#BUT i am still very sexy etc etc etc hot and attractive etc
loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
on one hand having conversations with my mother is stressful and draining because i’m closeted and she’s trans/homophobic etc etc but on the other hand sometimes it’s funny
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onmyyan · 8 months
🗡️Psycho🗡️ Anon, here again! #3?
I don’t think you’re ever gettin rid of me now that you’ve told me you like what I’ve submitted to ya. Ya bad for me n my ego. You’re enabling me hun. It does mean a lot to me though and I am very happy I’m makin you foam at the mouth. Your men make me go feral and I obviously have stage 4 brain rot for all your OCs. No treatment for me. No salvation either doc
So here some intense follow up appointment delulu I got from the long ass Ashley Hunt AU story with hard core city girl reader I sent earlier. Buckle up bitch…you’re probably always gonna be in for a long haul with me…
Leavin off from Ash and our HEA, we got twins on the way n shit. And Ash is gonna give us at least another 5 babies too since we his happy lil breedin sow. But we gon speed up in time and not focus too much on dat, cause in the end we got 6 sons and 1 lil baby girl who da youngest. All back to back pregnancies. Ash got dem sexy hot dominant genes and really just gave his sons all the gifts he himself has. Tall, handsome, strong, chivalrous, charismatic, intelligent, etc. (They probably god’s favorites too). And we were like a fuckin printin machine makin copies n wonderin why the fuck we havin so many sons. So we fuckin delighted when we finally got a baby girl and are finally able to put the towel in cause we were also done havin his babies too. We love him. But 7 is plenty…
And so our story is really gonna focus on our lil baby Princess, cause she’s basically gonna be the “new reader insert.” Lil baby Princess grows up as a total daddy’s girl and is also doted on by her 6 big bros. She knows how to do some farm work, though she mostly inside helpin us her mama doin domestic work as it’s a bit more tough takin care of 7 men by oneself and we can always use an extra pair of hands in the kitchen. And you bet Ash is drillin in the same work ethic into his own sons as his own pa did to him. Builds character...
Lil baby Princess grows up wantin more in life. Just like how Ash’s sons inherited near almost everything from him, she inherited near almost everything from us her mama. Princess wanna leave the small town fast and is dead set on doin so when she graduates with her associates degree from the local community college. Her daddy, Ash managed to convince her to stay at the community college first. Get out general eds, stay closer to home before makin the big city leap and potentially getting a bachelors degree. Reluctantly Princess agreed to it but still had to go to the next town over since that’s where the community college is. Her home town is still much smaller…
And so she finally got her associates degree at 21 and is headin to the city to find a job n new life once the summer passes. It’ll be her last summer at home with her family she’s decided. On one of her casual outings ridin a horse she finds a man stuck on the road. Flat tire. Nice car too. He’s very handsome, tall, and muscular…to everyone else. But to Princess he just average and nothin much to look at. That what livin with 7 men built by Greek gods for 21 years does to ya. Makes ya numb to everyone people will conventionally say is beautiful n attractive. And Princess grew up with every woman around her thirstin over one of her bros and her father too. Even women from other towns would find excuses to swing by and gawk at the 7 men workin on the farm. So needless to say Princess isn’t wooed by men’s appearances…
Princess decides to help the poor fellow out cause her daddy raised her right. Offers him up a ride on her horse and tells the man she’ll call a truck for his car later. The man accepts and thinkin she’ll have to help him up on the horse for some time, the man easily mounts on the horse like it’s the second nature? And in an expensive suit too? She shakes it off and they go back to the Hunt farm…
During the ride the man asks Princess her name and what not (and I guess it’d still be Y/N cause the excuse is that she was named after her mama by Ash’s demands). Princess asks his name too, he gives it to her, and then no more talking on her end. This confuses the man as all his life people have usually wanted to make conversation with him. Or have usually always commented on his beautiful appearance by now. But not Princess. She really doesn’t give a shit about a stranded man’s life story. She’s here to do a job and get on with her life. And of course she’s immune to beauty at this point…
They finally come to the Hunt residence where Princess puts away her horsie and fixes up the man some water and food, bein a good host and all. She calls up the local mechanic and informs them of the details. Princess then just straight up leaves the man and tells him if he wants to take a nap, shower, whatever, to help himself. This is a fuckin power move as Princess has truly run out of shits to give in life. And she still ain’t tryin to converse at all with the man. Man is livid right now. Seeing Princess’s eyes filled with indifference. He confused as fuck too. Wonderin if she mentally sound or this is some country culture etiquette he doesn’t understand…
Now for the good shit. The Hunt men all come in as with so many hands workin on the farm now, shit gets done exponentially faster even though they got more stock and stuff over the years. They a little confused at first seein a posh lookin man greet them. But nothin gets bad as the man quickly explains the situation that happened. And the man is stunned to lookin at all these 7 aesthetically gorgeous men. The man is very confident in his own looks and it rarely happens in his life that he starts to get a bit insecure about them…
Ash asks the man where his daughter is, and the man replies that she just left? Much to the laughter of Ash’s 6 sons howling that “they’ll have nothing to ever worry about” with Princess. The man’s ego is damaged at this point. Is he unattractive? Is he undesirable? But he easily keeps a calm and collected face and voice…
The Hunt men politely excuse themselves having to go wash up from workin all day, leaving the man all alone again. We the mama enter the area, having heard commotion n stuff. We were preparing dinner n stuff in the kitchen which was far away. We go through same process and introduce and meet the mystery man. The phone rings and it’s the mechanic tellin us that the car won’t be ready for quite some time and the man will have to hitch a ride out of town if he’s got somewhere to be urgently. We inform the man and also ask if he got a place to stay. He don’t since he was just drivin by the town, so we offer him our home for the time bein. He hesitantly accepts…
Man decides to converse with us instead since we’re the most hospitable and social person he’s met in the family. He asks about our family and we do him. He keeps his background vague and we get the hint not to pock around. He really is just curious about our daughter, the Princess of the family. And we happily tell him all about her. Her hopes and dreams n stuff. Much to his delight that Princess seems like a normal human being n not a mechanical doll…
And that when he get the idea to propose to Princess later to take her with him out of the town to see the city and new places. Cause while he hasn’t fallen in love with her at first sight or anything like Ash did, there’s something about us that’s drawing him near. Perhaps it is our absolute indifference to him, and the fact that he just wants to prove something to himself. He wants to “figure us out.” Princess is a bit of a conquest and trophy to him, and he’s not afraid to admit that. So what’s the harm in this mutually future beneficial relationship? He’ll provide for Princess to get out of town and be able to see the world, and in turn he’ll get us to fall for him. The perfect plan. Nothing can go wrong…
A Princess for a Grand Duke, isn’t that fitting? Though the man will keep that a secret for as long as he can. If she asks questions about his wealth he’ll just pretend he’s an investor or something. One things for sure, Princess will definitely keep him entertained for a long time. A really really really long time…⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
And scene! I just love imaginin different flavors of a yandere stories. Like dis one is obviously a much more slower burn than the whirlwind romance of Ash and his wifey. And it’d really follow the descent of madness of a Grand Duke yandere who’s truly falling into love and obsession over his lady. He thinkin he in control at first but realize steadily fast that he can’t live without her. And to make it worse, he never lose control of things in his life. Not his looks, his composure, etc. so it makes this predicament even nastier for him to deal with. But lucky for us Princess, havin grown up with Ash as our daddy and 6 big bros who also have some questionable “protective” tendencies, we have a bit of a contorted sense of love too. So our “normal” is much different than other people’s “normal”
Also did you like the hint I dropped in dis drabble about the mystery man’s background? It was about him being able to easily get up on a horse despite being in a suit and lookin all fancy and stuff. Cause not many people can do that. So you either know how to do it as a career…or as a hobby…
Final thought as to why a Grand Duke yandere ya thinkin? From your OCs ya got the Delmonts who are criminal flavor, then Ash who’s country flavor, and then other popular yandere archetypes tend to be royalty, famous, or CEO more often than not. So I thought that royalty would be fun since it’d give the new leadin man not just an abundance of financial power but social power as well that CEO power might lack. Ya know…since royals can have diplomatic immunity and CEOs pretty much don’t. Some new flavors for the spice cabinet is always good. Besides I also just wanna see a man abuse his absolute power with impunity in yandere stories sometimes…So if ya ever decide to make a new yandere OC. Here an idea. I don’t mind ya usin it and I’d be thrilled if ya did
Love 🗡️Psycho🗡️ Anon
Princess stared at the man, her hard (e/c) eyes unwaivering, unmoving in their glare. She sucked her teeth, hearing her father's voice in her head as she stuck her hand up waving the stranger over.
