#2x02 drabble
longlivelindanny · 9 months
Drabble Series
2x02: Friendly Fire
Linda groans and throws down the shirt she’s holding. “It’s not fair! You were doing your job, and they’re attacking you!”
Danny sighs, “it’s complicated, honey. You know it is.”
“But it’s not—“
“Fair! I know! It never is fair! You know that!” Danny yells, then hits the table-top foosball. “I…. Come here.”
Linda blinks back her frustrated tears and sits next to Danny on the couch. He grabs her hand, rubbing his thumb over her skin. She watches the movement for a few seconds before looking up at her husband.
“It’s going to be okay. It will. I—“ he swallows. “I’m sorry I yelled.”
She briefly closes her eyes before kissing the air out of his lungs. She holds him tightly afterwards, praying things will work out smoothly. “What if no one believes us? Elwood doesn’t. I can tell.”
“It’ll be okay,” he repeats, not exactly answering her questions.
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Season 2 Rewatch Drabbles: 2x2 We Are Both
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my rewatch of season 2 of Once Upon a Time as an attempt to finally jump start the muse again.  There will be a drabble--either a deleted scene, a "fix it" fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian--with an emphasis on the very beginnings of Captain Swan's epic love story, as soon as a certain dashing pirate makes his appearance.  
Word Count: 435
Other Chapters: (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (17.5) (18) (19) (20) (21-22) (22)
Note: Today’s selection is another character musing--this time about David, as he tries to navigate life as both Prince David of Misthaven and David Nolan
Prince David of Mistahven had always been a decisive man. When he knew what he wanted, he went after it with everything within him, and so it was only natural that when Snow and Emma got pulled through a portal to—he didn’t even know where—his top priority was to get them back.
He went about it with his normal single-minded devotion.
He had one lead, only a single one—Jefferson, who’s hat it was that took his family from him—and when that lead ran from him, threatening his only hope, he jumped up from his table outside Granny’s and tore after him.
Only to be stopped by Ruby.
“David, Stop!” she said, eyes wide and panicked. “Regina has Henry!”
He tried to break free.  “Get out of my way! He has the way!”
She wouldn’t be deterred, grabbing his shirt, holding tighter, getting in his face.  “She has Henry! She’s threatening everyone!”
“She has Henry?” he asked, the threat to his grandson finally breaking his concentration for a moment.
“She showed up at your meeting, the one you missed,” Ruby continued. “Her magic’s back; everyone’s panicking.  They want to leave town; they’re going to lose Everything.”
He waffled for another moment, his duty as prince warring with his heart, his duty as husband and father, his pain at losing his wife and daughter again after twenty-eight excruciating years apart.
“Okay, okay, but I have to go after him first; he’s my only way to get Emma and Snow back.”
David tried once more to break free, but Ruby was not to be deterred.
“Back to what? This town is about to come apart. You’ve gotta do something.”
David closed his eyes, the guilt and agony close to breaking him.  David Nolan threatened to take over.  David Nolan, the weak, indecisive man who knew what he wanted, knew what he should do, but didn’t have the strength to follow either his heart or his conscience.
David Nolan was a part of him, yes, but it wasn’t the only part.  He was also the prince, and as the prince, he knew what he had to do.
Ruby was right.  He was the prince.  For better or worse, he was their leader, and currently their only bolster against the Evil Queen.
He would get Emma and Snow back no matter what it took, but for now, his kingdom needed him.
“Okay,” he finally conceded.  “Let me go get Henry, and then I’ll meet you at the town line. She may have cursed us, but I’ll be damned before I let her destroy us all again.”
                                                                                NEXT CHAPTER-->
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Wednesday 100(s)
Every week, I post a wee Outlander drabble (100 word story) on twitter and every week, I think, "I should post this on tumblr too." And today I am finally committing myself to it. I'm currently in the process of writing and sharing one drabble from every episode from season 2, all from the perspective of Fergus. Here are the first three so you can catch up!
2x01, Place
After breakfast with the ladies at Maison Elise, Fergus found himself navigating the labyrinthine streets of Paris, blending into the swarms of people, unnoticed. He effortlessly nicked a loaf of bread from an inattentive merchant, before finding his way to the la rivière Seine. He would pass the afternoon watching the boats come and go, dreaming of lives he would never live but was desperate to experience. It was normal for young boys to seek adventures, the ladies told him. But that alone could not describe the longing within him. A longing for a place, for people all his own.
2x02, Cramped
The tiny closet under the stairs where Fergus slept was growing increasingly cramped, not with possessions, but because he was apparently getting taller. He found himself curling into tighter and tighter balls to fit in this little space of his, though it was evident that soon enough, he would no longer be able to lay his head here. He looked around the space, the only place he had ever called home, and suddenly felt a profound sense of sadness. This place was not perfect, but it was his. Would he ever again find somewhere to safely rest? To call home?
2x03, Worth Keeping
It was not the first time Fergus spotted the burly, redheaded man in the brothel. He was certain that was the man from whom he had lifted the wooden snake currently in his pocket. A difficult target, partly because of his size, but also because the man seemed to be equally observant of his surroundings as Fergus was of his own. Tonight, the man was alone, which was unusual, and was agitated, tapping his fingers relentlessly on his leg. Perhaps his distraction would make him an easy target tonight. Maybe he had something on him Fergus would find worth keeping.
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ejzah · 13 days
A/N: A little dialogue drabble set after 2x02.
Kensi: So, how did you get so good at working with kids?
Deeks, smiling: Thank you for the implied compliment.
Kensi, rolling her eyes: Just answer the question.
Deeks: Why are you so curious?
Kensi, shrugging: I saw how well you interacted with Joshua. It just seems unusual for a guy who hangs out at bikini bars and strip clubs.
Deeks, stopping to face her: I babysat when I was a teenager to make some extra money. When I was in college, I started helping out high school kids who were struggling. I guess I’ve always connected with outcasts and overlooked. *he shrugs*
Kensi just stares at him for a moment: You make no sense.
Deeks: What was that?
Kensi: Nothing. I guess it makes sense that you would associate with a literal child.
