#(I'm a lesbian) I thought you were American?
darlin-djarin · 1 year
i’d like to take a moment to appreciate din djarin and all that he has done for the wlw community
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abstractbastard · 11 months
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GET WIFED IDIOT!!! Im so glad i got to doodle em finally!
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mhaccunoval · 2 years
hospital chapel bisexual lighting...
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neechees · 4 months
Raisedeyebrowemojii Scamming information post
So as some of you know, it's been revealed that @raisedeyebrowemojii was a scammer, and for those of you that don't know, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. This is going to be an information post on raisedeyebrowemojii's scamming, lies, the evidence, and where they stole from, and the debunking of all their claims as comprehensively as possible to help the people they scammed and manipulated get some closure, and hopefully to provide insight on how you might spot them again.
I carried out an investigation on the now confirmed scammer, and now deactivated user @blktransdyke, who deleted within hours of my callout post. On that post I connected blktransdyke as being the same person behind raisedeyebrowemojii due to the information both of them had posted for alleged fundraisers, which you can see in the post here. For a short recap, both blktransdyke and raisedeyebrowemojii "Jay" both had the exact same story of allegedly being trans/homeless/disabled and posted photos of the exact same brown tabby cat named "Trouble", both claiming that it was their "best friend's cat" and raisedeyebrowemojii created a patreon for Trouble the cat, only for me to find that Trouble the cat is a hyperpopular cat vlogging/fanpage with 42K followers on facebook, and both of these blogs stole from this page and neither of them were affiliated with this famous facebook.
Moving on, with some help, ive also found more evidence that raisedeyebrowemojii was a scammer. I know many people were already convinced by the callout post I already did, but I think it's important to debunk a lot of raisedeyebrowemojii's claims due to the fact that so many people thought they were genuine, that they had died, and due to the fact that they stole pretty much every detail of their alleged life from somewhere else, and I can prove it, so I want to clear things up, and maybe allow some people to gain peace in the knowledge that "Jay" did not die, and was never in danger of dying to begin with.
The rest of this post will be under the cut because again, this is going to get long. I encourage everyone who was approached by or donated to raisedeyebrowemojii to reblog to help get the word out, thank you. Image descriptions will be available in alt text.
For starters, raisedeyebrowemojii went by the name "Jay", and on the donation posts of theirs (scams), they used the paypal name "Jay Baldwin", and Jay claimed to be disabled (allegedly they had tourettes, autism, cerebral palsey, were deaf, in a wheelchair, had a terminal kidney disease, and allegedly other undisclosed disabilities), Canadian, that they lived in the city of Toronto (in Ontario, Canada), and a trans lesbian. Screenshots for that below
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Misuse of terminology & racefaking
Let's talk about their bio first. I suspect that the scammer behind this blog is neither Black nor Canadian, due to the fact that, as I mentioned in this post, 1. Black Canadians don't really refer to themselves as "African American" as much here in Canada, partly due to the fact that a lot of Black Canadians actually have roots from the Caribbean & not directly from Africa or America, 2. "Jay" claimed to be Canadian but also said they had an uncle & grandparents still living in South Africa, which means they're implying they're either a first or second generation African Canadian immigrant, so why would they call themselves "African American" if they have no national/ethnic ties to America, and they are Canadian? So, like the blktransdyke blog, who i proved is most likely the same person as raisedeyebrowemojii, both of these blogs are using incorrect/strange terminology for the ethnicities they claim to be, thus indicating racefaking and a falsified Nationality.
Falsified Nationality
Here I also have reason to believe this person is not Canadian, or in the very least, did not live in the city of Toronto, or likely the province of Ontario. Partly due to the evidence ive just given above, but also due to the reasons I'm about to give & the connected next point I'll get to soon. For one example, "Jay" made the donation post in the first screenshot i gave where they claimed they were scared they were going to freeze to death, and that they could hardly even type on their phone due to the absolute insane cold temperatures of Toronto.
However, I took a look at the Toronto weather forecast for the day that raisedeyebrowemojii posted that update (February 12th, 2023) and found that the temperature had gotten up to 6°C (or 42.8°F), with very little wind, and it didn't even get below freezing temperatures that day, and only got two degrees below freezing the night before (which is when they claim they were staying in a shelter). Canadians will know that this type of temperature in FEBRUARY is actually very very warm and pleasant. Like, unseasonably, weirdly warm. Screenshot for that below.
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Now, for an actual homeless person, being outside in the cold, even if it's warmer than usual, this is still difficult and harsh conditions to live under. However, this is still a large exaggeration from what Raisedeyebrowemojii claimed it was, and youre not very likely to freeze to death in this kind of weather compared to the usual Canadian temperatures. The way "Jay" described it makes me think that it is not a Canadian who made this post, and is someone who was not in Toronto to actually know what temperature it was that day, but just assumed it would be very cold.
Impersonation of the real Jay Baldwin
Thanks to some help (of people whom I will keep anonymous for their safety & as a precaution of the scammer harassing them), i managed to locate the identity of the REAL Jay Baldwin, and was able to concretely find out that this person is who raisedeyebrowemojii was impersonating. So, who is the real Jay Baldwin you ask?
Jay Baldwin is a Black, disabled (who uses a wheelchair and has Cerebral Palsey) nonbinary Canadian and the founder of the private Facebook support group "Disabled, Queer, and Fabulous" with over 1.1K members, and is a student at Carleton university in Ontario, Canada, and this Jay Baldwin has actually been doing really well for themselves, and has gotten pretty famous in the Ottawa area. And, as you can see, the raisedeyebrowemojii "Jay" apparently has a lot in common with THIS Jay Baldwin, including their names, being Black, a disabled wheelchair user with Cerebral palsey, nonbinary, Canadian living in Ontario, and both use they/them pronouns. But let me show you how I know they've been stealing from this person.
One way I can tell that raisedeyebrowemojii definitely was not THIS Jay Baldwin is their faces. On the screenshot to the left is the icon that raisedeyebrowemojii (of allegedly "themselves") used for their blog, taken from the webarchive screenshot of their blog, and to the right is a cropped portrait photo of the real Jay Baldwin, taken from this information page on the official Carleton University website, which also lists most of the information I just listed about the REAL Jay.
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Obviously these two people look absolutely nothing alike. And we can tell that raisedeyebrowemojii meant for their scamsona to look like the person on the left, because they also used a photo of another dark-skinned Black person in ANOTHER donation post. So they stole these selfies from a different person altogether, although I haven't yet been able to locate where they'd stolen them.
One of the reasons that raisedeyebrowemojii's lies were so convincing though is that they were stealing or misconstruing some of Jay Baldwin's life experiences almost in real time, and I believe that raisedeyebrowemojii was keeping tabs on Jay in order to harvest their life details. For example, on a Facebook post, Jay Baldwin mentioned the death of their father a few times, but also on June 26th 2022, made the memorial post below about the death of their uncle
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and meanwhile, on August 25th 2022, raisedeyebrowemojii ALSO suddenly started saying that their dad died, which you can see on the screenshot of their tumblr profile, which as webarchive screenshot shows, was not there before. While they changed the dates, raisedeyebrowemojii was clearly pulling from the real Jay's life, so it looks like we can see around the time that the dcammer decided to randomly incorporate this into their scamsona. As far as I can find, raisedeyebrowemojii never made a donation post regarding their "Father" and said that he was abusive, so adding this detail from the real Jay's life shows that it was unnecessary except to look more real and to manipulate people into believing them.
In the ways that raisedeyebrowemojii misconstrued things, they also of course constantly used the story that they were either homeless or on the verge of being homeless. Where Jay would post facebook updates of doing very well and being happy in life and even doing & hosting events for disability rights, raisedeyebrowemojii around the same time would post about needing money due to either allegedly starving, of dying, needing medical attention, or being homeless.
Below are screenshots of, in the order that they appear (so we're going chronologically in time that these were posted by both raisedeyebrowemojii and Jay Baldwin respectively) from left to right, raisedeyebrowemojii asking for money on February 16th 2023 talking about being in allegedly horrific conditions, then Jay Baldwin posting a peppy update on facebook, looking very happy and having a drink with the caption "Cheers to life!" on February 22nd, and then another donation scam post by raisedeyebrowemojii begging for money saying they're "on the streets" and "will die", posted on February 26th 2023.
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You'll be happy to know that the real Jay Baldwin is not homeless or food insecure, and seems to have had a good relationship with both of their parents and is in an accepting home, unlike what raisedeyebrowemojii claimed THEY had, and claimed they were being abused. Raisedeyebrowemojii likely falsified all that while still impersonating Jay and keeping tabs on them in order to create a false sense of urgency whenever they wanted money at random.
Normally I wouldn't go into this much detail about the people who were stolen from in scams, but I feel like this case in particular it was important to point out where the scammer was pulling from to debunk their lies, but also because the real Jay Baldwin has become quite an iconic figure in their area, and all this information was taken from multiple publicly available sources, and so I can only assume that Jay is comfortable with this personal information being known.
Little to no life details, interests, or personality outside of the impersonating Jay Baldwin, and manipulation
As I'm sure many of you know by now (as ive mentioned it in previous posts, and that some of you currently reading this were victims of the scammer), but raisedeyebrowemojii contacted multiple, predominantly Black users to attempt to befriend them, and they did this in order to appear more legitimate, and most likely so that they had "friends" to call upon should any of their scams have been questioned. We've also seen this with multiple other scammers where a new blog will appear and suddenly start tagging mostly Black users to ask them to (unknowingly) reblog their scam posts.
And as a more famous example, we've seen this with the famed scammer Laura Deramas where she befriended multiple users to get them to stick up for her.
But to get down to the title's point, outside of the life details they were stealing or misconstruing from the real Jay, Raisedeyebrowemojii didn't have much of their own personality or traits, which is common in scams. Say, for example, a scammer will create a scamsona who is a lesbian and loves cats and is making a fake donation post for a sick cat, and so in order to make their blog look more convincing, they will randomly reblog popular posts from tags about cats or lesbianism.
In Raisedeyebrowemojii's case, we had one user mention that while Raisedeyebrowemojii was trying to "befriend" them, Raisedeyebrowemojii would only answer very generic questions asked of them despite the fact that they sent the messages first appearing to try to get to know that user, like answering "I like reading!" Instead of answering what their favorite books are if asked about their interests. Below is a screenshot of that conversation. This user emphasizes that they never got an answer to the last question they asked.
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"Kidney disease" and alleged "death"
I stated on my blog that I believe raisedeyebrowemojii randomly said that they were diagnosed with a "terminal kidney disease" (allegedly chronic kidney disease) specifically with the view that they could leave, deactivate, or abandon their blog and then move onto ANOTHER scam blog (and likely this was the blktransdyke blog) without looking suspicious or weird, because then people would just assume they had died, which is exactly what happened.
