#they are getting cozy uwu
justrandomselfships · 7 months
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DAY 3 and I'm still doodling >:3
ALSO HOW'S THAT FOR A SLOWBURN THESE TWO DORKS KNEW EACH OTHER SINCE FOREVER. I mean... does it count as a slowburn if the feelings were one sided for the most part?
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devilart2199-aibi · 3 months
The Maple Prince of Canada Land 🤴🍁🥞
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pinkyjulien · 6 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 654/?? Comfy Evening 🎄🔥
Have a nice weekenk y'all~
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rosenfey · 2 months
i got plushies!! and the complete Alice with a fancy vintage cover edition!! I'm vibing so much
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jemwolf · 6 months
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One of my besties (@honeydustbee 💛) came to visit, and we got an outfit for the babeyyyyy =w=
See the rest of the outfits Sev tried on below the cut uwu
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chadsuke · 7 months
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Books Read in 2023:
Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman (2019)
Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling (1996)
The Last Sun by K.D. Edwards (2018)
The Little Book of Lykke by Meik Wiking (2017)
American Cozy by Stephanie Pederson (2018)
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian (2021)
The Conscious Closet by Elizabeth L. Cline (2019)
My Happy Marriage Vol. 1 by Akumi Agitogi (2019)
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (1962)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned books. End ID.]
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aroxis · 11 days
Can't begin to tell you how frustrating it is to see East Asian fanartists go viral on English speaking side because of either antis trying to sic mobs of puritanical cyberbullies on them or because their fanarts get stolen and reuploaded under the wrong tags and nobody thinks to check before sharing. In this fandom it's extra infuriating because the same people who make harassing Gojo x students shippers their whole personality are the ones happily spreading Gojo x students fanarts as fuel for their "found family" headcanons. Shame, self respect, none of these are to be found here.
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jazzzzzzhands · 11 months
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i only bring the best content to the whiteboard sesh
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blessphemy · 1 year
Last Line Tag
tagged by @grammarpedant
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last  left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the  line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
This way, we don’t waste a perfectly functional body.
tagging: @lillow @grimark @a-lex-ithymia @indigo
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anemxvisions · 2 years
//no shame in how i’m going to be when this man shows up next week
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miharuhebinata · 29 days
"cozy" games becoming its own genre is so fucking stupid. sorry
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fastfists · 8 months
@ultlien {✧}
curls up on him.
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Gently wraps an arm around the other, keeping him close. Hoping that he is warm enough for him to feel better.
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This has probably been requested before, but I had this idea and wanted to share.
My personal headcanon is that Vox keeps his room super cold to help with all the electronics (I took an animation class and that room was always freezing!). So, reader naturally has a blanket hoard that they bury in like a dragon buries itself in treasure.
Not sure if this was something you wanted to write about, but wanted to share regardless!
BRO YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS IDEA BRINGS ME JOY! YES! I saw a request the other day about the idea of Vox having his aquarium connected to his bedroom and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. Also, it drives me insane we only have the name for one of his sharks. In a high stroke of genius, I've decided the other shark is named Spark. Vark and Spark. This is my canon now, amazon be damned.
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Cool Temperatures [Vox x Reader Headcanons NSFW Mentioned]
(NSFW writing under the cut. Minors stay away <3)
Vox was never one to get too cold. In fact, if anything, the infernal blazes of Hell proved to be a nuisance when it came to day-to-day life for the overlord. To combat this, Vox's room had every state-of-the-art cooling system known to every ring of Hell. A solid 27% of the electricity bill for the tower was consumed by the air conditioners and the aquarium from the meeting room that connected to his room above.
You need every blanket and hoodie in the Pride Ring to stay warm in his room. It was large, it was dark, and it was fucking cold. When you went into his room for the first time, it had been on your third date. You'd both gotten a little tipsy and were eagerly pulling each other's clothes off when the large double doors (dude is bougie as fuck) slid open when you were nearly knocked over with what felt like the fucking tundra.
Of course, Vox teased you with a shit-eating grin as he watched you shiver. You'd tried to complain about the ridiculous temperature as you attempted to pull your shirt back on, but Vox's hands were on your wrists in an instant. The way your body reacted to the cold was one of his new favorite things. He relished in the way goosebumps decorated your skin and he wasted no time in showing you just how much he appreciated how the cold affected your tits.
It didn't take as much convincing as he expected when he asked you to move in with him. Only after a few months of dating, he was already determined to spend the rest of eternity with you. He expected you to protest due to how many times you woke up in the middle of the night freezing cold because Vox kicked all the covers off in his sleep. He expected you to hesitate because of how much you hated getting out of bed due to the cold. But instead, you said yes immediately.