Deeks, smiling to himself: Uh-huh.
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sunnydaleherald · 1 month
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, May 1
GILES: You understand, in my capacity as school official, this search is completely unauthorized, and I, I cannot condone it. BUFFY: Fine, your butt's covered. Wanna grab a locker? GILES: Uh, yes, yes, of course.
~~BtVS 2x02 “Some Assembly Required”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Decompressing (Buffy, PG) by badly_knitted
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it's always best when the light is off (Angelus/Cordelia, E) by evesock
Tea + Crackers (Buffy/Angel, G) by Kean (abreathofsnowandashes)
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Say No To This (Spike/OC, M) by Scarlet has Fantasy Issues
Resolving You (Buffy/Faith, G) by Ton1c
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Call Home (Buffy/Spike, PG) by MillennialCryBaby
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In-vested (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Desicat
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Rewind, Chapter 1/? (Wesley, Cordelia, not rated) by Enigmatist
An Impossible Task, Chapter 4/? (Spike/Andrew, T) by Laqt15
Infinitely, Chapter 50/? (Willow/Tara, M) by Laragh
We Could Be Kings, Chapter 3/? (Spike/Andrew, M) by Laqt15
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[French language] Do as Romans do, Chapter 25 (Dawn/Spike, T) by OldGirl-NoraArlani
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Affection, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by DarkVoid116
Something Lingers, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by goodbyetoyou
The Boyfriend Swap, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
Crossing Over, Chapters 11-30 COMPLETE! (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Julikobold
Like A Hole In The Heart, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
A Ripple In Time, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by CheekyKitten
Hello Cutie, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by CheekyKitten
Maclay Down, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Soulburnt
Love Lives Here, Chapter 56 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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Blood and dust, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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Coming Through, Chapter 61 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by hulettwyo
Like A Hole In The Heart, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Early One Morning, Chapter 37 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Love Lives Here, Chapter 56 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Meme: my favourite buffyverse ships as texts (multiship, worksafe) by invisible-pink-toast
Gifs: “I didn’t know I was gonna fall in love with you.” - Jenny Calendar (Passion 2x17) (Giles/Jenny, worksafe) by clumsycapitolunicorn
Moodboard: Rupert Giles - Buffy the vampire slayer (worksafe) by awinterrosesstuff
Artwork: Cordelia Chase, from Out of Mind, Out of Sight. From Buffy, watercolour on paper (minor cw for blood, worksafe) by ghostrabbit87
Artwork: My watercolour painting of Buffy from Prophecy Girl (worksafe) by ghostrabbit87
Gifset: Buffy x “I can do it with a broken heart” lyrics (worksafe) by michaun
Artwork: This is my masterpiece, a tragedy (Buffy, worksafe) by novivi
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Banner: Harmonic Motion (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harlow Turner
Banner: The Chemicals Between Us (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Banner: Cherish the Day (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Banner: Spike and Buffy Make a Porno (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Artwork: We Saw You From Across the Bronze and We Really Like Your Vibe (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by ClowniestLivEver
Artwork: An Unlikely Truce (Buffy/Spike, R) by ClowniestLivEver
Banner: I Didn't Stand A Chance (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: The Gentlemen in London (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: I Wanna Be a Good Man (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: The Party's Just Begun (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: Caution Tape Around My Heart (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: How Can You See Into My Eyes Like Open Doors (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: You Make a Mess Of Me (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
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Artwork: ... she just went to get some more paint (Buffy/Spike, not rated) by flootzavut
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Episode 54: City Of Angels by Gym Was Cancelled
[Community Announcements]
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[Revamped IWRY Marathon] Sign-ups for the 2024 IWRY Fic Marathon in November are now open! by iwillrememberyoumarathon
[Fandom Discussions]
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i could not be a hardcore calendiles stan simply because i think it would take over my whole life by spikes-left-eyebrow
I’ve always liked Anya & Xander together. And I sometimes wonder why. The real reasons, I mean by awinterrosesstuff
[anon ask] I always disliked Xander and how he treated Anya terribly and how he always attacked Buffy. answered by awinterrosesstuff
Why didn’t they bring Darla back in season 2? Why did the Whirlwind break up anyway? by theredpharaoah
What made Buffy and Faith so strong compared to most other slayers in your opinion? by theredpharaoah
i would rewatch the body a thousand times before i rewatched hell’s bells by chambergambit
we’re watching season 4 of buffy again, and for the first time we’re seeing Riley through a different lens by earhartsease
[ask by finalgirl1984] top five buffy characters? answered by coraniaid
i think a calendiles swan lake au could happen by vampswritings
rewatching the Witch episode of Buffy and I am confused on how Amy doesn’t do well in cheerleading by misscatholmes
[anon ask] Why do you hate Jenny Calendar lol answered by latrodectal
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The dynamic between Maggie Walsh and Riley by Stoney
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Do you think Giles and Wesley would have been friends? by ginime_
One issue with “Hole in the World” by sugarintheboots
Gendered violence by debujandobirds
I see your “Hush” as scariest episode and raise you “Listening to Fear” by bman311jla
Willow and Xander romance season 3 by BetterFriend9895
Season 7 vent by BoredYogiOnHere
Missed opportunity villain by thedemonglitch
Why is [Angelus] so feared? by FoxIndependent4310
Does anyone else want a reboot that takes place after the original but follows a different slayer? by OnlyMyOpinions
What does The Replacement implies about Buffy by foreseethefuture
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winterlovesong1 · 2 years
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Winter’s Season Two Nace Missing Moment Drabbles
Below the cut you’ll find the links to my season two nace missing moments I’ve written during my recent rewatch.
And in case you wanted season one.
