#2020 fanwork highlights
gundamzine · 8 days
Rhythm Generation
It's been 5 years since we released the first of what would become known as the "Rythm Generation" Gundam Wing fanzine project. For about 4 years, the fandom came together to share some really phenomenal fan creations - art, fic, meta, traditional crafts, and more.
Although the project has ended, I did want to share past publications for those who missed out. Each one of the zines was a labor of love, and I want to again thank everyone who participated--as moderators and contributors.
So jump down below the cutline and take a gander. Link to download page at bottom.
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2019 Rhythm Generation (released May 4, 2019): A fandom zine for the Gundam Wing After Colony universe and a celebration of the fandom that has been 20+ years and counting. It featured written and graphical fandom work which provided depth and breadth to the AC universe and the world of Gundam Wing. The collection included a wide array of world building meta, articles, art, and graphics focused on science, politics, society, and art from the fandom’s resident experts and enthusiasts which highlight the creative dynamism that underpins the AC universe. There were several charities for this publication.
2020 Rhythm Generation (released April 7, 2020): An unofficial 25th anniversary fandom zine for Gundam Wing and is a creative celebration of the After Colony universe and the fandom family itself.  The anthology showcased a wealth of fandom content in celebration of the show’s 25th anniversary: from fanfic and fanart to cosplay and gunpla to meta, tech specs, and fandom history.  The project included both a core zine—Shooting Stars—with a generalized focused on the fandom and a bonus zine—The Measure of a Year—which featured content centered around the crowd-sourced theme of “Seasons.” The chosen charity for this publication was War Child 
2021 Rhythm Generation (released October 1, 2021): The 2021 Rhythm Generation Gundam Wing fandom zine—East of the Sun, West of the Moon—featured canon-compliant, canon-divergent, and alternative universe explorations and retellings of classic fairytales, folklore, mythology, vast epics, urban legends, and even cryptids. The anthology included a wide variety of both SFW and NSFW fan content—so tread carefully!—to include stories, art, and other fanwork. The 2021 chosen charity was World Literacy Foundation
2023 Rhythm Generation (released July 1, 2023): The 2023 Rhythm Generation Gundam Wing fandom zine returned to the two-part structure celebrating canon and alternate universe fanworks. The main zine—Battle Scars—centered on the Gundam Wing characters as they move on with their lives after a major event. The bonus zine—Kitchen Cabinets—featured fanworks with a tasty twist plus sprites and recipes as digital swag! The chosen charity was The Hunger Project
To download any and all of the zines above, you can GO HERE.
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MCYTBLR FLASHBACK FEST is a week-long fanart, fanfiction and other fanwork event for fans of Minecraft video content, running from May 14th to 20th, 2023. Organized by @conarcoin.
This event aims to highlight older sub-fandoms by using one key rule – your source material must have been made from 2010 to 2019.
The only other restrictions are that your content must not be sexually explicit, and your content must not focus on the real lives of content creators. Works should be set in Minecraft!
The tag for this event is #mcytflashbackfest. You can contribute as much or as little as you would like. More information about posting will be provided as the event draws closer.
Additional information under the cut:
The 2019 cutoff does not include content created at the very tail end of 2019 and primarily existed in 2020, such as SMPEarth. Your fandom of choice must have had significant time to exist within the 2010s.
Content without a set RP canon, such as Team Crafted or Technoblade's Potato War is okay so long as your work is set inside Minecraft.
Creators such as SkyDoesMinecraft who have later been outed as abusers should not be present. Characters a creator like this may have played from established RP canons like Mianite or Yandere High School are fine. Series like SMPLive toe this line - please err on the side of caution and just exclude them if you are unsure!
Series that span many years such as Hermitcraft are acceptable, but the season/era you focus on must fall in the time frame of the event. For Hermitcraft, that means nothing after Season 6!
If you are unsure if a fandom is okay, please send an ask to this blog and I'll look into it!
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end-otw-racism · 1 year
Social Media Toolkit for #EndOTWRacism
** Highest priority action: share the Call to Action! **
Follow this account and boost the Call to Action and other posts
Change your profile pic (see graphics below)
Write your own posts about racism in fandom (feel free to get personal!) using the hashtag #End OTW Racism
Modify and use the sample language to share your new/updated fanworks:
SAMPLE LANGUAGE [share regular info about your fanwork] I created this [fanwork] to join other fans in calling on OTW (@transformativeworks) to address harassment and racist abuse on AO3 (@ao3org). Read our Call to Action to learn more, share, and find out how you can get involved. The current campaign runs from May 17-31, 2023 - join us! suggested tags: #End OTW Racism #OTW #AO3 #OTW Board #racism in fandom
TWITTER (remove backslashes from ats on twitter)
Follow @/EndOTWRacism and boost tweets
Change your profile pic and banner (see graphics below)
Write your own tweets about racism in fandom (feel free to get personal!) using the hashtag #EndOTWRacism and the Twitter attachment graphic if you wish
Modify and use the sample tweets to share your new/updated fanworks, or write your own using the hashtag and tag @/OTW_News and @/AO3org:
SAMPLE TWEET #1: [share regular info about your fanwork] Join me in calling on @/OTW_News to #EndOTWRacism!
SAMPLE TWEET #2: @/AO3org has a racist harassment problem. I’m calling on @/OTW_News to #EndOTWRacism, & I created a fanwork to spread the word!
GRAPHICS (see folder for easy downloading!)
profile pics
alt text: “END OTW RACISM” in bold text, each word on a single line against a contrasting color in shades of red and brown.
