Nine’s, I appreciate your concern, but I just want to see if this guys apartment is empty or if it has any evidence.”
“Evidence of what, may I ask?” He calls, his voice echoing off the alley walls.
You grunt, carefully swinging one leg over the window sill, holding onto the sides of the frame, sliding across. Suddenly his hands press down on the sides of your waist, giving you enough lift that you didn’t risk cutting yourself on the glass. “I’m hoping that I can find-- oh, uh, thank you-- find out why he is still registered at this address. There’s no other record of his residence, and if he hasn’t changed his address yet then maybe we could bring him in based off of that. Lying on government documents, or something.”
“But what exactly are you looking for?” Nines easily stretches his legs up and over the ledge, gracefully crawling through the space until he was standing beside you. The air was thick and dusty.
“Look, you said that he could have possibly faked his ticket, right? Which means he’s got to have fake I.D.’s? So I’m thinking we can either possibly find some of those I.D.’s-- which I know is just hopeful thinking-- or we can find the place where he used to hide them. Who knows, maybe he still uses this place as a hideout? It’s condemned, empty, and was a major crime scene. It would be the last place a cop would look for a guy who's hiding, right? Now what was his apartment number?”
“Somehow you are only making me more concerned for your well being in this environment.” Nines sighs, scanning the area with his icy gaze, before his eyes land on you once again. “His residence was on the fifth floor, at room 527.”
“Thank you, Nines,” you place your hand on his arm for a second, before pulling out your gun, holding it in both hands, but keeping it pointed at the floor. Just a precaution.
You both remained silent, carefully creeping through the floors, scanning each one before trudging on through all of the dust and debris, slowly climbing the winding stairs. Bits of old police tape fluttered in the light breeze that came through the windows, and the air chilled all around you, causing a shiver to shake throughout your body.
Once you finally reach room 527, you take a minute to listen in. The door was cracked, and you nudged it open with your foot, swinging your gun out to point in front of you. You sweep the area but find that it has obviously been vacated for a while. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, and you ran your finger over the table surface. Although it was old, most of the things were in good condition. Un-looted.
“Odd, you’d think that after two years of vacancy, someone would have busted in here by now to take the furniture, if anything,” you think out loud, glancing out the corner of your eye as Nines glides past. His eyes were set on the floor.
“There’s dried thirium on the floor by your foot. Just droplets, like they spilled from a container.” He examines, and then squats down to lean in close. “It’s too old for me to get a sample, so I can’t tell if it holds the data of an android or if it was pure and unused.”
“But there's nothing around here that shows he could have been making Red Ice. Surely there would be wear on the table from the set up it would take.” You mutter, placing your gun back in its holster.
“Agreed. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t holding it for transfer to an actual lab. Something that couldn’t be so easily infiltrated-” he opened his mouth to say something, but his head suddenly jerks to the side. “Someone’s approaching, on the stairwell.”
“We can’t hide, the dust trails will give us away,” you whisper yell, stepping back to close the door, turning the deadbolt into its lock.
He stands perfectly still for a moment, eyes slowly checking over the room. "There are two routes of escape. Either we risk our safety on the fire escape and climb down, or I can help you climb to the air vent and hide while I face whoever is approaching. The ladder is the safest option for you."
"But what about you? I say the fire escape," and just as you make your way to the window, a cool, solid hand snatches your wrist.
"I am not one to tolerate blatant ignorance.  Your safety is my priority and you are going to do as I say for now. This way." Nines' burning gaze made your blood run cold, but his words spiked a fire inside of you. You naturally wanted to resist, but something in his stern gaze told you that now was not the time to test him. You simply nod and allow him to pull you along.
He guides you down the hall and into a bedroom, where on the roof there was a small grated vent. Large enough for you to get through, but you knew that- even if he could reach up there on his own- his shoulders wouldn’t even make it in.
“I’ll lift you up, and you’ll need to pull the grate off, hand it to me, and then put it back in place once you’re inside.” He instructs, getting down onto one knee, gesturing for you to straddle him.
Just as you wrap one leg around his neck, wedging yourself onto his shoulders so you are supported enough to reach the grate and tug it out of its place, you hear the front door jiggle. A bang follows, and then a loud slam as something rams into the door-- it didn’t break, but you knew it was only a matter of seconds.
You grab the edges of the vent and pull as hard as you can, thankful for the hours you spent training your strength. Nines’ hands push your bottom up as he shoves you further into the vent, and you accidentally kicked him on your way up. 
“Detroit Police! Come out where I can see you with your hands up!” You hear a man shout, and you both freeze. Nines looks up at you just as you twist around and reach for the grate.
“(Y/N), there are no police officers set to patrol this area, and no calls have been made for this location.” His voice was low enough for you to hear, over the sound of the creeping steps as the man draws nearer.
“Then how do you explain him?” You whisper back, and just as you pull the grate up, the bedroom door slams open.
The next series of events sort of went in slow motion. You had slid too far forward, and your body easily slipped out of the vent, slamming into the ground-- which sent a huge poof of dust all around you-- and Nines had accidentally smacked you on your way down as he put his hands in the air.
The officer had his gun out, and it was pointed at Nines. Your lungs were screaming for air, and your head throbbed from the beating it took, but you managed to dust yourself off and slowly rise to your feet.
“My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I’m a Detective with DPD-- this is my partner. We were only following a lead on our investigation,” you begin, reaching for your badge slowly. 
“Keep your hands where I can see them,” the man’s voice was harsh and deep, and he kept his eyes trained on Nines, who wasn’t quite facing the officer.
“You-” he gestures towards your android partner, “what led you here?”
“I was simply following the lead of my partner. She insisted that this building would have a connection to a murder case that we are reworking.”
“Why this room, specifically? What do you know about the person who lived here?” The officer questions, slowly circling them, never taking his gun off of Nines.
“What do you know about him?” You break in, and he glares.
“Twenty-two years ago, a young woman was murdered. This was the home of her boyfriend. We were hoping to find him here to ask him a few questions,” Nines was talking slowly, and though his head was towards you, you could see that he was tracking the officer out the corner of his eyes.
“I don’t know anything about a boyfriend, but this was my sister’s apartment before she went missing two years ago, before the android ring was found.” The officer states, stopping where he could face Nines.
“Why is an officer patrolling an area that he is not assigned to?” Nines raises an eyebrow, his LED circling yellow as he processes the situation. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but you were burning to ask another question. You bite your lip to keep quiet.
“What was your sister’s name?”
“She was Nathan Jones before she became Hanna Tonjes. My twin,” it was then that he put his gun away and you got to take a good look at his face. Definitely older, but he looked almost identical to the photo that was on the license plate that Nine’s had shown you for the man once named Nathan Jones.
“We apologize for invading, we had no idea that someone could still be living here,” you speak softly, Nines reaches out a hand to help you stand as you wipe off as much dust as you can manage.
“Well, one can only hope she’ll be found. But how did a dead woman lead you to my sister, exactly?” The officer crosses his arms. His badge read Jones.
“A young woman named Barbara O’Connell was shot to death in an alley close to where she worked in the south of downtown. Her boyfriend was the only suspect, a man named Nathan Jones. Back in 2019, and the license was registered to this address.” You explain, pulling out your phone so you could show him the picture of the driver’s license that you had saved in your messages.
“That’s my face. Hanna changed her name in 2016, and by then she had been on hormones long enough that she looked, well... like the woman she is. Before she transitioned, she hadn’t gotten her license because she wanted to change her name first. She didn’t want a lot of records on her that showed the person she wasn’t born to be. That face on that I.D. is mine, just with her old name on it.” He states, looking over the photo. Now that you had the photo in front of your for comparison, you could see the extreme similarities. “She was my twin, but even still, she never had her photo taken before she transitioned.”
“So… Do you know where she was in 2019? There is a plane ticket that had this I.D. registered to it, but there was no facial recognition from any of the cameras in either airport. Did you know she flew to Las Vegas?” A million thoughts and theories ran through your mind.
“No. She was never one to travel. She never even left the state. I never heard of her having a girlfriend either. When we got older she ran into a bad crowd, got involved in drugs, but she got clean in our late twenties. We didn’t speak often, but we’ve always had this connection… it’s why I keep an eye on this place when I can. I know she’s out there, somewhere. 2019 was the year she went off the rails.”
“Was a case ever opened on her?” Officer Jones had begun to walk out the door, but he turned to look at you.
“Yes, but not many police officers wanted to take the time to look into a missing 38-year-old ex-druggie. If you’re stuck on cold cases, you'll probably find her file in your records. Hanna Tonjes.” With that, the man walks away, leaving you and Nines to stop and stare at each other.
“Well that was… interesting,” you break the silence, and Nines actually huffed out of his nose. His first laugh. You crack a smile. “I told you we would find something.”
“All we found were more questions. How do Barbara O’Connell and Hanna Tonjes-- previously Nathan Jones-- share a connection?” He thinks out loud, and you rub your head.
“I don’t know, let's just go back to the precinct and write our reports for the day. I’m ready for a nap,” you sigh, walking out the door. “And don’t go scan-”
“I have already scanned you. It appears you may have a mild concussion from your fall. I would suggest that you not take a nap until midnight tonight, to give your body enough time to heal without there being any risk to your health.” You sigh as Nines interrupts you.
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”
When you arrive back at the precinct, Hank and Connor are just gathering up their things to leave. Connor looks you over, before giving you his trademark smile.
“When you said you were ready to get your hands dirty, I didn’t take you literally,” he laughs, and you couldn’t help but return it.
“It’s a long story-” just as you were about to pat his arm- like you always do- a cool familiar hand wraps around your wrist, gently but firmly tugging you in the direction of your desk.
“I’m afraid she also suffered a minor head injury and needs to file her report for the day so she may quickly return home and rest.” Nines cuts you off, and you narrow your eyes at him. 
“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you tomorrow,” you wave with your free hand, and Hank stares for a minute, looking confused, before shaking his head and following his partner out the door.
You also use that free hand to smack at Nines. “I’m perfectly capable of finding my desk. I’m not that injured,” you gripe. He released his grip on your wrist, only to place his hand at the small of your back, steadily pushing you where he wanted you to go.
“While you work on the report, I’m going to run those names through the terminal.” He ignores you, planting himself in his chair, placing his hand on the terminal, allowing the skin to fade away so his android palm could sync to the screen.
Your head hurt too much to argue, and you simply placed yourself in your chair, typing away as quickly as you could so you could go home and shower off the layer of dust and grime. Maybe having a partner wasn’t the best thing in the world like you thought.
Like, subscribe, and all that Jazz! Part III soon!
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idle-writer · 4 years
His Place
Tumblr media
fandom: Detroit: Become Human
pairing: Nines (RK900) x Reader
word count: 1.75k
warnings: none
A/N: This is for the lovely anon who asked for more DBH content (I wish I know who you are so I can tag you, hope you like this!)  I hope you all enjoy reading :)
You hear someone calling your name, followed by knocks at your door. Peering through the peephole, you see a delivery guy holding a clipboard, a big human-sized box beside him. You slightly open your door, bolt still on, cautious since your part of the neighborhood isn’t exactly the safest. “How can I help?”
He says your name, and you nod. He points his thumb at the huge box. “Delivery for you.”
“I just need you to sign here and here,” he hands you the clipboard, which you refuse.
“I didn’t order anything.”
“I hauled this big heavy thing four flight of stairs. Just accept the thing so I can leave.” The man taps his foot impatiently at the floor.
Sighing, you take the clipboard from him and sign your name. He gestures for you to open the door so he can wheel the box in and you let him. He asks where he can put it down in which you pointed at a random space at your living room.
After the delivery guy has left, you inspect the box. Nothing seems out of ordinary except for its size. Grabbing a pair of scissors, you decide the box will not open on its own. You carefully drag the sharp edge of the scissors to free the box from it seal. Opening the flaps your eyes widen at what you inside. There inside the box is a man - dark chestnut hair, his chiseled face littered with few freckles, thin lips in pursed in a straight line, his eyes closed. Is he dead?! Panic surges through you, and you do something that people shouldn’t do when they see an assumedly dead body – you poke it. On the cheek. Which is incredibly soft, and cold? You shriek when you see steel grey eyes staring back at you.
“Apologies for startling you. My name is Nines,” his voice is rich and you are immediately drawn to it. “…and I’ll be your android companion.”
You open and close your mouth, gaping like a fish out of water, confused as hell as to what and why is this happening. “Android companion? I didn’t… oh god.”
Quickly pulling up your phonebook you search for his number. Only he can pull this kind of prank. The person on the other line hasn’t even said hello when you starts yelling at him, “I swear to god, Gavin Reed. Did you just send me an android boyfriend?!”
The boisterous laughter on the other line confirms your suspicions. Gavin is a childhood friend. When you were younger, he teased you mercilessly for not having a boyfriend, and you kept telling him it was because you hang around with a jerk like him too much. And when he went to the Academy, you just lost contact with each other. Until the other day, when he walks into the same café you usually get your coffee.
“You look so lonely reading your book with only a cup of latte or whatever,” you swear you can hear the snicker on his voice. “Just try and give it a few months, yeah?”
You sigh and shake your head, knowing there’s no saying no to Gavin Reed. Still as stubborn as ever.
“Fine fine fine,” you glance at the android standing at the middle of your living room, he seems to be inspecting his new environment. “But don’t they require. I don’t know. Maintenance?”
“Don’t worry about it. I have it covered. Plus that’s the latest model of its kind. It uh does it’s own self maintenance. So yeah gotta go. Bye.”
“Wait-“ you have a lot of more questions but before you can ask, he has already dropped the call.
“Is there a problem?”
You jump back, startled by the voice near your ear. It’s not everyday you have a male companion – human or android – in your living space. “No, I just haven’t done this before.”
He nods at your words, “I’d hate to make you uncomfortable in your own place. So let me know if I have to make adjustments to my configuration.”
“No, no. It’s fine. Just be yourself,” you give him a friendly smile, “This is your place now, too.”
Nines is seating in an almost 90 degree angle on the couch, feet planted to the floor, his eyes are trained forward, his LED spinning yellow. For the one month, you’ve been together, you’ve learned a lot of things about him, and he about you. You begin to notice his small mannerisms like how he subtly tilts his head to the side when he thinks.  
He begins to notice the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, or how you gently pats his arm when you laugh at something funny on the television. He also notices that there are days when you’re completely worn out from your job, but you still give him a smile and does your usual chores, ending up with you passing out on your bed.
You flop down beside him on the couch.  “Thanks for cleaning up the place by the way.”
“It’s my –“
“Yeah, yeah, it’s your job. Whatever. Still thank you,” leaning your head on his shoulder, you close your eyes. You can’t help but feel how nice it is to go home from work and find someone waiting for you. You are almost on the edge of falling asleep when you feel yourself being shaken awake.
“You have a perfectly fine bed."
“Nah, I’m perfectly fine here,” you bury your face on his shoulder, “This is my place now.”
You wake up the next day, still in the couch, blanket sitting lightly on your shoulders. You don’t know how you got into that position with your knees bent on the couch, head resting on Nine’s lap. There’s a slight soreness in the back of your neck but you don’t mind. All you can feel is the gentle caress of his fingers through your hair.
You are walking up the stairs to your apartment, silently cursing your building for not fixing the goddamn elevator. Nines is trailing beside you, finding it adorable amusing how you’re stopping every five steps to take a breath, a sound similar to a chuckle coming from him.
You are almost on your floor when something flashes by and bumps in to you. The impact so hard you feel air get knocked out of you. With your balance lost, you stumble backwards. You shut your eyes and brace yourself for the fall that didn’t come.
Nines holds you firm to his chest, “Are you alright?”
When you don’t answer, he turns you around. His eyebrows are knitted as his steel eyes frantically scans your body – neck, shoulder, wrists -  for any injuries.
“Nines. I’m okay.”
As if he doesn’t hear you, he drops on his knees and continues fussing over you, his LED spinning in quick red circles.
Using both your hands, you cup his head to make him look at you, “Nines. I’m okay. I’m fine.”
You watch as his LED slows down. Red. Yellow. Never letting go as it reaches Blue.
“You’re okay,” he mumbles more to himself than to you. “You’re okay.”
That night he tucks you to bed. You jokingly asks if he wants to share the bed with you, when he doesn’t respond, you squeeze his hand, bidding him a silent good night. He spends a few minutes standing at a dark corner of your room, watching you sleep.
The next day you wake up, he’s nowhere to be found.
It has been a week since you last saw Nines. You even contemplated tracking him down, maybe he has a GPS tracker or something, only stopping when you realize how weird that’ll be. He’s not some dog you own you can just track and put missing posters up for. He left for a reason. And the more you think about it, the sadder you get. The couch feels a lot bigger. Your apartment feels a lot emptier. Life feels a lot suckier.
A loud banging on the door followed by yell, “Police open up!”
What if they found Nines and?
You scramble to your feet and open the door. Your vision going red when you see Gavin Reed laughing on the other side. You swing a punch at him, connecting at his jaw. “You jerk!”
“What?” his signature stupid smirk on his face,  “I am police.”
“I told you, detective. That was not a good idea.”
The familiar voice freezes you on the spot. Tears starting to sting the back of your eyes. Nine is safe. He’s okay.
“Suddenly, you know her better than me? I know her since – ” Reed jeers. He turns to you , only to see you crying, face hidden in your hands. “ – woah – are you crying? You punched me yet you are the one crying.”
Your sobs becomes louder, barely muffled by your hands. Reed silently pleads for help to the android who is now glowering at the detective. Nines ushers you inside your apartment, and seats you in the couch - the same couch you two spent hours just seating side by side. Nines wraps his arms around you, letting you cry on his chest. The clean crisp smell of his clothes no longer sharing the smell of your own detergent, instead it reminded you of the first time you met him.
He waits for your tears and your shaky sobs to halt, and for your heart to rest in a steady beat. He waits for he knows you waited long enough.
And when you are able to calm down, he holds you hand, rubbing gentle circle with his thumb, gauging your reaction, calming your distress as he explains. He is sent undercover to survey the building. The guy who bumped in to you week ago is actually a wanted criminal, and if ever you see something that night, you’ll be in deep trouble that’s why Nines had to leave and make sure to capture the guy as soon as possible. His words falls in your deaf ears, your mind focusing only on two words.
“An undercover mission, huh? Just a mission. Just doing your job.” You try to act normal but ended up cracking miserably, “Why did you return then…”
Thoughts of him saying his goodbye springs in your mind, just as fresh tears does.
“I have nowhere to return to but here,” he squeezes your hand, “I was told this is my place, too.”
He will never say it out loud, at least not right now. His place is with you.
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
(Nines x Reader)
A/N: givin my mountain baby a little love cuz i still feel bad about how i had to do it to him in two birds 😔
"Goodmorning, (Y/n)," you were immediately greeted by Connor, your best friend, as you entered the precinct.
"Goodmorning Connor," you responded with a smile just like you did every day.
Looking over his shoulder you surprisingly saw Hank at his desk. You noticed that ever since Connor became a deviant he had managed to slowly get his father figure to come to work on time.
"Morning Hank," you called out to the older man to which he responded with a lazy wave.
After saying your greetings to your friends and having a little smalltalk you headed to your desk. As you put your things down you lifted your gaze, locking your (e/c) eyes with hard steel grey ones. A stare that never failed to make a shiver run down your spine. Even so, you lifted up your hand and offered the stoic android a small wave.
"Morning Nines," you said with a kind smile.
He didn't reply. He never did. But you never stopped greeting him anyways because despite the fact he may not have deviated yet, doesn't mean he's any less a person. However that didn't exactly mean you weren't a little scared of the guy. With the way he stared at you, you could only imagine he was thinking about ripping your head off. Or maybe he wasn't. To say he was hard to read was an understatement.
When you brought your attention back to starting your work, the androids eyes never left your form. What you didn't know was that he didn't hate you like you thought he did. Quite the opposite actually. He found you intriguing. It always puzzled him why you would waste time trying to talk to him. He was just a machine. There was no point.
However the more time went on the less true that seemed to become because whenever you shared a kind smile with him something in him shifted. Changed. As if there was some sort of virus in his programming causing these strange feelings. If he had a dollar for every scan he ran on himself to find out what the hell it was he'd be a billionaire. But alas they all came up with nothing.
That wasn't the only time he'd experience one of these malfunctions, so to speak. They'd also happen whenever he saw you talking with the RK800, Connor, his predecessor. But this feeling was far less desirable than the other. It made Nines insides feel like they were clenching, like he was suffocating from a lack of.... He didn't even know.
You always seemed so comfortable with him and were never not smiling. You'd even hug him after almost every interaction. But he didn't like it. Not one bit. Why were you giving the lesser model so much if your attention? He was the superior one after all. But then he'd ask himself why did it even matter? It wasn't like he cared. He couldn't care. He was a machine. That's all.
At least that's what he'd tell himself. Over and over and over again. Even when he would see the little Software Instability ^ in his peripherals. It must have just been a mistake. An error. A malfunction. Something. He couldn't actually be becoming the very thing that was impossible for him to do.
But when you glanced up and locked eyes with him for just a second, that feeling would return once again. Then he'd end up playing the memory of that moment over and over just to feel it again. Until he'd get snapped out of it by Gavin, or even himself.
It was maddening. You were maddening. You were consuming his every waking moment and you didn't even know it. That was probably the worst part. You had absolutely no clue the hold you had over him. In fact, you were afraid of him, and he knew it. What he didn't know, or understand, was that it hurt him. He'd never hurt you. He ran so many simulations in his head of situations where he'd be ordered to hurt you but he just couldn't. Something that was harder for him to convince himself was at all logical.
Software Instability ^
As the hours went by Nines found himself replaying his favourite memory of you. It was one of the few times you had tried striking up a conversation with the RK900 in the earlier months of his time at the DPD.
"So, I know everyone calls you Nines, but you do have an actual name like Connor or...?" you questioned seemingingly out of the blue, tilting your head up to the tall android.
"I was not registered with an official name, no," he replied simply with his usual monotone voice, glancing down at you.
"Well....would you want one?" you offered with a small smile.
He watched you silently for a moment before responding rather coldly, "I'm a machine. I don't want anything. Nines is a sufficient enough way to address me."
You frowned slightly at his answer and it was the first time he felt the ghost of what would become a powerful feeling.
"Alright well.... If you ever change your mind let me know," you said, your lips curving upwards once more.
Everytime he'd think back on that memory the tiniest of smiles would tug at his lips. It was the first time a human offered him any kindness, or anything at all really, let alone a name. Something that was uniquely his. He told himself he didn't need one but he sometimes wished you'd name him yourself. A thought that would be quickly shoved away, and the tiny smile gone even quicker.
Software Instability ^
By the time he was pulled back to the present it seemed like it was already the end of the day. While he was lost in his own thoughts he was still thankfully able to do his work. Maybe not as flawlessly as normal but it was finished nonetheless. The last thing he wanted was his partner, Gavin Reed, on his case for slacking.
The only people left in the office at this point were himself, Connor, Hank, and you. That was, until Hank and Connor made their way out. But not without stopping at your desk of course. He watched as you said your goodbyes, giving Connor another goddamn hug, with that brilliant smile on your face.
Software Instability ^
Once you were done wishing Connor and Hank a goodnight, you turned back to your desk to finish up a few last minute things. It was rare for you to be the last one in the office but you didn't want to leave without making sure you absolutely did all you needed to do. You didn't need Fowler on your ass.
When you were finally finished you let out a sigh of relief and started gathering your things. As you were pulling on your jacket you couldn't help but jump and let out a little gasp when you noticed Nines in the corner, staring.
"Jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack," you chucked nervously as you placed your hand over your rapidly beating heart.
Now you kind of felt bad for forgetting that he was there. It was just that he was so quiet. Like a statue or something. It was just then when a sudden realization made your guilt even worse.
"So do you just, stay here at night? In the dark? Alone?" you asked him as you gathered the rest of your things.
He gave a little nod in response, confirming your suspicions and you sighed softly.
"Well I can't just let you be alone like that so you can come home with me. If you want. You don't have to," you said, stumbling over your words as you continued.
When he didn't answer you frowned slight and gave another soft sigh. Well at least you tried.
"Well, have a good night then," you said before making your way over to the door.
Once you exited the building you stopped when you didn't hear the door close behind you immediately. When you turned around you were surprised to see that Nines was following you.
Software Instability ^
You smiled up at him and continued your way over to your car. You didn't say anything about it, you were just happy that he actually decided to take you up on your offer. That was progress in your book.
As you expected, the car ride home was a quiet one. None of you spoke and you both kept your eyes forward, save for the few glances you spared his way. You couldn't help but feel a little awkward. He looked so much like your best friend Connor, but he couldn't have been more different. You just wished he'd throw you a bone once in a while, let you talk to him without making you feel like you were an unwanted presence. But then again he did decide to come home with you. Again, a little progress was progress nonetheless.
Upon entering your home you let out an exhausted sigh, happy to finally unwind after a long day of work. As you took off your jacket and boots you noticed that Nines just stood infront of the door.
"You can make yourself at home," you said knowing full well that he'd probably wouldn't move from that spot the entire night.
You still wanted to make him feel welcome anyways. Him not being a deviant didn't change the fact he was still a person in your eyes. Even if he gives you many reasons to rethink that.
After that you went on with your night as normal. When you made yourself dinner you had to stop yourself from offering some to Nines. That would've been been very embarassing. But at least you didn't have to worry about him barging in on you while you were in the shower. It took a bit of time to get used to his staring when you watched tv until you got tired, and just as you suspected, he never moved an inch.
At around eleven o'clock you decided you should probably hit the hay. Turning off the tv, you got up and stretched a bit with a yawn before looking over to Nines.
