#2x small shirt
1spiricallove · 1 year
Today is my birthday. 60 year old, new motif (fashion). Vegan lifestyle in plant based foods. Size 2 pants and 2x small shirt.
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autumnhobbit · 1 year
'wear properly fitting clothes' well I would love to, but if they exist I haven't found them yet
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mrpenguinpants · 1 year
I saved up 50 wishes before the update and lost it to Mona (MONA!!!! I almost have all her cons now), I kept wishing and got all the cons for Gorou and the other character, and i got like 3 of Faruzan.
He didnt come home on my birthday or christmas but instead just after playing with my friend I wished AND HE CAME HOME
But i don't have enough handguards saved up 😔👊
OOO GRATS LUCKY!! JUST IN TIME (i think? I went to go visit my family over the Christmas break so I haven't looked at tumblr in a while). Istg I hear so many people get scammed by qiqi but I'm the mona havers gang. I would put unwanted in that name but I kinda like her. Mainly because every 1M ONESHOT BUILD has mona, bennett, and kazua lol. That's honestly what I'm hoping for me because I do not have the funds for Alhaitham and...I want him. But that sounds very in character for him lol, tho I'm glad u got some faruzan constellations if you're planning on adding her to your scara team.
SPEAKING OF HANDGUARDS. I AM STARVED OF THEM AND GOD, RUNNING AROUND THE WORLD FOR THE MOBS IS HORRIBLE. My scara sits there uncrowned because I don't want to fight for him.
Also, glad to see nothing has changed
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toxicrevolver · 2 years
So I was on the Hot Topic app at like 4:30 in the morning bcs what else is there to do when you don’t sleep. And can someone please tell me why the Stranger Things Hellfire Club shirts are different designs purely bcs one is mens and the others is womens.
THIS IS THE MENS SHIRT. I don’t wear white shirts so I was looking at the black shirt instead.
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s-coquette · 5 months
Three’s a Crowd (2/2)
summary: Your loving boyfriend Johnny is trying to force Simon into your relationship without your consent.
warnings: slight dubcon/noncon, piv sex, anal sex, angst?? coercion
word count: 3.8k
part one
The feeling of those same honeyed brown eyes staring at you was unnerving. They were beautiful, like hot freshly brewed coffee swirling in your mug. In any other situation you would’ve complimented them, but right now you wanted to rip them out of his head.
“Simon! Hello… What are you doing here?”
You say with a forced smile, almost gritting your teeth in annoyance. Any time you heard his name you thought about what Johnny made you say while climaxing, maybe that was his cruel way of making you get used to the thought of him?
His brooding form stood in front of you at your doorway, intimidating you in your own apartment.
“Jus’ came in t’ see my boy.”
Your forced smile dropped the second he uttered those words, his boy? It almost made you want to scoff. You could see the smirk tug beneath his black mask, the bastard was enjoying making you jealous.
As you opened your mouth to rudely shoo him away and lie that Johnny was out,
“Hen.. Why are y’ out of bed-“
Johnnys tired voice came from behind you, turning around and finding him in only his briefs. You tried to shoo him away and tell him to get dressed but nothing went through his sleepy head.
“Who is tha- Simon? Steamin’ Jesus! I ken’ you’d come by.”
You were unceremoniously shoved out of the doorway while your boyfriend chatted with the big bastard. Throwing your hands up in defeat you retreated to the bedroom to sulk and get dressed to go to the store, like you and Johnny had planned the night before.
Throwing on one of Johnnys gray hoodies and a simple pair of black leggings, you sifted through the sheets to find your lost phone. Scowling when you heard your boyfriends loud laughs, wanting to rip your hair out when he invited Simon inside.
The bedroom door slamming open startled you, turning around to find Johnny grinning like he won a prize, still in his underwear.
“Woah, bun. What’s the hurry? Where ya off to? We have a guest.”
His innocent tone made you want to scream. You watched him as he rifled through the closet to find some sweatpants and a shirt.
“I’m going to the store, like we planned out yesterday.”
Your cold response made his face fall like a sad puppy. Snatching your phone finally after finding it beneath your pillow.
“No you aren’t.”
The suddenly dark tone of his voice made you stiff, it made you realise even though he acted like a soft ball of sunshine that he was in fact a grown man who had years of military experience and trauma.
“Wh- I am, we don’t have anything in the fridge and we’re running low on coffee.”
You now turned to face him, eyebrows furrowed as his face looked grim, you never witnessed that expression on him and it made chills run down your spine.
“Bonnie, we have a guest. It’s rude to leave when he’s just come by.”
“I don’t care, Johnny. He’s not my friend, I have nothing to do with him.”
That seemed to set him off more, his giant hand grabbed your wrist and tugged you along with him.
“Wait- Stop- Johnny.”
All your resistance was met with a harsh tug, a warning. You were thrown into the living room like a deer in headlights, staring at the man occupying your apartment.
Simon made himself comfortable, arms resting on the headrest of the couch, thick thighs that were probably 2x bigger than yours spread out.
The scowl on your face appeared again and you bawled your fists. Johnny ushered you to sit down next to Simon but you chose the farthest point from him.
Your boyfriend just tossed you a look and sat down next to ghost, almost hugging him.
“Wha’s got your panties in a twist, kitty?”
The loud cocky sound of his deep accented voice rumbled through you. If you didn’t hate his guts you would’ve found it attractive.
You twisted your hoodie in your hands in annoyance and mumbled out a small,
You could sense the smirk under that damn black mask, wanting to rip it off and choke him with it.
“Bonnie! I don’t understand what’s gotten into you? What did Simon do to deserve you acting like that?”
That was your breaking point. You felt like a small child being scolded for something it didn’t do.
“You wanna know what’s gotten into me? You constantly talking about Simon! Simon this, Simon that, oh, let’s go out with him! Oh, I invited him over! Every single day it’s all about Simon! Why don’t you just dump me and be with him if you love him so fucking much since i think you’d rather fuck him than me!”
The tears stinging your eyes and the humiliation and embarrassment from your monologue making your chest heave.
Johnny looked dumbfounded while Simon just stared at you, stoic as always, but his fists were now closed.
You took that as your queue to leave.
A strong hand grabbed your wrist when you got up, pulling you down into a warm lap. Johnny held you close to him while you tried to fight the frown on your face, eyes bleary with tears.
“Stop it-“
You pushed at his chest, his hands smoothed down your hair as you hiccuped on your sobs.
“Y- You come in here- call him your boy, hug him like he’s- he’s your boyfriend-“
You inhale loudly and try to wipe at your face to argue like a woman.
“You’re all- he talks about, it’s like he’s- he’s fucking in love with you! You don’t know how much that hurts me.”
Your sniffles interrupting every word.
“I jus’ wanted t’ go to the store with my boyfriend!”
You tried to continue but a giant hand cupped your cheeks and squished them together, wetting his fingers in your tears.
Your weak attempts to slap his hand away were shushed.
“Cute little thing.”
All of the emotions you just poured out and the things that have been stressing you for MONTHS, were ‘cute’. You wanted to scream. Run out of the apartment and go back to your family’s house.
Instead, your sobs got worse and you just wept while he menacingly squished your cheeks.
“Oh, hen… That’s what I’ve been trying to tell ye.”
So he didn’t love you anymore? He was fucking Simon? He wanted to break up? The thought that you’ve been in a relationship with a man who doesn’t love you back made you whimper out of emotions running through you.
“You- You-You,”
Couldn’t even articulate yourself without loud gasps in between.
“Don’ love me anymore-“
Warm hands soothed up and down your body as he brought you closer, tucking your head under his chin.
“Nonono.. Tha’s not it. I love you, so much. It hurts how much I love you. But I also love Simon.”
So your boyfriend wanted to replace you? Perfect.
“I don’t understand..”
Your confused face with crocodile tears streaming down your cheeks was enough to make Simon coo.
“I love you, and I love Simon. Simon loves me, but you don’t like him. This isnt going to work if we don’t all get a long.”
That made you push at his chest, was he crazy? He wanted to be in a relationship with both of you at the same time?
“Shhh, I ken’, hen, I ken’ that it’s selfish of me to want both of ya’. But Simon wanted to try it out. Simon is willing if you are too. That is.. If you love me. I don’t know what i’d do without you.”
You sniffled and tried to wipe at your face.
“I don’ like Simon…”
“Y’ will, bun.”
Too burned out to argue you just sobbed into his chest, every time you tried to get up you’d be forcefully shoved back. Once your cries morphed into little sniffles he loosened his grip on you. You wrenched yourself out of his grasp and got on wobbly feet, barely carrying yourself to the bedroom where you slammed the door behind.
