#Ace nutrition course
fitnessmattes · 10 months
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A certified fitness trainer is a basic foundation-level course meant for aspiring fitness professionals who are keen to enter the fitness industry. classic fitness academy provides you best certified fitness courses. To know more visit our website or you can connect with 8971281470.
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fitnessmatters1 · 4 months
Empower Yourself with Personal Training Course from Fitness Matters
Are you passionate about fitness and helping others achieve their health goals? Do you dream of turning your passion into a rewarding career? Look no further! Fitness Matters, a premier international fitness institute based in Chandigarh, India, is here to empower you with our comprehensive Personal Training Course.
Established in 2011 and registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, Fitness Matters has been at the forefront of fitness education, equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the dynamic world of fitness training.
Our Personal Training Course is designed for individuals who are enthusiastic about fitness and desire to make a positive impact on others' lives. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast looking to transition into a professional career or an experienced trainer seeking to enhance your skills, our course caters to individuals of all backgrounds and levels of expertise.
What sets our Personal Training Course apart?
Experienced Coaches: At Fitness Matters, we take pride in our team of highly proficient coaches with over a decade of experience in the fitness industry. Our instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, ensuring that you receive top-notch training and guidance every step of the way.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our Personal Training Course covers a wide range of topics, including anatomy and physiology, exercise science, nutrition, client assessment, program design, and more. We believe in providing a well-rounded education that prepares you for the diverse demands of personal training.
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Embark on the journey to becoming a certified personal trainer with Fitness Matters. Let us empower you to turn your passion for fitness into a fulfilling and rewarding career. Join us and become a part of the movement to inspire health and wellness worldwide. Your future starts here!To enroll in the Fitness Matters personal training course, visit our website https://www.fitnessmatters.org or contact us today.
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classicfitnessgroup · 2 years
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virgolixx · 9 months
Head cannon:
:How would these one piece men react to their S/O getting badly injured on the battle field:
Sanji, Ace, Eustass, law
Theme: Angst
⚠️Warnings: Mentions of near death/harm
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The moment Sanji would see you wounded from your opponent’s sword he would defeat his own opponents in an instant and would practically fly to your side, kicking your own opponent across the battle field with such force causing the person to get knocked out unconscious.
Sanji would drop to his knees and hold you close on his lap, trying to hold back his tears, he would be yelling for chopper to help you.
Once chopper is helping you Sanji would stay close by to protect you and chopper, guarding that no other damn ass hole would touch or hurt you again.
Even after you are patched up and will make a recovery. Sanji would still keep an eye on you from the battle field
After the battle Sanji would have you resting in bed until your fully recovered. He would cook you nutritional meals and would constantly give you kisses.
“Get better soon my love”
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The moment ace sees you on the floor unconscious and bloody, after your opponent threw you through the wall. His once calm demeanor changes drastically, he faces your opponent with rage.
Ace burns your opponent to a crisp while the other opponents are either groaning in pain from the burns ace gave them or unconscious from the beating ace gave.
Once all those damn people are down for the count he calms down and rushes over to your side. Holding you in his arms he pushes your hair out of your face.
Ace would use his hand to clean away any dirt or blood from your face. Noticing you starting to wake up, ace smiles softly as he would pick you up.
“Hold on my flame, let’s go get you some help”.
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Eustass….this man would literally see red, absolutely rage mode, he’s killing everyone.
Either it be a small bump or if you are greatly injured by an opponent Eustass will get extremely mad and protect you with his life. (I just know Eustass has a soft spot just for their S/O, but he would never admit it).
After his rage he realizes killer is by your side trying to patch you up. Coming to the both of you Eustass drops to your side and holds you in his arms….(arm?)
Just like Sanji, Eustass will have you in bed throughout your entire recovery. Eustass allows you to cuddle him as much as you want. (Of course it’s only cause you’re hurt, duh, he totally doesn’t like cuddles 🙄🤣).
While busy with captain duties Eusstass has killer watching over, and to get you anything you may need.
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Law is frozen in place, absolutely shocked. You’ve been shot!! Thankfully in the shoulder, but that doesn’t ease law at all.
Before law goes into attack mode the first thing he thought was, ”I…please I can’t loose her to”.
As you’re about to continue fighting your opponent law flashes by and starts to attack your opponent and the opponent’s comrades with all his might.
Law freezes the moment he hears you yell his name. He looks at you then back at the opponents to see them all bloody and unconscious on the floor.
Sighing deeply as a way to calm down. Law then runs to you and checks your wound in a panic, stopping him you tell him that you’re fine. Law suddenly then hugs you semi tightly, his face in you neck.
Law speaks out to you, “I thought I lost you “Y/N”…….I… love you”. Shocked that Law is finally showing you his emotions, you hug him back and say, “I’m here love, I’m not going anywhere”.
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Riddle, Vil: A Family Affair
Riddle’s vignettes are so… interesting?? We can see how he’s trying to take small steps to have more agency. I like to think that, very slowly, he’s coming into his own as a young man, an entity separate from his mother.
It’s nice that Riddle’s Groovy shows him in a fun pose. You’d think that someone as strict as him wouldn’t want to fly abnormally, but you can tell it's a manner that's unique to him. Riddle may be upside down like Floyd is in his own Broomquet Groovy, but you can tell that there is a marked difference between the two. Riddle’s holding bis broom in a much more secure way, which is reflective of his personality, whereas Floyd is much more precarious in his pose. It reflects their personalities well!
And now we wait for Jamil’s Birthday Platinum Jacket SSR… 👀
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What do you want to do in the coming year?”
Riddle cleared his throat and stood straight as he provided his reply. He was the model student, interviewee... and, of course, birthday boy. "I would like to expand my culinary knowledge."
Vil arched a perfectly sculpted brow. "Judging by your prompt response, I take it that you studied the interview questions and prepared suitable answers for them in advance. How like you--but what a surprise that you have a goal that isn't related to school. You're infamous for your tenacity in that regard."
"I-I am capable outside of the realm of academics too!" Riddle hastily said with a frown. “… Though I admit I may be lacking in some departments. That is precisely why I would like to dedicate time and energy to strengthening my areas of weakness.”
"Oh, please. You can't possibly be as nightmarish at cooking as..." Vil paused, shuddering, "Lilia is."
The birthday boy paled at the mention of his senior. Lilia, who left kitchens looking like a natural disaster had torn through an active warzone. Lilia, who tossed in everything under the sink and then some. Lilia, who was known across campus for all manner of food borne illnesses and poisonings.
"Surely not!!" Riddle insisted. "I know how to read and follow a recipe! The issue lies in flexibility. Trey is able to make an entire meal just from leftovers, but I wouldn't be able to do the same."
"My, if you're concerned about food waste, couldn't you simply ask Trey to teach you? I'm certain he wouldn't refuse you. That man is too nice for his own good."
"Perhaps that's true. But even so... this is a skill I'd like to learn for myself. I don't want to become overly reliant on others' strength. What I must cultivate first and foremost is my own. To that end, I plan on enrolling in more Master Chef courses during my time at NRC. There are many styles of cooking I've yet to master. For example, Trey prepares meals that are very different from that of my mother."
"How so?"
"Well..." Riddle hesitated. The way he gnawed at his lower lip reminded Vil of an anxious rabbit--a far cry from the self-assured dorm leader he knew Riddle as.
"Mother cooks with nutrition as her priority. She is very health conscious and goes out of her way to ensure that I am eating what I need. When I am studying at home, she brews tea to drink. It's rare that my entire family comes together for a meal, given that we're all busy.
"Meanwhile, Trey's food is... I can't quite put a finger on it, but it's flavorful and fun, yet balanced. The experiences are unique from my time at home. Sometimes it's something warm, hearty, and comforting like hamburger steak. Sometimes it's something hopelessly indulgent and loaded with sugar, like tarts decorated with jewel-like fruits."
"Your eyes are shining." Vil smirked. "You enjoy his cooking that much?"
"I don't understand it myself," Riddle replied, scrunching his brows. "When Trey cooks, people are lured by the smell and gather around the table, wanting to join for the meal. It happened the other day when I was to eat with him and Cater. Ace and Deuce barged in on us, and... well, I suppose it wasn't all bad. We had a delightful conversation over lunch. There's something magical about that."
"There is a different feeling to eating with others than alone," Vil agreed with a slight nod. "My father and I can hardly align our schedules, so it's rare that we can sit down and eat together. Then again, maybe it's that rarity that makes us appreciate those moments all the more."
"That's right. It's a special spell that I realized I can't reproduce. Just memorizing the recipes and recreating them... that alone isn't enough."
"Fufufu, so you want to master that kind of 'magic'. That's surprisingly cute of you."
"N-No, you're mistaken! While it's true that cooking would come in handy for entertaining guests, it'd primarily be for self-sufficiency. After all, it's not as though I can always ask Trey or my mother to cook for me." Riddle shifted from one foot to another. "Someday, I'll have to move out of my dorm as well as my house, and live independently as a fine adult."
"Yes, cooking is an essential skill for that distant future. Have you already started on making those arrangements?"
"Er, not yet. I've been looking into it, but to actually take those first physical steps is... that is, I don't know how my mother would react."
"She sounds very stern from what you've told me of her. However, every mother must let her child go eventually."
"Maybe so, but I have never known my mother to back down from her beliefs. She's... not a woman you want to challenge." Riddle's voice strained at the final word. It was the lightest way he could put it, too afraid to acknowledge the whole truth. "I've tried to get her to hear me out, but..."
"If you can't draw that line in the sand now, then when? It will only make things more difficult for you when you start live alone."
"I'm fully aware of that." He couldn't bring himself to say more.
Vil sighed, bringing a hand to his temple. "... Listen, Riddle. Think of life as a stage, and you as the actor upon it. Worried about how the audience will react to your performance, working tirelessly to hone your craft.
“When the lights dim and the cameras turn off, the staff and the audience leave the theatre. You’ll be left only with your own thoughts. The onlookers may have one impression of you—but when the curtains fall, so long as you are proud of who you are away from the public eye, that, I think, is a sign of true maturity.
“If it’s courage and confidence that you seek, then you must work toward it. Never let your eyes stray from it. Even should the world deprive you of a happy ending, you must claw for it, believing that, someday, it will be yours.”
“Vil-senpai… Is this your way of encouraging me to see my goals through to the very end?”
His upperclassman scoffed. Thin, soft—like a rose petal, almost imperceptible as it passed upon a breeze.
“Think of it what your will. I merely speak from my own experience,” Vil replied. “We are both prideful NRC students at our very cores. Standing strong on our own two feet is something we all desire. That we can one day recognize that dream… It goes for us all.”
“Recognizing a dream, hm?”
How curious. I wondered not too long ago if it was really possible. Now, here I am, taking those first, small baby steps. A world where I can think for myself, live by my own rules… It sounds like a wonderland within my reach.