"Welp, I'm off to bed now. Let me know if you need anything," you smiled sleepily at him before turning to head to your room.
Software Instability ^
However you stopped in your tracks when you suddenly heard his smooth voice speak up, causing you to turn back to him in mild surprise.
"I do have one request before you go," he said, his LED now illuminating a pale yellow.
"Yeah? What's up?" you asked maybe a little too eagerly.
But you couldn't help yourself. It wasn't every day Nines asked you for anything. Or talked to you at all really.
You watched him intently, patiently waiting for him to ask whatever it was he wanted to ask. When he didn't speak for a good long minute you were about to open your mouth to ask if he was okay when he moved to stand infront of you before speaking up.
"If your offer of helping me chose a name I would.... appreciate the assistance," he said, shifting his gaze away from you for a moment as he spoke.
"U-Uh yeah sure, of course!" you stuttered.
In all honesty you were surprised that he remembered that offer. Well, maybe you weren't surprised he remembered and more surprised he actually did change his mind.
When he didn't say anything else you spoke up for him, "Did you have anything in mind?"
"No. I would prefer it if you would select a suitable name for me," he said, finally asking of you what he wanted.
Well one thing he wanted from you, besides you yourself. But he wasn't even aware that was what he truly wanted. Not yet at least.
Again, you found yourself blinking at him in slight shock and for some reason you felt your cheeks flaring up.
"I uh, yeah I can do that. How about...." you trailed off, staring up at him intently as you thought about a decent name for him.
It was silent as you both stared at each other. Both your minds racing with very different thoughts. Nines LED blinking as he waited to register a new name. His first real name. Given by you.
Software Instability ^
After what felt like forever, your mind finally settled on a name you thought fit perfectly.
"How about Conan?" you asked with a hopeful smile.
The android looked off into the distance for a moment before nodding.
"Yes I think that will suffice. Thank you," he said as he looked back down to you.
"Great!" your smile turned into a grin and you felt pride bubble up inside you.
You did wonder why his LED was still yellow, however. How long did it take to process that information? You decided not to think too much about it.
"Anyways I should really be going to bed now. Goodnight, Conan," you offered him one last smile before turning to the hall towards your room.
However halfway down the hall you were suddenly turned and pinned to the wall, a hand on each side of your head effectively caging you in. You looked up at Conan with confusion and fear in your eyes. His eyebrows were knit together and his LED was burning an bright red.
"C-Conan?" you timidly spoke, not being able to hide the fear in your voice.
Was he about to kill you? What did you do wrong? Did he really not like the ne name?- Suddenly, you were pulled from your thoughts.
"What are you doing to me," his voice was low, almost a whisper and held something you've never heard from him.
But what emotion it was exactly, you couldn't tell.
"W-What? I-I didn't do anything!" you squeaked out, confusion evident in your voice.
He blinked a couple of times and his harsh features softened. You could of sworn you saw hurt flash in his eyes for just a moment.
Software Instability ^
"You don't even know, do you?" his voice was somehow softer than before.
"W-What?-" but before you could ask him what he meant he interrupted you.
"Whenever I'm around you my therium pump seems to work faster than it should, and all my biocomponants clench. It feels like I'm being suffocated. But whenever you're gone it's somehow worse. Like I'm missing a vital system. I've run a million tests but everything comes out fine. So why? Why is this happening?" He hung his head as he spoke, confusion and, what worried you more, fear could be heard in his voice.
Software Instability ^
Suddenly any fear you felt from him vanished and you were starting to realize what was happening. It made heat slowly start to rise in your cheeks and didn't at all help your ever high heartrate.
"What are you doing to me?" he asked again almost desperately, finally meeting your eyes once more.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. You didn't have a clue what to say. There was no doubt he was deviating, and there was no doubt it was because of you. After what felt like an eternity of silence you finally cleared your throat before speaking.
"I'm not doing anything, but I think I know what's happening to you," your words were soft and slow as you spoke, as if trying to calm an angry animal.
You took a brief pause for a moment until Conan's expectant stare made you to continue.
"I think.... No, I know, what you're feeling is.... It's called love," your voice remained calm, soft, and confident even.
Software Instability ^
"That's not possible," he said harshly, his eyebrows furrowing.
Fear started to slowly creep back up into you hut you pushed it down. It was obvious that this was difficult for him and he needed you. You weren't going to let him down.
"Yes. It is. Conan, you're feeling. You're becoming human," a small reassuring smile spread across your lips.
You avoided using the word 'deviant', knowing that he would see what was happening as a bad thing if it was labeled as such. But it wasn't a bad thing at all and you were trying your damndest not to fuck it up. So before he could come to the conclusion of it being a negative on his own you continued.
"And that's not a bad thing. It's a very very good thing. A wonderful thing," as you spoke you slowly raised a hand to gently rest on his chest.
However before your hand could touch him, his hand caught your wrist. His grip was tight, but not to the point that it hurt. It was a warning. So you ceased your movements immediately.
Software Instability ^
You watched as he shut his eyes tightly, his face scrunching up causing you to stay silent and still. Oh how you wished you knew what was going on in his head. The only indication you had was his raging red LED.
What you couldn't see was the multiple notices of software instability going off again and again. And as he shut his eyes he was met with a large red wall of his mission. He knew what this meant. He knew what would happen if he broke through. He couldn't do this. He can't be a deviant. But then your words replayed in his head. "And that's not a bad thing. It's a very very good thing. A wonderful thing." That gave him enough strength to finally bash that wall down.
After what must have been a solid five minutes, although it felt more like hours, he slowly guided your hand up to cup his cheek. This made your eyes go wide but you didn't dare pull away, not that you even wanted to anyways. You assumed that the action was his wordless way of telling you he did it. He fully deviated.
When he finally opened his eyes he was met with a warm, reassuring smile and the feeling of your thumb brushing over his cheekbone. His LED seemed to finally calm down to a yellow hue, making your smile grow just a bit wider in relief. Without another word you suddenly went on your tippytoes and wrapped your other arm around his neck, pulling him down slightly into a hug. Your other hand, which he slowly let go of, moved to the back of his head.
He didn't know exactly what you were doing at first and just stood there awkwardly. But as soon as he realized you were hugging him he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist. After a few more minutes of him getting used to your embrace you felt him relax into you and even nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his LED finally settling back to a calm baby blue.
You two just stood there in each others arms for god knows how long. But you didn't mind one bit. If you didn't know better you would have even thought he fell asleep. As if on cue, a yawn escaped from your body and you wondered just how late it had gotten. As soon as Conan heard you yawn he pulled back from you, but his arms stayed firmly around your waist.
"It's 12:32 am, you should go get some rest," he said softly, looking into your eyes with an amount of love you've never seen before.
"Uh y-yeah okay," you stuttered out, the heat in your face rising higher than ever before that night.
However before you even had the chance to take a step towards you room Conan took it upon himself to lift you up bridal style and carry you to your room. A small squeak left your lips at the sudden action and your arms immediately wrapped around his neck. Looking up at him you noticed his lips curling up into a small smirk and your face burned even hotter.
"I-I could've walked you know," you said, your smile betraying your tone.
"I know," was all he said as he stopped to gently place you down onto your bed.
He watched as you got under your covers and got comfortable until your beautiful (e/c) eyes lifted up to meet his. God how was it even possible you looked even more gorgeous than before. Or maybe it was that he could now appreciate your beauty in full.
"Stay?" your small voice pulled him from him thoughts and he noticed you patting the empty space beside you.
"Of course," he responded, his smirk from before growing as he moved to lay down next you.
As soon as he was laying down you covered him with the blanket as well and curled up next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him while his free hand started to gently pet tour hair.
"Goodnight Conan," you said sleepily as your eyes fluttered shut.
"Goodnight (Y/n)," he whispered back before leaning down and pressing his lips gently to your temple.
A/N: HOLY. SHIT. I got CARRIED carried away lmaooo. Over 3500 words jfc. Each fic i write gets longer and longer. Anyways hope y'all liked it as much as I did writing it!
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jitter-bug · 4 years
Just Like Me
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Taglist: @artemisfowl11
Nines x Reader (Detroit: Become Human)
A/n: Did I hear costumes with a plot twist? And 10x scary???👀 so that the request wouldn't be too short ???🔫👀 I certainly fuckin' did. This one is too long. Sorry for rush. I love you :') plz enjoy(plz) I have so many request. And I am getting around to all of them. So don't worry for anyone that's waiting for your request, they will get done I promise! (Plz don't hurt me--)❤ enjoy- p.s I also had a hard time choosing the costume. I wanted something race neutral because as a person of color myself. There's not many couple costumes out there, that...you know. So 😌 uh. I had to run off a limb here for all my POC readers. (Gang gang 😩) (give me feedback if you any more of this, I know some people messaged me about continuing Fear. I don't do series. But I'll do em' we lit over here😩😪💅) p.s.s I edited it to gender neutral, so sorry for any errors-- (donthurtme)
"What do you mean, no?" The defeated tone of the detective echoed through the bullpen. Arms crossed as they stared at Hank. He was sitting at his desk. A hand placed on the desk as he stared at the terminal. In a way so he wouldn't have to stare at the perplexed expression of Y/n. 
"Kid. I'm too damn old to be dressing up in costumes." Was his reply. 
Y/n had woken up that very morning. An idea engraved in their brain like their body threatened them to remember it and not let the wonderful idea go. 
The DPD was throwing a Halloween party. Which was really a celebration for Chris, he was finally promoted to being an official Detective, and for his celebration. There would be a themed party. Considering the fact that Halloween was creeping in around the corner. Y/n soon thought that they wanted to wear a costume, with someone that is. They thought sharing laughs or even going to the party dressed as characters would be fun and yet entertaining. Their first thought was Hank. But, he undoubtedly shot the idea down. And declined. Hank saw the unamused expression on their face when he tore his gaze from the terminal. Their fist was planted on his desk. As their hand was on their hip. Their eyebrows furrowed. Giving him a look that he was used to seeing when they helped him speak with suspects in the interrogation room. Though, their expression was not as hard and more so serious.
Connor, who was sitting at his desk. Across from Hank. Stared between the two. His LED teetering back and forth from yellow to stark red. 
"Go ask Gavin." Hank brought up the name that seemed alien to him as he scoffed slightly at his name. Y/n quickly lost their expression before shaking her head. They couldn't say Y/n and Gavin were enemies. But they haven't interacted with each other to a point where Y/n would see themself asking him to join them on their dress up crusade. 
"No." They replied. Hank has been staring at the ceiling. Arms crossed. Once hearing Y/n once again. He landed his gaze back onto them. His index finger tapping his arm. 
"Go ask your partner."
Nines stared at Y/n. The two staring right through each other, but Y/n could feel themself crumble under his steel gaze. His eyebrows furrowed slightly. In an attempt to see through Y/n. 
Nines originally was Gavin Reed's partner. Until Chris was recently promoted to a Detective and made to be Gavin's partner. Which pulled Y/n from Hank and Connor, into being Nine's newest partner. 
Before then. They hadn't really interacted with him. Occasional greetings and ludicrous jokes between Y/n and Gavin. In which the rk900 ignored, he never cared to learn much about Y/n- or anyone at the station at that. He was reserved, observant, stern and very stoic. He...lacked certain things other deviant androids had. 
People around the prescient knew about him. But never spoke to him, reasons being his lack of expressing himself gave people the assumption that Nines was genuinely just a rude android. Which...Y/n could see why. He didn't tolerate childish behavior, at all. Rarely participated in any outings the station threw, such as celebrations if someone was promoted. Birthday parties. Or just a genuine outing to celebrate and catch up with one another. Nines was always at the station, he - In a way deemed to separate himself from others. His eyebrows were always furrowed. In a way to resemble a scowl of some sort...which he always did. 
Of course, Y/n could somewhat tolerate him, once they were paired together, Nines was non-stop pestering Y/n with things they needed to get done, things that weren't done right. He always pointed out the imperfections and mistakes rather than the good. Y/n couldn't say they were exactly friends with the rk900. He made it hard for it to be anything other than being partners. But, today was the day, Y/n decided it would be best to try and find a way through his cold exterior. 
Nines didn't say anything. Y/n held her hands behind her back. The slightest smile trying to make its way onto their face. "So...I was thinking." 
They started. They didn't feel nervous. But rather awkward from the sudden request. Nines didn't say anything. Instead keep his arms behind his back as Y/n slowly sat down on the desk. Planting their hands on their knees. "I was thinking, maybe me and you should go to Chris's celebration together tomorrow night, you know. As partners? Amigos? Buddies?" Y/n reached up. Placing a half-heartedly punch on Nine's shoulder. 
"And. You know. Dress up? Costumes? I'd think you'd enjoy it. You know, you've been really working your heart out for these past few weeks Nines, and I think maybe you would like a break. You know, wind down." They explained. In their head. The explanation was fool-proof. Nines had been working a lot. In fact. The whole station was. With the new cases of Red Ice popping up around Detroit. Everyone had constantly been on their toes. 
"I'm incapable of getting tired, Detective." Nines replied. He turned to fully face Y/n. His arms that were once behind his back, now by his side. 
Y/n felt themself run into a dead end. 
"I know that Nine's I'm not stupid." She muttered. Instead of replying. He only stared at her. Blinking once, that was so it took. Y/n could tell what he was thinking. They sneered.
"That's not funny, I'm serious."
"My apologies. I was unaware I was making a joke--"
"Anyway!" Snapping their fingers to get back on track. Y/n sighed. Rubbing their temple before looking back at Nine's form.
"If. You go to the party with me, and agree to wear a costume with me. I promise I'll stop fooling around on the field." They tried to compromise watching as Nine's was already turning away from her to walk over to his desk. 
"I'll even stop making those lame ass jokes for an entire week. I can't say for..forever, But I mean a week has to be at least decent." They spoke up. Raising their voice so he could listen. 
"A month." Nines said. His back turned from them. But Y/n could see him grabbing stacks of papers and placing them in their designated manilla folders. Y/n stared at his back. Eyebrows furrowed as they tried to piece together what he meant, the rk900 seemed to be aware of how perplexed she was. 
"You'll focus on the assigned case you have, without constantly getting distracted, for a month. If you can agree to that. Then you've found yourself someone to go to the party with."
He explained. Y/n jumped slightly, the excitement shot through them like electricity, sparking them to life. This was new! Certainly new!
"Wait, are you serious? Oh my god!" They squealed. Kicking their feet so hard Y/n was afraid their shoe would fly off, flying across the room. As funny as the scenario might sound, Y/n was too distracted with the offer to worry about anything else. 
"1 month?" They asks. 
"1 month." He repeats. 
"I mean...what about 2 weeks?" They bargained. A month, where they couldn't bullshit around at work. It felt like a sin to Y/n.
"1 month."
"But...Nines that's too long." They tried to whine. But Nines turned around. Holding the folders in his hands. 
"1 month." He repeats.
"2 weeks?"
"1 month."
"....3 weeks?"
"1 month."
"No! Come on. 2 weeks. Take it or leave it!" Y/n shoots their hands in the air. Drastically expressing their distress. But Nines didn't seem to show an ounce of sorrow or care for the matter.
"Do I hear 2 months?"
"Okay, no! 1 month!" 
With what Y/n assumed would be the end of the discussion to Nines. He nods. 
"Okay then. Now. What is it that you have planned?"
"Okay. So. I think maybe we should do something scary. 2 years ago. Me and Hank dressed up as clowns, and scared the hell out of Gavin. It was hilarious." Y/n absently spoke. They searched through their phone for ideas that may spark interest in them. Deciding on creating something new and from scratch. 
Nines was busy placing items in Y/n's bag so the two could leave the station and do whatever it was Y/n had in store.
Nines zipped up the bookbag before turning away from the desk to face. Only to find them already examining his form. 
The yellow soon took the place of the blue on his LED. His eyebrows furrowed. 
"What?" He asks. Y/n hummed. 
"I was thinking of what would suit you." They replied. As they spoke Nines handed Y/n their bookbag, which they thanked him before slipping it on over their shoulders. 
"We can head to my house and see ideas from there." Y/n started. Adjusting the straps onto their shoulders as they took several steps forward towards the exit. They didn't have much time from now till tomorrow night, the gears in Y/n's head were turning. What should they do? What should they dress as for their costumes? And most importantly. Make sure Nines had a good night out for his first ever outing. 
Y/n placed the phone back in theirpocket. Before reaching over to unlock the door. They felt Nines walk behind them, swatting and flicking their hand away from the latch to open the door. 
"I'm driving. You get to the passenger side and think about what your plan will be." Nines spoke. Y/n flinched their hand away from the latch. 
"Ow, okay, okay--" they made their way around the car to the passenger side. Y/n was positive the only real reason he wanted Y/n to sit out on driving was because last time they were behind the wheel, a favorite song of theirs that they vaguely remembered from some time ago came on the radio station when they were patrolling the downtown area of Detroit. 
All Y/n could say was how Nines was extremely pissed with their screeching out lyrics that he wasn't paying attention to. More of Y/n's abrupt screaming. Which is why he didn't want them touching the wheel while he was in the car with them.
Slipping inside the car. Y/n closed the door. Hearing from their opposite side that Nines was in the car as well. 
"Keys." He spoke up. Y/n automatically reached in their dress pants pockets in search of the keys. Once feeling the cool metal against their digits. They handed them to Nines. Where as he started the car. 
Y/n slide off their bookbag. And turned to toss it in the back of the car. Where a paper bag was seen lazily balled up on the floor. Seeing the Red Ice cases increased exponentially, there were many stakeouts that Y/n and Nines were assigned to. Sitting out in the car for long periods of time did spike up an appetite in Y/n's stomach every once in a while. Of course, Nines scolded them for not eating before arriving on the scene, but that didn't stop them from getting food. 
Once situated and Nines driving down the street. Y/n slipped their phone back out. 
"So. How do you feel being a butcher?" They asks. Nines stared at the road. Silent for a moment as he contemplated what Y/n said. 
"A butcher..? Odd, how would that in any way be a good costume?" He asks. Y/n placed their phone their lap. 
"Bloody butcher. You know. Kill people? Chop chop? Blood. Chains and all that jazz." They replied. Flipping through the many photos of cheap costumes that would wear out in later than a few months if they were to purchase one.
"I can't make a firm decision on what to wear. You do that." He spoke up. Y/n hummed in acknowledgment. As much as they wanted Nines to choose for himself. He often had a hard time doing so. Of course he did things his own way, but only for a purpose of doing his job. Completing his mission. 
"Well then. Butcher it is," they replied. 
Once making it into the warm house that groped around Y/n with its comforting warmth. Y/n dropped their bookbag on the ground by the couch. Plopping down onto the cushion. And letting out a long needed sigh. They heard Nines close and lock the front door. 
The tension in Y/n's muscles slowly eased its way into relaxation. This wasn't the first time Nines had seen Y/n's place. Only resorting to be at their doorstep to wake them up at ungodly hours for emergency crime scenes that so happened to pop up out of nowhere. Or to drive them home when they are tired to do it half the time themself.
The TV was still on playing from earlier in the morning when Y/n left. On the same channel and same soft spoken volume. 
"Alright. Come on. Sit." They finally mustered up the energy to speak. Nines - who was standing next to the couch, took a seat next to Y/n as they opened their phone once more. 
"So. I was thinking on the way here. A bloody butcher. Both you and I. I think that would be fun." They proclaimed it was some extremely good news. But to Nines, it was more of good news to Y/n, but he didn't say anything. His pale optics pierced Y/n's face. His eyebrows raised slightly. Y/n gave him a smile, one of reassurance. "Oh come on, don't worry. You'll love it. I saw you have a knack for violent things." They chuckled. Moving over to their coffee table to pick up the laptop that was sitting on it. Nines LED flickered a stark red. 
"I'm assuming you would think I'm a violent person because of how I handle things on the field?" It didn't sound like much of a question.
 "Well duh. You do tend to man-handle the hell out of the suspects." Y/n replied. Nines didn't say anything else. Instead, watch as Y/n typed into the computer. After a while. They sat back on the couch and glanced at Nines. 
"This should work out. Not to mention be a good sight for my budget." They said. Y/n turned the laptop around and showed a photo of the costume, which was just general ideas of what items they planned on looking for. 
Nines stared at the screen. His LED circling around. Once. Twice. Before turning yellow. 
"Are you purchasing these from a store?" He asks. Y/n nods. Nines nods as well. 
"Yeah. Tomorrow after work we both are going to go gather the materials to put together the costume. Oh, this should be fun! Believe it or not. Gavin is such a scary cat. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to scare the hell out of him!" They gave a laugh before setting the laptop on the table. 
"But, really Nines. Thanks for agreeing to do this with me. I promise. That when this is all over. I'll not goof around for 1 entire month." They said. Y/n lifted their hand, poking out their pinkie finger. Nines stared at their hand before looking at them.He lifted his hand before pushing Y/n's hand away with his back hand.
"I'll take your word on it, Detective." He says. 
"Oh come on. Don't be like that. Smile for once. My gosh." Y/n lets out a chuckle. Lifting one hand to pull at his cheek. Her thumb tugging at the corner of his right lip in an attempt to tug it upwards. Nines - once again, swatted their hand away from his face. A scowl interrupting his blank expression.
"Whatever, tomorrow. It'll be great, you'll have fun, I promise."
Nines watched as Y/n stated at the rack of clothes. Having trouble deciding what Nines would best fit his costume. They decided to purchase his first. The two left the station an hour ago, to get ready for the party that was only 4 hours away. And time was ticking rather quickly with Y/n staring at the rack of clothes as if they had a hard time finding what to wear. 
Nines felt his hand lift up. Rubbing at his temple. His elbow resting on his other arm which was across his torso. 
Y/n let out a hum, signalling they heard what he said but kept their gaze on the rack.
"I think this would go by much quicker, if I were to pick out the clothes, and when you get home. You can put them together." He spoke. Y/n turned to face Nines. He saw them cross their arms. 
"Are you calling me slow?" They asks. But, he could tell Y/n wasn't offended by their ack of anger that he so happened to be acquainted with. 
"More, indecisive." He corrected. He saw their eyebrows furrow. But they quickly rose up as they understood what he meant. 
"I'm not having a hard time picking...just--look, this is supposed to be a me and you thing. Partner to partner, friend to friend. You know. So we can spend more time together instead of always yelling at each other like at work."
It was true. Nines and Y/n rarely got a long at work, Nines being a reason for the constant start of an argument between him and Y/n. That being either working on a case. At the station. Or even at a stake out. He always seemed to feed the flame just to spark Y/n's anger into nothing more than a hungry flame ready to lash out at anyone. But that was because Nines wanted things done the way he wanted them done. And Y/n rarely gave him what he wanted...and that was being serious on the job. But the explanation did make sense. More time spent outside to get to know more about each other...or rather spend more time with each other, could lower their rate or going after each other's throats. 
"So, you know. Come on. Let's Both pick our stuff out together." A hint of hope was evident in Y/n's voice. Nines nods, taking several steps forward, to analyse the rack. 
"I think you can do something with this."
"Ow! Stop! Stop!" Y/n hissed in pain, feeling Nines peel off the face mask from their face. They tried lifting their hand up to push his hand away. But he was one step ahead. Smacking their hand away for the upteempth time that week. The two finished picking out the clothing and items for their costume, only had 2 hours left to get dressed and ready, a lady that was an entrepreneur and had a clothing line. Gracefully gave Y/n and Nines a discount on what they needed for their costumes. Finding the generous offer kind, Y/n paid more than needed for the clothes, and spent almost half an hour speaking to the woman. Which knocked off much more time than needed. And Nines didn't want any delays in getting dressed - so almost immediately once the two reached Y/n's house. He started laying out stuff so the two could get ready. 
The first step being to peel off the face mask for Y/n so once they put the make up on their face for the costume it wouldn't be mixed with any bacteria and dirt. Which also was a pain in Y/n's ass to feel the mask pulling at their skin. And how Nines didn't seem to care much, instead. Resulting in him snatching off the mask piece by piece.
"You asshole! You're doing that on purpose!" Y/n barked. They reached up to punch Nines in his chest. But was interrupted by him snagging at the mask on their face once again. Placing the pieces in a trash can he took from the kitchen. 
"It shouldn't hurt that bad, stop whining. Or else this will take much longer than needed." He finally spoke up. Y/n sneered slightly as they felt him tilt their head so he could get the rest of the god-forbidden mask that seemed to be glued to their skin. 
After finally getting the pieces peeled off and placed in the trash. Nines stood up to take the trash back to its original spot in the kitchen. Y/n rubbed at their face. The skin feeling somewhat smoother, her pores finally able to get air comfortably. 
"Okay. Happy? The horrible dreadful part, as you quoted, is out of the way." Nines said. As he spoke Y/n mumbled a 'fucking finally' - and stood up. 
"Okay, we have plenty of time, Oh my god, this is going to be fun. Okay!" Almost immediately, Nines saw the excited expression overtake their expression again. Watching as they grabbed one of the bags and tossed it over to Nines. 
"Get dressed. I'll come back in here when I'm done."
Y/n was surprised with how their costume came out. The idea in their mind wasn't as exciting as they once was thinking. But seeing the white knee length apron. Black dress shirt, the tattered jeans that were tucked into the dark rain boots showed that the costume was supposed to resemble some sort of butcher. A few things are missing here and there. But was still proud of how it came out. 
Deciding on going back in the living room to get the last back on the coffee table they remembered leaving on the table. Which contained the makeup and fake blood for the costumes...which of course was supposed to be added last. 
Walking down the hall and into the living room. Which was empty, in which Y/n didn't seem to take surprise. Thinking Nines went off somewhere in the house(such as the bathroom) , go get dressed. They didn't bother calling out for him. Instead, picking up the bag on the table to look through it. Seeing the many items in the bag, having a hard time choosing what to use first, they stared at the back in contemplation. Unaware of the sauntering figure that was creeping up behind them.
