#B/ruce Banner
zensations35 · 3 months
how do you think specific marvel characters (specifically tony stark) would sneeze? like manner of sneezing and pre and post sneeze, etc etc -
or like how would they handle a cold or allergies?
any snzcanons really :)
Ok, so, I showed this off a big in my fic Viral Paradox but I'll hash it out here too!
EH FUCK IT. Unrestrained. "Idgaf who sees me sneeze" mindset (except maybe under certain circumstances?)
He might hold back when he's hiding illness, but honestly he probably doesn't do that much, as we see him going back and forth on screen hiding and being openly fucked up on screen. He's got issues and I think it's very situational how he'd handle sneeze or illness.
Definitely a wet sneezer tho 🤭And he'd 100% indulge our kink.
Kittenish. Ironic. And it makes everyone snort with restrained laughter. He gets embarrassed but has a (witty?) remark for anyone who has a snipe about it (usually Tony).
"You don't want to see me when I hulk sneeze."
Tony: "That's super gross, dude."
Bruce: *glare*
Everyone stares in shock.
Nat: *glowers*
Suddenly everyone's phones all become so interesting.
Nat absolutely stifles. I'll talk about other stiflers, but there are two Main Stiflers on the list, and it's Natasha and Loki (I'll cover him later). These two are the ones who have that 'get it on lockdown dammit!' mindset where they can't bee seen as weak (very similar trauma and backgrounds of people who make them feel weak unless certain criteria are met). Viewing illness or sneezing in general weakness is TRACK for Nat.
Also she basically RUNS the Avenger household and while Tony thinks he could do it fine, Nat knows (and Bruce knows it to lol) that things would hit shit very quickly if Nat left it in his hands, so she just Needs to take a bunch of Dayquil and muscle through ok? It'll be fiiiiine.
(Bonus, she does have a backup plan just in case and it involves putting Pepper briefly in charge of Big Brain stuff --with everyone except Tony making superhero decisions 🤣)
Side Note: Y'all, I give Tony a lot of shit, but just know he's a top tier character for me. I know he's smart and capable. His character development is fucking PEAK. I absolutely would die for him. I just love picking on early Tony.
Used to be very sickly; asthma, allergies, the works. He's constantly expecting things to set him off. Probably still has an inhaler (just in case!) But super serum means not much makes with the sniffles. The Avenger fam, however, doesn't know anything other than "Cap is super resilient haha!"
So, when he actually does sneeze, they all freak out OMG OMG IT'S A SUPERBUG™ !! All except Bucky, who i just...reading the paper all chill.
"Relax, yall. Steve's just..." and then he shares a look with Cap and a silent convo... 'are you alright?'
Bruce does bloodwork anyway.
Cap Part 2:
I also like this hc where Cap has been under the ice for so long Steve is photic?? Even though it's not canon I Desire it. Maybe to keep it 'consistent' (i mean, do I really NEED a reason but hufhufhu~) it could be early days only.
Lots of teary eyed squinting and hitching in bright lights, especially while he's being evaluated during the early days of ice recovery. Doctors were annoyed, having to pause their work for random sneezing.
As for snz sound, I image there's a P in there somewhere. Y'all know I like my Z's, but for Cap I think more of a "psh!" or something in that vein.
Uhhh God of Thunder. Need I say more? SURE? A pic is worth a thousand words. And this commission says it all, really.
Loud. Booming really. A THUNDER GOD SNZ ECHOS and he's...proud of it. Ahahaha...oh he'll apologize. But yeah. He's fucking proud.
-> This guy can not do the sneeze while hiding scenario. Not...um...unless it ends with getting caught. And...zapped. Which, well, I am prone to writing. Sooooo~
Here's where I'm open to interpretation with Thor. I lean more torward him being a WHINLY LIL SHIT when he's sick, because (I read a few of the Loki/Thor Marvel canon novels because I'm a huge gd nerd) and as younguns it just REFLECTS the whole 'golden child' treatment and 'Thor ate that spaghetti so welll! Good job Thor!!' So I want to say...(and we do see this in the movies, especially early on) he expects special treatment. So, getting sick? *nods sagely*
Thor laying bonelessly across the bed: "You have to take care of me. Bring me <insert special food and drink specifically from Asgard>."
