#BC Cancer Foundation
A massive $440 million, 10-year investment into a new cancer action plan was announced by the B.C. government Friday.
“Nearly every British Columbian has been affected by cancer in some way, through their own diagnosis or that a family member or a friend,” B.C. Premier David Eby said.
“With this significant investment in cancer care, we can prevent and detect cancer earlier and improve access to treatment.
“This will help save lives and improve the quality of life of British Columbians, now and into the future.”
Of the investment, $170 million will be going to the BC Cancer Foundation to support cancer research and attract skilled cancer-care providers to provide specialized treatment. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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ultradannyboyblog · 2 years
A Note From Santa
A Note From Santa
Yes, I know that many stores are already displaying their Christmas merchandise, which will no doubt prompt children to begin thinking about ol’ Saint Nick. Well, this old Saint got a note from one of those children this morning, and it almost broke my heart. It was from a girl Santa Danny used to visit each year on the last Sunday before Christmas. Her name is Wendy, and her family had a…
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i cant really grasp what it is about coffee's for closers but it makes me want to fall down and wail
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oceanflowerrs · 5 months
really funny watching gdq when its sponsored by a cancer research foundation bc half of the donations are “my family member died of cancer recently so im donating” and the other half is “CANCER is ‘BAD RNG’! LETS ‘ GAME OVER ‘ some CANCER’ S !!!!”
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cupcraft · 2 years
i watched the Dream video for technoblade, his dad, and the charity. no other reason.
It'll be A dream free liveblog this will mostly be about stories of techno, his dad. I will state here that dream does talk about his memories of techno/techno kicking his ass at things/being good (mc monday and the duel for ex) and responds to his dad's stories and stuff but i dont feel comfortable liveblogging those parts so thats all ill say about it here. There will be a portion where his dad mentions dream a few times in his stories which ill state in service of his dad's/the family's voice but thats where itll end!
This will be long im sorry, and also its unedited grammar wise:
this stream/video was to donate to the sarcoma foundation (which definitely i do encourage donating if you can) and once again reminder you can buy the techno merch that also goes to his family and charity!
skeppy presented the award at the sarcoma foundation and met techno's dad. His dad also heard a lot about skeppy over the years as they were friends. Skeppy said the video that resonated the most with him the most when asked was "skeppy tries to troll me but i troll him first" (on technos channel, "skeppy's dungeon" on his). His dad shared a lot of joy to memories with techno and skeppy's relationship.
his dad says he feels like the "grief wants to be the only thing thats happening". and he said "i was there for his whole life. literally from day 1. literally for the last day." He finds his memories going over the last week of his life over and over again and he remembers it being mostly painful emotionally. And he doesnt want that last week to cement itself in his head, so he wants to go over memories of his whole life and stories from when he was a little kid and stuff. His goal is to talk about him as a whole person and not just the cancer.
His dad talked about how little funding cancer gets, how its the number 2 killer in the US and "it not only takes our parents but takes our kids sometimes and our friends and anyone." He praised doctors and researchers and he met them at the sarcoma foundation event.
in the spirit of joy as he dad said he wanted to share this story: when techno was 2 years old his dad had techno and his younger sibling. he said when kids are 3 months they sit so you can go to the bathrooma nd that when they get older theyre dangers and he said "thats when they try to kill themselves!". His first wife had the flu at this story, and he had to maintain the childcare and there was a staircase to the bedroom. The younger sister thought going up and down the stairs was super duper fun but she wasnt good at it, he had to like monitor her a stair behind. She then at one point was on the stairs close to the bottom and fell, and his wife said "what was that??". he picked her up and he tried to comfort her and stuff. And techno walks in the room and goes "baby fall down crash" and then his dad mimicked slapping the floor and rolling all around to show what 2 year old techno did to describe the story. Srsly crying at this :,) oh techno.
another reminder to donate!
his dad is an avid gamer but stayed away from minecraft bc he didnt want to be the "parent that gets heavily involved with what the child does" *laugh*. He watched techno play pvp, and once he figured out what was going on during these 1v1's and noticed that he kept winning without losing hearts. And his dad said "alex do they know youre there? are you invisible?" Though his dad could believe his son could win due to other video games like tf2 that they played together where he'd be MVP 2x the score of the entire other team's score and he'd say "oh i did so bad im so disappointed" (noted to be a bit of an exaggeration).
in his whole career his dad said he never saw him stress about anything other than the duel, leading up to it mostly. he didnt know why but it really stressed him out and techno shared with his dad a lot of worse case/ "nightmare" scenarios that his dad said "didnt seem realistic." His dad said "all the bad things you imagine might happen but are more likely if you turn it down (paraphrased i missed a few words here my apologies i do have auditory processing issues!). And his dad said "who is this green smiley guy whose gaining more subscribers than my boy!!" and he felt competitive on technos behalf.
he aspires to be a good dad to those behind the camera (which i assume are techno's siblings by context).
his dad brought up the elbow reveal and that he wanted to do a face reveal which caused some laughs. He is now thanking his sponsor "cancer where without it this stream wouldnt have happened." (All i can say is that ik where techno got his humor from im srsly in tears this fucking family :,)!)
