#Atom Imagine
improper-use-of-germx · 4 months
Do you remember me? We were in the same helium molecule for a while on that red dwarf— yeah I was the other electron! Y'know the universe has expanded so much since then I didn't think I'd see you until the crunch, crazy how things work out haha.
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year2000electronics · 7 months
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i LOOOOVE it when people let tommy be Scary. im OBSESSED. i love it when hes OFF PUTTING and WEIRD.
(bonus: the scariness not being intentional)
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wraithlafitte · 6 days
in the final stretch of spn! just finished 15.04 and oh my goddd dude. showing sam’s struggle with depression, him saying “sometimes it feels like i can’t breathe”, AND HIM SAYING “maybe i’ll feel better in the morning” ???????? it’s just so real. you can say what you will about s15 but sam’s mental health struggle was portrayed really well
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I don’t specifically see Yuuta as particularly possessive or agressive or whatever, only as a cinnamon roll(like he is fucked up, but not as much as the fandom portrays him tbh which is a shame) BUT due to my brainrot about the fact that we know nothing about the Gojo clan and the fact that i do have a WIP about what if Satoru didnt go to school and just was homeschooled the whole way
I just kinda think a lot about shit like that the clans have some traits that come with blood. And that Gojo’s is that they are possessive mfs. And that Six Eyes isn’t necessarily haven’t been born for hundreds of years, but that kids who have them die within seconds of being born because of overwhelming stimuli. Or mothers die because of how much power the baby takes. That Satoru isnt a miracle because he was born, he is a miracle because he survived
Like i love myself some Gojo angst but i also like the concept of the clan changing under Satoru and in general being a home to him cause i am a sucker for any kind of family and nothing can stop me
So yeah. Satoru taking Yuuta in and teaching him that No We Dont Control our crushes and do not follow them. Yeah we dont. Yeah i did that once now he’s genocidal. Still hot though. Yeah thats why we do not arrange marriages god knows no Gojo has ever forgotten the person they loved. Yeah. You want candy?
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boyrobott · 2 months
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khytal · 9 months
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more liveposting highlights :)
(scarlet arc spoilers)
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akaisenhatake · 1 year
@medievildead 's art post of freyr and heimdall got me good so i redrew it out of spite
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thank u for the food boss im looking forward to see more of them <'3
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Hawkman: you’re our new Doctor Fate??
Y/N: yes and I’m still learning
Atom Smasher: learning?
Y/N: you know how many ancient tomes and books of knowledge are contained in the Helmet of Fate? 10,386,427.
Maxine: how many of those have you read?
Y/N: one…and a half
Maxine: I like this guy!
Y/N: and may I just say that the only studying I want to do…is your phone digits
Y/N winks and Maxine blushes…
Hawkman face palms…
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theangelcatalogue · 1 month
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୨୧┇In todays let's chat: We going to talk about a concept and idea that is struck at Abbey mind! (me :3)
୨୧┇Feel free to send me asks about this, reblog, comment, this is the objetive! We are here to chat! And i am here to share this little silly idea
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And i was watching X Men evolution
Yandere Men evolution X Atom Eve!Reader
Nlg it would be funny for me, because i just KNOW some characters would say that Y/N can't protect herself and is weak (idk how i know) and Y/N is just like " I have God-Like powers... " (IF I REMEMBER WELL CORRECT ME OKAY?? I AM DOING BASED IN WHAT I REMEMBER OF HER-) and they are just " Fuck that, you need me/us "
Also with Yanderes in your back would be hard, you already have problems with your Bf (that is not Mark, not now!) And Family Issues
So more problems in your list
Also you are poweful as fuck-
I don't have so much to say, cause as i said, i don't remember so much of Invincible
But i found a cool concept! I think i am going to watch it since i dind't watched it full, just some eps with my Dad
(Know kinda shit but i am talking more about this)
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Credits for the templates/dividers: @luvpngs @anitalenia @silly-mantis-creations (Sorry for the tag-)
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do you think he gets lonely? do you think he even realizes it?