Random Avenger: "....you know I can't actually go there, right?"
Magic ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Magic ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・fuckinggg Magic chaos sneezes bitches!! Break shit! Stop time! Shit flying around space! Opportunities are endless, really.
And Mr. 'Pardon Me' and 'My Deepest Apologies' definitely has a handkerchief thanks and it's not gross because he can clean it with said ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・MAGIC⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ so.
Our Dapper Asshole stifles because sneezing is weak and how !dare! a sneeze think about making him look weak--and if he has to he will discard it as quickly as possible.
So, as with Nat above, there's the trauma of being seen as weak from younger years in Asgard. I really wish we'd had a Loki prequel or something in the Marvel movies (there's still time Marvel!! *cough!!*) But in the official Loki novels, you can see it.
I would go into detail about this but when I tried to explain it I LITERALLY TYPED FIVE PARAGRAPHS MORE OF SHIT yall 🫣If you ever think I'm making up backstory for Thor or Loki, nahhh I farm my info organically, grass fed. Just trust me. He has major Misfit Syndrome (and as a fellow Misfit Child with a Golden sibling, I think I get their dialogue down better than most of my other writing tbh)
Ok, ahem, back to snz (sorry...) And of course when Loki gets sick his sneezes become less restrained and UnForTunaTelY he just can't stifle woe is him poor baby 👿
Soft but firm snz.
I had a paintball partner once whose nose got itchy when he got stressed. I hc that for Maria. She's in a situation where she needs her gun out, and it never fails--her nose flares up.
Scrunching it, she dips into a grated, sometimes growled, half-stifle. Something quick. Eyes closed for the least amount of time possible. Efficiency is important.
I know him the least unfortunately. He's not a fave (don't judge me 😭) I'm still wrecked that he was chosen over Nat, my darling momma who WAS RUNNING EVERYTHING AND NO WONDER EVERYTHING IS ABSOLUTE CHAOS RIGHT NOW WHAT DID I JUST SAY EARLIER (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
*straightens bowtie* Aaaanyway. I think Clint would get sick and hole up. Avoid people like a recluse. He'd have a messy sneeze and a tissue pile and just STOP cleaning up after himself.
"I'll get to that later. Fuck it." And when he feels better, finally, there are just takeout boxes, microwave dinners, and tissues piled up in a raccoon trash nest around the couch and he's like "...I deserve this."
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bruceweek · 4 years
In September 2018, We started the first Bruce Banner Appreciation Week and we had such a blast. March 2019 was round two. Now it’s time for Round three and we are back with a new event full of love for Bruce!
Once again, the focus for Bruceweek really should be on Bruce and less on Hulk. In order to make sure everyone who loves Bruce can enjoy the content you create, please keep it free of content that is clearly about a romantic relationship. All friendships are very welcome! (If you are unsure about this please ask us.)
We will give two prompts a day, so you can choose yourself which prompt(s) you want to use.
April 13th - April 19th 2020
mood boards
gif sets
every content you created yourself
all universe versions of Bruce
all kind of “dark” themes are allowed as long as they are tagged appropriately
no content that involves a romantic relationship
stories focusing on the friendship between ships is fine
Monday (April 13): Protect, Storm
Tuesday (April 14): Trial, Comfort
Wednesday (April 15): Wings, Shadow
Thursday (April 16): Truth, Flowers & Stars
Friday (April 17): Longing & Change
Saturday (April 18): Mystery, Mistakes
Sunday (April 19): Fairytale, Rise & Risk
We'll give you two prompts per day but you don’t have to use both of them in your content (Though you are definitely welcome too, for an extra challenge!) Feel free to match up newer prompts with older ones as well if you’d like.
The prompts are here for inspiration. You don’t have to use them if you have other ideas, we will happily accept any gen/friendship Bruce content for this event.
