crimeronan · 7 months
"If polyamory were normalized..." SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK. You're so right that Hunter's Luz's type. If she weren't SEVERELY crushing on Amity by Hunting Palisman she'd have gone a little bit heart eyes at the sad wet cat boy. That being said. Lumity Real and Good. I feel like in the human realm the girls would sometimes have girl talks at night and Amity would ask Willow "Why Hunter of all people???" and Luz would be like "Nah i get it, he's kinda cute in a weird way"
addition to the last ask: the absolute COMEDY of "mean lesbian Amity" wanting to insult Luz's taste for saying Hunter's cute but being unable to without insulting herself. Peak Fucking Comedy
honestly i ship the lavender winter polycule (hunter/willow/amity/luz) like BURNING so this all slots delightfully into it. i think it's totally reasonable that the kiddos might end up negotiating more complex and/or flexible entanglements with each other as they get older, that doesn't have to mean that they end their current relationships. like maybe it's just because i'm polyamorous but this has happened with So Many Groups Of Friends of mine.
amity being like "why is your taste so terrible. i recognize that i'm including me in this but it's necessary because HUNTER????" and luz being like "i guess i just really like people who are fundamentally kind and do their best to rise above shitty circumstances :)" and amity being like [STRUGGLE] [STRUGGLE] "DON'T DO THAT >:(((("
they're. perfect. thank god.
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another-lost-mc · 6 months
are u more of a rare pair sandwich enjoyer (luci + barb, sol + satan, levi + diavolo etc) or do u have common tastes /derogatory (dialuci, attic club) or r u in the in-between (sololuci, mephisto + mammon, asmo + thirteen)
u probably alrd know but for clarification lmao i mean this in a poly sense
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I don't read much OM! fic content that's not reader-inserts so that probably affects my preferences a lot. I think my tastes skew towards what's popular with a few obvious outliers. I admit this is one of those situations where polyships I like to write aren't necessarily the ones I like personally. (I don't post self-ship content on this blog but the fav bias definitely shows. lol)
Note: as I've mentioned before, the demon brothers in polyships together are platonic-only since I don't write demoncest.
I've written:
MC x Mammon & Levi
MC x Beel & Belphie
MC x Diavolo & Barbatos
MC x Asmo & Solomon
MC x Solomon & Simeon
MC x Simeon & Michael
MC x Simeon & Raphael & Michael
Polyships I'd consider writing/have wips for:
MC x Mammon & Levi & Asmo
MC x Barbatos & any combination of (Asmo/Solomon/Simeon)
MC x Satan & Solomon
MC x Mephisto & any combination of Asmo/Barbatos/Solomon/Simeon
MC x Lucifer & Satan
MC x Lucifer & Michael
MC x Asmo & Michael
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canon-can-fight-me · 7 months
For selfshippers who keep their F/O’s canon love interest in their canon who feel bad about breaking them up:
You are not a bad person for breaking up a canon couple, and here’s why:
- These are fictional characters. These are just two people some person said “I want them to be together”. It literally does not matter what you do to a fictional relationship. Sure, real people have attachments to these relationships, but you don’t owe them anything.
- People break up IRL all the time! It’s not “breaking up soulmates” when, in real life, there are people who fit well together but for various reasons might end their relationship. Even couples everyone thinks are “couple goals” have their issues and may end up calling it quits! If you want, they can be amicable exes. If not, that’s okay too.
- There are people who might feel a spark with someone but end up with someone else. It’s totally feasible that your F/O found love with you despite having a past relationship with someone else.
- There are different forms of love. Maybe your F/O decided they prefer more of a platonic relationship with “canon F/O”, and a romantic one with you. It happens!
- And of course, a polyship is always an option. But if that’s not for you, you shouldn’t feel obligated to do that.
- Self shipping isn’t supposed to make you feel guilty, it’s supposed to be fun! So this post is your reminder that there’s no need to make yourself miserable worrying about the feelings of characters.
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riley-summers · 2 months
You know what?! Screw it, let's do this...
Riley ship opinions, pt. 1, M/F edition (m/m version here, polyship version here)
If I missed one you want to hear my opinion on, put it in the replies and I'll add onto this post in a reblog.