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simcardiac-arrested · 10 months
i think we should get some happy ns for the soul. maybe even some iterator yaoi... i jest
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yaoi harvest bountiful today
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sawyerconfort · 10 months
enjoy the silence | lorraine broughton x fem! reader
I am back! Finally, I hope you didn't mind my disappearance. I decided to take a little break from the stories because I felt like I really needed to rest, and I was running out of creativity. I also went traveling this weekend and didn't have time to write as I had planned, but anyway, I'm back and that's what matters!
As I said in the previous post, I will be focusing this week on writing multifandom oneshots, and maybe an ask or two will be answered over the weekend, so those of you who sent in asks, please be patient with me, as always!
Well, taking into account the lack of stories about her, and taking into account that in the last few weeks I gained a boost of obsession with Charlize Theron, let's do a oneshot with Lorraine!
This is fem!reader, but if you feel comfortable adjusting your pronouns in it as you read, feel free!
Requests open!
*Atomic Blonde is such a badass movie, oh gosh, I can't!*
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Premise: As you tend to Lorraine's wounds, some things become crystal clear between you. Things that had apparently been kept secret for a long time…
You were used to being alone after all the other male members left. It was your most precious moment of peace, when none of them were making fun of you or making sexual comments about you. It was the only time, as one of the top MI6 officials, when you could be silent, focusing on things other than missions, The List or anything else that risked your life.
Turns out that night, it was different. You were concentrating on an electrifying chapter of your science fiction book, when you heard the door slamming loudly. A low, whispered curse and you turned, taking the book out of your eyes to look at who it was.
The thing is, you never took the time to talk to her personally and properly. Lorraine Broughton was one of MI6's most gifted and well-known spies, and newcomers joked that she had been with them since their beginnings in the Stone Age.
Someone of extreme importance like Lorraine apparently didn't have time to listen to your bullshit.
Your eyes met and she took off the black collar that covered her mouth, her platinum hair giving extreme emphasis to her scarred face.
"Good evening, agent (Y\LN), I thought there was no one here."
Hell, she knew your last name! How was that possible?
"I was just leaving, Lorraine, don't worry," you said, trying to sound at least reasonable so as not to cause a fuss with her. But then, as soon as you got up, you noticed her ripped pants, a hideous trickle of blood running down one part of her leg, and her face streaked with red streaks and very swollen.
She looked back at you, the weight of those pale eyes taking over you, and then, your voice was categorical, hoping she wasn't going to dump your ass, not this time.
"Need some help tending to those wounds? They look pretty bad…"
She looked at you, and with the same restful face, she shook her head. "Don't waste your time, I'm fine. It happens all the time."
"Lorraine, your leg is bleeding. We better look into this."
"Don't worry, (Y\N), go home, I can take care of myself."
You chuckled, already being aware of her stubbornness. Lorraine was good when she wanted to outsmart someone in an interrogation, especially the guys in the company, but you weren't interrogating her this time, so she didn't have to act so defensive.
Deciding not to let her go without tending to her wounds, you hurried out and opened one of the cupboards in the cold, dark corridor of the office. The sound of the creaking door obviously got Lorraine's attention because everything was extremely loud in that dark office. Grabbing a first-aid kit, which was only used in emergencies by high-ranking men, you pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit down.
"I already told you I'm fine, (Y\N), I can take ca-"
"Sit down, please." You didn't mean to sound domineering, but it was unavoidable.
Lorraine rolled her eyes and sat up, legs spread, not intending to cross them. She wasn't going to make the job easy for you, but of course it wasn't a problem anymore. You opened the first aid kit and took out some gauze, cotton and bandages.
"Please, let's not turn this whole thing into a moment of silence, if you want, tell me how you managed the feat of getting all screwed up…", you said, gently swiping the cotton wool over her eyes and lips. , cleaning the blood.
