#Batgirl year one
uselssdishwasher · 7 months
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I Think about this post a lot @lilac-landscapes because one I think it’s amazing but also because I just think of that one scene in always sunny and it makes me laugh:
Sorry for the bad video I just had to get it out of my system
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gffa · 10 months
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I LOVE BARBARA GORDON SO MUCH, this is during her first year out fighting crime and she's running into Big Scary And Spooky who is stronger than her and has more gadgets than her, but she still looks him right in the face and says, "You don't get a monopoly on wanting to help. I see where Gotham is headed without people like you, the kid, AND ME, so I'm going to do something about it. Because I can." Barbara Gordon does not take anyone's shit, because she is a loving and caring and deeply compassionate person, she's doing this because she saw her city hurting and wanted to help, but she has never let Batman (or Bruce Wayne) run her over, this isn't about him, it's never about him. It's about her. AND I LOVE HER SO MUCH FOR THAT.
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damian-navarro-art · 5 months
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Is there any love for Killer Moth , Drury Walker… in this place?
He’s my Tom King’s Kiteman
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sassylittlecanary · 1 month
Just finished Batgirl: Year One. Overall it was good with gorgeous art, and I loved how it was basically a love letter to the Bronze Age… And yet the way it rewrote Bronze Age continuity drove me nuts. I know it’s supposed to be backstory for the DickBabs relationship in modern comics (which I don’t necessarily dislike), but the Robin/Batgirl romance felt weird. In the actual Bronze Age, Babs was an adult woman with a PhD who’d been a librarian and a damn congresswoman while Dick was still in high school. They weren’t peers age-wise and I’m sick of that being retconned. Also, she has always been tall and it’s only the cartoons that made her “cute and petite”! While I appreciate this run for refocusing Babs’ early years as Batgirl on her instead of just as a supporting character, it definitely infantilized her when compared to her previous canon portrayals. That’s become a pattern since then and I’m just. Mourning what we once had.
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balu8 · 9 months
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Batgirl: Year One #7
by Charles Dixon(W),Scott Beatty(W),Marcos Martin(pencils/cover), Alvaro Lopez (inker),Javier Rodríguez(colorist) and Willie Schubert (letters)
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mysterious-aud-lou · 11 months
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Drag him, Alfred.
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caandlelit · 11 months
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a little life update im a real dcboy nowadays. and its kory city here but im reading the 80s new teen titans and batgirl year one at the same time and even if it is kory city this is a beautiful panel set. okay romance lens removed back to the STORY. barbara you r so me if i was smart
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buttstak · 1 year
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Batgirl: Year One (2003)
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princess-unipeg · 2 months
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mysterycitrus · 10 months
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"[blank] is the best robin" please be serious
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gffa · 10 months
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I cannot even BEGIN to describe how feral this trio of characters makes me, like set aside any potential shipping stuff, just as three characters who each have unique relationships with each other but each of those relationships winds up affecting the other character in this trio. Like-- Dick and Babs are sometimes a team together, two young heroes who are developing a friendship, two young heroes who understand what it's like to work with Tall Dark and Spooky and his need to control everything, that they both understand the other has a need to prove themselves, a drive that will not be stopped no matter what Batman tries to tell them. And eventually they will have an unshakeable relationship, whether romantic or platonic, they will always support each other. And Bruce will use that dynamic to help give Babs gear that will keep her alive until she ~wises up~, and Dick plays along with it, pretends that he's giving it to her because he has a crush on her, meanwhile it actually came directly from Bruce. Yet it also does help give her a sense of someone rooting for her, because Dick genuinely is! Dick and Bruce have a whole encyclopedia set of issues and undercurrents totally separate from this, god knows I've devoted like two hundred posts to trying to chip off even a fraction of Whatever Is Going On Over There, while here they're not yet father and son, but they're not not at that point at the same time, they're just not acknowledging it, but they're also partners, they tag-team Barbara with the good-cop/bad-cop routine when they have her in the Cave to ask why she's doing this, but Dick will turn on a dime and spray her with the knock-out gas, even though he'd projected a harmless aura and sneakily being on her side up until then. Bruce and Barbara have a conflict-driven dynamic, she wouldn't mind having his approval, but it's not why she does what she does, she's not driven by it, she's not motivated by it, this isn't about him. But when they clash, she's often mad as hell, because he wants to treat her like he treats Robin, someone that he can set the rules for, someone he has the right to interrogate and she tells him, no, you don't have a monopoly on helping people or even wearing a Bat-themed symbol. He's not an influence in her life and she genuinely does not want him to be, but at the same time he casts such a long shadow and he's set the mold for all of them, that he's an influence in everyone's life in the Gotham vigilante scene.
And I keep thinking of that one future Gotham Knights issue where Dick tells Bruce that he and Babs are dating and she's so annoyed because SHE wanted to be the one to tell Bruce just so he didn't get to pretend to be all-knowing on her, when Dick just laughs in her face because she's being so cranky and weird about it, he thinks it's hilarious that they're trying to use him as a pawn in whatever chess game they have going between them, because he loves them both but also he's not going to play by those same rules, you guys have fun with that, he'll just watch with popcorn from the sidelines and laugh at you.
