justrandomselfships · 7 months
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DAY 3 and I'm still doodling >:3
ALSO HOW'S THAT FOR A SLOWBURN THESE TWO DORKS KNEW EACH OTHER SINCE FOREVER. I mean... does it count as a slowburn if the feelings were one sided for the most part?
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irisandlily · 6 years
Okay what makes me so irrationally upset and angry is the fact that fire emblem fates has so many plotholes and problems that could easily be solved by corrin not being a fucking dumbass but whatever I guess. I’m addressing some of these problems in this short fanfic about my MU Eliza. Set between Chapter 4 and 5 of fates, and my MU leaning more towards the Birthright route. Also featuring Takumi cause I love him
Summary: Eliza thinks back on the past week she has spent in Hoshido, and begins doubting her life as a ‘Nohrian Princess’.
Eliza had been wandering the Hoshidon palace, lost in her thoughts. Grasping at fleeting, vague memories. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess. Why was it she could barely remember anything from her childhood? It was like trying to put together a puzzle where all except one piece was missing. It made her head hurt.
She had no reason to believe Queen Mikoto was lying to her. The queen had been nothing but kind and patient during her stay, and Eliza couldn’t deny she was happy in Hoshido. Happier than she had been inside the Northern Fortress.
She also couldn’t deny the distinct similarities between herself and the queen, in regards to physical appearance. Similar facial features, such as face shape and jawline. While they had the same hair color, Eliza could easily dismiss that to a coincidence. Their eyes were different, the queen’s being a beautiful ginger brown with a tint of red in them. That was what Eliza had first noticed upon meeting her, along with how beautiful and regal she was. Eliza’s eyes were red, a mix between ruby red and wine red, as Camilla often described them.
She had never liked the color of her eyes before. ‘Like pools of blood,’ she recalled her father saying to her. She had been nine, and she had trembled at those words, rooting a deep fear and hatred in her for the color of her eyes.
If he had been trying to make her feel better, it hadn't worked.
Her father… if the queen was telling the truth… had her ever truly loved her? Cared for her? He had always been a distant man. And she had never heard any affection in his tone the few times he visited and spoke. To her or her Nohrian siblings. Xander had told her duties as King required their father to remain distant from others, even his own children. Eliza would be lying if she said she “loved” King Garon. There wasn't really… anything she could love to begin with.
And Xander… She was starting to suspect he had known. Known she was not his sister, not in blood at least. Thinking back on it, the older brother had always behaved… odd, whenever she had asked about her mother. Unlike Elise or Leo, she had no memories of her mother. Nothing of comforting hugs or kind smiles. Only that she died when she was young. That was what Xander had told her. But the answers were always the same. Always short. Never an answer of substance or significance. She had often seen a strange look in his eyes when she asked. Even Camilla had been unable to answer any questions about Eliza’s mother. Even historical documents had no trace of her mother. As if she had never existed.
“...How come Xander and Father won't tell me about my mother?” Eliza had asked Camilla one day, as they sat in the library of the Northern Fortress, reading. Camilla looked a bit surprised at Eliza's question, but calmly put down her teacup. Courtesy of Jakob and Flora.
“With Father, I suspect because he doesn't like dwelling on the past.”
“I don't know anything about my mother, and Father rarely visits for me to really ask him, and Xander… He knows something about my mother but he just won't tell me.”
“Perhaps he'll tell you when you're older.” Camilla suggested, “Or when Father lets you leave the Fortress.”
“Maybe…” Eliza looked down at the book in her lap, “But I’m 17… That should count for something.”
Eliza felt a hand grip her arm, pulling her back with a jolt, breaking her out of her thoughts. Her feet had led her outside. She stood at the beginning of the stone path that lay over a pond and realized with panic that she had nearly walked straight into the water.
“Be more careful.” a voice sounded behind her, and she turned around swiftly to see Takumi, his hold on her arm tight, pulling her back from the pond.
“I- Prince Takumi!” she stared at him in surprise. And nervousness. The last time they had spoken had been nearly a week ago when he had made it very clear he didn’t trust her one bit. Didn’t view her as his ‘supposed’ sister. When Sakura would give her a soft yet nervous smile, and Hinoka would talk animatedly about something, and she would see him staring, from the corner of her eye, his expression always neutral, even when no one else was in the vicinity. Though his eyes had contempt and loathing always inherent in them, in those moments. 
But there were times when she would catch him staring at her from across the room and he’d turn away. She thought she saw something else in those instances. Something other than suspicion and scorn.
It was the same look he was giving her now, and Eliza realized embarrassingly that she had been staring into his amber eyes, her mouth agape. She immediately yanked her arm out of his grasp with a flow of apologies and stumbled backward… into the pond behind her. She landed with a splash and looked up at Takumi who stared at her with stunned silence. Eliza despairingly realized that water had splashed all over him.
“I'm so sorry!” as if she needed to give him more reasons to dislike her. He sighed.
“Come on.” he held out his hand, and after a confused glance, Eliza took the offered hand and stood up all too quickly. That had been a mistake, she began to realize as she began slipping back into the pond. Oh no. Was the thought that flashed in her mind when she unintentionally dragged Takumi with her. All she could do was stare with increasing horror at what she had done. This was the end for her. Her life was over. She began spilling out apologies, her head bowed until she heard a laugh.
She looked up to see Takumi was smiling. Not only that but laughing.
“You don't need to keep apologizing.” he stood up and helped her up as well. “I actually- I wanted to apologize for what I said to you last week. It was rude and uncalled for. I'm sorry.”
“There’s nothing to apologize for.” she said with a shake of her head, “What you said was understandable, and I don’t blame you for it. Even if I am your sister, I grew up as the daughter of a King who killed your father. Anyone would have said those things in your position.” she smiled, “I'm just glad you're talking to me.” Takumi stared at her with a confused look before turning away, and Eliza swore she saw his face tinged pink. Was he- “Are you embarrassed, Prince Takumi?”
“N-No!” his voice cracked. He was definitely embarrassed. “W-We should go and change before dinner.” he glanced at her and began to walk away, “Mother will worry if she sees us like this.” Eliza stared at him, dumbfounded, before smiling to herself and catching up to him.
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yukiwrites · 6 years
Clumsiness and Teasing
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @arod7293! I hope you like this new take on the wive’s tale ;D
Summary: Linnea and Shigure are all grown up -- and have a little sister named after their grandmother Arete. With age, Linnea now learns the meaning of romantic love, and, hopefully, she won’t mess it up with Caeldori! Takes place 17 years after “Clumsy Family Time”!
Commission info HERE and HERE!
The land is Valla. Over twenty years have passed after the war had ended, and much of this mystical world was already rebuilt. There are now two generations who never had to experience the grips of battle, peace seeping into the land like the water after a rainshower.
A young woman grumbled under the map she held upside-down after trying to decipher it from every direction. "This can't be right! Father wouldn't give me an outdated map! I must be the one reading this wrong..." She pouted, digging her feet on the ground to stop. "Urgh, here I am in a place too beautiful for words, but I can't tell left for right!"
The red-haired woman dried her sweating forehead with the back of her hand, once again digging her face into the map. "The portal was supposed to take me inside the western garden, right? I know I'm inside something related to plants due to how many there are here," she huffed, looking around the wide variety of flora in every shape and size imaginable. Not to mention the colors! "But this can't be inside a castle, can it? I must have been walking for over 15 minutes and I'm yet to see a single building!"
Sighing, she slumped for a moment before lifting her head up, puffing her chest. "Come on, Caeldori, you can do this! You can't fail on a simple delivery mission!" She pumped herself up, glancing down at the pouch her Father had given her one hour previous.
She didn't know the details, but she knew that her father, Subaki, was supplying Queen Corrin's butler, Jakob, with hoshidan delicacies of a sort. "Maybe for the Queen Regent, Her Majesty Rhajat? From what I've heard, she's hoshidan-born..."
Not realizing she had started walking, Caeldori brought the map to her heart, sighing wishfully. "If that's so, it's sooo romantic! Imagine, being married for over 20 years and still making sure to surprise your wife with things she loves from her homeland? What a dream come true! I only hope I can find a love so strong and beautiful and... and... Siiighs." She looked up with longing eyes, remembering all the wonderful love stories she had read in the past.
Finally being silent for a few seconds, her mind wandered to the lands of romance novels and epic tales of the war against the Silent Dragon. Tales of Queen Corrin and Princess Azura, the Songstress of Fate. They say that whoever hears her holy songs will forever be blessed with good luck and wonder... Oh, how magical! And romantic!
"I wonder if I'll be able to meet Lady Azura someday... I'm sure she's much more than what they make of her, and they make quite a lot!" Caeldori bounced herself up, once again walking without knowing the way. "It would be of an extreme audacity to ask her to sing for me, so maybe if I asked Nina to help me sneak around-- no, wait, what am I thinking? I can't sneak- huh? What was that? A... singing voice?" The young woman gasped, rolling the forgotten map and placing it back on her belt. "C-could it be... Lazy Azura? Am I finally going to be blessed with good luck in love?!" She couldn't contain her smile and did her best to follow the faint voice through her thundering heartbeat.
What the trees do, ♪
not only in lightning storms ♫
or the watery dark of a summer’s night ♪
or under the white nets of winter ♫
but now, and now, and now – whenever ♪
we’re not looking.  ♫
Caeldori blinked at the sight in front of her, inadverdently placing both hands over her mouth in surprise.
Surely you can’t imagine ♫
they don’t dance, from the root up, wishing ♪
to travel a little, not cramped so much as wanting ♫
a better view, or more sun, or just as avidly ♪
more shade! ♫
A young woman, no older than Caeldori herself, happily sang as water danced all around her, watering the plants. "Grow strong and pretty, little ones!" She giggled in the middle of the song, twirling around herself so as to guide the water to nearby plants.
surely you can’t imagine they just ♪
stand there loving every ♫
minute of it, the birds or the emptiness, the dark rings ♪
She had long, light pink hair, a long strand of it painted as well as its ends in a light blue, which followed her as she gleefuly danced, unaware of the pair of eyes watching her. And the young heart beating for her.
She wore simple clothing, but Caeldori could see from her bearing: that was no flower girl. The grace with which she danced, the angelic melody which lifted a lost girl's spirits, the mystical power to control water... That young woman was a princess.
Caeldori had to place one hand over her heart, trying to still it. The young woman danced barefoot over the garden, her feet knowing exactly where to step so as not to hurt any flowers, no matter how small. It was as though she was in sync with the whole forest.
"Does this water taste good? Consider it a snack from your usual well water!" She kissed a flower as tall as her and giggled, once again setting out to water its siblings.
of the years slowly and without a sound ♫
thickening, and nothing different unless the wind, ♪
and then only in its own mood, comes ♫
to visit, surely you can’t imagine ♪
patience, and happiness, like that! ♫
Caeldori forgot to blink, the same way she forgot to breathe. Somehow, she couldn't recall how to speak, either. Too entranced by the spontaneous dance and song in front of her, she simply stood there, being enveloped by a warm atmosphere, much like the one you feel whenever a healing staff is pointed at you.
Such a great peace and feeling of belonging... Caeldori closed her eyes and leaned on a nearby trunk to take it all in.
Which would be a great idea were she in a proper hiding place, not in the exact woods the young woman was about to water.
"Hyaaa! C-cold!" Caeldori shrieked as a splash of water hit her face, making her fall on her bottom. "Ow, ow..."
"Awawawa! There was someone there? Oh no, I'm so sorry!" The princess jumped over the bushes towards the voice. "Are- are you okay- oh, wow, you're so pretty and- oh, soaked! I'm so sorry! Please, come here so I can find you some dry clothes!" She quickly grabbed a surprised Caeldori's hand and pulled her towards-- a building! Was Caeldori finally on the right way?
"Um- I'm sorry for starling you, but I'm alright. I just needed to find the castle to-"
"Nuh-uh, no can do! I can't let you walk around all wet like that! I know it's spring and not that cold, but still! A girl as pretty as you shouldn't walk around all wet and dirty like that!" The girl grinned, lifting her index up, matter-of-factly.
Blinking, Caeldori felt her cheeks redden and looked down to realize they were holding hands as the girl guided her inside the castle and through a few corridors. "I offer you my thanks, then, um..."
"Oh!" The girl let go of the handhold and turned around, her clear, sun-colored eyes sincerely surprised and humbled. "How could I just pull you around like that without introducing myself!" She patted her dress and curtsied. "I'm Linnea! Nice to meet you, um..."
"The pleasure is mine, Linnea. I'm Caeldori, Subaki's daughter." She straightened herself the most she could, though her hand already missed Linnea's warmth.
"Nice to meet you, Caeldori! And sorry for the, uh, water thing. I'm a bit clumsy, see. It runs in the family." She giggled, scratching the back of her neck. "But enough of that, let's go get you a change of clothes!" Bouncing up from the moment of shyness due to her clumsiness, Linnea quickly took Caeldori's hand again.
This time, Caeldori welcomed the touch and reciprocated, holding Linnea's hand back. "Thank you for the offer, Linnea. And don't worry about the water. I think it may have been a good thing." She whispered the last part to herself, the thoughts of princes and princesses saving the damsel in distress jumbling around inside her mind. She smiled softly to herself, wondering if she was inside one of the novels she oh so loved.
Quite used to her own clumsiness and how to deal with it, Linnea simply smiled and guided the new girl to her room. Once there, she quickly found a red and white dress (which would suit Caeldori immensely!) and made her change after drying herself.
Caeldori protested for a few minutes, not wanting to impose, but noticed that Linnea could be quite stubborn when she put her mind into it. Sighing in defeat, with a tiny smile to betray her, Caeldori accepted the dress and towel, helping herself out of her garments behind a folding screen.
"Your skin and hair are super pretty, so I immediately thought of this dress for you, heehee! I'm sure it's gonna be a perfect fit, even better than it does on me!"
"R-really? But you're already so pretty, I'm not sure how it COULDN'T be a perfect fit on you..." She replied from behind the screen, too excited with the whole situation to think straight.
A gasp from the other side of the screen. "Heehee, we're just calling each other pretty left and right!"
Caeldori coughed. "W-we are, aren't we?"
"Yep! But I do mean it; I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen! And I'm my Mothers' daughter!"
"Mothers?" Caeldori asked, throwing her hair over her shoulder so as to tie some knots behind her back. "So you really are-"
"Oh, didn't I say? Awawa, there I go again, skipping things. And you even told me you're Sir Subaki's daughter! My Mother's Azura and my Mom's Felicia!" She tiptoed to the folding screen. "You're taking an awful lot of time there- oh, the back knots? Let me help!"
Blushing, Caeldori reflexively covered her front in surprise, though she was already clothed. "D-did you just peep on me?"
It was Linnea's turn to blush, though she simply smirked and took the knoting away from Caeldori's hand. "Mayyybe. It could've been your imagination, though?"
"Hah! Someone call the guards, I've got a pervert!" Caeldori laughed, holding her hair with one hand, covering her mouth with the other.
Linnea let out a fake gasp. "Oh nooo, what shall I do? I'll live in the dungeon and never see my dear and pretty friend Caeldori!"
"E-enough with the compliments, already!" She blushed, raising her shoulders, sinking her face downwards.
"Pretty, prettier, prettiest!" Linnea teased, quickly finishing the job and twirling around so as to escape Caeldori's mock slap.
Gentle breeze through her hair, ♫
she walks elegantly while astonished eyes all stare. ♫
Rosy cheeks cover her face.  ♫
"It is her -- Caeldori!" Linnea ran as a very embarrassed Caeldori pursued her around the room, jumping over chairs, tables, sofas and both beds.
"You're going to embarrass me to death!!"
"What a way to go! Haha!" Linnea jumped over a fainting couch, once again going behind the folding screen, Caeldori breathing down her neck.
"Come back here!"
Laughing, Linnea sang another verse, but her feet caught on something and she tripped. "Catch me- whoops!" She fell headfirst, entangling herself on Caeldori's things.
"Oh, no, I can't stop- wah!" The hoshidan tripped on Linnea's foot, falling right on top of her. "I-I'm sorry! Are you oka-" She gasped.
Close, close, close, close. They were really close!
"Oh, wow, as I thought, you really are beautiful." Linnea smiled softly, brushing her hand on Caeldori's cheek, centimeters away from her face. Their breaths intertwined as the air stilled due to the red hair caging them into a private space of their own.
"I-I told you to stop this..." She bit her lower lip, feeling her throat dry. "The pretty one here is you."
Linnea's heart was thundering on her ears -- having a pretty girl fall on you had that effect, after all, especially one as nice and humble as Caeldori. "Now YOU'RE flattering me." She snorted.
Caeldori pouted. "Humph," she sat down, crossing her arms. "I'm the only one getting all flustered here."
"No way, I'm super happy, see?" Linnea grabbed her friend's hand and placed it over her chest. "Thumping super hard, right?"
"M-my hand is on your chest and that's all you have to say?" Caeldori quickly pulled away, embarrassed.
Blinking, Linnea tilted her head to the side. "I was the one who put it there, right?"
The princess lifted both hands up in defeat. "Heehee, you're just so fun to talk to, Caeldori! I couldn't help it."
"Honestly..." The girl mumbled, looking down at where they both sat. "O-oh no! Father's parcel! I must deliver it!"
"Weh?" Linnea watched as a flustered Caeldori picked up her bag and checked if the contents were intact. "So that's why you showed up around here in Valla? To deliver something for Sir Subaki?"
"Yes, exactly." Sighing in relief after making sure everything was in place, Caeldori had a relaxed smile on her face. "Could I trouble you in guiding me to where the butler Jakob is? It's something for his hands only, as Father told me."
Linnea placed one finger over her lips in thought. "I can do that, but you have to promise me to come back tomorrow! I don't want to say goodbye to a new friend this soon -- not to someone this pretty, anyway!"
"Linnea!" Caeldori got up, pouting. "I promise to come back, but you must stop with all this flattering; it's making me uncomfortable..."
The shade of pink in the girl's face only made Linnea want to praise her more, but she was an obedient princess -- most of the time, anyway. "Okay, deal. I'll refrain from... saying the truth so often, then." She winked as she got up, giving her arm for Caeldori to hold.
Which she did, the blush never leaving her cheeks. "Honestly..." She looked away, letting the princess guide her out of the room towards the pantry.
After delivering the parcel, Linnea once again guided Caeldori to the portal, but now to the central one instead of the western one. "That map you have is and isn't updated -- I only asked to have the western garden for myself two years ago, so there hadn't been many new maps drawn after that."
"That garden belongs to you?" Caeldori asked, by the portal.
"Yep, but if I tell you the whole story now, we won't have much to talk about tomorrow, right? And I want to spend the whole day with you, so come early, you hear?"
Caeldori's heart skipped a beat. "W-what a demanding princess!"
Linnea winked. "It's a royal decree."