Raisedeyebrowemojii stopped posting around June 2023, and the blktransdyke blog appeared in early April 2023, which makes me think this is when they started to move to that blog or potentially even another blog we don't yet know about. Funeral scams, or scams where the scammer pretends their persona has "died" in general is not new and is actually pretty common. It's possible that raisedeyebrowemojii was going to (or may still attempt) to return on another blog and pretend to be a family member or "friend" of the raisedeyebrowemojii in order to ask for alleged "funeral money", which we've seen with blogs like the now deleted blog @destrawberry.
But the main reason I think why they stopped posting in specifically June is because that is around the time the real Jay Baldwin was gaining popularity again, doing multiple public events, and was doing very very well, so I think the scammer became aware there was now more of a chance of people discovering their scam. In June, Jay won an award at an LGBT film festival for a documentary they had made ("Supporting Out Selves") and an Academic Hospital wrote a piece on their success, and in August they announced that they teamed up with ASE Community Foundation for Black Canadians with Disabities to host their 3rd student summit in September. You can find evidence of this by googling or by looking at Jay Baldwin's facebook, but of course, please give respect to the real Jay Baldwin & do not pester them.
All in all I hope that this clarifies a lot of things for those of you that were confused by all this, and again, I extend my dearest sympathies to those who donated to raisedeyebrowemojii and were manipulated by them, I know the feeling and I'm so terribly sorry that it's happened to you too. I advise any Black users especially to be very cautious about any new blogs with a donation post up that is new, and this new blog is trying to ask you to reblog their donation post: it's common for scammers to retarget anybody who may have donated to them, talked to them, or even just barely interacted with them before.
I'll put some of raisedeyebrowemojii's old paypals, gfm accounts, etc in either the replies or another reblog, because for now I'm running out of space. If you donated to them at any point, i suggest you report their accounts where you did the donating. And in the mean time, my colleague @kyra45 is taking testimonies on raisedeyebrowemojii, so if you have an experience with this scammer and would like to share that experience with us so we can document this scammer's behavior, please send Kyra an ask.
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duothelingo · 12 days
I'm lesbian
I thought you were American
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doubleca5t · 3 months
Watched the super bowl for the first time because I am unfortunately a taylor swift lesbian (not a gaylor) and jesus christ I'm not sure anything happened for the first 3 or so hours but I got so stressed out when I thought the Chiefs were gonna lose. I think I get sports now. Also American Football is a bad game.
God you Swifties are going to be so spoiled if Taylor stays with Travis long term. You started following football five months ago and your team won the super bowl on your first goddamn season. You've all slipped and fallen into bandwagoning for a dynasty and it's going to make you all the most insufferable fanbase in football, and keep in mind this includes both Boston and Philadelphia sports fans so that is a VERY high bar to clear.
You have yet to learn that the core experience of being a football fan is the agonizing pain of watching your team lose a crucial game by snatching defeat from the jaws of victory right before your eyes. I don't see Mahomes' bullshit slowing down any time soon so after Taylor and Travis break up I think she should have to date Josh Allen for a few years just to even things out a bit. There must be some degree of justice in this cruel, unforgiving world.
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gay-otlc · 1 year
the people harmed by the 'save the poor confused daughters' rhetoric are trans WOMEN who are seen as the predators. if you are TME maybe shut the fuck about oppression you benefit from? 'oh no i am seen as the people who need to be protected from the evil bad transfems :(' you are the villain here
While trans women are seen as predators and the "save the poor daughters" rhetoric affects them in things like sports and bathroom bills, this ideology is specifically wielded against trans men & mascs. Because- and this may come as a shock to you- transphobes hate all of us and we are all harmed by their bigotry.
Specifically, in the post you're likely referencing, I was referring to the way TERFs are upset about people who were assigned female at birth, discovered they were attracted to women and identified as lesbians, and then transitioned into straight trans men. This isn't a made up thing. This is actually very common rhetoric.
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They see trans men & mascs as lost butches. They see transmasculinity as the lesbian holocaust (which, in addition to being transandrophobic, is antisemetic as FUCK. but i won't get into that)
And this rhetoric is seen in trying to "protect" all afab children, not just lesbians. Conservatives have recently become outraged that an American Girls book marketed towards young girls, or young children perceived as girls, explained gender identity and advised readers to talk to a trusted adult if they were experiencing gender dysphoria, because a doctor could help them be more comfortable in their bodies (namely puberty blockers.)
Here are screenshots. This shit is real.
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I am not seen as someone who needs to be protected from the "evil bad transfems." I am seen as a traitor to womanhood, a violent misogynist, a nazi in the so-called lesbian holocaust, a stupid girl who wants to mutilate her body and trick other girls into mutilating their bodies too.
And even if I was seen as a victim, if I was seen as a little girl who needed to be saved- that would be misgendering me. I'm not a fucking girl. It's not a privilege to be misgendered, and quite honestly it's transphobic to claim I should feel grateful that I'm getting misgendered.
Also, that's bullshit to say that I'm TME and I benefit from transmisogyny. I am not transmisogyny exempt. I have been harassed for going into a women's bathroom because I looked too masculine and the women in there thought I was an evil bad predator. So yeah, not sure how I benefited from that, considering it left me with nowhere safe to use the fucking bathroom.
You have no right to tell me I'm not harmed by transphobia. Go fuck yourself.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Eva Dahlbeck (Smiles of a Summer Night, A Lesson in Love, Kastrullresan)— Beautiful, formidable, funny. Ingmar Bergman called her a "battleship of femininity" and cast her in several of his comedies. It's a joy to see her pulling all the strings in Smiles of a Summer Night while her two boyfriends make utter fools of themselves.
Maureen O’Hara (The Parent Trap, The Quiet Man)—They called her the Queen of Technicolor. That right there should help introduce people to the fiery, wonderful, stunning Maureen O’Hara. She was from Ireland, born in 1920, and started in theater at the age of ten. At 15, she was winning drama awards, including one for her performance as Portia in the Merchant of Venice. At 16, she was the youngest pupil to graduate from the Guildhall School of Music. By 18, she transitioned to film, starting off with a bang alongside Charles Laughton in Hitchcock’s Jamaica Inn, and proceeded to work steadily up through the early 1970s. She was in adventures and comedies and romances, spent a lot of time in westerns giving merry hell to John Wayne (and less merry hell to the indomitable John Ford — she held her own even when he was verbally abusive and demeaning to her). She was in The Quiet Man, which was the first American-made film entirely filmed in a foreign country. She helped make American Christmas what it is with Miracle on 34th Street. She played a lineup of headstrong, forthright women second only, perhaps, to Katharine Hepburn. She was married three times, lived for a while with a boyfriend in Mexico, sued for custody of her daughter in the 1950s, AND sued a magazine for libel in the same era. After mostly retiring from acting, she edited a magazine. She eventually sold the magazine to spend more time with her grandson, but even then ran a ladies fashion store. She was an outspoken, brilliant, passionate lady, with amazing red hair, a career to envy, and — well — that face!
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Eva Dahlbeck:
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Maureen O'Hara:
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I thought she was one of the most beautiful women in the world when I was a kid and I have yet to really change my mind. Always loved her temper and her red hair. Plus she was kind of a MILF in The Parent Trap
Haughty, red hair, hot.
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The hair. The accent. The figure. The acting chops. The perfection.
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I would have to give up my passport if I didn't submit Maureen O'Hara but also have you seen her? Not only did she look like that (she was called the Queen of Technicolor, though she wasn't a big fan of that sobriquet), she was also very funny and tough as nails. She faced off against Walt Disney in a contract dispute and the legend goes that when someone mentioned her at his deathbed, he sat up and said 'That bitch!'. Her comment on that story is "At least he didn't think of me and say, 'That wimp'." She struggled to get serious roles for a time, saying ""Hollywood would never allow my talent to triumph over my face," so she plays the sexy princess/pirate/harem girl in a LOT of early movies that she referred to as "Tits and Sand" films, she being the tits in question. She also turned down so many leading men and studio bosses (Errol Flynn and Howard Hughes are among her rejects) that there were rumours spread that she was a lesbian. Many egos were battered it seems. I'm including the infamous Lady Godiva scene in the photo propaganda for the sheer Moment of it [link] . It was a bit of a flop critically, but it was one of Clint Eastwood's first film appearances and she said he told her later that he was very glad of the money at the time. She was a very proud Irish woman and when she went for her American citizenship they insisted on referring to her as British (the timeline of Irish independence is a bit wibbly wobbly, we won't get into it here). She refused to accept American citizenship under that condition and argued her way through every level of US immigration she could find, supposedly saying "I'm not responsible for your antiquated records here in Washington", until a judge finally gave up and said "Give her what she wants, just get her out of here". This made her the first ever person seeking US citizenship to be proclaimed Irish on the record! And while we don't embrace the leprechaun imagery quite so enthusiastically today, her dressing her dog up in a little shamrock hat is too cute for you all to miss so I'm including that in the photo propaganda.
*Marge Simpson voice*: I just think she's neat 🤷‍♀️
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Friendly Sex - Chapter 1 - The Party
Eddie Munson X AFAB!Reader
Your 6 year long unrequited crush on Steve Harrington is starting to wear thin, and after discovering Eddie Munson feels the same way about Chrissy Cunningham you decide to make a pact. After all, what's the harm in a little casual sex between friends?
  A/N: Story opens April 1986. Slight AU, all the events of seasons 1, 2 and 3 happened, except Hopper didn't get transported to Russia, the gate was closed and Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, Will and Jane all move to California as one big happy family. Jonathan and Nancy break up (necessary for plot, apologies to any shippers). Nancy and Steve are together. Reader is 18 and in final year at Hawkin's High School, alongside Robin and Eddie etc. Reader works at Family Video with Robin & Steve. Vecna storyline is not a thing, strange things will not be happening. This has been festering in my brain and I don't know what to do with it, so, tada!
Warnings: NSFW. SMUT, (MDI) 18+ only, drugs, sex, alcohol, underage drinking, public sex, dirty talk, name calling in sex (consensual), explicit language, adult themes, there will be angst, it will get messy.
More warnings to be added.
Revised edition.
  It was Robin’s idea to go to the party, one of those let’s have a party for the sake of having a party, parties, the all American standard, under-age keg fest.
It was an unwelcome change from your regularly scheduled Saturday night plans of doing nothing.
But argue as you might, Robin had made it clear you were going, even if she had to drag you.
"I'm tired of watching your ass wallow in self-pity." She said in true blunt Robin fashion, pulling outfit after outfit out of your closet, throwing them haphazardly in your general direction.
"I thought you loved watching my ass." You bite back, holding up a rust-coloured corduroy mini skirt to your hips.
"Ha, ha. I'm serious though dude, this whole moping Minnie routine is getting old, you just need to get out there and get yourself laid." She groans, pushing past you, flopping face first onto your bed in frustration.