Buffy x Riley: Is canon. Is the ship this blog is supposedly "about". I like it. Not *super* fond of how it played out in canon, but they're real cute in S4 and have some very sweet moments, like in Hush and Goodbye Iowa. Wish there was more content for it, especially fixit, canon divergent, AU, etc.
Riley x Willow: Gonna be honest, when I started S4 I thought they were teasing this as a ship. They could be cute romantically, especially if they had like a nerd4nerd dynamic going. I think I like it a bit better platonic. I think a really sweet scenario is some sort of AU where Riley is also openly queer (I'm sorry but I'm never not gonna read that man as a repressed bisexual), and he and Willow are friends who support each other.
Riley x Darla: Ok they never met in canon but that never stopped me before. In a more canon sense, I feel like they could have a really fucked up thing where they'd both be obsessed with Angel (cause you know Riley was) and they end up sleeping together or something. I do think in an AU they could be sweet and wholesome but honestly that's most all the ships imo.
Riley x Drusilla: See above when it comes to not meeting in canon. Drusilla would keep him as a pet. Riley, as a psych student, would be fascinated by how her mind works. How... cute?
Riley x Maggie Walsh: "Hello, thank you for calling Mommy Issues Central, how may I direct your call?" But in all seriousness this would be fucked up in so many ways but also somewhat plausible and you know what? I am here for it.
Riley x Tara: Another one I'd prefer platonic. I'm not entirely opposed to Tara in het ships (I kinda like the reading of her character that she's more attracted to like... the person as opposed to gender?) but I usually prefer her in f/f ships. Also, I just don't think Tara and Riley had much chemistry romantically. I'd like them as friends in the same type of scenario as with Willow tho, that could be cute.
Riley x Anya: Not really my fav, honestly. Didn't see much chemistry between them, like with Tara. Not huge on them romantically or platonic.
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zorilleerrant · 8 days
alright so it's been suggested to me that some people ship het ships which makes no sense to me so without further ado
these options are created with the idea that you have lots of different ships you like, but if you only have one feel free to vote for whichever one that is.
polyships is intended to mean ships with three or more people. if you prefer characters to be poly but each of their individual relationships is between two people, vote based on that instead.
rarer ship types is intended to include anything involving a nonbinary character or a character isn't from a culture that uses gender that way. it's also intended to include relationships that fall outside of clear bounds of either erotic or platonic relationships, if that's your preferred endgame state of the relationship.
the bounds of canon under discussion are: if it's intended as canon, you believe it to be (whether accidental or on purpose) canon, you believe it will eventually be canon, or you would like it to be canon, then vote for the canon option. if it's not intended as canon and you either don't care or actively want it not to be canon, then vote for the non-canon option.
feel free to discuss any nuanced preferences!
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refugeintheunreal · 2 months
im SO into your dungeon meshi s/i i would love to hear all about them... i know nothing about dunmesh & i would love to hear about everything!! who do u ship them with?? - øystein
i am always so down to talk about dungeon meshi omg
so in the comic, there's a whole shit ton of incredible worldbuilding, and one of the aspects that's really awesome to me is the magic! one small aspect is how there's many ways for magic users to create or summon familiars— they can make them from scratch, combine animals, or control preexisting creatures.
in order to create a familiar from scratch, one has to use a lot of biological material like meat. it also requires a lot of energy to do.
my self-insert is the person who controls the familiar they've made... they're a human species, probably half-and-half something-or-other, and they hold a ton of resentment towards themself and their body in a transgender kind of way. they've isolated themself almost entirely, rarely leaving their home, and they spend most of their time controlling their familiar and navigating the world like that, since that makes them feel like themself.
it's not a very practical way of doing things at all. the amount of energy it requires is obscene. the materials it requires have to be replaced frequently because of their nature as stuff that, well, rots. and they obviously can't do this ALL the time, they have to rest and feed themself and such...
