#And that sounds fun for him‚ I think he should get to do that
s-brant · 2 days
Three’s Company
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When Patrick visits his best friend at Stanford University, Art’s new fling finds herself stuck between two very attractive men.
9k (18+)
Warnings: smut, threesome, unprotected p in v, double penetration, oral sex (fem receiving), fingering, they’re all pervs, and strong language.
The room is stiflingly hot.
There is no air conditioning in her study/fuck buddy's dorm to keep up with the late April heat that has descended upon Stanford's campus so quickly. Three different fans are plugged into outlets around the cramped living space, yet it does little to keep her body cool enough to feel comfortable.
Sleeping with Art was an impulsive decision. The first time was merely weeks ago after he politely asked if she would share her notes from a class he was absent from. They exchanged numbers to organize the meeting, and she ended up talking to him for the better part of an hour in the dining hall. Although she did not recognize it as flirting—the oblivious little thing she is—he shyly commented on seeing her at one of her gymnastics competitions and refused to let her get dinner with her meal credits. Looking back, his intentions should have been obvious to her, yet she does not think badly of him over it. If anything, she likes how wanted he made her feel. He knew what he wanted and ensured that he got it.
They came back to his room to study—only to study, he claimed with his hands held up to proclaim his innocence—for their approaching final exams.
"Good," she said with a teasing lilt to her voice, slinging her bag onto her shoulder and turning to walk in the direction of his dorm building. "Cause it's way too hot to be doing anything else."
They were both laughing as he set down his racquet bag to unlock the door. It was muffled through the wall, but Patrick heard it just fine from where he was perched on the foot of Art's bed with Tears for Fears playing on the unlabeled CD he dug through desk drawers to find. The sound of a distinctly feminine giggle made his mouth turn up at the corners in a smirk. This will be fun to tease his closest friend over until his cheeks flush pink and he has to hide his face in his shirt.
When the door swung open, the laughter died out as soon as they realized they weren't alone, but it was quickly replaced with wide smiles and warm greetings.
Patrick tried not to look her up and down so blatantly. Instead, he chuckled and said, "Art, you conveniently left out that you had a girlfriend on our last call."
To this, Art set down his bag and tackled him onto the bed, starting a minute-long wrestling match that only ended when they began to sweat from the heat and physical activity. It was then that Art remembered to have manners and introduced her. He scrambled to sit upright on the mattress and met her curious gaze.
"Y/N, this is Patrick. I'm sorry, I forgot what day he was coming."
She smiled.
"It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you." A pause, and then she turned her attention to Art. "Do you wanna study another time? I don't wanna intrude or anything."
Before Art could open his mouth to tell her to stay, Patrick aimed one of his charming grins at her, then said, "No, please intrude. I'll just hang out. You won't even know I'm here."
The last sentence caused a disbelieving scoff to leave Art’s lips.
As of right now, as she sits on the chair in front of the desk and the boys share the bed, they have gotten halfway through the study guide they meticulously constructed after one of the two classes they share, but it grew boring once an hour and a half passed. They typically end up getting distracted and make out by now, but with Patrick here, neither of them considers that an option. So, she suggests they take a half-hour break to sit, drink, and talk to allow their brains to decompress from the constant stimulation.
He already had a few beers inside the mini fridge beneath his desk, along with a hard seltzer for her seeing that she finds the taste of beer disgusting but quite enjoys being drunk with him. Also kept in the freezer section of the fridge is a pack of ice pops she bought a few days ago when the heat wave began. They prove to be very useful right now as the midday sun bakes the building alive despite the closed curtains and blowing fans.
The CD has moved onto Nine Inch Nails, and she remains quiet to hear it over the sound of the fans as she holds a red ice pop to the side of her neck to cool herself off. Sometime along the way, both of them had stripped down to their underwear after asking her if it was alright because it was so hot. Patrick joked that he was alright with her taking her clothes off too, which she laughed at while Art playfully shoved him over it. Yet now she isn't laughing. Her small exercise shorts are as forgiving as any item of clothing could be in these circumstances, but the long-sleeve shirt she wore because it was the only clean one left is sticking to her skin.
"So, how did you and Art meet?"
Her eyes open to find Patrick glancing back and forth between them.
"It's a boring story, actually," she says. "He asked if I took notes for a class he missed, and now he's stuck with me all the time."
"No, no, okay, maybe it was boring from her perspective, but I was trying to work up the nerve to talk to her for at least a week before then. I went to one of her competitions and recognized her from class," Art explains. "She won, which wasn't surprising at all."
Although she already knew this, this is the first time he has admitted to it out loud, and her stomach flutters at the idea of him becoming so enamored with her from one glance. The popsicle is sweet on her tastebuds when she raises it to her lips and sucks with her eyes looking between them both. As she expected, Patrick shifts a little in place and looks away for reasons not at all related to how she was looking at them while sucking her popsicle.
She chuckles.
"So, you were just interested in befriending me 'cause I win a lot?"
Her tone of voice is taunting, but they know it's all in good fun. Art is quick to play along, shrugging his shoulders to feign aloofness and taking a quick swig of his beer before responding. Their eye contact grows intense in the seconds before he speaks.
"Well, there were some other contributing factors."
"Mm," Patrick hums in agreement. "I've never seen you compete, but you are really hot, so Art's right about that."
This makes her pause for a second, her gaze shifting to find Art's to see if his friend crossed any lines, but he appears strangely calm about it. What she doesn't know is that he has never had any problem sharing, at least, not with Patrick. They shared a room in boarding school, jerked off together to the same girl, and shared the court together—what was his would always be Patrick's, and what was Patrick's would always be his.
"You're flirting with me right in front of him?"
Art interjects, "I'd be shocked if he didn't."
As soon as the words leave his mouth, he's standing up from the bed to get another beer. The dorm room is small, so it only takes a few strides for him to meet her where she sits before the desk and kneels down to open the mini fridge. His left hand braces itself on one of her thighs while the right swings open the fridge door only to find there is no beer left. Rather than complain, he simply grabs one of her least favorite hard seltzer flavors and gives her thigh a firm squeeze before standing up.
The bed creaks beneath his weight when he sits back down on it.
He settles into a comfortable position with his back against the wall and legs spread, balancing the seltzer can on his bent knee. Patrick sits close to him, and she finds it difficult to peel her eyes off the pair of them in their current state of undress. Her gaze mostly lingers on Patrick seeing that she has already explored every inch of Art's lean body in the plentiful amount of times they've hooked up over the past few weeks. But, that being said, she cannot resist looking at Art either. Having two beautiful men laid out before her in their underwear is a treat she never expected to indulge in today. They each have the strong, masculine figures of athletes—showing mostly in their shoulders, biceps, abdomen, and thighs.
When Patrick notices her staring, she turns her gaze to the floor to avoid the embarrassment of being caught. If he did catch her, though, he doesn't call her out for it. Not yet, at least.
With one last bite of her popsicle, she stands from the desk chair to toss it into the small trash can beside his nightstand. It isn't until she lets it go that she realizes how close she now stands to the two of them. Only a foot or so from the bed, her heart begins to hammer in her chest at the proximity.
The way she sees it, she has two options. The first would be to retreat to the desk to let her long-sleeved shirt give her heatstroke while the men get to sit in front of the oscillating fans with their shirts off, or she can strip down to her undergarments and join them on the bed. Needless to say, she opts for the latter of the two.
Y/N lets out an exaggerated groan at the heat and fans herself with her hands for the sake of appearing somewhat innocent in what she's about to do, then reaches down for the hem of her shirt with a huff.
Art and Patrick can do nothing but watch with rapt attention side by side as she pulls the fabric up her torso and over her head. The shirt ends up falling to the floor beside her feet alongside their discarded t-shirts and pants. This leaves her in her most comfortable bra—which is Art's favorite since her nipples can be seen through the mesh material—and a pair of tiny spandex shorts.
Patrick's tongue darts out to wet his lips at the sight of her—almost angelic in her beauty—and tries to burn the image into his mind to hold onto forever. Definitely going in the spank bank, he thinks to himself as his cock begins to harden in his boxers. Beside him, Art has been stunned to silence. Even though they've fucked like rabbits since the first time, he isn't sure if he'll ever get used to seeing her like this. Those shorts hug the delicate curve of her hips, as well as that lovely ass that has been sculpted from years of training as a gymnast, and all he can think of is how badly he wants to take them off.
They sit there, dumbfounded, with their mouths hanging open just enough for her to notice and suppress an arrogant smirk. But to allow herself to smirk would be to reveal her cards, and she doesn't want them to see this as anything other than her innocently trying to cool down. Truth be told, she hasn't thought this through. It's not as though she planned this as she was sitting at the desk. It's more of an impulsive, irresistible urge. And if they will tease her so blatantly with their half-naked bodies, she is entitled to do the same.
"You," she says, jutting her chin in Patrick's direction. "Scoot. I wanna sit in front of the fans too."
Underneath it all, she's thankful that she took the time to do her hair the way that makes her feel the most confident and put a little makeup on. Not that either of them is focused on her damned makeup. No, they're far too busy ogling her figure to notice anything north of her collarbones.
After a delayed second of staring, what she said seems to register within him and spark him into action. He's quick to scoot closer to the end of the bed if it means she'll be inhabiting the small space between them. 
She offers a quiet, "Thank you," and crawls onto the bed, turning around and settling into place with her back against the wall. The cool air generated by the fans blows faintly against the front of her sweat-slick chest, and she can't help but shut her eyes and hum in appreciation of it.
With her eyes shut, Art and Patrick are both scrambling to quietly conceal their growing erections. If they don't, it'll be glaringly obvious when she opens her eyes and sees a tent in their underwear on either side of her. Although the life-long friends don't speak, there's an understanding formed between the two of them. Whatever she allows them to have of her tonight, if she allows anything, they'll share nicely. Patrick knows that if anything happens, he is to assume it is a one-time thing unless she or Art expresses a desire for an arrangement of some sort to be made.
Her eyes open again a few seconds later to find them staring at her.
Breaking the silence, she asks, turning her head left to right to address each of them, "Did your mothers never tell you it's rude to stare?"
Patrick doesn't miss a beat.
"Did you know it's rude to be a tease?"
The sound of Art sucking in a deep breath meets her ears, but she doesn't look away from Patrick. Their eyes are locked, and she can see the mischief present in his. It's almost as if he dares her to do something...like he knows that she wants him just as badly as he wants her. Part of her feels guilty, feeling like she should remain loyal to Art even though they aren't exclusive, but a much more dominant part of her desires it too much to resist the temptation.
"Patrick, don't pressure her. If she doesn't want to—"
Her head turning to look at him halts him in his tracks. The look she's giving him...
Much to his shock, she was a virgin when they met a few weeks ago. He questioned her relentlessly, claiming there was no way someone as beautiful, smart, and talented as her could've gone so long without doing it, but she held firm. It was the truth, he realized after she sheepishly relayed the story of how she made out with a basketball player on Halloween and wimped out before it could go further. That first night, she was a bashful, blushing little thing. He treated her with the tenderness and reverence she deserved, first making her come with his tongue and fingers before fucking her. It was so...intimate. Her nails dug into his shoulders when he made that first, breathtaking thrust into her. Just the thought of it was enough to get him hard the next day, but he knew not to expect anything after how shy she was the previous night. Little did he know, he awakened something within her, and from then on, she would be insatiable.
He almost got whiplash from how quickly she changed from a nervous, flushed-faced girl asking him, "Am I doing this right?" when she got on top to a cock-hungry temptress ready to jump onto him at any moment. Truth be told, he found it so fucking hot. To think that he was the catalyst for this behavior was beyond comprehension. Though Art did well enough in his dating life, Patrick was the one that the girls they liked gravitated toward when they were in school together. But she was his, and he thinks, even now, that he'll always have the satisfaction of having gotten to her first no matter what happens tonight.
Y/N shifts around on the mattress so that she's sitting on the side of the bed opposite the wall, facing them with her hands on her knees and legs tucked beneath her ass. Both boys perk up a little at this, and they watch every minute movement she makes and listen to every breath she breathes with unwavering focus.
She meets Art's gaze first before doing anything. Her brows raise in question, and, in answer, he gives her a slight nod. Those pretty, cherry-stained lips of hers curve into a smirk she doesn't even bother to hide in response to this.
"Have you ever fucked the same girl before?" she asks out of pure curiosity, her tone calm and even. Her hands leave her knees to grab one of their thighs each, slowly rubbing up and down to allow her fingertips to brush the edge of their boxers. "Two guys at the same time is a first for me..."
To say that they are in a state of shock would be a gross understatement. Surprisingly, their mouths are not hanging open, and they aren't drooling at the mere thought of what she's proposing.
Somehow, Patrick finds his voice and says, "No." A second of pause, then—"Is this for real? Like you're not just fucking with us?"
The silence that follows is ripe with tension. All that can be heard is the sound of voices passing in the hallway outside of the dorm room and fans blowing on their highest setting. The hands on their thighs come to a halt at the edge of their boxers, and the softened expression on her face shifts into one of unabashed lust as she looks at Patrick.
In answer to his question, she starts to crawl over to him. Seeing that the mattress is a twin, it doesn't take too long for her to reach him and settle into place on top of him. Her hands slide up to cup his face, forcing him to only look at her when she lowers herself onto his lap. The spandex shorts hugging every inch of her figure do little to keep him from feeling the warmth of her cunt against the bulge that formed the second she took her top off.
That first brush of her lips against his is gentle, as though she has him under a trance, but it doesn't take longer than a few seconds for him to snap out of it. Patrick's hands grasp her hips first to keep her from moving away, then they slide down to knead the soft, supple flesh of her ass as he begins to kiss her back hungrily. The kiss quickly begins to descend from her lips to her jaw until he reaches the soft skin of her neck.
While he nips and sucks at the sensitive spot along the side of her neck, Y/N opens her eyes to find Art staring, unblinking, at the pornographic display before him. The sight of him alone—between his messy blonde hair, piercing eyes, and masterfully structured face—is enough to pull a breathy moan from the back of her throat. One would think that she would get used to the way he makes her feel when he looks at her like that, but she never does.
One of the arms wrapped around Patrick's neck uncurls itself to reach for Art, fingers wiggling to beckon him to her. 
He's already invading her space by the time she whispers, "C'mere, baby."
Art practically melts into the two writhing bodies he kneels beside at the casual use of a pet name from her. The word echoes in the farthest reaches of his brain until it is all he can hear on a loop. Even as she grips the back of his neck and pulls him until their mouths collide, his cock twitches from the memory of her calling him baby.
Patrick continues to suck, lick, nip, and kiss his way down her neck as she slips her tongue into Art's mouth with a groan. He leaves marks behind everywhere he goes with the thought of his friend finding them on her for the next week and a half in mind. It only makes it more thrilling for him to imagine the strange mixture of frustration and arousal that will arise within Art when he rediscovers them the next time they hook up.
Slowly, she is guided onto her back by his mouth slipping down to take one of her nipples into it and his callused hands peeling her shorts, along with her soaked cotton thong, down over the swell of her ass. The freshly washed sheets are soft against her bare back as she lays back and watches Patrick worship her breasts with both his mouth and hands. In the midst of their repositioning, Art took it upon himself to squeeze into the cramped space next to Patrick, slotting himself between him and the wall the bed is pressed against. Without a word of warning, he dips his face down to kiss the breast Patrick is cupping in his hand.
She feels hands everywhere, unsure of which belongs to who. Hands grapple for purchase on her hips, her waist, her breasts, her thighs, and her ass—always moving in search of new territory to claim. Although they have no way of coordinating their actions, they seem to move in sync with one another. The second Art's mouth lowers to kiss down her stomach, which flinches inward at the feeling, Patrick follows. If she weren't so overwhelmed with everything right now, she'd likely laugh at how eager they are to race each other down the length of her body.
Their heads bump every few seconds by the time they reach her parted thighs, but they are too focused on getting a taste of her to care at first. They work with the same synchronized harmony they once had as doubles partners, Art tugging her left leg over his shoulder while Patrick shoves her right up and out until her thigh is flush with her chest. She can't help but silently thank her parents for enrolling her in gymnastics lessons years ago. If they hadn't, this would be a tad uncomfortable.
Finally, Patrick tries to shove Art to the side a little, complaining, "Come on, man, you're with her all the time."
To her surprise, it works for the first moment or so. Art places hot, open-mouthed kisses on her inner thigh as Patrick's tongue makes a broad stroke through her, but it isn't long before he grows dissatisfied with his current role in this impromptu threesome and decides to fight back. He doesn't shove or push like Patrick had, instead, he gently nudges his head against Patrick's until they can share her.
Having Art go down on her alone always feels pleasurable, but having both of their mouths on her at the same time is another sensation entirely. It's indescribable. Spit drools from their lips as they kiss her sodden cunt, taking turns flicking the tips of their tongues against her clit for the sake of hearing her moan over and over. From where she looks down at them, they're nearly kissing each other as they eat her out, and she has to tip her head back onto her shoulders to keep them from seeing her smirk.
When she looks back down, she makes a breathy, gasping sound at the sight of them. Patrick is looking up at her with an intensity no man has ever had when looking at her, not even Art, and there is no ignoring the feeling it stirs in the pit of her abdomen.
"Fuck," she whines and pushes herself harder against their faces, but it's never enough. "More—I need more. Please."
Neither one hesitates. In fact, they seem to form a plan without speaking it aloud. As Art's free hand raises from where it palmed his cock through his boxers, Patrick's lips close around her sensitive, puffy clit and start to suck. The tips of Art's middle and ring fingers brush tentatively against her hole, then, teasingly slow, push inside until they're buried knuckle deep.
The contrast of the men as lovers—Patrick being unforgiving and passionate, Art being tender and desperate—threatens to dizzy her. But Art cannot control himself for too long. He often starts slow and gentle, his eyes flooded with genuine affection for whoever is pinned under his body, then loses his composure the farther things go. By the time he's inside of her, he's almost brutal in how hard he fucks her, and it isn't out of malice, it's out of animalistic lust.
So, as per usual, the pace Art sets to begin with shifts into something harder and faster.
Over the sounds of the fans and music playing on the CD player across the room, a symphony of panting breaths, whines, and wet noises can be heard. It wouldn't surprise any of them if the people who were talking in the hallway could hear it, but it's not like they care right now. 
When she closes her eyes and tries to fall back against the mattress, Patrick stops for a second to murmur, "Don't look away," before getting back to work. Something about the way his voice sounds forces her to submit to his demand without hesitation. There's an edge to it. An underlying promise that he will stop and leave her here to suffer if she doesn't listen, so she does. She watches with a slack-jawed expression at how they work diligently to get her off.
The combined sensations of the fingers pumping into her at a steady, rushed pace and the lips enclosed around her sensitive bud push her closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. Art slips a third finger in and licks between her sticky folds as Patrick sucks her clit relentlessly. Everything they do is motivated by a dire need to take as much of her as they can, as though they can't quite believe what's happening and want to savor it before they wake from the dream. Seeing their desperation only fuels the fire roaring to life inside of her.
They feast on her the way starving men would if presented with food—humming and groaning in satisfaction at the taste of her on their tongues. Through the haze she's fallen under as a result of the present situation, her gaze lifts from where both of their faces are smushed together between her parted thighs to find that they're both humping the mattress. It seems like they don't even realize they're doing it, which, of course, only makes it hotter for her. To think that she wields enough power over them, that she renders them so useless and needy...
Her brows pinch together at the feeling of Art's fingertips finding the sweet spot inside of her.
"Right there," she breathes out in a shaky voice, hand shooting down to grasp anything she can find for support.
It ends up being Patrick's dark hair that is weaved between her fingers and used as her lifeline, tugging nearly every time Art's fingertips find the spot inside of her that makes her throw her head back on the bed and cry out for them. If they didn't have her pinned down, her hips would be lifting to meet every thrust, but she cannot do anything other than take it. Every breath she takes turns rapid, her chest rising and falling dramatically, as the familiar feeling of her impending release grows nearer by the second.
She says, half warning and half pleading with them, "I'm"—The sentence is cut off before it can be said by a high-pitched moan that makes Patrick moan and Art whimper into her—"Please"—What she's pleading for, none of them know, herself included, but she continues to babble nonsensically anyway—"Ah!"