"The skirt looks good, you should wear it with your tan knee highs." She adds, laying on her front to look at you.
"I'm working on it Rob." You grumble, fishing your boots out from under a pile of clothes. "It's not easy to let go of a 6 year crush you know."
"Well maybe if you had made a move 6 years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess." She huffs in exaggeration.
"Gee, you're right, let me just hop in my time machine, go back and tell my 12-year-old self to man up and ask out Steve Harrington. Huzzah!" You quip dryly, yanking the zipper of your boots up none too gently.
  "Honestly Harrington has a lot to answer for, it's like the women of Hawkin's see him and suddenly all rational thought disappears." Robin laughs.
"It's the hair." You agree, fluffing up your own in the mirror. "And only the great Robin Buckley, lesbian superheroine, is immune to its hypnotic powers."
"Then I must use my powers for good!" She declares in a manly tone, hauling herself off the bed to wrap her arms around your shoulders. "My mission, gentle citizen, is to break the spell cast over you." She places a wet kiss on your cheek casting an appraising eye over your finished ensemble. "Very hot."
  It's not that you disliked parties, after all it was a time honoured tradition to go to some random person's house whilst their parents where out of town and get absolutely wasted, chintzy picture perfect living rooms suddenly overrun with overactive hormones, sweaty bodies and dubious punch bowls, however after the initial buzz wore off you usually found yourself longing for the quiet solitude of your bedroom. Of course, when you express this to Robin, after half an hour of being there, she merely rolls her eyes in disgust, thrusting another cup of mystery alcohol in your hand, ushering you back into the throng of young adults.
"Would you stop?" She implores, holding your left shoulder with her free hand. "Your problem is you think too much. So, give those little grey cells a break by killing some of them off." She lifts her own drink in a mock toast, nodding at you to do the same.
"You are a terrible friend." You relent with a laugh, toasting quickly and taking a gulp, face scrunched up in distaste as the alcohol burns your throat.
"The very worst." She says with an evil grin, which fades somewhat as she focuses on something behind you. You turn towards the source, and despite knowing what you would see, your stomach still swoops uncomfortably at the sight of Steve or more precisely Steve with his arm wrapped around Nancy Wheeler looking incredibly loved up. "Shit." Robin declares.
"Shit." You agree flatly. 
  You move to go back towards the kitchen, but Robin takes your hand, holding you in place, Steve having already spotted you both, his own hand thrown up in greeting, weaving through the crowd with Nancy in tow.
"Fancy seeing you fine ladies here." Steve grins broadly, leaning in to give each of you a one-armed hug, your skin burning from his touch.
"Fancy that." Robin agrees sheepishly, you get a grim sense of satisfaction at the uncomfortable look on her face.
Nancy, who had been hanging off of Steve's free arm for the majority, leans forward to speak to you over the pounding music. "I love your skirt Y/n." She smiles sweetly; and you feel the rather irrational urge to stick pins in her bright blue eyes.
"Thanks Nancy." You call back, trying to return her smile. "I- uh -I like your bracelet." You say, noticing a golden glimmer on her wrist, plastering on the enthusiasm.
Nancy, being an actual angel, flushes with pleasure at your compliment. "Steve bought it for me." She sighs, toying with the gold bangle,
and you try not to urge as they share a sickening saccharine look.
"Of course he did." You mutter grudgingly to yourself, desperately wanting to escape.
"What did you say Y/n?" Steve asks absent-mindedly, still gazing at Nancy.
"I'm gonna grab another drink." You say in a clearer voice, not that it mattered, because at that moment Steve seemed to find a very interesting spot on Nancy's neck that required the immediate attention of his mouth. Grimacing you slip past them, purposely ignoring Robin's pleading calls for a top up and/or a sick bucket.
  Reaching the kitchen, you chug a cup of punch straight off, before refilling it to the brim, whilst you knew alcohol wouldn't solve your problems it could certainly try and soothe the jealous beast currently roaring in your head at the human octopus that was Stancy.
Deciding the garden was the best place to avoid a front row seat to the lovefest, you steer your body around bumping and grinding couples, careful not to spill a drop of your precious emotional medicine. The backyard to your pleasant surprise is empty, the party having not yet spilled out, and the chilly night air was a welcome contrast to the stale humidity inside. You wander out onto the pristine lawn, and find yourself releasing a breath you didn't realize you had been holding, ears ringing slightly as they adjusted to the now muffled thumping bass.
"Well, well, well what brings you out here Sweetheart?"
You groan heavily at the teasing drawl behind you.
"I was trying to get some peace and quiet, but that's not likely to happen with you around, is it Munson?" You sigh, turning to face Eddie Munson who was perched on a swing set to the far right, slightly obscured in semi-darkness, but a Cheshire cat grin clearly plastered on his face.
"Ouch, you wound me." He says, placing a dramatic hand over his heart, still grinning away like an idiot. "Seriously though, I wouldn't have pegged you for this kinda gig." He gestures with his head back towards the party.
"It was Robin's idea." You mutter darkly, glaring towards the shut French doors.
"Well, if looks could kill, I'm guessing you'll have a best friend vacancy by this time tomorrow." He laughs again, which irritates you further. 
  "What are you doing here?" You deflect back, hiccupping slightly as you drink some more punch. "Place is like jock city in there, hardly your regular stomping ground either."
He nudges a battered black tin lunch-box with his foot, slightly tucked under the swing. "You know me sweetheart, got a business to run, empires to build, horizons to expand." He says with the usual Eddie flair.
"Dealing drugs to inebriated teens, I should've guessed." You say wryly, rolling your eyes.
"You make it sound so dirty." He mocks you, irritating smirk still fixed.  "And you've never complained before." He reminds you pointedly.
Whilst far from being a hardcore user, you were a semi- frequent customer of Eddie's when it came to weed, finding him to be discreet, reliable and most importantly for your minimum wage ass, cheap.
"Well maybe I'm in the mood to complain tonight," You mutter suddenly feeling bitter about the way the night had gone downhill so quickly, scuffing your boot into the neatly trimmed grass.
Eddie leans down to extract something from his tin.
"Joint for your thoughts?" He offers, holding out a perfectly rolled spliff, quickly adding. "No charge." You mull it over for all of 2 seconds, concluding your jealous inner demon will not be calmed by alcohol alone. 
  "'Atta girl!" He calls happily as you stomp over to squeeze beside him, he pats your knee in encouragement, then lights up, graciously passing you the joint for the first drag which you take gratefully.
You both sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes, offering the smoke back and forth. You could tell straight away that the weed was a much higher quality than you could ever normally afford and therefore hoped its soothing effects would kick in a lot quicker.
"Soooo," Eddie gently ventures after a few more minutes, "you wanna walk about it?" 
"What's there to talk about, I'm in love with a guy who is in love with someone else." You shrug on a heavy exhale.
Eddie whistles between his teeth, regarding you carefully as you take another hit.
"Ah, that old cliche huh?" He nudges you lightly, taking the joint back for his turn.
Now Eddie had said it, you couldn't help but laugh in agreement.
"I guess it is pretty clichéd." 
"Yup no points for originality this time princess. So, who's Captain Oblivious?" He asks, offering you another hit, shaking your head you opt to take a swig of alcohol, mentally bracing yourself for Eddie's inevitable teasing.
"Steve Harrington." You sigh glumly into your cup.
Eddie let out a muttered "Damn." 
"The former King of Hawkin's High himself. I don't envy you there babe."
  You snatch the joint back from his ringed fingertips, fed up with his teasing. "Don't take the piss Eddie, I'm not in the mood." You mumble defensively, leaning forward so as not to see the smirk on his face.
"Hey." He says in a surprisingly genuine tone, his hand rubbing your back, making you turn to look at him. "I'm not ragging on you sweetheart. Harrington is a nice enough guy now he's not hanging out with the douchebag brigade. I can see why you'd like him."
You lean back and Eddie slips his arm around your shoulders. 
"Well, I'm glad you can see it, he doesn't even know I exist, at least not in the way I want him to." You sigh, resting your head on his arm, seeing off the last of your drink and feeling distinctly sorry for yourself. 
You both lapse into silence again, the swing swaying gently beneath you as you burn through more of the joint , somewhere inside the house voices were shouting "Keg! Keg! Keg!"
  After a few moments, Eddie shifts slightly, arm wrapping more securely around you.
"Can I tell you something?" He asks, sounding nervous.
"I mean I just bared my soul to you, so I guess it's only fair." You murmur, glancing up at him.
He breathes a heavy sigh, right leg jiggling.
"I have been head over heels in love with Chrissy Cunningham since middle school." He confesses with a wince.
You wanted to say something encouraging, maybe even profound, or at the very least offer some words of comfort, so you felt a little guilty when you couldn't suppress the giggle that passed your lips.
"Chrissy Cunningham?!" You exclaim, staring at him wide-eyed "Cheerleader extraordinaire, Chrissy Cunningham?"
He looks at you, lips pressed tight as though he was trying to hold back his own laughter. 
"Yep." Letting the 'p' pop. "Ever since she shook her pom-poms in the talent show."
You were barely holding it together, attempting to keep your voice level as you spoke. 
"Wait, wait. So not only are we both in love with two very attractive people who are waaaay out of our league, these people are also in long term committed relationships with two other very attractive people." 
Your statement hung in the air for a second, both of you then erupting into fits of laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation.
  Eddie chuckled throatily around the stub of the joint, almost burnt out. "Oh man, we are pathetic." Shaking his head.
You jam your elbow lightly into his ribs. "Hey, speak for yourself!" You jokingly admonish. 
"What, you think you have a chance?" He snorts incredulously.
You pretend to weigh up your options.
"If Nancy Wheeler gets hit by a bus, sure I'll shoot my shot… after an extended mourning period of course." You say.
"Of course." Eddie agrees, both of you collapsing into fits of uncontrollable giggles once more, fuelled on by excessive alcohol and weed.
  "So, what do you think you need to do to get over little old Stevie?" Eddie asks you somewhat more seriously, stamping the remainder of the joint out under his sneakers, leaning back against the swing, taking you under his arm again.
You shrug, settling comfortably against him, staring up at the night sky, your own arm wrapping lightly about his waist. "Robin says I just need to get laid." You sigh flatly.
"I mean it's not the worst suggestion in the world." He says reasonably. 
"Yeah, but c'mon Munson, guys aren't exactly queued around the block waiting to give me a service." You say, gesturing to the empty garden, Eddie pulling a face at your phrasing.
"Maybe that's because you've spent the past however many years with your Harrington blinkers on." He suggests, and it hits a nerve within you, quite often you wondered if you had missed opportunities with other guys because of your Harrington fixation. Your first and thus far only proper relationship, at 16 ,was doomed to fail from the start as Bobby Cooper just couldn't live up to the standards you had set in your daydreams of Steve.