(i'm also considering a different design for the familiar, but i'd have to decide if there are animal components i'd prefer, btw. because i can never keep a design for long.)
whenever they're not controlling their familiar, they're dissociating and just feeling generally completely miserable. they don't like looking at themself or recognizing that they're a person outside of their familiar. it's very sucky.
they've befriended two of the canaries, fleki and lycion, 'cause of their similar problems. fleki and my s/i don't have very good coping mechanisms, but lycion's generally okay with himself now that he's a beastman lol. they're all friends though, and they just Get each other... later on, they'll be the first people my s/i will allow to see their "real" self once they start to learn to be okay with that.
my ships always work in sort of a weird way that i haven't elaborated on before, but they're not all coexisting at once (usually, unless they're polyships). they're Sort Of like AUs, but not really because i don't like calling them that... they're just different potential relationships my self inserts can have depending on how i feel at the moment. i think of it like how fandom works. most people recognize that they're not all canon... which is why most of my ships aren't directly and wholly embedded into my inserts' storylines because they're possibilities, not truths.
either way, some ships with my s/i are kabru and farcille (falin & marcille). and maybe fleki and lycion in a platonic, poly, friends-with-benefits way. OH AND KIKI AND KAKA sorry they're both sooooo . my s/i has crushes on them at the very least
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verladyweek · 6 months
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Verlady Week is, and forever will be, open to any and all interpretations of Verlady - it is therefore of utmost importance that you tag your works properly so that others can filter out contributions that might contain topics they are uncomfortable with. We want to celebrate and have fun together, and one very important factor in this is for everyone's boundaries to be respected.
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Verlady Week is not exclusive to romantic interpretations of Verlady; you may take any approach you like, platonic, romantic, sexual, all of the above, as long you adhere to the following rule:
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OT3s, polyships and background ships are allowed, but the absolute focus of your contribution has to be any dynamic that can be explored by putting a character from the left box in a relationship with a character from the right box.
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shadamyheadcanons · 1 year
I know this is a Shadamy blog but I would like to know your take on SonicxSally. I kind of like it but at the same time I don't think Sonic would like a long term relationship
Like many Shadamy fans, I adore Sonally. I haven’t read the vast majority of Archie, but I did watch SatAM as a kid, and my love for these two started there. She’s quick-witted and clever, so she keeps pace with him.
Thing is, though...I’m kind of in the same boat as you, haha. Sonic’s distaste for commitment and marriage thwarts most potential ships.
HOWEVER! There is a workaround.
I think Sonic can go well with someone else who either also doesn’t like commitment or has a lot going on in their life. While they’re busy with their responsibilities, he can run off on adventures and enjoy the freedom he needs. It’s not perfect, but I think it can work with the right dynamic. Sonic and Sally work because she’s independent and self-sufficient, and between her duties as a monarch and leader of the resistance, she’d need plenty of time to herself, too. She’s on his level and knows his needs. This isn’t just me bending the rules, either; there are apparently multiple potential future timelines in Archie where they wind up happily married with kids:
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I can’t *quite* buy him being in such a traditional role, but they seem happy. It’s a possibility.
Sonally isn’t the only ship that could work like this. I’ll always prefer Blaze with Silver, but with her being a busy princess and guardian from another dimension, I could see them having a casual off-and-on thing together. I see them as platonic myself, but I get the appeal. Knuckles works because he needs his alone time, too. He spends a ton of time in solitude on Angel Island. He wouldn’t need Sonic to be by his side every day. Rouge is flighty and loves her freedom just as much as Sonic does. I’m a big advocate for Sonouge; I explain why in-depth in this post. It’s a very underrated ship.
But the Sonic ship I like most of all, even outranking my childhood nostalgia for Sonally, is...Sonknuxouge? Knuxsonouge...? Idk what the proper term is, but just squish Sonic, Knuckles, and Rouge together. That’s my jam. I hardly ever polyship, but I love seeing these three together.
Knuxouge is already popular, and for good reason. Even Sonic ships it:
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Wouldn’t surprise me if he gave them a nudge, and I’d argue that he’s flirted with both of them himself on occasion. He seems like he’d be up for polyamory anyway. Imagine if Knuckles and Rouge got together and she moved in with him on Angel Island, or at least spent a lot of time there. G.U.N. might even encourage this, as they’d have an agent up there keeping an eye on the Master Emerald.
Of course, they wouldn’t know that her loyalties would lie with Knuckles and his friends. Even she doesn’t trust G.U.N.:
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With her being stationed on Angel Island, though, it could usher in a better alliance between Sonic & friends and G.U.N. With different leadership, G.U.N. could clean up their act and be on the right side of history more often. Hell, putting Rouge up there would make way for my headcanon that Amy could lead Team Dark someday.
