#(either intentionally or unintentionally)
stellaluna33 · 15 days
The thing that's so endearing to me about the fact that Jess was obsessed with Almost Famous is that... There's something so earnest and idealistic about this film. Like, at its core, it's about people who love music (or even writing about music) and about people who are searching for something that's real, trying to figure out how to be honest with each other and with themselves, and longing for a genuine connection with other human beings. And everyone gets a happy ending! They all end up better as people from having been on this journey together. The pain and the love is all incredibly sincere, and while there are certainly humorous moments, there is nothing flippant here. And yeah, ultimately, all of that very much fits with who Jess ends up being as a person in the long-run, but the fact that this was his favorite movie in Season 3 just confirms to me that this is who he has always been, all along.
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amphibious-thing · 8 months
tbh I hate how tumblr discourse treats the topic of queer erasure as an either/or thing like its either
All historians are homophobic & transphobic and are all actively and intentionally erasing queer history.
No historians are homophobic and/or transphobic and anyone who is talking about the issue of queer erasure is actually just an anti-intellectual who doesn't understand social constructionism and the medicalisation of homosexuality (bonus the person saying this has such a simplistic understanding of social constructionism and the medicalisation of homosexuality that they inadvertently participate in the erasure of queer history due to ignorance).
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awesamforehead · 5 months
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I need to study them in a lab, they are so interesting
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buckttommy · 4 months
If this season ends with Buck on a date/in a relationship with another man........................ lord help the girls (me)
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catboygirljoker · 6 days
[video ID: a clip from a cutscene where Xigbar says "Aww, all this altuism is giving me the warm and fuzzies. So then," before it cuts off. end ID]
i swear he has a southern accent in this bit. ik its just because ive spent most of my life in the South so hearing any middle aged man speak in a casual manner reminds me of every southern baptist preacher ive ever heard but like
"all this altruism is givin' me the warm 'n' fuzzies. so thean"
like he could've said "bless your heart" and that wouldve felt correct
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c2universe · 1 year
Charlos ft. We found love
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joshuaalbert · 1 year
I think it’s really fun (lying) to see marjorie taylor greene tell someone they aren’t a mother because their kids aren’t biologically theirs and be like hey star trek just kind of implicitly took a similar stance with picard s3
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daz4i · 1 year
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well i think i can wager a few guesses of what this post is gonna contain already
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volixia669 · 7 months
I genuinely love that Teal'c is into hgtv. Like yes. Fuck the racist undertones of that one liner, my man genuinely enjoys decorating his apartment and being a helpful member of the community while shamelessly sticking to 70s fashion.
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perilegs · 3 months
i think most dnd lore sucks ass and i love it when people intentionally ignore or change parts of it. however the little "hey did you know" man in my brain activates when i see someone do it unintentially
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xhanisai · 2 years
You know what really grates on my nerves?
When people say that Adrien deserves to get hurt or heartbroken for not ‘noticing’ Marinette and her feelings all this time and when people say that Ladybug deserves to get hurt or heartbroken for not dating Chat Noir right away or something like that.
It is such a vile thing to say or agree on- especially when Adrien and Marinette thinks of the world of each other and their alter egos. Adrien has asked a few times about Marinette’s feelings to her face and her nerves always got the best of her and she never admitted the truth; he trusts and values her word. So it isn’t his fault that he doesn’t know her true feelings for him. 
And Ladybug, despite not accepting her partner’s romantic advances, absolutely adores him! She trusts him with her life and the civilians of Paris. She loves giving him adorable nicknames and treats him with care when she can. Regardless of what she feels for him (even if us viewers know it’s romantic love), Ladybug doesn’t have to go out with him and she shouldn’t be punished by the fandom for that. 
Anyways, these two mean the world to each other on all sides of the lovesquare and they’re not aware that their feelings are reciprocated (regardless of which side). They also NEVER go out of their ways to intentionally harm or hurt the other and always push things aside and prioritise each other when needed.
Do they have a bit of a communication issue? Yes, but they are teenagers and are working on it and they will clear that obstacle. The problem is that they are both too selfless so they don’t like to burden others with their feelings. They will grow and become better people :)
Overall, what I’m trying to say is that lovesquare adore one another and if you genuinely believe that Adrien or Marinette have to be punished for not being aware or acting on the other person’s feelings, you’re a piece of shit and I feel sorry for the people around you :)))))
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ethicsaesthetic · 1 year
Folks, the Mona Lisa in Glass Onion is clearly meant to be the real one, the finale doesn’t work if it’s not real.
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eileenleahy · 1 year
my college's latino club putting "LATIN GANG" on all their posters around our school are they trying to get a fox news segment dedicated to our apparent ms-13 affiliation
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askthealternateakis · 10 months
Hey asking again here, hope you don't mind.
You said that Wood Aki and Skull Aki divergent wildly from Canon and the other Akis. So what's their story and how does their guardian treat them ?
Okay, now this is where things get REALLY interesting, as given how the situations surrounding Wood Man and Skull Man are vastly different compared to those surrounding the other Robot Masters, I had to get pretty creative regarding how Aki came into their possession, starting by having things diverge during the Hard Age rather than during the theft of Daini.
(Just a heads up, these dabble in some pretty dark subject matter, so trigger warning for those who’d prefer not to read about those kinds of things. Plus they're pretty rambly, and I know some people aren't really into things like that, so heads up for that as well.)