The hand that isn't pulling on Patrick's hair reaches down instinctively for the hand Art grips her thigh with, and she doesn't even need to ask him for it. He entwines their fingers and allows her to squeeze his hand until circulation is lost as she finally feels the wave that was building within her begin to crest.
It hits her harder than she ever knew it could. 
Everything explodes into a sensation of bliss so strong, she loses herself in it. The only thing tying her body down to the earth is the feeling of the hands on her—touching her, fingering her, caressing her, and holding her hand—yet even that is not enough to keep her from floating away into another world entirely for the first few seconds of her orgasm. The muscles in her legs, so exhausted from being forced into a position like this, shake violently with every wave of pleasure rushing through her, and her walls clamp down around the fingers thrusting into her.
If she could live forever in these fifteen seconds, she would, but it soon becomes obvious to her that there's no chance of that happening. Gradually, the intense sensation starts to recede like the tides, and they are both there to help her ride it out to the very end. But once it fully fades, she wriggles beneath them in sensitivity.
Using the hand wrapped up in his hair, Y/N pulls Patrick's mouth away from her clit with a strength he didn't know to expect despite her obvious athletic background, and when Art notices this, he too slows the rhythmic pumping of his fingers inside of her throbbing heat to a stop. Wary of hurting her, he waits another five seconds before slowly pulling them out.
She has gone boneless where she lays on her back with her eyes shut and chest heaving for air.
Knowing she cannot see them, Patrick cuts his best friend a look and jerks his chin in her direction in a silent urging to check on her. Both men start to move at the same time, crawling over her until they reach her face. While Patrick lies beside her and trails his hand up and down her naked, sweat-soaked torso to occupy himself in the time it takes her to recover, Art licks her arousal from his fingers before grabbing her by the chin.
He asks with a teasing inflection, "You still with us?"
Her eyes slowly open to find them both staring at her, and she cannot help the slight smile that comes to her face at this.
"You guys almost killed me," she murmurs. "I think my vision got spotty for a second there."
They allow her another moment to catch her breath and recuperate in the aftermath of what she endured. She takes turns looking at them as she pants for air, laying with her arms above her head and thighs squeezed together due to her current state of sensitivity.
Patrick is the first to break the silence.
"We're not done with you," he says softly, the hand on her chest climbing up until it cradles the side of her neck. "But you know that, don't you?"
"I'd be a little bummed if you were," she replies.
Her head is whipping around at the sound of Art's voice.
"Only a little?"
She pushes herself up from where she's lying supine on the bed, which is now a mess of tangled sheets and sweat, to smack him on the arm. It's all in good fun, of course, and Art is hardly hurt by the playful blow she landed on him. Giggles escape her mouth as they begin to play fight, swatting and trying to pin one another down with Patrick there to spectate. He encourages Y/N to fight dirty, telling her where to strike, which causes Art to curse under his breath and declare him a traitor.
It ultimately ends with her on top, her legs straddling his hips and hands pinning his wrists to the bed. Based on the faraway, longing gleam in his eyes as he looks up at her, Patrick can tell immediately that she only won because Art allowed her to. Because there is something about being pinned to the bed underneath her that turns him on. And she knows it. It's easy to tell by how his erection presses up against her naked center through the fabric of his boxers.
Suddenly, she comes up onto her knees and moves back until she's hovering over his thighs. Her next words are a soft-spoked explanation for why she's reaching for the waistband of his boxers.
"Too much clothes."
But, to her surprise, another pair of hands comes to her aid in shimmying Art's underwear down his hips and legs. The way Patrick sees it, the sooner he helps her get them off, the sooner she'll take his off. And he isn't wrong. As soon as they get the boxers free from Art's body, the garment is tossed to the side without a care in the world. Neither of them looks to see where they landed, they're far too busy leaning in to kiss each other than keep track of their discarded clothing.
Her left hand is wrapped around Art's cock, pumping at a torturously slow pace, as she pulls away from Patrick with a string of saliva connecting their lips.
"Take those off," she says with a pointed look at his crotch.
To say he is sent scrambling to take off his underwear at her command would be an understatement. If this scenario itself wasn't hot enough to make her cunt throb with a desperate need to be fucked, she'd be giggling at his eagerness. But it's hard to find anything funny when she's faced with Patrick standing, one foot on the floor and his other leg braced against the bed at the knee, with nothing to conceal him from her anymore.
It must inflate his ego to heights it has never reached before to see her tongue dart out to wet her lips at the sight of him. The hand stroking Art falters as she admires Patrick's cock. It's about an inch longer than Art's yet equal in girth, curving up a little toward his hair-speckled, defined abdomen. A drop of precome has dripped from his tip, and she has to dip her head forward to get a quick taste. Those pretty lips wrap around him, not pushing down to take the rest of his shaft into her mouth but remaining where she is, flicking her tongue against the slit where the drops of sticky, pearlescent fluid secrete.
A taste is all she allows herself, though.
Her lips pull off of him with a soft popping sound, and she makes sure to maintain eye contact with him as she licks a drop of pre-come off of her top lip.
She turns to look at Art, then Patrick, then back at Art, asking, "How do you want me?"
Seeing that she was a virgin before she started seeing Art, she figures she isn't qualified to direct this in a way that'll be comfortable for everyone involved. No, if she had to bet, Patrick has the most experience between the three of them—with Art following closely behind—and he will have no problem taking control from here based on how he has acted thus far.
To their surprise, it's Art who answers first. 
Patrick was still in a faraway daze from having her mouth around his cock only to be kicked when he was down by the question she asked. How do you want me? God, it's like she's trying to kill them.
"On my lap."
Art pushes himself up from the mattress and repositions so he sits on his knees in front of them, reaching for her hips to pull her closer without a second of hesitation. Her arms instantly reach for his shoulders to steady herself as she maneuvers into the exact position he had in mind. Buried beneath the music that has become white noise to them and the fans running on their highest setting, he thinks he hears her breath hitch in her throat once she's straddling his lap, the tip of his cock nudging against her clit.
Absentmindedly, she starts to grind against him, coating him in the slick arousal that seeps from her, but it's slow. A tease compared to what's coming next.
"Patrick," he says, his voice unwavering despite the excitement that makes his stomach churn. His hand slides down from her neck, caressing her breast as it passes by at a lazy speed, until he takes hold of himself and pumps a few times—as if he isn't hard as a fucking rock already. Over her shoulder, he meets his friend's intense stare. "If you wanna fuck her, you should probably get on the bed."
And while he would usually fire back something equally witty or taunting, Patrick cannot manage to do anything but nod. There's something about seeing Art this way that subdues him. He would like to think that the sole reason he's standing naked in front of his best friend is because there's a girl involved, but that isn't true. Not completely. Although Art would never admit to himself that he feels the same way, there's something familiar about this. Comfortable. Right.
The mattress dips with Patrick's shifting weight, squeaking a little beneath his knees until he settles into place behind her. His chest presses against her back, and his hand reaches up to grab her jaw, guiding her head to tilt so he can kiss her neck while Art lines himself up with her. She feels Patrick's cock pressing against her ass as the broad tip of Art's sinks inside of her.
Having Patrick's face buried in her neck, her shoulder, and back to her neck again provided her and Art a rare second of private intimacy. Her eyes, glazed over with lust, lock into his and refuse to look away. The intensity present in his gaze does not frighten her. If anything, it sends a rush of adrenaline through her body, and she takes a second to admire his soft, wide eyes. She's never mentioned it aloud before, but she has always been fascinated with making eye contact with him due to his right eye. Half of the iris is a striking, clear shade of blue while the other is a warm brown hue.
"Fuck," he says under his breath at the feeling of her squeezing down around him, her tight cunt resisting a little until she relaxes and sinks down until there's nothing left to take.
There's nothing that compares to the feeling of the first thrust he makes.
Every time, it makes her bite her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. To feel him so deep is almost undoing in itself. Then she feels another hand slide between her legs, and her mind goes utterly blank. Everything outside of this room falls away the second Patrick starts to rub her clit in gentle, languid circles to help her adjust to the stretch of Art inside of her. Patrick's lips lavish every accessible inch of her bare skin with kisses as his friend, with a hand on each of her hips, starts to lift her up and down at an unhurried pace.
Their noses and lips brush without completely touching. When she pushes her face closer to Art's, hoping to lock lips with him, he pulls away for the sake of seeing her grow hot in the face from embarrassment. The mouth worshipping the back of her neck curves up into a smirk in reaction to the games Art plays with her. Who knew he's just as fun in bed as he is out of it? Certainly not Patrick.
She mutters, voice breathy and weak, "Feels so good..."
"Yeah?" Patrick murmurs into her skin and presses his fingers hard against her clit. "Tell me how he feels."
If he could see her the way Art can right now, he'd have to suppress a chuckle at how her brows pinch together at the command. Regardless of her sudden shyness, the words he says only make her ride Art harder. Over her shoulder, Patrick searches for those pale blue eyes only to find them staring through him already. Every smooth rocking motion of her hips pushes her ass against his neglected erection, providing him with a brushing touch before pivoting away again.
"He feels"—she says, chest rising and falling faster—"He's so hard." Her sentences are hardly coherent. "Perfect—mmm—fucking me so deep." One of her hands reaches to tug his down to press it against the southernmost part of her abdomen. "Feel."
With her palm molded over the back of his hand and forcing him to push down on her belly, Patrick can hardly keep from groaning at the subtle bulge of Art's cock moving in and out of her. It's strangely intimate for the three of them to share this experience, but for him to feel every thrust through her is more than he anticipated.
Unable to fight what instinct drives him to, Patrick shifts his hips until the angle of her grinding against him allows his tip to brush up against the hole she and Art have yet to touch. He doesn't do anything more, not without her asking for it, but it's clear to both Art and Y/N that he desperately wants to. All of this physical affection shared between the two of them has made Patrick needy and jealous, so she decides to grant him mercy.
She reaches behind herself blindly to guide him elsewhere, nudging him against the hole Art is already filling. It takes them a couple of seconds to understand what she means in doing this, but, once it clicks, they start to go a little crazy. For the moment, she has stopped bouncing on Art's cock for the sake of allowing Patrick to push in beside him, and he has to surge forward to kiss her. If he doesn't distract himself with a kiss, he'll be too tempted to move.
As Art kisses her deeply, his tongue invading her mouth and caressing her own, Patrick's hand wraps around her throat for leverage with his teeth nipping at her earlobe. His hand wraps around where hers grips his cock to guide it to her entrance, and with his help, they manage to squeeze the tip in.
Her jaw drops at the overwhelming sensation, and the sloppy kiss is interrupted when her head rolls back onto Patrick's shoulder. Art doesn't seem to care, though. Now that her head is tipped back, her neck is exposed for him to mark, and he takes advantage of the opportunity as soon as it presents itself. His lips brush against Patrick's fingers a few times as he kisses her fervently, sucking hard on the delicate skin that has already been bruised by his dear friend.
"You're beautiful," Art whispers into her neck between kisses. "So, so beautiful."
Taking it slow for her sake, Patrick has to force himself into her inch by inch, stretching her little cunt to take far more than she's accustomed to. But, as hard as it is, it works. After another few moments of him pushing in and pausing to let her adjust, he finally bottoms out with his cock flush against Art's. Her walls clamp down around them tightly. They both share a nervous look at this, wondering if they'll manage to last longer than thirty seconds if it already feels this good.
Slowly, she raises her head from where it slumped against Patrick's shoulder and meets Art's intense stare with one of her own. His hand raises to cup the side of her face, his fingers grazing against Patrick's, and he brushes his thumb over her kiss-swollen bottom lip. Every breath taken between the three of them is labored.
Pulling her lip down with his thumb, he asks, "Feeling okay?"
A half-second later, Patrick chimes in.
"If it's too much, you have to tell us."
Not a question, not a request, but a demand. The way he said it left no room for debate, so she nods in compliance and responds with an eagerness that neither man can miss, "M'fine, please, just fuck me..."
Patrick does not need to be told twice.
Having been sidelined for too long and forced to watch them fuck without him, he pulls out slowly, then cants his hips back against her ass with a force that takes her breath away. Amidst this, Art cannot do anything but let his face fall forward into her chest and whine in ecstasy. Just the movement of Patrick's cock rubbing against his with every thrust renders him useless. He knew it would feel better than any sex he'd had before, but this...He'll likely spend the rest of his life chasing the hedonism they are experiencing tonight.
One of her arms reaches behind her to grab Patrick's hip and dig her nails in hard while the other closes around Art's neck to pull both of them as close as can be. And now that he has forced himself back from the edge of a premature release, Art begins to move too, searching for a rhythm that feels right. Soon enough, he manages to find it. Both of their heads lift to look at each other, faces inches apart with their chins pressing on her shoulder, and they work with the same synchronicity they had while eating her out not even fifteen minutes ago.
She turns her head to the side to watch their stare-down as they rut into her like feral animals—utterly insatiable and overcome by their baser instincts. And it's only now that it occurs to her that, underneath it all, they want each other as desperately and pathetically as they want her. Patrick's gaze relentlessly bounces back and forth between Art's eyes and lips, and it makes her smirk to herself. The pleasure of fucking her as one, their pulsing cocks rubbing together in the warm walls of her cunt, has lowered their inhibitions, and the idea of being intimate with one another isn't as daunting as it would be if they were fully aware.
Leaning in to brush her cherry-flavored lips against Art's ear, she whispers, "I want you to kiss him."
The arm looped around the back of his neck pulls tighter in encouragement, bringing his body so close to hers that she can feel his ribs expanding with every breath. His only reaction to her request is a quick glance at her face once she pulls away from his ear with a sensuous lick as a parting gift. It's almost as though he doesn't believe what she's saying, but the reassuring expression she wears tells him that it is real. She truly wants him to see him kiss his best friend, not only for their enjoyment but hers as well.
One second, he's looking at her, and the next, he's slotting his lips against Patrick's with a passion previously only reserved for her. Their hands both grapple for purchase on her sweat-slick body, Art aggressively kneading her breasts and Patrick squeezing her hips for dear life, as they moan into each other's mouths.
As they kiss each other hungrily, Y/N has nothing left to do but bask in the tension swelling inside of her. There's something about how wrong this situation feels to her that makes it so much more arousing. Girls are always raised with the idea that promiscuity lessens their value, and she was not an exception. Having been raised in a family of devout believers, she hadn't kissed a boy until she was seventeen years old. The next person she kissed was Art, and in the time since their first kiss, he has thoroughly corrupted her.
And even as distracted as he is by the all-consuming, wet kiss he's engaged in, Art feels her cunt start to squeeze around their cocks and immediately drops one of the hands on her breasts between her splayed thighs. His finger rubs in tight circles on her clit in hopes that she will reach her end before he and Patrick come pathetically soon.
Her body jerks where it's trapped between them when his fingers make contact, pulling their focus away from each other for the first time since their lips touched. Patrick reaches up to hold her neck in one hand and forces her face to the side so both of them can look at every subtle expression she makes. 
"Don't stop," she pleads, eyes glazed over. "M'so close, Art"—Every merciless thrust elicits a high-pitched whine from her—"Patrick, please!"
The body trapped between them has gone boneless and twitchy, utterly useless at holding herself up or aiding them in any way. But they wear it like a badge of honor. With her face falling forward into Art's neck, she loses her grasp on all that is around her and lets them prop her up to fuck her like a toy existing solely for their gratification.
With one hand cradling the back of her head and the other between her thighs, still dutifully rubbing her clit, Art asks under his breath, "Isn't she fucking perfect?"
Although it was a question meant for Patrick, she can't help how she moans and clenches her walls around them when she hears it. Panting breaths from the three of them flood the sweltering dorm room, but they are too far gone to notice or care how much sweat drips off of their bodies onto one another. It's almost hard to get a firm grip on her as a result of it, but they manage to keep her in place by smushing their bodies as close as physically possible on both sides of her.
Patrick bucks his hips up into her with a recklessness that gives away how close he is to his climax.
He says, "Oh, God, yeah." The hand still collaring her delicate neck squeezes just enough to take her breath away for a second. However, once he released his hold on her, that hand moved to wrap itself up the roots of her hair. "Best pussy I've ever had. So fucking tight, it's like she wants us to come inside her." A pause, then, "Is that what you want?"
A second passes of silence from her, and he sharply tugs back on her hair until her face is no longer hidden in Art's neck. This allows them to drink in the sight of her—face twisted up in pleasure and mouth gaping open.
He asks again, "Is that what you want?"
Her response is immediate.
"Yes, yes, yes," she murmurs incoherently and takes quick turns to look between their faces. If the expressions they wear are any indication, it won't be long before her wish is fulfilled. "I'm—mmm-gonna come! I need you to fill me up, please, please!"
To this, Art rubs her clit faster while maintaining eye contact with her and finally lets go of whatever remaining scraps of self-control he has left. Knowing how close she is pushes them closer themselves, and they start to pound her hard. Hard enough that even they, as soon-to-be professional athletes, have difficulty sustaining this intense degree of exertion.
The arm that she looped around his shoulders is still there, but now her hand is sliding down from the back of Art's neck to explore the toned musculature of his upper back. Under her searching palm, she can feel his muscles contracting and relaxing beneath his pale skin.
To both her and Art's surprise, the world begins to shift in their peripheral vision until he falls flat against the mattress on his back with his length still sheathed inside of her. It takes a second for their brains to catch up with what happened and deem Patrick responsible for the position change. He laid his hands flat on her back and pushed with just the right amount of force to pin Art to the mattress beneath them.
Art says, breathless, "I can feel you squeezing us, baby, just let go."
Hearing those words sets fire to her blood, and that, paired with the toe-curling sensation of them pressing deep inside of her, hitting that spot over and over and over, is what tips her over the edge.
Patrick keeps pulling on her hair to force her head up so that they can feel and watch her come, and what a beautiful sight it is. Art, the lucky bastard, is face to face with her as she tenses up with the onslaught of her climax. But he can see the side of her pretty, flushed face and drink up every little sound she makes, so he doesn't feel left out in any way. No, he is experiencing this right beside Art. They're both trapped inside of her, pumping into her throbbing heat and letting themselves be swept away into oblivion by the feeling of her coming undone.
She digs her nails into Art's skin hard enough to hurt as she whines and writhes between them with each pulse of pleasure that runs through her, and it isn't until she's starting to come down, riding out the high, that she feels them spill into her at the same time. Every sensation attached to it prolongs her orgasm—the throbbing, the spreading warmth, and the dying undulations of their hips that grind their cocks together within her. And beyond the physicality of the act, just knowing that they're filling her to the brim with their come makes her head spin from how fucking hot she finds it.
It isn't long before their thrusts slow into a sensuous grinding as they come down from it together, then come to a full stop to keep from overstimulating themselves. They both are starting to go soft, panting and leaning against her limp body in exhaustion, and know they wouldn't be able to continue even if they wanted to.
Her head is laid on Art’s shoulder with Patrick’s nose nuzzling her neck. There's nothing they can do except remain still and try to recover from the euphoria that has rendered them useless, so that is precisely what they do. With their bodies nearly melting together from the heat, the three of them hold onto each other for support until they manage to return to full consciousness after what they went through.
It isn't until another couple of moments have elapsed that Patrick and Art start murmuring to one another while she remains slumped between them. A second later, both pairs of hands are squeezing her hips; lifting her off of their softening cocks, slowly, gently, and minding her sensitivity.
The three of them collapse side by side on the twin bed, bodies squeezed together like sardines, and she finally comes back down from the clouds her head floated into at the feeling of them touching her. It isn't sexual. No, they wouldn't dream of putting her through anything more than she could handle right now. Both touches are tender and featherlight—Art's hand molds over her breast simply to cup it as they cuddle while Patrick brings her hand up from her side to brush a kiss over her knuckles.
The silence continues to stretch on, then—
"We're definitely gonna have to do that again," she says, turning her head to look at each of them before laying her cheek against Art's shoulder. "That is, if don't mind sharing me."
His gaze softens, the hand cupping her breast ghosting up over her skin until it finds her and Patrick's entwined hands.
