#BC Cancer Agency
ultradannyboyblog · 1 year
Here's What Happened After Coffee Today!
The Two Normans Here’s what happened to Norm Wolff (the northern one), after our weekly coffee today. But before I get to that, some of you may wonder why I include “the northern one” when I refer to him, and Norm Colon (the southern one) lives in Bellingham, WA. I made the distinction because I didn’t want to confuse Spanky, who just likes to annoy me with questions. I wonder how many times…
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rogalbert · 2 years
One Day at a Time.
One Day at a Time.
Who knows how much time I may have left to live. A week, a month, a year, two years, it’s all the same to me because after I’m dead, I won’t be around to regret or celebrate anything that happened to me while I was alive, including dying. I had my last chemo treatment on September 15th. That’s it as far as chemo goes for me. On the 16th I had to go to the ER to reverse the damage to my body…
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amandabe11man · 5 months
so me and my friend are onto season 4 of X-files now and we got to the csm-centric episode, right. and when he put the sniper rifle up from the window at the start I was like "whoa there. jfk assassination much?"-- and then the flashback starts and wouldn't you fucking know it, csm was the one who killed jfk??
this made me joke about how "what is he, the dark version of forrest gump or something? lmao" (ie. being present at a bunch of historical happenings), and then it seems like I was right because after that, he killed martin luther king too... aND TH E N towards the end, they make a fuckin forrest gump reference???
guys I think I'm finally becoming psychic
#x-files#anyway good season so far#'the field where I died' was another good one#this ep was fun too ngl cause I'm afraid I love to hate this guy#I love how it shows how /weak/ csm actually is#seems like he just gets swept up in shit all 'okay I guess I'm doing this now (hashtag powertrip)'#dude has all the agency over a bunch of others but he has no agency over himself#he couldn't even resist the peer pressure to start smoking. bruh#and he couldn't even follow through with it when he tried to /stop/ smoking either#and then when he thought he was gonna get a big break as an author and was like 'fuck yeah I'll resign from the evil job now'#..but then the editors changed the ending when publishing it so he was like 'nvm. fuck everything. violent path it is then'#that whole thing reminded me so much of john in Saw X too when he thought he'd been cured-#-so he threw away the trap-sketches he was making. guy was gonna straight up quit being jigsaw bc he thought he would get to live after all#wait a sec.... john has cancer and is a villain... csm is called 'cancerman' and is also a villain........ [connecting dots in my mind rn]#but yeah um-- back to what I was saying- this ep somehow made csm a bit less infuriating for me?#cause now we got to see that actually he doesn't have everything under control. in fact it's like he barely has a will of his own#bro has zero conviction. barely any willpower. no life. if he fails at something once- that's it. he'll quit trying forever#he's literally a loser. we love to see it#(also wtf I didn't think deep throat would be the one who argued FOR killing that alien while csm was the one who questioned it?)#(but deep throat SAID to mulder later that he regretted the things he'd done an d he helped the good guys in the end so....)#(deep throat had his redemption arc. love that guy....except for when he killed the alien. that wasn't cool)
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lakesbian · 7 months
ok interlude 1. everyone loves interlude 1. fun things happening in interlude 1 i.e. meeting danny hebert and meeting scion also.
you guys remember seeing that one tumblr post thats like. [in response to experiment where bees read a fake bee on a stick as a real bee] stupid bees. falling for a fake bee on a stick being a real bee. and then someone else is like. i bet eldritch beings are like that about us. stupid humans. falling for fake humans on a stick being real humans. you guys know that post? anyway that's what this interlude makes me think of.
“The golden man would reappear several more times in the coming months and years. At some point, he donned clothing. At first, a sheet worn over one shoulder and pinned at either side of the waist, then more conventional clothes. In 1999, he donned the white bodysuit he still wears today. For more than a decade, we have wondered, where did our golden man get these things? Who was he in contact with?
^ stupid humans. mistaking a fake human on a stick for a real human. i love the horror of this interlude in retrospect. people assuming he's miraculously curing cancer as the world's most heroic original parahuman when he's actually the nigh-incomprehensible alien that's the cause of the pandemic and was healing the cancerous person because they were a host for a parasitic part of the alien's own body that had been implanted in them.
“His pace increased, perhaps because he was still learning what he could do, perhaps because he was getting a greater sense of where he was needed. By the middle of the 1990s, he was traveling from crisis to crisis, flying faster than the speed of sound. In fifteen years, he has not rested.
this seeming to everyone else like him intentionally increasing the effectiveness of his heroics when he's just. life on a scale one cannot comprehend experiencing a mental health crisis It cannot comprehend. and oblivious to the fact that the coping mechanism he's trying is not fucking working.