"Get on, we'll take you somewhere safe, get this all figured out yea?" Princess says, no hint of suggestion in her soft voice. The stranger staggered for a moment before offering her his famous grin, a smile that had gotten him far in his life, "Thank you- really you're too kind, what's your name?" He says smoothly mounting the horse, expecting some fanfare from the desert rose before him, but instead he got a stiff nod and, "(Y/n)." was all he got.
She clicked her tongue and the horse took off, she hadn't waited to see if he was situated, a small smile on her face as she heard him gasp at their sudden departure.
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aleksanderscult · 2 months
so. First of all I love your blog. Seriously I think you are one of the person who have comman sense in this fandom. I like everything you post. While scrolling through Tumblr I came across the usual anti darkling post ( he is groomer , murderer etc etc ) i did the thing I usually do when I came across such thing : I skip. A tag caught my eye. I don't remember but it's say something like : the only reason you like him is that he is Ben Barnes if darkling is a girl you couldn't like him. Which made me think what if darkling was a girl and alina as a boy. I just image a sexy hot black hair women with pale skin and grey eyes and morozova genes. Which..........is enough to made me think if I am a Bi 🤔. That image has not left me for a week and my dreams. So my question is
What do you think might happen if darkling is a girl and alina is a boy. How might the events of SaB and SaS will be affected. And m*lina too,of mal is a girl too. You thoughts 🤔
Thank you so much, anon! It makes me happy to know that others enjoy my blog and content. 😍
First of all about what that anti said: I personally didn't like Ben Barnes as the Darkling so it obviously doesn't apply. And even if the Darkling was a girl I would still root for her. I root for any character that fights for something better, for a positive change to happen among such oppression. And I think that's one of the major reasons his fans love him as well.
Now about your question: Boy, I would love to see that. I was always attracted to dangerous women, especially the ones that combine beauty and slyness (like Milady in "The Musketeers" or Morgana from "Merlin" post season 2).
But I don't think the story would be affected that much with the only exception that Alina in a male form would probably not be slut shamed for his attraction to the Darkling (in this version she would be called Aleksandra which is a fact that I love!)
The Darkling would remain an interesting character but, God, does that mean that Alina as a man would still avoid his duties?? 😭
And Mal as a girl. She would obviously be popular and well-liked by everyone but imagine that: she would sleep around with many guys and then attack her best friend for falling in love with a girl that isn't her. Well, for one thing it doesn't stick. You see if Mal as a girl fucked around then she would be called a whore (just like Alina was indirectly called one by Mal for wanting Aleksander) while in the original story when Mal did that no one raised a single eyebrow. So we live in a fictional world where if you do that as a guy then you're okay but if you're a girl then you should be called a prostitute. And Leigh had Mal get away with his behavior so she was more willing to let Mal pass with his sexist behavior than the Darkling who had enough and tried to put end to his people slaughter for good.
Anyway, I believe Mal's character would change a lot if he was a girl (primarily his fuckboy nature because the author doesn't allow a girl to have sexual liberation in her books) and I have a feeling she would be boring (again). And I don't think she would be a tracker?
Alina as a man wouldn't be slut shamed (because he's a man 🤷) but he would still avoid the Darkling. Nevertheless the chemistry would be off the charts. And the Darkling would slay like always. She would be the personification of femme fatale but her goal would be selfless and true like always. For some reason, I imagine her as a very seductive figure (although my wishful thinking might be speaking here).
The real question here is how the relationship between the Darkling as a girl and her mother, Baghra would be. Would Baghra want a daughter in the first place but she got stuck with Aleksandra because it was her only child that shared her powers? Or if Baghra had no problem with her child's sex, would she still be that possessive and controlling over her?
My own answer is yes and Baghra would most definitely leave a trauma to the Darkling even if she was a girl. That woman has no parenting skills in any universe. Just like I can't see the Darkling be anything else other than a fighter and a survivor in any other scenario.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
I’m omw to beat up the poacher that called remus ugly. I’m gonna hit him w hammers
lmaooooo sorry but he is. kinda ugly in this one 🤧 2 most. like average person would see him and have a reaction like "oh he's kinda weird looking." forgettably ugly 2 like 90% of the population but unbearably attractive 2 sirius black--and even the guy who's devastatingly into him is still not describing him as handsome; he also describes him as odd-looking, features that are uneven + jumbled, etc.
obviously everyone can visualize characters however they want but! me personally i am really not into like. hotness lmao. i think it's the dykery but i'm just not usually into like a-list celebrity/instagram-model pretty people. like sure they're pretty to look at sometimes but they simply do not inspire the same carnal lust in me as like....a butch dyke with a dad bod or some twiggy alien looking freak. and i think this sometimes confuses people when i talk abt it bc in my mind the scale of like ugly <--> hot/pretty and unattractive <--> attractive r 2 separate scales--i think of ugliness and prettiness/hotness as measures sculpted by mainstream beauty standards rather than a reflection of my own personal taste, bc how ugly/pretty u are based on those mainstream beauty standards does materially affect ur life. so like even if i think a conventionally ugly person is super attractive, me calling them beautiful doesn't mean that's how they r actually gonna be perceived + treated by society. but then i'll be like oh yeah that person's kinda ugly (<- wants 2 fuck them) and ppl will be like >:o !!!! so obviously i do just abide by convention when appropriate lol
anyway all that is 2 say i am not really into any of the celebrity fancasts/hotification of the marauders etc lmao the only character who i can see as being 'conventionally attractive' is sirius tbh. so in this story i have very intentionally written + described remus as being kind of ugly. bc i needed 2 make him as sexy as possible....poacher was being rude abt it but he honestly was not wrong...