They could have kids--Qkora’s designs are my favorite--because, uh...we’re short on echidnas. And I’ve always thought Knuckles would make a great dad.
Knuckles is pretty tied to the island, but I imagine Rouge would take trips down to the mainland for treasure hunting, checking on her casino, etc, and while she’s down there, she could pick up Sonic so he could visit the two of them.
It’d be kind of a long flight, but if she can carry Shadow and Omega’s combined weight of ~2800 pounds, she can handle Sonic’s 77 pounds.
He wouldn’t be as close as they are, but they’d all enjoy each other’s company, and he could help look after the kids sometimes. I can’t imagine Sonic ever being present enough to be a full-time dad, but he’s great with kids.
There’s no way Sega would ever go for polyamory, but I think it’s a fun idea.
tl;dr I love Sonally and I do think it could work, but it’s not his only option. That is, if we winds up with anyone at all. He could definitely stay single.
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My (kinda disjointed) thoughts on some Skylanders ships (part 1)
Trying something new today! It's gonna be hard to write an opinion on Skylander ships, considering the fact that most of them are crackships and half the characters have really basic personalities, but I'll try my best. I'm starting with the dragon Skylanders, but I'll eventually cover other Skylander pairings in the future.
Spyro x Cynder: 9/10. Pretty basic, all things considered. It's the ship people choose because they were hardcore Legend of Spyro fans and shipped Spynder back then. I do think they have a good dynamic; Cynder's evil past is ripe with angst and hurt/comfort potential, and Spyro being the one to save her naturally makes him a perfect candidate to provide the "comfort" part. At the same time though, I understand the appeal of having them remain platonic since as of 2023, Skylanders is the only Spyro media to have both appear without any hint of romance between them.
Spyro x Sunburn: 6/10. It's mostly an ironic ship I thought of as a joke during the early days back when I only did incorrect quotes exclusively about the dragon Skylanders. I don't think Sunburn and Spyro would really have a whole lot of interesting interactions.
Spyro x Whirlwind: 1/10. I don't see the appeal. To me, they're just friends or coworkers. Nothing more than that. The only reason anyone ships this is that they hate Cynder or Spynder, but they also don't want to ship Spyro with the humanoid girls or Sonic Boom because "interspecies romance yucky"
Whirlwind x Cynder: 9/10. The opposite of Spywind. These two have a great dynamic, Whirlwind being ostracized for her mixed heritage, while Cynder's distrusted for her past as a servant of Malefor. The two could find a lot of comfort in each other due to their shared experiences. The only reason it's not a complete 10/10 is because I prefer pairing the two with other characters.
Whirlwind x Sunburn: 8/10. It's aight. I guess the way their backstories contrast is interesting, Whirlwind used to be hated for being a dragon hybrid while Sunburn was coveted for the same reason.
Whirlwind x Camo: 7/10. No strong opinions.
Sunburn x Camo: 8/10. I can see why it has appeal. Two pranksters goofin' off together is always nice.
Whirlwind x Sunburn x Camo: 9/10. Whirlwind and her two supportive bfs, who are also dating each other. I think overall I prefer polyshipping these three over their separate ships, but the reasons why are based entirely on fanon I made up regarding the three.
Whirlwind x Zap: 5/10 ...Eh? Nothing wrong with it, but I don't really see the appeal either. It's better than Spywind because the entire basis for the ship isn't just "a hetero dragon ship for Spyro that isn't Cynder"
Side note: Damn, Whirlwind has a lot of ships. Why is that?
Drobot x Camo: 8/10. I think it's really funny. Drobot the serious, intelligent, and logical-minded, while Camo is a jokester who makes fruit explode for shits and giggles. The contrast between serious and silly always makes for a fun dynamic, and I think if the two ever got meaningful interactions, Camo would be the guy who'd get Drobot to loosen up.
