#900 cal egg diet
morbidly-absent · 2 months
abc superlight (day 16 — 900 cal)
breakfast: coffee, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, cucumber (320)
lunch: diet coke
dinner: potatoes, onions, carrots, chickpeas, garlic dip (554)
total: 874 - 164 = 710
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today was unintentionally vegetarian and very uneventful. i sometimes estimate, especially the things i eat often, but i measured dinner today cuz i thought i cut up way too many veggies and i was honestly shocked at the amount i could have.. measured yogurt out of curiosity too and turns out i’ve been underestimating this entire time
this is turning into a diary but i had a bit of a confrontation with a “friend” :/ can’t stand people who think they’re right because their aunt/cousin/grandpa’s uncle/dog works in the field and that somehow makes them an expert :/ they will blow up on you despite being wrong, i can’t stand argumentative people, you’re not the only one who’s lived life and gathered info 💀 check your sources tho
so i got fixated and couldn’t do my assignments, had to make dinner earlier to distract myself 😫can’t handle being so affected by other people
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gabihotdog · 8 months
I am trying to distract myself from binging so here some useful stuff Ive did to not binge
-drinking 3 bottles of cold water before a meal (it Makes me feel like I binged and over ate so I don't eat anymore)
- taking gum with me everywhere
-not taking any money with me while going on long walk to not buy any food
-walking for 2 hours (I burn 400cals from it)
-dancing everytime I'm bored or hear a specific song on my fyp ( I choose the popular songs to dance more)
-refusing to put anything in my mouth that doesn't show the calories
-not eating anything with high sodium cuz I gotta know how much I weight the next day
-carrying a perfume with me to spray it on my food to not eat
-not eating over 900 cals even If I binge and go over I try to burn it off and get as low as possible
-not eating before working cuz when I eat my stomach be having an earthquake
-setting a timer for 1-6 hours after eating to let me know I can't eat unless the time has past to save my cals and not overeat or binge
-I haven't done this yet but I wanna do omal fast for 20 hours and eat at 4:00-5:00 pm under 400 cals (30% cravings in small portions ofc, 40% protein , and 30% fruits and veg.)
-working out every time I'm alone I have the whole house to myself and I can sweat and breath as heavily as I can without fearing my mom coming in my room.
-not eating anything over the serving size
-watching videos of people that always say I'll start tomorrow (obesity process)
-watching diet vlogs ( I luv them sm theyre so motivating, peaceful and comforting)
-I used to do this but I stopped so I wanna start again not eating anything with hazardous (artificial sweetener) unless it's gum.
-no soda not even diet/zero I would rather die then drink soda again ngl.
I accidentally clicked on this thing so just ignore it.
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deezlilnuggs · 10 months
Vegetable dumplings- 120
Fruit smoothie- 200
Egg(2)- 160
Toast(2)- 200
//680 cals// 💜
I think the diet thing is actually helping me restrict more than I need to lol. I dunno why
The limit was 900
I feel like shit tho. I applied for a job and got turned down again. I'm 18 and still haven't gotten a job.
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skinnylostgirl · 2 years
Breakfast coffee 25 cal
Snack celery with two babybel lights 70 gum 3
Lunch 2 boiled eggs salt and pepper 140 carrots 15 gum 3 diet cherry coke 0
Dinner 2 slices small wheat bread 140 with sunflower seed butter 160 grapes 60 1 oz lunch meat 100
Snack Flatula 160
Not so good today... but still under 900 for the day... Sucks cuz I kinda want some vodka tonight as well haha.
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angelhilton · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 7/10/22 9:26 PM
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ food log:
egg + tortilla: 130
coffee: 35
rice: 150
pork rib: 110
diet coke: 0
cookie: 70
hot coco: 100
babybel: 70
total: 665 but i get a feeling i calculated wrong & was more than that
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ today's log:
i hate when my parents leave the house w/o telling me. i hate looking for them all over the house and when i find that theyre gone my anxiety spirals. i hate empty houses. they're quiet and lonely. i feel empty myself. i know why its a trigger for me even when i like staying home most of the time, even alone too. but when ive done nothing all day and the sun has gone down its the worst being at home. anyways i havent had less than 900 cals in a long time i think tomorrow ill go lower
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darling-deerlegs · 9 days
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Calorie Log - 29/05/24
2 x hardboiled eggs (150 cals), pinch salt
1 c cooked brown rice, 1/4 c diced beef, 1/4 c green beans, 1tsp butter (350 cals)
1 apple peeled and diced (50 cals)
1/2 cup tatziki (100 cals) 1 full packet kettle chips 165g (900 cals)
Total Calories = 1,550 cals
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Comments: Felt good in the morning. Having trouble finishing meals even healthy ones. / Again, finding it hard to finish meal, even though both egg and rice dishes have been small on serving. I get half way and feel like stopping. Have been leaving some of my meals on the bowl, I used to lick the bowl clean. Feeling positive today, feeling more in control of my diet and weight loss. Not thinking too much about my body. / DV incident with ex-husband. Ate food with kid. Will make up for it tomorrow. Instead of potato chips I should have grabbed rice crackers or rice cakes.