Soon, but not yet.
“… One day,” Riddle whispered to himself. “One day, I’ll be the person I want to be.”
Not the person I’m told to be.
A palm came against his back—a pat from Vil. “Really, I thought the dorm leader of Heartslabyul would know better than to mumble. You’re usually so good at barking at your card soldiers. Do remember to speak up—now, and forevermore.”
“I don’t recall asking for your advice.” Riddle brushed off his touch, stepping forward with his broom at the ready. Still, he chuckled. “… But yes, I will work on gathering my courage so that I may be comfortable leaving the nest. Thank you for your concern, senpai.”
“Ara, what cheek.” Vil tossed his golden locks. “If I’m to share the stage with you, then of course your skills must be on par with mine. Don’t you dare disappoint me, understood?”
“Hmph, when have I ever been the type to fall short of meeting expectations? Observe.”
Riddle confidently mounted his broom, assuming the position he had practiced many times over. There was a diagram of this exact pose in the mountain of textbooks he had in his dorm room. Straddling the handle between the legs, arms straight and steady, one hand gripped over the other, elbows locked.
He could have been the textbook diagram himself.
When Riddle looked up, he saw the vast sky, sunlight spilling across the sea that surrounded the island. Sunset on its way to soon paint the day with darkness.
The sky… It connects many different places and people. The future is stretching out before me, chalk full of possibilities.
Then… I can try, can I? To soar, to break free. Just this once…!!
Riddle’s hold on his broom tightened.
He called forth his magic, letting it pool around him in a shower of scarlet sparkles. The power collected, coalescing as a tingling warmth dancing across his skin, until he at last unleashed it in one burst. Like a cap popped off on a bottle.
Riddle buckled off, propelling into the air in a corkscrew motion. Rose petals fell free from his bouquet, perfuming the summer sky with them.
He stopped spinning, flying forward upside down. The world shifted, shapes and colors rearranging into a new perspective. His head and vision spun, seemingly colliding all of his senses against one another.
A moment or two later, and they had rattled neatly into place.
Riddle looked again, taking it all in. Rich gold dappling the grand spires of Night Raven College, the honeyed aroma of roses, the wind from on high tickling his lashes. The delicious freedom of flying freely.
“… Hah.”
Who knew it could taste so sweet?
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alkhale · 9 months
So happy you’ve returned thank you for coming back 💜💜💜💜💜💜
So I had a thought with that AU dark!Sabo/Ace fic you have, how would Sabo/Ace react to Law being over at Hoku’s? Like Law’s hanging out or slept over and answers Hoku’s phone for her and Sabo/Ace basically have aneurysms 😂
Basically I’m in a Law era and seeing him with Hoku is always a treat 💜
(Locked Here for Forever AU - Hoku is still currently doing the work for Sabo and Ace)
Minor Warning: Depictions of Dark!Sabo, nothing too serious, just in case you don't want to see Sabs acting... dark ;)
Sabo's gloved knuckles rasped softly against Hoku's apartment door.
The faint sound of other tenants arriving home for the night filled the air. In the distance he could absently make out the sounds of a few cars passing the neighborhood street, the too-loud laugh of a few teenagers walking past.
Sabo took a polite step back from the front door, keeping one arm folded across his chest. A hefty, sleek paper bag hung from the crook of his elbow—carefully picked take-out orders, a thoughtful range of dishes that would be easy to eat while making conversation while still meeting Sabo's own preferences for someone's nutritional intake.
Quietly, with perfect clarity, he considered the image of Hoku in his mind. His eyes traced in place of hands the shape of her curves, the brightness of her skin, the slight press of her thighs against a seat.
"You should eat more," Ace had said, watching Hoku over the tabletop of their last meal. Sabo had remembered needing to touch his shoulder, a faint warning to check his gaze. "You look skinnier."
(Ace's gaze always tended to swallow too much. He was louder about his hunger.)
"You aren't having trouble getting meals, are you?" Sabo had asked, playfully scolding like a good friend. A thoughtful friend.
Hoku, as expected, had denied all claims. I can eat plenty, she'd said. Or I can just cook more—I just get distracted or it gets a bit late...
So Sabo had suggested, as any good friend would:
"Why don't we have more meals together? It's been so long since we all got together to eat."
Ace had grinned, as though the idea were completely novel, leaning forward eagerly across the table, "We used to do it all the time! We practically always had dinner together—damn, why'd we stop?"
Quietly, on cue, a faint trickle of thoughtful guilt made its way across Hoku's expression. Sabo pretended not to see it, brows creasing as he said, "You know how it is. It can't be helped when we all get busy and have things to do... it's just nice we can all reunite together now."
Relief flashed across Hoku's face at the solution to her unknown guilt. Sabo smiled, sweet and easy as he turned to her, "Right, Hoku?"
Hoku's eyes had brightened and Sabo felt his own smile widen, a soft upturn of his lips while he lightly rubbed his gloved thumb over the top of his other hand.
"No, of course! No time better than the present... we can do something as soon as you guys are free—even on days where we don't plan it, maybe just a spontaneous thing?"
Sabo had counted an appropriate pause in his mind, finally replying, "If we can get Ace to remember, I think it'll be perfect."
"Me? What about rounding up Luffy?"
Hoku had laughed, perfectly at ease, a fluttering, hopeful little bit of excitement in her gaze.
I know, Sabo thought, consoling, it's been too long, hasn't it?
(Too long.)
Sabo stood here now, the soft beginnings of evening darkening the sky behind him as he waited in front of Hoku's apartment—the fruit of their conversation, an impromptu drop off of food. An easy, casual set-up that would lead to an expected invitation.
He remained dressed in clothes similar to his usual work attire, allowing his sleeves to crease slightly and his tie to loosen just so as to appear fresh off of work. He glanced once to the sleek gold watch on his wrist, considering the current time and then lifting his eyes back to Hoku's front door.
His timing should be just right, not too early that stray errands would've kept her away from home, not too late that a full meal didn't seem unappealing—though knowing Hoku, the second option was always less of a risk since her upbringing and own politeness would force her to eat, no matter how late if he'd come all this way, especially after work... just to bring her something.
Sabo smiled, fond—endearing.
(Classic Hoku.)
He knew if Ace was here this time for this one, he might've even come later, pressing for the expected chance that Hoku's hospitality would be their chance to quietly open the door, just a bit wider. It was more than obvious she'd offer them to stay the night, especially if either he or Ace played the part of being oh so tired just a bit harder, but Sabo had known for quite some time now that they'd waited long enough.
They could wait, just a bit more.
(Cover all their bases. The result will follow.)
A second bag hung from Sabo's elbow, the familiar plastic of a convenience store bag. Two canned beers sat comfortably inside, one advertising the sweet, fruity taste of lychee while the other remained a smooth, simple brand—Sabo's usual drink wasn't the kind found at the local convenience store, but this would do.
Hoku had never been one to handle her alcohol particularly well, which was why she tended to either not drink or stick to the one's lighter in taste and content. The flip side to this, however, was that Hoku had grown up close to people who enjoyed a good drink and could hold their alcohol very well—meaning she was more than happy to entertain a sip or two and have a drink for fun.
Sabo had come to realize as well, with a bit of quiet amusement, that Hoku always seemed willing to test if her alcohol tolerance had suddenly become better overnight. She was easy enough to convince.
He gave the door another knock, a steadier sound this time, not to be missed.
An older woman entered the apartment at the end of the hall. Sabo quietly watched her lightly hit the numbers across her keypad before stepping inside. His gaze turned now to Hoku's own keypad lock, still for a moment until Sabo's gloved fingers quietly slid the lock cover upwards.
Sabo's gaze was half-lidded in thought, a lazy, casual expression settled over his face. His dark eyes remained sharp beneath the long curl of his lashes, carefully looking over each number key until he quietly made out which numbers had become more worn from clear use.
He faintly traced the pattern of these numbers, a soft, unamused hum leaving his lips when he recognized the date. His gaze darkened a bit, lightly repeating the pattern as though to key in the code himself.
The sound of footsteps finally making their way down the hallway entrance reached Sabo's ears. His fingers gently slid the keypad cover closed, quietly with the softest click. He schooled his expression into one of quaint ease, a warm smile on his lips as he heard the lock twist and the locking mechanism churn.
Hoku's front door pulled open, stopping just short of yanking the rattled door chain still in place. Sabo took note of the secondary lock for only a split second before he paused, catching himself.
Sabo's mind worked with practiced quickness, a series of short observations.
A young man he did not recognize from Hoku and Luffy's immediate circle of friends stood in Hoku's place by her door. Opening her door. He couldn't have been much older than himself or Ace—his faintly youthful complexion betrayed only by the tired lines by his eyes and the sharp line of his jaw, coupled by a neatly trimmed goatee.
He was tall, hair pitch black and skin tanned. Sabo could easily make out a well-defined build from the width of open door held by the metal chain still in place. He was roguishly handsome in a way Sabo absently thought would give a few models in his agency a run for their money—he had a good brooding face, he was sure of it.
Corded muscles flexed along this man's bicep, his arm leaning against the entryway wall as he kept the door open, regarding Sabo with an expression that looked faintly vexed—the kind a person would wear when they were a bit annoyed they had to answer the door but not so impolite to be outright rude about it. Not enough to care, however, about their slight annoyance being known.
You're imposing.
Sabo's gaze stilled.
That was a very... comfortable expression to wear. It was not the kind of face a person who was only in someone else's home for the first time or for a brief moment would make. Not unless they had Luffy's audacity to make themselves at home.
This was a man who was familiar with Hoku's home.
So familiar in fact, that he felt comfortable enough to answer her door in her place.
Familiar and careful, Sabo thought in the back of his mind, because every time Hoku had opened the door for them her door chain had never been in place.
(Careful men were dangerous.)
He was also in Hoku’s home this late into the day—his bothered expression implying he’d already been here for some time. Hoku wasn’t the type to invite new people to her home this late, it took time for her to bring people into her workspace. Her home was a place he and Ace had to tread with care—it was why their apartment was easier.
(So you’re someone Hoku is comfortable with.)
But what bothered Sabo the most, and it really only bothered him so much, was that this stranger was someone Hoku deemed close enough to allow all those things—and he was someone neither Sabo nor Ace had known of.
Sabo allowed his face to become one of curious surprise. He looked at the unknown man with a practiced, startled smile.
“Oh, hello!” Sabo said. “Are you one of Hoku’s classmates? I didn’t realize she’d have someone over!”
The dark gray eyed man blinked slowly, brows furrowing in a manner that Sabo would almost find skeptical—hmm, he felt quite familiar inside Hoku’s home, didn’t he? He seemed to be considering Sabo’s greeting and inquiry, even judging if it was truthful. But Sabo’s words meant after all that he was familiar enough with Hoku to make such a statement.
