#3th life
lover-of-mine · 2 years
I love when I'm tagging and tumblr is like "I'mma recommend this tag you used once in 2012 instead of this other tag you use 50 times a day"
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
y’know the way people talk about their favorite internet personalities is always so fascinating to me. this is especially true with jerma985.
i don’t know what i see about jerma is true and what isn’t. i just read three (3) pages on the jerma lore wiki. i don’t know what’s going on here.
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tarotwithavi · 7 months
Mercury in the houses
Mercury in astrology represents communication, intellect, and the way we process information.
For entertainment purposes only!
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Mercury in the 1st House
People with Mercury in the first house are usually chatty and outgoing. They express themselves readily and might come across as talkative or even a bit animated. They've got quick minds and love to engage in intellectual conversations. They often have a witty and clever way with words.With Mercury in the first house, they make a strong first impression. They're articulate and can be quite persuasive when they want to be. These folks are curious by nature. They're interested in a wide range of topics and are always eager to learn something new. Communication plays a big role in their lives. They're good at conveying their ideas clearly and might even excel in fields like writing, public speaking, or journalism. Sometimes, they can't turn off their racing thoughts. Their minds are always buzzing with ideas and plans, which can make it challenging to relax.They're not afraid to speak their minds and often have their own unique perspective on things. They value their independence in thought. Their appearance often reflects their communication style. They might have a sharp, well-groomed look that complements their articulate way of speaking.They can be influential in their social circles because they know how to communicate effectively. Others often turn to them for advice or guidance. They adapt their communication style to different situations and people. They can be serious and professional when needed or fun and lighthearted in social settings.Their active minds can sometimes lead to restlessness. They might have a hard time sitting still for too long or focusing on one thing for extended periods. Their natural ability to communicate and lead can make them excellent leaders in various fields. They're not afraid to take charge and make things happen.
Mercury in 2nd house
These folks often think a lot about money, possessions, and their personal values. They may have a strong desire to acquire and manage material resources. Their communication tends to be practical and focused on tangible matters. They're good at discussing financial plans, budgeting, and investments. They place a high value on their words and might be careful about what they say, especially when it comes to money matters. They believe that clear communication can lead to financial success. Mercury in the 2nd house individuals are usually financially savvy. They can analyse financial situations well and may have a knack for making money through communication-related skills, like sales or negotiation. They're resourceful thinkers who can come up with innovative ways to manage their finances and assets. They're not afraid to explore different options. They might have a strong attachment to their material possessions. The idea of security and stability is closely linked to their belongings.Their ability to communicate effectively can directly impact their financial situation. Good negotiation skills can lead to better deals and financial gains. Many of them highly value education and may invest in it as a means to increase their earning potential. Lifelong learning is a theme for them. They can be sensitive to criticism about their financial choices or values. Negative comments in this area might hit them harder than in other areas of life. In relationships, they may have possessive tendencies, particularly when it comes to shared resources. This can lead to conflicts if not managed well. They often have strong opinions about what they consider valuable, and they're not easily swayed by others' ideas. They trust their judgement when it comes to money matters.Money and how they manage it can tie into their sense of self-worth. Achieving financial stability can be closely connected to their self-esteem.
Mercury in 3th house
They're naturally talkative and love to engage in conversations. Whether it's with family, friends, or strangers, they're always up for a chat.Their curiosity knows no bounds. They're eager to learn and explore new things, and they often have a wide range of interests. The 3rd house is associated with siblings, so these individuals might have close and communicative relationships with their brothers and sisters. They enjoy sharing ideas and stories with them. They're keen on exploring their local neighbourhood or community. You'll often find them knowing all the ins and outs of their town or city. Mercury in the 3rd house folks thrive in social settings. They're skilled at networking, making connections, and maintaining friendships.They have a sharp mind and can think on their feet. This makes them great problem-solvers and adaptable in various situations. They might excel in various forms of communication, from writing to speaking to using technology. They're comfortable with words in all their forms.These individuals might frequently take short trips, whether for work or leisure. They enjoy the change of scenery and the opportunity to meet new people.Learning never stops for them. They're often taking courses, reading books, or engaging in activities that expand their knowledge.While they're great communicators, they might sometimes struggle with being too scattered or overloading themselves with too much information. They have a knack for explaining things clearly, which can make them excellent teachers or mentors. They can break down complex topics into understandable bits. On the downside, they might be drawn into gossip or spreading rumours if they're not mindful of their words. They should be cautious about what they say and to whom.
Mercury in 4th house
These individuals often think and communicate in a way that's closely tied to their family and home environment. Family matters, traditions, and memories play a significant role in their thought process. They are natural caregivers and nurturers. When they speak, it's often with a sense of warmth and care. They excel in making others feel comfortable and understood. Emotional bonds with family members are a big deal for them. They may have deep, sentimental attachments to their childhood home or the place they grew up. People with Mercury in the 4th house often prefer staying at home or within their comfort zone. They might enjoy activities like cooking, decorating, or simply relaxing in their familiar surroundings. They have a sentimental streak, treasuring mementos and keepsakes that remind them of cherished moments from the past. Old photos and family heirlooms hold special meaning. Traditional values and customs are important to them. They might enjoy participating in family traditions and passing them down to the next generation. This placement can also indicate strong communication with parents, especially the mother. They may rely on their parents' advice or be in frequent contact with them. Privacy is a big deal. They might be selective about who they let into their inner circle and value a safe and secure home environment. Mercury in the 4th house folks enjoy reminiscing about the past. They often engage in conversations about their childhood, family history, and shared memories. Some of them might be interested in real estate or home-related businesses. They have a knack for understanding what makes a house feel like a home. Education might also be closely tied to the home environment. They could be homeschooled, or they find it easier to study and learn when they're in a comfortable, private space. Creating and preserving happy memories with loved ones is a top priority. They might go to great lengths to ensure family gatherings and events are special and memorable.
Mercury in 5th house
These folks are born with a flair for creativity and self-expression. They often use their words to entertain and captivate others, making them great storytellers, writers, or performers. They approach life with a playful and youthful intellect. They might enjoy games, hobbies, or activities that stimulate their mind and bring out their inner child. The 5th house is associated with love affairs and romance, so these individuals tend to communicate their feelings in a romantic and charming way. They're the type to write love letters or plan elaborate dates to impress their partners. When they're in love, they're not shy about expressing it. They might be the ones to shout their feelings from the rooftops or shower their partners with affectionate words. Drama and theatrics often play a part in their communication style. They can be a bit dramatic at times, whether it's for effect or because they genuinely feel things deeply. They approach new ideas and projects with childlike enthusiasm. This can make them passionate and excited learners and creators. The 5th house also relates to taking risks, so they might not be afraid to speak their mind, even if it means pushing boundaries or challenging the status quo. Many of them have a strong affinity for the arts, whether it's painting, acting, dancing, or any form of artistic expression. They find joy in creative outlets. They often make great teachers because they infuse fun and creativity into their lessons. Learning from them can be an enjoyable experience. They have a natural charm and flirtatiousness in their communication, which can be both entertaining and enticing. Since the 5th house is associated with recognition, they may have a deep desire for their ideas and talents to be acknowledged and appreciated by others. They value leisure time and often use it to engage in playful activities, whether it's going to amusement parks, enjoying a night out, or simply having fun with friends.