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axilt2002 · 7 months
November 3
Day 4 Purple Skinny Diet
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Low key pigged out first thing int he morning, my plan was to have some egg whites for breakfast, but I had a fuck ton of chocolate instead…
I did fix me self afterwards though, I worked out and had a light lunch/dinner
I know I went over 900, but I burnt like 500 cals and I only went over bc I had a tbsp of peanut butter for a snack which is better than the fried pretzel I had yesterday, or the candy i had the day before so honestly not horrible
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cy4nidelover · 1 year
food log 28/05/23 day 5 of purple diet (900) i want to get to 50kg by this friday so have 2 more days of purple diet then gonna try stick under 1000 cals every day :) i def did not stick to maintenance yesterday so hopefully i can get there lunch: toast 70 hash brown 150 scrambled eggs 150 dinner: corn chips 356 beef carnitas 110 guacamole 3 cheese 41 snacks: coffee 65 soup 190 steps: 10,000 (250) total: 1,135 net: 885
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1800batty · 1 year
† 12.17.2022 - saturday †
☆ 𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝: 900 calories
☆ 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑-𝚒𝚗
    ↳ 264.2lbs // 119.84kg // 40.2bmi
🦇 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝
    ↳ N/A
         total: 0 calories
🦇 𝚕𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑
    ↳ 4 sausage links ~ 240 cals
    ↳ 1 egg ~ 80 cals
    ↳ grapes ~ 30 cals
         total: 350 calories
🦇 𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛
   ↳ 2 garlic breadsticks ~ 300 cals
        total: 300 calories
🦇 𝚎𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊
   ↳ N/A
        total: 0 calories
🦇 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛
    ↳ 💧💧💧💧💧 💧
🦇 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚙𝚜
    ↳ 1,500 ish
🦇 𝚎𝚡𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚎
    ↳ N/A
         total: 0 calories
            > † 𝚝𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕: ~ 650c
            > ☆ 𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝 𝚖𝚎𝚝?: ☑️
            > † 𝚝𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚋𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍: 0c
            > ☆ 𝚗𝚎𝚝: 650c
            > † 𝚋𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍? ❎
            > ☆ 𝚙𝚞𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚍? ❎
☆ 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜 ☆
Day 2 of Purple Skinny Diet complete! Today was good food wise. Swapped out my planned 500 calorie dinner for something lower. Was just not going to have dinner at all but didn’t want to risk triggering a binge so I had bread sticks bc I was making some for my brother anyway.
† 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚘 †
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morbidly-absent · 1 month
abc superlight (day 33 — 900 cal)
breakfast: coffee, eggs with spinach and eggplant, carrots with hummus (385)
lunch: salted caramel cold brew, diet coke (240)
dinner: kimchi fried rice, wood ear mushrooms, seafood and vegetable soup (600)
total: 1225 - 200 = 1,025
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i really don’t want to be giving up on my social life but holy crap 😣 i keep messing up.. i may not reach my ugw like this, i might just finish this (i have like what, 17 days left?) and maybe do another quick 1-2 week diet.
i might do this one, i found it on a russian website and translated it for myself. but i have to stay off of social gatherings for a while lol
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on days i’m walking and burning off a lot, i will double the intake and i’m including coffee with soy milk daily, can’t go on without it. it’ll probably feel like shit for a good minute but i need to lose more :( i’m not the biggest fan of “have this food product this day” kinda diets, but i honestly need a break from counting calories
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776512 · 3 years
Body Check:
BMI 17.3
104 lbs//47.2kg
Here are some tips I’ve been sticking to to try and lower my weight which has somehow moved me from being stuck between 50-55 into being safely between 47-48
1. No leaving food in my room, whether it’s sweets, chocolate or healthy options like rice cakes. It’s not allowed. The hassle of getting up to go to the kitchen puts me off the idea of eating.