2x01 - my happy memory / A03
2x02 - code for something / A03
2x03 Both our eyes locked to the tide (We went in circles somewhere else) / A03 and slow but hopeful / A03
2x04 - extra words / A03
2x05 - missing moment in this fic - let me borrow this (wear your heart till it’s worn) / A03
2x06 - George Isn’t Nancy / A03
2x07 - haven / A03 and building the haven /A03
2x08 - stronger than you think / A03
2x09 - disappearing into the horizon / A03
2x10 - I wish / A03
2x11 - he almost forgot/ A03
2x12 - there ain’t no darkness strong enough that could tear you out from my heart / A03
2x13 - a fic in which I refer to the episode- need someone / A03
2x14 - don’t know how to admit that I’m broken (how can I be alright?) / A03
2x15 - hold on (feeling like I’m headed for a breakdown) / A03
2x16 - none (though arguably I refer to it in the 2x17 fic)
2x17 - are you anywhere out there wondering what could be? / A03
2x18 - rec’d a few fics I already had done - Stay with Me , All This Time , let me borrow this (wear your heart till it’s worn), and  between the midnights and the daylights (meet me there)
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omnicom · 2 years
Unknowingly to You, You are the Exception Not the Rule
[A Colin/Penelope (Polin) Drabble]
Cross-posted on AO3
“I am a woman,” she says with the hint of a question on her tongue.
And he does not think twice about his answer before saying, “You are… Pen. You do not count. You are my friend.” He means it, for all that he thinks it means. Which, unbeknownst to him, has more than the one implication he intends but yet does not nullify the sentiment behind his words. He wishes to not engage in any sort of undertaking in relationships for the time being. He does not even want to think upon the idea of courtship or marriage or anything to do with women outside his familial relations. Except Pen; his dearest, most counted-upon friend that he could so ever have the privilege of knowing these many years. If he were to delegate her to his list of ‘Things Forsworn’ – temporary or otherwise – it would leave him feeling rather… bereft.
It would be like as if a sense of home would be gone from him. A displacement from what he’s always known and thought would always be there for him. Something entirely irreplaceable and were anyone to ask him to do so, he would sooner laugh them off with the gracelessness of an untrained ass than even consider their request.
That is why he pays it no mind when Penelope parrots his words with a steel-faced smile, thinking she shares the feeling with as much conviction as he. And it only reassures him more when she adds, “How good to hear that,” with a soft nod of her head. He does not see the rising storm of heartache and disappointment clouding her eyes as she tries to hold herself together. He cannot see it for he is but too blind – too distracted – with his own thoughts that he strides off into the room with nothing more than a brusque nod to signify the end of their conversation. He leaves her, for what feels like the hundredth time in her life with him, to deal with the aftermath of her devastated feelings alone. And so far, never does he once realize the razor sharpness his words hold in regards to her heart. But so too does she yet to realize the significance their friendship has to him. And so too do both have yet to realize that for Colin, Penelope is the exception and not the rule.
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a1kitkat · 3 years
9-1-1: LoneStar Tarlos Drabble
So I’ve never written for this fandom before and probably won’t again but the end of episode 2.02 just got to me & I wanted to write a teeny, tiny thing because that scene was just beautiful. Drabbles are kinda my thing so that’s what I thought I’d do here...
The place was dark and quiet when he stepped through the door; his chest tight, body exhausted, eyes stinging. TK looked up, seeing Carlos on the stairs, waiting for him. Neither say a word as he moves towards Carlos, up the stairs, before collapsing in his waiting arms.
His tears begin to fall as Carlos holds him tight. Feels the gentle, comforting touch of his boyfriend’s lips against the crown of his head.
TK can’t speak but he doesn’t have to, Carlos isn’t expecting it. He just holds him, gently and tightly in a comforting embrace; they both need it.
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zalrb · 4 years
The Ferris Wheel {SE Drabble}
You can thank the Kdrama Crash Landing On You for this drabble. There’s a scene where the two leads are drunk and start admitting things to each other that they can’t admit when they’re sober and I was like, Bah! SE could’ve totally had a scene like this! So I wrote one.
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Elena and Stefan stumbled into the carnival grounds, laughing loudly and passing a half-empty bottle of Damon’s favourite bourbon back and forth. Elena was in possession of the liquor and after a hearty swig, she giggled mischievously.
           “Hey, Stefan, you’re a football player, go long.”
           The words were barely out of his mouth before Elena threw the bottle clear across the park and Stefan had to vamp speed to get in time and keep it from smashing to the ground.
           “SCORE!” she yelled.
           “You mean touchdown,” said Stefan.
           “Score, touchdown, homerun, who cares!”
            “Hey, drunk lady, you’re being incredibly loud.”
           “I REPEAT, WHO. CARES?” said Elena. “There’s no one here!” She started twirling around in circles, her arms wide above her head. Stefan sipped from the bottle, watching her partly exasperated and partly enamoured.  
“We have the whole place to ourselves,” she said. “Like last time.”
“Ah well,” said Stefan. “Not quite like last time.” And with that, he sped off.
Elena threw her hands up in the air. “Hey, don’t take off with the bottle!”
She sped after him and found that he stopped in front of the ferris wheel. She gazed up at it and smiled brightly, the memory of their first time on these grounds together intensifying her light-headedness.
           “What a night,” she whispered.
           Stefan pressed his lips together. “You’re a vampire now, you can get to the top.”
           She looked at him. “Race you,” she said. “Extra points if you don’t spill any booze.”
           She barely finished the sentence before Stefan jumped, rocketing upwards, and she had to go after them. They landed on the top seat at the same time.
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           “I won,” said Stefan.
           “No, you cheated so you could win and you still lost,” said Elena, laughing. “I think I’ll take a celebratory drink, thank you.” She took the bottle.
           “Hold on, you didn’t win, if anything it was a tie,” said Stefan.
Elena continued to giggle and Stefan gazed at her, smiling, his expression becoming more serious, almost wistful. She turned to him.
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           He shook his head. “Nothing.”
           “No, come on,” she prompted. “It’s me, you can tell me anything.”
           Stefan took the bottle of her hand and drank from it. “Even if you’ll hate me for it?”
           Elena scoffed. “I’ve never been able to hate you, Stefan. I can’t do it, it’s not in me.”
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           He sighed and then regarded her, the weight of what he wanted to say making his eyes glisten. “Are you drunk?”
           “No,” said Elena gravely. “Yes.” She sputtered out a laugh.