"Then I must abide to it, huh?" The girl let out a mock sigh, smiling right after. "Thank you for the dress -- I'll make sure to bring it back properly washed."
"You can keep it, though -- it suits you much more than it did me. Actually, please keep it! It'll be my present to you as your new friend."
"First of all: unfair! I never had the opportunity to give you something. Second of all: you're embarrassing me again!" She said with a blush.
Linnea laughed. "Then start thinking about my present? Homework! And take as long as you need, since that'll give you an excuse to keep visiting me!"
"Demanding princess..." Caeldori grumbled under a poorly-hidden smile, turning to the portal. "See you tomorrow, Linnea."
Linnea wriggled goodbye with her fingers, a confident smile on her lips. "See you!"
The moment Caeldori stepped into the portal and disappeared, Linnea's feet gave out. "What... what was that? By the gods, what- who- I'm-" She almost shrieked, her heart beating so fast she almost passed out. "Shigure! Shiguree!" She got up with a pop, quickly running back to the study wing. "Shigure!" She called again, banging open the door to the art room.
Unsurprised by his sister's arrival, Shigure simply kept on painting whatever he was focused on. "Did our visitor leave already, sister?"
Linnea dragged her hands over her face, dramatically falling on floor. "She was just- SO PRETTY! Shigure, I never saw someone so pretty and smooth and funny and- all of her reactions were so cute! She kept on blushing and stuttering and pouting and- so, sooo pretty!" She squealed, kicking her feet in the air. "And I'm gonna see her tomorrow again! I don't think my heart's ready for that? She's too cute! I don't think I trust myself to be near her- What're you so focused on, anyway? I'm having a mental breakdown here and you're not even looking at me!"
Chuckling, the prince gestured with his chin for his twin sister to get up. "I don't suppose she looked like this?" He pointed to the accurate portrait of Caeldori that he was just finishing up.
"NO WAY! YOU CAPTURED HER PERFECTLY! What the- Even her pink and adorable aura and the butterflies in my stomach I felt when I saw her- oh, waiit a minute."
Shigure patted Linnea on the back. "Of course I saw her through our bond. Or rather, you shoved her in my face the whole day so I had to draw her out lest I became enamored with her as you were."
"You felt even the butterflies?" Entranced by the painting, Linnea didn't hear the last bit, touching one of the countless wings that clustered the background.
"It's a wonder you didn't pass out. You were so excited I was having difficulty to breathe!"
"Well, so was I, honestly. Did you see her? I mean, I know you painted her and all -- and although I recognize your art skills, she's so much more than this! So, so much more..."
"..." Smiling, Shigure crossed his arms, knowing what his sister was going to ask.
"Though, can I still have it? I wanna look at it every day." She almost hugged the canvas, but knew better than to touch a drying painting.
"Hah!" The prince sneered, then laughed. "Of course you can, but will you hang it in your room? Won't she see it the next time she visits?"
Linnea placed one hand over her chin in thought. "Yeah, and I don't want her to think I'm creepy. Sooo, will you keep it in your room? It's much closer to mine than this art room-"
"Absolutely not! I don't want any misunderstandings to occur by having a random girl's portrait in my room!"
"Aw, you're no fun."
Back in Hoshido, a flustered Caeldori crossed the portal as her mind swirled. "What was THAT about? I- I couldn't have been inside a novel- nothing that happened was ever written!"
"A what? Novel? Girl, are you daydreaming again?" A familiar voice startled the red-haired girl out of her skin.
"N-Nina! Don't scare me like that!" She placed one hand over her thumping heart.
"What? I'm standing right in front of you. You were gonna bump right into me, you know? What blinded you? C'mon, you know you can tell your friend Nina, here."
Caeldori's shoulders slumped, as though reality came crashing down on her. No way that she had been living a dream of being found by a princess. "Oh, nothing..."
Yet, somehow, saying that Linnea was 'nothing' made her tongue burn. She wondered why.
"Caeldoriiii...?" Nina hoovered around her friend, bumping their foreheads together. "If you don't tell me what happened, I'm just gonna open my stalk- uh, my OBSERVATION notebook and tell you about how Shiro gained muscle mass again today. And where."
"Oh, no, please not again! I don't want to hear about Shiro's glutes for twelve hours straight ever again!" Caeldori hid her face under her hands.
Nina closed her notebook, smirking. "Then, dish."
"Oh, alright." She gave up, feeling her face tickle with an upcoming blush. "I just... met someone there."
"OHOOO?" Nina widened one eye, crossing her arms and leaning on her friend.
"N-not in that way, you-!"
"I didn't say anything? Go on..." She hummed, accompanying her friend as she walked aimlessly.
"She's Linnea, Lady Azura's daughter and she- she was nothing like her mother! Apart from, uh, being very pretty and singing so good it felt like I was in heaven and-"
Nina simply observed, her smirk growing as Caeldori complimented Linnea more and more. Seems like someone's got A CRUSH! She thought with wide eyes, making a mental note to stalk- uh, observe her friend the next time she went to visit her new special friend.
"And she gave you this awesome dress? Go on..."
As she had promised, Caeldori went to visit the next morning. This time, she crossed through the central portal, already knowing the way towards the western garden.
"I thought I could walk you arm-in-arm again, boo!" Linnea commented as she showed Caeldori around the garden.
"You can take my arm now- uh..." Caeldori blurted out, immediately blushing right after.
Linnea choked, her face bright red. "R-really? Then, don't mind if I do!" She quickly linked their arms, wondering if her friend could hear how loud her heart was beating. Unaware that the exact same thoughts crossed the hoshidan's mind.
They walked around the wonderfully strange vallite garden, Linnea happily supplying Caeldori with information regarding each and every plant and flower around.
The princess told her friend that she had that patch of wilderness in the middle of the castle because she was way too in touch with nature, and that had made her get into trouble more than once outside the castle. Tripping on snakes thinking they were roots, falling into ditches and having to be rescued by her twin brother, having branches break under her and having to stay in bed for weeks due to sprained ankles or broken arms... It was a wonder Linnea was this cheerful while still being so clumsy.
She also said that her brother was just like her, and the day Caeldori met Shigure, she couldn't quite believe Linnea since he looked so... composed. Especially compared to his sister. Years later and Caeldori would still think that Linnea was exaggerating that day.
Back to the present, Linnea told Caeldori that she had a connection with the flora as her brother had with the fauna. Whenever they both sang, the forest would appear to bloom greener and the the animals would hop all around them. It was a sight to behold, honestly, and Caeldori couldn't help but imagine it all as something straight out of a fantasy book.
She felt herself inside one, by meeting Linnea. The princess was so very charming and cheerful and pretty and well-mannered and mischievous... Every minute in her company was a sight to behold! Caeldori was always in for a surprise in Linnea's company.
Unaware of the magical thoughts inside her friend's mind, Linnea also felt high strung by being in Caeldori's presence -- the girl had memorized the path after being in it for ten minutes! She was also a great cook and knew so much about so many subjects -- the night Linnea asked Caeldori to stay over, the hoshidan marveled Valla's astrology as she imparted her knowledge about hoshidan and nohrian astrology both, as well as how physically STRONG she was! She single-handedly helped Linnea reallocate a fallen tree trunk one time and Linnea had been dreaming about Caeldori's muscles ever since.
"Linnea? Are you listening?" Caeldori waved in front of her friend whose eyes were plastered on her bare arms.
"Uh, weh?" Drying the drool, Linnea looked up to Caeldori's eyes, immediately losing her breath. "I was, uh, listening, yep. Totally."
Caeldori narrowed her eyes. "Really? Then what was I talking about?"
"Um..." Linnea looked around, as though an excuse could pop up from the ground beneath them. "... Stuff."
"Sister..." Shigure face-palmed from behind a bush. For the past few days, he couldn't help but follow his sister and her crush around. He told himself because Linnea's reactions to anything Caeldori did disrupted their bond to the point of making him lose concentration, but honestly, it was just because it was interesting.
"Oh gods, she's worse than Caeldori." Nina blurted out from behind a nearby bush.
The two of them, Nina and Shigure, had gotten acquainted during these stalki- observing sessions of theirs, and respected each other's spaces enough to never really speak to each other.
"I wish I could say otherwise, but really, I can't." Shigure whispered under his hand, not wanting to feel second-handed embarrassment any longer.
"You two are terrible stalkers if you keep talking like that." Arete mumbled from behind a tree. "You're missing out the good part!"
"Hey, you're supposed to keep watch!" Nina pointed to the younger girl, speaking in nothing but a whisper.
"But keeping watch is boring!" Arete protested, puffing her cheeks.
"It's a little sister's duty to protect her big sister's date, c'mon, shoo!" Nina made a dismissive gesture with her hand, trying to scat the young princess away.
"Wait, I think someone else's here," Shigure shushed the both of them, daring to take his head out of his hiding spot.
"Oh, no!" Arete slapped both hands over her mouth.
"It's because you didn't keep watch, little sister!" Nina hissed.
Unaware of the situation behind them, Linnea and Caeldori had gone from a discussion about whatever it was that Caeldori was saying to Linnea teasing her friend once again about her beauty to the hoshidan trying to playfully push the princess away to them laughing and realizing how close their faces were.
And yet, this time... it felt natural.
"I really like this sight," Linnea whispered, placing a tuft of hair behind Caeldori's ear. The hoshidan did the same with Linnea's blue strand of hair.
"This blue bit... did you dye it?" Caeldori couldn't really see anything but Linnea, her breathing so loud she could barely hear her melodious voice.
Linnea felt a force pulling her to Caeldori, her smile growing. "No...? It's natural. From both my mothers, see." She opened her mouth, feeling it being called by Caeldori's.
Blushing, the hoshidan closed her eyes, entranced. "It's so wonderfully beautiful." She whispered, feeling the itch of Linnea's lips on her.
"There! I found her, Kana!" A little girl pointed to Linnea's back, jumping from behind a bush.
"Auntie Linnea!" An equally little boy followed suit, smiling. "We wanted to ask if you have a flower we can take to our Mam- Auntie?"
"Are you okay?" The little girl, Kana's twin sister Kamyu, tilted her head to the side.
Linnea had fallen face-first into the dirt as Caeldori jumped up in record speed. "I'm... I'm fine..." She raised her hand, but clenched it instead. "C-Caeldori, I'm-!" She lifted her head, but the hoshidan quickly turned around and left.
"I-I'm sorry, I- I left the laundry hanging!" She said, running back to the portal.
From behind a bush, three youths face-palmed so deeply, they lied down on the ground. "I can't believe it! They were this close; THIS close...!" Nina complained.
Shigure hid his face with both hands, blushing deeply. Linnea's emotions were a mess and they were bleeding into him. "Just an inch more and..."
"I-I'm sorry, it's all my fault... I didn't keep watch!" Arete panicked, looking from her sister to her brother, then to the royal twins, oblivious to what had happened.
"Ugh," Nina was compelled to agree, but chose not to. The girl was just a kid. "It's fine, I'm sure they would've found a way to ruin it themselves. They're a disaster."
"I'm forced to agree." Shigure nodded under his hands, trying to calm himself down. "I suppose we must take matters into our own hands."
"Now you're talking! Let's hear it!"
"P-please let me make up for my mistake!" Arete crouched beside her brother, her eyes eager to help.
"Very well. Listen..."
Still feeling terrible for what almost was, Linnea really didn't feel like running this sudden errand for her brother. And yet, maybe that was what she needed to take her mind away from... worldly thoughts.
"I could even feel them! I was THIS close, ugh..." She groaned, then slumped as she walked. "Still, maybe I should apologize. I think I made my intentions clear from the start, but maybe she doesn't like me that way... Oh, gods, that'd be embarrassing..."
Dragging her feet, the princess crossed the portal to a special DeepRealm for their family. She had heard from her mothers that more than few of their memories occurred in that timeless place. Happy, sad, angry memories... if there was one place in the whole world that had seen every single side of them, was that special place.
Linnea felt jealous of it, now that she thought about it. "I wanted to make my garden into my special place with Caeldori, but I guess that didn't go as planned..." She grumbled, kicking some dirt as she looked down. Shigure had asked her to pick a special flower that only bloomed there for a new kind of paint he was developing. Linnea knew which flower it was since she, too, came to that place since infancy.
She knew that her brother was looking out for her, by taking her away from her own garden so as to take her mind away from... stuff, but still.
"I'd much rather be in Caeldori's arms right about now. That sounds good. Maybe kissing her- I wonder how do her lips taste..." She licked her own, crouching down to take some of the flowers, not noticing how there was someone in the clearing right ahead.
"Um... maybe you can find out." A very familiar and loving voice sounded from above Linnea.
The flower fell from the princess' hand.
Her heart thundered in her ears, her eyes looking up and up and up until they met the wonderful color of Caeldori's eyes. "I'm- uh, am I still dreaming or-"
"Please just kiss the girl, KISS HER!" Nina cheered from a faraway branch. She had asked Caeldori to pick the same flower from that DR just a few hours ago.
Arete had her eyes glued on the romantic (if it could be called that) scene playing in front of her. Shigure silently cheered, almost jumping in to shove their faces on each other.
"I-I'm sorry I ran away earlier, I was- um, embarrassed because there were kids and-"
Linnea jumped on her feet, holding Caeldori's shoulders. "Did you really mean what you said? I can taste them now?" She asked, bearing desperation.
Reflexively, Caeldori licked her lips, looking at Linnea's. "Um, yes. But if you don't do it quick, I'll have to-mmph!" She almost ordered, but Linnea wasn't going to wait for a royal invitation.
"YESSS!" Nina cheers loudly, losing her balance and falling on top of Shigure and Arete both.
Caeldori and Linnea could have stopped the kiss out of surprise, but, honestly, who cares if they were being watched? To taste one another, they wouldn't mind being stalked by a sibling or friend, or two.
But once that kiss ended, they might plot for a murder or two, as well.
"For now... can I have seconds?" Linnea licked Caeldori's lips, losing herself in their intertwined breathing.
"Oh, please do."
Can You Imagine? By Mary Oliver
What She Is To Me © Darren C Swartland
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rom-e-o · 6 years
45.) Tell me a secret Jokamu or young jokamu!
[Annnnd boom! Finished! Thank you to @persorene for requesting this adorable prompt! This was so much fun to write!  decided to include young Jokamu and adult Jokamu just because I loved the idea of a long-lasting secret. I hope I did these two, blushing babs justice.]
[AO3 link is here.]
“Jakob! Hey, Jakob!”
The sound of his own name brought the young boy to a halt. It was impossible to ignore any sound within in the tall, stone-clad walls of the Northern Fortress. The facility was so vacant of both inhabitants and other assets that the acoustics amplified every sound to obnoxiously high levels.
Even if the person trotting behind him hadn’t called his name, the large, echoing halls of the fortress would have tipped him off to the sound of her footfalls eventually.
“Ah, Lady Corrin,” the young boy said, bowing his head to her as she dashed down the citadel’s hallway to greet him.
The young servant was about ten years old and had lived inside the Northern Fortress for a few years. As such, he’d become accustomed to the princess calling for his attention out of the blue. In fact, she was the only person who could do such a thing and not earn his agitation or passive-aggressive dismissal.
If she called his name, he always answered.
“What’s wrong?” he asked her, raising from his bow once she caught up to him. As she snapped into his usual attentive posture, the ends of his pale, pageboy-cut hair flicked his cheeks. His eyes, large and lavender in color, became a little softer while speaking to her. After all, she was a good friend.
He still recalled the day, mere weeks after his abandonment, when Corrin had saved his life by refusing to let the other servants toss him onto the streets. The memory was a few years old but was still as fresh in his mind as if it had happened mere hours before.
Originally, he’d merely felt indebted to the naïve girl. He’d originally concurred that she must have saved him on a childish, impulsive whim.
Now, he regarded her with increased fondness after spending more time with her. In that time, he’d learned how genuinely caring and sweet she was. He enjoyed reading storybooks with her and serving her favorite blends of tea. The best days were when he could stay for a bit and talk with her about little things, like the types of flowers that bloomed in the garden or what their dreams had been nights before. Sometimes they talked about their nightmares, and he liked those conversations the least.
Thankfully, as he watched her cross the hall to meet him, the young girl wore a wide grin on her face. It seemed that she was in a pleasant mood, which boded well for the likely topics of conversation.
Corrin barreled over to him and rushed to catch her breath. She asked breathlessly with her hands gripping her knees, “Jakob, I’m sorry, are you busy right now?”
“I was just going to fetch the laundry,” he said coolly. “It can wait a moment.”
Even though he was merely a boy, he spoke with maturity beyond his years already. The habit earned him sneers and eye-rolls from the other fortress staff members. Corrin was the only one who didn’t seem to mind.
Following his reply, she laughed sweetly in anticipation. The girl was still trying to steady her breathing, her pale curls bouncing with each soothing inhale and subsequent exhale. “Good! I promise I won’t keep you long. I just wanted to give you something.”
Jakob cocked his head at her in confusion. Before he would inquire what exactly she meant, the young girl had already reached into the sash of her simple dress. A moment later, she produced a letter in her overturned hand. The envelope was sealed crudely with unstamped, gold wax. The paper itself was also yellowed and somewhat torn at the edges.
“It’s…a letter?” Jakob asked, squinting as he looked at the neatly folded square in her hand.
She nodded quickly, her curls bouncing again. Even the satin ribbon she always used to tie her hair back couldn’t contain the wild locks. New strands sprung free of their binding with every swing of her head.
She said merrily, “It’s for you!”
“For me?” he asked. Jakob studied the parchment again before gently turning it over in his hands a few times. His eyes carefully scanned every inch of the letter.
“I’m confused. Who is it from?”
“It’s from me, of course!” Corrin replied sweetly. “It seemed silly to address it though since I wanted to deliver it to you myself.”
When she nodded again, he slowly reached out to take the letter.
“I’m still confused,” Jakob said blatantly. “You wrote this letter, right? We’re talking right now. Couldn’t you just…um, tell me instead of writing it in a letter? A letter that you’re also delivering to me in person.”
Corrin’s expression changed suddenly. She swiveled her head back and forth, scanning the area around them for any other unseen presences that could possibly disturb them. Jakob watched in silence as she surveyed the hall and listened keenly with her odd, but cute, pointed ears for any footsteps or hushed voices.
When she seemed certain they were alone, she turned back to Jakob.
“It’s a secret,” she told him.
She lifted a petite finger to her pursed lips and made a shushing gesture.
His brow furrowed obviously. The statement clearly didn’t remedy his confusion.
Then, as he went to break the wax seal, she suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist, “Wait! I just told you that it was a secret!”
“So?’ he asked dumbly.
“So, you can’t open it now.”
The young servant blinked at Corrin, now even more baffled than before.
