#((also i have the dumbest sense of humor))
honeyed-hedonist · 1 month
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Rarely cooks for himself because he’s always on the go, but when he does find the time to whip up a meal, it’s always the best thing you’ve ever tasted. 
Dry sense of humor, but will crack a smile (and sometimes even a laugh) despite himself at your puns/jokes/general silliness
Stubborn as all hell. Will fight tooth and nail with you over the dumbest shit just because he’s so obstinate. 
Speaking of stubborn, good luck getting this man to admit he was wrong. You could draft a whole essay in MLA format with a PowerPoint presentation on why, in fact, he’s completely wrong and he’ll still look you dead in your eyes and say “That proves nothing. I’m right.” Sir, no you are not, let me count the ways. 
Don’t let that deter you though! He apologizes for his stubbornness in other ways--whether it’s a bouquet of your favorite flowers or bringing you coffee in the morning, he’s a man of action, not words.
Stoic and standoffish when you first meet him. It takes him a little while to soften, and there’s a big part of him that wants to cave, to break down those walls and open himself back up, but he fights it every time. Despite that, he craves softness and warmth, so when you come along to give it to him in droves, it’s a losing battle for him to keep you at arm’s length
Once those walls are down it’s like night and day. He’s handsy, can’t keep them to himself. He’s always gotta be touching you in some capacity if only to remind himself that you’re real and he needs to cherish every moment he gets with you because he knows better than most how quickly things can change.
Will always make time for you. Doesn’t matter the time of day or night, doesn’t matter what he’s doing, you call and he’s on his way.
Uses all sorts of pet names on you in English and Spanish. Mi cielo (my heaven/sky), mi alma (my soul), chula (cutie), reinita (little queen), mi amor (my love), babe/baby, angel, sweetheart, sunshine, and bunny to name a few. If it’s sweet and makes you fluster, he’s all for it.
Speaks Spanglish a lot, especially when he’s mad. Will switch between both so fast you can hardly keep up, and he’ll stop mid-rant and give you a sheepish smile, shrugging his shoulders. “My mouth has a mind of its own, bonita. Lo siento.”
Calls you often when the two of you are apart. Can’t end his night without hearing your voice. No matter where he is, you can guarantee your phone will ring right before you fall asleep every single night. He always says he’s just calling you to say goodnight, but then the pair of you end up talking for hours. Not that you mind, the lack of sleep is worth it.
NSFW under the cut 18+ NO MINORS.
Oscillates between a hard and soft dom depending on the day he’s had or the mood he’s in, but regardless of that, he’s always the top. 
Eats for his pleasure. When his face is buried between your thighs, it’s not about you, it’s about him and he’ll eat until he’s satisfied, regardless of how desperately you try to shove him off. “Nuh uh, mami, m’not finished yet. Lay back and take it, huh? Be a good girl and let me have my fill. Tastes too damn good.”
Grunts and growls most of the time, but when he’s feeling softer that man 100% whimpers.
A vocal lover--he likes to taunt and tease you, overwhelms you with praise, forces you to answer his questions even in the midst of your fuzzy-headed bliss. “Speak up, princesa. I asked you if you can feel me deep up in that belly. Yeah? There we go. That’s my girl.”
His favorite positions to fuck you in tend to alternate, but he’s a big fan of doggy with his hand around your throat while you’re on your knees with your back to his chest, mainly because it allows him to sink his teeth into your neck and speak absolute filth in your ear. Missionary or a full blown mating press and prone bone are others he enjoys. Also likes to pound into you from below when you ride him--again, this man is all about control so even when you think you have the upper hand, you don’t. 
Big on marking you--with his fangs or otherwise. When you ask him to bite you for the first time he goes absolutely feral, fucks you so hard you can’t walk right or sit down for a week, your chest, neck, and back littered with bruises, bite marks, and a prominent puncture wound at the hollow of your throat.
Stamina for days. My guy could spend hours on end fucking you into the mattress and he does every single time. There are no quickies with Miguel--when he makes time for you, he makes time. Will clear out an entire day and dedicate it solely to taking you apart and piecing you back together just so he can do it all over again. “One more round, baby. C’mon, need it. You’re not gonna deprive me, are you? Nah--you know better. Open up for me, chula, just like that.”
Big breeder balls. (Sorry, I don’t make the rules.) My boy will stuff you so fucking full. Practically cums buckets and loves to watch it ooze out of your abused little hole when he’s finished pumping several loads inside you. “Lookit that, huh? Ese pequeño coño está lleno, ¿no?” (That little cunt is stuffed full, isn’t it?)
To be continued…..
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I got bored again so you get Nimona headcanons
I’m fully convinced that Bal is denser than a neutron star
He’s liked Ambrosius ever since he met him and when he was a teenager he was fully convinced those feelings were unrequited  
All the while Ambrosius was asking him out like every other week and making plans for their damn wedding 
Poor babe had to be kissed on the fucking mouth for him to even consider that Ambrosius liked him back
When he finally caught on he woke up half the institute with his realization because he literally screamed 
He got really excited and asked Ambrosius “So you love me yeah?” 
Ambrosius was out here looking for hidden cameras because no way in Hell can this man be that clueless
He let Bal believe that it was a new development because he didn’t have the heart to tell Bal that he was just slow on the uptake 
He accidentally let it slip to Nimona and she never let him live it down
The boys absolutely made breakup playlists during the movie 
Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift were their best friends during that time
When the dust had settled and they forgave each other and themselves they played the playlists and laughed about how stupid they were (and they both pretended not to notice the tears in their eyes)
I’m fully convinced that the trio has the dumbest sense of humor (which is my sense of humor) 
Bal has a bad habit of taking his arm off and leaving it in the most random places 
Whenever someone asks where his arm is he’ll say “Which one?” Or “I don’t know love where is my arm?”
At first it caught Ambrosius off guard but now he just chuckles and says “Fine be like but don't ask me for help when you can't find it later” 
Bal will normally scoff and tell him he won't (they both pretend the conversation never happened when Bal asks him to help him look for it)
One time they were watching a firework show and Nimona turned to them and said “Remind you of anything?” 
The boys just sat there not knowing if they wanted to laugh or cry so they took turns doing both 
They kept making that joke and Ambrosius threatened to call them firecracker if they kept it up
All they could say was “You act like that isn’t a sick ass nickname” 
Whenever the smallest inconvenience happens Ambrosius always says “I wish the director stabbed me that day” 
Like this man could misplace his keys and look down at the ground and say “Do me a favor come back and kill me for real please”
The first time he said that Bal spit out his coffee and all Ambrosius could say was “You’re not helping this situation hun”
Honestly, I have no clue how old Ambrosius and Bal are but if I had to guess I would say 20-26
And because they’re both really young and Nimona hasn’t matured past 14 I feel like they would have a very complex relationship with her 
They have very paternal instincts when it comes to her but they also act like older brothers 
They’ll threaten to ground her if she sets another piece of bubble gum on fire (which she laughs at) but they also aren't afraid to mess around and roughhouse with her 
Sometimes Nimona and Ambrosius will be messing around and jokingly picking on each other and the next thing Nimona knows he’s being picked up like he weighs nothing and tossed on the couch 
Whenever Nimona annoys the Hell out of Bal while he’s working Bal will just pick him up and place him outside of the lab
And there have been plenty of times when Ambrosius isn't scared to tackle his little ass to the floor 
Oh she’ll make sure they regret it because she could easily snap them both in half like a twig but sometimes it’s just fun to play fight (Ambrosius calls them her zoomies)
They’ll bicker over who actually cleans up around the house and whose turn it is to wash the dishes 
But they’re also able to have these incredibly deep conversations that go late into the night 
They’ll get into very intense fights and then five minutes later Ambrosius will walk into Nimona’s room and leave a tray of cut fruit without saying anything 
Whenever the boys are working from home Nimona will hang out with them
She jokes that she’s “blessing them with her presence” and most of the time they let it slide because she doesn’t really do anything 
She’ll bring snacks drinks games and a phone charger but she doesn’t talk a lot she just hunkers down and waits for them to be done with work
Whenever the boys ask why she does this she’ll shrug her shoulder but the truth is she finds their company incredibly comforting
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cellarspider · 2 months
28/?? Katamari Damacy
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[Video description: It's the We Love Katamari soundtrack, specifically Katamari On The Swing.]
