hopegained · 1 year
i'd definitely say yours is lore building with a character who, if he existed, would be a 'big deal', and you do it perfectly within the constraints provided. as much as i love 'children of x' ocs, especially if canon doesn't provide them with any, they often don't have just that sense that they are that person's child, or they absolutely change everything in order to make them 'fit'. i have to juggle some of the same balls, putting people like jaina into the sequels, but i don't have to form an entire character that would be a believable child of one of, if not the most beloved character in the franchise, so yeah... you're pretty amazing.
so tldr; your trademark is quality character and lore building.
@ofblasters | what’s my blog’s trademark?
oh this is so 🥺❤️
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nerdy-talks · 2 years
I dunno if this can be considered a request but what anime do you think the obey me bros would like? or what characters would they relate to most? tysm!
I consider it a type of request, dear anon. And I thank you very much for sending me this ask <3
Lucifer : I feel like Lucifer would relate a lot to William T. Spears from Black Butler. Both are serious, responsible, and work oriented. William is constantly being annoyed and inconvenienced by Grell. Lucifer gets annoyed by his younger brothers and their ongoing shenanigans. So it's very fitting that William's character would resonate with Lucifer ^^
Mammon : I think Mammon would like Yato from Noragami and understand his desire for 5 yen offerings (though Mammon would charge much more lol). I also think Mammon would enjoy the gameplay/gambling parts of Death Parade. It would give him the idea to challenge others to billiards, darts, bowling, and other games... as long as monetary bets were being placed, of course~
Leviathan : I'm sure Levi would enjoy any magical girl anime, such as Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura. But I also think he would enjoy Attack on Titan (I can totally see him cosplaying as Captain Levi purely because they share the same name) But regardless of what human world anime Leviathan would watch... As long as MC enjoys it and watches it with him, then Levi would enjoy it as well (:
Satan : I imagine Satan would genuinely love My Roommate Is A Cat. Haru is such an adorable little kitty, there's really no way that Satan would be able to resist. And since that anime is partly from the cat's perspective, I can see Satan using the excuse that viewing My Roommate Is A Cat was for "educational purposes" if anyone questioned him lol
Asmodeus : I honestly think Asmo would like Princess Jellyfish. The fashion and (slight) romance would be right up Asmo's alley. Maybe it would even inspire him to showcase his own jellyfish outfit designs on Devilgram, which would obviously be a huge hit :3
Beelzebub : No doubt about it, Beel would love Food Wars! Every dish would literally make the Avatar of Gluttony drool buckets. I can imagine Beel asking MC, Simeon, Barbatos, and even Luke to recreate some of the dishes especially for him, which turns into a fun little cooking competition of their own. And of course, Beel is happy to be the judge ;D
Belphegor : I can picture Belphie enjoying Servamp. He would feel honored when MC calls Kuro (the Servamp of Sloth) Belphie's spirit animal. Because, hey... sleepy vampire cat = sleepy demon boy. I also think Belphie would enjoy Tanaka-Kun is Always Listless, so much that he watches episodes just to help him relax and fall asleep faster c:
Barbatos : I think we can all agree that Barbatos would relate very well to Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler. He replicates recipes and brews different teas shown in Black Butler specifically for Diavolo. Because Sebastian isn't the only demon with a "Young Lord" to serve and a butler aesthetic to uphold ¬‿¬
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restinpeacesensei · 6 years
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akoya dressed like hikaru from aichuu in this card