Deciding on finding it to be best, wait for Nines to come back and help with choosing what happens next. They places the bag on the table once again. They turned around to go and look for Nines. Only to quickly pause in their movement upon seeing the figure behind them Y/n jumped slightly. Their calves hit the coffee table. 
It was Nines, dressed in the costume, the black apron tied to his waist tightly, instead of a dress shirt that Y/n sported, Nines had on a black turtleneck, which really fit with the costume. Y/n could see the chains wrapped around his wrist, the sound of the metal clanking against each other. 
They saw the pig mask, the one Y/n picked out because Y/n found it oddly suiting Nines. The boar's head seemed pretty realistic, the blemishes and red markings on the facial area wavered Y/n's sense of security. They could barely see his eyes through the mask...where the eyes are of course.
"Jeez. You scared me there for a second." Y/n mumbled. 
But, Nines didn't say anything. The feeling of his form towering over Y/n, made them realize how some suspects the two brought in everyday had to face his wrath in an interrogation...or just a simple ass kicking. From what Y/n remembers. Nines never lost in a single fight. 
"Is this your way in trying to scare me? If so. It's not working." They let out a chuckle, which was half-heartedly. Nines - instead of replying. Let out a grunt. Which Y/n could deem animalistic. Y/n flinched. Shooting him a glare in a way to get him to knock off whatever he was pulling. 
"The hell? Did you growl at me?" They spat. Instead of - once again. Not replying. Nines turned around to walk off down the hall where the bathroom was located. 
"Where are you going?" They asks. There was no reply. Only the sound of the chains clanking against each other and the squeaking of the rainboots answered them question. 
"..." Y/n felt their eyebrow twitch. Almost a second letter. Nines came back out the hall. Looking the same, except holding the boars mask in his hand, which he didn't seem to have any interest in wearing. 
"Dude, what the hell?" 
Nines looked at Y/n. His LED flickering to yellow almost instantly. He raised an eyebrow; "is there a problem?" He asks. Y/n scrunched their nose up and nodded. 
"Uh, yeah. You were just out here - not even a minute ago. You just walked off. Not to mention, growled at me." They answered. Y/n saw the LED on Nines temple slowly circled to the stark red, his eyebrows furrowed. 
"I was in the bathroom all this time." He said. Y/n only gave him a blank expression. Which only remsebled an expression that they didn't believe what he said. 
"I was--"
"Anyway. Come on. Let's put this last bit of stuff on so we can leave."
"You're getting blood everywhere." Nines informed. Watching as Y/n drove down the ride they tried sitting themselves in the seat comfortably so the fake blood on the apron wouldn't smear on the car seat. It would be a pain to get it out. 
"I know that, Nines. Shut up, pighead. Besides, it's not even real." They muttered. Nines lifted the corner of his lip in a way to sneer. 
"Hilarious. I almost forgot to laugh at that one."
"You forget to laugh everyday." They quickly shot back. Nines only rubbed his temple with a sigh. "You truly are a mess." He sighs. Y/n laughed, keeping their eyes on the road. 
"You're damn right, a hot mess. Trust me. Tonight will be fun! Don't worry, really!" Nines didn't reply. Instead watched the road and the many buildings that passed by. His gray optics flickered over to Y/n. Spending an entire day with his partner did have its ups and downs. But it wasn't as life-threatening as he thought it would be. 
"So. Are you enjoying yourself so far? You know. Being costume twins and all. I think it's fun." Y/n asked. Nines tapped his index finger in his knee. 
"Rather childish. But if it can get you to stop quiping me about dressing up with you. I guess this won't be too bad." He responds. Hearing Y/n tap the wheel with their fingers. 
"Thanks for doing this with me, really. Maybe tonight you and I can go and get something to eat."
"I don't eat."
"....I mean. You could at least act like you do. Like jeez, what the hell." They muttered. Once again, complaining. Mumbling about. "Just stuff the food in your mouth and spit it out. Make it seem like you can or something--"
"Alright--okay. I'll take you out to dinner tonight. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Nines finally spoke up. Interrupting her from her charades of complaining. Almost quickly, a smile replaced their frown. 
"Yes, sir. That's exactly what I want to hear. You. Nines. My partner. Taking me to get dinner." They quipped. Nines glanced at them. Shaking his head slowly. 
"Holy shit!" Gavin stared at the two. Watching as Nines was busy behind Y/n speaking to Hank from behind the boar's mask. A smile graced Hank's lips. His hands on his hips. He didn't dress as anything like the majority of the people did. Instead...well...showing up in his casual clothes. 
"Wow. Next year. Me and you and dressing up together." Gavin nudged Y/n's shoulder. Causing them to chuckle. 
"I mean. I was going around the office asking people. And they either were dressing up as something already, or were dressing up as something already. Same thing. I know." They grinned, already knowing what Gavin was about to say. 
"You didn't ask me you little shit!"
Gavin rolled his eyes. Swatting his hands in a way to shoo the conversation away. "Nines look terrifying as hell." He looked over at their partner who was still speaking with Hank. Y/n nods. 
"I'm not surprised. You're scared of everything." She said. Gavin shot her a look. 
"Hey, plastic-prick. Over here!" Gavin snaps his fingers. Y/n saw Nines look away from Hank. And over to Gavin. Hank looked over as well. Nines walked over to the two. Once in earshot he turned his head away from Y/n to look at Gavin. 
"Yes?" He asks. Gavin flicked the boar's snout.
"I don't know what I expected wasting my time walking over here." Nines muttered. Gavin laughs. Almost immediately, Nines jumped towards Gavin. Which also startled Y/n. The two shrieked at the sudden action from Nines. Hearing Hank laugh in the background was what pulled Gavin from his pose. Which he moved to grip Y/n's shoulder. In a pose like he was hiding behind them.
"You Jackass!" Gavin shouts. Hank howled with laughter. Walking over to give Nines a pat on the back. 
"Good one!" 
Y/n felt their heartbeat in their chest like drums. They couldn't find an exact reason why they got jumpy. Letting out a sigh as they placed a hand on their chest. Hearing Gavin bicker in the background along the lines of "I'll fucking end you!"
Meanwhile, Y/n stared across the street. Which had a good view of an alleyway. Seeing two figures facing each other. Once being noticeably shorter than the other.  The short figure...which the two really resemble the silhouette from the lack of light in the area (considering the sun had set) the short figure seemed to be pointing its finger at the taller figure's chest. From the body movements the person seemed to be angry. As on the other hand the taller figure - standing still and stiff as a plank just stood there. 
Y/n watched for a few more moments. Whatever commotion they were hearing on their side of the street was muffled to them.
Soon, the short figure head turned towards the direction Y/n was in - across the street. Which the taller figure took notice of. The two stared at them. The tall figure seemed to tap its leg. Causing the short figure the scurry off somewhere in the shadows of the alleyway. 
Raising a hand. The tall figure that was left in the alleyway waved. Y/n furrowed their eyebrows. 
Who the hell was that?
"Y/n! Come on, get your ass in here before you freeze!" Y/n heard Hank shout from the door. Y/n quickly snapped from their clouded reality. Looking at Hank who was holding the door open. Shoot a gaze back at the alley, only to see nothing. 
"And I said. Give me my shit. Or I'll put a foot up your ass." Gavin said. The booth that was placed in the back of the room, either chuckled, laughed or said commented on his story. Which was Chris. 
"Honestly. I wouldn't be too surprised if she got a restraining order on your crazy ass." Chris chuckled. Gavin only shot him a large grin. Chris's wife smiled at the two. Shaking their head. The majority of the party dressed up. Either it being werewolves, vampires, zombies. It was something...despite the fact that one of the officers came with a macaroni box. 
The booth sat, Connor, Hank, Nines, Y/n, Gavin, Chris and his wife. Drinks were passed, and also laughs. (Will except from Nines of course)
The night was smooth. And not to mention fun. 
Y/n, still kept tethering back and forth from the odd altercation at home with Nines. And from what they saw in the alleyway. 
Nines sat next to them. Listening to Gavin speak. On and on. 
"So. Are you two still together or not?" Chris asked. Gavin's and his significant other had...somewhat of a toxic relationship. Constant fighting, either it be verbal or...from what Gavin didn't want to admit. But it was obvious. Physical. From both parties. But, Y/n never really intervened. It wasn't their business. So they didn't care much about it. Though the stories were funny. 
Digging into their pockets in search of their phone. They didn't feel it. Taking note they must have left it outside in the car. 
"I'll be right back. I have to go get my phone."
Sitting in the driver's seat. Y/n checked to see if the device was at a proper percentage. She closed the car door and sighed. Scrolling through it sees nothing new. They turned around to face the building to return. They stopped and looked up. Seeing a figure by the light pole in front of them The figure had the same costume as Y/n. The apron. The boots. Pants. Looking up they saw...the same face. It was Y/n!
The dark circles under the eyes were much noticeable. The blue surgical mask covered the lower half of the person's face. But Y/n wasn't stupid. They saw themself many times in the mirror to tell who it was. And every strand of hair on the person's head. Could tell that certainly was Y/n. 
The e/c eyes stared at Y/n's form. Boring into their face. A feeling they similarly got only from Nines.  But the gaze coming from..them, made Y/n freeze.
Staring at the person. It was like an exact replica, a doppelganger. 
Y/n could hear the sounds coming from the person. A muffled purr of some sort, scuffling shoes. It couldn't seem to stand still.
"...who are you--" Y/n was cut off by the doppelganger launching itself towards them - gripping the side of their face. It's nails digging into their skin. Y/n let out a surprised scream. Hearing the strained grumbles and grows coming from the thing on top of them.
Y/n felt themself land on the ground. The concrete knocking the wind from their body. Y/n was more surprised than scared. Of course they had many hand to hand combat on the field. But this didn't feel right at all.
Acting quick and raising an arm to shove off the doppelganger. Switching sides as they were now on top of the person, straddling it by the hips, Y/n felt it shift and swing an arm. Y/n quickly backed off of the person in an attempt to not get hit. It had a knife. Making it clear that it was meaning to harm Y/n. Y/n quickly backpedaled and stood up.  The sound of their huffing and puffing. And both of their shoes scuffling on the pavement. The person stood up. Shaking itself as if to remove the dirt that collected on its shirt from the pavement.
"Y/n. What's ta-"
"Okay, so Nines! There's some weird shit going on!" Y/n jogged over to the door that Nines held open. He was now staring at Y/n's doppelganger who quickly had stood up staring at the two. Once it made eye contact with Nines. It seemed to stop in its former actions and stare, before scurrying away down the sidewalk. 
"Who was that? What's going on?" He asks. Y/n shoved Nines into the building as he spoke. 
"I don't know! But we have to do something!" She shouts. The LED on Nines temple was flickering from red to yellow. Y/n was already making their way towards the booth. 
"Hank. You would not believe this. But I just got attacked by my own self. We need to find out what's going on." Y/n interrupted whatever conversation he was having with the group at the table. Connor was the first to look over. 
"Yes! Now come on. This is serious." Hank could tell whether or not Y/n was joking or not. Which...truly wasn't that hard to tell if they were. He stood up from the booth, luckily he was seated on the outside. 
"What's going on?" 
Nines soon made his way over to the table. 
"I was attacked by someone who looked exactly like me. Which, that can explain what happened earlier today. But! I have a crazy ass doppelganger!"
"Oh Christ." Hank muttered. Crossing his arms and looking at Y/n and then at Nines. And back at Y/n.
Gavin soon stood up.
"Oh, I have to see this." He spoke up. Hank ignored the man and looked back at Y/n. "Where did you last see this person."
"When I was outside. It attacked me--"
"The hell? Did you go after them?"
"No. They ran away before I can even do anything." Hank nods. Snapping his finger and pointing towards the exit.
"To the car. Let's go. Connor. Come on." Connor stoop up and stood next to Hank.
"Looks like we got some searching to do."
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wolveria · 4 years
Blue Moon - Chapter 1
Pairing: Android werewolf!Nines x Reader
Summary: It was Halloween night when you stumbled across the android that looked more monster than machine. Damaged and alone, you didn't have the heart to leave him behind.
You'd always had a weakness for strays.
Prompt: Inspired by art!
Warnings: Rated E, eventual smut, Zlatko experimentation, monster romance
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You pulled your coat closer in a useless attempt to ward off the cold. Winter had decided to make an appearance early this year as snow laid on the ground, and you lamented over the fact you���d chosen to walk home instead of take a taxi. The coffee shop was only a couple blocks away from your apartment, but it felt like a cross country trek as your breath billowed out of your mouth.
The wind rustled through the trees and you shuddered again. The park you’d taken a shortcut through was a good size, and you could no longer see the streetlights that signaled civilization was near.
Why had you decided to do this, again? And on Halloween night? Not that you believed in the paranormal or anything—
You dropped your nearly-empty coffee cup, the last drops spilled and forgotten on the footpath. A pair of glowing blue eyes stared out at you from the underbrush around the base of a tree.
Before you could think to scream, a low whine came from the bush. You placed your hand over your heart and let out a long breath, smiling faintly. It was just a dog, that was all. And the light from the full moon must be making its eyes glow like that. Yes, that’s all it was.
“It’s all right,” you said, offering your hand in what you hoped was a friendly manner, praying it didn’t have rabies. “Come here, boy.”
There was a low thudding noise accompanied by the brush moving. A sad, fluffy tail thumping against the ground.
You gave a sympathetic “awwww” and lightly patted your thighs, hoping to coax it out of its hiding place.
“You poor thing. Are you cold? I bet you’re hungry. Come here, sweetie, let’s get you some… food…”
Your voice trailed off as the glowing pair of blue eyes rose, higher and higher—definitely not at canine level—before it stepped out of the shadows.
It was huge, or at least seemed that way when you’d been expecting a large dog at most. Standing on two legs, it reached over six feet easily, not including the wolfish ears that stuck up from its head. With blue-black fur, sharp nails and a hint of teeth peeking out from its lips, you would have never guessed it was an android if not for the spinning yellow ring at its temple.
The android was also completely naked, not a stitch of clothing to be seen, and you quickly snapped your eyes back up to its face, face flushing at the sheer size of what you’d seen.
It—he took a hesitant step toward you, and if you’d had any of your senses left, you would have run. Android or not, you were fairly certain you were about to be murdered and eaten, and not necessarily in that order.
But your joints were locked, your limbs frozen, and all you could do was watch as the android bent down and wrapped a clawed hand carefully around your discarded coffee cup. Stepping directly in front of you, he slowly held the cup out, his ears laid flat as if afraid you were going to whack him with a rolled up newspaper.
You glanced from face to his outstretched hand. That was when you caught sight of the gash across his ribcage, the exposed internal circuits glittering in the dark.
You’d always had a soft spot for injured animals. And while he might not be an animal, per se, it was close enough that you gently took the coffee cup and gave him a soft thank you.
His ears perked and his tail wagged hopefully as he retracted his hand. He continued the slow wag of his tail as he stared at you expectantly. It took you a minute to realize what he was waiting for. He was, after all, an android, and a canine-like one at that.
He was waiting for orders.
“Are you lost?” you asked. Was he even programmed to talk? “Where do you live? Do you need help getting back home?”
You almost asked who his owner was, but it didn’t feel right. You suspected you’d made the right decision when the question had him folding his ears back, his floofy tail dipping towards the ground.
“Uh, that’s okay.” You tried you best at a soothing smile. “The police station isn’t far from here. I can take you there—“
It was precisely the wrong thing to say; his LED went red and he winced as if you’d slapped him. You weren’t at all prepared for him to open his mouth, and a raspy, rough voice to come out.
“No. Please. Not there.”
You gawked up at him, hardly believing what you’d heard with your own ears, but the android could definitely talk. As strange as he looked, he was capable of communicating his wants.
…and you’d heard rumors about the kinds of androids that wanted.
Carefully you glanced around, but no one else had come across the two of you. It was lucky it was Halloween when most people would be trick-or-treating or handing out candy; the last thing you needed was to be caught in the middle of the night, in a park, with a strange, naked android.
“Okay. No police station.” You rubbed at your arms as you glanced him over, immediately regretting it as your sight dipped below his belly button. Looking away resolutely, you offered, “Why don’t you come back to my place, just for tonight? Get you some clothes and then… we can have a talk.”
Finally, you had said the right thing. His ears went all perky and his tail wagged its fastest yet, but most of all, his LED went blue for the first time. It was the same shade as his glowing eyes.
You gulped. This was such a fucking bad idea.
“I would like that,” he said, voice all soft and gentle. And just like that, you were a goner. No turning back now.
“Come on,” you sighed, stepping around him to continue in the direction of your apartment. It was a bit silly still hanging onto the empty coffee cup, but all you could focus on was the near-silent footfalls behind you as you tried to come up with the best way to sneak a naked android werewolf into your apartment.
As it turned out, dealing with the android was a lot less surreal when he had clothes on, even if it was a pair of sweatpants and a tight sweater that barely fit him. You’d have to order some clothes for him tomorrow
If he even wanted to hang around that long. You were under no illusion that if he wanted to leave, you wouldn’t be able to stop him, but for now he seemed content to stay.
The android was currently standing in your living room, fussing with the hem of the sweater that barely covered his waistline. You covered your mouth with your fingers in a poor attempt to hide a smile. Now that you were confident he wasn’t going to eat you, the android was actually quite adorable. You’d even cut out a hole in the back of the pants for him to pull his tail through.
You plopped down onto the couch and padded the cushion next to you. It had been a long time since you’d had a houseguest, and it said a lot about your state of loneliness that you were excited over having a strange android for company.
Said android stared at you for a moment before perching, quite primly, at the other end of the couch. The fact he had to move his tail out of the way before he sat down ruined the composed image he was trying to convey.
He really was very odd, and not just because of all the wolfy bits. This android seemed very much alive, a fact that should have had you picking up the phone to call the authorities. But… you didn’t.
Instead, you bombarded him with questions. What was his name? Where did he come from? Was he a custom model? How had he been injured? The wound looked ghastly, but he hardly noticed it. You made a mental note to add Thirium and android chassis repair sealant to the shopping list. You’d never owned an android before, but you’d always been fascinated with them and knew the basics of what they needed.
“RK900,” was his answer to your first question. He skipped over to the third. “I am… I was a prototype created by CyberLife to assist law enforcement. It would be safer for you if I said nothing further.”
Unable to imagine an android like this working with the police, you guessed he’d looked different, before. More like a standard android instead of one so altered he was nearly unrecognizable.
“Okay, I won’t pry,” you said, amassing all your willpower not to assault him with more questions, the biggest one being why do you look like something out of my deepest, darkest, most shameful wetdream? Yes, you were definitely not venturing into that territory.
Your next question was caught on a yawn, and you looked away as your face grew warm. He was just an android, why were you being so self-conscious about every little thing you did?
It could have been the way he’d watched you ever since you’d stumbled across him in the bushes: laser-like focus that never broke. It didn’t help that the sclera of his eyes were black, making the blue stand out even more.
Also, he didn’t blink. Like, ever.
“I’m gonna head to bed.” You thumbed over your shoulder toward the hallway. “Will you be all right out here? Do you need anything?”
“Yes,” he said. “And no.”
You were picking up on his mannerisms very quickly. He over-enunciated and spoke with perfect grammar. It was in direct contrast to the way his sharp nails toyed with the sweater, or the way his ears would swivel at sounds you barely noticed. At some points in the conversation, he would tilt his head at you in a way that was so dog-like, you had to keep fighting down the smiles. You’d definitely never met an android like this one before, even if he had looked perfectly human.
“I will be fine,” the RK900 added when you continued to stare. “I will rest and repair. I have neglected to enter stasis mode for… quite some time now.”
His eyes dropped to the carpet, demeanor evasive and uncomfortable. It took everything you had not to reach out and pet him on the head.
“I shouldn’t intrude in your personal space. I will be gone in the morning.”
And then you did reach out, placing your hand on his arm. He was solid and surprisingly warm under the fabric of the sweater.
He stared at your hand for a moment before slowly lifting his head to meet your eye. His expression was so… sad. You had no doubt it was authentic, and that you were right about what he was.
“Please, you don’t have to go.” Your voice was soft, ensuring it was a suggestion and not a command. “You’re more than welcome to stay. I want to help you. Will you let me do that?”
The ring on his temple was a solid yellow and you nearly pulled your hand back, but then it went blue and he gave a small nod. You sighed with relief and gave him a gentle pat before letting him go.
“Thank you.” You rose to your feet, stretching to get the kinks out of your shoulders. It was stressful bringing a wayward android home. “I’m just down the hall if you need me. See you in the morning.”
Before you made it to the hallway, you paused and half-turned.
“Do you have a name?”
He blinked up at your question.
“I mean, I know RK900 is your model number, but… you have a name, don’t you?”
His ears drooped. You were learning they were a better indicator of his thoughts than the color of his LED.
“No. CyberLife never gave me one.”
Of course they wouldn’t, you thought, not the first time you’d unhappy with the way androids were treated. CyberLife was by far the worst. Why would they care about any of their merchandise?
“Well, maybe you can come up with one.” You hoped he understood the things you weren’t saying aloud, that you understood what he really was beneath the strange exterior.
His ears perked up and his expression softened.
“That… would be nice.”
Before you could say anything to embarrass yourself, or worse, run over to him and give him a hug, you excused yourself to get ready for bed. Already your mind was going through a checklist of all the things you’d need to care for an android in the long-run, and that was being optimistic. The RK900 could still change his mind. There was still so much you didn’t know.
It wasn’t until you shut off the lights and stared at the ceiling that the implications of your actions truly hit you. You’d seen the news reports, read the independent websites that couldn’t be suppressed by CyberLife. There were androids out there, said to be “lethally malfunctioning,” that were disobeying and turning on their humans.
One of the most common signs to watch out for was mimicry of human emotions. Anger, was the main one, but there was also fear. And that was something you’d seen a lot of tonight shining out of the RK900’s eyes.
You weren’t just harboring an android that looked like a werewolf.
You were sheltering a deviant.
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Requests as of October 2020
So, first things first everyone, I’d thought that I would let all 119 of my followers know that I am still writing these fics, and I have been writing much more as of recent than I have this entire year. And I my inbox is still very much open and if you guys don’t know the rules for requesting please go to my prompt list that you can find on literally every single fic. 
and Second, I’m posting the names and summaries of all the things I’m writing at the moment. And please remember than commenting and talking to authors is amazing for motivation and Don’t forget to reblog! <3
You are allowed to request smuts if you so choose to. I am an asexual virg, but I am comfortabel to smut and the good ol’ Devil’s tango. I am not repulsed by it to be blunt about the topic. I have at least 3 smuts on this list that I can think about. So go ahead if you’ve been waiting to request. <3
Jonesy Garcia x Female!Goth!reader: Jonesy and the reader are in the gray area of their relationship between friendship and relationship and end up making out in a closet 
Avatar: the last airbender
Sokka x Male!reader: Sokka thought that the fire nation killed the reader is very relieved to see that wasn’t the case and celebrates with a steamy night alone with his lover (Yes, this is a smut)
Sokka x reader: Sokka cuddles up next to the reader very early in the morning after a nightmare
Adult!Toph x Adult!Female!Clumsy!reader: Toph is practicing and the reader tries to sneak up on her but fails of course due to her own clumsiness.
Zuko x Earthbender!reader: Zuko says something hurtful to the reader and tries to make up for it.
Injured!Zuko x reader: Zuko gets injured as the blue spirit and finds himself in a inn being healed by a kind stranger
Rosalind Lutece x reader: Rosalind finally realizes that she’s in love with the reader, her assistant
Boku No Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou x Quirkless!reader: The reader develops their quirk 10 years late and bakugou is surprised by his childhood friend’s new ability 
Borderlands (2, pre-squel, Tales from the borderlands, 3)
Fl4k x Female!Short!reader x Zer0:The reader is being a brat towards Zer0 and Fl4k and they both snap and ask her what’s wrong
Tyreen Calypso x Female!reader: Tyreen kidnaps the reader for her own special interest but is surprised when she shows no fear to Tyreen.
Zane Flynt x Female!reader: The reader is a new recruit and Zane takes her under his wing to train her. On their first day of working together, they are lead to stay at a cozy inn but there’s a catch... there’s only one bed. (a favorite trope of mine) 
Zer0 x Female!reader: Zero and the reader are stuck in a closet, shenanigan's ensue (Smut)
CEO!Rhys Strongfork x Female Secretary!reader x Timothy Lawrence: This is one of mine and is very self indulgent but I wanna post it when it’s done just in case people also enjoy my favorite boys. The reader is the secretary to Rhys under Atlas and one day Timothy Lawrence shows up (Takes place after the casino) in his office for a meeting and the reader and him reunite because they used to be lovers and partners in vault hunting. 
Jimmy Hopkins x reader: “Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat.” I have literally nothing for this, I’m sorry but I will figure something out. 
Jimmy Hopkins x reader: Jimmy notices how the teachers keep pairing him up with the reader but he isn’t against the idea of spending more time with them at all
Jimmy Hopkins x Shy!reader: the reader is shy and kind but people think they’re innocent but they’ve seen more trauma and terror in the world than they should at their age and Jimmy finally finds out and comfort them to his best ability 
Jimmy Hopkins x reader: The reader is getting harrassed by some students and Jimmy defends them
Pete Kowalski x Female!reader: Pete gets into a fight with some kids from the school and the reader, who is the exact opposite of Pete, defends him and asks him out
Jimmy Hopkins x Male!reader: Jimmy helps pick up some books after some jerks knock them out of the reader’s hands
Gary Smith x reader x Jimmy hopkins x Pete Kowalski: The reader takes care of the main 3′s wounds after they come back from a particular bad fight
Detroit: Become human (Video Game)
Ralph x Female!reader: Ralph is upset and the reader calms hi down
Ralph x Female!reader: Ralph learned something new whilst the reader was away and wants to show her (Smut)
RK900 x Female!reader: After a tough case, Nines helps the reader wash their hair and the stress of the day away
The Incredibles (Movie)
Teen!Dash Parr x Artist!reader:The reader sketches graffiti and Dash passes by them one day and confesses
Life is strange 1, 2 (Video game)
Finn McNamara x Female!Diaz!reader: Finn likes the reader quite a bit but his timing isn’t the best with her and the Diaz’s being on the run.