"I don't mind one bit."
Thank you for reading this! I probably won’t write any more Challengers fics but I saw the movie like five times in theaters and needed to crank this out to satisfy the part of me that is obsessed with the hotel scene. I would really appreciate a comment to let me know what you thought if you’re open to that 🫶🏻 The oral part of this fic was inspired by these two (1) (2) I read, so def give them a read cause they're great!
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selfloverrrrrr · 2 days
Can you do a Choso x reader where Choso manipulates the reader to marry him? Choso treats the reader like a princess, making her fall in love with him, but then one day as Choso and reader were on a date...reader talks to another guy making Choso jealous. So he brings her home punishing her for "cheating"
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Cheating on me, darling?
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Warnings : smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, Kidnapping, physically and emotional abuse, biting, torture, size difference, blaming of cheating ....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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Choso kamo. He's my college friend. I know him from my college. We're good friends until that night came. I was returning home from college. That night was too late. I don't know what where and it happened but I felt a cloth on my mouth and I fully fainted then and there.
When my eyes opened again I was in a room. Then I saw someone. When he came infront of me I saw it was Choso. I asked him why I was here and what happened. He told me some boys followed me and put a cloth on my mouth and I fainted. But Choso was on the way and he saw me he helped me and took me to his home. I was shocked. Didn't even suspect his lie. Then he proposed me... told me how much he loves me... and manupulate me. And dumb me got manupulated by him!
Today we planned for a dinner. Actually He was the one who planned for it. It was in a fancy restaurant. Choso wore a white shirt, rolled up sleeves, black pant and black tie. I wore a maroon long sleeveless dress. Then we went to the restaurant.
It was a great place. I loved that. And Choso was so happy too that he made me happy. We were having dinner when we were talking with each other. When I suddenly saw my old school friend there. He was working there as waiter. He was my childhood friend. I talked with him a bit. But Choso didn't like that. But he didn't show that to me. Our dinner was done and we left for our home. Choso drove us home but still didn't tell me anything.
We arrived at our house. I unlocked the door. Suddenly felt a push from behind and sound of locked the door. When I turned around it was Choso. He was looking at me with anger. "What happened?" I asked. "So you are cheating on me...huh?" He said with grinded teeth. "What are you saying?" I asked. "That shitty friend of yours.... you're cheating on me with that shit?" He asked. "Choso I think you're misunderstanding something " I said. "Oh..so I'm wrong now? Should have teach you a lesson in time.... but it's not too late yet" he replied with a smirk.
He grabbed my hair and dragged me towards his bedroom. I groaned in pain. He threw me on his bed and locked the door. Took off his shirt and threw it on the floor then started crawling towards me on the bed."please stop" I said and tried to push myself backwards but he grabbed my leg and pulled me towards him. I gasped. He was still smirking."stop?... Where's the fun then? The fun part is about to began ~" he whispered and crashed his lips on mine.
I tried to push him away but his grip was too strong. I can't even move myself. He was kissing me too roughly. I couldn't breathe. He grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head. My boobs bounced out. He looked at those with lust in his eyes and didn't waste any time, crashed his mouth on my breast licking, sucking and teasing the nipple and squeezing the other one with his hand. I moaned in the sensetion. I grabbed his hair and tried to stop him by pulling it but it didn't even effect on him. "C-choso stopppp" I scremed but he didn't stop.
Then he took off my pantie. He looked at my pussy. He rubbed his finger on my clit and whispered " so wet. You naughty little slut, getting wet for me huh?". Then he licked my pussy. I couldn't help but moan loudly. He smirked at my reaction and undo his pant.
His dick sprang out. It was too big and too thick. Fear grabbed me by my neck. " C-choso no no no... P-please no... s-stop" I begged but didn't even listen to me and slammed his whole dick inside me in one slide. I scremed. He didn't even give me time to adjust his size and started thursting in and out roughly. I was throughig my legs with pain and begging him to stop. And he was liking it so much. His thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight " he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I bite his shoulder scratched his back to control myself. With a few more thurst I came. He was still thursting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. I tried to push him away with all of my strength." Ughh...no no no no...ahhhhhh... I don't want this ..." I moaned. He grabbed my throat and chocked me down to the bed. " Shhh.... shut up and just fucking take what I'm giving you." He screamed. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. He pulled out. My vision blurred out.
"Don't ever again forget about the consequence of trying to cheat on me, darling " he whispered in my ear.
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Give me your requests guys...
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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spideyhexx · 2 days
where you're not Billy's (yet) and get jealous <3 mdni
Billy wasn't yours. You knew that. It helped to remind yourself that you weren't his either. You could easily find another mind to keep your company, but you could never get yourself to even try. Instead those nights, you always returned to Billy, also in his lonesome, with no other woman at his side because he would always, already be looking at you.
That's how most nights would go. You would find one another like there was a string attaching you two and you'd fall into your bed, his bed, the grass, the side of a building, honestly anywhere he can get you quick enough.
Part of you always wanted to bite the bullet. Billy's made it clear he would pursue you more than just your late-night rendezvouses but you knew who he was. The type of life he leads and you're reluctant to let that bleed into your life. Fun little relations with him did not carry the weight his love would.
It was unspoken, but Billy respected it, he took what you gave him and that was better than nothing.
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So in truth, you should not have had such a visceral reaction to seeing him chat with another woman one night at the saloon. You went there specifically to seek him out, not having seen him the past week made you antsy, but the moment you stepped in, your eyes found him, leaning close to a woman who would lean up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. His smile was easy, his demeanor relaxed, the flirty kind you felt used to.
Jealousy was always a problem for you, but it's never struck you this hard. Never has it hurt like it is as you watch them together.
Against your better judgment, you left immediately, and a restless sleep made you decide to ignore the cowboy.
Billy feels the cold shoulder the very first day. He sees you in the morning just as he rides into town, "Hey, doll, wait up," he says, getting off of his horse and tying it up in a quick manner to catch up to you, but he notices you didn't stop.
He jogs over, a hand to your arm, his big, warm hand to your arm, "Doll, you hearin' good?" He chuckles a little but you don't look amused so he drops it.
"I'm busy, Billy," is all you say to him, even though it pains you to keep your emotions inside, and you walk, quicker, away.
Billy's almost too stunned to speak before he calls after you, "Hey, hey, hey, slow down I just wanted-"
"I said I'm busy," you repeat, your head turning to lock with his gaze. The last thing you catch is his shoulders slumping before you turn forward again.
The entire week Billy tries to talk to you, only to get waved off or completely ignored until he just accepts it and leaves you be. You wonder if it's better to keep him at this distance, this way you didn't fall more for him every night you spent naked with him. But the pain in ignoring him was a devil.
Especially after you hear word that he got injured. Nothing major. He was in some scuffle and all you heard was that he actually got a little beat up from it this time around compared to other times he's fought.
It made you forget your pact to ignore him, knowing how often you were the one who cleaned him up. And Billy didn't seek you out this time. Maybe you fucked up.
You try the saloon, but he's not there. Who is there though, is his friend Charlie. You're barely even thinking through your actions as you walk up to him, "Charlie?"
He turns to face you, with a small smile after realizing it's you, "What's going on?"
"Where's Billy?" You don't beat around the bush with it and you try not to sound so desperate but you're sure you do.
"Uh, I'm actually not sure. Maybe go ask George over there," Charlie nods his head at the other man and you nod, turning your mission elsewhere.
You ask the same question to George, who's also unaware of where Billy is, citing he was back at the camp they've set up a bit away from town, but he's not sure if Billy is currently there.
It feels like a complete lost cause. Maybe even feels stupider that you've asked. Without much else to do and asking around the people you knew to be friends with Billy with no luck, you make your way to a spot Billy and you would typically go to.
In the fields, a small walk from town, where you'd sit under one of the bigger trees and talk. Or fuck. Either or.
A small sliver of hope pokes at your chest that he's there, but he isn't. You let out a sigh and sat down, leaning back against the tree.
You're not sure how much time passes until the sudden sound of footsteps jolts you to your feet. Your eyes lock with Billy, his brow is furrowed, and he's almost storming towards you. It makes your chest ache with relief that he's here. It makes your chest ache with anxiety over his anger. It makes your chest ache with desire because boy was he hot when he was angry.
When he gets closer, you see the cut on his lip and the worry overtakes your emotions. You open your mouth to speak but he cuts you off, his hand grabbing your jaw. His touch is firm, but not enough to hurt you. Billy tilts your head up, leaving you no room to look away from him.
His words are rushed, "You were lookin' for me? You were lookin' for me, huh?" A scoff leaves his lips after he speaks. His voice is gruff, almost demanding an answer than just curiosity. You swallow your desire.
"Well. Yeah, I was, I heard you got hurt and-"
He moves in closer, close enough that your back leans against the tree and you can smell him. The slight scent of whiskey, campfire and just him was enough to get you dizzy. It's dark, but you can see the tick in his jaw and the intake of breath he gets.
"Here I am," he says, taking his hand off your jaw and gesturing to himself, "What do you want?" There's a snap to his words and you know he's angry about your avoidance of him.
"I was trying to say I heard you got hurt and I wanted to...make sure you were okay," you get your words out slowly, your eyes never leaving his as he rubs the bridge of his nose.
"Right. So it took me gettin' hurt for you to find me?" There's pain in his tone when he says it and it makes you shake your head.
"Doll, what did I do? We were fine and then suddenly you were actin' like I fucked up bad. I can't recall anythin' I could've done to deserve that from you," he says, crowding your space till the brim of his hat bumps into your head. Billy seems to get annoyed with it so he haphazardly takes it off dropping it to the ground at your feet.
"I saw you with that...woman or whatever...you...," You take a deep breath to keep yourself in check before you start speaking again, "I went to the saloon to find you and you were all up close with some girl and I just..."
When you let yourself trail off, you glance up at him and see the anger still full in his eyes.
"I wasn't...that was Manuela. Charlie's wife, doll. Can promise you, I am not gettin' sweet with her," Billy says, his brow still furrowed. It made you feel even more embarrassed that you jumped to conclusions, but could you help it? Women flocked to Billy easily. And he wasn't yours, you tell yourself again. He lets out a humorless chuckle.
"I told you I wanted you, you know?"
"I know, but-"
"I know. But I told you. And now you're jealous. You want me too?"
Billy is almost pleading with you to just say it. He knows it. But he's in desperate need of you to finally let it out. You're quiet, your head mulling it over in a frantic manner as he stares right into your soul.
He scoffs, "Darlin' stop thinkin' so hard. 've told you before. All you gotta do is tell me and I am all yours." It feels like you can't speak, your tongue is missing completely from your mouth. Billy's frustration only seems to increase as he rolls his eyes at your silence and his jaw clenches again.
His hands move to your hips, a firm grip, as he lets out a harsh breath, "What do I gotta do? Do I have to fuck it outta you?"
Your cheeks burn at that and he hears the hitch in your breath, "Billy, I-"
"That is it, huh?" He's mocking, finding humor in how heated you get over his words, his thumbs rubbing your hips over your dress. "Been missin' me these days? Got no one to look after you? Just me."
You nod, your head lurching forward enough to brush your nose to his and it almost makes him groan. "You're pissin' me off," he mumbles, like a warning, his lips almost inching to kiss yours, but he restrains himself.
"I'm sorry," you tell him, your breath lingering on him as your hands finally move to touch him, right against his chest. You swallow hard. "Don't know if I've ever felt this much," is what you're able to get out through your laboring breath. Billy takes that as enough, for now, pressing his lips hard to yours.
It's a bruising kiss. His lip was cut and he was fighting a wince, but he did not give a fuck about the pain right now. Billy was starved without you and all he can think about is taking. He pushes you back until you're more against the tree, the bark uncomfortable but that's the least of your worries. His hands pull at your hips to bring your body flush with his, slotting his leg between yours.
His one hand moves to cradle your face, mumbling to your lips, "still pissed off," and he licks his tongue along your bottom lip, nudging under your chin to tilt your head up more.
"Good," you mutter back to him before happily opening your mouth to him, tugging on the handkerchief at his neck to pull him as close as he can be.
He hums at your words, "Oh? You like me mad or somethin' doll?" Billy's hand at your hip holds you tighter, "is that why you're doin' this to me?"
You don't answer, your lips trailing along his jaw and to his neck. Your hand grasps the back of his head, pulling his head back a little to expose more of his neck, enough to find his spot that you found. That he didn't even know about until he slept with you.
As you suck at the spot, biting the skin enough to leave the start of a mark, Billy refrains from moaning, but you hear him mumble, "fuck's sake," before he's pulling back from you and taking his belt off.
"Ground?" He takes his belt off so easily it distracts you, but you nod.
"Ground," you reply, moving yourself to the grass. Billy doesn't waste a second, taking his jacket off and laying it out so you can sit on it.
He nudges you to lay back and gets on you so quick, it makes your breath run fast. "Billy," your voice is breathy, his head burying into your neck, leaving surprisingly soft kisses as he fumbles to push his pants down.
You help the best you can, then swat his hand away to fish his cock from his underwear yourself. Billy lets out a low groan when he feels your hand wrap around him. You hum, stroking the length of him once, then twice before taking him out.
"Tell me you missed this or I think I'll actually go crazy, doll," he mutters, his kisses finding your jaw.
"Now I wanna see you go crazy," you joke under your breath, but Billy isn't having any of that.
"Fuckin'...fine. That's what you want?" His hands are under your dress in an instant, and find your undergarments, the thin linen being harshly ripped from your body.
"Billy! Did you actually rip them, I-"
"Darlin' please be fuckin' quiet," he rasps, and you pull hard on his hair in his response. He laughs.
"Missed you. Pissed at you. But still want you just as fuckin' much," he whispers, giving your cheek a kiss as he hikes your legs up around him, his hips slotting to yours.
Billy's hand finds himself, guiding his dick to rub at your clit, both of you letting out shaky sighs at the feeling. His nose smushes to your cheek, eyes stuck on you to watch you react to him.
"Oh, honey," he whispers as his tip rubs through your folds, feeling just how slick you are. The head of his cock catches at your entrance and you both moan in unison again. Billy slowly pushes the tip into you, groaning over it and helping you wrap your legs tighter to him.
"There you go. Still take it good, hm?" He doesn't let you even try to answer him as he thrusts the rest of himself into you, his knees shifting in the grass to adjust his position. Billy grips your hips hard, thumbs pressing to the underside of your thighs as he begins fuck himself into you.
A moan rattles through you, your head pushing back against the ground at his immediate quick pace. You grasp at his shoulder, your other hand tangling into his hair so you can pull it whenever he fucking quips at you.
Billy grunts, his head down and teeth nipping at your jaw, "You actually listened to me. Actually stayin' quiet besides those pretty moans. Not even talkin' back," he chuckles at it and then again when you tug his hair like he thought you would.
"'M sorry," he murmurs, leaving an affectionate kiss on your jaw. For a moment, Billy buries his cock as deep as it can be inside of you, holding still to feel you tighten around him. "That's it...you missed that?"
You nod, your words not coming, but he grips your jaw, "you can speak," he says, his hips snapping to yours, just as desperate as his kisses were before.
"I did miss it, Billy....so, so, so much."
That spurs him on as he opens your mouth with a push of his fingers at your cheeks, your eyes dazed and tongue sticking out a little like routine. Billy slows his thrusts as he spits down onto your tongue.
Before you can close your mouth, his lips and tongue are finding yours, a strangled moan leaving him and melting back into you. Billy's one hand still at your hip moves under you to wrap around, giving your body a slight angle as he fucks harder, his rhythm starting to break.
His kiss is sloppy, as is yours back, tongues a mess of massaging to one another, his teeth biting to your lip, noises tumbling from you both. He breaks the kiss to nuzzle his nose to your cheek, "please tell me you didn't fuck someone else while you were angry at me," he suddenly says, his eyes closed like he's anticipating the worse.
"I didn't," you whisper back to him, "I promise you," you assure him again, your hand rubbing through his hair.
"I didn't touch anyone," he tells you, "nothing," he pauses, giving your cheek the lightest kiss as he changes his movements, slowing down, sliding his cock out of you slowly, but pushing back in hard, his hand moving from your jaw to slip between your legs and thumb at your clit, "Just tell me."
A whimper leaves your lips when you feel his thumb, your hips bucking up, which only makes him want to fuck you faster again, but he holds back. You know what he means the moment he says to tell him and you turn your head head to nose back at him.
"I want you," you breathe out and you feel him let out a breath, his lips tenderly kissing your nose.
"Can I be yours then?" He slows even more, which makes you whine. Your eyes lock to his, his face strewn with hope and deep desire, you can feel the twitch of his cock and see the flutter of his eyes.
"Yes," you whisper to him, giving him a small smile as you ruffle your handing his hair, "then I'm yours?"
He groans at your answer and question, and his hips rock faster again, needy and full of so much want, "yes, doll, you're mine," he rasps out, "and you're gonna come just for me, yeah? I know you will, Bet you wanted me to come for you all week, I'll give you it," he gets out his words quick, your fingers digging into his hair and his shoulder.
He chuckles, "Jesus, doll," he gives you a crooked smile, but obliges, rubbing your clit in tight fast circles as he ruts into you, his forehead pressing to yours.
A heat overcomes you as your orgasm washes over you, Billy smiling as he watches it overtake you. The way your mouth parts and your moan borderlines a whine, the arch of your hips to his, and the spasm of your cunt against him.
He fucks into you maybe three more times before he's pulling out of you, letting out an almost guttural moan, spilling on your thigh, the slight friction of the tip against your thigh is enough to get him hard all over again, but Billy pushes those thoughts aside to move his hands back to your face and kiss you passionately through your heavy breaths.
"Still a little pissed," he mumbles and you nudge your knee into his.
"Ow," he grins into the kiss, a bigger flush coming to his face when you start laughing.
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letsnotperceive · 2 days
Okay, I just can’t stop thinking about John Price honestly. Especiallyyy after he’s *retired*!!
Here is a little drabble (is that the right word? Can’t remember, I’m new here). It gets a little 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 (18+) towards the bottom but nothing crazy. F!Reader
﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ ୨ᰔ୧ ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉
✧.* Because sure, big buff military man who’s puffin’ more smoke than a chimney is cool and all. But give me sleepy, squishy, human teddy bear Price. Give me Price who’s perpetually exhausted after carrying the weight of the world on his back. Price that just wants to hibernate for a while with his luv.
✧.*Im thinking he’s all softened up around the edges. All that muscle mass doesn’t disappear over night, but as time passes and he’s no longer on an extensive workout routine, it ain’t sticking around forever. Big ol’ pecs that you can squish your face against, a little padding to his stomach. Hold on, stay with me now 🤤
✧.* Of course, he’s still got that grizzly sort of appearance. All mapped in scars and maybe the occasional burn from those late nights spent at his desk with a cigar between his fingers while he’s drifting in and out of consciousness with exhaustion. The damn workaholic! Hairy too; least we forget—that beard and those arms. Oh lord.
✧.*Maybe one day you realize in that post retirement laze of his (which is well deserved, mind you. Don’t give him a hard time now) that he’s looking a lil’ extra scraggly. You sit on the bathroom counter, and with a delicate hand and a very distracted focus, you give his beard a shave. All cute and romantic, the room still steamy from your shared shower…
BAD. Mistake. You both agree to never let it happen again. An angel just lost its wings!! Leave his beard alone 😭
✧.*Treat this man so good, he deserves it. Whether you like to cook or not, you find yourself gravitating to the kitchen on occasion to make sure he’s eating well at least some of the time. Some home-cooked meals to cancel out all those shitty MREs he’s consumed in his lifetime.
✧.*Bet he will reward you for it too; he’s got a soft spot for good girls. He is tired of yelling commands and barking out orders, he’s too worn out to deal with a brat. Be a sweet little thing now and show him some love. Offer to climb into his lap and take over when his bad leg starts acting up, see where it gets you.
✧.*Rolling your hips to a steady rhythm only you hear, he lets you have your fun until he’s ready to set the pace. Big hands pawing at your waist, clutching at you just tight enough his fingers are going to leave red marks for him to soothe away after. He doesn’t even have to roll his hips up against you, he can just move you as he pleases with his strength.