2. Eggs are a godsend (not just egg whites). Each egg is around 80 cal and they go a long way, as well as being incredibly filling. Making scrabbled egg for tea and then an omelette for tea the next day (bare bones, no extras aside from fat free milk and butter in the pan to stop it sticking) works great. It’s also a good snack for when your hungry as it’s filling enough to stop binging urges.
3. Vape//gum//monster ultra. The vape has been the one I’ve been doing the most, because I quit smoking due to the smell, but the main thing is that it deals with sweet cravings, and doesn’t leave me hungry like gum does and doesn’t affect my sleep like monster. I try to buy the sweetest e-liquids and desert flavours and leave the vape pen in my room so that as soon as I’m hungry for sweets or chocolate I can satisfy that with marshmallow vape.
4. Go somewhere I can’t eat. The walking burns off calories so if I’m still hungry I can just eat without feeling bad about it, and I’ll have to wait a while before I have access to food (usually getting rice cakes or diet foods from the shop on my way home, but any snack is fine as I’ve burnt calories already).
Okay that’s what I’ve been doing and I think it’s working for me :p
This is more a restrictive diet plan rather than a healthy one so do try to eat some proper meals on top of this like a healthy dinner or larger meal once a day (ideally more than once) and DONT restrict to less than 900-1000 calories as not only is this insanely unhealthy but also urges to binge will be so much stronger, and once you go from 800 calories to 1800 calories your body will retain the fat and you’ll put on more weight than you would’ve normally.
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emaciatedhag · 2 years
What I ate today:
2 hard boiled eggs and some cheese
A salad with spring greens, tomato, cheese, hard boiled egg, mushroom and carrots
A keto nut bar
6 vegan chicken wings and steamed green beans
Diet Coke
A shit ton of green tea and water
My eating window today was between 9am and 5pm. I find meals like the salad, which is deceptively low cal, actually keep me feeling full and prevent me from craving things I don’t want or need. The keto nut bar has chocolate on it so I feel like I’m getting a treat. Calorie intake for today was probably around 900-1000 calories, but I stayed under 50 grams of carbs. I feel good, I feel healthy.
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seriousabtbeingthin · 3 years
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I'm going to be trying this diet for the next month ! I'm also going to try to walk every day :) maybe March I hit gw 1 !!!!!
progress below the cut
starting weight: 137.8 lbs
Day one: 900cals
- 2 chicken thighs, 182cal
- Ceasar salad, 90cal
- 3 cookies ~ 100cal**
- 1/2 lemon loaf ~ 100 cal**
- walk 187cal
** these were home made, so approximate cal content
Day two: 800 cals
weight: 137.8lbs
- chicken thigh, 91cals
- corn (doesn't count)
- Thai pineapple fried rice, ~100cals**
- dilly bar, 200cals
- tiramasu, ~500cals**
- exercise, 293cal
** these were home made, so approximate cal content
got a job interview so I had some celebratory snacks 😊😊
Day three: 900cal
weight: 135.0lbs
- workout, 193cal
- cheese bun, 210 cals
- chicken thigh, 91 cals
- coffee with milk and sugar, 70 cals
- chocolate square, 48 cals
- one Ritz bitz sandwich cracker, 13 cal
- 1/2 chicken ceasar salad, 244cal**
(** ordered from restaurant so based on their nutritional information)
Day four: 1000cal
weight: 135.0lbs
- grande iced caramel macchiato, 250cals
- 1/2 chicken ceasar salad, 244cal
- 2 short bread cookies, ??? cal
- walk, 389cals
~105/1000cals (probably definitely more lol)
Day 5, 950cals
weight: 135.0lbs
- workout and walk, 518cals
- almond milk iced caramel macchiato, tall, 130cal
- cheese bun, 210cal
- protein shake, 107 cal
- pasta, ????cals
???/950cals, possibly under but unknown. home made food is just really good
Day 6: 1100cals
weight: 137.2lbs
- cheese bun, 210cals
- cereal (dry), 240cals
- square of chocolate, 48cals
- home made pasta, ???cals
???/ 1100 cals, probably hit 1000
Day 7: 1100cals
weight: 136.0 lbs
- veggie burger, 400cals
- iced caramel macchiato, almond milk, small, 130cals
- home made pasta ???cals