“Why would you deliver a secret letter to me that I can’t even open?” he asked. The tone of his belabored question was more inquisitive than angry, but his burning curiosity added an urgency that wasn’t unnoticed by Corrin. In fact, her sweet smile turned into a frown as she crossed her arms and studied him from beneath her bangs diligently.
“You can’t open it now,” she clarified.
The next question fell from his lips gracelessly. “When can I open it then?”
The girl suddenly became more bashful and gigglier than before. Her cheeks bloomed pink as she explained, “You can only open the letter on a day when I’m wearing roses in my hair.”
“Roses?” he asked cluelessly. The tiny butler then unsteadily lifted himself onto his tiptoes to double-check the top of the princess’s head and the back of her haphazardly done ponytail. Sure enough, there were no roses. Just as he’d originally thought.
“Well, when will that be?” Jakob asked with a slight whine. The princess couldn’t hide the surge of thrill that she felt from causing Jakob, who was almost always the picture of composure, to display impatience. Her shoulders hitched sharply as another laughing fit threatened to consume her.
“You’ll have to wait and see!” Corrin replied, lifting a hand into the air daintily. After a few twirls, the tip of her finger landed atop the bridge of Jakob’s nose, where she tapped playfully before darting away.
Just as Jakob began to register the sound of approaching footsteps and the conversing of voices, Corrin had taken off down the hall. No doubt the girl had snuck out of her room without permission and had to rush back before her absence was discovered. The fact that the princess would take such a risk to deliver him such a secret letter made him even more curious as to what was inside.
Months earlier, he would have just broken the seal and opened the damned thing without any regrets.
Now, he felt compelled to honor her request. She had told him to wait, and as such, had placed unmistakable trust in him. Although the boy’s curiosity burned bright, his loyalty to his princess blazed more.
He vowed then and there to keep her promise.
As the footsteps became louder, Jakob quickly hid the letter inside his chemise before it could be discovered. Just as he’d concealed the paper, two staff members on rounds turned the corner and started down the hall, faces lax with cool indifference.
As he stashed the letter, he also thought to reach for a kerchief that he carried in one of his pockets as part of his uniform.
The small butler assumed the role of polishing a nearby credenza with almost suspicious focus until the other servants had vacated the hall. Only then did he take the opportunity to dash back to his room and place the letter beneath his mattress for safekeeping.
The letter remained unread for over a decade.
Preparations for the wedding passed speed and grace that few had anticipated.
The established peace between Nohr and Hoshido had rung in a new era of amity for the previously warring kingdoms. Their respective kings could now welcome a new era of relations and solidarity. For Corrin, the newly designated queen of Valla, it was merely the start of a journey that would revolve around lifting a kingdom from a tragic past and into a promising future.
The very start of that journey would also begin with an official wedding to her fiancée and longtime retainer.
Everyone in the kingdom, visitors and otherwise, was in a tizzy during the days leading up to the ceremony. The palace in Valla was decorated with pounds of flowers and sprawling garlands for as far as the eye could see, making the air thick with perfume as the ground soft from the abundance of fallen petals. Every inch of the castle was cleaned and each guest rooms was dressed in the finest linens and commodities to welcome the onslaught of new guests flooding to the kingdom of Valla.
The ceremony was held in the palace’s royal hall. At the end of the hall, the Queen’s throne presided on a platform overlooking the corridor. The grand space allowed for plenty of room to seat the royal visitors from all three kingdoms, who all mingled peacefully and visited freely between the aisles prior to the ceremony.
By the time Jakob was escorted to the front of the hall by the army’s most renowned knight, Silas, Corrin wasn’t far behind. She was led along by her little sister Elise, who has been one of Corrin’s first allies on her journey for peace years ago. Now, the pigtailed girl was using one hand to blot away her tears with a pale-pink handkerchief, and the other was hooked around her big sister’s elbow.
Jakob was unable to look away.
The sight of the woman he loved more than life itself, dressed in layers of swan feather down and iridescent silk, was humbling beyond words for him. He felt elated, undeserving and anxious all at once, but there wasn’t a force in the entire universe that could have forced his eyes away from her. In a room full of people, everyone else seemed to vanish around her.
There was just Corrin.
While the ivory-color of her gown perfectly matched her candle-light colored locks, the pale color called attention to something else in Corrin’s ensemble that caused his eyes to widen.
In her pale updo was a crown of lavender and coral-colored roses.
After giving a quick kiss to her little sister and giving her a gentle push to join Camilla at her designated position near the throne, Corrin finally began the ascent to her throne. When her eyes met his and she saw the mischievous glimmer in his lavender gaze, she bit her lips to conceal a smile and snuck her gloved hand into his.
Jakob gave her palm a little extra squeeze.
Misty-eyed from her radiance, he couldn’t resist leaning forward to place a kiss on Corrin’s cheek. The gesture elicited a predictable coo from the audience, plus a loud wolf whistle that was undoubtedly Niles’s doing.
Before pulling away, his lips caressed the shell of her ear. He whispered to her, “You little sneak.”
It was Corrin’s turn to give his hand a squeeze, her thumb slowly running along the edge of Jakob’s hand in an act of secret affection that he, and only he, could experience.
Vows and rings were shared. The whole affair lasted mere minutes compared to how long their courtship had been. Judging by the weepiness of some audience members, the more serious part of the ceremony couldn’t have ended soon enough. When the couple shared a chaste kiss that sealed their matrimony in the eyes of the three kingdoms, the response from the attendees was overwhelmingly positive. They’d barely pulled apart from their embrace before a throng of family and friends descended upon them.
A shower of rose petals rained down upon the duo as Corrin intertwined her fingers with Jakob’s and proceeded to lead him down the aisle. While the standard procedure would have been for her to officially take her seat atop the throne as the nation’s new Queen, in a way, Azura had already assisted her with that right of passage immediately following the defeat of Anankos.
Due to the fact that she’d already undergone an abbreviated version of the ceremony, Corrin felt that such a display would have been too self-indulgent. At least, for the moment.
The queen instead pulled her husband along behind her, followed by a parade of salutations and blown kisses, as they departed for their private bedroom. Behind them, groups of maids and other servants rushed to clear the hall so that the area could be cleaned, and all the guests could be properly herded to the reception area for a small feast and a night full of joyful, slightly boozy dancing.
The couple knew couldn’t skip the royal reception, no matter how much they longed to do so.
Still, she knew they had at least a little bit of time before they had to make their grand entrance.
Stumbling back to their private bedroom in a clumsy and giggly embrace, the two barely managed to unlock the floor-to-ceiling doors and push their way through.
One Corrin had latched the lock on the corridor, Jakob returned to her side and stole another kiss from her lips. This time, the meeting was less virtuous than the formal kiss they’d shared at the altar. This time, lips were bitten and whispers turned to moans with ease.
“Easy, my love,” Corrin purred, hands working the buttons of his jacket. Her voice almost dripped with romance novel-sensuality as she cooed, “We have all night, and if you keep kissing me so well, I’m afraid I might not last until sunset.”
It was difficult for him to smother his laughter as Corrin’s unusually formal statement, but alas, he agreed wholeheartedly with the sentiment behind her joking remark.  
“Unfortunately, you’re right,” he said with a sigh, backing away with a sigh of whimsy rather than any form of reluctance. “Better to forgo anything too mischievous until there are no interruptions.”
“And no need to change clothes again,” she added with a snap, and Jakob couldn’t help but toss her a smirk of mutual agreement.
She stretched her arms over her head un an exaggerated yawn before lowering her palms to her lower back to give her joints a satisfying crack after hours of standing perfectly poised and upright. Around Jakob, she didn’t have to worry about enforcing such strict protocol.
“I do need a looser dress though,” she huffed. “Corsets seems unwise for trying to enjoy wedding cake.”
“Couldn’t agree more,” he chuckled, undoing the rest of his jacket’s buttons with delicate flicks of his fingers.
Slowly, Corrin reached behind her midsection to tug down the zipper of her gown. The relief of pressure was immediate, and she sighed in relief as she opened her wardrobe to survey what less restrictive gown she would wear to the event.
However, she was also aware that the two had some time before the reception. It wasn’t much, but they could easily steal a few moments together. Corrin was more than happy to take advantage of the narrow window with as much fervor as possible.
There was still a royal reception they had to get to. As much as she longed for it, they could spend the entire evening kissing in each other’s arms. Not yet.
“So,” Jakob said, his gloved hand moving up and down the silk lapels of his jacket as he popped the buttons and slid the material from his wide shoulders. “May I open it now?”
Corrin threw him an inquisitive stare, but before she could produce a question, he reached into the pocket of his jacket and produced a small, yellowed square of parchment with a tarnished seal.
The sight brought Corrin to a temporary halt.
“How did you know to bring the letter to the wedding?” Corrin asked sincerely, her face shimmering with delight as she crossed the chamber to meet him. “I made sure nobody else knew about the roses to make sure it was a secret.”
“We just became husband and wife,” he reminded her with a chuckle. Her hand wandered to her chin as he nudged her face upward to meet him. His eyes connected with hers and caused a flush of warmth to spread across his cheeks. “I like to think I know you quite well.”
Corrin was helpless to argue with his logic. Not that she wanted to in the first place.
“I can’t believe you didn’t open the letter, even after ten years,” Corrin said, raising her arms to loop them around his neck. Her fingers formed a gloved lattice at the back of his neck that slowly pulled him down to her level. “I knew I was right to trust you, Jakob.”
Praise always had a funny effect on Jakob. Compared to every other form of flattery he’d received about her perfectionism and his pristinely composed persona, Corrin’s favorable comments were the only ones that never ceased to get a rise out of him. Metaphorically and literally.
“You may open the letter,” she added with a soft nod, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Now?” he asked incredulously. “Are you certain? It can wait, my love. There’s no need to rush.”
“No, I think it’s the perfect time,” Corrin admitted enthusiastically, her petticoats crinkling as she lifted her dress to assume a spot next to him on the bed. “I don’t even remember what I wrote! I mean, I remember the secret, but nothing else. It was so long ago. I’m kind of curious to see what else ten-year-old me was so anxious to tell you!”
With her blessing, Jakob somehow managed to tear himself from her embrace. It was an arduous effort, but the overwhelming sense of curiosity was the final nail on the proverbial coffin of their forlorn, long-gone childhoods.
After years of waiting and anticipation, it took but a small tug to crack the wax seal. He unfolded the parchment and read the words within swiftly.
“Dear Jakob,
“If you’re reading this, congratulations! You kept your promise. I knew you could do it. Felicia and Flora said that you wouldn’t listen…but I knew better!”
The syntax of the letter was noticeably novice, and her handwriting was an odd mix between print and cursive that required a few extra glances to adequately decipher.
He chuckled loudly and gave her a look out of the corner of his eye. “Very cute.”
She slapped his shoulder playfully and urged him to keep reading. After mumbling a half-hearted apology, he cleared his throat and pressed onward.
“I have a secret, but I’m too shy to tell you. I asked Gunter, and he told me to write down my feelings. So, I did. Here they are!
“I like you, Jakob. A lot. More than I love my siblings, or anyone else. I want to get married to you someday, and maybe we can even have kids! I’d love to have kids, but only if you want them too. That’s what people who are in love do.
“I want to be with you forever because being with you makes me happy! But I know that you aren’t always happy. But that’s okay. If we get married, I swear that I’m going to make you happy every day. Because you’re my best friend.
“Want to know a secret? I haven’t told this to anyone else. I’ve always wanted to wear roses on my wedding day. Princesses and princes wear them all the time in the books we read. So, if I get married to you, I’m going to wear roses in my hair, so that we’ll look just like the prince and princess in the stories we read.
“I hope when I ask you to marry me that you’ll say yes. If you don’t, that’s okay too. All that matters to me is that you’re happy.
“Love, Corrin.”
Jakob’s eyes softened as he reread the letter over again and again. He was so entranced with the words on the page that he didn’t register the feeling of Corrin’s fist tightening about his sleeve, drawing the fabric taut around his arm.
“Wow,” Corrin finally said, the word escaping like a breathy gasp.
“Agreed,” Jakob sighed, the corners of his mouth lifting into a soft smile. “Gods, you must have been so young when you wrong this.”
“I wrote the letter the same day I gave it to you,” she confirmed again with a nod. “Ten years ago.”
He chuckled softly before leaning into her, lifting an arm to wrap about her midsection. Corrin moved her shoulder and shifted her weight against him so he could draw their two bodies together. When she tucked her head under his chin, he dropped a kiss on her crown. The aroma of roses consumed her senses at the delicate touch.
“You planned this for ten years?” he asked her in quiet disbelief.
“I did,” she replied with a chuckle. “The big secret was…that I had a crush on you.”
“And…you only agreed to tell me this secret on our wedding day?” he asked again, slowly taking a coil of her hair into his hands, twirling it about in a seemingly aimless fashion.
“You aren’t just a little sneak,” he growled as he tipped her body back into the bed. As she flew onto her back with a squeal of surprised delight, Jakob rolled atop her and barely held her wrists above her head. There was no real force behind the pin since Corrin was all too willing to allow the contact and had no struggle to fight back.
“You are a conniving little sneak,” he said hotly against the flushed column of her throat.
When he placed a kiss against the pulsebeat of her neck, Corrin arched her back and gave a moan of pleasure. Suddenly, she was cursing the thick tulle skirt of her wedding and the distance it added between their two bodies.
“Yes, I am,” she replied, her voice more of a plea than an answer.
The sound of his deep laughter so close to the column of her neck stirred her heartbeat from a rhythmic pound into an anxious, drumming frenzy.
“Well, the secret that my wife may be in love with me is out of the bag,” Jakob said with a laugh. “Who could have predicted such a turn of events?”
Although he spoke casually, it was clear to Corrin that it caused Jakob great difficulty to say the word ‘wife’ with a straight face. It was almost as if he found the statement too good to be true. Like, if he dared to speak too loudly, he’d wake up from the dream.
Almost subconsciously, Corrin loosened one of her hands from Jakob’s grip with ease and lifted in skyward to caress his cheek. His skin was hot to the touch, and he melted against the gesture almost immediately, silver lashes fluttering shut as a sigh plumed from his lips.
She wanted him to know, without a doubt, that everything around them was real. Perhaps, on the same level, she also longed for the same certainty. There were many nights when she’d stirred from her sleep, sometimes screaming and sometimes writhing in need, and immediately wishing Jakob was there with her.
“What a perfect ending to a ten-year mystery,” he admitted, lowering his forehead until it gently pressed against hers. As his face drew closer to hers, the aroma of roses began to consume him once again.
Slowly, his head tilted for a better angle that allowed Corrin’s head to roll languidly to meet his. Their mouths met over and over in a slow, smoldering display of pent-up passion that had finally come to fruition.
“Sorry, my love,” he said with a sultry laugh. “I don’t have a secret to return to you. My only admission is that the love you feel for me is returned tenfold. A hundred-fold. A thousand-fold.”
“I apologize that my contribution is so mundane, especially when compared to your clever antics,” he said, his hand sliding down her arm. His thumb slowly grazed the velvety skin through the supple satin of her gown. “It’s a bit anticlimactic, I’m afraid.”
Corrin tossed her head back and offered him a cocky smile that erased the last shred of hesitation and self-doubt within him.
“I feel like I may have an even bigger climax in mind instead,” Corrin teased with a wink. “You know, as a more fitting award for your patience.”
The word was punctuated with another soft sway of her hips against Jakob’s, her skirts crinkling with each movement. She heard his groan at the caress and felt her heart swell with pride at the idea that she had made Jakob, the picture of composure and indifference, make such an aroused sound.
“That is, as long as you don’t mind rushing a bit,” she sighed, dotting butterfly kissed down his neck as her fingers flew to untangle his cravat. “We do have a reception to get to, but I’m willing to make time if you can.”
Jakob was off the bed and across the bedchamber in an instant to kick the door shut and lock it tight.
Many guests wondered why it took the newly betrothed couple so long to arrive at the banquet. While guests like Niles and Reina cast each other knowing glances, attendees like Felicia and Hinata wondered if would be best to go check on the couple. After all, how long could it take them to change into a new set of clothes?
When the duo finally did arrive hand-in-hand to the event, the lipstick smudges on Jakob’s jaw and the way Corrin’s updo seemed to have mysteriously flattened at the back of her head caused a few attendees to lift their eyebrows over the rims of their wine glasses, while others were simply too distracted by the charming festivities to pay the oddities any mind.
It seemed the events that had transpired in the room would remain one of the many secrets shared only between the couple.
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misskikuwrites · 6 years
In Your Arms
Dancing in the Dark - Takumi/Corrin. 
Corrin smoothed the hem of dress down again for the umpteenth time, taking a sharp breath of the cool night air. The buzz of the festival rumbled around her. Bubbles of bright laughter, the murmur of conversations lost in the thrum of music. Corrin scanned the crowd again, hurriedly shooting glances around the plaza.
“I’m sure Lord Takumi will be here any second now,” Jakob reassured her again. He stood by her side, a gentle smile on his face.
“Right.” Corrin sounded less-than-sure. She swallowed, finding her mouth dry. Nerves fluttered around in her belly, her fingers itching for something to distract her. Again, she fumbled with the hem of her dress. Again, she brushed her hair off her shoulder.
“Do I look all right?” Corrin asked. “Truly?”
Jakob’s patient smile never wavered. “You look beautiful. Truly. And I’m sure Lord Takumi will think the same.”
His words may have been said only to reassure her but it began to work. “It’s not too much? Camilla insisted on putting makeup on me…” Even when Corrin protested, her big sister won in the end. They settled in the middle, a touch of colour on her cheeks, a dab of soft pink lipstick and a thin line of eye-liner to accentuate her eyes. She couldn’t see herself now but felt more conspicuous than ever.
“It’s perfect, milady. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Thank you, Jakob.” Corrin breathed a soft sight. This was a night for the two of them. For her and Takumi. A night to escape. To relax, to take a moment and be a normal couple, not two royals struggling to rebuild a fallen country. Corrin gazed down at the diamond ring sitting beautifully on her left hand. Joy welled up inside her at the sight, whenever the diamond caught the light and drew her eyes to it. It continuously stole her breath. That it was real. That this life they had together was real.
Her heart began to race. It fluttered with nerves, with excitement. Even without thinking, she continuously scanned the crowd for Takumi. She shouldn’t have come early. It only made each passing minute, each second ticking by painful.
“What if he doesn’t enjoy himself?” Corrin began again, thoughts racing, rattling through her brain. “I know Hoshido and Nohr are allies now but asking him to come to a Nohrian festival… maybe I should’ve–” The words in her mouth caught as she saw him. Cold air rushed into her lungs in a silent gasp, her eyes fixed on his face, the golden lantern light flickering across his handsome features. He had yet to spot her, his own eyes searching the crowd. For a moment, and even longer, Corrin was mesmerised. His silver hair almost dazzled in the light. It was tied up in that familiar red ribbon, swishing gently down his back. And his clothes – she was speechless at how good, how handsome he looked in Nohrian formal wear. The dark suit accented with gold, the white collar buttoned up to his neck, the long sleeves he fiddled with as he searched. The black suit pants were perfectly tailored, slim fitting and flattering. Corrin had never imagined before that Nohrian clothes would suit him, let alone leave her utterly speechless.