✧.*You don’t even have to try to give him a show—he drinks in every little reaction you give him. His heart skips a beat when you mewl, your eyes threatening to roll back in sheer bliss. The sticky sound of your thighs, drenched in arousal, meeting his skin. The way your lips meet his neck and shoulders, kissing and nipping love bites against his body. The mattress springs squeaking from underneath you two. It’s a performance, and he’s dedicated to appreciating every moment.
✧.*He’ll send you melting with his words, too—
“Mmm, is that good, little luv’?”
“You like that, baby? My darlin’?”
“Such a good girl—doing so well f’me.”
“F-fuck lovie, do that thing with your hips again~”
✧.* Aftercare is top-tier with him too, no questions asked. He may have gotten a little lazy in his retirement, but never when it comes to you. Water, a snack, a quick clean up. Him putting his entire weight over you like a human weighted blanket. Whatever you need, Lovie.
Wrote this quickly after doing an online job interview, I don’t think it went very well bc I have awful RBF but wish me luck :,)
Should I do a full fledged fic about this? Anyone interested? Okay, bye <3
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small-z24 · 2 days
One-Shot: Baking Mishaps
Baking with Azriel doesn’t go quite as planned 
Word Count: 619
Warnings: None just fluff
The House of Wind was filled with the warm, inviting aroma of baking. It was a rare day off for the Night Court, and Y/N had convinced Azriel to join her in the kitchen for a fun, relaxed afternoon of baking. Despite his stoic exterior, Azriel had a soft spot for spending time with her, even if it meant getting his hands covered in flour.
Y/N laughed as she watched Azriel struggle with the measuring cups. "Az, you’re supposed to level off the flour, not pack it in like it’s a weapon."
Azriel looked up, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I’m trying, but this isn’t exactly my area of expertise."
She stepped closer, gently taking the cup from his hands. "Here, let me show you." She demonstrated the proper way to measure flour, her hands brushing against his. "See? Easy peasy."
Azriel’s eyes softened as he watched her, his shadows swirling lazily around them both. "You make it look easy."
Y/N grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "That’s because I’ve had lots of practice. Now, how about you handle the eggs?"
Azriel nodded, taking the eggs and cracking them into the bowl with surprising precision. "At least I can do this part right."
Y/N giggled, nudging him playfully with her elbow. "Look at you, Mr. Perfect."
Azriel chuckled, the sound warm and rare. "Only when it comes to cracking eggs, apparently."
They continued working together, mixing ingredients and sharing laughter. The playful banter and lighthearted teasing created a bubble of happiness around them, a stark contrast to the usual seriousness of their lives.
As they moved on to mixing the batter, Y/N noticed a smudge of flour on Azriel’s cheek. Unable to resist, she reached out and brushed it off with her thumb. "You’ve got a little something right here," she teased.
Azriel’s eyes twinkled with mischief. "Oh really?" He dipped his fingers into the bowl of flour and gently flicked some at her, a playful smirk on his face.
Y/N gasped, feigning shock. "Did you just—"
Before she could finish her sentence, Azriel flicked more flour at her, and she retaliated by grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at him. Laughter filled the kitchen as they engaged in an impromptu flour fight, both of them covered in white powder within minutes.
"Truce! Truce!" Azriel called out, holding up his hands in surrender, his face covered in flour and his eyes shining with joy.
Y/N giggled, lowering her own flour-filled hands. "Alright, truce. But only because I don’t want to waste any more flour."
Azriel wiped flour from his face, his smile softening as he looked at her. "You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy."
Y/N’s heart warmed at his words. "That’s because you bring out the best in me, Az."
He reached out, taking her flour-covered hand in his. "And you do the same for me."
They stood there for a moment, the world outside forgotten as they basked in each other’s presence. Finally, Y/N broke the silence with a laugh. "Come on, we should probably clean up before Rhysand comes in here and sees the mess we made."
Azriel nodded, still holding her hand. "Agreed. But I think we make a pretty good team."
Y/N smiled, her heart full. "The best team."
As they cleaned up the kitchen, their laughter and lighthearted banter continued, filling the House of Wind with a sense of warmth and love. And in that moment, Y/N knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, with love and laughter guiding their way.
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emjayewrites · 1 day
Just Between Us - LH44
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SYNOPSIS: Sometimes two is better than one....
PAIRINGS: Lewis Hamilton x black!fem!OC (Sydney "Syd") x Miles Chamley-Watson
WARNINGS: sexual content, cursing, flirting, threesome. MINORS DNI (18+ only)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @perfecttrashface
A/N: Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist. The woman I linked to be a face claim for Sydney was something I've found on Pinterest. The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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Miles couldn't stop thinking about Sydney. She was perfect - beautiful, funny, intelligent. Everything that Miles wished he could find in a girlfriend. But there was one big problem - Sydney was already dating his best friend Lewis.
Miles had been trying to ignore his growing feelings for Sydney, but it was becoming more and more difficult with each passing day. Lewis was a great guy and an amazing boyfriend who treated Sydney with the utmost love and respect. He cherished her and their relationship in a way that Miles couldn't help but admire.
Yet as much as Miles cared for Lewis, he couldn't deny the crackling chemistry he felt with Sydney, their comfortable banter, the way she just seemed to "get" him. Every time the three of them hung out, Miles found himself staring at Sydney, getting flustered anytime she so much as glanced his way. He would distractedly nod along as Lewis and Sydney playfully bantered, Miles only half-listening as he studied the curve of her lips as she laughed.
He knew it was wrong to have these feelings about his best friend's girl. The bro code should have prevented Miles from developing feelings for her, yet Miles couldn't deny this profound connection with Sydney that felt like they were soulmates, as stupid as that sounded. Miles spent nights lying awake, torturing himself by imagining what it would be like to actually be with Sydney. To hold her hand, to run his fingers through her hair, to caress her soft skin. Would she taste just like the jasmine and citrus perfume she adored? How would her gentle curves feel under his embrace?
Lewis had noticed the way Miles reacted whenever Sydney was around. At first, it angered him - how could his supposed best friend be eyeing up his girlfriend like a piece of meat? But the more Lewis observed their interactions, the more he realized he couldn't exactly blame Miles.
Sydney just had that effect on men. She was gorgeous, with curves in all the right places, sun-kissed brown skin, and a brilliant smile that could make anyone's knees go weak. But it was her fun, effervescent personality that really drew people in, coupled with her whip-smart sense of humor. Lewis knew he was a lucky bastard to have landed such an incredible woman.
They had been dating for over a year now, and the passion between them showed no signs of cooling off anytime soon. In the bedroom, Sydney could barely contain her insatiable appetite, revealing a ravenous side that wildly contrasted her sweet, girl-next-door exterior. Lewis grinned remembering last night's escapades - Sydney was an absolute freak between the sheets, and she was always keen on doing more, which Lewis loved to oblige.
As they readied for the next Grand Prix race in Australia, Lewis couldn't help but notice the subtle way Miles' eyes lit up at the prospect of spending more time around Sydney while he had to handle pre-race duties.
"Babe, you know I hate leaving you alone in the paddock," Lewis murmured huskily as he pulled Sydney flush against his toned body. "Especially looking as gorgeous as you do in that little sundress."
His hands roamed appreciatively down the curve of her spine to grope her firm ass. Sydney let out a soft giggle, arching herself into him.
"You know Miles will keep me entertained while you're handling your racing responsibilities," she purred, batting her long lashes up at him innocently. "He's such a sweetheart."
Lewis threw a sidelong glance over at his best friend, who was studiously avoiding eye contact but failing miserably to hide how his gaze kept dropping to Sydney's cleavage. Miles shifted awkwardly, adjusting the front of his shorts, and it made Lewis inwardly smirk, thoughts already formulating on something worthwhile between the three of them.
"That's what I'm worried about," Lewis chuckled. "You two troublemakers alone is bound to lead to no good."
"Me? A troublemaker?" Sydney gasped in mock offense, bringing a delicate hand up to her chest. "Why, I'm just an innocent young thing!"
The low-cut neckline of her gauzy white sundress gaped open temptingly with the gesture. Both Lewis and Miles couldn't tear their eyes away from the tantalizing glimpse of her luscious breasts, the tawny peaks of her nipples straining against the thin fabric.
Lewis continued to squeeze Sydney's ass firmly, pulling her even closer until she could feel his growing arousal pressing into her belly. He claimed her mouth in a torrid open-mouthed kiss, his tongue delving aggressively to taste her. When they finally broke apart, Sydney was flushed and breathless, her lips swollen from his intensity. Lewis slowly dragged his gaze over to Miles, taking in his friend's dazed expression, the tent in his khaki shorts.
"Keep an eye on her for me, bro," Lewis smirked. "This one's a total handful."
He slapped her ass one last time, then sauntered off, leaving Miles alone with the gorgeous temptress. Sydney blinked a few times, still flustered from Lewis' passionate kiss as she regarded his friend with a shy smile.
"So…" she began slowly. "What should we get into while Lewis is gone?"
Miles swallowed hard, unable to tear his eyes away from Sydney's tantalizing form. She was a goddess in that little sundress, and his eyes were drawn inexplicably to the swell of her breasts straining against the flimsy fabric.
"Uh…w-whatever you want," he stammered out, mentally kicking himself for sounding so lame.
Sydney's smile widened as she took a step closer, giving Miles an enticing view straight down her dress. He felt his mouth go dry as her cleavage was put enticingly on display.
"You know what sounds amazing right now?" She looped her arm through his, pulling him along. "Corn dogs! I'm starving."
Miles blinked in surprise but allowed himself to be led towards the nearby corn dog stand. As they waited in line, Sydney chatted animatedly about her plans to finally open her own event planning business after years of slugging it out in corporate gigs she hated.
"Lewis has been so supportive," she gushed. "He's really pushing me to take the leap and pursue my passion."
"That's awesome, Syd," Miles replied with a warm smile, genuinely happy for her. "You're gonna kill it."
She beamed at his encouragement before turning a bit more somber. "The hard part is, I can't really eat stuff like this around Lewis." She gestured to the corn dog stand wistfully. "He's so strict about being vegan. Which I totally respect! But I do miss the fun fast food sometimes."
"Well, what Lewis doesn't know won't hurt him," Miles said with a wink, signaling for two corn dogs piled high with chili and cheese. "Your dirty little secret is safe with me."
Sydney laughed delightedly, giving his arm an affectionate squeeze as she accepted her treat. They found a nearby picnic table to settle at, Sydney closing her eyes rapturously as she took a big bite of the crispy battered frank.
"Oh my god, that's so good," she moaned around her mouthful. She opened her eyes to catch Miles staring at her fixedly. "What?"
He cleared his throat, refocusing his gaze. "Nothing, just…you looked really happy there for a sec."
"I am," she smiled warmly at him. "Thanks for keeping me company, Miles. It's always fun hanging with my favorite fencer."
Miles felt a flush of pleasure at her words. "Speaking of, you know I'll be competing in the Summer Olympics in Paris this year, right? Gotta start mentally preparing myself to kick some French butt."
Sydney laughed that bright, melodious laugh that never failed to make his heart stutter. "I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, as always."
"So have you settled on a name for your company yet?" Miles asked between bites of his chili-smothered corn dog.
"I'm thinking 'Exquisite Events by Sydney'," she replied, wrinkling her nose adorably. "Though Lewis says that's way too on-the-nose."
Miles barked out a laugh. "Well, I think it's perfect. When people see you've planned their wedding or party or whatever, they'll definitely remember a name like that."
Sydney's eyes sparkled with delight at his vote of confidence. "You always did have my back, Miles."
She reached across the picnic table to playfully nudge his arm. Miles's breath caught in his throat at her innocent touch, his eyes involuntarily dropping to her parted lips, still glistening with a stray smear of chili sauce.
Get it together, man, he scolded himself, dragging his gaze back up. This is your best friend's girl you're undressing with your eyes.
As if reading his mind, Sydney spoke up hesitantly. "You know Lewis and I both care about you so much, right Miles? You're like a brother to us."
Miles felt his face flush hotly at her words, a tight knot forming in his stomach. Of course she just saw him in a brotherly light - how could he let himself think anything else? He was Sydney's boyfriend's best friend, and that's all he'd ever be to her.
Clearing his throat roughly, he forced himself to respond lightly. "Haha yeah, you two really are stuck with me as the annoying third wheel, huh?"
Sydney laughed that bright, tinkling laugh that Miles loved, giving his arm a fond squeeze. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
Miles managed a genuine smile back at her, ignoring the slight pang in his chest. Having Sydney in his life as a friend was better than not having her at all. He'd learned to accept that was all they'd ever be.
For now, he thought to himself as he gazed warmly at Lewis's girl. There was still a part of him that hoped, one day.
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The mood was subdued as Lewis, Sydney, Miles, and Spinz arrived back at their hotel after the Australian Grand Prix. Lewis had DNF'd due to mechanical issues, furious at another race gone to waste through no fault of his own. He stayed mostly quiet through dinner, his jaw tensed in restrained anger.
Now back in their suite, they settled in to half-watch a movie together on Netflix, though the tension was still palpable. Spinz checked his watch and stood up with a stretch.
"All right, I should get going - early flight back to Toronto tomorrow to check on my mom," he announced.
After they said their goodbyes, Spinz headed out, leaving Sydney, Lewis, and Miles alone. Miles was sprawled out on the L-shaped couch, while Lewis and Sydney cuddled together on the opposite end. As the movie droned on, Miles could see Lewis's hands start to roam over Sydney's body out of the corner of his eye.
He trailed his fingers lightly up Sydney's bare thigh, drawing teasing circles over her soft skin. She shot Lewis a warning look and hissed under her breath, "Lewis! Miles is right there."
"So?" Lewis murmured back lowly. "It's not like he hasn't seen us be affectionate before."
Miles pretended not to hear their hushed exchange, keeping his eyes trained forward on the TV screen even as heat crept up his neck.
"Miles couldn't care less," Lewis said louder, making Miles's head snap over. "Hell, he probably gets off on it, the little perv has such a crush on you, babe."
"Lewis!" Sydney looked mortified, smacking his chest as she shot Miles an apologetic look. "That's not true, is it Miles?"
All eyes were suddenly on him. Miles felt like a deer caught in the headlights as he struggled to find his voice.
"Uh…I…um…" he stammered uselessly.
Sydney's eyes went wide as Miles failed to actually deny Lewis's claim. "Oh my god, you do have a thing for me, don't you?"
"What? No! I mean…" Miles could feel his entire face going red as he trailed off lamely.
Lewis let out a bark of laughter, not bothering to hide his amusement at his friend's predicament. He pulled Sydney more tightly against him, purposely letting his hand drift up to brazenly cup her breast.
"Don't worry about it, man," Lewis said with a cocky grin. "I'd probably have a crush on my girl too if I was you."
Lewis kissed Sydney's neck, his lips brushing against her skin with an intensity that made her shiver. Nearby, Miles watched on, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and curiosity. Sydney's hands tried to tear Lewis off of her, her voice trembling as she asked, "What are you doing?"
Lewis stopped kissing her neck, glancing at her, then over at his friend. "Do you like Miles, baby?" he asked, his voice low and teasing.
Sydney was at a loss for words, her mind racing to make sense of what was happening. "Of course, I do. He's our—"
But Lewis interrupted her, his gaze unwavering. "Beyond that. Don't you think Miles is handsome?"
Sydney looked at Miles, giving him a small, hesitant smile. "Of course he is. Any woman can tell that he's handsome. Lewis, what is the point of this?"
Lewis licked his lips, his eyes darkening with desire. "Remember when you said that you wanted a threesome?" Sydney nodded her head slowly, her heart pounding in her chest. "How about we have some fun with Miles?" Lewis suggested, his tone dripping with anticipation.
Miles's eyes widened further, his gaze locking with Sydney's. There was a flicker of something unspoken in his eyes — excitement, maybe, or a deep, simmering desire that mirrored Lewis's.
Sydney's voice trembled as she declared, "That's your best friend, Lewis. He's practically your brother."
Lewis's smile was slow and deliberate, his eyes never leaving hers. "Which makes it good, yes? We trust Miles, we love Miles. You think Miles is attractive. Makes sense to me."
Miles inched a bit closer, his gaze intense as it flickered between Lewis and Sydney. "Are you serious, man?" he asked, his voice low and incredulous.
Lewis nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of mischief and earnestness. "Absolutely. We trust you, Miles. I want this, Sydney wants this. Syd, what do you say?"
Sydney's heart raced as she looked between the two men, feeling the weight of the moment. Miles's eyes held hers, a silent question lingering there, as if he was asking for her permission, her final approval.
Slowly, Sydney nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Okay."
Lewis's grin widened, his hand sliding up to cup her cheek. "Good girl," he murmured, before turning his gaze to Miles. "Are you going to sit there being weird or are you going to move closer?"
Miles was still stuck motionless, his hesitation palpable. Lewis clicked his teeth in annoyance before his lips descended on Sydney's once more, the kiss searing and demanding. Miles watched for a moment longer, his internal struggle evident, before finally stepping forward. His hand gently rested on Sydney's shoulder as he leaned in, his breath warm against her skin, and he planted a chaste kiss on her temple.
Sydney's heart raced, her senses overwhelmed by the dual sensations. She could feel the heat radiating from Lewis's body, the intensity of his kiss, while the gentleness of Miles's touch provided a stark contrast. The blend of both their touches sent a shiver down her spine, a mix of excitement and trepidation swirling within her.
Sydney turned her head, capturing Miles's lips in a tentative kiss. It was soft and exploratory, the taste of him different but equally intoxicating. She could feel Lewis's eyes on them, his hands roaming her body with a possessive hunger.
The moment felt surreal, like a dream she hadn't dared to fully imagine. The forbidden thrill of it all made her pulse quicken, a heady mix of adrenaline and desire. She pulled back slightly, looking at both men with a newfound boldness in her eyes.
"This is… unexpected," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, trembling with anticipation.
Lewis's gaze was dark and intense. "Sometimes the best things are," he murmured, his fingers tracing a path down her arm. "How do you feel, baby?"
Sydney took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "It feels… amazing. Strange, but amazing," she confessed, her eyes flicking between them.
Miles finally spoke, his voice low and filled with a mix of emotions. "Are you sure about this, Syd?" His hand squeezed her shoulder gently, searching her eyes for any hint of doubt.
Sydney nodded, a determined smile curving her lips. "I'm sure. I want this. I want both of you."
Lewis grinned, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "That's all I needed to hear."
With that, he leaned in to kiss her again, his lips claiming hers with a fierce hunger. Sydney's hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. She felt Miles's hand slide down her back, his touch sending electric sparks through her skin. When she broke the kiss with Lewis to turn to Miles, she kissed him with equal fervor, her tongue dancing with his as she explored the new sensation of his lips.
The room seemed to close in around them, the rest of the world fading away as they lost themselves in each other. Sydney could feel the heat building between them, an undeniable connection that pulsed with every touch, every kiss. She was caught between the two men, reveling in the attention and the way they made her feel alive and desired.
Lewis's touch was rougher and more insistent, while Miles's caresses were gentle and exploring. The contrast heightened her senses, making every touch, every kiss more intense. They moved in sync, undressing her slowly, reverently, as if unveiling a precious gift.
Sydney's moans filled the room, a symphony of pleasure as Lewis kissed a trail down her neck, and Miles's lips followed the curve of her shoulder. They took their time, savoring every moment, every sensation.
Miles cupped her breasts, his hands gentle but firm as he stared at them with adoration. His thumb brushed over her nipple before he leaned in to take it into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around the hardened nub. Sydney gasped, arching into his touch.
Meanwhile, Lewis's hands trailed lower, skimming over her hips and down to the apex of her thighs. His fingers stroked the juncture of her panty-covered pussy, teasing her through the thin fabric. "You're so wet, baby," he murmured against her ear, his voice thick with desire. "I can feel how much you want this."
Sydney's breath hitched, a moan escaping her lips as she felt him move her panties aside. His fingers found her wet folds, sliding through her slick heat with expert precision. "Lewis," she whispered, her voice a mixture of pleading and pleasure.
Miles glanced up from her breast, his eyes dark with lust. "I think we should take this to the bedroom," he suggested, his voice husky.