#boueibu#akoya gero#gero akoya#my art#i put this on twitter w my url in the top corner and then was like ....why did i do that...... but it was twitter so i couldnt edit..#wah im really grateful to everyone who responded to my last post thank you;;;; ;;////;;#myst WAH THANK YOU FOR THE TAGS LOL IM SO GLAD U LIKED IT!!! thank you so much for noticing his true surprise LOL#and you noticed the small blush //w// he is genuinely so touched jvhdgds TY FOR SAYING HES SO PROUD LOL IM SO GLAD U CAN SEE IT#tysm for affirming him as well you are so nice ahahaha ;;w;; i am sorry for her too though#but maybe he'll enjoy hanging around her now and they get to spend more time together even if hes still clueless...#dreamydiamond akvhsgd u can have en i will sit here telling akoya how beautiful he is over and over uwu#mostlikelytofangirl akvhsgd THANK YOU SO MUCH i love your tags!!!! i feel so validated you think it's so much more in character LOL#it's rly reassuring you think this makes him look much less mean-spirited than in the original ending akvhg#i dont think he means any harm here LOL;; tbh i think i tried to erase akoyas route from my memory but especially that ending lmao#im salty the end cg wasnt like a hug like kinchans tbh;; ;--; i thought at least it'd be a cute picture bc the others were ;;#but i love the picture of him with a kitty ;w; akvh i just now remember how i commented on that like 'akoya likes cats!'#but what i ended up doing was ..turning him INTO a cat akvhghdh how our headcanons evolve#im so glad you think this is just funny thank you so much!!! XD#and thank you so much for commenting on the little akoya in his little bra waaah i am the most honored you think it's most cutest!!! ;///;#i love how you described it as adorable and casual waaah you make it sound so special even if he only just sits there;; ;;A;;#tysm for always making him sound and feel so precious omg T////T#hostilepopcorn akvhsgd thank you so much it's a great honor that you call this ending canon LMAO tysm!!!!#boeibu AKVHSGD NO THESE TAGS ARE A BLESSING THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! IDK WHAT I DID TO DESERVE SUCH A BEAUTIFUL REACTION JVHSGHDGH#IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THIS ENDING THANK YOU!!!!!! IM SUPER HONORED YOU CANT BELIEVE IT'S NOT CANON LMAO AKVHSFGDS#THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPER KIND AND EXCITED WORDS!!!!! YOUR EXCLAMATION MARKS GIVE ME ENERGY N LIFE!!!!!!#ironpaladont akvhsgd i love how you started by saying you love akoya too and hes so beautiful omg this is the sweetest??? ;____;#he is so blessed to have such a lovely person as you supporting him omg thank you so much;;; ;/////;#but im laughing you wouldnt even be mad if it were real TBH ME EITHER thank you so much for understanding lmaooo#and tysm for commenting on the little akoya in the bra waaa im so happy hes cute!! ;///; you noticed the ruffles and bow waa ty im so glad!!#an-unnamed-fangirl uwaaaa i want to cry too from these sweet words omg you are too kind!!! >///< thank you so much!!! ;;w;;
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molotovmetro · 4 years
Hi hi!! Could I get some headcanons for Bruno with an s/o that’s really clumsy and prone to randomly injuring themself? Tysm uwu 💕💕💕
Thank you for the request! uwu💗 (my first request by my favourite writer, it's an honor)
Bruno with a clumsy s/o
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Bruno would think you're the cutest thing ever
He's always there to catch you when you trip, but he finds it endearing
He would never get mad if you break anything
Objects are replaceable, you aren't
If you would accidentally break anything that has emotional value to you, he'd do everything he can to comfort you though
You broke a family heirloom?
He's trying to glue it back together
He'll tell you about kintsugi, a Japanese tradition where broken pottery is mended with gold, and breaking and repairing is considered part of the objects history
You accidentally ruin a stuffed animal you had since you were a kid?
If he can't fix it, he will buy you a new one. It might not replace the old one, but now you have a new one to make memories with! And he gave it to you, so you'll love it just as much as the old one
He would always be holding your hand or linking your arms together so you don't fall
If you did fall and hurt yourself he'd instantly go into full mom mode
He's immediately checking every inch of you over to see if you have any bad injuries and if he sees even the tiniest bit of blood he starts fussing over you
He's getting a hello kitty bandaid
He will carry you home bridal style when you fall even if they're barely hurt, he just doesn't want you to strain yourself
If you hurt any muscles he'll be preparing a warm bath for you the moment you're inside
All in all, he just loves you so much and doesn't want you to be hurt, but he thinks you're adorable
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(and tiny Pride. It’s fun how he was like, almost the least sympathetic homunculus (I mean, most people can relate to just wanting to go back to sleep ok dad/mom, so even Sloth…lol), and yet he’s the only one who finds a ‘new life’.)
(only HOHENHEIM’S DEAD, my FMA twin is gone ;-; at least that moment with Trisha was beautiful)
I thought I’d cry with FMA’s ending because I did almost cry during the Ishvalan Civil War flashbacks, but…once again, my eyes were dry XD maybe because TG and AoT made me appreciate FMA’s happy ending more?
