#Other interesting themes include:
stellaluna33 · 15 days
The thing that's so endearing to me about the fact that Jess was obsessed with Almost Famous is that... There's something so earnest and idealistic about this film. Like, at its core, it's about people who love music (or even writing about music) and about people who are searching for something that's real, trying to figure out how to be honest with each other and with themselves, and longing for a genuine connection with other human beings. And everyone gets a happy ending! They all end up better as people from having been on this journey together. The pain and the love is all incredibly sincere, and while there are certainly humorous moments, there is nothing flippant here. And yeah, ultimately, all of that very much fits with who Jess ends up being as a person in the long-run, but the fact that this was his favorite movie in Season 3 just confirms to me that this is who he has always been, all along.
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lord-squiggletits · 5 months
One of my favorite parts of phase 2 (and indeed one of the few moments I resonated with IDW Prowl) was when the neutrals were coming back to Cybertron and Prowl said that he refused to let Autobots be pushed aside and overruled after they were the ones who fought for freedom for 4 million years (the exact wording escapes me atm).
And I mean, that resentment still holds true even once the colonists come on bc like. As much as it's true that Cybertron's culture is fucked up, and as funny as it can be to paint Cybertronians as a bunch of weirdos who consider trying to kill someone as a common greeting not important enough to hold a grudge over.... The colonists POV kind of pissed me off a lot of times, as did the narrative tone/implications that Cybertronians are forever warlike and doomed to die by their own hands bc it just strikes me as an extremely judgemental and unsympathetic way to deal with a huge group of people with massive war PTSD and political/social tensions that were rampant even before the war?
Like, imagine living in a society rife with bigotry and discrimination where you get locked into certain occupations and social strata based on how you were born. The political tension is so bad there's a string of assassinations of politicians and leaders. The whole planet erupts into an outright war that leads (even unintentionally) to famine and chemical/biological warfare that destroys your planet. Both sides of the war are so entrenched in their pre-war sides and resentment for each other that this war lasts 4 million years and you don't even have a home planet any more. Then your home planet gets restored and a bunch of sheltered fucks come home and go "ewww why are you so violent?? You're a bunch of freaks just go live in the wilderness so that our home can belong to The Pure People Who Weren't Stupid And Evil Enough To Be Trapped In War" and then a bunch of colonists from places that know nothing about your history go "lol you people are so weird?? 🤣🤣 I don't get why y'all are fighting can't you just like, stop??? Oh okay you people are just fucked up and evil and stupid then" ((their planets are based on colonialism where their Primes wiped out the native populations btw whereas the Autobots and OP in particular fought to save organics. But that never gets brought up as a point in their favor)) as if the damage of a lifetime of war and a society that was broken even before the war can just magically go away now that the war is over.
Prowl fucking sucks but he was basically the only person that pointed out the injustice of that.
And then from then on out most of the characters from other colonies like Caminus and wherever else are going "i fucking hate you and your conflicts" w/ people like literal-nobody Slide and various Camiens getting to just sit there lecturing Optimus about how Cybertronians are too violent for their own good and how their conflicts are stupid, with only brief sympathetic moments where the Cybertronians get to be recognized as their own ppl who deserve sympathy before going right back to being lambasted.