Lorraine gasped and pressed her lips together, feeling the pain of the contact. "Are you sure you work for a spy team, (Y\N)?" You rolled your eyes as she took a deep breath. "It was a chase. Several guys shooting. One of them threw me on the glass table and I ended up cutting myself… not new to me, really."
You continued to gently dab cotton and gauze over the bruises, and her clear, intimidating eyes never left her face as you did so. It was even uncomfortable to look at, such beauty, staring back at you as if it were something normal.
"And how are the guys doing?" you asked curiously, determined to keep her distracted - and to keep you distracted too.
"Dead, I guess. It's not news to me either, they would keep chasing me if they lived and I needed to get rid of them to save my skin…"
You nodded, at the same time that you bent down to get some ointment from the first aid kit and began to run your fingers along Lorraine's injured leg, the blood still very fresh where the glass had probably been stuck. She's lucky she didn't hemorrhage, you thought absently.
"Is that really necessary?!", Lorraine exclaimed, pulling you out of her thoughts, her voice very firm and a hiss of discomfort escaping her lips.
"Unless you want to catch a bacteria, maybe," you replied in the same tone. She laughed and rolled her eyes.
"Okay, okay, you call the shots," she snapped. "Look, it's actually really weird that we've never crossed paths, (Y\N), you seem to know what you're doing."
You nodded, getting up, closing the ointment and putting it back in the first aid kit, as you sat on the edge of Lorraine's chair, her legs keeping your body steady.
"It's hard to come across an agent that the boys keep like a precious jewel inside a password safe…"
She laughed again, and only then did you stop to notice that her smile was beautiful. Your heart missed a beat, but you didn't know if it was envy or some much deeper feeling… And before you knew it, you pushed those thoughts away, afraid of the answer.
Whatever the case, Lorraine Broughton was not the type of person you thought was ideal for the type of person you were. Not as friendship. You could only support yourself within the walls of offices, and despite being called an agent, you were afraid to even fly a plane.
"Is it over yet?", she woke you up from your thoughts again, looking at you with a playful smile. "Yeah, it wasn't so bad after all."
"Yeah, but that's because the bad part starts now!", you said, holding the bandages, which were those children's animal bandages. "You can choose between the giraffe bandages, or the flower bandages, you call the shots, Lorraine."
The smile faltered on your lips as she frowned, clearly confused and uncomfortable, not sure if it was a joke or not.
"Seriously?" she said in disbelief. "Who let the guys buy this?"
You shrugged. "Make a choice, Lorraine."
"I'd rather go without bandages."
"Ah, come on! You're going to make a childhood dream come true! Your inner child is crying out for it, go ahead, choose one!"
"Okay, the giraffe one then.", Lorraine said, in a monotone voice, as if she knew she would regret it the moment she left the office and walked down the street. You laughed, calmly sticking the bandages on her wounds and caressing the skin with your fingers, to fix them better.
That took Lorraine by surprise. Until then, she hadn't known that she could feel that same electricity from a simple touch. She looked back at you, and allowed herself to relax as you finished gluing them all together. At the end, you noticed her look and bit your lip, also caught off guard, completely embarrassed.
"You're free, Lorraine. Now you can even take off the bandages while I'm not looking, I know you're going to do that…", you said, joking, just to ease the tension. But it didn't help much.
Her eyes were too bright in the dim light, and that perfect, even bruised face that looked as if it had been sculpted by angels only made it worse. You were extremely tense and nervous around her, and not in your best dreams, did you imagine that you would feel this way with Lorraine, when you saw her.
"Thank you, (Y\N). And I'm sorry, I think I've been quite rude to you in the meantime, you just wanted to help me get better."
"I don't mind, I'm used to agents' patience…", you laughed again. And he got up, going to put the suitcase back in the closet and close it properly, so that none of the others would notice that you had even touched it.