TYSM for recommending such a great series, Queen Luna <33333 I’m getting kinda emotional XD
UGH. Idek what book that is but I already hate it because of that line.
Hisoka, Hisoka. He’s like the unholy offspring of Furuta and Sebastian. I love it.
(nah, it’s fine,I don’t mind cursing ^^ thanks for asking though, that was sweet)
Yeah, Junior High is pretty cute :) well, it hasn’t been that long since she started learning cello so she’s still playing simple songs like 'mary had a little lamb’ ^^ she really wants to play more complex songs, though.
GAH SORRY I still haven’t started playing OTL I’ve just been a bit busy and had a lot to think about (because COLLEGE) so I kept forgetting…I’ll let you know when I finally start, sorry ;-;
If Urie/Saiko doesn’t become canon…ok, ok, I can deal with Touken, I can deal with that. HOWEVER. If Urie/Saiko doesn’t become canon and Urie/Mutsuki does, I don’t even know what I’ll do. ESPECIALLY IF ISHIDA MAKES URIE ABANDON SAIKO TO 'SAVE’ MUTSUKI OR SOMETHING OMG
I would never! I’m a nice, sweet cinnamon roll who doesn’t know the meaning of the word 'savage’!
If Kimblee actually took a liking to me I’d try to get him to stop blowing things up. Maybe find him a different hobby. But the sad truth is that there’s probably nothing and no one he likes enough to give up his explosions for XD
But you know how I have a cinnamon roll side and then a troll side? Troll!Evans and Kimblee might actually get along really well. Imagine the suffering…
0//////0 Queen Luna is also an amazing friend! Tysm for everything <333 (I say 'tysm’ a lot but then again, there’s no such thing as too many 'thank you’s? lol. Also, I love how 'Queen Luna’ was just a joke at first but now it’s like an actual nickname I use for you. I hardly ever call you just 'Luna’ anymore XD if we ever met irl I’d probably have a hard time calling you anything other than 'queen’)
Oh wow. Sebastian will fight you for the honor of his kitties
X-men is a seperate universe from MCU, though. (I don’t watch X-men so I’m not sure but I think they and MCU agreed to share the Pietro/Wanda twins?) X-men Pietro is a different character from MCU Pietro so our Pietro is still dead ;-;
Moblit and Evans would go on friendly coffee dates and rant about their crazy queens.
Luna/Armin would be so cute, seriously why do I ship you with so many characters…and idk what puberty will do to Armin(will he even survive to go through all of it? sorry) but the fanart of adult!Armin does look good :)
And wait, 15 cm taller than Levi? I’m maybe 3~5 cm taller than him (and I’m only 13 omg) so that makes you at least 10cm taller than me.
It’s really messed up, which means I’ve gotta draw it now XD
Congratulations with Kimblee might go something like this (warning: this is crack and I’m sorta abusing Kimblee's canon abilities, realistically it probably couldn’t go like this):
Shuu: “Mr. Kimblee?!”
Kimblee: “Tsukiyama…
*blows up the clock on Shuu’s desk*
“You have invented a new kind of stupid-”
*blows up a framed picture of Shuu and Naomi*
“A 'Damage You Can Never Undo’ kind of stupid-”
*sets fire to the carpet*
“An 'Open All the Cages in the Zoo’ kind of stupid-”
*destroys the entire hecking desk*
“A 'Clearly, You Didn’t Think This Through’ kind of stupid.”
*breaks the window nearest to Shuu*
And then, at the end-
Kimblee: “Every sacrifice you make is for my sister, give her the best life-
Congratulations. :)”
*entire house collapses around them*
So you’d contract Sebastian for chocolate?
(tbh I have a sweet tooth too. I’m sorta sensitive to taste so too many sweets at once makes me get sick of them quickly, but I really like them a little at a time (and I still almost never get sick of chocolate))
ty again for the beautiful edit <3
*hugs* thank you, that really means a lot to me.