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alt text: Three boxes side by side with the words “END OTW RACISM” in bold text, one word in each box against a contrasting color in shades of red and brown.
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twitter attachment graphics
alt text 1:
#End OTW Racism in bold colors to the side. Text: End Racism in the OTW: A fan protest against the lack of action from the OTW on addressing issues of harassment and racism on AO3 and within the organization. Three years ago, the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) - the parent organization for AO3 - committed to acting on harassment and racist abuse that can currently happen through the site. Join us in holding the OTW to their commitment and demanding change that will help keep us all safer! Read more in our Call to Action, where you will find detailed information on the problem, what we're demanding from the OTW, and how you can signal boost and get involved. We are taking action May 17th to 31st.
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alt text 2:
#End OTW Racism Actions May 17-31. On AO3: - Change the title of ten (or more!) of your most recent or most popular fanworks to include ‘End Racism in the OTW’ in the beginning, and provide a link to the Call to Action in your first/top author’s note. - Post a new fanwork with ‘End Racism in the OTW’ either as the title or at the beginning of the title. - If updating any WIPs, add ‘End Racism in the OTW’ to the title. - Update your AO3 icon. - Plan to maintain these changes until May 31st, or longer if you wish On Social Media & Elsewhere: - Send a message to the OTW asking for an update on their 2020 commitments. - Reblog/Retweet/Repost this Call to Action on your fan-social medias with the hashtag #EndOTWRacism. - Update your pfp/icon and change your display name to include #EndOTWRacism. - Follow and boost the social media posts for this action on any socials you have. - Follow fans who have been talking about and highlighting these issues tirelessly despite targeted racist threats and harassment
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fanhackers · 9 months
Fan Labor and the Promise of Representation
“While it might seem self-evident that online patterns are repeated in offline spaces, it is vital to note that these exclusions occur within spaces already marked by the language of representation and inclusion. That is, queer fans of color are often called upon to support such spaces and movements through such labor as supporting hashtags, creating fanwork, and contributing to campaigns to buy billboards as well as through their emotional investments by the promise of representation. However, when they find these spaces to be, once again, structured by the logics of white supremacy, their discomfort and disappointment are seen to be the problem within the fannish space. These logics are highlighted only in moments of conflict but must be seen as a constant context within which fans of color have to operate even as they seek modes of contingent and tenuous representation.” PANDE, RUKMINI, AND SWATI MOITRA. “WHOSE REPRESENTATION IS IT ANYWAY? CONTEMPORARY DEBATES IN FEMSLASH FANDOMS.” IN FANDOM, NOW IN COLOR, 151-163. IOWA CITY: UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PRESS, 2020. 
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buffydataviz · 2 years
BTVS Fandom on AO3 - Tillow and Fuffy
There are two blogs (ToastyStats and centrumlumina) that regularly post about AO3 fandom stats, and I wanted to summarize where BTVS ranks in their findings. The highlights?
While BTVS used to be a top fandom by popularity (as recently as Jan 2018) it is not anymore. Sadly no BTVS ships make the top overall ships list. But an Aug 2022 top 100 femslash ship ranking includes Tillow (Tara x Willow) at 61 and Fuffy (Faith x Buffy) at 73. (Back in 2014 they were both in the top 20!) And as of Feb 2021 Fuffy was top ranked for F/F ships with a higher percent of adult content, at 12. You can see them halfway down on the toastystat's chart below. Source links, more on Tillow, another chart, and other details after the cut!
Sources are at the end and noted in text in parentheses.
As recently as Jan 2018 (1 - ToastyStats) BTVS was one of the top 25 fandoms, considering only large fandoms. It was at 25 overall and 10 for TV show fandoms. "Large" meant over 25K fanworks. Fanworks include fan fic and also fan art!
Unfortunately BTVS is no longer one of the top fandoms. (2)
We know (from before) that 2 of the top 5 AO3 ships for BTVS are Tara x Willow (Tillow) and Faith x Buffy (Fuffy). While the other ships do not make the "top 100 ship lists" (3 - centrumlumina) Tillow and Fuffy do make the "femslash top 100" list (4). (Femslash is an older term for F/F ships.)
As of Aug 2022, rankings were Tillow at 61 and Fuffy at 73. Both fell from their ranking last year. The first year that centrumlumina did her femslash analysis, way back in July 2014, Tillow was at 9 and Fuffy was at 13! (5)
Additionally, if you're looking for F/F ships with a higher percent of adult content (rated Explicit or Mature), Fuffy is shown on this chart at 12. (6) That ToastyStats purple-y chart (also shown above) is sorted by % Explicit. Only F/F ships with more than 1,000 works were included. You can see the fuller set of data (that includes Tillow) at ToastyStats's helpful data link.
If you leave out the video games, leave out the Anna & Elsa (platonic) ship**, and sort by the total % Adult Content, you can create the chart below. In this chart Fuffy moves up to 8. The new chart shows the 1 - 25 ships, and by that method then Tillow is ranked at 24. (The main difference is sorting by % Explicit above vs % Adult Content below. Adult Content is combined Explicit and Mature rated fanworks.)
[ ** I suspect this is an error by the AO3 fanwork creators. Perhaps they meant to label their Anna - Elsa work as non-platonic, but they are using the "&" symbol instead of the "/" symbol for their ship.]