You wanna see the dumbest thing you’ve seen all movie? Of course you do. I’ll try to figure out a way it could have worked. Content warning for character death, and a monster attack that I’m mostly not showing because I’m squeamish and y’all are going to have to deal with that. Yes, I, a person who used Pink Flamingos as a cinematic comparison earlier in this series, am squeamish about a scene in Prometheus. Sometimes stuff just hits you different for no discernible reason. 
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Vickers and her lifeboat quarters ejected separately from the Prometheus, so she's wandering around on the surface not that far from Shaw. Both of them are therefore in The Danger Zone when the Engineer ship crashes, intact and rolling along its circumference. Spare a thought for how seasick the Engineer is probably feeling right now, and for David's still-conscious head, rattling around like a coin in a washing machine.
But we only see Shaw and Vickers, as they realize what's coming, and start up run away. …Down the path of the gigantic ship.
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I want to emphasize, both of them do this. Do panicked people make dumb decisions? Yes. Are movie audiences predisposed to being charitable about that? No they are not, the audience expects rationality. The audience needs to be brought down to the perspective of the characters, so that irrational decisions make emotional sense. 
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You need to make people feel the disorientation of encountering something so much larger than you that your sense of space is completely thrown off. It can be done. There's an animal fear in there, where self preservation kicks in and can steer you right or wrong. Something’s too large, or moving too fast to grapple with, or both. Jacob Geller has an excellent video essay covering this topic in video games, for instance.
For movies that do that? The one that comes to mind first is Edge of Tomorrow (2014). The beach landing scene in particular gets you into the perspective of a guy who is not supposed to be there and is completely disoriented, while remaining visually readable. It sticks close to him and his panic. The danger around him is all-encompassing, and he cannot keep track of it all. This overwhelming speed returns at points throughout the movie, leading to points in the theater where I physically leaned away from the screen, like I was in the original audience for The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat. (1895)
And somehow this manages to be tense despite the fact that the man we’re following is Tom Cruise.
[Video description: A clip of the aforementioned scene. I highly recommend Edge of Tomorrow to anyone for whom Tom Cruise isn’t a dealbreaker. In fact, you get to watch Tom Cruise die! In this very clip! It’s a tense, engaging science fiction action movie, with good bits of humor, Bill Paxton as the most unhinged Master Sergeant you’ve ever seen, and Emily Blunt plays a goddamn space marine, power armor and all. As that description may imply, I especially recommend the movie to any 40k enjoyers–it hits a similar tone. You may also find the movie listed under the title Live Die Repeat.]
But no. In Prometheus, we the audience are shown the whole thing. The entire context. And what we see is a couple of morons that seem to believe they can outrun a wheel the size of a small town.
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[A wide shot of Shaw, mid-logroll as the ship rumbles by in the background, entirely unconcerned, because it’s a fucking inanimate object that wasn’t chasing her in the first place]
Neither of them actually think to run left or right. Shaw just trips, and then rolls to the side. The average human does not roll that fast, so it really drives home how unbelievably bad they are at this. Vickers also trips, and gets squished.
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[A clip from The Naked Gun (1988), in which a stand-off between police Lt. Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) and Vincent Ludwig (Khan Noonien Singh himself, Ricardo Montalbán) ends with Ludwig falling off the side of a stadium before being run over by a bus, a steam roller, and the USC marching band.]
This scene, obviously, does not work. I am, however, stubborn enough to try and workshop how it could have worked.
Vickers needs to be broken beneath the wheel, and to do so in a way that the audience won’t jeer at. We’ve already discussed the issues of having too wide a view of the action, so let’s table that. How could you keep that perspective, while flattening Vickers?
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You do have options. Maybe have Vickers do the smart thing and run off at an angle toward the sun, so she wouldn’t get any looming shadow to tell her when the ship begins falling over until it’s too late. Have her injured in the crash and unable to process what’s going on. Have her escape pod door fail to open, trapping her in the path of the ship. She was part of the corporate machinery, having petty power over others but ultimately trapped by circumstance. Make that all literal. 
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And for fuck’s sake, don’t have the entire ship fall over on Shaw a few seconds later, letting her come out okay because she was huddled near the world’s strongest rock.
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When the narrative blatantly plays favorites, my instinctive reaction is to resent the recipient of the movie’s favor. It feels like they're cheating.
Y'know what would’ve helped here, weirdly? Shaw thanking God for this. It would’ve theoretically been in character! The whole movie runs on christian logic anyway, so why not leave people wondering if there’s a supernatural power at work in the unbelievably fucked up universe of Alien. You’d swing back around to making people wonder what kind of loving god would allow chestbursters to happen.
But no. There is no god. Only the rock. You’re welcome.
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Shaw has a hole in her suit or somesuch, and thus is propelled onward toward the lifeboat, which we know contains her newly-birthed squiddo, trapped in the med-pod room.
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It’s not dead. Of course it isn’t. But what makes no goddamn sense is that it’s gotten massive. Yes, I know, Alien didn’t give an explanation for the embiggening of the chestburster either, but I am willing to give Alien the benefit of the doubt, and Prometheus just showed me a woman get killed by a donut.
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David, possibly cognizant that Shaw is his only chance to not have to drag himself around by the lips, calls her to warn that the Engineer’s on their way to finish her off.
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I waffle on whether this is dumb behavior from the Engineer. I know the movie’s reason for doing this is just to have one last action beat, and an unsatisfying payoff at the end of the film. 
The Engineer spared Shaw before. Maybe that was a tiny amount of sympathy for how she was getting kicked around. She’d die alone on this alien moon, sure, but it wouldn’t be their doing. But the humans got their act together enough to crash the ship. Maybe sparing her was a mistake. Even one of them might be too dangerous to let live, especially when we find out soon that there’s more ships quite close by.
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There was a cut bit here–I’d previously avoided showing these, but why not. The Engineer stopped and looked at the books strewn on the floor. Watched a little of Vickers’ weird screensaver wall, as it played one of the videos included in the transmission David had sent toward the moon during the journey, while everyone slept.