Lorraine was still staring at you when you looked back at her, and a smile graced her interested expression.
"How long have you been working with us, (Y\N)?", she asked, her deep voice dropping to almost a whisper in the silence between you.
You stopped to think, to remember, to count on your fingers, as you went back and sat in the small space of her chair, as before. Not to tease her, it's just because that was her usual chair and you had this habit of taking possession of things.
"A few months. Five, I think… I'm not good with numbers and dates…", you explained, laughing. Lorraine nodded. "Before you ask, this definitely wasn't the plan since I was a kid, but it seemed to me that I had a knack for it when I had my first experience here, so… yeah, maybe it was nice to get this job."
Lorraine nodded again. "And are you happy here?"
"I think so. I'm sure I do, actually. I don't think I fit in anywhere else right now, honestly."
"That's good, this work is not very easy, there are few people who manage, in the natural order of things, to stay for so long."
Lorraine was still looking at you, and nervousness was still very much present in her body language as she did so.
"And do you have… a boyfriend, (Y\N)?"
You frowned, caught off guard.
"Sorry, that was a weird question."
"No, I don't have a boyfriend", you replied, shaking your head. "It wasn't a weird question, you're just trying to get to know me better…"
Lorraine nodded again, scratching her forehead and looking at you, intent on knowing more. "And are you looking for someone? Or are you completely focused on work right now?"
"Ah, MI6 is my life, yes, but I wouldn't mind breaking that routine to find someone I can share my days with, you know…"
Lorraine looked away, and oddly enough, you noticed that there was a flush in her cheeks. Now, that was something you would never have thought to see, not in Lorraine Broughton.
"You say "someone", so… is someone really someone?"
"Are you asking me about my sexuality?"
Lorraine shrugged. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."
"No, I don't have a problem with that, I… I'm open to experimenting, actually. I want something that takes me off my feet, and makes me see whether or not it's worth risking everything."
Lorraine nodded again and her eyes glued to your lips. The tension became even more palpable between you, and when she took the opportunity that you were close to pull you close, seeing that you were going to fall out of the chair if you went any farther back, her inner will spoke louder and she kissed you, absolutely nothing, without expecting you to respond.
If it was someone else, you would have walked away and slapped that person across the face, but that didn't happen with Lorraine. You were so surprised when she kissed you that you just responded. She thought maybe that would ease the tension of the moment, that it would make it easier for you to talk, and she was so beautiful it was impossible to resist.
She was the one who pulled away first, gasping for air, and she opened her clear, beautiful eyes to look at you, her hand hesitating between your hip and your leg.
"Sorry, I really don't know why I did that, I…" she started, but you cut her off, your index finger on her wet lips.
"No, that's fine, I enjoyed it… and actually… I think I'd like to do it again, if you don't mind…"
She laughed and kissed you again, this time letting the moment flow by itself, last as long as it should. You were being drawn, like magnets, to each other's lips, and now it was impossible to break the contact. Lorraine's charm didn't help either, and she ended the kiss after a few seconds with a peck on your cheek.
"Well, I better get going now that you don't need me…" you said, feeling all awkward and embarrassed. Lorraine got up and let go of your hips, and just as you were about to walk through the door, she called out her name.
"Don't you want a ride home, (Y\N)? I think it's too late for us to walk alone…", her voice was full of ulterior motives, and as much as you would love to take things easy, have the chance of a lifetime with Lorraine Broughton made you want to find out where this was going to go.
To be honest, you were under the impression that you wouldn't regret it.
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sere-rine · 2 years
~My Magnet~
Atomic Blonde Fan-fiction Imagine. (Lorraine Broughton x Fem Reader.) Summary: Lorraine came back to Y/n after leaving her suddenly to do some work in Berlin. Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Possessiveness..
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“Let’s head home.” Agent Kurzfield say to Lorraine once she takes her seat on the plane.