"Well, what about you and your Chrissy conundrum? Your on-tap supply of groupies not helping to ease the pain?" You bite back, on the defensive.
Rather than get shitty with you, Eddie just gives you the classic Munson smirk.  
"You think I’m good enough to have groupies?" He teases, squeezing your side, with a saucy eyebrow raise.
You pinch him back playfully. "I've seen you play Eddie; you know you're good." You admit with a smile.
He heaves a dramatic sigh, hand to his brow like some wretchedly poor southern belle.
"And yet, the tour bus-"
"Your van?" You chip in snidely.
"-my van" He ruefully concedes "is decidedly empty, even with the new air freshener."
"It's a crying shame, Eds." You laugh, patting his cheek.
  He places an affectionate kiss on your head, cuddling you closer against the chilly breeze, it feels nice to be held, and even nicer to talk to someone so openly, other than Robin of course.
You lapse into comfortable silence once more, the strains of some Blondie song thumping from inside, the party was kicking up a gear but you found yourself lost in thought.
You had always had a soft spot for Eddie, conversation flowed easily enough, and you appreciated his dry sense of humour, both of you were regular outcasts in comparison to rest of the high school cliques, and you had found yourselves in detention together more times than you cared to count; you had a bad habit of disagreeing with your English teacher. And if you were being honest, he was actually really kind of pretty when you took the time to really look at him, chocolate brown eyes, full lips, awesome hair.
You hadn't realised you had been staring at him until he cleared his throat, you pulled away from his arms sheepishly, cheeks aflame from the embarrassment of being caught out, but feeling sure Eddie had been staring at you for the same amount of time.
"Uh- sweetheart, and by all means please let me know if I have completely misread some signals here, but I think I may have found the solution to both our problems." It surprised you to hear a note of uncertainty in his voice, particularly as Eddie was normally shockingly cavalier to a fault, it made you turn back to face him.
"Go on…" You encouraged him, finding your mouth oddly dry.
  He took a deep breath, leaning closer, his arm snaking about your waist, warm fingertips tracing absentmindedly across the inch of exposed skin between your skirt and top, goose pimples erupting that made a shiver run up your spine.
"You need to get laid." He stated. "I need to get laid. We both have stuff we need to get out of our systems. You're a stand-up girl," he gave you a courteous nod. "...and I think I'm correct in saying you find me tolerable at the very least." The uncertainty was back, steeling yourself you placed a hand on his denim clad knee giving him a squeeze. 
"More than tolerable Eds." You offer a smile.
"Thanks sweetheart." He mutters blushing. "So, uh anyway, what I'm trying to say here is… in a pretty roundabout way and you can of course say no-"
"Sorry, rambling, what I'm trying to say is we could… help each other out?" He was staring at you, pleading with you to chime in.
"You mean sex?" You ask slowly, noticing his blush creep up to his ears.
"Uh, y-yeah that thing." He stammers. "If you wanted to, with me, we could have sex as friends every now and then, friendly sex."
  You glanced at your wristwatch, 26 minutes ago you came out into the garden of some unknown person seeking a quiet place to drown your Steve induced sorrows, and now you were sitting next to Eddie Munson, seriously considering his offer of 'friendly sex'. Maybe Robin's kiss from earlier really had broken a spell, you laughed aloud at the thought, mirth quickly turning to frantic apologies at the look of horror on Eddie's face, forgetting that he was not privy to your inner monologue.
"Oh my god Eddie, no I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you!' You cried, cringing at your own social ineptitude.
"Hey, it's ok honey, I told you, it's cool if you don't want to-" His tone was calm, patting your side, making to stand and walk away with what little dignity he had left.
"NO! Don't go, I do want to!" You let out a shout, grasping his arm to pull him back down, your face burning in mortification that you essentially just begged Eddie to fuck you. 
"Alright sweetheart, calm down I'm not going anywhere, no need to shout." He soothed; devil- may-care smirk back in place, holding you firmly about the waist again. You tried to turn away at his teasing, but Eddie cupped your cheek, the numerous rings on his fingers cool against your prickling skin.
"I'm going to kiss you now." His voice low and surprisingly authoritative. "Ok?" He asks, inching closer to your lips. Unsure if you had the nerve to speak, you merely nod. "Use your words princess, I need you to tell me that it's ok for me to kiss you." He teased; lips just shy of brushing against yours.
"I-it's ok, kiss me, please." You whisper, hands fisted in his jacket, pulling him in to close the final gap.
Eddie surged forward with an urgency that made you gasp, kissing you hard, your teeth clacking together painfully but you didn't care, adrenaline coursing through your veins like rocket fuel. You quickly found the right rhythm for each other kissing back with equal enthusiasm, his grip tightened moving you to straddle his lap, with you kneeling. He kneaded your ass, grinding you down, you gasped feeling the hard outline of his dick, taking full advantage of your open mouth, his tongue slipping in to meet with yours. Releasing his jacket, you tangled your fingers in his hair, tugging harder than intended as Eddie nipped at your bottom lip, but he hardly seemed to care judging by the groan that escaped his throat. You smirked, tucking the knowledge away for later use, Eddie also appeared to be mentally cataloguing your reactions, like the way your hips rocked involuntarily as he sucked your neck just below your right ear, and how your breath hitched whilst he felt you up under your shirt, brushing the underside of your breast.
So lost in each other you didn't notice the sudden increase in noise coming from the party, signalling that someone had opened the screen door, it was the violent retching sound of vomiting that had you jumping apart as though you had been electrocuted, scrambling off Eddie's lap. You grimaced in disgust, Chance from the High School basketball team spewing chunks over the once pristine lawn, to the jeers of others inside.
  "Hey…" Eddie spoke breathlessly, pulling your attention back to him, his lips kiss bitten, pupils blown wide. "You uh, want to get out of here?"
Grinning you snatched up his hand pulling him none too gently in the direction of the back gate, the sound of Chance's digestive pyrotechnics mercifully fading away, Eddie now pulling you along in the opposite direction to the house.
My van is this way."
Your heels clacked against the concrete, the pair of you moving at a light jog, keen to pick where you left off, both breathless as you came up on Eddie's van.
"Your chariot milady." He gestured proudly to the beat up vehicle like it was Cinderella's magical pumpkin carriage.
"Eddie, calling me milady is a total turn off." You teased, nose wrinkling.
  He pulled you to him, spinning you so your back was pressed against the passenger side door, 
"Oh well in that case, I best stick to sweetheart, huh sweetheart?" Caging you, his smile almost predatory as he set to work sucking what would no doubt be a prize-winning hickey just above your throat.
You grabbed the scruff of his neck when the skin got too sensitive, pulling his lips back to yours, both of you fighting for dominance in the kiss, thoroughly making out. Eddie palmed your tits, as you reached down trailing a teasing hand along the bulge in his jeans, he broke the kiss huffing out a low "Shit…."
Feeling bold, you flashed him a mischievous grin, unbuckling his belt, your hand slipping inside the tight denim stroking his cock properly, he was fully hard, your thumb swiping a thick bead of pre-cum around the mushroomy head.
"You keep doing that sweetheart and I’ll have no choice but to fuck you right here in the street." Eddie panted against your neck, his words going straight to your cunt.  
"Promises, promises." You said with a purr, jerking him slowly.
He laughed breathlessly. "Fucking tease." His hands quickly hitching up your skirt, hips pressing you closer to the van, slipping your panties to the side, you gasped as he trailed a finger through your wetness up to your clit and back down again.
  "Jesus baby, you're soaked. All this for me?" He asks incredulously, kissing you deeply again, two fingers moving slowly pumping in and out of your cunt as his thumb plays with your clit. The pair of you working each other, quiet moans slipping past swollen lips 
"Eddie." You whined softly, there was a tiny voice in the back of your mind which was terrified about getting caught in such a compromising position, but a much louder voice was screaming, begging to let Eddie have his way with you in the street where anyone could see.
"What is it princess?" He murmured, biting at your lower lip.
"I want -" You hiccupped on a moan, all four of his fingers now working over your swollen clit, spreading the slick from your cunt, you could only hold his cock, brain not functioning enough under his ministrations.
Grinning, taunting you openly he nipped at the sweet spot under your ear, whispering "Use your words baby."
"Oh my god." You whimpered. The screaming in your brain reaching a fever pitch; you wanted him to fuck you, right now, you didn't care if you got caught. "Eddie, do it, fuck me, fuck me right here." You say frantically, his movements stilling in shock. 
"You sure sweetheart? I-I can wait, we don't have to do anything you don't wanna-" He cut off, watching as though in a trance, you turned yourself around, pushing your ass out toward him, in the dim streetlight your pussy glistened with wetness all swollen and pretty.
  "Ho-ly fuck." He breathed out in awe, fishing hurriedly for a condom in his jacket pocket. You were breathing hard against the passenger window, watching Eddie's reflection, staring, cheeks flushed with excitement and lust as he yanked his jeans and boxers down enough to free his length, panting as he rolled the condom on. Coming up behind you, he crowded you against the van once again, his body covering your back, feeling his cock line up with your entrance; shivering at the slow press and delicious stinging sensation as he worked his way in.
"Christ you're so fucking tight baby." He hissed, balls flush to your ass as he bottomed out, one hand coming up to play with your tits, the other bracing against the van as he started to thrust.
"Eddie…fuck." You choked out, rubbing at your sopping clit, you were already so close, bouncing your hips back against him as he thrust harder.
"Oh my fucking god, you're perfect, so fucking tight and perfect. I can feel you dripping on my balls." He groaned, grabbing your hair, turning your head to capture your lips in a frantic kiss, you keened into his mouth. He was pulling your top up, freeing your breasts, pinching at your puckered nipples, his other arm wrapping tight  around your middle, holding you steady, pounding deeper.
  It was lewd, it was indecent, it was sinful and you had never felt so alive.
  "Eds, Eddie, I'm - fuck I'm fucking close, please." You begged, pleading, hovering over the edge, heat swimming deep in your belly.
"Oh shit, yes, such a good girl." You could hear he was close, the words passing through gritted teeth. "Taking this cock so well. You wanna cum baby?"
"Yes." You whined desperately, the coil within you tightening. "Please, I wanna cum so bad, fuck me harder." 
You didn't know where the words were coming from, had never felt this pent up, never craved sex this way before.
Eddie's balls were slapping against you in a faster rhythm, the sound penetrating the otherwise still night air.
"Fucking hell baby, yes take it, so fucking good - shit - that's it fucking cum for me sweetheart. Cum-on-my-cock-you-little-fucking-slut." He punctuated each word with brutal thrusts and at the word slut you felt the dam break, wave after wave of throbbing pleasure seized your body, head thrown back in a wordless cry, spasming around his dick.
"Shit,shit,shit,fuck,fuck." Eddie was chanting in a low whine, hips stilling against you, even with the condom on you could feel the pulse of him cumming.
  You both stayed perfectly still for a moment, your shared heavy breathing the only sound now.