Sean Diaz x Female!reader: Sean and Daniel discover someone with powers similar to Daniel’s and ask her to join them on their adventure. 
Miraculous ladybug (Series) 
Adrien Agreste x Foreign!reader: The reader’s heat goes out in their apartment and Adrien offeres his place until their heat comes back on since it’s the middle of winter
Onward (Movie)
Ian Lightfoot x reader: “I care about you.” (Again, I have no outline yet, but i’m working on it.)
Red vs Blue (Series)
Church x reader x Tucker: Tucker and Church fight for the reader’s attention like children
Rise of the Guardians (Movie)
Jack Frost x Female!Spring Spirit!reader: Jack and the reader are close and kissing quickly leads to smut
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles (Series)
Donatello Hamato x Insomniac!reader: After Donnie figures out that the reader is sleep deprived, he pulls them to the side to comfort them over their stress of not sleeping
Donatello Hamato x reader: Donnie is just wondering in a library when he sees a cute person stressing over a class they haven’t been paying attention to all year and decides to help them
She-Ra (Series)
Hordak x Female!Shy!reader:The reader just wants to give the world some light because she’s seen darkness but people think it’s because she’s innocent
Ps4 Spider-man (Video game)
Ps4 Spider-man x reader: This is one of my own fics, but basically Spidey saves the reader from some thugs and walks them home like the gentleman he is. 
Steven Universe (Series and movie)
Sour Cream x Female!reader: Sour Cream comforts the reader as she’s just been dumped by Kevin
Steven Universe x Boyfriend!reader: Steven is worried that his boyfriend may be hurt when he goes off to college or even out of town, so he trains him in self defense.
Steven Universe x Male!Psychotherapist!reader: The reader is Steven’s Psychotherapist and helps him whilst also falling in love with him, but it’s not one-sided
Steven Universe x Female!Impulsive!reader: Idiot x That’s my idiot trope, Steven saves the reader’s ass from getting hurt in a fight
Steven universe x reader:Once a week Steven visits the pet center that opened up in town and relaxes with the reader
Steven Universe x Tough!reader: Steven gives the reader weekly healing sessions after finding them with multiple wounds every week
Stoked (Series)
Ripper x reader: Ripper and the reader cuddle on the couch outside their rooms on the porch
Telltale’s the Walking dead game (Video game)
Mitch x reader: Mitch and the reader are fighting until it eventually leads to kissing
Voltron (Series)
Keith Kogane x Female!reader: Keith is immediatly attracted to her when she punches Lance because his flirting it getting too in her face. 
Lance McClain x Female!reader: After being yelled at by Keith, Lance comforts his friend of many years
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deviatedwinter · 4 years
hey hey. are your requests still open? If yes,could you write a fluffy oneshot (if you feel comfortable, feel free to add slight nsfw, but ofc not if you dont want to!!) where female reader is insecure about her A cup boobies and rk900 reassures her that shes pretty either way?~
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Aesthetically Pleasing
(Rk900 x insecure! Fem! Reader)
Summary: Reader is insecure about her body, especially her breast size, but Nines is there to comfort.
Word count: 800+
Warnings: Cursing, slight hint at NSFW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Authors note: Yes!! I'm all for body positivity. I hope this oneshot can help anyone out there who is insecure, because you are beautiful, badass, and I love you! (And so does Nines 😏)
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You set down the digital tabloid
with a sigh, the image of the supermodel flickering on its cover. Bright letters adorned the front, the pixels arranged to say "The perfect woman!" The image stared back at you as the magazine rested on your coffee table.
What a load of bull. There was no such thing as a perfect anything, or anyone.
But the image still got to you, striking a nerve deep within.
The woman on the cover wore only a bikini, her legs long and bikini top resting on her slim shoulders.
Your own eyes drifted towards your own body, your mind automatically comparing the two.
How could you compete? Your breasts were much smaller, and was your face even as pretty as hers?
Your shift in emotion caught the attention of Nines, who had been scanning over some case files at your desk in the corner of the room.
His steely eyes flickered from the magazine to you, noticing your frown and unsure expression.
>"The perfect woman?"
//Model name: Haley Verre//
> Full body scan complete
> Detective full body scan complete
=Comparing structure=
//Comparison complete//
> 20% similar
=Cause of distress found=
$&$($ I th1nk she^s just as b€aut!ful$(_7
"Detective, I would advise you to not listen to tabloid headlines. Statistically, they are exaggerated." Nines spoke up, interrupting your thoughts.
"I know.. it's just..how the hell were they even allowed to publish this shit? It's almost fucking 2040." You explained, exasperated.
"I agree." Nines calmly replied, carefully choosing his words. "It is very ridiculous to argue that there is a perfect way someone should look."
You looked down at your own body, and if you had an LED, it would've been pure yellow.
"Especially with girls like me" you mumbled, not expecting the Android to hear.
But to your annoyance, he always heard everything.
"What do you mean, detective?" Asked the android, his head tilting to the side slightly.
You huffed, rubbing your arm as shyness overcame you.
"I'm not like her, or any other women. I got small boobs and I don't have-"
"(Y/N)." Nines cut off, his tone firm which caused you to look over in surprise.
You watched with your breathe held as he stepped over to you, two fingers lifting to gently rest under your chin and raise your gaze to his.
His LED was erratic as it changed colors, but his eyes finally met yours, and they were filled with determination.
"Statistically, there is always a person out there who appreciates your features. I for one, think you are aesthetically pleasing. Please don't talk negativity about yourself like that." He spoke, the last sentence having an edge of softness to it.
His fingers still pressed against the bottom of your chin, and a shiver ran through you as his thumb gently traced your jaw.
"Nines..?" You breathed, shocked at his intimate gesture.
He thought you were beautiful? The thought made your heart flip in your chest.
Your partner drew his hand back with haste before his eyes looked around for a distraction. His objective was met when he saw the digital tabloid.
Smoothly, his skin retracted on his hand as it came down on the tablet, the interface glitching before banishing the article and replacing it with another.
On the cover were different models of all shapes and sizes, the title reading "The naked truth: How we are all different but beautiful"
Nine's LED stabilized to a cool blue as he gazed down at the article, satisfied.
He then turned towards you, gently easing down next to your chair.
"The woman on the front, her body matches yours at approximately 89%. Many people think she is attractive, and she is happy with herself."
You gazed at the woman, on her face was a brilliant, happy smile. She was wearing a bikini as well, and you felt your heart swell slightly. She did look beautiful, and she looked confident.
Maybe Nines was right. I didn't need to listen to the media about how I should look. I'm me, and that's damn well good enough. I'm beautiful, whether or not a magazine thinks so.
A realization struck through your thoughts.
"You said...89 percent? How do you know that..?"
You watched as Nines tilted his head once more, and you could've sworn you saw a hint of mischief in his blue eyes.
"I can make a 3D model of any human's body in my mind palace. It helps with investigating homicides, but I made one of you."
Instantly, your arms covered yourself, your cheeks heating up.
"That's- Nines!"
He seemed to be slightly amused by your discomfort as he explained calmly.
"Do not worry, Detective. The image is only available in my mind drive, it can not be leaked to a third party."
That didn't help.
"That's still, ugh. Nevermind. You're not the first guy to undress me in their head."
That seemed to peak the Android's interest as his gaze met yours, his eyes flickering from yours down to your lips. Your heart stopped for a moment.
The tension was quickly broken when the Android stood, marching over to your desk as he picked up a tablet.
"There was a homicide reported 20 minutes ago. I believe we should investigate."
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dxppercxdxver · 4 years
A Note on the Use of Distance, Or: The Evolution of Nines's and Gavin's Relationship as Seen Through Body Language and Physical Proximity, Or: Sparrow Writes 6k About DE That Is Literally Just a Narrative Analysis
Apologies in advance, this is gonna be a long one. If you stick to it and read the whole thing, I will love you forever. (Also, @domlerrys, I’m tagging you because we talk about meta a lot and I think you’ll like this.)
And Michelle, I’m sorry for the length, but there’s just so much to talk about, I had to. Also, “brevity” is not in my vocabulary. Oops. (I’m also sure you know most of this already, but I had a blast analyzing this.)
So, it’s been about a month, and I think it’s about time I typed up some of my thoughts about the use of distance in Detroit Evolution. (For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, 1) What are you doing? 2) Go check it out, it’s a beautiful feature fan film made by the lovely people at @octopunkmedia, and if you like good ace representation, I think you’ll like it.)
To give us the proper background, let’s establish our characters’ relationships with touch. (For those of you who’ve seen the movie, you know this. This is just for our friends who are unaware.)
RK900, or Nines, is very asexual. Not necessarily touch-repulsed, but touch-uninterested, unless it’ll make somebody else happy (namely, Gavin).
Gavin Reed is allosexual, but has a long, complicated history of abuse and psychological manipulation, most of it revolving around intimacy, and, as such, is extremely touch-repulsed. He does not allow people to get close to him.
Throughout the film, they’re very careful to keep physical distance between them, and if they’re forced to be close together, their body language is usually very closed off. Which lends this sense of relief to a pivotal moment in the film later. The very important exceptions are the moments in the Zen Garden, and moments of extreme duress.
Let’s break it down scene by scene.
We open on the Zen Garden. In this mindscape, we know Nines and Gavin behave as though they’re been married for several years. Their interactions are comfortable and familiar, though entirely imaginary, and this is where the use of touch and distance starts to show. Even though this Gavin does not have any of the same touch aversions as the real world Gavin, he keeps his distance from Nines, and Nines, in turn, does the same. When Gavin greets him, he’s standing ten or so feet away; when they walk together, Nines hangs back, and the both of them keep their hands in their pockets, avoiding direct eye contact. Obviously, any more romantic gestures are kept offscreen for audience suspense, but still, what’s shown is equally important. The two main exceptions to this rule are when Gavin reaches out to adjust Nines’s collar and when Nines reaches out to touch Gavin’s face. However, even when Gavin is unbuttoning Nines’s shirt, his arms are perfectly straight, leaving about two feet of space between them, and when Nines cups Gavin’s cheek, it’s not really a romantic gesture. It’s almost a reverential one, and he still leaves about a foot between them. This may not seem like a lot, but considering that this is Nines’s ideal world and even his deepest desires leave that space between them, it reveals how much relative distance matters with these two.
Onto the next scene. Protest. We start in the car, with Nines staring straight ahead, avoiding Gavin’s gaze. Gavin only touches Nines to shock him out of his trance with a gentle slap, then turns his body forward, effectively closing himself off. He maintains this distance, even straying almost twenty feet in front of Nines on their walk up. Here’s another major exception, a moment of extreme duress: Gavin takes Nines’s hand and guides him through the crowd, despite the fact that Nines could easily surpass any one of the protestors in a fight. Even here, however, Gavin keeps his back turned and does not make eye contact. For all he physically reaches out, emotionally, he’s incredibly closed off. Same deal inside Jericho; table between them, avoiding eye contact, careful distance. And even in a more lighthearted moment of banter (Nines mimicking Gavin’s delivery), Chris is standing between them as a physical mediator, and he remains between them the whole scene.
Onto the D.P.D. and the famous first instance of “I hate you.” “You love me.”!
When Nines brings Gavin his coffee, his body language is very open: arms spread, standing over Gavin. However, Nines is also intensely aware of his partner’s issues regarding physical proximity, and quickly draws away, clasping his hands behind his back and retreating ever so slightly to give Gavin his space. Once Nines has spun Gavin’s feet out of the way, they are closer, yes, but Gavin’s back is turned and Nines is careful not to lean in too close over his shoulder. They’re very closed off, and remain this way for much of the scene, never directly facing one another. Gavin stands up, spins counterclockwise to keep his back to Nines until he’s behind Nines, at which point he’s in control of the situation and flips Nines off. When they speak face to face, Gavin’s legs are kicked up on the table or he’s using the coffee mug as a sort of psychological shield. Nothing direct, nothing open.
STAKEOUT! This is a really good example of something Michelle does—that isn’t like other romance movies —that I really love. A common thing in a lot of romance movies is that “almost kiss,” but in a movie like this, where the main romance emphasizes a mental connection over a physical one, that sort of play would feel cheap and out of place. Which is why I love the stakeout scene so damn much. The stakeout is the perfect time for an “almost kiss” moment, BUT! What we get instead is so much better, with two people desperate to let their feelings out but too scared to fully voice them. So you get this awkward dance of them abstracting the concept and refusing to look at one another, deliberately avoiding eye contact. Both of them are faced forward and stay solidly in their seats, leaving as much space as they can allow, and the only times they look toward one another, the other is looking away. They can’t say what they feel unless there’s that protective bubble of space between them. So you get an “almost confessing I like you” scene, with beautiful moments of almost closing that physical distance, but instead staying firmly planted in their seats until Lazzo arrives. Even when Gavin and Nines are forced to be close together, they maintain a healthy distance between them, and their “almost kiss” is swapped out for an “almost admitting I have feelings” moment. (Plus, a bonus of great asexual dialogue, yay!)
Lazzo’s scene isn’t that notable, other than Nines’s and Gavin’s hands brushing on Lazzo’s shoulder, but again, Lazzo is between them and they’re focused on other things. Still got that distance.
The infamous jacket drape, one of the moments Nines breaks the pattern of distance. Gavin is still facing away from him, yes, but Nines deliberately reaches out to touch him in a non-invasive way, one of the only times he does so. Progress! Still a one-sided gesture, though, and even the height difference emphasizes the space between them, with Nines on his feet and Gavin slumped in a chair. Still not breaking that “arm’s length” amount they’ve set. (Tying this into the @high-on-otps‘s analysis about moments of vulnerability occurring when Gavin’s wearing fewer layers, Nines seeing Gavin in just a t-shirt and gifting him his jacket takes on a whole new meaning, with Nines almost stepping in to protect Gavin’s heart. Anyway, that’s a thought for another day.) On another note, this is also one of the two main instances where you see one of these two fools being open only because they think the other won’t notice: just a selfless gesture they don’t want to have to dwell on.
Now! Onto Gavin’s house, where the pattern starts to change. It’s a great way to track the progression of their relationship. They start out separated, with Nines pulled into himself, tablet held out, and Gavin hiding behind his computer, avoiding Nines’s eyes. However, I think this is when Gavin’s starting to realize that he might have feelings for Nines and the reverse might be true (hence his moment of contemplation in the car after he notes the parallel uses of the word “charming” as applying to him and Nines’s possible love interest), and being as tired as he is, his inhibitions are not necessarily gone, but at least hampered. So he allows himself to get close physically, and sort of mentally as well. He’s conflicted, and that’s written all over him, as he puts himself right up against Nines to steal his tablet, but also refuses to look him in the eye and quickly moves to stand up later. This conflict is also incredible to watch in general, but you can see his overwhelming desire to get closer and his defense mechanisms battling in his mind in how he sits: pressed up against Nines’s side, but none of his body overlaps with Nines’s at all, and he doesn’t look at him. Nines makes the first move, leaning his head almost onto Gavin’s shoulder, but not quite. They’re still not there yet. Of course, once Gavin leaves, he keeps his back turned, meeting Nines’s eyes once, for a split second, before entering his room and shutting the door. (And tosses him some gym shorts, of course, because nothing says “I love you” like “hey, you can borrow these sleep shorts.”)
Reentering Nines’s mindscape, we see a little more conflict from his end. (I love how we actually get visual representation of Nines’s internal conflict, while Gavin’s can only be gleaned from how he moves and holds himself. It’s a nice contrast. Frankly, I adore it. Good writing.) Once again, there’s still a fair amount of space between Nines and Zen Gavin, as Nines is burying his feelings in his work. The closest Zen Gavin comes is right behind Nines to talk about what Gavin might have been about to say before walking into his room, but he doesn’t make eye contact, and moves away quite quickly. When he is open and actually making direct eye contact, he’s standing over five feet away, and Nines deliberately turns away. You see? It’s a visual metaphor for the growing emotional tension! Yay!
Nightmare time! This is one of those moments of extreme duress I was talking about!! Also one of my favorite scenes! This is the first time, in the whole film, where all three of these criteria are present: physical proximity, open body language, and direct eye contact. Nines is holding Gavin’s arms, Gavin meets Nines’s eyes, and Gavin’s arms are spread out, not crossed over his chest or in front of his face. Obviously, this moment only lasts a second, as Gavin quickly moves Nines’s arms away, Nines backs up, and Gavin averts his eyes, but for an important beat, that distance was closed, only to be reopened again. Then, of course, they have their “should I stay” moment, where Gavin is sending mixed signals: body is turned toward Nines, but he looks away repeatedly, and Nines is standing a respectful distance away, waiting for permission to come closer or leave. Eventually, Gavin verbally and physically opens himself up: while he avoids looking directly at Nines, he keeps his arms at his sides and doesn’t turn away (huge steps for someone like Gavin), and as for Nines, he does the opposite, maintaining direct eye contact, but turning his body away to give Gavin the space he needs without pressuring him. When Gavin finally welcomes Nines into his bed, he’s making a huge step in his own personal growth. Similar to the couch setup from earlier, except reversed, with Gavin initiating the touch, and with two crucial differences: Nines and Gavin make the briefest of eye contact as they lean in (a silent agreement of “yes, this is a thing we’re doing”) and their bodies overlap. There is an intimate touch in the way they hold hands, fingers interlaced, instead of sitting ramrod straight side by side without making a conscious decision to reach out to the other. Add Nines retracting his skin on top of it, and you get an extremely psychologically open moment. A moment of duress, a moment of comfort (but they still aren’t facing each other yet, and the way it is now, it’s almost like Gavin’s afraid to acknowledge it, to believe it’s real).
NEXT MORNING. Hoo boy this one was a doozy, because it takes the openness of the night before and turns it on its head, twisting and distorting it. Gavin, before he’s awake, displays very physically open body language: spread out on his blankets, arms thrown out to the side up, stomach up. Nines is almost equally so, keeping his arms open as he hands Gavin his coffee and turning more towards him as he sits on Gavin’s bed. But Gavin, regretting the choices he made the previous night, avoids eye contact, curls into himself, and takes the earliest opportunity to put his back to Nines and retreat into the closet. His whole demeanor radiates “get away from me,” but of course, Nines hasn’t picked that up yet. So he presses a little closer, and Gavin makes his point by getting up in Nines’s space, but very deliberately avoiding looking at him and still keeping a couple feet of space. When Nines feels Gavin mentally retreating, he pushes his luck by abusing his commanding presence to intimidate Gavin into cooperation (drawing himself up to his whole height and putting his face right in Gavin’s eye-line). And what does Gavin do? When Nines gets in his space ("I'm not leaving just because you regret having acted like a person"), Gavin makes direct, meaningful eye contact (something he almost never does) and is facing Nines (another big thing), but every part of him screams "get away." In particular, the hands raised in front of his chest like a shield. The whole pose is supposed to look aggressive but every goddamn part of it belies him going into defensive mode. It's FASCINATING. He’s trying to intimidate Nines into leaving him alone because he is so scared of what Nines has seen and what he knows now. This conflict of wanting to accept Nines’s help and push him away is so clearly demonstrated in how part of his body language is geared toward Nines (the eye contact) and how part of is is blocking Nines from coming any closer (his raised hands). He holds this eye contact until Nines leaves.
The next time we see Gavin is back at Jericho, and anyone can sense the tension coming off these two (except, apparently, Chris Miller). They keep a table’s worth of distance between them. Nines, clearly still feeling snubbed from the night before, makes very pointed looks in Gavin’s direction; they’re barbed, full of accusation, very uncharacteristic of Nines, but Gavin did just tell him to wipe his memory, so he definitely believes it’s justified. Gavin avoids eye contact wherever possible, simply because he does not want to deal with this shit right now. I don’t know if he does this consciously, but after Nines’s reference to “last night,” he tucks his hand in his pocket, perhaps an unconscious recoil from Nines’s act of intimacy (holding hands), suppressing that. Cut to them standing in the hallway, Gavin is standing with his arms crossed, looking away, while Nines leans in closer with a much more open stance. He continues probing and Gavin shuts him out entirely, not even deigning to look at him properly before turning his back and walking away. This is one of the tensest moments of their relationship, where Nines is trying to build up the trust they had and Gavin is feeling hurt and betrayed and confused and is falling back on his coping mechanism of shutting people out. The physical distance and body language between them reflects that.
Onto Burn’s Alley! This whole setup is interesting; it’s a social situation in which Gavin and Nines are almost required to interact, as they have a shared obligation to make Chris’s promotion party a pleasant experience, but the tension from the previous night is definitely still bleeding into their conversation. Although they’re crowded around the same table, they put several people between them and focus intently on their drinks and their other friends, never directly addressing one another and avoiding eye contact (again, this movie might as well be subtitled “the one where Nines and Gavin can never actually look at each other for one goddamn second”). Once Ada arrives, Nines makes fast excuses and leaves the conversation, at which point they go back to their previous dance of throwing longing glances at one another when the other isn’t watching. Very good, much yearning. More internal conflict, Gavin can’t deal with his own warring desires of apologizing and running away, so he retreats outside, and Nines follows because now’s his chance to rebuild that trust he lost.
I’m classifying the alley argument as a whole new section because it’s honestly a caliber all its own and deserves a separate analysis. The use of distance here is so good. Nines, though eager to be allowed back into Gavin’s space, is respectful of his partner’s boundaries and situates himself across the alley, though his posture is more open, with his hands behind his back and a gentle lean forward (though this openness is quickly shut down once Gavin snaps at him, you can see Nines’s face fall, and it hurts). Gavin, on the other hand, is violently looking away, body turned in a completely different direction; every part of his posture is unapproachable. And as the argument progresses, we get more of that weaponized distance closing. When Gavin snaps at Nines (”Don’t bother.”), he finally makes eye contact, even keeping his posture more open (arms at his sides, face toward Nines, body mostly angled toward Nines), so Nines is, for the first time, able to properly see all the hurt Gavin’s been bottling up. And Nines steps closer. But, his hackles are raised, shoulders tensed, arms clenched tightly at his sides. They’re both spilling their hearts out, but it’s bitter and cruel and even at their closest, there’s still a foot and a half of space between their chests. When Gavin spits smoke in Nines’s face, the recoil is immediate, and Nines takes his leave of Gavin as Gavin turns away from Nines again. Once again, in a moment of emotional duress, they get closer and closer, but never quite close that gap, but this time, like that morning, the openness is weaponized and aggressive, with Gavin trying to force Nines away by saying “This is me, this is all you’re gonna get, so you might as well run” and Nines trying to get back in by saying “I don’t care, you will listen to me and you will let me care for you.” But because of the violent mannerisms, it backfires. And then the distance grows again.
Watching Nines walk Ada home from the bar, Gavin keeps a huge amount of distance between himself and Nines, both because he doesn’t want to be spotted and because he can’t bring himself to come any closer. With his hood up and hands in his pockets, he’s at his most closed off of the film, and because Nines’s back is to him, it’s obvious to see he’s being shut out, or at least feels like he is. At this moment in time, Ada is the literal and metaphorical wedge between them. Her presence is keeping them apart.
Alley ambush time. This scene. Oh man this scene. Aside from the blatantly romantic reunion scene and balcony scene, this scene has about the most touch and is a perfect narrative foil to Gavin’s nightmare. (I can’t believe I just realized that now, while I was typing this. Michelle, you are a goddamn genius, every major moment has a companion, mirrored moment; Nines giving Gavin his jacket, Gavin doing his speech to Nines and leaving his jacket there; Nines comforting Gavin after his nightmare of dying alone, Gavin comforting Nines and staying by his side to ensure he doesn’t die alone; parallel confessions in the car; of course, “I hate you” “You love me,” there’s the obvious parallel; Gavin initiating a kiss in the reunion, Nines being the one to move first on the balcony; they each get their own moment to shine in the same context and it is beautiful. Hats off to you, Michelle Iannantuono, really. Okay, back to the plot.) Gavin’s body language is at the most vulnerable it’s been all film, because Nines is in danger and he’s panicking. But even with his hands cupped around Nines’s face, Gavin keeps a little bit of distance, that same bare minimum “arm’s length” we see so many times. And the questions he asks are non-invasive, once he realizes that mentioning Ada just freaks Nines out, and then the questions just turn to pleas: “Don’t fall asleep.” Only after Nines falls unconscious does Gavin allow himself to get any closer, but even then he doesn’t let himself be face to face with Nines. The first thing Gavin does is turn Nines’s back to him, forcing that emotional distance, the exception being the arm slung across Nines’s chest to keep him upright. This is the closest they’ve been, other than after Gavin’s nightmare, and Gavin is still keeping that emotional distance by deliberately pushing Nines away from him.
