#(may have to retag)
magpandy · 4 months
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 4 months
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plant shop au? on new years? yeah
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WHY AIN'T NONE OF Y'ALL POINT OUT I'VE BEEN TAGING THE SHADOW BRINGERS POLLS AS "shadowbrings spoilers" AND NOT "shadowbringers spoilers"???
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fishermcn · 9 days
i see you on the brink of death,
i see you draw your final breath,
i see a man who gets to make it home alive...
but it's no longer you.
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puzzler00m · 9 months
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Chimmney can't ignore that he does, in fact, like a little bit of dress up from time to time
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uniformbravo · 2 years
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daisyachain · 9 months
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be starstruck ! be awestruck !
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raveartts · 10 months
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edgy artwork with my stupid scenecore sparkledog fursona? yes
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The localization of Sebek's grandfather's name turned out to be quite a shock, not gonna lie.
But it reminded me of a post I made last year with some info from wiki.
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Could it be related to this? Anyway, It would also be amusing if Sebek's mother were to be named Ibero or something :)
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[Referencing this post!]
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Wow, you predicted it 😳 Seer…
That’s for sure a possibility! Baul/Baur is depicted as wearing a crocodile’s mask and hails from the Sunset Savanna, so maybe the localization wanted to put emphasis on his animal origins instead of Egyptian mythos. It’s interesting that the TL team may have pulled from scientific names!
… Imagine if EN had localized Sebek as Sebec to match his grandpappy though 😂
On the topic of another name change, I think the localization went with “Falena” over “Farena” because the /l/ is also present in Leona’s name. In Japanese, it is difficult to distinguish the /r/ and /l/ sounds and they’re often treated as the same thing so translating words with the shared r-l sound into English often calls for creativity.
I think maybe we would be less put off by the changes if we weren’t so used to fan translations using “Farena” and “Baul” for so long, y’know? Recalibrating our brains to “Falena” and “Baur” will take some time and effort 😂 Personally I dislike name changes only because I don’t want to have to go back and retag older related posts… and then I’m also not quite sure what to call them when I speak about those characters in future posts. It can get confusing!
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britany1997 · 2 months
I’ve decided I’m back now lol
Couple of notes with that:
-originally, I thought it would be easier to just wait till after finals, but I turned my first draft in, and I have been inspired lately, and I DID actually finish writing a fic soooo… I don’t want to wait to post it and it probably makes more sense for me to come back now
-I’m not taking requests for a while, maybe months. I’m gonna finish up some stuff I have already that I’ve been working on, then I’m just gonna write what I want to write. For the characters I want to write for too. Definitely some TLB stuff coming, but I wanna write for Steve, Spike, and maybe others too.
-I’m doing this very much on my own schedule and at my own pace so that I don’t feel pressured to write, so my writing doesn’t feel like an obligation, and so I don’t prioritize it over anything else in my life. This started as a hobby for me and I want it to go back to being that. Just writing for fun
-I reserve the right to change my mind and leave whenever I feel like it’s too much for me, not good for my mental health, or I don’t have time with school (I’ll probably take another, much shorter break in April/May around finals🤷🏻‍♀️)
-I’m not gonna be on here all the time or interacting as much as I did in the past. I don’t have the time. I still wanna read and reblog stuff though, so you’re still welcome to tag me. I’ll just have to get to it when I can. Same for responding to asks. (I actually have a backlog of asks I mean to reply too lol)
-on that note, I’ve been gone for a while, so mutuals, you can retag me in stuff y’all have written so I can go back and read it and reblog it. (Please don’t feel pressured to do so though)
Tagging some author mutuals so I can read their stuff: @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @ghoulgeousimmaculate @crustyboypix @bloodywickedvamp @auntvamp @darlingverse @luv4fandoms @anna1306 @chiefdirector @david-powers-simp @dwaynedelight @sad-ghost-of-garbage @henhouse-horrors @kurt-nightcrawler @phantomenby @prettywhenibleed @darlingverse @michael-after-hours @gothamslostboy
(If I didn’t tag you and we’re mutuals you can still retag me if you want). I probably won’t be able to read everything all at once, but I plan to go through it all.