For the red - yellow - grey chart, if you mouse-over the fandom will pop-up, and you can also see the last year the original media aired. It will say current if the media is still going. Shout outs to Star Trek: Voyager (last aired 2001) and BTVS (2003) for being the oldest fandoms to make the top 25!
Also interesting to see that some media have two ships in this list: The 100 (2020), Glee (2015), and BTVS (2003).
While I made the red - yellow - grey chart on Flourish, all the data compilation was done by ToastyStats. All credit to her, and all errors in this chart are mine.
Note AO3 posts have more details. While you have to agree to their terms of service to view, they are rated G (for General) and you do not need an AO3 login.
2018 top fandoms: AO3 post or Tumblr post (ToastyStats)
2022 top fandoms: AO3 post or Tumblr post (ToastyStats)
2022 top ships: AO3 post (centreoftheselights)
2022 top femslash ships: AO3 post (centreoftheselights)
2014 top femslash ships: AO3 post (centreoftheselights)
F/F stats: AO3 post or Tumblr post (ToastyStats)
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hakaibunshi · 3 years
2020 fanwork highlights
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works! 
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Thank you so much @kuriboh-i-choose-you for tagging me??... I am not good at this, but I will try to do something positive for once, I guess, and shamefully plug my own work........................(?) °_ °’’ 
feat. puzzle - scandal - pride - wish - dragon - kingcrab but tagging others first because this is going to be too long.
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So many have already done this, but I was not able to find @pridefulrose @life-0r-death @shinayashipper @tenderwulf @the-kings-of-games if they already did this, then I am sorry, I miss a lot of stuff all the time ...
(And I am also sorry for tagging people who have never even interacted with me  人(_ _*) but I enjoyed their works so I am tagging anyway, please forgive me and ignore me if you want to)
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O P I A 
[Puzzleshipping | ~12K]
He is used to seeing the world through Yugi’s eyes and filtering each experience through his thoughts; A thing was never just a thing but whatever Yugi saw in it. But not anymore. He watches his own fingers move closer, pushing in between the other’s until they finally all lock in place. He doesn’t know what that feels like to Yugi, but he sees their hands loving each other. And has to fully acknowledge that it is wonderful.
“No.” His voice feels comfortable for the first time. Along the length of his leg, Yugi’s ankle brushes in placid motion up and down. Bashful yet intrigued, Atem pays attention to how his body reacts to all these physical breaches. He also thinks back to what had happened in the photo booth.
Overall this story has just taught me so much; it needs to take a spot here. It was the very first time I have ever participated in a fandom event. It was the first time I wrote for Puzzleshipping, my first time writing Fluff, first time writing FOR someone else.
The pressure was so real, and I struggled so much along the way, but at the same time, this was the thing that catapulted me back into the fandom for real. After this, it seemed impossible to turn away again, and I realized how much I love not just writing but putting effort into writing. Polishing it, fighting against it if needed.
Break A Heart
[KingCrabshipping | ~12K]
Jack, who stood a head taller than Yusei, leaned down, hovering his lips over the fair skin of Yusei’s neck, sending hot breath on its path. Yusei’s desire was audible through his short breaths, but he didn’t care, not that he was keeping it a secret. The image in his head was Jack biting him to pieces, and it made him shiver. “Come on then, Yusei.” Jack’s voice was heavy, even if he hummed his words. He leaned in until he could feel the buckles of Yusei’s jacket against his chest. The beast's teeth playfully caressing the shell of his ear, Yusei couldn’t hide the vibration it sent through his body. “Fight me.”
This needs to be here not because it is especially great, it really isn’t, BUT it was something I wrote for me and for me only because this is what I wanted and needed and for once I really did not care if others would like it or not. And that was kind of special for me. Also this ship. It just makes me lose my shit, I love it this much.
A Wish Granted
[Wishshipping | Dragonshipping | ongoing]
“Ain’t as bad as it looks,” he felt the need to say. “Most are older.”
Yugi turned away and reached for the towel, wringing it in his hands. Already, just the sound of it had some bizarrely calming effect. “Sorry…, I didn’t mean to stare. I didn’t think you were hurt this badly.” He spread the towel across both his hands and gestured to Katsuya to lift his hand. Some water dripped onto his thighs but it didn’t seem to bother him.
“As I said, ain’t all fresh.”
“They were fresh once.” He slowly started to rub the dirt and dry blood off the skin, evidently taking great care not to put too much pressure at first, not to cause him any pain.
“Well, they don’t hurt anymore.”
The faintest, saddest smile hushed over Yugi’s face and for a moment Katsuya thought he might start to cry. “Hm… just looking at them hurts”, he said under his breath, as if to himself.
Katsuya thought about that for a second but stopped before he, too, could feel it.
My baby. Although it is constantly taking the back seat to make space for ongoing smaller projects and fandom events, this is so close to my heart. Jounouchi’s POV because I love him and I feel way too connected to this boy.
Even tho this is getting long: Inspired by @kuriboh-i-choose-you I will also put here a special mention [Scandalship WIP haha]:
is the first thing I started writing in 2020. And until now it is the one I most want to write but also rarely find the correct headspace to do so. But I want to share a little something here then, if I might~
It is a story of Kaiba trying to travel to the afterlife, but traveling into the past instead, whoops.