“Just five years after Scion’s first appearance, the superheroes emerged from the cover of rumor and secrecy to show themselves to the public.  Though the villains followed soon after, it was the heroes who shattered any illusions of the parahumans being divine figures.  In 1989, attempting to quell a riot over a basketball game in Michigan, the superhero known to the public as Vikare stepped in, only to be clubbed over the head.  He died not long after of a brain embolism.  Later, he would be revealed to be Andrew Hawke. “The golden age of the parahumans was thus short lived.  They were not the deific figures they had appeared to be.  Parahumans were, after all, people with powers, and people are flawed at their core.  Government agencies took a firmer hand, and state-”
i love the implication that because scion was so obviously. Not Fucking Normal. people assumed the first parahumans to show themselves were also on some level deific or Above humanity. and eventually people did realize. oh these are just regular guys but with powers. leaving the mystery of why scion is Like That just kind of up in the air. you think that's ever uncomfortable for people? like it's normal, it's default, but if anyone ever thinks about it too hard while they're bored....it's weird, man.
anyway onto mr daniel hebert. i think it's really notable that his introduction is him watching tv about parahumans, then shutting it off and getting up to pace with this line being given:
It was three fifteen in the morning, and his daughter Taylor was not in her bedroom.
but then despite how this is Immediately preceded by a talk about how actually, capes are just normal guys, there's a conspicuously absent lack of danny...connecting that thought to taylor being out late. and, like, i explicitly do not think this is a flaw of danny at this point--there's no reason anyone would leap to assuming THEIR teenage family member that is just a normal person is secretly a cape bc they were out late once. but the juxtaposition btwn the tv program abt capes and his "huh. anyways" reaction is very much There and i think you can 100% view it as a start to a pattern of behavior he'll have where all common sense should lead him to taylor being a cape (just fucking. out adn about thriving post-leviathan randomly knowing shit about the s9 out there living an obvious double-life!) but he's just Completely Not Even Thinking About It. which is the same thing as the shit he does in this first interlude:
Danny thought about clearing his throat to let her know he was awake and available should she knock on his door, but decided against it. He was being cowardly, he thought, as if his clearing of his throat would give reality to his fears.
He was stopped by the smell of jam and toast. She had made a late night snack. It filled him with relief. He couldn’t imagine his daughter, after being mugged, tormented or humiliated, coming home to have toast with jam as a snack. Taylor was okay, or at least, okay enough to be left alone.
he keeps getting up in his own head where hes like. oh nooo i know shes being bullied but i cant do anything about it yelling at the school didnt work and i cant move her to arcadia. while being completely emotionally disengaged from taylor and also somehow managing to convince himself that they have some sort of trust/understanding from him Not Acknowledging It At All so its basically fine. he Genuinely believes that clearing his throat would magically inform her that hes awake and available if she wants to ask for help (as opposed to giving her a heart attack over being caught??) but can't even do that because he doesn't want to actually take the problems from like. a hypothetical he gets mad about in his head into a real life material thing hes supposed to support her thru. if he doesn't see it it can't hurt him. he's processing everything thru "well i guess shes okay enough to be left alone" while just wildly oblivious to the amount of pain shes in and he has genuinely convinced himself that he's doing the best thing of giving her the Dignity of suffering alone or whatever. convinced he's available to talk to and expecting her to come talk to him and increasingly mad she's not but not actually very obviously available to talk to. and it eventually boils over into taking away her autonomy to attempt Forcing her into talking! he has no conception of anything that isnt sitting there expecting her to do the work of emotional connection or going "you will emotionally connect with me. now. or else." this is just kind of a ramble because this will not be fun for me if i cleanly edit every single post into a masterpiece but im enjoying poasting my thoughts on a second go around hopefully theres something coherent i can crystallize
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snalsupremacy · 5 months
2024 Events (So far!)
2022 list
2023 list
And once again, these are not all the events, just the ones I come across with :)
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Mickey Mouse is now public domain baby
Tom Scott retires from weekly uploads
MatPat retires
Duolingo bad?!
Toby Fox drew Reigen and Sans for Valentine's day.. A bit early? Eh, maybe it's another country's VD. Also birdie and Spamtom were there
OFMD cancelled
SAG-AFRA signed contract to allow AI voices in video games
Haha! Tumbrl live to be GONE in jan 24th! yahoo!
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King charles diagnosed with cancer (we dont know which one) and, wouldn't you know it, Trysha Paytas announces her second pregnancy
Nicki Minaj spirals after Megan Thee Stalion disses her in response to Nicki's constant & blatand shade for her...
Kristen Stewart causing mass gay panic with her roling stone magazine photoshoot
Vtuber agency Nijisanji under fire after mistreatment of employee almost cost their life
Nimona whole movie FREE on youtube!! with captions!!
Popular transwoman tumbrl user gets banned for posting transition pics, causing discussions of tumbrl CEO's incopetence and the porn ban targetting trans people more than actual porn
Nonbinary 16 year-old american teenager Nex Benedict dies a day after getting beat up by students in their school. While the autopsy claims the death isn't because of the injuries, they might be lying. There's also the possibility of suicide, which would still be linked with the bullying and transphobia they suffered. Rest in peace Nex Benedict.