Bash x Flashwing: 8/10. This pairing actually has ground to stand on since it's one of the only ships that have actual potential for being canon. Bash falling in love with Flashwing is literally half of her backstory, and it's a standout trait for Bash and Skylanders in general. It's rare for Skylanders characters to actually have romantic feelings for anyone, much less each other, which is what makes this ship so appealing, it's potential for exploring this idea. Sadly, canon has not seen that potential. There's been no actual exploration of the pairing in Skylanders media, not even the comics or Skylanders Academy, which literally exist to flesh out the goddamn Skylanders. The closest we get is apparently from a book called "Skylanders Universe: The Complete Collection, page 39" which states Flashwing canonically likes Bash back, though she won't admit it out loud (don't quote me on this, I got it from the wiki). That's it. That's all we get. If the pairing actually got explored in official Skylanders material, then it'd be a 9 or a 10.
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tlacehualli · 1 year
please repost, do not reblog !! feel free to add to any of your answers! yhe purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write! for the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
NAME : Lexi ARE YOU OVER 18? : yes / no IS YOUR MUSE? : yes / no ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? : no ( anyone ) / semi ( most people ) / yes / highly / private ( mutuals only ) ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? : no ( anyone ) / semi / yes / highly IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH DO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? : not at all / a little / some / mostly / strictly / original character (Overwatch barely has a canon bro) WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? : one-liners / single - para / multi - para / novella DO YOU USE ICONS AND / OR GIFS? : no / gifs / icons / gif icons DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? : no / yes (not yet!) WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? : unplotted / open-ended plots / semi - plotted / fully plotted epics HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? : very slow ( more than a month ) / slow ( 3 - 4 weeks ) / average ( 1 - 2 weeks ) / fast ( less than one week ) / very fast ( less than three days ) (unless im depressed and then good luck idk what to tell u) WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? : fluff / angst / smut / action / tragedy / domestic / family / conversational / hurt - comfort + more! (eh theyre all fine) WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? : high fantasy / supernatural / science fiction / historical / horror / comedy / romantic / drama / action / adventure / espionage / everything (i'm least comfortable with romance. yes i'm aware of my my most recent activity) ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? : no / yes DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS? : no / yes HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT BE TAGGED? : i dont remember but i'll search for a suicide tag, i do bad w that
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic / platonic / familial / physical / sexual / queerplatonic WHAT TYPES OF PRE - ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic / platonic / familial / physical / sexual (idk lol) DO YOU HAVE OTPS? : no / chemistry / yes ↠ i ship with chemistry + have a preference for my mains/exclusives DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? : no / yes / i don’t know (ever since i saw a racist fanfic yes lol) ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? : no / selectively / yes HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? : autoship / during plotting / after a couple IC interactions / several IC interactions / slow burn / depends on partner & muse ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? : no / selectively / yes / never tried it ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? : no / selectively / yes / i don't know ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? : no / selectively / yes (tentatively, someone explain to my old ass what the fuck this is) ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? : no / sometimes / yes DOES CRACK SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? : no / sometimes / yes DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? : no / yes / depends
tagged by : @batinstincts ( tysm this was fun :3c )
tagging : @godblooded @austerulous @deathsighs @cartaxus @spec08 (actually either of ur blogs lol) @poeticphoenix @lylavanek @jurati @dontstepinmypuddle @xrevolucionario (also for either!) @healingbrews steal it follow ur dreams
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crimeronan · 7 months
Would the canon selves have any reaction to the poly shenanigans happening in the au, or would that happen in canon too?
Forgive Me i've started talking about something only tangentially related:
i'm gonna be a canon toh polycule truther til i die. i have two incredibly large complex polycule charts (one for the adults and one for the kids) that threaten to cover the entirety of both the boiling isles and connecticut by 2025
this is going to sound very strange and pathetic but bear with me. i am aware that polyamory was not intended in the writing and i am also aware that some people hate polyshipping of found families. we have different personal preferences, that's fine.
but toh is literally one of The Only pieces of media i've Ever seen that 1) validated that the found family stuck together being enmeshed best friends for life, and 2) wasn't weirdly meanspirited toward polyshippers/multishippers about it?
i've also had my feelings hurt by a lot of other unrelated pieces of media wrt polyamory lately which makes toh even more special. like i don't think you guys know what a Big Deal it is that everyone has matching tattoos and clothes and movie nights and whatnot..... and there was Never any meanness about drawing Clearly Demarcated Lines about Who Is Together and Who Isn't?? there weren't even any jokes along the lines of luz and hunter being asked if theyre dating and retching comically.