Mercury in 6th house
These individuals pay meticulous attention to details. They thrive on organising information and often excel in jobs or tasks that require precision and accuracy. They take their work seriously. These folks may have a tendency to become workaholics, dedicating a lot of mental energy to their job or daily responsibilities. Mercury in the 6th house people are excellent problem solvers. They have a knack for figuring out practical solutions to everyday issues and can troubleshoot effectively. Their communication style at work is clear and efficient. They prefer straightforward and practical conversations, making them great in roles that involve instruction or management.This placement often makes individuals health-conscious. They pay attention to diet, exercise, and overall well-being, as maintaining good health is a priority for them.They thrive on routines and schedules. They like to plan their days meticulously and might get flustered when unexpected disruptions occur.The 6th house is associated with service, so these individuals often find fulfilment in helping others or working in service-oriented professions such as healthcare, teaching, or customer service.They analyse situations thoroughly before making decisions. While this trait can be useful, it can also lead to overthinking or hesitation at times. They have a perfectionist streak and may struggle with feeling that nothing is ever quite good enough. This can be a source of stress for them. They excel at tasks that require repetition or attention to detail, like data entry, research, or quality control. Their communication style at home might be more practical and focused on daily chores and responsibilities. They prefer to keep their home life organised. They can be prone to worrying about their health, work, and daily responsibilities. Learning to manage anxiety is essential for their well-being.
Mercury in 7th house
These folks have a gift for gab when it comes to one-on-one interactions. They're smooth talkers who can charm the socks off almost anyone. The 7th house is all about partnerships, and with Mercury here, communication is central to their relationships. They thrive on intellectual connections with their partners.nThey're drawn to partners who stimulate their minds. They want someone they can have deep conversations with, and they won't settle for superficial connections. They tend to be open to different viewpoints and are willing to listen and learn from their partners. This open-mindedness can make them great collaborators.Mercury in the 7th house people have a knack for negotiation and compromise. They can smooth out conflicts and find solutions that work for everyone involved. When tensions arise in their relationships, they're skilled at using words to defuse the situation. They avoid harsh confrontations and opt for diplomatic language.They often have an extensive network of friends and acquaintances. They enjoy socialising and making new connections, which can benefit their partnerships. Their relationships tend to start with a strong mental connection. They need to have intellectually stimulating conversations to feel connected on a deeper level. They may have idealistic expectations when it comes to love and partnerships. They believe in the power of communication to overcome any obstacles. Sometimes, they can come across as flirtatious even when they don't intend to. Their natural charm can be misinterpreted by others.They may attract partners who are talkative or involved in communication-related fields like writing, journalism, or public speaking. Balancing their own needs and desires with those of their partners can be a lifelong lesson. They might struggle with being overly accommodating at times.
Mercury in 8th house
These folks tend to have deep, intense thoughts. They're drawn to topics like psychology, the mysteries of life, and anything that delves beneath the surface. Mercury in the 8th house people can be quite secretive in their communication. They may not readily share their thoughts and feelings with just anyone; trust needs to be established first. They have a natural curiosity for uncovering hidden truths. Whether it's researching a mystery or diving into complex subjects, they love to dig deep. These individuals excel at research and uncovering information. They're like natural detectives when it comes to finding answers or solving puzzles.When they do speak, their words can carry a lot of weight. They have a knack for getting to the heart of matters and can be very persuasive when they want to be. Many with Mercury in the 8th house have an interest in the occult, astrology, or other esoteric subjects. They're drawn to the mystical and hidden aspects of life. Their intuition is often spot-on. They can sense things on a deeper level and might have premonitions or gut feelings that guide them. They're not afraid to tackle intense and transformative conversations. They can help others confront their fears and heal through communication. Privacy is a big deal for them. They may value their own privacy fiercely and respect the privacy of others.They have a complex and sometimes mysterious way of thinking. They're not satisfied with surface-level explanations and are always seeking the deeper meaning. In financial or business matters, they often have an interest in shared resources, joint ventures, or investments. They're good at managing other people's money too. They can have a talent for understanding the depths of the human psyche, making them great therapists, counsellors, or researchers in psychology-related fields.
Mercury in 9th house
These folks have a natural curiosity and love for exploring new ideas, cultures, and philosophies. They're like mental adventurers, always seeking knowledge and expanding their horizons.They often engage in deep, philosophical conversations. You might find them pondering the meaning of life, the universe, and everything in between over a cup of coffee. Mercury in the 9th house individuals are open-minded and accepting of different beliefs and perspectives. They're not quick to judge and are willing to hear diverse viewpoints. They have a way with words. Their communication style is often eloquent and persuasive, which makes them great debaters and storytellers. These folks have a strong case of wanderlust. They might love to travel, explore new cultures, or engage in higher education abroad. Their minds are always on the lookout for the next adventure. They tend to be optimistic thinkers. Even in challenging situations, they see the silver lining and have faith that things will work out for the best. Education is a big deal to them. They might excel in academia and have a thirst for knowledge that keeps them lifelong learners.They often think big and communicate ideas on a grand scale. They're not limited to the details; they want to understand the bigger picture. Learning and speaking foreign languages might come naturally to them. They're drawn to the richness of different cultures and enjoy breaking down language barriers. Some of them might have a knack for the law or working in fields related to ethics and justice. They can argue their case convincingly. Their minds are rarely at rest. They're always seeking intellectual stimulation and might get bored with routine quickly. Along with their love for knowledge, they might be interested in spirituality and the metaphysical. They seek to understand the spiritual side of life.
Mercury in 10th house
These folks are often highly focused on their careers and public reputation. They take their work seriously and are eager to communicate their ideas and ambitions to climb the professional ladder. They excel in public speaking, presentations, and written communication related to their job. They know how to convey their thoughts clearly and persuasively, which can be a valuable asset in the workplace. There's a strong desire for success and recognition in their professional life. They're not afraid to voice their goals and aspirations, and they're willing to put in the effort to achieve them. Building a strong network is a priority. They use their communication skills to connect with influential people and expand their professional circles, which can open up doors of opportunity. Depending on other factors in their birth chart, they may be drawn to careers in public speaking, politics, media, or any field where they can be in the public eye. They might find themselves in roles where they're seen as authorities on communication, such as teaching, writing, or media commentary. They often value honesty and integrity in their professional dealings. They want their words and actions to align with their public image. Balancing work and personal life can be a challenge. They can get so wrapped up in their careers that they may neglect other aspects of their life, including relationships. They're acutely aware of how they're perceived by others in their professional sphere. A tarnished reputation can deeply trouble them. Success is a big motivator. They set high standards for themselves and work diligently to meet or exceed them.They can adjust their communication style to fit different professional situations and personalities, making them versatile in various career environments. Some may excel in public relations or marketing roles, where they use their communication skills to shape and maintain a positive public image for individuals or organisations.