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yaknowlikenyah · 2 months
Dude okay this may sound stupid and silly but how you got the confidence to just, find yourself hot and sexy?? Like..I don’t have that! I just look at myself and think ‘eww stinky’, there’s always something that I don’t like, I’m either too skinny or bloted or something stupid.
I’m sorry if this comes off like a rant or a vent, I’m just genuinely curious how you can have so much confidence, it’s spooky to someone with barely any.
Incase you do end up reading this, I hope you are okay! Apologies for the probably strange ask, and here, take a apple juice :)
I may be a nsfw blog but part of my jokey little ‘Big Brother’ thing is that you can practically always come to me for advice. If it’s coming from a place of wanting to improve yourself and just having someone to talk to, I’m here to help.
Answer under the cut cause oh boy. This will be long and painfully rambley and involve a pic of me as a High schooler.
SO. Keep in mind, this is something I’ve been doing for years. This is not an instant thing, but this is general advice. I’m trans. Right? I experience dysphoria and especially when I was a baby 16 year old, it hit HARD.
I, as a teen, did stumble upon accidentally CBTing myself. Not in a bland ‘you are beautiful you are powerful’ way, but I caught that I was getting crazy self conscious and actively started to try and fix myself. The way I did this? Simple.
Pretty birding.
What is pretty birding you ask? You look in the mirror and instead of looking at the whole of yourself, you look for little pieces of yourself that you like. Don’t like how your skin looks? Look at your eyes as a sole item. Look at your hair. Find something you do like.
So lets look at a pic of me when I was 16.
Tumblr media
This is I think?? The moment I started pretty birding. But I wasn’t confident. I didn’t realize my hair was curly so it was always frizzy, my acne was insane and overall, I just felt kinda gross cause damn. Who doesn’t. What I did was I started looking for things I like. I forced myself to look in the mirror and compliment myself every time I felt gross. Sometimes it would just be as simple as WOW I’m hot. I didn’t think it at the time, but it helped. Ya know? And over time it became a sort of ritual. Just like joking about having a piss kink, if you joke about being soooo hot and sexy then it will become something you slowly believe.
This also became a thing for seeing myself as sexually attractive, (which lead me down some weird paths but fuck it. What 16 year old isn’t curious about that shit)
NOW. the pros of this. My confidence went up, I genuinely started to feel better about myself, and because I was constantly hyping myself up it became second nature to compliment others.
The downside after 8 years of this, is that I have lost any kind of humility and If I don’t look in the mirror at least once a day I melt into ash.
From a trans perspective, it REALLY helps with my dysphoria. I think it’s very easy to get caught up in what you should look like. You start to get this image in your head of what’s attractive or how someone should look and it’s the dissonance of looking in the mirror and seeing something different that fucks with you.
I didn’t realize how much that was until I lived with my Ex who didn’t keep any mirrors in the house cause they hated what their appearance looked like. When I finally got out of there, I was horrified seeing myself in the mirror at first and couldn’t figure out why, until I realized I had forgotten what I looked like. The memories had gotten so warped seeing myself as someone else or what I thought I looked like that my body came as a shock.
So. Now. 8 years later, I am a very vain pretty bird who loves looking at myself. It’s not like everything is ‘fixed’. I’m still gonna have little insecurities and still do. (My torso is long, I’m crazy boney, my hair is pretty thin so if it parts weird it looks like a little bald spot, etc etc whatever) but I work to love the little insecurities I have. And sometimes the way I get over them is a little weird.
I’m crazy boney and uncomfortable to cuddle -> I look like one of the baldur’s gate tieflings and actually that fucks. Those guys are hot.
My torso is long and I feel like a stretched out jpeg -> I have a super masculine torso and hips actually
My hair is thin -> …Honestly still working on that one. But my go to is that fuck it. Worst case scenario I’ve shaved my head down before and I have a good headshape for being bald so ya know. I’ll still be hot even if I shave it.
You kinda just have to fight your thoughts until they come over to your side. Or as my mom once joked, conning with walkfidence.
(Also thanks for the juice)
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jarpadswalker · 8 months
Hey Anon,
I don't know why you felt your ask wasn't worth posting. I don't think your ask was wrong or hateful in anywhich way. The way I saw it, it was more curious... Still, I will respect your request and won't post it, but I would like to share my perspective with you.
To put context for other readers, I received an ask where Anon wanted to know if Jared and Jensen were popular in India. The anon came across an account that seemed Indian and moat probably the account was handled by an AA as they didn't like implication made by anon that Someone else non-SPN international actor was more popular in India then Jensen.
If the AA was Indian then I would like to apologize to Anon for the foul language used by the AA. And to answer your question than no Jensen and Jared aren't popular in India. Hardly anyone knows them. Here is a perspective on how nichest niche the SPN fandom is.
There are 100s of languages spoken in India, of which the percentage of English speaking and understanding population is only 10%. Of that 10% majority of the population follows Hollywood A-Listers. There are some Hollywood actor who have managed to break thru this language barrier, and no Jared and Jensen aren't one of them. In India, most international actors like Tom Cruise, Leonardo Di Caprio, Robert Downey, Chris Evans, and Chris Hemsworth, are hot favorite amongst kids and young adults especially Avengers cast thanks to Avengers and its Indian language dubs. As per my observation, the international series with Indian dubs gets more popularity, and actors/ actresses are better known across India than the non dubs. Supernatural isn't dub, so the reach is limited. Limited to the metro cities or developed cities, you will find fans for shows like Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, Suits, Succession, etc...
So if you ask me or if going by the poll carried by the network that airs Supernatural. The fandom was very, very niche. There is a good chance that of 50 people, only one or two might have heard about the show. In Mumbai only , if you compare Dev Patel and Jensen, then Dev Patel wins with no competition. Also, Freckles ain't considered cute or sexy amongst Indians. Also Jensen git the most generic face, so he is not that memorable either.This is why, in between Jared and Jensen, it was Jared/Sam who won the poll. The majority of Indians will go for hunks like Jared. So either you have to be hunk or extremely charming to attract an Indian. Politeness and humbleness top everything, and that is why Jared won the poll.
Let me tell you this : Everything said above is just my observation ... there are billions of Indians and each of them got different preferences, so I am just sharing the pattern or the market study that I have found.