"Yeah, waking up in the morning sucks," you admit as he questions your willingness. "But on the mornings you haven't left early for work, it's worth it because you're there."
Vox was so unbelievably whipped from that day on. He went to the development team and had them make you a giant heated bean bag that you used obsessively. He'd lost track of the number of times he'd come home late after a long day at work, only to find you wrapped up in a dozen blankets and in your favorite hoodie, all cozied up on the shark patterned heat.
Sometimes you have to kick his ass for stealing your hoodies. He didn't need them! You needed them! You were going to turn into a popsicle, meanwhile a refrigerator might as well have given birth to your silly boyfriend. He just liked making you try to take it off of him. And he liked that it smelled like you.
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creepychippy · 3 months
Thinking about Tickle Mimics.
Trying to sit down on a Chair to relax? Suddenly, you can't move your Arms and Legs anymore and feel Claws scribbling against your Sides.
Wrapping a Blanket around yourself in an Attempt to get cozy? Whoops, now you are wrapped in a Blanket Burrito and feel a feathery Sensation all over your Body while getting cuddled at the same Time.
Putting on warm Boots, Socks or Gloves? You're feeling something fluffy constantly brush against the Soles of your Feet or your Palms.
Wearing Headphones? Instead of experiencing the Rhythm of Music against your Ears it's actually Feathers that you are feeling lightly fluttering against them.
Lying down on a Bed to rest? Now there are tons of Hands tickling you, scritching your Back and petting your Head.
What I am trying to say is that Tickle Mimics are an adorable Concept- uwu
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what-even-is-thiss · 6 months
Sometimes I get so annoyed when talking about the business side of writing because people unfamiliar with how the industry works are still like uwu writing short stories or poetry is a valid form of art don’t force yourself to write a novel or a screenplay if you don’t want to
Like bitch you and I know it’s a valid form of art but the public and the publishers sure don’t. Poets don’t make livings being poets. That’s not a full time job anymore, if it ever was.
We’re not talking about feelings here. We’re not talking about your cozy little fanfic community. We’re talking about trying to get the attention of Harper Collins.
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yamujiburo · 8 months
I think about Deliah/Jessie/James poly so much dude. Hanamusashipping and Rocketshipping are both phenomenal in their own ways, so I think it's a fun concept to combine the two! You have fully convinced me that Deliah is a lesbian, especially with the whole "turned down *hundreds* of men" like my goodness! Wonder what got her into a relationship with Ash's dad... there's potential for angst there but I can't bring myself to put that on her. But let me propose a concept: Queerplatonic James and Deliah. I would love to see more lil comics and stuff of them together running Deliah's restaurant (which... do we know what the name of that is?), just being remarkably on the same wavelength with aesthetics, food prep, all that stuff. They'd be such cuties! I think it'd be sweet for the two of them to have another person to open up towards about their pasts and insecurities and stuff. James has had to let go of pokemon he cared for a lot (so has Jessie of course, but tbh I can only recall Arbok and Dustox, while James let go of at least Weezing, Chimeco, and Cacnea? Does Growlie count too? I'm not sure... Mimikyu and Mareanie are a lil different since they hang out with Bewear and Stufful, and the whole Alola bit of Journeys emphasized that TR visits them). But he can empathize a lot with how Deliah does support Ash's travels, but at the same time feels guilty for not being "enough" for him, y'know? James had to let Chimeco stay with his grandparents because it was just far too sickly, and Gardenia was able to see potential in Cacnea that James knew he couldn't bring out as much as he tried. But he doesn't doubt that his pokemon know he loved them dearly, and they all wish each other the best uwu. There's just a lot of cute fun for the dynamic. Jessie goes from being unlucky in love to getting *two* wonderful partners. Ash gets a second step-dad, and it's the other guy who tried to kidnap his pet mouse lmao. Ash understanding James' bottlecap collection because it's kinda like his collection of gym badges, or the two of them making a whole powerpoint to show Deliah evidence that Jessies' contest and performance personas are still her. Ash, Pikachu, and Meowth seeing James, Jessie, and Deliah all cozy on the couch, and they all just look at each other like "ew" before running in and interrupting the moment™.
YAAAA this is so cute! Delia and James would have a really fun dynamic. I unfortunately have not done as much with them as I'd like to (i haven't done as much with this au as i'd like to in general lol) but whenever I think about potential ideas or situations, I always imagine them being there for one another and being able to tell each other anything~
Oh and the restaurant is canonically called Masara House (or in english Pallet House)
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