Like I literally struggled to enjoy the story at multiple points because there was only so much I could take of the characters I knew and loved being raked over coals constantly while barely getting to defend themselves or be defended by the narrative so like. It was just fucking depressing and a little infuriating to read exRID/OP
#squiggposting#and like dont get me wrong barber wasnt trying to make cybertronians the bad guys or whatever#it's just a problem with his writing where like. he has A Message he wants to send#and so he uses the entire story literally just for The Message even if it involves bullshit plotlines#or familiar characters ppl were reading about for the past decade being shit on by OCs made up to fill a new roster#like barber's writing tends to lean way too much on a sort of lecturing tone#without giving proper care towards including moments where characters get to like. fucking express themselves and share their side#sort of like how barber couldnt be bothered to write pyra magna and optimus actually talking to each other during exrid#and instead during OP ongoing pyra is suddenly screaming about how OP is unteachable#even tho she never even tried to teach him bc she and OP never interacted bc i guess barber couldnt be bothered#he just needed someone to lecture OP so fuck making the story make sense or like letting OP get to say anything in defense#this is the infuriating part of barber's writing bc i think he has incredible IDEAS and was in charge of the lore i was most interested in#but most of the time his execution sucks and he's basically just mid with a few brilliant moments occasionally#or like he has a message about the cycle of violence he wants to convey#but his narrative choices trying to convey that theme made his story come off as super unsympathetic to the ppl who suffered#to the point where barber actively kneecapped some scenes that couldve been super fucking intense and emotional#in favor of the characters lecturing each other or some stupid plot to criticize OP#that time in unicron where windblade screamed about how this is their fault and then arcee replied that her planet is build on coloniation#shouldve happened more often than literally the last series of the ocntinuity. like goddamn stfu about your moral superiority#when your own sins are right fhere lol
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sarcasticmirage · 8 months
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there's been a bit of rgu and fma comparison, so here's my dissertation on why they should kiss
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nightshadedumplings · 3 months
I have this idea for a kink ERP search discord server, but I have no idea how many people would be interested in that, and it would kind of rely on numbers and reach to work properly.
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rowavolo · 5 months
omg ok hi hi hi how do you display your plushies?? I used to have this shelf for them but eventually it was too small for how many there was so I got a toy hammock (unfortunately means some of them are hidden but such is fate)
!!!! Ok well in the past I've sort of had to hide them away or find somewhere on my bed or shelves for them! At some point I had a spare mattress laying beside my bed and I'd line a lot of them along that.
But recently I got a toy hammock, I had it up before but since moving I haven't had the motivation to put it back just yet, but I kept a lot of smaller/more 'vertical' plushies in it, then some bigger ones up the back so I could still see 'em!
But now, I have a whole bunch of space above my cupboards, like, it lines the whole wall, so they're being lined up along there!! It's just thick enough for two layers, one of big fellas and one of small/medium!!
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petorahs · 1 year
wait actually the star imagery and p5 kinda goes hard even if it's not as obvious as, say, p3 and its moon imagery. as a resident sun/moon/stars/earth imagery h03 this is deeply important to me
from what i've gathered with persona 5 and its stars:
-Hoshi to Bokura to, (with the stars and us) is the final theme of vanilla p5, which sings of stars, obviously. It's essentially about joker and the PT moving on with their past pain into the next part of their lives.
Interestingly, Our Light in p5r continues the "stars representing a bright, youthful, hopeful future" theming with the lyrics:
That pain will guide me / Towards the stars of the sky that shine above me even when it's essentially a grief song lol.
-Persona 5's dancing spinoff titled "Dancing Star Night"
-P5 UI has these flashy black and white stars everywhere when you know where to look. actually theres nowhere else to look. theyre pretty out there.
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also the social stats bar
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-JOSE.... 😭❤️ everything about him... his shop.... him n joker sitting together underneath a blanket of stars... theyre so ☹️❤️
so far this is all pretty neat! again, i bring it up because you wouldnt think of stars when talking about persona 5. but i feel the devs definitely intended this.
these next ones are more speculatory but;
-Fallen angels like Lucifer or even satan are likened to falling stars. Fitting that the protagonist's initial persona resembles a demon, not to mention his final one outright being satan. Fallen stars are oft deemed defects but they're stars nontheless... in this way i think Joker's meant to be that very fallen star cast away from heaven?
-persona 3 is obviously moon-themed, embedded into its narrative and gameplay as it is, and it could be argued that the game following it is sun-themed too. persona 4, with its flashy yellows fits with the sun and its glory. persona 5 being star, kind of evokes the feeling of being the hopeful child brother of the two? the game was meant to be a love letter that both refreshed the formula and calling back to the series as a whole, for old and new fans alike... that leaves the earth, which pairs with star well. earth's parallel can also be heaven/sky, and p5's later parts kinda hammering down the "taking back the heavens from false gods!" narrative imagery (especially in vanilla's final boss. u be fighting angels as minibosses cmon now) it kinda tracks! so now star-heaven-sky are all synonymous to me. either way it all fits.
this all leads me to think p6 could have earth imagery, actually. if it's also going to be color-themed as green as fans are speculating, that's fitting!
maybe the social commentary this time would be "reconnecting with earth/nature" as the whole world's kinda experienced/experiencing that since the pandemic..? persona games being a product of the technological advancements of their time can also tie into that, since people depend on their devices more than ever, so maybe nature's (forceful) reclaiming can be an intriguing concept for them to explore... not that we'll know anytime soon!