His dad talked about the cancer. and referenced the joke "it was gonna be the most epic elbow reveal ever" about the almost amputation. And he did a great impersonation of techno's voice. He thought he was going to be weeping copiously but he didnt want to put that on the situation so he tried to stay positive and kept it about love for techno as much as he could until the end. He got techno a present in this message and then started laughing and that "nobody likes this story". next bullet pt->
the present was for the occasion of the surgery. He wanted it to be good and valuable and special. He got him a book, a rare first edition first print 1922 book of hemingway's farewell to arms. (no shot cryinggg)
Now its mcc time! Just a lot of sharing of techno mcc memories.
Dream smp whitelisting time! Techno was always on the dream smp list because (maybe) tommy asked him to be. He just logged on at one point (which we all know when :,)!). His dad also shared that he had several characters only one he wanted to be whitelisted (which was technoblade!). i assume he means acc names (?) and there was a joke that he kept trying to log in with his other acc's and said "i cant join because im not white listed (paraphrased) and that "i spent 50 dollars on a joke".
his dad is 60 years old, recent bday!.
"no ones gonna watch you play the videogame you can just play it yourself!" his dad said. (i missed the context of this im so sorry)
he says as a dad hes required to tell dad jokes.
There was a touching and emotional moment about how "it feels like techno is here with us" (paraphrased)
his dad wanted techno to pick out a good chair and out of all the chairs in the world he picked his dad's chair. and he has a shit desk, a computer, and a "ehhh" mic.
Whenever techno would stream/record at 2 am when his family was trying to sleep theyd hear "WHAT???? HEH?? *insert technoisms*" through the door. and he said "it was so awful when it stopped." :(.
he and his dad communicated through the door texting and hed check on him and theyd watched hunterxhunter/etc. together. And techno "couldnt eat without watching tv" and so meal and a show ig :D!
His dad said "i really miss him a lot." And he'll see reddit posts and he'll think its perfect to techno but then he remembers he cant send them.
Also He wont make a twitter but he's thought of making a technodad reddit and he loves the techno-ers on reddit a lot :D and he reads those posts until he cant any longer.
they knew another boy who had sarcoma who only lived until he was 8. and they had to take a break. at this point.
his dad said techno seemed to mean a lot to people that was more than pvp and funny jokes. and he sees the like "techno you helped through a bad time" posts. and hes so proud, and has seen all the donating on his behalf and finds it really (he pointed to his heart).
He met the director of the sarcoma foundation and they had never seen anything like it before. And she shared a story of a kid who ran a lemonade stand and raised to 100 dollars and sent it to the foundation for techno.
His dad said techno said "i sell pants now for some reason".
Theres new merch coming out soon. He's outselling! Also you can only order merch when its in stock to avoid delays.
The stream was ended with a hug <3!
His dad gave a big thanks to dream for what he did to help the family.
His dad plans to do more stuff with more people! Hinted at a big charity event with lots of games maybe.
Technoblade never dies. this was a stream of love overall <3. I miss technoblade so fucking much. o7 king.
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legionnaireslover · 17 days
Confession. I used to be a skeptic but I got over it. By 2019 I was over it and accepted Benedict was really married. Who fakes a for 10 years. Moreover who fixates on a celebrity marriage for this long. I hope they get help. Aeltri is missing out on life.
Aeltri is so deep in delusional behaviour it would take a TEAM of experts to figure her problems!
I'm glad that you came to your senses and stepped into the light.
Of course no one would behave the way the Haters say Sophie and BC behave. Only in the "Septic bubble" does any of their nonsense make any "sense".
In the real world, he got married, has 3 sons, talks proudly of his love and admiration for his wife and is a highly respected and successful actor and producer.
After the Cumberbatches had their third child (or was it after the second baby came along?) and were many years married, the Haters decided that they couldn't sustain the "Sophie went rogue" story.
So Aeltri dreamed up the "DID diagnosis" and Gator went wholeheartedly along with her! The Birkin family was supposed to be the controlling agents in all of this. It involved "alters", and mind control, and MKULTRA "triggers" that would conveniently come into play if ever BC said or acted lovingly with Sophie in public. That wasn't REALLY him - that was his ALTER on the red carpet!
Of course, when some pointed out that the supposed "trauma" that is believed to be the source of DID, had to have occurred BEFORE BC even met any of the Birkins in school, Aeltri had to start spinning even more malicious and ridiculous yarns about Wanda abusing and "pimping" her beloved child and Freemasons involved with multi-generational vendettas, and Sophie being the linchpin in a satanic murdering cult, etc.