Just!! The slippery and sliding dynamics between these three!! At ANY GIVEN TIME two of them could be going through something that spills over onto the third and you never know which two it's going to be! And it's complicated and thorny and crunchy in the best way, there are always good moments and bad moments, and no two dynamics are the same, like what Barbara has with Dick is completely different from what she has with Bruce, which is completely different from what she has with her dad, while what Dick has with Barbara is completely different from what he has with Bruce, while what Bruce has with Dick is completely different from what he has with Barbara, and I'm not sure any other trio really comes close to that (other than maybe Bruce & Tim & Steph, but other than in a few runs, I'm not sure how much of a foundation that is to who the characters are to each other on a bigger narrative level). It's not that they don't exist outside of each other! It's very easy to find Bruce & Dick stories that aren't influenced by Babs at all, it's very easy to find Dick & Babs stories that aren't influenced by Bruce at all, it's even reasonably easy to find Bruce & Babs moments that aren't about Dick at all. They're not all tied up in each other. But they have built their foundations around each other. Bruce, because Dick was the one who knocked down his emotional walls and opened his heart up to having a family. Dick, because Bruce raised him and gave him a path forward in life, gave him direction. Barbara, because if she's going to love Dick (as a friend or as a boyfriend, whichever), he doesn't come without the Bat influence and she has to be aware of the space that takes up in him, as well as if you're a Bat yourself, you're eventually going to clash with Bruce, and boy has she.
And I'm just really, really into that kind of "multiple moving pieces on the board" dynamic, especially when it's not always nice or soft, because each of them care about the other (some more than others, granted) but they are all massively stubborn and often angry people who do not get pushed around easily, who will find a way around you if you try to get in their way, and you never know which two are going to be in conflict and just how that's going to spill over onto the third. I JUST REALLY LOVE DYNAMICS THAT DON'T FIT NEATLY OR EASILY INTO A SINGLE CATEGORY.
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Some new comics.
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balu8 · 1 year
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Batgirl: Year One #9
by Scott Beatty; Chuck Dixon;Marcos Martin; Alvaro Lopez; Javier Rodriguez and Willie Schubert
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cowbongle · 8 months
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happy birthday to ME
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
Batfamily Powerpoint Night! (Part 9: Barbara)
<<Part 8: Duke    |    Part 10: Alfred >>
Barbara: Alright, my turn!
Tim: Frankly I’m terrified for what’s about to happen
Dick: Oh Babs will be nice, don’t worry :)
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Dick: I stand corrected
Steph: Oh god
Bruce: [sighs and puts his head in his hands]
Barbara: I organized it roughly from newest vigilantes to oldest, since more patrolling means more room for spectacular failures
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Duke: It was a bad day for me
Jason: HA
Steph: Been there, done that. Not on TV though that really sucks man.
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Jason: [Hysterical laughter]
Damian: One multiplied by one?!
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Duke: From this mask view footage Batman is just watching this go down
Bruce: He said he didn’t want help. Felt like a teaching moment.
Damian: (muttering) I was fine.
Dick: Damian we were not going to drive you to 5th grade with a knife in your liver.
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Steph: You’ve had this footage for four years?!
Barbara: I keep a file for blackmail. Cass doesn’t really have much, though.
Cass: (signing) I did learn the dance. Eventually.
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Steph: You deserve every joke we make about this
Damian: Your idiocy must be remembered
Dick: Yeah Tim this is pretty bad
Jason: Can I have that mask view footage
Barbara: I got ya
Tim: I hate it here
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Jason: I really can’t defend this one
Dick: Why...? Did you shoot the trashcan?
Jason: I thought it was looking at me funny
Damian: The trashcan?
Jason: I was up for 52 hours give me a break.
Barbara: Do you want to tell them why you pulled two all-nighters in a row? Or should I?
Jason: You are an evil, evil woman. How do you even- nevermind. Of course you know everything, why do I even wonder. And for the record, the first night I stayed up for a case.
Barbara: And the second night was for Animal Crossing.
Jason: ...perhaps.
Duke: Oh my god.
Steph: And you laughed at me?
Bruce: (sighs)
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Steph: Stop you were adorable in high school
Barbara: Thank you, but the braces? The acne? The bangs? 15 year old Barbara had no idea what she was doing.
Dick: I for one thought you were very cute in high school.
Jason: Stop flirting or I will leave
Bruce: Why were you both on a roof at night in your school uniforms?
Dick: I think let’s move on
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Dick: Nevermind nevermind go back
Tim: Oh my god, Dick.
Duke: ”Purposely” ?!
Dick: I was nine
Damian: I knew better by age 9.
Bruce: Lessons were learned. I hope.
Jason: I’m starting to think I was one of the better Robins
Dick: I felt like I see sounds for three days...
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Bruce: All traces of this were wiped from the internet.
Barbara: Oh Bruce, you know I’m better than that.
Dick: Hold on, hold on, we need an explanation.
Alfred: (as he walks by) A little too much to drink goes a long way...
Jason: No way. Even I haven’t been that stupid.
Duke: What did you buy at CVS
Bruce: ...apparently... I bought lollipops.
Steph: “Apparently” as in the next morning you didn’t remember putting on the Batsuit, going to CVS, buying lollipops, and talking to a guy with an audio recording device?
Bruce: ...yes.
Cass: (signing) Very bad. Very funny, but very bad.
Damian: Also an ineffective use of a smoke bomb if this civilian saw you walk away...
Bruce: Barbara, you have made your point.
<<Part 8: Duke    |    Part 10: Alfred >>
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