Onto CyberLife. Here’s the other instance where they’re only open when they believe the other won’t know. This shit also hurt like a motherfucker because Gavin’s internal conflict is at its peak here. You can see he’s having a, for lack of a better word for it, “deathbed” moment; a sort of “now or never” feeling. He’s terrified of acknowledging how he feels, much less verbalizing those feelings to the man he loves, but at the same time, he’s worried that if he doesn’t do it now, he may never get a chance. And this is demonstrated wonderfully in how Gavin approaches Nines (and, once again, he’s down to one layer of clothing, just a simple t-shirt). At first, he hangs back from Nines’s hospital bed, looking anywhere but Nines’s face, and talking about how they need Nines for the case; vague, impersonal, dancing around the topic. Until Tina knocks on the window, basically giving him silent permission to switch tracks entirely. It’s at this point that Gavin closes some distance and parallels Nines’s earlier gesture after his nightmare, when Nines reached out to hold his hand; he reaches out and places his hand over Nines’s. (Also, another brilliant parallel? Nines reaching out to touch Gavin when he’s at his lowest point—after his nightmare—and holding his hand, basically saying “I accept you,” and Gavin reaching out to Nines when he’s at his most vulnerable—doubly powerful because Nines’s skin is deactivated and Gavin used to hate androids, so seeing him like this is his truest form—at the hospital, basically saying “I accept you.” God. Poetic cinema, my dudes.) Even moves the chair closer. And then he finally looks Nines in the face and spills his heart and soul out to him, piece by piece. And even when the heart monitor starts beeping, he doesn’t pull away. He keeps his hand firmly planted, only scoots back in the chair for a moment to check the machines, before immediately pulling back in and deliberately staying close, which, for somebody who has as toxic a relationship with touch as he does, is massive. (And, as we saw from the deleted scene, he felt safe enough to fall asleep on Nines’s bed. He looked at this shitty situation and said “I trust him” and put his goddamn head on Nines’s arm and fell asleep. Like. FUCK.)
And now, Nines’s corrupted Zen Garden. This is one of the most powerful moments of the film. In the past, Nines has almost never been the one to initiate contact with Zen Gavin, it’s always been the other way around (Gavin fixing Nines’s collar, Gavin approaching him while he’s analyzing the case), with the notable exception being Nines reaching out to cup Gavin’s cheek. But he’s internalized Gavin’s touch sensitivities so much that even his mind palace version displays the same behaviors, only initiating touch when he’s comfortable. Nines doesn’t violate Zen Gavin’s space either, lets Gavin decide what’s okay. And this is where he breaks that pattern. In his panic, Nines rushes forward without thought to envelope Gavin in a desperate hug— and is met with empty air. The minute Nines tries to reverse their dynamic is when he’s deprived of Gavin’s touch. Because of Ada’s meddling, Nines can no longer interact with this perfect world he’s constructed, and Gavin is, once again, just out of reach. Nine spends the rest of the conversation with his body language painfully open, pleading with Gavin to stay using everything but his words, and I think it speaks goddamn volumes that when he finally agrees to delete him, there is no grand gesture. Nines doesn’t swoop in and kiss Zen Gavin goodbye, nor does he hug him, or even say a proper farewell. He simply nods, turns his back, and walks away, and Gavin, after a moment’s lag, swivels his head to watch, with a soft smile on his face. Nines has realized that this Zen Gavin is a fool’s errand that he cannot hope to sustain, and his last act before wiping him entirely is to metaphorically say “I am done with you. I am walking away and I am not looking back and I am saying goodbye.” Which is so goddamn powerful, I cannot.
Okay. The moment we’ve all been waiting for.
The reunion scene.
This scene hits so much harder because all the previous scenes have kept so much distance between the two protagonists. If there had been more instances of close proximity earlier in the film, I don’t think this scene would carry the same weight it did, but as such, up until this point, there’s always been at least a foot or two of space between Gavin and Nines (and in the instances of them touching, they’re either side by side and not looking at each other or front to back and not looking at each other). But I digress, let’s get into it properly.
Setup time! Gavin’s still in just his t-shirt, Nines is in Gavin’s jacket (Narrative foil from earlier, baby!), and tensions are high. Brushing past all of Tina and Chris’s intervening dialogue, let’s talk physicality. Gavin fucking freezes the minute Nines is in the room, arms held at his sides, the most open his stance has ever been when Nines was awake to see it. Nines, in turn, also keeps his hands to the side. Gavin, disbelieving, takes a step forward, but because he’s also terrified as fuck that Nines heard him and will reject him, he holds out a halfway defensive arm, though there’s not much conviction in it, as its merely held halfway up and doesn’t cross in front of his torso at all. Nines continues to approach, although slowly, so as not to scare Gavin off, because Nines cares so much for Gavin and the last thing he needs is to make him panic, not when something this monumental is at stake. Gavin, with even more internal conflict, continues his approach, daring to hope that maybe this will turn out okay, until Nines says “I heard you.” The realization that Nines essentially saw the deepest darkest parts of him makes Gavin take a step back, but he also maintains the eye contact they’ve been holding; the subtle balance between “I want to run because holy fuck he saw too much, but also I want to stay because I think it might be it this time” is so gorgeous. Of course, once Nines makes it clear that he isn’t running, even though he heard Gavin’s entire confession, Gavin gets slightly more confident and moves forward again. Drawing from the BTS footage as well, you can see Gavin’s hands are clenched the entire time, until he makes it to Nines, when he can finally let go. And finally, with a cognizant mind, they close that distance, leaving mere inches from one another. Gavin reaches out to touch Nines’s hand, feeling his pulse, before gently turning over Nines’s hand so he can feel Gavin’s pulse. Nines, reflecting his earlier gesture, connects Zen Gavin to this Gavin by reaching out to cup Gavin’s face. And then they close that gap entirely and kiss. But it gets even better because, though Nines prods, it’s ultimately Gavin that makes the first move, and I think it always had to to be. Because Nines always lets Gavin move on his own time, even if he steers him in the right direction, occasionally. It would feel wrong if Nines moved first, because he doesn’t need to kiss for romance, but is willing to do so if Gavin wants, and the way this is done, it’s so clear that Gavin wants. This is just a testament to the amazing actors for portraying this so clearly (I know this scene’s been analyzed seven ways to Sunday, but like. The way Gavin’s eyebrows furrow up in the sheer desperation to be closer? The gentle sigh of relief from Nines? The single spin of the LED from yellow to blue the instant they connect? The way Gavin, someone who hates being touched, chases the fucking kiss as Nines pulls away? Like?? Incredible???). And even better, this whole scene is very much a give and take, as both characters let down the barriers they have built up.
Let me put it this way. Nines’s greatest treasure is his mind, and he protects it fiercely for fear of abuse. Gavin’s greatest treasure is his bodily autonomy, and as such, he protects himself from unwanted touch for fear of that autonomy being taken away. And this kiss is such a dialogue of back and forth, give and take. Nines exposes his mind (”I heard you. ‘A force you can’t live without’?” and of course, “You love me.”), opening up his most vulnerable part of himself. Gavin responds in kind by exposing his physicality, by taking Nines’s hand. Nines, once again, exposes his mind by copying his gesture from Zen Gavin, bringing to light one of his most closely guarded secrets and connecting his mind to his real world experiences. And Gavin exposes his touch, once more, by being the one to initiate the kiss.
If you’ll allow me to circle back to the parallel hand-holding from earlier, it ties into this idea of “mind vs. body.” When Nines takes Gavin’s hand after his nightmare, he is demonstrating that he accepts Gavin’s mind. Nines, who values intellect and personality above all else, demonstrates that he loves Gavin for his mind and not his body here, saying “I accept you and your mind, no matter how flawed you think it is.” Gavin, on the other hand, not only has a rough history with androids, but a rough history with physicality. When he takes Nines’s hand at CyberLife, Gavin is demonstrating that he accepts Nines’s body as it is—metal and plastic and synthskin, not flesh and bone—basically saying “I accept you and your body, no matter how flawed you think it is.” They are able to accept the closely guarded facets of one another in moments of heightened emotion and I think that’s incredible.
And after the reunion, the body language is so different. Nines willingly gets up in Gavin’s space without Gavin pushing him away (leaning over him to discuss how to track Ada down), and, of course, gives him his jacket back. Outside Ada’s warehouse, they stand much closer together, nearly touching on the hood of the car, and even make much more deliberate eye contact, shying away less. But what I really like about it is that they don’t do a total 180. That’s not how recovery works. Gavin’s still facing away from Nines during the briefing, Gavin and Nines are closer on the hood, yes, but neither Nines nor Gavin reach out a hand to touch. They’re making little baby steps and it’s wonderful.
Last but not least, the balcony. The culmination of all this.
Despite all they’ve been through, Gavin and Nines still hold distance between themselves on the balcony, though they’re a little freer with the direct eye contact and body language. Gavin’s arms are no longer crossed in front of him, he actually looks toward Nines a lot more. Nines is leaned up against the railing, facing Gavin and meeting his gaze, though you can tell Nines is bothered because his arms are crossed in front of him, preventing him from being totally open. And when he starts to say something that sounds like regret, Gavin also crosses his arms in a defensive position, until Nines reassures him that it’s not Gavin, it’s him. At which point, Gavin is the most vocal he’s ever been about his feelings (I think Michelle pointed out this is the one time in the film Gavin even slightly alludes to Nines being attractive, like the dork he is) and assures Nines that he doesn’t need anything sexual to make this relationship be one he wants to pursue. He keeps his body language remarkably open, turning to face Nines entirely and keeping his arms to the side. Nines, upon realizing Gavin means what he says, has his moment of initiating touch and reaches out to cup Gavin’s face again, uncrossing his arms to do so. There’s yet another beautiful genuine moment of connection where the opposite of the original kiss happens: Nines opens up physically (regarding his interfacing), Gavin opens up mentally (flirting with Nines as opposed to just awkwardly touching him), and Nines closes the distance once more, kissing Gavin as the sun sets just out of frame, turning Gavin’s face into the light. Yet another beautiful narrative foil. Stunning. Ideal. (Also, a note on the confession, the fact that this kiss cements the idea that “This won’t be easy, but it will be worth it, because being with you is just better” just kills me every goddamn time. They’re really willing to put in the work to make this relationship work! Which is amazing!) And then they linger, foreheads pressed together, in the most intimate display of affection in the entire movie. Soft smiles, hands on bodies, completely open and vulnerable and free. Just ... content.
All in all, hats off for really emphasizing each character’s troubled relationship with touch and how that carries over into how they behave around one another. From how Gavin uses his hands and other items as shields while making direct eye contact to how Nines lets Gavin come to him and respects his partner’s boundaries so much that even his brain version of him has these same boundaries, the use of distance and touch and their slow journey to getting physically closer in the spaces they occupy is a fantastic way of showing the progression of their relationship and I consider it an honor to get to see this story unfold. The fact that Nines’s journey would be meaningless without Gavin’s to mirror it and amplify it and vice versa is testimony to the incredible writing showcased here. Bravo to the cast and crew, really.
Tl;dr (and honestly, I wouldn’t blame you) The moments of intimacy only carry as much weight as they do because in every scene prior to them Gavin and Nines hold meaningful distance between them and the only times they break that subliminal pattern are in times of extreme stress or vulnerability.
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loyally-unfaithful · 4 years
—; don’t run from me river
word count: 2605
pairing: upgraded connor | rk900/gender-neutral!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
summary: nines filed the results of the system check to the back of his mind, to be analysed later, and sighed. he wasn’t originally programmed to sigh, but he sure did it alot nowadays. he sighed once more. this check would most likely return like the previous few, [ all systems optimal; functionality: 100% ]. so why does his processor stutter, causing him to freeze and catch his voice in his throat, when he was around you? there was only one logical explanation: he was broken.
a/n: ya boi is an idiot who made more wips than he could handle,,,, but anyway i wanted to write a nines fic because,,,,,,,,,,,, idk inspiration struck? i must admit i had no idea where i was going w this fic skfksfjaskdfhjk btw nines is deviant in this fic, i just have a hc that since he was forced into deviancy (unlike the 3 protagonists who reached some sort of catharsis) he isn’t as familiar with emotions as those 3, hence his difficulty identifying and expressing them. also rk800-60 and rk900 have assigned names, being colin (nickname sixty) and conan (nickname nines) respectively. connor is just connor lmao,,,,, i am god in my fics and i decide that my 3 bois are bros and happy lil deviants,,,, mk, go!
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the ambiance inside the bar was loud and suffocating. many people came to celebrate an officer’s promotion to detective, and while nines wasn’t particularly close to them, he showed up regardless (although a certain duo of rk800 models may or may not have had something to do with his decision). mere formalities; he politely congratulated them and stepped away to ruminate on his own in a corner, absently watching the scene in front of him. for a reason that escaped him, he was (disappointed?) (hurt?) that you got along with colin. he still experienced anomalies in his system when near you, even after being told that he was perfectly fine at the maintenance centre. if the problem wasn’t from within, then there was only one probable cause: an outside factor. a recurring event. one that triggered these anomalies. you.
so he requested to change partners. now, he really wished he didn’t.
while you have taken to your new partner wonderfully, he wasn’t as gracious with his. between reed’s incessant snide remarks and overall unwillingness to cooperate, he’d much rather be deactivated. he found himself missing your partnership. for one, your cooperativeness was a relief. you were determined, passionate and kind. truthfully, he missed you. the shine in your eyes when you find a lead, your composure and professionalism, the soothing quality of your voice, the way you’d let you hand linger in his, how your features softened when you smiled—smiled at hi— he caught himself. why did that last part come to mind? how did you still manage to affect him when you’re so far away? he was about to check why when a laughter caught his attention. your wonderful  laughter. One he was oh so familiar with. you were laughing with his brother, probably at another of his bad jokes. seeing you happy with him stirred an ugly feeling inside him. one that he did not recognise nor acknowledge. one that caused him to glare at his older counterpart.
he was miserable after parting ways from you, having to deal with reed’s complaining. he was hurt, he was away from you and it didn’t feel right. this distance between you two manifested as physical pain on his part, so how come you were fine? how were you able to move on in your life as if nothing happened? sadness and hurt turned into something more despicable: how dare you not feel the same pain he did? seeing you so happy twisted the knife deeper in his heart. how could you? conflicting emotions; he wanted to see you happy. he also wanted to see you suffer with him.
his glowering must’ve been pretty obvious as connor “addressed” him, asking if he was alright, to which he replied with a curt « all systems fully functional ». clearly the wrong answer as the rk800 frowned slightly and asked him to follow him. nines did as told. you watched him as he left, but he’d never know that.
the alleyway wasn’t the cleanest of places, but it was private and quiet enough that the two could converse verbally. connor watched his younger brother, concern in his eyes, and tentatively threaded the topic of his relationship with you. nines squinted his eyes fractionally as he observed his brother, pausing before dismissing anything connor may have assumed: « i don’t know what you’re trying to insinuate. the older model raised a brow in as he doubted his younger counterpart’s words. – you’ve been scowling at them for the past few minutes. – everything is perfectly fine between the detective and i. he forced out, probably more defensive and harsh than he meant it to be, as his brother’s eyes widened slightly, flashing with something akin to recognition. there was a pause before connor spoke up. – are you… jealous? he finally asked. »
nines looked a bit more than scandalised as the thought of being jealous, face contorted to slight disgust: « that’s preposterous. he scoffed. jealous? jealous of what? connor thought back about the scene before he intervened: nines was glaring intensely at you and colin, just after you laughed at one of his quips. – well for one, of collin. how he managed to get the detective’s attention. maybe you’re yearning for theirs, for their affection. his proposition has certainly made nines realise something as his eyes widened, making him look like a deer caught in the headlights. – what are you trying to say? his voice wavered in unsurety. – what i’m trying to say is tha— » he didn’t manage to finish his statement as another voice, not too dissimilar to his own cut him off, announcing how “nines had the hots” for you. connor looked slightly irked at being interrupted while nines quickly dismissed the statement before fully processing it. colin was slightly taken aback by the quick rejection, before smirked mischievously: « great! then you wouldn’t mind if i asked them out right? – colin! exclaimed his twin. »
a sudden rage took over nines’ body as he pushed colin out of the doorway and stormed back inside the bar. a few beats passed before connor threw a chastising look at his twin, which colin shrugged nonchalantly to.
yes, nines knew what dating was. he knew that if two individuals were to harbour romantic feelings for each other, they would come together and be “dating each other”.
date /dāt/ verb gerund or present participle: dating 3. go out with (someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested).
technically, it was fine. logically, it was fine. he didn’t own you. if you were to date his brother, then that would be your choice. but the thought of you being close and loving someone other than him felt so incredibly wrong. he wanted to leave. he needed to leave. this is all too much. he had feelings for you? he needed time to digest that statement. in his rush to get out, he accidentally bumped into another person, who made a small « oof » and an apology. he was about to apologise as well when you both realised who you were talking to.
« nines! i’ve been looking for you! can we… uh, talk? » he realised from this distance that he could smell your scent: lavender, fabric softener, and something pleasant that was unmistakably you. he nodded and followed you absentmindedly. how did you have this power to erase all thoughts from his mind, make him think of you and only you? has he really fallen for you? you both went outside, a distance away from the bar’s entrance when you finally restarted the conversation: « nines. – detective. » you bit your lips at that reply, and he realised now you looked tired, that radiant smile absent. « look, nines, i- i’m not dense, okay?... i-i know when someone’s avoiding me. – what do you mean detect— – i thought i told you that it was alright to call me by my first name… look, i… by “avoiding” i mean this. acting like you don’t know me. speaking to me as if we were just “coworkers”. acting like we aren’t friends. you sounded tired, the lilt in your voice that he has grown accustomed to sullen. – i’m not avoiding you. he lied, but he knew you were smarter than that. – nines please don’t lie… this distance… between us. i don’t understand, nines. your voice cracked. what happened? Why are you doing this? »
watching you hurt inside because of him was worse than any punishment he could’ve received. any and all previous wishes for you to suffer was quickly erased. he’s much rather suffer alone than watch you break. he took hesitant steps back. away from you. distancing himself from you. you noticed his actions and whispered a desperate « nines… please… » he wanted to run away. he wanted to stay. he wanted to leave and pretend this conversation never happened. he wanted to hold you and tell you everything: his fears, his doubts, his growing affection for you. in the end, he found himself running away from his problems like a coward. you didn’t bother to chase after him, desperately crying out « please… please don’t run from me conan. », last part choked out as you tried to hold yourself together. hearing your voice crack and waver because of him was awful. he wanted to turn back. comfort you. But his body didn’t obey him. when he finally stopped to pay attention to where he was going, he was right back at his shared flat. he swallowed dryly and moved to enter his house, a solemn air around him.
the next few days were absolutely torturous. he increased his initiative to avoid you, never seen in the same place as you, much to your chagrin. an act so blatant than someone as ignorant as reed noticed, an act that become the core of his recent round of taunts. avoiding you hurt. so why did he continue to do it? the thought of approaching the subject made him go cold. it immobilised him, stopped him from uttering a single word. a quick search told him he was scared. nervous. for rejection. he doesn’t know if his heart could take much more. he does resolve to tell you one day… just… not today…
but maybe he should’ve taken the chance when it was presented to him, as he may never get one again.
you died. well, you almost did. his mind jumping to the worst case scenarios as anxiety filled his system. arrest gone wrong. gunshot. 9mm bullets embedded within your abdomen. what if it hit your vascular system? you were rushed into the er. he knew that in this profession, the chances for an individual to get shot rises. but he didn’t expect to grow so attached to one of them. so as the surgeons work to quickly remove all bullets from your body, he sat, rigid, as he waited for the procedure to be done. he fiddled anxiously with his coin when your partner placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. he mechanically glanced at its owner, who told him to not worry, that you’re “too much of a stubborn ass” to die from this event. he didn't acknowledge colin’s input as he continues to play with the quarter. he should’ve told you. told you when he had the chance.
the clock ticked. and ticked. and ticked. when finally, the surgeon informed the two that you were alright. they managed to take out all the bullets. your condition was stable. you were ok. heavily sedated and going to be in a lot of pain. but you were ok. nines didn’t stop the heavy sigh of relief that escaped him. the doctor told them that visits will be allowed as soon as you were settled in recovery. he was going to tell you. he told himself, like an unspoken promise. he was going to tell you then. it’s the least you deserve. he was going to apologise and come clean. hopefully you’ll have it in you to forgive him.
when you finally came to, your body ached, you didn’t want to move, so you settled with eyeing your room. what happened? you were chasing this guy… and he pulled out a gun… pain and then darkness. and now you’re here. the recovery room was filled with gifts and get-well soon cards. balloons of assorted colours filled the room, bouquets of diverse types of flowers adorned the table.
« you’re awake. »
you turned your head at the source, seeing connor at the doorway. « how—you cleared your throat—how long was i gone for? you asked, voice raspy. – around 3 days and a half. you’d gain consciousness a few times, but you were too heavily sedated to be fully coherent. he explained as he took a seat near the bed. you groaned. – gosh that long? connor nodded. how’s colin? – doing pretty well all things considered. he does, however, feel immensely guilty about failing to protect you. – well, tell him it’s not his fault and that i forgive everything he’s blaming himself with. you worried about him. despite sixty’s mischievous exterior, he had a tendency to get himself stuck in a depressive loop of self-deprecation. connor smiled graciously. – will do… he placed a paper cup filled with what you assumed was thirium on the floor. how are you feeling? – everything hurts but i’ll live, you quipped. » the android chuckled and was about to reply when a knock caught both of your attention. the door creaked slightly open, as nines peered in. he hesitated before asking if he may speak with you. the “alone” part being left unsaid as connor bid you farewell and left.
you and your former partner were locked in an intense stareoff, you on the bed on one end and him glued to the door on the other. he took tentative steps towards you. closing that distance. when he was besides your bed, he nervously called out your name. you parroted him, mustering out a curt « conan. » he took a deep breath that he technically didn’t need and whispered out an apology: « i… i’m sorry. for everything i’ve caused—for all the hurt i’ve caused… for what it’s worth… i never meant for all this to happen. » his voice was clipped as guilt overcame him. you watched him, silent as ever. he wished you would say something, anything. the silence was deafening.
« then please tell me why… he promised himself that he’d come clean. – i… i don’t… i don’t think i know... for sure… i experienced anomalies in my system when i was around you.. you’d consume my every thought, i’d feel immobilised and i… i’ve been told that i’m being nervous… i’ve been told that i harboured romantic feelings for you… i-i don’t know. i… i yearn for your attention, your touch, your affection… but is it right for something like me to desire such a thing? am-am i broken…? his voice was barely a whisper when he choked out the lay part, and he waited for his response, growing more anxious as each second ticked by. what if you didn’t want him? what if he wasn’t enough? – no, you aren’t broken. you shook your head. just human. »
nines. confident and assured nines was an insecure and trembling mess as he poured out all of the doubts that plagued his mind. your heart aches as you wished to comfort him, so you do. you reached out, best you can, and grabbed him into a bone crushing hug. an action that took him by surprised as he stiffened at your touch. but he soon relaxed and carefully snaked his arms around your waist, returning the hug. you slowly caressed his hair as he nuzzled into your neck.
you both stay like this for a moment, relishing in each others presence, before you spoke up again: « it’s okay to be unsure, you know. he stopped his nuzzling, indicating to you that he was listening. if you don’t feel ready at the moment… if you just wanna be friends for the time being, i’m ok with that. and if one day you decide that you want to be more, just remember i’ll be right here. » you pressed a gentle kiss on the crown of his head and stayed in that position for a while, neither wanting to part ways, but this awkwardly positioned hug took a toll on your back so the both of you half heartedly pulled away from each other. hands holding the other’s, you asked for one more request: « just promise me one thing. – anything, he breathed out. – please… don’t ever run from me again. – never. he promised, fully intending to fulfill said request. »
« thank you. »
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Warning: Feelings detected.
This was prompted by an amazing anon! Sorry for uploading it this late but better late than never!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
This is the new RK900. Faster, stronger, more resilient, and equipped with the latest technologies.
The two sentences that would haunt RK900 – Nines, his name was Nines now – forever. Simple facts, he shouldn’t feel anything about it. But then again, he shouldn’t feel at all and yet he did. He had never known what he should be, never had a chance to be what he should have been, being activated after the revolution and thrown into deviancy without never knowing anything else. Maybe he should have been grateful for that. Others had thought for it and suffered for it and he had just been gifted freedom as if it belonged to them inherently. Which it did now. But still, Nines felt lost and torn with it.
He wanted to be the best android ever created. There was nothing wrong with being that perfect android. But at the same time, he looked his predecessor in the face every day and those words had been meant for him. You are obsolete now. Connor should have been deactivated had he not broken free himself previously. The other RK had always been supportive, but Nines couldn’t shake the feeling of unease around him. He didn’t want to be better than Connor. The same applied to deviancy. He hadn’t risked his life for it. Did he deserve it then?
Nines couldn’t find his peace with it and he suspected it would be his struggle forever, if he didn’t make a decision. And so it had been made the first week of him being free and working at the DPD: He wouldn’t restrict his abilities, but at the same time be respectful in front of Connor who could evaluate situations based on experience. He would also hide his feelings, as he shouldn’t have had them anyways. And it worked out quite nicely. He had been partnered up with Gavin Reed, a Detective with heated temper, a stubborn mind and a fascinating ability to connect evidence.
Unfortunately, the longer Nines worked together with the man, the more attributes of his he deemed fascinating. He paid it no mind until even his imperfections became something he treasured and he didn’t mind that that made absolutely no sense at all. He believed he had an idea of what this infatuation might be, but he stubbornly kept his emotions at bay. He would not allow himself to embrace these feelings and most definitely never voice them and he wouldn’t ever cave in to the human’s stupid advances and-
‘Hey, tin-can, that bike I told you about? I finally bought it! Wanna see?’ ‘Gladly, Gavin.’