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eshithepetty · 2 years
To start off this post I just wanna say, I hold mp100 dear to my heart and I say this with love, but.. I feel off put whenever people talk about the bad shit that anime usually has, and then say that. Mp100 has none of it. Because, like... sure, it has less of it than the usual, and I appreciate it for that, but that doesn't mean that it, doesn't have it at all? I mean. The transmisogynistic joke in episode 2. The fatphobia in season 2's episode 2. The lack of female main characters, Takeuchi's racist design.... don't get me wrong, the show is still great and I love it very much as I said, but you can love a show and appreciate all the things that it got right while not disregarding the things that it got wrong. You don't have to hate it for those things, you don't even have to necessarily talk about them if you don't want to. You just shouldn't deny that they exist in that media in the first place. That feels really disingenuous to me.
#mob psycho 100#mp100#mp100 critical#just tagging in case. i get not wanting to hear this stuff even mentioned when you're just trying to have fun with a thing you love#fandom critical#my own post#i also think a lot about the aspect of mp100 where.. it falls into the tired trope of villains being the only ones trying to chance society#and are obviously being very bad and harmful about it. while the heroes are the ones trying to maintain the status quo#it's interesting because. like theres more to it than just that in mp100's case??#like. for one a big theme of mp100 is children not having to deal with the worlds pressures and having to be the ones to save it#and nearly all the protagonists are children#so if they suddenly went on some arc trying to get involved in changing society in more drastic ways that could contradict that message#and it isnt like mp100 denies the fact that those societal issues exist? thats what mogami arc was in part about after all#so idk#at the same time i feel like including those elements could be really interesting#especially with mob; considering who he is as a character#someone whos main purpose through the story is changing others and thus making the world a better place#whos very compassionate and always eager to expand his way of thinking and better himself#hes already got some of that thinking in him - like how he got so mad on behalf of the workers world domination arc#so i just find it interesting to think about. maybe as he grows older he gets more concerned about that stuff.#its a hard balance tho with how he at his core wants to remain humble and ordinary. so some ordinary job; like a cleaner or a firefighter#like ive seen him be portrayed as still seems the most right#idk!! just find it interesting to think about so im rambling at this point hfgh#in the end; as the show says the most important thing is being kind. and just through being that you make the world a better place#even if its just through interacting with the closest individuals around you#thats enough in an of itself :)#so yeah#the tags got away from me ill stop now jdhdjd
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description of a substantive billions dream
a typical [school problems] genre thread of assigned fiction reading became a book about winston as an elementary or middle schooler, and how there was a new girl who, i guess to sort of change the conversation around herself from [being the new girl] instead established the topic as her having a crush on someone, this being winston who she’d already interacted with more often than others / was closest to friends with. but he was kind of uncomfortable with this and so there was a scene with them talking about it and her explaining it seemed like the kind of thing she was supposed to do, with mutual genuinely liking each other but not necessarily so far as [let’s declare mutual crushes or bother with that framework at all at the present]. and yet there was a sort of dramatic irony tone conveyed for the audience that, not that this was incorrect / inaccurate or anything, but naturally that anything associated w/that framework might not be off the table forever, especially what with having a whole discussion about things really here just cementing that they do both want to be / consider themselves like friends proper. there was a little illustration like so:
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i don’t remember my dream supplying a name for the girl, just like how it didn’t supply any particular design for elementary or middle schooler winston than “smaller, i guess”....despite things only featuring this small winston at the start, it then became a) about regular billions b) directly observable as An Event as well as being relayed through reading the book still and c) about winston and taylor and others, including the older unnamed dream oc girl, having a pleasant day outdoors in a meadow by water and sometimes in a cave with water, as a helpful offshoot of another prior typical dream thread.