ATLA live action not that good, but from what I hear could be worse!
Minecraft youtuber Wilboor Soot revealed to have abused his ex-gf Shelby, posts terrible "apology"
James somerton posts ANOTHER apology video and I kid you not it's called "A Measured Response" in reference to HBomb's series of the same name
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Willy Wonka event is a total scam and it looks awful and there a new character called the unknown that is terrifing also the whole thing was made by a guy using AI
Legendary Mangaka Akira Toriyama passes away at 68, The amount of people in this world that'll miss him... It's over 8000! Rest in Peace Toriyama <3
Stardrew Valley major update
Nickelodion docu about how Dan Shneyder is a total creep and Spencer goated with the sauce
Red v Blue queerbait was acutally going to be canon?!
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Tumbrl's april fool's joke this year was the ability to "boop" other users, fun!
guy from firefighter show confirmed bi, yay!
Ziraldo morre aos 91 anos ;-;
Solar eclipse yay yay yay!!
Iran attckas Israel (no bombs reach bc of israel's iron thingy i forgot the name)
Jojo siwa new song turns the internet over. Breaking news: child who grew up in the entertainment industry is a mal-adjusted adult?!?!
Watcher moving from youtube to a inscription program which is a terrible idea in all ways
New Taylor Swift album. Public consensus: Mid-to-not-good. Swiftie consensus: MASTERPIECE OMG ITS PERFECT
Columbia college taken over by palestinian protests
Dan and Phill girlies going insane bc one of them tweeted a orange heart?
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May the 4th be with you!
Kendrick Lamar and Drake drama summary here
Eurovision commences
Welp, this year's Eurovision was a shitshow. Same time next year?
Nintendo to announce the new console "this fiscal year"
James Somerton fakes his death then uses an alt to post pics of his private parts TOT
SPN actors Ty olson and DJ qualls are engaged! Mazal Tov to them and to this gay ass fandom!!
(jjk soilers) the brain thing took over gojo's body LMAOOO
qsmp coming to an end thank G-d
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heyitssashag · 1 year
I completed the 10k race, today!
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I didn’t sit at a bench and take a break. I also didn’t come in last. (Both were my biggest fears when running this today …other than falling, breaking bones and ending up in hospital.) This is officially the worst time I’ve ever had: 1:22:16 for a 10k race. That being said, I don’t care. lol. I’m super proud of myself for trying and finishing. I was really contemplating about not showing up at the start line this morning. So glad I did! There was lots of energy and excitement. Thousands of people were dancing, hyped up and getting into the spirit.
There’s a quote that came to my mind and I can’t remember who said it (but it was by an ultramarathoner). I don’t even remember if these are the exact words but it went something like this:
Running is 99% mental. The rest is mental.
Running requires a lot of mental stamina when doing the longer distances. 10k isn’t much for healthy people and most can run the whole thing without an issue. For someone like myself who deals with pretty serious health problems and chronic pain, this was a big deal! It required a lot of positive thinking throughout!
I think I can. I think I can.
(Little Side Note: Before anyone thinks I’m nuts for doing this race, I did get the “okay” from the neurosurgeon, prior. 😊)
The race was held in downtown Victoria by the BC Legislature. I’ve never ran this one before. So glad I did. The weather was perfect for it as well!
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My kid accompanied me and waited by the finish line. Then I grabbed my much anticipated decaf americano at Starbucks and we jumped on the long bus ride home. I’ve taken 2 pain pills, today. I’ll likely need to take another one later. I’m contemplating about taking an anti-inflammatory as well but I hate taking those as they’re hard on the gut. (I have some that are prescribed.) I may wait until tomorrow as I usually tend to have more pain the following day or 2 after exercise.
Tomorrow I see the oncologist and also a counsellor at the Cancer Agency (in person). I’m not happy that I have to take the super long bus ride back into town again but it’s important I talk to them. I’ll be discussing what the protocol is if/when I have to go off my medications for surgery. I imagine I’ll need to do that a few weeks prior. The nice thing about that is my immune system will hopefully have some time to recover …a little. Maybe I’ll get a tattoo. Ha. Kidding. I believe I’ve mentioned this before but incase you missed that post, another interesting fun fact about me is that I’m allergic to tattoos. I broke out in hives for nearly 4 months around my first (and last) tattoo. I even started looking at places to get it removed. Finally it calmed down and I didn’t have to live on antihistamines anymore. So weird. I’ve won the lotto when it comes to getting strange health things. lol.
Anyway, I’m now laying on my heating pad with Steve the cat. I just checked my step count and I’ve done over 21,000, already. Yay! This evening, I’ll be meeting a friend over Zoom so I’m looking forward to that. Right now, I’m going to make a cup of tea and read my book.
