#And I was already at like 20 so. Guess it's gonna be a multiparter
moongothic · 1 year
MCM Shelf Saga
Part 1 - Introduction, Commencing Stripping Hell
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Spring has come, which can only mean one thing. It's time for another furniture refinishing project.
So you might remember this chair I've refinished before, and you might remember how I mentioned in the backstory of that post that my late mother had painted three pieces of furniture (a chair, a desk and a shelf) in matching colors, the three having been left to collect dust in one of our attic closets for the past few decades.
Indeed, this is one of the three furniture pieces, and just like with the chair, I ain't keeping it if it looks like that. It's either getting refinished or yeeted, and since I don't want to waste perfectly good furniture, it's the former. And since the weather now allows it, it's time for me to get started on working on this beast of a project.
Now there's actually two things I had to do before I could begin this project. Step one was disassemble the entire unit because, TL:DR; we could not move it out of the tiny ass closet without either moving a fuck ton of furniture and storaged items out of the way and maybe break something while hauling this outside, OR just disassemble it 'cause it needed to get dissambled anyways.
So, with dad's help we did just that (with relative success, we did have to break some of the original screws because they had dug into the wood and made disassembly impossible otherwise, but it's fine that hardware can be replaced) and brought it to the patio where I can work on it.
The other thing I had to do was actually quickly check if the shelf was safe for me to work on. If you want more info you can read the chair post but long story short, I was worried there could be toxic car paint under this paint layer and if there was, I was going to refuse to refinish this piece. But all I did was gently sand some paint off a shelf to see what was underneath and it was wood so! Safe it is!
So this is probably somekinda MCM shelf, the style looks like it and the color of the wood could suggest it. The main unit of it is made of just veneered chipboard but hey, it's vintage chipboard, and there's nothing wrong with it, so it's still worth giving a second (a third?) life to
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Didn't take a photo of it with the drawers and the sliding door still inside but I doubt that matters. Parts of the inside of the unit did get painted over which is. Not great for me, but it is what it is
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Intrestingly, the sides of the shelf (that make both the feet of the unit as well as where the shelves hook onto) seem to have been black originally, as the inside facing parts never got painted over. Meanwhile the main unit has some veneer damage right where the sides were... Like it's not great but since that part does get completely covered it's not a huge deal
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And the shelves of the shelf. As you can see, I did a quick test on them to see what was under the paint and it looked safe to work on
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So I actually kinda started by testing my paint removal methods on one of the shelves. When I did the above check up, I noticed the paint was quite hard to just sand through, so just sanding it didn't seem like a great option. I did also soon discover the paint was quite hard to scrape.
Now, I did't want to use paint stripper since it causes me that severe nausea, so I decided to try out a hot air gun to remove it. And it did work! However
First off I just wasn't excited about using electricity 'cause. Energy crisis. Y'know. Shit's expensive.
While it worked it wasn't super effective? It might've been just poor technique on my part but I felt like I had to stand there blowing hot air onto the paint for a long time for it to start reacting before quickly sweeping in to scrape a tiny section clean before starting again on another tiny tiny section
And the main thing... Under the paint there seemed to be an old finish of some kind. Probably a poly coat, IDK. But I was getting worried of how it was reacting to the heat. Like. IDK I was worried it might melt and damage the wood or something
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So. I had to go crawling back to the paint stripper. Because in the end, it felt like the safest option for me to use (nausea aside). From the chair project I knew it would be able to remove the paint easily and knowing this whole thing has a lot of thin veneer all over it, it'd probably be the best way for me to ensure I didn't damage the veneer too much.