more granular and vivid details: one scene being observed half directly as a real event, half through reading about it, ended with philip and taylor at a distance (winston keeps the pov) sitting in a field by water, and philip being playfully affectionate with taylor like 😉 and holding their hand and calling them “baby” while taylor is like 😳 like so:
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i read this part like :o ! and turned to noted blogger nothingunrealistic like “omg what page/chapter are you on” and they had not yet reached it so i was like “omggg...” expressions to the [honey you’ve got a big storm coming (positive)] effect
and another scene specific enough to have drawn was that, after having enjoyed a swim (philip constantly appearing in usual canon-type business suits despite the outdoors activities, even this one) winston kind of [tag you’re it]’d philip out of the water and they had this drenched like wrestle embrace ft. winston pressing his face to philip in as close to a kiss as anything else that happened. had as much or more as a like lighthearted playful energy as anything as well despite the [intricate rituals] and [sounds like a sexually charged kind of situation perhaps] lol like well once again it needn’t Not be that, but things are casual and spontaneous And homoerotic. everyone simply being comfortable enough despite tensions of [discuss that you’re nervous abt there being hot gossip abt you as a Crush] or [flirtation ft. the recipient being flustered] or [plenty of physical touch plus affection] like so:
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let’s go boys! and of course, relevant as well that winston was Deeply Affectionate and Closely Aware/Attentive towards taylor the whole time, sometimes conveyed simply through how again taylor scenes were seen through him as the pov character and myself as the pov beyond that, like, of course there’s tayston and of course there’s plenty of like, well anyone here may be liable to kiss anyone and everyone else. tl;dr everyone enjoying this refreshing outdoors excursion and being comfortable in the marinade of any of that tension re: potential increased emotional and/or physical intimacy with each other out there, like, as a metaphor, having a stretch and despite the element of [!] there it can also be unthreatening, welcome, pleasant and it can be like “well i’m glad for the greater flexibility this can yield. and/or being warmed up for something. and/or easing an uncomfortable physical sensation. etc” lol. good for them
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 9 months
kamen rider field show send tweet
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
Good news: Trying out making DnD dice tonight! (I'll post wip pics later hopefully!)
Bad News: Gods it's only happening because my dad wants to show off to our dnd group and sometimes I feel like an after-thought to his show-boating.
I shall update y'all on how it goes!
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
horses confirmed then... and it looks like they r going for a wild west thang. which is like ok..
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Salut ! Comment s'est passé ce premier jour ?
Bonjour ! :)
Mon premier jour s'est très bien passé, mais la classe avait fait la matière que j'étais censée enseigner ! Aujourd'hui, c'était OKAY, mais tout le monde était fatigué (moi aussi) -_-"""
Merci pour m'avoir posé la question ! <3
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mntcoronet · 2 years
declaring myself the only person who is normal about this one anime (closely followed by the two irl friends who made me watch it, and my mum who watches it with me, but they are not subjected to nearly as much Online stuff as I am so they are inherently more normal about things anyway)
#maggles ramblings#i don't know what ppl on here are like about it and i don't think i want to. i think it will remain one of those things i enjoy by myself#bc like the story is about this one big and fucked up family. but apparently it's only 'family' in the loose sense;#as in; i haven't gotten to any clarification in the anime itself yet but the wiki says it's more a structure of power than actual family#which makes some things in it... Much more tolerable to say the least. but i do not trust literally any fans on here to care about that#i have a very strong inkling that not many ppl would care enough about that distinction anyway and get too into shipping regardless#despite how much ELSE there is to look at; including things i haven't really seen other stuff cover before in this particular way#and like yea ik there's shit in it anyway; not all bad but some is just rather sensitive yknow. but my point IS#that i simply do not trust the wider internet on here with the themes and situations i find so interestingly portrayed in this thing.#my brain kind of conked out near the end and i lost my original point#ahh idk it's tough to explain. i get it though in my head i am so correct about everything#like. it has some Really interesting parts!! two main characters who hate each other bc they think the other has everything they want!#when Actually both are suffering uniquely!!#an older sibling trying to deal with guilt over not protecting the younger one from abuse when they had the chance to -#and the younger one accepting their desire to reconnect; without being forced to forgive them!#characters dealing with not being Wanted; with not being able to help; with feeling like they're causing problems just by existing!#but then you have shit like 'haha this guy says weird things abt the teen characters as a joke lol'#and 'this character is trans? noo you're mistaken they simply dress feminine bc they're too cowardly to present as a guy'#and more. but yea it's. so tough. there are parts i like but i do not want it to be assumed that i also agree with all the weird shit#but i KNOW on here i can't just assume everyone else cares as much abt the shit as i do.#so i think i will just be happier having fun with it with those two irl friends of mine.