“…no,” the man said slowly—his voice was low, a husky sort of natural timbre. Sabo lightly picked at the edge of his glove. “Who are you?”
Sabo allowed his startled smile to become a curious one, polite and wide as he extended his gloved hand to him. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m one of Luffy’s brothers—Hoku’s childhood friend?”
The unfamiliar man’s expression instantly cleared with recognition. Sabo continued to smile but filed this information away with a sharp twist of his lips. The man finally extended his hand through the open gap and clasped Sabo's firmly. Sabo's eyes didn't stray from his face, but he noticed the inked tattoos from the corner of his eye.
His grip was firm. It didn't linger but it did not shy.
“You’re… Sabo,” he said finally. “Sabo, aren’t you?”
Sabo smiled, feigning pleasant surprise, “That’s me! Has Hoku introduced us before?"
"No," the man said simply. He rubbed absently at his jaw for a moment, seeming to consider his phrasing before he answered, "She mentioned reconnecting with some childhood friends. Described you before... I remember you from a few photos now."
The warmth of Hoku's actions made it easy for Sabo's smile to become a touch sweeter, a bit friendlier, though he imagined none of such feelings were meant for this man.
"I'm Law," he finally introduced, "Trafalgar Law. Just a friend of Hoku's."
Sabo lightly pulled the edge of his glove. In his mind he carefully sorted through Hoku's gallery on her social media—a man like this would've easily caught his or Ace's attention. Hoku was not one to purposefully keep people an explicit secret, but she was one to not realize certain circles of her life had never crossed.
(She was also one, Sabo remembered, silent, to wait before making certain announcements.)
"This is—"
The memory of a sheepish laugh.
"He and I decided to give dating a—"
"I see! It's nice to meet you Law," Sabo said brightly. "Is Hoku home? She didn't mention going anywhere..."
Law half-glanced over his shoulder, back deeper into the apartment. "She's home. She didn't mention expecting anyone to stop by."
He said it casually, clear without any malice, simply just to inform Sabo of what he knew. It only bothered Sabo, really, that he was able to piece together a few more things about Law from this statement alone.
Law was here on a planned occasion. Most likely he was expected to be here for some time.
"No, that makes sense," Sabo said with a cheerful laugh. He motioned to the bags strewn over his arm and Law glanced briefly to it. "I was stopping by after to work because I figured she'd be home."
Law made a noise in the back of his throat that meant he understood. His gaze flickered back up to Sabo, "Just dropping this off?"
Sabo smiled smoothly. "If it's a bad time? I was hoping to see her for a second."
Law seemed to consider his answer, briefly glancing once more over his shoulder back into the apartment. Sabo tilted his head softly to the side, a bit of blonde curling against his cheek.
Law's fingers deftly undid the top chain. He opened the door wide enough for Sabo to enter. "She should be out of the shower in a second."
(Telling Ace to sit this one out really was a blessing in disguise.)
"Thank you!" Sabo smiled politely. Law slightly shook his head in a no need to thank me sort of manner.
Sabo carefully adjusted the bags over his elbow, taking a moment to himself before he casually stepped into Hoku's genkan. Law closed the door behind him, locking and bolting the door. Sabo made a point to slip off his shoes with practiced familiarity, opening Hoku's small shoe closet to place them inside instead of just leaving them in the entryway.
(He was not a new guest.)
He noticed the unfamiliar pair of dark loafers sitting beside her worn sneakers. Sabo lightly placed his own shoes between the two of them, softly closing the closet.
"I'll go set this down in the kitchen," Sabo said casually, only half turning over his shoulder. He saw Law nod, simply following behind Sabo as the two of them stepped into Hoku's living room.
Sabo kept his gaze forward, allowing his expression to settle into a simple, thin line as his eyes deftly glanced about Hoku's home. His feet carried him toward her kitchen without needed guidance.
The first thing he noticed was the television on—some kind of show for easy background noise based on the fact that neither of the two people currently in this apartment were sitting to watch. A blanket was tossed hazardously over one arm of the couch, discarded casually by Hoku, he pieced. Two mugs and a set of papers and folders were laid neatly across her table, standing out starkly compared to Hoku's scattered pages and texts—these most likely belonged to the man behind Sabo, though he couldn't make out their contents.
Sabo could hear water running down the hall as he stepped into Hoku's small, cozy little kitchen. Cozy was being kind, he supposed, but Hoku woud not allow him to think otherwise. He kept his mind focused on the task at hand. For the best, Sabo thought, since the sound of running water was only getting louder in the back of his mind, grating on his ears in this occasion where it should've been teasingly soft.
("She's in the shower.")
Law stepped into the kitchen behind him, drifting to the countertop while Sabo began to carefully set his bags down on Hoku's little dining table.
Sabo had already gauged Law was not the particularly talkative type. He smiled and said, "You mentioned you were a friend of Hoku's, but not a classmate? How did the two of you meet?"
"We met properly through a joint project at my work," Law said calmly. "Had a few mutual friends prior to it without realizing."
"I see," Sabo said. He began to pull containers from the bag. "You're an artist as well?"
Law scoffed, a light sound as he shook his head. Sabo's eyes slowly turned his way. "Doctor. She was commissioned to design a mural for the children's ward."
Sabo offered a small hum of interest, watching the broth in one container sway slightly from side to side. "So you're one of Straw Hat's brothers?"
"That's right," Sabo said, calmly adjusting a utensil set. He turned now and lightly leaned back against the dining table to face Law, lacing his gloved fingers together and letting them hang comfortably in front of him. Sabo smiled, a charming upturn of his lips. "Luffy, Ace, Hoku and I all grew up together. She lived with us for a long time as well."
"Must've been a loud house," Law said. Sabo continued to smile. "You seem more put together than either of them at least."
"Haha, we managed," Sabo said, "it was the kind of home Hoku loved. Easy to mind the noise."
Law glanced over from where he'd been lightly moving some stray items off Hoku's countertop. Sabo dully noticed the way Law seemed to know where to put each little item.
"She mentioned the two of you were back in town," Law leaned back against the counter. "What do you do for work? Random business like Straw Hat-ya?"
Sabo grinned easily. "Fortunately more stable than that. I work with a few brands and do some modeling."
"I see," Law said. "A model."
"Are you currently still in school?" Sabo said, though he could tell the answer already. "Residency?"
Law offered him one easy shake of his head. He considered Sabo for a brief moment, a simple look, before he said, "Attending."
"That's amazing," Sabo said, eyes widening. "You only look a few years older than me!"
"Worked hard," Law said with a slight shrug. "That's all."
Sabo nodded in understanding. He could feel Law giving him a curious once over. Sabo had already done the same, after all, taking in the rolled up sleeves of his black button down, undone by several buttons to reveal the top of his chest and casual black slacks. It seemed he'd just gotten off work.
Perhaps he'd be called back into the hospital soon enough.
"What hospital do you work at?" Sabo asked. "Somewhere local?"
Law nodded. "Heart Hospital."
Sabo paused for a moment, wondering briefly where he'd heard such a name before. He was familiar with that hospital, one of the biggest ones in the area. Reputable and good reviews... no, that's right. There was an article Luffy's father had mentioned to him once...
Sabo's expression became one of faux concern, brows creased, "Isn't that the one that was owned by that mobster? Doflamingo?"
For a split second, Law's jaw clenched briefly. Sabo kept his careful mask of concern, watching with lightly narrowed eyes as Law's own expression flickered before it settled. A mask of calm detachment.
"...his brother owned it," Law said clearly. "He'd left that part of the family business behind. He didn't know anything about medicine, but he helped fund the hospital and keep it afloat until it took off."
The most you've said all night. "Oh, I had no idea," Sabo said, eyes round with curiosity. "That must be a relief to know you don't have to worry about treating any criminals or having any troublemakers around, right?"
Law offered a short noise in the back of his throat as a response. One of his hands was drumming his fingers against the side of the countertop. Sabo unamusedly considered the ink etched into his knuckles with distaste.
"You know what," Sabo said now, voice lighter, "you must've been the one who treated Luffy's broken collarbone last year, aren't you?"
Law's expression instantly relaxed into the memory, lips twisting into a furious scowl. Sabo almost laughed. "Yes. Unfortunately."
"I couldn't imagine," Sabo said. "Thank you for that. Luffy's easy because you know he'll never go hungry, but you've got to watch out for what trouble he gets himself into. Hoku on the other hand..."
Sabo glanced to the take out on the table. "I'm always worrying about whether or not she's eating enough or taking care of herself. Especially since she lives alone."
Sabo shook his head. "We've been mentioning to her lately she should consider moving in with us like before. Especially considering in the past..."
Sabo purposefully stopped his explanation, giving Law and innocently hesitant look. "Has she told you about that?"
Law's expression was one of cool calm. He faced Sabo easily, "Once in passing."
"She just forgets to take care of herself," Sabo said softly. "Ace and I used to look after her all the time."
Law considered the take out and glanced halfway over his shoulder. Sabo's smile settled into a thin line. "I know what you mean."
Sabo slowly smiled. He smoothed his thumb over the top of his gloved hand.
"You sound like you know Luffy pretty well too," Sabo said casually, offering Law a grin. "One of the mutuals?"
"Didn't realize we both knew him until later," Law said. "Straw Hat-ya gets around. Realized the same about another friend."
"Who else? Would we know them?"
Law seemed to genuinely hesitate for a moment, not at all nervous, but silently contemplative. Sabo raised a curious brow until Law finally continued, "...Eustass-ya."
He gauged Sabo's reaction to the name, expression impassive. Sabo figured Law was considering the fact that if Sabo and Ace had been close enough to Hoku during high school, they should've been more than aware of Hoku's only long term relationship.
Sabo was very, very aware.
"Oh," Sabo said with oblivious curiosity. He even allowed himself to make a slightly concerned expression, "So you're... a friend of Hoku's ex?"
"...mutuals," Law said, slightly clipped.
Sabo had discovered where he could lightly tap the knife.
"I see," Sabo said, looking naively concerned. "That's nice! It's good that you two can still be friends despite that..." Law looked up at Sabo. His expression remained unbothered, but his jaw shifted slightly. "You know how it usually is for people. Easier to just cut it clean."
"...we became acquainted after the matter," Law said. "It's no problem."
There was a slight shortness, almost barely noticeable. Sabo tried to hide his slow, curling smile. "Of course! If anything, I'm happy to meet one of Hoku's friends. We try to make it a habit to be familiar with all of them."
Sabo smiled, tilting his head to the side. Law's gaze was cool, regarding Sabo with the slightest furrow of his brow. "She's one of our closest friends, after all. We've known her for so long..."