He may as well have been a Nohrian Noble. He wore it with grace, with ease, a slight frown on his face as he glanced across the crowd until his eyes met hers. And then it was his turn to stare. Corrin dimpled, flushing beneath the intensity of his stare, the warmth in his eyes. The world slowed as he stilled, taking the moment to really, truly, look at her.
It couldn’t have been more than a few seconds but with Corrin’s heart fluttering in her chest, pounding in her ears, it could’ve been minutes, hours. The widening of his eyes, the way his mouth dropped open, he was just as stunned as she’d been. Utterly speechless. He drew up to her in quick, long strides, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Corrin–” He was breathless. Her name fumbled past his lips as he stood but a breath or two away. Close but not close enough, Corrin found herself leaning towards him, lost in his gaze.
“Hi.” It came out as a sigh, soft and light, almost drowned out by the bustle of the crowd. Even with the swarm of people they might as well have been alone. All she saw was him, the reflection of herself in his warm eyes.
“I’m… I’m not late, am I?” Worry flashed in his eyes and Corrin almost laughed. The bubble of nerves inside her had burst at the sight of him and left her giddy. It was almost as though they’d gone back to the nervous, fumbling days when they’d first dated. Unsure of what to say, flushing at the slightest meeting of eyes, the slightest brush of fingers.
“You’re right on time.” Corrin couldn’t stop smiling. Takumi relaxed at her words, the tight hold of his shoulders releasing all at once like a sigh. “You look… really good in Nohrian clothes.” Corrin took that as an excuse to brush her fingers across his collar, resting them just below his shoulders. It was such a simple touch but it had her fingers tingling. She cast her eyes away with her movement, embarrassed at how forward she was, how she longed to touch him. Her hands lingered. Takumi didn’t pull away.
“So do you.” His voice was a warm breath in her ear. A shiver rushed down her spine, filling her blood, her veins, with a thrum of heat. Corrin searched his eyes, finding they held the same heat as hers. As easy as those words had come, a blush rose to his cheeks just the same. The love, the desire in his eyes threatened to consume her. It drew her in. It was an addiction, she knew, but followed it all the same. Neither moved, to pull away or draw closer. They revelled in the moment. In the adoration in each other’s eyes, the silence they shared.
The festival music swelled, a cheer rising from the crowd, and Corrin startled. She ducked her head, drew a quick step back, leaving an amicable, close distance between them. “Should… should we go?” She nodded to the plaza, to the many stalls set up in the streets beyond.
A smile twitched on Takumi’s lips. “Let’s go.”
His hand slipped into hers casually, without a word. Corrin’s embarrassment fell away. They walked in time, side by side, shoulder to shoulder. No one payed them any mind. To the crowd, to the world, they were just another couple. There were no prying eyes. No questions. They could take their time, wandering the plaza with no goal in mind. As they walked, Takumi played with her fingers. His fingers entwined with hers, loosened, then held hers again. He dusted his thumb across the back of her hand, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Each ministration sent a spark of warmth through Corrin. A rush of love. It was perfect, how such a simple thing could bring her so much joy. She didn’t need anything else but him beside her. Her gaze, again and again, fell back to him. As stunning as the lights drawn up overhead were, they paled in comparison to the way the light danced in Takumi’s eyes. Corrin enjoyed sharing the street food with him more than eating it herself.
“Mm,” Corrin hummed as she savoured the sweet candied apple. “You should try this!” She offered it to him, holding the skewer between her fingers, the shiny red apple inches from his lips. Takumi reached for the skewer and she yanked it away. “Uh-uh!” she chided, levelling it towards his lips again. Takumi caught on to her plan as he saw her smirk. His lips twitched. He glanced between the candied apple right in front of his lips and Corrin. She was teasing him. Plain and simple. The heat rising to his face was ridiculous, but they were surrounded by people. By strangers. And his eyes kept focusing on the bite she’d taken, where her lips had been seconds earlier.
There was no winning with Corrin, though Takumi honestly didn’t mind. “Fine,” he grumbled, leaning in and taking a swift bite, making sure his eyes never left hers. As she went to pull the apple away, Takumi caught her hand, keeping it in place and took another, slower bite of the apple. The night air didn’t feel as cold. Corrin’s lips parted with a silent gasp. In sharing the apple, something she’d meant as innocent, they’d drawn closer than before. Takumi’s eyes flicked to her lips, hazy desire washing over them. It was so sudden, so intense, that Corrin wet her lips without thinking, only to have Takumi’s eyes follow the movement of her tongue.
Corrin’s eyes fell to Takumi’s lips in turn. He was so close. Barely a breath away, and with the candied apple forgotten, Takumi still holding her hand, there was nothing between them. Nothing to stop her leaning closer. Until something sticky dripped onto her hand. She yelped and jumped back, snatching her hand back to see the candied coating of the apple had dripped onto her hand. Her heart raced from the shock, thundering, deafening in her ears. It wasn’t just the shock. It was Takumi. How close they’d been. How close she’d been to…
“It’s making a mess,” Corrin said lightly, the shock of it all cracking her voice. She licked off the remains of the gooey candy from the back of her hand, taking the moment to calm herself, to wish the blush off her cheeks. It wasn’t as if they hadn’t kissed before. They had. Many, many times. The kisses they’d shared over their many months together ranged from short and sweet to heavy and dizzying, but this was different. It felt different. The nervous air around them, the desire in Takumi’s eyes, the fact that they were here as just normal people… It was a rush of emotions that left her wanting more. Despite the nerves. Despite being in public. The anonymity of it all gave her a rush.
Corrin let Takumi finish the candied apple and they continued through the festival, hand-in-hand as before, but the air between them had changed. It was charged. Warmer than before. Corrin was hyper aware of every movement Takumi made, of her hand in his. And the brush of his thumb that had been comforting before now lit her blood aflame. She wouldn’t have minded if all they did was walk around the plaza for the rest of the night. Each minute, each second she spent with him was bliss. It was a miracle. Against all odds, they were together. They were alive. They were in love.
After rounding the plaza, Corrin tugged Takumi towards the centre where groups of people, parents and children, friends, couples, were dancing. The music was light and cheery, an upbeat tune that had people dancing and twirling, laughing into the night.
“Let’s dance!” Corrin called to Takumi with a bright smile, tugging him towards the centre by his hand. A look of panic rushed across his face. “Oh, come on. It’ll be fun!” Her smile softened. She beckoned him with a gentle pull, their hands still entwined.
“I… I’ve never danced like this.” He glanced to the people dancing. They all seemed so happy. So lost in the moment, smiling at each other, laughing so easily. So freely. They had no cares in the world.
He looked back to Corrin, to her smile. Her eyes were so bright, sparkling with excitement, with adoration for him despite all his shortcomings. Just like those dancers, he was entranced. Lost in her eyes, in the moment, and found himself walking with her into the throng of dancers. If it was with her, he didn’t mind.
“Just follow my lead,” Corrin said, and easily fell into step with the other dancers. She twirled and skipped with the music, her dress swishing around her legs. Her hair shone in the light, her eyes gleamed like diamonds. And her smile was breath taking. Without thinking, Takumi followed her lead. He extended his hand and she twirled on cue, spinning back to him with a bubble of laughter. It had him smiling. He loosened up with each step, each turn they made around each other. All he heard was the music and the sweet trickle of her laughter, and she was all he saw.
When the music ended, they were breathless with laughter, panting and smiling at each other.
“See? That wasn’t too bad,” Corrin said, nudging him gentle with her elbow.
He couldn’t help but smile in return. He was about to ask her for another dance, to continue, the words forming on his tongue, when the music changed. It was slower. Softer. The people dancing switched, forming pairs, holding each other close. They swayed slowly, gently, to the music. Takumi and Corrin stared at the dancers then each other.
Corrin held out her hand. “Do you want to…?”
He took it without thinking, pulling her close. It was like a lung-full of air after being underwater, having her so close. She settled in his arms as if it were natural, as if she were at home here. Her hand drifted down off his shoulder to rest on his chest. She nestled her head into the crook of his neck, letting herself relish in his closeness, his warmth. She couldn’t help the flush on her cheeks, the blush rising up to the very tips of her ears. They swayed in time, barely moving a single step, lingering together.
A heartbeat drowned out the music but whether it was Corrin’s or Takumi’s, neither knew. Their hearts could have been beating, thundering, in sync for all they knew. Even as they danced, Takumi played with her fingers. Squeezing her hand, tugging gently on her fingers, as if to make sure it was real. Corrin was already breathless but when Takumi rested his cheek against the top of her head it was as if she couldn’t breathe. His lips brushed the tips of her ears. A gentle peck, his lips cool against her burning skin. She stole a shuddery breath. It was almost more than she could handle. Her heart swelled with love for him, filled to bursting. It ached.
“…You look beautiful…” A whisper beneath his breath, it was all she could hear. “…Perfect…” He pressed another sweet kiss to her ear, drifting lower this time. His lips barely left her skin as they followed the path of her ear to her cheek. “I don’t deserve you.”
His words pierced her heart. Corrin took both her hands and cupped his cheeks, pulling him back so they were face-to-face, so he could see the pain in her eyes. Her lips trembled. His parted as he went to speak but she shook her head.
“You deserve so much…” Hot tears spilled from her eyes. Her throat tightened, clamping down, threatening to stifle her words, but she forced herself to speak. She would tell him as many times as he needed. “I love you. So, please… don’t say that.”
Takumi’s sigh, shaky and broken, brushed her lips as he rested his forehead against hers. “Corrin…”
No longer dancing, they lingered close. Sharing tears, sharing a moment. The music continued, two dancers frozen, standing close as the world carried on without them.  
“I love you,” Takumi croaked. He reached up and brushed away her tears. She smiled at his touch, dropping her hands to his shoulders. She leant close, pressing her lips to his briefly, but it was all he needed to know his words, his doubt, was forgiven. And gods, did he love her. He saw his future in her, in her eyes, her smile. A future with her. Full of love, of everything she said he deserved. And he believed her.
His reply was a kiss. A sweet caress, holding her closer, their lips melding together for a lingering moment. A moment that tasted of candied apples and love. A moment they shared in anonymity, in the dark, as they danced.
And it was perfect.        
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fe14fiction-blog · 6 years
odin/f!corrin confession fic where both of them are oblivious to each other's feelings please!
I’m always a little stumped with confession fics when there is a confession in game and it’s not an AU request. Still, more Odin love is always a good thing.
You quietly, but quickly, made your way through camp. You don't want to be stopped, considering you'd finally worked up the nerve to confess. It had taken a lot to even get to this point, since you were pretty sure it wasn't going to go anywhere. You glance around, hoping to spot the blonde head of hair. Or hear him. He could be so very loud sometimes. Or, most of the time, really.
Of course, this time it's not as simple as it usually is. You're thinking this might be a sign. Probably about how you should stop. Go back to your treehouse, hide under a blanket, maybe play a really sad song. Except then Kaze or, worse, Jakob would catch wind of all of this and that would be the true end. Kaze probably knew. Ninjas knew everything. Butlers only knew most things. Or was it the other way around?
You didn't realize you'd stumbled on Odin, there was that agreement from everybody that you only find it when you stop looking, when Odin said something. "Ho there! Lady of Light! For what reason do your eyes trail away with unease? Do ill content and lugubrious spirits haunt after your steps?"
You startle and side step, spinning around to look up at him. He's posing again, and a talking about fighting spirits. You can't help but smile, waving your hand at his silly notions. "No, it's wasn't anything. Just a few trivial things."
He stops and frowns at you. It's a split-second emotion before he's smiling again. "Ah! Of course. One such as yourself must worry about all deeds, big and small. The weight on her shoulders is immeasurable and she bears it with the grace of a sweet swallow!"
"No-no, it's really nothing like that," you try, not sure if you're flattered or annoyed.
"Even one such as I, the great and powerful Odin Dark of the red dusks could learn a thing or two from such a poised hero! The boon of such a partnership would topple the pernicious demon lords that threaten the very fabric of our world! We must work together- your lissome power and my dark ferocity will surely tip the scales!" He looks impossibly pleased at the end, like that was the truly impactful part of the speech.
"But," you say, a little confused, "we do that already? In battle? In the war?"
His shoulders droop a bit and he lowers the fist he had raised in mighty triumph, glancing back at you and then giving a little sigh. "Ha! Yes. That we do. And we make a most formidable opponent for any who dare to challenge the peace you hope to create!"
You shake your head. Of course, this conversation hasn't gone in the way you wanted. It's so hard to steer any sort of conversation with Odin. Usually, you just end up in his flow, or so tired of it you have excuse yourself.  "We work well together," you say, trying anyway.
That makes his face brighten. "We are! We-"
"It's one of the reasons I really like you!" You interrupt him, speaking really fast in both an attempt to get it in before he starts, but also because you have a worry that if you don't you'll quit.
It's really silent afterwards and you peak an eye open to look at him. His eyes have gone wide, his mouth still open from whatever new drama you had interrupted, and you could see the pink color spreading across his cheeks and onto his ears. "You- I mean- you don't mean-"
"I do. I like you. A lot. Romantically."
His eyes stay stupidly wide and he has a hand over his mouth, slapping it up, but it doesn't hide how bright his blush is. Your hands are fists at your side, growing desperate for some kind of response from him.  Odin takes a deep breath, looking oddly shaky, and then gives a quiet, "Oh. I hadn't thought you'd... I mean you never... I like you a lot, too."
You've apparently shaken him out of his character, at least momentarily. He also, apparently, likes you. "You like me?"
"You didn't know?" You shake your head, almost angry. "I thought I was obvious," Odin mumbled, still hiding his face with his hand.  
"Obvious?" You're surprised only for a moment. Considering how hard it is to understand him sometimes, he might have been obvious if you could accurately and reliably translate him. "You need to be more obvious," you say, hands going to your hips.
Odin's smiling now, you can see it behind the hand. "Do I?" You nod, trying to look more confident than you are. This is all very new for you. "Like a kiss? Would kissing be obvious enough?"
Your heart picks up in expectation. "I think so."
He grins and slowly wraps his arms around your hips, your arms sliding up to his shoulders, and then he kisses you. And you honestly hadn't expected him to be a good kisser, but he makes your knees go weak. It is, at least, obvious now.
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olivebranch311 · 7 years
Fire Emblem Fates Holders of Fate
After the deaths of both the Hoshidan and Nohrian children in different worlds, both Corrins lead their armies through the unknown land of Valla, guided by Azura, to defeat the true evil of the land, in search for why their children died, and to seek vengeance for it. And now they stand at the end, against Anankos, fighting against their precious children.
Arthur and Percy: Arthur: What beast- having me fall down suddenly isn’t- wait. Isn’t that-?
Percy: …….
Arthur: Percy! Say it isn’t so, my son! You-you truly died… I cannot believe I didn’t make it! The one time my luck had to cost my little boys life!
Percy: …….
Arthur: But I cannot say regrets, my son! For I am here to make this all better. You would tell me to stop crying, since heros never give up. I, Arthur, shall be the Hero of Justice to save you, my son! And after this is done, no more Deeprealms! You are officially coming home, young man! And you shall be my Sidekick in Justice!
Benny and Ignatius: Ignatius: ……..
Benny: Ignatius?! Is that you, I see?
Ignatius: …….
Benny: Oh Ignatius… You really did get defeated, didn’t you? And I wasn’t there to save you at all. You must’ve been so terrified. I’m sorry I didn’t get there in time. I can see it, you clutching your charm I made you and the shield in your hand, waiting for me to come and make the pain stop… I am so sorry, Ignatius.
Ignatius: ………
Benny: But Dad is here now. And I will make it so that nothing bad shall ever touch you. Even those bugs that sneak into your bed, I’ll make sure they don’t come close. My son, when all is said and done, I want you to come with me, out of the army and onto a more domestic life. I’m sure you’ll protest, but I would love to see you happy once more. Now, no more talk. Let us see who is the better protector!
Keaton and Velouria: Keaton: Velouria! It’s you, I’ve been trying to find you everywhere!
Velouria: ……..
Keaton: Sheesh, what’s with the smell? You don’t smell anything like how you usually do, so what gives?!
Velouria: ……
Keaton: Velouria… I’m sorry. You just want my attention because I stay for a while and leave you alone. All you wanted was to get my scent to have some piece of me on you, to make you feel better, and here I am complaining! I’m a terrible father…
Velouria: ……
Keaton: Velouria… I’m not going to remember what happened in this place. I’m gonna forget all about having to fight against you. But maybe that’s a good thing. I don’t want you to think that Daddy doesn’t love you anymore, I still love you, Velouria. I’m just gonna have to beat you up, to wake you up! And then you can sniff me, and we can look for treasure. I promise, Velouria!
Niles and Nina: Niles: This is something I didn’t want to do.
Nina: …….
Niles: You know I was hoping for you to talk to me, then I didn’t have to fill the void with all of this… conversation. And you don’t usually like to listen to me talk. Speaking of that, why didn’t you listen to me when I told you to run, Nina?! I was trying so hard to protect you and you just dashed in front of me. Aren’t you supposed to argue with me, make a comment? Come on, say something, Nina!
Nina: ……….
Niles: Nina… It’s pointless to try and talk to you, isn’t it? You just won’t respond to me, the silent treatment is so terrible to use against your trying father. But I understand, no more time for talk. I’ll make you take your just desserts, and then I am going to bring you home, over my shoulder and you kicking and screaming. Let’s go, Nina!
Odin and Ophelia: Odin: I had a vision of this very event as soon I crossed this threshold. It came as predicted, that my sensory skills have not failed me.
Ophelia: ……
Odin: Ophelia, I once told you that heroes don’t die. But that, dear star, was just a lie, a story I told you. The real truth is, hero is dubbed a hero after passing onto the realm after this one. And they only attain that status after becoming a legend. I apologize, truly, that you cannot become a Heroine just yet.
Ophelia: ……
Odin: I won’t let that lie be the last thing I ever say to you. We must cross blow now, and it hurts me to do this to you, it does.
Ophelia: …….
Odin: Mother…. Please, protect my dearest Ophelia when I raise my tome at her. Protect her so that when it is over, I can hold her in my arms and speak to her of Ylisse…
Ophelia: ….
Odin: *deep breath* Here goes…. Hark, O’ shade! Odin Dark releases you from the confines of puppet strings! My aching blood boils eagerly to meet my daughter in single combat! By the name and magicks given to me, I relinquish darknesses hold upon you! I cast out the evil hold on you, daughter!
Leo and Forrest:
Leo: Is that you, Forrest, and not some feigned mirage?