Pulling out your phone, trying to text anyone and everyone if they had some place for you to stay over, just until you could find a new apartment.
You pulled out your old backpack and started throwing in random clothes while wiping the tears that were threatening to spill again.
You wanted to slap yourself when you remembered your laptop was in the living room.
Begrudgingly stepping out of your once shared bedroom, you make your way through the hallway and into the living room. The thing you set your eyes on making you want to claw them out.
There he was, your ‘boyfriend’, embraced in Simon’s arms. By the looks of it he was pretty shaken by what had happened, rubbing his face while mumbling something to the other.
Letting out a forced cough to make your presence known made his head snap right to you, were you going to forgive him? Give him a chance at the new ‘addition’?
Staring at the coffee table, you went straight for it. Ignoring anything he wanted to say and grabbing your laptop.
His eyebrows shot up when he realised you had slung a backpack over your shoulder. He frantically tried to persuade you, trying to get up only to fail with Simon’s strong grip on him.
Simon grabbed your forearm and threw you into them, letting out a pained yelp when your back landed on his shoulder and Johnny’s elbow.
“Stop it! You big fucking bastard! You took my boyfriend and now what do you want from me!”
You screamed at him, only to be met with a large hand cupping your mouth.
“You talk a lot of someone so small.”
The malice in his voice made you stiff, his gaze was piercing.
“I don’t care If you like me or not. I want Johnny to be happy, if he wants you to stay you’re gonna stay.”
His tone made it sound like a threat, it probably was. You nodded, unable to breathe under his hot hand.
Letting out loud gasp once he let you go, trying to scramble into Johnny’s lap.
“Look, bonnie. Simon is going to be staying with us for a while. He’s lonely at home, no one to look forward to when he wakes up, I just couldn’t let him suffer like that.”
You stared at Johnny, feeling betrayed.
“Johnny. Were you fucking him while we were together?”
The guilty look on his face was enough for you. Struggling to wrench yourself out of their grasp, Simon only locked his arms around you and made you face Johnny.
“Hen, we are still together. And yes, it was at the beginning of our relationship. I just- We’ve had emotions for each other ever since our time in the task force. We couldn’t, it was unprofessional and we’d probably get fired. Then after we got discharged we kind of lost contact, we only started talking at the beginning of our relationship, hence why um, we had sex.”
You stared at him like he was out of his mind, which he rightfully was.
“Then why the fuck are you forcing me to stay?”
“Because i love y’ too! Can’t you get it?”
The both of you were heaving with emotion, Simon just watching, the same stoic look in his eyes.
“I think that’s enough arguing. Why won’t the little lady go and brew us a cuppa so we can settle down a little’.”
“Like hell i wil-“
The death stare he gave you was enough to get you on your feet and moving to the kitchen.
You threw around the mugs, purposely clanking loudly with the spoon and furrowing your eyebrows when you realised that there was only enough left for two cups.
You sighed and made it anyway, one in Johnny’s favourite mug and one in the ratty old one you and your boyfriend avoided using.
The sight of Simon comforting Johnny and lightly caressing his mohawk just like you used to made you slam the coffee down onto the table and take a seat on the pillow next to it where you usually lounged on your laptop.
“Oh, bun-“
“Shut up.”
A frown tugged at his lips, his favourite girl hated him now.
The nights were the worst. Laying in bed with the two big lugs, listening to them talk like they’d just gotten married.
Your back turned to them, you’d listen to the breathy moans, the same ones Johnny used to let out with you, while they kissed passionately.
Sometimes it made you jealous that you hadn’t joined them, but your pride made you deny that.
And they did, they’d ask you countless times if you wanted to cuddle with them, kiss them, have sex with them, it all resulted in a harsh no.
Johnny took that the worst, he couldn’t continue if he saw you laying down with a pillow over your head to block out the sound of them, back turned.
The most you’d get close to them was cuddling up to Johnny for warmth. It made him happy but it also made him sad that you weren’t seeking out Simon. It was also starting to have an effect on him, he knew Johnny loved you with all of his might, and seeing Johnny so depressed over you made his heart scrunch in his chest.
One night, when you were feeling particularly depressed in your trapped state, you felt Johnny spoon you. The weight of his back and his arms around you relaxed you, made you think of the times you weren’t a prisoner in your own home.
Then you felt another pair of arms around you, Simon’s. It made you recoil, trying to wiggle out.
“Stop it- Stop it, hen! When will you accept him?”
That question made tears sting in your eyes, he thought you were going to accept him no matter what.
Johnny just sighed and pushed you against him, hovering his nose against your neck, leaving small kisses and nips like he used to. His hand wandered down, slowly, cautiously into your waistband, slipping his pinky in to test the waters before pushing his whole hand in.
You let out a gasp when he cupped your mound, his hips jerking into your yours to make you hump his hand.
“I told Simon about the time I got you to moan his name,”
That made you flush, you tried telling him to stop but he continued anyway.
“We fucked that night and i was telling im’ all about you.”
You let out a whimper, his fingers now moving to do harsh circles of your clit.
“Told im’ about your slutty little moans while he was fucking my ass. Got him off to the thought of you, hen. Made him imagine he was fucking you instead of me. Gotta return the favour, right?”
God, this man is going to drive you crazy.
He suddenly flipped you on your back, you expected to meet the softness of your bed instead you got pushed into a wall of muscle.
Trying to squirm away was no good, they only just manhandled you to stay, pushing all of your clothes off and leaving you bare between them.
Simon’s giant paws grabbed at your tits, kneading them in his warm calloused hands.
“H’ told me about these cute little tits,”
Swirling your nipples between his rough fingers before pinching them, making you yelp and jump in his hold.
“Shhh, hold on, bun. We’re going to make this work.”
His words made your eyes fill with tears.
“I want Johnny…”
“Awh, I’m here, baby. It’s alright.”
The way he talked down on you while you were being groped by another man made you sob.
“Fussy little thing, just need some extra love-“
Simon grunted before forcefully pushing his thick fingers into your cunt.
“Gotta stretch her out nice and wide, haven’t had anything in er’ in a while, huh?”
The way he was talking to you made you uncomfortably horny. You hated to admit it.
You were slowly falling into a headspace, you tried to fight it with all you could, but being surrounded by these two giant men who were talking down to you made you feel small and broken.
Johnny immediately noticed, pushing his palm against your cheek and giving you the first passionate kiss you two had shared in so long.
You let out a whine when Simon grabbed him by his mohawk, pushing him up and making him slobber all over his mask, leaving a wet patch behind.
You frowned at the sight, turning your gaze away, trying to focus on the fingers stuffed in your needy pussy.
“Jealous little lady,”
That made you whine, too strung out to form words.
“It’s okay, hen. I love y’ just as much.”
The words didn’t help, you pushed against his chest, trying to get away.
“Attention whore, that’s what she is.”
You sniffle at the harshness of his statements. His movements speed up, the slick sounds of your cunt spread out through the room. You grinded up into the stimulation, too close to your climax.
“Ah ah ah- Not so fast.”
An annoyed grunt left you, you were so soft and pliable once you got pleasure, it was so easy to mold your mind.
“Now, kitty. Johnny here is gonna fuck this tight cunt-“
Followed by a quick little smack to your sensitive parts that was surprising more than anything.
You felt his breath in your ear once he continued.
“And i’m gonna fuck his cute little ass.”
You whined and pushed at him, not wanting to see your boyfriend get fucked by another man. It only resulted in a grin and the feeling of him getting up from behind you.
You felt tears bubble up again as you tried to push him back behind you, but he was too strong for you to make an impact.
Johnnys eyebrows furrowed at the sight of you getting so distraught,
“Is’ alright, baby, I want him to,”
You just shook your head and bit your lip, hooking your arms around his neck and pulling his head under your chin.
You jumped when you heard Johnny moan out, looking straight ahead and seeing Simon shoving his fingers mercilessly into him.
You felt something sliding against your cunt and let out a yelp when you felt a bulbous tip circle your opening.
Johnny only raised his head to look at you with a grin. That’s when you felt him slowly slide in, a loud moan escaping him, after being denied of you for so long.
Simon took that as the queue to slide in too, letting out a grunt and grabbing onto Johnnys hips.
“Gonna let me fuck you, bonnie?”
You shook your head again, voice too weak to use your words. Johnny panted above you, a fucked out look in his eyes as his arms rested on either side of your head.
You both jerked up when Simon made the first move, slowly thrusting in and out of him. Johnny, vocal as he always was, letting out little whines and pants.
Your protests were cut out by Johnny’s rough thrusts, sending your body up and down on the bed.
“I think the little lady likes watchin’ you get fucked,”
Simon teased, doing a particularly rough thrust, making both you and Johnny moan.