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eucowlyptuscreek · 1 month
i'm not the person who sent the ask you responded to, just saw your account from that post and figured if nobody's gonna explain it to you, i might as well (this is meant as genuine explanation/advice, not trying to attack or anything!)
your response to the "be normal about fat people" was out of line (i know it wasn't intentional!) first of all because if you respond even jokingly to a post like that, it's not a good look. op made that post for a reason. people aren't "normal" about fat characters because they aren't normal about fat people, and the way they talk about fictional characters reflects that. it's not really the time or place to make a "but i can't do that!" joke; this is someone expressing frustration with a pattern of oppression.
it's also because... yeah, you were right, that response wasn't "normal" in the way op is asking of people.
here's why: often, the only somewhat positive way fat people are discussed is in a very infantilizing way. "you're sooo adorable! you're so good for cuddles! you're fluffy!" etc. i know that might not sound bad to someone who isn't used to it or doesn't mind it, but for many of us it strips us of respect. i'm an adult! and even when i wasn't, i still wanted to be seen as attractive in the same way my thin peers could be. a lot of these "compliments" feel like people are babying me, like they don't see me as actually attractive. to them i'm not hot, or gorgeous, or sexy, i'm cute and cuddly. i'm not really desirable. it's a sanitized "desire" that feels patronizing, or like it comes from pity more than anything.
now, i know not everyone wants to be seen that way! not everyone wants sex! i mean, i'm acespec myself! but it's not necessarily just about sex. it's about seeing us as equals. it's about how seeing fat people as attractive- sexually, aesthetically, romantically, whatever- is seen as abnormal. it has to either be a fetish, or something that babies us. that's not to say you can't ever call a fat person cute; i know i'm cute, and so does my boyfriend, and he reminds me every day! but he also calls me gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, etc. he doesn't see me only as cuddly and cute, he also sees me as cool, pretty, attractive. it's about context. a one-off "you're cute!" is fine, but when it becomes the only way people know how to compliment fat folks, it gets tiring and hurtful. the fact that you said it on a post complaining about the treatment of fat people, unprompted, was what was important about the context. it reads as "look how good i am about fat people!" when you're doing the exact thing op was mad about. again, i know this wasn't intentional on your part and you probably were not aware of the connotations that kind of comment carries for those of us who have had to endure it! i'm not saying you're A Bad Person or anything, just trying to explain why people were upset and also i guess just give you a little context for what the post was talking about.
i hope literally any of this made sense lol. if you want, you can ask me questions, i don't mind as long as they're well-meaning. have a good one!
Thankyou! I'll be more careful in future, this helped a lot. Thankyou so much for actually explaining how I was problematic instead of just saying I was<3 have a great day too!
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titstraction · 10 months
ok ok i'm sorry i didn't give you a chance to be a hater before. maybe this will be better... what's your opinion on fancasts? just in general, but also in terms of the popular ones (idek what the prevalent ones are except for timmy as regulus, but i know there are a few people tend to gravitate to for r/s as well..)
hahah but i loved to wax poetic about delicious food still <3
i wanna preface this by saying that once i was looking at andrew kung’s photography and i saw the Most beautiful man in the world and i thought This Is Sirius Black. hes name is Jullian Culas and i edited photos from his instagram for a moodboard from my fanfic ‘blue’ and i follow him to this day and am always awestruck by his beauty and headcanon him as sirius a little sometimes. i was also into tripp when goyp was big and it was a whole thing. (and i get ben barnes as dorian gray)
and i think sirius fancasts works for me because i write him as the Most beautiful man and hes always super attractive, outstandingly pretty etc in my fic which is also popular fanon. so its plausible that he looks like a celebrity/model.
when it comes to remus though - hes just a regular guy. hes ugly-hot. he has a fucked up nose and scars on his face. he uses 3-in-1 shampoo. ive written him with a disability. even with art, i think remus is harder to visually Get right - and no celebrities/models look like that. same with fat lily, fat lily is so dear to me but there are not a lot of celebrities/models that are fat red heads. celebrity/model beauty can be very restrictive and even boring, and i think its better and more sexy for characters to be ‘normal’, have pimples, scars, body fat, disabilities etc than to look like celebrities. i think gay fanfiction is at its best a little transgressive, and fancasts that enforce unrealistic beauty standards can be quite detrimental to than end (unless your character is the Most beautiful man)
theres also the question of flexibility, like i enjoy trying new things, personality wise and looks wise, in each different work (like sometimes remus is a twink and sometimes hes scary looking) and how do you do that with a strict fancast? my characters in my head as i write are Vague Shapes and Concepts and i dont think i could write remus if i imagined him as Andrew Garfield.
plus, Andrew Garfield’s too much of a Person everyone knows about Actor Spiderman Emma Stone’s boyfriend once Network gay for me to just… fit a whole remus lore in him.
as for timmy - my mom has a big fat crush on Timothee Chalamet and as such i can not imagine him as regulus black. thats my mom’s sugar baby thank you very much.
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veilchenjaeger · 11 months
I found a non-canon f/f ship I really like and am a bit sad that there are either pwps or gen stories about them but 0 fic with porn AND plot :(
Is this a common thing in femslash fandom?
Short answer: Yes, I'm sorry you're going through that, we suffer together :(
Long answer: My brain caught on the term "femslash fandom", so I want to talk about that real quick - the existence of a somewhat unified "femslash fandom" is very intriguing to me, and also imo a bit of a symptom of fandom misogyny. There exists a somewhat migratory fandom that is less tied to one specific franchise or ship but to F/F as a "genre" and has, as far as I have observed, moved from Once Upon A Time to Carmilla to Agent Carter to Supergirl etc. This is a very simplified way of putting it, it's all way more complex than that, but this fandom is there. It's relatively big, but a lot of it is one fandom rather than separate fandoms for all those shows. Afaik, the fandoms/ships grouped under the general umbrella of "femslash fandom" have a lot more fics that approach the complexity and porn + plot 2xcombo goodness of a lot of M/M fic, but it's still not the same thing. (There are stats on this!) I believe that you at times get a lesser version of this fandom within fandoms for specific media - a sub-fandom that is not focused on a specific ship, the way many sub-fandoms are, but on F/F ships as a whole. There's this phenomenon that people who ship Mingling tend to also ship Liu Mingyan/Ning Yingying and Qin Wanyue/Little Palace Mistress and Liu Mingyan/Qi Qingqi and Ning Yingying/Qin Wanyue etc. etc. Most of the fanwork that comes out of that is - and I'm so sorry to say that bc these are my people and I love them - quite superficial, which is in part understandable bc Ning Yingying and Qin Wanyue haven't actually talked that much.
ANYWAYS. That was a complete tangent bc the term "femslash fandom" tickled my brain. Now onto the actual issue.
Yes, it is a truth universally acknowledged that an F/F ship that has not attracted the migratory lesbian fandom must be lacking in fics that are at the same time sexy and plotty. Disclaimer that this is my personal opinion, and my qualification is long-term observation of F/F ships in fandoms outside of the unified "femslash fandom", but I haven't done anything resembling the stats linked above.
I think that a lot of people in fandom have serious issues with depictions of women as attractive and porn about women. Not in a strictly bad way - porn about women is dominated by porn made for straight men, and depictions of women as attractive in our patriarchal society are dominated by objectification and the male gaze. It's not a coincidence that a lot of wlw report feeling predatory because of their attraction to women. If I write porn about a woman, am I objectifying her? Am I allowed to see women as sexy? Am I a traitor to feminism if I think boobs are hot and or want, excuse my French, to see Liu Mingyan get railed out of her mind by her hot girlfriend? This is a deep-seated issue for a lot of people, as far as I can tell. As a result, female characters and women rarely get thirsted over the same way male characters and men are. (And if they are, it's because they're tough #queens who can #step on me, which... is a related but different topic, let's not get into that now.)