Ironically, most of the human material culture the Engineer gets to see is due to Vicker's disinterest in the mission, which completely failed to consider the fact that it's polite to bring gifts when you visit somebody. Her material comforts becoming the single point of cultural contact. A strange little coincidence, and a little more silent characterization for the Engineer, until David’s voice over Shaw’s radio sets everyone to murderin’.
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But because this movie is allergic to characterization, so we can’t have that. Instead, we are only using their reappearance to hit another horror movie cliché: the bad thing that's gotten back up again. Here, have a clip from Scream (1996), which deliberately did a send-up of the trope.
Originally there was going to be a whole fight scene here, which they took out because they felt it lessened the Engineer. But as it is, they’re still reduced to a big ol’ monster with a scary face that lumbers in and tries to kill the heroine.
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Want to know what’s weird? Both Alien and Aliens solve their final alien problem by opening a door. This is literally the same thing. This is their one weird trick.
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And frankly, I can’t look at it, because what happens squicks me out. So good job I guess, the non-consentacles got me squirming in my seat. When I’ve subjected other people to this movie, I’ve shamelessly muted and walked away for a minute. Maybe at some point I’ll figure out what limit it’s hitting there for me and Litany Against Fear it to pieces, but not right now! Facehuggers are a manageable sort of unsettling, but I do not like the bodyhugger.
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The screenshot hunt for this was not fun, lemme tell you.
So, yes, the last of the Engineers on this planet laid low by their own creation(s), they’re mortal after all, ironic circle of rebirth, yadda yadda, moving on.
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You know what, I’m actually with Shaw right now. Lying face-down and having a cry is a very understandable, human reaction to all this. Good job, movie, you got me vibing with her for about thirty seconds.
Want to see how they screw it up?
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
https://youtu.be/y-pE9j98jP0 da baaa, da ba da ba da ba da doodoodoo dabada daba da–
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inmyhorrorsera · 10 months
S5E5 "Local News" thoughts
Vampires being scared of the dumbest shit and making a situation worse than actually is ("Brain Scramblies", "The Curse") its one my favorites recurring plots.
This one doesn't top "The Curse", but it's not a fair comparison considering S2E4 is probably one of the best episodes this show have ever made.
LOVE LOVE LOVE that Guillermo is so caught up in his own drama that he forgets his mother's literal birthday!! I also love when the show remind us that he can be selfish and scummy and not the poor innocent angel some of yall wanted him to be for whatever reason.
I repeat my love for Colin making all these traps to defend their lives. It's so refreshing seeing him being part of the group and not the typical "the vampires are crazy and Colin rolls his eyes at their stupidity".
Guillermo's mom with her best intentions placing the crucifix necklace on him who cant tell her how much it hurts: something something catholic son who was afraid of coming out for 30 years and now he has another (worse) secret that he's afraid to share something something.
I miss when Laszlo and Nadja were always on the same page. Saying that I NEED to see better pics of Laszlo's plans he had scattered all over the room.
Biggest laugh of the night: The dolly suddenly having blonde hair too (i have the stupidest sense of humor).
One-sided Guidja real.
So Nandor IS upset at Guillermo not being there to prevent him of doing stupid shit. The smallest nandermo crumb so I can't die of hunger.
I love that the Guide had tv lady as a snack, one win for my lesbian loser.
Here's the thing: I don't feel that bad for Guillermo. Honey, you wanted this. You chose to become a vampire. You actively seek it. Even your "friend" with +500 years of vampiric experience told you it isn't that great of an existence but you ignored it and continued to wanting this and rushed behind the back of your friends and family to become one. So… reap, sow, etc, etc.
I miss his cool vampire slayer era, this season his role has been mostly "being anxious".
I know its tv budget, but those CGI traps and balls of fire looked so bad 😭
Anyway, where's the Djinn??
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cheeeerie · 10 months
I’m so tired. Ninjago Astrology.
Cole is a taurus. DON’T LOOK AT ME AND TELL ME COLE ISN’T A TAUSUS he’s literally a taurus stereotype. his element is earth and he’s friendly and he likes food OBVIOUSLY he’s a taurus.
Kai is a Leo stereotype the way that Cole is a taurus stereotype he’s just pure leo. His element is fire and he’s obsessed with himself, what more do you want from me?
Three for three of elements matching elements, Nya is a Scorpio, she’s prickly and secretive but also ambitious with a sense of humor. Her whole Seabound arc is an extremely scorpio arc to have. And the SNARK I’ve never met someone snarkier than a scorpio.
No more elements matching signs <\3
Zane is extremely smart, efficient, and serious. he is also the dumbest little guy alive. How very Capricorn of him. Extremely uncool when he tries to be but then is accidentally cool when he’s not trying. “It is good to have a pooper at the party :)” That’s such a Capricorn thing to say.
Jay is a gemini cause he’s curious and enthusiastic and doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up! His emotions switch up with the slightest provocation. points for being nosy I’ve never met a nosier sign than a gemini.
Lloyd is a Pisces, just like every chosen one. He’s compassionate and dedicated to protecting others to the point of self destruction. He also hold grudges for FOREVER and can’t help but interject himself into every conflict. HE CAN’T HELP IT YOUR HONOR HE’S A PISCES!
Pixal is SO Sagittarius core. She’s independent, she’s confident, she’s a little naive, she’ll beat your ass! Also thinking she can talk her way out of any situation is so Sagittarius. That time she was being attacked by a giant octopus and she was like “Don’t worry Zane I have the power of Asking Nicely™” that was very Sagittarius of her.
Arin is a Virgo. He’s just a little guy, he’s easily impressed, he takes everything personally, he tells the same stories over and over. He’s a little chaotic but very sweet about it. Stealing from someone but leaving them a pie so Virgo.
SORA! AQUARIUS! She’s brilliant, she’s passionate, she’s rebellious, she’s innovative, she has zero self confidence and would rather die than tell people anything about herself. Inventing something that gets used for evil and then running away and changing your name and never talking about it again until forced? How very Aquarius.
Alright that’s all I can’t think anymore
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mushibashiraas · 10 months
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tw: manga spoilers. possibly a few swear words. this is supposed to be light though. don't worry, kids!
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— mikey and his newly formed kanto manji gang definitely made the mistake of booking the wrong restaurant at first. he and sanzu had to wait outside while kokonoi and the rest went inside to broker a deal between three other gang leaders for territory among other... less than legal stock. it was more than awkward for both but especially for the invincible, feared, powerful, most individually well-known gangster in tokyo. unfortunately for him, sanzu found it hilarious watching his boss sulk like they were little kids again and shinichiro had just denied mikey a taiyaki before dinner.
— so you'd think after the tragic battle against the second generation toman, they'd learn their lesson. but the haitani brothers had forgotten their fearless leader's true age and booked a well-known high-rise restaurant in roppongi frequented by gangsters, politicians, and celebrities alike to work out a deal with some local politician. and once again, mikey and sanzu had to wait outside while kokonoi and the rest of kanto manji's executives went inside.
— maybe mikey smacked sanzu across the face for taking his teasing too far... sanzu may or may not have offered cute, pre-made party hats to mikey to wear on his head while they waited for koko and the rest to finish upstairs.