Goop time it is
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I did one coat of paint stripper and let it sit over night (plastic wrapped so it wouldn't dry out)
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Here's what the sides were looking like after one round of paint stripper. It really wasn't going to be enough so what I ended up doing was that I applied another coat of paint to the top and let it do it's thing for like an hour (while I was walking my cat), before coming back. I then did another round of stripper on both sides while I finished removing the paint residue from the top
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So here's what two rounds of paint stripper did to the top, as well as one round to the inside bits. It seems like the paint may have permanently strained parts of the inside where the wood was raw as it did not want to come off at all, though fortunately the worst parts are the parts that'll end up getting covered by the drawers so it could be worse
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Now the paint stripper did not make the old finish come off the main unit really. It did soften it, but that didn't make it easier to remove, it made it just kinda goopy and unpleasant to remove but, since I had no other choise, I kept on going at it and scraped it away along with the remaining paint residue
After I finished working on the top I went back to remove the rest of the paint from the sides and the old finish. Eventually getting to this point
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The veneer is not in great shape, there seems to be some possible water damage marks on the wood (possibly from the stripper??) OR there might be just more of the old finish there that I haven't managed to remove yet
The veneer is super thin. I could keep on scraping and sanding it, but I'm just really afraid I might go through the veneer and do some really bad damage, so... I kinda wan tto try using oxalic acid first. If there's water stains, the acid should be able to remove the stains, meaning there's less sanding for me to do in general and less of a chance of me sanding through that veneer.
But I don't have oxalic acid at the moment, and I kinda wanna finish stripping the paint off from the entire unit first, so this first part is coming to an unsatisfying end.
The main unit has been put to the side while I finish stripping the rest of the unit, starting with the drawer fronts!
((Sidenote: I am planning on staining the wood dark/black so the stains aren't super worrysome for me, the dark stain would end up hiding most of them I'm sure))
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (Finale)
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Week 10: Monday, July 16th to Monday, July 23th 2018 
bonjour & welcome to this new reading list which is already the tenth one wooow. i´m really really sorry for the delay and i almost couldn´t post it today, but i managed to do so bc i needed distraction. 
so as always, i collected some of my fav fics :) please leave some love to the authors & give them feedback! 
aileen xx 
1 - Big God by @lotus--writings 
oook wow. the angst was real. it had me shook. but it´s so good. it´s very well written and i loved reading it a lot. interesting plot as well! xx
2 - I Want to Tell You part 3 (Spencer Reid x Reader) by @spencerreidreads this story is really good and the perfect mix of everything. the end aka the convo with PG had me in tears. ooo and spence should finally make a move. well done xx
3 - Take Care of Yourself by @dontshootmespence 
ok, first of all: i never heard of stomach migraine before but they sound suck-y. spence is so caring and soft. i love him a lot. and i loved this fic xx 
4 - Caught Up in the Moment (Spencer Reid x Reader) by @a-bau-tiful-mind
 oooh god, this was perfect and the end was kind of unexpected. also, i can relate to that part about barnes lol. i love the team and spence and Y/N are cute af. great work xx
5 - What Does This Mean? by @spencer-is-too-perfect 
this is a reminder to myself to actually reread this story bc i only had the chance to slightly skim (?) it and i feel really really bad about this, but what i read about it so far sound SO GOOD. reid is just amazing. i def need to catch up on the whole story. 
6 - Infiltrated: Epilogue by @stunudo 
i´m actually so sad that this series is over bc it is so so good. you´re so freaking talented. i loved this epilogue a lot. i love and miss Hotch. i´m def gonna reread this series as often as i can and i can just highly recommend it. great work xx
7 - A Place to Call Home by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars 
yes, my fav luke writer is back. i´ve missed u heaps. this story was a blessing. i love me some overprotective luke & i love that you integrated a men talk between Luke and Will. i think they have good friendship potentio (@ cm writers!!). this whole thing is perfect. i´m in love. 
8 - Article of Faith: Chapter 21, Chapter 22 by @dontshootmespence 
i seriously can never get enough of this series. it´s just so good and so different (good different!!!). it´s a masterpiece. also i´m living for this relationship billie and spence have. but i´m also curious to see what matt finds out. literally can´t wait for more. 
9 - Pancakes by @ionlyreadfivebookslastweek 
the beginning actually kind of broke my heart. like i felt so so bad. but i´m so happy everything turned out well in the end. yey for happy endings! 