Mix that with fandom's general inability to read and depict female characters with the same complexity it slaps onto every passing guy with two lines and three minutes of screentime, and the result is a lot of fanfic that is very... sterile. Both in that it doesn't get into the juicy parts of the characters or their relationship, be they sexual or otherwise interpersonal (the phenomenon of Soft Lesbians goes here, but also some of the PWPs), and in that it feels incredibly desexualised at times. I sometimes come across fics that really get into describing how the POV character finds another woman's body physically attractive, and it takes my breath away every time bc I'm not used to this. (Fanfic often has an incredibly personal, character-driven way of describing attraction that is afaik rare in other types of erotica/porn/sexy stuff, so getting to read about that kind of visceral attraction to women is a rarity outside of fandom as well.) In my experience, a lot of F/F fic depicts something of a cardboard cutout of a relationship, mostly one without much interpersonal conflict, seasoned with a tiny bit of IC or fanon characterisation, and any hints of sexuality are bland, impersonal, or just nonexistent.
On the other hand, you then get the typical PWP - often written by the same few people who dedicated themselves to writing F/F porn, thank y'all for your service - that is sexy, but doesn't get into character dynamics much bc. Uh. The porn is more important than the characterisation, you get that in M/M fic as well. But few people put in the thought and effort it takes to write a plotty fic at all, and if they do, it's rarely erotic. There are a lot of factors at play here, in fandom and in the source material, that imo lead to this phenomenon, but all of them are ultimately related to misogyny and it sucks.
(There's also the much-cited issue of women and AFAB people being uncomfortable with depicting bodies like their own in sexual situations, but I honestly don't really understand that one, so I haven't mentioned it. I guess it's also related to all this somehow. Bottom line is that fandom has a metric fuckton of internalised misogyny, what else is new.)
Anyways, godspeed, Anon. I feel you and I wish things were different.
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Please tag this as "Beck" so I can find it. I'm looking for... another perspective, mostly?
tw discussions of csa, cocsa, sa in general, sexual harassment
so, im 15, and I don't know what "counts" as sexual assault. I have this thing I think a lot when people refer to certain things (basically anything that's not rape or attempted rape) as sexual assault where my knee-jerk reaction is to think (but i would NEVER say this to anyone) "oh, but that's not assault, it's 'just' harassment". and I've never really understood why I felt that way--I thought it was some misogynistic society bullshit--until very recently, when I realized the reason is because if XYZ thing counts as SA, then I've been sexually assaulted.
somehow it's easier for me to comprehend that it was "just" harassment. but basically, there's three incidents that stick out: one when I was 12 and 13, where my friend would repeatedly make sexual comments about me (and even once took off her shirt) and say i probably "liked it" because I was a bisexual girl (note i am transmasc now but at the time was girlmode). those ones are "just" harassment I think but they still really bother me. another when i was 13 when my different friend would 1) talk about how hot/sexy/etc she thought I was, unsolicited, and how she wanted to fuck me. at the time I thought I was okay with it, but looking back it was really only because all my other peers called me ugly all the time so I craved that validation. im pretty sure it made me uncomfortable even if I didn't quite realize. more pressingly, though, once at a party she tried to kiss me without my permission, almost succeeded, and I had to push her off me. everyone laughed, so I did too, treating it like a joke, and then i did kiss her afterward, but I think it was only because she wanted me to and I felt like I'd be "ruining the joke" if i didn't let her. I don't know if that's assault or not, since at the time I kind of thought it was OK bc it was for the bit or whatever. third, when I was 14, my aunt and mom got drunk when I was around. as i went to leave the room, my aunt slapped my ass, and I felt EXTRAORDINARILY uncomfortable, but when I tried to yell at her, she and my mom told me "if your aunt wants to touch you, she can touch you!! respect her!!". that's not the only time she's done that but it's the one I most clearly remember. I really don't know what that is, cause even though it's a clear violation of my boundaries in a place you can be touched sexually, it's not like she was? doing it? for sexual reasons? but at the same time if one of my cis male peers came up to me and slapped my ass with the same joke behind it, same response to my anger, and same brush off affect, I'd almost certainly call it assault, even if THEY weren't actually attracted to me either.
i don't know. I guess i just want someone to tell me what any of that "counts" as, or even just what sexual assault and sexual harassment ARE in general. it's not like anyone raped me. I have a friend whose gone through absolutely God awful sexual trauma, too, at a much younger age and much higher severity and frequency, so I really feel like whatever happened to me isn't that bad a deal, even though it does like distress me and stuff to think about.
-Beck (he/him)
Hi Beck,
I'm so sorry about what you've been through.
Please know that it's considered sexual harassment for someone to repeatedly make sexual comments towards you and insist that you like it. This is similar to catcalling, which is another form of sexual harassment. Someone making moves on you without your consent, including forced kissing, is also considered sexual harassment, and can even be considered sexual assault.
Someone slapping your ass without your consent can also be considered sexual assault, and I'm appalled that your mom defended your aunt's actions. It's a very twisted line of logic because it doesn't take into account respecting your boundaries and your body. If you don't want to be touched, there is nothing wrong with that and it's not disrespectful to set boundaries like that. I think that even if your aunt didn't necessarily have sexual intentions behind her action, your ass is still a private area and it's still assault to be touched without your consent. I have additional terms and definitions here.
It's important not to compare your experiences to others. As someone who was also told "it's not like you were raped", being raped is not The Ultimate Trauma and should never be used to minimize other trauma. Just because you weren't raped, and thank god you weren't, doesn't mean that the experiences you do have don't matter. Your experiences and feelings about them are valid. Comparing yourself to others you feel have gone through worse doesn't help you process or heal from your own experiences.
Trauma is not measured by what happened, because we all deal with it differently. Some people can go through something you may consider traumatic and be fine, while others may develop complex trauma disorders from the same event. That's because we all have different factors that affect our resiliency, such as genetics, environment, preexisting conditions, a history of trauma, tenacity, and more. This is why trauma is too subjective to be quantified by objective events, and rather by the way we process them mentally.
I'm not sure if your mom would be receptive, but it may be worthwhile to seek out a mental health professional such as a therapist, if you can access or afford it. A therapist could help you process your experiences and feelings surrounding them, equipping you with coping mechanisms to aid you on your healing journey.
I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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myevilmouse · 1 year
i’m so glad i found your post on luke getting electrocuted. I’ve ALWAYS been insanely turned on by that for pretty much the same reasons you said, and I’ve never seen anyone anywhere openly talk about this ever (considering how massive SW is you’d think there’d be at least one out there somewhere). is there anything else you wanted to say about it and how/why you love it? any other weird unorthodox movie moments that turn you on?
not asking to be weird or perverted, i just love to finally have an outlet to express similar but very niche interests
Hey friend! Thanks for this ask! I love asks and yours is a fun one. First of all, if you haven't explored it already, you may enjoy my tag #he suffers so beautifully, which is pretty much all the Luke Skywalker pain in one place. I have another one #bruised battered bleeding where you may also find some yummy Luke...