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hello! hi! yes. yall signed up for me and my immaturity the second yall read my rules and clicked follow. heehee! i love tokyorev so so muchdjdjd like?? PLEASE?? tell me they did not run into the dumbest silliest bullshit amidst them ruining people's lives. gotta find humor somewhere, am i right? or that could just be me and my horrid, dark sense of humor talking. idk
but i literally cannot think without getting mikey and sanzu being pouty, childish, teasing 5 yr olds as they navigate the dark and gritty underworld lifestyle — that normally one'd discover and learn about as adults — as teenagers. BEATS THEM OVER THE HEAD! I AM TRYING TO WRITE A SERIOUS FIC, YOU TWO!! PLEASE KEEP UR NONSENSICAL CHAOTIC TOMFOOLERY OUT OF MY HEAD FOR NOW. FJSJXJSJ
anyway. ofc as always this is posted with little to no proofreading djsjdj we die like shinichiro and emma (bad joke. i am so sorrydhdj). apologies! also, there shouldnt be a gn reader in this? hence no indication in the "tw" at the top. i'm planning on making this a mainly canon-characters-only hc list. .....a list which i will def. be adding on to and plugging as time goes on. aaaaa i just had to get these three hcs out so i can get serious and sad. lol
also will def. add more character tags as i add more characters to this hc list. i promise! probs gonna go as far as write for post-2nd-gen-toman fight!kanto manji and bonten. not rlly gonna much for og and 2nd gen toman charas. sorry, yall fjsjdjdjdj
manga pic belongs to wakui. i just took a screenshot — it is literally one of my fave panels lmaooo they are so cute. kisses koko my love and pats inupi on the head. aaaaa
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uncannedbread · 5 months
Jay rewrite
Quick warning: this is entirely my opinion on jay and you could like him or disagree with something I change or add. I don't hate jay(entirely I think he could be annoying at times) I think there are things that the writers did him dirty on.
My problems with Jay
I can quickly boil this down to 4 things. Jay's annoyingness, his sense of humor(especially how and when he makes jokes), how dumb the show makes him for a joke, and how he acts in skybound. But skybound is something I'll handle when I get to my skybound rewrite (but im finishing the characters' personalities first so I'm not going to deal with it yet.) because of what a mess it is in its execution.
"Fixing" Jay
I'll start with Jay's sense of humor. Personally I think Jay is funnier when he is being sarcastic but I would like that to also be a negative in the earlier seasons but becomes a positive in later seasons by seeing flaws in the team's plans. Also I think the teams personalities are shown better when with the others.
Next I'll deal with Jay's annoyingness. Which I feel stems from his loudness and expressiveness (of mainly his negative emotions and still is some how really closed off in the beginning). I feel like this could be solved by putting these traits in a more positive light. Like his loudness, this could be used positively by one using it as comedy and as a distraction. It being used as a distraction could give Jay a good place in a team.
Now the last thing is the show making him dumb for a joke is by shockingly not making him dumber for a joke.(mind blowing I know) Also I said dumber by I'm still keeping Jay a dumbass but not the dumbest. He and Cole together are the dumbasses of the group.
Changing and Adding to Jay's dynamics
Cole: Their idiots that share a single braincell and show their friendship by hating each other. What else is there to say.
Nya: I want Nya and Jay to be opposites in personality. Also I need Jay to be Nya's little discord kitten. Also Jay is really clingy and Nya isn't use to having someone gluing themselves to her. (Also they aren't dating until the end of skybound in my rewrite)
Kai: Literally Kai making fun of Jay then Jay gasping and making fun of him back. Kai gasps and insults him, Jay gets mad then they start arguing but they aren't rivals.
Zane: Jay is a goofy idiot and Zane is a more serious idiot. When every they go one missions together and Jay makes a joke, he always explains to Zane beforehand because when he didn't he was stuck explaining during the fight or after the fight what he meant with it.
Lloyd: Jay is a childish idiot and Lloyd tries to act like his body's age most of the time often acts more of his mental age around Jay.
Pixal: Pixal is just tired of having dumbasses as friends and especially tired of having Jay as a friend in the fact that she has to keep them all on leashes.(even master wu)
Jay had a lot of potential to be one of my favorite characters but all the problems I listed earlier made me dislike like him. I didn't really change his personality but a lot of his jokes would change in the way they are presented and land better. Thanks for listening to my TED talk. Also sorry for taking to long.
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horse-girl-anthy · 1 year
Stupidest Ikuhara Man Roundup
hello all: results are in for the most important poll of the year. in honor of our low intelligence men, I am going through each contestant and giving them the appreciation they deserve.
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our first contestant is Reo. he received zero percent of the vote because I forgot to include him, which is a shame because he's a real contender. I define stupid in Ikuhara works as "out of touch with feelings, others, and the broader reality" and oh boy is that true of Reo. he comes to no realizations without being forced into them and is ultimately brought down by his own blindness. sad!
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with 1.5% of the vote, Tooi is tied for last. I agree with this result; I think he's one of the smarter males included on the list. however, he is still pretty thick. there's the fact that he simps for his pretty boy friends, and he is another character who doesn't realize what would be good for him until it's too late.
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it's impressive that Shoma is so low on this list, given that around half of Penguindrum's humor revolves around how dumb he is. truly a testament to the lack of intelligence found among Ikuhara men. on the one hand, Shoma does have a certain kind of emotional intelligence, but he's just as capable of harming others through his self-centered perspective. despite his lack of smarts, Shoma received only 1.5% of the vote.
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after Shoma is Mikage, who in a way is Shoma's opposite: considered a genius but with no emotional intelligence. he's so delusional that he's rewritten the past and can't see the obvious, instead continuing to repeat the same cycle over and over. unwilling to grow up, he only leaves Ohtori when Akio no longer has need of him.
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tied with Mikage at 3.5% of the vote is Chikai. his low score is a true miscarriage of justice. the man is very, very dense, helped along by the fact that he thinks he's really smart and realistic. he has catchphrases which he repeats on a loop, and they only seem to impress 14 year olds. like most Ikuhara characters, he's a tragic figure brought down by his own flaws and unwilling to face what he really feels. he's also significantly older than most other characters on this list which should give him some extra stupid points in my opinion.
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next is Kazuki at 5%. he's emotionally closed off, disconnected, and unaware of how people around him feel, leading to plenty of interpersonal stupidity. he also is a silly teenage boy; when faced with an obstacle, he always seems to come up with the most convoluted solution possible. I don't know if "I have a hard time talking to my little brother, so I'll pretend to be his favorite idol" is stupid or brilliant, but it's sure something.
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with 5.5% of the vote, Enta has been chosen as the dumbest Sarazanmai character. it's funny because most of his cunning is motivated by very stupid feelings. he has an emotional intelligence to him, he can be quick on the uptake, but all of those moments are weighed down by his ridiculous, out-of-control crush.
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Akio got 7% of the vote. I know he's an evil mastermind and all, but I think he's really quite stupid. he's so set in his ways, sure he knows everything, that anything outside of his field of vision may as well not exist to him. he chooses to live in an empty, meaningless way since it gives him power, yet he's miserable, but all he does with that misery is feel sorry for himself. a pretend prince indeed.
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Kanba tied with Akio. he was my personal pick on this poll, although my vote may have been different on a different day. the boy has no sense; he spends the entire show trying to be the man, the protector and provider and savior, but if he'd read ahead a little he would have found out that he was the one who needed saving. the threads of denial and delusion on this character are impossible to unravel. to me, "thick" means "impossible to reach," and oh boy is that true of Kanba.