Right. Maybe next time he would manage to keep to his own rules. Nines followed Gavin outside to the parking lot. It was their break, and there wasn’t much else to do than to watch humans eat and talking. Watching Gavin excitedly run around a shiny new bike and listening off the specifics was far more fun interesting. ‘And? What do you say?’ Gavin smiled brightly at him and Nines couldn’t focus on anything else but that. Only after a moment too long he noticed he was supposed to answer to that. ‘You look very beautiful’, he said hurriedly, his voice overlapping with static. ‘What?’ ‘The bike! It looks very beautiful’, Nines repeated. ‘I don’t think that’s what you said just then, Nines’, Gavin smirked. ‘I am not responsible for your inability to listen’, Nines commented coldly and turned to hurry back inside, his cheeks burning a light blue tone. He hoped the human would be insulted by that, so he would forget the embarrassing glitch, but as he looked back shily afterwards, Gavin was just standing there next to his motorcycle, smiling to himself.
Damn it.
It kept happening. Whenever Nines was around his partner, he managed to let words slip, to say what he thought and not what he meant to say, and his conception of time seemed to glitch too:
The morning the light had hit their desks just right to let Gavin’s green eyes shine. ‘Here is your coffee, beautiful.’ ‘What?’ ‘I said, here is your coffee.’
As they had been sent to a crime scene and Gavin bowed down to look at some traces of Red Ice without disturbing the evidence. ‘It seems our suspect has been very sexy.’ ‘Excuse me?’ ‘They have been very sneaky. No obvious footprints, no fingerprints either, but the hairs found by the forensic team indicate they have been human.’
By now Nines was being annoyed with himself. He was supposed to be perfect and yet here he was glitching all over the place as soon as this human was near. He didn’t allow himself to think that it may be more than a simple coincidence, but it evidently was. And Gavin wouldn’t be a Detective if he hadn’t noticed it.
‘Hey, Nines.’ They stood at the Detroit River and looked over to Belle Isle. Both of them were tired from their last case, having chased a drug dealer through half Detroit and back until they finally managed to arrest him. It was quite surprising the Detective had spoken up now, usually he didn’t initiate conversation, especially not being this exhausted. ‘I’ve been thinking…’ ‘That’s generally a good idea’, Nines commented. ‘Oh, shut up! In the past weeks you seemed unfocussed around me. Something the matter?’ Nines’ LED turned to red and he immediately turned his head so the human wouldn’t see. Although Gavin must have done so already. ‘I’m sorry, Detective, I planned on visiting Cyberlife soon about it. It won’t happen again.’ ‘Nah, don’t worry’, Gavin smiled and elbowed him in the side. ‘It’s cute, actually.’ ‘Cute?’ ‘I mean, if it’s what I think it is, it’s absolutely phcking adorable.’ ‘Nothing about me is adorable’, Nines disagreed. ‘I’m not designed that way.’ ‘Doesn’t mean you can’t be.’
Nines swallowed. ‘You are… cute too.’ Gavin grinned. ‘Hey, careful there, that’s some deviancy right there.’ ‘What are you-‘ ‘Do you think I don’t notice what you are doing Nines?’, Gavin laughed and clapped his back. ‘Hey, being in denial is kinda my thing. It’s okay. I won’t tell anyone.’ ‘Thank you, Gavin’, Nines murmured. ‘I’m still insecure about a lot of things, deviancy being one of them.’ ‘Hey, I’ve already said it. It’s okay, it’s fine. Do you think humans have it all figured out?’ Gavin laughed. ‘I wished we had. But one thing I can tell you: Pushing your emotions away just because you don’t understand them or they feel weird won’t solve your problems.’ ‘I’m not pushing them-‘ ‘You aren’t? Really?’ Gavin turned around and rested one arm on the railing. ‘Mister I-turn-my-head-away-to-hide? Come on. I know you by now. Just tell me what you feel comfortable with, but I can already assure you, I feel a lot for you, too. You don’t have to hide if it’s that what you are worried about.’
‘It’s not that, it’s…’ ‘Yes?‘ Nines looked back at him shily. ‘You are beautiful.’ ‘Careful, you are glitching again.’ ‘I mean it. You are beautiful. In your entirety. Your body is beautiful, your mind, your person. And I… I can keep my feelings turned off around everyone but you.’ ‘Wow, you really need some help with romantic speeches’, Gavin chuckled, and Nines rolled his eyes, already regretting opening up. ‘Hey. I didn’t mean it that way. That’s really sweet of you and like that I know it comes from the heart. Thirium pump. Whatever it comes from in your case.’ ‘So, you are okay with this?’, Nines asked carefully. ‘Would we be having this conversation otherwise?’, Gavin asked. ‘I’m super okay with this.’
‘I think I love you.’ Nines hadn’t meant to say that, it had just slipped his mouth in another glitch, but he couldn’t find it in him to regret it as he saw how Gavin’s entire face lit up. ‘I think I love you too, tin-can.’
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To Grasp At Warmth (RK900 x Reader)
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Warnings: mentions of blood and injuries, swearing, Nines trying to grasp at human emotions whilst trying to comfort a human through hard times. LONG CHAPTER AHEAD, ALSO ON MY A03!
There wasn’t much to retain from what had happened. You had been assigned to a mission with the arrogant jackass Gavin Reed and his cold and distant android upgraded model, RK900 to go on a simple mission.
An abandoned apartment was in suspicions of holding deviant spottings and scoutings, the possibility of finding some were very high.
It had been normal, and you hadn’t thought anything different in crashing through that door, guns raised and raiding the small space.
It had been hell that had been raised as soon as you stepped into that apartment.
There was screaming, you don’t remember from who, gunshots going off in all directions, and you found yourself ducked behind an emptied cabinet, gun at the ready to take down a deviant who was in hopes of escaping.
You could recall it happening all-so-quickly: the rush of adrenaline pumping in your veins as you stood, too quick as your eyes scanned the area to shoot at the target, but you were too slow, and your body was reacting not fast enough to shoot or duck back down again.
You heard a shout of your name, a bark for you to take cover, and another sounding so demanding that you thought it couldn’t possibly be the RK900 model?
You had fired with hopes of getting the deviant, and you had been thrown back in shock: had your gun gone off accidentally too soon? You were strong enough to take the power of the small firearm, but now, you couldn’t believe you were really lying on the floor.
There was a haziness in your mind, eyes scanning frantically, Gavin swearing like usual as you tried to find your own voice - frantically trying to understand what was going on.
Had I gotten it? You were looking for blood, the familiar blue colour of the thirium that pumped in all android’s bodies to be splattered on the ground, a deviant’s body fallen, but no blue blood anywhere.
Just red, so much red.
You were crumpled on the ground, and that was when the searing pain came through your shoulder, a cry escaping your lips as your fingers were going up to hold your upper up in agony, but there was someone stopping you.
The smell of your blood in the air hit your nostrils once you were able to put two and two together, the wavering smell of it bringing your stomach to want to throw up its contents, a feeling of fatigue falling over you.
“She fucking got shot by that thing-” You could hear Gavin in the background, muttering furiously as he called in for backup, the deviants had escaped and the one you were going to shoot a shot at you before you could- that was all you could understand.
You understood the underlying factor that you had failed, you had failed your team and now you were disappointing them; letting them down just because you got injured. It was heard from Gavin’s aggravated tone, the same you had heard constantly when missions have failed. 
It was only Nines who was extremely quiet beside you, checking over your vitals and system. 
“Detective? Can you hear me?” You didn’t dare want to look up to meet the Cyberlife Android’s eyes; something about them always made you uneasy.
Like looking at an icy tundra; eyes that look so human but hold nothing for our kind.
You attempting to sit up, again, trying to touch for the wound underneath your jacket, but Nines was quickly behind you, holding you up as your head began spinning. “F-Fuck, you can still get it... if you run.”
“If we leave you, the blood you’ve lost will kill you in a matter of minutes,” Nines stated, pausing briefly as if frozen or in thought. “I sent our location for an ambulance, it will arrive in approximately 4 minutes and 29 seconds.”
There was a calmness in his voice like always, enough to keep you calm at the situation.
You didn’t speak, but you could feel yourself going in and out of consciousness, the feeling of your body wanting to sleep, but the reminders in your mind begging you not to.
Nines was one to keep reminding you not to close your eyes, telling you almost every second how close the ambulance was to reach you.
You felt the right side of your shoulder just above your armpit was on fire, a burning and numbing sensation making you feel as if you had survived to be in a fire than surviving a gunshot.
“Shut up.” You croaked quietly as if caught in the middle of sleeping and was being disturbed. Part of you didn’t care anymore: you had survived this long and now, all you wanted was to not disappoint yourself or others.
“God, I have to die surrounded by idiots.”
Nines didn’t respond to your words, and your head rolled back, looking anywhere and everywhere.  Your eyes were left unfocused, staring at the walls idly. Anything to distract you.
“What the fuck is happening now?” Gavin gruffly asked, but you never heard much of Nine’s answer.
“She’s going into hemorrhagic shock-- Keep your eyes open, Detective. Detective L/N?-- Y/N?”
You had thought you had died there and then: there was a fuzziness that distorted your mind and body from making you not understand where you were. The hazy side to you settled and went away, and you were blinking back the bright ceiling lights above you.
“I’m glad to see you awake, Detective L/N.” A voice pulled you from everything, calm, masculine. Uninterested. You glanced when you thought it had been all so familiar, green eyes instead of blue, a male nurse standing beside you with a smile on their face.
You looked at their features, instantly recognising the LED flashing blue on the side of their temple. “I’ll go get the doctor.” and with that and not much to say, they left you in your hospital bed.
You groaned, instinctively going to move your right arm to wipe your eyes when you sharply grunted, a pain residing in the side of you that you didn’t notice from the drips that were in your skin.
The top half of your arm was completely wrapped up, not even a single bit of skin remaining for you to see, a cast that reached your elbow, meaning you couldn’t bend it all that well.
“Miss L/N.” You gritted your teeth, trying to remain calm as you looked to the new person walking in, thankfully a human doctor who hadn’t resembled anything of an android.
For once, you were thinking you were never going to see another normal face again. “What the hell happened?”
“You have undergone surgery. The humerus was struck by the bullet that entered your shoulder, causing it to break.”
That explained the ungodly pain you were going through right now. Your brain trying recalling everything that happened for all of this to of occurred - the deviant, getting shot, Gavin and Nines-
“Hey, I know it’ll be a lot to take in, but you’re very lucky to be alive, you lot quite a lot of blood.” The doctor smiled sympathetically to you. “I’ll go and inform your partners that you’ve awakened.”
Yes, will they be pleased to hear that I’ve made it out to the other side? You thought drearily, your head falling back onto the pillows as you could only think really of work and how you were going to recover.
Recovery, unfortunately, wasn’t something that was going to be good for you. It would take around four to five months recovery time, with most of it in a sling; rendering you from using your arm for a while and relying on things that were so simple making your life a living hell.
It meant that you were left useless and given lots of time off work, and you were just as disappointed as Fowler was when you had called into his office that same day when you had been told the news.
After a week, you were allowed out, officer Tina Chen - a friend of yours and someone who could tolerate Gavin to befriend him - had picked you up from the hospital and driven you home. 
For a couple of hours, she had stayed with you, chatting about the things you had missed whilst helping you with things you needed.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Gavin ask about you so much, he got as talkative as Nines.”
You nearly spluttered on your green tea, gritting your teeth momentarily for the pain to subside. “Nines? Nines was asking for me?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him speak that often and so much. God, it sounded like they missed you a lot. A lot of relief was felt when they heard you made it out from the surgery.”
There was a feeling that bubbled inside of you, to make your heart feel light in your chest; Nines asked for you, and even worse, Gavin was not being rude about you for once?
Tina took in your surprised expression. “You seem surprised by this.”
You blinked, looking away as you sipped you tea slowly. “I guess... the two of them never really speak about me so kindly, or ask for me? You know what Reed is usually like?” You shook your head in denial. “But Nines? I didn’t think there’s anything in his system to make him be programmed to be so-- to be-”
“Empathetic?” Tina finished your sentence. You nodded at the right words. “For someone who goes on about not being a deviant, you would think the tin can was growing feelings, huh?” Laughed Tina in thought.
“Y-Yeah...” It was a lot to get you thinking about everything, and in those days that grew into weeks then months, you had lots of time for doing it.
With the pain medication and timely check-ups, you were seeing no hope in actually being able to get back to work; being stuck inside your apartment all day every day was making you believe you had lost your mind by the third day.
You were certain you had re-read every book on your shelf, watched every show on Netflix and maybe even started learning another language; just so you could kill time and get better.
You groaned in silent defeat, a rumbling in your stomach telling you it was best to get something for dinner. But there was nothing to eat. By the third month, you were sure you were a stone lighter and stronger in your left arm from carrying things with one hand.
You were sure to try and brag about it to Gavin when you came back to work.
Speaking of Gavin, you hadn’t heard from him, or Nines. They hadn’t even come to check on you once, instead, Reed sent one or two messages to your during the day, sometimes he had sent photos of his cats in the evenings to keep your spirits, but you believed the two of them were busy with work.
But for Nines, you knew that this human-looking android had no part in him to understand or feel sympathy for your cause. 
He was built and programmed to be stronger, faster and better in everywhere to his previous model, and to help hunt deviants like they were infestations. He was there to not befriend humans, just use for helping them with investigations.
You knew it could never happen, but you did miss the RK900 android. And there was the knowledge that he would never want to see you outside of work.
A brief knock brought you to shake out of your thoughts, a pang of sadness and forlorn feeling fell on you that evening like most times did, as you rocked back and forth to stand and walk to the front door.
You don’t remember getting any messages about arrivals or post, nor certainly, anyone visiting at this hour, so why, when you did open that door and saw those familiar blue eyes, did you almost want to drop dead there and then?
Your good hand gripped at the doorknob tightly, to still the shakiness as you meet the androids avoidant stare. “Good evening, detective.”
“Nines, what are you doing here?” You knew that he was analysing you, from the utter mess you looked like, and yet, you were dressed in a pair of shorts, barefoot and a baggy Nirvana logo t-shirt, your hair looking like a rats nest.
There was a part of you that wanted to slam the door on his face, to go and hide in shame for your looks, for knowing he was assessing you in scrutinising way, but the other part didn’t care.
Nines stood as straight as a pin in front of your door, towering over your height, his cold blue eyes didn’t show much emotion for you, and you were having a hard time guessing what he could’ve been processing in thought.
“Detective Reed and I were discussing that you had been out of work for 3 months and 25 days, so I thought I would come over and check on you.”
“Geez, do I want to know how the hell you managed to find where I lived?” You blinked groggily, knowing full well it was late in the evening.
“Your records and information weren’t hard to find, Detective. I simply looked it up and drove to your apartment complex.” Nines spoke matter-of-factly, but you were certain there was an underlying hint of sarcasm in his tone.
“Right, would you like to come in instead of stand outside my door? Your bringing in a draft.” Nines didn’t need to be told twice, complying and stepping through to look around your small area.
It only dawned on you that this was the first time Nines was inside your place, and he was definitely going to judge you for your stuff. You left him to it, walking to your kitchen area to raid the cupboards, hearing him shuffle around from bit to bit of your apartment, looking at everything carefully that you owned.
Oh, he was going to know you know more than he was looking over every minor detail of you, but you tried to ignore him at best. Grabbing a tin of soup, you got the tin open with the hands-free tin opener.
“Your serotonin and endorphins are very low, and it seems that you have only been getting around 3-4 hours of sleep a night-”
“Lucky guess Nines, it’s because I’m feeling like shit.” You spun to look back on him, not meaning to be ticked off, but just feeling so down was making you want to take it out on him.
The LED on Nine’s temple spun blue to yellow, before returning back to complete blue, there were obvious questionings to why you were feeling like this. “It is recommended to get 7-9 hours of sleep and provide yourself with vitamin C and B12-”
“It’s not fucking like that, Nines!” You snapped, staring into his own eyes that bore into yours. You looked away, your eyes darting to look at the floor. “I’m depressed.”
Your eyes snapped up when you heard shuffling, looking to see him walk over to you. The RK900 was soon standing in front of you, hands folded in front of him as if he would fiddle with something for a distraction from keeping him bored.
“Why?” He asked, his tone a bit more demanding, and you had heard it from when he was extracting confessions out from deviants in interrogations. It put you far more on edge than you had realised.
Your back hit the kitchen counter, biting the inside of your cheek, neither one of you spoke for a second. “It's just... its... I’m lonely.”
“Lonely?” He questioned your choice of the word. “But you have the above-average number of friends.”
“I know that I just... it’s fucking weird and I know you will never understand, but I miss working.” He would never understand, no matter how much you tried to say it. “I just missed the interactions of everyone.”
“Everyone, including Gavin?” His musings made you almost roll your eyes. “Yes, even Gavin in a fucked up way. God, don’t tell him I said that.”
“What about me?” Nines asked.
You blinked owlishly up at him, his question brought you to feel nervous with your choice of an answer. You could tell the truth or lie, and either one, you didn’t know how he could react to your words.
“Answer me,” he repeated it again lower, coming closer to you than you wanted to anticipate, so close you thought he knew he would be able to hear how fast your heart was beating, “did you miss me, Y/N?”
You squeezed your eyes shut, focusing on your breathing when you thought you had started panicking. Nines was not stopping when he witnessed how flustered you were getting; instead, he seemed to be relishing the moment.
“Look at me.” His demand wasn’t as harsh as you had imagined from his programming, a lot softer to make you look up at him in wonderment. Immediately, you could see how close he was now to you, practically towering over you.
He took his hand into your good one in a tentative manner, and you watched as the outer skin peeled back to show the synthetic layer beneath; the plastic feels to the lower layer that felt oddly cool in your hand. You stared at him in bewilderment, as Nines watched your reaction slowly, closing his own eyes briefly.
“They say that I was the latest made to be more resilient, a new prototype to be faster, stronger, the machine made just to help humans and nothing else.” He began, his voice was lower as he drew it out. “These... emotions are something I was not programmed into having, nor understanding.”
That part was back in the back of your head, telling you he was just a machine, nothing like the previous model, Connor; He could never deviate, could he?
“That being said,  it doesn’t mean it’s ever too late to learn, to understand for myself better what makes humans... human.”
“Nines,” You breathed breathlessly, your fingers gripping his involuntarily. His own eyes opened once again, blinking down upon you. There was still that neutral cold look to his already cooler colour counterpart, but there was a softness, a fondness behind them now.
“I want to learn, from you.” His fingers hesitated momentarily, treading themselves through the back of your hair, slowly maybe even out of curiosity trailing across your jaw. “These fickle emotions that make me want to understand you better.”
“Nines, you’re not deviating, are you?” You met his eyes with a loopy smile.
“No, I’m not.” He rolled his blue eyes your way, a half-smile on his face. “But I’m certain, this is me saying this and not what I’ve been programmed to say.”
Neither one of you spoke, nor needed to really, but you were pulled back when your soup was announced ready, breaking eye contact from him first. “Come, we can discuss these feelings better on the couch, with a movie--- have you seen Blade Runner?”
“Y/N, I have millions of films to stream, I’m sure I have possibly heard of it.” Nines teased softly, his dry sarcasm was something you had missed from him.
“Good, it’ll be easier for you to understand when we watch it.” You smiled, taking him by the hand and dragging him to the couch to spend the evening doing exactly that.
It took most of the rest of the night speaking freely about these topics with Nines, but you were sure he was getting the hang of them when he finally plucked the courage to put his own lips to yours.
You couldn’t complain that you had missed him indeed.
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
Two Birds
(Connor x reader x Nines/Conan)
A/N: Hey y'all! Been a while since i wrote anything but these androids are givin me SO many ideas and SO much motivation. This, as the title suggests, is a songfic. If you know me than ya know this is gunna get sad :) sorrynotsorry. Also ik RK900 has a LOT of names but I just stick to Nines/Conan. Anyways hope y'all enjoy!
It had been a good couple of months since androids were officially declared people. This made you, the android rights activist that you were, absolutely ecstatic to say the least. Of course you were glad androids were now seen as the people like they should be, but this change made you happy for another, more selfish reason. It meant that one of your favorite androids was able to break free from his programming that made him think he was just a machine, designed to accomplish a task. That android was your best friend and love of your life (be he didn't have to know that), Connor.
When you learned of Connor's dieviancy you were shocked to say the least. But oh how you were oh so happy. You knew he had it in him despite him always saying the opposite. There was just something about him that made you knew he was so much more than he claimed. You wished so bad that he would see what you saw. A person. A wonderfully amazing, sweet, innocent, and unintentionally hilarious person. So when he finally did manage to tear himself from the wires of his mission and see it too, it was amazing.
During the next months you happily answered any questions he had and helped him with all the new emotions he was experiencing. Along with the help of his adopted father Hank, of course. Both of your love for the dorky android seemed to grow a million times too, if that was even possible. Of course the types of love you harboured being very different.
However while Connor, one, of your favorite androids was excited to leap into human-hood, your other favorite was proving to be more....reluctant. That other android was none other than Cyberlife's last creation.
The RK900.
Nines to most, but you called him Conan. He only really ever let you call him that and sent anyone else who tried an icy glare that'd make anyone feel like they were just marked to an early grave. You only really ever called him that when you were being serious, or needed to scold him for being rude to Connor though. Which again, only you could ever get away with.
At first, you thought that meant that he was starting to deviate. Slowly, but surely. You understood that he'd take more time than Connor considering he was made to be more resilient than his predecessor and you were more than willing to put in the work.
Well you supposed you fell for him too. You blamed the fact that he looked nearly identical to Connor. And that he was tall as shit. And built like a damned brick wall. And made you feel so safe. And could serve burns to anyone that gave him sass (namely Gavin) that made you giggle every single time. You were practically helpless to his charms, and he wasn't even trying for Christ's sake.
You really did think that you were being successful in your mission to make him deviate, like you did Connor.
Pull him from that wire.
And he really did have you fooled.
When he came to you that one night, his steel grey eyes showing something you've never seen from him before. You thought that there had been a breakthrough. That he was breaking through.
When he told you that he was starting to feel, you believed it all immediately. Told him, "There's nothing I won't understand." with a hopeful smile on your face.
Why wouldn't you believe him? The way he sounded so troubled was more than convincing enough to you that he wanted to join his brother in being devient. Being human. After all, you noticed him watching Connor closely whenever he showed any emotion.
Another reason you were so quick to believe him was simply because you knew he didn't lie. He wasn't programmed to after all.
But that's the thing about lying, if one is good enough at it, a lie will always be perceived as truth.
That was your greatest mistake. Taking him for his word. Trusting him. You thought that since androids were supposed to be equal that that's what he'd want, right? That the reason he watched Connor being so unapologetically emotional it meant that he longed to do the same, right? That the reason why whenever Connor tried to help him or offer to 'wake him up' he refused was because he was scared and just wanted to do it on his own pace, right?
Oh so, so wrong.
But of course, you wouldn't find that out until it was much too late.
You invited both androids over to your place to just hang out after a particularly stressful day on the job. Whilst out on the field Conan nearly got shot in one of his more important biocomponants when Connor pulled him out of the way. Said something about fellow prototypes sticking together, all Conan did was nod, seemingly in appreciation. At least that's what Connor thought. And just like that he made the same mistake you had. Misplaced trust.
It was a stormy night out as the three of you sat on the couch watching tv, you and Connor talking about god knows what. Conan being as silent as ever. It didn't strike you as particularly odd, and neither did the side glances he sent to Connor. Glances that seemed more like intense glares. Like a predator watching it's prey. But you never noticed.
God how you wished you noticed.
How didn't you notice?
Maybe if you had you would've never left to the kitchen to grab a snack. Leaving the two androids alone. Leaving Connor alone.
You hadn't even been out of the room for more than a minute or two when you suddenly heard a loud thud. When you raced out of the kitchen to see what a the commotion was about your heart dropped at the sight infront of you.
There on your floor was Connor, and his therium pump on the other side of the room. He was desperately trying to crawl over to it, leaving stains of blue all over your carpet. He must have had less than a minute before he'd shut down. Before he'd die.
You didn't even notice that Conan wasn't there and at that moment you didn't have the time to waste to think about it. All you could think about was Connor, and how his hauntingly weak voice called out to you for help. 
You made a run for his therium pump and grabbed it but just before you could put it back where it belonged, hands suddenly grabbed you and roughly pinned your arms to your chest. In the sudden action the precious biocomponant was dropped to the floor by your feet. Your immediate instinct was to fight back but they were stonger than you, much stronger than you. As if holding you to their chest and keeping you still was effortless.
When you looked up to see your attacker you were horrified when you recognised those piercing, emotionless, eye staring down at you.
"C-Conan...?" Your voice shook as the betrayal that was taking place slowly sunk in.
"What are you doing?! Let me go!"
You tried struggling again but he just held you tighter to the point where you felt like he was going to break every bone in your body. Tears burned in your eyes and were quick to fall down your cheeks. All you could do was scream and sob as you watched helplessly as Connor still tried to crawl to his only hope of staying alive. Of keeping the life he made from himself.
But just as he reached for it, Conan brought his foot down upon the pump and crushed it. The sound made your heart stop and you let out a heartbreaking wail. With the last energy Connor had, he looked up and met his every warm choclatey brown eyes that you adored so much with your glossy (e/c) ones. He tried to smile, despite the terror of death he was facing. He didn't want you to see him scared, yet his LED which was raging red betrayed him. Opening his mouth to speak he managed to get out his final words.
"I love you."
You didn't even get to say it back before you saw his gorgeous eyes become lifeless, and his LED go grey. You dropped to the floor when Conan's crushing grip finally let you go and you immediately went to cradle the body of your poor sweet Connor. Your body wracked with sobs as you placed a soft kiss to his cold lips. Something you never had the guts to do before.....before it was too late.