If you have questions, please ask away ~
Official Tag will be #bruceweek
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sapphic-sith · 4 years
Aw man, you had to pick the fandom I know the least about xD So this is going to be based off of mostly the MCU and the 90s cartoons- including X-Men. otp This is kinda hard cause I can’t really think of any pairings from this fandom that ever really got me hooked. But I will say that I have been a fan of Ororo (Storm) and Logan (Wolverine) ever since I saw the Days of Future Past story arc in the 90s cartoon. favourite canon pairing I don’t know, maybe I will have an answer for this after Thor: Love and Thunder comes out >.>
worst pairing ever Bruce Banner/ the Hulk and Black Widow. I just didn’t see how it made sense in how it was presented in the MCU
guilty pleasure pairing Hela and a self-insert OC
a pairing you want to see more Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau because they are a couple in my eyes. And I just want to know how Maria and Monica have been while Carol has been gone.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” Scott Summers and Jean Grey. I’m pretty sure a lot of people are with me on this so not sure if it counts? But I just find them boring. In every cartoon and and movie I saw them in I just could never get invested.
favorite non-romantic pair It’s a tie between Thor and Valkyrie and Nebula and Gamora Ugh, this was hard cause while I have interest in this fandom it is not by much.
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mhcrny · 5 years
’ Us? There is no more us. ’ ( brutasha ♡ )
❛ ❪ @frostbxtch wants to play a game 。
        ❛ ❪ 𝓑 。 amor era algo abstrato para o homem. qualquer sentimento intenso, para o doutor, sempre significou problema, graças ao seu problema com a raiva; algo que havia carregado o peso desde quando ainda vivia com seu pai.
       bruce havia criado a teoria de que nunca iria sentir a paz. o estresse constante em sua vida, desde pequeno, tornava praticamente impossível de que aquele sentimento fosse presente; sempre havia algo para deixá-lo preocupado, para fazê-lo passar noites acordado, para estressá-lo.
       e então conheceu-a. natasha romanoff era sua fonte de paz. enquanto a tinha por perto, o doutor sentia o que jurava que nunca poderia sentir. paz, amor.
       tinha tudo para dar certo. exceto, é claro, pelo fato de estarmos falando de banner. ele estava acostumado em criar expectativas em coisas que nunca dariam certo, e aquele relacionamento, para si, não havia passado disso; uma expectativa.
       para si, era impossível que alguém pudesse amá-lo.
       não era para soar daquela forma. nós, queria dizer como família: ele, romanoff e o resto dos avengers. no entanto, aquela resposta havia mudado completamente o rumo daquela conversa.
       depois de todo aquele tempo longe, falar com natasha era um tanto complicado. o clima costumava a pesar, além do fato de bruce falhar miseravelmente em sua própria missão de fingir que eles nunca havia acontecido.
       — eu nã-… — ia dizer que não estava falando deles naquele sentido, e sim na família avengers; porém desistiu de continuar sua justificativa. sabia que seria inútil; ela sabia que o doutor não estava falando sobre eles naquele sentido, porém eles não poderiam ficar para sempre sem tocar naquele assunto. mesmo com banner fugindo de romanoff, evitando-a todo custo, sabia que alguma hora teria de falar sobre aquele assunto doloroso. — é… eu sei — concordou, com um sorriso doloroso surgindo em seus lábios. — desculpe por isso, nath — clássico de término. mas o que mais poderia dizer? “sou inseguro e não consigo acreditar que uma mulher sensacional como você poderia me amar de verdade, por isso fugi”? é, não. ela não iria querer ouvir sobre suas malditas inseguranças; estaria fazendo mal uso do tempo da ruiva.
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shellheadtmarc · 5 years
smash or pass bruce banner (hulk form and normal form, if that makes a difference ;3333333)
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“Hulk’s a definite hard pass.  Let’s just get that out right here and now.  Nothing against Big Green, alright, it’s an ethical issue there.  Hulk’s Hulk.”