“Yes, home.” She said and flashes of her and Y/n suddenly flooded her mind. Their memories together, all the nights you are tangled together under her blanket and the way she would snaked her arms around your waist every time she gets a chance. 
Lorraine is an MI6 agent so love is not something she expects her life to have. But with Y/n, she just can’t help but be protective over the woman. She wants to spend all her free time with you and tell you how special you are to her. 
But now, she don’t know how to face you since she left you with nothing after an intimate night. She can’t help but be hopeful that in those almost three weeks she’s away, you would forgive her, well if you can’t, she’s going to give it her all to make you accept her in your life again. 
“So what are you going to do once we’re home?” The agent ask Lorraine and she sighed. 
“A lot.”
Lorraine is now at her place and she found it clean, not even a dust. You are not in her bed nor in any corner of the room. She slumped at the couch and is convince that you are certainly not happy when she left. On the top of the storage of shoes beside her front door she found a set of key in a keychain. She heave a sigh and went to her closet. It’s your keys that she gave you, so you can just enter the flat whenever you want. 
She’s rummaging through her closet trying to find a clothes that is yours. She found one. A long sleeve dress that is black and white stripes. (The one on the GIF)
She takes a sip of alcohol and pulled the telephone to her. She punched your number and waited for your answer. 
“Y/n, a call for you!” Your friend shouted from your bedroom. You looked up and head upstairs to answer it.
“Get out now will you? You need to give that clothes back Serena, i’m not kidding!” You said after putting the telephone on your ear, and your friend just laughed and yelled ‘Right, right!’
“Hello?” You said after your friend closed the door. You didn’t hear anyone on the other side so you asked again.
“Uhm, Hello? Who is this?” After that you waited for a second and looked at the telephone. Maybe Serena was just pranking you so you decided to drop the call. You are about to, but you heard a someone talked.
“I missed your voice.” Your breath hitched. You always thought that she just used you since you just met in a club. Have one intimate night and never thought that it’ll continue. You practically lived with her for a week and then for almost three weeks ago she left you with not a note nor anything. You waited for her that day but she never showed up. Every once a week you’ll come back to check on her, thinking she’s already home but she is not. You cleaned her condo and left the keys not wanting to come back again after three times.
And now she’s back but you don’t know what to feel. “Lorraine?” you asked even though you already know. That deep voice? You will never forget it, for it always bring goosebumps into your body. 
“Yes baby, it’s me.” She said and out of panic you drop the call. You bring the phone back to it’s place on the wall and looked at it. You waited for it to ring again. If it’s really Lorraine, she will call again. Seconds past and it didn’t so you release the breath that you unconsciously holds and sits at the edge of the bed. 
You flinched when the telephone rings and you run into it. You hold it first but you decided to answer it. “Hello?” You asked.
“It’s me, please don’t drop the call anymore babe.” She said and you can’t help but scoff at her. 
“God, where have you been? You left me and then you’re just gonna talked to me on the phone and say ‘I missed your voice?’ huh?” You said with building anger on you, and a mocking voice.
“Well it’s true. It’s true and i’m so sorry.” She said in a soft voice that you can’t help but melt at her apology. But you shrugged your thoughts. You are supposed to be mad at her. “I went to work. They needed me.” You rolled your eyes at her even though you know she can’t see it.
“Whatever, why did you call? What do you need?” You spat at the phone. You're not fuming anymore because now you know that she's safe. Your worries dissipates and relaxed feelings overcame you. But you know it’s just for now. You don’t know how you will react when you actually sees her, but that thought will be for next time.
"I need you." She told you and you just laughed.
"Lorraine, Lorraine, Lorraine. You don't need me. You want me." She paused for a second but continued.
"Wanting you is shallow, but needing you is something that I don't want to but I. can't. help." You pursed your lips and ended the call. You can't fall for that. She left you like that once, most likely, she'll do it again. You left your room even though you can hear the phone rings.