But did you see the small Kaneki painting I sent you along with the other pics? Because I actually made that as a way to vent..splattering red blood paint all over the paper did help XD (drawing doesn’t always help, though. When I’m really angry I get the urge to raise my voice and say exactly what I’m thinking, only that’d be horrible so I try to keep it down..but that just makes me angrier LOL)
the left side feels more Kanae and the right side feels more Shuu, but either way, it looks really beautiful :D <3 (also that 'I miss you’ omg I’m getting Shuu/Kaneki feels NO)
(Also I hope the Uta edit I sent you was ok? It was like almost the first aesthetic thing I’ve ever done lol
About it, though: I don’t have a pinterest so I searched stuff like 'black and white aesthetic tumblr’ on google and used the pics that popped up…is that ok? Since I’m just downloading pictures I like and playing around with them on PhotoScape with no intention to post it on the internet or show it to anyone other than you? Idek how this works, I’m way too ignorant about the internet ;-;)
Oh, that sounds cool! I don’t listen to much Ed Sheeran but liked his song for the Hobbit ('I see Fire’? I think that’s what it’s called?) and because Shape of You just keeps playing in the manhwa cafe I go to to read manga, that song kinda got stuck in my head and I can’t stop listening to it XD I don’t listen to remixes a lot for no particular reason but some of them are really cool :)
I’m currently obsessed with Hurricane, Castle, Ghost and 100 Letters by Halsey, along with a bunch of Lana Del Rey songs (going to listen to her new album as soon as I can!), Melodrama (Lorde’s new album), and Young and Menace and Champions by Fall Out Boy…also songs from Steven Universe and Adventure Time, like Love Like You and Everything Stays. And all of FMA’s openings because WOW.
(And yeah, movie/anime soundtracks are always so cool <3)
Is... Is your heart okay? I know it’s a big emotional thing!  Yeee, Greed’s death was a huge shock for me as well T^T WhY Did yOu HaVE tO saY GOodByE
The only thing that really shocked me was Ed giving up his alchemy. It honestly made for a bit of an unsatisfying end, like it’s trying to make way for a sequel (that never came)
Yep, I was expecting you to be not so happy with Hoenheim... Well, at least it’s a happy death? Not in battle, but with his beloved?
TG and AoT scar people for life. Kill of their emotions, so they’re unable to cry at sad things, bc nothing is sad in comparison to those two.  Except for a few rare exceptions. Oh, did I ever tell you that I always, without a fail, cry when watching a specific Love Live episode? It’s about a character that I relate to a bit too much, and since it’s a sorta bittersweet character arc, I always end up crying. The music also gets to me. I could write in detail exactly what and why XD
No problem! If you ever want more recommendations, just say so! Even though I’ll probably recommend series without you asking :P
It’s called ‘Court of Thorns and Roses’. I mean, the writing style is more or less ok, and the premise is interesting at first glance, but then everything gets ruined by the author for not being able to create a flawed MC, cause they have to be perfect!  I’ve read another one of the author’s books before, but dropped it halfway, again because on an annoying MC. The only reason why I finished this one is bc it was the only reading material available XD It’s also supposed to be a spin on Beauty and the Beast, but with fairies, but it was so badly done that I genuinely didn’t realize that until I read it somewhere on the internet. It’s also one of the rare series where I intentionally don’t read the sequels. The original book was that bad I’m getting way too emotional over the book XD
Hisoka is breaking my trash-o meter! It’s over 9000!
Ah, that’s a relief... I’ve definitely started cussing a lot lately, and I know it makes some people uncomfortable, so I wanted to ask ^^
Aw, that’s actually adorable! I hope she gets better at it soon ^^ I’ve always loved listening to string instruments...
Naaah, no worries! Take your time with it! It’s no rush, honestly! Do it at a time that’s convenient to you ^^ Seriously, please don’t feel pressured to play it >_<
Let’s be honest. The possibility of Urie sacrificing himself for Mutsuki is way bigger than Urie/Saiko becoming canon. I cry when I think about it, because we all know Urie would be so much happier with Saiko (*`д´*) Ishida, whyyyyy
Right, I totally believe that. Evans, a sweet, innocent cinnamon roll who doesn't get savage at moments. Sure. Because you totally didn’t set the Flame Alchemist on fire with a burn.
I’m afraid explosions are his one true love. Maybe you could get him to paint explosions instead of making them, though. Like, ‘Ok, Kimblee, here’s paper, some paint, go wild. Just don’t set the room on fire, please.’ He’d show his soft side around you only. If there was anyone else in the room, he’d be his usual self, but with you, in private, he’d probably be a tiny bit sweet. Sometimes.  Troll!Evans and Kimblee would be the actual definition of ‘Prepare for trouble, make it double’. I’d probably run away screaming when you’d announce your relationship XD I’d congratulate you later, but still a bit weary when the two of you are together.
