1dlarryluv · 5 years
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duh-diary · 4 years
Como es
Que un mes
Después de nuestra desaparencia
Me encuentro llorando esperando sentirte a mi lado
Como fue
Que solo ayer
Disfrute la indiferencia
Y hoy te espero aguantando el recuerdo
De lo que podía ser
Mírame y dime que
Es lo que
Tu quieres
De mi, mis sentimientos
Ya que nuestros momentos
Cargan tanto limite
Cuídame o gritare todo lo que siento
Ya que somos dos desordenados
Apartado o a mi lado
Separados y juntos a la vez
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missinvisibleandco · 5 years
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"Zoomed Zoom"
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Sebastian with a fan at San Diego Comic Con in San Diego, California!‬
Date: July 20th, 2019.‬
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embercrystal · 5 years
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considering becoming a streamer on youtube so i can start making more money than i already am 🤓
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lickingteeth · 5 years
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arerue-fiboo · 5 years
#RikerandVanni #MrandMrsLynch リンチ夫妻最初のダンスは L-O-V-E。 父と娘のダンスは Unforgettable とナット・キング・コールで続けて、締めはビシッと Bye Bye Byeをストーミーママと。ライカーが子供の頃に全曲振付マスターしたと言う NSYNC。笑えるようでしみじみ泣けてくる…😭 #RikerLynch #natkingcole #love #unforgettable #byebyebye #nsync https://www.instagram.com/p/B2qpxVAArZz/?igshid=l93qcw0rzqkt
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I hate anxiety. I hate how insecure it makes me feel in my relationship. I KNOW my boyfriend is home sleeping because he’s had a long week and was hurting today. But my mind keeps telling me he isn’t. 🙃 I KNOW he loves me. Ugh. I’m literally about to cry because I’m so terrified of being hurt again. 😭
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avi-arts · 5 years
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Day 988: 
baby boi from stream time
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angelishere407 · 5 years
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Ormond Beach (Daytona), Florida. From my room with a view. #Staycation
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giganticactus · 5 years
The last three years have felt like an absolute eternity.
On this day, three years ago, my recovery began. Three years ago, I was a shell of a person barely functioning enough to brush my teeth more days of the week than not. I hated myself to the point that I couldn't bare living life as the person I was. There was nothing about my personality or my mind that I did not despise. I had zero goals or hope or dreams for the future. I couldn't see my future beyond only a few days ahead. For a long time, I didn't want to find it.
My personality was a dark ball of depression and loneliness and emptiness. In constant need of an escape. In desperate need for help. I considered myself, no longer human, for a large chunk of 2016. There was no personality or humanity in my body. I was truly nothing but a combination of debilitating mental illnesses. I was living off of nothing else but guilt and codepency on a person I was in a very toxic relationship with at the time.
On this day three years ago, I broke off that relationship. It was the fourth day in a row which I didn't have suicidal thoughts. I felt that I truly had a 1% chance of surviving myself without her. I decided that I had to take that chance while it was in front of me. I had to let go of the one person who I knew was holding me down.
For another two months, I did nothing but sit at home, focused on avoiding triggers and finding ways to cope with the triggers. I played video games at all hours of the day, I forced myself to limit the food I ate while making sure I did still eat, trying to eat food that wasn't pure junk. Drank water as often as I thought about it. Focused on the parts of me that I hated most and tried my best not to hate them.
I realized, in the beginning of my recovery, that I had to build myself back up into a human being again. I had to recreate my personality and my relationships and social skills. I had to create motivation to get anywhere in my physical life. And it dawned on me. If I have to build myself back up, why would I go back to the person who put me onto this position in the first place?
The qualities that I wanted most in the person I wanted to be were: motivated, and didn't immediately run away from anything bigger than a mild inconveinece. I wanted to face challenges head on, I wanted to want to overcome obstacles. I've always been such a lazy person by nature that I wanted nothing to do with anything that wasn't completely easy to me. As I slowly built this person over the coming months, I got a temporary job working at Walmart over the holidays.