I actually took a long time to start reblogging Luke in pain images and gifsets (and some I still don't) because they really sort of hurt my heart, no matter how fabulous Mark looks all contorted and wounded. I'm not a huge fan of whump actually, despite those tags ahahah. Don't really read it and you still won't find a lot of "off with his hand" scenes in my archive, for example. But you make an excellent point--some actors are just sexy when they suffer and there ain't nothing wrong with that.
I think one reason some people (yourself included) may find the electrocution scene so much of a turn on is how those muscle spasms, "o" faces, scrunched-up eyes, tousled hair and jerking hips give us a dark/warped mirror to the erotic throes of orgasm. Someone flailing around so elegantly, those long fingers, those tightly-clad legs....yeah.... Sigh.  There’s a reason it’s called la petite mort, you know? 😈
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Anyway, definitely don't feel weird or perverted about being into it. I get it. There are whole dissertations about how horror movies, for example, are these psychosexual outlets--examining the penetration of knives as phallic metaphor, etc etc and so forth... Lots of logical connections between agony and ecstasy, in other words.
Also, and I have discussed it here before, the "I am a Jedi" Death Star scenes are really the crowning hotness of all the Luke scenes in the trilogy. Like I don't know how everyone on set kept from creaming their pants that day/those days. Mark looks SO ridiculously sexy both before and after he's zapped, it honestly doesn't surprise me at all that the zapping also is melting everyone's butter.
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LOOK AT HIM was grief ever so sexy?!
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gif courtesy of @jadedjo
As for other weird movie moments that turn me on, I am a sucker for the blood-spattered hero. I mean, Kevin Costner in Dances With Wolves? Mel Gibson in Braveheart?  I’m dating myself but cut me some slack hahaha
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These are dudes who take a lickin' and keep on lookin' lickable muwahahah. So Mark in that bacta tank, absolutely. I even commissioned art for that to have him super 美少年.
I think part of the attraction to these moments is they humanize our larger-than-life heroes, and they look so good doing it...It's like the old anime cliche of that single line of blood on the cheek. Our gods bleed, and that makes them attainable. Or something like that. I'm on a tangent now.  But cinema is full of heroes that only get sexier the more they suffer and angst, so it’s a logical and very understandable kink, imo.  Thank you for this ask anon, and I’m so happy I have content that will feed that thirst for suffering Luke.... I hope you enjoy exploring that tag on my feed and thank you for being a tumblr buddy!
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
Tumblr isn’t showing me what you reblog I am so sad (when the tumbly says so bingo star boys for me too like :((( they’re so meann to mee)
Anyways hello I’m thinking of writing an ace reader in the sagau so I’m interviewing you on what noticeable details to add 👉🏻👈🏻
aaaug oh no :(((
this got kinda long im so sorry aaa
uhm... i cant think of anything noticeable really in terms of like... behavior? it really depends. some aces are like majorly sex repulsed and others are neutral or more into it. plus some aces do have some level of sexual attraction like grey aces or demisexuals, and some have very weird relationships with it like quoisexuals (basically the word for it's really hard to describe whats going on. im the aro version of this !) and aegosexuals (me! basically it's very much its good in theory inside your head but it also cannot involve me either. and the moment its outside your head we are noping out rn). and even then it can change or be fluid. so really it depends on what kinda ace person youre writing.
though like if you wanted to signal it in some way id say an ace ring! basically, sometimes asexuals will wear a black ring on their middle finger (if you wanted to get specific, right middle finger) to signify they're ace. aros will use a white ring (specific, white ring left middle finger) instead, and aroaces can do both! neat bit of ace culture. plus theres the aces from playing cards! generally the ace of spades is used to represent asexuals but some people have the different card suites represent different ace identities, like the ace of hearts being for alloaces (aces with romantic attraction). plus then theres cake (whats better than sex? a good slice of cake), garlic bread/knots (whats also better than sex? garlic breads), and dragons!!! i dont know exactly why the dragons are ace culture but they are... so i think ace reader really liking vishaps would be so funny. plus dragons are fucking cool.
but anyway to speak personally and just from my asexual experiences....
i was so fucking confused when i realized sex was an actual thing people did. like sex???? like woohoo from the sims??? i thought that was a joke. i thought when people called other people hot or sexy it was like. just the same level as people calling others pretty. not like sexy as in you're sexually attracted to them or someone else would be sexually attracted to them. i thought you guys were joking about all that step on me or spit in my mouth shit what is this. and for something genshin specific i was initially very off put by the amount of horny in the genshin community. i still kinda am but like i also understand somewhat now? but i was genuinely so ??? with everyone going feral over kaeya and diluc and zhongli etc etc and even now dottore and haitham .... like sure okay mens tits 💯 but??? are you people good. and lisa + ying'er initially made me Very Uncomfortable (ying'er still does tbh).
so idk. in conclusion ace ring or something would be neat, an appreciation for food over the acolytes or something. xiangling is their favorite just because of her cooking lmaoooo
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crowtrobotx · 1 year
Give us 3 things you like best about your top 3 blorbos plsnthx
I am going to stick to canon/not OC blorbos bc I feel like I talk too much about Lottie and everyone is annoyed by it
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Hector Barbossa - (POTC)
I would be remiss to not first include the OG blorbo. The introductory Old Man. The character that made me realize something was a little Funky™️ about my gender/sexuality.
Okay, first of all, I love how sincerely full of himself this man is. He really thought he could pull Keira Knightley despite being the scrunkliest pirate on earth and you know what - good for him!!! Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars etc etc. We love an unconventionally attractive person who knows they’re hot shit.
The fashion sense/vibes - the fucking ostrich feathers in the hat. The rings. The big ass necklace. The single fang earring. The swagger walk. The matching pet monkey. The bisexuality of it all. In all seriousness, I love the way his outfit and accessories serve to play up his overly dramatic theater kid energy but also are very interesting when you consider that he came from extremely humble beginnings. He’s showing off what he’s fought tooth and nail for and it is working for him, honey.
I really, genuinely love that we got glimpses - in the first movie - of the fact that the character we were seeing wasn’t always like this. Ten years of being a walking corpse had twisted him beyond the recognition of people who knew him (even Jack looks pretty damn horrified a few times despite having been on the receiving end of his bad behavior before) and YET. When he gets resurrected we find out… he still sucks lmao. Like, he’s not outright cruel and isn’t totally insane anymore but he’s still ultimately just a selfish, snarky, conniving geezer who’s only part of the “good guys” because it serves him and his interests. There wasn’t really a redemption arc (the 4th and 5th movies are not canon, fight me) and he, at best, just ended up being the weird unsavory uncle to the main cast. What a king.