Fun fact: I almost blush every time I read the word Queen XD If I was someone who blushed easily, I’d be an actual tomato while reading your messages ^\\\^ I’d probably actually blush if we were walking around and you called me queen... And then bury myself into a hole forever XD
I’d be the person who’d just shrug her shoulders and be like ‘we all have our opinions’. Now that I think about it, I’d probably get on just fine with Ciel XD
Ah, I see. I just remember that there was a quicksilver in one of those movies, but I didn’t remember the details. 
Hanji and I would simultaneously have the glimmering glasses moment XD  The parallels between the duos are really similar :P
He! Will! Survive! He has too... We already had an almost death for him, and I don’t want an actual death to happen. The cinnamon roll doesn’t deserve it. The first time I saw the fan art, my reaction was. *stares at the screen* ‘well then’ I’d liked Armin from the beginning but this was the moment in which he was cemented as favorite character XD
Aw, Evans is smol for now! When I was 13, I was shortest in class, but now I’m among the tallest. Everyone is taller than Levi... That’s just sad XD But, hey, everyone in Cinderella Phenomenon (I will not shut up) is taller than you! In fact, you’re approx. the height of the MC! Cuuute
Well, my stomach totally doesn’t hurt from laughing too much XD That’s a very destructive version of Congratulations, that would probably end up with someone getting sued XD Shuu for emotional damage, Kimblee for blowing up a fucking house.
Unfortunately, not even chocolate can make me sign a contract with that trash can. Sorry Bassy, but you’re not getting my soul.
Aw, that’s a shame... There’s never enough sweets! 
I’m glad you like it ^^
You could always yell into a pillow? Or punch the pillow if you’re feeling especially angry... 
So, basically, I unintentionally made a Shuu/Kanae edit. I’m not even mad XD 
Yeah, it was pretty good! If you want, I can pass you some advices my friend gave to me when I stared making the edits?  The quote is very Uta, tho. I mean, he does revel in other’s tragedy... 
Yes, of course it is! Find pics any way you want! I’m just using pinterest because it’s easier ^^;; A lot of really artsy pics are posted there, so I quickly find what I’m looking for ^^
Yep, I think it’s called that... Most of his songs on my playlist are from his new album, but some are older as well ^^ There’s this remix of Shape Of You. I listen to it waaay too much XD I found it in an AMV and was immediately like ‘I want this song’, so I downloaded it :P
FMA has some of the best openings and closings I’ve ever heard. My favorite is probably the first one, because it’s just so so amazing *^*
I live for the fantasy fight soundtracks.  A few examples are from the anime Fate/Zero or Fate/Unlimited Blade Works, like This Day and Never Again, Unlimited Blade Works and You Are My King. Those would make a snail race look epic.
AAAALSO THE RAGNAROK TRAILER IS OOUT!  I adored Loki’s moment XD ‘Surprise~ This is going to be so much fun’
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restinpeacesensei · 6 years
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#boueibu#kusatsu kinshirou#kinshiro kusatsu#atsushi kinugawa#my art#my comic#not a sad comic !!#i vaguely have this au where kinchan just gets to re-experience and actually enjoy 'childish' things ........#softlilvesta !!!! thank you so much your comment made me so happy!! im absolutely delighted he's absolutely adorable omg!! >///<#ty for calling him a poor thing im so happy you could tell he was curious about the chocolate but didn't know what to do!! ;;o;;#im glad he got a macaron too tysm for being happy for him!! your comments are always so sweet!!! >///<#silvormoon ;;o;; aaaa tysm for praising kittykoya!! >///< it makes him feel so pleased with himself to be called such nice things!!!#im so happy you think he is a wise and good kitty!!! tysm he feels proud that he made the right choice T////T#and omg those macarons sound beautiful!!!! they would be perfect im sure kittykoya would love to eat them!! ;;w;;#amateurcatalyst aaaa thank you so much for defending kittykoya from the chocolate macarons!!! >< /gives them all to u/ you are a hero!!! ;O;#mostlikelytofangirl waaa tysm for rushing in with concern for him!! ;;O;; you always make him feel so cared about!!! >///<#thank you so much for reassuring him that it's ok to stick with what he knows and makes him feel safe!! you are so kind and understanding!!!