like. every single detail put into the epilogue was explicitly about reinforcing that these people all Fucking Love Each Other, that the canonically platonic relationships are no less important than the romantic ones, that they haven't all split off into their little monogamous pairings, and that they all have strong individual relationships with one another.
like i interpret it as polyamorous because that's what i like doing, because i'm very annoying and project my polycule onto everything. but it is genuinely so fucking special that i CAN do that without needing to overwrite canon or wince my way through a handful of mean jokes?
so people can pry toh polyshipping from my cold dead hands. it's not canon and was never intended as canon but it could be because the writers care about all the same things that i do with these relationships.
ANYWAY. as for your question. i don't think that the polyamory would surprise them, but i think the Sheer Level Of Neuroses would. the canon kids are like okay so i'm pretty sure this is SUPPOSED to be called ethical monogamy. WHERE ARE THE ETHICS
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verybadatcardgames · 1 year
I love your Sightshipping HCs! I have to say, I've never really thought about it before, but it's a pretty interesting ship. ^-^
What about Joey for 002?
Always happy to have an excuse to spread some Sightshipping headcanons around :D
Onwards to the character ask!
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How I feel about this character: I really do like him and think he's complex character. This guy is a true "ride or die" friend, yet he's played often as comic relief among the main cast, and he also gets treated like a punching bag throughout the series despite the hard work, effort, and integrity he puts into everything he does.
Holy shit, the wringer this poor guy went through during Battle City and Alcatraz, then for Mai to fixate on him and blame him for her troubles during Doma because... he can't read her mind halfway across the world and help her?? Yes, we can place some blame on Dartz and the Orichalcos stone for twisting her mind, but there wouldn't have been something to be twisted in the first place if Mai didn't have some sort of grudge towards him. I'm not downplaying Mai's trauma by any means and have many of my own thoughts on her Doma era and the PTSD that was inflicted by Malik, but I don't think it was very fair of her to put all of this resentment and expectation on a 16/17 year old boy who by all means considered her his friend and would have done, and did do, everything he could to help her once he realized how badly she'd been affected by the whole ordeal.
Then everyone (not just Seto!) proceeds to take a shit on him during the Grand Prix arc, like he didn't also help save the world for the third or fourth time in the previous season?? Come on!
I know he started out as Yuugi's bully and antagonized him, but he's long since paid his penance and he deserves more respect.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I'm an old-timey Polarshipper, though I vastly prefer this ship when Jounouchi has some more life experience under his belt as an adult and can approach Mai from that growth and life experience.
Wishshipping is cute, and I also like Buddyshipping. I'm a sucker for friends to lovers sometimes.
Can't remember the ship name for Rishid/Joey but I like that as both romantic and/or platonic friendship.
I also like Puppy/Violetshipping, because I am also a sucker for enemies to lovers. Or just enemies to enemies who fu
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I bro-ship him with Vivian Wong. I know it makes no sense but hear me out
They're both athletic jocks who are hot tempered and are wholly capable of throwing hands and holding their own if a fight were to break out in a bar. They'd be right at home in a John Woo flick.
And I ship them both with Mai so they can bond over their impeccable taste in the same woman.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I just said I polyship Joey/Mai/Vivian. That's about as unpopular of an opinion as it gets.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: A whole episode where he gets separated from his group during the Ancient Egypt arc and meets a woman with red eyes that turns out to be the Red-Eyes Black Dragon, but she's more well adjusted and has a sense of humor compared to Kisara. She's aware of the stuff going on, but she actively makes an effort not to get involved because who wants to deal with that? But she ends up getting dragged into world altering situations anyhow because sometimes life just be like that and you gotta roll with the punches. Amiright?
my OTP: *points to everything above*
my cross over ship: He would totally fawn over Kumiko Yamaguchi from Gokusen.
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He would also fear her, immensely.
a headcanon fact: He still likes to dress up as Marylin Monroe when he's by himself.
He would like to get a gig singing covers of his favorite songs at a classy night club in a sparkling sequin dress, but he's low-key haunted by the poor reception he received from the popularity contest in high school and talks himself out of it every time the thought crosses his mind.