Serena entered your room without you noticing because she likes your mirror more than on her room. You continue to prepare the ingredients you need for your dinner. Serena caught your attention after she's finished "Y/n, are you going to go out later?” She asked you out of the blue.
“Nope, I’m staying in.” You said to her without even looking at her. She swiped her keys from the counter and hung her jacket onto her one arm.
"Ok, then I have a parcel that's going to arrive so, will you wait for it?" She asked and you just nodded at her.
Hours passed and it's already dinner. You expect for Serena to join you so you prepared dinner for two. Exactly after you placed the last fork, someone rings the doorbell and you looked at the door out of instinct. Serena should just enter because you saw her get her keys.
You walked your way to the front door and you peeked at the peephole and saw a blonde woman who surely knows how to surprise you every fucking time.
You sighed and proceeded to open the door while your eye is rolling. "What are you doing here Lorraine?" You said in a monotone voice with a hint of irritation.
"Dinner." She said after she puts her shades out of her eyes and there you saw and remembered the feeling of her looking at you. The way she sent chills all over your body whenever her blue orbs were pierced at yours is something that you really missed no matter how hard you deny it.
"Sorry I prepared only for two people steak dish."
"Good, Serena told me your address." She uttered and I heave a sigh again. Of course it's her. She set you up and you shouldn't be surprised anymore.
"Yes, right, so you've talked to her?" You asked after stepping aside to let her in for you don't have any choice now. After a week of being with her, you knew already that she'll insist her way when it comes to you. 
“Yeah, on the phone earlier she answered it. She sounds nice.” She muttered lowly but enough for you to hear. She’s busy scanning the whole room and you guide her into the bar place where you prepared the dinner and waited for her to sit down while you’re already sat.
“Well I guess let’s eat.” You said after she sat down. The whole time you and her didn’t speak but you can feel and see in her peripheral vision that she keeps glancing towards you or the room. For you it’s awkward but for her you don’t know, being quiet is one of her specialty. Well that silence between the two of you was broken by her after dinner while you’re busy washing the dishes. She’s facing you and leaning the counter while you’re back is on her. You can smell the smoke that she’s puffing and you can’t help but feel the nostalgic feeling of being with her on that short amount of time. This feels like the same but you know it’s not.
“So Serena, she’s your friend huh?” She asked and you just answered her with a ‘hmm’. “Just your friend?” She continued and that’s when she got your attention. You turned off the faucet, dropped the spoons that you’re currently washing,wiped your hands and faced her.
“Yes, and so what if she’s more than just a friend?” You questioned her. 
“Nothing, it’s just, I hope you know you’re mine.” Your eyes widen at her sudden possessiveness over you and that made you laugh sarcastically.
“Wow, you came here to say that?” You fixed your posture and because she’s leaning on her back, your height are just the same. “After you left without even a notice, nor note?”
“It’s because of my job.” She casually said and it makes you mad now.
“I don’t even know your job. Haha, it’s so funny how much is your effect on me and all I know is the shallow things about you.” You said and puts your hand into your head.
“You does the same to me.” You looked up at her and her gaze is as piercing as ever.
“You know what I think? I think i’m just the woman who caught your fucking attention on that fucking bar, i’m just someone you found lovely because I submit to you better than anyone you had ever met and i’m just the woman who you think you can fucking use and fucking leave whenever you want to.”
“Don’t put words into my mouth. I have been through a lot just to see you again.” You seemed so high that you can’t even hear and comprehend what she’s saying. At the moment your vision is dark and all you want is to burst.
“If I let you in, into my life again and the heaven above knew how much I want to do that, who knows what more you can do? Who knows how much pain you can inflict to someone like me?” She was about to say something since she puts out her cigarette and also straightened her posture and now she’s looking down on you, but you ignored all of that and continue your outburst.