Sabo snapped his fingers as though he'd suddenly had a thought. Law leaned back against the counter, slowly sliding his arms crossed over his chest. His shoulders leaned back somewhat, giving him a broader appearance. Sabo blinked slowly, languidly.
"You guys seem pretty close," Sabo said, simple and easy. "But I'm surprised Hoku's never mentioned you before."
Law shrugged. A light raise of his shoulder. His tone was lazy.
"It's been awhile since you've been in touch."
Sabo smiled, a slow curl of his lips.
The door to Hoku's bathroom swung open with a slight bang! A happy sigh of relief flooded the whole apartment, slightly damp feet slapping against wooded boards. "Done! Shower's all yours if you wanna wash—Sabo!"
Sabo's eyes turned in an instant to the sound of her voice. Hoku stood in the entryway of the kitchen, the faintest wisp of steam curling off her skin. He kept his gaze evenly on her face, expression warm, but he could make out easily the looseness of her shirt, falling in a way about her chest that made him want to offer Law a very persuasive ride home. She slipped pajama shorts on, loose and falling too short over the top of her thighs.
Law turned lazily to look at her entrance.
Sabo's fingers clenched briefly, loosening almost instantly.
Hoku's jaw dropped in surprise, eyes wide in shock for a moment. She quickly swung her gaze from Law to Sabo, looking blatantly confused.
Sabo smiled, his eyes crinkling this time at the corners. "Good evening Hoku... I was just stopping by to bring something over in case you hadn't eaten yet. Just got off work. Dr. Trafalgar was nice enough to let me in."
"Aw, thanks Sabs!" Hoku's eyes went round, quickly hurrying over into the kitchen. She playfully shoved Law aside and he scowled, keeping to the countertop while she stopped beside Sabo. "You didn't have to! Traffy and I actually already ate an early dinner today—but are you hungry? We can heat some of this up and I'll share with you."
Sabo's smile widened even further, gaze fond as he reached over and ruffled the top of Hoku's still damp hair. He watched a bead of water roll down her neck, the smell of her conditioner lingering in the air.
Sabo lightly pulled his fingers away.
"No worries. I already ate. I just wanted to make sure you were eating."
"I am, I am," Hoku said with a pout. She flashed Law a look. "See? You're rubbing off on people!"
"This is the first time we've ever met."
"That's right," Hoku look scandalized. "Have you two introduced yourselves yet? Sabo, this is—"
"We have," Law and Sabo said in unison. Sabo laughed lightly while Law remained silent. "But that's all Hoku, don't let me keep you."
"Aw, well if you're sure," Hoku said. Her brows creased and she frowned. "You can always hang around here for a bit if you wanted! Law's hanging out until his next shift so he's resting here."
"No, no, it's fine," Sabo said sweetly, already beginning to make his way back to the entrance. Hoku followed quick at his heels, coming right up to his side. Sabo's smile widened an inch and he gently set an arm around her shoulders. "Sorry for dropping in so suddenly."
"No need to apologize! I'm happy to see ya," Hoku said brightly. "Are you sure you don't want to stay? You and Law can chat a bit, share some crazy stories—I bet you'll both realize you have plenty about Lu."
Sabo glanced over the top of Hoku's head to where Law had drifted soundlessly to the edge of the kitchen, leaning against the hallway wall.
"I'm sure," Sabo said. "But I have a short meeting with Ace... he says you need to respond to his messages faster, by the way."
"That dumbass blows up my phone at the most random time, I swear—"
"And also, Hoku," Hoku turned at his tone, eyes round and attentive. Sabo's smile curled, his gaze half lowering, pleased. His gloved fingers gently helped guide her, the softest tap, turning her body a bit more toward him.
(Just like that. Good job.)
"We wanted to move the usual appointment up a few days... would that be fine with you?"
Hoku blinked, once with a furrowed brow before her expression cleared. For a brief moment a light flush touched her cheeks, only natural given the memory of her current job with them—but Hoku instantly waved it away with an air of professionalism. "Sure, that's fine with me! The usual?"
"Yes," Sabo said lowly. "I'll keep you updated on the time." He lifted his fingers from her shoulder, drawing her attention away briefly before Sabo gently tucked a damp strand of hair behind her ear. Hoku looked up at the touch.
"Make sure you dry your hair," Sabo said. "You'll catch a cold."
"I will, I will," Hoku laughed, finally stopping by the genkan. Sabo easily reached into the shoe closet, taking out his pair while leaving a gaping spot between the unfamiliar loafers and Hoku's sneakers. "Text me when you get back home!"
"I will," Sabo echoed. Hoku grinned. "I'm sorry again for not staying longer, but I'll be seeing you soon."
"Right," Hoku said brightly. "Thanks again for the food, Sabs!"
"Of course," Sabo said. He looked again down the hall, smiling politely. "Good bye, Dr. Trafalgar. It was nice to meet you!"
"Likewise," Law said.
Sabo adjusted his coat as Hoku reached under him to open the door. He glanced briefly to the top of her head, watching the way the ends of her hair clung damply to the curve of her collarbone.
(A thin strand. The ends clinging to the imagined image of sweat slicked skin. Plastered messily.)
Sabo stepped through the doorway, giving Hoku a tight, one-armed hug before he stepped out into the hall. "Have a good night, you two. Doctor, hope to see you again."
Law nodded from the shadow of the hallway. Hoku grinned up at him, holding the door open as Sabo began to make his way to the elevator. "Bye, Sabs!"
Sabo waved over his shoulder, disappearing around the corner.
Hoku waited a second, staring at the empty space before she hummed happily to herself, stepping back into the apartment. Her fingers twisted the lock with ease, waiting for the familiar click click of the locking mechanism.
Hoku turned on her heel, eyes widening in surprise as she stumbled back a quick step. Law suddenly stood directly in front of her, the slight remains of his cologne still clinging to the air and his chest nearly pressing her flat to the door as he stood over her—"What the hell? Law?"
The cloth of his button down almost touched her lips from the proximity. Hoku tried to lower herself a bit so she could crane her neck up to look at her friend, eyes round with curiosity and surprise. "Traffy?"
Law's gaze was fixed for a moment on the doorframe. His expression was somewhat unreadable, his brows a bit furrowed. They always seemed furrowed in Hoku's opinion, part of his perpetual stress, but there was a strangely... thoughtful? look on his face this time. Law didn't seem to hear her startled inquiry, one of his hands resting above her against the door, as though to keep it pushed closed.
Without a word, Law's long fingers carefully slid her lock chain back in place. His gaze seemed to narrow a bit, staring intently at the door—
Hoku's knuckles knocked against his chest. Law's expression finally cleared and he glanced down, leaning his forearm against the door as he hovered over Hoku.
"Hey," Hoku began, looking curiously confused. "You good?"
Law gazed down at her for a second longer. Hoku's brows started to furrow.
"...Always lock your doors," Law said flatly, he briefly knocked Hoku's head back, ignoring her hiss of pain as he promptly moved her in front of him, forcing her back down the hallway. "I'm tired."
"Tired! We still have a whole season to get through—I think Sabo left a few drinks! Let's have some and finish up."
Hoku practically skipped down the hall, once more unbothered. Law took a few steps after her.
He paused briefly in the entryway, stilling for a second longer before Law finally turned back to the front door.
His eyes lingered on the lock for only a breath longer before he turned, making his way back to Hoku's couch.
Iif you drink that you're going to knock out."
"No way! Look at it, I think the percentage is super low. It's probably basically soda."
.... ..... ..... .... .....
Sabo silently slipped into his car.
He went through the familiar motions, locking the doors and pressing the button for the engine to start. Sabo leaned back against his seat, still tracing the fading warmth over the top of his hand.
His phone began to vibrate. Sabo lightly tapped the button to answer, placing his brother on speaker. “Ace.”
“How was it?” Ace questioned, a hint of a sulk to his tone. “Tell me eve—“
“There’s someone we need to look into,” Sabo said without missing a beat. Ace fell silent on the other end and Sabo leaned forward against his arm crossed over his steering wheel. He looked up from his windshield toward Hoku’s floor in the apartment complex.
“See if you can get a head start. His name’s Trafalgar Law.”
... .... .... .... ....
Law slowly opened his eyes to the almost comforting drone of the television.
Hoku's living room was dark, save for the soft glow of the television screen in front of them. A cooking competition rerun with one of Hoku's friends—the blonde cook, as the guest star currently flirting with one of the female judges. Law eyed the screen for a second before he slowly sat up from his sunken position on the couch, raising himself up by his elbows.
Her apartment was silent save for her friend's professions of love. Law rubbed the back of his neck, working out a kink before he looked over to the heavy weight plastered over his leg.
Hoku was completely knocked out. She slept like the dead, chest rising and falling and hair spilled out messily around them. Her arms were wrapped tightly around Law's thigh and refusing to let go as she occasionally mumbled something against it.
Law ran a hand through his hair, slicking it back as he shut his eyes and took a second to gather his bearings. He reached over Hoku, fishing for his phone and pager. Everything seemed clear, as he expected till at least noon when his next shift would start—Law raised a brow at one message from Shachi saying to disregard a memo to his pager asking him to come in maybe an hour ago.
"Mistake from front desk. Said they had a call of someone requesting you but nothing serious."
Law's brows furrowed slightly, sliding the message open and checking his pager as well. Sure enough, a message had been sent and then a quick follow up.
His hand absently settled over the top of Hoku's head. Law's long fingers half-carded through her hair as he skimmed through the notifications on his phone, half-debating if he needed to call Shachi.
Law paused, glancing down at Hoku. His brows furrowed deeper, gaze becoming focused as he moved his hand from her hair to press the back of his hand to Hoku's forehead.
Warm. She's totally flushed. Law set his phone down, nudging Hoku by her shoulder. "Hoku-ya. Hoku-ya, wake up."
"Mmmm," Hoku slurred. "'m... not yet... you feel... cool..."
The sickly sweet hang of alcohol finally reached Law's nose. He blinked slowly in faint surprise, scanning Hoku's coffee table for where she might've grabbed an extra drink when he didn't realize—they'd both just been nursing small cans of whatever until they'd knocked out on the couch—
Law paused. His eyes focused on Hoku's drink sitting at the corner of the table. He gazed at it for a second longer before Law finally turned his focus back to Hoku.
Hoku's eyes finally fluttered open. She moved sluggishly, expression dazed and cheeks flushed in the darkness. Law's gaze narrowed at the sight and she mumbled, shaking her head awake as Hoku slowly unwound herself from his calf, sitting up between his legs.
"Ugh," Hoku mumbled. She shook her head and them seemed to instantly regret the action. "Man... I'm... beat... 's it... time for you... go?"
Law shook his head. Hoku began to lean against the couch now, eyes heavy with sleep. He carefully considered how hard it was for her to stay awake, deeply buzzed without being properly drunk.