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harmonicabisexuals · 1 year
never again thoughts...
first of all, the airing order controversy: at the end of the day I really don’t think it matters that much. I can understand as an actor gillian being pissed about it bc it would definitely have had an influence on how she played it if it were the other way originally, but weirdly, I think it actually comes across equally as well both ways. as scully says in the final scene, it’s about her life, not the fear of death, and it makes sense that she would be contemplating her choices whether or not she suspected she had cancer, especially in the context of episodes like herrenvolk and tunguska/terma where she and mulder very much were going in circles. I do think her impulsive actions (though not necessarily the thought behind them) make a bit more sense if she’s worried about possibly having cancer, but I can also see them simply as a way to get back at mulder lol. the only issue with the original order I think is that her exasperation in leonard betts makes more sense as a build up to never again instead of as a result of it, and brings the tension between her and mulder up to a climatic boiling point in memento mori instead of a gradual cooling off.
I also think (as a mulder defender) that on rewatch he’s not nearly as bad in this episode as I remember, or as fandom makes him out to be. sure, he’s definitely an asshole to scully in the final scene, but he is (rightfully or not) angry with her and definitely jealous. he’s also not great in the opening scene but it’s more of not really being aware of and attentive to scully’s feelings rather than outright malice towards her, and his vulnerability of “you don’t want it to be?” says sooo much, especially since he later calls scully from graceland just to check in and bc he wanted to share it with her 🥺 he’s already internalizing her words and trying to be better at not only thinking about her in the context of the x files.
I also know morgan and wong frequently love to use episode titles in their scripts, even if it sometimes feels heavy handed (such as in home), and it’s interesting to think about that in the context of scully’s character arc. she starts off the episode saying to mulder that she almost wishes that they were going in circles- instead it feels like an endless line of one step forward two steps back. but her conversation with ed jerse in the bar is about fathers and cycles, and of course she gets the ouroboros tattoo. in contrast, ed gets his tattoo to symbolize moving on with his life while acknowledging that he feels like he never really can. which is better, an endless straight line, or a never ending circle? and what it mean in the larger context of the x files’ themes of fate vs. free will? scully returning to her office in the final scene may be seen by some as a lack of agency, still caught up in the ouroboros, but her final conversation with mulder makes it clear (at least in my opinion) that she has ultimately reaffirmed her choice to be there. she may be stuck in the circle, but she’s made her choice to be, and mulder, for better or for worse, is stuck in there with her.
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oneforthemunny · 11 months
Mother is mothering! This is exciting
comfort character - Gerri Kellman (slay) / Fleabag
extrovert vs introvert - introvert
biggest turn on - listening (like showing that they remembered what you told them) but like, also making out really hot with some groping and pulling your hips together (🫦)
biggest turn off - guys who call other women bitches
zodiac sign (for funsies ofc) - cancer ♋️🥲
omg our first submission at the munny matchmaker agency!!!
ok so I'm pairing mafia!eddie and I'll tell you why:
mafia!eddie wants someone who is independent (bc he's gone a lot with work) but also teeters that line of clingy bc he himself is clingy. he would prefer someone introverted bc if you're out all the time like not that he's worried about what you would do, but more so what someone might do to you he just prefers someone who'd rather be lowkey. baby, he's gonna adore you endlessly. he's sharp as fuck and he remembers everything. you looked at something? he remembered and went back and got it. oh that was your favorite childhood movie? guess what we're having a movie night. very much so "well you said you liked/didn't like that" and it's just little things. even when he's a little mean and can be rough, he'd never degrade you. it's why he's more of a daddy!dom, like he'll smack you around a little but he can't bring himself to call you anything more than a bad girl and even then he feels kinda guilty after. also I hc that mafia!eddie is a scorpio and scorpio and cancers have high compatibility <3
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lilnasxvevo · 1 year
Oh btw I saw a banner ad on the side of a bus the other day and I didn’t see what organization paid for this ad bc the bus was going too fast but it said something very close to “THE PLACENTA ISN’T SOME MAGICAL BOOZE BLOCKER” and presumably it was a PSA about not drinking when one is pregnant.
And like
Listen my sister has an advanced degree in public health
And I have listened to her talk about outreach a lot even though that is not currently what she is doing with her degree, like that’s definitely something she studied and stuff
And I don’t. Feel like! Being as smug and condescending as possible! Is the best way to get the biggest number of people to listen to you and heed your advice.
And I DO kinda feel like my sister has talked about liiiiike being compassionate, and meeting people where they’re at, and like, not making them feel bad!
And I just really REALLY feel like, if your aim is to reach people who have somehow not been taught that alcohol use during pregnancy affects the fetus, then like, just say that. Clearly they have been severely lacking in access to good information about sexual and reproductive health if they don’t know that and there’s no point in shaming them for not knowing something because no one taught them that, or because they were fed misinformation!
Overall I am just disgruntled with the disgruntlement of knowing that my sister could have thought of better copy for a banner ad than THAT SHIT in like 30 seconds. Possibly less.