You whined, eyes screwing shut.
Simon’s hand reached down and gripped your cheeks harshly,
“Look me right in the eyes while I fuck him or I won’t let you cum.”
You wanted to protest but you were met with a warning tap to the cheek, a few droplets surrounded the corners of your eyes before they got gently wiped by the scot.
They continued roughly plowing at the same pace, the way they were coordinated kind of made you impressed.
Johnny reached down and circled your clit with quick strokes, eyebrows furrowing and thrusts getting needier.
“Cmon- Cmon, hen, come, come for us.”
You stared at those same honey brown eyes and let out a loud whimper, your climax so close to tipping over.
A loud smack snapped you out of it, Simon slapping Johnny’s ass, which made him let out a whorish moan. The sounds he was making were fuelling your end.
He sped up his ministrations on your clit, his thumb circling the swollen bud so roughly you couldn’t even think.
Your bleary eyes almost crossed as you looked at Simon, the wall of muscle that his was. His chest was speckled with light blonde hairs and thousands of scars, his happy trail prominent.
You felt your legs shake as you felt the intense build up, cresting over into a loud moan, arching your back and cumming onto Johnnys cock.
“Good girl, thaas’ it.”
You heard Simon throw in his praise, it strangely making your head tingle. Johnny didn’t let up, letting out even louder moans while fucking your overstimulated pussy. The whines you let out for him to stop, that it was too much, were left out in the wind.
“Cmon, pup, cum, cum for me.”
Simon commanded, and it’s as if Johnnys body followed all of his orders, he did. Letting out a groan and pushing his head into your chest for comfort, spilling his warm seed into your used cunt.
Simon followed soon after, sticking himself to the hilt and grunting.
You let out a whimper, tears collecting in your eyes when Johnny just pulled out and left you with Simon.
A yelp leaving your mouth when the bigger man picked you up and laid you down on his chest, a hand caressing through your hair and calming down your breathing.
“I wan- Where’s Johnny-“
You whined and rubbed at your face, too deep into it that your mind felt blank. You tried to push at his strong chest, hands too weak to do anything but rest at it.
“I don’ like you..”
“I know, sweetheart.”
When you looked up at him it was the first time his eyes weren’t cold, they were softer, like he was trying to comfort you.
You let out a sob and dug your nails into his chest to ground yourself. He let you.
You were still sobbing by the time Johnny came out of the bathroom, a towel in hand with a bottle of water he picked up on his way back.
“Oh, sweetie..”
He cleaned you up gently and gave you some water, not trusting you to hold the bottle yourself, before handing it to Simon for him to have a drink too.
You heaved, trying to articulate your emotions.
Was all that left you, you reached your arms for him weakly, and he pitied you and grabbed you. He laid you down between the two of them to your protest and hushed you.
And there you fell asleep, fucked out and too emotional to argue again.
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snghnlvr · 5 months
dog whisperer. | sim jaeyun
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jake sim x fem reader
synopsis: maybe dogs do bring people together, especially towards your new neighbor.
includes: 890 words | neighbors x friends | fluff!! | dogs know what’s up 😏
extra: i finally know how to make a mood board…. so now it won’t look wonky whenever i post .. he.. he.. | i made this when i was sad lol | jake is very boy next door coded <3 | i’m so delusional for this man (i still love sunghoon)
likes, comments, and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
[below the cut]
“i’m gonna walk bella.” you shouted across the room to your mother who was in the kitchen making diner. you shouted enough to hope that she heard you as you finished dressing to your cocker spaniel to prevent her from being dirty. you smiled at her when she’s patiently waiting to be dressed.
“alright y/n, just go where the grass is, bella likes it there the most.” your mom informed you as she was cutting up vegetables. you hummed as a reply. 
before you put on a leash, you put on your headphone so you can be in bubble space when walking bella. 
you were all set to walk bella as she kept barking at you to hurry up. you giggled at your dog running to the door, “okay okay bella i heard you!” you locked her with the leash and finally went outside. 
after walking bella for 10 minutes, around the neighborhood block. you were heading back home once night was settling in. 
as it was in the middle of autumn, it was kind of chilly to walk around with a sweater and shorts however it didn’t concern as your eyes were occupied of the scenery with the leaves crumpled into piles on the floor and sunset reflecting on your skin. 
it was raining two days again yet you still smell it’s crispiness. you cringed upon your imagination to step onto a puddle with your shoes on and letting the water seep into your socks. 
as something disrupts your thoughts, you immediately become alarmed when you see a big yellow dog from the yard. with your instincts you carried bella into your arms as you were intimidated by the size difference; that yellow dog was 2x the size of bella! 
“where is your owner??” you mumbled to yourself and the dog who seemed to be interested in you and bella. bella’s eyes keep looking at the dog but stayed in your arms. 
there was a young boy who came out of the yard, looking hysterically around. “layla!” he called out, grabbing the attention of you and the dog that’s named layla. 
you were speechless of his beauty. your eyes trailed to his every action and your heart stopped when he kneeled in front of you, petting the dog. 
he was wearing black sweatpants, black puffer, black shirt - just straight up black everything including his hair color yet it looked so attractive on him.
he finally looked up to you and you nearly stumbled with the eye contact. 
he smiled. “i’m sorry but she likes to run around often.” he chuckles and you are intrigued at how deep it was. you’re still speechless trying to process this handsome this boy was in front of you, you wondered if he was engraved by the gods.
“oh..” you whispered to yourself, trying to think what you should say. you saw the boy stand up and your heart started to beat faster at how tall he is. “she’s cute.” you mentioned seeing the yellow dog smiling widely while sitting down.
“thank you! her name is layla, she’s a cream border collie.” you noticed how he ruffled his dog, making her lean into his touch on his leg. he giggled. 
“how about your dog?” his eyes laid onto the small dog in your hands. you realized you’re still holding bella. “hi cutie..” your heart fluttered when he tried to make eye contact to your dog, speaking to bella softly as bella whines, trying to escape from your arms which caught you off guard. 
“her name is bella, she’s a cocker spaniel like from the movie lady and the tramp.” you smiled, trying to hide your nervousness. 
“she?” he questioned, looking at you but you couldn’t handle it still so you kept looking and petting bella. you nodded.
you noticed how his eyes lights up. “bella and layla can be friends then!” you looked at layla. “be nice layla..” he spoke to her gently as it seems like layla got the message. 
you slowly put bella down, keeping the leash close to you in case anything happens. you noticed how the two sniffled each other and then suddenly wagged their tails together. you were surprised at how they quickly got along. 
“oh i think they like each other.” you smiled at the two dogs bonding as you heard a yeah from him beside you. 
“i’m jake by the way.” he suddenly mentioned. you turned your body, looking up at him and he smiled at you. you heart warmed at how sweet he was looking. “i’m new here.” he added.
“i’m y/n.” you didn’t give back exactly the same energy but you were smiling at him shyly. then your eyebrows perked up. “new?” you questioned as he nodded.
“yeah my family and i moved back from korea,” jake shifted his body, pointing to a house that seemed to be close to you. “the red one.. right there.” he stated and it made your jaw drop because your house was next to his.
“that’s funny, i’m the one right next to yours, the white one.” you mentioned, giggling as jake looked surprised with his eyes widened and his jaw open, replicating your expression. 
“hi new neighbor,” you spoke, sparing a smile to him. you hope that will be the start of sharing more smiles with him. “jake.”
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coastbycoast101 · 1 month
Part 1:
Part 2 of my first fanfic under this blog :3
Thx @tlynnmesc for this masterpiece!! 🥴
Tw: 2x creampies, tamaki being a sub.
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Ding!! The clock hit 1:45 pm, meaning it's Tamaki break time. His coworker stepped in for him as he made his way out of the hot topic store and into a parking lot. Y/n had gotten at his work place earlier but he asked her to stay for his lunch break. Y/n looked so cute sleep in the backseat of his car, his imagination going wild, he unlocked the car, climbing into the backseat with her.
Thank God their windows are tinted,Tamaki thought as his eyes lingered over her sleeping body, her top slightly going up and her skirt hiking up her thigh. Tamaki is nervous as of right now; he's so hard for you he can't describe the feeling he has right now. His hands snake up your thigh, gripping at the fat before moving away. His hand cupped your face, his thumb rubbing at your bottom lip. His mind goes back to the time y/n said she wouldn't mind him fucking her in her sleep, she said it would be hot if that were to happen to her. 