"'orry," Hoku yawned, shaking her head against the couch. "So... tired..."
Without another word, Law rose from the couch. Hoku mumbled something, nuzzling into the side of the cushion until Law silently slipped his arms underneath her. Hoku's eyes fluttered openly briefly, rolling up to look at Law as he lifted her up before she shut them once more, not even making a fuss as she turned to rest her head against his chest instead.
Law manuvered his way to Hoku's room, nudging the door open with his foot and quietly stepping over her scattered projects. He lowered Hoku into her bed, checking the flush of her skin before he briskly made his way out back into the livingroom.
He stopped briefly before the kitchen, grabbing the two cans off Hoku's table and flicking the light switch on. Law approached the sink, dumping out first the last of the beer from his can before he finally focused on Hoku's.
Law held the can up to the light, carefully turning the label around.
"It's sweet and fizzy," Hoku had said. "Pretty light in taste. Like a soda. These aren't so bad. Percentage seems low."
It wasn't clear on first glance. Law turned away from the label now and meticulously checked each line of the nutritional box until he found what he was looking for. He scoffed in disbelief, rolling the can once between his fingers as the bit of remaining liquid sloshed about.
The percentage of alcohol in this was one of the highest he'd ever seen in a can.
He heard Hoku's laugh. "Sabo has good taste!"
Law stared at it for a moment longer before he promptly dumped the rest of the contents into the sink, trashing the cans into Hoku's recycling bin.
He pulled a bottle of water from her fridge, quietly making his way back to Hoku's room.
Law considered her sorry state for a moment, curled into a tight little ball over the top of her sheets while she wrapped her arms tightly around one of her pillows. Hoku's cheeks were flushed a bright red, her breathing slowed. Law set the bottle on her nightstand and took a seat on the edge of her bed, working her comforter out from under her.
Hoku's eyes fluttered open once more at the disturbance, turning lazily toward Law. Hoku freed an arm from her pillow, reaching over to grip the edge of Law's shirt.
"...'ay here?"
Law glanced down at Hoku. She gazed sleepily back up at him, brows creased imploringly. He remained silent for a few beats before Law wordlessly motioned with his hand. Hoku seemed lucid enough to understand, grinning cheekily as she shuffled over so Law had room. He turned, laying himself in the freed space of her mattress as Hoku's entire face seemed to relax now, holding her pillow loosely.
Law laid sideways, pulling the comforter up over Hoku while he laid on top of them. Hoku's soft scent covered the lingering whisper of alcohol, wrapping lightly around Law. He stared silently at Hoku's face, her expression slowly growing more and more relaxed, breaths slow and easy.
A thought remained in the back of his head. He considered the conversation he'd had with Hoku just an hour or so ago before they'd fallen asleep on the couch.
She'd looked up at him from the top of her can.
"Has that guy always been like that?"
A wide grin, brows a bit furrowed.
"Sabo? Like what?"
She'd laughed.
'If you mean always that put together, yeah, hahaha. Between the four of us, he was always good at—"
Law had dropped the conversation there, instead letting Hoku tell him a few stories about their childhood and high school days. He listened for small pieces in Hoku's stories, a faint clue to give weight to a careless thought.
Perhaps it was because Law himself wasn't quite sure what name to put to what he'd considered he'd seen.
(His gaze meeting his own over the top of her head.)
Gloved fingers splaying widely across the back of Hoku's shoulder, featherlight she probably didn't even feel the touch.
(The way that hand had covered so much.)
The way he'd look at Hoku, just for a second—
-sorry it mightve ended up a bit more sabo-centric than law, i'll do more law TT
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shirohige-pirates · 11 months
Just Like Fire
CisFem Reader x Portgas D. Ace
CW: angst, language, erotic, violence, serial killer, stalking, poisoning, over-bearing controlling parents, attempted forced marriage, possible dub-con, Munchausen by proxy (aka Factitious Disorder), wildly cute and fluffy despite the warnings. 18+ only
Summary: You're Sabo's biological sister in this AU. After college you moved in with your dear brother and his two sworn brothers in order to avoid going back home. You and Sabo despise your family equally.
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Chapter 3: Two Jobs
A week in the house turned into three weeks. The end of the third week was also the end of your first week of work. You got your foot in the door at a firm not too far from where Sabo worked, and your job was just some basic data analytics. The pay was decent, and the hours were stable, so you managed to get yourself set up as the de facto cook for the house.
You were the only one with a set start and end time, so it was easiest for you to plan meals and prep for everyone else. You’d bought a lot of bento boxes and thermoses so you could start organizing things, and even out some nutrition for the others. Sabo did the laundry, and Ace and Luffy kept the house clean.
So far it was working out well, and you all managed to get time off Friday evening and were currently celebrating.
All Blue was a jazzy bar and restaurant that was run by another of Luffy’s friends. You were fairly certain the young man was simply friends with the entire city at this point, and Ace and Sabo couldn’t disagree. Sanji was a phenomenal cook according to all three boys, and had decent taste in music as far as you were concerned. The vibe of the venue was also on point, as there were well organized and maintained aquariums built into the bar, walls, and ceiling in a few places.
Sanji came to the table to bring your meals.
“Ah, the mysterious sister!” He says, setting down plates with grace and skill. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Welcome to the All Blue!”
“It’s a pleasure to be here,” you say, just loud enough to be heard over the live jazz band. They weren’t playing too loud – it would probably harm the fish – but it was loud enough to make you raise your voice a little. “Your restaurant is beautiful, Mr. Sanji!”
“Not nearly as beautiful as some of my customers.” He replies with an easy smile. You feel the heat rise in your cheeks, but Sanji shifts his attention to the rest of the table. “Luffy said you were celebrating?”
“(Y/N) has survived a week at her job,” Luffy says, putting his hands up in victory.
“She’s also survived three weeks with us.” Ace adds before taking a drink.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful customer.” Sanji says with a wide smile. He bows with a little flourish. “May you enjoy your celebration, Miss. Please enjoy the food.”
“I’m sure I will, thank you.” You reply as he walks away. You turn toward Sabo. “The way you talked about him I expected him to be a lot more cringey and a lot less smooth.”
“Three years ago, he was awful.” Sabo assures you. “Then he finally settled down, and I guess he settled down in other ways too.”
“Oh, did he find his soul mate or something?” You ask.
Ace grabs your shoulder and guides your gaze toward the bar. “See the bartender?”
Your eyes go a little wide. “Yeah.” A young woman was behind the bar with long dark brown hair and a feisty countenance. She was maybe a little shorter than Luffy and had an easy smile. She was laughing with some patrons, when Sanji walked by and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the kitchen.
“That’s the fiancé.” Ace explains. “The one person in the New World who managed to settle Sanji.”
“Well.” You lean back and begin to dig into your main course. The appetizers had been delicious and had been brought out by someone who wasn’t the bartender or Sanji. “Did Sanji have this place before or after they got together?”
“After. It was part of their agreement.” Luffy answers.
“She made him woo her for a year, and in that time, they got everything for this place sorted.” Ace explains.
“Made him?” You quirk an eyebrow.
“Sanji wanted to get married the day they confessed to one another.” Sabo clarified, and you nearly choke on your food.
After a drink of water, you turn toward Sabo in disbelief. “That’s a tad fast, yes?”
“They’d known each other for a few years by that point.” He offers. You can tell from his smile that he agrees with you though. “I think he said something about being a fool for taking so long to notice. Lyn’s lovely, when they’re a little less busy we’ll introduce you.”
“He didn’t want to waste any more time.” Luffy says, and you notice he’s already cleared his plate. You’re not sure what to say about any of it, but before you can speak, Sanji’s already come over with another plate of what Luffy ordered. He sets it down in front of the young man with little more than a “here you go”, and then was back off toward the kitchen.
“… How many times is he going to do that?” You ask.
“At least two more times.” Ace answers. “Sanji’s the only person who can feed Luffy to full.”
“Luffy can be full?” You ask the question without thinking and the table breaks out into laughter – Luffy included.
The four of you continue to eat, and sure enough Sanji brings three more plates for Luffy by the end of it. He doesn’t hang around to talk, but the All Blue is packed to the gills, so you’re sure he’s very busy. It was probably more time than he had to spare to bring the dishes to your table in the first place.
By the end of your meal, Luffy was full, you and Ace were a little toasted after a small drinking contest, and Sabo was sober, but smiling. He wasn’t smiling that tight, concerned smile he gets when he’s irritated either, so you knew he was having fun.
“This was quite the celebration, thank you.” You say, leaning your head against Sabo’s shoulder for a moment. “I wish we could’ve done something more exciting.”
“What’s a proper lady like you consider exciting?” Ace teases. He’d been calling you a proper lady since before the drinking contest, and the wide smile on his face assured you he meant it kindly.
You right yourself, sitting up before you wiggle a little to the jazz music. “It would’ve been fun to go dancing, or camping maybe. Something new would’ve been nice.”
“You’ve… never been camping?” Ace and Luffy ask at the same time.
You shake your head. “Too risky, and I was taught how to dance, but I don’t do it often.” You can feel yourself sobering up, but you manage to keep your tone light. “I slept for 14 hours a day for three days after the move, if we went dancing tonight, I’d sleep my Saturday away, and unfortunately I have an obligation tomorrow.”
The word obligation dripped from your mouth like it was covered in poison and oil. You couldn’t help but nearly spit the frustrating phrase from your lips.
Sabo sighs and rolls his eyes. “Did she do it already?”
You sigh. “Yeah, mother set me up on a coffee date tomorrow.”
“You haven’t been graduated a month!” Sabo seems even angrier than you feel.
“She said I should be grateful she waited until I had graduated.” You say, mimicking your mother’s affect. “I wanted to tell you before the celebration, but we all kind of showed up here and I didn’t want to ruin the mood.”
“You don’t have to worry about that with us.” Ace says, giving you an easy smile, and yanking Luffy over with him. “We’ll always cheer you back up!”
Luffy smiles at you, that wide smile he has. “Yeah! You can say what you need to!” He asserts, putting his arms up as Sabo nudges you a little.
“Ah, you’re all too much.” You tighten your lips and do your best to smile. “I hadn’t imagined the best part of moving in with my brother would be support from his brothers.”
All three of them smile for a moment before Sabo’s face drops. “Hey – wait a minute!”
Your laugh rings out at your brother’s displeasure, and you’re trying to console him, but you keep breaking into giggles instead. You don’t see the expression on Ace’s face, but Sabo does.
. . . . . .
Saturday morning you woke up and went through your routine. Showered and dressed, you made your way downstairs and started making breakfast. The boys wouldn’t be up for another hour and that gave you plenty of time to prep all the ingredients and make some snack boxes in case anyone had to go into work today. It was easier to just assume they would have to, than to assume they’d be staying at home.