And it does also make me think of like, sometimes you see billboards or commercials about quitting smoking that just don’t seem to be very persuasive, and you’re like “What government agency OK’ed this?”, and then you find out that the “organization” that’s sponsoring all these ads is actually a tobacco company who got in trouble for selling cancer sticks and had to do a bunch of half-assed “stop smoking” ads in penance. And that’s why they’re not good, because the people making them don’t actually care and actually sort of hope you DON’T stop smoking.
So, I’m gonna try to glimpse one of these buses again (unlikely) and try to see who sponsored it, because I sort of highly suspect that copy wasn’t actually written by public health professionals who are actually motivated to protect people. I think it was probably written by a marketing team working for an alcohol company that recently got in trouble, and I’d love to know who.
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vyeoh · 2 years
Review of Thor: Love and Thunder
Spoilers below!
first of all, keep in mind this is based on one viewing that I just did so I probably missed some stuff
the trigger warnings: major character dies of cancer, scene depicting hanging, scene depicting severed limb
The good :
the CINEMATOGRAPHY. Omg the movie was BEAUTIFUL which is expected because Marvel but goddamn the lighting is amazing, and there's a scene where they're in black and white and its so cool
Its still very much 80 rock and roll! Lots of Guns n Roses, the music is banging
The movie is very funny, once again as expected. The humor is similar to Ragnorok
I did enjoy that they gave Jane more agency; at the end she is given total control over her own health and treatment, and chooses to have "one last adventure" rather than remaining in treatment and having the chance to live. I'm not terminally ill myself, but based on my experience with family members that were and also chose to forgo the possibility of living longer to enjoy the time they've got, this is a thing that resonated with me.
Thor adopts a child at the end and I do hope they continue down this route because he seems like a genuinely well written model for fatherhood
Korg is back! :D
The bad:
The movie once again focuses on Thor and Jane's relationship and they get back together kinda?? And then she dies at the end and its supposed to be this message of choosing love over revenge and it just didn't really hit for me. This may just be a me thing tho, since I never found their relationship and marvel relationships in general very compelling. The message didn't really feel earned because I didn't feel like I was really ever shown that they loved each other, the movie just told me and I was supposed to go along with it
The pacing felt a bit odd to me as well. There were several places where I felt as if there wasn't enough buildup to events (such as Jane becoming Mighty Thor, or the aforementioned romance)
The antagonist is once again the parent of a dead child which like. I was fine with in Dr Strange because we also got the story of Wanda and therefore I felt like she wasn't meant to be seen as evil ever, but rather that movie as a whole was an exploration of grief and the possibility of what might have been and Stephan and Wanda were narrative foils through their grief (which. i also have thoughts tm about Christine but that's not relevant rn lmao) . However in this movie this guy's just straight up evil and massacres people because the god he believes in left his daughter to die so he's sworn to kill all the gods AND massacre their followers apparently??
Don't go into this movie expecting representation. This is a massive queerbait; the most we get is a background lesbian couple (which idk if they're even a couple bc they're implied to have kids together I think? and nothing else), Valkyrie kisses a nameless woman on the hand once, Valkyrie and Korg have a discussion about Korg's dads and Valkyrie's alcoholism due to her dead girlfriend, and then Korg gets a boyfriend?? a mate?? at the end and they have a son via rock people breeding habits? Don't go into this movie expecting anything because you're not gonna get it
conclusion: I enjoyed this movie, though that may have been because I went in with no expectations. Def not one of my top 3 mcu films and def not as good as Ragnarok. However, if you want a light turn-off-your-brain fun film it's great! I'm very sad that Mighty Thor isn't a reoccurring character, but contracts and all that so I get it. I wish Marvel would stop putting romances as the central focus of their plots- they're not good at writing them and they're not compelling.
Rating: 6.5/10 - solid watch to have some fun and marvel (lol) at the cinematography, but nothing game-changing or perspective altering in the writing department
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ultradannyboyblog · 2 years
A Note From Santa
A Note From Santa
Yes, I know that many stores are already displaying their Christmas merchandise, which will no doubt prompt children to begin thinking about ol’ Saint Nick. Well, this old Saint got a note from one of those children this morning, and it almost broke my heart. It was from a girl Santa Danny used to visit each year on the last Sunday before Christmas. Her name is Wendy, and her family had a…
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sciencespies · 2 years
Air pollution as a risk factor for patients with lung cancer who have never smoked
Air pollution as a risk factor for patients with lung cancer who have never smoked
Researchers from Vancouver, British Columbia examine the effect of duration of past exposure to air pollution with lung cancer diagnosis.
In 2013, the International Agency of Research on Cancer classified outdoor air pollution and particulate matter of 2.5 micrograms/meter3 (PM 2.5) in outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to humans, but the effects of air pollution exposure may take 15 to 20 years to be reflected in the lung adenocarcinoma incidence rate. To assess the connection between pollution and lung cancer diagnosis, Renelle Myers, BC Cancer, in Vancouver, B.C. compared the cumulative three-year versus 20-year exposure in females with newly diagnosed lung cancer who have never smoked.