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in second place, with 9% of the vote, is Touga! on the one hand, I don't know if I think he's dumb; like Anthy, his alienation means he's ahead of his peers in certain ways. but on the other, yeah he's dumb, he's REAL dumb. he's a living reminder that pride comes before a fall, and by the end, even the best friend he's looked down on for years is calling his dumbassery out.
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and the winner of the dumbest Ikuhara male poll is Saionji, with 56.3% of the vote! let's all congratulate this absolute fucking moron on his accomplishment. he's the butt of every joke, constantly making a fool of himself; his own show implies that he's on the same level as a pet monkey. and that's why we love him.
thank you to all who voted! the poll received 199 votes, which was way more than I expected.
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strafethesesinners · 1 year
Oc Tag Game
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @nuclearstorms and @strangefable to fill out this list for my ocs thank you!
Tagging @deputyash @depyotee @unleashed111 @shallow-gravy @florbelles @adelaidedrubman @henbased @inafieldofdaisies @trench-rot @afarcryfrommymain @wrathfulrook @deputy-morgan-malone @direwombat @roofgeese @clicheantagonist @allthearchetypes @nightwingshero @detectivelokis @8bitpizzacoupons @amistrio @cobb-vanthss and whoever wants to!
Favorite OC
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What can I say? He’s my best friend, he’s my pal. He’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier. He’s my sweet cheese, my good-time boy. He’s my everything really. Cooper was the first ever OC I’ve ever made for a fandom and he helped free me from a years long stretch of no writing ideas. I’m still so excited about him and I think about him every day. I love that he’s become so iconic because he means so so much to me. I will hopefully get around to telling his full story soon.
Oldest OC
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Once again it’s Cooper! Well, if we’re counting still active OCs. Technically I have some older for original stories but I don’t make stuff for them anymore. I made Cooper in May of 2020 and the rest is history. Haven’t looked back since.
Newest OC
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Ward Drachen (real name Edward Smithfield) is my most recent OC. I made him uuuuh I honestly don’t remember exactly when but towards the end of last year I think, for rdr2/rdo. I still don’t have much for him, but I really wanted a red dead OC and came up with a basic idea. Hopefully more will come!
Meanest OC
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Ward is the meanest OC hands down. This is one mean sunovabitch. He’s taciturn an standoffish, and has no discernible sense of humor. He sometimes delights in cruelty towards his enemies (who luckily can’t be called innocent by any stretch). Ward doesn’t give a shit about other people or their feelings, unless they get close to him and that’s a difficult feat.
Softest OC
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It’s Valor! Valor puts on a bit of a tough guy act occasionally but it’s easy to see through, and honestly, he doesn’t try that hard to maintain it. This guy is a sweetheart honestly. He’s open and generous, friendly and upbeat. Once might even say bubbly. He’s a criminal but has never hurt anyone in the course of crimes (pre the events of his story) since they mostly consist of vehicle theft and sometimes data theft. (Cooper loses this one by having a little bit of a mean streak to him; he likes starting fights a little too much).
Most aloof/standoffish OC
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Again it’s Ward. He’s not a people person.
Smartest OC
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Heath is a pretty smart cookie. He was validictorian for his class in high school and all that and could have easily gotten in to most colleges if he hadn’t decided to join the army instead and then go onto the DEA after getting out. He’s also a little bit of a sleuth. He has a knack for investigation and moved up fast in the DEA because of it.
Dumbest (affectionate) OC
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Sigh. Cooper was made to be a little bit of a himbo at first but gradually got dumber. This man went on the run from the law without changing his name or anything about his appearance. He can’t do basic math. He has a huge amount of trouble focusing on anything and is absent minded to the max.
OC I’d be friends with IRL
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Valor! I love Cooper but he and I don’t have much in common so I think it would be hard to keep conversations going. Valor and I could totally talk video games and go out on the town together and look for hot guys. Valor is also interested in learning about new things and has a curious mind and great sense of humor so I think we’d get long great. I’d love to be friends with Coop but Valor is a more realistic option for someone I’d actually be friends with.
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omg hi <33 merry christmas, if u celebrate !!
so, i'm mainly shifting for pittsie, right ?? do u have any random little facts or anything about him in ur dr? i am desperate for someone to talk about him 😭🙏
he's so super sarcastic and witty, which is my favorite thing about him. he's really sweet and gentle though, he would do most anything to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy. he also has one of the dumbest senses of humor ever, like just pure dad jokes all day every day 😭 i still love him though
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checkoutmybookshelf · 6 months
Ok, so I've been thinking about my favorite Bridgertons (admittedly mostly I'm ANTSY for Season 3 news, but we're going to pretend I was doing something productive with that energy), and I have decided to make Book and Show lists of my favorite Bridgerton men and partners.
Disclaimer: I'm a Polin girl. Colin is topping every list and everyone else is competing for silver, so bear that in mind.
Book Bridgertons
Colin Bridgerton. Our boy is a writer and basically the human incarnation of a golden retriever. Best Bridgerton, no questions.
Anthony Bridgerton. Say what you want about the daddy issue, but this man managed to keep things together throughout his dad's death and the antics of seven siblings. As a fellow oldest child, RESPECT.
Gregory Bridgerton. Despite this man being objectively the dumbest of the Bridgerton boys, he's at least a bit of a sweetie.
Benedict Bridgerton. I do not understand why people like Book Benedict. He spends the entire book going "women are stupid." He has a literal bowl of rocks. Dislike.
Show Bridgertons
Colin Bridgerton. I warned y'all. Babyfaced boy who wants to be in love and has a white knight preoccupation? I feel like Angelica Skylar looking at Alexander Hamilton and going "I want to take him far away from this place".
Anthony Bridgerton. The single most relevant recipt: "Do you even know all the ways a woman can be seduced?" Also, despite flaws and arrogance, still a kickass older brother holding the ship together.
Benedict Bridgerton. Show Benedict is a sweetie pie and sensitive and frankly I am here for sensitive artist.
Gregory Bridgerton is ten. He should not be on this list.
Book Partners
Michael Sterling. I would bring the merry rake into the family. This man...yes, Michael, I do want another kiss AND I want you to tell me about when you were wicked.
Gareth St. Clair. Daddy issues aside, Gareth is a decent human with critical thinking skills and a wicked sense of humor. I can get behind this.
Simon Basset. He's...fine? I guess? I'm not super enthusiastic, but I'm also not necissarily kicking him out of bed.
Philip Crane. *yeets into a lake*
Who is at the top of your list of Bridgerton men and male partners? Or heck, your list of Bridgerton ladies and female partners? (I am a Penelope and Francesca girl myself!)