Mercury in the 11th house
These individuals are often intellectually inclined and love to connect with a wide range of people. They thrive in group settings, enjoy brainstorming, and often have a diverse circle of friends. Mercury in the 11th house folks are excellent communicators within their social groups. They can convey their ideas clearly and persuasively, making them great team members and leaders. They have a futuristic outlook and are drawn to innovative ideas. They may be involved in cutting-edge fields or have a passion for technology and social change. These individuals are open to different perspectives and are non-judgmental when it comes to the beliefs and ideas of others. They value diversity and inclusivity. Many of them are passionate about social causes and may actively participate in humanitarian or community-oriented projects. They want to make the world a better place. Collaboration is their forte. They work best when part of a team where they can share and exchange ideas freely. They're also skilled at mediating conflicts within groups.Building a broad network of connections comes naturally to them. They know how to use their social contacts to their advantage, whether in their career or personal life. They often have high hopes and dreams for the future. While this optimism is inspiring, they may need to ground their aspirations in reality at times. Their mind is a treasure trove of inventive ideas, and they're not afraid to share them. They can be the ones who suggest unique solutions to problems.Some Mercury in the 11th house individuals may have unconventional or niche interests that set them apart from the mainstream.They value their intellectual freedom and may resist conforming to traditional or rigid ideologies. They're more likely to embrace progressive and forward-thinking concepts.These folks love attending social events, gatherings, and parties. They thrive in environments where they can engage in stimulating conversations.
Mercury in the 12th house
These individuals tend to keep their thoughts and ideas close to the chest. They might not readily express what's on their minds and prefer to operate in a more private and secretive manner.They're introspective thinkers who ponder the mysteries of life and the universe. Their minds are often drawn to profound and philosophical questions. Mercury in the 12th house can grant them strong intuition and psychic abilities. They have a knack for picking up on subtle energies and may experience vivid dreams and premonitions. This placement can give rise to a strong connection with the subconscious mind. They might be interested in psychology, dream analysis, or other fields that delve into the depths of the human psyche. Expressing themselves verbally can be a bit challenging. They might struggle to put their thoughts into words or find it hard to articulate their ideas to others. They often have hidden talents and abilities that they might not even be aware of until they delve deep into their own psyche. These talents can emerge as they explore their inner world. Many develop a keen interest in spirituality, mysticism, or metaphysical subjects. They're drawn to the mystical and seek to understand the unseen realms. They're excellent listeners and can offer a compassionate and non-judgmental ear to those who need it. People often confide in them because of their empathetic nature. When life gets overwhelming, they might escape into their imaginations or immerse themselves in creative pursuits like writing, art, or music to find solace. Some find their calling in healing professions, such as psychology, counselling, or therapy. They have a natural ability to connect with others on a deep emotional level. They're attuned to subtle cues in their environment and can pick up on things that others might miss. This can make them excellent at reading between the lines. Sometimes, they might hold back their thoughts and feelings out of fear of vulnerability or judgement. Opening up can be a gradual process for them.
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These are just my observations/opinion on Mercury through houses. They may or may not resonate. You're free to criticize just be nice about it.
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astrosirensblog · 3 months
Synastry observation
Found this in my drafts lol
11th house overlays are perfect for long lasting relationships/friendships. Couples who are together for over 50 years and still act like best friends often have this aspect
9th house overlaying Jupiter can be an indicator for moving in another country for your partner or adjusting to their culture. Maybe even converting to the same religion
Kama in composite can tell about your sex style within the relationship. Let’s say you have Kama in taurus with one partner. You guys have the urge to touch each other a lot and also have sex frequently. Aftercare can also be eating together or cuddling. But if you have Kama in Aquarius in composite with someone else, you guys can be really experimental when it comes to sex and you may not do it on a regular basis. Aftercare could be watching a movie together or playing a online game
Eros can also tell about your sex life in composite but it’s more on the erotic side and what the other person needs in order to get into the moon. If eros is in Sagittarius in composite, the couple loves to mentally stimulate each other and flirt / tease a lot before getting into the mood. With eros there are also patterns of things the couple do to each other in order to enjoy sex.
Messalina in composite can tell how the couple seduces each other. If it’s in gemini, they could do a lot of dirty talk or sexting. Scorpio can be more psychological, like making each other jealous, wearing sexy outfits on purpose etc.
Cupido in synastry can tell about what the made the couple fall in love with each other. Let’s say your cupido is aspecting someones 3th house. The way you talked and interacted with them on a daily basis made them fall for you. Or if it’s aspecting someones 4th house, being nurturing and caring towards them are probably going to make them start having feelings for you
Mercury conjunct Pluto in synastry can be a blessing im disguise. Both people can trigger each other only with a few sentences but they are also teaching each other a lot. The Pluto person can snap at the mercury person really fast and the mercury person knows how to tease Pluto. A lot of blocking and unblocking can happen here but they tend to make up really fast too since talking to each other can be addicting for both of them and they can’t ignore each other for too long.
Neptune aspecting personal planets in synastry can be a delusional aspect. Neptune puts the planet person on a pedestal and maybe even sees them as someone who they actually aren’t. When the planet person acts “out of character” Neptune person can get really irritated and disappointed. Even a little aggressive when it’s aspecting mars too.
Having personal planets and or pluto conjunct someones north node can be an indicator for life long lessons. This person will help you become your highest self (can be really karmic though)
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People at my age: married, have children.
Me at 30:i would like to fuck monsters.
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deepvelvet · 7 months
Composite moon through houses p1
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1th: this couple can be absorbed in each other. There is an ease in regards to the inner world of the other. Their reactions to the world and one another are relatable. Similar instincts. Compatible emotion expression. They suport each other and can turn to be very dependable of that dynamic. They can have a preference to deal with the world as a team. It can be hard to want to operate outside of the relationship. Creates a deep bond between two people. After separation one or both of them can feel desorganized in personal life and the act to become an individual again because of the habit of doing everything with the other person. The feelings are in the surface, they are visible to the other person and to people outside the relationship. They know you love them, they can feel it. People around you feel the love you two have for each other.
"I didn't say it yet, but i feel this person knows i love them deeply"
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2th: the emotional, the sharing are happening in areas of life that we have material security. This couple has a sense of physical safety with each other and this connection. They can feel the emotional bond is getting deeper when they do physical activities together. Or when they do activities with long term goals. One or both of them may feel like money and possessives play a part in their emotional response. Buying gifts can be a form to show their feelings and the other one can feel the gifts as a love statement. Share pleasure in what makes them feel security and stability.
"what about we start a fitness program together and work in that for one year?"