Dr. Myers and her colleagues invited Vancouver-area women with lung cancer who had never smoked to participate in the study. The researchers collected detailed information on the patients’ age, sex, race, country of birth, age of arrival in Canada (for foreign born Canadians), their occupation, family history of lung cancer, and secondhand smoke exposure. A detailed residential history from birth to cancer diagnosis for residences within Canada, and prior residences outside of Canada (for foreign born immigrants) were recorded. This geographical data included street and city address with postal codes, which allowed accurate linking of residential locations to satellite-derived PM 2.5 exposure data that were available from 1996 onwards. Cumulative exposure to PM 2.5 was quantified with a high-spatial resolution global exposure model. The magnitude of three-years versus 20-years exposure were compared.
Myers acknowledged that even a 20-year cumulative exposure does not capture childhood exposure and is an underestimate of lifetime exposure and depends on countries of residence
Of the 236 female patients with lung cancer who had never smoked, 190 (83.3%) were foreign born; 71% were Asians. The mean years lived in a foreign country was 37.3 years. The mean age of lung cancer diagnosis was 66 years; 92.8% of them had adenocarcinoma and 55.9% were Stage III/IV lung cancer. For foreign-born Canadian females, only4/190 (2%) had 3-year cumulative PM2.5 exposure of >10 ug/m3 whereas 38/190 (20%) had a 20-year cumulative PM2.5 of >10 ug/m3 (p≥0.0001). All had a PM2.5 exposure greater than 5 ug/m3. Shorter term (3-years) assessment significantly under-estimate the cumulative exposure to PM2.5 prior to lung cancer diagnosis especially among foreign-born Canadians.
“Our study demonstrates the important of incorporating long-term cumulative exposure to ambient air pollutants in the assessment of individual lung cancer risk in combination with traditional risk factors,” said Dr. Myers. “Research is needed regarding the best method to incorporate the effects of air pollution exposure prior to 1996 when accurate satellite data became available. Our finding has important clinical implication in assessing lung cancer risk with global migration.”
Story Source:
Materials provided by International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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wodnes--coyotl · 2 months
cool my dads cat we rehomed when he died just passed too. 5 weeks after dad. :(
we knew he was sick he was very thin and it seemed to coincide with dads cancer. the foster parents said the vet cleared him...they didnt know he had stomach tumors...so he was dehydrated and not getting nutrients. but i had hope.
so today i found out at work and went home early.
yesterday sucked too.
lots of bad news in general.
hard to believe agency or good things will ever really happen and im definitely feeling suicidal and fucked up right now bc every week more shit happens and its been that way for years and uh
im just
and sad.
im glad he didnt die when dad was hospitalized or while dad was dying bc...he could have.
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virtue-boy · 6 months
saw a post that was supposed to be like "wow finally cutting through the privilege discourse to address trans misandry" and idk it basically just boiled down to "we shouldn't just tell dudes from our minority to sit down and shut up" which is like, I really don't think is a common position anywhere in trans circles? Like no one's ever told me not to talk about my life and being a trans guy? No one's ever said that I can't experience oppression? I also just think the post centres "privilege framework" way too much. Maybe I'm just onna nother level but I've never seen privilege as anything other than basically a rhetorical device that aids in de-centring normative positions as the default affective/subjective standpoint.
And like, I don't really like the examples of racialized men's oppression as somehow proving that trans dudes can also have worse outcomes like it just seems insanely insanely gross to even make that leap bc I actually can't think of an example of oppression of trans guys specifically that only happens to trans guys other than just being treated like passive non-actors, which is OBVIOUSLY bad and I've literally never heard anyone say otherwise. Like everything else (health care discrimination (like, you guys know trans women have to go to urologists and get discriminated against for breast cancer and stuff right like it's not like "women's care" is the only sex specific health needs), sexual assault (position of being perceived as feminine and vulnerable bc of trans status, this dynamic also makes trans women targets for assault), etc.
Like black and brown guys get killed for being perceived as men (active subjects), combined with being non-white (any number of dangerous white supremacist assumptions). Given white supremacy comes from the globe wide campaign of the colonization, enslavement and and genocide of the world's global majority it seems kind of crazy to use that massive overarching culture and politics framework to point to outcomes for our less than 1% population that exists and is responded to as basically an aberrant blip in the dominant sex-gender binary.