[Scandalshipping | Prideshipping | WIP]
(of chapter 2)
A strange and new insecurity bewitched him. Was he meant to bow? No one ever taught him about this. But he did not feel like bowing to the other, instead, he lifted his chin ever so slightly. “I was worried not to be able to communicate.” “I wouldn’t have a language barrier get in the way of my revenge. Now, where are my clothes? Don’t make me ask again…” The audacity had Atem nearly choke on his breath. Wasn’t it too much to talk like this, no matter who he was? “It would appear the servants have taken it to clean... I will make sure it will be returned to you. You shall forgive the insolence.” He thought about calling the guards in, but didn’t want to interrupt the time between them quite yet. Once the priests found out about his awakening, they would be all over the case. “May I ask your name? I wish to at least address you properly. Forgive me for not recognizing you should there have been a way for me to kn-” “Seto Kaiba.” Seto! By Rah, if this was a joke, he wished it to come to an end already. Besides him being interrupted yet again when all he did was try to be polite, to have his dearest’s name be used atop of his shape, how much insult would he have to tolerate? “Seto….?” “It is unfortunate… I thought I should have left a lasting impression on that ghost of yours.” “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” “Yes, I’m aware. It’s rather obvious.” Searching for his composure, Atem pushed aside the blinds, pretending curiosity as to what was happening outside, where nothing was happening at all because the whole world was happening right here. He sensed it through the vibrations inside his chest. Alarmed by the sound of naked footsteps behind him, he turned just in time to hurry and push himself between the door and Seto Kaiba. “What are you doing?” “Out of my way, Pharaoh, I will find the lackeys responsible for my clothes vanishing, and I will get them, hopefully before someone dares to rub them against a stone down in the Nile.” His trembling palms raised toward Kaiba's chest, Atem managed to stop his motion, incredibly cautious not to touch him. “There is nothing wrong with the Nile, but I am trying to be understanding. However, will you please consider your appearance and withhold from exposing yourself like this to the entire court. The guards might think you a mad man. I ask you to stay here, I will get your dress back for you.” “You better be quick about it.” “Just...” Atem did not appreciate the language at all, but the worst of it was that the harsh fold between Kaiba’s brows, the disregard in the air between them and the light garment made his knees weak. “Just stay here. And stay quiet. If you cause trouble, I-” “I got it.” He turned away. “Just get on with it.”
This is so long, how awful, I apologize !!!!! but also ... greatful if anyone at all reads through this x.x’’’’’ 
ヽ(´ཀ`」∠) 彡3
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🌟  2020 fanwork highlights 🌟
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
i haven’t really been in ygo fandom for very long so i don’t have a lot to post, but i will do my best 🌟  i’m really hard on myself so it’s difficult for me to look back on stuff that i still like. but i’ve learned so much drawing these gay nerds and i’ve met so many sweet people that have encouraged me to keep going!! thank you so much, all 200+ of you..... 人´∀`)
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1) i still really like how my blanket piece for pridecember came out!! it was a lot of work but i love tender shit so drawing these nerds wrapped up all cozy like made me happy (ノ´∀`*)
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2) i really adore this puzzleshipping piece i did of yuge and atem ;w; took me a million years to finish but i’m still really proud of it and i think it’s really cute. i love my puzzleboys and there are so many amazing puzzle artists that inspire me!! i want to draw them more..
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3) blank space atem is amazing and i love??? this concept i created in 2020. i want to draw atem in more taylor swift outfits esp from blank space and the ready for it music video (゚¬゚) my HC is he is a total diva and kaiba appeases his fancy lifestyle haha..
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4) the first piece of ygo art i ever made and it was memeworthy content. i don’t regret a goddamn thing. don’t @ me
thank you for @atembomb​ for tagging me (๑´ㅂ`๑) lets make this another ygo filled year!!! 
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crowley-anthony · 3 years
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@aosrecweek‘s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. best of 2020 challenge
Rules: post your top 3/5/10/however many favorites of your own works in the past year, and then recommend that many works created by others.
I’m going to post some (mostly) gifsets I’ve loved seeing throughout the course of the year. Thank you to the incredible people who have tagged me in this (I still have a few to catch up on).
Favourite works of mine:
aos + greek gods & goddesses
🎨 + fitzsimmons (quote by Christopher Pointdexter)
fitzsimmons some things change others stay the same
aos + major arcana tarot cards
aos + planet symbolism
Daisy Johnson Appreciation Week ● Day 2  ➼ A fanwork highlighting one or several colours
Fitzsimmons Timeline
Fitzsimmons Timeline ‘Titles’
Fitzimmons + Eighteen Video
aos + name etymology
#when you both share loss of memory/experiences
Favourite works of others:
Fitzsimmons Family gifset by @ofitzsimmons
AOS timeline gifset by @jemmafitzsimmons
Fitzsimmons Family Art by @agentreeb
Something Magnificent Art by @captainironnerd
Fitzsimmons Family Zoo Trip by @2minutes2midnight
Fitzsimmons Parallels by @bunnykaye
Fitzsimmons Cottage by @rathxritter
Fitzsimmons ‘This is Love’ by @iaindecaesteckcr
FS ‘I love you’ by @nickyoung
IMDB Top Rated Episodes by @jemmafitzsimmons
Daisy Johnson Quote gifset by @deckerschloe 
AOS Team gifset by @bartonclinton
‘This is my family’ gifset by @ughfitz
Team Shield by @erinsdoherty
Timequake Tropes by @marvelsaos
FS ‘Who needs space?’ by @katyazhuravlik
Daisy + Purple by @gracechoi
Daniel Sousa gifset by @geraltcirilla
FS Family First Day at School by @springmagpies
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your support, not only this year but throughout the years since I have been in the fandom. I wish I could list so many many more creations and people who have brought so much joy to my dashboard every day (and I’m sure I’ve missed so many creations - not to mention all the fanfiction I still have to catch up on!). The AOS fandom is one of the best I have been involved in 💜💜💜
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gundamzine · 2 years
Rhythm Generation
If you joined the “Just Communicating” presentation on Twitch with Stephen Hero and pmcTRILOGY, be sure to check out their new podcast, Giant Robot FM on Twitter.  