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Sandor “The Hound” Clegane - ASOIAF/GoT
If you followed me prior to 2021 you know this was my prior HBIC (head blorbo in charge.) I still love him dearly and I hope he’s enjoying his retirement.
Look at him. No, really, look at him. Help??? Aside from me being a thirsty bitch, I have an extreme soft spot for characters who are visibly different and not in a purple eyes/horns/otherwise “sexy” way. Bodies are lived in and should look as such - and, this might be shocking to some people, disabled and/or disfigured people exist and they’re just as cool and hot and worthy as anyone else (I would know 😎.) I actually think the show should have gone a little harder on his burn scars but oh well. Sheesh, I need a cold shower.
His road trip arc with Arya. Need I say more? Y’all know I am WEAK for father/daughter dynamics and it’s even better when they’re both murderous lunatics. I love that she makes him softer but he doesn’t try to restrict or control her. I love that he tries to show that he cares in the only way that he knows how which is by teaching her how to rip/maim/tear/kill. Like, I know everyone enjoyed this part of the story because there were some genuinely hilarious moments and it was absurd, but I think under the surface we got some really fascinating insight into who he actually is and we were robbed of cranky but proud adoptive dad!Sandor in the show. I’ll be mad forever.
Fuck the city. Fuck the kingsguard. Fuck the king. We stan - I am obsessed with his realization that he doesn’t need or want to do anyone’s bidding anymore. I love that he turns heel but also has no idea who he is once he’s not Cersei’s dog - I love that he initially relies on his warped perception of people and the world to survive and slowly but surely begins to realize that maybe he doesn’t need to focus on revenge and violence all the time. I think it’s pretty obvious that GRRM is kind of going for a “a dog’s behavior will reflect its master’s” thing with him and if we ever get another book (lol) I am excited to see what becomes of him. Because he’s pretty clearly not actually dead.
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Karl Heisenberg - Resident Evil Village
Literally WHERE have you BEEN if you didn’t see this coming lol. The reigning champion. Completely unchallenged for over a year and a half. I am chewing on him as we speak like a squeaky toy.
Okay, like… obviously I’m very fond of his design. I love that he’s fat. I love that he’s got a super unkempt beard. I love that his hair is grey and that his clothes are dirty and he’s covered in scars. I love that he looks like someone who works (in contrast to Alcina, for example) and isn’t concerned with his appearance. This is such a small and shallow thing maybe but with the tendency for media to just make everyone Extremely Conventionally Attractive, I’m enamored by characters like this. Actually, this has been a thing across all three of these guys, hasn’t it? Hmm.
Completely love that he’s an actual genius with the apparent imagination of a little kid who just downed an entire box of sugary cereal. “What if I stuck this propellor engine onto a dude’s torso.” “Drill arms never hurt nobody.” “JET PACKS!!! I need jet packs!!!” He’s such a fucking nerd, too, like his deranged cackle followed by “…ending recording” on that tape you find is so cute and stupid. Karl what the hell is going on I love you so much. It makes me wonder who he would have or could have been if he hadn’t found himself kidnapped into an abusive cult - I’m getting strong “Bill Nye but make him chaotic neutral” vibes. Eccentric raccoon man. Peepaw is feral and I’m going to fuck him.
If you’ve ever read anything I’ve written with him in it, you know I like to play up the fact that it’s pretty clear (to me, at least) that the swagger and showmanship is a mask for… a lot of shit. And that is extremely compelling to me - even if it’s ultimately just my HC. The stutter, the “sorry about that” after Sturm keeps making noise, the diary entries and comments that seem to indicate he hates his body after what Miranda did to him, his pretty heartbreaking last words. I don’t really see the genuinely confident daddy dom that a lot of the fandom sees - and no hate if you do!!! For me, with the canon fact that he never leaves the factory, he reads to me like someone who is incredibly socially inept and inexperienced, someone who is struggling to accept what he is now, and, perhaps most importantly, someone who really believes he’s the hero of the story and is blind to the fact that his rage and pain have turned him into what he hates most. I feel like he says all these things that make him sound like he’s full of himself but then you see him and he’s… just some guy. Living in a dirty factory with clothes that should have been thrown out a long time ago. And he’s lost it, and he’s furious, and yeah on some level he’s a bit of a selfish jackass but I wonder how much of his posturing is him needing to hear himself say it because he doesn’t really believe it and is terrified he won’t be strong enough to free himself. I just love him, y’all. I’m not sure we’ll ever see him again (in RE canon) but I’m going to keep making content for him for a long time, I hope.
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borathae · 1 year
yn and baby boy are so sweet 😭🥺😭🥺 my babies 🥹 finally a chapter dedicated to them and their relationship and fck tae!!!!
so jk is pansexual? not attracted to gender but to person, right? I think jungkook's discussion with yn is very valid: many bisexuals have a relationship with the opposite sex but that doesn't mean they stop being bisexual. Unfortunately there is not enough knowledge about how our sexuality works... schools should start organizing courses on sexuality, gender etc... it's 2023 we can't continue living in taboo
“...it's because I imagine your face instead.” crying so hard my baby boy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
jungkook's kindness and care towards mc is so sweet but one thing i can't get out of my mind is the vision of dom!yn commanding jungkook to worship her by kissing her feet and sub!jk would do it without hesitation because he adores her in every way. They need to fuck. HARD. Listen a long time ago I saw a porn video on twitter it was a threesome: two men and a woman. The peculiarity of this video was that the man was fucking the woman and the other man was behind him fucking him... a sort of chain. Now imagine something like this between yn, yoongi and baby boy: Jungkook fucks yn and yoongi fucks jk at the same time (all this to prevent baby boy from losing control and killing our queen) but imagine how sexy and hot it must be. Imagine an unbothered yn getting fucked and the men behind her dying from the smell of her and the arousal of having her 🫣🫣🫣
now let's talk about serious things..... why is yn still alive? Sibi my love what are you planning?!?! 😩😩😩
Now that Jungkook had that conversation with her and he feels reassured that how he feels is valid, he is most comfortable in being called bi so yes MV!Kookie is bi! I love that for him so much!! 💜
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watchyourdigits · 9 months
1, 6, 8, & 40 for the otp ask?
More Eve/Mac for the OTP ask game :') Some Frankie/Danse sprinkled in because I'm starting to feel inspired to write them again (please clap). AS ALWAYS, I am so easily carried away & these are lengthy af
(nsft toward the end, not explicit)
1. Who fell for the other one first?
MacCready fell first, hitting his head a few times on the way down. He's often grateful he didn't just run for the hills the moment he realized what was happening because it sure as hell was terrifying getting close to someone again after Lucy.
Evelyn didn't really fall, so much as she was hit by it like a freight train. She spent a lot of time at first being hyper-fixated on Mac's intentions and him as a concept in general that she didn't realize she had a "problem" until she was already in too deep. It took him being shot and kidnapped by the Forged for her to really feel the enormity of what losing him would do to her & come to terms with what it all meant.