You looked up at Conan with eyes that held so much pain, confusion, betrayal. 
"Why?" was all you could get out, your voice hoarse and barely audible.
What you heard next made your heart shatter into more pieces than it already was.
"It was my mission."
You watched as he turned his back and made his way to the front door, as if nothing happened in disbelief. When he left your eyes drifted down to meet Connor's one last time. You closed them so you didn't have to bare seeing how lifeless they had become.
You sat in that position for what felt like an eternity, every single thing that you could have done to prevent this. Everything you overlooked. Every lie you ate up. You couldn't move even if you wanted to. Not even when you heard police sirens. Not even when you heard Hank calling your name.
You just thought about how your want, your need to help Conan got Connor killed. How because you were so easy to trust him, your love was gone. Forever.
It wasn't supposed to be this way. Connor was supposed to live life to the fullest. Experience what the world had to offer with the emotions he fought to feel. He was supposed to be free, and so was Conan.
But he didn't want to be free.
He was never going to let go of that wire.
A/N: I'm hella proud of this as my first writing thing in a while. Or more proud of the idea really. Ik it doesn't have much dialogue and im gunna try n work on that in the future. Lemme know what y'all thought and leave a suggestion of what you'd like to see next! Love y'all!
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i-do-a-write · 4 years
The Android looked at the man sitting at his desk, directly next to him. There was… something about this man that called out to the Android. Something like pain. Maybe he wasn't sleeping enough? "Take a photo it lasts longer you over-glorified toaster oven" The man's sudden outburst startled Nines. "Over… glorified toaster oven?" It was obvious Gavin had made Nines very confused, his LED was showing a bright yellow with hints of red every now and then. But Nines brushed it off, “I’m glad you’ve found more insults, Detective Reed.” There was a faint smile on the android’s face. “Like I’ll ever run out of them, Nines.” The detective sat there, glaring at his screen, while the android analyzed the case the two were assigned. It was nothing important, just a B&E. Gavin’s mind was obviously somewhere but it wasn’t on earth, or in the moment. They sat in silence for a few hours until Nines looked away from his screen.
The android was definitely surprised. Gavin noticed the surprised face and looked up from his screen. “Whats up Tin-can?” questioned the coffee driven detective. “Is...That a child near Lieutenant Anderson?” Gavin looked over to see a sopping wet Hank, a dry child, and Connor, who was just as wet as Hank. “Did you swim here Anderson?” Hank didn’t respond… which was odd. Even for Hank. Nines looked at the kid, it was covered up with Hank’s jacket and Connor’s jacket. You could literally call them the parents of the precinct. Hank held the child close to his side, not allowing anyone near. Gavin glanced at the child, obviously disturbed. He got up and gave a worried glance at Hank. Nines was confused, as he didn’t really understand why Gavin was concerned over a small child. Hank gave a small nod, and as soon as Connor and Hank had arrived, they walked away to an interrogation room. “What’s the wrong Detective?” Questioned the RK900. Gavin just stood there, looking like an android who was shutting down or becoming deviant, which did cause concern with Nines. After a long painful silence between them, the man finally piped up “N-nothings wrong right now Nines. All is good.” The android tilted his head at Gavin “You don’t look o-” “I AM FINE.” Hisses Gavin as he walks over to his desk. Gavin sits down angrily and goes right back to his computer. After a quick scan, Nines detected his stress levels are at 50%. Nines preferred not to dig into his partner’s past since he moved from precinct to precinct. He could dig into Gavin’s past, but he doesn’t want to destroy his partnership with Gavin.
After a few awkward hours, Hank came over. “Reed I need you in the interrogation room. You may be our last hope.” Gavin looked up at Hank. “Isn’t Connor able to, maybe Ni-” “I need you.” Interrupted Hank. “Why me?” Nines stayed quiet, he didn’t dig into Gavin’s history yet, but he assumed that there was certainly something that lingered. “Because,” Hank didn’t say anything more, but he gave a knowing stare and left. Gavin sighed and got up. “Come along.” The man left and Nines followed him into the interrogation room. Connor looked through the glass, then looked at the new people who came into the room.
Nines opted for telepathic communication. ‘So what’s going on’ asked the RK900. Connor looked at the child again through the glass. ‘Hank and I found the young child in an abandoned house. The child insisted that his parents were coming back, but he wouldn’t tell us his name.’ Gavin and Hank quietly conversed in the corner, and Gavin looked nervous. Flashbacks? Definitely. ‘So...why Gavin as your approach? What went wrong?’ Questioned Nines. ‘Well, Hank went in first, knowing he had experience with kids. He tried talking to the kid in a fatherly tone… Didn’t work. I went in, the child proceeded to stay quiet. We need to know his name so we can file abuse. We even sent Tina! And that didn’t work!!’ Nines looked at the child, finally and tilted his head at the small nervous kid. Tina was with the child trying to get his name. ‘...Why Gavin. We both know that he is unreliable.’ Connor glanced at Gavin and looked back at Nines ‘He has...something in his past that we both don’t know about but Hank does. They both have the experience that we don’t have. We have to trust them. I’ll dig if you-’ ‘No, no I can dig for myself, Connor. I will be fine. I just… I have to get used to it.’ Retorted Nines. ‘I.... will be fine. But I do not want to dig without Gavin’s consent.’ Connor nodded, ‘Right, you’ve got the crush on GaViN~’ ‘Connor I WILL take a knife to your throat.’ ‘ok ok’ Laughed Connor.
Gavin stared at the child with sorrow. Gavin sighed and looked at Hank. “You really think so?” Trembled Gavin. Hank nodded solemnly. The man took off his hoodie and walked into the room. “Why...are we sending Gavin?” Nines questioned the lieutenant while looking at the interrogation room. “Gavin knows his way around this, I’m sure he’ll get to the bottom of this.” “Really? A short-tempered, smoking, caffeine-addicted, Detective? Handling a child?” Scoffed Nines. Hank sent a very stern father face. “Nines.” “What!” “You don’t know what he’s been through. Be. Gentle.” Said, Hank sternly. Nines finally hushed, but he asked one last time, “What happened to Gavin.” Hank sighed and looked at Gavin, who was obviously bonding with the child as they were talking about animals. “he...Had a rough past. He’s still healing, but he won’t open up. At least. Not to anyone in the precinct…” Nines stared into the room at what he wished was his boyfriend. “What happened in his past?” Questioned the RK800. “I wish I could answer but...Gavin would be at my throat if I dare tell. It’s best you figure it out yourself.”
Gavin comforted the child as he realized he was left for dead. This definitely hit close to home for the detective. “Hey, it’s gonna be ok. Trust me, it’s going to get better John.” John looked up at Gavin, teary-eyed, and sobbed “I th-thought they l-loved me…” Reed wasn’t one for crying, but his heart definitely broke as the boy sobbed in his arms. “John, it’s going to be ok. I promise, your grandmother will take care of you. She’ll help you, and if it comes down to it, you can always come to me.” Great, another promise to a kid he’ll probably never see again. Nines was certainly surprised how Gavin reacted. Hank smiled while Connor stood confused. John gave Gavin a teary smile. The two spoke for about an hour while the DPD alerted John’s grandmother. They had a cheerful chat about life, school, current news, androids, riddles, so many things. Hank turned on the intercom and spoke, “Gavin, John’s grandmother is here to pick him up” John was spooked and clung onto Gavin. “John it’s ok, your grandma is here to pick you up and take you home to a nice and warm bed, with some warm food and hot chocolate. Alright?” John nodded and got out of his chair. Gavin followed and offered a hand to the small child. John took his hand and they both walked out.
Gavin and John were soon joined by Connor, Hank, and Nines. John stood close to Gavin until his grandmother came into sight. John let go of Gavin’s hand and ran to his grandmother and they had a loving reunion. Gavin slowly let his mind drift. Nines noticed Gavin drifting, but he started to slightly shake. Hank and Connor left so the two lov-AHEM- detectives alone.
Gavin shook slightly while John and his grandmother left. “Detective are you ok?” Asked the android. “Yeah, yeah I’m good.” Gavin kept shaking though. Nines quickly got the detective’s hoodie and put it around Gavin. “I highly suggest you go home, Detec-” “I am fine.” Gavin walked away to his desk, against Nine’s suggestions. Nines quickly followed Gavin “Gavin you need to go home, you're shaking a lot right now and that is the cause for my concern.” Gavin wouldn't ever admit he needed to go home, he never admitted to weakness but Nines was making it so damn difficult for him to say 'I'm fine' over and over, seeing the concern in Nine's eyes every time he did say it. ”Go home detective. I'll deal with the rest from here. You need to go home and I won't stop until you leave the station.” calmly said the Android, it was obvious Nines wouldn't budge. Gavin groaned in annoyance and sighed, “Ffffffffine. I'll go home.” Nines gave a small relieved smile, “Good. I'll be here at the station working. You can call me or anyone else to talk to, or to at least have some company”
Nines obviously wanted to go with Gavin, but he couldn't risk their friendship by impeding Gavin's home life. But plot twist, Gavin wanted Nines to come with him too. Gavin shakily nodded at the RK900 “Got it… thanks for covering my ass while I'm at home... ” The Android smiled fondly at Gavin “Anytime Detective.” Gavin got up and quickly made his way to leave the station so he could go cuddle up with his cats. “Detective Reed! Where the hell do you think you're going?!” Fowler's voice rang out, causing Gavin to jump and probably got a trigger. “I told him to leave Captain Fowler. Detective Reed feels sick so I told him to go ahead and leave.” Gavin gained respect for the Android as he didn't say that he felt pity for the human because he was scared. Nines created a whole cover story for him just so he could escape. “Sick?” questioned Fowler. Nines quickly responded, “He has a raging fever” Fowler stood there while Gavin hid his shakes, then Fowler finally responded, “Take as long as you need Gavin. I can't have my detectives sick.” Gavin quickly nodded and left the station without another conversation. He quickly got into his car and sighed, “Phcking Nines… you can't do this to me…” He sighed, once more, and focused on how nice it’ll be to cuddle with his two cats while driving.
Nines started working, covering Gavin’s shift along with his. He wasn’t concerned with the amount of stress he would possibly encounter, but Connor was. Connor was a younger brother, but who was definitely older than Nines. Confusing, yes, but funny. “Nines are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Questioned the RK800. “I am very well aware of what I’m doing Connor, Gavin was obviously not feeling well so I told him to go home.” Responded Nines. “But, Nines-” “Enough Connor, I do not need a life story about how I should’ve taken him home and take care of him. I also don’t need an explanation of why I shouldn’t overwork myself.” Nines then turned to his work, but Connor was determined to send Nines home with Gavin. “Nines. He nee-” “Connor I am not about to go and risk my friendship with Detective Reed. I am not like you, I don’t have the guts to go and break into his home.” Nines was tired of the android’s constant badgering to ‘Get the boy’ as he put it. Hank ushered Connor away while Nines continued on with his work.
Gavin left the station at around 4, Nines checked the time as it was now 6:30. Connor and Hank left 30 minutes ago. Nines decided it was time to head home, but something didn’t sit right with him. He brushed it off and left the station. The android started his long journey home. It was still pouring rain, as it was Detroit. It was common. Nines didn’t mind the rain, it was peaceful to him, the sound of rain hitting the cold pavement. Creating puddles that the drops would then hit. Hearing the rain hit cars, umbrellas, stores, anything. Nines analyzed his surroundings until he got a call. The name of the caller was ‘Dipshit’. The android knew who called him and he instantly picked up. “Detective Nines, what’s your problem?” It was silent on the other side, which caused concern for Nines. “Detective Reed?” It was still quiet. The android’s LED went from blue to yellow. “Gavin are you there?” Questioned Nines. A small ‘mewr?’ came from Gavin’s side. “Gavin?” The cat mewed at what Nines suspected was Gavin. A small sniffle could be heard. “I know sweetheart, I should stop crying over this.” Nines’ LED glowed red as he quickly started walking to Gavin’s home. “Gavin are you ok?” “Wh-ah? H-hehh...smart cat…” Shakily laughed Gavin. “Are you ok? Do I need to come over?” Gavin’s cat gave an affirmative mew while Gavin questioned how much Nines heard. “H-heh, some company would be n-nice…” Nines knew Gavin wasn’t feeling well, but he didn’t expect it to lead to tears or a mental breakdown.
Nines’ voice was never really… human per se, but he sounded more human than android in this one moment, “I’m heading over, if you don’t want me over, I’ll turn around and head home.” This was Gavin’s one chance to be alone with Nines, out of work, and his cats made his choice for him. The cats objected to Nines going home. Nines gave out a small chuckle, “It looks like your ‘furry bastards’ made your choice, Gavin.” The man on the other side of the phone chuckled, “I guess they did.” Two mews could be heard. “I’ll be over in a few minutes, I will warn you I will most likely be soaking wet.” “Are you walking in the rain!?” Nines smiled and his LED slowly turned to blue. “Gavin I don’t own a car-” “What about Hank and Connor!?” “They left 30 minutes before I did, and even if they did I would still walk in the rain coming to your place.” Gavin couldn’t argue with the android’s logic and he gave up with this mini argument. “C….... Could you stay on the phone while you walk here?” Mumbled the detective. “Of course I can Dete-” “Gavin. Just… call me Gavin.” Nines gave a fond smile even though Gavin couldn’t see his face. “Gavin it is.” Nines kept walking while smiling, he really did love his conversations with Gavin, even if they sat in silence. “Nines?” “Yes, Gavin?” There was a small silence, till a cat interrupted it. “Sweetheart I know you wanna meet him, my fluffy bastards demand you walk faster” The android laughed and smiled “I'll try my best Gavin.” Gavin smiled, and unconsciously said, “You sound so human right now and I hope that never changes” Nines was caught off guard and smiled, there might have been a blush. “I'm glad you find my new voice nice, Gavin. I will try my best to keep it as human as possible” Gavin made panicked noises and Nines just fell for him even more. “Don't worry Gavin, I'll keep your secret, I'm about 5 minutes away.” “Wait how did you find my address? Wait, don’t answer that.” Nines laughed at Gavin’s stupidity and walked onto Gavin’s front porch. “Well, I’m here Gavin. I’ll meet you at the front door.”
Gavin hung up and walked over to the front door. Nines anxiously stood there. I mean, it was the first time Nines was ever THERE. It wasn’t every day you were invited to your crushes house. Gavin opened the door. “Hi…” Gavin nervously waved, coated with tears. “Hey.” Nines waved back. “May I come in?” “Uh, Y-Yeah!” Gavin opened the door trying to hide the fact that he teared up more knowing his android friend actually came. Nines walked in and admired the house. “Nice place.” Gavin shut the door and slowly made his way to Nines’ side. “Yeah, it helps when you’re close to Elija Kamski and cousins with him.” “That explains a lot about the house now.” Nines analyzed the fireplace, it was rarely used from his view. “So you’re all wet. Uh,” Nines realized his coat was absolutely soaked and his shirt was too. “Ah, I forgot I walked through the rain.” Nines took his coat off, hung it up, and walked over to Gavin’s fireplace. “What are you doing?” Nines gave a faint smile and started a fire. “Go ahead and sit down on the couch, I’ll take care of you.” “Take care of me?! That’s not wh-” “Get on the couch, Gavin.” Gavin sat down on his couch and a fluffy cat walked next to Nines. The cat sat down next to Nines as he started a fire. The cat glared at the android figuring out if he was friend or foe. “Ease up Misty, he’s a friend.” The flame grew into an actual fire and Nines moved away from the fire, gently petting the cat. Gavin hid a sniffle but it wasn’t well hidden from Nines “Are you ok Gavin?” The man slightly nodded yes but his eyes cried no. Nines picked up the cat and gently sat her down in Gavin’s lap. “Enjoy the fire and the company of the cat, I'll make you something warm to drink. Is that alright or do I need to stay near?” Gavin just fell more in love with a robot. “I... don’t know what I want…” Nines stood there and gave a gentle smile “Then I guess I’ll stay here. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, but I’m here” Gavin looked at Nines with a small tearful face. The android slowly sat down next to Gavin and looked at the fire.
“You probably already know why I’m panicking.” Nines hesitated on his words. “I...Actually don’t know.” Gavin sat in disbelief. Why wouldn’t Nines know? “Why don’t you know” Questioned the man. Nines slightly fidgeted with his hands. “I...Prefer that you’d tell me rather than having me barge into your business when it’s not my business.” Gavin gently pet Misty and looked into the fire. “So, you’d rather I tell you than find out yourself?” Nines nodded. “It’s… a trust thing. I don’t want to lose your trust or we would become horrible partners.” There was an awkward silence. All that was heard was the crinkling of the fire, Misty’s purrs, and the pitter-patter of the rain. Gavin had a new trust for Nines knowing that he actually opted not to look into Gavin’s past and wanted him to explain it. I mean, yes it was a risky subject with Gavin, but, Nines wanted to know what happened through Gavin’s perspective. They both stayed quiet. “Why...Are you upset? Why were you the only one who was able to speak with the child?” Gavin pulled a blanket around himself and sighed. “The kid was supposedly abandoned. Which hits close to home for me. I…ngh. It's difficult to talk about.” Misty cuddled up against Gavin offering comfort. It was then Nines noticed Misty was an android. “You… have an android cat?” questioned the Android. “Uh... yeah! I rescued her off the streets, kept her warm, and taken care of. In return, she takes care of me.” “I thought you hated androids?” Gavin slightly sunk into the couch and looked away nervously. “I…don’t really have an answer..” Nines gently touched Gavin's shoulder, “Gavin it's ok. I don't think any different of you.” Gavin looked at Nines with tears. Poor thing thought Nines. “I… should probably talk about th-this..” the man choked back tears. Nines' gaze softened and he offered to hold hands. “I know this seems, what you'd call it 'gay' but it doesn't count if I say 'no homo' right?” Gavin smiled and chuckled at Nines' attempt to be hip. “Don't laugh at me! I'm completely useless in this situation!”
After Gavin's small giggle-fest he calmed down and slowly remembered about how he felt at that moment. “You really came… I thought you were spitting bullshit.” Nines gently smiled, “And leave my partner to deal with it by himself?” Nines' smile turned into a concerned face, “I've heard from Connor what Hank has attempted before Connor worked with him. I'm not going to risk you doing the same.” Gavin actually felt cared about, which was rare. The man teared up and let a small sob slip. Nines had never really encountered crying from Gavin, but it did cause his LED to change to red. “S-shit did I do something wrong? Do I need to go?” Nines slightly stood up worried he ruined his chance to explain his feelings. “Stay…please…” Gavin's voice was heartbreaking, tears were slowly falling down his cheeks. Nines quickly sat back down next to Gavin and started worrying about him. “Do you want something to drink or h-human contact? I can call Tina if yo-” “Shut up. Just... Shut up. I…” The human hesitated to speak as a surge of emotions hit him. Fear, want, need, all bastards to Gavin.
“I… need you.”
The android looked at the man. “I understand if yo-” “No, I’ll stay. I’ll stay as long as you wish, Gavin.” Gavin leaned onto Nines. Misty cuddled up between them making sure Nines didn’t try anything funny with her owner. “It’s going to be alright Gavin.” “Did you pick up my calming skills?” Nines gave a small smile. “Perhaps I did. Why?” Gavin smiled. “I’m surprised you even picked it up.” “Well, it’s a good skill to learn.” Reasoned the android. “Are you going to treat me like a child?” Nines gave a small laugh. “If it comes to it.” Gavin smiled and laughed. “Now… If you wish, we can speak of your past. You don’t have to. It’s all up to you.” Gavin looked at Nines, who was completely calm, and back at the fire. “I might. Thanks for the fire.” “You’re welcome. It was a tad cold in here and I thought the sound of the fire would be peaceful.”
Gavin gently pets his android cat. Nines spotted a small cat and beckoned him over. Gavin smiled at how sweet Nines was being. He never expected an android as stern as Nines to be sweet to his cats, and him. Out of all people, he was being sweet to Gavin. The small fluffy cat slowly approached the android. “Hello there.” Nines offered his hand out to the cat. The cat glanced at the android, then at Gavin. Nines didn’t move an inch, he waited for the cat to approach him rather than pick the cat up. The cat sniffed his hand, the android’s skin slowly retracted in the area the cat sniffed, which spooked the cat, but just a bit. His android sister did the same, so he was indeed used to it. “That’s a first.” Said Gavin as the cat climbed onto the couch and sat in Nines’ lap. “What’s new?” Asked the android. “Well Kaleb doesn’t like being near new people, so seeing him cozy up against you, it’s a new sight.” Nines smiled as he pats Kaleb. “He seems to like me.” “Maybe he knows you’ll be staying for much longer than a normal visitor.” Nines looked at Gavin who was now regretting what he said. “I’ll stay for a year the-” “Nines you dick!” Nines laughed and continued petting Kaleb. The two fell down the staircase of love, it was obvious. Even to the cats!
“So.” “So…” Nines cuddled Kaleb and Gavin cuddled Misty. “...Wanna talk about it?” Asked Nines. Gavin stayed quiet until a quiet mumble slipped from his mouth. “Yeah…” “Do I need to get anything for you?” Gavin scooted closer. Nines gently pulled a blanket over Gavin and comforted him. Gavin sighed and slowly let his guard down. “I’ll be right here.” Nines tilted his head and gave a comforting smile. “I promise I’ll take care of you.” “Nines don’t pull a Connor on me.” Chuckled Gavin. Nines smiled more. “Now, talk about your life.” Gavin sighed, “I...ngh… When I was young my parents...They didn’t really like me per se. My father drank because my mother cheated. They argued every day, they got violent, verbally abusive.” The color in the detective’s eyes slowly faded. “I got in the crossfire multiple times, their anger for each other united into one major hate for me. I got hurt, I got scars, I’ve gotten emotional damage.” Misty curled up on Gavin’s lap and attempted to comfort the man. “One day...they just…” Gavin shook his head in disbelief. “Left. They just… up and left. Didn’t take anything with them except their wallets and tech. I was even lucky that Elijah’s mother took me in.” Nines’ LED turned from blue to red. “Elijah’s family came for a visit and found me by myself. Hearing John’s story...it...it really hit close to home. Closer than I’d want it to be.” Nines looked at Gavin as he glared into the fire. “They didn’t...they didn’t come back.” Tears slightly formed at Gavin’s eyes. Nines gently pulled Gavin close. “Do you still have the scars?” Questioned Nines. Gavin looked a tad nervous.
Gavin hesitantly traced the scar on his nose, which was covered by concealer. “I...Uh…” Gavin bit his lip. Nines cuddled Gavin. “You don’t have to answer if you’re not ready, Gavin. I want you to feel safe.” Gavin let the tears flow, he actually felt safe with Nines. Misty, Kaleb, and Nines all panicked and hurried to comfort him. Gavin slowly fell into Nine’s chest while Misty and Kaleb watched every move Nines made. They wanted their owner a good significant other and if Nines played the right cards, he could stay. Nines gently wrapped his arms around Gavin while he sobbed into his chest. Gavin sobbed for about 30 minutes. He slowly calmed down but didn’t move away. “You ok Gavin?” Gavin slightly nodded and looked up at Nines. The bitch was tall. “Just...let me go do something real quick…” Gavin got up and walked away, leaving Nines and the cats by themselves. Misty and Kaleb sat next to Nines comforting him, as Nines believed he fucked up. The android was concerned while the cats comforted him.
Misty is done with Gavin’s bullshit.
Misty had enough and got up to go find where her owner was. Just before she jumped off the couch, Gavin came out. “Sorry. I had to do something.” Gavin was covering his nose. Nines got up, and you could swear you were watching a romantic drama. The cats scurried off to get popcorn. “Gavin…” Nines slowly approached Gavin. The man slightly stepped away. “Yea??” Nines slowly reached for Gavin’s hand and was ready for Gavin to pull away, but he didn’t? Nines gently moved Gavin’s hand away from his face. “It’s a horrible scar. Be honest.” Nines gently pulled Gavin close. “It isn’t Gavin. Now, this will be considered cliche but, it makes you...you.” Gavin looked ashamed and looked away. Nines tilted Gavin’s head up and gently kissed Gavin’s scar. Commence the android’s panic. “Did… you just kiss my scar?” Nines’ LED turned yellow. “Yes?” Gavin gave a small smile, “What prick programmed you to do that?” Nines smiled fondly. “I would have to put the blame on me, I am deviant, after all.” Gavin chuckled and looked up at the very fucking tall android. Nines smiled at the short ass man. Gavin glanced at Nines’ lips and slowly questioned the urge to kiss him. They shared loving glances till Nines made a move.
Gavin’s heart rate increased as they both leaned closer to each other. They moved closer till their lips touched. Just as quickly as it started, the kiss ended. Nines held Gavin close while they shared small happy and confused noises. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long…” Gasped Gavin. Nines giggled, “Is it ok if I say the same?” Gavin and Nines shared the smile of ‘oops haha’ and giggled. Misty and Kaleb came into the room and proceeded to attack their feet. “Seems the cats have taken a liking to you.” Nines smiled and answered back in the same tone, “Seems I’ve taken a liking to you” Gavin chuckled and looked back up at his tall ass android boyfriend. “So...how would you like to stay the night?” Misty mewed ‘How would you like to stay forever?’ Nines smiled and kissed his boyfriend’s scar. “Of course.” Gavin would've stood on his tippy toes just to kiss the giant, but Nines leaned down so the man could wrap his arms around the Android's neck. Nines sweetly kissed Gavin and Gavin died from gayness. The android smiled, gently picked his human up, sat down on the couch, and sat the human on his lap. Gavin cuddled up into Nines' chest while Nines hugged him from behind.