Forrest: …….
Leo: I am sorry, Forrest. You wouldn’t be like this if I had faster and stronger for you, if I had been a good father and protected you. I have called you so many things, just because of what you like, what you wear… That itself is something a parent should never do.
Forrest: …….
Leo: I found your hat, which was left in the dirt of your Deeprealm, by the by. I cleared the dust off, so it is as good as new… I hope.
Forrest: ……..
Leo: Nothing? Truly, no reaction to your most favored clothing item in the dirt? No thank you? At least you’ll forget about that… But I am also glad about being able to forget this. The last thing I ever want, Forrest, is to attack you with Brynhildr. I shouldn’t be raising it at my own son, let alone a child.
Forrest: ……..
Leo: Gods above hear me… Protect my son, keep him safe, if my prayers even come to you. But enough of my prattle. I will have my son back and give him the rightful treatment he so deserves from his father. And when that time comes, I will hold him gently and tell him that he does goodness for the world. And if my plea doesn’t come to the Gods, I know it will be heard by you, Forrest.
Laslow and Soleil Laslow: Soleil?! Why do you look like that? Oh no… I suppose that truly means you were defeated back there.
Soleil: ……
Laslow: *sniff* I am so sorry! I never meant to get there too late, I truly did try, Soleil! But I suppose… if you never did defend me, I would have never made all of the allies I made. I wouldn’t have been able to help fix the rift between Nohr and Hoshido… technically, as they are from another world. Just like me and Odin and Selena….
Soleil: ……
Laslow: I know my life has never been told to you properly Soleil, and I won’t forget what I will tell you. I will just forget that I will tell you now. I am not a resident of Nohr. I never have been Soleil, I was born in another realm, son of a dancer. I gave you her headband, and by Naga, you have her hair too. That pink shade belongs to your grandmother.
Soleil: ……
Laslow: My name isn’t Laslow… It is another name, one where I will tell you another time, for now, my dear sunshine, I must cross blades with you, but know that I do so to free you from his control, and no matter what, Soleil, I love you.
Soleil: ……
Laslow: It is pointless for me to cry for you. You are smiling in front of me, and as such, I shall smile for you. We’ll both smile and I shall welcome you home forever.
Xander and Seigbert: Seigbert: ……
Xander: Forgive me, Seigbert, I loathe having to come at blows against you. And yet, here we are. I taught you once that a prince never flees from hardship, and yet this one time, I hoped that you didn’t heed my teachings… It… It got you killed, my son. My teachings have always made you anxious, you wanting to be exactly like me, and you trying to shoulder every burden that you come across. You wanted to live up to everyone’s expectations, the ones of your friends, and mine.
Seigbert: …….
Xander: I will say know that you must push pass those things I have taught you. For I know when you told me that you would take care of it, you would fight, tooth and nail to prove yourself to me. I should have stopped you, made you stay behind. I… I wanted to be a father that was different from my own. I wanted to keep you safe from harm. But I know someday, I will have to step aside and watch you with pride as you hold the mighty Siegfried in your hand.
Seigbert: ……
Xander: I will soon forget what will happen here in this realm. But there may be a place in your heart in which remembers these series of events, Seigbert. And if you do… Do not hesitate to pull me into an embrace. Your embrace is the only reward I can ever hope to have, my son. And I shall place my hand on your shoulder, to show you that I am always at your side. Until then… Forgive me, Seigbert, for I must raise this divine weapon against you!
Silas and Sophie: Silas: That horse is gaining on me fast, who is the rider?
Sophie: …….
Silas: Sophie?! I can’t- you really did die. I can’t believe it. Oh my little girl! I never meant for you to get hurt!
Sophie: ………
Silas: Heh… Look at me, I’m supposed to be a role model for my child and yet here I am, blowing up at myself for making horrible mistakes… I see that Abel is being a good boy Sophie, he hasn’t bucked you off once.
Sophie: ……..
Silas: Sophie… Its been a while since we sparred, huh? But this isn’t any usual battle, this is to make you safe and happy again! I will protect my friends, but more importantly, I’ll protect my daughter!
Jakob and Dwyer: Jakob: It has been quiet sometime, Dwyer, and here I thought you were just going to be a lazy oaf and decide to not come and face me.
Dwyer: …….
Jakob: Not going to take the bait? That’s never stopped you before, or perhaps are giving me, what some call, the ‘silent treatment’? It is very unlike you to just stand there, silent, when I prod at you in that manner.
Dwyer: ……
Jakob: I always despised you getting the better of me more than anyone. Unfortunately, there’s not much I can do now, with how the way you are at the moment. Why didn’t either of us see what was most important at the time? All we ever did was argue, whenever I came to visit you. It wasn’t as if you didn’t know when there’d be a time I couldn’t visit anymore. Even so, I’d still think to myself, “It’s fine. Dwyer’s too lazy to even get himself into any kind of danger.” Don’t I feel foolish now? I have had… in a way, my head in the clouds. You knew it as well, didn’t you, Dwyer?
Dwyer: …..
Jakob: Mmm. Well, it is not over yet. We can change things back, there is still time for us, or so I believe. You see, Dwyer, you have inherited your stubborn trait from me for a reason. I will make you wake up, even if it requires me to have to kill you. I won’t apologize. I won’t remember this, and neither will you, so let me say… I care for you, Dwyer. Now, enough talk.
Kaze and Midori: Kaze: Midori! Thank goodness I found you. I do not see any marking on your body… or perhaps is it the shade around you that blocks my sight?
Midori: …..
Kaze: Midori… I see. My daughter is too far away for my voice to reach her. Midori, your home in the Deeprealm was destroyed when I came across it, but that may be a good thing. It may be a sign that you are destined to finally leave that realm. It would be upsetting for you to have to wait in my chair and sit for hours, staring at the door and waiting for me to return.
Midori: ……
Kaze: I will never give up, Midori. I will use any means necessary to save you from what has cursed you. I apologize Midori… This may hurt a bit, but I will make it quick.
Subaki and Caeldori: Subaki: Caeldori?! You there! Could that really be you, Caeldori?!
Caeldori: …..
Subaki: I knew it. No matter your appearance, I could never make the slightest mistake of the form that is my daughter. And strangely, I thought I saw the last of you after- oh yes! Why didn’t you listen to me when we were at the Deeprealm, Caeldori?! It wasn’t safe for you to fight such strong foes without proper training!
Caeldori: ……
Subaki: I’m sorry… You gave your life to defend mine, and here I am complaining about it. And that outburst wasn’t the least bit perfect, wasn’t it, Caeldori? All the same, there was no perfection in what you did. I am strong enough that I would’ve protected you and myself at once. I would have never died in that miserable place.
Caeldori: …..
Subaki: I shall save you from this place, if only you take my hand. I will not let you out of my sight until we have restored you to yourself. Properly this time, and perfectly, I shall protect you!
Hayato and Rhajat: Hayato: AH! Spirit begone from this place and- wait! Come closer, you look familiar….
Rhajat: …..
Hayato: Huh?! Rhajat?! It-it really is you. Not some mirage, or doll, or copy… but my real daughter. Turning my own daughter against me, is there nothing this dragon won’t stoop to? If it were something else, I would set fire to it no problem! But my own offspring… of all the horrible things to do…
Rhajat: …….
Hayato: Hey! N-no I am not crying! I am just sweating is all, okay?! … Fate is cruel, though, I must say. Now that your in front of me, I don’t know what to say, your magic is strong but it didn’t save you in the end, just like how I didn’t save you… G-Gods why was I late to save her?!
Rhajat: …..
Hayato: It’s not like I can apologize to you, but words do have power, so hear me now, daughter, I promise you, by my power, I will release you from this world and it’s curse. Rhajat, I WILL free you, no matter what!
Kaden and Selkie: Kaden: Selkie! You’re here! You can’t fool me, Selkie! The seeing sees! Uh, it should.
Selkie: …..
Kaden: You’re so cute, Selkie! You thought you could run from me, but I always catch you whenever your in trouble. That being said… Why didn’t you run away Selkie? I just don’t get it, I tell you to run and you don’t do what I say, and you died because of it! Not everything is a game, Selkie, why didn’t you know that they were going to hurt you? Is it because I’m right that you won’t talk to me, Selkie? Please tell me I’m right!
Selkie: ……
Kaden: Hmph! If you’re going to be like that, I won’t play with you anymore… I almost thought that was enough to bring you back to me, but I’m not that optimistic. You haven’t seen me in so long, I’m actually getting ready for you to pounce on me, like in the old days, when we wrestled. The deal is, if I win, you have to come back with me. Don’t worry if you mess up my fur, Selkie, I’ll forget that you even did it, anyways. And then you can hold me tight like you usually do when you haven’t seen me in forever! Okay? Let’s go!
Azama and Mitama: Azama: Hmm. Where did I go wrong? I have been thinking on that subject on my way to you, and curse you for making me reflect on my duties, Mitama.
Mitama: …..
Azama: Alas… your soul slumbered before I ever had the change of waking you from your deeds of sloth. Death comes for everyone, after all. If you had died, I would feel nothing. However this… this whole event has changed my perspective, if only just a little.
Mitama: …..
Azama: I understand. As luck would have it, your soul has not yet passed on. Sleepers, like yourself, need only the push to awaken. As I have done many times when you were younger, I will be doing now. You carry a bow with you, that shows me you are not as lackadaisical, yet I know that my daughter is still asleep. This has the potential to turn violent, so be so kind as to not wish the wrath of the Gods upon me. I will greet your spirit with a hearty, wakeful slap~
Hinata and Hisame: Hinata: Am I hallucinating or…?
Hisame: …..
Hinata: Hisame! No! So they really did get you in the Deeprealm… Damn it! That must’ve been so scary for a kid like you to fight monsters. And meanwhile I was getting ganged up on. If I had just won, maybe I could’ve saved you in time…! I’m sorry! It’s my fault, you can blame Dad if you want to! I don’t mind, cause I got Lord Takumi and some others to help fix the problem! But thing is, I’m not gonna remember what happened here Hisame, but maybe you will! So next time, just hug me and I’ll pat your head! I just ask you don’t shy away, like you usually do.
Hisame: …..
Hinata: Here goes nothin’! It’s been some time since we sparred, right? I don’t ever remember you winning, but hey! This is some good practice for you, Hisame! I won’t falter no matter who I’m fighting! Prepare yourself, kiddo!
Takumi and Kiragi: Takumi: Kiragi! Is that really you?!
Kiragi: …..
Takumi: I can’t believe it… I never… I thought I never see you again. I was too late in trying to come save you. I am a terrible father aren’t I?! I wasn’t able to save and because of that your just standing across from me… blank eyes staring back at me. I hate it. I want to see your eyes bright and alive whenever I see you! I want to hear you talk to me, to say anytning! … Will you say anything, Kiragi?
Kiragi: …….
Takumi: Kiragi… No, I get it. I’ll get you back to the way you were before. Then we can practice with the Fujin Yumi. You would tell me you love me… but you seemed to know I do to when I never said it, I’m sorry I’m so…. emotionally stunted. But I feel happy when your around me. And when I do get you back, I’ll catch you in my arms when you jump at me in joy, I promise.
Saizo and Asugi: Saizo: Saizo, that’s you, isn’t it? Because if it is, you haven’t been training, you’ve lost your touch in being concealed and out of sight from enemies and allies. If you don’t train enough, you’ll disgrace the Saizo name.
Asugi: ……
Saizo: … I want to thank you for what you did in your Deeprealm, despite doing something idiotic as protecting me. You should have been more concerned for your wellbeing. But if this is what it cost to protect me, I couldn’t ask for a nobler son. You know how I feel about the traditions of the clan, but this experience has taught me something… I will let you leave the title of Saizo, so that you may be Asugi. You can’t hear me anyway, that much I’m certain of. Hell, I’ll even forget I even said it. But if I didn’t, it would never feel right. If I never said it, however, then it really never happened, correct?
Asugi: ……
Saizo: Hm. Glad that you understand. Let us see what Asugi can do against Saizo the Fifth. Come at me, son.
Ryoma and Shiro: Ryoma: Shiro? Shiro! You look… strange. Do you not recognize me? It’s your father, Ryoma! Remember? Your dad. Look at me, Shiro! Say something!
Shiro: …..
Ryoma: Damn that dragon… this must be a dream of some kind… Or so I want it to be. I finally have you within my sights to take you back home and now I can’t. I truly must raise Raijinto against my own son? Gods above forgive me for killing my own son. You should be yelling at me right now, to stop talking and to just fight you. Aren’t you going to tell me how you want to hold it right now? That you want to beat me with it! Go on, Shiro! Get mad at me when you know I’m right!
Shiro: ……
Ryoma: Damn it all! You know I must strike you down, right? But know that I am doing it to save you, to bring you back. I want to mess up your hair again whenever you manage to land a hit on me. And yes, perhaps it would be nice to have you argue with me again! You are not allowed to die, you understand? A parent should never have to burry their child.
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persorene · 7 years
May I request "Just stay with me" for the Four Word Prompts? Thank you so much!! 😀
I actually got this request twice but the other one requested that I combine “I need to go” and “Just stay with me” so that’s what I’ll do here!Jakob could be described as many things; astute, precise, cold- but playful was not something one could call him. That is, unless he was in the company of his master. And so the intense water battle that had broken out between them could only be described as somewhat out of character for him. As he always did when the pile of soiled garments had gotten far too high and the maids had, as usual, slacked off on keeping it up, he had decided to take care of it himself. A clear stream ran through their fort in the astral plane and was perfect for scrubbing the grime from the army’s clothing. Jakob carried it all in a basket to the water’s edge and began to work diligently when the first splash hit him.He looked up in an instant, ready to give his attacker a piece of his mind- but standing in front of him was his princess. She looked toward the sky, whistling a tune slightly too loud to get his attention, hands behind her back and her lovely cheeks flushed pink as she tried to hold in a laugh.Jakob smiled at her but turned back to his work without acknowledging her. It would drive her mad- and that’s what he was counting on. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his well-defined forearms and protecting his shirt from the water as he expertly scrubbed the clothing. He could hear her as she approached. She moved slowly, hoping to surprise him, but he knew her and every trick she had. Jakob didn’t look up- his attention was still, mostly, dedicated to the task at him. It was as she stepped beside, ready to playfully shove him toward the water that he finally spun around, flinging the water that he’d cupped in his hands. The droplets landed their hit, spattering her dress with dark spots where they’d hit her.“Jakob!”He laughed like a child as he stood up and darted away from her as if they were playing a game of tag. He dashed into the stream, his boots landing with a loud splash as they flung water up and onto his pant legs.Corrin stood on the bank, her hair blowing in the breeze and her hand on her hip “You don’t think I’ll come in after you?” she teased, her smile only growing.“I know you won’t!” Jakob taunted.The princess gathered her dress in her hands and walked into the water, it was cool as it lapped at her ankles. She walked out to where he was standing and dropped her gown, it’s hem darkening as it skirted along the water “Now what will you do?”He smirked and leaned down, fling yet another handful of water at her. This particular splash struck her in the face. Her breath caught in her throat as the cool water took her by surprise.“Oh I see.” She muttered “It’s a war you want. However, you’ve made a grave mistake.”“And what was that, milady?”“You challenged a military leader to a battle.” She smirked and bounded toward the bucket of water he’d been using to do the wash. She ran in a strange crouching fashion, filling the vessel as she ran forward. Corrin flung the water from the bucket toward him before he’d had a chance to get out of her way. Her attack worked, her butler stood still with his arms out, his shirt was soaked wet, making the white fabric translucent and showing off his muscled torso in a way that she couldn’t help but admire. His usually wispy pale hair now clung to his skin in a soaked mass. The water had tugged his ribbon from his hair, leaving the length flowing freely down his back and over his shoulders. The princess laughed, he looked simultaneously disheveled and handsome- and it was rather captivating.“You think you’ve won, do you?” Jakob teased, shoving his bangs out of his eyes as she stared at her.“I have! Look at you.”He rushed forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and tugging her gently toward the water. Her laughter had dissolved into joyous squeals and he reveled in every one of them. He held her in one arm, hovering her above the water as he splashed her with his free hand, soaking her hair and dress and drawing forth laughter that he’d never heard from her before. He was half tempted to keep going, lay her in the water and settle down beside her, to let their battle turn into something more physical. But his rational side came back to him. They weren’t in her tree house. They were in open, where anyone could see them, could see a butler and his master in a situation that was far from professional. A cold breeze blew through the air and he realized it was still only early spring, too cold for this kind of play, and she was soaked head to toe. She’d surely catch cold and he would have only himself to blame.He lifted her up, and carried her to the banks of the creek, settling her down onto her feet with ease. “Come-“ he said as he left the water as well “Let’s get you dried off.”They stood in her tree house, her wet gown had been exchanged for a dry one and her hair had been combed free of its tangles. Jakob stood behind her, toweling her hair dry, before he could stop her, the princess had gripped his waist and spun around to face him, leaving them dreadfully close to one another. She looked up to face him, feeling his warm breath on her skin.“I’m sorry.” She whispered “I know I shouldn’t have started that where anyone could see it. I just can’t stand that we have to keep this a secret.” She pressed her lips to his, waiting for him to take over like he usually did but this time he pulled away. His eyes drifted to the window and out toward the stream that they’d just romped about in.“I need to go.” He muttered, his demeanor cold and distant.“Jakob, stop. What’s wrong?”“You deserve a love that doesn’t have to be hidden.”She fell back softly, sitting on her bed. She patted a space beside her. Jakob sat beside her, laying a hand on top of hers.“I don’t deserve anything else because I already have the very best. Your title or lack thereof has no bearing on my feelings for you.”“You may not care, milady, but I do. The damage that this could do to your reputation is extensive.”“And I can live with that.” She sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder “Look, they’ll all come around to it. Just, stay with me. It’ll work out.” Corrin kissed his cheek gently “I promise it will.”“Well, if it’s a promise-" he whispered, interrupting himself as he pressed a warm kiss into her lips "Then I suppose I'll believe you."
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sleepinglionhearts · 7 years
Hello, I hope you're having a great day! Sorry to ask but do you have any headcanons regarding your collection of Kanas? They're all so interesting! (Also your art is lovely!)
Don’t be sorry to ask! It’s actually kinda nice that someone is asking me about Kana content. And thank you for complimenting my art alhfkahfjafhkjh
I will talk about the Kanas as if they are all in the Revelation path (in which they can interact with everyone) because I think it’s more fun that way
We’ll start with Izana!Kana
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-one of my friends thinks it’s troublesome to keep calling him Izana!Kana so she just calls him “Kazana” and I think it’s cute
-when transformed into a dragon, he is fairly small. No one is sure why. Instead of being of a decent dragon size like his mother, he’s more like the size of a rather large dog. popular theories include he may yet grow into a larger dragon, he is small as a human so he is small as a dragon, and maybe he’s small and a little odd looking because of whatever odd dragon genetics Izana may have contributed.