Frankie. The moment he laid eyes on Danse, he knew that beefcake would be the death of him. Like, Frankie isn't blind c'mon now. The thirst was baaadddddd and, as such, was mostly a physical attraction at first. It didn't take long for it to blossom into something more than that once he got to know him. For Frankie, there was no coming to terms with anything, no having to think twice about it. He's always been very unashamed in his affection for his Paladin. Still, he handled things as subtly as he could manage and waited (mostly) patiently while Danse figured his shit out.
Call it overconfidence, but he always had a feeling Danse felt similarly & was dealing with a lot of internalized roadblocks. Frankie wasn't about to push him into anything. Not only that, but he wasn't sure why Danse would even want him with his face being messed up by the deathclaw. Thus, his rule always was that Danse had to make the first move. Even still, Frankie would continue waiting for as long as it would take for Danse to come around. It's the only time this man has exercised patience in his goddamn life.
6. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
MacCready sees metaphors for her everywhere; flowers, birds, the rising and setting of the sun, to name a few. Evelyn thinks of him when she sees more real concepts. Like when she sees an empty bed, she's wishing he was there (even if he's not far behind). She thinks of him whenever she sees ammo casings scattered around. Clear days remind her of the color of his eyes.. You know the vibes.
(Me at them like ffs quit it with the yearning, you're in the same room together!!!!)
8. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
I sort of answered this one accidentally in one of my other responses, but yes! Most of the friends Evelyn and MacCready have are mutual ones. I'd say Deacon is an exception to this. Eve ends up coming around on Deacon, and they're kind of actually friends in the end. MacCready can't stand him sometimes and generally finds him annoying, but he tolerates him because he's the sole reason Evelyn got out of the Institute alive. He feels indebted to Deacon and repays said debt by not punching him in the face on sight for all of the Prior Transgressions - including, but not limited to: stalking, attempting to steal the courser chip, being funny and hot and sexy, etc.
40. Who tries to distract the other when they’re trying to do something else?
Evelyn and MacCready are both very annoying in this sense. Both are very needy/insecure, always seeking reassurances that things are still good between them. They also both indulge each other far too often and have very little self-discipline about each other. A disgusting "fuck whatever youre doing, give me snuggles or I'm going to BITE YOU" and "for you, anything" couple.
(nsft-ish warning for the following)
Frankie is ALWAYS distracting Danse. He starts by asking innumerable questions about whatever he's working on. Danse isn't sure how it happens, but the situation degrades pretty consistently. Any time he tries to get work done, one of them ends up bent over his workbench or on their knees within thirty minutes or less.
A good example is the time Danse offered to fix the rifling on Frankie's shotgun - a project that should've taken a day or two at most ended up taking a full week longer. It was an amazing week, he wouldn't deny that, and it's what made Danse learn that Frankie has a very intense Thing for watching him work on stuff. He's subsequently banned from the workshop. Eventually, Danse started 'accidentally' leaving the door open after he put away his actual projects. Frankie is happy just to be there and doesn't comment on the fact that Danse is usually just pretending to re-organize his tools and not doing actual work.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Dungeons & Dragons was hilarious and excellent, turn your brain off and just enjoy the show movie. I went in with semi-low expectations so maybe that's why it exceeded them so much. Lots of fun easter eggs and nods to fans of the tabletop system. I'll discuss some stuff below the cut but I am just gonna put myself on blast here but holy hades....Michelle Rodriguez's barbarian character? I know she was going to be hot because it's Michelle Rodriguez so it's just a given.
But she beefed up for this role and not to call myself out for my subby tendencies but I need a hot barbarian girlfriend who will pin my ass to the wall make me her bottom b*tch and or potentially crush my head between her mountainous thighs. Fuck me running. Hi yes, I am very, very gay for Holga.
Like, she was distracting and making me feel all sorts of ways.
Also, now to be the utterly ridiculous bi that I am, Regé-Jean Page was ALSO unbearably hot in this movie, especially when he was being super competent and just mopping the floor with fools. I never thought a paladin could be that hot. I don't know which god he's sworn to but they obviously imbued him with that smoldering hot holy warrior spiciness. When he cast smite on his sword I was done. Sir, you are already unfairly attractive, how dare you level up in sexiness somehow?
I also kinda high key love he was kinda coded maybe overly serious maybe could be read as autistic? Like I totally read him as autistic which is awesome if that's what they were going for.
Honestly? Everyone in this movie is pretty. Of course they all are.
After the movie, I ended up going to ulta, sorta mentally checked out and bought way too much stuff. So much so I'm like....I need to return some of this. So I guess I'm going back on Sunday. Some of it I thought was on sale but I guess I misread the ads.
And I stopped by the local Vietnamese place and got some pho which was....very good and I have a bahn mi sitting next to me that I should really eat but I'm kinda full from the pho because I always underestimate the portions you get at pho places. It's quite literally pho for days.
EDIT: Somehow I managed to eat that bahn mi but I legit might need to pass out now. I've had a piss poor appetite the past few days thanks to being stressed out and just in bad head space. So I've had like one meal a day the past two days and today I didn't eat at all. Because I was mainly busy. But by the time I got done with eating to say I was famished is an understatement. I think I just made up for the past three days of not eating.
I really need to edit Seeds but I think I might just pass out and go into a food coma instead.
SO MY MAJOR COMPLAINT. We went to the Underdark and didn't SEE A SINGLE DROW??? So my major knowledge of D&D comes from Forgotten Realms. I know the system, have watched some Crit Role. But I just I loved those books and Drizzt to DEATH growing up. And then they introduced Artemis Entreri and Jarlaxle and I was sunk.
I STILL buy a Forgotten Realms book if I know those two are going to be in it. They're like my trashy comfort characters. You will see a predictable pattern in my trashy comfort characters.
I knew I wasn't going to get Drizzt or Jarlaxle because they are FR characters but the moment they mentioned the Underdark I was still screaming in my seat mentally because I thought they'd bring the Drow in somehow.
And they didn't. And I was very, very sad.
Also? If I ever get a black cat somehow, I am naming her Guenhwyvar, that's how much of a FR nerd I am. And literally no one but .5 % of the population will get that reference. Also it's hard enough to get my vet to spell Genji's name right, can you imagine trying to get them to spell Guenhwyvar? FORGET ABOUT IT.
But, eh it's a minor bitch in the grand scheme of things. I was still so stoked to see/hear things like Icewnd Dale and the Spine on the map and Neverwinter and Waterdeep etc.
Also THEY HAD A CAMEO OF THE OLD D&D CARTOON CHARACTERS. SCREAM. I used to that that with my mom as a kid, that was one of those few stark childhood memories I have of watching D&D and Voltron with her.
There was a Mimic which made me squee and a gelatinous cube. Not super deep easter egg shit but enough to make me feel in on the jokes, you know? And freaking displacer beasts.
And some Dragonborn and Aarakocra! Ugh my nerdy heart is full of joy.
Suffice it to say, I loved it. I might go see it again though I also want to go see the Super Mario Movie and maybe John Wick 4. There are way too movies out I want to see.
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