Sabo came down first. He was already dressed for work, so you knew he was going in.
“Mornin’ sister dear.” He greeted you with a lazy smile, brushing his still damp hair from his face. “I shouldn’t be in for too long today, I can pick you up from the café if you want?” He offers.
You shake your head. “I don’t want to risk offending mother just yet.” You say, plating him up some food as he sat at the breakfast bar. “If whoever this is complains about my dear brother interrupting us, she’ll be a headache and a half.”
“Mm, fair. Still, please do call if he’s out of line.” Sabo says, turning his small breakfast into a sandwich by piling it all between two slices of toast. “I’ll even leave the office to help.”
“Of course.” You say with a smile.
Sabo finishes his breakfast and heads out, giving you a small hug before he leaves. A few minutes later Ace and Luffy wander into the kitchen. Luffy is dressed, barely, but well enough, and Ace is in shorts. You’ve adjusted a bit to seeing the two barely clothed, but a topless Ace is a small treat first thing in the morning.
“Work for Luffy, but not for you?” You question, setting plates in front of both of them.
“Meeennng-hurgh.” Luffy makes a weird noise as he begins to eat his breakfast. “Long EMT shift today.” He says. He doesn’t seem to be whining about the shift, more that he’s up so early.
Ace begins to eat too. “On-call.” He says between bites, reaching over the bar and putting a few extra bits of food onto Luffy’s plate automatically. “When’s your second job start today?”
You tilt your head for a second before the light dawns. Keeping your mother happy was enough of an energy drain, calling it a second job was valid. “Coffee’s at 11am. I was going to have a light breakfast and grab a taxi around 10:30.”
“If you need someone to come get you-.” Ace starts, but you’re already smiling.
“Sabo offered earlier too.” You explain. “I’ll be fine. If someone comes to my rescue and he complains to mother it’ll be an issue. But if he’s truly rude, I’ll just make a scene in the café.” You say with a smile. “Then I’ll call my mom and head off anyone else trying to control the story.”
“Sounds like a headache.” Ace grumbles.
You stretch before replying. “It is.” You admit taking a couple bites of food before continuing. “Nobles, Royals, Celestials – it’s all a big pain in the ass. I’m almost glad Sabo and I are nobles, and not any higher up the line.”
You take a few more bites and frown. “It’d be best if we weren’t even nobles.”
“I’m glad you two are!” Luffy says brightly. He’s finished eating his first plate and is wide awake. You slide a second plate over, tilting your head a little. “Sabo found Ace and I because he was Sabo, and you’re here cause you’re you.” Luffy takes a few big bites as you start to realize his point. “If you weren’t who you were, you might not’ve ended up me an’ Ace’s nakama!”
You glance over at Ace with a smile, catching his gaze unintentionally, and look back over to Luffy before continuing. “A small price to pay, I guess. Thank you Luffy.”
Luffy nods as he cleans his plate. “If you don’t like being a noble so much, why not quit?”
“It’s not impossible.” You say, gathering three bento boxes and tying them together. “But it’s a long process. I have to prove personal independence first, or provide mitigating circumstances. One of the reasons Sabo decided to become a lawyer was to make sure we could both break off clean as soon as possible.
“The short version is that someone has to sign off on my declaration. I can’t just declare it.”
“… Why?” Luffy asks, tilting his head. “Can’t you just decide?”
You let out a sigh. “Luffy, she can’t just-.”
“Ah, it’s okay Ace.” You interrupt. You purse your lips together and look back to Luffy. You know what you’re going to say will upset him, but you’re trying to sort out how to soften the blow. “Noble blood is considered a commodity. There are few Celestials, a few more Royals than Celestials, and a lot more nobles than Celestials and Royals.”
You grimace a little and sigh again but continue. “The system is such that inbreeding can be avoided among the Celestials and Royals by utilizing the larger pool of nobles. We’re, effectively, acceptable commoners, in the grand scheme of it all. But because of that it’s difficult to renounce one’s title.
“Sterry, for an example, is the son of a couple of criminals. Not that that would ever become public knowledge, but his parents were nobles. Instead of losing out on the potential, they allowed him and his sister to be adopted. Separately, mind you. I don’t even know if Sterry knows.”
“Why separate them?” Ace questions.
You crinkle your nose a little, waving your hand a bit. “It… spreads the impact.”
“That’s gross.” Luffy says, his face crinkled in an emotion somewhere between distaste and anger.
“It is.” You agree. “So we have to cut ties correctly. Until then, we have to play the game, at least minimally. Which means I accept the dates my mother sets up for me.”
Luffy makes a face, and you can see the internal struggle cross his features. It makes you feel better, honestly, having such a kind person like him in your proverbial corner. Somewhere in the back of your mind you can clearly imagine Luffy and Ace setting the noble district ablaze to rescue you.
Perhaps they would do so if you simply asked them to.
Help me be free.
You keep your thoughts to yourself for now, and tense a little as Luffy gives you a hug suddenly. You return the gesture and he steps back, the gaze he levels at you is almost uncomfortable - it’s like he’s reading your very soul for a moment.
“Okay!” He nods, but you’re not sure what’s going through his mind. “I gotta go, have a good day!”
He gives you both a wave and dashes out of the house. You tilt your head and look over at Ace who only shrugs.
“He’s not going to, um, do anything rash, is he?”
Ace almost chokes on his food before laughing. “He might want to,” he admits. “But Luff won’t start a revolution unless you ask him, and Sabo lets him.”
“… the way you say that makes me nervous.” You sit back down across from Ace and continue eating your breakfast.
“How so?”
“Like… you’d join him, not stop him.” You say it with a smile, but when you see the look on his face your breath catches. “I-.” You stop, unsure of what to say. For some reason you almost want to apologize, or let him. Let him and Luffy just do it. Just level your parents’ home, rock the world, rage against it, set it on fire and force it to change.
It’s an absolutely insane train of thought, but some part of you is compelled to believe it would be possible.
Ace finishes eating. “Call me if he steps out of line.” He says, ruffling your hair a little as he walks back to his room.
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ebachan · 11 months
Sonic Prime - Shadow's Variants
I've seen a few YT videos about how Prime deconstructs characters, and how they are divided into three bodies/personalities. And it made me thinking if it's a reason why Shadow isn't part of these worlds too.
It's obvious he has to help Sonic fix this mess, but what if it "was too hard" to divide Shadow into three personalities? Given his popularity, it's kinda easy to see this being partly a reason. I wonder if they had any early plans for this to happen. Would be cool to know.
And so I brainstormed a bit and got to these three Shadow's variants.
Please vote after you read about them ;-) And please reblog if you vote.
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New Yoke Shadow - Black Wind
He would be a ruthless bounty hunter/hired gun working for whoever offered more money. He wouldn't care if he backstabbed his employer if the target offered something more interesting. His combat skills would include various firearms (handguns and sniper guns are his favorite), but he would be able to go toe to toe with his targets in hand-to-hand combat too.
And for some reason, he would have a personal favorite gun named Maria. Either to be an Easter Egg or to remember the only person who ever showed him love during his childhood. He would now be 35-40 years old so that love would be long buried after all the pain and brutal world around him.
Aside from it, his ace would be his mechanical legs, allowing him to move fast. And this speed would earn him his name "Black Wind" since he would turn into a black blur before assassinating his targets. And of course, he would get hired to get rid of or capture Sonic.
And while Shadow is fast, Sonic would be much faster. That and combining it with Sonic's no-kill policy would create a big emotional scar. First, remembering Maria's kindness and second, the feeling of shame he allowed his pray to win and to pity him.
After that Shadow would go after Sonic, trying to regain his pride and reputation as a flawless hunter. However, he would fail time and time again, witnessing Sonic putting himself in danger to help others. All of this would result in Shadow regaining a bit of the kindness he had as a child. And to his shock, he would find himself pushing Sonic out of harm's way.
This world would emphasize his cold-heart and ruthless nature. In the games and comics, we could see he was willing to take one's life for the greater good. But here, he cares only for himself.
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Boscage Maze Shadow - Black Beast
Here, Shadow is reduced to a feral beast from hushed stories. Unlike others, he doesn't talk and acts based on instinct. His form would remind you of a bit rougher werehog, but with a long tail and more claws.
Shadow wouldn't be malicious, but territorial and aggressive. His meeting with Sonic would be only about hunting to eat. And while others would vary of him, calling him the worst monster of the forest, Sonic wouldn't let them hurt him.
And while Shadow wouldn't be considered intelligent, he is smart enough to understand Sonic isn't an enemy. It would spark curiosity and open his heart a bit. I imagine him being Thorn's Flicky-level smart. This Shadow would fight by Sonic's side, but would treat others like an annoyance he doesn't want to deal with but do so for Sonic.
This Shadow would bring out Shadow's powers and his fear of going feral/savage if not controlled. He would be missing the Inhibitors to regulate his Chaos energy. The only way to keep living would be to hunt a huge number of animals (the excessive energy would be slowly eating him from the inside, and enough nutrition was the only thing to keep it from speeding too much). We can also say this form would bring out his Black Arms DNA if that is canon in Prime.
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No Place Shadow - Black Blade
There is a bit of a joke about how Captain Shadow (Sonic Dash) would be perfect for No Place. And as fun as it sounds, I think Shadow would be an Admiral working for a government to catch pirates. He would have a couple of ships in his arsenal, each having dozens of men. But he would mainly use Maria's Wish (both the fastest and strongest of his ships).
His goal would be to catch every last pirate and make sure no new ones would arrive, fearing him. His biggest target and thorn in his quills would be daring Dread. The only pirate who escaped him in the past and who gave him a scar over his eye. Shadow in return made Dread one tooth lighter XD
The nickname Black Blade would come from Shadow's love of using a sword made of black steel. Also, his ships would be "decorated" in black and red colors and would have black steel blades in place of a figurehead and down the beak. His style would be ramming the pirate's ships and making holes in them.
Shadow would meet Sonic on Dread's ship, considering him one of the crew. But Shadow's speed would be greatly reduced, so Sonic would have no problem fighting him. But this Shadow is also crafty, using items and environment to his advantage (like using a rope to limit Sonic's movements), but without dirty tricks.
I can imagine this Shadow changing his opinion about Sonic (at least) during a fight in the middle of a storm. Shadow's ship would be equipped with giant crossbows, allowing him to hook ships at a greater distance. Shadow's specialty would be running across the rope while his crew would try to get Maria's Wish closer.
So, while his speed would drop down compared to the original Shadow, his reaction time, sense of balance, and nimbleness would make up for it. Dark clouds would cover them and a big thunderstorm would make everything worse.
Shadow would fall over the ledge into the water during the fight on Dread's ship. He would struggle but still composed to keep calm. That's when Sonic would run to him, saving him from being hit by a falling barrel, and getting him back to Maria's Wish.