"That was… holy fuck that was…" Eddie muttered leaning heavily against your shoulder, you clung onto the side mirror for support, legs feeling like jelly.
"Uh huh." You agreed breathlessly, you felt his hand on your back rubbing soothingly, unable to stop yourself from hissing as he pulled out, gently righting your panties for you and pressing a fleeting kiss to the back of your neck.
It was a remarkably sweet gesture, particularly in stark contrast to your position moments before, you tugged your top down, and skirt back up leaning against the van with a heavy exhale. Eddie had tucked himself away, and was now busy tying the condom off, stepping into the road to drop it unceremoniously down a gap in a drain cover, your face scrunched in distaste at the action.
"Giving the swimmers a new lease of life." He said winking impishly.
"I'm sure the sewer rats will be ever so pleased." You deadpanned.
  You were unsure what the plan was now, should you go your separate ways, you back to the party, him to - well wherever Eddie spent Saturday nights?
Returning to the party felt like a hellish idea, not just because you probably looked like you had just had sex, which you had, but you'd also have to face Steve and Nancy and whilst you now seemingly had the option of sex on tap, emotionally your heart still very much belonged to Harrington. Also you had the beginnings of a headache no doubt from the toxic punch.
"Uh- sweetheart you in there?" Eddie asked you, waving his hand in front of you, evidently you had zoned out.
"I was talking about milkshakes." 
'Milkshakes?" You repeatedly blankly.
"Yeah, ya know, you take the milk, you take the shake you take them both and then you have the facts of life." He said moving past you, opening the passenger door.
You just stared vacantly.
"Oh my god I fucked the intelligence out of you." He giggled, ducking to one side as you tried to punch him in the arm, catching your hand he pulled you to him.
"Sweetheart I would very much like it if you would accompany me to a diner where we can have milkshakes and discuss the intimate details of our little arrangement." He clarified, gesturing for you to get into the van.
"Details?" You ask cluelessly, clambering into the seat, maybe he had fucked you dumb.
"Details." Eddie cooed, tapping you on the nose and strapping you in like a child, before handing you his drug box and slamming the door.
You were unsure whether to be amused or concerned at how he skipped to his own driver's side, lighting a cigarette. 
"Eddie, what exactly are we doing?" You ask, completely exasperated. He revved the engine, jamming the play button on the car radio, head banging along to Ace of Spades - Motorhead for a few moments.
"EDDIE!" You yell over the music impatiently.
"You and I are making a pact princess" Flashing you a huge grin before peeling down the street.
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ellies-little-thing · 5 months
"hey im lesbian, i thought you where american" (e.w.)
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My masterlist <3
Part 1 Part 2
pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader
Warnings: Modern Ellie; swearing; fluf; arguing; Ellie is mean;  smut; reader is referred as she/her; reader has a vagina; Kind of proofread, English is not my first language.
Author's notes: I dont know if this is very good, i tried my best and had fun with it. Enjoy! I hope you like it! Likes, reblogs and comments are always welcome! <3 (sorry, i have vines living in my head rent free)
Part 1
It was near 6 pm when you came out of your apartment. There was a girl leaning against the wall outside your apartment building. She just moved into one of the units but you had never seen her. You had just come out to smoke a cigarette. It was a cold winter's night. Your day was being pretty shitty and you thought some fresh air might help. This girl just keeps staring and you are starting to feel uncomfortable. She didn't have the friendliest of faces.
“Hey..?” She says, eyeing the person in front of her. You just look back at her. 
She is beautiful, no denying it. Tall, pale, freckled skin with auburn hair in a half bun. Gorgeous green eyes looking right at you with an annoyed look on her face. Dressed in black ripped skinny jeans with a white shirt under her flannel, with some black converse that definitely needed their deserved retirement. She was smoking too, but it didn't look like a cigarette.
“Are you looking to get your ass kicked?...” She steps closer, glaring at you, eyes locked on yours.
“You were the one looking...” You spat back annoyed.
“You must really want to get your ass kicked then...” She pauses, throws her blunt on the floor and steps on it to extinguish it, and then cracks her knuckles. “Because that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”
“Oh really?” You ask mockingly.
“Oh really? Do you really wanna go there? She leans in closer, the heat of her breath being felt on your face. “Cause i will go there and i’ll win it.” She says, with a smirk.
“Whatever.” You look away taking another drag.
“Whatever? I bet you're crapping your pants right now. That's right, stay quiet, you know I'm right.” She grins, standing up straight, confident in herself.
“I'll punch you if you come close.” You threaten her.
“Punch me? HA! I dare you to try.” She starts walking towards you, her body language changing to that of pure confidence. You look at her dead in the eyes.
“What's the matter? Scared? That's what i thought…” she smirks, backing you into the wall. She leans in closer, her breath now on your neck rather than your face.
“Get away from me, creep!” You exclaim.
“Creep? I'm not the creep here hun.” She smiles, now running her hands up and down your arm, she begins to lean in. You try to get away.
“What's the matter? Can't handle a little affection?” She grins, holding your arms down.
“Just leave me alone.” You say extinguishing your cigarette on the floor too.
“Now, why would I do that?” She presses herself closer to you, and her mouth is now within inches of your ear.
“Because I don't know you from anywhere.” You explain.
“Why does that matter? Just go with it.” She chuckles, now running her hands through your hair.
“Don't you have anyone else to bother?...” You're a bit uncomfortable now.
“No, it’s just you. i like you” she smiles, trying to kiss your neck.
“Like me?” You ask confused.
“Yes, like you” She smirks, her hands now on your waist. “You’re cute…”
“Okay, get away from me.” You push her.
“Aww what’s wrong? Can't handle a woman?” She mocks your pushing, standing straight again. “You don't think you can just push a girl away do you? Huh?”
“I'm starting to think you're just a perv. Waiting for girls to pass by you in the night.”
“Perv? Don't act like you didn't like that.” She smirks, now leaning in so that her body is pressed against you. “You loved it. And you know it…”
“Stop it.” You say to her in disdain.
“Make me then.” She grins, pushing her body against you. You felt her hands slide into your hair, now running through it. There is a moment of silence before you feel her lips on yours.
You pushed her away after that. She stumbles back, before looking at you, her expression immediately changing to one of anger. “What the hell are you playing at?! Who the hell do you think you are? Pushing me away?”
“I’m not a whore for you to kiss just because you feel like it.” You say loudly.
“Just because I feel like it? You wanted it!” She smirks, now walking towards you, eyes locked on yours, and her body language once again aggressive. “Because who wouldn’t want me? I'm the most gorgeous woman you'll ever meet.” She looks you up and down.
“You're the cockiest for sure…” You mumble out. She chuckles, leaning in once again, her chest now almost touching yours. “Cocky? No. Confident? Yes.”
“And full of herself too.” You look at her face.
She grins, hands on her hips, rolling her eyes. “Full of myself? Maybe. But that's because I'm perfect.
“Pffft.... yeah right…” You say clearly annoyed now.
“Oh don't you start with that. You are so clearly attracted to me, you won't admit it cause you know i'm better than you.” She smirks, leaning in once again.
“Fuck you.”
“Now you've had a bit of a taste of me and now you want more. i know it. I can feel it.” She chuckles, moving her hands up your body, now resting at your neck. “You liked it, don't deny it.”
“No I didn't, don't touch me.” You swatted her hands away.
“I think you did. So I'm not stopping.” She looks down at you, her eyes now locked on yours.
“I'll punch you.” You threaten her.
“Do it, you wont. You know you won't.” She smirks, leaning in once again, her hand now in your hair, she whispers to you. “Cause you know you can't do shit against me.”
You punch her in the stomach, not too hard though. “Ow!” She says, stumbling back, now looking at you, her expression is filled with anger. “Did you really just?.. I’ll fucking kill you!” She yells, advancing on you again. You start walking away. She walks even faster, moving in front of you, blocking your way. “Oh, I'm not letting you leave now. I don't think so.”
“Oh, is baby offended? I said I'd punch you and I did.” You explain calmly.
“Offended? Me? You wish that was true. I'm just angry that you dare lay your hands on me.” She smirks, leaning in close again. “Maybe, you should be punished.” She looks you up and down, she seems like she's admiring your body. You were wearing a crop top and some high waisted jeans with a big coat over you.
“Oh I'm so scared.” You cover yourself with your coat so she stops looking at your body.
“What's the matter baby? Scared? Are you trying to hide what I like?” She smirks, leaning in close again.
“Leave me alone!” You start to walk away.
“Aww, baby is being difficult…” She grabs your arms, holding you in place.
“For fucks sake…” You sigh.
“Now, we don't say that now do we?” She continues to hold you.
“You don't tell me what to do.” You say, getting pretty annoyed now.
“Oh yes I do. Now I think you need to be taught a lesson.” She leans in again, her breath almost on your face.
“I'll punch you again.” You are very serious.
“Try me.” She grins, moving her hand up your face, now touching your cheek. You punch her stomach again and get away from her grasp. She lets out a grunt of pain, doubling over. But once she's recovered she chases after you, grabbing you once again, holding you tightly against her. “You think that hurt huh?” She smirks.
“Sure looked like it.” You say, confident. 
“And you think that was enough to get away?” She laughs, and then grabs your chin, looking you up and down.
“I'll beat the shit outta you.” You said.
She chuckles, her grip slightly tightening, now pressing your body against hers. “I doubt that.”
“Try me.” You say, determined.
She smirks, moving in as if to kiss you. “I think I will.”
You slap her this time. She grabs your wrist, her eyes locked on yours, but she's smiling. “You think that's gonna stop me? You are so cute.” You turn your face away from her. She runs her hand down your cheek, turning your head towards her once again. “Not so fast there…”
“Go pick on someone else.” You are very clearly angry now.
“No, I'm having fun picking on you.” She smirks, leaning in, her breath now on your face.
“Stop it!” You shout.
“Nope” she continues to hold you close to her, her mouth now moving closer to yours, yet not touching. You slap her again, harder this time. She takes the slap, but doesn't flinch. But, you notice a red hand mark across her face. “Ow. look what you made me do. Now I can’t help but kiss you to make it better.” She moves in, pressing her lips against yours. You gasp in surprise. She leans back slightly, looking at you.
“Not so bad huh?” She chuckles, before grabbing your hair and pulling you back towards her again before kissing you once more. Your body tenses up. Her arms wrap around you, holding you tightly against her, her mouth moving faster and more passionately when kissing you. You try pushing her away. She holds your hands down, so that you can't push her away, but in the midst of your attempts to push her, her lips move down to your neck. She begins to nibble on it, her mouth leaving kisses as she goes. “Not gonna get out of this easily…”
“Please leave me alone…” You ask.
“I really don't think I want to.” She chuckles, running her hands down your body, now resting on your hips. “I quite like this…”
“Well I don't!” You exclaim.