10 - Redamancy: Pt. 10, Pt. 11, Pt. 12 by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
i´m so in LOVE with this istg. this series is life and i´m so happy that i came across it. i really don´t have enough words for it. all the plots each parts have are so different and good and cover all emotions. it´s perfect. great job xx 
11 - What Do I Do? by @gabriellewritermua 
i had the privilege to preread this story and i liked it from the very first second. it´s very well written and i loved the plot and the way the characters are written. well done! xx
12 - First Time Out by @dontshootmespence 
ok seriously??? how are people so creative with requests?  like teach me? this was so good and had me at the edge of my seat. a lot of suspense, my favv child Jack and a protective hotch. i mean can it get any better? i don´t think so. well done, nicole xx 
13 - I Will: Pt. 4, Pt.5 (Final) by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo  
again, another reminder to myself yall. i just discovered this multiparter and i really need to start at the beginning bc these two parts here got me hooked and i def need to check out all the previous parts yup. i love me some angst. 
14 - Tie My Heartstrings (Derek Morgan x Reader) by @spencerreidreads 
this story right here is an entry to my challenge, thank you for participating. :) yey, a derek morgan fic. my heart is already happy. but DEREK BOI WHAT ARE U DOING? like ugh, can i smack u? but then again, the ending was so cute i´m in love :)
15 - Smooth as a Bump in the Road by @dontshootmespence 
this was hilarious. i love spence so so much. he´s just so cute and i could hug him all day long. also, i miss his and derek´s friendship so much on the show. great work xx 
16 - The Best Job in the World - BAU x Reader by @curlsincriminology 
i loved everything about this story. EVERYTHING. i also loved JJ in this story like a whole lot, this little legend. perfect! well done x
17 - Talent >> Derek Morgan by @eideticreid 
woowza, another morgan fic. DAY MADE! this one was really good and the plot was really creative. you´re writing is so good, i´m jealous. 
18 - Sweet Lullaby by @tenaciousarcadeexpert 
aww, this one was soo soo soo cute. i def need to see more of matt and his family. this fic gave me life :) 
19 - the hardest goodbye´s are the ones we never get to say by @holoitsmeagaintoo 
this fic is also an entry to my challenge & also to you, thanks for participating :) so so so good. i loved it so much. it´s a really good way to integrate the prompt and the angst was there, i could feel it. well done xx 
20 - Just Us Now - Spencer Reid by @bookofreid 
oh god, Dad!Reid. ily. tho this plot was so so sad :( but i love their dynamic and now i want the writers to give this man a damn child. 
21 - Similar by @spncmshsvu 
okay, wow...wow. this was heavy angst, but i loved reading it. like holy cow, i don´t know what else to say except that i´m speechless and that this story was really well done and that you´re super talented.
22 - Movie Night by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
another reminder to myself yey. this story seem to be pretty awesome and i´m sorry i hadn´t have time to really read it. so consider this a reminder to myself for reading it asap. i bet it´s great :) 
23 - rubix. by @uncomfie  
yes, my fav derek morgan writer on earth is back. this is pure perfection. seriously, how are you so talented? i loved it a lot but you probably could already guess so. ilysm  <3 
24 - I´m Still Scared by @dontshootmespence 
this had me at the edge of my seat. also, my fav genius worries too much. the middle of the fic was quite a shocker but i´m super happy that everything ended up being good. 
25 - Graduate With The Truth II Spencer Reid by @alittlelessthanacirclefics
 i´m in love omg. emma and spence are perfect omg. also the end!!!! i´m in love...great work! xx
26 - She´s a secret by @docspencerreid 
another entry for my challenge! thank you for participating! omg this plottwist was so unexpected like seriously. the angst is real. this was so good well done. the end had me shook. maybe do a part two? 
27 - Morality Above All by @dontshootmespence 
ok seriously? please tell me that this isn´t stilla topic today, bc if so, i have no words. JJ was super badass and i miss hers and hotchs dynamic so much. really good story and very well written! 
28 - Roles Reversed by @ionlyreadfivebookslastweek 
this was funny bc i never expected derek morgan to ask spencer reid for relationship advice. this was everyting. 