If you joined the stream, you probably also heard about our zines!  To recap, here are the download links for all three iterations 2019-2021.
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2019 Rhythm Generation Worldbuilding and Meta Zine featured worldbuilding written and artistic work focused on science, politics, and society from the fandom’s resident experts and enthusiasts which highlight the creative dynamism that underpins the A.C. universe.
Released: May 4, 2019 Chosen Charities: several (see zine)
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2020 Rhythm Generation (25th Anniversary Zine) was a creative celebration of the show’s 25th anniversary: from fanfic and fanart to cosplay and gunpla, to meta, tech specs, and fandom history.  The project included both a core zine with a generalized focused on the fandom, and a bonus zine which featured content centered around the crowd-sourced theme of “Seasons.”
Released: April 7, 2020 Chosen Charity: War Child
Shooting Stars (Main Zine) || A Measure of a Year (Bonus Zine)
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2021 Rhythm Generation (East of the Sun, West of the Moon) featured canon-compliant, canon-divergent, and alternative universe explorations and retellings of classic fairytales, folklore, mythology, vast epics, urban legends, and even cryptids. The anthology included a wide variety of both SFW and NSFW fan content—to include stories, art, and other fanwork.
Released: October 1, 2021 Chosen Charity: World Literacy Foundation 
Digital Swag || SFW Only Version || SFW + NSFW Version 
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kevlar01 · 3 years
🌟  2020 fanwork highlights 🌟
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
tagged by @smokedoutcoldstar​
Thinking about it, I did a lot of creating this past year!! I started posting writing again, (I think that was just this year...) and I made a lot of fanart as well as original works. I’ve chosen a few fanarts from a few different fandoms. Currently Yu-Gi-Oh holds a big chunk of my interest, but there is a lot of media that I really love. Anyone who sees this can thank Pyro for encouraging and enabling me to continue to create, especially with the works you’re about to see!
1. Overwatch, The Manwich, Inconvenient Junkrat
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I made this for one of @smokedoutcoldstar​ ‘s fics iirc. This (and it’s companion, Inconvenient Junkrat) are two of my favorite things I’ve made this year though it feels like I created them forever ago haha.
Inconvenient Junkrat
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(Dialogue by Pyro, and uh if you see this, feel free to remind me what I made these for. Did I make them for anything in particular? Idk. I love them.)
Edit: Here’s the fic series these two are part of!
[extra description cause the alt text thing doesnt let me add enough: Captions read as follows: Junkrat: You think you’re so tough. But look at you. You’re a log of blubber you are. All sappy like a housewife. Roadhog says in the next caption: Dude, shut the fuck up they’re still asleep]
2. Yu-Gi-Oh!, Thiefshipping CITRONSHIPPING APPARENTLY (And no, TKB is not getting blown.) A request from Pyro
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I liked doing the candles lol. I did this before or shortly after I started watching and reading Yu-Gi-Oh. I like this a lot for the colors and I thought I was a genius for making a throne for TKB out of rock. XD
3. BNA (Brand New Animal), Goldenwolf Shipping (Shiro x Alan. There’s like 3 pieces of content for them the last time I checked but they are a great “I hate you so much seriously I hate you and everything you stand for” ship. Love to watch it burn.)
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4. Star Wars, Obikin, Corridor Compunction
Sith Obi-wan and Anakin are dueling. It isn't the first time, and this time the tension rises in a different way.
Anakin: "Kriff I thought that Sith was hot before... and now he wants to kiss me."
Anakin: "Fuck yeah."
Anakin: "Still mad at him though"
This is one of the best things I’ve written thus far. I still want to do a sequel but I need to write some more before starting so the sequel can live up to the original haha!
5. Yu-Gi-Oh!, Heartshipping, Ryou.exe Has Stopped Working
Ryou has too many feelings and Yugi is like "yeah I've got a crush on you too."
Yugi puts his arm around Ryou and Ryou Error 404s.
I think this is cute. I think heartshipping is cute. I think Yugi and Ryou are cute. My hospital job was both terrifying and boring so I coped by writing this fic on a weekend shift.
I don’t really know anyone on here besides Pyro, so anyone who sees this, please post some things for us all to admire!!
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miraculousfanworks · 2 years
Creator Spotlight: Day
The Miraculous Fanworks Discord server’s spotlight highlights content creators in the community! Each month, one artist and one writer will have their accounts promoted on our social media accounts.
This month’s spotlight highlights a creator who is both a writer and an artist: @day-writingdaydreams!
Day is both a talented writer and artist, coming up with inventive scenarios for all aspects of creating.
We’ve interviewed her, asking her questions about her fanworks and advice for other creators.
1. How long have you been writing in general?
I was a late bloomer to the writing scene, as I was primarily a reader. I finally started to write in 2019, after I had gotten very angry about a crucial detail in a fanfic that I had read in another fandom. I was 36 years old at the time, and I finally had the urge to write. My first piece wound up being a songfic that I had written for a Big Bang in another fandom, but I had started writing sporadically ever since. 