Like genuinely I think all disparities between trans masculinity and trans feminity come out to basically 2 things, which are our perceived agencies, and our perceived "sexedness" (will explain). When we experience transphobia differently and are not just experiencing the blanket transphobia which is like "you are an aberration why are you like this we hate you", it's either the "trans women are nefarious, active agents in their transition while trans men are passive, following dupes" mirroring bioessentialist and sexist assumptions made against many marginalized groups's genders, or it comes from a similar vein of agency projection, just through a lens of the sexuality of our bodies: "trans men are basically neutered, possessing neither feminine breasts nor masculine penis, trans women are doubly sexed having both." And through this lens, transmisogyny becomes clear why it's a term of analysis that we use, and why transmisandry is just.... Not helpful? Refers to little? It basically could only even encompass our inversion of the trans woman as the nafarious, oversexed, sexually dangerous that the world placed on us under oppositional sexism. We are much more antagonized when viewed as trans people than as trans men imo.
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heyitssashag · 1 year
T’was a busy day. I’m tired... 😴 - I was thinking about ending my post there but I’ll continue unless I fall asleep.
Went to the Cancer Agency today and got a shot to the stomach. 💉 This is a big ass needle that sends a time release capsule into my body to shut down the ovaries. This results in chemical menopause. My type of breast cancer feeds on estrogen so that’s why I get it. Interestingly enough, this shot can also be administered to men who have prostate cancer. In fact, this is what they originally prescribed it for. That’s your science lesson for today.
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Later, the kid and I went for lunch, to a bookstore, a comic book store and then took the water taxi to my Aunt and Uncle’s. We are staying the night as I have to return to the Cancer Agency tomorrow afternoon for an oncology appointment and I don’t want to go all the way back home. (They live so much closer.)
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In the video, I’m zooming in on the BC Legislature from the water taxi.
Earlier, I found a ladybug on me. It wouldn’t leave. I’d flick it off and it would land somewhere else on me. My kid says it’s good luck. 🍀 Here’s hoping! ☺️
Meet Frank, the ladybug.
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Anyway, it was a nice day aside from the giant screwdriver 🪛 to the gut. Got over 10,000 steps. The weather was warm and beautiful (and I overdressed, again).
I was going to try and read before bed but would likely drop the book on my face (yes, I’ve done this). In order to avoid a fat lip, I’m going to just head to bed.
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hendrixhampton23 · 1 year
歩に行った後に犬がお腹をこわした場合や外に出る猫が体調が悪くなった時に「除草剤が原因ではないですか?」 ラウンドアップ と問われることがあります。
Contents [hide]
国際がん研究機関(International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC)による発がん性の指摘
1 年間慢性毒性試験(イヌ)
A. 人と同様に散布当日は、散布した場所にペットが入らないように注意してください。
Q. 散布後、いつ子供やペットが入っても大丈夫ですか?
A. ラウンドアップマックスロードの有効成分グリホサートは土に吸着しやすく、吸着すると除草剤としての効果を失います。
ラウンドアップマックスロードHP よくある質問
国際がん研究機関(International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC)による発がん性の指摘
IARCによりグリホサートはグループ2A (ヒトに対しておそらく発がん性がある)に分類されました。
IARCの分類を受けて赤肉・加工肉のがんリスクについて国立がん研究センターの説明(2)があります。 ラウンドアップ グリホサート ラウンドアップ 以下はその抜粋です。