29 - Cold Nights by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
a derek morgan fic, i´m in love. he is so underrated. and this story was so good and i loved it with all my stone cold heart! 
30 - Even You Can´t Save Everyone by @stunudo 
yey, another entry for my challenge! thanks for participating! but why don´t you just stab me in my face? like really. first of all. thanks again for participationg. i´m glad you were a part of this, bc tbh you´re one of my inspo´s on here. beyond that, this fic was perfect. the angst. i feel blessed. well done. 
31 - Familiar Strangers by @illegalcerebral
idk why but tumblr is still being a d** when it comes to those parts of this series. like i was damn sure i saw it in my notes, but it is gone AGAIN: @ tumblr: please fix yourself. so as a matter of fact that i need a lot of catching up bc this series deserves the world and i need to read this bc ELLE <333333 i tagged the whole masterlist so i can reread everything. guys, please read this fic! it´s amazing! 
32 - Second Chance: Part 6 by @docspencerreid
and another remind to me, bc i need to catch up on a lot of parts of this story. but nevertheless it deserves a spot on here. go check it out and give her some feedback bc this story is great! 
so this was last weeks reading list. i really hope you liked it. don´t forget to leave some love and feedback to the authors. see you all next sunday :) (hopefully)
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Just One Dance Pt. 1 (Peter Parker Imagine)
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request: “Can you do an imagine with Peter and Reader where they are just messing around until te reader says "I will give you 50 bucks if I can take you to Christmas dinner and tell my family we're together.They always ask if I'm dating and I can't have that conversation again." Peter says yes they go they do a great job but Peter ends up liking her she does to and they end up a relationship. Sorry it us so long thanks you ! Love your writing!!!” (requested by anon)
short summary: after you find yourself making a hasty bet with flash about getting a date for homecoming, you need Peter to help keep your end of the bargain. (this will be a multipart series partly bc i’m tired and partly bc i wanna develop this more)
length: 2k words 
warnings: some swearing & it’s so teen angsty i’m sorry i truly am aaaa sorry 
A/N: i kinda loosely followed the request bc like it really gave off a “im in my mid-20s and my old fashioned ass fam thinks ppl need to be married by now” so i kinda edited a bit to be more realistic amongst teens hope it worked soz it’s short but it’s gonna be a series
You were always stubborn. A lot of people called you a bitch for it, but you just called it taking no shit from anyone, and never backing down from a challenge.
So when Flash started running his big mouth during homeroom at your expense, it took everything in you not to smack him in the face. You tried to ignore it at first, as you worked on your calculus homework, you truly did. But Flash always liked to get a rise out of you because he knew he could get under your skin.
“And here we are, a mere 48 hours before homecoming, and a true tragedy lays in our midst. The resident ice queen, Y/N, is the only one in the school without a date,” Flash said dramatically to his group of friends.
Rolling your eyes and immersing yourself in the world of integrals, you gritted your teeth and tried to tune him out like you usually do. But he wasn’t finished.
“I mean, it’s a miracle that she hasn’t frozen the entire student body with her gaze like Elsa or some shit,” he joked. His group of friends laughed at his lame joke as you dropped your pencil on your homework.
“Why don’t you just shut it Flash?” you said, a death glare making its way onto your face.
“If that’s your special, twisted way of asking me out I’m gonna have to say no, babe,” Flash said with a smirk on his face. You glared at him with disgust.
“As if I’d want to take your ratty ass to homecoming. I think I would actually rather be run over by a bus. It really does sound like a more pleasant time,” you fired back.
“I doubt you could even get anyone to go to homecoming with you even if you tried. Everyone’s too scared to come within 10 feet of you anyway aside from Michelle, you’re worse than the plague,” he said with a mock shudder.
“Way to use an outdated joke from the 1400s,” you muttered with a dismissive wave.
"Still doesn’t change the fact that nobody would dare to go to homecoming with you,” he sneered. You scoffed.
“Please, it’d be much easier for me to get a date than you. At least I wouldn’t have to beg and plead someone like you did.” Flash’s confident demeanor slightly wavered for a moment before he quickly regained his cocky attitude.