"maybe i wouldn't do it by myself, but i want that for a long time"
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3th: shared mental activities and hobbies. They can have similar opinions in a lot of topics they found important. They learn things in similar ways and have similar meanings to things that are happening around them, How they interpret the world. They love to have conversations and in order to achieve the emotional security this couple will need to really know the other in every aspect of them. They understand each other well and its a Very happy placement in every day life, because they will, If the moon is well aspected, have an easy time organizing their daily hours and mastering the companion ability.
"hey babe im not in the mood of going out tonight i hope that's ok..."
"me neither, i want to stay home and watch movies with you, too"
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4th: Shared background experiences that makes life seems more familiar. We can depend on each other, they find easy to settle in a domestic routine. In to agree at what home life should be like. We are looking to experience similar things together. If this moon hás hard aspects it can actually increase them between the chart and the other planets involved.
"i think we could start our reform by the kitchen, its a place we use a lot and i feel it's not ideal for us right now"
"i was actually gonna tell you the same"
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5th: Very casual and enjoyable place. They love make each other laugh and have fun together. One or both of them can find It hard at the beggining to make the relationship serious. They love each other companies. If we have a more serious undertone about the relationship its that party on couple, really playful. They can want to have children together or being in company of children. A couple with moon in 5th house can raize children together very well, they have compatibility in that area.
"i think our daughter needs us to act that certain way right now, as parents"
"I think you are right, she needs it, let's do it"
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sunny44 · 7 months
What about us?
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x ex!Reader
Warnings: mentions of loneliness, sadness, breakup, co-parenting and maybe more
Summary: Where Lewis hasn't been himself lately.
Next Chapter
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Lewis and I met when I was working in the media department at Mercedes, I wouldn't say we fell in love at first, but he was definitely the guy I loved most in my life.
But unfortunately not everything we love stays in our lives forever.
We dated for 3 years and then when 2021 came, he was so devastated that the title was taken away from him that our relationship didn’t last.
He was so out of himself that u didn’t recognized him anymore, I seem like the man I love was taken away from me when he lost that day.
So that when we decided to go in separated ways.
But 3 months after i found out that u was pregnant with our daughter and we had to get our path together again. He said to me the day I told him about my pregnancy that I saved him for making the stupidest mistake of his life because he was about to retire from formula 1.
The internet already new that we weren’t together anymore but they just discovered my pregnancy when he posted about it.
We obviously will have a connection for the rest of our lives and I am extremely happy that we manage to be in good terms or co-parenting would have been harder.
I would be lying if I said it was easy because it wasn’t, the fact that we are separated makes Harley's schedule and routine harder than would be if we were together.
Today is Harley’s 3th birthday and I’m was going crazy with everything, she wanted a formula 1 themed party and it was all thanks to her father who got her addicted to the sport.
So here I was running around my apartment to decorate everything while she was with Sebastian and his wife.
Kika is here with Pierre and the other boys helping me with the party.
Lately he was kind of absent, he obviously came to see Harley but when I tried to talk to him, Lewis answered as little as possible and my messages he didn't even answer.
I had been trying to get him to help me with her birthday but now I was worried that he wouldn't come.
I hope he is only busy now in the afternoon because I will kill him if he doesn't show up.
We live in Monaco so some of the drivers came since they are all passionate about Harley.
This includes George, Pierre, Sebastian, Charles, Carlos, Daniel, Max and Lando.
Max and Lewis were not biggest fans of each other, far from it, but Benjamin his son was best friends with Harley so we met occasionally. And above all they treated each other with respect so we had an acceptable relationship for the sake of our children.
And Lewis hated that Harley adored Uncle Max.
The party had been going on for two hours and nothing came of him, I didn't know whether to be worried or angry.
"Mommy, where's Daddy?"
"I don't know my love, he should be here soon." She agrees a little discouraged but runs to where Ben and Max were.
"Anthony do you know where Lewis is?" I asked his father who was talking to my parents.
"I don't know darling, he said he would be a little late but he would come." I sighed in frustration. "I'll try to call him."
"Thank you."
He left to try to call his son and I went off to try to concentrate on distracting Harley with play.
He appeared in the middle of the party and I sighed with relief when I saw him coming through the door with Angela with him, Harley ran up to her father and I was happy to see her smile.
"How nice of you to come." I hugged Angela and she smiled.
"You've done well with the decorations." She said and I thanked her. "Can I talk to you? I want to take advantage of the fact that he's distracted by her."
I looked at the two of them and Harley was talking non-stop and he was listening attentively.
"Sure." We went into the kitchen where no one was around. "Is everything all right?"
"I'm not sure, I'm a bit worried about him."
"What happened?"
"I arrived at his apartment today and everything was a mess and he was asleep on the sofa." I was surprised because he rarely slept during the day and his apartment was always spotless. "I tried to talk to him but you know how he is, Lewis doesn't open up easily but he ended up saying that he wasn't happy and that he missed you both a lot."
"But we're always here."
"I think he misses a family." I sighed because I understood his feeling. "You know that he loves you both more than anything in the world and I remember when you were together he was planning to marry you, have children and have you live in a more secluded house so that you wouldn't be swallowed up by the media but from one moment to the next his plan became just a dream."
"I understand."
"And the only thing that's kept him going over the last few years is that little girl and the fact that you're her mother because that's what's kept you in his life. But he hasn't been the same for a while."
"I've noticed that he's been acting strange lately, he doesn't talk to me directly and avoids me whenever he can."
"Because he knows that you know him like the back of your hand and that you would know what was wrong with him." She takes my hand. "I'm not telling you this because I want you to feel guilty or anything, but I wanted to ask you to talk to him and try to help him in any way you can."
"All right, I'll talk to him after the party."
I said goodbye to the last few people and the only ones that were still around was Max, Ben and Lewis
"Buddy it's about time we go home." He says trying to talk the boy off the trampoline.
"Not yet Daddy, wait a little longer." He says short of breath from jumping around.
"If you don't mind I can take him to your apartment later."
"All right, thanks." He said goodbye and went home.
They kept jumping on the trampoline while Lewis was inside grabbing the trash.
After 10 minutes Bem said he was tired and i asked Lewis to watch Harley while I take him to his father and when I came back I could hear them in her room.
"I've missed you so much, Daddy." She says, already lying on her bed.
"I missed you too baby bear." She smiles tiredly and closes her eyes. He kisses her forehead and stays there for a few more minutes until he sees that she's asleep.
"Hey." He smiles as soon as he sees me outside her room. "I'm sorry I couldn't help, I got caught up with some work stuff."
He was lying but I knew it was juts for me not to worry about him.
"It's okay, I sorted it out." He smiled and went back into the living room. "Are you all right?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Maybe because I know you better than you think." He sighs. "You don't have to tell me what it is, but I want you to know that I care about you."
"It's just that everything's been a bit too much lately."
"What do you mean?"