ラウンドアップ &dt=1672032535722&bpp=2&bdt=1973&idt=2&shv=r20221207&mjsv=m202212060101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D2f09d5b5daaaa087-22f64e3b67da0068%3AT%3D1672032534%3ART%3D1672032534%3AS%3DALNI_MaGIl6Cq6Sp-ukwYbiWE8cDHp1joA&gpic=UID%3D00000b984cbd19cb%3AT%3D1672032534%3ART%3D1672032534%3AS%3DALNI_MbClm3fyG-8XAHJUaPMSA-Kdqkn-g&prev_fmts=0x0%2C750x280%2C280x600%2C1519x688%2C728x90&nras=5&correlator=6108592053548&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=776964119.1672032535&ga_sid=1672032535&ga_hid=2009459205&ga_fc=1&u_tz=120&u_his=2&u_h=864&u_w=1536&u_ah=816&u_aw=1536&u_cd=24&u_sd=1.25&dmc=8&adx=190&ady=4699&biw=1519&bih=688&scr_x=0&scr_y=1959&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C44759837%2C31071220%2C44779793%2C44773747%2C44780792&oid=2&psts=ACgb8tvC3UnOhvCiTp-lEIPG-DVeGwbIi4ZV6cuU_DJrYi9COU0yISvwe8qVbO1UsRRiM_NC7Xiyba_ggHyo-t2NfA%2CACgb8tsiucU84mfaUBcWGC8h4AOjyqyP-A-d99RGcY6h1vtbqndJ20zNWQwUB0assclniJtuN5e6BIFmlvigT6KP0Q&pvsid=1740711884905397&tmod=679648909&uas=3&nvt=1&eae=0&fc=1408&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1536%2C0%2C1536%2C816%2C1536%2C688&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7Cs%7C&abl=NS&fu=128&bc=31&ifi=5&uci=a!5&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=p41xte2zVY&p=https%3A//tatsuharug.com&dtd=29050">
どのように���衆衛生上の目標を定めるかは、各国の赤肉などの摂取状況とその摂取量範囲でのリスクの大きさに基づいた「リスク評価」、さらには、がんや他の疾患への影響などを踏まえて行われるべきものです。 https://tcss.vivahome.com/product/commodity/0000/08030102-006328/
ビーグル犬(一群雌雄各4匹)を用いたカプセル経口(グリホサート原体:0、30、100及び 300mg/kg 体重/日)投与による90日間亜急性毒性試験が実施された。
300mg/kg体重/日投与群では、軟便、体重増加抑制等が認められた。100 mg/kg 体重/日投与群では、毒性所見は無かった。無毒性量は雌雄とも 100 mg/kg体重/日であると考えられた。
1 年間慢性毒性試験(イヌ)
ビーグル犬(一群雌雄各 4 匹)を用いたカプセル経口(グリホサート原体:0、30、100及び300mg/kg 体重/日)投与による1年間慢性毒性試験が実施された。
300 mg/kg 体重/日投与群の雌雄で下痢、血便等の便の異常が認められたので、無毒性量は雌雄とも100 mg/kg体重/日であると考えられた。
各試験で得られた無毒性量のうち最小値はラットを用いた 90 日間亜急性毒性試験、イヌを用いた90 日間亜急性毒性試験及び1年間慢性毒性試験並びにウサギを用いた発生毒性試験の100 mg/kg 体重/日であったことから、食品安全委員会農薬専門調査会はこれを根拠として、安全係数100で除した1mg/kg体重/日を一日摂取許容量(ADI)と設定した(3)。
食品安全委員会以外にも米環境保護庁(EPA)、FAO/WHO合同残留農薬専門家会議(JMPR) 等、グリホサートの発がん性を否定する研究機関は多数あります。
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アイリスオーヤマ(IRIS OHYAMA)
ラウンドアップ a_id=1843793&p_id=170&pc_id=185&pl_id=27060&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.co.jp%2Fdp%2FB007RLHLE8" rel="nofollow">アイリスオーヤマ 除草剤 速効除草剤 4L そのまま使える SJS-4L
4L中のグリホサート含有量は0.85%ですのでグリホサートの量は、4×0.0085 = 0.034L = 34mL となります。
イヌでは100 mg/kg 体重/日のグリホサートを摂取しても毒性は見られませんでしたので、理論上は上記の商品4L全て飲んでもグリホサートによる毒性は見られないと考えられます。(他の成分も含まれてますので飲んでも大丈夫かはわかりません)
プレハーベストとは農産物の収穫前に農薬を散布することで、収穫を容易にすることです。 ポストハーベストとは収穫された農産物の輸送や貯蔵中における病害虫による被害防止の��めに、収穫後に農薬を散布することです。
サンプル名 分類 小麦の原産地 グリホサート分析結果(ppm) スパゲッティ パスタ カナダ 0.09 パスタ オーマイ1.7mm パスタ 記載なし 0.07 強力小麦粉 小麦粉 記載なし 0.37 日清全粒粉パン用 全粒粉 記載なし 1.10 日清フラワー薄力小麦粉 小麦粉 記載なし 検出せず
商品名 分類 小麦の原産地 グリホサート分析結果(ppm) Pasco超熟 食パン 記載なし 0.07 Pasco超熟 国産小麦 食パン 国産 検出せず ヤマザキ超芳醇 食パン 記載なし 0.07
80×0.0001×0.07 = 0.00056 g = 0.56 mgとなります。 (1ppm = 0.0001%、5枚切の食パン1枚は80g)
200×15 = 3000μg = 3.0mg   0.3mg/kg体重/日となります。
ラウンドアップに関する裁判は多数提起され、現在も続いています。裁判の結果によってはラウンドアップの販売が禁止される可能性があります。ラウンドアップは優れた除草剤で多くの研究機関が発がん性を否定しています。仮にラウンドアップの販売が禁止された場合、食料供給への影響は大きなものになると思います。 ラウンドアップ
参考文献 (1)国際がん研究機関(IARC)の概要とIARC発がん性分類について 農林水産省 (2)赤肉・加工肉のがんリスクについて 国立研究開発法人国立がん研究センター 2015年10月29日 (3)農薬評価書 グリホサート 食品安全委員会農薬専門調査会 2016年3月24日 (4)小麦製品のグリホサート残留調査1st 一般社団法人 農民連食品分析センター (5)食パンのグリホサート残留調査 一般社団法人 農民連食品分析センター (6)ペットフード安全基準規格等 環境省 (7)Exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides and risk for non-Hodgkin 3 Q2 lymphoma: A meta-analysis and supporting evidence : Luoping Zhang (8)ドイツ連邦リスク評価研究所(BfR)、グリホサートに関するメタアナリシスが公表されたのを受け、意見書を公表
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