-unlike the other children who usually get kinda excited when the opportunity to go swimming in a lake or whatever presents itself, he avoids the water. Says he starts to hear a strange voice and his head hurts. Azura in particular is concerned over this, though when she asks him to tell her about it, he becomes even more prickly than usual over the subject and avoids her too
-he likes Midori. Midori likes him… because he’s a dragon and fun to experiment on.
-aims to surpass his father in looks– or at least, that’s his excuse for putting on makeup and dressing up. He just finds it all aesthetically pleasing.
-surprisingly enough, avoids Forrest (thinks he’s tacky)
-Gets taken out of his deeprealm early bc “really, is there anywhere safer than Izumo?? it’s neutral, no one’s gonna hurt him” but then escapes to his deeprealm anyway bc he’s like 9 and wanted to be taken seriously so he has to grow (it didn’t really work out)
-gave up on trying to control his hair and accepts it for its faults (besides, having lil hair antennas makes him taller… sort of….)
-absolutely adores the colour pink
-is sometimes subject to terrible nightmares
-wanders off on his own a lot
-will always be kind of short
-tried to pick a fight with Orochi once, realized that was a bad idea fast
-very proficient little mage, but certain tomes/scrolls/spirits need to be kept away from him bc he will cause damage
-the sort of kid to transform in the middle of dinner, refuse to transform back, and then lay on the table and roll around in spite of being told to cut that out already
-gets grounded for a month and half bc he decided to fuck with the messengers and nearly brought Izumo directly into the war
-but really he’s just moody. sorta like a cat. he’ll occasionally go up to someone he likes and curl up near or on them and go to sleep or just. stay there bc he wants company.
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Now for Niles!Kana
-as opposed to the other Kanas, he’s more around 15-16.
-loud boy
-got his ears pierced courtesy of Soleil
-AWFUL DIETARY HABITS courtesy of Velouria
-why did these two things happen? parents asked Nina to babysit him and she left them with whoever was closest and not busy to do other more important things
-his consumption of odd/rotting things is not limited to dragon form as it was discovered when he was found raiding the pantry for spoiled/rotting foods (Jakob and Felicia still aren’t sure how they feel about this. On the one hand, this kid is useful in that he’ll eat this stuff…. on the other, that’s Corrin’s kid and what if something bad happens??)
-can be bribed with candy
-can be overly friendly at times and has a little bit of trouble with the concept of personal space
-gets along just fine with Nina, but if they’re getting along especially well, be suspicious. they’re plotting something.
-has a few crushes but he won’t tell anyone who they are
-likes his cloak/cape thing because he can wrap up in it
-Keaton doesn’t allow him anywhere near his collection after an incident in which Kana nearly ate half of it
-used to be really clingy when he was younger
-has a tendency to be really blunt sometimes but usually doesn’t realize what he’s said until after he’s said it
-the only cooking he actively avoids is Reina’s. No one is sure what she does, but if Kana won’t eat it…. it can’t be safe.
-walks with really heavy steps because otherwise he is too quiet when approaching and scares people
-gets really bad seasonal allergies
-very good at tracking things
-prefers to fight as a dragon
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…and now Takumi!Kana (even though I haven’t really posted anything with him)
-youngest Kana, around 6-7. Pure, sweet bab
-absolutely adores his big brother Kiragi
-extremely good with small animals (sometimes follows Shigure around)
-very shy and clings to his Mama a lot
-wants to grow his hair out long someday like his Papa
-is a little scared of Ryoma
-likes flying on pegasi and kinshi but doesn’t want one of his own
-calls a lot of the women older than him “Auntie” even if they are not related
-asked Azura to make him a little necklace for his dragonstone bc he was afraid he’d lose it somewhere
-only one of the Kanas to not have hair that sticks up like little antenna (which will change when he gets older and his hair more out of his control)
-self-conscious about his ears
-a bit of a picky eater
-really needs to be developed more bc he is super adorable
Annnnnnd to end the post, lame doodles of the Kanas as adults.
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Thank you for asking about my Kanas!
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yukiwrites · 6 years
Clumsily Thinking of Each Other
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @arod7293! This was so cute to write, I hope you like it! ^v^)b
Summary: Finally finding happiness in her life with Felicia by her side, Azura decides that it’s time to rid herself of the cursed pendant. A few days later, Felicia notices how distant her wife is and wonders what she can do to lift her spirits...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Even after their marriage (or especially after it), Azura and Felicia never stopped going to their spot. It was a special place to both of them and their relationship, after all. Not only that, but it was a secluded area with the best view to watch the starry sky and enjoy the breeze of the lake.
The wives would take turns in cuddling one another; on some nights, Felicia would be the one to give her arm to Azura to lie on, who would repay the act on the following night. They went  there at least three times a week, which made Felicia look forward to the nights she would cuddle on Azura, always loving to hear her heart beating through her chest.
And to listen her melodious voice from the best and most privileged spot in the world? Count her in! Those were the best nights for the maid, who would, without fail, always blush and snuggle for a few more minutes each time.
In Azura's arms, Felicia barely cared about the beautiful stars or the moon's reflection in the lake; her entire being was focused on her beloved wife, always taking in her smell, warmth and voice.
She closed her eyes in one such nights, snuggling on her wife's chest. "You know, that dessert Jakob made for Lady Corrin earlier today made me remember a speciality I used to eat when I was a kid, back at my tribe."
"Oh?" Azura twirled one finger around Felicia's straight hair, enjoying how it never curled no matter what she did. "What did it taste like?"
"Heaven!" Felicia rested her chin over Azura's chest, looking at her from below, her eyes sparkling. "Me and Flora ate it all the time... I'm sure she remembers the recipe, but I keep forgetting to ask her to teach me."
"Does this mysterious recipe have a name, or will I always be curious about it?" Azura chuckled, pinching her wife's pouty cheek.
Ticklish, Felicia raised her shoulder, trying to hide her face from Azura's teasing hands. "I'm pretty sure it was Frosted Chocolate Bomb. Ahh... remembering how it would melt with the touch of a warm hand... explode in chocolate... I want to eat it!!" The maid squirmed, digging her face into Azura's chest, rubbing against it.
"Haha- Felici- stop- you're tickling me, my love!" Azura laughed, trying to grab her wife and take her away, the light pink hair prickling over her neck and arms, making her laugh even more.
Felicia giggled, groping her beloved's waist, enjoying so very much to hear her easygoing laugh. "This laugh is so important," she let her thoughts slip as she raised her head to see Azura's flushed cheeks. After everything her princess had gone through, just the sound of her laugh was already so important, so very much appreciated.
Giggling, Azura cupped Felicia's face, bringing her closer to her own. Felicia placed both elbows on either side of Azura's body, the hair showering down on the blue one. With her wife's face so close to her own, Azura couldn't see anything else, quite literally -- Felicia's hair made somewhat of a wall that blocked everything from Azura's sight, making her look only at her wife.
The princess caressed her beloved's cheek, the smile never leaving her lips. "You are so important to me, dear Felicia. I still feel giddy whenever I present you as my wife to the people we meet, did you know?"
Felicia snorted, resting her forehead over Azura's, "really? Even though I'm the one so over my head about having you as my wife? It's like I'm still dreaming."
"Then let us never wake up, sweet Felicia." Azura opened her mouth to welcome Felicia's lips, wrapping both arms around her neck. Surprised, but not about to deny a sweet kiss from Azura, Felicia closed her eyes to enjoy the taste, the warmth and the tenderness as their tongues matched oh so very well inside their mouths.
They remembered the day they shared their first kiss, or the day they had succumbed to each other's lips in front of the entire army... Ah, but who could blame them, when their beloved's lips were so enthralling? So entrancing? They could never get enough!
Gasping for air, Felicia slowly stopped the caress, turning it into smaller pecks delivered over her wife's lips. "This is too good to be a dream." She giggled, being followed by Azura.
"Ah, this is indeed reality, my love." The princess placed one hand over Felicia's, intertwining their fingers. "Indeed, reality." She closed her eyes with a pained expression, squeezing Felicia's hand on hers.
The maid gasped. "Did something happen? Are you in pain?!" She sat up so as to give Azura room to breathe.
The princess followed, never letting go of her beloved's hand. "It is not a physical pain that I feel, but a decision that I must follow through that's paining me... And I wanted you to be there with me when I do it."
"Of course I'll be there! What is it?" Felicia hugged her beloved with more strength than necessary, stealing the air of her lungs.
Azura's shoulders sagged with the gesture, never before so happy to have lost her breath. "Thank you, Felicia." She looked deep into her beloved's eyes after they pulled away, then to her chest, where she usually wore her pendant.
Felicia's eyes followed, finding only Azura's cleavage and slightly blushing as her eyes went back to her princess'. Giggling, Azura once again caressed Felicia's cheek before speaking.
"It is nigh time I rid myself of the cursed pendant that belonged to my mother. Its role is fulfilled, though its curse will never be lifted. I need not to have it in my life any longer, but..."
"It'll be okay!" Felicia grasped both of Azura's hands on hers. "It's something that's been with you since your mother died, of course it's hard to part with it." She lowered her head, pressing Azura's hands on it. "I don't know if I'll be of much help, but of course I want to be there for you when you do it. T-to be honest, I've been worried that the curse was still e-eating away your life." The maid confessed, feeling her eyes burn with tears. "I couldn't bear to lose you to that pendant, not after everything we went through to be together!"
"Oh, sweet, sweet Felicia." Azura wrapped her arms around her wife, cuddling her into her chest one more time that night. "Your words give me strength to live on without that which's been my only solace ever since childhood." The princess took a moment to breathe, looking up at the sky. "I'll be alright. With you by my side, I can do anything."
Felicia sniffled, brusquely wrapping her arms around Azura, making both of them lose balance and fall once again on the grass. "Ah-owow! Are you okay? Why do I keep messing up on these special momeeents?" She sniffled, never letting go of the hug.
Squeezed to almost unconsciousness, Azura laughed with the little of air she had left. "I-I'm fine, Felicia, but if you keep this up, I won't be for much longer-"
"Awawawa! Sorry!" Felicia let go of Azura altogether, almost rolling down the hill to the lake; Were it not for her wife's quick reflexes, which pulled her once again to her own arms, making them roll the opposite way instead.
"Heeheehaha!" Azura laughed. "I love you, my dear Felicia! I cannot believe I feel this relieved after being so insecure just a moment ago!"
Blushing due to her repeated blunders, Felicia's face was covered with her own hair as she giggled to her wife. "I do love it when you're smiling, Azura." She whispered before giving in to a clumsy kiss, their hairs and bodies tangled over one another.
They would be alright. As long as they were together, they could face anything.
The following morning, Azura woke up before her wife, barely managing to sleep at all. The shy rays of sunlight shone through their thin curtains, little by little illuminating the room.
The princess squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to think about the anxiety that pierced her heart like thin needles.
However, a deep breathing beside her made Azura open her eyes, finally focusing on her sleeping wife: Felicia had slept with her face so close to Azura's they were almost sharing the air they breathed. Immediately did the anxiety give way to warmth.
She slowly turned to the side, placing a tuft of hair behind her wife's ear. Ah, if that's what awaited her for the rest of her life, free from the pendant's menace, then she would go through with it.
Seeing Felicia sleep as though she hadn't a care in the world brought such peace to Azura's heart that she managed to fall asleep again, having a nice dream before the appointed time.
Still, what she was about to do was a great step in her life, and surely the anxiety would come back. Azura gripped at her pendant the whole way to a secluded lake, far from the castle. "We're not throwing it at our lake?" Felicia asked along the way, holding her wife's hand.
"No." The princess replied immediately, never taking her eyes off the road. "That place is ours only; I do not wish to bring so much... hardship to it. I do not want to remember the pendant every time we go there."
Felicia placed her other hand over Azura's, biting her own lip in sympathy. "This is very hard for you, isn't it..."
"I'll be fine as long as you keep holding my hand, dear Felicia." Azura let out a bittersweet smile, gripping so strongly over the pendant the tips of her fingers turned white.
"Always! I'll always hold your hand!"
Azura's shoulders sagged minimally, the shadow of a smile hovering over her lips. "We're here." She announced as they entered the lakeside.
Felicia barely glanced at the grand body of water in front of them, too concerned about her wife to care. Azura, however, felt the need to explain the reason for the lake to wear such a deep blue color: "When I was a little girl, my mother told me that this lake connects Castle Gyges to the center of Valla; simply staring down at it makes you feel as though your soul is being sucked in."
"Mhm." Felicia nodded, urging her wife to go on, slightly squeezing her hand.
Azura took a step forward, towards the small pier built there for the sole purpose of allowing people to behold the depth of the water: the more they walked over the trepid wood, the darker the water became under them.
"I do not know if I'll be truly freed from the pendant's curse even if I do this," she confessed, pulling it out of her neck through her long hair. "But I feel that I must do this to be able to move on; to be able to truly move on from the past, from the all the grief and pain I've felt my whole life. To..." She from the lake to her wife, whose eyes were already welled up with tears. "To be able to look forward to the future and enjoy it by your side."
"It'll be okay!" Felicia reassured, sniffling. "I'm here!"
"So you are." Azura closed her eyes, then took a deep breath.
'Twas night, and the moonbeams palely fell ♪ On the gloomy walls of a cheerless cell, ♫ Where a captive sought a brief repose ♪ From the bitter pangs of his waking woes. ♫ O'er the dark blue waves the mighty deep ♪ His spirit roamed in the dream of sleep, ♫ To each well-loved spot of his native shore, ♪ Where joyous he roved in the days of yore. ♫ But o'er each scene a shadow threw ♪ A gloom that always used to be, ♫ Be it shall no more. ♪
"With this song, may our bonds be severed," Azura concluded, throwing the pendant right in the middle of the lake’s crater, a single tear escaping her eye as she did so. "Goodbye, Mother..." she whispered, her lips trembling.
"Azura!" Felicia threw herself on her wife's arms, yet again squeezing the life out of her. "You did great! You did great!!"
Azura's lips trembled with emotion before a laugh shook her body. "You know, this was easier than I thought. Surely because you were here with me, my love. Thank you."
"Of course-" Felicia lifted her gaze to her wife, meaning to steal a kiss, but hit her forehead on Azura's chin instead. "Owowow...! T-this hurt more than usual...!" She took a step back as both of them staggered with the blow, each holding the afflicted area with both hands.
"Heeheehaha- ouch- haha!" Azura laughed, feeling a discomfort in her chin and teeth. "I love you so very much, Felicia!"
Tearing up due to the sharp pain, Felicia looked up to her glistering wife: Azura's smile shone like never before, the tears shimmering in her eyes taking Felicia's breath away. She really couldn't get enough of that smile. May she see it forever!
They managed to kiss despite the throbbing pain of Felicia's clumsiness, putting an end to such painful chapter of Azura's life.
Or so Felicia thought. The past two days following the pendant's disposal, she noticed how distant her wife had become, even more so than usual. Azura's always been standoffish, yes, but she'd been outright absent lately! Felicia could barely catch a sight of her during her work hours, and their schedules didn't match for their meetings at their spot.
Sure, they still shared the warmth of their bed, but what about the rest of the day?
Felicia took one hand to her chin in thought, her brow furrowed adorably as her mind travelled back and forth in search of a reason. "Maybe she's still hung up over the pendant, after all. It WAS a big part of her life and stuff." She mumbled, walking back and forth.
"F-Felicia, maybe you should give this tray to me." Corrin spoke seemingly out of nowhere, startling the maid.
"Wah! L-lady Corrin!" She took a step back, throwing up everything she was carrying. "When did you get here?!"
"When did I get here?! In my room?" Corrin laughed, looking how all the china and the tea inside the teapot magically flew around their heads. "You just said you were gonna pour our afternoon tea, remember?"
From her seat at the tea table, Rhajat gestured with her hand for the cutlery to go back to their rightful place, over the table. "And here I was wondering how in the world she was managing to carry so many things with only one hand without tripping."
Felicia looked around, always amazed at Lady Rhajat's powers. "Wuh? Was I really carrying everything with one hand?! I-I don't rememberr!" She cried out, proud and ashamed at herself. She had finally managed to make drinkable tea, which was basically the only thing she succeeded in her work, so how could she forget how masterfully she did her task?!
"W-well, apart from that," Corrin patted the maid's back, guiding her to the table, "what's on your mind? You're more spaced out than usual."
Rhajat scooted over so her wife could sit beside her over the couch, knowing how Corrin would make Felicia sit on the chair so they could talk. "She means that you're blundering more than normal, but it in the nicest way possible," the mage whispered, twirling her finger so the spoon hovering over the teacup would mix the beverage.
Corrin elbowed her wife as she sat, never taking her eyes off of her friend and maid. "Anyway, is there anything we can help you with? Is it regarding Azura?"
Felicia gasped, shooting her head up. "H-how did you know, Lady Corrin?!"
The three cups that hovered around the table landed in front of each one of them. "You are an open book, you realize that." Rhajat said, leaning her arm on Corrin's. "I can conjure up a solution, if you want."
"Conjure?" Felicia blinked, looking from the Queen to the Queen Consort, her mind racing. "Conjure..." She remembered Azura's sorrowful song and the pendant that flew so high up in the sky before plummeting inside the lake without a sound. "That's it!" She got up, bumping on the table. "Awa-whoops!"
Before the tea spilled everywhere, once again Rhajat made it fly, but this time, back to the pot. She sighed, putting one hand over her face. "Should I conjure something, then?"
"Um, I think I'LL be the one doing the conjuring." She widened her eyes, clasping both hands together. "B-but I don't have a chain, nor a bail..."
Corrin finally placed the pieces together. "Oh! This is about Azura's pendant, right? She told me she'd thrown it out, but she didn't seem much different after that- or rather, she seemed happier."
"Yeah, that's what I thought, too... But she's been distant ever since, so I guess she's actually missing it." The maid looked down, then closed her eyes. "But I just thought that what if I gave her another pendant instead? I know she has the ring I gave her already, but..."
"Aw, I think it's a lovely idea!" Corrin clasped both hands together in glee, glancing at her wife with a smile. "We'll do whatever we can to help!"
"Of course." Rhajat got up from her seat, heading to the corner of the room whence she kept her magical ingredients. "What kind of pendant were you thinking about?"
Felicia closed her eyes, seeing in her mind the bouquet which had brought such anxiety to her before. "The azure vallite root." She whispered, opening her hands as the air grew colder and colder by the second.
Corrin and Rhajat both shivered with the chilly wind whirling around Felicia. From the maid's hand, a crystallized flower appeared. It was blue, much like Azura's previous pendant, but cold to the touch. "There!"