"The constant pressure at work, the media, the fact that I'm not there for you two every day. Everything." He turns to me. "I just don't know how much I can take anymore."
"I miss you, and I miss us, I miss Harley and this feeling that I'm good at what I do has been haunting me."
"But you are good."
"Apparently not so much because I can't even stand on the podium." I sighed. "I don't expect you to understand but I don't think I want to do this anymore."
"What do you want to do then?" He looks at me. "You know that Harley and I don't care if you're a driver or not, we care about you too much to worry about whether you're still in Formula 1 or not."
"It's just that I've lived this for so long that I just wish I could be with you every day without worrying about having to catch a flight to the other side of the world."
"I understand and I'll support you in whatever you decide.
"Thank you." I sat down on the sofa and nudged him to sit next to me, which he did, resting his head on my shoulder. "You know I love you, don't you?"
"I know, I love you too."
"But I love you in a way that..."
"I know, and I love you the same way." He looks at me. "I understood what you meant from the start."
"And what does that mean for us?"
"I don't know but we don't need to find out today, we have plenty of time." He smiles and we lie down on the sofa.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername instagram post
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Liked by @lewishamilton, @susiewolf, @cherlesleclerc and others 293629
@yourusername I still can believe my baby is turning 3 years old today.
I’m so happy that I’m your mama and that I’m able to watch you grow and turn into this beautiful little girl.
I can’t imagine my life without you and I’m grateful for having you in my life.
Thank you @lewishamilton for making me a mama and for giving me the best gift anyone could ever give me.
Happy birthday sweet girl, mama loves you so much 🩵.
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Guys I have so many ideias for another chapters of Lewis being Harleys dad so if you guys want to read the next chapters let me know so I’ll tag you guys.
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Asteroid Circe
Now, moving on with our normal program of astrology and asteroid content. Here we have asteroid Circe and how I would interpret here in a natal chart. <;3
Asteroid number 34, Circe in a natal chart usually represents our inner which, our magical gifts and also can show where you feel isolated (this type of isolation can be from the outer world or self-imposed), also where do you fall in love to quickly. If conjunct the Asc, you can be quite intimidating. If conjunct the MC you can be seen very enchanting and be attracted to the occult.  If conjunct the Moon you may prefer being a night owl and prefer the company of animals.
Asteroid Circe
Circe in Aries/1st house: If you are into witchcrafts, you most probably work with fire and red candles. You may attract people because of your leadership skills, your energetic aura and fun-loving attitude.  Otherwise with this placement you may notice that others are intimidated maybe even scared by you.
Circe in Taurus/2nd house: If you are into witchcraft, you most probably are a garden which. You have a cosy like aura and people feel very comfortable in your presence. Usually, you may cook consciously or unconsciously with intention. You may like to collect crystal or river rock and be a pretty good manifesto for abundance.
Circe in Gemini/3th house: You may be very good at story-telling and have a really charming voice. Usually, you’ll be attracted in learning tarot and lucid dreaming. People are attracted to you because of your knowledge and intelligence. This placement might also indicate feeling isolated from your relatives or impose a self-isolation from them.
Circe in Cancer/4th: People are drawn to you because of your sweet nature and the sense of familiarity that they have when meeting you. Usually if in the 4th or conjunct the IC is an indicator of witchy lineage and you probably work a lot with the Moon energy. Otherwise, you are a healer and can help others heal their mother wound.
Circe in Leo/5th house: You may be attracted to meditation, energy healing and may practice specific manifestations technics. People usually are attracted to you without knowing exactly why. They feel you warm and shiny aura, they just want to revolve around you.  You may also like to collect occult objects.
Circe in Virgo/6th house: You may be interested in homeopathic medicine and alternative healing. You may have a specific everyday routine regarding manifestation or working with crystal or herbalism (ex: You drink a specific tea every day or put cinnamon in your coffee). Circe here can also make you feel isolated in your work life and with your colleagues or you may isolate yourself. Animals are really attracted to you or you may like to have pets.
Circe in Libra/ 7th house: You have a light hearted aura and people are drawn to you. You may be very good at identifying good romantic matches between people or you may work with tarot, astrology etc in order to help others navigate their relationships. If conjunct the DSC, people will have the tendency to be obsessed with you. As a witch you may want to be part of a coven. Also, you may tend to fall in love pretty fast.
Circe in Scorpio/8th house: You may be into really dark occult art and work with divination/entities etc. People are attracted to you because of your loyalty and determination. You can be an energy healer or a shaman due to your transmutation power. Sometimes people may exclude you or you can exclude people because of your practice.
Circe in Sagittarius/9th: You can be a living human lie detector and have a very good intuition. You attract people due to your optimistic aura. Astra-projection may come easy to you and you may astral project from a young age, try to ground yourself very good before going to sleep. You can be a great mentor or a teach for those that are willing to learn under your guidance.  
Circe in Capricorn/10th: With this placement you may be prone to be highly influential and very keen to success. As a witch you probably make great spell-jar for money or you manifest money without trying to. Sometime this placement can indicate feeling lonely in a room full of people. If conjunct the MC you’ll be recognized in the occult world very easily.
Circe in Aquarius/11th: This placement can indicate a passion for astrology or working into astral world. You attract people due to your intelligence and creativity. Sometime you may isolate yourself from your close friends. This placement can indicate an interested in being on social media platform talking about the 1000 ideas you have in your head.
Circe in Pisces/12th: This is a very spiritual place for Circe. Here she is highly empathetic, dreamy and highly intuitive. You know immediately if someone changed their energy towards you. You may have lucid dreams and have a great connection with the spirit realm. You tend to escape a bit to much in the astral world and also isolate yourself. You may dream of your partner before meeting him.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 3 days
Astro Observations #3: 💐🖤Taurus Season edition🖤💐
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Hello and Happy Taurus season everyone! I'm myself a Taurus (My birthday is 5th of May) so i hope this season brings a lot of happiness and venusian energy your way!
❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings)Open!
🎀If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🎀
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🎀Taurus Venus tend to have a really soft and delicate aura, they move through life gracefully.
🎀Taurus Suns and Rising have a youthful look to them, they tend to appear younger than their age.
🎀Personal Planets in Taurus or Taurus dominant with a lot of earth or water placements tend give the native a round/heart shape face and doe eyes.
🎀Saturn in Taurus are really goal oriented and persevering when it comes to their carreers, they are natural perfectionist.
🎀Jupiter in Taurus or 3th house can give the native a close relationship with their siblings, even more than with the parents.
🎀Uranus in Taurus or 2nd house is good administrating money, they tend to open their own bussiness and be their own boss.
🎀Venus in Taurus or Venus 2nd house values loyalty and boundaries in relationships, they are really giving individuals but know how to put limits.