Tamaki let his mind get the best of him and soon his hands were going down to his pants to unbuckle it. He pulled the zipper down, his cock sprung out, a long vein prominent on the left side of his cock. He spat on his hand, stroking his cock to the way her boobs looked in that top, his teeth biting his bottom lip as he let out small whimpers. He then gripped his cock and lined it up with her entrance, thrusting inside of her making him groan. Her wetness invited him in and it made him feel so aroused as she grew tighter around him. "S-shit.." he groaned, his hands pulling her top down as he cupped her breasts. Tamaki began thrusting, his eyes closed from how good it feels, not even noticing y/n awakening.
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her back arched feeling his tip hit her gspot countless times, at first she thought it was a wet dream.., sweet moans escaping from her mouth as her eyes slowly opened. She felt Tamaki hands on her waist, his hands then going to her skirt pulling it down. "Tamaki?" She mewled out, vision hazy as her hands clawed at his job uniform.
Tamaki froze, his eyes shooting open, staring at Jocelyn in surprise. "Oh g-god! S-sorry!" He mumbled out, quickly trying to pull away from her. "I-I didn't mean to... I'm s-so sorry..." He stuttered out, trying to cover himself with his hands. "I just... I couldn't help it..." He breathed heavily, his cheeks flushed bright red. "P-please don't be mad at me..." He whispered, his heart racing as he tried to figure out what to do next. "m' not mad, it feels good" she moans, her walls clamping down on him as she traced her finger up his shirt, her hands unbuckling his uniform.
"shhh..." Her pointer finger went to his lips, shushing him as she unbuttoned more buttons. "Of course I want it," her eyes staring over his body, sitting up she looked down at how his v line looked, her eyes going further down seeing the way her pussy takes his cock. "Your always overthinking baby," she reassured him, pulling him in for a short kiss.
He froze for a moment, his eyes closing as his heart rate slowed down. His hips moved on their own, thrusting gently into her as she kissed him. When she pulled away, he whimpered softly, his eyes opening to meet hers. "Th-then continue... please..." He mumbled, his hands trembling slightly as they gripped her waist. "I... I just... really wanted this..." He admitted, his eyes filled with a mix of desire
her moans filled the car as their windows steamed up. Tamaki hands were staying on her hips, nervous as of what to do. "Use me like one of your toys, Tamaki" she giggled, "here..," she moved his hands to her waist making him grip it. "Go in like this," she stopped his thrusts, pushing herself down his cock making him whimper. Tamaki looked at her in surprise, his breath catching in his throat as she guided his hands. "Uh... okay..." He mumbled, his heart racing as he followed her instructions. He gripped her waist tightly, watching as she took him inside her. "You're... you're so warm..." He panted, his hips jerking slightly in response to her movements. He watched as she started moving again, his eyes never leaving her face. "Do you want me to go faster...?" He asked hesitantly, his eyes flickering over her lips.
she nodded, her breath hitching as she took of her top, throwing it somewhere on his car floor. "Mhmm, go in deeper for me, yeah?" She moaned out as she clawed at his v line, her acrylics digging into his skin. his breathing quickening as she removed her top. His fingers dug into her waist, his hips moving faster as she asked him to go deeper. "O-oh god, yes..." He panted, his eyes locked onto hers. He felt himself getting closer, his grip on her waist tightening as she scratched his skin. "Are you gonna cum for me, baby?" He asked, his voice thick with lust. "Tell me when you're about to, I wanna hear it..." He whispered, his eyes never leaving her.
her stomach felt like it had butterflies, she felt flustered everytime he called her that. Her orgasm prominent now "So so close...," she cried out, eyes rolling to the back of her skull as he bullied his way into her. Her cunt fluttered for him as she came, her face twisting in pleasure and arousal as she clawed deeper. "Shitt... feels so good just like that..." Her whines getting louder and louder with each time his tip kissed her gspot.
Tamaki let out a strangled moan, his eyes darting between her face and her chest. "A-are you...?" He stuttered out, his lungs burning. His hips moved faster, his grip on her waist tightening as she climaxed. "Fuuu-fuck..." He gasped, his eyes locking onto her face. "That... that feels so good..." He panted, his throat dry. "You're so tight... I'm g-going to cum soon too..." He whispered, his hips jerking erratically. "I-I love when you come like this..." He mumbled, his eyes filled with lust.
she moves on of her hands from his crotch, her hands going to his throat and weakily grabbing on it as he rammed into her; the way he made love to her is heavenly, his tip hitting her womb with each thrusts and both of their toes curling with lust. "Oh my god... I think I'm gonna cum again, feels so gooddd.." she babbled, drunk off the feeling as another orgasm washed over her.
his heart pounded wildly in his chest. His hips moved faster, his breaths coming out in harsh pants. "Really? A-again?" He asked, his voice shaking. He could feel himself growing closer, his vision blurring. "I... I want to cum with yo-" He started but was cut off by her words. Tamaki let out a hoarse cry, his grip on her waist tightening. "Y-yes... come for me, baby..." He gasped, his hips bucking fiercely. "Let me feel you cum..." He whispered, his eyes never leaving hers.
"so so big.." she mewled, her grip around his throat tightening as she felt his necklace dangling over her. His balls slapping her clit with each thrust, his release hitting like a fright train. Tamaki's eyes rolled back, his breath catching in his throat. "Fuck... yes..." He panted, his hips thrusting faster. He felt himself reaching his limit, his muscles tense. "You look so beautiful, baby..." He whimpered, his fingers digging into her waist. He could feel her walls gripping him, his eyes never leaving her face. "I'm g-going to cum..." He gasped, his voice shaking. "Ah... f-fuck..."
her legs were spread wide for him by now, sweat glistening on their body's as they sit their phased. Tamaki pulled out, cum oozing out of her cunt and seeping onto the seat. "Oh my.." she giggled, her hands removing itself from his neck and rubbing onto his body. Tamaki's eyes widened, his breaths coming out in harsh pants. He say up , his chest heaving. "Wow... that was..." He mumbled, his forehead dripping with sweat. He watched as cum leaked out of her, his eyes filling with a sense of pride. "Sorry... I shouldn't have done that..." He muttered, his hands trembling slightly. "I just... needed it..." He whispered, his eyes locking onto hers. "Do you need a minute...?" He asked, his heart pounding wildly.
her lips curled up into a smile, she pulled him in for a kiss, her tongue taking control of him making him whimper as her hand goes behind his head, running her fingers through his hair. Tamaki froze for a moment, his heart stopping in his chest as she pulled him in for a kiss. He met her halfway, moaning softly into the kiss. His hands gripped her waist tightly, his eyes closed as she took control. He could taste himself on her tongue, his hips jerking slightly. "God... you taste so good y/n..." He mumbled between kisses, his breathing heavy. His eyes filled with lust as her hand ran through his hair. "I... I love doing this with you..." He breathed out, his heart pounding.
kiss after kiss, she somehow ended up in his lap their lips still latched onto each other as his hands gripped at her ass. "Your still on lunch break right?" She asked, her eyes looking up at him tempting him as she twirled one of his hairs In her finger. Tamaki stared into her eyes, his heart pounding wildly. He nodded slowly, his breaths coming out in pants. "Yeah... I-is that okay?" He asked, his fingers digging into her ass. His eyes flickered over her lips, his breath catching in his throat. "I just... I need you right now..." He mumbled, his voice shaky. "Can we... can we fuck again?" He asked, his eyes filled with desperation. "Or should we wait...?" He questioned, his grip on her ass tightening.
she giggled feeling his crotch buck up into her. "I wouldn't mind," she gave him another kiss, her thumb rubbing circles on his veiny arm. His gaze stared down at her as he blushed from her touch. Tamaki's cheeks flushed bright red, his breath hitching. He hesitated for a moment, looking down at her touching him. "R-really?" He mumbled, his eyes darting between her lips and her hand. Before he knew it, he had pushed her face down against the seat. He held her down with his arms, his breathing coming out in ragged pants. "I-I can't stop thinking about you, baby..." He panted, his eyes locked onto hers. "Please tell m-me what you w-want..." He whispered, his heart pounding wildly.
her back arched for him making him groan "wanna feel you deep inside me, please?" She smiled mischievously knowing how he felt when she begged, her ass wiggled onto him making him blush seeing her grind against him. Tamaki's hissed, his breath catching in his throat. "Fuck... y-you're kidding me..." He whispered, his fingers tightening on her arms. He could feel her grinding against him, his cheeks flushing bright red. "God... I'll be gentle..." He promised, biting his lip nervously. He positioned himself at her entrance, his breathing heavy as he pushed in slowly. His eyes leaving her face.