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“Bruce...You know, it gets awkward when you start bringing somebody’s friends into this?  I like a Bruce a lot, he’s a brilliant guy.  There’s a lot going on in that head of his, it’s fun to pick it apart.  But...At the risk of making things awkward - because that’s what I do - I’m gonna give him a tentative smash.”
smash or pass : accepting : anon
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mister-dxctxr · 5 years
Bruce was literally hanging on the door frame to the Sanctum, having just knocked on the door, wearing absolutely nothing. "Strange..." he mumbled as a greeting, giving the doctor a faint smile before losing the last balance he has and tumbling forwards, toward the Sorcerer who will either have to catch him or let him fall to the floor. (Because I'm reading comics, feel free to do as serious or cracky as you like, if you feel like answering)
                  The doctor was having somewhat of a NORMAL day,no dimensional threats or DEMONS crashing through the sanctum's window.he didn't mind it,but it felt rather unusual. Just when Stephen felt relaxed enough to accept his day to go by without any kind of trouble,it  comes knocking on his door.however, he doesn't feel threatened.This presence was FAMILIAR..... 
               “ Bruce..?? ” he was certainly not expecting him of all people, but as soon as he examined his appearance  ( Wishing he hadn't ) he knew what this was about.  “ Vishanti !!  A small warning would have been great !!  ” he muttered as he catches the scientist in time.
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               “ Wong !!  I need a little help,it's doctor banner,again  !! ” he called to his friend, hoping he would come to his aid.and so he did,bringing the help he asked for in the form of clothes he kept for situations like these... “ Stay conscious until you wear something at least,and leave us to drag you to rest in the guest room ”
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angxrisms-blog · 7 years
@captainbrogers​ and I made a plot!
      Mistakes were a funny thing. One mans mistake could be another mans treasure, or at least that was how everyone around Bruce had seen his accident. Everyone around him had expected greatness, instead they got a big green mess. Howard, Dr. Erskine, Hell- Even Bruce had believed in himself enough to test their super soldier formula on his own body. Much to his dismay (and theirs,) it seemed as though maybe Bruce wasn’t the right fit. Gamma radiation wasn’t the way to go, and all it did was bring out his anger and make it known to everyone.
So they were looking for someone else.
      All of them had been traveling around the entire United States looking for the right soldier, but all of them had something wrong. None of them had the same heart that Howard and Dr. Erskine had seen in Bruce. They were all cocky, they all wanted to kill people. They didn’t think a resolution could be found. They were all wrong.
      Until Bruce came along a special file- Or six. He had been skimming through the entire Army’s files of those who drafted, or tried to. Bruce found at least five files- All the same kid trying to enlist. So he told Erskine, and they were all on their way.
      The Stark Expo, Howards baby, was where they all decided to meet. Who could reject watching Howard make an idiot of himself (again)? 
      Bruce had been backstage, peeking out at the crowd, watching Howard’s car float and then very quickly drop, a L A U G H escaping from his mouth- Much to the dismay of Howard. Bruce had been telling him for weeks that the car wouldn’t lift longer than a few seconds- To which Howard hoped that if he ever had a son that he would be as smart as Bruce, minus the smartass parts.
      Once the car fell, Bruce reverted his gaze out to the crowd where he managed to somehow spot Steve walking away, towards the restroom area. He sent a signal to Erskine, and in a few minutes the doctor was with Steve.
      Bruce tried to make it seem like he wasn’t listening outside of the curtain, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to hear that he had made the right choice- That maybe this time it would work. As Dr. Erskine stepped out of the room, Bruce stepped in.
“ Hello. I’m Bruce Banner- Doctor Bruce Banner. You can call me Bruce. I’m Dr. Erskine’s assistant, mostly. He wants me to do a physical exam on you before we get you shipped out to the military. ” Bruce stated, clipboard in hand. 
      He looked at Steve and gave him a warm smile. “ Don’t worry. No matter what’s wrong, it’s all going to be right on paper. ” 
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dameronn · 5 years
congratulations on your millestone, shereen! 🌿
tysm babes!! sorry this took so long nasfjkasdfna
simple blograte: url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | tony stark icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | steve rogers mobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | natasha romanoff dekstop theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | bruce banner creations: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | thor odinson posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | clint barton overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | carol danvers following: no, sorry | i am now! | yup | until the day i die
join my celebration! no more please!
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hedwig123 · 7 years
Can I just ask for the whole alphabet?
Challenge accepted.