I think that’s everything, happy to be back:)
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manonamora-if · 2 months
tag people you'd like to get to know better
tagged by @magiciansvoyage who asked me to be obnoxious
last song: I've been listening to "dark academia instrumental" playlists on a hidden tab so I have no idea what comes when... I guess Diamond by TRI.BE is the last one I can remember listening. The lyrics are neat.
currently watching: Avatar - The Last Airbender, the ANIMATED ONE. Because I started the new live-action, and it's really bad... and then I saw Netflix had the animated version too, so I'm watching the obviously superior version. I can't even hate-watch the live-action remake, the changes make me so MAD. WHY IS AANG NOT BEHAVING LIKE A CHILD??? WHERE IS GOOFY UNCLE IROH??? WHY IS SOKKA NOT PROVIDING COMEDIC RELIEF??? Also they made Ozai less of a monster?!?!?! BOOOOO
three ships:
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All the pics were taken from this Wikipedia page.
Wait... you're not asking for ships ships? Errr.... I guess...
Alice and Bella? (I may have made a reference in this game and it also vaguely inspired this one)
Razac with anyone really...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm just bad at this game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
favorite color: green, from apple to lime, forest to pistachio. I mean... have you seen my website. You think i'd be anything else?
currently consuming: nothing. Cause I can't eat and write at the same time. I ate some Krema a bit ago tho. Gonna have some boring PB&J later.
first ship: One of those local ferry boat that can have like 20 people. I dunno, I was like 3... I honestly can't remember what I had for breakfast, how can I remember by first ship? I don't even know if I ever had one...
place of birth: [REDACTED], France (fight me anon, I aint afraid of you)
current location: [REDACTED], Earth (lol, no)
relationship status: i guess it's pretty serious? what's a few years now...
last movie: DOA - Dead or Alive. Obviously a cult movie.
currently working on: this, duh. Edits of Harcourt, Translation of my last game
tagging: @allieebobo, @beeanca-writing, @oscarwrites, and @petricakegames, feel free to completely ignore me :) (if you already did this, sorry for retagging you)
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myfairkatiecat · 9 months
Writing Poll Game
Rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIP's and then whichever one wins, write one sentence for every vote it gets.
Thanks for the tag @sophieswundergarten!! This looks like tons of fun! Have fun working on your WIPs!
Some of you guys know what some of these are about lol, and some of them are actually partially posted on AO3, waiting for me to update! You may recognize some titles from things that are already in progress on AO3. If you want to ask details (what fandom, relationships, premise, etc) for any of them I’m happy to give! A lot of the titles are at least partially self-explanatory.
(I’m well aware the Barbie movie wouldn’t exist in the time of TMBS and also neither would most of the musicals curtain likes but shhhh)
@acollectionofcuriousreblogs @ishouldsleepbut @heyitsthatonesmolgay @itsgoghtime @nobody33333333 I think my mutuals have mostly been tagged, sorry if I retagged!! I’m leaving an open tag in case I missed anybody :)
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after four years of silence I think it's time to bring this baby back to life. however, I'm gonna go back to the beginning with a new story. I think it's best since this blog has been inactive for so long and I created the askblog immaturely since I rushed a lot of my prep to jump on the trend at the time, from my point of view it had a very shallow plot. this revival will have a much more satisfying and deeper story than the one I originally created years ago, I hope.
of course there will be some changes, though some things will remain in terms of some of the plot and the state of the blog. what will change story wise is, well technically 'remain', rythian will be the sole main character of the story for sake of consistency and I forgot how to write in the other undesirables' mannerism... perhaps later on you may see the other cast of the undesirables pop in. what will stay is a few key points that will be recycled for the new story. for the blog, an update on the banner and profile, as well as the art style since I've had years of improvement lol. however, what will stay is the old posts because I love them so much I can't get rid of it. I'm gonna spend some time, after writing the story, retagging the old posts to separate the old story to the new one.
I do not have a release date in mind just yet since I have other projects I should be prioritizing first and that I just came to terms with redoing the whole thing(which I don't usually do in general). I've just begun brainstorming, as of yesterday... so for now enjoy this little update as this is a little treat to myself and hopefully for you guys as well
- melon
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
I assumed Bleeding in Bleeding out was the first (timeliness wise) part of the fic you aren't writing for some reason, but I'm starting to get the feeling that is not the case?