Lewis nodded, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Agreed. Let's make you even more comfortable, love."
Together, they helped Sydney up, leading her to the bedroom. The light from the streetlights of Melbourne played against her skin, casting a soft glow that made her look ethereal. Miles couldn't take his eyes off her, his gaze filled with awe and desire.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Lewis asked, his voice filled with admiration.
Miles nodded, his eyes never leaving Sydney. "The most gorgeous woman I've ever seen."
They made out again, their kisses heated and desperate. Sydney felt her knees go weak as she was caught between their bodies, their hands roaming over her skin, igniting every nerve ending.
With trembling hands, she undressed them, her fingers fumbling slightly in her haste. When she finally freed them from their clothes, she looked down to see Miles' erect penis for the first time, her eyes widening slightly at the sight. She felt a thrill of excitement at what was to come.
Sydney knelt before them, her hands wrapping around their lengths as she looked up at them with a sultry smile. She began with Miles, her tongue darting out to taste him before taking him fully into her mouth. His groan of pleasure spurred her on, and she bobbed her head, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock.
Lewis watched with dark, hungry eyes, his hand tangling in her hair as she switched to him. She gave him the same attention, her mouth working him skillfully as his hips bucked slightly. They both groaned, their sounds of pleasure mingling in the air, driving her wild.
Sydney's thoughts were a blur of sensation and desire, her body humming with need. She was lost in the moment, in the way their bodies responded to her, and the thrill of being the center of their attention. It was everything she had fantasized about and more.
Lewis pulled her up, kissing her fiercely as Miles pressed against her back, his hands roaming her body. "I want to taste you, too," Lewis murmured against her lips, his eyes dark with promise. He led her to the bed, laying her down gently as he kissed a path down her body, pausing at her breasts to suck and lick each nipple before continuing lower.
Miles joined him, his hands and mouth everywhere, exploring and worshipping her body. Sydney's moans filled the room as they worked in tandem, driving her to the brink of ecstasy. She had never felt so desired, so completely consumed by pleasure.
The room filled with the heady scent of arousal as Miles and Lewis took turns devouring Sydney’s pussy. Their tongues explored her folds, each lick and suck sending shivers through her body. Miles's mouth was relentless, his tongue flicking over her clit with practiced precision, while Lewis's strong hands held her thighs apart, his tongue delving deep into her. The combination of their efforts drove her to the edge, her moans growing louder with each passing second.
Sydney’s body trembled, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as the pleasure built to an unbearable peak. With a final, shuddering cry, she came, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm. The men didn't stop, their tongues continuing their assault, prolonging her pleasure until she was a quivering mess.
Lewis pulled back first, a satisfied grin on his face. He reached over to the bedside table, retrieving a box of condoms. He handed one to Miles, who took it with a hungry gleam in his eyes.
Lewis's voice was low and teasing as he asked, "Want to try Sydney out first?"
Miles's answer was immediate, his voice thick with desire. "Fuck yeah."
Both men helped Sydney move, guiding her to straddle Miles. She positioned herself above him, her breath still coming in ragged gasps. Lewis watched with dark, lustful eyes, his hands moving to his own cock, rolling on a condom and stroking himself as he watched.
Miles kissed every inch of exposed skin he could reach, his hands caressing her hips as he positioned himself at her entrance. "You're so beautiful," he murmured against her skin, his voice filled with awe and desire. "I can't believe this is happening."
Sydney felt the head of Miles's cock press against her, and with a slow, deliberate motion, she lowered herself onto him. They both moaned at the sensation, their bodies finally joining after so much teasing and anticipation.
Miles's hands gripped her hips, guiding her movements as she began to ride him. His eyes were locked onto her, filled with a mixture of lust and disbelief. Each touch, each kiss, each thrust was a reminder that this was real, that he was inside her, and it drove him wild.
Lewis moved closer, his own need evident in his intense gaze. "You look so good together," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "I can't wait to join in."
Sydney glanced back at Lewis, her eyes dark with lust as she rode Miles. The pleasure was overwhelming, but the promise of what was to come made her even more eager. "Why are you sitting over there then?"
Lewis let out a chuckle, his voice a deep rumble. "I like watching you, baby. You look so good riding Miles' dick."
Miles groaned beneath her, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he thrust up into her. "Feels amazing," he panted, his eyes locked onto Sydney's. "So tight and wet."
"She's got the best pussy," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration, as he moved behind her. He placed a series of kisses along her neck, his other hand trailing down her spine to her ass. "But I think it's time we give her a bit more."
Sydney moaned, the anticipation making her even wetter. She leaned forward, bracing herself on Miles's chest, as Lewis's fingers began to tease her other entrance. He spread her cheeks, his thumb gently circling her tight ring of muscles.
"Relax, baby," Lewis whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "Just let me in."
She nodded, her body trembling with desire. Lewis applied more lube, his fingers working her open slowly, preparing her for what was to come. Sydney gasped as he inserted a finger, the sensation strange but not unpleasant. He moved it in and out, adding another finger to stretch her further.
Miles watched with rapt attention, his cock buried deep inside her. "You okay, Syd?" he asked, his voice thick with concern and desire.
"Yes," she breathed, her voice shaking with anticipation. "I want this."
Lewis smirked, his fingers working her open. "Such a good girl," he praised. He positioned himself behind her, his cock pressing against her newly prepared entrance. "Just take it slow."
Sydney bit her lip, leaning forward further to accommodate him. She felt the pressure as Lewis began to push in, her body stretching to take him. The sensation was intense, a mixture of pleasure and slight discomfort, but she trusted Lewis and Miles completely.
"You're doing so well," Lewis murmured, kissing her neck as he continued to slide in. "Just relax and breathe."
Sydney took a deep breath, her body adjusting to the dual sensations. Miles thrust up into her, his movements slow and measured, while Lewis continued to press into her from behind. The combination was mind-blowing, and she felt herself being filled completely.
Finally, Lewis was fully seated inside her, his hands gripping her hips. "You feel so good," he groaned, his voice thick with desire. "So tight."
Sydney moaned loudly, her body trembling with pleasure. She began to move, riding Miles while pushing back against Lewis. The rhythm they found was perfect, each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through her body.
"Fuck, Syd," Miles groaned, his hands roaming her body. "You're incredible."
Lewis echoed his sentiment, his breath hot against her ear. "So perfect, baby," he whispered. "You're taking us so well."
Sydney's mind was a haze of pleasure, her body moving on autopilot as she gave herself over to the sensations. The two men inside her, the way they filled her, the way they praised her – it was all too much, and she felt herself hurtling towards another orgasm.
With a final, shuddering cry, she came, her body convulsing with the force of her release. Miles and Lewis held her tightly, their own groans of pleasure mingling with her cries as they continued to move, riding out her orgasm together.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, Sydney collapsed onto Miles's chest, her body spent and satisfied. Lewis pulled out gently, placing a soft kiss on her shoulder.
"That was incredible," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "You're amazing, Sydney."
Miles nodded in agreement, his hands gently stroking her back. "Absolutely amazing," he echoed, his voice filled with awe.
Lewis and Miles gently eased Sydney off of Miles, laying her down on the bed with utmost care. Sydney's breath was still ragged, her body tingling from the intense experience. Lewis leaned in, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, his touch tender and comforting.
"How are you feeling, love?" Lewis asked softly, his eyes filled with genuine concern.
Sydney managed a tired smile, her eyes half-lidded with exhaustion and satisfaction. "Great," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Thank you."
Miles, still lying beside her, reached out to hold her hand. "You were incredible, Syd," he said, his voice warm and reassuring. "Just relax, we've got you, baby girl."
Lewis stood up and grabbed a towel from the bathroom, dampening it with warm water. He returned to the bed and gently cleaned Sydney's body, wiping away the remnants of their passionate encounter. His touch was soothing, his movements slow and deliberate.
"Just rest," Lewis murmured, his voice a gentle balm. "We'll take care of you."
Sydney closed her eyes, letting herself be pampered by the two men. Miles continued to hold her hand, his thumb stroking the back of it in a comforting rhythm. The room was filled with a serene silence, the chaos of earlier moments forgotten.
After Lewis finished cleaning her, he joined them on the bed, lying down on her other side. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to his chest. Miles shifted closer as well, creating a cocoon of warmth and security around her.
Sydney sighed contentedly, feeling safe and cherished between them. "You guys are amazing," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.
Lewis pressed a kiss to her temple. "You're the amazing one, Syd," he replied softly. "Just rest now. We'll be here."
Miles nodded in agreement, his hand continuing its gentle caress. "We've got you," he echoed, his voice a soothing whisper.
As the night wore on, the three of them remained entwined, their breaths syncing in a peaceful rhythm. Sydney felt a profound connection and trust with Lewis and Miles, and their shared experience deepened their bond. Eventually, exhaustion claimed them all, and they drifted off to sleep.
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ghost-bxrd · 1 day
Tim going absolutely feral in his attempts to get Mockingjay away from Hood.
Sure, all of the Bats want to rescue the kid, but they don't really get the danger the kid is in, they are still under the impression Hood cares about keeping the kid safe.
But Tim SAW what Hood is like at the Titans Tower, okay? Hood is freaking insane. Doesn't matter if he cares about the kid or not, he's going to end up hurting, maybe killing, the boy in one of his 'episodes'.
And Tim will do anything to get the kid to come away, to understand what Hood is doing.
He's not going to bother with kid gloves. He's fully willing to scar the kid for life if it means the kid will at least get to live, which he's convinced won't happen if he's left at Hood's mercy.
Tim to Mockingjay on a rooftop: Hi! How's the gang war your boss started coming along? Last one was so exciting. I watched my friend - not a vigilante friend, mind you, just this civilian kid - bleed out when one of the gangs decided to shoot up my school. About two dozen civilians died in the first couple of days. Wanna bet how many you and Hood will bag this time? Have fun!
Tim, tossing Mockingjay crime scene photos of a gang shooting, showing a headshot corpse : Hi! Thought you might like a keepsake! This is Danny, he was eighteen. Dad died, three kids at home, couldn't get any job that paid enough except with these guys. I hear his sister signed up with Penguin's pimps after she got the news. Someone's still gotta feed the kids, right? Have a good lunch!
Tim, waving to Mockingjay: Hi! Sorry I'm late! Had to stay with a kid who found his mom OD'd. You should really ask your boss to show you what an OD death looks like - you'll probably find it pretty cool, all a nice blue shade, with this bloody foam spilling from the mouth, maybe twisted up a bit if they had convulsions first. The kid was crying about how he's gonna get the bastards who sold the stuff, but of course, you and Hood have pretty nice security, right?
Tim waging absolutely ruthless psychological warfare.
Ooo yes Tim would definitely try to pull something like that. What he wouldn’t expect is Mockingjay to give as good as he gets.
After the first few times you can bet Bruce is Fed Up™️ and devises his own little counter attack.
The next time he greets Robin with a merry little “Hey Rob, guess what? Frank just got out of jail again! You know, the guy you locked up in Black Gate for killing his girlfriend? Guess what! He went back to murder her sister, too! Had her spread out all over the apartment with a kitchen knife. Have a nice patrol <3”
Mockingjay, crashing a bust: “Sorry we’re late to the party! Had to take out a pedophile you guys locked up last month but was set free on parole. Guess what? He had two new victims locked up in his basement!”
Mockingjay, cupping his ear: “Sorry, what was that? I can’t hear you over the sound of a two year old screaming because he just saw his dad get murdered in front of him. Because you guys ‘Didn’t have enough evidence’ to get the guy who threatened him convicted. Should we tell Social Services to bill you the lifelong therapy bill or…?”
Mockingjay, throwing a file at Robin’s head: “Hey, Dickhead, remember Tiff? The street kid? Thanks to you sticking her in a “safe foster home” she was forced to go work street corners. Maybe you should tell your boss to do better research.”
Mockingjay is a menace, and if Tim thinks he can guilt trip/horrify the kid into condemning Jason’s work than he’s going to have a rude awakening hehe
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 days
ASG visit a grocery store plz
Shinra has a system where groceries are delivered to the First's apartments upon order, however this time Angeal was inspired to explore the city and suggested they all take trip to the local grocery store for their shopping.
• Sephiroth is in the produce aisle, roaming over the fresh vegetables and rediscovering ones he forgot about—what is a romanesco and why does it look like that? *buys some because it looks interesting* —and then it happens: the sound of a thunderstorm as the vegetables get misted. Sephiroth is like a little kid as he watches, mystified, as the vegetables get showered to the sound of rain. Whoever invented this is brilliant. Sephiroth stands there, waiting for another show for a good 10 minutes before he walks off, disappointed. It should be voice activated.
• Genesis finds the cereal aisle and makes a beeline for the one thing he came here to find: Stamp Puffs: Limited SOLDIER edition! - Now with a miniature figure of your favorite hero inside!
• He grabs the box with his face on it, tears it open excitedly and......HUH? Where's tiny Genesis?? Why is there a SEPHIROTH figurine instead?? This is HIS CEREAL BOX IT HAS HIS FACE ALAKSJAJSHSJ
• Angeal is busy shopping around for the necessities—milk, eggs, yogurt, olive oil, those chocolate-filled snack cakes Sephiroth says are "meant for children and unfit for a SOLDIER's diet" but he ends up eating half a box worth of anyway....
*Angeal spots Genesis opening a cereal box in the cereal aisle. To his left is a pile of opened boxes, to his right is a pile of Sephiroth action figures*
Angeal: Gen, what are you—
Genesis: BLASPHEMY *sets a tiny Sephiroth on fire*
Angeal: I don't know you *walks away quickly*
• Sephiroth finds an entire watermelon. He has never purchased his own fruits before, let alone a watermelon. Sephiroth sees other shoppers slapping their watermelons. He thinks this is standard procedure and slaps his watermelon. He breaks the watermelon in half. Watermelon juice flies everywhere. People are staring. Sephiroth takes off with his smashed watermelon.
• Angeal is still going through his shopping list: garlic, tomatoes, toothpaste, those fun cookies he gives Zack whenever he performs a task successfully that Lazard says is immoral but Angeal will continue to give him anyway.
*Angeal finds Sephiroth looking at a jar of two-in-one peanut butter and jelly*
Angeal: Hey, bud! Having fun?
Sephiroth: This item is a prime example of inefficiency. They deliver a skewed ratio, with a significant percentage more peanut butter than jam, as if they fear exceeding a certain jam threshold, despite jam arguably being the superior component of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Not only that, but by mixing the two, it distorts the distinct flavor profiles achieved when spreading peanut butter and jam separately. And then they have the audacity to charge 8 gil for it. I am disgusted.
Angeal: Why is there a smashed watermelon in your cart?
• After opening 33 boxes of Stamp Puffs with his face on it and finding nothing but Sephiroth action figures, Genesis gives up. He starts to walk away when he sees a small child pick out a box with Sephiroth's face, open it, pull out a Genesis action figure, and exclaim "Cool, I got Genesis! He's my favorite one!" — Genesis is now sobbing into a bag of bread. He still has to pay for the 33 boxes of cereal though.
• They all regroup back at the checkout line. Angeal is standing there, mystified as Sephiroth's cart is filled with items such as a gallon of honey, 6 entire boneless sliced hams, several trays of frozen convenience dinners, bubblegum-flavored children's toothpaste, and purple shampoo.
Angeal: Pray tell what the purple shampoo is for.
Sephiroth: An elderly woman in the shampoo aisle informed me that this is very good for gray hair.
Angeal: But your hair isn't—oh never mind. Genesis, what on earth are you going to do with 33 boxes of cereal and 33 Sephiroth action figures.
Genesis: File a complaint to the marketing department. Can you believe all of the Genesis cereal boxes came with Sephiroth action figures? Every single one of them.
Sephiroth: I apologize for coming inside of you.
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itsscromp · 1 day
Going to the beach with the 141?
Beach day
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And just in time for summer too :D Word count:1.5K
With summer now finally here and the weather starting to warm up, Laswell has awarded all of you two months off for your hard work. But what should you all do ?? Y/n may have just the idea for everyone.
"Hey you guys know how we have two months right ??"
"Why ??" Simon was curious.
"Yes, I remember it very clearly y/n" Price said.
"Well, maybe I thought we could rent out a cabin for a month and head down to the beach or something" You said enthusiastically.
"Walk into the sun... On purpose ??" Simon did not like the sun whatsoever, yes he said his skin was impeccable bronze, but that's just around the eyelids.
"That's the point I guess ??"
"Well that's a nice idea Y/n, That would be good for us to get out" He immediately got out his phone and looked through some BnB's
"See Simon, Price agrees"
"I still don't get why you'd want to be outside of your own free will"
"Well one it's healthy and two it gives you fresh air" You snickered.
"Did I hear a beach day in here ??" Johnny heard as he walked in, as someone mentioned beach, golden retriever mode is now activated.
"Yeah, I suggested we rented a cabin for the month near there" You caught him up.
"Oooo !!! Price you should listen to them" He gave an enthusiastic smile. "That's a good idea, Have ya heard ?? Are we going captain ??" He was so damn ready and the thing wasn't even organised.
He then found the perfect BnB for all of you to stay in and it was within the price range. "Then it's settled, We're heading to the beach" He looked at you all smiling.
"What's going on here ??" Gaz walked in, hearing soap's cheering and excitement.
"We're going to the beach !!!"
"Nice, sounds like fun !!" He smiled a little.
But Simon was not budging, he didn't want to go outside and feel the sun, risking more tan on his skin among other things. "I'll stay behind"
"Aw come on, It'll be fun" You tried to convince him.
"I'll watch the base for price, Who's going to take care of-"
"Simon, No, your coming with us" Price affirmed him in a loving dad way.
"Pleaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeee" You and Johnny tried.
"You can't convince me" He eyed both of you.
"Yes I can"
"No you can't"
"Oh yeah ?? What if I told you there was an open bar on the beach ??" Johnny tried to add.
"Well... Do you think I'm just an alcoholic ??" But you could tell it was working, Time to sweeten the deal.
"Or you can toss soap in the water with the sharks or trap him in a pile of sand so he has to walk back with sand in his ass"
"Well, That does sound pretty enticing" He showed crows feet on one eye, indicating a smirk.
"GHOST !!!" Offended scotsman bestie noises.
"Alright you sold me" He finally agreed.
'Hell yeah !!" You fist bumped the air.
"I thought we were bros...." He was hurt, like a kicked puppy. "I'll get you both back, just you wait !!"
"Sure Johnny sure" You both snickered.
"Alright, I got the place booked, Go get packed then, we leave tomorrow morning. Giant children the lot of you" Price clicked his tongue.
Soon the morning of the trip arrived and you began double-checking the items you had packed. "Ok, shirt's check, pants check"
"I got my stuff" Gaz slung his duffle bag over his shoulder.
Johnny was in tow behind him with a big backpack "Ready !!"
You were a little baffled by how much he had in his backpack "Johnny what did you pack, Your entire room ??"
"No... I only brought my good clothes, comic books, drawing pad, journal, several pencils and a picture of my mom"
"Soooooo Your entire room" You smirked
"Well, Like 70% of my room, I can't fit the furniture" He joked. Simon walked down the hall with his duffle bag, ready to go as well.
"We're all packed captain" Gaz said
"Alright then, shall we head out ??"
"Onwards !!" Johnny bolted for the doors.
Everyone sorted out the car situation to figure out who was going with who, Johnny was a little saddened how he wasn't going with you and Simon. "Awww why can't I go with you guys"
"Cause the last time we did a road trip together, I had to clean out your car sickness the whole day, and the smell was still there for 3 days" You shuddered.
He pouted a little before obliging, the cars now on the road and off to the BnB, You and Simon chatting along the way. Finding a very old house that had tree's growing outside of it, something like out of the last of us.
"Wow, that's so freaking cool"
"Yeah... It's crazy what nature can do" He smiled a little, he liked car rides with you, it was one of the many peaceful times with you.
His phone dinged with a text from Price. "Price is at the next gas station, something about Johnny eating too many cheese curds and is currently throwing up"
"Tried to warn him" You chuckled.