Usually the Haters try and keep things vague to give themselves SOME deniability, but they do tend to fuck up (especially nowadays).
One recent BIG mistake was saying Sophie had contracted TERTIARY SYPHILIS and was receiving palliative care. That morphed into CANCER, but really, that was YEARS ago and everybody can see she is healthy, busy working on her operas, being a mother and advocating for causes that she and BC care about. So... not deathly ill ! Nowadays Gator would rather not talk about THAT and acts like she NEVER said Sophie was dying!
There are lots of other examples of when the Hater narrative collapsed under its own weak foundations, but it would take too long to list them all.
I think the important thing to realise is, all these LIES, all these ACCUSATIONS, all these SLANDERS don't bear close examination. If you do try to "fit" them together you quickly see THEY DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE!
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msclaritea · 17 days
History lesson: from elsewhere on the internet.
"Aeltri is so deep in delusional behaviour it would take a TEAM of experts to figure her problems!
Of course no one would behave the way the Haters say Sophie and BC behave. Only in the “Septic bubble” does any of their nonsense make any “sense”.
In the real world, he got married, has 3 sons, talks proudly of his love and admiration for his wife and is a highly respected and successful actor and producer.
After the Cumberbatches had their third child (or was it after the second baby came along?) and were many years married, the Haters decided that they couldn’t sustain the “Sophie went rogue” story.
So Aeltri dreamed up the “DID diagnosis” and Gator went wholeheartedly along with her! The Birkin family was supposed to be the controlling agents in all of this. It involved “alters”, and mind control, and MKULTRA “triggers” that would conveniently come into play if ever BC said or acted lovingly with Sophie in public. That wasn’t REALLY him - that was his ALTER on the red carpet!
Of course, when some pointed out that the supposed “trauma” that is believed to be the source of DID, had to have occurred BEFORE BC even met any of the Birkins in school, Aeltri had to start spinning even more malicious and ridiculous yarns about Wanda abusing and “pimping” her beloved child and Freemasons involved with multi-generational vendettas, and Sophie being the linchpin in a satanic murdering cult, etc.
Usually the Haters try and keep things vague to give themselves SOME deniability, but they do tend to fuck up (especially nowadays).
One recent BIG mistake was saying Sophie had contracted TERTIARY SYPHILIS and was receiving palliative care. That morphed into CANCER, but really, that was YEARS ago and everybody can see she is healthy, busy working on her operas, being a mother and advocating for causes that she and BC care about. So… not deathly ill ! Nowadays Gator would rather not talk about THAT and acts like she NEVER said Sophie was dying!
There are lots of other examples of when the Hater narrative collapsed under its own weak foundations, but it would take too long to list them all.
I think the important thing to realise is, all these LIES, all these ACCUSATIONS, all these SLANDERS don’t bear close examination. If you do try to “fit” them together you quickly see THEY DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE!"
@gatorfisch or @aeltri either of you in the mood to wake through this piece of trash's butthurt tirade? Looks like someone is pissed that we keep outing their attempts at the 'Happy Family's scenario.
Aren't you just a whole bowl of stupid, eh, STALKER?
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bellysoupset · 1 year
I LOVE the frenemies vibe of Jonah and Lucas so can we get something with the two of them with Jonah as the caretaker, pretty please?
(I'm bad at prompts so feel free to ignore this part but they could be at an event to which only the two of them were invited from their friend group so Jonah is the only available one to look after Lucas. If you don't want to go the emeto way bc of Jonah's sympathy puking then Lucas could be maybe triggered by something and Jonah could calm him down?)
Anon this is you being bad at prompts? it was awesome! I hope the story lives up to it heheh
There were certain events, that one couldn't just not go. The type of party where not going got you blacklisted to other events and ended up giving you a bad reputation, a reputation that if you had plans to ever be a hospital's director, you wouldn't want.
So Jonah was at the Cancer Research and Prevention Society's ball. Because he was definitely the type of person who should be invited to this, considering he was not yet a full doctor and had never demonstrated any interest in oncology.
Wendy had been annoyed to hell and back when he, out of all the interns had been picked for the gala. Jonah had even attempted to give her the ticket, but had been told by an overly smiley supervisor that unless Wendy suddenly had the surname Banks, she wasn't the one the council had invited.
It was ridiculous.
Jonah tugged on his butterfly tie, looking across the ballroom. There were many people here, a couple of his older teachers, some people he recognized from television, people he had never seen before... Lucas?
"I think you're lost Lucas," Jonah grabbed a champagne flute, moving to stand right next to the man, "the Free Kicks Foundation's ball is in the next Tuesday."
Lucas let out a snort, "funny, because I actually was invited to the FKF's gala and it's next month," he opened a smile, "I get invites for all the cancer charity events in the country."
"You do?" Jonah raised his eyebrows, dropping the antagonistic act, "why? No offense, but you're a history student."