Nope! Two different fics! You can find the timeline for the fic that I'm not writing in the master post here. The first linked ficlet is very likely to stay the start of that fic once I actually... you know, compile and write it. It's a pretty silly, lighthearted fic all in all.
'Bleeding Out, Bleeding In' is already up on ao3! And is very much hurt/comfort. And has some darker places to go if I write more of the verse.
I've tried to go back and retag all 'Bleeding Out, Bleeding In' related posts as 'one stop soup shop' which is a joke line from the fic, but I may have missed some. I didn't expect it to become A Thing. Woops. I might also call it bobi sometimes and might go back and add that as a tag also for findability!
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
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(TW Smoking)
I mentioned that I wanted to introduce other characters to this little universe. But after straining my abdomin muscles that put a damper in such plans and even though I am okay it left me without much energy or will to do much of anything productive, which is also why y’all have seen a major decrease of activity on the blog.
But tonight I finally managed a doodle and I’m sorry it’s nothing real spectacular or impressive. Anyway.
This is Dove’s best friend and colleague, Gabrielle, although many refer to her as Gabby (which she hates). Her pronouns are she/her. She is a bit infamously known to be... well, a bitch. But once she’s in your corner, she firmly has your back and is staunchly loyal and supportive.
Recently, she’s been rather wary of a certain artist that has been coming around...
(may retag this later, and hopefully do better art later)
You are also totally welcome to send in asks about her.
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pkmnirlevents · 4 months
Heyo. Not sure if I should ask this here or if there's a better blog to ask but, do you have any tips for beginner Rotomblr blogs? I have two I'm just starting out and I have no experience with this kind of thing. Thank you.
Yeah you can absolutely ask us! We've answered questions similar to this before and offer a link to flowerliker's starting guide along with a starting resources tag to keep track of it all! We'd recommend starting with the guide and then our tag, then asking specific questions from there, but we can give some general tips for now rather than sending you off with a bunch of reading. That said, we are putting this below a read more for the sake of being easy to scroll past!
Getting started is often times the hardest part because its when you are building momentum. It can often be a discouraging time, but its useful to learn what you want to do with your blog and find people you may want to collaborate with more often. Reblog ask games and importantly interact with others! No man is an island in this community, if you want interactions chances are other people do too and will appreciate it. Mind their rules and their canon though, and be mindful of yours too.
If you're comfortable joining Discords that's a great option to meet people and talk with them both ic and ooc, though it should be said this isn't a necessary step and you should not feel pressured to join any groups.
You are allowed to be selective if you choose to be. This applies as much to others as it does yourself. Being selective about who you interact with on blog isn't necessarily a personal judgement, there might be people you enjoy talking to ooc a lot that have canon aspects that conflict with yours. You don't have to stop talking to them and neither of you have to change your worldbuilding if you do not want to.
Rewrites big and small will happen and they aren't the end of the world, adjust as you need and communicate with your rp partners if its things that effect them. Characters and your writing will evolve naturally over time and that's a beautiful thing!
Know community tags and generally how to use them. If you're someone who benefits from a tagging system, try to start it early on so you don't have to retag a bunch of posts later. The use of the unreality tag is also a good one to familiarize yourself with, especially if you dabble in the multiverses aspect of Pokemon's canon. You're welcome to ask for details regarding this and we can answer any questions you may have.
In regards as to what we can do to help as well is we of course are known for postings of events the community can participate in but we actually do all kinds of other stuff! We can post calls for general roles for upcoming arcs or events (i.e. bystanders, food concessions, rocket grunts, etc.) or specific calls for canon characters (i.e. Professor Kukui, Rocket Admin Petrel, etc.). We have a tag for Discord groups that people are able to promote, though mind their rules and the fact that these Discords in most cases are not ours and we do not have control over if the links are dead or the group is deleted. We boost community made and outside ask games, particularly if they are submitted to us. All kinds of stuff! We are a community resource that strives to add whatever functions we can to help others!
We could add more but we don't want to get too lost in the weeds of details here, if you require any follow-ups please let us know!
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