"Poor Johnny, He's stupid though for eating those cheese curds"
"Oh I can Imagine" You shuddered
Soon the two of you arrived at the destination, Y/n finding the keys and heading inside. "Wow, this place is so cool in person"
"It is, check out the TV" Simon walked in and saw how big it was. He pulled out his phone and saw another text from Price. "They're on the road again. Johnny is still feeling a little uneasy, but he isn't throwing up anymore"
"Thank god for that, He's taking a shower as soon as he get's here"
Soon the others arrived and Johnny went for the shower, After which it was a rest afternoon for everyone, tomorrow It was the beach day.
So the next morning once everyone was rested and Johnny recovered, You all filled up on breakfast and got ready, Simon pulling you aside to slap a huge fuck ton of sunscreen on you.
"Hey hey easy" You chuckled as he slapped some on your back.
"Not on my watch" He was not letting melanoma get to his bestie !! Not now not ever.
Soon everyone began to walk to the beach as it was within walking distance, normally the beach was a little busy, but thankfully it wasn't today, so you guys technically had the beach all to yourselves, you set the shade up and the chairs, Johnny and Gaz immediately rushing for the water. Having water guns in the ready.
Price had his book ready to go as he sat down and kept his eyes on you 4 as well. You and Simon began to draw sketches into the sand.
"Ok, what's this ??" You pointed out your sand sketch
"Hmmmm........ A dragon ??" He tilted his head.
"Yeah, there we go !!" You smiled "Ok your turn"
Simon began to draw his sketch in the sand, It was a very complex drawing leaving you baffled.
"Ok.... Is it..... A dog ??"
After a little bit of guessing, Johnny called you over to take some photos of him to send to his wife, You snickered every time he flexed for the camera, eager to impress her. "Looking good supermodel" You snickered.
"Hey, it's for my one and only, she gets only the best" He smiled proudly.
"Ok I sent you the photos"
"Why don't you two come in the water ??" Gaz offered.
"No thanks, You three have fun" Simon said as he headed back for the shade to dump more sunscreen on him.
So you three began to wrestle in the water, Having the time of your lives, not a care in the world, Just you guys. Simon watched on as he sat in the shade, Price knowing him too well, sat up. "Why don't you join them ??"
"I don't know..." He still didn't want to get tanned. But another thing is he didn't know how to relax, He was so used to routine and planning so all of this was a little off-putting to him.
'I know it's a little hard son, But when do we be able to get to do something like this. Besides, Y/n is on the losing side from what I can see, I'm sure they can use your help" He chuckled softly before going back to his book.
He looked out into the water, Yes it looked like you were in a little trouble, So he sighed a little and got up, slipping his shirt off and heading to the water.
You looked and smiled. "Yeah Simon, Let's go !!"
Johnny and Gaz gulped as he rolled his shoulders and lightly flexed his chest. Soon the match began and how the tables turned, Ultimately by the end you and Simon being declared the winners.
"Well done" He smiled softly, raising his hand for a high five from you, To which you happily returned.
The sun began to set, A very fun-filled day for everyone, But Johnny sadly being the victim with sunburn and sand up his ass, But all in all a very fun day.
A/N: I'm so sorry for the lack of content as of lightly, I hope to try and be a bit more consistent.
Taglist: @callofdudes @cumikering
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tubatwo · 20 hours
escape rooms - kang taehyun
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summary: where taehyun takes you to an escape room for the first time and gets a bit distracted
pairing: kang taehyun x gn reader
genre: fluff; 0.8k works
a/n: short drabble inspired by a dream I had lol also will I ever end a fic without a corny ending…… hmm probably not
“hi, my name is yeonjun and i’ll be your attendant for today. have you guys been to an escape room before?”
you and taehyun decided to plan a date to an escape room after embarrassingly admitting that you’ve never been to one. and that was the moment taehyun became determined to fulfill his mission.
he made sure to clear his schedule just for you, and he was counting down the days until he got to have fun with his baby!!!
“i’ve done a few, but this is their first one.” taehyun explains softly, rubbing your back.
“well, let’s get a beginner room for you two, yeah?” yeonjun taps a few buttons on the tablet in front of him before grabbing a set of keys and signaling you to follow him. “don’t worry, it won’t be too easy! I think you guys can really work together on this one.”
“thank you, yeonjun!” you thank him for being considerate of your limited knowledge while also trying not to make things too boring for your boyfriend. you didn’t want him to think things were too easy but you also didn’t want to look dumb by not knowing how to solve anything.
as you walk in, you two are met with an introductory message and what seems to be a broken generator. after a few minutes of figuring out the main goal, you split up and begin searching all over the room. there was mostly a comfortable silence unless it was time to put any important pieces together.
“wait, baby, there’s a piece over here that matches the blueprint we saw earlier.” you remind him, dragging him over to the corner you left a few moments ago.
“oh? but I tried this one earlier and it didn’t fit…” taehyun says, pouting slightly. you frown at the piece before remembering a small tube that seemed to connect. “wait! remember the tube piece from before?” you ask out loud, not really expecting an answer. you grab the tube and untwist the top. “I think if we add this to the piece over here we can fill in the missing gap and connect it to the generator.”
you hear your boyfriend chuckle and let out a small breath. you notice he hasn’t moved and your eyes look up to see him already staring at you. “you sound really sexy right now.”
“taehyun! they can probably hear us!” you shove him slightly while both of your giggles fill the room. “I don’t care, they should know my partner is smart and sexy.” he walks over to hold your waist while trying to sneak kisses. eventually you give in, allowing him to press his lips to yours.
“hey– cut it out! ahem, I mean you have 20 minutes remaining~”
both of your eyes widen as a voice comes from the intercom.
“was that?”
“oh hey, yeonjun.”
“guys please, I don’t get paid enough for this...”
you and taehyun chuckle and quickly apologize before focusing back on the puzzle. eventually, you two finish the escape room with a few minutes to spare. you walk out to reunite and bid farewell to yeonjun, who expresses his gratitude for you two keeping things PG, which was disgustingly uncommon for some of the couples that would show up. but he thought you two were a cute couple nonetheless <3
eventually you make your way back to your shared apartment and plop on the couch, arms open waiting for taehyun to join you. he walks over slowly and allows himself to crawl on top of you.
“today was fun, taehyun, thank you.” you run your hands through his dark brown locks and peck his cheek a few times before squinting your eyes at him. “you totally knew what to do earlier, right?” you ask.
he pretends to think for a second before hiding his face in your neck. “okay! just a little bit!” he admits. you scold him by playfully trying to push him off of you while laughing. he only holds on tighter while his giggles vibrate your skin. “to be fair, I just wanted to spend more time with you. if we finished it too soon then it would’ve been over, right?”
you didn’t mind at all. you knew there would be plenty of opportunities for more challenging ones in the future. which means more time to spend with your boyfriend!
“you just looked so cute and–“
“taehyun, it’s okay! just promise me we can try a bunch of different ones?”
“of course, baby.” taehyun smiles and leans back down to kiss you gently. “soon enough we’ll be escape room champions.” you see him think to himself for a bit before continuing.
“I also really love when you talk puzzle to me.”
“oh my god, please stop!”
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kaijuparfait · 15 hours
long ramble of me going through the venom trailer because i am insane totally normal about it
this isn't anything professional, just me spouting out random words as i run around in circles like an excited dog-
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firstly... king please change your clothes its been years, why are you still wearing that exact same outfit???
BUT i am a sucker for the light going over and past Eddie as he walks, i just think it's so cool hehe,,
E: "You should probably know that I have a really dark and unpredictable side to me."
hmmm... i'll believe you. at first, it sounds like he's telling this to Venom, but I wouldn't be surprised if Eddie is telling this to someone else and this "dark and unpredictable side" is Venom.... Or he is telling this to Venom and Eddie just really wants to kill now which. I am ok with that, love that for them, they should be allowed to do what they want
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cleanly punching off the lock via the ~ Power of Friendship ~ (or something like that)
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not the dogs :( i'm assuming this is a place to hold dogs for like. dog fighting?? i think? which is terrible and those guys deserved to get their heads eaten!
E: "I'm giving you a chance, sweetie."
LET. EDDIE. KILL. everyone say thank you Tom Hardy for being Eddie cause WOAH i am. normal.
V: "Just say "when"." E: "...when."
WE'RE SO BACK its just like the "Mask!" "Copy." bit from the first movie omg we're so back, these two make me ill i love them sm
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also Eddie not even flinching at the knife, most likely Venom turning off the pain (or something) but I like to think Eddie's just cool like that (these close ups of Eddie's face makes me wanna do a study on him, just draw him a million times for the fun of it, and i will! Tom Hardy is a beautiful man!)
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either venom is fully acting as shoes or Eddie is wear the most busted up pair of crocs i have ever seen and both options are so great. either way- KICK! that guy is GONE you even see him slouched against the wall, surrounded by bricks in a later scene, Venom and Eddie are not messing around this movie!
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I- hhhhh. ok. I'm ok. Yeah these two are NOT messing around, Eddie could not care less about these dudes, there is no hesitating, no guilt, no fear in this man's expression AND I LOVE IT <333 GET ANGRY! GET SCARY!!!
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AND WE HAVE THE BOI. THERE HE IS!!! the roar sounds different too i think, it's very cool tho, feels like a shrill, higher pitch than i expected but i don't dislike it
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let the dogs be free! they immediately start attacking those guys and i love it <3 doggy :3
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AND EDDIE IS FIGHTING TOO WOOOOO i need to redraw all of these frame cause WHEW! making me blush with these shot compositions, so good. so much trust, Eddie knows Venom will keep him safe and jumps in! literally! i adore how Venom's head is following him too, it's so creepy, the way it just slithers through the air, I wish to send all my love to the teams who work on Venom, there are so many points from the trailer and the first 2 movies that I wanna dissect, just to point out all his little movements, very fun
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speaking of his little movements- squinty eyes :3 and the half venom, half eddie face again! always a win, forever iconic <3
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tearing apart this venom scene OK! the little tendrils by Eddie's face, the way they move around is so UGH its so weird and i adore it! This "pose" is also fun because we really get to see the inside of Venom's mouth, most importantly his teeeeeth, in a long, pretty still shot that isn't when his mouth is wide open, the artist in me is loving it
also the team always does an amazing job on just making Venom look alien- the thick veins, the shiny black skin, and the tendrils that are holding up the bad guy split apart, instead of being just one tentacle, very gross, but in a good way
E: "We.. are..-" V: "WE ARE VENOM!" E: "We.. are..-" V: "VENOM!!" E: "No.."
They share one braincell, holy fudge, I love symbrock fjdkslfjsdk
and Eddie just keeps trying! same tone, same level, and Venom is so excited
V: "Oh!"
(I also love these shots because we get a nice close up of how Venom's mouth moves when pronouncing words)
E: "Yeah.. We.." V: "We.." E + V: "are... Venom." E: "...We really need to work on that."
and they get there eventually lmao, the way they say it is so in sync, even the eye movements are the same, how they open wider, and THE VOICES hhhh the voices.,,.. Tom Hardy is such a good. voice actor? in this sense ig.. i am on the ground, pure joy with how Eddie and Venom's voices overlap here
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and Venom goes to town! lovely meal <3 getting a meal with the bf <3
I am LOOKING oh my goodness his mouth can open WIDE... normal feelings rn, yup, mhm!
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doggy :D dog friends :D also Eddie no shot you stole that guy's shoes lmao??? nice boots tho (as someone who wears cowboy boots often, i would love to see Eddie in a full outfit.. putting that in the drawing idea list...)
V: "DELICIOUS! You take me to all the finest places!"
see! dinner date! :3 I can just hear the smile on Venom, i love when he's happy
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and the world's most pathetic wet cat of a man (I say with the upmost affection) is back!
more proof that Eddie is never NOT sweating and that Tom Hardy's Eddie voice has the most confusing accent- i think he's saying
E: "Honey, I don't know."
but he could very well just be stuttering, or maybe he stopped midway and instead said "I need- I don't know." but i'm hoping they're at the point of pet names, go full comic, let Eddie call Venom "love" and "dear" and "my darling"
[Edit- thank you @.bridoesotherjunk for pointing out that he says "I need a Tylenol." i need better listening comprehension i guess??? lol?]
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i don't know 100% of the Venom lore, still have tons of comics to read, so i won't talk much about the potential storyline here but- 4 SYMBIOTES!! maybe maybe maybe the Life Foundation Symbiotes... these babies got some funky colors.. they already used the name Riot but these 4 could be Lasher, Phage, Scream and Agony if i pray hard enough, the colors don't match but i can dream!
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totally not emotional over this little bit of Venom that was left behind from that one after credits scene trying to bond with a host gently. yup yeah my heart isn't hurting at all!
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my favorite local cryptid, what a creature
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and he changed! finally! nice shirt tho, buttoned up only part way? the HAIR??? good stuff
fire seems to be a known weakness now, looking at the background, and i can't guess what they're looking up at, Eddie does speed up for it tho. I'm gonna say either a helicopter or something else they're gonna try and jump up to? Venom does go-
during this scene so maybe it's one of those Symbiotes from before? Who knows, I could guess a hundred things but idk
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Venom in the last bit and Eddie being just himself if the first portion of these clips show that these guys 100% know what they're doing and have some sort of device (shown in the right image) that is capable of doing some crazy damage to Venom! Which! Oh no!!! I enjoy fight scenes underwater tho (Looks at Godzilla), very hyped for this one, I really wanna see how Venom swims. Yeah that sounds a bit weird but like. no way he's swimming like a human, c'mon now
E: "We are living the dream, my friend V: "You mean it?!" E: "NO."
Can't get over Venom's delivery here, he sounds so genuinely, it made me laugh, especially to how exhausted Eddie sounds lmao
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LAS VEGAS??? y'all guessed right, they really are gonna get married in vegas,,
Eddie in a suit, HELLO??? my guy is looking snazzy! really tho, he looks so nice a suit, the BLACK AND WHITE suit? perfect. I saw people saying that they hope that Venom is the suit and just. me too..
MRS. CHEN RETURNS omg this cast are all so <333 she is GORGEOUS that dress is beautiful on her AND HER HAIR Mrs. Chen my beloved
Mrs. Chen sounds so happy to see Eddie, and Venom also very excitedly say hi, my heart is going to burst, it is overflowing, this part of the trailer makes me smile so much AND THEN THEY DANCE WITH EACH OTHER!!! I know it's called The Last Dance but I was not expecting a dance with Mrs. Chen??? I am more than ok with this tho, Venom and Mrs. Chen, dancing on the stairs, they look so happy, they're having such a good time i can't, my heart can't take this <3
AND LOOK HOW THEY HOLD HER HANDS.. they... they care about each other so much i'm going to cry in the theaters- no i'm gonna cry NOW.
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is that a xenophage i see??? that thing is HUGE HUH??? i fully understand Venom in this (side note, i ADORE how Venom goes "JESUS CHRIST" upon seeing this thing, the line delivery get's better every film, that was so genuine) this design is insane tho, i might spend some time doing a study on it
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Toxin is here! YIPPEE!!! love the voice, thought it was Venom for a second the first time i watch this but its pretty good
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I have no clue who the people are that are in this tower thing, I've seen a few theories but i ain't embarrassing myself by guessing wrong here lmao
(running out of image spaces sorry!)
in the clip of Venom walking into this lab (?) and then getting violently shot at, is it just me or does Venom seem small? I'm guessing the door is just really big but like. idk maybe i'm just mixing up my Venoms and thinking that he's not as big as I remember
really quick cut of what may be 2 more Symbiotes like the 4 from earlier? maybe they're the same and are just changing colors, maybe they're new, who knows! I love their colors tho, the one on the right (in the clip) looks like it's blue and pink and i think that's cute
Xenophage breaks into this lab, love that for her, she is still terrifying!
E: "We may not make it out of this alive, buddy."
haha what do you mean by that king?
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V: "Eddie... the time has come..."
HAHA PAUSE. uhm. he said the same thing last time at the end of Let There Be Carnage and Eddie didn't let him go but, istg, IF THEY DIE AT THE END OF THIS MOVIE. i know its the last of the trilogy BUT THEY DON'T NEED TO DIE, SONY, MARVEL, DON'T DO THIS TO ME. i am going cry violently at the writers... i don't think i will ever stop crying if they die at the end
they're in this busted up helicopter, already intriguing, but when it zooms in on Eddie's face, he's tearing up??? this movie is checking off every emotion, i need to remember to stay hydrated before i go see it, i will cry so much
I don't even think i'll be able to handle just one of them dying, the end of the first movie made me tear up the first time i saw it, and that was before i was as insane about them as i am now, i will be UNWELL in the theater
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And last but certainly not least. HORSE VENOM WOOOOOO
the design for this things is insane, i didn't think i'd ever wanna draw a horse in my life but like.. kinda changing my mind ngl (weird detail, Venom horse has hands and feet and not hooves!)
E: "Be honest with me, how fast do you think you can make that thing go, without killing it?" V: "..ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!"
Venom sounds a bit muffled in this clip which makes it a bit more funny to me, i won't lie. Eddie is hanging on FOR HIS LIFE THOUGH, geez i know he said "how fast" but Eddie gets LAUNCHED OFF VENOM when they go over that cliff. fun reference to the first movie, how Venom grabs onto Eddie as he flies up, like on the motorcycle <3
this horse scene has to be earlier on because Eddie is in The Outfit and is also not wearing shoes??? i refuse to believe he'd put it back on, and in the helicopter-"it is time" clip, Eddie is wearing that white shirt, which looks like the undershirt to the suit (maybe) so the Las Vegas scene happens before them running from the explosion/fire.
oh right, the song that's playing? Space Oddity by David Bowie? yeah it's about an astronaut dying along in space.... which... is not very comforting...
god this trailer makes me so hyped, October cannot come faster i need this movie NOW. please.
man the trailer is kinda confusing, i'm already making guesses on where things happen and what the context could be, but literally anything could happen in this film. there are so many things that just don't make sense yet and it's hurting my brain I JUST WANNA KNOW! are those new Symbiotes or not? What even is the plot? Will Eddie and Venom profess their love to each other? Will Sleeper be real? How many times will this movie make me cry? Only time will tell
...and it's only the first trailer! head so full of thoughts, heart so full of emotions!
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figsnpassionfruits · 2 days
Paint Away, My Little Dove - Chapter 8
A/N: wohoo this was rly fun to write holy shit. this is also my first smut ever so yay! this is also the longest chapter i have done yet so it should make up for the long wait <33 word count: 4.4k tags: arthur morgan x fem!reader, fluff, age gap, smut, creampie, kinda cockwarming but nor rly?, tiny bit of angst dividers by: @strangergraphics-archive pictures are from pinterest
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It had been a few days before Arthur joined you in Strawberry. Even though you were used to spending time alone; it felt off this time. The last time you had been together was right after a robbery of a trolley station in Saint Denis went wrong. What caused you all the worry was the fact that saying goodbye was left with not the usual fuzzy and warm feeling in your chest, but more of an unrest.
But now, it felt okay again.
You were nested in the big bed in your rented room, leaning against Arthurs bicep as you rubbed your feet on his toned quads. His thick fingers were lingering on your skin, travelling from one spot to another every once in a while. The sound of the rain hitting the windows filled the air with comfort. It had been cloudy and rainy for a few days now, mimicking your state of mind.
“Dutch wants t’get back at Bronte for trickin’ us.” He mumbled; eyes set on the stained ceiling.
You sighed. This could have been avoided easily by just not believing that man. Who in their right mind would trust Angelo Bronte out of all people? “You think that’s smart?”
“Nah.” Arthur chuckled. “If there’s a reason to get back at that son of a bitch, it ain’t the robbery. Now ain’t the time anyway. Dutch’s just been blinded by money ‘n revenge.”
“You could use me as bait.”
Arthur sat up slightly, looking at you like you were a ghost. “Are ya insane, woman?” He questioned, eyes widening at the thought of putting you in such a dangerous situation. It would have been considerable if you had been one of the women at camp, who were used to being exposed to robberies and dangerous positions. But you; you were an artist. Even if you had been in life-or-death situations before, for Arthur, there was no need to put you in another.
