csacskamacskamocska · 2 years
Jó volt
Sajnos nem lehet napi rutinná tenni a sok ivást, de a tegnapi szerencsésen jött össze. Épp hazaértem addigra mire kitört rajtam az azonnal ágyba érzés és úgy aludtam el, hogy semmi, de tényleg semmi sem zakatolt a fejemben. Hazudok, pár percig Logan járt a gondolataimban, de aztán figyelmeztettem magam és elkezdtem a magas fekete – esetleg ősz – pasin gondolkodni, aki hamarosan rámtalál és ezen tulajdonságai mellett még azt is tudja... itt elaludtam. Vagy feladtam. Amúgy 165 centi vagyok, nem egy truváj nálam jelentősen magasabbnak lenni. Egyszer jártam egy sráccal (ezt a szöveget egyébként tőle tanultam. Minden történetét így kezdte, hogy egyszer jártam egy lánnyal... később kiderült, hogy ez mindösszesen egy vagy kettő lány volt, akik fontosak voltak neki, csak az indítószöveg miatt tűnt rengetegnek :D) szóval jártam ezzel a faszival és volt egy marketinges csaj, aki rámozdult. Kicsit prostituálódás volt a dolog, mert a marketinges csaj nagyon sok sokmilliós megrendelést tudott hozni és taktikusabb volt, ha nem tud róla, hogy mi együtt vagyunk (egy helyen dolgoztunk). Engem mondjuk kibaszottul zavart a dolog, értettem is meg nem is, a pasi nagyon nem csinált semmit, csak „hagyta magát”. hagyta, hogy a nő gondoljon amit akar, nem hárított, nem volt elutasító, de nem is kezdeményezett. Ha a csaj mondta, hogy inna egy kávét a stúdió melletti kávézóba, akkor elvitte kávézni, ha a csak felhívta akkor elfecsegett vele. Amúgy a nő vagy egy fejjel magasabb volt és bár nem volt kövér, de valahogy a magasságához illő karcsúságával is sok volt benne az anyag. A pasi azt mondta, hogy tudja ő, hogy a csaj szívesen elbabázgatna vele, hát ő meg próbál taktikus lenni. Ez az „elbabázgatás” ez annyira bennem maradt. Azóta van ez a magasság fóbiám. Faszság? Persze. És akkor mi van? Hozzáteszem amúgy is van ez az erős késztetésem, hogy kitaláljam a másik gondolatait, erre a pszichológus hívta fel a figyelmemet és felszólított, hogy hagyjam abba mert e miatt viselkednek mellettem a férfiak úgy, mintha gyerekek lennének. Megismerek egy faszit, okos, intelligens, férfias és addig babusgatom amíg gyerek nem lesz. Hiszen mindenkinek van hajlama rá, hogy belekényelmeseden a jóba, a kiszolgálásba, hogy majd megoldják helyette, emlékeznek mindenre helyette, viszik neki az ingert, a szenvedélyt, tálcán kínálják az intellektuális csemegéket, válogass csak szívem, nekem minden jó, engem minden érdekel, az lesz amit te szeretnél. (azért elég gáz elkényeztetett kisgyerek feeling ez. :() Hogy a faszi megcsalt-e annakidején ezzel a marketinges óriással, azt nem lehet tudni, és nem is érdekel. Semmit sem változtatna, ha tudnám, annyira régen volt.
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kyouka-supremacy · 30 days
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Please I need to know how Mori made a slitted throat look like a natural death. Please
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goldenpinof · 3 months
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S tier moment
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beesbeesbees42 · 2 months
Every instance of One I could find in the new episode!!!
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midnightcrustcat · 10 months
hello intermission fandom, today i share my designs for tha felt
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1-gelincikk · 5 months
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En sevdiğim mekan 😍🥰☕️
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jtl-fics · 5 months
Happy WIP Wednesday! I would love to see some New Kings!
WIP Wednesday - 11/29/23 (Closed) | New Kings AU
"Dad booked tickets for all of us." Kevin says. "I'm going with you to get Neil." Kevin doesn't even look up from his packing.
"Don't slow me down." Andrew says with a scowl.
"I'm faster than you. If anything you trying to pack your bag with every article of clothing you know Neil liked back in college is going to slow us down when you have to check your damn bag since it won't fit in the overhead bin." Kevin rolls his eyes zipping his own backpack up.
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unabashedqueenfury · 6 months
Reign 2013-2017/ 01-14 • 03-05
Mary and Francis
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When I look at you, I see forgiveness
I see the truth
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You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
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Right there where they belong
And I know I'm not alone...
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You appear just like a dream to me
Just like Kaleidoscope colors that cover me,
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All I need
Every breath that I breathe
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Don't you know you're beautiful?