Shadow's crew would be quick to surround Sonic, capturing him. Meanwhile, Dread's ship would get further away (either due to the weather or by Dread's command), leaving Sonic on Shadow's ship. And while Shadow wants to pursue Dread, his ship is damaged and he values his crew enough to not throw their lives in vain. So he orders them to retreat, cutting the ropes before their ships slam into each other.
Sonic would later alter Shadow's view of pirates and showed him no rule or law is worth keeping it if means hurting your friends.
This version would strengthen Shadow's sense of justice and doing everything for the greater good. That would make Shadow ignore his personal feelings and desires. And in his fights, he would follow a strict honor code, allowing pirates to live if they give up, but killing them if they resist.
If you got here, thank you so much. This post was fun to create. Please, vote in the poll above, I'm curious what you think and if you do, please, reblog so I may get more accurate results :-)
Thank you so much <3
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toreii · 2 years
Glorious Masquerade spoilers #21
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Night Raven College - Main Street
Back at NRC, around the same time the boys are making their way to the bell tower, Ace and Jack are talking about the upcoming Halloween party. Ace says he was getting ready for the party, it got so late. He wonders how the group who went to the exchange meeting are doing. Jack mentions that as Crowley explained, they would go sightseeing, eat a feast, and sleep soundly. Jack comments he feels sleepy too and yawns.
Ace whines, thinking it sounds so good compared to what they’re doing. Still, he’s happy to see the lively decorations, and eat delicious sweets. They enjoyed the party to the fullest. It was Halloween, as usual. Jack laughs, saying Ace enjoyed it. Of course! But, traveling is supposed to be more fun. Ace sighs again. He’s envious of Deuce who is currently enjoying the City of Flowers right now.
Noble Bell College - Lecture Hall
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At NBC, Deuce is fighting hard as he lets out a yell. In the midst of the inferno, he’s breathing hard, sweat dripping into his eyes. Deuce asks Rook if he’s okay. Rook thanks him for his consideration, saying he’s giving it his all. Truly, bravo! However, Rook says that the Crimson Flowers that are attacking in clusters are proving to be difficult to defeat. He feels like the number of them hasn’t decreased.
Deuce says he’s getting tired of dodging. Rook adds that he also doesn’t have enough magic left to wither the flowers. Trying to move the students who are providing nutrition to the flowers is overwhelming even for the both of them.
Deuce remains quiet. Rook tells him not to be scared, and assures him that he will protect him. He tells Deuce they should disperse beautifully. However, Deuce exhales deeply. Rook calls out to him, asking why he puffed out his cheeks. All of a sudden, Deuce lets out a ferocious bellow taking Rook by surprise. Deuce begins to tear away at the flowers, ripping them apart with his hands.
Rook is beside himself. In a desperate move, Deuce has resumed weeding with his hands. The very thing the others gave up doing earlier. Deuce goes off, screaming about not being able to use legs to escape. No problem. Crush the flowers with your hands! He lets out another roar as he continues tearing away at the flowers.
Rook tells Deuce to stop. Surely, he has already tasted the tenacity of the Crimson Flower. It’s impossible to tear all of these flowers by hand. He’ll only hurt himself. Deuce questions Rook. Impossible, he says? Even if his hands are tattered, Deuce is not giving up! DELINQUENT DEUCE EMERGES!!
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Deuce says he has confidence in his strength, and questions which will survive to the end. Him or those damn flowers? They’re going to crumble anyway. To hell with all of them! Rook is surprised by his spirit.
Rook feels ashamed of himself. He was ready to give up while praising Deuce. He agrees to follow Deuce. They’ll dance until the very end in this red field of Crimson Flowers. Deuce doesn’t quite understand what Rook just said, but he catches his drift. He tells Rook to get ready. And, Rook happily replies with a “Oui!”
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Above, the rest of the NRC group has finally reached the second floor. Malleus says that they’ll soon come across the door that leads to the bell tower. He tells everyone they should search while maintaining a distance so that the Crimson Flower does not detect their magic.
Idia mutters that this is classic panic movie scenario. Separate one person after another. He sighs. He doesn’t want to run anymore. Idia wishes he could have stayed behind where they previously were even if it was by force. Sebek shouts at him, pissed that Idia is still exhausted after all of this. Sebek asks him if he’s trying to mock Deuce’s resolve, who saved him back there. Silver reminds Sebek to lower his voice. Sebek tells him not to stop him, adding that he doesn’t like the guy who’s been complaining the most.
Idia says he doesn’t particularly want Sebek to like him. He asks Sebek if he thinks he’s right in attacking others he doesn’t like. Idia adds that it’s really curious that if you eat and grow up, your self-confidence will be high. It is a level that can be explained and presented at an academic conference. That clearly insulted Sebek as he hollers, and gets all up in Idia’s face. Sebek tells him that all Idia does is say things to piss people off, and make fun of them. Idia mockingly is like “Woahwoahwoah, you can’t deny it, so you’re choosing violence~!?” As expected of Diasomnia! It’s sooo scary, Idia doesn’t want to get close~~!
Malleus sighs, remarking that it’s a juvenile fight. Azul asks the two if they forgot about being careful. The flowers don’t react to sound, but if they’re squabbling, they’ll overlook the entrance to the bell tower and the Crimson Flowers. Silver says Azul is right, and tells Sebek to calm down a little. Malleus also says that in situations like this, it’s natural for weaker people to feel anxious. Sebek reluctantly agrees, so long as Malleus says so.
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Idia says it’s not like he’s worried. However, Azul tells Idia to please give up, or rather give up on giving up. Instead, if he falls, let it be of use to the team. Azul gives him his blessings to be food for the flowers. Idia grumbles that Azul always speaks like that even though he also has garbage stamina like him. Azul clarifies that he’s physically strong. He’s just not good using human legs like others. Idia whoops sarcastically saying that mermaids are so good, coming up with excuses at a time like this.
Suddenly, Silver yells at everybody. He’s had enough of this shit. He asks everyone to calm down. The tension has him on edge. Look at Malleus-sama. He��s always calm. Silver is certain he’s only thinking of advancing. Malleus says he’s right. They need to move on.
Malleus suddenly snaps, saying he’s been thinking about how to remind Rollo how heavy the sin of a fake invitation is. Silver is a little taken aback. Azul comments that Malleus is really vindictive. Idia says it’s what annoys him the most. Sebek hollers to them that Malleus’s temper is boiling. They need to go now. Azul says they should do so. Idia agrees, saying he doesn’t want to be hit.
Silver comments that due to the location of the bell tower and the school, one of these doors must lead to the bell tower. Malleus checks the doors, and discovers that they are locked. Sebek tells Malleus to step back. He’s going to break the door down. With a powerful kick, the door slams open.
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Noble Bell College - Student Board Room
The door leads into a darkened room with only the fireplace burning brightly. Malleus realizes it’s not the bell tower. Silver points out the fireplace, and a large desk where people can sit around it. Sebek notices all the robes hanging on the wall like the ones the NBC students wear. They hear a shuffling noise, and Sebek looks over in Azul’s direction asking what he is doing. Azul says he’s looking through documents, hoping to find a clue about the room they are in.
Club expenses reports, event plans, student council ledger… Azul concludes they are in NBC’s student council room. Idia says that the school is old fashioned, and so are the facilities. Even the fireplace is a regular one that doesn’t use magic. But, something catches Idia’s attention. Malleus asks him what’s wrong. Idia replies there’s something unusual with the fireplace, because he notices that a brick to the far right end is strangely clean without any soot. Malleus says it’s true. He wonders if the brick is clean because someone continuously touched it.
Malleus places his hand on the brick, and it comes right off. The boys are freaking out as they see a book tucked away inside. Idia can’t believe there’s a secret book inside the fireplace. No way, someone is reading too many classic novels! Malleus wonders what kind of book it is. Perhaps an important magic book that needs to be hidden?
Azul doesn’t think so. If it’s hidden in the student council room, then it might be their secret accounts! If so, then they have to learn about Noble Bell College’s weaknesses! They need to look inside! Sebek chastises Azul for wanting to look through the book with strange excitement.
Azul flips through the pages, and begins to read. “Day XX, I went to class without problems. Read at the library after school…” Azul realizes it’s someone’s diary, not a book. He says there are brief notes inside. “The Bell of Salvation and the History of the City of Flowers”, “First-Class Magic Tool Catalogue”, “World Extinct Plant Encyclopedia”, and “How To Grow Plants Using Magic”.
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It dawns on Malleus who the diary belongs to. Rollo Flamme. Idia laughs with glee. A diary that must be kept hidden! Hihihi! Idia says the diary must contain Rollo’s dark past…a writhing weakness engraved within! Lololol, this is so exciting, lolol, he needs to read this, lolololol! Malleus is on board. He needs to know if he can deal damage to Rollo. He tells Idia to keep reading.
However, Malleus suddenly grows quiet. He notices something. Silver asks him what is it. Azul, Malleus, and Idia remain silent for a while. Azul finally breaks the silence by saying “…So, that’s it.” Idia scowls. Malleus merely says “I see…”
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Noble Bell College - Bell Tower Upstairs
Rollo marvels at the city dyed in Crimson Flowers. It’s such a pure sight. It’s the first time he’s felt so relieved. Soon, the Crimson Flowers that spread from the city will cover all of Twisted Wonderland. Magic will be erased forever. And then, no one has to suffer anymore. No one…will be like him anymore… This is his mission.
Noble Bell College - Bell Tower Interior
The boys finally make into the bell tower. Malleus says all they need to do now is climb to the top floor. But, Idia is very quiet. Silver notices he’s been quiet for quite a while now. Sebek points out he isn’t sure why, but Idia has stopped complaining ever since he read the diary. Silver comments that those three people read the diary. He wonders what was written inside.
Idia continues to remain quiet. Malleus asks him what’s wrong. They finally reached the top of the tower where Rollo is, but he looks so depressed. He asks Idia if he’s reluctant. If so, then he should leave before he becomes a hindrance. Azul tells Idia no matter what they think, Rollo is their enemy. Is he still going to hesitate?
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Idia finally speaks questioning them if he looks like he’s hesitating. It’s just that he thinks it’s absolutely unforgivable. He wants it. Idia wants to crawl this troublesome low tech bell tower! Sebek says Idia seems to have become suddenly motivated. He asks Idia if he reflected on his words. Idia says he heard some indescribable words just now, and wonders if they’re meathead words.
The room suddenly bursts aflame into a flurry of Crimson Flowers. Azul says that there’s no reason Rollo isn’t preparing to defend the bell tower. Inside the bell tower, the first toll would have been very loud. There’s also plenty of nourishment. Idia comments that the space was originally full of beams and pillars. Now, the Crimson Flowers are covering it. There’s nowhere to step with so much red, red, red… Idia feels a strong will to say “Don’t climb up!”