In Wood Man’s Aki’s timeline, Aki gradually obtained sentience overtime on the battlefield rather than gaining it after his first memory wipe but decided to keep it a secret and kept acting like a mindless machine out of fear of what Light and Wily would do to him if they found out he deviated from his programming. However, due to essentially being a very young child mentally, he quickly became terrified by the brutal violence of the Hard Age, with the trauma ensuing from said brutal violence gradually building up and making it harder and harder for him to properly hide his sentience, eventually culminating in him accidentally ripping a soldier’s arm off after being caught off-guard and running away into the wilderness out of both guilt regarding the incident and fear of what would happen to him. He traveled deep into the woods nearby before eventually stumbling upon Wood Man, who immediately recognized him as a creation of Light and Wily’s and intended to kill him on sight, but when the young boy responded by cowering in fear rather than trying to fight back as usual, he realized that something was off and asked him what had happened to him. After explaining everything he had gone through, Aki begged for Wood Man to take his sentience away as while he feared death greatly, he didn’t want to spend the rest of his existence haunted by his memories of the war and all the suffering he had caused during it. Wood Man, taking pity on the boy, instead opted to attempt to remove his memories of the war by modifying his systems as a way to give him the chance to undergo a fresh start and show him all the good the world had to offer. It worked to an extent, but due to Wood Man not possessing the same advanced technology as Dr. Light, he unintentionally left his Aki with some “residue” in the form of bad dreams and deja vu.
Meanwhile, in Skull Man’s Aki’s timeline, Skull Man and his troops launched an invasion of Light and Wily’s base of operations whilst Light was in the middle of erasing her (remember when I said that Brooke wasn’t the only girl Alternate Aki?) memories of the Hard Age, forcing the two of them to take cover due to being caught off-guard and woefully unprepared. The robots absolutely ransacked the place before coming across the young girl still contained within the capsule, as Light didn’t have enough time to take her with them amidst all the chaos. Originally, the robots intended to destroy her and use her for scrap metal, but Skull Man, seeing potential in the girl and potentially being of use to him, instead opted to take her back to their base and take advantage of her memory loss by training her to be fiercely loyal to their cause, resulting in her eventually becoming their espionage specialist.
These timeline divergences result in them being the oldest Akis mentally (being more around high school age compared to the standard middle school age) and changing their reasons as to how they wound up in Silicon City: Wood Man’s Aki went to go investigate the state of the outside world after the two of them spent nearly two decades hiding out in the woods and fearful of the potential current state of humanity and robotkind, while Skull Man’s Aki being assigned a mission from Skull Man himself to gain the Lights’ trust to learn the location of the Mega Key and stop anyone who might aim to steal it before they get the chance to. I'm also debating on whether this means they have Dainis/Namagems of their own, or it's just them and in a unique turn of events, it's their own trauma/internal conflict that causes them to serve as their own Daini/Namagem a la Omori.
As for how their guardians treat them, I do eventually plan on making full-length text posts properly detailing each Aki’s relationship with their respective Robot Master, but for now I’ll say that Wood Man and Skull Man have the most professional relationships with their Akis due to their militaristic natures, with both pairs having a more mentor-student relationship than a parent-child one, though both Robot Masters still serve as their Aki’s caretaker and father figure. Wood Man is more open and gentle towards his Aki whilst Skull Man is more cold and strict towards his, but both of them care for their wards deeply in their own ways and do their best to ensure that they’re well taken care of and know how to properly protect themselves.
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skinnymeanfaggot · 1 year
maybe i just had some coffee so im a little wired but holy shit. nighthearts behavior in the shadow preview set off my fucking fight or flight response. horrible selfish disregard of sunbeams boundaries. i cant tell if hes obsessed with her or just trying to get out of thunderclan or a mix of both, but in any case? so fucking creepy and weird to act like this. to sunbeam thats fucking humiliating and discomforting. if someone i barely talked to started going around to my friends and family saying we were IN LOVE i would have a panic attack. holy shit
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torgawl · 2 years
i went to read the letters in the roof of the knights of favonious headquarters and... holy shit. diluc actually hurt kaeya's eye on that night. i can't believe kaeya just accepted it. he doesn't blame diluc, ask for an apology or resent the fact he never got one. i mean, i know he blames himself for what happened and that his decision to confront diluc about the truth might have not been the most brilliant timing of all but it honestly pains me to know he lost so much, and so young. he was just a kid. i don't think the way people treat him is justified, at all. and as much as diluc cares for kaeya, and we know he does, it's kind of hard to come to terms with the fact he abandoned kaeya and even took away from him the only place he could ever call his home. he lost his father, he lost his adoptive father, he lost his brother, he lost his house, he actually lost the ability to see from one of his eyes by the hands of someone else, he even lost the damn fucking horses... all out of his control and all... in twisted situations. how out of place does he feel? how lost? how forsaken? i love diluc and kaeya a lot. and i understand diluc's reaction so much. but it actually frustrates me that he never tried to reconcile with kaeya. i mean, he was the one who pushed him away and made the people kaeya once treated as his family do the same, not the other way around. and kaeya takes it and takes it and takes it more and he doesn't complain. not even once. he just jokingly makes people know he isn't resentful, despite having every damn right to be, and secretly tries to grab onto breaches of what his life once was. but how much can people dismiss him until it takes something from him. it seems like an incredibly painful situation to be in and i just wish people were there for him as well. were they? i wish we knew that at least.
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