Aang (from Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Bruce Banner (from the Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Clementine (from The Walking Dead game)
Deadpool (from various Marvel things)
Ellie (from The Last of Us)
Finn (from Star Wars)
Glenn Rhee (from The Walking Dead)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter, Harry Potter, UH!)
Inara Serra (from Firefly)
Josef (from Deltora Quest)
Kate Beckett (from Castle)
Lee Everett (from The Walking Dead game)
Mako (from The Legend of Korra)
Neville Longbottom (from Harry Potter)
Oliver Wood (from Harry Potter)
Peggy Carter (from the Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Queen Bee (from Deltora Quest- more of an actual name in this case!)
Rey (from Star Wars)
Severus Snape (from Harry Potter)
T’Challa (from the Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Undyne (from Undertale)
Veritas (from Deltora Quest)
Woody (from Toy Story)
A Xylophone (like all the alphabet-kiddie-picture sets because I literally can not think of any more characters I like with X names)
Yue (from Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Zuko (from Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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brutashaworld-blog · 7 years
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I am part of the BruceNat Protection-Squad
I ship Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff
I know that their love didn’t came out of nowhere
I will protect them no matter what happens
I will go down with this ship
“I adore you.”
*Reblog if you are part of the BruceNat Protection-Squad and run with it*
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bruceweek · 5 years
Last September we started the first Bruce Banner Appreciation Week and we had such a blast. Since then, this blog has gained followers and notes telling us you are really wanting us to return, so here we are. Back with a new event full of love for Bruce!
Once again, the focus for Bruceweek really should be on Bruce and less on Hulk. In order to make sure everyone who loves Bruce can enjoy the content you create, please keep it free of content that is clearly about a romantic relationship. All friendships are very welcome! If you are unsure about this please ask us.
We will give two prompts a day so you can choose yourself which prompt(s) you want to use.
18th March - 24th March 2019
mood boards
gif sets
every content you created yourself
all universe versions of Bruce
please make sure to follow Tumblr's new TOS (that being said we haven’t had any of the old posts flagged so we should be good)
all kind of “dark” themes are allowed as long as they are tagged appropriately
no content that involves a romantic relationship
stories focusing on the friendship between ships is fine
Monday (March 18):                 Control, Soul
Tuesday (March 19):                Monster, Laugh
Wednesday (March 20):          Mirror, Night and Day
Thursday (March 21):             Game, Wonder
Friday (March 22):                  Quiet Strength, Beginnings
Saturday (March 23):             Doubt, Secret
Sunday (March 24):               Gentle, Gift
We’ve given you two prompts per day but you don’t have to use both of them in your content (Though you are definitely welcome to for an extra challenge!) Feel free to match up newer prompts with older ones as well if you’d like.
The prompts are here for inspiration. You don’t have to use them if you have other ideas, we will happily accept any gen/friendship Bruce content for this event.
For questions please ask away ~
Official Tag will be #bruceweek
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bruceweek · 6 years
I think we can all agree that while Bruce is an amazing character he doesn’t get nearly as much love as he deserves and thats why we decided to host this appreciation week.
The focus really should be on Bruce and less on Hulk and in order to make sure everyone who loves Bruce can enjoy the content you create please keep it free of content that is clearly about a romanitc relationship. All friendships are very welcome! If you are unsure about this please ask us.
We will give two prompts a day so you can choose yourself which you want to use.
24 September - 30 September 2018
gif sets
all universe versions of Bruce
every content you created yourself
Monday (Sept 24):              Genius, Cooking
Tuesday (Sept 25):             Confession, Cold
Wednesday (Sept 26):       Injury, Child
Thursday (Sept 27):           Multiverse, Science
Friday (Sept 28):                Robots, Lullaby
Saturday (Sept 29):           Anxiety, Hope
Sunday (Sept 30):             Pride, Past
We’ve given you two prompts per day but you don’t have to use both of them in your content (Though you are definitely welcome to for an extra challenge!) Feel free to match up newer prompts with older ones as well if you’d like.
The prompts are here for inspiration. You don’t have to use them if you have other ideas, we will happily accept any gen/friendship Bruce content for this event
For questions please ask away ~
Official Tag will be #bruceweek
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