she gasped as his hands gripped on her ass, her cunt taking him in with ease "oh my god,Tamaki feels so big.." she whined, her moans encouraging him as she back her plush ass onto him. Tamaki's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. "Oh God... you're so tight..." He panted, his hips moving slowly. He watched as she encouraged him, his eyes never leaving her face. "Sorry... I didn't mean to rush you..." He mumbled, his hands gripping her ass tightly. "Just... tell me if it hurts okay?" He asked, his heart pounding wildly. He started moving faster, his eyes locked onto hers. "You feel amazing..." He whispered, his voice shaking.
she giggled feeling his fingertips dig into her plump ass, her moans echoing out throughout the car. "Does that feel good, Tamaki?" She smiled, looking back at him. Each thrust he gave her she matched the energy; throwing herself onto him. "Fuck... yeah..." He gasped, his hips moving in rhythm with hers. He watched as she pushed back against him, his grip on her ass tightening. "You feel so good... I'm g-going to cum soon..." He panted, his eyes locking onto hers. He moved faster, his breathing heavy.
she hissed as his cock twitched in her, his hands roaming her body. "You want me to go slower, baby?" She chuckled seeing him all submissive for her, his eyes shut close and his teeth biting his lips. Her orgasm is prominent now, her wet cunt inviting him in more as they neared their climax. his breath catching in his throat as he spoke, "N-no... don't slow down..." He panted, his grip on her ass tightening. He felt himself getting closer, his eyes locking onto hers. "Don't stop, baby..." He whispered, his voice shaking. He could feel his release building up, his heart pounding wildly. "I love when you take control..." He breathed out.
"hahhh, right there Tamaki" she moaned, his tip hitting the right spot repeatedly; her release washing over her unexpectedly, making her thighs quiver as she felt his thrust become sloppy. "Fuuuck Tamaki" she gasped, her thighs felt weak and Tamaki took notice of that. "Shittt..." He gasped, his hips bucking harder. He felt her release wash over her, his eyes locking onto hers. "You feel so good..." He panted, his grip on her ass tightening. He could feel his own climax approaching, his breathing heavy. "You're so wet for me..." He whispered, his hips moving erratically. "Fuck..."
her eyes rolled back, her ass clapping with each thrust he gave her. Her tight,wet walls milking him within each second. "Mine," she moaned, lowering her ass back onto him making him whimper in pleasure.
"Yes... all yours..." He panted, his hips moving wildly. He felt her walls squeezing him, his eyes never leaving her face. "You're so tight... I'm g-going to cum..." He gasped, his grip on her ass tightening. He could feel himself reaching his limit, his breathing heavy. "You look so beautiful like this..." He whispered, his voice shaking. "Cum for me..." He begged, his eyes filled with lust. She nodded as he neares her to her climax, "just like that baby.." she gasped, Cumming for him as he felt his balls tighten signaling a release. "Cum for me Tamaki, I wanna feel it again," she cried out, her pleas making him cum instantly.
"Fuuuck!" He yelled, his hips bucking fiercely. He felt his release hit her, his eyes widening. "Y-yes... oh God..." He panted, his grip on her ass tightening. He felt his whole body shake, his legs shaking as he rode out his high. she felt him pull out shortly after making her hiss. His body felt slumped over her as he catched his breath. "Felt so good," she chuckled breaking the silence as she wiggled her ass, his cum visible on her thigh dripping down.
Tamaki laid on top of her for a moment, his breaths coming out in ragged pants. He could see his cum on her thigh, his heart pounding wildly. "Yeah... it did..." He agreed, his eyes locking onto hers. He slowly got off her, his body shaking. "I-I'm sorry if I was rough..." He mumbled, his cheeks flushing bright red. "But I needed it..." He added, his hands trembling slightly. "I love it when your rough like that though," she smiled, putting her clothes back on.
his heart pounded wildly while he watched as she put her clothes back on, his hands shaking. "I... I don't know why I get like that..." He mumbled, his cheeks flushing bright red. "It's just... I love being with you so much..." He whispered, his voice shaking,his eyes filled with gratitude. "you look cute like this," she giggled as she finished dressing up, her hands helping him back into his uniform. Her fingers buttoned his uniform back up as she sat on his lap; His neck had marks all over it and it made her laugh.
Tamaki's cheeks flushed bright red, his breath catching in his throat as she helped him dress. "T-thank you..." He mumbled, his eyes locked onto hers. He could feel her laughter rumble against his chest, his heart pounding wildly. "You're so beautiful..." He whispered, his eyes filling with affection. "I'm glad we did that... even though I'm late for work..."
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Part 1:
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berriblossom · 10 months
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Jing Yuan x FemChubby-thicker Reader|Jing Yuan missed his wife, clingy general, mentions of soft smut/sex nothing too harsh, sleepy sex.
[Since the last post did so well!]
The dozing general of the Xianzhou Luofou was sitting at his desk again late at night when he should be in bed. The bed he shared with his beautiful wife, the same wife he had just got off the phone with.
"Again? Jing Yuan? I thought you would get the day off tomorrow? Ok... fine..be safe for me okay..call me when you get home."
It ate at his soul of how devastated you sounded on the phone. He knew you were tired, tired of him being pulled every way away from you. Last week you were supposed to go out for dinner, what happened?
He got stuck with paperwork, again.
Yanqing offered several times to help with the load of stress, but Jing Yuan refused. Yanqing, being the son you never had constantly checked in on you and helped around the house but felt a little saddened by how you felt with the general always gone. Tonight, Yanqing was sent off on a patrol/mission about weird activity outside Stargazer Navalia. Jing Yuan checked the time on his watch. The night was slowly cascading onto the Xianzhou Luofou. Jing Yuan's eyes burned out of exhaustion as the stacks on his desk slowly became smaller and smaller. But the time was slipping away from him. Slinking his head down onto the desk, Jing Yuan looked outside the window behind him.
The look over the ship was beautiful, but it felt empty. Glancing at the time again, Jing Yuan started gambling the odds of his situation. If he could do at least another stack of work that'll leave him at least a stack or two for tomorrow, but if he just leaves now, he will be able to make it home before 1 AM. So, either or, it's either work this out now and feel better later or go home to see your wife, whom you haven't seen for the last week fully.
The general turned off the lights of his office with the Divine Seat and walked out of the building. He made it to his house by 12:54 AM. He left his desk at 12:33 AM. The power of speed and dedication to please his wife.
Jing Yuan quietly unlocked the door and made sure Mimi was sleeping soundly so he didn't wake her up with a grumble. Something he would pay for later; he took off his boots and placed his sword against the wall close to the door. He quietly inched closer and closer to your bedroom, opening the door he could see your sleeping form and all its beauty.
Jing Yuan grinned. He let out an exhausted huff as he could see the book you were reading on the end table near the bed. Hell, the lamp was still on too, he smiled and leaned down to your side of the bed. Leaving little kissed and gently touches all over your face and body, you looked so divine. Discarding his uniform, Jing yuan slid into the bed with you, pulling you into his warmth. Feeling the warm and strong arms of your husband, you stirred awake to see him lazily smile back at you. The bags under his eyes made you worry, but the hand that was dangerously moving up and down your thigh made you think otherwise. Jing Yuan leaned in closer and closer. His lips felt centimeters away from yours.
"I missed you so much, my love. So much." he gave you a small peck on the lips.
His eyes shined like gold, but they also had a burn to them. In Jing Yuan's vision, he could make out the plush firm if your body, your curves, the thickness of your thighs, the dip in your hips and how your tummy was peaking from one of his shirts you often wore to sleep, all jumbled up near your middle. Jing Yuan held you closer, the softness of your body made his heart beat 2x as fast.
He pushed his face into your neck, leaving little kisses aling your jaw line and face. You tangled your fingers in his hair and let him settle in between your legs. The weight of his body on top of yours was a welcoming and long forgotten familiar feeling. Pushing against you with his hands sneaking up the old shirt you wore to gently caress your breast.
Jing Yuan mumbled sweet nothings into your ear, how much he missed you, how long he's wanted you, how much he loves you. How lucky he was to have you. You waited for him every night, every single aching night.
Tonight, he wants to give it all back right now. The lamp shadow casts onto his skin, some scars from battle, his long white hair, all of it was mesmerizing. You hooked your legs around his waist, grinding yourself onto him, soft whispers, moans, and "i love yous" were shared.
Jing Yuan fought to kick off his boxers, his cock slapped against his abdomen, his hands went to help you push off your shorts and panties. His lips stayed on yours, his eyes were on you, his hands held you tenderly.
Pushing against you, you felt his tip slide against your clit and slit.
"Please, my love, let me have you again..."
Your whispers and pleas were heard by your husband as he slowly gathered enough of your wetness from your aching cunt. He pushed himself in slowly, you both moaning as he thrusted into you. The sensation alone made you see stars, Jing Yuan leaning down to kiss your forehead, holding you as he slowly thrusted into you.