That seasonal job at Walmart that I spent 40 hours a week at for six weeks, was the best thing to happen to me in my recovery. It was just challenging enough that I was able to thrive from the challenges. I got my first hint of customer service skills, I worked as part of a team, I made friends. I learned a lot of responsibility and I rode my bike everyday to get there. But the number one thing that job did for me, was give me a sense of purpose. People relied on me. I had a job to do and I didn't have the option of walking away from it. I had a purpose. I hadn't had that feeling my entire life. And I must say, I was pretty good at it. I learned things pretty fast and honestly the only negative quality I had at that job was that I lacked a sense of urgency. But it wasn't hard to work around, and it definitely improved in the weeks I worked there. Two of my biggest fears were handling difficult customers and answering phones. Both of which I had to endure, and nine times out of ten they turned out well. I always had other people to fall back on as a safety net if I messed up. I was only eighteen, and the youngest worker in the store. Everybody looked out for me when I needed it and gave me a little push when I needed it as well. That job gave me a completely different outlook on the working industry and who Walmart is as a company. Both, in very positive light.
After that job ended, I was unemployed for five months. In that time I went back to my previous habits after my recovery began, but I was also a little more diligent about looking for another job. I had a small lick of motivation to find another purpose, but had trouble finding work that was close enough to ride my bike to, and would hire me with only six weeks of work experience.
I was hanging out with a friend of mine that April. He brought along a friend of his that we went to high school with. This friend was a shiftlead at my favorite place to eat. He asked me about what I was doing at the time, and when I told him I wasn't in school and didn't have a job, he told me that his work was desperate for hires. I was unsure about it, mostly because the store was a two and a half mile trip from my house, and the idea of riding my bike that far everyday sounded just a little bit like a real life horror movie. I told him I would think about it and he gave me his phone number for when I made my decision. A week later, he set up an interview with his manager for me and told me when to come in. I rode my back at two o'clock in the afternoon in early may to this interview where I was hired on the spot.
2017 was a year of recovery. I continued to build myself up and find habits that made me happy and healthy as I could be. I was truly the happiest I've ever been, in 2017. My depression quickly withered to a pebble because of this job and the friends I made. Riding my bike was great exercise, and I worked at a salad restaurant and was eating good healthy food. I was honestly of top of the fucking world.
In March of 2018, I met a boy. He was filling in from another store while we were short staffed. He was big and he was goofy and about as friendly as a stranger can get. Something about him drew me toward him. I knew from the day we met, that he was someone special. After a few days of chatting and working together, we and two other worker friends of mine hung out after work one day. He was the last one I brought home that night, and when he learned in to kiss me, I though "fuck it", and it was the best "what's the worst that could happen" decision I've made in my entire life.
We dated for one year and two weeks before breaking things off for complicated reasons. It wasn't a good breakup (if those exist), but it definitely wasn't a bad one. After we got out bearings and thoughts and feelings sorted, a week later we met up for the first time again to talk. Things weren't awkward, but it was sad. After that, we decided to remain friends for fear of losing eachother. There was a short period over the summer that we lost touch, while I was on my bender, but a month later we got to talking and hanging out again. We are in a very good place right now and see eachother often, once or twice a week. He is my best friend. And while the idea of getting back together has been kind of the elephant in the room for the last few weeks, for right now I'm enjoying the time I can spend with him.
My health and happiness fluctuate a lot. I currently just got out of a deep depression pit myself, due to denial of an environmental stressor I've chosen to ignore for nearly a year.
What truly matters, is doing my best. Finding what works and what doesn't. Keeping myself as far away as possible from where I was three years ago. The number one thing, is learning to love who I am. Changing the negative qualities that I can, and accepting the ones that I can't. Taking actions to keep myself as healthy and happy as possible while maintaining relationships and a shitty career.
I'm endlessly grateful for where I am today. I'm endlessly grateful for the journey I had to take to get here, and for the opportunities and decisions I will have in the future.
Right now, I'm finding reasons to be happy. Holding onto the people around me, finding balance between things I have and want and need, and finding goals and hope for the future. I am doing really good right now, recovering from my bender. I realized this time last year, that I will be in recovery for the rest of my life. And I know that its okay. Recovery means coming up from the down. The journey ahead looking better than the path left behind. I'm endlessly grateful.
Overall, I'm fairly happy. I have family whom I love and love me. I don't have many friends but the few close friends I have are extremely important to me. The situation at work is going better than it has been, and I'm currently looking for a second job. I've moved out of my dads house and hope to move out on my own pretty soon. Things look good right now. I have hope. I have things to look forward to, I have a better hold of saving money, and have a million things I want to save for. For instance, buying a new car and taking trips to Colorado to hold me over until I can eventually move there.