“Oh, don't be a spoil-sport. Now how was that for you?” She pulls back, now looking into your eyes. You don't respond and look away. Her hands drop to your waist, her eyes still locked on you. A grin spreads across her face again.
“Don't be ashamed to admit that you liked it…”
“I didn't! I'm not a toy!” You say angry and annoyed.
“You might not be a toy but you are very cute and I think you secretly like me.” She starts running her hands down your body again.
“I don't even know you.” You look at her.
“Oh don't play with me sweetheart, I know you've got a bit of a thing for me.” She grins, moving in again. She is not wrong, you are starting to like this. “I'll slap you again!”
She chuckles, running her hand down your stomach. “Now, come on sweetie. don't fight it.. you know you want to kiss me again.”
You slap her harder than before. She lets out a moan of pain. “Damn! ok, ok fine.” She grins at you. “Was that supposed to stop me? Cause it really didn't.”
“Oh, I see, you like the pain…” You tease her.
Oh, maybe I do.” She chuckles before biting her lip. “Now what's the next move? Cause I dare you to do more...”
You kick her and bolt to the building's door opening it. She falls to the floor, moaning in pain. “Goddamn! Hey! That really hurt.” She pushes herself up off the floor, standing up, before walking towards you, now glaring.
You start walking up the stairs to your apartment door and open it. She grabs your wrist, turning you back towards her. “No, I'm not done here.”
“Go fuck yourself!”  You spit in her face and go inside your house and try to close the door.
“Ew! What the fuck is wrong with you?” She wipes the spit off her cheek, now moving back towards you and keeps you from closing the door. “You should apologize for that, you know!”
“You shouldn't mess with a girl you don't know!” You say angry.
“Mess? I was flirting! It was a game.” She chuckles, her eyes locked on yours as she closes the door behind her. “Or are you just sensitive?”
“Go pick on another girl.”
“I'm gonna pick on you, don't try and stop me.” She smirks, leaning into you once again. “Aww, don't be so sensitive…” The next thing you know, her hand is on your cheek, and she's leaning in close once again.
“Now what are you gonna do huh?”
“Ignore you.”
“No you won't. Because I know you like me too much. You let me in and everything…” She smiles before biting her lip. You don't respond and look away from her.
“Hey, I'm talking to you. dont ignore me.” You continue to ignore her,now taking your coat off. Your apartment is nothing special. Just a one bedroom, cozy house with an open plan kitchen/ living room. She walks up to you, once again grabbing your wrist.  “You know what, I want you to kiss me right now!” She moves her face even closer to yours.
“Well I don't!” You look at her angry.
“Oh, well I think you do…” She grins, and now kisses you passionately. “I knew you couldn't resist.”
“Ew…” She pulls back a bit, and grins at you again. “See? I knew you’d like it.”
“I'm disgusted. You're disgusting.” You say cleaning the spit off of your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Disgusted? Why? Am I not good enough for you?” She grins, now moving closer, pressing her body against yours. “Wasn't that good?”
“Not even close.” You cross your arms. She chuckles, her voice becoming more seductive. “Oh, I'm sure it was wonderful. You know you enjoyed it. Come on, confess.”
“You wish.” You roll your eyes at her.
“Oh come on, don't be shy!” She giggles, before kissing you once more, this time more passionately. You grab her neck. She lets out a soft moan, her eyes growing wide.
“Oh, you want to play rough? Well I'll make you regret this.” She grabs your wrists, pinning you against the wall, she looks down at you. “Now who's the one in control?” You try to get away. “Oh no no, you ain't going nowhere.” She leans down, pinning you against the wall again, her chest resting on yours, her lips moving slowly to your neck, her breath now against your skin. “I think I like this…”
“You're disgusting...”
“Am i? Maybe I am. But you know you like disgust, don't you?” She chuckles, before biting your neck, her grip on you becoming more firm.
“No. What's your name anyway, stranger that's inside my house?”
“Oh? I'm pretty sure you do. You're not trying to get away anymore.” She bites your neck harder now, her lips now going back towards yours. “Name’s Ellie…”
“Stop that…”
“Now, now, don't tell me what to do.” She smirks, her body tightly pressed against yours as her hand makes its way down your back. You grab her neck and start putting some pressure on it. She begins to choke as your grip tightens. “mmph… mmph… m-mmph”
“Who is in control now?” You say smirking.
“Mmph….. mmmph…” She begins to go limp, her eyes squinting with the effort to get a breath in.
You loosen your grip a bit. She gasps for air, still struggling to get a good breath in, her eyes wide. You turn your back and start walking to your living room. She slowly pushes herself up again, gasping for air, before stumbling after you, her grip once again on your wrist. “Where do you think you're going?”
“Away from you!”
“Oh? And why is that? Am I so disgusting you want to leave?” She grabs your wrist tightly, not allowing you to move your arm away from her grasp. “Maybe I'm just what you need.”
“Fuck you, go beat one off alone.”
“Don't get all rude again, alright sweet-pea?” She leans in to kiss you again, her grip on your wrist still firm.
“Sweet-pea?” You asked annoyed.
“Yeah, sweet-pea. I like calling you that.” She smiles, before leaning over to nibble on your neck again.
“Well I don't.” You are very serious about what you're saying.
“Aww, don't be embarrassed now. You know you like it” She chuckles, the grip on your wrist slowly loosening. You get goosebumps but dont move.
“Oohh, getting cold cheeks huh?.. You know, it suits you.” Her grip on your wrist is loosened, she looks down at you, now smirking with her arms to her side.
“What the fuck do you want from me?” You ask loudly, looking her dead in her green eyes.
“You, of course.” She grins, before pressing herself up against you again. “I'm gonna get you to admit it, sweetheart. cause i'm sure you want this too.”
You look at her with an angry face. She chuckles, her smirk still on her face. “Now now, you don't need to be angry with me. Just accept your fate, come on, don't fight it.” Her hand grabs the collar of your shirt, pulling you closer to her. “Oh come on, dont ignore me now.” She looks at you, her smirk now replaced with a look full of lust.
You kiss her to distract her. she lets out a soft gasp, her eyes growing wide as your lips meet hers once again. “Oh! Well, Well. looks like someone has been playing hard to get.”
You grab her neck again. Her eyes squint as your grip gets tighter, her face turning a dark red. “m-mmph,.. mmph!” She struggles against you, her eyes now filled with fear.
“Leave me alone, you understand?” You threaten her and let her go.
“No, no I don't think you want me to.” She grins, now pushing your face against a wall. “You like my attention, don't you? And I'm not going to stop.”
“You're so annoying…” You roll your eyes.
She chuckles, her grip on you loosening, as she moves her mouth closer to your ear. “Oh, I'm sure I'm not, my love.” She whispers softly, her breath hot against your skin.
“Oh, I'm not your love.” You say with a very annoyed and offended voice.
“You are now, sweetheart.” She bites your earlobe softly, her hot breath still on your skin. You close your eyes ignoring her. “Aw, someone enjoying this?” She grins, her teeth tugging on your earlobe, her tongue pressing against your neck. You put your hands on her waist. She tenses up a bit, still continuing to nibble your ear.
“Hmm, someone likes to be in control, don't they?” You grip her hard. She begins to bite your neck more passionately, her mouth and tongue tracing soft lines along your earlobe, before her teeth sink in once again. “Damn, this neck of yours is so sensitive.. I could chew it all day…” You shiver and put your hands under her shirt. She doesn't seem to notice your hands moving, instead her eyes drop to your mouth.
“God, this is fun, I don't even know what I'd do without you.” She bites your neck once again. “Maybe I should keep you for myself… so no one else can have this fine neck.”
You bite her neck now. Her eyes go wide, she lets out a soft moan. “m-mmph! My my, someone’s starting to play the game back?” You look her dead in the eyes. “Oh look at you, getting all brave and confident. I see you're starting to fight back. Don't you like this attention?” She smirks down at you. “Don't you like how fun this is?”
“No.” You say, not very convincingly.  “Oh I know you do. don't try to hide that from me.” She moves closer, her face just a few inches from your own. “You like that attention, don't you?”
“I think you want another punch.” You say with a little more confidence. “Go ahead, punch me. See if it'll stop me.” She chuckles, her voice becoming more seductive. “I dare you to.”
You do punch her. She lets out a soft moan, her eyes squinting. “hnnngh.. Is that really all you got?” She grins, before her eyes begin to widen. “Actually, that kinda hurt.”
“Good.” You smile mischievously.
“Oh, someone got an angry fire in them.” She smirks.
“Now let's see if you can hold me down, come on. Try it.” She grabs your wrist and moves your arm to her waist. You pin her to the wall now and grab her neck a bit more. Her eyes squint even more, and she struggles to breathe “m-mmph! mmph!” She looks up at you, her skin slightly red from the pressure.
“Enough!” You exclaim.
“mmph! W-well, i guess i can stop here.” She slowly pulls her head away, gasping for air. “I mean, someone like me must be too hard to handle.” She chuckles, and winks at you.
“You're disgusting.” You say looking at her.
“Ohh, come on now. What if instead of being disgusting, I was the love of your life?...” She leans closer, her voice becoming more soft and sweet. “Don't you wish I was here for you?”
“No.” You say dryly.
“Oh come on. Imagine how good it would feel having someone like me close and near to you.” Her eyes lock onto yours, her face now inches from you, her lips once again close to you. You just look at her. She stares back, her eyes looking at yours, filled with desire.“You know you like this, you know you want me…” You kiss her hard. She gasps for a moment, before her arms wrap around you.
“Mmmph.. You know you wanted that, admit it…” She kisses you back with full force now. “No I didn't…” You keep the kiss going. She moans softly, before nibbling on your bottom lip.
“Oh, that's right. that's exactly what I've been waiting for.” She moves her hands to your hair, before pulling you down with her, her chest pushing you down onto the couch. “Mmmph… don't stop me now… You’re making me want more.”  You look up at her. Now that you're laying down, she climbs on top of you, slowly straddling your waist. “Well, it looks like you're mine now…” She giggles softly, before biting at your neck again. You try to keep your moans from leaving your mouth. She smiles and pushes her chest closer to yours.
“I guess this is my way of marking my territory.” She chuckles softly, before biting your neck more passionately, her grip on your hair tight.
“Ah…” You moan. Her eyes look into yours, as her fingers dig into your hair. “Just remember who has all the control here, baby.” She smiles, before slowly lowering her lips down towards yours again. You bite her lip whilst kissing. She looks at you, her eyes growing wide, before giggling softly. “Well, look who’s learning now…” She puts more pressure onto your lower lip, trying to get you to nibble harder. You bite harder. Her eyes squint, and she lets out a soft moan. “mmph.. that feels good.” She bites back, harder than previously.