He loved you so much. He wanted you to feel all of him. He would make up for how long he's missed you and how long he needed you. Hearing your moan to him, calling out his name as he made you cum over and over again.
The night felt young, feeling like it would last forever. He would make sure of it. The dozing general may be slightly overworked, but he'd put as much time and effort into making you feel loved than his paperwork
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mayakern · 8 months
hey there!! I'm super excited about the wrap shirts but I had a quick question about the sizing since I can't find this measurement and can't quite eyeball it from the photos: since they're crop tops would you be able to tell me about how long they are? like, rough estimate measuring at the side seam from under the arm and from below the bust to the hem? totally fine if you can't, I'm just trying to get an idea of the fit. or if this is posted somewhere and I just missed it let me know and I'll look it up. thanks!!!
yes ive gone and added length measurements to the store blog post about the wrap shirts, but i’ll past it here as well
Wrap Shirt Sizing:
When picking your correct size, start with your waist measurement before looking at the bust. The bust measurements from sizes 2X and above have some wiggle room on the larger end, as the viscose fabric is stretchy stretch is exponential.
All measurements in inches
Waist 22-26
Bust 24-34
Back Length 13.8
Side Length 9
Waist 26-30
Bust 30-40
Back Length 14
Side Length 9
Waist 30-34
Bust 32-41
Back Length 14.8
Side Length 9
Waist 34-38
Bust 36-46
Back Length 15.7
Side Length 9.4
Waist 38-42
Bust 40-52
Back Length 17.1
Side Length 9.4
Waist 42-46
Bust 43-58
Back Length 19.4
Side Length 9.9
Waist 46-50
Bust 47-62
Back Length 20.2
Side Length 10.2
Waist 50-54
Bust 48-66
Back Length 20.6
Side Length 10.2
Waist 54-58
Bust 50-70
Back Length 21.1
Side Length 10.8
Back Length is measured from the center of the back, Side Length is measured on the side seam from under the sleeve.
here’s a quick visual to help:
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starythewriter · 6 months
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You and klaus are brought together by an undeniable force.=
you were traveling throughout an old tomb finding many hidden pathways.
trying to find artifacts of the past but there is nothing you could touch, no clues of where you are headed or what is happening to you.
but, as you are looking at a small stone statue it suddenly moves.
You look back and see a strange creature that reminds you of your worst fears.
you couldn’t quite see, you got some salt and candles using some of your power to light everything up the creature ran quickly from the light.
soon you found a one artifact it was a big gold necklace it was an attraction amulet that could only be activated once outside the tomb.
you soon left trying to find your way out, but you kept hitting dead ends, the necklace seemed to ward off every other entity within these walls, you held it to the creature and it distanced quickly.
you kept holding it and nobody and that creature would not get near you.
then you felt a hand grab you, you screamed “sshhh darling” whispered klaus
you felt safer, once you saw him. “we need to get out of here”
he quickly sped around holding you making sure you were safe.
until you finally reached the outside “thank you klaus”
you both felt a strong connection, so much love and lust.
klaus hugged you. you also have some super speed with a potion…
“darling, let’s play hide n seek careful if I find you within 6 minutes I might just get a little bite I’ll give ya till 10”
you quickly ran to hide as he counted from 10 to 1.
you find a big rock,you can see him so you decide to keep going you eventually find another forest but this one had 2x More trees along with rocks, so you found a giant rock and hide behind it, “here I come” said klaus, he went searching all around the forest, but he hadn’t stumbled upon the 2nd and more crowded forest, you meanwhile activated your necklace putting it on. he quickly caught the hint and sprinted over, but you sped away to another tree, he was unsure now as the necklace was clouding his judgement with a strong scent for lust.
you slowly got closer to him.. he felt stronger lust. he grabbed you and pinned you against a tree. you gave him a kiss, this necklace was clearly working. “I see your true feeling are coming out klaus… this necklace enhances any and all past feelings” you kissed him again and started he vamp sped the two of you to his bed, he set you down, slowly undressing and taking off his shirt . then he began sucking on your neck and bit your shoulder “fuck” you gasped, Klaus licked your collar bone and continued biting and licking, sucking and biting. You grabbed onto his hair to pull him closer while you moved your hands lower and down his body. Klaus was getting aroused, “darling” he growled and lifted you into his lap so he could kiss you, he slowly took his clothes off and started kissing you deeply and intensely while running his tongue and fingers along the inside of your thigh. He moved his hands under you and pulled you towards him “I love this necklace darling, your so fucking hot”
“give me that beautiful pussy and I need to taste that arm”
you moaned as klaus bit down onto your arm, somehow you were turned on, and started to grind onto him, “take your clothe off now”
he demanded. you moaned loudly, you both were now completely naked, he was fucking you rough without mercy still biting your arm. he hissed and removed his fangs from your arm. he whispered “your beautiful and tasty… this feels so good, I literally feel like I’m in heaven” he continued to kiss you hungrily. You moaned again as his teeth grazed your ear and then bit your ear lobe lightly. he picked you up bridal style and sat you on his bed gently placing you on the bed, your hands grabbing him as he laid next to you. He leaned close to your face as he slowly kissed you. Your lips pressed together passionately, you felt so good being wrapped around him, he slowly slid a finger inside you. He gently rubbed your clit and your hips bucked towards his finger. He continued to stroke you as his other hand traced patterns along your sides.
you were both about to reach the peak you’ve been desperately chasing.
the attraction between you much stronger then the one you have with his brothers.
you moaned loudly “fuck- my blood is boiling in the best way possible…
you are so tight.”
shortly after you both moaned as you came together.
“love you klaus”
“love you sweetheart…”
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lecaudal · 22 days
My ideas for new waves of STH Lego sets that would focus on new characters
Sol Castle: A castle and tower build with fire elements (50 dollars)
Minifigures: Blaze the Cat, Silver the Hedgehog, Zavok the Yeti
Team Chaotix Battlepack: A jungle tree with a flat canopy (20 dollars)
Minifigures: Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon, Charmy the Bee, Crabmeat
Team Eggman Battlepack: A platform build with an arm to move Badniks around (20 dollars)
Minifigures: Metal Sonic, Caterkiller, Balkiry, Snail Blaster
Team Dark Battlepack: A bit of smashed road (20 dollars)
Minifigures: Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, 2x G.U.N. Agents
Echidna Temple: A simple temple build with a giant Perfect Chaos figure that the minifigure can sit inside (45 dollars)
Minifigures: Tikal the Echidna and Chaos
Tails' Performance: A stage build with a tower and stairs (30 dollars)
Minifigures: Tails in pink dress, Marine the Raccoon, Cream the Rabbit, Cheese the Chao
Big's Pond: A small pond build with a deck and a buoy (15 dollars)
Minifigures: Big the Cat, Froggy
E-123 Omega Polybag: A buildable Omega figure (5 dollars)
35 years of Sonic the Hedgehog (2026) Midi Scale Death Egg or ARK Colony: A small model of the Death Egg that has an alternate build as the ARK Colony (80 dollars)
Minifigures: Doctor Eggman and Doctor Gerald Robotnik
Exclusive Minifigure: Maria Robotnik
25th anniversary of Sonic Adventure 2 (2026) Finalhazard Showdown: A large model of the final battle scene in SA2 (60 dollars)
Minifigures: Super Sonic and Super Shadow
Exclusive Minifigure: Barry the Quokka
Minifigures Series: Tom Wachowski with Donut Box, Maddie Wachowski with Tails' Tech, Dr Robotnik (Jim Carrey version) with new mustache piece, Agent Stone with goat figure and coffee cup, Mighty the Armadillo, Ray the Flying Squirrel, Fang the Hunter, Merlina with cape and custom staff, Mephiles the Dark with power blasts, Sage the Al with "Let's Go Dad" folded shirt tile, Infinite the Jackal with Phantom Ruby, and Black Doom with alien
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unpretty · 1 year
In Light of your Recent gpoy-post i have to ask: where do you find plus-size clothing that still fits well? Do you have any brands you recommend? Or do you tailor everything to fit you?
i don't tailor anything, i'm just partial to stretchy things so i can buy something that's not too big around my waist while still managing to cover my chest. also i'm the borderline kind of plus size where standard plus sizes still fit me, so things aren't as bad for me as they are for some people.
meijer's clothes all go up to plus sizes so i find a lot of basics there, particularly solid color shirts to go with patterned skirts
i've bought a few shirts from bellepoque.com because they're cute and femme as all hell
i sometimes manage to find clothes that fit on aliexpress by looking at listings that claim to go up to 5x (5x is usually closer to 2x) (sometimes it's not even that). i mostly use this when i see an ad for plus size goth clothes that looks sus as all hell, those are usually dropshippers so you can find whatever it is straight from ali for cheaper.
lately i end up primarily wearing skirts from @mayakern and @freshhotflavors and @shopwitchvamp because. comfy. cute. so fucking comfy. it's like wearing sweatpants but everyone thinks you dressed up. no one knows i'm the comfiest bitch in this office.
i buy some outfits on unique-vintage.com, although you always have to triple-check the size charts and err on the side of caution because they have different 'brands' that use different sizing. why does magnolia place make everything so small. also it gets real spendy real quick. i am currently using all my willpower to not spend approximately $300 on a batgirl outfit. unfortunately because that's where all my willpower is going i recently bought a bunch more skirts and socks and armwarmers and sex stuff. do not ask how much money i spent on all that while trying not to buy a batgirl outfit because i will cry.