"I'll have you know I'm a double major in political science and history" Lucas rolled his eyes, then completed, "it's because of mom."
Jonah cringed. He had momentarily forgotten.
"Yeah," Lucas swirled his champagne around the glass, "what are you doing here?"
"My surname is Banks," Jonah rolled his eyes, "well, see you around," he moved away from Luke, not waiting for his response.
Networking was easy to him, he had done it most of his life. He could be pleasant, he'd just rather not. Still Jonah found his social battery dying quickly and by the time dinner was served he was already grating his teeth with the unfunny jokes and small talk.
Lucas sat next to him, because of course he did. Except tonight Jonah found that he didn't really want Luke gone, the guy was growing on him... Like a fungus.
Jonah snorted at the thought, then noticed that Lucas wasn't talking with anyone, not even Jon himself. It was odd, Luke was a talkative person.
Dinner arrived just as the main performance started. It was a ballet, of sorts, with the dancers utilizing the long ropes of fabric that were hanging from the ceiling. Jonah raised his eyebrows, impressed.
"This is next level," he said, leaning to thump Lucas' chest. Jonah expected a reaction, but not for it to be Luke groaning and squinting his eyes.
"Atwood?" he frowned. Vaguely Jonah noticed that Lucas' dinner was untouched, "what the fuck is your problem?"
"Nothing," Lucas frowned right back.
Jonah scoffed, turning back around to watch the ballet. It was beautiful, an actual theatrical presentation, with the lights changing according to the song.
He mourned the fact he wasn't here with Wendy, she'd have loved it. Instead he was stuck with Atwood, a known hater of all things musical...
There was a scramble to his left and Jonah looked away from the presentation just in time to see Lucas shoot up, only to promptly stumble over thin air and grab on the nearest waiter to stop himself from falling. Considering Luke's sheer size, all that did was cause the waiter to nearly drop his tray, the empty glasses toppling over each other, as the poor man sank to his knees with Lucas' weight.
"What the fuck?" Jonah hissed, dinner forgotten, getting up too. The people on the tables around them were all looking this pathetic display, as if they were the next performance. On the ground, Lucas had curled up, arms resting on his knees, like a kid who was being scolded, not the grown man he was.
"Are you drunk?" Jon whispered, sharply as he too knelt down. He was ready to strangle Lucas, "really? At the fucking cancer charity-"
"Not-no..." Lucas slurred, a hand reaching in blindly and then he managed to grab Jonah's shirt and tug at it with all his force, which was a lot.
"You're hurting me," Jonah grunted, trying to free himself from Luke's iron grip, "I can't believe you- I'm so sorry," he said to the poor waiter who was just standing up. Jonah grabbed Luke's arm, then looked around to the patrons watching them, "show's over," he said bitterly, forcing his friend up from the ground.
Lucas balance seemed to be gone. He held tightly on Jonah, a hand planting on the table behind him, narrowly missing someone's onion cream. Jonah cringed, he had to get them out of there before an even bigger scene was caused.
"C'mon, idiot," Jonah wrapped an arm around Lucas' waist, "lean on me."
"Not drunk..." Lucas mumbled as they slowly made their way out of the main hall. Jonah scoffed.
"Yeah, sur-"
"Not drunk," he repeated, "head hurts."
Suddenly Jonah wished Lucas' was drunk.
"Fuck, really?" he whistled out, bracing against a wall to catch his breath. Luke was heavy, getting heavier by the seconds as he needed more and more support, "did it just hit you or did you come to the gala with a migraine already? You seemed fine when we talked earlier!"
Did he?
Lucas grimaced at his tone of voice, leaning his head back against the beautiful wall of Woobrook Estate. Jonah scowled, his friend was waxy pale and breathing measuredly through the pain, sweat starting to collect at his temple, lips turned down.
"No, it was just-" he swallowed thickly, then stopped talking.
"Just what?" Jonah pressed, catching his breath.
"Just colorful."
"So you had aura before," he concluded, once again holding Lucas and tugging him down the hallway, "and you came to a fucking gala?"
"It would've been fine," Lucas groaned, bracing against the next doorway they came across, "just... The lights."
"You're smarter than this," Jonah scoffed, then eyed Lucas suspiciously as he saw the guy swallow convulsively. "are you gonna throw up?"
"Not now," his voice was almost humorous, "I just need to go home."
"Did you drive here?" his supervisor would be pissed at him for leaving so early on.
"No, I planned to get batshit drunk at the charity gala, so I took an Uber," Lucas deadpanned, causing Jonah to glare at him.
"I'll take that as a yes."
"Obviously," his lips turned even more down and he winced, then sniffled. Much to Jonah's absolute horror, he watched as a tear ran down Lucas' eye, his whole face crumpling as more tears followed.
"Shit, Luke, don't cry..."