Rhajat saw her breath puff up in front of her as she turned to her table. "Then I'll give you this." She mumbled a few magical words, touching a chunk of gold she had mined for an experiment. The moment her fingers touched it, the gold transformed into a bail, a glittering and never-breaking chain clasped onto it. "I put an unmelting spell on it, so your flower will always shine like a real crystal, despite being made of ice."
"C-Can I really have it?!" Felicia hopped to Rhajat's side. "I-I know I'm the one who asked, but if it's too much trouble-"
"Hush, give this to me." Rhajat pointed to the icy flower, making it float towards her creation.
The flower fit with a clicking sound, the spell consolidating over the now-pendant. "It's done."
"T-Thank you so much, Lady Rhajat!" Felicia sniffled, instinctively hugging the mage, forgetting about decorum. "I'll go give this to her right away! Excuse me!" She bowed and left as quickly as she spoke, leaving the door ajar.
"You're such a romantic, Rhajat." Corrin giggled, walking towards her wife, who blushed with the statement.
"N-nonsense. I just wanted her to leave us alone, that's all."
"Riight," Corrin teased, wrapping her arms around Rhajat's waist. "You even gave her the gold chunk you painstakingly acquired the last time we went exploring."
Rhajat hid her face under her bangs, gripping at her wife's arms. "As I said, I wanted her to leave."
"Alright, if you say so." Corrin nipped at Rhajat's cheek, enjoying how warm it was. "I'm sure soon they'll be hugging and kissing like we are about to."
"... Are we?" Rhajat chuckled, turning her neck to her beloved, knowing how much she loved to kiss her there.
"We are."
Felicia ran back to her and Azura's quarters, obviously not finding her there. "Stupid, stupid me! It's not night yet! Where could she be...?" She spoke aloud, running corridor in and out, ultimately bumping into someone so hard both of them flew to opposite sides. "Awawawa!" She caught the pendant as it was about to fall, not minding how she herself fell on her behind. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't see you th-"
"Felicia!" Azura laughed, rubbing her hip as she got up.
"Azura!!" Felicia jumped up, hiding the pendant behind her back. "I looked everywhere for you! Why are you here at the servants wing- Nevermind that, I have something for you!"
The princess giggled, walking towards her wife. "Funny, I have something for you, too-"
Worked up, Felicia didn't hear Azura as she spoke louder than her wife: "I noticed how distant you've been these past days and I know that you must be feeling bad because of your pendant, so I, um, went ahead and made this for you!" She handed the pendant so brusquely she almost punched her wife in the gut. "I know it won't be a substitute for it, and, well, it doesn't have any magic inside it apart from maybe being cold to the touch, but--hummph!"
"Silly Felicia!" Azura smiled before shutting her wife up with a kiss. "Of course this pendant is wonderful! Nothing can substitute my mother's pendant, but nothing can substitute your pendant either, my love. This is just as important to me right now."
"Y-you mean it?" Felicia melted under Azura's lips, her thumping heart finally calming down.
"Of course." Azura stole a peck before turning her back to Felicia. "Will you put it on me?"
"R-right!" Felicia clumsily undid the clasp, taking way longer than necessary to clasp it back around her wife's neck, though Azura never once complained about the wait.
She knew how frantic her wife was about it, and how seriously she took everything. Giggling, she looked at the kitchen from where she had just exited before bumping into Felicia. "You have a wonderful timing as always, my sweet."
"Muh?" Sweating, Felicia finally managed to close the clasp, sighing in relief right after. "Did you say something?"
"I said that I also have something for you, silly." She turned around, looking from her new pendant to her wife. "How do I look?"
Felicia blushed. "B-breathtaking as always."
"Flatterer." Azura teased, gesturing for Felicia to follow her. "Forgive me if my absence lately's brought you unease, my love. I was consulting with Flora regarding something very special for you..."
"What?" Confused, Felicia followed her wife's lead, smelling the chocolate as soon as they stepped inside the kitchen. "T-this is...!"
"Indeed." Azura nodded, turning around so as to present the Frosted Chocolate Bomb. "I did what I could with the tools we had at the castle, but Flora gave me the passing grade, so I decided to present it to you."
"D-d-d-does it m-melt?" Felicia widened her eyes, walking closer to the table. "Oh, Azura! Thank you so much for this, I can't wait to try it!"
"It does melt, much like my heart does when I see your smile." She said, signaling for her wife to sit down. "Today, I shall serve you, my Lady Felicia."
Flattered, Felicia sat down, bringing both hands to her chest in emotion. Both of them had been thinking about each other that whole time? Truly they were meant for each other! "Oh, oh, oh! I can't wait to try it!"
Poem: The Dream of Freedom, by Owen Suffolk
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persorene · 7 years
I know you have done prompts in ages, I don't even know if you're still taking prompts but it's worth a shot. You know those flora and felicia edits with short hair? Can I get a drabble where all the girls in the fort (Corrin, Felicia and Flora) got their hair cut and Flora tries to get Jakob to notice but he's oblivious until he sees Corrin? I... I'm a heathen and I love angst.
Oh boy, it’s been a long time since I wrote anything Fire Emblem related, sorry if it’s a little rough. I think this is really cute, by the way!Flora walked slowly through the fortress as she tended to her afternoon chores. Every so often, her fingers would drift to the nape of her neck, left bare and unusually cold by the lack of hair. She let her fingers work around the freshly trimmed ends, plush and soft beneath her touch. Glimpses of her reflection as she moved through the halls caught her eyes and brought a timid smile to her pale lips. She quite liked this new hairstyle, it was short, framing her heart shaped face perfectly. The length made her look younger somehow. Perhaps, she thought, it was because its playful styling made her look less tired- less worn and weathered by her life.Her already exuberant sister looked even lovelier than she did in her matching bob, its pale pink locks bouncing along with her as she twirled about the halls. Felicia’s hair hung pin straight and lovely in its new style, her bangs tucked to the side in a beautiful but uniform fashion. Not like Flora’s. She glimpsed into the silver tray she was polishing, the smile fading from her lips as she worked to smooth her bangs. The blue curls hung near her face like the icicles that clung to the caves outside of their village. She hated her curls, and suddenly she was growing far less fond of her hairstyle. She frowned at her reflection, missing the pig tails she’d grown so accustomed to having.“Aw, Flora.” Felicia muttered, setting down the feather duster she’d been using as she strode quickly toward her sister, her heels clicking in a clumsy cadence as she moved.“What’s wrong? You look even gloomier than usual.” She said as she draped her arms over her sister’s shoulders “It’s not your hair is it?”Flora sat in silence, her head turned toward a large window to avoid making eye contact with her sister in their reflections.“Well… I think it’s beautiful. And besides, it’s hair! It’ll grow back if you hate it that much. Just look at Lady Corrin, she got the same cut we did and she misses her hair already but she isn’t moping about!”“Get off of me.” Flora groaned, she shrugged her shoulders and slipped out of her sister’s arms.“Flooora, c’mon.” Felicia chirped. She gripped her twin’s hands between her own, tugging the stoic girl to her feet. She smoothed her sister’s bangs and turned her shoulders gently, angling Flora toward the decorative mirror above the fire place “See. You’re beautiful.”In their reflection, Felicia’s warm smile was echoed on her sister’s usually unexpressive face. “I bet I’m not the only person who’ll think you look gorgeous!” Felicia teased.“Stop that!” Flora snapped. She noticed her cheeks reddening in her reflection before she quickly cast her gaze down at the intricate rug that blanketed the wooden floors.The sound of Jakob’s boots echoing down up the stairs and into the hall they stood in snapped them both back to the present.“We’ll see what he says!” Felicia taunted as she rushed back to her duster before he found her neglecting her work.“Knock it off.” Flora growled under her breath as she returned to her seat at the small table, immediately picking up the polishing right where she’d left off.Jakob entered the hall slowly, his keen eyes surveying the progress the maids had made so far. He paused briefly at the fire place, running a finger along the mantle and inspecting it for any sign of dust. Once satisfied he walked toward the windowsills that Felicia was currently dusting with an excessive fierceness.“Felicia.”“Yes.” She said as she spun to face him, nearly bringing down a curtain that she’d managed to get stuck in.Jakob sighed heavily and reached over her, he tugged her free from the curtain and saved the fabric from a tear. “Make sure you wash down the windowsills once you’ve dusted them.”“Of course.”“And Felicia? Don’t touch anything else.”“I’ll do my best.” She chimed, her hand flying to her forehead in a clumsy attempt at a salute.The butler sighed once more as he walked away from her toward her sister “Flora.”“Yes, sir.” She mumbled, her eyes never leaving the tray she was focused on.“How many more pieces do you have to polish this morning?”“Quite a few, I planned on doing most of the silverware today.”“Right then.” He grumbled, he was absent mindedly flipping through his docket, muttering under his breath as he took count of how much he still had to do today.Flora tucked a piece of her shorter hair behind her ear as she pressed harder into a tarnished spot “Anything else?” she asked softly, half hoping he’d mention something about her change of appearance.He lowered his papers, briefly glancing over at her and the silver that lay before her “No? Just see me when you’ve finished this. I have plenty more that needs to be done- if I’ve not finished it myself by then.”“Jakob!” Corrin’s voice suddenly filled the hall and soon the princess had bounded up the stairs and into view. “There you are!” She panted “I’ve been looking all over for you.”“My apologies my lady.” Jakob said with a bow, his voice instantly honeyed as he spoke to her. “I’ve been terribly busy but I’ll be-“ he paused mid-sentence, his lavender eyes drifting to the princess’ white curls, her usually untamable mane was trimmed down to shoulder length and smoothed into a tidy mass of waves. His heart skipped in chest as he looked her with her lovely features framed by this new style.“Have you gotten your hair cut?” he asked.“I have! I’ve been looking for you so I could show you.” She rocked on her feet, her hands twisted playfully at her locks “Well? Do you like it?”“I apologise for my boldness, milady, but I think it’s beautiful.” He said with a smile “Did you have that done today?”She nodded “We all did. Though you’ve already seen Flora and Felicia’s.”“I don’t suppose I noticed, milady.”“I think it looks even better on them.” Corrin said “I miss my hair already.”“Well. If I may once again be so bold, I think you look stunning either way, milady.”“You’re the best, Jakob. It’ll take some getting used to. I think it looks strange on me, but I feel better knowing you think it looks nice.”“My opinion has no bearing, milady.”“It does to me, you’re my best friend.” She said matter-of-factly. “Well… I’ll let you get back to work, I’ll be in the library if anyone needs me.”“I’ll be down in a moment with your tea, milady.” Jakob said, his lips still upturned with a gentle smile as she watched her walk toward the stairs. He turned back to the maids, the smile suddenly gone “Finish up, you two, we have a lot to do today.” He grumbled before he too disappeared down the flight of stairs.As soon as the butler was out of sight, Flora sighed and dropped her rag. She didn’t know what she’d expected. In fact, she’d been certain this was how he’d react but foolishly, she’d gotten her hopes up- and it hurt.Felicia lay her duster down, crossing back to her sister and hugging her gently “I’m sorry, Flora. I shouldn’t have teased you.”The icy girl once again shoved her sister away as she returned to her polishing “It doesn’t matter. Get back to work, Felicia.”
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persorene · 7 years
*pulls up to drive through window* yeah can i get uhhh cute mutual jokamu pining with a cute ending *slaps down 5 dollars*
One mutual pining fic, no angst and a side of happy ending coming right up! Please pull around to the next window._______________________________________________________________________The butler stood in the kitchen, mindlessly drying the dishes he'd just finished washing. He worked with the speed of a seasoned professional, wicking away the remaining water from their surfaces and stacking them neatly in the cabinets. His eyes were closed as he worked, listening to the delicate melody that his master was playing from the ballroom. The song was light and peaceful, with a somber, crooning undertone. It was quite like her, in a way; content but hiding pain below the surface. Her skill was impressive, she rarely played but when she did he was utterly captivated. He loved to sit and watch her as she pulled the notes from the keys, however, she was dreadfully self conscious about her music. She created most of her melodies herself and hated to have others hear them.Though always efficient, he worked twice as fast today, hoping to be able to catch a glimpse of the lovely young woman before she stopped playing. With the last dish settled into its place, he left the kitchen. Slowly and quietly he traipsed down the hall, avoiding the old wooden planks that he knew would squeak beneath his weight. He nudged one of the intricate double doors open, peering into the room. She sat her piano, red hair tucked behind her pointed ears, her long fingers dancing across the instrument. Her eyes were closed as she played, swaying to the rhythm. Her passion was intoxicating. He leaned on the door watching his master, his chest fluttering as his mind raced with thoughts of her.Her song began to wind down and he began to applaud softly. He knew she'd hate that he'd watched her, but he couldn't help it, she was as incredible as her song had been and she deserved praise."Jakob!" her cheeks burned a blazing crimson, her ruby eyes locking on to the white haired man watching her "How long have you been here!?" Her heart raced in her chest, he meant well and she knew that, but his presence alone was enough to fluster her.He smiled as he walked toward her "Two minutes maybe. Your song was lovely, milady. One of your own creation I assume?""Yes... but you know I hate when you watch me play. I'm no good at it." she turned her head away from him as she pouted, spilling her red hair down her back and shoulders."Nonsense! You're fantastic, princess. If I could play half so well I'd be thrilled. Alas, music is one pursuit that escapes my grasp." he lightly tapped one of the keys, summoning a high pitched note as he spoke.The princess twisted on her bench, turning her face up toward her butler "... I could teach you.""You needn't worry yourself over me, milady.""Oh stop that. You always teach me things, now let me show you something. Sit with me." She scooted down the bench in a very undignified manner, patting the space she'd made for him.He couldn't deny her, he'd never been able to. Jakob slid onto the wood beside her, feeling her warmth radiating toward him."Okay, first you-" she paused as she watched her own hands, trying to explain something that came so naturally to her "Okay, hold them like this." she lifted her splayed out hands toward him, giggling as he clumsily copied her."Like this?" he asked, displaying his very poor attempt to mimic her."No." she laughed "But you tried. Here, sit still." she stood quickly and moved behind him "Hold your hands over the keys."He did as instructed, barely hovering his large hands above the piano."Okay, now-" she leaned in, pressing her chest to his back and wrapping his arms around his chest. Her hands holding his, maneuvering his fingers into the correct positions. Her cheeks burned as if there were a fire beneath her skin, holding his hands in this way summoned a hundred thoughts that she knew better than to think.He was extraordinarily thankful that she couldn't see his face from this angle. His cheeks were flushed, her warmth and her body pressed into his back sent his heart racing. Even her aroma was tantalising, sweet and warm like a confection fresh from the ovens. Jakob cursed himself for not paying attention to her lesson, but how could he when she was holding him so."Think you can manage that?" She teased, drawing him from the haze of his daydream."Oh. Uhm, yes. I can" He stammered."Good!" She chimed, a brilliant smile growing across her pink tinted cheeks. The princess slid into place beside him on the bench, reveling in the sensation of his presence so near her."I'll play and then when I nod at you, just tap the note I showed you." she instructed as she lifted her dainty hands into place along the keys.Her fingers began to prance along the ivory, drawing forth a splendid array of notes and melodies. Jakob watched her, the sun glinting off her crimson eyes and flaming red hair, the gentle way she nodded at him to play the somber note she'd assigned. She was lovely and beautiful but more than that, she was pureness and kindness, a soul unmarred by the hate and anger that dwelled within him. She was his light, his savior and the woman he loved; the woman he'd die for. In these small moments with her, nothing else mattered. His mind drifted further and he wasn't sure if he was playing in time anymore, he truly would hate to disappoint her but drawing his eyes from her wasn't in his power.She could feel his gaze on her, warm and intense, stirring a fire within her. No one but him made her feel this way. He was he best friend and her butler. The classes dividing them meant nothing to her, it was wrong she knew, to think of him this way and yet she refused to stop. He was so kind and devoted, the moment she'd met him when he was only a small, frightened child, she'd felt a connection to him. In the years that had passed since, that connection had blossomed into a hidden love for the young man. She would lie, for his sake, and say he was a friend and nothing more, but she couldn't lie to herself. She loved him. She had always loved him. In her mindless state, her graceful fingers fumbled and her song snagged."I'm sorry." she whispered as she pulled her hands from the piano, twisting them nervously in her lap. Here in the dimly lit, cavernous room, only inches from her butler, she couldn't bring herself to look at him. Her heart thundered at the intimacy of it all, at the idea that her lips were only inches from his own... she could cross the distance, if she were brave enough she could kiss him."Don't apologise milady. It's quite alright, I'm afraid my playing was rather poor anyway." he said quietly. His hand rested on the bench, the tip of his small finger lay against her thigh, he knew he should pull away but he didn't want to, and she didn't object to his proximity. He couldn't think of what to say to her, he'd never had trouble speaking to her, but it was all he could do not to pour his heart out to the girl."I should get back to work. Gunter will have my head if he-"Corrin gripped his hand, closing the space between him and cutting him of with a kiss. He hesitated, he wanted this more than anything, he wanted her touch, her kiss, her affection; all of it. But he was a butler and she a princess. He was the model of proper servitude in all regards but his love for her, it was wrong, it was brazen, it was a crime. And yet, he couldn't stop himself, none of that mattered when she kissed him, when she touched him, when she looked him with those glimmering eyes as if he were the sun itself. He loved her. It took him only a moment to overcome his fear, quickly returning her kiss."I'm sorry." she whispered yet again as she pulled back from him, her face glowing as red as her eyes."Don't apologise, milady." Jakob muttered, a delighted smile lingering on his lips. He ran his fingers through her hair as he studied every minute detail of her lovely face."Can I kiss you again?" she asked so softly he'd had to strain to hear her.He leaned in slowly, cupping her chin his hand as he pressed into her soft lips "My dear, you can kiss me as often as you like." he whispered as he pulled away.
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persorene · 7 years
A humble request from a fan: Jokamu S-support where everything is the same except Jakob proposes
I hope I do this justice! I wanted to keep him slightly awkward and flustered because it’s rare that he acts that way and I love it.
“Hey Jakob.” Corrin chirped, prancing across the kitchen to her butler’s side “Can you show me how to make that one tea that’s kind of spicy?”
“Tiger’s milk? Certainly milady.”
He seemed tense, his eyes looking every where but toward her as he fumbled clumsily for a tea pot. It was out of character for her precise and devoted servant. 
“You know, you’ve been very distant lately.” She said as she stepped closer to him, immediately noticing as he edged further away from her. A frown tugged at her lips, he had never behaved this way before. “Jakob, have I done something to upset you?”
“Oh… no, you could never.” He kept his focus on the tea cups he was setting out for their lesson. His hands trembled all the while, noisily clinking the vessels against their platters as he set them in place.
“Are you alright? Do you have a fever?” The princess hastened forward, pinning him in place as she lay a cool hand against his cheeks “Your face is red and you’re burning up.”
He sighed as he maneuvered out of her reach “I knew it was only a matter of time before you noticed something was wrong, milady.”