“I have been used physically and emotionally more than I have eaten and add this too much pain and too much torture. I am so fucking tired of my life. So don’t you ever say I’m yours if you don’t plan on keeping me.” You spat, you didn’t notice how your hands are on your head scratching you scalp and your breaths are now fast and deep. That’s where she stepped towards you and hold your wrists in between her and you. 
Your having a panic attack and she doesn’t know what to do. Your thoughts are spiraling and she can’t think of a better way to calm you down other than to crashed her lips into yours. Your eyes widen at the sudden contact, your heartbeat seems to relax now that you’re back into your senses. “Fuck you.” You whispered at her.
“No, fuck you!” She hissed that left your mouth wide open. 
“Fuck you for thinking i’m only using you. You can’t stay into my condo for a week when i’m only using you.” You are speechless at her words and she’s not yet finish. 
“I have this dangerous job and I can’t guarantee my safety, but i’ll guarantee yours. I will sacrifice the whole fucking world for you and I felt that with just a week with you. What more when I spend the rest of my days with you?” You are about to say something but she puts her index finger into your lips to shut you up.
“Shh, and for your fucking information, I don’t just plan on keeping you because Y/n fucking L/n, you are in my fucking dreams. How the hell can you do that? So don’t you ever doubt me.”
“I can’t help but doubt you Lorraine and you can’t blame me. One day you just pop out of nowhere, bought me a drink, fuck me, spend a week with me and then left me. That’s not so assuring. In just a short moment, you managed to squirm your way into one of the unforgettable person in my life that I don’t wanna lose.” You spoke lowly, clearly tired.  
“I am in the middle of my work and all I can think about is you. Like you said, in just a short moment you managed to become my magnet. My job is so fucking vicious and time demanding. I may not came back for days, weeks, months, or years, but know that i’ll always come back to you. I want you to be the one waiting for me when I get home because you are better than most rewards and salaries I can get.”
You looked into her eyes to see any hint of falseness but no, she is so genuine that is overwhelming for you. You have never been looked at the way she’s gazing into your eyes. You can’t help it but close the small distance you two have. 
Your kiss is slow and passionate. You pour into this kiss all the feelings that you can’t voice out at her. Her one hand is gripping your waist, and the other one tapped your thigh. You jumped and wrapped your legs around her waist and she placed you into the kitchen counter. You made out like some horny teenagers now that both of your kisses are fiery and hungry. 
You pulled away after seems like forever and she used this opportunity not to stop but continue to ravish you down into your neck. You can’t help but moan at the feeling of her hands under you shirt, one groping your left breast and one caressing your right outer thigh. She bit and suck you all over your necks. You’re sure you’ll leave this kitchen counter with a lot of marks by her. 
“Lorraine, t-the d-dishes, ahh, hmm, I- i need to finish-” You didn’t get a chance to end your sentence because of her lips came back into your mouth.
“That dishes ain’t gonna run baby girl. And yes don’t worry, you’ll finish before this day ends.” She said and hungrily dive down into your neck again. She lift you off the counter and made her way into your bedroom, while you’re busy quietly gasping and moaning her name. Her blonde hair is now a mess because of your hold into it but she doesn’t care, neither of you did.
“Serena... Serena might b-be home any minute.” You said after she lays you in bed. She’s now sitting on your stomach and she removed her shirt. You can see her almost naked top part of her body. She’s is still with her brassiere and you are already drooling over her. The way your eyes scan her body, builds ego inside of her.
“Oh don’t worry, she’s safe on her friends’ house. No one is gonna disturb us tonight. I’m all yours, and you. Are. All. Mine.” You take a gulp and brace your self, for this is gonna be a long night. 
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sorry felt the need to draw this-
Atomic I mean this in the nicest and most respectful way possible.
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midna-chavelink · 6 months
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n3rdy247 · 6 months
i keep thinking how fucking amazing it would be if they added the trolls characters to a fighting game like brawlhalla or super smash bros JUST JUST J LET ME COOK
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