"I- I... fuck..." Lucas whimpered, crying even harder, pressing the heel of his hand to his eye, "I can't-"
Jonah felt useless and completely out of his element. This wasn't them. Even at their lowest, Lucas didn't sob and Jonah didn't get frantic over him.
"Shit, shit shit- Lean on me," he whispered, jumping into action. Anything to get Lucas to stop crying and scaring the shit out of him.
More sniffles and quiet sobs followed, Luke flinching with each and every sob. Finally they reached outside, the cold air hitting with full force and Lucas let out a sigh.
"I'm not crying..." he said, voice thick as he was pushing it through the knot in his throat, bending in half and planting his hands to his knees, wincing, "it's the migraine..."
Jon wasn't sure if he believed him or not, but even if the tears weren't because he was sad and because of pain... That was still pretty terrifying. He hovered, unsure if he should touch Luke's back or say anything.
"Go get the car," Lucas bossed, then gagged, "Jon, go."
Understanding why Luke wanted him gone, Jonah rushed away. Not only he had zero interest in vomiting tonight, but he had to get the car.
He rushed back inside, to the front desk and grabbed both their coats and asked Lucas' car was brought around, slipping a bill in order to his own car driven to his apartment building. He could take a taxi back there from Luke's place.
When he made it back to the front garden, Lucas was sitting by the curb. Jonah cautiously avoided even glancing at the previous spot in the grass he had been on, walking ahead and throwing the jacket around his shoulder's.
"The car is here."
Lucas raised his face and Jonah's stomach dropped. He was milk white, yes, but only one side of his face was still contorted with pain, tears running out one eye, this one bloodshot and terrifying "Lucas... Your face-"
"It happens," his voice was gruff as if he had gargled with salt, "it's fine."
"It looks like you're having a stroke."
"Uhm," he was too tired to argue, wincing again, closing both eyes, "I'm not."
Jonah squinted, not liking this one bit, he crouched down before him, "squeeze my hand."
"Squeeze my hand," he repeated, slipping his hand in Lucas' right one, "with all your force."
"Jon... feel sick, my head- Stop..." he slurred, which only caused Jonah to feel more panicked.
"Squeeze my hand or I'll shine my phone's torch in your eye, it's your choice," Jonah said sharply. He felt as Lucas squeezed his hand back, nearly breaking his fingers and Jon winced, pulling it back quickly, "alright, now with the other hand."
"...'m gonna puke."
"I don't... I don't understand-" Lucas groaned, but did grab his hand with the left one, squeezing it tightly. Again, it was strong, "happy now?"
Yes, Jonah sighed in relief. He still wasn't convinced it wasn't a stroke, but this brought him some peace, "Okay, get up. Let's get you home."
Lucas didn't put up a fight with being pulled up, but he also didn't help one bit. Jon panted as he squeezed the man's tuxedo jacket, glaring at the side of his face, "help me out here, Atwood-"
"I'm sorry..." Lucas groaned, before gagging and bending in half. Jonah cursed loudly, turning his face and trying not to gag as he heard Luke heave again and again.
Thankfully he seemed to already be empty, so after some more coughing, all he managed was to spit on the ground and start shaking with the pain.
"...m'sorry," he mumbled, as Jonah steered him towards the car, "sorry-"
"Shut up," Jonah forced him inside the passenger side, grabbing the seatbelt and strapping him in, "let me see your eyes."
"I... I got sick on your shoes..."
"No, you didn't," Jonah rolled his eyes, grabbing Lucas' roughly by the chin and using his other hand to force each eye open. Equal sized pupils stared back at him and he sighed in relief.
"Told ya it'ssnot a stroke," Lucas slurred, hanging his head and resting his forehead on Jonah's shoulder, "sorry'bout your night..."
"You should be," Jon scoffed, but he couldn't bring himself to pull back just yet, gingerly resting a hand on Lucas' nape and squeezing, "let's get you home."