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opscurus · 4 months
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( Zero | the mun )
I RUN: ××[lots of blogs] || [a few blogs] || just this one
×× All my blogs are sides to Ichigo
note: everything here applies across all my blogs
I FOLLOW BACK: [muses in the same fandom] || [only muses who interest me] || [fandomless muses] || [friends of mutuals] || only members of a closed rp group || everyone
I AM ACTIVE: more days than not || [as often as not] || [some days here and there] || depending on my school schedule || [rarely] || ××[I'm often lurking even if I seem inactive]
×× I'm on mobile maybe 70% of the time, usually on PC at night
I LIKE TO WRITE THESE THEMES: [fluff] || [angst] || [action] || [casual interactions] || [intense interactions] || [crack] || [first meetings] || [platonic rp] || [shipping / romantic rp] || [threads] || [ask memes] || [prompts]
I PREFER ROLEPLAYS THAT ARE: [one-liners] || [single-para threads] || [mutli para threads] || [novella] || [different lengths depending on my mood]
FOR SHIPPING, I AM: [multiship] || [single ship] || ××[poly ship] || no ship || [plotted ships only] || [open to new ships] || not looking for new ships || [mostly or exclusively looking for high engagement ship partners] || mostly or exclusively looking for casual or low engagement ship partners || [not picky about ships] || somewhat picky about ships || extremely picky about ships
×× I'd love to try polyshipping, seems interesting
I LIKE TO PLOT: [everything] || [most interactions] || some interactions || first interactions || nothing || threads || everything except memes and crack || [ships] || [family relationships] || [history / backstory for our muses]
TALK TO ME OUT OF CHARACTER: [anytime] || [to plot] || [if you're confused or have questions in general] || [to remind me to reply] || sparingly || only if it's really important
I GIVE ALTERNATIVE CONTACT METHODS (discord / social media) TO: [friends] || [mutuals] || [anyone who asks] || [people i've spent a lot of time talking to already] || [ship partners] || members of a certain rp group || no one
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xhelladirectoryx · 6 months
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//Greetings! My name is Seth, but you can also call me Kakashi. I'm 35 years old and I’m from Brazil. I've been roleplaying for 11 years. About 4 years on forums, other websites, and 7 years on tumblr.
I work at school so that’s mean pretty busy most of the time. So slow activity and most online on the weekends.
Make sure to read my rules and muses bios before follow or interaction.
For personal reasons, I don't follow first anymore. But if you follow, I'll make sure to check out your blog. Just give me 3 days for it. If I don't follow in a week I probably won't follow back. I don't follow personal blogs. If you have rp sideblog just let me know.
If you are not interested in roleplay with me or with any of my muses. Please soft/hard block. Don't worry, I'll do the same and just move on. Don't ignore me or give me 'HINTS'. The best hint for me is just a block. Simple like that.
This blog will not engage in any kind of drama. If you try to involve me in some, you'll get a soft/hard block depending.
I am not native English. So forgive me for some possible typos and grammatical errors.
I don't roleplay on Discord.
I ask you to trim your posts. I probably won't follow or I'll unfollow if you tend to do that. It ends up getting too much pollution in my dash and it's complicated to navigate on desktop and mobile.
No godmodding.
My threads have a number limit because of my short time here and so as not to overwhelm myself. The number limit for interactions will be next to each muse in the pinned post. That number may change depending on drops or any other reasons.
I don't ship Sebastian with Ciel. Not even him in adult verse. My Sebastian can interact and make ships with other characters. From Kuroshitsuji and others fandoms. However, I only ship Sebastian with only one Grell Sutcliff that belongs to @pyramultimuse If you have a Grell muse, yes my Sebastian can interact but a romantic ship is out of the question.
This blog is multiship but singleship in each verse. I don't do polyship.
Don’t force relationships with my muses. Any ships only with chemistry. Pre-established relationships can be accepted but talk to me first.
Smut threads will be replied to an NSFW side-blog. I’m fine with fade to black as well. Remember that smut is not a priority here. It may happen but I prefer other types too.
I don't roleplay romance or smut with underage muses. But platonic relationships, like family, friends, guardian and teacher I don't see problems. As long as it doesn't go beyond that. If you insist, I hard block instantly.