           “I’m serious,” said Stefan with a small grin. “I can’t tell you unless you’re drunk.” He took another long sip from the bottle. “Unless I’m drunk too.”
           Elena took the bottle back and chugged, coughing slightly when she finally swallowed. “I’m pretty wasted.”
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           “OK,” said Stefan. He paused for a few moments. “I’ve never stopped loving you,” he said. “And I don’t mean it like how we tell each other ‘I’ll always love you’, I mean, I’ve actually never stopped loving you.” He looked her in the eye. “I … actively love you.” He said the last two words in an exhale, like he was releasing them from deep within his body.
           “Shit,” Elena whispered, her eyes fluttering. “I think my buzz is gone.”
           “Then I’ll stop talking.”
           “No,” said Elena quickly. Stefan lowered his head and when Elena followed his gaze, she realized that she had grabbed his arm, gripping it tightly in an instinctive effort to stop him from pulling back.
           “If you stop talking now then I really will hate you,” she said. An expression like hurt swiftly passed over Stefan’s face and Elena took another swig from the bottle. “I’ll keep it going,” she said.
           Stefan took the bottle and drank from it too. “Yeah, me too.”
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           They were silent for a bit and then Elena urged him to continue. “So, what else did you want to say?”
           “Nothing, just,” he sighed. “I think about you. I think about us. More than I should.” He paused to consider his words. “A lot.” He shook his head. “All the time.” He swallowed hard. “When I see you with … Damon. When I’m with Caroline. I just … I think about what we had. What we could’ve had.” Stefan’s voice dropped to a choked whisper. “What we should’ve had.”
           Elena bit her lip to keep it from quivering. “And what does that look like?”
           “Well Rebekah told you, remember? A human life where we grow old together, live together … … have children together. Boys, you know, I never really thought about what we’d name them---”
           “Grayson,” said Elena. “After my dad.”
           Stefan looked at her sharply.
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           “One boy, though. Our second kid would be a girl and we’d name her, Alexandria, but we’ll call her Lexi. Before that, though, we spend a couple of years in Paris. I’ve always wanted to do that thing, you know, be a writer in Paris, and you, you said---”
           “It’s one of my favourite cities,” said Stefan quietly.
           Elena took a deep breath. “Take another drink of that,” she said. “A long one this time.”
           Stefan did. Elena took the bottle and followed suit. She looked at Stefan, her eyes shining. “It’s my turn, you ready?”
           Stefan nodded once.
           “I regret my choice,” she said. Stefan closed his eyes, the air snuffed out of his body. “I shouldn’t have picked Damon,” Elena continued. “It should’ve been you. It’s always been you. And I wish…” Elena cleared her throat.
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“I wish that I could go back and make the right choice. But since I can’t,” she took a shaky breath. “What I wish for now is to stay on this ferris wheel, with you, and just … … never go back.”
           “That sounds … … perfect.”
           “It does, doesn’t it?” said Elena.
           They stared at each other, yearning and guilt in their expressions as they slowly inched towards each other, pressing their foreheads together, breathing each other in. They stayed that way for a while until they both knew they had to separate before they crossed a line.
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           Stefan took a swig from the bottle. “We can stay until this is finished,” he said.
           “Yeah,” said Elena, taking the bottle back. “And tomorrow this will just be a false memory.”
           And she took another sip.
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tenisperfection · 2 years
A 5x17 Bobby and Eddie spec drabble roughly inspired by Bartlet and Josh in TWW 2x02. Can be read standalone or as a loosely linked prequel to the Buck and Eddie glass doors drabble. (also on ao3).
Summary: Eddie gets an unexpected visitor at LAX en route to El Paso.
Eddie is not afraid of flying, but he still wishes he isn’t going to LAX to catch a ride to El Paso.
"It's a nice drive," Buck remarks as Eddie packs. He isn't staying long, but he’s taking his softest sweatshirts like they’d be his strongest armor. 
Frank once asked him how he felt about needing to hide while in a place that should’ve been safe, should’ve been home. Eddie still doesn’t have an answer.
Eddie hums. "I figured a flight would get me there and back home the fastest. Plus I'm not really in the mood for a solo road trip right now."
His watch reads 6:09, the ridiculously early hour contrasted by the bustle around him, punctuated by suitcases of all sizes and shapes. Eddie drains the last of his coffee as he stares at a Departures screen for his gate. Eddie’s eyes have just slid past Durham when his phone buzzes, drawing his already limited attention away.
(6:11 am) Buck: Found your giraffe socks. They got mixed up in Christopher’s pile.
(6:11 am) Buck: Did you make it LAX yet?
(6:18 am) Eddie: Just made it, about to head towards security.
(6:19 am) Eddie: Keep my giraffe socks safe.
Buck sends him back a picture of his feet, the bright blue, giraffe-patterned socks Christopher had gotten Eddie adorning his feet.
(6:20 am) Buck: I will. :)
Eddie’s response is cut off by the pause of footsteps next to him. He almost drops his phone when he looks over.
“Hey Eddie,” Bobby smiles. 
“Cap,” Eddie blinks. “Bobby—what are you doing here? Do you have a flight too?”
Bobby smiles deeper. “No, where would I go? I came to see you.” 
“You came to see me,” Eddie repeats. “You came to LAX to see me.”
Bobby blinks as he gestures Eddie towards a bench behind them. Eddie follows him and drops onto the bench, feeling like he’s lost all feeling in his body.
“Wait, is something wrong?” Eddie asks as his heart drops. He clutches the handle of his suitcase so tightly that his knuckles bleach white. “Is it—”
Bobby cuts Eddie off before he can start listing names. “Eddie, everyone’s fine. Everyone’s probably asleep, given that we don’t work today. I really just came to talk, see if you wanted some company.”
“Some company?” Eddie asks incredulously. “At the airport? Bobby, don’t tell me you bought a flight.”
“No, but I came to ask if you want me to,” Bobby says quietly, eyes steady on Eddie.
“Why?” Eddie asks quietly. 
“Because I’ve seen your parents,” Bobby says. “And because I’ve heard about them.”
Eddie swallows. “So you think I can’t do this?” 