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blackmambaboobs · 2 years
(platonic please:D) Mercs with someone who makes dumb jokes like "hey are you a d3ath cause i want you rn" or something like that
I hate that I laughed at that joke- Snort Also, I would totally make that joke- TF2 Mercs X Gender Neutral Reader Dumb Jokes Headcanons (Platonic): Scout: -At first, he's really concerned. Like, uh, you good?? But once you explain that you're joking and don't wanna actually die he calms down and even laughs with you! -The more dumb jokes you make the funnier they are to him, both your and his sense of humor is so broken, oh my God- -It honestly becomes an inside joke for the both of you to make the dumbest joke and see who can make the other piss themselves from laughing. Spy: -He'll roll his eyes and scoff with a smile. You won't get much of a reaction from him unless you really catch him off guard. -You once made a really bad joke that was so stupid that it made him snort (everyone makes fun of him for it to this very day). -The dumber your jokes get, he swears he's losing brain cells because of you. Soldier: -He yells "Are you okay?!" when you make a joke like that so loud that Medic hears and comes rushing over wondering what happened (you had to explain you just made a really bad joke). -Very confused by your jokes, but laughs regardless. -Tries to make his jokes, but that usually end up not making sense (which, in the end, makes you laugh anyways). Sniper: -Gives you a concerned look, but realizes you're joking and chuckles at the dumb joke. -You make a game to see which dumb joke of yours makes him laugh the hardest. -Makes dumb jokes of his own and God, they're so corny- Medic: -Knows your mental health background and sense of humor so he isn't worried and instead cackles with you. -His Doves will purr if you make dumb jokes and puns that have to do with them. -He makes some jokes that make others concerned, but you know he's joking and laugh with him. -Also, be careful making jokes if you're in the surgery room with him, he might fuck up someone's organs from laughing- Heavy: -Gives you such a concerning look?? Like, huh?? You have to explain to him that you're perfectly fine and are just making stupid ass jokes. -His sense of humor isn't like yours, so you often have to find other dumb jokes to make to make him bust out laughing. -His laughter is deep and rumbly, so it echoes off the walls of the base. -Heavy was in surgery and heard you make a dumb joke outside of the surgery room and scared the shit out of Medic while he was fixing his organs- Engineer: -Not really his type of jokes, but you do get a chuckle out of him! -His jokes are dad jokes, prove me wrong (you can't). -You find good ol' dad jokes that make him laugh so hard he slaps his knee while wheezing like a smoker. -His dad jokes often make everyone groan (except Pyro) because of how stupid they are. Pyro: -Worries at first, but realizes you're joking and claps while laughing! -You both make the corniest, dumbest jokes that you Guys have had 20 minute laugh sessions because of them. -Likes to test their jokes on their stuffies and see which ones laugh (they all do, 'cause Pyro vision). -Your jokes cheer them up so much when they're down!! Demoman: -Your jokes either make him laugh cry or just cry, there's no in between- -In his drunken state (which is most of the time), your jokes make him piss himself from laughing. -He makes jokes, but they're usually in his drunken state, so they don't make much sense (but they're funny because of it). -Your jokes also cheer him up when he's down and always looks forward to the next one!
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lookismaddict · 1 year
KIN LIST?????????????????????????????????????
Hmmm… Well, I do have a few in mind, so here’s my Kin List:
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Mary Kim: I resonate w/ her HEAVILY because her attitude, her behavior, and even the way she interacts with people (esp with Vin Jin) is literally me irl. If I’m close to ANYONE (guy/girl) irl, I’d usually be the type to tease a lot and be the “big sister” in the friend group who usually supports. And I’d be the type to throw hands if necessary, but would never initiate for no reason. Also, her FASION SENSE TOO??? I KIN. DEF KIN. Omg you guys have no idea how similar I dress like her sometimes. It’s insane. 😭
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Zack Lee: I feel like his humor and mine, are similar. I just… have a feeing. Imagine, Zack reacting to a bunch of memes (probably dank, dark, and offensive memes) on his phone and he pulls out some Vine references out of nowhere. And I STG, our taste in music would be similar. Zack would definitely listen to rap music like Kanye, Travis Scott, Kid Cudi, Kendrick Lamar, etc. Even the way he dresses (usually in streetwear) is one of the clothing styles I mainly go with whenever I dress up to go outside.
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Johan Seong: Typically, the way he dresses is my MAIN go-to. Mostly, BLACK CLOTHING. Like bro… Majority of my clothes consists of 95% black clothes and 5% any other color. I’m not kidding. Plus, I can imagine me and Johan just chilling and walking out in the street, and some old ladies would ask us if someone died because we’re both wearing black clothing, which is just… our usual outfit. 🧍🏽‍♀️ Also, the way he deals with people who piss him off or is annoyed by them like he doesn’t give a fuck, is such a big personality trait that I kin with. When he doesn’t like someone, then he’d REALLY show that he doesn’t like them. Same goes for me irl too. I like how he doesn’t fake his attitude towards people as well, and he’d come for them like no one’s going to stop him. I fuck with that. 🤝🏽🖤
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Lua Im: Lua got a bit of fight in her too, but I like how she isn’t really the type of person to fight in the first place. Similar to Mary’s explanation, she wouldn’t resort to fighting unless she has a good reason to. I also like her personality, and how she involuntarily handles things funny and does some “dorky” things when stressed (because honestly, me too girl). I’d panic and I’d say or do the dumbest shit ever and I’d just embarrass myself even more to the point that I want to die. 💀 In addition to how I kin with Lua through her actions and personality, I really mess with her sense of fashion too. Yeah, I know she rocking the Stüssy top and that one simple style with the hoodie and the jacket over it, because I’d wear those irl. Not joking. She’d def vibe w/ streetwear too, as if she’s the female version of Zack Lee.
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Vasco/Euntae Lee: Vasco’s cheerful goofiness from the older chapters is something that I can relate to. Especially when I’m out with friends, I usually act like a fool whenever I’m with them. And tbh, before I even started to simp for Gun, Vasco was my comfort character LMAO. Because he was such a cute Cinnamon Roll back then, and now? What happened…? 😭 I even see Vasco as the “fun older brother” too. Man, if he was my older brother, I’d def want to ask if I can hang out with the Burn Knuckles Crew until it’s time to go home because they’re all so fun and lively!!
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Daniel Park: Even though Daniel is attractive (even in those recent chapters 👀) I view him to be the “brotherly type” who'd protect anyone. That’s the type of vibe I get from Daniel. (To be honest, between Daniel and Vasco, I think they'd be the best "big brothers" ever.) Or, just a male/guy best-friend who you can always depend on and talk to whenever you want to rant/vent about something. I kin with him because I always have the urge to help out people who are having a hard time, and I usually offer to listen to friends’ issues irl because I’m aware that we all need someone to talk. If no one’s there for them, then I don’t mind being someone’s shoulder to lean on. In addition to his kind-heartedness, I relate to Daniel because of the whole “bullying” thing. Back then when I was in elementary school, there was a girl that used to bully me by poking me, flicking me, etc. And she’d even turn people against me so I wouldn’t be able to hang out with certain people (but eventually I became friends with her and we settled our differences ig). I even asked her what was the reason why she bullied me back then and she said it was because of the way that I used to look and the clothes that I wore, which made me look “dorky”. 😀 Sooooo, that’s why I kin with Daniel strongly too LMFAAAOOOO 😌✨
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Alphonse's NSFW Alphabet
Strong NSFW material so 18+ please.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): He gets really snuggly and giggly afterward. Al would be at your beck and call when you need it though, but if not he'll pull your sweaty and exhausted body on top of him while he pets your hair and whispers how good you were for him.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): Ass and thighs for this man. He loves to lay his head in-between or on your thighs. He also loves to see your ass bounce when he's getting rough
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): loves to cum inside you or splatter it on your stomach. And for him, he loves the taste of you on his mouth sooo...