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eth-edwards-73 · 5 months
the 3th of December
Héctor Fort x reader based on Heather by Conan Gray warnings: angst, misscommunications
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater You said it looked better on me than it did you
You and Hector had been friends for almost your entire lives, so it wasn’t unusual for the both of you to spend time together. Everyone in your life was always telling you how perfect you’d be for each other and recently you had started more like a couple with Hector although you didn’t put a label on it and it never came up in conversations so when Hector gave you his sweater on the third of december, you swore your heart was going to burst. You wore it for weeks on end after it, every time you did, taking in his smell. He smelled perfect to you and it soon turned into your favorite scent. 
Only if you knew how much I liked you
From that day on you really started developing feelings for him but you were too scared to admit them to him so you kept silent. For you the glances, the hugs and the quick kisses were enough for now, but truth to be told you wanted more, you wanted there to be a label since you weren’t the only girl that had your eyes on him. 
But I watch your eyes as she walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter than the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die
You didn’t really remember when everything changed but you did know why, it was because of her. Heather, even the name made your heart churn with heartbreak, she was a transfer student from America and the second Hector saw her it was over for you. The girl truly was everything you could only dream to be, beautiful long, straight blonde hair and gorgeous ocean blue eyes. Hector was mesmerized by her, looking at her like she put the stars in the sky whilst you watched him look at her. The way he looked at her made you want to die, everything hurt when he was around her. All the hope you had in ever being official with Hector was shattered the first of September but still you kept holding on. 
Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester But you like her better
Any hope you had left was now six feet under as you looked at Hector and Heather, she was wearing the same sweater he had given you just a year prior. You truly didn’t know how he could’ve ever wanted you and why he had kissed you so many times because in your eyes you could never even come close to Heather or the other girls that wanted him. He gave her his sweater, whispering the same words he had whispered to you. The sweater was just made out of ordinary polyester but when you looked at him looking at her you knew the difference, he looked at her with love, he had never looked at you like that. He liked her better and you could see and understand why but that didn’t make it hurt any less. 
Wish I were Heather
After that day you became distant to Hector, almost never replying to his texts, not interacting with him anywhere, it truly was like you hadn’t been friends since you were in diapers. It felt confusing to Hector so during your annual Christmas dinner, which he attended with Heather he confronted you.
“Why are you ignoring me all of a sudden?” He asks you, already looking agitated as you stand there with a glass of red wine in your hand, you truly look beautiful, a gorgeous cherry red, silky dress hugging your body perfectly, your make-up looked flawless and to anyone you looked breathtaking but not to Hector or at least that’s what you thought.
“I’m not.” Your voice is cold and distant and you give him a weirded out look as you reply, obviously you know what he’s talking about but you don’t want to talk about it. Now he looks angered and he takes a step forward, making you take a step back. He frowns in confusion because you never used to do that. “Why are you lying to me?” He asks you, desperately wanting to know what’s going on because even though he didn’t show it in the months that just passed he still cares about you and your friendship. 
“I’m not.” You tell him in the same monotone voice as before. Oh, how badly you wanted to tell him why you had been ignoring him but you didn’t because you didn’t want to ruin it for him.
A boy approaches you from behind and puts his hands on your hips and you turn around, your face lighting up when you see who’s holding you. You look at the boy with so much love and he does the same to you, Hector feels his heart break and he backs away, back to Heather who’s wearing a plain blue dress.
The four hearts of the teenagers are all broken, yours had broken months before, Heather’s had broken when seeing the way Hector looked at you whilst confronting you, Hector’s had broken once seeing your face light up when looking at the boy you had brought with you and Ivan, the boy you had brought with you, had his heart broken when he saw the heartbreak in your eyes when looking at Hector, knowing that deep down you still loved the brunet. 
If only you and Hector hadn’t been so blind…
Dedicated to today since i'm single af and because i haven't gotten a sweater from anyone this year (i really wished rugby boy would give me his but he's in England and i'm in Belgium so it's basically impossible unless he sent it with the post weeks in advance but we're not even together and he doesn't know my adress so also impossible)
I hope all of you aren't going through too much heartbreak and i wish every single one of you a sweater from a guy
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arrenlebanen777 · 1 year
First: Stop judging people by their natal charts or by their horoscopes(even more stupid) and making limiting statements/conclusions. You have no idea how much a person could have worked their charts and you don’t know the aspects, degrees and houses this person has¡¡¡😤
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☾Pluto is like a Black Sun: I say this because its influence is so strong that even in conjunctions and squares of 10 orbs, its influence is still very powerful, for example: I have Mercury conjunct Pluto (9 orbs) and people say that my gaze is very penetrating, sometimes I notice that people feel uncomfortable when I make eye contact with them, when I study something I study obsessively non-stoping, sometimes I can immediately see people's emotional problems/traumas, and I can see through their masks and their weak points as if I were wearing x-ray glasses, and sometimes without realizing I say things that hurt, trigger people. Many people have told me that they love my voice too(well stop talking about me). With trines his influence is still strong but much more friendly and with sextiles his influence is soft and too diplomatic that the native has to Digg deep to find/connect with his influence. ☾Venus in Taurus or Taurus degrees(2, 14, 26): They are very sensual, they love physical pleasure, they may have partners who find them very sensual, loves junk food, have artistic abilities, they have a love for aesthetics and beauty that they could be with a person just for their beauty aesthetics, with alcohol they can become very s*xual (like God Pan Archetype)and they are romantics af. ☾Venus in 3th House or Venus conjunct Mercury: beautiful and seductive voices, they seduce you with their speech, quite sensual, charming, they are very loved at school, social skills, persuasive, they have creative abilities, very intelligent people, they know exactly what to say at the right moments and people love to see them smile. ☾Neptune in 8th house: Could use drugs during s*x just to alter their states, they can have trascendental experiences during s*x(but only with people they love), tantra, they have to be careful to lower their vibration too much because they can connect with lower vibration entities(lower astral), there is a strong attraction for death, they want to die during s*xual intercourse, spiritual gifts, great intuitive abilities, can have powerful trips with psychedelics. ☾Uranus in 8th house: they already know society and the collective unconscious/consciousness very well without even interacting with it, they love everything that is taboo, different and kinky. They may have s*xual partners that are very different from them, they are very electric in intimacy, they may have sudden encounters with death, their stamina is very irregular and unpredictable, for example: they may be having s*x with you and cum very fast(P.E) and out of nowhere they can fuck you all day/night, it all depends on how unpredictable and different the interaction is, since that's what turns them on. Talented for astrology, tarot, oracles, telepathy, witchcraft, and everything that is occult, holistic and spiritual(random observation here: they may have extraterrestrial contact or contact with beings from other dimensions). ☾Mars in 8th house in vedic or Mars dominant people in western astrology: when life brings them down, when they encounter obstacles, when someone lies to them, when they see someone abusive, when someone judges them, when someone is very arrogant with them, when there are money problems, when someone in their project is very lazy or flaky, they become this type of energy:  1)https://tenor.com/es-419/view/jujutsu-kaisen-jujutsu-kaisen0-movie-jjk-yuta-gif-23677991 2)https://tenor.com/es-419/view/jjk-jujutsu-kaisen-fushiguro-megumi-gif-20813461 ☾Mercury conjunct Chiron: Have very healing and gentle voices/speech, overthinkers, OCD, intrusive thoughts,  they may really like instrumental music since it helps them think more clearly and if they truly connect with their heart space/chakra or their inner healer they can heal you with their words, such as they can say you: "don't worry, everything will be fine" and  they can calm your entire nervous system. ☾Mercury in Aries or Aries degrees(1, 13, 25): dominant speech, intrepid, blunt, impatient, harsh speech, gets easily irritated, but at the same time very friendly, very active intellect, if they get angry their words can feel like punches, they like to argue, they talk very loud, love gambling, they love to shout, have competitive minds, they love Videogames/Movies/Series that include topics such as violence, war and fighting like “Call of Duty”, ”God of War”, “Vikings”, “Gangs of New York”. They can be very good trainers/coaches as well because they understand sports very well, or they can even be very good teachers since they won't let you fall asleep. ☾Moon square Mars: I'm going to speak from a native here: We don't hate women, what happens is that s*x  is something very precious for us and we are very passionate about it, we are very demisexual and we crave intimacy. What bothers us is to see women talking/treating sex in such a superficial and vulgar way, we definitely hate that. So we can develop a lot of hatred towards all these "empowerment" movements that make them treat themselves as if they were goddesses/gods, that promote a lot of self-love but without knowing themselves, just inflating their egos (which is quite sad because these movements end up generating quite arrogant, apathetic, narcissistic and deep down empty people). The unconscious impulse here is to try to beat them at their own game due to their competitive energy, which is why it may seem that many men with this position hate women. 🌿Postscript: you can’t love yourself if you don’t know yourself first, that’s why love is secondary. If you distance yourself gradually from your ego &  personality(meditating, doing yoga or etc) and start discovering your authentic self, love will come by itself and you will naturally love yourself first because it will be your first encounter. Love will become your spontaneous nature. The same with confidence, genuine confidence only comes with clarity and perception!🌿
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deepmochi · 2 years
Your ideal career or profession and astrology 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼
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The tittle sound promising, right. I want to HELP YOU, I will not dictate what career you should take. Astrology is a tool that we use for our path. It's not endgame. Me or any other astrologer shouldn't tell you how to live.
✅Please don't plagiarize my work, this is my theory and observations. You can disagree too, but please be nice.
I don't own any of these images.
Your dream career could change through the years, but the primary focus is derivative from these following placement. I would divide this in three layers.
First layer
MC + aspects
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This is the first "layer"; people call the MC as our career or professions. However, it can also give clubes of how people see us in our job or our public image in general, not only our career.
keeping the superficial nature of this placement, it may resonated with some people and with others not so much. Then, It makes sense if you don't feel reflected in some astrology posts. For example, People with MC in aries want to feel alive and work with their body. The most mentioned career/ jobs are athletes or adventurers. However, not everyone will be an athlete,or have the money to be one. A general idea for the native is to maintain physical stimulation and to keeptheir passion; this can be applied to their any work they realise.
Second layer
MC+ MC's ruler
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This is how you hope the public perceive you. Usually, people see you in this career or say that you just fit for (insert) career. The MC ruler would give you more information.
For example, MC (10th house) in Taurus, Taurus which us ruled by Venus. This person's Venus is located in the 2nd house Virgo . It's necesssary to see its ruler too; Mercury, they have it in 3rd house Libra. With this info, we can say that this person would prefer a place where they can be organize and expressive. They also aspire to build a balanced and beautiful environment. Earth signs search pleasure and a comfortable place. They want to be useful and have a nice life.
Moreover, MC in Taurus is mentioned to be aesthetic or aesthetically pleasing. People say they will fit into fashion industry or as designers. However, Virgo in Venus (mercury). It's more mental and still looking for stability not only earth pleasures. Mercury related jobs/careers also interested the native.
Possible jobs: writer, screenwriter, songwriter, secretary, teacher, or fashion designer, artist.
Third layer
MC+ MC ruler+ North node + Asc
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The third layer provides howevery aspect change the game. But I will explain it the big picture not the details (aspects), so you guys have an easier idea.
First as before, you go to your natal chart and see your MC. Let's say you have Taurus MC, so see the ruler of that sign. For Taurus is Venus, this placement is in the 2nd house is in Virgo. Virgo is rules by Mercury; let's see the mercury, which rules the 3th house is in Libra. This process is the same as previously mentioned. Which result in Venusian with mercurian energy mix.
Then, after seeing our MC and MC ruler, we need to see our North node. It doesn't matter if your MC aspected or not the Nodes. The native should follow this new challenge (north node) for this lifetime. If they don't challenge themselves, they will feel empty. Check the south node to see your natural gifts.
Finally, we go to our beautiful rising sign. Our rising is not only our physical appearance, but also shows what person we want to become, our the ideal or higher self.
The person above in the example with Venus in the 2nd house, they have a North node in Libra in the 2nd house, South node in Aries 8th house. So, what we can say about them?
They need a job where they feel good and build a higher concept of themselves, but also help others with their emotions somehow. They should have their own system of values and build their own boundaries. The following themes come easy to them investigations, rebirth, occult, death, a job where they can work close to home and have time for themselves. However, they may try to go with Libra and the 2nd house themes more, where they can have comfort and partnerships. Let's add a Scorpio rising to the mix, they will go under many transformations that can be guide for helping others.
Possible jobs: therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse, healer, banker, teacher, professor, counselor, social worker or marriage counselor.
Note 1: As I say, the third point shows the whole picture. However, I don't talk about aspects and modalities. All of that have an effect to our career.
Note 2: The aspects to the nodes depict how is the journey to your profession. It's easier or hard? It's traditional or new?
Note 3: if you have different elements in your MC, Nodes, and the ruler, you have more choices and sometimes you feel confuse.
Note 4: degrees counts too, are you more confident or timid, how you achieve your goals? Are you young or old? Mature or immature?
Note 5: Read beyond and trust yourself. When you feel lost, you should ask yourself, what are my values? Usually, you may feel the most content when you follow your North node. it doesn't mean easy choice, though.
Take care, love 💚🐥
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If I was rewrited the second season of the reboot, I would:
(some of the changes are spoilers)
Make chipper happen
Make Scary girl actually come back to the reality as a int, and help her team with the cheating
Make chipper happen
Make chipper happen
Making Priya be the 3th eliminated because EMMA WAS ROBBED, IT WAS OBVIOUSLY PRIYA'S FAULT(and let's all be honest, Priya is almost being a Mary Sue in this seasons and she already had enough screen time)
Make chipper happen
RipAxel will not happen (yeah, RipAxel was kinda fun on the start but after some eps they got really annoyinh tbh) and Priyaleb will also not happen
Make chipper happen
Making Ripper have more interactions with Damien & Wayne and maybe even them being friends (that alfafa male beings friends with the jock and the nerd, it would be funny tbh)
Make chipper happen
Making Mkulia be canon quickly because YES. WE NEED OUR LESBIANS🗣️❗❗
Make chipper happen
Making Nichelle or/and Emma be on the final 5
Make chipper happen
And make Chase and Ripper be secundary villains that slowly takes the place of the main villains after some eps. I would love to see two (really gay) losers helping and getting attached to eachother while they ruin everyone else's life just for fun (they would be Partners in Crime coded btw)
And it would be cool if the final 2 were Ripper or Chase vs Emma.