Bobby holds a hand up. “Sorry, I wasn’t done. I’m not asking to come with you to talk to your dad, Eddie, that’s your job. That’s something you need to do. But if you need a friendly face, I can get a hotel room, explore the cuisine around.”
Eddie doesn’t know what he’s feeling, can’t put a name to the heaviness in his chest except that he wants it to linger a little. He wants to hold on for as long as he can.
“Why?” Eddie asks quietly again.
“Because when you came back for me and pulled me out of the fire last week, it got me thinking,” Bobby says. “I thought about the time you got shot.”
There is a minute tremor in Eddie’s hands that he’s mostly sure Bobby can’t see. No one but Buck and Frank know about it; Frank because Eddie told him when they spoke about the shooting, and Buck because he noticed.
“I just remembered how everyone was there,” Bobby continues. “I mean, Buck basically moved in and your Abuela and Pepa were there and so was everyone else. Everyone except your parents.”
Eddie glances down at his feet. He feels like they’re in their own world inside one of the busiest spaces in the world. 
“So I thought, there must be good reason for that, and if you want, if you want, I could be there around the corner to help when you’re over there.”
“You’re helping now,” Eddie responds, “Bobby, I said some very horrible things and you just accepted my apology and came in to cook for me and take care of me. You’re helping now.”
“We all say things we don’t mean sometimes,” Bobby says with a small smile. “And besides, you didn’t say anything that wasn’t—”
“No, Bobby,” Eddie interjects almost forcefully. “No, I didn’t mean that and it is not true. Look at all these people you saved. Look at May. Look at me and Buck and Chim and Hen. The 118, we exist because of you.”
For the first time since he fell into step next to Eddie, Bobby averts eye contact with him. Eddie wonders if Bobby came here chasing his own demons too, if he’s looking for absolution in some way not unlike the reason Eddie is returning to El Paso for.
“You believe that even after everything?” Bobby asks quietly. “It doesn’t look like the 118 that I remember.”
“Well, if you want to give me my job back, you’ll get closer to that,” Eddie says teasingly.
Bobby smiles. “I’ve already spoken to the chief about reinstating you on active duty when you’re back, provided you keep seeing Frank. Another reason I had to chase you down here.”
Eddie feels weirdly like he’s in a plane that just lifted off from solid ground. “Bobby,” Eddie starts, but his mind is suddenly out of words. “Thank you,” he says, feeling woefully inadequate. Clearing his throat, he adds, “The Frank thing won’t be a problem, I think I still have a lot to talk about.”
“Good,” Bobby says, “So I’m guessing that’s a no on me giving you company on the plane.”
Eddie laughs. “How about you finish recovering from your near-death experience and give me company through the phone? I can use a friendly voice.”
“You got it,” Bobby says, getting to his feet. Eddie follows. Bobby folds him into a hug, patting him on the back as they part. 
“I need to go now if I want to make this flight,” Eddie says as Bobby pushes the maroon suitcase towards Eddie.
Bobby nods. “Safe travels. Text me if you need anything.”
Eddie smiles back and turns around, silently thankful for the early hour and the somewhat manageable line at security. He’s taken a couple of steps when he turns back.
Bobby is still standing there, looking out for Eddie.
“Hey Bobby,” Eddie calls out, walking towards him again.
“Yeah,” Bobby responds. 
“You were there too,” Eddie says. “When I got shot. You were there every day too, sending me food even when you were recovering, helping me with physical therapy once you did. You didn’t mention yourself, but I haven’t forgotten.“
Bobby nods, the crinkles in the corners of his eyes deepening, and Eddie thinks that they’re finally mending things. “Go catch your flight,” Bobby tells him. “We’ll be here when you get back.”
Eddie waves and turns around again, and the load in his chest, if not completely gone, feels lighter, like Eddie’s just realized how many support beams are holding it up, sharing the weight with him.
Eddie texts Buck a giraffe emoji as he joins the line at security, and for the first time since he’s conceived this trip, he doesn’t think about turning back.
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
Blindspot Season 2 Re-watch OC
I'm finding that tag searches don't always work, and I'm starting to struggle to find some of my own content. So I've made this completely self-indulgent list to pin - mainly for my own purposes - and to edit/update with anything else new I make so that I can find things much more easily later. :)
I've also just started editing/updating some of the music posts with more context and callbacks, and marking the ones I've changed since original posting. :D
2x01 - In Night so Ransomed Rogue
Music *updated
Parallels - She's more than just one mistake (1x08/2x01)
Unspoken Dialogue 1 | 2
Fic - Still Not Personal (minor spoilers also to 2x11) - The Black Site as a test of wills. Tentative TW because it's... the black site. There's torture/abuse but I don't think it's very gory and def. no sexual assault. Second fic I ever wrote; approx. 4600 words.
2x02 - Heave Fiery Knot
Music *updated
2x03 - Hero Fears Imminent Rot
Unspoken Dialogue 1 | 2
Fic - A Good Team - First fic I ever wrote, for any fandom, ever. Post-ep, Shepherd wants to see Jane's skills as well as her loyalty; this is the fallout when she returns to the FBI. (Brutal violence implied but not written.) Approx 2400 words.
2x04 - If Beth
2x05 - Condone Untidiest Thefts
Unspoken Dialogue 1
2x06 - Her Spy's Harmed
2x07 - Resolves Eleven Myths
A stupid meme (Kurt Weller has a type)
2x08 - We Fight Deaths on Thick Lone Waters
2x09 - Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform
Parallels - Not who I thought you were (1x23/2x09)
2x10 - Nor I, Nigel, AKA Leg In Iron
Parallels - Erasing a mistake (1x23/2x10)
2x11 - Droll Autumn, Unmutual Lord
2x12 - Devil Never Even Lived
Unspoken Dialogue 1 | 2
A stupid meme
Fic - The Leopard - Pre-ZIP Remi and Roman and a tattoo that never was. Approx 1600 words.