You rested your hands on his chest, feeling the hairs on the skin prickling your palms, attempting to calm him down. “Arthur. He said he wanted me dead or alive. I don’t know what he will do to you if you don’t do as he says.” You explained, caressing an arm of his, tilting your head, trying to get him to hold eye contact with you again. “He’s got a lot of men behind him.”
“That I ain’t worried about.” Arthur took your hands into a single of his, holding them firmly by your wrists. “Darlin’, the camp doesn’t know about ya. I don’t want yerself to get involved into their plans. Not now at least. Things are too foggy.”
The rain had gotten stronger now, hitting the windows with more force than before, creating a thudding sound each time. Things were ought to get more complicated from now on. It had seemed like the air around you got a bit chillier, urging you to wrap the blanket you were sitting on now around your shoulders.
“Would it be so bad to let your camp know about me?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart.”
The fine line between autumn and winter could create the most unpredictable weathers. What was pouring down from the sky a few days prior in masses, was now flowing peacefully on the banks. The brisk air caused the hairs on your body to rise, yet the moderate warmth of the sun demanded them to stay down.
“Not far anymore.” You mumbled, readjusting the grip on your reins as you steered your two horses, careful to not harm the wagon in the process of crossing the river.
Arthur was in front of you, taking the lead to see where it was safe for the hooves to step on. Once on dry ground again, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, igniting it and took a long inhale. Especially for him the past few days have been stressful. From Dutch’s behavior to Bronte’s games to keeping you safe. The poor man could get no rest.
As you two approached the town, the familiar character of Valentine filled your senses. The smell of the sheep and cattle entered your nose while the sound of the people talking filled your ears.
“Ya remember when ya wanted t’sell me somethin’ here?” Arthur smirked, getting off his horse and walking over to you. He offered you his hand to offer you additional support to step down from your wagon.
In response, you rolled your eyes playfully, smiling as you did so. You took his hand, feeling his secure grip on your smaller one as you stepped down, nodding at him once as a small ‘thank you’ gesture. “I’ll get the horses to the stable. They could all use a little luxury. Could you go and get us a room?”
“Yes, mam.” Arthur tipped his hat, walking off to the direction of the hotel, gladly following your order.
After disappearing from your vision, you strutted over to the front of your horses, gripping the reins of Arthurs as well, as you lead all three towards the stables. The sun had not been strong enough to dry out the ground just yet, causing your boots to turn muddier with each step you took.
“Miss Y/N!” The stableman greeted you, cheering at your presence.
“Hey, there.” You smiled, slowing your pace as you walked through the big wooden doors.
“Got quite a collection there. Instead of two, I am now seein’ three.” He joked, taking the reins from your hand, removing your horses from the wagon, and putting them into the boxes they were used to stay in. After being done with storing them, he took the reins of Arthurs Shire, looking at you with a hint of confusion expressed on his face. “What about this fella?”
“Just give him the usual package as well. He belongs to a friend of mine.”
The brunette man nodded, patting the black coated horse on the snout. “Handsome boy.”
You placed your hand on the neck of the tall horse, giving it a few pets. “Good as well.”
“You sellin’ anything while here this time?”
You pouted, taking a breath in through your nose, your eyes glued to the horse still. “Wasn’t planned. I usually send letters to the sheriff prior to make sure it’s fine with him.”
“Well, if you change your mind- go have a talk with him. He’s got a liking to you. That man won’t say no.”
Mumbling a quiet ‘thanks’, you left the stables, making your way to the infamous hotel. The locals were usually the friendliest to you here in Valentine. While passing, people greeted you with a smile or a small wave. They were used to you setting up a stand anytime you were in this town, adoring your paintings whenever they saw it.
After walking up the steps to the upper floor of the hotel, you turned to your right, moving to the room number the manager at the front deck gave you. With quiet knocks you alerted the older man inside, who opened the door not too long after, greeting you with a small smile.
“Horses are taken care of.” You remarked, taking off your shoes and coat before throwing yourself down on the soft texture of the mattress. With the relaxation of your body came the torment of your mind. Now all there was to do was to think. Think about what to say; think about what to change and think about what to do. “What will you do to Bronte?” You asked, breaking the silence.
Arthur peeked up from the table he was standing by, stopping the action of writing into his diary for a brief second. “Don’t know, sweetheart. Dutch keeps talkin’ about money. They want to get Bronte out the way to rob somethin’ bigger. Somethin’ that’s worth all the shootin’.”
“And then what?”
“Camp wants to get away. Dutch is talkin’ about some place called Tahiti. But I just don’t know any more what I want.”
Hearing those words were painful. After all this time, it seemed like his camp was still what was the most important thing to him. If they all left after getting the money they needed; he would follow. You were not present in those plans. How could you be? Arthur had refused to let you meet them for the longest time now. It was not like he was in the wrong. Yet, it still hurt. No matter what would happen he would be with his camp. And you? You were insignificant.
Noticing your silence, Arthur let out a sigh before putting down his diary. He slowly walked over to the bedframe, letting the weight of him drop down to the mattress. After still not looking up at him, he took a finger to place it underneath your chin, guiding your face up to create eye contact. “What is it that ya want, dove?”
“I want a lot.”
“Tell me then.”
“It’s stupid.”
“It can’t be.”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you moved your frame to the middle of the bed, creating space for him to sit on.
Arthur placed a hand now on the side of your head, gently pressing down on it to make you lay your head on his shoulder.
“I want a farm.” You started. “And a gallery, made out of glass, just for my paintings.”
“That so?” Arthur smiled, placing a kiss on your temple.
You hummed to confirm your statement, playing with your fingers, being a little embarrassed after saying your wishes out loud.
“And where exactly would those things be?” Arthur questioned, taking a hand of yours to stop you from fidgeting with them. He had recognized your nervousness. Now again, the age gap made itself be present. You had dreams and a goal in life. For him, that was already over. All he could do was be a servant to the ones who were still fighting. His loyalty was set on the gang. That did not mean that he would simply abandon you for them. Yet, he was torn. Life had given him too many things to balance. It was on him to decide what to throw out of the equation to move things forward.
“Big Valley, maybe? I always tend to go there.”
“Big Valley, huh?”
“Yea, why?”
Arthur let out a chuckle before answering. “That’s the place we first met.”
“Oh.” You giggled. Another silence occurred, forcing the both of you to wrestle with your thoughts again. There was a certain tension in the room; as if things were left unspoken. You had so much to ask him: ‘What about me? What about us? When will you leave? What will I do once you do?’ But where were you supposed to start? Collecting your courage to confront him, you sat up, leaning your body weight on the hand that was propped up on him, earning you a puzzled look from Arthur. “Arthur, I- what are we doing here?”
“What is this? We’re always together. We hug and cuddle but what are we doing?”
Arthur continued to stare at you, scanning his eyes all over your face, unable to read your emotions as you questioned your relationship with him. “I-“
“I was hoping you wanted me the way I want you.” There it was. The confession you had bundled up in your chest for weeks. There was no turning back now. You had poured out your heart to him in a single sentence. All that was left for you to do now was to listen what we would say. By looking at him, you could see the wheels in his head turning. He was trying desperately to think before talking.
“I do want ya, sweetheart.” Arthur confessed, placing a hand on your arm, rubbing it affectionately. “It’s just-“ He closed his eyes for a brief moment, smacking his lips once before continuing. “What could a pretty little thin’ like you get out of an old man like me?”
“Arthur, no.” You moaned, moving your body closer to his to place your palm on his brunette beard. “Why would I care about you being older than me?” You knew about the concerns Arthur had about the two of you from his diary entries. Yet this was the first time he confessed it to you verbally. “Arthur you’re the sweetest and kindest man I have ever laid my eyes on. When you asked me before what I want- I wanted to say ‘you’. I wanted to say ‘us’.” You roamed your hands all over his saddened face now, placing a soft kiss on the tip of his nose, making him look at you. “I want us to happen, Arthur. I wanna be yours.” As your voice got quieter but needier, you moved his arm away from his torso, gathering your courage to sit on his lap, your hands still placed near his face. “Please.” You begged, starting to slowly move your hips on his groin. “Call me yours.”
Arthur clenched his jaw at your words, slamming his eyes shut for a second before giving into your devotion. He places his rough hands on your face, pulling you down to him to slam his lips onto yours.
His harsh handling alone made you moan into the kiss, moving your lips to the rhythm of his. It did not take too long for the both of you to roam each other’s mouths with your tongues, the act getting more frantic as the milliseconds passed.
Arthur placed his hands onto your rear, squeezing it tightly and pulling you closer to him to release the tension that had now formed in his tight black pants. He sat up fully, moving his hands now to grasp your hips, flipping you over onto your back. For a second, he broke the kiss, looking into your eyes, scanning you for any hesitation. Not finding any, he dived back into the kiss, causing your heart to beat faster and faster in anticipation.
“Arthur…” You whimpered against his lips, thrusting your lower body in an attempt to get more friction to your heat.
“I know, darlin’.” He whispered, moving his hands down your body, the calloused skin feeling like rocks against your soft frame.
Being displeased about the fact that you were both fully clothed, you took matters into your own hands, leaning on your elbows to pull Arthur shirt over his head after you undid the first few upper buttons.
After mirroring the same action, Arthur slid his hand to your now exposed neck, sucking on skin next to it. He opted to slide his other down to your pants, bringing you closer by gripping the thin fabric, pressing your naked chests closer.
“Take off your clothes.” You managed to whisper in between hungry kisses.
A quiet chuckle rumbled through his chest before he obligated to your request, pulling down his pants propping himself on one arm that was placed next to head on the mattress.
While he was occupied with his, you took off your own, leading to the both of you exposing all of your skin. Placing your hands back on his neck, you pulled him down to you, your lips not being able to get enough of his.
Unhurried, Arthur slithered his hand down your stomach, moving it closer to your cunt. Once there, he cupped it gently, making you moan quietly as you thrusted your hip against it.
“Easy, sweetheart.” He grumbled, the feeling of his hand on your heat sucking the air from your chest.
Your lips brushed against the shell of his ear as he started to move his head down, a shaky groan rolling through his chest as a response.
Setting his hands on the back of your knees, Arthur flipped your legs up, moving an arm of his to hold them up with a single limb. The fresh air hit your warm cunt, causing you to bite your lip at not only the feeling but also on the sight in front of you. “Please.” You begged, tilting your head at the man who was keeping you in place.
The pecks he delivered to your inner thighs travelled closer and closer to where you wanted him, his eyes on you like a predator stalking his prey. He had never heard sounds as pretty as the ones you were giving him, begging to be touched. A thick finger of his swiped through your wet folds, wanting to hear your melodies again. “You’re already soaked for me, dove.” He rasped before putting his face closer to you, his beard tickling your delicate skin. It did not take his tongue long to find your bundle of joy, flicking it continuously, making you close your eyes and lean your head back into the cushions.
“God, Arthur.” You moaned, your voice getting higher from the way your nerves were getting tickled by the sensation.
“Ya taste so good.” He murmured, crawling back up to you to engulf you in another heated kiss, demanding you to taste yourself on his tongue. Arthur began to sink his middle finger into you, deepening the kiss for only a split second before he propped himself back up, staring into your eyes to make sure it felt okay. “This alright, sweetheart?”
You nodded, letting out small gasps in a pathetic attempt to respond to him.
Arthur cooed at you, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead as you squirmed. “Don’t gotta talk. That nod’s good enough. Lemme take care of ya.” His voice got lower and lower with each word, the lust in his body taking over. The finger inside you was curled now, pulling small moans from you. For him, the sounds you were making came straight from heaven. Why did the two of you refuse this for so long?
“I need you inside me.” You cried softly, moving your hips faster against his hand.
“Easy, now.” Arthur rebuked, pulling his hand out of you, causing you to let out a whine. “Ya wanna take me already?”
Giving yourself a small moment to think about his question, you shook your head, making Arthur tilt his head. “I wanna taste you as well.” You demanded, pushing his body off you to put yourself on all fours.
Arthur was now on his knees, allowing you to take control for the meantime. His already hard cock was in front you, throbbing and asking to be touched in any way. As you put a hand on his dick, Arthurs hands travelled to your hair, holding it back and out of your face to allow himself to have no blockage of the view. With eyes set on his blue ones, you licked a trail from his base to his tip, causing Arthur to let out a low moan as he leaned his head back. After all the years of torment and stress his body has been going through, this was needed; badly.
You wrapped your lips around his cock, focusing on the tip when you swirled your tongue as you bopped your head. Your hand was travelling along on his cock, making sure to stroke what you were not able to fit into your mouth.
“You’re a pretty little thing, ain’t ya? Good girl.” Arthur cussed, the breath in his voice hitching as you kept sucking him off.
As a reply you hummed around him, Arthur whimpering at the sound of it.
“Just lemme-“ Arthur noted, placing a hand on the back of your neck while the other found his way below your chin. “Keep yer mouth open for me, darlin’, alright?”
You looked up at him, nodding once to let him know whatever was coming was okay for you. You noticed the hesitation in him. Arthur required your approval for every single thing he wished to do. The poor man had been through so much in his life. This was a way for you to let him release it all. If anyone deserved it, it was Arthur.
With your permission, he started to thrust into your mouth, the action creating vulgar sounds that filled the hotel room.
“Got the prettiest little throat.” Arthur groaned, saying the words in between the fast thrusts he was doing. He licked his lips once before moderately slowing them down, only to push your head further into him, letting go of you once you gagged. A trail of spit remained glued from his cock to your lips when you pulled back, his eyes darkening with craving at the sight of it.
After collecting your breath, you looked up at the man from your hands and knees, flashing a big smile and biting your bottom lip.
“Ya really like this, don’t cha?”
You hummed in approval, a hand of yours pumping his cock, refusing to leave it without any attention. “Now, I want you inside of me.”
As a reply, Arthur flipped you onto your back again, one single hand holding both of your legs up by the back of your knees. He first placed a thumb on your clit, skillfully rubbing a figure eight against the sensitive patch.
The eye contact you both remained could turn anyone primal. Sucking air in between your teeth, you moaned his name, needy to feel his cock in you.
Once he removed his hand from your heat, Arthur soaked in the view from your wet folds, this angle allowing him to take in each pore.
In protest from the lack of touch, you slid your own hand down your body, rubbing yourself with three fingers.
Instead of fighting for the control, Arthur simply watched your hand, enjoying the sight of your delicate fingers rubbing against your glistening body. “No art of yers is gonna be able to touch the beauty of this.”
You giggled at his words, your heartbeat speeding up as he propped himself up, licking his own hand for some lubrication to rub it on his tip before pumping his shaft a few times. Once he contacted your skin, he rubbed himself against your soaked cunt. As he sank himself slowly into you, you hissed at the feeling of being stretched out by the man you were in love with. To get him closer to you, you put a hand on the back of his neck, forcing him to lean his forehead against yours as he disappeared in you, inch by inch, letting out a long and low groan as he did.
“Atta girl,” He breathed out, the large hand he had placed on your legs now gripping tighter onto the thin skin there. “Takin’ me so good already.”
“You feel so good.” You moaned out, pupils wide and mouth hanging open at the filling feeling of him inside you. Your pulse was now at its high, your heart feeling like it could burst out of your chest.
Arthur placed several light kisses on your legs, hip hips now slowly going back and forth, watching his cock get more soaked with each time he pulled back of you. After a while of repeating this, he struggled with holding himself back from gaining speed, asking you if it was alright for him to take things faster. With a nod and still the deep stare into his eyes, he began to pick up pace to a more relentless one, pumping his cock into you, setting a pace that was rough, yet not animalistic.
The pressure in your abdomen continued to boil, the speed of his thrusts being exactly what you needed. The desperation in your moans and whines built themselves up, your legs squirming more and more, causing Arthur to grip your body painfully now to keep himself steady and to not crush your frame with his weight.
A hand that Arthur previously had on your breasts, moved down to your clit once more, rubbing the spot gently, yet rapid.
Your thighs began to shake, a hand of your own now shutting your own mouth, trying to keep yourself quiet from the amount of pleasure Arthur was giving to you.
“You’re okay.” Arthur groaned, a hint of desperation behind his voice, nipping at the skin on your calves as you continued to shake.
Loud cries escaped your mouth as his thumb rubbed the circles faster and faster. With a whine of his name your walls clenched around his cock, tightly wrapping it.
To allow you to come down from your high, Arthur stopped his thrusts, letting go of your legs to lean down to kiss your closed eyelids which were fluttering. “Ya alright?” He asked, doing his best to keep his movements as minimal as possible while being buried deep in you.
You nodded, smiling at him. “Want you to come inside me.”
Arthur smirked at you, moving his body in a way that allowed you to spread your legs only for you to wrap them around his core. The feeling of your legs tight against him caused him to go back to his relentless speed in a matter of seconds, eliminating the quiet moment you just had, filling the air again with the sound of skins slapping and your frantic cries.
“W-want you to fill me up.” You managed to say in between your euphoria, and that was all that Arthur needed to convince him.
With a couple more bruising thrusts he buried himself to a halt, emptying himself in hot intervals into you, groaning loudly. Arthur lazily leaned his forehead to yours, smiling at you with his eyes closed. “Jesus.”
“Not quite.” You giggled, making him roll his eyes at your comment. When he tried to remove himself, you shut your legs tighter around him, silently asking him to stay buried in you for only a little bit longer.
Arthur wrapped his arms around you, puling you closer to him, lingering kisses all over your face.
You brushed your nose against his when he travelled his lips from one side to another, forcing a bigger smile from him.
- 🍯
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marymary-diva17 · 3 days
The life we once had with you (2)
rooms x reader + spider
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The past had come back into your the life you had made here, after sixteen years they are finally back in your lives. They were no longer the same people you remember, as they had dramatically changed over the times of being apart.
Spider “ come one slow pokes I know you can move faster then that, or has been being dead for sixteen years made you all weak”
y/n “ spider don’t do anything stupid”
spider “ yes mom”
Quaritch “ wow our kid is something special is he always like this”
y/n “ yes he had spent sixteen years here, of course he will be like this”
Lyle “ I can’t believe we are getting a show up by our kid”
Z dog “ I have to agree this kid is showing us up”
y/n “ no he is showing you all up now come on let’s see, if you are still the mighty soldiers” you soon took off climbing a tree and following after spider.
y/n " come on soliders are you coming or are you going to stand there like skxwangs" you had let out a laugh which had been followed by laughter from spider.
quairtch " well come on lets get going" the recoms soon nodded their heads and soon climbed the trees trying to caught up with you and the kid, but they soon realized you and spider had become natural to this whole thing.
spider " come on slow pokes I know you all can do better"
prager " that is definitely your son colonel"
quairtch " yes I know junior is doing well"
spider " hey old man no junior here the name is spider love it"
y/n " spider" spider soon laugh before he had taken off once again into the forest.
lopez " I swear what do you feed him why does he have so much energy in him"
y/n " well first of all he a teen and second of he a navi teen they are always like his, and heck this is his personality"
Z-dog " so he was born navi after you transferred in your avatar body"
y/n " yes I found out I was pregnant with him days after the battle, and no expected him to come out as navi and blue but we are here now"
mansk " you have done well to raise him well and fine young man"
y/n " thank you"
????? " mom"
recoms " ahhh" spider was soon seen handing down off a tree branch as he looked at the group of adults.