“Ow…” You cry out in a bit of pain. “Oh, it can become a lot more painful than that, sweet-pea…” She smirks, before nibbling your earlobe again. “See, you can take it.” Her voice became raspy, soft, sexy, filled with desire, and teasing, as she bites your earlobe more passionately. You put your hand under her shirt. She lets out a soft moan, her eyes closing for a few moments. You try to get it off of her, not very successfully. Her eyes snap open, and she looks at you intently. “Mmmhh. W-what's wrong? Don't stop now darling…” She grins, before biting your neck harder, her tongue tracing lines along your collarbone. You manage to get her shirt off, a bit later. She sighs, closing her eyes again, as her body becomes more close to yours, she leans close, now nibbling your neck. “Well well, look at you go…”
You start kissing her again. She slowly wraps her arms around you, pulling you even closer to her. “Mmm, I'm going to need more than just a kiss, my love…” She then smiles, before nibbling your earlobe, her mouth moving slowly down your neck.
You now get on top of her. You straddle her lap and bite her neck instead. She doesn't seem to fight back as much as before, now just looking at you, her eyes filled with desire. “What are you planning to do now, darling?” She moans softly, her eyes growing as her body tenses up. “Oh dear, it seems like you’re learning how to take control…” She bites your neck back, nibbling at your skin. You tug at her hair as she speaks. Her eyes squint slightly, and she makes a slight noise of surprise. “Oh, well someones gotten bold.” She bites your neck again, nibbling at your skin even more passionately. You now grab her chin so she's looking at you. She stares at you, her eyes slightly wide, filled with lust. “Well, if someone wanted to be this close to me, now would be the perfect time.” She looks you up and down.
“You don't deserve it.” You say still on top of her. 
“Hm, and why is that?” One of her hands rests on your thigh, while the other grabs a hold of your hair. “Tell me…” She smiles, as she nibbles your neck harder, before looking you in the eyes again.
“Because you’re mean.” You say with an adorably angry face.
“Awwww, and here I was thinking you liked me. Oh dear, looks like someones getting soft for me now.” She continues to nibble your neck, her teeth making lines and marks on your skin.
“Leave my neck alone!” You try to be intimidating but not very successfully. “No, no I don't think I will…” She grins at you, as her mouth still remains on your neck, her teeth occasionally tracing down, before nibbling at it again.
You hold her face away. “What, don't like your neck being touched now?” She chuckles softly, as a small grin spreads across her face. Ah, you're only making me want it more.” She pulls your face back towards hers, once again biting your neck . You kiss her, putting your tongue into it too. She makes a soft moan, her eyes closing for a few seconds. “God.. I can't lie, that feels good.” She kisses you harder, pushing herself up against you. You take your top off for her to see. Her eyes snap open, and she looks up at you, grinning slightly. “Well, someone’s really into this now…” She slowly pulls off your top, before throwing it somewhere else across the room.
“This is what you wanted wasn't it? Now let's see if you were not just all talk and no action.” You say to her. She smiles, biting your neck again, her teeth digging into your skin. You feel like you are starting to get marks from them. “Now I'm finally seeing what you want…” She pulls your body closer to hers, looking you in the eyes with that same lustful expression. “But I'm not done with you yet.”
“Let's see it then.” You tease, “Hmm, but you’re not letting me touch you…” Her voice becomes teasing and flirtatious. “I'm not sure what's stopping you.” Her right hand reaches up, her fingers rubbing your skin. She chuckles, leaning closer, her mouth still on your neck, as her fingers continue to run over your skin. “Oh? Do you like me in this position? She nibbles your neck again, pulling you closer.
You get up from the couch and from being on top of her and take your jeans off. Her eyes lock onto yours once more, her voice becoming soft and romantic again. “Ah but you're moving too fast, love… Let me enjoy this moment before you go any further…”
“Oh, are you scared now?” You ask sarcastically. “Maybe I am…” She grins, putting on a playful tone, before. “Oh, I dare you to go further.”
You take off your bra slowly. Her eyes widen once more, and she pulls herself away, now staring at you, still grinning. “Well I guess that was enough.” She slowly pulls herself to you, as her eyes begin to wander to your body. “I'm impressed, I'm not going to lie.” Her expression becomes more seductive and flirtatious, her voice being filled with desire. “You sure you want to get me all hot and bothered like this now?”
“Do something about it then.” You look into her eyes. She leans in closer. “Oh, I'll do something alright.” Her lips touch yours, her breath soft against your skin. “I like the way your body is looking right now, I might just want a taste.”
You get on her lap and she chuckles softly, as she pulls you closer. “Well, this is new.. didnt think you had this in you.” She wraps her hands around you, her eyes looking into yours.
You start kissing, she smiles, her lips wrapping around yours once more. “Someone is definitely enjoying herself now…” She pulls you closer, nibbling your neck as you kiss her.
You let out tiny moans without realizing. Her lips tighten around yours, her breath getting heavier. “Oh, well well. someones really enjoying this huh?...” She keeps nibbling your neck, her hands now moving up your body.
You shiver as you keep feeling her bites. “Hmm, someone’s a bit sensitive when it comes to this isnt she?” She smiles, her voice becoming even more seductive and teasing. “What, is it really that hard to resist? To not give in to this…” She bites your neck again.
“Fuck you….” You say softly in between moans. “Oooh, well someone is turning to cussing now…” She chuckles softly, before nibbling your neck harder. “What a shame you are, getting this angry over a little romance.” She teases playfully, before biting your neck again,
she chuckles, her voice becoming more flirtatious, as she pulls you even closer to her. “Oh, oh don't worry. I'm not done yet.”
You try to take off her sports bra. She laughs, her fingers slowly pushing you off of her. “Well well, someone is a bit impatient…” She smiles. “I see I'm really getting to you, huh?...”
“Shut up and kiss me already.” You say seriously. “Ah, I see someone is getting needy..” She chuckles, before kissing you again, her body now being pressed up against you. “You know I like to play, so this is only going to happen when I'm ready.”
“No no no…” You almost plead. She continues to kiss you passionately, her teeth nibbling at your neck once more, her tongue slowly tracing lines across your neck. “I think you like this don't you?”
You managed to take her bra off. Her eyebrows raise slightly, as she pulls herself off you. “Wow, someone’s really eager.” She smiles, before rolling her eyes playfully. “You didn't waste any time.”
“You like it…” You say looking at her. She smiles again, before biting your ear. “Maybe I do…” She giggles softly, as her expression becomes flirtatious. “Oh I see you like it when I take initiative, is that why you waited so long before anything actually happened?”
“What are you waiting for?” You are getting a bit desperate now. “Oh, for you to be completely begging for more, obviously.” She grins, before nibbling your earlobe in the middle of your sentence, her teeth slightly dragging across your skin.
“I'm not begging…” You say with pride in your voice. “Oh, but you look so needy though…” She chuckles, before nibbling your neck again.
You let your hands explore her body a bit. “Oh my god—someone’s finally got the guts.” She grins, kissing you softly. “It looks like we both have a need for it.”
“Do something already…” You say to her as she chuckles softly, before going back to biting your neck. “Oh, I'm sure I will, once I get more out of you…” Her voice becomes flirty again, and the nibbling gets more passionate.
“More of what?” You ask frustrated. She smiles. “I like seeing you want it, it makes it better…” She nibbles at your neck slowly, making sure not to hurt, but just enough to get a reaction. “I think I'll keep doing this till you beg…”
“Leave my neck alone.” You push her. “And I'm not begging!” Her eyes widen slightly, and her body tenses up as you push her. “Well, that was quite unexpected. I guess there's a bit more to you than what meets the eye.” She rolls her eyes playfully, before grinning again. “Guess I'll have to try harder.” Her bites become more forceful again.
“Ow!” You say in pain.
“Aw is that all you got?” She bites your neck harder, pushing herself back onto you again. “Is that the best you can do to try and remove my mouth? Try harder, baby…” She grins, still nibbling at your neck.
“Ow! That hurts!”
“Oh, it seems like someone can't handle a little pain.” She continues to nibble at your neck. “Oh come now, is that the best you can do to stop this?” Her voice becomes more seductive again, and she pulls herself even closer to you. “Try harder, or else this won't stop…”
“Stop!” After you say “stop,” her teeth bite your neck harder. “What? A little pain too much for you? I thought you liked this…” She smiles cheekily, before biting and nibbling at your neck even more passionately. You push her away with all your strength for her to stop. Her eyes become wide, as she seems to be surprised by how much strength you have.  “Oh wow—someone has a bit of a bite in them. Seems like I picked a good one after all…” Her voice becomes more teasing, with slight grins appearing on her face. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were enjoying this.”
“Enough biting!” You say loudly. She grins, before getting off of you completely. “Oh, sorry for getting carried away. I can't help myself sometimes.” She chuckles softly, before lying down next to you, her legs being crossed. “So, someone seemed to be able to get aggressive…”
“What are you doing?” You ask confused as she gets off of you. “Oh, just admiring the view…” She smiles softly, looking at you, with her eyes roaming over your body again. “I haven't seen someone be aggressive like that in a while…” She chuckles softly. “You have no idea how much I enjoyed it.”
You cover yourself with her shirt that was near you. “Aww, does someone not want me to look?” She grins, continuing to look at you. “What are you so ashamed of? Is someone not confident in their body?” She chuckles softly. “Or is it something else? maybe someone is a little self conscious about something…”
You turn your back to her, a bit uncomfortable now. She sits up, and pulls you down onto your back. “You don't mean to tell me you think I'm just going to let that happen.” She smiles, giggling softly as she keeps hold of you. “Come on now, don't be like that. If you're going to do something, at least let me see it.” She leans in, nibbling your neck once more, she seems to enjoy being the more dominant one, as a sly grin spreads across her face.
“Stop!“ You sit back up. She chuckles softly, before leaning in again, nibbling your ear. “Oh someone is still ashamed? I don't know what's got you so ashamed, there's nothing wrong with you.” Her voice becomes more playful yet taunting. “I want to see you, don't try to hide that from me.”
You cover your body a bit more, ashamed. “Ah, come on now. this is just teasing me already.” She pulls your hands away, before nibbling your neck again, “Why are you being so ashamed? Tell me, what about yourself is so wrong?” Her voice becomes seductive yet teasing, her body still leaning over you. “Maybe I'm just too good at this for you…”
You hug your legs looking for a bit of comfort. “Oh, are your legs cold? I can warm them for you.” She grins, as her body is still leaned over you, she continues to nibble your neck. “I can do a lot more too, you know.” She teases, as her body begins to slowly move down yours. “But you haven't given me a sign you want me to keep going.”
You look back at her almost with puppy eyes. Her eyes seem to sparkle with excitement, as she smiles at you. “Oh, are you finally going to allow me?” She bites her lip. “I'm still not seeing you beg though, guess I'll have to keep going until you do…”
“I will not beg…” You say trying to hold onto your pride. “Oh, but you know you want to, dont lie to me.” She chuckles again, as she bites your shoulder. “I could have so much fun with you if you just let me.”