2x13 - Name Not One Man
Unspoken Dialogue 1
2x14 - Borrow or Rob
2x15 - Draw O Caesar, Erase a Coward
Stupid Memes 1 (Weller's master plan) | 2 (Weller's type, updated)
2x16 - Evil Did I Dwell, Lewd Did I Live
Parallels - Mole-hunt in the laundry (2x01/2x16) | Evading the Consequences (1x23/2x16) | Trauma (2x01/2x16)
Unspoken Dialogue 1 | 2
A Stupid Meme (The Dumbass Parents)
2x17 - Solos
Unspoken Dialogue 1 (Tasha & Jane's friendship journey)
Flashbacks - Killed in Action
2x18 - Senile Lines
Parallels - No longer on the team (1x23/2x18)
2x19 - Regard a Mere Mad Rager
2x20 - In Words, Drown I
2x21 - Mom
Unspoken Dialogue 1 (animated!) | 2
Parallels - The scars of betrayal are more than skin deep (2x01/2x21) | Truth, Lies, (Part 1) & Consequences (Part 2) (Season 2, 2x21)
2x22 - Lepers Repel
Music | 2 Years Later (mp3)
Gifsets - Special Agent Zapata's Legendary Snark | The Plan | A One-way Trip
Fic - She'll Never Be The Same - A little drabble featuring Jane, Roman, and Weller; angsty canon divergence for the final scene in DC. A scant 382 words.
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mimik-u · 4 years
Facets → S2
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A rewatch of Steven Universe told in 100 word drabbles. || Season 1
S2 Start: July 13, 2020 | S2 End: July 31, 2020
(53) Grounding → 2x01, Full Disclosure
(54) Culpability → 2x02, Joy Ride
2x03, Say Uncle [SKIPPED]
(55) Love → 2x04, Love Letters
(56) Silence → 2x05, Reformed
(57) Poof → 2x06, Sworn to the Sword
(58) Ocean → 2x07, Rising Tides, Crashing Skies
(59) Sky → 2x08, Keeping It Together
(60) Petty → 2x09, We Need to Talk
(61) Easy → 2x10, Chille Tid
(62) Hurt → 2x11, Cry for Help
(63) Healing → 2x12, Keystone Motel
(64) Break → 2x13, Onion Friend
(65) Trying → 2x14, Historical Friction
(66) Forgiveness → 2x15, Friend Ship
(67) Questions → 2x16, Nightmare Hospital
(68) Sense → 2x17, Sadie’s Song
(69) Bathtub → 2x18, Catch and Release
(70) Trust → 2x19, When It Rains
(71) Learning → 2x20, Back to the Barn
(72) Nerd → 2x21, Too Far
(73) Itch → 2x22, The Answer
(74) Vow → 2x23, Steven’s Birthday
(75) Earth → 2x24, It Could’ve Been Great
(76) Objectivity → 2x25, Message Received
(77) Confused → 2x26, Log Date 7 15 2
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ao3feed-danielsousa · 5 years
Together: You and Me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M4LcR3
by just_a_pineapple
Peggy Carter had seen many things in her life. Some were horrific and some were extraordinary. The one thing that has remained the same since her life was turned upside down was a man named Daniel Sousa. He had always been with her. The soft look in his warm, wise eyes tells her all she needs to know: together, you and me.
Words: 2456, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Agent Carter - Fandom, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Edwin Jarvis, Anna Jarvis, Rose Roberts, Jason Wilkes
Relationships: Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter & Edwin Jarvis, Peggy Carter & Ana Jarvis
Additional Tags: Fluff, peggysous, Drabble Collection, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, I just love these two characters, One Shot Collection, Peggy Carter's Real Husband, aka Daniel Sousa, Friends to Lovers, post 2x02, Singing, S.H.I.E.L.D., Director Carter, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Time Travel
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M4LcR3
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shipsrulemylife · 6 years
Lyatt Fic Rec
Surprise, surprise, I read a ton of fan fic. SO, since I needed some more Lyatt in my life, I complied a list of my favorite Lyatt fics.
six. by rachelbee [Rated T]
Rufus learns that Lucy and Wyatt have kissed a bit more than he originally thought. Set somewhere mid-season 2.
Ohana by LivingInSmilesIsBetter (axm) [Rated T]
In 1876 two men are killed. In 1949 there's one less birth. In 1991 a woman isn't killed in a car accident on her way home from work. In 2017 Hurricane Jennifer sweeps through. And Wyatt's life is changed forever.
Friction by aredburn [Not Rated]
Somewhere along the way the lightning bolt hit for a second time.
Destiny’s Lifeline by TheVelvetDusk [Rated G]
How to save the world in 5 simple steps (and also maybe fall in love along the way) according to Master Sergeant Wyatt Logan. Follows Wyatt's thoughts and development over the course of season one. {be prepared for a lot of introspective rambling from everyone's favorite soldier}
Believing Is Seeing by TheVelvetDusk [Rated T]
“Sometimes he thinks he's exaggerating it in his head. Maybe he believes so strongly that it should be happening that he's only seeing what he wants to see." [ Or the six times Rufus suspects that Lucy and Wyatt are totally in love, and the one time he wishes he could scrub his eyes with bleach ] Lyatt, set somewhere in the season 2 future.
00:12:47 by LivingInSmilesIsBetter (axm) [Rated T]
Lucy thought one of the first things she had ever learned was that you couldn’t go back to a time you already existed, but that’s not entirely true. You can go back, for twelve minutes. Twelve minutes and forty-seven seconds, to be exact. After that, horrific things begin to happen to the human body. But 00:12:47? That's the magic number.
What We Are by fortheloveofbuttercups [Rated G]
Lucy Preston needs a place to stay and doesn't have many options. Somehow, she's at Wyatt's door in the middle of the night.
laundry day. by rachelbee [Rated T]
Lucy and Wyatt realize they have similar taste in clothing.
Constellations by TheVelvetDusk [Rated T]
“Time ticks on all around her, but she sits without a word and lets the darkness close in, lets it sweep her far away from the life she once knew." This last family secret might be the one that breaks her. Picks up directly after 1x16, The Red Scare. [ lyatt all the way ]
Cat’s Out of the Bag by MISSYriver [Rated G]
A stray kitten shows up at Mason’s warehouse and Wyatt is quite taken with it.