Emma would say this to Ripper:
"But he ruined everything! So he'll do the same again, and it will be with you!"
And Ripper would be all like:
But if it was with Chase she would say:
and Chase would be all like:
"okay bae :P *Cries in panic*"
Idk, it would be funny if this all happened I guess?
Yeah, I got really silly while gritting this
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astrosirensblog · 1 year
Sirenas Astrology observations
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• moon hard aspects to mercury could be an indicator for having a hard time expressing your emotions verbally. Not having words of affirmation as a love language or having a hard time giving and receiving compliments or loving words. The type of person who says “I don’t have to say I love you everyday , I rather show it”
• the placement you have Aphrodite in can tell you how you can enhance your feminine energy and feel more beautiful inside and out. For example having Aphrodite in taurus could mean that cooking and taking more time to rest will make you feel better and nourished. Aphrodite in gemini needs to socialize and read or write to flourish in their feminine energy better
• people with permanent 10th house placements are known even when they’re not socializing much. They’re the type of person who don’t know many people but many people know them. It’s hard to ignore their presence, even when they don’t do anything
• People with mars in the 10th house tend to attract many people. Even people who hate them get obsessed with them and try to humbled them as much as possible. People with this placement don’t realize how intimidating their presence is and people see them as constant competition. Selena Gomez has this placement and we all know how other celebrities and even fan basis treat her even though she doesn’t do anything actively to provoke them. Honestly taking care of her mental health and not letting anybody humble her was the best decision she could have made for herself
• psyche in synastry can tell you about what you really need in a relationship in order to feel happy and fulfilled and become a better person. With your psyche placement you can learn on which parts you have to work on yourself too. With this placement it’s less about the physical intimacy and more about the intellectual and emotional intimacy of two souls coming together
• people with many 12th house placements tend to take criticism really personal and don’t like hearing it at all since they already have a hard time accepting themselves. They also struggle with feeling seen and appreciated even when people try to make them feel good, it’s never enough because they often lack self validation
• People with virgo placements take working out and looking fit really serious. I never meet a person with virgo placements who didn’t care about their physical appearance
• Having Mars in 4th house conjunct to the north node is a huge indicator of generational trauma that has been passing on in the family a lot. And this could bother the natal person a lot and it can cause friction in the family dynamic when they try to heal from that trauma and break the cycle
• Lillith shows up as the part of yourself that society has tried to repress or make you feel ashamed of. If it’s for example in the 3th house, you could have been told a lot to not share your views or opinions. Or people made fun of your voice growing up. You can take back your power by becoming more confident and expressing these parts of yourself freely
• Women who have Lillith conjunct sun and or asc often use their appearance and sexuality as a way to get what they want. For example Megan Thee Stellion has Lillith in Taurus conjunct her asc and she’s known for her beautiful and hot appearance and her lyrics where she also talks a lot about sex. Marylin Monroe also has Lillith in the first house, I didn’t need to explain how influential her appearance and sensuality is in the media to this day
• people with Lillith conjunct their first house tend to have sanpaku eyes too, here’s a reference:
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• Neptune in the chart shows you the part of life where you have to be more firm with your boundaries and don’t overshare because Neptune indistincts your intuition. For example if you have Neptune in the 11th house don’t force connections or friendships, don’t overshare to your friends and be really firm with your boundaries because you tend to let people cross over the line too much. Also don’t expect all of your friends to have the same intentions as you do, some people just want to use you or dim your light so be careful and stay safe
• The planet your sun is conjunct to can be a part of your life where you feel more confident and you don’t like it when people tell you what to do. For example if your sun is conjunct your venus you tend to make the first move when you like someone and you don’t like it when someone tells you that this person is out of your league or you can’t get them to like you. Ego and love go hand in hand with this aspect
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aestheteangel · 7 months
Moon in the 3th house natal chart really do think a LOT about romance and love matters , and the may like to keep their love life private. They also think heavily of their partner or crush. And also emotional communication/understanding is very important to them.
It’s a big indicator for overthinking tho 😪 which may be something to suffer with for some
They also care so much about their siblings even if they don’t get along.
they are also... (Lemme know if you want me to continue 😭😂)
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Hi. My name is Angel, I go by all pronouns (neos & xenos included), I'm genderfluid and I'm 16 years old.
This is an interesting experience of mine, because I reflect about it and I realise “wow, if my parents raised me with both girl and boy shit, maybe I would have realised I'm trans sooner”.
Basically, I was raised as a girl all my lifetime. From my childhood to now, I'm raised and referred to as a girl even tho I already know I'm not. But here's a tiny little event that happened to me when I was 8 and in 3th grade:
There was a gymkhana at my school, and there was a crossdressing challenge. Boys would wear girls clothing and vice versa.
When my class was preparing, they choose me to use the boys clothing (it was my fault by the way, because my curious ass was the nearest to the box that had the outfits 😭) and I was like: “What? Why me, I ain't got nothin to do with this shit! >=(” I tried to protest, but they shushed me because we had little time.
And that's how I was Pedro for the first and last two minutes of my life.
I was angry, obviously. But the difference is, I thought it was because they were masculine outfits and not because I was floating in these senseless game, specially after I overheard my dad and my brother talking about how sinful it was to use clothes for the opposite gender. I deadass thought the gymkhana forced me to sin, whathafuckkk☠️☠️☠️☠️
But in reality, I was like “Quit this drama, crunchy looking ass.” when a boy said he felt ridiculous when wearing the women's clothing.
That teenage boy was having gender dysphoria over the opposite gender clothing. I wasn't. Every other cis person was uncomfortable wearing clothes they normally wouldn't wear at that situation. I was the only one who was upset over being shoved onto something I had nothing to do instead of the outfit I was wearing and the name I was using for two minutes.
And looking back, I realise that I didn't show many genderqueer traits as a kid because I wasn't able to, nor given the opportunity (the only time I did that as a child was walking on the streets shirtless and I got reprimanded by my parents for that (understandable, on the one hand, cause my breasts were starting to develop and I had gone to a neighbor's house that they didn't trust)). I didn't show genderfluid traits as a kid because the only option I had was femininity and nothing else.
Help, in conclusion, I was never a cis girl after all. I was always trans. And even if Pedro didn't had much effect on my journey, I really have to thank him for this experience and the reflections around it. =3
I'm glad you have worked out who you are, thanks for sharing your experience!
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