???/1100 cals, probably under 1000
Day 8: 900cals
weight: did not weigh
- 2 large eggs, 140cals
- 3 turkey breast slices, 35cals
- whole wheat tortilla, 190cals
- parmesan cheese, 60cals
- sauce, 20cals
- chicken thigh, 91cals
- Cesar salad, 30cals
Day Nine: 800cals
weight: 135.2lbs
- lucky charm cereal, 110cals
- 2 large eggs, 140cals
- 2 slices of ham, 40cals
- workout, 124cals
- more but don't remember cause I forgot to log
Day Ten: 900cals
weight: 134lbs
I had an interview today, didn't log at all
Day Eleven: 1000cals
weight: didn't weigh
- iced caramel macchiato (grande), 250cals
- one whole wheat tortilla, 190cals
- old cheddar cheese, 140cals
- turkey breast, 35cals
- tbspn cream cheese, 30cals
- walk, 399cals
- tiramasu, ~500cals
Day Twelve, 950cals
weight: 135.2 lbs
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thinfairytalex · 4 years
🦴 My Ana Rules! ⚠️TW⚠️
Bad foods:
👎🏼Olive Oil
👎🏼Coconut Oil (not as bad but not suggested because it tastes gross anyways)
👎🏼Ghee (idk what this is but the internet just said it was fatty)
👎🏼Yogurt (Except greek)
👎🏼Peanut butter
👎🏼Flax Seeds
👎🏼White pasta
👎🏼Mashed Potatoes
👎🏼Ranch (but ilyyyyyyy)
👎🏼Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes
👎🏼Chips or Fries
👎🏼Candy or Icecream
👎🏼Meat other than grilled chicken (My preference)
👎🏼Buttered Popcorn (except skinny pop)
Safe Foods:
✨Fish (Salmon and Mahi are the best)
✨Grilled chicken
✨Any fruits or veggies except bananas, avocados, potatoes, corn or peas
✨Green Tea
✨Sugar Free Foods (under 100 cals)
✨Skinny Pop
✨Sugar free jello
✨Chili Peppers
✨Dark chocolate
✨Apple Cider Vinegar (If you are willing but it may effect your teeth so i’d suggest to wash you’re mouth but not brush teeth)
✨Blue Berries (BURNS FAT!!!)
✨Greek Yogurt
✨Raw Veggies
✨Straight up honey
✨Water (bruh)
✨Diet Sodas (that are 0 cal)
✨Any thing super low in fats and under 100 cals
I suggest eating fat burning items or low fat items and also low calorie items too so you can eat a bunch of them and not have to worry like fruits and veggies! This was just my foods list also the calories depend on the brand except for natural items so i didn’t include them. I usually try to stay under 300 calories when i’m not fasting. I also suggest eating more than i do and allowing more items i’m just strict on myself. 🍇
This is my personal but i like to have a total net of -1000 or -900 calories (because i’m so young this doesn’t even burn but 3-4 pounds a week), i suggest more like 300 a day net 😅
What i like to do to burn those calories are:
✨ My 500 calorie workout- You can find this in one of my 30 day thinspo challenges.
✨Take cold baths- For my average time i’m in the bath I burn around 399 calories check out one of my older posts on how many calories you burn when in the cold bath for a certain time.
~Also I exchange for every night (because i lovveeeeee hot baths) so i take a hot bath one night but i do 2 rounds of my 500 calorie workout and then if it’s a cold bath night i do one 500 workout and a cold bath to burn 399 calories, also that’s on fasting days. On my restrictive days i burn 300 (look up ways there’s a bunch) and then a cold bath and one workout or two workouts and a hot bath.
Days with none or lack of food can feel extremely lonnnggggggggg or can be extremely boring, here are something’s i do when i’m hungry, craving, or bored and trying not to eat~
✨Look at inspiration
✨Scroll on tumblr
✨Listen to music
✨Brush my teeth (stops cravings and makes ur teeth pretttyyyyy)
✨Online School (CoRoNa TiMe or if you actually do this)/Homework
✨Clean out my food hiding place (if parents aren’t home)
✨Draw or do art
✨Shop Online (or irl after quarantine)
✨Plan Outfits for tomorrow
✨Text my frenz
✨Walk my dog
✨Write down calories for when your away from the screen and around food
✨Think about how good hungry feels compared to how that food tastes
✨Hang out with friends but not if they are going out to eat (when this is over)
✨Watch fat people eating/Fat people mukbangs
✨Watch fat people cringe or dancing cringe
✨Look at the mirror
This will be referring to your questions and concerns about your eating disorder and ,if you are not ready to receive help (please do if you can), how to reply to your parental figures, families, and friends concerns and questions.