2. How long have you been drawing in general?
I’ve been drawing ever since I could remember, and art class was one of my favorite subjects. I started creating art under the name PenPaperInk&Paint during the 2020 pandemic, as I had started a YouTube channel for it at the time, mostly dealing in time-lapsed traditional art with mixed media. My YouTube channel is currently undergoing a rebranding, but most of my art can be found on Instagram under @pen.ink.artworks.
3. How long have you been creating for the fandom, and what’s your favorite part of the process? 
I had started creating for Miraculous in late 2020, starting with a one-shot based off of the song “Loyal, Brave, & True”. Something about these two precious, innocent dorks grabbed my attention and refused to let go. I started creating artwork for the fandom a few months later, learning digital art while creating some small graphics to be published in the Miraculous Fanworks Discord Server Newsletter. My favorite part of both processes is getting lost in a scene, usually while writing or reading, and then wanting to draw those scenes.
4. Has there been anything in particular that influences your style?
For writing, I’m usually inspired by music, as nearly all of my stories are songfics of some kind. Before the server had announced the “Spin The Record” challenge, I was already drawing up plans for writing “You Will Be Found”, which was my very first foray into writing a multi-chapter story. Other times, the story ideas that pop into my head are based on conversations held in the MF discord server, like my one-shot called “The Spice of Life”.
For drawing… I hate doing lineart. I will do everything in my power to not do lineart. If this means that I spend hours in shading hell to make a piece look good, then so be it. It’s infinitely better than the frustration that I get when doing lineart.
5. Do you have any advice you’d like to give to other creators?
Create what you can, wherever and whenever you can. As a full-time working mom, I try to sneak in some form of creating fanwork in-between working with customers, during lunch breaks, when the Kid is doing his homework, or I voice record story ideas as I drive home from work. Sometimes my husband will find me awake at 2 am trying to finish a story idea or a drawing (he works nights, so this does happen). Try not to ruin your sleep schedule, though, advises the insomniac. 
6. How do you think the identity reveal is going to go? Feel free to write/draw something quick if you want to!
“Ladybug,” Su-Han intoned gravely. “You’ve made a mistake. You know what the consequence is.”
Pure panic overcame her face before Chat turned towards the monk. “I promised her that I would help retrieve the Miraculous. That offer does not extend to you.”
“You do not have a choice, Chat Noir,” Su-Han declared. “You are a Miraculous holder, and according to the rules, you will help the Guardians retrieve them.”
“The only Guardian I acknowledge is her,” Chat growled. “I don’t know who you are. Ladybug is the only Guardian whom I have my faith and trust in. I will only be loyal to her.”
His words took the monk by surprise, even knowing that the holder of destruction was steadfast in his loyalty to Ladybug. 
He had not counted on this, though he should have known to expect the unexpected from these two. 
“Then I have no other choice,” Su-Han muttered just loud enough for the two teenagers to hear. “If this is how you choose to face this challenge, and to keep Ladybug’s memories intact, then you must do so without any secrets between yourselves.”
“Do you mean…?”
“Yes,” the monk replied. “You must reveal your identities to each other.”
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You can find Day on Tumblr @day-writingdaydreams​, on Instagram as pen.ink.artworks, and on Archive of Our Own as WritingDaydreams. Some of her works include “As You Wish”, a Princess Bride AU; “You Will Be Found”, a work inspired by the musical Dear Evan Hansen; “The Spice of Life”, inspired by a conversation that took place on Miraculous Fanworks; a drawing inspired by Mikauzoran’s “Serendipity”; a drawing inspired by MiaBrown’s “pipe is what dreams are made of”; and a traditional piece depicting a Marichat version of the Adrinette dance.
Interested in being featured? Come join the server!
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ishipallthings · 4 years
Cap-Ironman Rec Week 2020 (Saturday - Podfic)
Not-Fic Saturday, June 20th: A rec day highlighting fanworks like moodboards, manips, fanvids, podfics and artworks! for @cap-ironman Rec Week.
I’ve been listening to a lot of Steve/Tony podfics over the past year, so here is a  podfic rec list for you all. I’m in awe of the hard work podficcers put into recording fics, they deserve all the kudos!
Remember to show some love for your hard-working authors and podfic readers!
Love Among the Hydrothermal Vents by kellifer_fic, read by RsCreighton:
In which Namor has a thing for Steve, an octopus has a thing for Tony, and Steve and Tony eventually have a thing for each other.
Mr. July by jibrailis, read by sundancekid:
Tony is the only one who can defend Steve's virtue. Tony hates his life.
Truths, Lies and the Tipping Point by BlackEyedGirl, read by reena_jenkins:
The news report seems more interested in the argument between the team during the fight than the way they eventually won. And then it gets worse.
Getting Your Betty Crocker On by thehoyden, read by sisi_rambles:
He knows it’s not wartime anymore, but he can’t quite suppress the twinge of guilt he feels at measuring out two entire cups of white sugar.
Four (Or Five) Reasons for Kidnapping Tony Stark by scifigrl47, read by Hananobira:
There are four reasons for kidnapping Tony Stark. Tony's sick of all of them. Well, there's potentially a fifth, but it's highly unlikely that Captain America will suddenly fulfill THAT fantasy. Tony's deeply disappointed about that.
Steve Rogers, as always, is oblivious. At least, that is, until someone who isn't him kidnaps Tony. Then he's just pissed. (series)
Soul Bomb by copperbadge, read by fire_juggler:
Suddenly everyone in Manhattan has someone else's voice in their head. Tony got Steve's, for his sins.