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): would honestly love to do a glory hole or his cam show with you but doesn't really know how to express it. Just the thought of you getting hammered or sucking someone else gets him going.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): very experienced in some ways, but not all. He watched a lot of porn so he probably knows what to do. And he'll always ask for your input so he knows if he's doing it right.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): low doggy style, reverse cowgirl, and both reverse and normal mating press.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): Al is just gonna Al, which means he's gonna say the most dumbest shit while fucking you. He will say stuff like 'Huston we have a problem.' Or scream 'GET READY FOR MY SWEETNESS!' before cumming. So you'll be both laughing and moaning at the same time.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): We all know Al likes to experiment with his hair so it makes sense it's down there too. He shaved it, trimmed it, and dyed it pink once, but for his cam show, he shaved it to look like a heart.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): it really matters in the situation because Al can be as rough and hard or soft and gentle as he needs to be. Most of the time though it tends to be very close and passionate. Basically, it's like 'We weren't fucking, we were making L💖O💖V💖E!'
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): he already works his thing enough you and the cam show, so if he does jack it he's stressed and away from you or he's bored. He usually tries to think of you when he masturbates but sometimes he just watches porn.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): Al is always down for anything but his top 5 are bondage, voyeurism, roleplay of any typical stereotype but his favorite is mostly doctor and patent or police with a criminal, dirty talk, orgasm control either be him or you.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): any place he can get it on, is his favorite place.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): seeing you innocently flirting or teasing him. Like you'll wear a shirt a little low or have a few more buttons undone and ask him what's wrong. It's cute but it can just leave him annoyed and aroused. Also when you get all lovey-dovey and passionate with him, either physically or verbally.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs): full-on hitting you or slapping you and severely degrading you. Like here and there he will call you a slut, whore, etc. But it's not every sentence that falls from his mouth
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): he is like a king when it comes to oral. He would 100% gobble you swallow you then hold your thighs down for multiple rounds, leaving you shaking and overestimated. Al likes blowjobs but he will not ask for them straight up. He won't force you to do it if you didn't want to either, but if your experience with him and ok with it he's gonna fuck your throat raw.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): it matters what you want and what mood Al's in.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): he likes them, but not all the time.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): Al is very adventurous and open when it comes to sex. He is willing to experiment with you but only if you want to.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): he can go at least 5 times, but he will make you cum so much more than 5 times.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): with his cam show, one can expect that he has so many toys with a vast majority of uses.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): he will tease you all day if he's feeling needy and bratty.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): it matters where he is, but he can scream out with pleasure if he's rubbed the right way. Once you had to cover his mouth because the neighbors got pissed.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): when seth was over for Christmas you both had to be real sneaky, so there was a lot of shower sex and the snuggle position.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, pictures, Ir words): pony man, 7 inches with a slight curve
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): he is always a but yearning but it teally depends on you. But at least 3 times a week or more if he is busy during the show.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward): he would always make sure you fall asleep first before he does. Don't be surprised if you make up snuggled into you and holding tight. He is also a light sleeper, so if you try to move the grips tighter and mumbles where your going.
Thank you for reading!
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kharmii · 1 month
Probably the most unpopular opinion on the internet but I don’t like seeing all these posts glorifying autism or mental illnesses or see them as some sort of aesthetic or use every possible way to make sure you know they have autism or a mental illness.
As someone who’s been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and has been on meds for decades I kinda feel insulted by the way these conditions have become a quirky personality trait and an aesthetic to people as well as shoving it on all fictional characters.
I do like headcanon of characters having these conditions but it makes me uncomfortable to see characters getting stripped down to their conditions without anything else.
It is relieving to have characters go through similar things and have them react to them but it shouldn’t be the sole purpose to write them that way.
I also feel that no condition should be a free pass to be an asshole to the people around them. In the long run it does more harm than good and it doesn’t make "healthy" people more sympathetic towards their conditions.
My condition is not your aesthetic!
(Youre good for real but I have seen so many people in the submas fandom act like this and that autism is a quirky personality trait and reduce the twins to this it’s just tiring…)
This is all true. When you turn something undesirable into an aesthetic, then it has the disastrous effect of becoming a social contagion that will actually kill people fr. It's not fun to be autistic and/or mentally ill, and I'm sure most people with various neurodivergent dysfunctions would choose not to suffer from them if they could.
I wouldn't glorify suicide. I wouldn't glorify recreational drug use out of fear someone would join the tens of thousands of fentanyl overdoses every year in this country. On that same vein, I certainly don't want to see my favorite male characters with scars on their chests from getting their tits cut off. That results in death by suicide for almost half the people who go through with it. (LOL, complain moar about my 'codependent twincest kink' hurting the chillens when everybody and their grandmother glorifies something that causes the sterilization and mutilation of children).
A mutual over on Live Journal calls trendy autism 'fauxtism' and accuses those people of cosplaying autistic people as an excuse to act uncouth or feel marginalized. The worst thing they did was make an autistic spectrum (similar idea to a gender spectrum) because then people with mental illness comorbidities could jump under the umbrella of being autistic (or trans) because it's trendy.
Are you socially awkward? Maybe it's autism. Overly shy? Autism. The mutual had a falling out with a friend she called 'space case' who worked for NASA but had an 'autistic' daughter who suffered brain damage at one year of age after sucking down a bottle of medication carelessly left out. This mentally retarded daughter would smear shit on the walls and swing from ceiling fans, all while the mother claimed she was 'being creative' or some shite. It's proof you can be a genius working for NASA and also be the dumbest mofo on the planet.
Anyway, I personally have autistic symptoms, but my version of the 'tism comes from profound long-term abuse, -both from my family and from bullying from peers- going way back. I'm like irl Shoto Todoroki. Just look at this guy. You can tell he got the shit beat out him since he was little:
I can't count how many times I've said to myself, "If I smile then...they'll die?!" for laughs. Guy With Canon Abusive Family doesn't bother masking because he carefully guards his emotions. He comes across overly serious and deadpan, and some people might think he has no sense of humor because of it. Being a 15-year-old, Shoto is savvy enough to know he should be pissed at his abusers, but he isn't emotionally sophisticated enough to shake the deep insecurity that he might do or say something completely innocuous and still manage to make a mess of things or offend somebody.
Side note: That character is especially interesting because he was a product of selective breeding for a specific purpose. I imagine him being toddler aged pushing around a firetruck saying "I don't want to be the #1 hero when I grow up! I want to be a firefighter! Why can't I choose what I want to do!" No free will for him though. He has to hold up to the most impossible standard of perfection imaginable. What will the future hold for him? Will "too hot to handle; too cold to hold" become the #1 someday?
Having that personality type at my age, and I'm just recently realizing that, hey, maybe it's not always me. Maybe it's you people sometimes. If the guy stalking me has to repeat a joke several times so I 'get it' while I give him a thousand-yard stare, maybe it's less that I'm a retard and more that he's an unfunny goober giving me unwanted attention. If the middle aged incel weirdo with no wife and kids tells the same stupid 10-year-old joke again, maybe he shouldn't give me that knowing look when I flatly change the subject. Maybe I'm no fun, but he's an empty loser who has done absolutely nothing with his life, and therefore has nothing meaningful to talk about.