#classychemist tysm for saying poor kittyakoya waaa!!! ;---; thank you for being glad for him getting a macaron! T--T he's relieved too!!#kira-7 aaaa you're so sweet im so honored you would want to adopt him omg!!! ;___; thank you so much!!! >////<#ironpaladont aaa thank you for being concerned for him!! ;--; i love the stories about your cats omg hope your cats stay safe!!!!#thank you for being glad for his survival instincts! i love how you described how he knew something wasnt right! he's glad too!!#nighty-amy aaaa im so glad the comic was relatable!! im glad kittykoya isnt the only one! but yes food shouldn't be weird omg!! ><#legendofthefireemblem your tags are blessed omg!!! ;___; im so honored you think it is so cute! thank you so much!!! T___T#pigspeetsandhooflikefeets omg thank you for sharing your macaron making story! im so happy this feeling is relatable!#in regards to cocoa macarons LOL thank you so much for wishing kittykoya strawberry/rose water macarons omg this is so sweet!! ;;w;;#im so glad you thought the psa was cute!! thank you so much!! ;;v;;#nardaviel !!!!!! tysm for your tags YES it could be his first day of school;; and you noticed his toes nervously pointing together ty aaaa;;#'dont embarrass the family' POOR KINCHAN omg... being told this in like... kindergarten... but youre right he probably was ;;;;#but yes!!! he'll make a friend soon ty for the reminder!!! ;;o;; im so happy the duck on his clothes is cute ;;w;;#im rly glad you can tell he is so scared but im also rly glad you think he is adorable!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! >///<
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restinpeacesensei · 6 years
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#boueibu#akoya gero#gero akoya#my art#my comic#thank you so much for your tags they made the most adorable pictures in my head!!! >///<#silvormoon i love how you described his eyes and everything i felt like i was wondering along as i read ;////;#it sounded so mystical and mysterious for only kitty to know but i guess now we all know LOL tysm for the cute suggestions!!! >///<#it would be so cute for him to be studying the bow on his undies or the bell on his tail too aaa ;////;#mercysorrows waaaa i love how you called him tiny itty bitty baby kittykoya thank you soo much it sounds soo adorable..!! >///<#tysm for wanting to hug him it would be a tiny fluffy hug;;; im so happy you think he is adorable THANK YOU!!! 💕💕#angry-jewish-magical-girl aaaa thank you for calling them babus it sounds cute im happy;;; ;////;#mostlikelytofangirl aaaa im so happy you think he is smoll and adorable omg!! ;w; he would feel very safe and loved being held forever;;#tysm for noticing his little hands adjfksfjhsf it makes me so happy whenever you call him precious fluff!! >///< thank you so much!!#l-cameron26 AAAA IM SO HAPPY YOU DREW SUCH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE HANDS TOO waaa im so happy you like his little hands!!!#im so glad theyre so cute!!! and that you would hug 10/10 im so happy ;; omg im so honored that you can feel the fluff tysm;; ;////;#such words make me feel lots of fluff filling up my heart T///T im so happy thank you so much!!#cupkayke AAAA!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR EXCITED TAGS IM!!!! SO HAPPY!!!! YOU CAN FEEL THE CUTE!!!! ;/////;#PLS LIVE BC YOUR COMMENTS GIVE ME LIFE OMG >////< THANK YOU SO MUCH IM SO HAPPY HES FLUFF!!!#it made me so happy how you said his tail is almost as big as he is waaa omg;; IT'S TRUE but it sounds so cute when you say it;;#tysm for wrapping him up in a nice warm blanket he will be so cozie and happy purr purr purr >///< AND MORE TINY FEEEEEETS AAAAAA#YOU SAID ITTY BITTY KITTY FEEEEETS WAAAA IM SO HAPPYYYYYY!!!!!#tysm for noticing the little ribbon too >///< you pointed out so many cute things and i feel like it's really cute i feel so happy!! tysm!!!#ironpaladont aaaa thank you so much im so happy you noticed the little hearts on his undies!!! ;;w;;#it makes me so happy you think he's so cute waaa thank you for always saying nice things and wanting to hug him! im so glad!! >///<
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