I've got you under my skin by sirona, read by by Opalsong:
Five times Beijing 2008 Olympics Gold Medalist Tony Stark thinks it's going to be no more difficult a job to get ready for London 2012, than what he has just achieved. That is, of course, before Coach Fury comes to visit, and offers him a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a part of something much bigger than himself. Swimming AU.
Weighing of the Heart by scifigrl47, read by UstolemyNAME:
Steve Rogers hasn't really had a particularly easy life. He's struggled along, he's proud of himself, he's self-sufficient and capable and he works damn hard. He has friends and a purpose and he's only a few semesters from graduating college. He's managed, but his life has been far from easy.
That's mostly because of a slight filing error.
The last thing that Steve needed was someone to watch over him. The only thing that his Guardian Angel needs is a second chance to make a first impression.
As Sharp As Any Thorn by RurouniHime ( @thegertie​ ), read by sapphirescribe:
It’s four days to Christmas, there’s a city in shambles, and the nation is in mourning because of the actions of a single man.
Wilt Thou Exchange by twentysomething, read by exmanhater:
The first time Steve meets Toni is about a week after he wakes up.
An Assembly Such As This by lady_ragnell ( @theladyragnell ), read by exmanhater:
In which Miss Antonia Stark finds herself sponsor and mentor of Miss Lucy Banner at the behest of the Fury, meets a mysterious American officer, and the fortunes of the brothers Odinson are discussed extensively.
The Truth Is by dirigibleplumbing ( @dirigibleplumbing ), read by Akaihyou:
Steve and Tony are put under a spell that prevents each of them from uttering any truthful statements to the other. With Steve hiding the truth about how Tony’s parents died, both of them hiding how they feel about each other, and regular old emotional repression, it takes a while for anyone to notice.
lover, we always fall by enkiduu, read by AudioSilks ( @whenas-in-silks​ ):
(In which Tony is Icarus and Steve is the ocean.)
I'll turn hours into gardens by nanasekei ( @elcorhamletlive​ ), read by only_more_love ( @onlymorelove​ ):
Every week, a plant arrives.
The Future Is Yet in Your Power by FestiveFerret ( @festiveferret​ ), read by semperfiona_podfic:
"Now." Wong leaned back in his chair. "What would you do to save this world from Thanos' attack? What would you sacrifice?"
"Anything," Steve said. "Anything at all."
Wong considered him for a moment, expression unreadable. "There's one thing, maybe."
A Fistful of Steves: This Town Ain't Big Enough by teaberryblue, read by Renton6echo:
When Tony Stark takes a bullet intended for Steve Rogers, he wakes up in a world entirely peopled by alternate incarnations of everyone's favorite Star-Spangled Man. (MCU, multiverse)
When The Lights Go On Again by seanchai, elspethdixon, read by various:
Aliens have invaded earth, and the Avengers are scattered. While Steve leads the resistance, Tony once again finds himself playing captive scientist. In the midst of a violent alien regime, separated by seemingly insurmountable boundaries, Steve and Tony have nothing to keep themselves going but each other. (616)
A Meeting of Minds by Nix, read by kalakirya:
As it turns out, the Extremis hadn't quite finished rewriting Tony's brain. The only potential fix has...consequences. (616)
The Law Runneth Forward and Back by Sineala, read by RsCreighton: 
It's been three weeks since Tony saved Steve's life at Mount Rushmore, and they're not talking about it. It's going to drive Tony insane. But they've got bigger problems, because Nightshade has turned Steve into a werewolf. Again. And all Steve seems to want is to be near Tony. (616)
now that we have seen each other by Mizzy ( @mizzy2k ), read by hopelesse:
Steve's crush on Iron Man seemed to him to be much more reasonable than his crush on Tony Stark. A meeting with some identical Avengers from another reality raises some important identity questions, though, and with their shattering revelations in tow, will Steve's heart survive this experience? (616)
If Only You Hadn't Loved Me by Missy_dee811 ( @viudanegraaa​ ​), read by IronAudio ( @ironlawyer​ ):
What if Steve and Tony had admitted their feelings prior to the Civil War? (616)
What If: Project Wide Awake by simmysim, read by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid
So what if Steve's side had won in civil war, and Big Brother just started shanking everyone? (616)
Straight on till Morning by Sineala, read by M_Samro:
Tony Stark resigned his commission in Starfleet five years ago, after a disastrous away mission, and he swore he'd never go back. He just wants to be left alone to build warp engines in peace. But the universe has more in store for him than that, as he discovers when Admiral Fury comes to him with an offer he could never have expected and cannot possibly refuse: first officer and chief engineer aboard the all-new USS Avenger, a starship of Tony's own design. What's more, the Avenger's captain is Steve Rogers, hero of the Earth-Romulan War. Believed dead for over a century, Steve is miraculously alive... and very, very attractive.
But nothing is ever easy for Tony. As he wrestles with his secret desire for his new captain and his not-so-dormant fears, another mission starts to go wrong, and Tony becomes aware that Steve has secrets of his own -- and the truth could change everything. (616)
Indelible by Penumbren, read by Saphirerose:
When an experiment goes awry, Tony thinks he may have found an answer to his problems and Steve faces something he's been avoiding for a very long time. (616/Noir)
Under God by isozyme, read by by Cathalinareads:
Nobody was ever going to know. Steve would be a good husband, a good father, and he’d never give in to sin and touch another man.