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Malleus says it’s hard to get past. Sebek calls out to him. He tells Malleus to leave it to them. Silver adds that together with Sebek, they will attract the Crimson Flowers. If Malleus falls, Silver wouldn’t be able to face his father. Sebek also says that for the sake of Lilia who said Malleus would be safe if they were there, no matter what hand he uses, they will protect him! Malleus is touched by them both.
Silver apologizes that they can’t protect him until the end. Sebek continues by saying that even if they have to say farewell to this life, it is their sincere wish to be part of Malleus-sama’s glorious future! Idia is confused. He wonders if they’re starting a period drama. Azul adds that every member of Diasomnia is exaggerating. Idia says no matter how they think about it, Malleus is the strongest there, so there’s no need to worry.
Silver approaches the two, and tells them to take care of Malleus. Idia is shocked asking if he heard right. Sebek tells Azul and Idia not to drag Malleus down.
Malleus tells Silver and Sebek he doesn’t have much to say. The only thing he can tell them is that they’re good vassals. That’s all. Sebek is beyond emotional, thanking Malleus for his words. Silver promises to show Malleus the results that live up to his words. Malleus tells them to show him their resolve. Sebek and Silver reply with a shout.
Idia asks if the period drama is over. Malleus tells Idia and Azul to not look back. They’re only moving forward to the Bell of Salvation. Azul laments they’ll continue on. Idia says it can’t be helped. He asks Azul if he’ll hang with him while they climb the tower. With that, the three housewardens leave for the top floor of the tower.
Sebek comments that it would have been better if he was alone. Silver replies that that is his line. He should have gone with Malleus. Sebek tells Silver not to make him laugh. There’s no way one person can deal with so many Crimson Flowers. Silver asks “What about two people?” Sebek teases him asking if he’s asleep. There’s no need to ask that kind of question. They’re in this together. Losing is not an option!
To be continued…
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hotspringfairy · 1 year
I'm answering your question on my previous post here since I have a lot to say lol
I highly suggest watching Half of Carla's video called How I Handled "The Middle" of Weightloss- Getting Through the Toughest Part. I'll try to link it, but idk if it'll work: https://youtu.be/m2_oNHFPiU8
Losing motivation half way through weightloss is apparently common. I don't remember if she mentioned it in this video, but I really relate to her talking about feeling so much better after losing half the weight and experiencing so many positive changes that you can lose sight of how much better you could feel. I've always been big so I just don't know how bad it makes me feel since it's my normal.
Like her, I had to buy a bunch of new clothes after losing so much weight, and they fit me really well and I like them. I sleep better, walking is easier, I don't worry about fitting in chairs, people are nicer- I could go on and on (and have in previous posts lol). I'm just not as uncomfortable as I was when I was morbidly obese 50 pounds ago. That discomfort was motivating.
The biggest thing for me, which Carla also talks about, has been working through my childhood trauma and learning about emotional dysregulation and how to re-regulate. It's not something I thought I needed to work on, but I was wrong.
ACEs- Adverse Childhood Experiences- a list of 10 items- helped me see that I've been through things that still affect me. I had to get past telling myself (and hearing from others) that things weren't "that bad" and that I should just get over it. I also had to learn to trust my memories, even fuzzy ones, because those things happened and I do remember them. I have all 10 ACEs and it's been a lot to face and work through, but that's what I've been doing for the past 3 years or so.
I ordered the book Homecoming by John Bradshaw from Amazon and have worked through all the exercises and meditations- it has been immensely helpful.
I've also found good information on YouTube. Doc Snipes and Crappy Childhood Fairy both have great videos on emotional dysregulation. Patrick Teahan LICSW has helpful videos about dysfunctional family systems.
I've learned that I use food, among other reasons, to numb out. It's been important for me to address the things I'm numbing out from. I honestly didn't know that's what I've been doing. I'm getting better at self-care and at self-soothing in ways that aren't harmful to me like over-eating is. Learning to regulate my emotions has been key- I didn't know I was experiencing emotional dysregulation because that's how I've always been. I can't express how much better I feel now.
I used to think I just really liked food and needed to find the right diet and have the willpower to stick to it. And a big part of my journey has been learning about nutrition, calories, portion sizes and fixing eating habits such as cleaning my plate or saving my "best bite" for last. But for people like me who have been big thier whole lives and have a lot of weight to lose, there's probably more than just eating habits going on.
Of course, I'm still finding my way forward and learning. But I finally feel like I have control over my weekend binge outs. With those under control, I can manage my weekly calorie intake and make use of everything else I've learned and have been practicing about healthy eating and weightloss, and I just know the weight is going to keep coming off at this point. It's going to be hard work, but it feels like the struggle is over. Time will tell though.
I hope we both make it through the 2nd half of our journeys! 💖
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fitnessmattes · 10 months
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fitnessmatters1 · 8 months
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virgolixx · 8 months
Hi I know this might be a stretch but can I have from one piece how Luffy, Ace, sanji and shanks would take to the news of being told that they’re going to be fathers as their S/O is pregnant?
Head Cannon:
:How would these one piece men react to the news about becoming fathers:
Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Shanks
Theme: Fluff💕
⚠️Warnings: Slight discouragement/very worried op men, overall happy content.
(Note: Apologies for the late request response, I hope to try and get better at releasing more on a weekly schedule.)
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Is absolutely beaming has big ass smile on his face. Does not fully understand the whole concept of pregnancy other than another human will be born, so you teach him and answer all the questions he may have, and yes he has many silly questions. (He will totally ask questions like “Does it poop in your belly” 😂)
Would ask Sanji to make sure you are getting the food you need, and would have chopper constantly making sure your pregnancy is going smoothly.
Would be absolutely excited about buying the baby clothes but would have Nami or Robin with him to help him get the actual necessary supplies
Would be absolutely happy with either gender, just as long your baby is healthy and strong.
I feel like with anyone he meets, well the ones that are save to tell, he would boast about being a father. Would absolutely want ace to know 100%. (N if by following the anime, I feel like luffy would absolutely cry if you named the baby in the memory of ace)
Would spoil you with cuddles, would absolutely love to always have a hand on your belly just to feel your baby move.
Once in labor he would be by your side, letting you squeeze the hell out of his hand, while Robin is aiding chopper with the delivery and Nami is wiping away your sweat.
After you’ve had the skin to skin bonding and the first 24 hours with your baby. Luffy would have you sleep and rest while himself and the rest (Nami and Robin and Chopper) watch over the baby, as Sanji cooks some nutritional food for you and brook plays a soothing song.
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His heart is pounding the hell outta his chest and is in a shocked state, but once he has recovered he has heart eyes
I can imagine Sanji pick you up and spin you around and give you a loving kiss. Like this man is over the moon to know that he will father your child.
Will be at your beckoning call, he will get you anything you need, like he constantly wants you to rest and not harm your self.
Will cook for you all the nutritional foods you need and will of course make you all the cravings you may have.
Would absolutely gives you massages, back rubs, feet rubs he gots you, he wants you to feel as comfortable as you can throughout your pregnancy
I feel like Sanji would be the most educated in the concept of pregnancy and if very prepared for it. Sanji would ask chopper about your pregnancy, see how the baby is, how you are.
I feel like at some moments during your pregnancy Sanji would feel terrified at the idea of being a father what if he’s horrible at it..baby is absolutely scared.
Doesn’t care about the gender he just wants the baby to be healthy and absolutely filled with love.
Once your in labor Sanji is holding your hand while he’s wiping away the sweat on your face with a rag. Sanji is praising about how great you doing and that it’s almost all done.
Once your baby is out, chopper passes the baby over to Sanji, at this moment Sanji is in his own world looking at his son, with a few strands of blond and a smile just like yours, Sanji tears up as his son grips on his pinky. At this moment Sanji’s fears vanish and he knew that he would do anything in his power to be an outstanding father to his newly born son and can’t wait to grow old with you.
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This man is absolutely scared and can’t comprehend a little you or him is growing in you. Honestly he doesn’t think he deserves this much love from you or the idea of having a family with you. So the first 2 times I feel like he’d be kinda distant but only because he’s scared but absolutely craves the idea of being a family with you.
White beard would have a whole ass talk to ace about what’s to happen. Once understanding more ace looks for you to talk, but the moment he sees you in your shared room, how you’ve started to set up a nursery corner and humming while you slowly rub your growing bump. Ace feels at ease and filled with joy, he rushes over to you and hugs you while tearing up.
Ace would say how much of an idiot he’s been and will now be here for both you and the baby, how he’ll push through his fears and wants to begin a family with you.
From that day on ace has always given you cuddles, love, would always go fetch you your cravings and has always accompanied you to ship’s doctor for your pregnancy check ups.
I feel like you both would learn together about the pregnancy and how to better be prepared.
Gender doesn’t matter either to him, as long you and the baby are healthy.
Once on labor ace would be by your side as you grip on his arm, as he’s absolutely concerned for your wellbeing, but once the baby is out and you have a whole sigh of relief he has also calmed, looking at the his daughter he notices his freckles scattered on her little face, feeling so much joy for his little girl ace uses his powers to warm his body temp to sooth the baby as he hands her to you, so you could have your skin to skin bonding moment.
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Man is utterly shocked, he can’t process it and fear sets in, he’s not ready, so the only logical thing he can process right now is to leave, and that he did.
Today marks one month since he left, the exact same day you’ve told him the news about becoming a father. The day you became completely alone, it’s been barely 30 minutes since you got home from you doctor check up, the baby is growing smoothly and is healthy.
You hear a knock at your door, opening the door your are confused until you look down until you see him, Shanks is bowing down fully to the floor slightly shaking, through sobs he tells you he made such a huge mistake and that he wants to fully be with you and the baby.
Angry that now he shows up but also very emotional cause of the hormones you kneel down to him and cry and he hugs you, you want him back but the day he left you so did your trust in him, so you tell him that you just can’t with out the trust.
Understanding you shanks does absolutely everything to win back your trust and that he did, after 6 months you two are absolutely happy together again. I feel like he’s the one who build the nursery room and has read up on pregnancy to better learn and take care of you.
Shanks loves to hold your belly and kiss it while talking to the baby, he always brings you snacks and foods you may need.
Once again doesn’t care about the gender as long the baby is healthy, but would absolutely adore to have a little girl
Once you’re in labor shanks is absolutely sweating, he’s watching you then the doctor then back to you, but the moment he hears the crying he look’s directly at his daughter who has his hair color, shanks is full on crying now not believing that he almost gave up the chance of watching his daughter grow.
Giving you the baby so you can have skin to skin bond he hugs you and kisses the top of your head and whispers to you, “I’m never going to leave and I will protect you and our daughter”.
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