“Are you sick?“ 
“No, not sick. However, I can no longer serve as your butler, Lady Corrin.”
“What!?” Her voice came out incredibly shrill, startling both of them “This is a joke right?”
Jakob looked toward the floor. He couldn’t bear to see the pain on her face “I’m afraid not, milady.”
“But, just the other day we were talking about how we’ll always be together. Where is this coming from? I really have done something to offend you, haven’t I?”
“Lady Corrin, you have my oath that, that is not the case. It’s just that… I’ve fallen in love with you.” He muttered, his confession escaping him in an inaudible whisper.
“What was that?”
“I’ve… I’ve fallen in love with you.” He choked out, his eyes finding hers for the first time in days.
“No, don’t pity me. It isn’t appropriate for a butler to be in love with his mistress. As such, I must ask to be reassigned to new duties far away from you.” The awkwardness was gone, he once again sounded confident, as if he had already made up his mind on the matter.
The princess stood still, lips twitching as she worked to make sense of what he’d told her, of what he wanted to do. She couldn’t allow that. 
“No. Absolutely not. That’s out of the questioned."  She snapped "I can’t imagine a single day without you. I need you. Jakob, I-” she stammered suddenly as years of repressed feelings worked their way toward the surface.
“I love you too, Jakob.” Corrin said, stepping closer to him.
“What? What do you mean?” He sputtered. Surely she didn’t mean it, it had to be a ploy to get him to stay. 
“What do you mean, what do I mean? I’ve always cared for you Jakob. But recently, I’ve been able to admit to myself that I’m in love with you.” She felt her cheeks warming. Certainly she’d imagined this moment before, but in her wildest fantasies she couldn’t have anticipated she’d have a chance to tell him how she felt. Until now she wasn’t even sure he felt the same way for her.
“I must be dreaming.” Jakob laughed “There is no other explanation. Only in my dreams would you look at me this way- your cheeks all flushed.”
“Stop it, you’re just as red as I am.” She teased, his favourite smirk beginning to adorn her lips.
“Well then.” He smiled, dropping to one knee “Corrin, if you’re certain you feel the same way as I do, and if you're adamant on my staying, would you consider keeping me forever; as your husband?”
“Oh. Jakob.” She whispered, her lips trembling as her ruby eyes began to glisten “Of course I will!”
The butler shot to his feet, lifting his master into his arms. He spun her around, kissing her cheeks and her lips over and over in rapid succession.  “You’ve no idea how long I’ve dreamt of this." 
Corrin stroked back a strand of his hair, intently examing his lavender eyes "I’d imagine it’s been nearly as long as I had” she smiled, leaning in and gently placing a kiss on the tip of his nose “I love you, Jakob.”
His alabaster skin once again glowed a warm pink as he held her in his arms, breathing in her scent, reveling in her warmth. “I love you. I was always afraid to say it, but from now on I will tell you every single day.” He whispered softly, his breath tickling her throat “I love you." 
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persorene · 7 years
"Someone's jealous" with Saizo/Corrin?
This should be a fun one, what with his spying habits and all… enjoy!
Corrin leapt into the air as the ninja landed behind her with a soft thud “Gods Saizo, must you always show up like that?”
“Apologies, Lady Corrin.” he muttered as he bowed before her.
“I see you’re still following me.”
“I am, but I have a reason this time.”
The princess sighed heavily and drooped her shoulders “You were going to keep following me no matter what, weren’t you? And here I thought you’d begun to trust me.”
“I have. Which is why I feel comfortable enough to ask you something.”
“Should I be concerned?”
“No.” he grumbled, his gravelly voice muted by his mask “I shouldn’t think so. You may be…uncomfortable with the question but it’s nothing sinister.”
“What have you been watching me do this time?!” She snapped as she turned to face him, her cheeks warm and turning a pale pink as she imagined what he could’ve seen.
“Nothing, I swear on my honour. I have noticed something though and I was wondering if you could explain it.”
“Get on with it then.”
“Your butler, Jakob, is he always with you?”
“I suppose so, why do you ask?” Corrin resumed walking, slowly running her fingers along the petals of a large bundle of newly blossomed flowers.
“I have seen him with you at all hours, up speaking with you long into the night, readying you for bed, staying and chatting with you over your tea. Is this- is this normal for master and liege in Nohr?’
The princess turned to look over her shoulder, watching intently as the ninja nervously ran a hand through his vivid red hair. "No.” she finally answered “No, it isn’t.”
“Ah, I see. So then, your relationship with him, is it-” he stopped and inhaled deeply before continuing again “Is it more than a master and liege?”
“Saizo! Are you jealous?” she taunted with a smirk growing across her lovely cheeks.
“No. Of course not. I just-”
“We are more than master and liege.” she interrupted quietly.
“Oh, I see.” he sounded disheartened, his breathing suddenly grew shallow.
“Not in the way you’re imagining. He is my best friend, he always has been and he always will be. You must understand, he was all I had for most of my life.”
“Yes. Of course, forgive me for forgetting.”
“But, you’ve nothing to worry about. He is very much in love with his betrothed.” she giggled “He rarely stops talking about her these days.”
“I assure I wasn’t worried, but, what of you?” he whispered, watching her twist a flow around in her hands, wafting the light, sweet scent to her nose.
“What of me?”
“If he is your best friend, do you not worry what his marriage will do to that bond?”
Corrin pressed her tongue to her cheek “I’d not considered that before. Though I’m sure nothing will change.”
“Do you ever get jealous of his love for her?” He asked.
“No, of course not. I’m happy for them. I do occasionally envy their happiness.”
“I see. Well, if, for any reason, should he fall short of his duties, please remember I would be happy to provide anything you needed.” he bowed once again.
“Yes, Corrin?”
“You don’t have to follow me, if you want to see me. You can just approach me. I’d be thrilled to actually see you for once.”
She laughed as his cheeks began to burn red, his blush bright enough to peek over the top of his mask “Of course, Lady Corrin. I shall keep that in mind.”
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persorene · 7 years
Of Fathers and Sons; Part 9
In a moment's time, the older couple entered the room and sat across the table from the son they'd tried to forget and the grandson they hadn't known existed. Dinner was served quickly, a stunning roast duck over braised vegetables, drinks were poured soon after the plates were set. Edmund seemed to be feigning some pleasant conversation with his estranged wife, he even turned to speak to his grandson on occasion. Jakob wasn't paying attention, he didn't taste his meal as he ate, he mindlessly sipped at his glass of wine and watched his father pretend as if everything were fine. His head was buzzing with the information he had learned, it was taking everything in his power to control the seething fury that was growing within his chest. "Jakob. Jakob!" He looked up to see his father and step-mother looking at him intently. He suddenly realised he'd not heard a thing anyone had said all evening. "As I was saying, I know you've become... successful to the say the least, and as such, son, I do believe it would be courteous of you to allot a portion to us. We are your parents after all, not to mention nobles. And a proper nobleman helps his fellow nobleman." his father spoke confidently, as if the young ruler had already agreed to the arrangement. Jakob pressed his tongue to the inside of his left cheek as he thought, he tended to do this when he was most annoyed. Seconds ticked by in agonising silence before he spoke "I'm sorry?" he finally said, his voice was a sour mix of annoyance and anger. "Well, as you can see we aren't in the best situation as of late and-" "No. No, I very clearly heard your begging. I am asking what it was you said about why I should donate my funds to you?" he asked. The older man fumbled over his words, his eyes began to swim around the room, he seemed to know where his son was going "I- I, uh. Because, because your our son and a son helps his parents." "A son?" The viscount nodded. "So, suddenly I'm your son?" He stammered once again "W-well you've always been my son." With a smack, the younger man slapped the table before snorting lightly "Ah! Well, I guess this has all been one large misunderstanding then, eh? Because, I had been under the impression that I was little more than a bastard child born to a worthless whore. But, now you say I was wrong?" The room was tense. Dwyer looked at his father, he'd been expecting him to lash out eventually and was now mildly entertained as he watched this unfurl. Edmund seemed to be racking his brain for any response "I know we haven't had the best relationship but-" "Ha! Not the best? Is that what you call mercilessly abusing a child before finally selling him like an animal." "Son, I-" "No, you don't speak. You knew. You knew the royal family had no need for me, that if the prince hadn't begged the king for my life I would have been executed. You didn't care did you? I would've been out of the way." The older man stammered uselessly "Jakob, please." The consort was livid, speaking louder each time he was interrupted "I said stop speaking. You made a mistake and you punished me, the mistake, for what you did! I didn't ask to be born, but I was and it certainly was at no fault of my own. If you didn't want an illegitimate son, it could have easily been prevented. But I happened, I was born, and I was abused for nothing more than drawing breath. You and that horrid wife of yours only had anything to do with me if it was to hurt me. Minerva and William raised me, and you took me from them. If anyone here is a bastard, it's you." he spat. Edmund, quickly nearing his breaking point, stood and shouted back at the son he resented so "That's enough! I have heard all I want to hear from you." "Have you?!" the young man retorted "I've not even started yet." "Well, I suggest you don't continue!" The old man barked. "Ha! If you'd like to see any of my money you'll sit and listen. I have lived with this agony for the twenty four years of my existence and the least you can do to atone for your crimes is to hear me out." With a gruff exhale, the viscount sat back down. Jakob chortled gently "Though, I suppose I could thank you. After all, had you not sold me, I wouldn't have worked for the royals, I wouldn't have met the princess or fallen in love with her, I wouldn't have married her or had two incredible sons with her and I wouldn't have become a ruler of Valla." he smirked"I guess when one looks at the situation that way, the abuse almost seems worth it." he sighed before speaking "And now here you are, after my money. You never contacted me until I was royalty, you would have never contacted me had I remained a butler. Funny how life works, isn't it? You couldn't keep me because I was a bastard child and a mark on your noble name, but now, the bastard is king and the nobleman is poor. I do so love the irony and it warms my heart to see you begging, but I believe I have made my reasons for declining my aid rather clear. As such, my son and I will return home in the morning, any further correspondence from you shall not be returned." Edmund stood and pounded the table with his fist "How dare you, you ungrateful bastard!" "What have I got to be grateful to you for? Hm? Everything good in my life is because of Corrin." he growled back. "Had I not given you up you wouldn't have met her! Your fortune is a direct result of that is it not?" "I should be grateful that my father allowed a monstrous woman to abuse and torture me for years before selling me for execution? The only reason I'm not dead is that my brother-in-law, your King, begged for my life. What right do you have to claim my successes as your own if you wouldn't even claim me as your own?!" Edmund furrowed his brow "You tend to exaggerate your abuse, Jakob." "Do I now?" Jakob said firmly. "Yes, if it were as bad as you say, I'd have put an end to it myself!" Jakob once again pressed his tongue to his left cheek. He stared at his father, not blinking as he pulled his gauntlets from his hands. "What are you doing?" Jakob didn't answer as he nimbly unbuttoned his vest and then his shirt. "What in the hell are you doing!?" his father shouted louder. "DID I EXAGGERATE?" he screamed as he flung his clothes from his torso, exposing his alabaster skin. His well defined chest, arms and back were marred with the faded pink colour of old scars. Dwyer gasped as he took in the sight, he'd never seen his father shirtless before, he had no idea he was so badly scarred. "DID I?" he shouted again as his father stared at him. For moment, the look he held when examining the younger man's torso could have passed as regret. "Those could have come from anything, as you like to point out, you fought in a war." Edmund's voice was twisted with sarcasm and anger. "Minerva!" Jakob bellowed through the room. "Do not get her involved in this!" his father nearly shrieked. "Why?" Jakob smirked haughtily, "Afraid I'll find out that you still haven't changed at all and that you take out your frustrations by forcing yourself upon the maid?" Edmund's anger momentarily fled his face and was replaced with shock. It faded quickly and his fury returned in even greater intensity. Minerva stepped slowly and uncomfortably into the room. "Minerva, how old are you now?" Jakob asked. "38, my lord." she whispered nervously, her eyes swimming back and forth between the shirtless young man and his father. "38? Hm, still young enough to bear another of your illegitimate children eh? Or did you forget about how you got the last one?" he stared his father in the eyes "Did your wife know about this?" he hissed. Edmund blanched, the rage momentarily swept from his face. "So, no then?" Jakob muttered. "Anyway, on to why I called Minerva in here." he turned to face his former nanny, he moved a hand full of his bangs from his face, exposing a long pink scar above his left eye brow that trailed to the bridge of his nose "Minnie, you were the one who took care of me, do you recall how I got this?" She nodded softly. "And these?" he asked, gesturing to the faded scars that adorned his chest and back. She grimaced at the sight of him, thoughts of when he'd come crying to her quarters as a child began to return to her. The little white haired boy, blood seeping through his clothes, tears streaking his dirty cheeks, his muscles shaking as he crawled into her arms while she attempted to remove his shirt and clean his wounds. She nodded again. "Where did I get these?" he asked as he slid his arms back into his shirt and began to button it. Hesitantly, she spoke up "From Lady Vaelik." "And where was my father?" he glared at the man who'd sired him as he continued his questions. "Likely ignoring it, your highness. Though I'm not sure how we could, I can still hear your screams in my memories." she replied, half choking on a guttural sob. Edmund was fuming "MINERVA! You would do well to mind your tongue!" he stomped across the room toward her, as he neared, the frail servant cowered against the wall with her hands over her face. "You know I don't like to hit you Minerva but so help me if you speak against me once more-" Jakob wedged himself between his father and the frightened woman "You won't lay a damn hand on her!" "And just who are you to stop me? There is no law against punishing one's servants!" "Perhaps not." Jakob growled "But there is a law against harming a foreign dignitary. As long as I stand here, you will not lay a hand on her." "A foreign dignitary!? You are my bastard and nothing more! Bastard by blood." Edmund's face burned a brilliant red as he shouted. Jakob, who's temper was legendary, remained frighteningly calm as his father berated him. He spoke in a smooth, even tone "That's enough. This is over now." he turned to Minerva "Go. Get William and both of you pack your things. When you've finished, come to the foyer." Minerva didn't move, her frame tremored with fear of retaliation from her master. "Minerva, please, I promise no harm will come to you or William." Jakob cooed. "Oh, now you think you'll just waltz out of my home with my servants? That is theft and I will pursue charges to the full extent of the law!" Edmund bellowed. "Shall you?" Jakob chuckled "That is rather amusing." "What in the hell do you find funny?!" "Oh, this entire situation but specifically, I just can't fathom the lawmen punishing a nobleman who was saving servants from abhorrent and dare I say illegal conditions." he raised a brow, a snide smirk tainting his lips "Or have you forgotten that I'm married to your king's beloved little sister?" His father stood still, glaring at him in a furious silence. "As I thought." he chuckled "Minerva, please, gather William and we'll be on our way." She hesitated only a moment longer before rushing from the room, shouting her superior's name as she ran, the possibility of leaving finally settling in to her mind. The old man stomped after his illegitimate son as he made his way to the foyer "You will not leave here with my servants!" Jakob whipped around, sending his ponytail flying "And who's going to stop me?! You?" He snapped viciously. "Yes! Yes I will!" Edmund lashed "You run around here like you're so high and mighty but you didn't accomplish anything! You slept your way to power by seducing a whore of a princess and betraying your country!" Jakob turned, lurching forward at his father "If you ever speak of my wife that way again I will end you." he growled, standing only inches from the old man. "It's true though, isn't it?" he smiled cruelly "You're just like you've always been; worthless. An absolute disgrace. You are filth and you always will be. What sort of princess would have been stupid enough to marry someone like you? I should have ended you myself-" Dwyer lunged forward, throwing a fist into his grandfather's face. The hit landed hard, knocking the air from the old man, drawing a thin stream of bright crimson blood to the wound "No one talks to my dad like that." he said in his usual monotone voice. The teenager turned to his father who was watching him in shock. Jakob drifted forward and embraced his son in a moment of absolute adoration "You did that for me?" he whispered. "Of course I did, you're my father. I won't let anyone treat you that way." "I'll call the town guards! I'll have you arrested for assault and I'll have your father arrested for theft! You're both scum. Though I don't suppose any child fathered by Jakob could be anything better than rubbish!" Jakob clenched his fist, stepping closer to the old man. "Dad, no." Dwyer caught his shoulder "We need to go. Get those two, I'll bring the horses up to the door. I want to leave. This place is awful."
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persorene · 7 years
You write wonderful fics! Can I make a request? Write a prompt with Camilla whispering to Jakob "If you break her heart, I will break you." 'Her' referring to Corrin, of course.
OH MY. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Here we go, I’m going to have way too much fun writing this.
Corrin lay sprawled across Jakob’s lap, giggling as he nipped at her throat. “Stooop that tickles. Jakob stoooop!” she muttered through her laughter, her cheeks tinged as pink as the peaches growing on the tree above them.
“Corrin.” Camilla’s sultry voice interrupted their romp, drawing the princess’ eyes from her butler to her sister. “You’re needed in the war council, my treasure.” 
“Oh.” the princess looked disheartened “Alright then, come on Jakob.” she grabbed his hand, yanking him up with her as she stood.
“No- Only you this time, darling. I need Jakob’s help with something else. Now go on, they’re waiting for you.” Camilla crooned, running a finger down her little sister’s cheek as she spoke.
“Okay then.” Corrin leaned onto her tiptoes, placing a kiss on her butler’s cheek “I’ll be back soon.” she chirped. The princess waved to her boyfriend and sister before dashing across the courtyard toward the council she was delaying.
“What do you need me to do, Lady Camilla?” Jakob asked as his beloved master disappeared from his view.
Before he had time to think, the seductive woman had lunged for him, grabbing him by his cravat and pressing him into the tree he’d been standing in front of “I need you to make me a promise.” 
“L-lady Camilla?”
“Promise me that you truly love my sister.” she growled, her eyes locked on the man she had pinned to the rough bark of a peach tree.
“What!?” the butler barked, gritting his teeth “Of course I do, don’t be absurd!”
The princess loosened her grip, letting him stand free “You’ll swear to me that you aren’t just using her for status and wealth?” the raised one beautifully manicured brow as she watched him.
“Status and wealth? Have you gone mad? In case you’ve forgotten where we are; she is exiled. She has neither title nor money. And let’s not forget that I’ve loved her my entire time with her, Camilla. You of all people know that to be true.”
Camilla crossed her arms over her impressive chest “I know. But you must know that I will do anything to protect her.”
“As will I.”
The princess leaned in to Jakob, her breath warm against his neck, fluttering strands of his white hair around his ear “If you break her heart, I will break you.” she whispered.
“My lady!” the butler side stepped out of her reach “I wouldn’t dream of hurting her.”
“Good, just- keep this conversation in mind.” she winked at him, flipping her hair over her shoulder “Oh, and you can join her in the war council now. But don’t tell her about lovely little chat, dear.”
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