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just whining
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i think my biggest question i (don't) try to answer all this year is: why i started to hate something that was my dream once? why i was so passionate about my work 2 (or so) years ago? i remember i called director of the foundation i used to work with at 4 a.m. to approve revisions to the layout for the festival. i worked on absolutely awful old half-broken laptop that miraculously worked and didn't explode because i was doing 3x3 meter layouts in Illustrator. anyway. i felt myself so alive? i felt that im doing what i always wanted to do. i had to mix several freelance projects + volunteering as a designer with my graduating and i was alright ("you stay awake so you don't get expelled because of work, then you stay awake so you don't fuck up your job because of studying" <- note from that times). all this was so important to me. i remember i was so . happy every time i saw my design/illustrations printed. i remember going back home w a printed book i did layout + illustrations for in absolute shock. it was like some kind of miracle that i couldn't get used to. i was so tired n depressed during graduating (n each month it just got worse) but i felt that i belong in this world that im doin the right thing & im doin what i always wanted to do
and now im staring blankly at the opened file in adobe illustrator. simpliest task: a fucking flyer and i can't do it as easily as i used to a few days ago realized that idk imposter syndrome is at it's peak rn. i literally worked w different companies/ppl i have 2 yrs of work experience i worked on a lot of different things yet now i can't even make a portfolio bc it's so. scary? idk for what reason. all this year i try to understand what happened & i can't find an answer. last days it scares me bc let's say lack of fulfillment in art sphere is smth that destroyed me when i was like 17-18 & it all ended up w sa n psych ward & i dont want this to ever repeat like for christ's sake. i was so brave after 19yo & now im constantly scared idk i lost my ambitions & it scares me so much. i have no idea what i want to reach and i have no idea how to live w/o craving to reach smth. craving to do smth. what the point of life if u're not creating smth? i haven't organized anything + created anything big for long and it scares me. “growth for the sake of growth is cancer” <- my ex said this to me many yrs ago to show me how pointless what i'm doing is. yes this is truth & such way of living isn't the best but this is the only way i can live, this is who i am
"i spent this year as a ghost" YES! and it's a nightmare to me. and i despise myself bc it's ridiculous. girl why the fuck r u whining. u used to work for 12 hours w only one day off. u used to work 24/7 as a freelancer and still somehow managed this w studying + personal life. now u can find a job w better work conditions but you're afraid to do it. where ur energy did go? where is ur strength & bravery? why r u became afraid of people (esp of the ones that actually love u) when u always loved them?
dear fucking god i'm so tired of this & i'm so tired of my own brain
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jeonwonwoo · 4 months
I'm trying to put together a basic set of beauty products to keep as staples (I don't think I can afford to try a lot of products and alternate between them) so like a basic skincare regime of a cleanser, serum, toners and then basic foundation, concealer, blush, lip gloss, and then perfume and so on but I have no idea where to start, there's so much information on the internet that seems to contradict itself and they all seem like ads. I've heard people say luxury items are worth it for the quality and I don't mind investing in them but again, so many brands 💖 P.S Thank you for your help!
omgggg i loveee this question and im going to try my best to answer it without oversharing or being over the top 😭 but i would say as a psa that u shouldn't feel pressure to try and have a full routine with at least one of every product in it like u might see on the internet bc its ultimately what works for u and personally like my skincare routine doesn't include toners or any face masks atm and my makeup routine consists of foundation, blush, a lip product and maybe mascara, kohl, eyeshadow if i'm feeling fancy (i've never tried using powder, contour and so on simply bc i too don't know where to start)
anyway as for recommendations 👀 i hope these are helpful
first! cerave hydrating cleanser, my skin gets really tight and dry usually after washing my face to the point where when the skin stretches, it feels like its cracking but i've noticed a massive *good* difference when using this!
and also la roche posay's retinol + hyaluronic acid combo!! i didnt really have anti aging goals in mind at the ripe age of 20 but i use it to for like uneven skin tone and to make my skin seem less dull, u kinda need a strict regimen to stick to it and a LOT of sunscreen (and i mean a LOTTTT bc going into direct sunlight with retinol can lead to burns and i use the anti helios la roche posay one but my sister uses cancer council and says its just as good if not better)
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but also i actually really recently bought the ordinary's vitamin c suspension and i've heard glowing reviews of the product too but i cant speak much for its long term effects just yet bc i havent used it enough but with vitamin c, u shouldn't wear retinol soo
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and then i top it all off with plenty of moisturiser like the cerave ones!!! luckily with these products i dont get pilling 🫡
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since u said u don't mind investing in luxury products, i love the chanel foundation with the beads bc it feels JUST like a moisturiser and not like a thick, cakey texture for me. its super smooth and light and a very little goes a long way for my whole face! but it IS pricey ($117 aud at least) so there's that! also i've been using the dior lip oil for months in shade 001 and it doesn't have a crazy strong colour but it lasts all day for me and smells super good! and for perfume: sol de janeiro has THEEEE best perfumes/mists of all time for me, my sister has the one that smells like pistachios and caramel and i got this one thats meant to be: 'Pink dragonfruit, lychee essence, jasmine, hibiscus, sheer vanilla and sun musk.' and it lasts hours im telling u!
for the rest, i honestly use my lip product as blush 😭 like i got the rum raisin lipstick and i just put in my cheeks and temple and it looks great for me 😭
DISCLAIMER 🚨: if i remember right, dior is on the list of brands to boycott to support palestine (i got mine a while ago but i wouldn't really go for a recent purchase from them) but there are dupes and similar lip oils out there that don't defend illegal occupation :)
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will-o-the-witch · 1 year
Concerning if crystals are a scam, I agree. Anyone trying to say it will cure cancer or hematite can free up blood flow, and the biggest one about orgonite reducing radiation and 5g is definitely scamming you. Admittedly I did buy some orgonite from someone I do really like as she does inspire me on my path. She is absolutely genuine about the path she walks, maybe a little misguided about orgonite, but that aside she's very sweet and I do admire her. However, I think it's ok to believe in the spiritual aspects of crystals and orgonite. Sourcing really does matter but I think as long as the crystals or orgonite doesn't lead you to pseudoscience that ends up in DoTerra/conspiracy theory territory I think you should be fine. Like I use the spiritual aspect of the orgonite for grounding, lucid dreams, and connecting to my spirit guides but I don't go on about how it filters radiation and 5g because that's just not proven and you can't use resin covered rocks to avoid the 5g. But hey if malachite is a kind of sugar pill to keep me from being anxious then I'm fine with it.