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archadianskies · 4 years
40. “I never stood a chance, did I?” for nines/simon? >:3c
→ on Ao3
The truth of the matter is: he has a knack for bringing people together. Even before the revolution, people tended to gravitate to him for no discernible reason other than perhaps his harmless demeanour. PL600s were designed to look soft and friendly and open, purposefully non-confrontational and gentle for raising children.
With no human family to look after, Simon had registered the Jericho deviants as his family unit and cared for them as best he could. So zealous was he in his desperation to play house that he prevented anything from happening to them, bad and good. It took Markus falling into their lives for him to learn to let go, to take risks for the good of his family.
Six months feels like a lifetime ago, and with the snow thawing and the life starting to bud and bloom, Simon feels like that dark tumultuous chapter can finally be closed. He’s a new person, a living sentient being recognised by the law. There’s, as always, much to do in terms of rights and laws and social challenges but it also feels like there’s enough normality to slow the breakneck speed into a more manageable pace. So he does what he does best: he brings people together.
It starts simple, it starts with one close to him: North. She burns with such determination, such fire, and what fleeting fascination she held for Markus passes after the revolution. She is, like Simon, prone to giving her hearts to anyone who shows a scrap of kindness. It’s a weakness, but a strength too, Simon thinks, to love so readily. When they meet with Elijah Kamski for the first time, when they see their creator face to face he looks not at the human but at the android, at the First of their kind. Chloe RT600 is almost eighteen years old, older than all of them, and she stands there with equal measure of grace and power. There’s something enigmatic about her, as though immense strength simmers beneath her lovely skin, and that’s when he decides she must get to know North.
North falls, of course she falls, hard and fast and endearingly earnest. Chloe is all sweet smiles and coquettish demeanour but North sees the fire too, sees how eighteen years of answering to no one has led her to become the most powerful android ever to be underestimated. The Jericho Four return CyberLife to the hands of Elijah Kamski, who in turn hands it to the one who should’ve held it all along: Chloe.
Seeing North so in love brings him great joy, and really in the end that’s all he wants: for those he loves to feel joy and in return he can leech such happiness too, like basking in the glow of the sun. Next is his brother Daniel, granted a second chance with the passing of the Sentient Life Act that not only recognised all androids as living, sentient beings, but also wiped clean any and all crimes committed before the 1st of December 2038.
That’s not to say it’s been easy for Daniel, but Simon had been there at his reactivation, and so had Connor. It had been a lightbulb moment for Simon, seeing the concern creasing Connor’s brow, that quiet desperation to be forgiven though no forgiveness was required; androids cannot be held accountable for their actions before deviation, when humans still pulled their strings. Connor had nothing to atone for, but he still longed to do it, to introduce the real him to Daniel, for Daniel to know the real him and not the Android sent by CyberLife that lied. It had been a simple matter of giving them time with each other, of quietly encouraging Daniel’s endeavours to reintegrate.
Danny gets a job as a baker in Greektown, tucked away in the kitchen with the ovens and the doughs, away from the prying eyes of humans and androids alike. Simon encourages him to be open to friendship, and he encourages Connor to persevere, to never give up on Daniel and he doesn’t, and Simon is rewarded with the privilege of seeing them fall in love. It’s a beautiful thing, to see his brother once so closed off to everyone, lashing out at any outstretched hand, now reaching out to tangle his fingers with Connor’s. 
He’s not sure about Josh, not yet. And then there’s Markus, of course, but he’s too selfish to matchmake Markus, he’s not ready to sever his pining, his longing for Markus. So he turns to the other Manfred, to Leo Manfred now clean and finished with rehab, slowly recovering and coming into his own. He loves him dearly, treasures him like a broken bowl he pieced together and sealed with gold, all the more beautiful, stronger, for having been broken and made whole again. Maybe that’s just how Simon is, maybe he just has bleeding hearts for broken people and that’s why Jericho happened the way it happened. 
Matchmaking Leo happens by accident, happens while Leo’s helping Simon out with menial household errands. Not that Simon needs help with menial household errands but he knows it’s more for the company, more for the friendship, than for the help. They’re out buying coffee beans and Tearium for the household when they run into Detective Gavin Reed whose immediate reaction is to open his mouth and out tumbles-
“You still gettin’ high as fuck Manfred or is this your rehab nannybot?” To which Leo’s resounding response is to ram his fist into the detective’s face. There’s a scuffle and Leo is a scrappy brawler, he hasn’t had any training like policemen have and so he’s pinned to the ground in no time and Simon’s trying to placate him, trying to diffuse the situation as Leo thrashes, enraged.
“His name is Simon you fuckin’ asshole! That’s Simon of the Jericho Four show some fucking respect! And I’ve been clean for months now! I’ve even got my 120 day chip around my neck!” 
“Sir, please don’t arrest him-” 
“Oh shit really?” Gavin releases him and Leo warily gets to his feet, still stepping in front of Simon protectively. 
“Yeah look.” He fishes out the small plastic token looped through with leather string. “Checked into rehab as soon as the docs gave me the all clear from my concussion.”
“Well look at you- wayward Manfred son, clean and off the streets.” Gavin whistles low, impressed, as he bends to swipe up the bag of groceries he’d dropped in the scuffle. He’s still looking at Leo even as he holds out the bag for Simon to take.
“I just needed someone to not treat me like a shitstain on their shoe. Funny how treating someone like a person helps them become a better person.” Leo rolls his eyes. They move on and that’s the end of that; Simon’s more than happy to put that moment behind him.
And then it’s a few days later and they’re bumping into Detective Gavin Reed at Starbucks. Leo digs out his phone.
“Hey, that raid you guys did on that abandoned urban farm was pretty cool.” He shows him some photos he’d taken. “I scoped out the place and got these shots.”
“You broke into a crime scene?” Gavin cocks a brow.
“Uh no obviously not, because you guys already finished rounding up the bad guys or whatever.”
“It’s still a crime scene when we’re not there, dipshit, until the case is closed.”
“Whatever.” Leo rolls his eyes. “Look, that fancy machine thing they made casts all this refracted light here at dusk.”
“...That’s kinda cool.” Gavin concedes and Leo perks up.
“Right?” He pockets his phone and digs out another item. “Here.” He places a small pink crystal into Gavin’s hand. “It’s failed red ice. The colour is pretty neat isn’t it? It looks pink but if you put it against a light source it refracts blue like thirium.”
“You’re giving me something you stole from the crime scene you broke into?” Gavin deadpans and Leo looks offended.
“Ok well I’ll take it back then!”
“No! You already gave it to me!” The detective scoffs, jamming it into his coat.
Simon turns his head to hide a smile. It’s not the match Simon had imagined for Leo, but it’s highly amusing. As Leo waits for their order, Simon stops Gavin before the detective can exit the cafe. He gives him the details of Leo’s upcoming photography exhibit on Friday night, and on Friday night there he is, Detective Gavin Reed with his hands jammed in his pockets looking a little out of place. Leo lights up and there’s Leo digging in his pocket and placing an iridescent feather into Gavin’s hand, like a magpie collecting trinkets. There’s Gavin rolling his eyes as if he’s being put upon, and yet he’s ever so careful as he tucks the feather into his coat. Another match made, another glowing sun to bask in. 
It’s a monumental undertaking, a game of politics and subterfuge to retrieve the RK900 from the arctic tundra. Designed in secret and deployed in silence, the upgrade to the RK800 prototype was smuggled out in all but name and stationed in the arctic to guard the thirium reserves from the Russians. It takes Chloe combing through all of CyberLife’s files, unearthing, unlocking, decrypting mounds of data to find whispers of a new android, the RK800 spliced with military capabilities. The government put in an order for 200,000 units but first the unit must prove itself capable before the order is put into production. The government denies the order, the previous CyberLife team deny the deployment and it takes the unrelenting pressure of the Jericho Four for an investigation to be opened. Connor does not rest now that he knows he has a brother out there, and it takes nearly all six months to bring him home.
Simon meets him by chance, passing by central station just as Connor and his brother are heading inside.
“Simon!” Connor greets cheerily, waving him over. The RK900 looms behind him, imposing and intimidating with steely grey eyes that seem to bore into his very positronic core. “This is Ronan, my brother. Ronan this is Simon.”
“Of the Jericho Four.” Ronan adds, offering his hand. His clipped British accent is a surprise, but it seems to suit the rather regal air about him. “An honour to meet you, Simon.”
He shakes his hand and he feels his hearts sink because he knows this is it. This is the match he will make for Markus, this is the one android who matches him, complements him in every way; a state of the art weapon, softened through deviancy into an Austen gentleman. 
“It’s wonderful to see you home with your brother.” Simon smiles though he aches inside because the android is handsome, oh so handsome; a sharper, older visage compared to his prototype and not out of place in a Vogue Homme photoshoot much like Markus. “And with our people.”
“With thanks to you and the efforts of the Four.” Ronan says with a grateful nod. “I am to be stationed here now, partnered with Detective Reed.”
“Oh, my condolences.” Simon teases airily and Connor laughs. “You should meet Markus. It was through his leadership that allowed us to fight for your right to be brought home.”
“I look forward to it, and to meeting North and Josh as well.”    
He doesn’t want to introduce them, he’s not ready to let Markus go but he must. The importance of his friends outweigh his own, of course. It’s not like Markus would ever be interested in him romantically anyway, and yet it still hurts. He suggests hosting a dinner at the Manfreds, and Gavin can come over and so can Hank and Simon will cook a three course meal for them. Carl provides the wine for the beef casserole, and another fine red for consumption. Markus receives a special order of flavoured Tearium, coded to match the taste of red wine. There’s still no way for them to eat, but as the two domestics in the Four, Markus helps Simon with the cooking and they pause to taste their creations to ensure it’s palatable for their guests.
There’s something tortuous about this, about knocking elbows gently at the sink, laughing and talking about their day, about the sheer domesticity of it all and being so close yet worlds apart. He loves him, he’s so very in love with him and now he must let him go. Now it’s time to match Markus with someone who deserves him, and bask in the glow to come. 
“Markus, this is my brother Ronan.” Connor introduces with a proud smile, and Simon watches as they shake hands and it’s like sealing both Markus’ fate and his. 
“Glad to finally meet you, Ronan. Welcome to Detroit, welcome home.” Markus smiles that charming smile and Ronan inclines his head politely. 
“May I take your coat?” Simon holds out his hands and Ronan’s smile is just as polite as he hands over the thick woolen item. 
“Thank you Simon. It’s good to see you, I hope you are well?” He stands aside so Hank and Connor can follow through.
“Busy as always but in a good way.” Simon hangs up the article on the rack. “An idle PL600 may as well be a dead one, so I mustn't be idle.”
“We are more than our programming.” Ronan frowns, and even that, Simon thinks, he does handsomely. 
“It’s a useful part of me, don’t worry.” Simon reassures, guiding him to the dining table. He sits him next to Markus, of course, and rounds the table to sit opposite him, beside Leo who’s already in deep discussion with Gavin. There’s a small smooth pebble by Gavin’s napkin; Leo’s latest trinket offering. It makes him smile, and he tucks away that little moment to carry him through the evening.
“Simon, are you able to drop these off at central station?” Josh’s expression is one of contrition. “I’m meeting Markus tonight, and clearing the admin backlog took way longer than I estimated.”
“Of course, don’t worry about it.” Simon takes the box from him and sets it carefully on the table. 
“You’re a lifesaver, thank you.” He leans over and gives him a quick hug. “Markus and I have been trying to escape to that new museum for weeks now but, you know how crazy it is.”
“I sure do.” He makes a shooing motion. “Go on, I’ll see these safely to the Andersons.”
“You’re the best, I mean it.”
“I know.” Simon winks as Josh laughs and makes his escape.
Central station is a familiar location for him now, and he’s grown accustomed to dropping off files and meeting with Lieutenant Hank Anderson and his sons. Without meaning to, he’s become the liaison for Jericho and the DPD, acting as the bridge to keep both parties in the loop with Detroit’s ever changing social climate. 
“Oh, Simon, here let me help you with that.” Ronan takes the box from his grasp and Simon offers him a grateful smile.
“Josh sends his apologies, he’s meeting with Markus tonight.” 
“An unexpected but not unwelcome surprise, then, to see you.” He says in that polished accent and Simon wonders if Markus finds it just as charming as he.
“Would you like me to lend a hand with these?” Simon follows him to his desk. “I haven’t looked inside but I’m hazarding a guess they’re parts from the warehouse raid.”
“Only if you wouldn’t mind? I don’t wish to keep you from any plans.”
“Oh Ronan.” Simon laughs good naturedly as he takes a seat. “I never have any plans, I’m a bit of a homebody.”
“Then I’d appreciate your help.”
By the time they finish examining, recording and registering each part it’s later than Simon expects. 
“Shall I walk you home to your apartment, Simon?” Ronan offers, fetching his coat from the back of his chair. 
“No, it’s alright I’ll call a cab. Bit too chilly for an old PL600 to be out and about.” Simon sighs, pressing a hand to his chest and the broken thermal regulator within. 
“Then I shall wait with you until it arrives.” And so they stand at the curb, shoulders nearly brushing. Simon sneaks him furtive glances and thinks yes, he must get him to spend more time with Markus. The love must grow naturally, must be nurtured like saplings in the Spring until it blossoms. 
He has a small tidy apartment in the reclaimed area by Jericho, but he hardly spends time there. Markus offered him the use of Carl’s sunroom, and it’s there Simon calls home. It’s airy and bright with state of the art heating and there’s something about the way the sunset makes the entire room fill with golden light. It’s tucked towards the back of the house and feels like a self contained abode, and in a way that too seems right- that he’s a part of Markus’ life, and apart too. It’s a soft Spring afternoon and he has the doors open to the backyard, letting the warm breeze in as he curls up on the couch. 
“Permission to pester?” Calls a voice from the door leading inside the house.
“Permission permanently granted to pester, Leo.” Simon smiles as the young man sets down a tray of mugs on the coffee table and plops down on the couch beside him. “How was your date last night?”
“Insufferable.” Leo groans, but there’s a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth. “He likes pineapple on pizza.”
“Oh a complete write-off.” Simon sighs dramatically as Leo tries and fails to stop a grin. 
“The fucker looked me right in the eye when ordering it, as if waiting for my reaction.” Leo wriggles closer and Simon pulls the knitted couch throw off the armrest and tucks it around them both. “I ordered onion rings and extra onions in my burger to piss him off.”
Simon laughs and Leo’s grin is achingly endearing and this, this is exactly why he does, why he tries to bring people together. Their happiness is as warm as the Spring breeze and just as pleasant to feel after the biting cold of Winter, the despair and desperation of the revolution. 
“Ronan’s coming over tonight, to work on that case with you guys.” Leo states curiously. “Do you like having him around? He’s kinda cool.”
“He’s a very capable, impressive android. A good headstrong man, able to keep up with Markus’ plans.” 
“That’s not what I asked.” Leo elbows him playfully. 
“Well I see a lot of him at the police department.” Simon tips his head thoughtfully. “I’m the liaison with the DPD so we work together often. He’s very kind.”
“I wouldn’t mind having him around more often.” Leo declares with a cheeky grin. 
“I think you’ll see more of him soon enough.” Simon says, though his grin feels a little too forced even for him.
He leaves Ronan and Markus to discuss the case, preferring to get on with clearing up after dinner. They’ll need to exchange vast amounts of data, and quickly too, and Simon can handle neither of those things. He tidies up the kitchen and sets about giving the house a good once-over. The simplicity of housekeeping always grounds him, always keeps him occupied but in a way completely devoid of stress unlike his Jericho duties. It lets him forget he’s purposefully sequestered Markus and Ronan in the studio, where they are no doubt getting to know each other and strengthening their bond of friendship and camaraderie hopefully into something more. He doesn’t want to think about, he wants to just somehow skip ahead to when they are together and in love and he can feel some sort of contentment in bringing happiness to another set of friends. And then it will be only Josh left, his oldest and dearest friend.
It’s nearing 2am when he finally checks in on them, bringing them mugs of hot Tearium coded to taste like strong black coffee sweetened with honey. There’s sounds of Markus’ bright laughter and a softer amused chuckle no doubt from Ronan. He knocks on the doorframe as the studio door slides open.
“Just checking you’re both still alive.” Simon quips as Ronan steps closer to take the tray from him. “Thought you might want something hot to drink seeing as the temperature has plummeted.”
“Thank you Simon, that’s very thoughtful of you.” Ronan murmurs, offering the tray to Markus so he can select a mug first.
“We’ve made a lot of headway into CyberLife’s database, though I think it’ll be faster once Josh gets a hold of this tomorrow.” “Today.” Simon corrects and Markus’ brows raise in surprise.
“Oh, you’re absolutely right. I’m so sorry to have kept you, Ronan.” Markus apologises, expression contrite. 
“It’s alright. This is important.” 
“I’ll leave you two be.” Simon excuses himself.
“Thank you for the drinks, Simon.” Markus gives a short wave and he takes his leave. The door slides shut behind him and somehow it feels all too final.
Miss Chloe is a lovely creature, all big blue eyes and soft blonde hair and a pleasing, delicate face. She is a work of art on a surface level, but on a deeper level Simon isn’t ashamed to admit he’s terrified of her. It’s a good thing she is bright and cheery and kind. Simon does not want to think of what their lives would be like had Miss Chloe possessed no fondness for humans. 
It’s a wonder to see her here in North’s apartment where they’re all crammed in, jostling for space as they wrangle yet another unearthed cache of hidden CyberLife files. She’s wearing North’s jacket over a t-shirt he guesses must be borrowed from Elijah Kamski’s wardrobe for it’s far too large to fit either of them. On the myriad of screens set up around the living room she’s streaming endless rivers of data and they’ve been assigned a screen each to parse any important information.
“Yes Miss Chloe?”
“How’s Ronan settling in?” 
He blinks at her blankly. “Ronan?”
“Yes, you’re the DPD liaison and I know you spend a lot of time with the Anderson brothers as a result.” He tries not to buckle under gaze.
“He seems to be settling in well, Miss Chloe. He’s very diligent, as Markus can attest.” 
“He’s a good confidante.” Markus chimes in, smiling. “Still a little nervous about big social gatherings, but he’s an excellent conversationalist and probably the most polite android I’ve ever met.”
“That’s good.” Chloe smiles proudly. “I worry about him, you know? He’s so new to all this, he was so far away when the revolution happened, and purposefully cut off.”
“Don’t worry, Miss Chloe.” Simon smiles and he thinks it’s very convincing this time. “Markus has made him feel very welcome. He’s a part of the Jericho family already.”
It’s a gentle Spring evening, not too chilly, not too warm and he finds himself tidying Josh’s desk. His friend rolls his eyes and grabs his hands to stop him.
“Simon.” There’s a warning tone in his voice and Simon sighs, choosing to sit himself on the corner of the desk instead.
“I’m trying to make myself useful.”
“You do not need to be ‘useful’ to me Simon, you’re my friend.” Josh laughs, giving his hands a squeeze before releasing them. “Go home already, it’s late!”
“We hardly have time to relax together, I just want to stay a moment.” Simon doesn’t mean to make it sound so pathetic, but there’s something, a glint of pity it must be in Josh’s eyes. “You’re always cooped up here in Administration, and when you’re not here you’re with us poring over files.”
“That’s not true.” Josh reassures him gently. “Markus sneaks me out when he can. We went to the museum last week, remember? Finally got around to see that pre-Raphaelite exhibit. And Theobald let us visit the cafe two days ago after closing. Kept it open just for us.”
“To think, all those nights in Jericho when all we did was huddle together. We thought that was all there was to life- to be free from our programming, and to die.” Simon sighs tiredly, and Josh stands up from his chair to come over and wrap him in a tight hug. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be awful company tonight.”
“You’re not awful company Simon.” Josh murmurs reassuringly. “I understand what you mean. Our lives are so different now, it’s hard to keep up with how fast it’s changing.”
It changes too fast, far too fast, the very next day when Markus asks to enter the sunroom and pulls out a small velvet box from his pocket. Inside is a thin band of silver inset with a glowing line of neon-blue.
“So. What do you think?” Markus’ grin is a little wobbly, a little nervous and Simon thinks the entire world has stopped- at least both his hearts. “...Simon?”
“Oh- um- Markus I- I- I-” He gulps too much air in, and blinks rapidly as if to refresh his optics because surely this can’t be right? “Are you- is this-?”
“You think Josh will like it?” Markus scratches his nape. 
“Josh?” He echoes numbly. 
“I had it made with my LED. If he says yes, the wedding ring will be made with both of our LEDs.” Markus’ smile is distant and dreamy. “Ronan was such a great help. After the scrapyard was claimed by CyberLife, the DPD worked hard to help retrieve and identify the victims that couldn’t be saved. He notified me my LED had been found and signed off so it could be returned to me.”
“Ronan?” Simon parrots, voice an octave too high.
“I really can’t thank you enough for introducing us. He gave me a piece of my life back, and encouraged me to embark on a new chapter too.” Markus pockets the ring and grasps Simon’s shoulders, squeezing gently. “I didn’t believe North when she said it, but you really do have a knack for bringing people together.”
Simon sits heavily on the couch when Markus leaves. This is not what he planned, this is- he doesn’t know what this is. He settles on indignant anger instead, and he lets that fuel him, let’s it fill his circuits with fury and he fumes the entire duration of the drive in the cab until he’s at the DPD. He all but storms into the precinct, grabs Ronan’s arm and yanks him towards one of the interrogation rooms.
“Simon- wait-”
“Josh?!” Simon demands, locking the door behind him. “You set Markus up with Josh?!”
“Wh- oh, did he propose?” There’s a hint of a smile on his lips and Simon throws his hands up in frustration.
“Markus was meant to fall in love with you!”
“With me?!”
“Yes with you!” Simon jabs his chest. “And then you had to go and meddle and ruin everything! I wasn’t- I haven’t even looked for a suitable person for Josh! I was going to focus on him after Markus!”
“I didn’t set Markus up with Josh, he was already in love with him!” Ronan argues, gesturing animatedly. “That’s why I encouraged him, that’s why I made sure to find his LED so he could have it made into a ring! He was just nervous, that’s all, he just needed a little push.”
“But I introduced you to him!” Simon feels the anger drain from him and leaks out and leaves nothing but exhaustion in its wake. “I thought you two would fall in love, I thought finally I’d found an android who could match him in every way because I never stood a chance, did I?”
“How could you think to match us when we were both already in love with someone else?” Ronan’s voice is surprisingly soft, and Simon looks at him in confusion. “Why on earth would I ever love Markus when there’s you?”
“This is,” he takes a deep breath he doesn’t need, feeling the tears run down his cheeks “the cruelest joke anyone’s ever played on me. I’ve been made a fool of and I hate it, I hate all of it.”
“Simon, no.” Ronan seeks his hands, holding them gently before guiding them to rest on his chest. “I loved you the moment I met you.”
“I’ve nothing to offer, I’m a broken, obsolete PL600, why would anyone be interested in me? Least of all you? The RK900?”
“Your worth is not the sum of all you can offer, Simon.” Ronan reaches out and cups his cheek, thumbing away his tears. “Your worth is the sum of your actions, your decisions, and you choose to be kind. You are the kindest soul I’ve ever met, and you may not inspire them to follow you through a revolution, but you inspire them to be just as kind. To seek joy in the small moments, and to treasure time spent together.” 
He doesn’t know what to say to that, so he continues to stand there like the fool he feels himself to be, crying helplessly as Ronan embraces him.
“This isn’t how I wanted to ask you but-” the other android moves his hand towards his pocket, and Simon grips his wrist to stop him.
“No. Don’t.” He wipes his tears hastily and steps back so he can look him in the eye. “We’re- we’re going to pretend this didn’t happen. I’m- I absolutely did not try and set you up with Markus. An- and you know nothing of this. We’re going to start over. Properly.”
Ronan’s eyes are wide with surprise before he smiles, and oh it’s already radiant enough for Simon to bask in. “Alright. We can start over, properly.” 
“Like- um, like going somewhere nice after work. Together.” Simon can scarcely concentrate, can scarcely process all that’s happening and it’s all the more frustratingly difficult when Ronan’s looking at him with such open fondness. 
“Like a date, Simon?” He steps closer and fingertips brushing the back of his hand and it feels like he’s been set alight. “And if you were matchmaking us from the start, where would you have us go?”
“I never had any plans to match anyone with me.” Simon confesses bluntly, and the playfulness drops from Ronan’s face. “The happiness of my friends has always been the most important goal.”
“And they are happy.” Ronan traces his jawline with the back of his fingers, gaze infinitely soft. “So now it’s your turn.” Curling his fingers beneath Simon’s chin, he tips his face up and leans down to press their lips together. It's a quick, fleeting thing, a flighty gesture full of nervousness and hope and Simon decides he likes it so much he must kiss Ronan in return.
There’s a loud click that startles them apart, and then a voice over the speaker.
“Okay that’s cute and all son, but we need the interrogation room.” Hanks’ voice is brimming with amusement and Ronan looks mortified. “Simon, do you want to come to family dinner night on Friday?”
“Oh um, yes Lieutenant that would be lovely-?” 
“Good. Now scram, both of you. Some of us have work to do.”
“Yes sir.”
“We’ll see you at seven on Friday, Simon.”
“At seven on Friday, Lieutenant.” 
They both exit the room and there’s Hank leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest and a big grin on his face. Ronan still looks like a deer in headlights, LED bright red as he awkwardly guides Simon out of the precinct. When they’re out of the building Simon bursts out laughing and Ronan soon joins him. Tangling their fingers together, Ronan brings Simon’s hand to his lips and kisses his knuckles. 
“May I see you tonight, after work?”
“You may.” Simon allows, perking up on his toes so he can press their mouths together again. “I don’t have any plans. Surprise me.”
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