If I bring any of that up, I'm being MEEEEAAAAANNNNN....even if I had to take so much bs to get to that point. I'm the type of person who will take and take and take and take andtakeandtakeandtake before I finally snap. It's so typical of an abuser to have that sense of entitlement where they think you owe them something. -Like they feel they have the inherent right to be treated kindly and with dignity, but they won't reciprocate. Oh no....you are supposed to be a perfect slave who exists to please them and boost their egos.
Enough about me and my dysfunction. Sorry. This anon wanted to talk about Submas I think.....
Okay, so some people have the insulting head canon that Emmet is an asshole and therefore is 'more autistic' than Ingo. Does it have to be autism? Maybe it's more to do with how they represent 'truth and ideals'. Emmet (white dragon) is Truth, and that's why in the original game, he taunts the player when they lose against him. Ingo, (black dragon) is Ideals, and he still congratulates the player for a fun battle, even if they lose.
That's great. Let the truth guy be an asshole because the truth doesn't concern itself with being kind or worrying about a person's feelings. It is what it is. It can be both kind or harsh depending on the situation. Ideals, otoh, is polite and kind because it is always striving for the best. Nobody ever thinks....my ideal world has everything on fire and a lot of dead people in it. If truth and ideals don't work in harmony, however, that's what you end up with.
The head-in-the-clouds ideals guy might be considerate and kind all while walking you over the side of a cliff. The truth guy might say....heyy fuckknuckle! Don't walk over that cliff or else you will die! Okay, so maybe his delivery needs some work. Maybe he's being an asshole about it, but at least you don't end up dead from falling off a cliff. That makes the truth guy kinder in the long run (insert trans analogy in here, LOL!).
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goldenbloodytears · 2 months
If you feel up to it I have a lot of random questions that I would like to know about Danny and if you comfortable Sam.
The questions beeing 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 16, 24, 27, 33, 37, 42, 43, 46 and 49. Please feel free to discard any if they are too many or spoil something.
-Mx. 👍
Canon I outright reject
Honestly... I don't actually think there's a lot about Danny's current canon as stated by BHVR that I reject--I think the closest is maybe the fact that he hates satire/parody... but that's not so much due to dislike rather than that I have trouble wrapping my head around it. Comedy and Horror are two sides of the same coin, and as a somebody who likes absurdist gallows humor I find it personally hard to wrap my head around.
2. Canon/Headcanon hill I will die on Bisexual Danny is the hill I will die on. If his sexuality were to be confirmed one day.... no it ain't! 3. Answered this one in another ask, see it here.
12. See above.
13. Dumbest thing they've ever done Falling in love with each other… otherwise Plot Spoilers :)
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves For Danny... I don't know if it's a secret exactly, but I genuinely think he is deeply alienated from the idea that when he was a child he likely wanted to be more than a killer. Sure, he was fascinated by his dad's war stories and drawn to horror... but I think if he could have a talk with his 8 year old self, little baby Danny would not say "Oh boy I can't wait to be a serial killer!" I don't think he's really prepared to face the concept, and as such, this sense of betrayal at how his life has gone is buried very deeply in his subconscious and it’s giving him stomach ulcers. For Sam, I honestly feel like it's a bit similar. She knows to some extent, but fights against the idea that she's a bit of the odd duck in her family. She doesn't know how to wrap her head around the concept of a mother who loves her and wants the best, but doesn't really like her or 'get' her. Slightly related, but the concept that she knows that she's failing spectacularly to look for people who genuinely appreciate her for her.
24. Most annoying habit
With Danny, I'm kinda tempted to say that he talks a lot... except I feel like he's got to be a decent listener to be of any use. I think his most annoying habit would genuinely be that he comes off like a blowhard who likes to hear himself talk when discussing something he knows a lot about. So it's not so much that he talks a lot all the time, but rather that he will steamroll you with info... which might come off as him thinking you're stupid.
Sam also tends to do this behaviour, and is the person who will "Well, actually" you when you say something wrong. The only difference from Danny is she's more likely to argue about it, where Danny is more likely to drop it and quietly seethe about the debate. Unlike Danny, she's not necessarily trying to prove a point (up until someone doubles down on being wrong) but rather that she likes sharing trivia.
27. their guilty pleasure I think Danny's guilty pleasure is getting to sleep :')
Sam's guilty pleasure is music. She's used up a lot of her paychecks on cassettes and cds. She also likes detective fiction, and as a child read the entire series of Nancy Drew detective novels (1930-1979).
33. something guaranteed to make them cry
For Danny? Honestly I think he's borderline an angry crier. He's got it on lock so as to not actually cry, but just general stress is enough to get him close. He very much will go into a bathroom and slash his face with water while trying to calm down (and probably thinking about violence while he does it). He's going to resist crying at a sad movie even if it kills him. Sam gets teary-eyed pretty easily too, but she's more open about it when in places where it's expected--like at a sad movie or a funeral. She very much cries at funding commercials for local pet shelters.
37. what they really think about themselves
Danny thinks he's great, pay no attention to the fragile ego hiding behind the curtain. Basically, where Danny's ego is wrapped up in attempting to hide his insecurities from himself and others, Sam's ego is somewhat wrapped up in tearing herself down. It kinda sucks for everyone around them if they're both in a depressive funk because they both need external feedback to counterbalance it.
42. three comfort items Danny: his vcr player, his pocket knife that belonged to his grandpa, his bug-out (escape) bag. Sam: Her walkman, her tape recorder, the original 56 hardcover novels of Nancy Drew with multiple dog-eared pages.
43. three favourite foods and three they despise Danny loves shepherd's pie, Texas sheet cake and coca-cola. He hates olives, beans and wieners (together), and blueberries.
Sam loves cheesecake, hot dogs and poutine, and will devour les oreilles de crisse like no tomorrow. She hates ketchup chips, canned tuna and bananas that are either too ripe or not enough.
46. The person they most admire
Danny is drawn to men that remind him of his father aka very masculine archetypes. It’s hard to find someone who will outright replace his dad, it’s probably borderline impossible without a lot of therapy work… but he lowkey admires his boss at the paper, something he shares in common with Sam. O’Reilly just gives off big Irish dad energy, he can’t help it.
Sam lowkey thinks of O’Reilly as a father figure, not that she would admit to it. It helps that he was dating her aunt at one point, and said aunt was also the closest thing Sam had to fitting maternal figure.
49. Favourite toy as a child
I don’t actually have any real answer for this one at this point. I feel like I will have to do some more research into 1960s-70s children toys, it would be nice to have something a little more specific than “generic gendered child toy” bc they definitely had lots of those each.
For Sam, it’s maybe not her favourite toy in the sense she got to play with it a lot, but she has a porcelain doll that she’s kept into adulthood despite the fact it has a cracked and reglued face in a way that makes it look kinda wonky. It was a gift from her mom, which proceeded to get broken by her younger brother Robby, but when Joan went to throw it out Sam threw a fit instead… so the doll got repaired, but on the condition she’s now a display doll, which she proceeded to be for the next 20 years.
Thank you for the ask!!
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