Z dog " kid how the heck did you get back here you were gone"
spider " got you all man you all should of seen the looks on your faces"
y/n " down"
spider " yes ma'am"
quairtch " well it good to know you have some request for the adults, we will need to work on that"
spider " we will see about that"
y/n " no fighting come on you all need to get you bodies ready, for your new lives here and then we can see if you all can fly"
recoms " fly"
lyle " like those creatures we had seen"
y/n " yes now come" you had soon started walking away as the recoms and spider look at each other, there was no lying spider is your son he acted like you. He did also look like quairtch as well but it was easy to say the boy had taken after you.
y/n " hey are you all coming or no"
spider "coming mom"
hours later
quaritch " so why have you and the kids have made us climb all the way here"
spider ' easy to see if you all can fly we can't keep to the ground forever"
Z dog " wait so we are getting Ikran"
y/n " yes and meeting some friends of ours as well" you had made a call way you are looking up at the sky, and soon enough spider had made the call as well. Soon two ikran had came landing onto the ground near the group.
y/n " this is my ikran I have named her freya”
mansk “ wow she beautiful”
y/n “ thank you”
Lyle “ what about yours kids”
spider “ his name is sora I think cool name and, he seemed to like it right buddy” sora had nodded his head.
y/n “ you all will bond with one of this wild ikran and soon take flight, but you all most know the ikran will have to choice you not the other way around”
Lopez “ oh great that sounds like fun”
y/n “ are you all up for the challenge or no”
Quaritch “ we never back down from a challenge love” the recoms had nodded their heads in agreement as you laugh.
spider " well see you in the skies" spider soon jumped off the cliff making everyone rush towards the edge, as his ikran soon took off and caught him.
y/n " I swear that boy plan in giving me heart attacks all the time, he does something dangers"
quaritch " like his mother I can see"
y/n " he more love you now go on your first to of colonel" quairtch soon nodded his head, as he soon went first to tame his ikran spider was watching for afar.
y/n " quaritch" you had soon him going down as panic sent in as you are worried about him and the others, he soon came back up flying on the ikran. Soon everyone starts cheering for him as he flew around them.
y/n " oh eywa give me strength" The rest of the recoms soon went to get thier ikrans, it had gone well for them all. The group had soon went flying for a bit, to get the team use to flying their ikrans and making a bond as well. They had soon made camp that night and everything was going well.
lyle " this has been a good day"
y/n " yes it has it seems like you all become use to looking like navi"
quaritch " we are still soldiers love we still have a duty to the rda"
y/n " for once forget the rda and live your own lives they are using you all, once again and will toss you aside once they get what they need"
Z dog " your right she right guys we all know that"
quaritch " what are we going to do now the rda has been our whole life here"
spider " they were your past lives now you have new lives here so live them. not everyone is given other chance in life"
y/n " my son speaking the truth it all up for your to decide live the new life or be the puppets for the rda once again, but know this I will not like any harm come to my son or my nieces and nephews ... along with many others ..... so I will use some words that you all told me many years ago pick your side us or them" they night everything had become silent, as everyone was thinking about the words you told them. There was much time of reflection and inner healing for everyone.
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unbreakabledawn · 2 days
"Why the fuck do I have to go in?"
Somewhere between the dumpster and the sleeping homeless guy, a scrawny rat scurried forward and out the mouth of the alley before Tim or Jason could kick the undoubtedly pest-carrying vermin away.
Tim wrinkled his nose, and turned back to Jason, gesturing down at himself in response. "I'm dripping wet and there's blood on my gloves. It would be rude of me to go in and make the minimum-wage workers mop the floors after me at three am."
"And whose blood is that?" Jason crossed his arms and leaned against the dumpster. There was a faint scratching and rustling sound coming from inside it, and Tim heard the occasional squeak. Great. Hopefully those were normal Gotham rats and not some sort of mutated killer vermin. This night was tiring enough already without the added mutant monster outbreak.
Tim glanced at his hands. Sewer water trickled from his cape. "No idea. I think it's Killer Croc's, but I'm not entirely confident it wasn't from a person he might have mauled, or perhaps eaten."
"Awesome. Really got my appetite going."
Tim raised his hand and counted on his fingers. "Spoiler and Batgirl are stopping the robbery at Twenty-fifth Street, Nightwing is taking the Mad Hatter back to Arkham, the brat has no manners--"
"I heard that!" a shrill voice shouted in his comm.
"--and B is B. Can you just go and get the food." Tim was approximately six seconds away from gnawing on the brick wall of the alley.
“Give me a hundred. Christ," Jason hissed, flinching away from the dumpster as a loud squeal erupted from within. It sounded suspiciously like a rat eating another rat.
Tim sighed. “The food’s already paid for, including tips.”
“It’s not for the food, it’s for me. Pay up or you can spend the rest of the night fueling up on B’s cardboard nutrition blocks. I do think he puts actual cardboard in them, by the way. Also that guy’s not breathing, you should call an ambulance.”
Tim and Jason both looked over at the homeless guy slumped in the corner of the alley. “He’s fine, I took his pulse five minutes ago,” Tim said, not at all sure that it was still there.
A rumbling snore emerged from the man. Jason tilted his head, but Tim couldn't read his expression underneath his mask. After a moment, Tim sighed again and fished a hundred dollar bill from a pouch on his belt and handed it to Jason. He shrugged his shoulders, took the blood-flecked bill and brushed past Tim to head inside, fucking finally.
Tim stood at the corner and listened to Jason kick the door open with much more force and drama than a fast-food establishment required.
"Pick-up for six Bat-idiots," he heard Jason say in his mask-modulated growl. There was a piercing scream from inside and Tim resisted the urge to cover his eyes with his blood-sticky hand.
When Jason reappeared, Tim eyed the take-away bags with suspicion. He couldn't count the items without opening the bags, but Jason wasn't interested in handing them over and set a course for the fire escape without even looking at Tim.
“There’s supposed to be seven orders,” Tim said slowly, following him to the roof. He felt a pair of rat-sized eyes tracking their ascent and was very grateful rats couldn't climb ladders.
“I’m not an idiot. Where's B, anyway? He used to get burgers for me on patrol all the time, he should be the one running your errands, not me.”
"Robbery on Morrison Street."
"At this rate, food's gonna be cold before anyone else makes it here," Jason said, sitting down on the roof's ledge and holding out one of seven burgers to Tim. He pulled off his sullied gloves before accepting it.
"Next time I'll issue a time-out notice to the criminals of Gotham while I'm putting in our food order."
"That's a great idea. You do that, and I'll eat B's fries."
"I heard that," growled a voice over their comm line.
based on a prompt by @unshatters-your-teacup! "the batfam stopping mid-patrol to get food somewhere" which i kind of mangled lol but i did have fun.
i'm trying out prompt fills to practice regular writing, because i'm having a lot of trouble with my actual wips. my inbox and my dms are open if you want to send me one (primarily batfam, superman, or batman, both ship and gen, but i can be flexible) though i can't promise i'll be able to write it <3
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"i definitely think it is hard for me, in my head, to compare women to my mother and for them to live up to her," william said.
"well, i think everybody does that."
"do they?"
"i compare men i am dating to my father," annie said.
"and do they live up to him?"
"sometimes," annie said. she found herself thinking of tom. specifically tom's cock. she made a note to sext him after this session. "what was your mom like?"
"a petite little longhaired hippie," he said. "loyal to my dad for 30 years of marriage. stayed home with us, i mean, she literally never had a job in her life other than mother and homemaker."
"sounds nice."
"never drank alcohol, never smoked cigarettes, looked young and healthy well into her late 40s. died in her early 50s of cervical cancer."
"oh, i'm sorry."
"my dad told me they had sex every night. for 30 years. that's over 10,000 times."
"so your dad liked period sex?"
"well," william laughed. "i think he counted blowjobs as sex. and yet he voted for clinton."
annie laughed politely.
"it's funny but as a kid i actually knew when my mom was on her period because it was the only time she wore underwear."
"really?" annie said.
"like i said. hippie. she had a couple of pairs of purple underwear she'd wear around the house for a few days a month, but the rest of the month she was always in little silk robes and little sundresses, or nothing. didn't own a bra."
"so you saw her naked a lot."
"nice hippie bush?"
"bush in the fall and winter. trimmed down to almost nothing in the spring and summer."
"good system."
"my sisters do it too. to this day."
"you see your sisters naked a lot?"
"no, but they joke about it. may 1st rolls around and they're like, time to harvest the bush."
"funny," annie said.
"i definitely did when they were teens, though," he said. "you know, i was like 13, 14, they were 16, 17, and i think they sort of got off on scandalizing me. in a wholesome way."
"how so?"
"they would both flash me. like, in the car, pulling out their pussies. and sometimes i'd be in my room and they'd run in naked and lay in my bed."
"they sound fun."
"they were," he said. "they'd always ask to see my dick, ask how big it was, that kind of thing."
"did you show them?"
"not until i was like 16, you know, by then they weren't really doing it so i became the one who did that kind of thing."
"only fair," annie said.
"yeah." he laughed. "now sometimes when i'm drunk and i get laid i'll like, send them a picture of me getting my dick sucked."
"how do they react?"
"enthusiastically, honestly. like, they're both married. they'll be like, 'I wish I was out late getting railed.'"
"did your mom ever see your dick?" annie asked.
he laughed. "actually yeah. i mean, so you know, when she died i was like, 22. yeah, it was 7 years ago. so like, i guess when i was 21, i was living at home, and she was already sick but still looked normal, still was up to her usual stuff, and she walked in on me jacking off. and she had the best possible reaction, she said, 'oh wow, look at that thing.'"
annie laughed. "was she naked?"
"no, not then." he said wistfully. "she had a dress on."
"you ever ask your sisters for evidence of the bush harvest?" annie asked.
"no, but i should," he said. "maybe i will."
"you should," annie said. "you know, it's late fall, so what does three months of growth look like?"
"good queestion," he said. "what do you do?"
"most of the time I excessively trim," annie said. "and shave my bikini areas."
"sounds like my mom in the summer," he said. he was looking between her legs. annie let them fall open a little. she was wearing a short skirt with panties. he looked. she smiled.
"white panties," he said. "that's really classy."
"i don't know," annie said. "i like your mom's way."
"so take 'em off," he suggested.
annie slipped her panties off and closed her legs quickly. she blushed, voluntarily, as she tossed her panties toward her desk.
"Our time is up for the day," she told him.
he grinned at her and stood up and left, not trying at all to hide his erection.
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bloody-bee-tea · 2 days
June of Doom 2024 Day 2 - It didn't have to be this way
Satoru comes to slowly. His head is throbbing and he can immediately tell that something is off. His cursed energy is just out of reach, his vision is obscured and most telling of all is the fact that is skin is prickling.
Suguru isn’t anywhere near then.
He maintains his position a moment longer, taking stock of the situation and he’s not at all surprised to find that he’s tied up. Satoru doesn’t bother to test the restraints though, because he knows he doesn’t really have to and instead he strains his ears to figure out if he’s alone or not.
There’s a slight shuffling to his right and then some murmured words which are answered by a different voice, so Satoru knows there are at least two other people with him.
It doesn’t matter, ultimately, but it feels good to figure things out for himself.
Once Satoru is certain he’s not going to throw up from his headache even if he moves his head, he picks himself up, sitting straight in the chair and giving at least some relief to his bound hands.
“Oh, look who is with us,” a voice sneers at him and Satoru guesses they saw him move.
“I wish I could,” Satoru says, his voice just a little raspy so he can’t have been out for too long. “Mind taking off whatever you put over my eyes?”
“You wish,” the voice says, and Satoru expected as much.
He’s not quite sure why his captors are this careful though, because whatever they gave him has his cursed energy locked away anyway, and it’s not as if he could do anything with his eyes alone.
Satoru can’t even turn on Infinity like this and the chafing on his wrists is not thanking him for it.
“Where’s Suguru?” Satoru asks, not bothering to ask who they are or what they want because both answers will be inconsequential in the end but his captors only laugh.
“Concerned, pretty boy?” one of them taunts him. “Don’t worry, he’s safe and sound at the school. For now. You can visit his grave there soon enough. If you can even find him under all the rubble.”
Satoru frowns.
“You’ve got something against the school?”
He’s probably dealing with a handful of curse users here and they are clearly not the strongest, nor the smartest, or they would have killed him on the spot.
“You don’t have to concern yourself with that,” a new voice chimes in. “The school won’t be standing for much longer and all your friends will be gone, too.”
Satoru rolls his eyes—not that they can see it—because this doesn’t seem as if they thought it through properly.
“You should have killed me when you had the chance,” Satoru tells them and he’s being completely serious about it, too.
It’s downright stupid letting him live, especially since they already had the upper hand once. Satoru will have to double down on his training after this; he knew that detecting and neutralising poisons should have been a priority and yet he still slacked off with that.
Oh well, it can’t be helped now.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get to that, if you don’t want to join us,” someone to his right says and of course. Of course these idiots were hoping that Satoru would join them and whatever cause they are fighting against.
“I’ll pass,” Satoru cheerfully informs them, the prickling of his skin getting stronger with every minute that passes now and he knows that Suguru is almost here.
This is going to be fun.
“You know, it didn’t have to be this way,” Satoru cheerfully informs them. “If you go now, you can still get away with your life. I promise I’ll make sure no one comes after you.”
That earns him a round of laughter and Satoru smiles indulgingly at his captors.
“I don’t think you understand what’s going on here. The school will be blown to smithereens by now. Your friends are dead. And if you don’t want to join us, then you’ll be next.”
“Yeah, sure, sure,” Satoru nods, not bothered in the slightest.
Suguru will have noticed the moment Satoru was taken and he’s not going to be happy about it.
Things between them have been a bit—fucked up, as Shoko so lovingly put it, ever since the incident with Toji. Neither of them had taken it well, learning the extent of their injuries and their co-dependency has gone through the roof since then.
And this feeling, this prickling under Satoru’s skin whenever Suguru isn’t near is just one of those things. Satoru knows that Suguru feels it, too, because while before it always was Satoru who stuck close to Suguru, their roles are much more evenly divided now.
Satoru is still the one who instigates it much more often than Suguru, but if he doesn’t, Suguru is right there, right up in his business, getting as close as he can.
And the fact that Satoru has been taken and is nowhere near Suguru right now? That’s just going to make him go a little bit insane, just like it’s making Satoru insane right now.
He could get out of his restraints; he knows, because Suguru made sure to properly teach him the ways, but in all honesty, it’s much more fun to simply sit here and wait until Suguru comes and gets him.
It makes Satoru feel all special.
Satoru knows that there’s no way in hell that Suguru will let his captors get away with their lives and that’s just as well, if you ask Satoru. They have a system in place ever since they realised that they might just both be a little bit fucked up and so far it’s served them well.
It stopped Satoru from killing all the clapping people in that horrible room and it stopped Suguru from wiping out that village that thought it’d be okay to beat and lock up two little girls for being different.
These curse users though, they won’t even get half as lucky, because Satoru very much thinks that they deserve everything that’s coming for them.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” someone asks Satoru and now that makes him laugh.
“Oh, where do I even begin?” he asks, grinning widely as he notices that the prickling is getting less and less with every minute that passes.
Suguru is close then.
“It was fun chatting with you, but I think this is where it ends now. My other half is here and you’re all out of luck.”
“Did you hit him too hard over the head?” a guy to Satoru’s left asks, the question clearly not directed at Satoru himself and he can only imagine how the other person shrugs.
It’s all they have time for, because then there’s a loud bang and something hits the ground with a metallic sound.
Probably the door that was blown off its hinges, Satoru muses and leans back in the chair, all relaxed and happy, because Suguru is here.
“What the fuck!”
There’s yelling and shouting and so much noise that it’s honestly hard to make out what’s going on without being able to see but Satoru can feel Suguru, so it’s all fine.
People still think that Satoru is the strongest, which would make him the most dangerous by default and while it might still be true that Satoru is a few levels above everyone else they clearly don’t account for the way it makes Suguru a little bit insane to be parted from Satoru.
In all honesty, Satoru would rather take it up with himself in a fight than fight a Suguru who is being kept from him.
No one is able to stand against Suguru like that.
The fight—if it even is one—is over in less than five minutes. Satoru suspects that Suguru had one of his curses simply eat the curse users that were present and soon enough everything falls quiet again.
Except for the footsteps coming up to Satoru.
“Took you long enough,” Satoru says, tilting his head back to allow Suguru to cup his cheek in his hand.
“Are you hurt?” he asks, as he slides the blindfold off Satoru’s face.
Satoru blinks against the sudden light but he makes sure not to close his eyes for too long, taking in Suguru as if he hasn’t seen him for weeks instead of mere hours.
“My head hurts,” Satoru pouts out and watches how Suguru’s eyes soften slightly, though it does little to wipe the manic look of his face.
If this was the last thing Satoru’s captors saw then they must have died scared out of their mind, Satoru thinks, and it serves them right.
He on the other hand feels nothing but warm with that look fixed on him.
“And my wrists,” he belatedly adds and Suguru leans in, almost as if he’s hugging him as he checks the restraints on Satoru’s wrists.
“You know how to break out of these,” he accuses him then and Satoru grins.
“But it’s so much more fun to have you break me out of these,” he gives back and Suguru rolls his eyes at him before he breaks the restraints with ease.
“Let me see,” Suguru then says, carefully taking Satoru’s wrists in his hands and checking the damage.
If Satoru is honest, his shoulders hurt more than his wrists, the position they had forced him in more straining than anything else.
“It’s fine,” Satoru gives back, though that doesn’t stop Suguru’s inspection.
“You knew I would come for you,” Suguru finally says, his gaze still on the slight chafing on Satoru’s skin and Satoru huffs.
“Of course I knew. I could feel it.”
Suguru only hums at that and Satoru rolls his eyes when he realises that Suguru is worrying about something.
“You’re being stupid,” Satoru finally says and now that gets Suguru to look at him.
“Stupid,” Satoru says again and it makes Suguru smile slightly, so Satoru counts it as a win. “You think I care about this?” he then asks with a nod towards the carnage around them.
There’s more blood than he expected there to be but just like he thought, no corpses are left laying around. Suguru cleaned up after himself.
“You stopped me before,” Suguru reminds him and Satoru nods.
“Yeah, just like you stopped me. But this? This is different. They kept us apart.”
“They hurt you,” Suguru corrects him and Satoru hums.
“That, too, yes.” He takes Suguru’s face into his hands. “I would have killed them, too, if our roles were reversed. And you wouldn’t have minded either.”
At hearing that Suguru’s shoulders drop and Satoru can’t believe how stupid he was, thinking that Satoru would care about any of this.
“Nothing gets to keep us apart.”
“You could have handled this yourself,” Suguru says as he helps Satoru up and Satoru’s head is still throbbing and he does feel a little bit off without access to his cursed energy, but he still plays all of that up, simply so that Suguru will pick him up and carry him out of there.
It takes all of one stumble for Suguru to sigh in defeat and bend down to slide his arm under Satoru’s legs, picking him up in a bridal carry.
“I could have,” Satoru agrees, slinging his arm around Suguru and tucking his face into his throat. “But then you wouldn’t have swooped in like this and I think I might prefer it this way.”
It’s the truth but it’s also a reminder that Satoru doesn’t care just what Suguru did right now to get him.
Satoru would have probably obliterated the entire building if someone had taken Suguru away from him, for however long, even though he, too, damn well knows that Suguru can handle himself.
“I don’t like being apart from you,” Suguru says after a moment, his arms strong and secure around Satoru and it sounds like a confession, like something that’s just meant for Satoru to hear.
“I don’t like being apart from you either,” Satoru gives back and presses himself closer.
He thinks they haven’t been separated for this long in ages—basically doing everything together these days—and in all honesty Satoru hadn’t been prepared for how wrong it had felt.
It’s almost worse than barely being able to access his own power.
“Good,” Suguru breathes out as if he honestly doubted Satoru could feel the same and just for that Satoru nips at his throat. “Hey!”
“You’re being stupid again. It’s us, Suguru, always. I knew you would come for me. I knew what would happen. And honestly, I would have done the same. You know I would have.”
Satoru has always been a bit more open with his possessiveness of Suguru so that shouldn’t come as a surprise, but he knows, instinctively, that Suguru is the same.
“I know,” Suguru sighs out and brushes his lips over Satoru’s forehead.
“So stop being stupid and get me back home, I’m in need of some comfort,” Satoru whines out, pouting up at Suguru for good measure, too, even though he damn well knows that Suguru would spoil him for the rest of the day anyway.
“Dinner and a movie?” Suguru asks and Satoru shrugs because he couldn’t care less about those things.
“As long as you’re there,” he gives back, even though he knows that Suguru is not going to let him out of his sight any time soon.
“Oh, I’m not going anywhere,” Suguru immediately replies and Satoru wriggles happily at that.
“Then dinner and a movie,” Satoru agrees because as long as Suguru is there he’d be fine with anything.
And the fact that Suguru doesn’t stop touching him even once the entire evening is only an added bonus.
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