While there's room to let people believe in different things, I think you're highlighting a key difference between "hey this thing filters 5g" and "it absolutely does not 'filter 5g' but it makes me happy anyway." The second one is totally fine, but letting people "just believe" the former is unhealthy.
If it was purely spiritual I'd agree with you, but if people are going to claim something is rooted in scientific study then it needs to actually be. I would argue touting the effects of orgone IS in the same pseudoscientific camp as DoTerra essential oil claims. (Orgone is probably even MORE useless bc at least essential oils can do more than collect dust.)
My thoughts about the purely spiritual aspects are similar-ish. Obviously if something is working for you then it works for you, but if you want to argue there is some inherent quality to the material beyond your own personal associations/placebo, you have to be able to pitch why you believe that. Naturally spiritual beliefs can't all be held to the same level of scrutiny as scientific claims, but our spiritual beliefs should still have some sort of foundation that isn't pseudoscience.
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science-sculpt · 4 months
A Journey Through Time: Exploring the History of Cancer
Cancer, a disease that has plagued humanity for millennia, holds a complex and fascinating history. Our earliest encounters with cancer date back to ancient Egypt, where fossilized bone tumors and descriptions in medical papyri like the Edwin Smith Papyrus (3000 BC) offer chilling glimpses. The "Father of Medicine," Hippocrates (460-370 BC), coined the term "carcinoma," inspired by the crab-like appearance of tumors. While treatments were limited to cauterization and surgery, these early observations laid the groundwork for future understanding.
The Middle Ages saw a decline in scientific progress, with cancer often attributed to imbalances in bodily humors or divine punishment. However, glimpses of hope emerged. Arab physicians like Avicenna (980-1037 AD) categorized tumors and advocated for early surgical intervention. Microscopes revealed the cellular nature of tumors, and anesthesia paved the way for safer and more effective surgical interventions. The 18th and 19th centuries witnessed a surge in scientific curiosity. Percivall Pott (1714-1788) linked scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps to soot exposure, marking the first identification of an environmental carcinogen. Microscopes unveiled the cellular nature of tumors, and Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) proposed the revolutionary "cell theory," laying the foundation for our modern understanding of cancer as a cellular disease.
The 20th century ushered in a new era of cancer research and treatment. Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-rays in 1895 paved the way for radiation therapy, while the development of chemotherapy in the 1940s offered another weapon in the fight against cancer. Screening programs and early detection strategies emerged, leading to improved survival rates for certain cancers.
Today, we stand at the precipice of a new frontier in cancer research. The Human Genome Project has unlocked the secrets of our genetic makeup, leading to targeted therapies and personalized medicine. Immunotherapy, harnessing the body's own immune system to fight cancer, is showing remarkable promise. The future holds hope for even more effective and personalized treatments, potentially leading to a world where cancer becomes a chronic, manageable condition.
Cancer's history is a testament to human resilience and ingenuity. From ancient observations to modern marvels of science, the fight against this formidable foe has been a constant struggle. The fight against cancer is far from over, but the progress made through research and innovation is remarkable. As we delve deeper into the complexities of cancer biology and explore novel technologies, the future holds immense promise for improved prevention, early detection, and personalized treatments.
While the journey through history highlights the significant progress made, it also serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle and the unwavering hope for a future free from this formidable foe.
As we mark World Cancer Day today, February 4th, 2024, it's a stark reminder of the immense global challenge cancer presents. This year's theme, "Close the care gap: Access is equity," compels us to acknowledge and address the disparities in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care that exist across different communities and regions. But amidst the statistics and struggles, there's also hope – hope fueled by the tireless efforts of researchers, healthcare professionals, and individuals like you and me.