Your Questions and Concerns~
“What about my hair falling out?”
👒 If your hair is falling out i would suggest to look up ways to keep thinning hair in good condition and also buy hair strengthening products if possible. 👒
“I can’t do this!”
💞 DO NOT i repeat DO NOT DO THIS IS YOU DO NOT WANT TO! but if you want to but believe you can’t, just remember to stay strong and you got this!!! 💞
“Is it bad that i’m so cold always?”
🧤I mean it’s going to happen, it’s a symptom of not eating and also a symptom of being thin so it’s gonna happen. I suggest just putting on a jacket or a few layers of clothes on your cold area🧤
“How do i dodge meal time?”
🍽 Dodging mealtime is the worst struggle for me like ever! I just can’t do it! I also feel awful wasting food but if it comes to being thin, there’s no choice. I usually say i’m going to the bathroom and start up a conversation before and continue talking about it while leaving so they don’t notice i’m taking my plate to the bathroom and i just put it in my hiding place in my room (that’s right next to the bathroom) and if your room isn’t close to the bathroom then find a hiding place in the bathroom wether it’s putting a container under the towels or in a shelve i’ll find a place but then take a little longer and if they ask what took so long say you were fixing your hair (if you say this do it but fast) or you were trying to clean under your nails with soap, if they notice less food say you got hungry while fixing your hair (i recommend the hair one)🍽
“Why isn’t the ABC diet/Rainbow diet/other diets not working for me but others do?”
👎🏼This is because either you didn’t count cals correctly or because you didn’t workout enough but a lot of the time these are just not not for some people like a lot of diets aren’t enough for my preferred daily weight loss or are too high calorie for me to lose anything. 👎🏼
“How do i answer questions or comments my friends and family make?”
👇🏼 Answers are below! 👇🏼
Family and friends questions, comments, and concerns~
“Have you lost weight?”
-I suggest answering like “Not that i know of” or maybe “I’ve been sick” but for that one make sure your parents know you have recently so if one of them are asked by the family member who asked they say you were or lastly “I don’t think so, but i just started putting more effort into [sport you play or are practicing] recently so maybe but if any just a little.”-
“Are you okay? I’ve noticed you’ve lost weight?”
-I would say “Oh i’m totally great! I don’t think i’ve lost weight?”-
“You look great! Have you lost weight?”
-I would reply with “Oh thank you! Maybe a little, I’ve been eating healthier lately so maybe that made my skin clearer and me a little slimmer that’s all.” and the always “Not that i know of but thank you so much! May be it’s my new [clothing item], I think it flatters me!”-
“Are you sick?”
-I would say “No, I wouldn’t be at this gathering would i?” say it in a laughing tone not rude.-
“Jeez you’re a stick”/“Oh my god you’re so skinny!”
-I think you could just roll your eyes at “Jeez you’re a stick” and say “What?” at the second one.-
“Do you have an Eating Disorder?”
-This is very risky! I would only make an excuse if you are just not ready to get help yet. Please receive help if you can! but my excuse would be “What’s that, never heard of it?” and if they explain just say “Wow thats really weird i wonder why people would act like that?!”-
-Classic “I already ate.”, “No thanks maybe in a bit!” and lastly “I had a big [meal before].”-
Here are some eating disorder hygiene issues that and i will provide ways to prevent or deal with these.
•Lack of bodily functions (urination and excretion/defecation) ✨:YES I KNOW DISGUSTANG!!! as you should know under eating and drinking (which sometimes people under drink during eating disorders?) will have the effect of lack of these practices. i don’t think there are any healthy ways to prevent this if you are restricting and i DO NOT promote laxatives they can kill you! although i would deal with this simply by just not caring and maybe eating fruit which can help lol sorry i understand this is disgusting.
•Dental Hygiene ✨: as some people know the act of purging is common which can effect your dental hygiene and can even rot your teeth. i do not promote purging (or any other disordered eating acts BUT ESPECIALLY NOT PURGING!)! it is going to hurt you physically and mentally so if anything maximum restrict. but as we know you can’t just fix it by saying that so here are some tips to prevent teeth rot from purging~ {1. Don’t brush your teeth right after! this dissolves the enamel even more! 2. Floss and rinse mouth with water/mouthwash straight after 3. if you can, chew and spit an anti-acid} also anorexia can weaken bones and as we know teeth are bones so i just advise to brush your teeth every morning and night! 🦷✨
•Body Hair ✨: I understand this is also gross too but people who don’t care enough i want you to at least have good hygiene so if you starve enough to get lanugo (excess hair growth caused by cold temperatures due to starvation). You can keep these hairs or remove them i would advise to shave so you can appear nice but if you don’t care and would like to stay warm keep the hair!