“Alright then, Y/L/N, if you can somehow get some actual creature that goes to our school to go to homecoming with you, this $100 bill in my wallet is yours. And if you fail, you owe me $100,” Flash said with a wicked grin, his hand outstretched to shake in order to seal the deal. “And Michelle doesn’t count.”
You ignored it and merely nodded, determination in your eyes. “You’re on, Thompson.”
The bell rang signaling the end of homeroom, and you shoved your abandoned calculus homework into your backpack. Shooting one last glare at Flash, you exited the room and moved through the masses in the hallway to make it to your next class.
When you got to PE at the end of the day, Coach Wilson had everyone pair off to do sit ups. You naturally gravitated towards Michelle, one of your few friends and one of the few people that wasn’t immediately put off by your less than sunny exterior.
The two of you had a silent agreement to always stick to the far right corner of the gym, where Coach Wilson never seemed to look, so you could just sit and do nothing in peace. Some days the two of you would talk, other days you’d leave Michelle to her book and you’d do some homework. Today was a day for talking.
“Did you finish the calculus homework for tomorrow?” you asked Michelle. She nodded.
“Barely,” Michelle replied with a roll of her eyes. “This homework’s getting more and more ridiculous.” she said with a shake of her head.
The small talk continued for a few more minutes before you felt the need to bring up your small, somewhat expensive dilemma.
“So I need a date to homecoming,” you sighed. Michelle raised one of her eyebrows in curiosity.
“I made a stupid bet with Flash and to make a long story short I need a date for Friday or I’m about to be $100 poorer than usual,” you said with a grimace.
“You never do back down from a challenge do you?” Michelle asked with a grimace. “I’ll go as your date, problem solved.”
You shook your head. “Terms of the bet, I can’t take you. Has to be somebody else.” Michelle looked at you pensively, then took a brief scan of the students in the gym.
You layed down on your back, fiddling with a loose thread on your shorts as Michelle continued her search. You’d been thinking of available, decent people and drawing up a mental list, but kept running into a wall. Brandon from Chemistry had the flu. Paula from English already had a date. And so on with differing excuses for each person.
“What about Peter?” Michelle suggested after a period of silence. You raised yourself up into a sitting position.
“Parker?” you asked slowly. Michelle nodded at you, gesturing her head in his general direction. He was partnered up with his friend Ned, doing a set of sit ups with ease. You cocked your head to the side wondering when the shy nerd had bulked up as the rest of the class struggled.
“Really?” you asked, considering it for a moment. He was alright if your memory served well, but you’ve never actually had a conversation with him, or seen him outside of any of the classes you had together.
“Yes, really,” Michelle replied. “He doesn’t have a date, and Ned does, so he’d be awkwardly third wheeling the whole time. And everyone knows he’s been pining after Liz, but she’s already got a date. So that sort of leaves him at a stalemate,” she explained.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you considered your other options. You sure as hell weren’t asking any upperclassmen or any freshmen for that matter, and out of the sophomores your options were very limited. And out of those options, Michelle was right. Peter did seem to be the most desirable candidate, if you could even call him that.
“I guess I’ll ask him,” you said, slightly defeated. It wasn’t as if you had a real problem with Peter, but he wasn’t exactly the type of person you saw yourself hanging out with. In fact, you couldn’t remember if the two of you had even held a conversation before. But by the end of gym class you strengthened your resolve, and told Michelle you’d meet her at her locker afterwards so the two of you could catch the train together.
Peter was huddled closely by Ned, the two of them deep in conversation as they made their way out of the gym. You jogged a bit to catch up to them, doing a miniature prayer to the gods that Peter would say yes to your request.
“Hey, Parker,” you called out confidently. Inside you were quaking a bit, but you ignored it as you saw both his and Ned’s heads turn around in confusion.
“Y/N?” Peter asked carefully, his best friend standing silently next to him. He looked around as if there was some possibility that you were talking to somebody else.
“Yeah, I’m talking to you,” you said with a slight laugh as he finally made eye contact with you. Now that you had his attention, the words seemed to be stuck on your tongue. You’d never actually asked anyone out before and it was proving to be harder than you anticipated.