This Winter Night With You by LivingInSmilesIsBetter (axm) [Rated T]
“I’m quite used to sharing body heat for survival, ma’am,” he murmured into her ear, like that was all this was. Like there was no attraction.
Contact by Poetgirl925 [Rated T]
Lucy is reluctant when Wyatt suggests self-defense lessons. Based on a dialogue prompt from my weekend writers' group - "I can't believe you talked me into this."
A Helping Hand by Gracielinn [Rated T]
For Lucy, the one constant during their unbelievable, fantastical journey over the past eighteen months was him. Everything began and ended with Wyatt Logan...
Advice by captainbean [Rated T]
The Time Team are in 1959, and Master Sergeant Logan is supposed to be flirting with a beautiful socialite to gather secret information, but all he can talk about is a certain historian. [Post-Season 1]
your lips, my biggest weakness by LadyAlice101 [Rated M]
He wants her to wake up tomorrow and know that there is someone who thinks she’s everything.
Vital Signs by TheVelvetDusk [Rated T]
"It was so achingly similar to what he would do for any fallen ally - searching for that pulse, that breath, that rising and falling motion of the body - except this wasn't about the physical preservation of life. It was even more elusive than that, and that's what really had him on edge." Lyatt two-parter, canon through S1.
Dreams Come Slow [They Go So Fast] by ohemgeeitscoley [Rated T]
It shouldn't take a life or death situation for things to finally fall into place. And yet, it does.
Wyatt and Jiya’s Fairly Excellent Adventure by irismay42 [Rated T]
Jiya tries to figure out what's going on in her head. Can causing a fender bender in 1984 really stop Rittenhouse from getting their hands on time travel ten years earlier than scheduled? Oneshot.
2x02 Drabble by starry19
Well, I think that was a pretty good amount! Enjoy!
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iwt-v · 7 years
7 for the drabbles prompts, flinthamilton? :)
Absolutely! Here’s a thing from after Jame’s bar brawl in 2x02.
It was late when a messenger boycame by the Hamilton residence. He carried a note from James, stating that hewas forced to cancel their appointment for tomorrow morning. There was no realexplanation. Thomas paid the boy extra.
“From where were you given this,lad?” he asked.
The boy told him it had beenhanded to him from one of the alehouses by the docks. Thomas set off almostimmediately.
It took him a moment of scanning the dimly litand dank room of the alehouse, crowded at this hour with rough-looking men,many of them sailors. He quickly ruled the loud ones out and looked instead fora quiet soul, probably alone. He spotted James hunched over at a table, recognizinghim by the brilliant copper hair; he’d taken off his hat.
When Thomas was standing besidehim James looked up, hands cupping the mug before him. He quickly reared up.
“Lord Hamilton, what are you doinghere?”
Thomas smiled.
“I do appreciate your bluntness,lieutenant.”
James looked down and frowned.
“I’m sorry, my lord, but I…wasn’texpecting anyone.”
Thomas removed his cloak and hatand slid in the booth across from him.
“I’m aware. But the note I receivedwas simply too strange to brush off—oh.”
Thomas stilled. James had raisedhis face into the light and from this angle Thomas saw his bloody lip and bruisedcheek.
“What in God’s name happened?” hedemanded, perhaps with more virulence than what was necessary. He didn’t care.Seeing James’s beautiful features marred—even just slightly—made him want toreturn the favor to his attacker.
“Please, do not fuss over it,”said James a little miserably. “I assure you the other fellow was worse off.”
He gave Thomas a lop-sided smile,soft and shy despite the confidence with which he spoke. Thomas adored thatparticular duality.
“Was this your run-of-the-millseaman brawl, then?” Thomas assumed.
James seemed to wince a little,taking a long drink of his ale. Thomas signaled the alewife for a mug of hisown.
“My lord,” James objected withsurprise. “I’m certain there are other drinks more befitting a man of yourstature.”
Thomas suppressed the urge tosmile and stare dumbly at his liaison’s need to make sure he drank only thefinest.
“My stature is no more or lessthan yours at the moment, James,” he replied smoothly. “We are not surroundedby others and we’re not discussing business. We are simply two men sharing adrink.”
James caught his gaze and held itthis time and Thomas felt his heart leap in his chest.
“Now, why don’t you tell me what’sgotten you so flustered as to prefer alcohol over duty?”
James hesitated, then began histale. When he was finished Thomas sat back in his chair, not quite sure how toprocess it.
“You mean to say that you puncheda man because he insulted Miranda and myself, and this was the first resolutionthat entered your mind?”
James looked anywhere but atThomas, trying to find either words or courage in his mug.
“I was already scolded byHennessey, and I know I should not have done it,” said James at last. “But—”
He stopped himself. Thomas leanedforward expectantly. His mouth was dry and he could hear his pulse in his ears.
“But…you regard me that highly?”Thomas offered with some hesitation. Maybe he should not have said it, butgoddamnit, he was so attracted to James he couldn’t help it.
James’s cheeks flushed. He lickedhis lips and sighed in frustration but was unable to even look at Thomas, whichspoke volumes.
From under the table Thomasblindly reached out his arm. He found James’s hand and grasped it. James lookedup at him sharply, eyes full of fear. Then Thomas rubbed a thumb over hisrough-hewn hand, hoping he was not ruining everything.
He felt James’s thumb echo hismotion for an instant, then he abruptly pulled away and planted both hands onthe table top.
“Sometimes I can hardly standmyself,” he said in a low voice, eyes closing shut.
And there it was. All of Thomas’shopeful suspicions confirmed—as well as the ones he was afraid of, like theself-loathing that weighed heavy in James’s statement. Thomas thought for amoment, then said, “I think you might find, lieutenant, that I have littletolerance for certain traditional notions. My wife is of the same mind. We bothenjoy a more…open-minded approach to allaspects of life.”
James looked up at him through hisbrow and Thomas gave him the gentlest smile he could.
“Well I ought to be going,” hesaid, fearing that if he stayed any longer he might do more damage than good atthis point.
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, then,”he said as he rose and put on his cloak.