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tvgals · 1 year
Could you do a head cannon about Eren and a fem reader who's insecure about her butt not being big ?
this is lowkey so cute shutup
eren x fem! reader
notes: i feel like this is too big to be a head cannon but oh well
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looking into the mirror you frowned. all your life, you’ve been compared to the girls in your grade that had bigger butts than you, that had developed faster than you. every pair of pants you own, every skirt, every dress you feel doesn’t flatter you, but your boyfriend, eren, find you fine in whatever you wear.
‘hey, you ready to go?’ eren asks, pulling his chain out his shirt, sitting on the bed to slide into his red thunder 4’s. ‘yup.’ you sigh. you hope to god eren doesn’t notice so you can leave without any confrontation. you and eren make your way into the living room. you grab your purse and your phone that was laying on the charger, and you two leave. you and eren eventually make it into the lobby of you two’s apartment complex, not without you noticing the secretary with a butt almost 2x bigger than yours, you look away and grab eren’s hand, almost as if he would disappear. you and eren walk to his 2022 LS hybrid, him opening the door for you. eren walks around the car and sits in the driver’s seat. you’re looking out the window, trying not to make any eye contact whatsoever with eren.
‘what’s wrong?’ shit. ‘nothing. i’m fine.’ you retort, almost too fast to be believable. ‘baby, we’ve been dating for..i don’t know how long, i know when something’s wrong. did something happen?’ you put your face in your hands and take a deep breath.
‘i feel like..i dunno..i feel like my ass isn’t as big as everyone else’s, like, you’d wanna go for someone who maybe wasn’t…so small in the back? maybe you’d wanna go for one of those instagram models or something.’ you confess, twiddling your thumbs in your lap. ‘woah, woah, woah..baby, what? you’re more than any instagram model i’ve ever seen, if i cared to look. you’re so perfect baby.’ eren says, pulling you over the console and onto his lap. ‘from your hair..to your tits..to your ass…and to all ten of your toes.’ he trails his fingers down your body, ticking your feet, you giggle. ‘stop, eren!’
‘but in all seriousness, i love you, y/n’
‘love you more eren. thank you.’
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tamapalace · 5 months
Hot Topic Tamagotchi Glitter Boyfriend Fit Girls T-Shirt
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This t-shirt is a must have if you’re a true Tamagotchi fan. What better way to show off your love for Tamagotchi than on your shirt? Hot Topic has just recently listed a new Tamagotchi Glitter Boyfriend Fit Girls T-Shirt! This shirt is available in sizes small, medium, large, extra large, and 2x.
The shirt itself is a light pink tee decorated with a glittery graphic of a Tamagotchi Original and Mametchi, clouds and stars too, and the Tamagotchi logo featured at the top. How adorable?
Made of 100% cotton, and available for purchase on Hot Topic’s website for $26.90 USD - $28.90 depending on size.
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shadeops21 · 1 month
Hello! I love your Cosplay Guides for COD! It’s very detailed and well done! But I can’t seem to find the character I’d like to cosplay beside Soap! I even found and looked on your DeviantArt, but he wasn’t there. Would it be possible to consider adding Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson? Thank you in advance! :)
Ah, here’s where it gets difficult as there isn’t a “canon” reboot appearance of Roach that is able to be properly broken down. A lot of the “remaster” Roach images out there are actually just using modified or “kitbashed” versions of AI NPC skins or generic MP “milsim” skins, which share a lot of the same core assets as the campaign characters in terms of clothing, plate carriers, and pouches, albiet in different configurations and colourations.
The OG trilogy doesn’t give us much to work on either as we didn’t really see more than his arms from the first person mode, and what glimpses of his body we do get, he’s wearing the same kit as the other TF141 characters as their appearance was a lot more uniform than the reboot is. The other issue with the OG trilogy is that the equipment, even in the remaster, is too low-poly and generic to really make any kind of identification of specific equipment nearly impossible.
(Post-note: This is turning into a longer response than I expected so I’ll throw this under the cut)
Personally, if I were building a cosplay for Roach that was in line with the reboot’s aesthetics, then I would start with what “theme” I want to capture based on existing trends. Looking at what the other boys have there are about three, maybe four distinct themes:
- Night Raider: the “nightwar” gear where they’re all in black and navy blue, night vision goggles, all that “going dark” angle
- Field Work: what the boys wear a lot during MW19 and MWIII, your more conventional SF look with the green, brown, and camouflage printed clothing and gear, maybe helmets or hats, etc.
- Urban Ops: essentially streetwear or civilian attire with their combat loads just thrown over the top, maybe a thinned out load for mobility or “short duration” actions. Think Soap’s tee & jeans load or what is worn during the tunnel fight in the end of MWIII.
Once you have a theme in mind, draw inspiration from the others for what Roach might have, and don’t be afraid to incorporate headcanons if you so choose.
Here’s what I would do if I were building a Roach costume, using what is known from the canon trilogy and commonly adopted fanon.
Theme: Urban Operations
- Ranger Green Crye G3 combat shirt, rolled up sleeves to below the elbow. UK IR flag patch on right shoulder pocket flap.
- Faded blue and torn denim jeans, single kneepad on the right knee.
- Mechanix Original gloves in Coyote Brown, cutoff the trigger finger halfway on the right glove.
Platform (vest):
- Crye CPC in coyote brown
— Condor Tactical Annex Admin pouch on the top velcro section of the vest
— 2x HSGI Twin AR Taco rifle mag pouches on the front MOLLE panel, occupying wearer’s left and centre row pairs
— Flashbang pouch occupying right row pair of the front molle panel
— Left cummerbund, running front to back: HSGI Single AR Taco rifle mag pouch, Spritus Systems GP pouch, Tactical Tailor PRC-152 radio pouch - all coyote brown
— Right cummerbund, front to back: flashbang pouch, Spritus Systems GP pouch
— Rear platebag just remains empty to accommodate a backpack when needed
— Patches: Green IR UK flag patch attached to the admin pouch
- Ronin Tactics TF Belt, coyote brown
— Left hip: ESSTAC twin pistol magazine pouch, with single HSGI AR Taco behind it
— Small of back: Blue Force Gear Micro Trauma NOW IFAK
— Right Hip: holster of some kind on a low-ride platform, suitable for a sidearm of your choosing. Recommend Safariland brand.
Beanie/watch cap with Opscore AMP headset over the top, half-face neckwrap in black or grey, with tinted wrap sunglasses.
Haven’t covered footwear as I have a few boots I wear personally, can’t go wrong with either Underarmour or Oakley tactical boots, or cross reference my guides and see what the others wear.
I hope this serves as a helpful guide or something to help you out with your own Roach cosplay. And believe me, if we do get a Roach character in the reboot verse you can bet that I’ll have their loadout breakdown done!
Thanks for the ask!