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gleecycore · 4 months
sun in pisces in the 4th house @ 26°
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sun in pisces. pisces is a water sign which is more feminine or yin energy of emotion. water signs are tuned in to a deeper and subtler reality than the other elements. pisces is ruled by neptune & jupiter. neptune is the planet of illusion, dreams, abstract thought, and the mysterious. jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion, morality, faith, positivism, hope, and the aspirations of the higher self. pisces is a mutable sign which is amenable, open and responsive to suggestion, craving variety, and are able to adjust more easily to change. they’re flexible, adaptable, and dynamic. pisces are friendly and likable but moody and introspective, they could prefer to just live in their own little world. they’re dreamy and full of imagination and probably easily swayed by everything around them, and sensitive to the emotions of others. at their best, they’re compassionate, offering service, love, and understanding to all of life.
sun sign is in pisces in the 4th house. the 4th house is ruled by cancer; all about roots, home environment, family life, self-care, emotions, foundations, mother, children, women, and femininity. pisces qualities of intuition, peace and compassion with the 4th house’s focus on emotional roots, familial connections and personal foundations can result in deep emotional awareness and strong interpersonal relationships but can cause an imbalance and challenges with personal, public life, and dealing with conflict. 
especially with it being in a taurus degree, 26°, the themes of their life may revolve around their voice and money. taurus is a sign of comfort, they find comfort within. this degree deals with becoming “the best” or “top level” of something, they’re tryhards. overachievers wanting to be good and the best at everything. the color green is relevant. i just think that this compliments their pisces very well because they tend to be in their head, possessing strong imagination and since taurus finds comfort within, i feel like they feel safe when they’re alone.
this is an archive lolz i’ll probably post more but it’s very specific bc this is obviously from someone’s chart i did on my free time 🥸 don’t ask about it ! HAHA i’m grieving rn 😹
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fleshdyke · 2 years
tag game !!
ty for the tag @manforsale <3<3<3
answer 30 questions and tag a bunch of ppl !!!
name: roxy :]
star signs: aquarius sun, virgo moon, cancer rising
height: 5’9
time: 10:30 pm
birthday: feb 5th
favourite bands: mcr, diva bleach, mother mother, icp
last movie: boy (2010) (hi billy)
last show: wwdits s4 😈
what i post: hole
last thing i googled: astrology big 3 calculator lmao
other blogs: @c0rvus-c0r0ne for vulture culture/aesthetic, @placentaborrower for literally nothing like i’m pretty sure there’s like 5 posts there
do i get asks: yes. my askbox is a famously cursed place
following: 421
avg hours of sleep: idk 10ish? i sleep a lot
instruments: guitar 😈
what i’m wearing: plain black tee, black pinstripe checked leggings, a crow skull necklace and a spiked choker
dream job: curator at a natural history museum. or tattoo artist
dream trip: ireland, scotland, iceland, aotearoa
nationality: canadian
favourite songs: take me to church/hozier, cherry wine/hozier, brutus/the buttress, saint bernard/lincoln, francis forever/mitski, persephone/daisy the great, pomegranate seeds/julian moon, foundations of decay/mcr, bad luck!/jhariah, funeral/phoebe bridgers, 6up 5oh cop-out/will wood, achilles come down/gang of youths, beaches/diva bleach, saturn/sleeping at last, problems/mother mother, blood/mcr, monster/dodie
last book i read: bitch idk
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: wwdits obviously. the good place for sure. and honestly just my little dragon world bc i dont wanna live under capitalism
tags !!!
@chaoticbathwater @north-infinity @notajerusalemcricket @hera-the-something @damicantcope @itsplasma @tenebris-aurea @very-clever-name @nadjasloverboy
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jiksvokrat · 1 year
fighting for the sarcoma foundation
called himself "bald death" for creator clash 2 (bc hes bald, obviously)
but "bald death" is coincidentally a nickname for cancer
honestly its just funny to me, techno wouldve laughed i think
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fairycosmos · 2 years
hello hello! seeing gerard way in a skirt has finally made me listen to mcr for the first time in my life! teenagers is a bop and ive been listening to him yell for 30 minutes straight! but ive also realized how huge the band is and i have no idea what their best songs are/where to start so i figured id ask you since you have absolute excellent taste chefs kiss mwah mwah (please help me i am so lost lmao he has a great voice but they have like 500 songs where do i even begin)
god this is so exciting i would pay to be you and listen to mcr for the first time ever again!ahhhhh. also this is licherally the power of gerard in a skirt it's really unspeakable im. anyway! if you want my opinion i think you should just start by listening to their album the black parade. like, in full. maybe that's a controversial starting point for ppl who stan them but it's their most famous piece of work for a REASON and the songs are just bloody brilliant. you can listen to it all on youtube. then move on to three cheers for sweet revenge if you're looking for a second album to fall into LOL because that is a whole masterpiece im not even kidding. the rest can be discovered like a diver unearthing a gorgeous shipwreck full of jewels one by one........:^)  also, ppl wil say danger days is their worst album but don't be afraid to listen to it bc it's got some incredible songs on it it was literally just a slight artistic diversion and it's still so GOOD.....
some of my personal fav songs from mcr: the sharpest lives, MAMA, cancer, i dont love you, famous last words, disenchanted, the ghost of you, give em hell kid, cemetery drive, it's not a fashion statement it's a fucking deathwish, the foundations of decay, dead!, the kids from yesterday, demolition lovers, early sunsets over monroeville etc etc
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