“Like what?” You ask with a pout. “Oh, trust me. You would love for me to show you what I could do.” Her eyes become more seductive, her voice still maintaining the same tone. “I could make you go crazy just by doing what I want, you already seem so tempted…”
“Do it then…” You say quietly. “Oh? Are you sure? Because there’s no going back.” She smiles, before moving closer to you,. “But fine, if you really want me to show you.” Her voice maintains its seductive tone, before she starts to kiss your neck again. You look at her waiting. “Oh, you really want me to keep going?” Her voice becomes more teasing, and her face has a slight smile on it as she continues to kiss your neck. “You know, I didn't think you’d give in so early.”
She nibbles your shoulder again. “Come on…” You almost plead. “Mmm, you want me to take it further, huh?” Her voice still remains teasing, as she grips onto you. “I guess it's only fair, I have my own needs to take care of too after all…” She smiles, before moving her mouth away from your neck, moving down onto your chest. You give her more access to your skin. Her breath catches as you give in, as she starts kissing you. “I see you really want this now.” She bites at your nipple slightly and sucks on it, before moving even further down. You are trying not to moan really hard. She chuckles softly, as she moves her eyes up to look at you. “I can tell you tried to hold back from expressing yourself now.”
“No I'm not…” You avoid making eye contact. “Really now? Well, you're not doing a good job at it.” She chuckles, before going back to kissing your other nipple and suck on it harder.
You close your eyes as she does it, it feels really good. She knows what she's doing. She grins, as she continues to kiss your chest in the same place. “Oh, someone is enjoying this, isn't someone getting really sensitive now?” She chuckles slightly, and continues to kiss your chest.
“More…” You let out without thinking and immediately felt embarrassed after saying it. Her eyes sparkle, as she smiles once more. “Oh, you really don't hold yourself back do you?” She sucks your nipple again, before moving over your stomach slowly. She bites lightly at your stomach. You shiver as she goes down. “Aww, someone is sensitive to the touch.” She chuckles playfully, and her voice stays slightly seductive. “Maybe I won't stop until you beg.”
“Lo… lower…” You whisper. She chuckles again, before moving even further down. She continues to nibble at your belly, putting her hands on your hips. She moves her face down to your waist, and she giggles playfully and starts opening your legs slowly. “Oh, you really want me to go there?” Her voice stays seductive yet still teasing. You nod looking down at her. She smiles. “Alright then, but that's still not enough.” She teases you again. “I think if you really want this, then you need to ask...” Her voice remains the same, as she looks at you, her eyes sparkling with lust.
“Please…” You say very quietly. “Ahh, I'm sorry, I think I couldn't hear you. Can you say it a bit louder for me please?” Her voice is slightly teasing. She grins, moving even further down.
“Please…” You say in a slightly higher tone. She stops, and she smiles at you. “There we go, good girl…” She chuckles softly as she gets in between your legs and kisses your clit through your panties. She notices the wet patch a little lower. “Oh, already this wet? You really want this don't you?” You nod at her. “Maybe I should start doing something about it.”
Her eyes sparkle, as a blush covers her face When she looks up at you. “hehe, i'm glad i got the answer i was hoping for.” She smiles passionately, before moving back up to your chest. “But I still need you to beg..”
“Please…” You whisper. she chuckles and teases you by pulling herself away slightly. “I can't hear you, you’ll have to beg louder than that.”
“Please touch me…” You say avoiding looking into her eyes. “Oh, someone’s desperate, aren't they?” She smiles and she begins to kiss your stomach again.
“No, go lower please…” Ellie loves hearing your voice this desperate. “Oh, someone’s getting impatient.” Her eyes sparkle, as she smiles, before moving even lower. “Are you sure? Someone seems to be begging me for something…” She chuckles softly again, before going even lower. “Alright then…”  She smiles, before moving even lower and starts touching your clit through the fabric in tiny circles. “Is this what you wanted? hum?...” She smiles looking into your eyes, You simply nod and let out a moan as she touches you. “Thank you…” You whisper under your breath. “Thank me later…” She smiles teasingly again, and she continues to move her finger, her other hand is tugging at your panties like she's asking permission to take them off. You put your hand on top of hers and push them down a bit. She grins at this movement and takes them off to reveal your beautiful pussy. She's mesmerized by it and how it glistens in the dim light of your bedroom. “Such a pretty pussy… I'm going to have a lot of fun.” She grins, before reaching the spot she wanted all along and then moves her lips to your clit and leaves a tiny kiss and waits for your reaction. As soon as she sees you jump slightly, she smiles and starts licking you slowly. You close your eyes and try not to make a sound.
“Oh, seems like someone has gotten quiet again?” She smiles softly, and continues what she's doing. “Please don't stop now…” You plead. “Oh, I don't plan on stopping. if you want me to, you’ll have to beg..” She continues licking your little clit and then, takes a long slow lick up your folds, tasting your lovely juices. She grins as she hears you moan. “Oh, so you do like this?” All you could do was nod as you closed your fists tugging at the sheets. “I'm glad I'm able to make you enjoy yourself…” She chuckles, before pressing her tongue to your cunt again. You can't hold it in anymore, you let out loud moans as she continues eating you out. “Oh, it seems like someone is getting sensitive now…” She teases you as she brings one hand up to collect some of your wetness.
“Ellie…” Her eyes brighten up, as your voice catches her attention. “Yes, baby?” 
“Please don't stop…” “Oh alright then, I'll keep going…” She grins, before moving her fingers up and down your folds. She's loving having this control on you, a few moments later she starts prodding at your entrance as you moan to her movements. She slides one of her slender fingers inside you slowly, looking at your face, biting her bottom lip in excitement
“Oh, it feels good doesn't it, huh? I know that.” She chuckles, before sliding her entire finger in and slowly starting to pump it in and out of you. 
You start feeling her inside you and it feels like heaven as she fastens her pace and you squirm in pleasure. She is really proud of herself for making you feel so good. You start feeling a knot forming in your belly as she moves more and more. Her finger is sliding in and out so easily, due to how wet you are, that she wants to slide in a second one and so she does. You gasp as you feel your hole being stretched by Ellie. You feel the knot in your belly starting to come undone.
“You look so beautiful taking my fingers… I'm gonna make you feel so good…” She continues to fasten her pace as she sees how you and your body respond to her touch. “Fuck baby… look at that… feels good doesnt it?” As she's fingering you she starts licking your clit at the same time in tiny circles and you moan even louder. “I'm almost there…”
“Oh? Someone seems so eager now…” She grins with her mouth still on you sucking your clit. “Maybe I should stop…” She slows down a bit. “No please… keep going… I'm almost…” She goes even faster now. “You're so beautiful when you beg like a good girl…” As she fingers you, she curls her fingers inside you and hits that spongy spot that makes you go crazy. “Yeah.. right there… Please don't stop now…” She continues as she grins looking at your fucked out face. “Such a good girl begging…” You feel your orgasm wash over you as she calls you a good girl. The knot in your belly comes undone and you cant stop moaning, Her fingers inside you feel so good your mind goes blank. “I can feel it… please dont stop.” You plead.”  “You can feel what?” She grins. “That's it baby, cum for me.. cum on my fingers…” She is mesmerized as you cum just from her fingers. She helps you come down from your high, slowing down and stroking your face as she kisses you softly. “Such a good girl…” She slowly pulls her fingers out of you and brings them to her mouth to suck your cum off of them. “You taste so good… you taste like heaven…” She grins as she kisses you so you can taste yourself on her tongue. You moan into the kiss. You are still a bit out of it from how good it was. “Thank you…” You whisper. She chuckles. “What was that? i think i missed it… could you tell me louder?” 
“Thank you…” You say again for her to hear. “Your welcome baby….” She kisses you softly as she caresses your face. A few minutes later you feel more like yourself. And you want more. You like Ellie and how she makes you feel. You both lay down and cuddle for a bit before falling asleep. You are really starting to like her.
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hazbinincorrect · 3 months
Velvette: Hey, I'm lesbian
Val: I thought you were American.
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bookdork1 · 5 months
the buccaneers is like fun and soapy bridgerton, but like set in the generation before downton abbey starts (because the mom in that is a rich american he married for her money), very clearly that's the aesthetic they were going with. but. goddamn there's some darkness going on in this show that's chugging right along parallel with the classic love triangle and the exploring lesbian girlies we're all rooting for.
to start, there's one of the most incredibly well done examples i've ever seen of a controlling and emotionally abusive relationship. the girl involved is just wilting beneath her husband and his demands. there's also a scene that truly illustrates how hard it sometimes is for a woman to talk about abuse she's endured at the hands of a man because---he definitely did something wrong but if you try and say it aloud, even as a fan watching the show, it sounds flimsy as hell. but its not this is clearly an action the character is taking that is meant to humiliate and belittle and endanger a woman and it is intentional. but its still hard to justify into words even though its COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED THE SHOW DOES NOT WAVER ON THIS. but it is exactly why it can sometimes be so hard to talk.
and then there's an incredibly disturbing and sickening thing going on with another character and i'm just sitting here like. what the fuck. because this man. he was definitely abused by his governess when he was young and. he has no idea. at least in this time period there's no words to put to what he experienced and its just kind of started to be implied but he obviously doesn't know that what happened to him was wrong.
my point in talking about these things isn't to put you off the show its just that i expected exactly none of this when i first saw a vid about the buccaneers and thought "ooh bridgerton-esq pining, yes i'll watch". don't get me wrong. i like that this show isn't just sticky sweet and that it is willing to go a little dark and show us characters who are fucked up in all kinds of ways. but it might be good for some people to go in with a little warning.
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syunkiss · 6 days
getting out of the closet in the guild groupchat 👍
GC: capitalism vs society of smart people
poe: I have something to say.
poe: Hi everyone, I'm gay.
nathaniel: You're going to hell [insert praying gif]
margaret: It's amazing to know you trust us enough for that, Edgar. I am proud of you. Know we will not see you in a different way for that.
mark: 🥳🥳🥳
francis: Do I need to increase your pay for being a victim of society or smth?
lovecraft: what is gay ?
margaret: Simple, Lovecraft. A gay person is someone who is attracted to the same gender as theirs.
lovecraft: what if I don't have one
mark: the non-gender ever
louisa: uhm.. can I say something too ? i am a lesbian
nathaniel: 🙏🙏🙏oh my Lord oh for God's sake not you too
margaret: It's okay, Louisa. Ignore him. We are also happy you trust us enough for that.
steinbeck: hi I just got my phone now sorry I was in the bathroom
steinbeck: I thought you two were American?
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letter-22 · 8 months
zoe: marinette, i'm lesbian
marinette: ...i thought you were american???
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incorrect-esmp-quotes · 8 months
Katherine: I'm lesbian.
Hermes, confused: I thought you were American.
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