But Steve makes two mistakes, one after the other: he leaves two words out of the Pledge of Allegiance, and he doesn’t notice a camera flash among the strobe lights of a dark club, because he’s dancing with his clumsy hands on Tony’s hips. (Ults)
Head over to the podficcers’ profiles for more works, and you can also check out @sabrecmc​‘s list for more recs :)
Hope you guys enjoy the recs, and stay tuned for more! Here is my tag for previous years’ rec lists.
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xauroraxborealisx · 3 years
2020 Fanworks Highlights
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by: @alectoperdita, @elexica, @clyde-side and my absolutely precious partner in crime @atems-leather-pants ! Thank you all for thinking about me!
So, I started writing only back in June 2020. I mean, I wrote before, but I had been on a 10-12 years hiatus because of life. And then, suddenly, I found YGO again and then I found the courage to write for this fandom and publish, and it led me to where I am right now and I could not be happier about taking that leap! <3
My favourite: Netflix and Chill
Okay, so this fic may not be finished, but it is my baby, the first ever time I actually jumped into a complex multi-chapter fic on a somewhat dare (yup, Pants and I actually challenged each other to do the AU-gust but while writing a cohesive story instead of separate prompts!). I absolutely adore working all these different angles of that complex puzzleboys relationship I’m building! (Puzzleshipping)
Notable runner-ups:
Deck the Dates: This actualy @atems-leather-pants and I’s second collaboration. We decided to indulge in cheesy Christmas stuff, mixed in with a coffee shop AU to boost! It became ever dearer to my heart as we wrote each chapter that led to the beautiful conclusion that will be up online tonight! (Puzzleshipping)
Couting the Days: So this was our first collab and took us both way outside our comfort zone! It was a thrill to write, a thriller piece based in a zombie post-apocalyptic AU with different pairings that we are used to and different POVs also! It gave us the itch to write together again... and probably again and again! (Kleptoshipping)
The Art of Conversation: My first ever completed one-shot, very self-indulgent fluff with autumn vibes, flannel and music. A soft slow-burn ode to my puzzleboys! (Puzzleshipping)
Elemental: The one that started it all. It’s my PuzzleJune 2020 offerings, the first thing I published on my AO3 account, my official re-entry in the YGO fandom and my first fics too! Some of them have inspired other of my works, some of them will also be reworked into their proper story, but I am so very proud to see how I have evolved from the first one to the last one. (Puzzleshipping)
Tagging: Some of you may have been tagged already, but hey, feel the love people! @the-pancake-writes, @shinayashipper, @dragonidpyrus12, @adora-belle, @over-roaming-waves, @principalcellist and whoever writes out there and wants to share their accomplishments with the world! Y’all deserve to do this! <3
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fandomtrumpshate · 4 years
FTH 2020 Signups Now Open!
The hour has struck! Signups are open from now until the end of the day on January 31st. (any timezone; we’re not super picky.)
There are a few things we want to call your attention to, before you plunge in:
1) Our list of supported nonprofits includes some of the same organizations as last year, as well as several new ones. (A couple of last year’s orgs grew enough to shoot past our $10 million-a-year ceiling, which is actually pretty awesome for them.) It’s also possible for creators to select one additional nonprofit where their bidders can send donations; if you’re thinking of pursuing this course, please be sure to read our policy on donations to outside organizations.
2) As part of an effort to boost fan labor, we’re piloting a project called the Regiment of Fan Laborers (ROFL.) You can read all the details here, but we want to highlight two things:
Anyone who signs up for fan labor will be given the option to sign on for the ROFL
Anyone who signs up as a writer will be eligible to partner with someone from the ROFL for help and support with their FTH fic. We can’t guarantee there will be someone in the ROFL who meets your exact needs, though, so feel free to bid on individual labor auctions if you know what you’re looking for.
3) Though we still aren’t including tangible fancrafts as part of the auction (we explain why in our FAQ,) this year we will have a Fan Crafts Bazaar. The full details and a signup will be up soon!
4) Lastly, because of some updates we’ve made to the signup form regarding how fandoms are classified, the signup form is now, technically, 54 pages long. But don’t worry! You won’t see 54 pages. That number includes pages for every single subfandom menu. Nobody is going to see more than about seven or eight screens, even if all three of your fandoms break down into separate subfandoms. We’re mentioning this only because we don’t want anyone to flip out when they see “page 1 of 54″ in the bottom right corner (which would be a reasonable reaction.)
Click here to sign up to offer a fanwork for Fandom Trumps Hate 2020.
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tuesdayinthedas · 3 years
2020 Fanworks highlight!
Tagged by the amazing @ink-flavored please check out her 2020 highlights!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
So I actually didn’t draw much at all in 2020 but when I did it was big pieces and often for zines, which I’m quite proud of!
1. I played alot of ff7r and I really took my time on this piece and used a few new techniques. I love the details and my fave Cloud is the top left.
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2. My HEKA picture! I was really proud of this zine piece, after a rough start to the year with another zine getting a 2nd chance with heka and creating this Malik pic reminded me they are a lot of fun to be apart of
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3. Another piece where I tried new things! I finally got round to watch Mob Psycho 100 in 2020 and I absolutely loved it!
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I’m not sure who to tag but please feel free to do this!
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daisylincs · 4 years
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A development through the life of Daisy Johnson, as seen in moments containing the colour blue.
(Written for Day 2 of Daisy Johnson Appreciation Week 2020: A fanwork highlighting one or several colours )
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