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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ok back to your regularly scheduled Lobotos. featuring design notes, parenthood speculation, and some primo Crossover Content slash preview of some more shit you're gonna be seeing in this queue real soon
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A design sketch of Loboto standing upright with a neutral expression, wearing only black boxer shorts, missing his prosthetic arm and shower cap. His left arm is sticking straight out in a t-pose. There is a detail shot of his head in profile to the side. Next to him are design notes reading: - about 1 head taller than Sasha/Milla, nearly 2x coach - stick build, but with tummy; legs taper out at ankles - numerous stitches on head, sloppy stitches on arm stump, scar on side (stolen kidney), throw misc injuries (scars, burns etc.) where appropriate - sparse body hair; hair on head is in uneven chunks (growing unevenly around scar tissue) - avoid making feet too long, they're actually pretty tiny - extremely minimal chin; profile should always look slouched at neck/shoulders]
[Image 2 ID: An additional design sketch based on the previous image, showing how the shower cap and prosthetic layer on top of Loboto's body type; the glove on his left arm and a pair of torn-up jeans have been drawn in as well. Next to him are design notes reading: - prosthetic slightly out of proportion with real arm, a little too short - harness tightens at shoulder, possibly buckles for straps underneath, release at end of sleeve where wooden arm starts? (built to stay on tight, not for easy removal; muted pain response minimizes discomfort) - forearm & hand is fully just a pepper grinder with thin claws (leave deliberately unclear how it moves; unconscious TK?) - in close-up make bolts & stitches uneven and sloppy; done one-handed, no finesse, poss. w/non dominant hand - 3 cap patches, far left, small far right, one at top/back; covers most hair & scars - pants should always be a little too short unless implied to be specially tailored; he's too dang tall for fast fashion - all "his" clothes should be worn out, torn up, poorly/not repaired; intact clothes should be visibly stolen slash "borrowed"]
[Image 3 ID: Three drawovers of the Loboto design from the first image, showing him in different sets of clothing, labeled "alt outfit samples". The top option shows him in a baggy t-shirt that hangs off his shoulders and only reaches midway down his stomach, and drawstring-tied shorts that are baggy at the legs, cinched extremely tight at the waist, and barely cover his boxers; this set is labeled "coach". The rightmost option shows him in a bulky turtleneck with the sleeves rolled up, over which is a long sleeveless dress; this set is labeled "sasha & milla". The final, bottom-and-leftmost option shows him in his usual boots and torn-up jeans, as well as a better-fitting turtleneck with only the sleeve on his prosthetic rolled up, and an apron reaching mid-thigh with the Psychonauts logo on the top-left corner; this set is labeled "uniform".]
[Image 4-5 IDs: A two-panel black-and-white comic showcasing Puzz thinking through Loboto design options. A doodle of Puzz, wearing a t-shirt and overalls and looking thoughtful, thinks "I wonder... what IS the best way to stylize Loboto with his eyes closed?" There are three drawings of Loboto's head with his jaw hanging slightly open as he snores. In the first, there are half-moon shapes drawn in his lenses to imply closed eyes, labeled "just shaping the eye part is simple, but do you lose the 'lens' feel...?" The second shows him with his eyes looking completely normal, labeled "is it funnier if his eyes always look open?" The third shows half-moon eyes and the lens frames shaped to match, labeled "you COULD squash and stretch the lenses but that reads like eyebrows..." The second panel, labeled "SOLUTION:" in bold text, shows Loboto lying in bed asleep with his prosthetic removed and left hand draped over his chest, snoring. Rather than any of the previous eye options, he's just wearing a quilted sleep mask over his eyes, with the shape of the lenses visibly bulging underneath.]
[Image 6 ID: A two-panel comic of Loboto and Oleander, asleep next to each other in bed. Loboto is wearing a baggy t-shirt and has his prosthetic off, his left arm behind his head under the pillow, his head tilted to one side. Oleander is to his left, right arm behind him under the pillow, left arm crossed over his chest. The second panel shows Loboto's eye lenses suddenly lighting up with an audible "CLICK.", making Oleander jolt awake.]
[Image 7 ID: A real photo of a sculpted molar on a chain hanging from a big round business sign-frame, which previously made the rounds on Twitter. Drawn on top is Loboto, beaming and holding a nervous Raz over his head, shouting "RAZ GET THE TOOTH".]
[Image 8 ID: A drawing of Loboto reaching up rapturously towards a photo of a calzone. I can't explain this one.]
[Image 9 ID: A drawing of a shirtless Loboto, wearing his shower cap but not his prosthetic, sitting up sleepily in a pile of pillows. He is covered from the waist down by a thick blanket with a wavy pattern.]
[Image 10 ID: A black and white drawing of Loboto, grinning and giving a thumbs-up at the camera with his left hand, and the G-Man from Half-Life, smirking at the camera and holding his left arm at his side, shaking hands. I can't really explain this one either.]
[Image 11 ID (MAJOR PSYCHONAUTS 2 SPOILERS IN DESCRIPTION): A four-panel comic of Loboto. In the first, he is grinning nervously, left hand on his hip and right prosthetic arm gesturing vaguely, saying "Sorry, kid, can't tell ya aaanything 'bout this job"; in the background, roughly where he's gesturing, is a figment of Truman's brain case on a shelf. In the second panel, his grin has grown even more anxious, and he is shrugging up towards a lamp that resembles Gristol's crown, saying "Yeah, just. Nothin' I can say 'bout my boss." The third shows him standing on a representation of the swirling pattern outside the Astralathe, gesturing broadly with a very anxious expression, under an even larger crown-lamp and surrounded by framed posters with various telling images (an egg in a basket, the mobster tooth fairy, Maligula's eyes, a box with an arrow pointing inside, a skull with crossed-out eyes) and text ("SHHHH", "NOT YOUR REAL DAD", "HELP", "VISIT DROWNED GRULOVIA", "THEY HAVE MY KID'S ADDRESS"). Loboto, frantic, screams "LOOK AT ME HERE SAYING NOTHING *OUT LOUD* ABOUT MY BOSS". The final panel shows a confused Raz and frustrated Sasha standing nearby, both in their suits, Sasha smoking a cigarette and saying, "He's giving us nothing". Loboto, collapsed in an anguished heap on the floor, whimpers, "I'm going to die here."]
[Image 12 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Loboto, grinning and giving two thumbs-up, wearing a crop-top t-shirt reading "WORLD'S LEAST-ISH ARRESTED DAD".]
[Image 13 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Loboto leaning out of the window of a beat-up, welded-together franken-car, smiling widely and waving with his prosthetic arm. There is smoke emitting from the back, a vanity plate reading "T33TH80", and bumper stickers reading "HONK IF U HAVE TEETH" and "MY CHILD IS AN HONOR STUDENT". Standing behind the car, slouched-over and holding a suitcase in his left hand, is Dart.]
[Image 14 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Loboto speaking into a phone held in his left hand, twirling the cord in one of the fingers of his prosthetic. He says into the receiver, "Heyyy, kiddo, it's dad. Listen, you know cool pre-teen slang, don't you? Can you explain 'cringe' to me real quick? I gotta figure out if I'm being flirted with or insulted or both."]
[Image 15 ID: A sketchy black-and-white drawing of Loboto speaking on a phone, sitting backwards in a wooden chair. The phone cradle is sitting on the floor, and the cord is tangled in the fingers of Loboto's prosthetic, which is hanging over the back of the chair. He glares at the receiver and says, "Look, I know the brain's still in his head, but you didn't *specify* it had to be *removed* in the contract, so I say you owe me that bonus! C'mon, work with me here! My kid wants to go to band camp!" Phoebe, sitting in a beanbag to the left of him listening to a walkman, looks up disdainfully and corrects, "I said I wanted my tracks *on* Bandcamp, dad."]
[Image 16 ID: A black-and-white illustration of Phoebe sitting at a drumset, with Loboto lying on the floor in front of it, reading a dentistry book, head leaning against the bass drum. Phoebe is holding a drumstick in each hand and glaring down at the set, steam coming out of her ears, saying, "Ooough...!! This stupid solo's getting me so steamed!!!" Loboto replies, "Mmm, steam's fine, but no fire, sweetie, all right? Remember the hospital blocked daddy's number."]
[Image 17-18 IDs: A two-panel comic of Loboto and Phoebe. In the first, Loboto is kneeling on the ground hugging Phoebe tightly, shoulders shaking and a tear leaking out of his eye. Phoebe, dangling slightly even with Loboto crouching, grabbing at his arm with one hand, groans, "Daaaaad you're so *embarrassing*." The second panel shows Loboto, now standing with Phoebe hanging limply in his arms and looking back at him with mild irritation, staring dumbfounded at a wrecked, burning car. The speech balloons read: Loboto: "This isn't one of yours is it sweetie" Phoebe: "No one can prove anything" Loboto: "okay it's just daddy's car is still three towns over and we were gonna get a ride home from daddy's boyfriend in this car" Phoebe: "your *what,*"]
[Image 19 ID: A black-and-white illustration of Dr. Habit from Smile for Me and Loboto having an animated conversation. Puzz's anxious yet furious face is barely peeking into frame from the very bottom of the image.]
[Image 20 ID: A black-and-white illustration featuring Loboto and Phoebe alongside Habit, Putunia and Kamal from Smile for Me. Phoebe, grinning mischievously, is using pyrokinesis to light Putunia's boxing glove on fire, to her visible delight. Habit has gone into a panicked crouch at the sight, while Loboto, looking over a jar of teeth, looks over in mild surprise. Kamal is running up holding a fire extinguisher from the other side of the screen, motion-blurred and screaming.]
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