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vhscorp · 1 year
Quand tes mains frôlent ma peau, c’est comme si mon corps tout entier se chargeait d’électricité…
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randomestcrackships · 11 months
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Abigail Cowen & Gavin Leatherwood
for @lionheart-ress
Want to use my edits?  Shoot me a message!​
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drawing--dead · 1 year
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413 BABY!
happy 413, folks! thought i'd share my felt sprites. (not for public use! these are made by me, for me)
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 month
I really wish there were more fics that delved into how Akutagawa's love for Atsushi is different from his love for Dazai.
Tbh I just wish Akutagawa's romantic feelings for Dazai were acknowledged more and I'm only now realizing it's so weird how nobody really ever brings them up? while it's all so evidently there. I mean, considering Akutagawa to be / having been in love with Dazai is seriously a perfectly feasible, consistent, realistic way to interpret the text without any need to bend or stretch it. It just makes a lot of sense for how his character is portrayed - his obsession with Dazai, his devotion, his desperation to be acknowledged and approved by him - and I think it's quite the important piece to understand his character. His love for Dazai is a significant aspect of Akutagawa's character, and it also explains why he's always been so vulnerable to manipulation by Dazai specifically. In a way, I think Akutagawa being so unmistakingly gay is also coherent with the way he's completely indifferent and even oblivious to Higuchi's feelings for him that lie at the light of the day– although, please note, that's a slippery slope that can degenerate in apologism for the way he abuses her, so I beg to be mindful when considering that.
Akutagawa's feelings for Dazai are in ultimate analysis extremely relevant for how Akutagawa falls and acts in the sskk picture: Atsushi being not the first person Akutagawa ever fell for, so in a way him being more aware of his own feelings than Atsushi is; Akutagawa falling for Atsushi first (and harder), because at this point he already knows he likes men, he already knows what being in love with someone feels like. But at the same time I believe that it's so interesting to explore how his feelings for Dazai are different from what he holds for Atsushi. On one side you have Akutagawa's feelings for Dazai being passive: not in the way he doesn't act after them, of course he does, but in the way he's always passively subject to Dazai's abuse, unable to stand for himself, blinded by his devotion to Dazai and unable to really see the damage he's causing him. Passive in the way that he's created this image of Dazai in his mind, perfect, god-like, static and unnatural, that struggles to evolve and adapt to reality. Akutagawa's love for Atsushi, on the other hand, is aggressive: always actively trying to hurt the other, always attempting to make the other suffer; it really speaks of someone whom, all his life, has always associated love with pain. Akutagawa hurts Atsushi because he knows love means pain, and he hurts Atsushi because he can't allow his love for him to hurt Akutagawa again as deeply and painfully as it's done in the past. It's a little sad. Ultimately, Akutagawa's love for Atsushi being the push Akutagawa needs to get over Dazai at last, something I fear he never really managed to do up to - I believe - at least chapter 53: getting over Dazai as something he gradually achieved after the soul-searching he did during his absence between chapters 53 and 84. Chapter 84 being the one where Akutagawa willingly, readily said “no” to Dazai in a way that was so sudden and surprising for anyone who knows him and that is easy to interpret as Akutagawa finally starting to free himself from the influence Dazai has had on him up to that point. That's why Akutagawa's sacrifice for Atsushi is all the more important and poignant, because him protecting (and dying for) Atsushi was never for Dazai to begin with.
I always always considered Akutagawa being gay and in love with Dazai to be like. the most evidently queer thing the bsd canon has to offer (and maybe the “you know the reason yourself don't you”, but I guess that falls under the bigger category of “Ryuunosuke Akutagawa is a character that is gay”); but now that I think about it, nobody ever brings it up really. I can guess it's probably because most people - including people who like Akutagawa and ship sskk - ultimately sympathize with Dazai, and even where acknowledging the hurt he's done to Akutagawa, don't really like to dwell on it or explore the relationship between the two of them which is... legit, indeed. Still, I think their relationship and Akutagawa's romantic feelings for Dazai are a very important part of his character that shouldn't be overlooked when trying to accurately portray him.
And the rational part of my brain knows this can't be intentional, knows Akutagawa wasn't written to be read as gay. But there's another I'd dare say equally rational part of my brain that keeps speaking up to say the majority of his characterization - his devotion to Dazai, his (can I say? tender) sacrifice for Atsushi, his mistreatment of Higuchi - really starts to make sense only when you interpret him as gay. So, sorry???
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the felt are all lesbians btw
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Sunday, May 14, and there’s a 50% chance of rain. Highs are in the mid sixties and lows are in the mid fifties.
Skulker and Technus were seen in the mall today. They did not attempt to attack anyone or cause any trouble strangely enough, they simply shopped like any other people there. It seems they were monitored by a not so discreet Danny Phantom during the entirety of their mall trip though.
Plant Parenthood is now under new management as the previous owners did not have the funds to rebuild after the plant ghost attack. It is now owned by Barbara Newford.
The Fentons will likely be driving today so be careful on the roads.
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optimus-rhyme · 11 months
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carapacian-swag · 1 year
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some felts
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