Trigger themes mentioned in this blog in the vast majority will be death, gore, murder, weapons, alcohol, smoke, suggestive sexual themes and religious themes. If you have a specific trigger feel free to remind me. Personal triggers are lolicon, pedophilia, incest, rape, tripofobia. I ask that you tag these topics appropriately, please. As smut post too.
Any images or art don’t belong to me, obviously, but to their rightful owners.
These rules are not absolute. There might be changes, updates, or something removed at any moment. Thanks for reading this.
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wildwoof · 1 year
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NAME : felicity - or just feli
ARE YOU OVER 18? :   yes / no
IS YOUR MUSE? :  yes/ no ( he is 18 )
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? : no ( anyone ) / semi ( most people ) / yes / highly / private ( mutuals only )  
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? : no ( anyone ) / semi / yes / highly
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH DO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? : not at all / a little / some / mostly / strictly / I write my own canon.
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? : one liners / single - para / multi - para / novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND / OR GIFS? : no / gifs / icons/ gif icons
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? : no ( still awkwardly getting into discord rp ) / yes
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? : unplotted / open ended plots / semi - plotted / fully plotted epics
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? : very slow ( more than a month ) / slow ( 3 - 4 weeks )/ average ( 1 - 2 weeks ) / fast ( less than one week ) / very fast ( less than three days )
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? : fluff / angst / smut / action / tragedy / domestic/ family / conversational / hurt - comfort
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? : high fantasy / supernatural /science fiction / historical / horror / comedy / romantic / drama / action / adventure / espionage / everything
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS? :  no / yes / kinda
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic / platonic / familial /  physical / sexual
WHAT TYPES OF PRE - ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic / platonic / familial / physical / sexual / prefer to plot
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? : no / chemistry only / yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? : no / yes / i don’t know
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? : no / selectively / yes
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? : autoship / during plotting / after a couple IC interactions /several IC interactions / slow burn / depends on partner & muse
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? : no / selectively / yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? : no / selectively / yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? : no  / selectively / yes
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? : no / sometimes / yes
DOES CRACK SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? : no / sometimes / yes
tagged: @ubiquitousidol (<3) tagging: @ironicxblue , @chibskimuses , @assembledstars , @awesomeuchuu , && whoever else!
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assassincraft · 1 year
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NAME : kassim !! ARE YOU OVER 18? :   yes / no IS YOUR MUSE? :   yes / no ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? : no ( anyone ) / semi ( most people ) / yes / highly / private ( mutuals only )   ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? : no ( anyone ) / semi / yes / highly IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH DO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? : not at all / a little / some / mostly / strictly / I write my own canon. WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? : one liners / single - para / multi - para / novella DO YOU USE ICONS AND / OR GIFS? : no / gifs / icons/ gif icons DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? : no / yes ( selectively ) WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? : unplotted / open ended plots / semi - plotted / fully plotted epics HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? : very slow ( more than a month ) / slow ( 3 - 4 weeks )/ average ( 1 - 2 weeks ) / fast ( less than one week ) / very fast ( less than three days ) WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? : fluff / angst / smut / action / tragedy / domestic / family / conversational / hurt - comfort WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? : high fantasy / supernatural /science fiction / historical / horror / comedy / romantic / drama / action / adventure / espionage / everything ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? :   no / yes DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS? :   no / yes / kinda HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT BE TAGGED? : tagged as trigger //
– 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 – no ships with nagisa will ever be sexual since i mainly write him during the anime, i know he is canonly animated as an adult after the time skip and for a whole movie. and it wouldn't be aging him up, but i am not comfortable with it.
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic / platonic / familial /  physical / sexual WHAT TYPES OF PRE - ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic / platonic / familial / physical / sexual / prefer to plot DO YOU HAVE OTPS? : no / chemistry only / yes DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? : no / yes / i don’t know ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? : no / selectively / yes HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? : autoship / during plotting / after a couple IC interactions /several IC interactions / slow burn / depends on partner & muse ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? : no / selectively / yes ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? : no / selectively / yes ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? : no  / selectively / yes ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? : no / sometimes / yes DOES CRACK SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? : no / sometimes / yes DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? : no / yes / depends
tagged by: @knifvd​ !!
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