Peter saw your worried facial expression. “Is everything alright? You don’t look too well,” he started. His eyes widened for a moment. “Not that you look ugly or anything, honestly on the contrary you’re very pretty.” His eyes widened again as Ned hit him softly on the arm, a signal to tell him to stop talking. 
You didn’t even register his stumbled, scattered response as you tried to get the words out of your mouth. You were normally confident in anything and everything you set your mind to, but right now it felt like there was word vomit in your mouth itching to break free but couldn’t. Another awkward pause ensued until the words came barreling out of your mouth at a rapid pace.
“This is probably going to sound really stupid and you’ll probably say no or something but would you possibly maybe kind of, sort of want to go to homecoming with me?” you said quickly, all in one breath. Your face turned beet red as you awaited a response from him.
He cocked his head quizzically as did Ned, who was still standing next to him. 
“W-what?” he asked, not quite hearing everything that you said. He made out the word “homecoming,” but he wanted to make sure that you were actually asking him out.
“Did you want to go to homecoming with me? If you don’t have a date already,” you inquired, a bit slower this time. His mouth opened and closed a few times, an adorable smile making its way onto his features before he could formulate a proper response in English.
“I, uh,” he started slowly. You were hanging on to his every word, it felt like an out of body experience to be this nervous. Your tough exterior was whittling in the face of adversity, something that rarely happened, especially where feelings were concerned. 
“He would love to,” Ned finished for him. Peter nodded quickly and gave you a thumbs up as he shot a grateful look at his best friend. Relief flooded your features.
“Okay,” you said softly. He nodded again and gave you a grin. Ned looked like he was ready to burst with excitement.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” He nodded at you again as Ned started to lead him away towards the boys locker room to change.
You gave him a small nervous smile as he shyly waved at you while walking away. As soon as Ned thought they were out of earshot, he let out a triumphant yelp and started shaking Peter by the shoulders.
“Dude, you actually have a date for homecoming!” he all but squealed. You heard every word of it, but decided not to call either of them out on it as you exited on the opposite end of the gym. Peter muttered something in response, but you couldn’t make out what exactly he said. Even though it was an impromptu proposal, you were still kind of...excited at the prospect of going with him? 
As you opened the double doors to walk the path to your locker, Michelle was waiting for you on the other side instead of at her locker.
“You saw and heard everything didn’t you?” you asked her. She nodded. You rolled your eyes, not surprised that your ever observant best friend had stuck around to see you make a fool of yourself firsthand. She’d never judge you or call you out on it though.
“Why didn’t you tell him it was a bet?” she asked you, a slight frown gracing her face. You stopped walking as you realized what you had just done. 
“It didn’t...come up?” you offered. You truly hadn’t meant to keep that a secret from Peter, but in the midst of your nerves that was exactly what happened. Your heart started to drop a bit as you thought about how excited Ned looked, and how flustered Peter was when he accepted.
“I didn’t mean to not tell him,” you trailed awkwardly. “I’ll tell him next time I see him,” you finished with certainty. Michelle gave you a look.
“You know it’ll be a lot harder to tell him later rather than doing so when you asked him?” she explained. You gave her a pointed look.
“Of course I know that, like I said it wasn’t intentional to leave out the fact that I was asking him because of a bet,” you said defensively. Michelle put up her hands in a mock surrender as the two of you made your way down the empty hallways.
“I’ll tell him tomorrow,” you promised out loud, more so to yourself than to your best friend.
permanent tag list: @searvhing @curly-haired-crisp @werido-fangirl @dreaming-of-the-lost @nightviolet @sunshine-raee @bitsyb21 @naybeirao @thespidersman @themusicorthemisery @call-me-tears @ephemereal @spooder-tom @buckysbumpkin @pvnksy
sorry the beginning kinda sucked and also so did all of this but anyway lmk what u think & pls feel free to berate me LOL if u wanna be on my permanent tag list lmk and i’ll post part 2 when i get the time to write it love u guys
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