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illdothehotvoice · 1 month
Orlando just announced they're getting Super Nintendo World and with it they're getting Yoshi's Adventure and the DK minecart ride (Which. Good. Super Nintendo World NEEDS more rides there is literally one in Hollywood and it apparently breaks down a lot) but anyways despite leaks we were robbed of the Luigi's Mansion ride again xbxbcbcbcbxbdf
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lgbtlunaverse · 6 days
I've seen a good number of people ask a question along the limes of "why do characters like Falin and hate Laios when they're so similar?" and i've also seen good analysis on the differences in how the touden siblings carry themselves that would, despite their shared traits, make a person gravitate to one more than the other.
But i feel like we've overseen one very central thing here.
People don't like Falin
Like... the average person in dungeon meshi doesn't like Falin. She was deeply ostrasized by her home village, in magic school she had zero friends before Marcille and the others generally saw her as strange and a bit offputting.
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Characters like Namari and Chilchuck like her well enough but not necessarily more than any other member of their party, including Laios. Neither Kabru nor his party think much of her. The canaries don't give a fuck about her. Toshiro's retainers don't see her as anything else than the weird foreign girl their boss has a crush on.
The reason we think everyone loves Falin is because, despite all the indifferent side characters, the 2 most important and central characters of the story are Laios and Marcille. Who are NOT representative of the average attitudes to Falin! But necromancy georg number 1 and 2 are our main eyes into the story and they love Falin so much that it colours our perspective of the whole world.
The only side character who qualifies as liking Falin and not Laios is Toshiro (at least at first, as he ends the story on much better terms with Laios) and that says a lot about his character, with him drifting to the quiet Falin precisely because of her oddness but being both uncomfortable with and deeply jealous of Laios' much more open expression of that oddness. Because he's a repressed guy from a culture where etiquette is incredibly important.
But like I said, that's a specific aspect of him, not to the world at large.
Because there's also people that click more with laios than with Falin.
Kabru, for one, who is initially distrustful of laios but clearly also deeply fascinated by him and drawn to him.
Minor spoilers, and you don't have to read too deeply into this, because I don't think Kabru particularly dislikes Falin or anything. But it's interesting that when he talks about his distrust of the toudens in ch.32 he's talking about them both. But his big friendship declaration in chapter 76 is aimed squarely at Laios, he doesn't say "you and your sister" he says "you"
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And Senshi!! He instantly clicks with Laios, well before he does so with anyone else in the party– who he also becomes friends with, it just takes a bit longer– specifically because they bond over their shared special interest in monsters!! Senshi is kind towards Falin and cares for her wellbeing, but he also... doesn't know her. The reason he is even here, helping to save her, is because he and Laios bonded over monsters and he wants to help his new friends out!
Of course, the theme of neurodivergent isolation is very present in Laios' story. I'm not denying that. He does turn people off, without meaning to and unable to fully understand why! But so does Falin. And just like there are people who like her despite of or even because of those traits, there are people who do the same with him.
In conclusion: "Average person loves Falin and hates Laios" factoid actually statistical error. Average person is neutral on both Falin and Laios. Georcille, Laiorg and Geoshiro, who live in the dungeon and think over 10,000 Falin-loving thoughts a day, are statistical outliers adn should not have been counted.
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anothermonikan · 2 months
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An update to the interest cacophony that is this specific corner of my room: ponee
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