Recovery is a process I'm well familiar with. Rock bottom and I are old friends that I plan to never reunite with.
One last note I want to leave, is a message to the person I left on September 20th, 2016.
I see you. I see you as a human being. I see you as a human being with struggles. When I think about who you were three years ago, I see a human being.
I remember everything. The words said, the feelings felt, the anger and love and hatred shared. The memories and experiences, I remember it all.
I know now, especially after a similar friendship I had this past summer, what our relationship looked like. What it really was. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I saw a certain comment on social media that hit me like a train. And I had a whole new perspective to the situation.
I've always known what you did to me. How your words and your actions affected me. I know how codependent I became. How much I dreaded the idea of living life without you. How much I hated you some days and loved you on others. How desperate I was for your attention and the empty feeling I had whenever you would push me away. How grateful I was for the times you were there.
I've realized lately, of the impact I had on you. While I've never gotten your direct take on everything, I do now know some things. I know that I put you into a harmful situation. I trapped you in a spot that any action you took could become dangerous. At a young age, another person depended on you in a way that no person should. I realize now, the pressure I put on you. The damage I had to have caused at the time.
I don't know your true intentions of the time. I don't know what you thought or how you felt. I know that you hid a lot from me. I know now that it truly was for the better of both of us. I expected far more from you than I never should have asked. I see it now. I see the intensity of the impact it must have had.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did. I'm sorry for everything I said. I'm sorry for putting you in that situation that I depended on you so instensely. I'm sorry for the pressure. I'm sorry for the despair and desperation. I never should have done that to you. I'm truly, insanely sorry. I don't blame you for a single thing. I forgive you for any hardships caused. I'm sorry for any hardships I had caused you and your family. You didn't deserve it. I'm sorry.
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bpdfox · 5 years
I've got therapy in a mere couple of hours and I'm Nervous
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missinvisibleandco · 5 years
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"Pattern Play"
The Monarch in all its glory.(9.20.19)
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dmsilvisart · 6 years
To Do 9.20.18
Why am I up at 5:30 because I need to do my normal morning stuff before my boys leave for school because....
Meeting with my son’s teacher before school
Make annoying calls to regarding household stuff (y’all know those calls)
Finish DCBB Layouts for check in
Tie up art association treasury loose ends from yesterday prep for meeting on Friday morning.
Mod stuff
If the planets align correctly all of THAT ^^^  will be done by the time my kids get home
Housework and homework time
Begin NON FANDOM commission colors
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heart like a black hole, truly
a vortex of fear where nothing can land
a / grave
too many days only
to be deleterious
so hidden, we thought it worked
reds and black filled my stomach.
without your pain there, what will fill this?
blues and greens
shores and trees / seas
my own peace
too many songs and too many words to hold this space
so much so that none of them work like they should
in your absence
i will create myself
my head won’t merge to yours
my heart to hold my own golden sunlight
my stomach off my sleeve and back to sleep,
cocooning all the anxieties and all the colors too opaque to call my own
navy and black wisp away as i transition to self
a new self,
“back to self”
as you built this person from your old broken parts to see them work elsewhere so you could know
/ you were never as messy as you thought you were /
and we thought it worked
the mirror shatters and all the pieces lay on the floor
different colors in every one
showing angles of you you never thought to look for
a wholeness not like that of which you thought you knew
all a sea, a silk ribbon in blue
/ perfect /
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elceeu2morrow · 5 years
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liampayne: Sometimes I don’t recognise this happy guy... sure glad you brought him back though. This has been my most amazing release week to date! Massive thank you to all my team @stevefinan @simonolive73 @jordenpinchen @conorleebutler @adamfkelly @stockersstory for helping setting it all up and making it run smooth @artisthbtl for fuckin with my sound can’t wait to perform it with you. my team on the ground here in nyc @republicrecords for supporting my record and @capitoluk for getting my record together and putting up with my self conscious shit😂 then last but not least this one @maya_henry for always keeping the biggest smile on my face through all the stress and making me realise how perfect my life really is🥰love you all let’s stack this shit up 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
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