James blinked. “But my lord, Iassumed you accepted my cancellation—”
“I’ve done nothing of the sort,”said Thomas, placing his hat on over his wig. “I expect to see you at the doorsto my study, whereupon we shall nurse whatever hangover you are currently developingwith hot tea and cookies, is that understood?”
James looked baffled. He openedhis mouth and shut it. Then, to his delight, Thomas saw the corners of his mouthtug upward and there was the usual confidence back in him.
“Yes, my lord, of course.”
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, October 14
(The car engine races as Giles tries to shift. ) GILES: Blast! BUFFY: You put it in neutral again, huh? GILES: I'm just not used to this automatic transmission. I-I loathe this sitting here, not contributing. No, i-it's not working out. BUFFY: Giles, are you breaking up with your car? GILES: Well, it did seduce me, all red and sporty! BUFFY: Little two-door tramp.
~~The Real Me (Season 5)~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Cross (Buffy/Angel, T) by badly_knitted
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Successive Approximations of a Relationship (Rupert Giles/Buffy Summers, E) by banduraqueen
A House Is Not A Home Without You (Willow, Giles, OC pairing, E) by Nora_Wolfe
The Harsh Light of Harmony's Rage (Harmony, T, Addams Family xover) by BookSpan808
Like Drowning (Angel/Kate, E) by girlpire
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Halloween’s hottest (Lorne/Reader, unrated) by prose-for-hire
Thievery (Ensemble, unrated) by council-of-readers
The friendly ghost (Xander/Reader) by prose-for-hire
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Dreams of the Dead - A Hopeless SituationCh. 16, Not So Pretty in Pink - A Hopeless Situation Ch. 17, A Nerd's Eye Point of View - A Hopeless Situation Ch. 18 (Multiple Pairings, unrated) by rhodrymavelyne
Off the Leash 1-16/16, COMPLETE (Buffy/Spike, T) by Soulburnt
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I [still] know what you did last Halloween... (Part II) (Ensemble, Reader, unrated) by prose-for-hire
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What Happens In Quarantine..., Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by bewildered
A Switch in Time, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, E) by BloodyThorn
Hope, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Wonder and Ashes
Death Wish, Chapter 30 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Sigyn
What They Knew and When They Knew It, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dorians Kitten
Summer's Lease, Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Iamblichus
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XANDER LAVELLE WIZARD CHAPTER 06: TRAINING (Xander, M, Harry Potter xover) by Oddshot
The Wizarding World and the Dangerous Muggles Ch. 14 (Ensemble, M, multiple xovers) by
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Mr Giles and Ms Calendar () by samexmistake
Artwork: Buffy () by xen-does-art
Artwork: Ducktales Scoobies () by puck1919
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Artwork: 2x02 - Some Assembly Required () by tmcarlee
Artwork: Buffy stickers () by notyouraveragedenial
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Video: home | buffy summers [s6] () by To Shanshu in Fiction
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: 3.01 Heartthrob by Angel On Top
PODCAST: 87 - Hours of Fear (S05E09 "Listening to Fear") by Buffy Boys
PUBLICATION: Angel & Spike #14 Review: Zac Thompson Arrives by Bleeding Cool News
[Community Announcements]
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Survey at /r/buffy The mod team here at /r/buffy feels it's high time we find out how the community feels about certain things that are happening in the sub.
[Fandom Discussions]
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Celebrating Halloween with Angel Headcanons by council-of-readers
Uhh Charles Gunn being called “the muscle” by cantigasdetanjaouia
Orpheus is such an interesting episode by cantigasdetanjaouia
Okay… we have to talk about how Angelus by cantigasdetanjaouia
The things they wrote for Angelus to say in 4x11 and 4x12 are really… disturbing. by cantigasdetanjaouia
Whatever the fuck Joss Whedon thought he was doing with the ending of Waiting in the Wings, he didn’t. by cantigasdetanjaouia
I’m not a fan of how they handled the topic in AtS 3x3, but can we talk about its one redeeming quality? by cantigasdetanjaouia
AtS basically taught us the most important lessons in life back in 2001. by cantigasdetanjaouia
Things my family have said/done while watching BtVS... P1 by messymusingsbymelon
I always find it interesting when people go Cordy was Angel’s soulmate by hellsbellschime
Willow Rosenberg berating the woman who dressed up as the caricature of a witch by themarkofeyghon
can you IMAGINE being a gay person in like 2000 or whatever watching season four of buffy the vampire slayer by milfkellykline
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Why didn’t Spike go to Buffy in Harm’s Way? by AstridDante
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Favourite Spuffy Moments of S2 by Stoney and others
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Which did you hear? by TypicalPsychology6
When does the show stop being so episodic (monster of the week) by naqib94
Does the clip show episode exist? by MonkeyOnYourMomsBack
Homecoming and The Prom Connection by delinquentsaviors
When I first saw Dawn I thought she was living with her father by StardustRedditor
Just finished the series, for the 4th time. by eisenbam
Even though they were evil, anyone else find The Mayor and Faith's relationship to be a joy to see? by jdpm1991
how many times did the Scoobies save Buffy? by KevTravels
Which of Faith's mini arc do you prefer on Angel? by jdpm1991
Something that I think would be a good comic story arc by EmperorJoker
In the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer would it be possible for a soulless vampire and a human to ever have fallen in love (much less a vampire and a slayer)? Or will it forever be a Spike and Buffy kinda thing? by AbhiMary00
Is it possible that Spike and Buffy resumed their relationship by AbhiMary00
Cordy and Connor = uncomfortable by sarahrodg3rs
Drinking vampire blood: what are the consequences? by MarzipanBingo
Who else thought that Storyteller would be a bad episode but ended up loving it by buttercupcreamcup
That reboot... by sprkmrk
Question re Watchers and Slayer training by Weezlecheesle
How old is Faith? by tiedyemusician
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The Final News Post by myrabeth
PODCAST: Buffy the Vampire Slayer w/ Zach Luna by Theme Park This
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: 10 Darkest Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments by WhatCulture
PUBLICATION: Comic Book Preview – Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow #4 by Flickering Myth
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