This is something i find very sad because it’s very exclusive. so many POC are struggling with this evil illness are rarely seen in thinspo and if so they usually aren’t just modeling by themselves but with another pale person. I suggest that if you have a certain amazing attributes to you and your body look for thin people that are like you, and also the lack of curly hair in the industry is disappointing as well. I’d also just like to say most models are white, with blonde or brown hair and blue eyes but that literally is so exclusive so please just somebody find a diverse page. I’ll be posting some if i can find any! 🌎💞
When i find more things to write about i’ll add more xx 💖
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dedxx · 3 years
Been doing the 900 cal egg diet. Today is day 8 and Monday I will have completed for 10 days the diet is not to bad I’ve been working out everyday burning roughly around 650-800 calories. I won’t get to my goal weight by the end of this but I’ll be really close. When it is over I’ll probs do the diet everyday other day and when I’m not I’ll eat some yummy veg and a bit more variety obviously still in a deficit but I do t want to trigger a binge. I have been losing a pound per day roughly and I have lost 10 pounds so actually more! Holy shit but that’s cause I binged a few times bf. Hopefully I can reach my goal weight and be steady with it by august. Let’s hope I don’t duck around and binge jk that’s not an option! Only 6 pounds away.
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dormantbones · 4 years
lose a stone diet
☁️ day 1 (water fast)
sw: 143.2 lbs
notes: i had milk in my coffee but i ran 10 km and did 20 mins of yoga... also had ballerina tea 🩰
☁️ day 2 (200 cal)
cw: 140.4
notes: ate 850 cal 😞 but ran 18 km and burned 1180 cal so i feel like it’s ok?? i did some stretching and had my ballerina tea ☕️
☁️ day 3 (water fast)
cw: 139.4
notes: i had some chips from the bag my sister was eating :( and a bit of salad but i walked 15,000 steps so i hope it burned it off 🩰 also had some ballerina tea!
☁️ day 4 (water fast)
cw: 138.4
notes: ate some eggs and other things :( came to 900 cal but i painted the fence today and google says that burns over 600 cal! i lao went for a 4 km run that burned 266 cal 🥰
☁️ day 5 (500 cal)
cw: 138
notes: since i ate so much yesterday... i decided today was a fast instead! but then i saw my grandparents and ate with them 😭 i maybe ate around 800 cal... i burnt off about 600 but still... tomorrow HAS to be a fast (switching the days around in this diet lol) also had my ballerina tea ☕️ so scared to weigh myself tomorrow... if i gained weight i’ll probably cry
{2 day break... had a little binge but needed it to break the plateau i was seeing then the next day fasted and burned 600 cal running/walking}
☁️ day 6 (200 cal)
cw: 140 😭😭😭
notes: ok it’s because i cheated and didn’t follow the rules... i’m definitely restarting after day 10! i had 200 cal today ❤️ went for a run and had my ballerina tea ☕️
☁️ day 7 (650 cal)
cw: 137.4
notes: it was going so good i had maybe 500 cal but then my family got food to “celebrate” something and i had to eat :( it was probably 800 cal 🥺 i did 20 mins of yoga, 25000 steps and like a little tiny bit of strength training so i’m praying i didn’t gain... can’t wait to fast tomorrow 🥰 i was gonna not drink the ballerina tea today because it’s really fkn up my stomach but i need to get everything i ate out of my system
☁️ day 8 (water fast)
cw: 137.8 😞
notes: i knew it was gonna go up ... i ate a few toppings while i was making bread today but that’s it! i ran/walked 10 km too 💕 really needs to fast tomorrow too
☁️ day 9 (fast)
cw: 136.6
notes: i ate a bit today :( i bake bread and ate a bit... also some egg whites and grapes 🤦🏻‍♀️ i ran 10 km and burned over 600 cal so i hope it cancelled out! i also did a bit of strength training? trying to get my arms skinnier and butt nicer lol ... drinking ballerina tea ☕️
total weight loss: about 7 lbs 😞 i’m gonna do it again but not fk up
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